


Zoyander Street

Dr Zoyander Street is a neurodivergent, genderqueer artist-researcher making work about cultural fissures, toxic feelings, and tech garbage. Their practice involves an innovative approach to social enquiry, focusing on using videogame design patterns to materialise ethnographic research, but also involving other forms of media art and (mis)uses of technology. They like to cross disciplinary boundaries, such as making live theatre with game-like interaction, or videogames for gallery spaces. They have a PhD by practice in Sociology at Lancaster University, creating original videogames alongside a traditional dissertation.

Interactive Fiction
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A big collection of interactive portraits of trans people in the UK
Interactive Fiction
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12 interactive conversations based on real interviews carried out in 2018
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Tool for choosing patterns and colours
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A small pico-8 cart that makes lush textures
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A Ludum Dare experiment in language play
Role Playing
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A collection of essays written for various magazines and blogs about bodies and creativity in games and other new media
Why do so many casual games tell you to stop playing them?
Understanding the Dreamcast from inside its game worlds ·Community profile

