繼承自中古英語handsum、hondsom,等同於hand +-some。對照荷蘭語handzaam、德國低地德語handsaam。原意是指「容易處理和使用」,因此便出現了「合適的」和「靈巧的,聰明的」等含義(16世紀中期),並產生了表示欣賞的現代化含義(16世紀晚期)。
handsome (比較級morehandsome或handsomer,最高級mosthandsome或handsomest)
- 外表英俊、帥氣、有吸引力,好看
- Template:RQ:Pepys Diary
1916,On H.R. 4683, site for post-office building at Chicago, Ill,頁117:On the opposite side of the street, on the corner, is the city hall, a veryhandsome building of brick and stone.- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
1917,Anton Chekhov,譯者 Constance Garnett,The Darling and Other Stories[1],Project Gutenberg,→ISBN,頁71:The mother, Ekaterina Pavlovna, who at one time had beenhandsome, but now, asthmatic, depressed, vague, and over-feeble for her years, tried to entertain me with conversation about painting. Having heard from her daughter that I might come to Shelkovka, she had hurriedly recalled two or three of my landscapes which she had seen in exhibitions in Moscow, and now asked what I meant to express by them.- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- Template:RQ:Haggard She
2006,Richard Leviton,The Gods in Their Cities,iUniverse,→ISBN,頁44:Often, human mortals describe their visits to the Tuatha's [places] in similar terms: they were great bright places, occupied by exceedinglyhandsome men and women, that sported wonderful crystal chairs, inexhaustible supplies of mead or ale ...- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
That is onehandsome tree you've got there.- (請為本使用例添加中文翻譯)