child (複數children或(方言或旧用法)childer)
- 小孩,兒童(未成年人)
- 近義詞:kid
- 下位詞:newborn、neonate、preteen、adolescent、tweenager、teenager、tween、teen、preadult
- 兒女,子女
He has twochildren.- 他有兩個孩子。
- (比喻義) 比喻性的後代
- 產物,結果
- abandoned child syndrome
- a burnt child dreads the fire
- antichild
- barrel child
- battered child syndrome
- belchild
- biochild
- birthchild
- black child
- boomerang child
- boychild
- brainchild
- butterfly child
- call someone everything but a child of God
- Chester
- child abuse
- child abuser
- child actor
- childbearer
- child-bearing,childbearing
- child-bed,childbed
- child benefit
- child birth,child-birth,childbirth
- child bride,child-bride
- child care,childcare
- childcarer
- childcaring
- child carrier
- child car seat
- child category
- child-centered
- child-crowing
- child diddler
- child endangerment
- child-free
- child-fucker,childfucker
- child-great
- child groom
- childhood
- childie
- childification
- child-in-law
- childish
- childism
- childkind
- child labor,child labour
- child language
- childless
- child-like,childlike
- childline
- childling
- child lock
- childlore
- childlove
- childlover
- child-mind,childmind
- child minder,childminder
- child molestation
- child molester
- child-nature
- child neglect
- childness
- child node
- child of the kitchen
- child of the manse
- child porn
- child pornography
- child prodigy
- childproof
- child prostitution
- childraiser
- childraising
- childrearer
- child-rearing,childrearing
- child restraint
- childsafe
- child safety seat
- child seat
- child sex abuse
- child sex crime
- child sexual abuse
- childship
- child soldier
- childspeak
- child's play
- child support
- childtime
- child toucher,child-toucher
- childwear
- choirchild
- chomo
- chrisom child
- cowchild
- dog-child
- dreamchild
- feral child
- flower child
- foster child
- get with child
- girlchild
- glass child
- god-child,godchild
- golden child
- grandchild,grand-child
- heavy with child
- home child
- honey child,honey chile
- Indigo child
- inner child
- innocent as the child unborn
- iPad child
- it is a wise child that knows his own father
- it takes a village to raise a child
- latch-key child,latchkey child
- lovechild,love-child,love child
- maid child,maid-child
- man child,man-child,manchild
- merchild
- middle child
- minor child
- moonchild
- natural child
- nonchild
- once a man, twice a child
- once a woman, twice a child
- one-child policy
- only child
- password child
- poster child
- pretermitted child
- problem child
- saleschild
- schoolchild
- semichild
- single child
- snowchild
- snowflake child
- sooner child
- spare the rod and spoil the child
- street child
- subchild
- superchild
- sweet summer child
- thalidomide child
- the burnt child dreads the fire,the burnt child fears the fire
- twichild
- two child problem
- unborn child
- unchild
- war child
- well-child clinic
- whole child
- wild child
- with child
- wolf-child
- woman child,woman-child,womanchild
- wombchild,womb-child
- wonderchild
child (第三人稱單數簡單現在時childs,現在分詞childing,一般過去時及過去分詞childed)
- (古舊,及物、不及物)生育