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Everyone saying this is to hard lack any solid game sense, the only fight I personally would tweak is the Bird/Crock fight, i had to replay it a few times, but that's just the crocks ability, I must not understand how long he stops my dice for. Everyone else honestly felt to easy, the Fennic in my opinion is the only reasonably balanced character, not to hard not to easy. Great game overall!

The crock stops your dice for longer each battle, it's only for one turn on night one, it's two turns on night 2, and he stops your dice for three turns in the double battle. I must say I agree with you on the difficulty. It didn't feel to difficult, just difficult enough to make sure your strategy is on point. If there's one qualm I have with the difficulty, it's that I wish the final fight was harder. It was honestly easier than some of the other battles that night. I feel it should be more difficult considering it's the climax of the game, and especially considering there's a separate scene if you lose. Still, it was overall an amazing game!

What was going through your mind when you created Bastet, because removing parry so that I never out value her when they draw more dice than me, receiving low rolls to make sacrifice tedious to use, and what's with a upgrade system that only applies to ONE power up, but a plus die. That just make the upgrade system so redundant to the point of being nonexistent. What good are adding difficulty tweaks if the player can't truly counter against. I'm sure you mean well and put a lot of time and effort into this game, but this just unintentionally tells players to go fuck themselves because stone walling and hard locking anyone from enjoying the full content isn't the way. Another thing what's with the game giving you low rolls and enemies high rolls. I don't like the idea of repeating the game again just to get the right rolls.

take the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health, roll a die cooldown 4 turns, flip a die and add 2/3 value to a die. use them every time you can, every turn you can.

use the plus 2/3 on 5's and 4's respectively to make it into a 6 and overflow a 1 that you then flip into a 6 every turn. 

until the duo crock and crane fight on day 3 swap out the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health for passively deal 3 damage every turn, swap back after for the last 2 fights.

Very good game, one thing is that I need to use a translator to understand what story it tells, after all, Chinese is not very popular in your country, but thank you for making the game

super good gameplay, just hard enough (ehehe) to enjoy bashing my head against my keyboar

Game developers always, always, always make their games too hard. It's because, if you made the systems, poured over it for dozens of hours, you will always overestimate how well people do at the game. I had to grind the final fight until I got lucky with my "sacrifice" card stacking with a x2 bonus. I don't think there's any other way to win that fight.

The game would be tons better with an 'easy' difficulty. Other than that this is an amazing game!

No hate, but I think you may have misunderstood a game mechanic. The parries cause the x2 bonus so you could have tried to tank some damage to save up dice, build up parries and then time the sacrifice. The difficulty isn't really a problem, just the dice make it seem a lot more random than it really is. 

I'm with them on this 


take the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health, roll a die cooldown 4 turns, flip a die and add 2/3 value to a die. use them every time you can, every turn you can.

use the plus 2/3 on 5's and 4's respectively to make it into a 6 and overflow a 1 that you then flip into a 6 every turn. 

until the duo crock and crane fight on day 3 swap out the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health for passively deal 3 damage every turn, swap back after for the last 2 fights.

Unironically stayed for the gameplay, it's simple, difficult, and fun! Crane gave me the most trouble, but my setup was /terrible/ against the final Urum fight. Once I got the winning combo, I felt real smart! It felt a bit annoying having to wait a few seconds for the losing scene to finish, but being able to switch abilities is a great QOL. 

What games did you have in mind while designing this? Does anyone else know of any similar games? I really want to play more diceys.

Thanks! Gameplay-wise, I recommend Dicey Dungeons and Die In The Dungeon, those are both similar addicting dice-roller strategy adventures that were inspiring to me.

I hate when a game gives the impression of saving your progress but if you so much as reload the page it is all wiped, including the scene gallery.

My frustrations aside this is a really good game

Really fun game, the art is amazing, the gameplay was well balanced & the characters and plot was great! Looking forward to playing more of your stuff 👍

Unum is hard, but for some reason when I tried to swap artifacts they are like behind the battle button. is there a way I can click them?

got these blank basic enhancement buttons and the usual buttons for artifacts are like behind the enemy artifacts?

A+ night 2 was a delite, aside from being absolutely one cycled by two or so fights. and night 3 was very fun. wish their was more to fight, also I wanna go at that snake XD her belly looks delightfull

well, I completed the first night, man this game is fun, I' have to check out that deathblossom one after this.

new I'd find a decent game if I dug throw all the adult trash on this site. very good game

how can i beat the bird that guy to strong

Build up parry and hit him with one massive blow

Wonderful game! Gorgeous art! Satisfying combat mechanics! Delivered exactly the hot monster cock action I was hoping for!

Just finished your game...that was really, really nice. Good job <3 everything about it the game play, sound effects, music, character designs....Grade A stuff, thank you for making this.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I must say this entire experience was a pleasure. The fun music, fun and brainteasing combat, topped with good dialogue and body-teasing intiacy scenes. I'm hooked honestly.

I love this game! but I'm honestly close to dropping it as the croc/crane level is almost impossible. I haven't had to restart anywhere near this many times for my playthrough. mostly because of the chokehold for 3 turns which I feel brings this particular fight from delightfully challenging to just plain annoying, as, i've finally gotten close before immediately losing. I would've personally lowered the amount of turns you could be held for, or only allow it to be used once per battle, especially since the player can only do it for one and has to wait four turns to use it. but nothing to do about it as it stands, as I doubt you'll be returning to this game. i've tried trading out my artifacts multiple times and i'm yet to succeed. i'll update my comment if I manage to beat it, but if I quit playing a game, I'm unlikely to pick it back up :/ (the art and writing is amazing though! and i'd love to know where the title comes from.)

(i've also realized since i'm on browser i'll likely have to do everything all over again if I quit, which will only be mildly annoying as none of the levels have been as annoying as this one lol)

HOLY FUCK I MADE IT BY LUCK AND PARRYING Still, it;s very weird that the fight with a literal GODDESS was the easiest match in the game to beat. even UNUM only took one try!

Yeah the croc is really reallly hard... but i am harder (JK)

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! The title is a play on "Alea iacta est," a Latin phrase meaning "the die is cast." I chose it because of its double meanings with the gameplay and the setting in Roman Egypt.

is the soundtrack anywhere else? newgrounds is blocked in my country.
also i love the gameplay, I'd play this even without the lewds.

Thanks! Unfortunately, I think that many of the tracks are only hosted on Newgrounds. However, here is a screenshot of the track listing so that you can search for any specific artists or tracks on other sites: 

Nice game, hard final boss with made it better. I won with Sacrifice a dice / 3 passive damage / Prevent for from gaining dice.
10/10 Would play again for the difficulty

GG rather parry radahn pre nerf then beat this final boss again 11/10

Y'know, I went into this with the thought of "Ah, Zoquete? I've seen their stuff before. Great things! But a game? Well, guess it can't hurt to try."

And was I glad I tried.
1. The gameplay itself is genuinely fun. There's a good amount of variety and strategy in this rather simple looking dice-rolling game. And it doesn't overstay its welcome either. I had a lot of fun.
2. Damn that music... There's a lot of fucking bangers in there. Going to be desperately trying to find out how I might find the tracks and listen to them.
3. The story was genuinely nice. At first I thought "What? Is this it? Six battles and no lewd stuff? What the hell?" And then you get hit by "Psyche, day 1 of 3, bitch." Genuinely loved the story, and was nice to see the characters interact, and they were very cute!
4. The art is... well, do I really need to say it? <3

There were a few parts that kind of stuck out to me in another way:
1. On day 3, the second fight felt a lot tougher than any of the others. It may have been I was very lucky in the other fights, but the second fight on day 3 took me several attempts before succeeding, and any other fight took a max of 2-3.
2. The end guy's backstory felt a little cliché at points, but was also very good at other points, which was kind of weird. If it's cliché at some points, it doesn't normally end up being good at others, just overall mid or all of it cliché... But it somehow managed!

That said, it is a short game, and overall very good. 9/10! <3

I was also wondering if there is any way to support you further? A Patreon or some such? Just wished to give a little more, beyond buying this game and Deathblossem when it releases!

I appreciate that! I have a SubscribeStar, but I'm not currently using it to fund game development. Right now the best thing you can do is tell other people about my projects and follow on your favorite platforms to get updates about what I'm working on next!

Honestly, the game is great up until that last boss. Dunno how I was doing it, but I was rolling the lowest numbers consistently... But I don't think that would matter too much since that boss nukes every 3 turns. I wanted to see that final scene, but I guess it wasn't for me. Other than that, everything else is great.

Sorry about the tough luck, but the final boss is very doable! I would check out theris' comment below for some tips on how to turn the tables.

Absolutely fantastic game. Comboing chokehold, dice flip, and +2 for huge advantage after a parry or two is really satisfying and the scenes are nice and hot. It does feel kinda weird that the straight 3way scene is skippable but the gay 3way scene isn't, and it's also a bit of a shame that bastet doesn't get a scene at all, but those are rather minor nitpicks. It'd be really great to have another game in this style or maybe a sequel or something. Perhaps Alea could become a dungeon guard and be tasked with stopping other sexy adventurers

Thanks for the feedback! I don't have any specific plans for a sequel at the moment, but I havea new project releasing later this month that you should check out if you liked this one!

The art is spectacular but the actual game part is insufferable. Once the crane and the crocodile are together the game is simply impossible - stopping you from drawing any dice for THREE TURNS while they get 3 dice every turn is just bad game design.

That fight can be a little daunting at first, yeah! You'll need to choose your artifacts carefully and get a bit lucky to win it, but once you work out a strategy it's very doable.

I beat all of the fights except for the final boss fight on my first attempt (I got bad luck in my rolls in that fight, and needed a second attempt to win).

The most powerful mechanic that you have at your disposal is the ability to parry; doing so smartly allows you to effectively multiply the impact of your own dice.  It's frequently worth it to spend a turn or two intentionally tanking hits from your opponent (blocking only what's necessary to survive if needed) so that you can gain an advantage in stashed dice; after that, you can parry by matching your opponent's attack exactly and then use your accumulated reservoir to overwhelm your opponent's attack for a game-ending swing on the turn after that.

I used the +2 to die, flip a die, deal 3 damage/turn, and draw +1 die/turn for -10 starting HP artifacts, all of which contribute to being able to build up a valuable pool of dice.  Note that the +2 to die and flip a die artifacts combo well with each other: adding 2 to a 5 die will turn it into a 6 die and a 1 die, and adding 2 to a 6 die will generate a new 2 die; meanwhile, flipping a 1 die produces a 6, and flipping a 2 die produces a 5.

I beat the crane and croc duo this way before the croc even had a chance to fire off his debuff.

This is a great explanation of how to use the game mechanics to your advantage!


you apparently need to lost the final fight one time to get all the lewd sceen. i just finish the game one time by wining a thought you have to fight The final boss the first time you see him instead of speaking but i have miss understand and have to see only the images and not the texte of the loosing ending. and already burst my save qwq

( i have see only the lewd images by getting the other folder btw, and the game is incredible, some character are soi cute !)

LOVED IT, amazing game and amazing art, loved the difficulty and the story line as well! would be cool to see a part 2 to the game actually, but anyway, amazing work, thanks for making it!

Thank you! I'm working on a new project with some similar elements - If you liked this, then stay tuned for an announcement!

Night 3 was the unironically the easiest night I played, counting that RNJesus smiled upon me. 1st move I parried, making the damage do x2 and after the game gave me 3 dices of 5 points(sacrificed 10 health for another dice), I rolled a 6 with an ability (Left over dice) and did 40 dmg ending the fight in 2 moves. 10/10 game ( PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD nerf the bird, it's just too overpowered since it can counterattack, force you to parry, than use your parry against you when it throws at you 6 dices. after that, if you survived you still have to get lucky enough so that you can counterattack your counterattack. Actual game-ender, especially with the crocodile)

Thanks for the feedback! Tri can be pretty tricky to fight but I'm glad you liked the game regardless.

I'll be adding more compatibility features like this in future projects.

Android version?

Unfortunately not for this project, but I'll keep it in mind for future releases.

Personally just wanna say I enjoyed the game, the art style as well as the story are just beautiful and it was fun to get to completely play through it. I noticed people in the comments complaining about the difficulty of the duo sections and I gotta say I myself had some pretty good luck with my rolls as well as some nice trinkets to help me get through them. As for the final boss it was rough but enjoyable, after much trial and error along with skipping through a lot of womb bloating sex I finally got the correct set of trinkets to allow me to pull out a victory. Once again wanna thank everyone who made the game possible and thank you for sharing this experience! Loved it.

-1 point, I didn't get to romance the pretty snake shopkeeper. +1 point, I could make her boobs bounce by clicking on them. Overall score 10/10

Actually, you can romance her! Did you explore all her dialogue options on the third night?

crane + croc impossible i lost over 100 times alt f4 from the game but the game was other wise good

Thanks for the "египеская сила" at the end, very inspiring

такого я здесь не ожидал увидеть

that croc blowjob...was that paarthunax reference?

btw great game! love the artstyle and soundtrack, the roguelite element in the gameplay too! Had a pretty easy time with only like 2 resets total on crane+croc and Bastet, 3 if we count getting bad ending. -10hp for extra die every turn is such a no brainer to grab.

all in all cant believe this level of polish and care is given to a free game. will definitvely keep an eye out for your new stuff. and holy crap was just going thru your past work and realized you made wasteland rodeo, amazing stuff really

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and I'm working on making the next project even better. 

( And yes, it was :) )

Just finished the game, what a nice story with a well-made minigame to match! My only complaint would be that the crane + croc fight feels incredibly unfair, took me the longest of any fight by far, and everything else felt balanced and beatable by mainly strategy rather than pure luck, but I found a combo of perks that made it what I feel to be the least luck based in the end. Great soundtrack too.

With the complexity showing through here, I could easily see myself paying for games you make in the future, this one even sits on the edge of being worth several dollars. Keep up the great work

Thank you! I'll be releasing details about a new project sometime soon, so keep an eye out!

Hey I found your art first on iFunny then twitter and now here, do you happen to have any android games?

Not right now, I'm going to be working on supporting Android in the future! I'm curious, what art of mine was posted on iFunny?

it was some fallout new Vegas ones, it had description of the coyote snake that goes invisible (I can't remember the name) and I believe a death claw. Someone in the comments mentioned you so I went to Twitter and found you to see more art, very nice I might add. And it mentioned you made games as well, I got SOOOOOOO excited lmao

Any chance to be on android? 

Not for this project unfortunately, but I am keeping it in mind for future games.

The game mechanic is quite interesting, but fight Alea vs Pentari x Sexebi is too hard. You can't defeat them without preying to The God Of Random.

For example, situations like this happen quite often...

It looks like you didn't pick up as many artifacts as you need by that point! You should take items from Tali (the cobra) whenever you have the chance to even the odds.

Oh, so that's how it works. I have been thinking I can hold only one artifact. Thanks for your game, even the gameplay mostly depends on luck, it's still very interesting.

cool game, i am actually surprised that i liked the game itself more than the nsfw scenes.

Thank you! I wanted the game to be more than just a gallery for the NSFW stuff, so I'm glad to hear it.

super cool concept! Can’t wait to see more from you.  Only issue is that the Second fight with the crane and croc feels impossible. I’ve also got the bug where upgrading one of my relics permanently reduces me down to 2, and having to restart is very frustrating 

Zoquete1 year ago(2 edits)(+1)(-1)

I'm glad you liked it, and I'll keep that feedback in mind! (Edit: This and other issues have been fixed in the most recent patch.)

JustZ1 year ago(2 edits)(+1)

bro tri x quake was NOT fun TAT 

how is 4 turns wihtout new dice fair at all

It is pretty tough! Thanks for the feedback.

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