蜂蜜罐,與蜂蜜杓和鬆餅來自中古英語hony, honi,來自古英語huniġ,來自原始西日耳曼語*hunag,來自原始日耳曼語*hunagą(對照西弗里斯蘭語hunich、德語Honig),來自早期*hunangą(對比瑞典語honung),來自原始印歐語*kn̥h₂onk-o-s,來自*kn̥h₂ónks。和中古威爾士語canecon(“金”)、拉丁語canicae 複(“糠”)、吐火羅語Bkronkśe(“蜂”)、阿爾巴尼亞語qengjë(“蜂巢”)、古希臘語κνῆκος(knêkos,“紅花”)、北庫爾德語şan(“蜂巢”)、北盧里語گونج(gonj,“蜂”)同源。
honey (通常不可數,複數honeys)
- (不可數)蜜,蜂蜜
Thehoney in the pot should last for years.- 罐裡裝的蜂蜜應當能保存數年。
- (可數) 蜜的種類,品種
1908,United States. Bureau of Chemistry,Bulletin[1],期s110-114:The physical properties of the differenthoneys, color, granulation, aroma, flavor, etc., are indicated in the table only in a very general way.- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
1949,The Hive and the Honey Bee[2]:If two of the Californiahoneys, western hyssop and fleabane, having a positive polarization at 200 C. are disregarded, then the remaining...- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
2011,Stephen Taylor,Advances in Food and Nutrition Research[3],卷62:Eucalyptushoneys could be characterized based on seven volatile compounds, whereas lavenderhoneys had only five...- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- (罕用)花蜜
- (比喻義) 味道甜的東西;嚮往的事物
- 愛稱:親愛的
Honey, would you take out the trash?- 親愛的,你能把垃圾丟出去嗎?
Honey, I'm home.- 親愛的,我到家了。
- (可數,非正式) (多指性感的)女性
Man, there are some finehoneys here tonight!- 夥計,今晚這裡有好幾個性感尤物會來呢!
- 蜂蜜色
honey (無比較級)
- 蜜的,像蜜的
- 1599 William Shakespeare,Henry V, act 1, scene 2:
- So work thehoney-bees, / Creatures that by a rule in nature teach / The act of order to a peopled kingdom.
- 蜂蜜色的
honey (第三人稱單數簡單現在時honeys,現在分詞honeying,一般過去時及過去分詞honeyed)
- (及物) 給……加蜜
- (不及物)勸誘,哄勸,用甜言蜜語
- (不及物)恭維,奉承