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Beyond LIVE SM娛樂 與JYP娛樂 藝人歌手 的線上演唱會巡回演唱会 场地 V LIVE Beyond LIVE开始日期 2020年4月26日 (2020-04-26 ) 场数 180(截至2024年5月26日) 制作人 Beyond LIVE Corporation 网站 官方网站
Beyond Live (又写作Beyond LIVE )是線上演唱會流媒體服務的項目[ 1] ,以尖端AR技術與實時3D圖像技術,將線下公演搬上線上直播的新概念線上演唱會。最初由韓國娛樂公司SM娛樂 與Naver 於2020年4月成立[ 2] ,是世界首個“線上定制型付費演唱會”[ 1] 。2020年8月,JYP娛樂 與SM娛樂宣布合作成立全球首家在線演唱會公司Beyond LIVE Corporation ,專門負責運營在線演唱會[ 3] 。
該項目的成立被全球媒體譽為在COVID-19疫情 期間取代傳統線下演唱會的重要之舉[ 4] [ 5] 。自創立以來,SM娛樂和JYP娛樂的多位歌手藝人在Beyond LIVE系列中提供了完整的線上演唱會以及以及粉絲見面會,同時Beyond LIVE也承辦轉播其他大型的線上演唱會,而其他KPOP娛樂企業也開始效仿製作類似的線上演唱會。
Beyond LIVE被譽為“新型表演文化的開端”, 由通過利用具有壓倒性的表演、尖端AR技術與實時3D圖像技術打造出的生動感十足的舞台演出, 多元化、差異化的攝像機走位,藝人與全球粉絲們進行實時視頻通話的互動溝通等的豐富多彩的舞台構成。演唱會進行的同時也提供公演直播影像與應援棒實時聯動的服務,將線上線下融合在一起,讓全世界的粉絲可以共同享受有如親臨現場的演出以及體驗即時的應援。[ 1]
2020年4月14日,韓國 娛樂公司SM娛樂 與韓國最大的搜索引擎和門戶網站NAVER 簽訂了共同推進全球事業的協議(Memorandum of Understanding),以強化全球事業競爭力為目標加強多方面合作。通過該協議,SM娛樂擁有的娛樂內容製作能力與NAVER的全球平台運營經驗和技術力相結合,進而以全球市場為中心推出以數碼技術為基礎的全新視頻內容。作為其中的一個環節,4月中旬將啟動線上演唱會流媒體服務Beyond LIVE。[ 6]
4月21日,SM娛樂在自己的YouTube 官方頻道上發布了預告片,宣布即將舉行的一系列線上付費演唱會。旗下的藝人SuperM 公演為首場演出,而WayV 、NCT Dream 、NCT 127 將依次在5月3日、5月10日、5月17日舉行線上演唱會。[ 2]
7月17日,JYP娛樂 女團TWICE 宣布將於8月9日舉辦線上演唱會《TWICE: World in A Day》,成為Beyond LIVE中第一組非出自SM娛樂的出演團體。[ 7]
8月4日,JYP娛樂 與SM娛樂宣布合作成立全球首家在線演唱會公司Beyond LIVE Corporation,專門負責運營線上演唱會。此次合作是在SM娛樂節目製作能力和NAVER技術相結合的基礎上,再加上JYP娛樂的全球網絡及創意,加強全球共同事業開發,欲將Beyond LIVE打造成世界級的線上演唱會品牌。[ 3]
演唱會标题 藝人 演唱會日期 實時收看人數 VOD觀影[ a] Multi-View[ b] Re-Streaming 2020年 Beyond the Future SuperM 4月26日 75,000+[ 8] 2020年7月31日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) – – Beyond the Vision WayV 5月3日 不適用 2020年8月7日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) – – Beyond the Dream Show NCT Dream 5月10日 不適用 2020年8月14日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) – – Beyond the Origin NCT 127 5月17日 104,000+[ 9] 2020年8月21日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2020年9月24日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – Beyond the T 東方神起 5月24日 不適用 2020年8月28日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2020年9月25日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – Beyond the Super Show Super Junior 5月31日 123,000+[ 10] 2020年9月4日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2020年10月16日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – World In A Day TWICE 8月9日 不適用 2020年10月30日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2020年11月30日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – The moment with us Super Junior-K.R.Y. 8月23日 不適用 2020年11月13日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2020年12月4日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – a-nation online 2020 A-nation 8月29日 不適用 X X – 15th Anniversary Special Event – Invitation Super Junior 11月7日 不適用 2021年4月1日(V Live) 2023年1月20日(Beyond LIVE) X – Unlock : GO LIVE IN LIFE Stray Kids 11月22日 不適用 2021年4月9日 2021年4月9日 – 2020 K-pop x K-Art Concert Super KPA Super Junior NCT DreamElris CRAVITY RGP 11月27日 不適用 X V – 2020 ONLINE FANMEETING “동(冬),방(房),신기 with Cassiopeia” 東方神起 12月26日 不適用 2021年5月29日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) X – RESONANCE 'Global Wave' NCT 12月27日 200,000+[ 11] 2021年7月20日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 2021年7月30日(V Live) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) – 2021年 SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity SMTOWN 1月1日 35,800,000+[ c] [ 12] 不適用 不適用 不適用 Light 伯賢 (EXO )1月3日 110,000+[ 13] 2021年7月20日(V Live) 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) X – ONLINE FANMEETING 'ON: XIUWEET TIME' Xiumin (EXO )3月27日 不適用 X X – SHINee WORLD SHINee 4月4日 130,000+[ 14] 2022年9月9日(Beyond LIVE) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) 2021年4月13日 2021年4月17日 2021年4月18日 2021年4月18日(V Live) E.L.F. Japan 10th Anniversary 〜The SUPER Blue Party〜 Super Junior 4月25日 不適用 2021年9月1日(Blu-ray/DVD) X X N.G.D.A (Never Gonna Dance Again) 泰民 (SHINee)5月2日 90,000+[ 15] 已列入计划 X 2021年5月16日 2021年5月17日 SHINee WORLD J Presents 〜Bistro de SHINee〜 SHINee 5月23日 不適用 2021年11月24日(Blu-ray/DVD) X X ONLINE FANMEETING 'OFFICE : Foundation Day' NCT 127 7月7日 不適用 X X X Special Event 〜I'll Light Your Way〜 藝聲 (Super Junior)7月25日 不適用 X X 2021年8月24日 2021年8月25日 (电影院) Right Through Me DAY6 (Even of Day) 8月8日 不適用 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) 2021年8月29日 2021年8月30日(V Live) ONLINE FANMEETING - inteRView vol.7 : Queendom Red Velvet 8月16日 不適用 X X X ONLINE FANMEETING 'HOT! SUMMER DREAM' NCT Dream 8月25日 不適用 X X X 13th ANNIVERSARY ONLINE FANMEETING <Dear. HOTTEST> 2PM 9月4日 不適用 2022年5月30日(Beyond LIVE) 已列入计划(Beyond LIVE) 2021年9月25日 2021年9月26日(V Live) GROKS IN THE KEYLAND KEY (SHINee)9月26日 不適用 2022年11月15日(Beyond LIVE) X 2021年10月17日 2021年10月18日(V Live) 2021 Musical <Marie Antoinette> Live 群星 11月6日 不適用 24小时提供 X X 11月7日 11月8日 Bigeast FANCLUB EVENT 2021 TOHOSHINKI The GARDEN ~Online~ 東方神起 11月14日 不適用 X X X KLoor (#Cinema) Kai (EXO)12月12日 不適用 2023年1月13日(Beyond LIVE) X 2021年12月15日 2021年12月18日(V Live) 2nd Tour 'Neo City : Seoul – The Link' NCT 127 12月19日 不適用 X X 2021年12月26日 FAN PARTY "BEST CHOI's MINHO 2021" 珉豪 (SHINee)12月21日 不適用 X X X 4TH WORLD TOUR 'III': SEOUL TWICE 12月26日 不適用 2022年5月27日(DVD) 2022年6月24日(Blu-ray X 2022年1月23日 2022年1月24日 2022年 SMTOWN LIVE 2022 : SMCU EXPRESS @ KWANGYA SMTOWN 1月1日 51,000,000+ 不適用 不適用 2022年1月29日 2022 Fanmeeting <Junho the Moment> 李俊昊 (2PM)1月23日 不適用 X X 2022年2月19日 2022年2月20日 Special Event 〜Lover's Concerto〜 圭賢 (Super Junior)2月6日 不適用 X X X 2nd #LoveSTAY 'SKZ'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY' Stray Kids 2月13日 不適用 X X 2022年3月5日 2022年3月6日 Solo Concert "Pilmography" 元弼 3月13日 不適用 X X 2022年4月2日 2022年4月3日 2022年4月24日 Special Live '2022 The ReVe Festival : Prologue' Red Velvet 3月20日 由於 Irene、Joy 和 Yeri 的 COVID-19 PCR 檢測呈陽性而取消 Solo Concert "Pilmography"(Encore) 元弼 3月27日 不適用 X X 2022年4月17日 2022年4月28日 The 1st Concert "Center of Gravity" CRAVITY 4月3日 不適用 X X 2022年4月17日 Dream Stage <Glitch Mode> NCT Dream 4月5日 不適用 X X 2022年4月9日 The 1st Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly!" ITZY 4月9日 不適用 X X 2022年4月30日 2022年5月1日 2022 Debut Anniversary Fan Event EXO 不適用 X X X 2022 Fan-Con <115430> 金閔俊 張祐榮 (2PM)5月1日 不適用 X X 2022年5月21日 2022年5月22日 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in Seoul Stray Kids 不適用 2023年8月8日(DVD) 2023年8月31日(Blu-ray) X 2022年5月28日 2022年5月29日 2nd Tour 'Neo City : Japan – The Link' (在日本不可用) NCT 127 5月28日 不適用 2022年9月28日(Blu-ray) X X 2022 Concert "Wonderland" 宇宙少女 6月12日 不適用 X X 2022年6月26日 Super Show 9: Road Super Junior 7月17日 不適用 X X X LIVE TOUR 2022 ~Under the Spotlight~ HKT48 7月23日(2场演出) 不適用 X X 2022年8月6日(2 Re-Streamings) 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in JAPAN(在日本不可用) Stray Kids 7月27日 不適用 X X X 2022 FAN MEETING: MY SYNK. aespa aespa 7月30日 不適用 X X X The 1st World Tour <Checkmate> ITZY 8月7日 不適用 2023年7月25日(DVD) 2023年8月29日(Blu-ray X 2022年9月4日 2022 Fan-Con <Before Midnight> 李俊昊 8月14日 不適用 2023年3月10日(DVD) 2023年4月14日(Blu-ray X 2022年9月17日 SMTOWN LIVE 2022 : SMCU EXPRESS @ Human City Suwon SMTOWN 8月20日 不適用 X X X SMTOWN LIVE 2022 : SMCU EXPRESS @ Tokyo 8月28日 不適用 X X X 2022 Special Event "Long Lasting Love" 少女时代 9月3日 不適用 X X 2022年10月1日 2022 "No Limit" World Tour in Seoul MONSTA X 9月4日 不適用 2023年3月14日(DVD/KiT Video) 2023年4月5日(Blu-ray X 2022年10月2日 2022年11月13日 The Dream Show 2: In A DREAM NCT Dream 9月9日 不適用 X X 2022年10月1日 4th Album "2 Baddies" Comeback Show - Faster NCT 127 9月16日 不適用 X X 2022年10月8日 Debut 10th Anniversary Fan Meeting <Go-eun Day: Come In Closer> 金高銀 10月15日 不適用 X X X G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND KEY (SHINee) 10月23日 不適用 X X 2022年11月26日 2nd Tour 'Neo City : Seoul – The Link+' NCT 127 不適用 X X 2022年11月20日 SMTOWN Wonderland 2022 Red Carpet Live SMTOWN 10月30日 因10月29日首爾萬聖節人群擁擠事件而取消 ONCE Halloween 3 TWICE 11月5日 The Dream Show 2: In A DREAM - in JAPAN(在日本不可用) NCT Dream 11月27日 不適用 X X X 2022 FAN-CON : THE B-ROAD THE BOYZ 12月3日 不適用 X X X 2022 BEST CHOI's MINHO - LUCKY CHOI's 珉豪 (SHINee) 12月8日 不適用 X X X Live With U 2022 "Burn It Up"(在日本不可用) NiziU 12月18日 不適用 X X X Stage ♭ : Overture Xdinary Heroes 不適用 X X 2023年1月15日 Winter Special Event "Candy" NCT Dream 12月21日 不適用 X X X 2023年 SMTOWN LIVE 2023 : SMCU PALACE @ KWANGYA SMTOWN 1月1日 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 2023 Fan-Con <Codename: Ujung> 宇宙少女 1月8日 不適用 X X X 2023 Fan Concert "Rendezvous in Seoul: Secret Meeting Between You And Me" 珍榮 1月29日 不適用 X X X 2023 Fanmeeting in Seoul <Moment> 宋江 2月11日 不適用 X X X 2023 Fan Concert <WHY I AM in SEOUL> 任時完 不適用 X X 2023年3月11日 2023 Fanmeeting Tour [Phantom] WayV 不適用 X X X The 1st Fan Concert <The Prom Queens> IVE 2月12日 不適用 2023年8月23日(DVD/KiT Video/Blu-ray) X X The 2nd Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly! To Wonder World" ITZY 不適用 X X 2023年3月19日 The Dream Show 2: In A DREAM - in JAPAN(在日本不可用) NCT Dream 2月19日 不適用 2023年9月6日(Blu-ray X X 2023 Fan-Con <Dear My LUVITY> CRAVITY 不適用 2023年8月4日(DVD/KiT Video) X X The 1st World Tour <Checkmate> in Japan(在日本不可用) ITZY 2月23日 不適用 2023年8月30日(Blu-ray/DVD) X X 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" ENCORE in JAPAN(在日本不可用) Stray Kids 2月25日 不適用 X X X 2023 1st Concert 'SYNK: Hyper Line' aespa 2月26日 不適用 X X 2023年3月25日 1st Concert "O-New-Note" 溫流 (SHINee)3月5日 不適用 X X 2023年4月1日 G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND JAPAN(在日本不可用) KEY (SHINee) 3月12日 不適用 X X 2023年4月9日 20th Anniversary Live - THE BoA : Musicality 寶兒 不適用 X X 2023年4月22日 4 Now, Party 4 The People Eunhyuk Loves 銀赫 3月30日 不適用 X X 2023年4月29日 Spring Concert 2023 ~Where We Are Now~ HKT48 4月1日 不適用 2023年4月4日(14天) X X Yabuki Nako(矢吹奈子 ) Graduation Concert ~Future Wings~ 不適用 2023年4月4日(14天) X X 4th Concert "R to V" Red Velvet 4月2日 不適用 X X 2023年4月29日 2023 Fanmeeting "EXO' Clock" EXO 4月9日 不適用 X X 2023年5月13日 Super Show 9: Road_Show Super Junior 4月16日 不適用 X X 2023年5月6日 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' TWICE 不適用 X X 2023年5月28日 Launch Day NCT DOJAEJUNG 不適用 X X X 2023 Fanmeeting <Re:Act> 泰民(SHINee) 4月23日 不適用 X X X 2023 The 1st World Tour "Masterpiece" in Seoul CRAVITY 5月14日 不適用 2024年2月7日(DVD/KiT Video) X 2023年6月18日 2nd World Tour : Zeneration THE BOYZ 5月21日 不適用 2024年4月5日(DVD/QR) X X 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN (在日本不可用) TWICE 不適用 2024年4月24日(Blu-ray/DVD) X X 2023 Fanmeeting 'Everyday is SHINee Day' : Piece of Shine SHINee 5月28日 不適用 X X X The Dream Show 2: In YOUR DREAM NCT Dream 6月3日 不適用 X X 2023年7月1日 Arena Tour 2023 "DENKOSEKKA"(在日本不可用) YOASOBI 6月4日 不適用 X X 2023年6月11日 Casino Royale -My Name's Bond-(在日本不可用) 寶塚歌劇團 宙组剧团 6月11日 不適用 X X 2023年6月26日 Birthday ~Yurina's Room~(天) 川口百合凪 6月18日 不適用 2023年7月4日(25天) X X Birthday ~Yuriree's Party~(夜晚) SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination] SHINee 6月25日 不適用 2024年5月3日(DVD) 2024年5月30日(Blu-ray) X 2023年8月19日 3rd Fanmeeting "Pilot : For ★★★★★" Stray Kids 7月2日 不適用 X X 2023年7月30日 2023 7th Official Fanclub MONBEBE Fan Concert <MX Friends> MONSTA X 7月9日 不適用 2024年1月29日(DVD/KiT Video) 2024年2月5日(Blu-ray) X 2023年8月6日 1st Fanmeeting <BAND CLUB XV : 2023 SUMMER CAMP> Xdinary Heroes 7月16日 不適用 X X X 2023 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "Once Upon a 7uly" NCT 127 不適用 X X X 2023 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "Dream Land" NCT Dream 7月22日 不適用 X X X Japan Showcase "Masterpiece" MISAMO 7月27日 不適用 2023年12月20日(Blu-ray/DVD) X X IKONOIJOY 2023 "Water & Bubbles Party"(在日本不可用) =LOVE ,≠ME ,≒JOY 7月29日 不適用 X X 2023年8月12日 IKONOIJOY 2023 "Shuffle Party"(在日本不可用) 7月30日 不適用 X X 2023年8月13日 2023 Concert - NCT NATION : To The World NCT 8月26日 不適用 2024年5月29日(DVD/SMTOWN Code) 2024年6月20日(Blu-ray) X 2023年10月7日 Solo Concert <Letters With Notes> Young K 9月3日 不適用 X X 2023年10月8日 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM> 2PM 9月10日 不適用 X X 2023年10月14日 Project SEKAI 3rd ANNIVERSARY Thanks Festival(在日本不可用) 世界计划 缤纷舞台! (feat.初音未来 )9月16日(2场演出) 不適用 2023年9月21日(8天) X 2023年9月23日(韩国 - 2 Re-Streamings) 9月17日(2场演出) 不適用 X 2023年9月24日(韩国 - 2 Re-Streamings) SMTOWN LIVE 2023 : SMCU PALACE @ JAKARTA SMTOWN 9月23日 不適用 X X 2023年10月28日 Reading LIVE Arsène Lupin #3 "La Demoiselle aux yeux verts" Nosaka Labo 9月30日(2场演出) 不適用 2023年10月2日(26天) X X 10月1日(2场演出) 不適用 2023年10月3日(25天) X X Concert Tour 2023 -Paint Like a Child-(不适用于日本和韩国) 秦基博 / 不適用 2023年10月5日(6个月) X X 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM> in Japan(在日本不可用) 2PM 10月8日 不適用 X X X The 1st World Tour <SHOW WHAT I HAVE> IVE 不適用 X X X The 1st Fan Concert "NMIXX CHANGE UP : MIXX UNIVERSITY" NMIXX 不適用 X X 2023年11月12日 6TH ANNIVERSARY PREMIUM CONCERT(在日本不可用) =LOVE 10月18日 不適用 2023年11月1日(14天) X X 10月19日 不適用 X X 2023 FANMEETING <ONCE AGAIN> TWICE 10月21日 不適用 X X 2023年11月18日 Solo Concert - Unfading Sense 藝聲 (Super Junior) 10月22日 不適用 X X 2023年11月11日 Japan Tour 2023 "MARS"(不适用于日本和韩国) Ado / 不適用 2023年10月31日(3个月) X X ICE STORY 2nd "RE_PRAY" TOUR(不适用于日本、中国大陆和俄罗斯) 羽生結弦 11月4日 不適用 2023年11月14日(8天) X X Arena Tour 2023 "Kororon"(在日本不可用) Eve 不適用 2023年11月4日(1个月) X X 18th Anniversary Special Event <1t's 8lue> Super Junior 不適用 X X 2023年11月18日 2023 FAN MEETING <MY DRAMA> aespa 11月17日 不適用 X X 2023年12月2日 3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE 櫻坂46 11月25日 不適用 X X 2023年12月14日 11月26日 不適用 X X 2023年12月15日 3rd Tour 'Neo City : Seoul - The Unity' NCT 127 不適用 X V 2023年12月9日 Melon Music Awards 2023(不适用于日本和韩国) 多位艺术家 12月2日 不適用 2023年12月8日(YouTube) X X 2nd World Tour : Zeneration - Encore(* 仅限已购买该节目的人) THE BOYZ 12月3日 不適用 2023年12月15日*(7天) X X Solo Concert : Metamorph 泰民(SHINee) 12月16日 不適用 X X 2023年12月30日 12月17日 不適用 X X 2023年12月31日 Christmas Special Concert 'The Present : You Are My Day' DAY6 12月24日 不適用 X X X 2023 Concert [20&2] 東方神起 12月31日 不適用 X X 2024年1月14日 2024年 2024 BEST CHOI's MINHO FAN-CON <MULTI-CHASE> 珉豪 (SHINee) 1月7日 不適用 X X 2024年1月20日 FAN MEETING TOUR "YOONITE" 允儿 不適用 X X 2024年1月21日 ICE STORY 2nd "RE_PRAY" TOUR in SAGA(不适用于日本、中国大陆和俄罗斯) 羽生結弦 1月14日 不適用 2024年1月29日(8天) X X 2024 CONCERT <THE DAY WE MEET AGAIN> 李俊昊 不適用 X X 2024年2月24日 1st Solo Concert [KANNA] 爱里神奈 1月27日 不適用 X X 2024年2月3日 2024 KEYLAND ON : AND ON KEY (SHINee) 1月28日 不適用 X X 2024年2月11日 COLORFUL LIVE 3rd - Evolve - (东京)(在日本不可用) 世界计划 1月28日(2场演出) 不適用 2024年2月1日(7天) X X THE SHOW : Th3ee Guys Super Junior-L.S.S. 2月4日 不適用 X X 2024年2月18日 2024 FIRST FAN-CON [1001] Ten 2月16日 不適用 X X 2024年3月10日 2月17日 不適用 X X COLORFUL LIVE 3rd - Evolve - (大阪)(在日本不可用) 世界计划 2月18日(2场演出) 不適用 2024年2月22日(7天) X X ICE STORY 2nd "RE_PRAY" TOUR in YOKOHAMA(不适用于日本、中国大陆和俄罗斯) 羽生結弦 2月19日 不適用 2024年3月5日(10天) X X SMTOWN LIVE 2024 : SMCU PALACE @ TOKYO SMTOWN 2月22日 不適用 X X 2024年3月24日 2024 CONCERT <TY TRACK> 泰容 2月24日 不適用 X X 2024年3月16日 2月25日 不適用 X X 2024年3月17日 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in SEOUL ITZY 不適用 X X 2024年3月31日 2024 2nd FANMEETING <MAGAZINE IVE> IVE 3月10日 不適用 X X X STARLIGHT+ 2024 Powered by NTT DOCOMO Studio & Live(在日本不可用) 多位艺术家 3月15日 不適用 X X X 3月16日 不適用 X X X 3月17日 不適用 X X X 4TH FANMEETING 'SKZ's MAGIC SCHOOL' Stray Kids 3月31日 不適用 X X 2024年5月5日 2024 FAN-CON <LUVITY GAMES> CRAVITY 4月7日 不適用 X X X ICE STORY 2nd "RE_PRAY" TOUR in MIYAGI(不适用于日本、中国大陆和俄罗斯) 羽生結弦 4月9日 不適用 2024年4月22日(9天) X X CONCERT <Welcome to the Show> DAY6 4月14日 不適用 X X X 2024 FAN MEETING : ONE EXO 不適用 X X 2024年4月28日 2024 WORLD TOUR <THE DREAM SHOW 3 : DREAM( )SCAPE> NCT Dream 5月3日 不適用 X X 2024年5月31日 5月4日 不適用 X X 2024年6月1日 2024 FAN-CON TOUR 'RIIZING DAY' in SEOUL RIIZE 不適用 X X 2024年5月18日 5月5日 不適用 X X 2024年5月19日 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in JAPAN(在日本不可用) ITZY 5月22日 不適用 X X X SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination : SHINee's Back] SHINee 5月25日 不適用 X X 2024年6月8日 School of Wish NCT WISH 不適用 X X X SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination : SHINee's Back] SHINee 5月26日 不適用 X X 2024年6月9日 2024 CONCERT <SU:HOME> Suho 不適用 X X 2024年6月9日 2024 CONCERT [Dear Youth,] 群星 不適用 X X 2024年6月9日 School of Wish NCT WISH 不適用 X X X ONE MAN TOUR 2024(在日本不可用) Creepy Nuts 6月16日 不適用 X X 2024年7月6日
SuperM - Beyond the Future [ 编辑 ] 2020年4月14日,SM娛樂 與NAVER 簽訂了共同推進全球事業的協議,將啟動線上演唱會流媒體服務Beyond LIVE,同時宣布SuperM 作為第一組藝人出演Beyond LIVE線上演唱會《SuperM - Beyond the Future》[ 6] 。 4月26日,組合在演唱會中首次公開未發布新曲《Tiger Inside》舞台,通過AR讓老虎生動登場。在最後的歌曲《Jopping》舞台上,通過AR逼真地展現了蓋過畫面的巨大競技場和應援棒人浪[ 16] 。現場也公佈組合即將於9月發行的正規專輯《Super One 》的其他收錄曲,包括《100》、《Drip》以及《Line 'Em Up》。此外,Red Velvet 成員Irene 、Seulgi 、Joy 作為驚喜嘉賓,通過視頻電話登場[ 16] 。
該演唱會進行長達120分鐘,創下了收穫1億2千餘顆心的紀錄,並吸引了來自109個國家與地區的7萬5千名的觀眾付費收看[ 8] 。該演唱會也收穫全球媒體的好評。美國 著名雜誌《Variety 》指出,雖然現場表演有一些小滯後問題,但總體上還是實現了在線下演唱會無法在實現場景,例如AR老虎在新曲《Tiger Inside》表演過程中跳過舞台的場景[ 17] 。美國《ABC新闻 》同樣稱讚了只能在線上演唱會呈現、通過技術所創造的老虎,還強調了實時交互動能觀眾夠將在聊天室裡傳遞想說的話、讓歌手即時查閱,以及事先被選定的觀眾有機會通過實時視頻通話向歌手提出問題[ 18] 。韓國報社《韓民族日報 》提及,《Jopping》舞台轉變成鬥獸場般的結構讓成員們在類似羅馬鬥獸場 的舞台上表演,也讓成員們呈現了古羅馬的角斗士一樣的印象[ 19] 。
SuperM - Beyond the Future(演唱歌單)
"I Can't Stand The Rain" + 舞蹈表演 "GTA"(泰容 Solo)[ d] "Dream In A Dream" + "New Heroes"(Ten Solo) "Move" + "Want"(泰民 Solo) "Super Car" "Bass Go Boom"(Lucas Solo)[ d] "Betcha" + "UN Village"(Baekhyun Solo) "Tiger Inside"[ d] "2 Fast"(泰民、Baekhyun、Mark、Lucas) "Baby Don't Stop"(泰容、Ten) "Talk About"(Mark Solo)[ d] "Confession" + "Spoiler"(Kai Solo)[ d] "No Manners"(泰民、Kai、泰容、Ten) "Jopping" WayV - Beyond the Vision [ 编辑 ] 2020年4月21日,SM娛樂 發布了Beyond LIVE預告片,宣布WayV 將於5月3日举办線上演唱會《WayV - Beyond the Vision》[ 2] 。 該演唱會是組合自出道後的首次演唱會,除了是SM娛樂第二組出演Beyond LIVE的組合,更是作為中國歌手線上公演史上首次以線上專用形態亮相的演出[ 20] 。5月3日,組合以《無翼而飛(Take Off)》一曲拉開演唱會序幕,並通過AR技術呈現巨型飛機從舞台上空飛過的畫面;現場也驚喜公開組合即將發行的正規專輯《Awaken The World 》中新曲《Bad Alive》和《超時空回(Turn Back Time)》串燒舞台[ 21] 。此外,Super Junior 成員神童 作為驚喜嘉賓,通過視頻電話登場[ 21] 。演唱會進行長達120分鐘,在VLIVE上突破2.3億顆點心的紀錄[ 21] 。
該場演唱會首次推出應援棒聯動服務,粉絲可以事先在V LIVE應用程序上連接應援棒,於現場進行同步聯動[ 22] 。
VOD觀影已於8月7日上線, 其中《Lovely》、《面對面(Face to Face)》以及《噩夢(Come Back)》的舞台表演因版權問題被移除。
WayV - Beyond the Vision(演唱歌單)
"無翼而飛(Take Off)" "Love Talk"(秘語英文版本) "理所當然(Regular)" "黑夜日出(Yeah Yeah Yeah)" "Lovely"[ e] "紅豆"[ f] "面對面(Face to Face)" "心心相癮(King of Hearts)" "真實謊言(Say It)" "噩夢(Come Back)" "天選之城(Moonwalk)" "夢想發射計劃(Dream Launch)" "Bad Alive + 超時空回(Turn Back Time)"[ d] "愛不釋手(Let me love u)" NCT Dream - Beyond the Dream Show [ 编辑 ] 2020年4月21日,SM娛樂 發布了Beyond LIVE預告片,宣布NCT Dream 以6人形式將於5月10日举办線上演唱會《NCT Dream - Beyond the Dream Show》[ 2] 。NCT 成員道英 、廷祐 、Mark 作為驚喜嘉賓,通過視頻電話登場。
VOD觀影已於8月14日上線,其中《We Go Up》和《Best Friend》的舞台表演因版權問題被刪除。
NCT Dream - Beyond the Dream Show(演唱歌單)
"Go" "Drippin'" "We Go Up" "Stronger" "Dunk Shot" "Chewing Gum" "Don't Need Your Love" "We Young" "Best Friend" "Candle Light" "Puzzle Piece" + "7 Days" "Ridin'" "Quiet Down" "Boom" NCT 127 - Beyond the Origin [ 编辑 ] 2020年4月21日,SM娛樂 發布了LIVE預告片,宣布NCT 127 開始5月17日舉辦線上演唱會《NCT 127 - Beyond the Origin》[ 2] 。5月17日日,組合順利完成線上演唱會,東方神起 的允浩 作為驚喜嘉賓登場,現場更首度公開即將在兩天后(即5月19日)發行的第二張正规專輯《Neo Zone:The Final Round 》的主打歌《Punch》舞台。
該場演唱會也首次引入Multi-Cam(多機位)技術,部分舞台將提供成員的單人鏡頭,隨時捕捉他們進行舞台演出時的面部表情和細微動作,參與的粉絲也可以隨時選擇和切換[ 23] 。
該演唱會進行長達130分鐘,吸引了來自129個國家與地區的10萬4千名的觀眾收看[ 23] 。美國 Billboard 對該演唱會給予高度關注,並在當日發表了標題為《NCT 127 - Beyond the Origin 最棒的瞬間TOP10》[ 24] 。該文章中提到了3D圖像與AR效果,“從使用3D圖像開始的《Cherry Bomb》舞台起,觀眾們就被AR技術所吸引。在《Kick It》舞台上騰飛的巨龍的登場展現了AR技術的巔峰”。此外,對於《Highway to Heaven》的舞台也給予了好評,“以表現實際高速公路的LED屏幕展現了最佳的技術,為在屏幕前觀看公演的觀眾帶來了超越現場直播的彷彿在眼前觀看公演一樣的生動感”。
VOD觀影已於8月21日上線,其中《Cherry Bomb》、《Boom》以及《Baby Don't Like It》的舞台表演因版權問題被移除。
NCT 127 - Beyond the Origin(演唱歌單)
"Cherry Bomb"(Multi-cam ON) "Chain"(Multi-cam ON) "Regular(英文版本)"(Multi-cam ON) "Boom"(Multi-cam ON) "Make Your Day" "White Night"(Multi-cam ON) "Kick It(DJ Johnny remix)" "Love Me Now(DJ Johnny remix)" "Superhuman" "Wake Up" "Baby Don't Like It" "Punch"(Multi-cam ON)[ d] "Touch"(Multi-cam ON) "Highway to Heaven(英文版本)"(Multi-cam ON) "Kick It"(Multi-cam ON) 2020年5月11日,SM娛樂 宣布東方神起 將在5月24日舉辦線上演唱會《TVXQ - Beyond the T》[ 25] 。演唱會因其高質量的增強現實效果而受到讚譽,特別是穿梭在《Why? (Keep Your Head Down)》舞台的直升機、《Rising Sun》舞台出現的陰霾、以及在《Asu Wa Suru Kara》舞台游泳的鯨魚[ 26] 。NCT Dream 成員Jeno 、渽民 和志晟 作為驚喜嘉賓,通過視頻通話登場。
TVXQ - Beyond the T(演唱歌單)
"Mirotic"(Multi-cam ON) "The Chance of Love"(Multi-cam ON) "Before U Go"(Multi-cam ON) "Truth"(Multi-cam ON) "Android"(Multi-cam ON) "Trigger"(Multi-cam ON) "Asu Wa Kuru Kara"(Multi-cam ON) "Follow"(允浩 Solo) "Chocolate"(昌珉 Solo) "Always With You"(Multi-cam ON) "Dream" "Maximum" "Why? (Keep Your Head Down)"(Multi-cam ON) "Rising Sun"(Multi-cam ON) Super Junior - Beyond the Super Show [ 编辑 ] 2020年5月11日,Super Junior 宣布將在5月31日舉辦線上演唱會《Super Junior - Beyond the Super Show》[ 27] 。5月31日,迎接出道15週年Super Junior帶來多首組合名曲,而子團Super Junior-K.R.Y. 也在演唱會上最初公開將於6月8日發行的首張迷你專輯《When We Were Us 》收錄曲《Home》的舞台。特別是演出中期,成員崔始源 驚喜化變身巨人穿透銀幕。這是SK電信 製作的AR產品,用106台攝像機拍攝了崔始源的動作後,再利用3D模型和尖端臉部識別技術多實現的AR場景。此外,東方神起 成員昌珉 作為驚喜嘉賓,通過視頻通話登場。[ 25]
該演唱會吸引了全球12萬3千名的觀眾收看,同時收穫28.5億顆點心的最高紀錄[ 27] 。
Super Junior - Beyond the Super Show(演唱歌單)
"Superman"(Multi-cam ON) "2YA2YAO!"(Multi-cam ON) "U"(Multi-cam ON) "Sexy, Free, & Single"(Multi-cam ON) "Mr. Simple"(Multi-cam ON) "Home"(Super Junior-K.R.Y.) "Heads Up" "Devil"(Multi-cam ON) "Super Clap"(Multi-cam ON) "'Bout You"(Super Junior D&E)(Multi-cam ON) "Oppa, Oppa"(Super Junior D&E)(Multi-cam ON) "Mamacita" "Black Suit"(Multi-cam ON) "Sorry, Sorry"(Multi-cam ON) "Runaway"(Multi-cam ON) "Shining Star"(Multi-cam ON) Twice - World in a Day [ 编辑 ] 2020年7月17日,TWICE 宣布將於8月9日以“一天內環遊世界的巡演”為主題舉辦線上演唱會《TWICE: World in A Day》[ 7] 。TWICE成為Beyond LIVE中第一組非出自SM娛樂 的出演團體,亦是第一組出演的韓國女團,JYP娛樂 代表樸振榮 全程參與這場演唱會的企劃[ 3] 。8月6日,官方宣布成員定延 由於健康問題將坐在椅子上參加這場演唱會[ 28] 。
Twice - World in a Day(演唱歌單)
"Stuck in My Head"(搖滾版本) "Touchdown"(搖滾版本) "Fancy"(搖滾版本)(Multi-cam ON) "Heart Shaker"(Remix) "Love Foolish"(Multi-cam ON) "TT" "What Is Love?"(Multi-cam ON) "Yes or Yes" "Shadow" "Firework"(Multi-cam ON) "Feel Special" "More & More" "21:29" "Turn It Up"(Multi-cam ON) "Cheer Up" Super Junior-K.R.Y. - The Moment With Us [ 编辑 ] 2020年7月30日,Super Junior-K.R.Y. 宣布將於8月23日舉行線上演唱會《Super Junior-K.R.Y. - The Moment With Us》[ 29] 。作為Super Junior 子團體,Super Junior-KRY 早前已在《Super Junior - Beyond the Super Show》中出演並演唱《Home》[ 30] 。
Super Junior-K.R.Y. - The Moment With Us(演唱歌單)
"Midnight Story"(Multi-cam ON) "Way to Busan"(Multi-cam ON) "The One I Love"(Multi-cam ON) "Home"(Multi-cam ON) "The Little Prince"(厲旭 Solo) "Dorothy"(Multi-cam ON) "Mirror" "The Way Back to You"(Multi-cam ON) "Parallel Lines"(藝聲 Solo) "...ing"(Multi-cam ON) "Shadowless" "I Can't"(Multi-cam ON) "When We Were Us"(Multi-cam ON) "Dreaming"(圭賢 Solo) "Sky"(Multi-cam ON) "Marry U"(Multi-cam ON) SuperM (Blue Stage)
"Jopping" "Super Car" "With You" "Dangerous Woman" "100" Super Junior (Green Stage)
"U" "2YA2YAO!" "Super Clap" "Mamacita" (Japanese ver.) "Mr. Simple" (Japanese ver.) "Devil" Red Velvet (Yellow Stage)
"Monster" (Irene & Seulgi) "Psycho" "Bad Boy" "Umpah Umpah" "Red Flavor" Exo-SC (Yellow Stage)
"What a Life" "Rodeo Station" "Telephone" "We Young" "Fly Away" "1 Billion Views" Stray Kids - Unlock: Go Live In Life [ 编辑 ] 2020年10月19日,Stray Kids 宣布將於11月22日舉辦線上演唱會《Unlock: Go Live In Life》,成為繼TWICE 後第二組非出自SM娛樂 的出演團體,亦是JYP娛樂 第一組出演的男團。[ 31]
Stray Kids - Unlock: Go Live In Life(演唱歌單)
"District 9" "Victory Song"(Multi-cam ON) "Question" "Side Effects" "Double Knot"(Multi-cam ON) "M.I.A." "Wow"(Lee Know、鉉辰、Felix) "My Universe"(昇玟、I.N feat. 彰彬) "Mixtape#4" "Blueprint"(Multi-cam ON) "God's Menu" "All In"(韓文版本) "Ex" "I Am You"(抒情版本)(Multi-cam ON) "We Go"(方燦、彰彬、HAN(3RACHA)) "Easy" "My Pace" "Back Door"(Multi-cam ON) "Boxer" "Hellevator"(Multi-cam ON) "Miroh" "Ta" 2020 K-Pop x K-Art Concert Super KPA [ 编辑 ] 2020 K-Pop x K-Art Concert Super KPA
Super Junior
"2YA2YAO!" "Super Clap" "One More Chance" "When We Were Us" (Super Junior-K.R.Y.) "Devil" "Sorry, Sorry" NCT Dream
"We Go Up" "Quiet Down" "Best Friend" "Bye My First" "Boom" "Ridin'" Elris
"Jackpot" "This is Me" "We, First" Cravity
"Flame" "Break All The Rules" "Jumper" "Sunrise" "Ohh Ahh" RGP
"Dang Diggi Bang" "Beautiful Girl" NCT: RESONANCE 'Global Wave'[ 编辑 ] 2020年10月28日,SM娛樂 CEO李成洙在2020世界文化產業論壇表示,NCT 有望在2020年底舉辦一場由23位成員共同出演的Beyond LIVE線上演唱會[ 32] 。12月21日,正式宣布NCT將以完整體於12月27日舉行名為《NCT: RESONANCE 'Global Wave'》的線上演唱會[ 33] 。12月24日,官方宣布成員泰容 因近期腰間盤突出症復發,不得不缺席了包括線上演唱會在內的所有預定的日程[ 34] 。成員志晟 因為早前膝蓋受傷僅坐在椅子上出演[ 35] 。
該演唱會在全世界124個國家吸引了共20萬余觀眾同時觀看[ 36] 。
NCT: RESONANCE 'Global Wave'(演唱歌單)
NCT U - "Boss"[ g] NCT U - "90's Love" NCT U - "Work It" WayV - "Nectar"(Multi-cam ON) NCT Dream - "Ridin'" NCT U - "Baby Don't Stop"[ h] NCT U - "Faded In My Last Song" NCT U - "The 7th Sense"[ i] NCT U - "Make A Wish (Birthday Song)"[ j] NCT U - "All About You"(Multi-cam ON) NCT U - "Without You"[ k] NCT U - "My Everything"(Multi-cam ON) NCT U - "Light Bulb"[ l] NCT U - "From Home"(Rearranged Ver.) NCT Dream - "Go" NCT Dream - "Déjà Vu"(Multi-cam ON) NCT 127 - "Touch"[ m] (Multi-cam ON) WayV - "Bad Alive"(英文版本) NCT 127 - "Kick It"[ n] NCT U - "Misfit"[ o] NCT 2020 - "RESONANCE" ^ 即為演唱會視頻點播,在韓國媒體分級委員會確定分級之後,並且對需要編輯的視頻進行編輯後即可播放,可能需要更多時間(大約3個月)。 ^ 即為多機位技術,為粉絲提供部分舞台成員們的單人鏡頭,隨時捕捉他們進行舞台演出時的面部表情和細微動作。在VOD上传后即可播放。 ^ 數據包括V Live、YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等播放平台上的觀眾 ^4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 歌曲表演當時未發布正式音源 ^ 原唱者為Billie Eilish 、Khalid ;Ten、昀昀舞蹈Cover ^ 原唱者為方大同 ;錕、肖俊Cover ^ 泰容演唱部分由成燦頂替 ^ 泰容演唱部分由MV畫面頂替 ^ 泰容演唱部分由Shotaro頂替 ^ 泰容演唱部分由Jeno、渽民、Shotaro頂替 ^ 原本僅在中文版本中演唱的錕加入這次韓文版本的演唱 ^ 泰容演唱部分由揚揚頂替 ^ 泰容演唱部分由Johnny、楷燦頂替;原唱成員昀昀並沒有參與演出 ^ 泰容演唱部分由悠太、在玹頂替 ^ 泰容演唱部分由Johnny、成燦頂替 SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity"[ 编辑 ] 2020年12月28日,SM娛樂 宣布《SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity"》將於2021年1月1日進行全球免費直播。此次演唱會是為了在新年到來之際,安慰因COVID-19疫情 而度過著艱難時間的全世界人們,並傳達希望而策劃的特別演出。 SM娛樂旗下藝人安七炫 、東方神起 、Super Junior 、泰妍 、泰民 、Baekhyun 、Kai 、Red Velvet 、NCT U 、NCT 127 、NCT Dream 、WayV 、SuperM 、aespa 以及DJ Raiden、GINJO、 IMLAY共同出演,並遵守防疫方針,全部舞台表演都安全地完成了事先錄製。[ 37] 該演唱會除了通過Beyond LIVE(VLIVE)播出,同時也通過SM娛樂的官方YouTube 、Twitter 、Facebook 、日本 KNTV等平台公開。該演唱會是SM娛樂繼《SMTOWN Special Stage In Santiago》後,時隔兩年再次舉辦的家族演唱會。Red Velvet 成員Wendy 在受傷修養1年後歸隊,組合時隔1年以5人完全體回歸舞台[ 38] 。WayV 、SuperM 以及aespa 由於分別在2019年及2020年出道,這次線上演唱會是他們首次在家族演唱會上的公演。
SM娛樂總製作人李秀滿 在演唱會開場視頻中表示:“這次免費演唱會是為了祝福SM娛樂的粉絲,並慶祝為了更好的世界,讓我們互相體諒、謙虛、相愛(Be kind, Be humble and Be the love )”[ 39] 。該演唱會在186個國家創下了約3583萬的播放量記錄,成為韓國史上播放次數最多的線上演唱會。[ 40]
SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity"(演唱歌單)
NCT Dream - "Ridin'" WayV - "無翼而飛(Take Off)" NCT 127 - "Punch" Red Velvet - "Bad Boy" Red Velvet - "Peek-a-Boo" GINJO - "Riot (feat. Ten、肖俊 of WayV)" Kai - "Mmmh" Kai - "Reason" 泰民 - "Criminal" 泰民 - "Idea" Super Junior-D&E - "Growing Pains" IMLAY - "Asteroid (feat. 揚揚 of WayV)" SuperM - 100 SuperM "Better Days" Baekhyun - "UN Village" (feat. Mark of NCT) Baekhyun - "Candy" Super Junior-K.R.Y. - "When We Were Us" Kangta - "Cough Syrup" 泰妍- "Four Seasons" 泰妍- "Happy" 泰妍- "What Do I Call You" Raiden - "Yours" (EDM Ver.) (feat. Winter of Aespa) NCT U - "From Home" NCT U - "Make A Wish (Birthday Song)" NCT U - Work It NCT U - "90'S Love" Super Junior - "SUPER Clap" Super Junior - "2YA2YAO!" TVXQ - "The Chance of Love" TVXQ - "Dream" aespa - Intro - Dance Break + "Black Mamba" NCT Dream - "Déjà Vu" WayV - "超時空回(Turn Back Time)" NCT 127 - "Kick It" Red Velvet - "Psycho" SuperM - "One (Monster & Infinity)" Super Junior - "Burn the Floor" TVXQ - "Keep Your Head Down" SMTOWN - "Hope" Raiden - "EDM Stage" GINJO - "EDM Stage" IMLAY - "EDM Stage" 2020年12月21日,伯贤 宣布將於2021年1月3日舉行線上演唱會《Baekhyun: Light》[ 41] 。該演唱會為伯贤首個個人演唱會,並在全世界120個國家吸引了共11萬余觀眾同時觀看[ 42] 。
Baekhyun: Light(演唱歌單)
"Young" "Trouble" "Ghost" "Underwater" "R U Ridin?" "UN Village" "Every Second" "What I Want for Christmas" "My Answer" "Amusement Park" "Love Again" "Addicted" "Get You Alone" "Ice Queen" "Call Me Baby" "Growl" "Blooming Days" "Psycho" "Ringa Ringa Ring" "Poppin'" "Candy" Encore
"Garden in the Air" "Cherish" 2021年3月12日,SHINee 宣布將於4月4日舉行線上演唱會《SHINee: SHINee WORLD》[ 43] 。此次演唱會是SHINee的首次在線演唱會,也是繼2018年2月在日本舉辦的《SHINee WORLD THE BEST 2018 ~FROM NOW ON~》之後時隔3年舉行的單獨演唱會,在全世界120個國家吸引了共13萬餘觀眾同時觀看。[ 14]
SHINee: SHINee WORLD(演唱歌單)
"Good Evening" "Dream Girl" (Multi-cam ON) "I Really Want You" (Multi-cam ON) "Heart Attack" + "Married to the Music" "Hello" "Attention" "View" "CODE" (Multi-cam ON) "Prism" (Multi-cam ON) "Sherlock (Clue + Note)" "Everybody" "Don't Call Me" "Atlantis" "Love Like Oxygen" (Multi-cam ON) "Kiss Kiss" (Multi-cam ON) "Juliette" "Selene 6.23" (Multi-cam ON) "An Encore" 2021年4月19日,泰民 宣布將於5月2日舉行線上演唱會《TAEMIN: N.G.D.A》(Never Gonna Dance Again)[ 44] 。此次演唱會將是泰民在5月尾入伍前最後一場個人演唱會,吸引全世界119個國家和地區共9萬觀眾。[ 15]
TAEMIN: N.G.D.A(演唱歌單)
"Think of You" "I Think It's Love "Guess Who + "Sexuality" "Criminal" "Idea" "Heaven" "Door" (Korean ver.) "Move" "Goodbye" (Korean ver.) "Shadow" "Want" "Drip Drop" "Advice" "Pinocchio" "Black Rose" "Danger" "Soldier" "Rise" Encore
"I'm Crying" (Korean ver.) "Snow Flower" Super Junior-Yesung Special Event 〜I'll Light Your Way〜[ 编辑 ] Super Junior-Yesung Special Event 〜I'll Light Your Way〜 (演唱歌單)
"If You" "Somattanda - Hatsukoi" "Because I Love You" "Wish" "Like Us" "Fireworks" "Let Me Kiss" "No More Love" (VCR) "We" "A Letter in the Wind" "Wherever You Are" (cover) "Paper Umbrella" "My Dear" "Beautiful Night" Day6 (Even on Day): Right Through Me[ 编辑 ] Day6 (Even of Day): Right Through Me (演唱歌單)
"We" "Where the Sea Sleeps" (Multi-cam ON) "Landed" "Hey" (cover) "So, This is Love" "Walk" "Home Alone" "Habits" "Time of Our Life" (Multi-cam ON) "Day and Night" (度云 solo) "All the Things You Wanted" "Still" "You Were Beautiful" (Multi-cam ON) "Not Mine" (元弼 solo) "Want to Love You" (Young K solo with 元弼) "Right Through Me" (Multi-cam ON) "From the Ending of a Tragedy" (Multi-cam ON) "Thanks To" "Beautiful Feeling" "My Day" "Days Gone By" (Multi-cam ON) "Love Parade" (Multi-cam ON) "Sing Me" Key: Groks in the Keyland [ 编辑 ] Key: Groks in the Keyland (演唱歌單)
"Helium" "Yellow Tape" "Imagine" "Show Me" "Hologram" "Saturday Night" "Forever Yours" "I Wanna Be" "One of Those Nights" "Good Good" + "Body Rhythm" "Eighteen (End of My World)" "Chemicals" "I Will Fight" "Bad Love" "This Life" Kai: KLoor (#Cinema) (演唱歌單)
"Nothing on Me" "Reason" "Spoiler" "Come In" "Blue" "Ride or Die" "Confession" "To Be Honest" "Domino" "Vanilla" "Amnesia" "Hello Stranger" "I See You" "Jekyll" "Mmmh" "Peaches" NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Link'[ 编辑 ] NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Link' (演唱歌單)
"Kick It" "Lemonade" "Earthquake" "Elevator (127F)" "Dreamer" "Love Song" "Another World" (Taeil solo) "Love Sign" (Taeil and Heachan duet) "Run Back 2 U" + "Bassbot" (Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta and Jaehyun dance) "Music, Dance" "Highway to Heaven" "Breakfast" "Vibration" (Mark solo) "Moonlight" (Taeyong solo) "The Himalayas" (Taeyong and Mark duet) "Lipstick" (Jungwoo dance) "Focus" (with Johnny dance break) "Lost" (Jaehyun solo) "The Rainy Night" "White Night" "The Reason Why It's Favorite" (Doyoung solo) "Favorite (Vampire)" "Simon Says" "Love on the Floor" "Bring the Noise" "Butterfly" "Paradise" (Remix) "Love Me Now" "Touch" "Pilot" "Sticker" "Cherry Bomb" Encore
"Dreams Come True" "Promise You" Twice 4th World Tour 'III': Seoul[ 编辑 ] Twice 4th World Tour 'III': Seoul (演唱歌單)
"The Feels" "Feel Special" "Up No More" "Queen" "Fancy" "Turn It Up" "Shot Clock" "Get Loud" "I Can't Stop Me" "Espresso" "Icon" "Cry For Me" "Scientist" "Real You" "Moonlight" "Cactus" "Rewind" "What is Love?" "Knock Knock" "More & More" "Dance the Night Away" "Alcohol-Free" "Heart Shaker" "Push & Pull" (Sana, Jihyo and Dahyun) "Hello" (Nayeon, Momo and Chaeyoung) "1,3,2" (Jeongyeon, Mina and Tzuyu) "The Best Thing I Ever Did" "Merry & Happy" Encore
"Baby Blue Love" "TT" (TAK Remix) "I Love You More Than Anyone" "Rollin'" "Say You Love Me" "Do It Again" "Precious Love" SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@KWANGYA[ 编辑 ] SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@KWANGYA (演唱歌單)
TVXQ - "Rising Sun" aespa - "Black Mamba" (Orchestra ver.) NCT Dream - "Hello Future" Red Velvet - "Psycho" NCT 127 - "Favorite (Vampire)" Kai - "Mmmh" Key feat. Taeyeon - "Hate That..." Taeil, Kyuhyun & Onew - "Ordinary Day" Wendy - "Like Water" Kangta - "Free to Fly 2021" Kangta - "Maybe" WayV-Kun & Xiaojun - "Back to You" (English ver.) Joy - "Hello" Onew feat. Ningning - "Way" Hyoyeon feat. Giselle - "Second" Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Giselle & Yangyang - "Zoo" SMTOWN - "Dear My Family" Super Junior - "The Crown" Super Junior - "Burn the Floor" Super Junior - "Black Suit" Super Junior - "Mamacita" Super Junior - "Devil" U-Know - "Thank You" Minho - "Heartbreak" aespa - "Next Level" BoA - "Woman" Kai - "Peaches" Key - "Bad Love" Max Changmin - "Fever" aespa - "Dreams Come True" Red Velvet - "Pose" Hyoyeon feat. Yangyang -"Dessert" Taeyeon - "Weekend" BoA - "Only One" GOT the Beat - "Step Back" NCT U - "Universe (Let's Play Ball)" NCT 2021 - "Beautiful" aespa - "Savage" NCT Dream - "Hot Sauce" Red Velvet - "Queendom" NCT 127 - "Sticker" Super Junior - "House Party" BoA - "Better" TVXQ - "Catch Me" SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" DJ Hyo (Hyoyeon) - EDM Stage Raiden feat. Xiaojun - EDM Stage J.E.B. - EDM Stage Ginjo - EDM Stage Minimonster - EDM Stage Imlay - EDM Stage Mar Vista - EDM Stage Hitchhiker - EDM Stage Super Junior-Kyuhyun Special Event 〜Lover's Concerto〜[ 编辑 ] Super Junior-Kyuhyun Special Event 〜Lover's Concerto〜 (演唱歌單)
Boku no Majimena Love Comedy Dreaming A Million Pieces Ai no Katachi (cover) Beautiful Terminal When With Me Together Comet VCR Moving On Coffee Daystar At Gwanghwamun Love Story Celebration Meguriau Miraide Wonpil Solo Concert "Pilmography"[ 编辑 ] Wonpil Solo Concert "Pilmography" (Yes24 Live Hall) (演唱歌單)
A Writer in a Love Story Stranded Someday, Spring Will Come Walk With Me Two People (cover) I'm Serious Days Gone By What's the Matter? (cover) Last Goodbye Pieces Like a Flowing Wind Unpainted Canvas You Were Beautiful Sincerity Voiceless So, This is Love Smiling Angel (cover) Time of Our Life A Journey Wonpil Solo Concert "Pilmography" (Encore) (Kwangwoon University) (演唱歌單)
A Writer in a Love Story Stranded Someday, Spring Will Come Walk With Me All About You (cover) After This Night (cover) I'm Serious Days Gone By Last Goodbye Pieces Like a Flowing Wind Unpainted Canvas You Were Beautiful Sincerity Voiceless So, This is Love Smiling Angel (cover) Time of Our Life A Journey CRAVITY The 1st Concert [Center of Gravity][ 编辑 ] CRAVITY The 1st Concert [Center of Gravity] (演唱歌單)
"Top of the Chain" "Mammoth" "Gas Pedal" "Realize" "Call My Name" "Veni Vidi Vici" "My Turn" "Believer" (Epic ver.) "Breathing" "Give Me Your Love" "Maybe Baby" "Ooh Ahh" "Divin'" "Cloud 9" "Bad Habits" "Flame" "POW!" "Jumper" "Break All The Rules" "Adrenaline" "Hot Air Balloon" "Late Night" NCT Dream - Dream Stage <Glitch Mode>[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream - Dream Stage <Glitch Mode> (演唱歌單)
Fire Alarm Arcade Better Than Gold My First And Last Glitch Mode Never Goodbye Rewind Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in Seoul[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in Seoul (演唱歌單)
"Maniac" "Venom" "Red Lights" (OT8 ver.) "Easy" "All In" (Korean ver.) "District 9" "Back Door" "Charmer" "B Me" "Lonely St." "Side Effects" "Thunderous" "Domino" "God's Menu" "Cheese" "Yayaya" + "Rock" "Waiting for Us" "Muddy Water" "Silent Cry" "Hellevator" "Double Knot" "Top" "Victory Song" (MAMA ver.) Encore "Ta" "Miroh" "Star Lost" "Haven" "Boxer" NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Japan - The Link'[ 编辑 ] NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Japan - The Link' (演唱歌單)
Kick It Lemonade Gimme Gimme Elevator (127F) Love Song First Love Bassbot + Run Back 2 U (Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta & Jaehyun) Love Sign (Taeil & Haechan) Another World (Taeil) Highway to Heaven Breakfast Vibration (Mark) Moonlight (Taeyong) The Himalayas (Taeyong & Mark) Lipstick (Jungwoo dance) Focus (+ Johnny dance break) Lost (Jaehyun) The Rainy Night White Night Back 2 U (AM 01:27) The Reason Why It's Favorite (Doyoung) Favorite (Vampire) Love on the Floor Bring the Noize Butterfly (Japanese ver.) (Yuta) Paradise Love Me Now Chica Bom Bom Colors Touch (Japanese ver.) Pilot Sticker Cherry Bomb Encore
Dreams Come True Sunny Road Promise You 2022 WJSN Concert [Wonderland][ 编辑 ] 2022 WJSN Concert [Wonderland] (演唱歌單)
"La La Love" "Full Moon" "Save Me, Save You" (Rearranged ver.) "New Me" "Tra-La" "Miracle" "Secret" "Stronger" (Dawon & Yeonjung) "Easy" (WJSN THE BLACK) "Hmph!" + "Super Yuppers!" (WJSN CHOCOME) "Babyface" "Don't Touch" "Hurry Up" "Badaboom" "Aura" (OT10 ver.) "You & I" "As You Wish" "Dreams Come True" "Happy" "Boogie Up" "Unnatural" Encore
"Memories" "Geeminy" Super Show 9 : Road (演唱歌单)
Burn The Floor The Crown SUPER Mr. Simple_SUPER SHOW 5 Ver. Ticky Tocky Paradox Mystery Mango Corazón Perdido (Lost Heart) (Yesung Solo) Blue Moon +California Love(Donghae Solo) To Me + Dreams Come True[ a] (Ryeowook Solo) Be (Eunhyuk Solo) I Can't (K.R.Y.) My Wish Callin' SPY ROKKUGO MAMACITA Latte(Leeteuk, Shindong, Siwon) House Party Everyday Wonder Boy Let's Dance Devil Don't Wait At Gwanghwamun Rock Ver. (Kyuhyun Solo) B.A.D + Danger (D&E) Black Suit Sorry, Sorry BONAMANA Encore
More Days With You Walkin' Always HKT48 Live Tour 2022 ~Under the Spotlight~[ 编辑 ] HKT48 Live Tour 2022 ~Under the Spotlight~(演唱歌单)
"Overture" "Make noise" (Noon) / "Tomaranai Kansansha" (Evening) "Totsuzen Do love me!" "Ishi" "74okubun no 1 no Kimi e" "Tasogare no Tandem" "Natsu no Mae" "SNS WORLD" "Soramimi Rock" "Akkenai Konayuki" "HAKATA Kyuuketsuki" "Zenzen Kawaranai" "Idol no Ouja" "Hitsuzenteki Koibito" "Buddy" "Already" "2018nen no Hashi" "Get you!" "3-2" "Kimi to Doko ka e Ikitai" "Juubun, Shiawase" "Himawari no Suisaiga" "Kanashimi no Jouka Souchi" "Biisan wa Naze Naku Naru no ka?" "12byou" "Hatsukoi Butterfly" "Kimi no Koto ga Suki yaken" "Shekarashika!" "Wink wa Sankai" "Suki! Suki! Skip!" "Melon Juice" "Buttaoreru Made" "Oshaberi Jukebox" "Saikou ka yo" "Sakura, Minna de Tabeta" "Otona Ressha" Encore
"Rock da yo, Jinsei wa..." "Hayaokuri Calendar" "Totsuzen Do love me!" "Ima, Kimi wa Omou" (Evening) "HKT Family" (Evening) Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in Japan[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" in Japan (演唱歌單)
"Maniac" "Venom" "Red Lights" (OT8 ver.) "Easy" "All In" "District 9" "Back Door" "Charmer" "Lonely St." "Side Effects" "Thunderous" "Domino" "God's Menu" "Cheese" "Yayaya" + "Rock" "Waiting for Us" "Muddy Water" "Circus" "Scars" "Your Eyes" "Hellevator" "Top" (Japanese ver.) "Victory Song" (MAMA ver.) Encore "Fam" "Miroh" "Star Lost" "Haven" ITZY The 1st World Tour <Checkmate>[ 编辑 ] ITZY The 1st World Tour <Checkmate> (演唱歌單)
"In the Morning" (MAMA ver.) "Sorry Not Sorry" "Shoot!" "What I Want" "365" "Boss B*tch" (Ryujin cover) "Cherry" "Icy" "Free Fall" "#Twenty" "Maniac" (Yuna cover) "Red" (Lia cover) "Wannabe" "Dalla Dalla" "Sneakers" "Bloodline" (Chaeryeong cover) "Hotter Than Hell" (Yeji cover) "Want It?" "Nobody Like You" "Loco" "Not Shy" Encore "Domino" "Trust Me (MIDZY)" "It'z Summer" "Be in Love" SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@HUMAN CITY SUWON[ 编辑 ] SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@HUMAN CITY SUWON (演唱歌單)
DJ Opening Show
J.E.B (VEEF Entertainment) IMLAY (ScreaM Records) (feat. Yangyang) Ginjo (ScreaM Records) Raiden (ScreaM Records) Hyoyeon (DJ Hyo) (ScreaM Records) Concert
Aespa - "Next Level" Wendy - "Like Water" Joy - "Hello" Suho - "Hurdle" WayV - "Kick Back" (Korean ver.) NCT Dream - "Beatbox" Red Velvet - "Queendom" Chen - "Beautiful Goodbye" D.O. - "That's Okay" WayV - "Miracle" NCT 127 - "Favorite (Vampire)" Kai - "Peaches" Xiumin - "Serenity" Taeyeon - "INVU" Hyoyeon - "Deep" SUPER JUNIOR - "Black Suit" SUPER JUNIOR - "Sorry, Sorry" SUPER JUNIOR - "Bonamana" SUPER JUNIOR - "Don't Wait" Shotaro, Sungchan & SM ROOKIES - "Dream Routine" Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Giselle & Yangyang - "Zoo" Got the Beat - "Step Back" Raiden feat. Xiaojun & Sungchan - "Golden" U-Know - "Thank U" Minho - "Heartbreak" Key - "Bad Love" Aespa - "Illusion" BoA - "Only One" Kangta - "Eyes on You" Max Changmin - "Devil" NCT U - "Universe (Let's Play Ball)" NCT 2020 - "Resonance" TVXQ! - "Mirotic" TVXQ! - "Hi Ya Ya Summer Day" TVXQ! - "Balloons" Girls' Generation - "Forever 1" Girls' Generation - "Party" NCT Dream - "Glitch Mode" Aespa - "Girls" Red Velvet - "Feel My Rhythm" NCT 127 - Sticker Key - "Gasoline" SUPER JUNIOR - "Mango" BoA - "Better" TVXQ! - "Rising Sun" SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@TOKYO[ 编辑 ] SMTOWN LIVE 2022: SMCU EXPRESS@TOKYO (演唱歌單)
DJ Opening Show
Ginjo (ScreaM Records) Raiden (ScreaM Records) Hyoyeon (DJ Hyo) (ScreaM Records) Concert
Aespa - "Black Mamba" Aespa - "Next Level" WayV - "Kick Back" (Korean ver.) NCT Dream - "Beatbox" NCT Dream - "Hot Sauce" Chen - "Beautiful Goodbye" Onew feat. Ningning - "Way" Suho - "Hurdle" Red Velvet - "Wildside" Yesung - "C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h" (cover) NCT 127 - "Gimme Gimme" NCT 127 - "Sticker" Onew - "Dice" Max Changmin, Kyuhyun & Minho - "Ashura-chan" (cover) Shotaro, Sungchan & SM ROOKIES - "Dream Routine" Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Giselle & Yangyang - "Zoo" Kangta - "Eyes on You" Raiden feat. Xiaojun & Sungchan - "Golden" Taeyeon - "INVU" Hyoyeon - "Deep" Minho - "Heartbreak" Key - "Bad Love" Kai - "Peaches" Xiumin - "Shake" BoA - "The Greatest" SUPER JUNIOR - "Sorry, Sorry" SUPER JUNIOR - "Bonamana" SUPER JUNIOR - "Bambina" NCT U - "Universe (Let's Play Ball)" NCT 2020 - "Resonance" Got the Beat - "Step Back" Max Changmin - "Devil" Max Changmin - "Fever" Key - "Gasoline" NCT Dream - "Glitch Mode" Aespa - "Girls" WayV - "Nectar" Red Velvet - "Feel My Rhythm" NCT 127 - "Kick It" BoA - "Better" SUPER JUNIOR - "Black Suit" SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" 2022 MONSTA X [No Limit] Tour in Seoul[ 编辑 ] 2022 MONSTA X [No Limit] Tour in Seoul (演唱歌單)
"Gambler" "Dramarama" "Rush Hour" "Heaven" "Burning Up" "One Day" "Play It Cool" "You Problem" "Find You" "U R" "Wildfire" (Hyungwon) "God Damn" + "Happy to Die" (I.M) "Ongshimi" (Minhyuk) "Rain" (Kihyun) "Smokey" + "Voices" (Joohoney) "Mercy" "Love Killa" "Love" "Beastmode" "Zone" "Fallin" Encore
"Stand Together" "Love You" NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM"[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM" (演唱歌單)
"Glitch Mode" "Countdown (3, 2, 1)" "Stronger" "Dreaming" "Deja Vu" "My First and Last" "Bye My First..." "Love Again" "To My First" "Sorry, Heart" "Puzzle Piece" "Chewing Gum" "ANL" "Dive Into You" "Irreplaceable" "Saturday Drip" "Quiet Down" "Better Than Gold" "Life is Still Going On" "Diggity" "Fire Alarm" "Ridin'" "Go" "Boom" "Hello Future" "We Go Up" "Trigger the Fever" "Hot Sauce" Encore
"Beatbox" "My Youth" "Dear Dream" "Rainbow" "Walk You Home" Key Concert - G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND[ 编辑 ] Key Concert - G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND (演唱歌單)
"Gasoline" "Guilty Pleasure" "Another Life" "Yellow Tape" "Villain" (Rearranged ver.) "Show Me" "Hologram" "Saturday Night" "Proud" "Delight" "Forever Yours" "I Wanna Be" "One of Those Nights" (Acoustic ver.) "I Can't Sleep" "Imagine" "Bound" "Helium" "Ain't Gonna Dance" "Eighteen (End of My World)" "Burn" "Chemicals" "This Life" Encore
"Bad Love" (Extended ver.) "G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)" NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Link+'[ 编辑 ] NCT 127 2nd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Link+' (演唱歌單)
"Kick It" "Lemonade" "Limitless" "Elevator (127F)" "Love Song" "City 127" "Tasty" "Highway to Heaven" "Breakfast" "Can We Go Back" (Doyoung, Jaehyun & Jungwoo) "Another World" (Taeil solo) "Love Sign" (Taeil and Haechan duet) "N.Y.C.T." (Taeil and Haechan duet) "Designer" + "Time Lapse" "Regular" "Vibration" (Mark solo) "Moonlight" (Taeyong solo) "Lit" (Taeyong and Mark duet) "Hello" (Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta & Mark) "Lipstick" (Jungwoo dance) "Focus" (with Johnny dance break) "Lost" (Jaehyun solo) "Back 2 U" "Gold Dust" "The Reason Why It's Favorite" (Doyoung solo) "Favorite (Vampire)" "Love on the Floor" "Bring the Noise" "Butterfly" (Yuta) "1, 2, 7 (Time Stops)" "Welcome to My Playground" "Paper Plane" "Touch" "Sticker" "Superhuman" "Cherry Bomb" "Faster" "2 Baddies" Encore
"Dreams Come True" "Black Clouds" "Promise You" NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM - in JAPAN" (2022)[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM - in JAPAN" (2022) (演唱歌單)
"Glitch Mode" (Japanese ver.) "Countdown (3, 2, 1)" "Stronger" "Dreaming" "Deja Vu" "My First and Last" "Bye My First..." "Love Again" "To My First" "Sorry, Heart" "Puzzle Piece" "Chewing Gum" "ANL" "Dive Into You" "Irreplaceable" "Saturday Drip" "Quiet Down" "Better Than Gold" "Life is Still Going On" "Diggity" "Ridin'" "Boom" "Hello Future" "We Go Up" "Trigger the Fever" "Hot Sauce" Encore
"Beatbox" "Candle Light" "My Youth" "Walk You Home" NiziU Live With U 2022 "Burn It Up"[ 编辑 ] NiziU Live With U 2022 "Burn It Up" (演唱歌單)
"Step and a Step" "Take a Picture" "Make You Happy" "Poppin' Shakin'" "Asobo" "Blue Moon" "9 Colors" "Twinkle Twinkle" "Wonder Dream" "Joyful" "Beyond the Rainbow" "Boom Boom Boom" (Burn It Up ver.) "Heartbeat" (Mako, Rio, Maya, Riku, Ayaka & Mayuka cover) "Nobody" (Rima, Miihi & Nina cover) "Take It" (Mayuka & Rima cover) "Bang Bang" (Mako, Rio, Maya & Ayaka cover) "Never Enough" (Riku, Miihi & Nina cover) "Clap Clap" "Sweet Bomb!" "I Am" "Chopstick" "Festa" "Baby I'm a Star" "Short Trip" "Already Special" "Need U" Title Track Medley ("Make You Happy" - "Clap Clap") Xdinary Heroes Stage ♭: Overture[ 编辑 ] Xdinary Heroes Stage ♭: Overture (演唱歌單)
"Test Me" "Sucker Punch!" "Lunatic" "Zzz..." "Pirates" "Strawberry Cake" "Love Me Right" (cover) "Tomboy" (cover) "Hellevator" (cover) "Zombie" (cover) "Imposible" (cover) "Ghost of You" (cover) "Drown" (cover) "Origin of Xdinary Heroes" (Solo members) "Hair Cut" "Crack in the Mirror" "Ghost" "Knock Down" "X-Mas" "Happy Death Day" "Stay" (Gaon & Jooyeon cover) "Phantom Razor" (Jun Han & Gunil cover) "Butter" (O.de & Jungsu cover) Encore
"You're the One" (cover) "Jingle Bell Rock" (cover) "Happy Death Day" "X-Mas" "Test Me" SMTOWN LIVE 2023: SMCU PALACE@KWANGYA[ 编辑 ] SMTOWN LIVE 2023: SMCU PALACE@KWANGYA (演唱歌單)
SM Leaders - "The Cure" NCT Dream - "Beatbox" NCT Dream - "Hot Sauce" aespa - "Girls" WayV - "Love Talk" WayV - "Take Off" NCT 127 - "Cherry Bomb" Kai, Seulgi, Jeno & Karina - "Hot & Cold" Red Velvet & aespa - "Beautiful Christmas" Suho - "Let's Love" Chen - "Last Scene" Kangta & Ryeowook - "Polaris" Kangta, Yesung, Suho, Taeil & Renjun - "Happier" BoA, Wendy & Ningning - "Time After Time" SUPER JUNIOR - "Celebrate" NCT Dream - "Candy" Max Changmin, Taeyeon & Winter - "Priority" Kangta - "Eyes on You" EXO-SC feat. Suho - "Fly Away" EXO-SC - "Rodeo Station" Minho - "Chase" EXO - "The First Snow" Red Velvet - "Red Flavor" Red Velvet - "Queendom" Raiden & Chanyeol feat. Winter & Mark - "Yours" Xiumin - "Brand New" Onew - "Dice" Hyoyeon - "Deep" Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Yangyang & Giselle - "Zoo" SUPER JUNIOR-D&E - "Danger" SUPER JUNIOR - "Black Suit" SUPER JUNIOR - "Sorry, Sorry" SUPER JUNIOR - "Mango" NCT 127 - "Kick It" NCT 127 - "Sticker" Key - "Gasoline" aespa - "Illusion" Kai - "Mmmh" Seulgi - "28 Reasons" Taeyeon - "INVU" Red Velvet - "Feel My Rhythm" BoA - "Forgive Me" NCT U - "The 7th Sense" TVXQ! - "Maximum" TVXQ! - "The Chance of Love" TVXQ! - "Keep Your Head Down" BoA - "Better" WayV - "Phantom" NCT U - "Universe (Let's Play Ball)" NCT Dream - "Glitch Mode" aespa - "Next Level" NCT 127 - "2 Baddies" Red Velvet - "Birthday" NCT U - "Baby Don't Stop" EXO - "Love Shot" SUPER JUNIOR - "Mr. Simple" TVXQ! - "Mirotic" GOT the beat - "Stamp on It" GOT the beat - "Step Back" SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" DJ Hyo (Hyoyeon) (ScreaM Records) Raiden (ScreaM Records) Ginjo (ScreaM Records) Mar Vista (ScreaM Records) IMLAY (ScreaM Records) Johnny (ScreaM Records) NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM - in JAPAN" (2023)[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In A DREAM - in JAPAN" (2023) (演唱歌單)
"Glitch Mode" (Japanese ver.) "Countdown (3, 2, 1)" "Stronger" "Dreaming" "Deja Vu" "My First and Last" "Bye My First..." "Love Again" "To My First" "Sorry, Heart" "Puzzle Piece" "Chewing Gum" "ANL" "Dive Into You" "Irreplaceable" "Saturday Drip" "Quiet Down" "Better Than Gold" "Life is Still Going On" "Diggity" "Ridin'" "Fire Alarm" "Boom" "Hello Future" "Best Friend Ever" "Trigger the Fever" "Hot Sauce" Encore
"Beatbox" "Candle Light" "Dear Dream" "Walk You Home" "Candy" ITZY The 1st World Tour <Checkmate> in Japan[ 编辑 ] ITZY The 1st World Tour <Checkmate> in Japan (演唱歌單)
"In the Morning" (MAMA ver.) "Sorry Not Sorry" "Shoot!" "Voltage" "Boss B*tch" (Ryujin cover) "Blah Blah Blah" "Icy" "Free Fall" "#Twenty" "Maniac" (Yuna cover) "Red" (Lia cover) "Wannabe" "Dalla Dalla" "Sneakers" "Bloodline" (Chaeryeong cover) "Hotter Than Hell" (Yeji cover) "Cheshire" "Loco" "Not Shy" Encore "Domino" "Trust Me (MIDZY)" (Japanese ver.) "It'z Summer" "Boys Like You" "Nobody Like You" Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" Encore in Japan[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 2nd World Tour "MANIAC" Encore in Japan (演唱歌單)
"Maniac" "Venom" "Red Lights" (OT8 ver.) "Easy" "All In" "District 9" "Back Door" "Charmer" "Lonely St." "Side Effects" "Thunderous" "Domino" "God's Menu" "Cheese" "Yayaya" + "Rock" "Waiting for Us" "Muddy Water" "The Sound" "Case 143" (Japanese ver.) "Hellevator" "Top" (Japanese ver.) "Victory Song" (MAMA ver.) Encore "Mixtape: Time Out" "Fairytale" "Circus" "Super Board" "Fam" "Star Lost" "Haven" 2023 aespa 1st Concert 'SYNK: Hyper Line'[ 编辑 ] 2023 aespa 1st Concert 'SYNK: Hyper Line' (演唱歌單)
"Girls" "ænergy" "I'll Make You Cry" "Savage" "Menagerie" (Karina) "Illusion" "Lucid Dream" "Thirsty" "Dreams Come True" "Lips" (Winter) "Life's Too Short" "I'm Unhappy" "Don't Blink" "Lingo" "2Hot4U" (Giselle) "Iconic" "Hot Air Balloon" "Yeppi Yeppi" "Yolo" "Wake Up" (Ningning) "Salty & Sweet" "Next Level" "Black Mamba" Encore
"'Till We Meet Again" "ICU" Onew 1st Concert "O-New-Note"[ 编辑 ] Onew 1st Concert "O-New-Note" (演唱歌單)
"Sunshine" "Anywhere" "Sign" "On the Way" "Paradise" "Dice" "Yeowoobi" "Love Phobia" "Cough" "Always" "Under the Starlight" + "Timepiece" + "Mind Warning" "Illusion" "In the Whale" "Expectations" "Beauty" "No Parachute" Encore
"O (Circle)" "Shine on You" "Starry Night" "Your Scent" Key Concert - G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND JAPAN[ 编辑 ] Key Concert - G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) IN THE KEYLAND JAPAN (演唱歌單)
"Gasoline" "Guilty Pleasure" "Another Life" "Yellow Tape" "Villain" (Rearranged ver.) "Show Me" "Hologram" "Saturday Night" "Proud" "Delight" "Forever Yours" "I Wanna Be" "One of Those Nights" (Acoustic ver.) "I Can't Sleep" "Imagine" "Bound" "Helium" "Ain't Gonna Dance" "Eighteen (End of My World)" "Burn" "Chemicals" "Bad Love" (Extended ver.) "This Life" Encore
"Killer" "G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)" BoA 20th Anniversary Live - THE BoA : Musicality [ 编辑 ] BoA 20th Anniversary Live - THE BoA : Musicality (演唱歌單)
"Breathe" "Camo" "Copy & Paste" "Hurricane Venus" "Forgive Me" "Eat You Up" "My Name" "Zip" "Better" "Woman" "Kiss My Lips" "Atlantis Princess" "My Sweetie" "Who Are You" "After Midnight" "Garden in the Air" "Nega Dola" + "Valenti" + "Spark" "One Shot, Two Shot" "L.O.V.E" "Smash" "Gravity" "Merry-Chri" "Only One" "No.1" Encore
"Girls on Top" "MOTO" "Little Bird" "No Matter What" HKT48 Spring Concert 2023 ~Where We Are Now~ & Yabuki Nako Graduation Concert ~Future Wings~[ 编辑 ] HKT48 Spring Concert 2023 ~Where We Are Now~(演唱歌单)
"Overture" "Rock da yo, Jinsei wa..." "Seishun no Deguchi" "Oshaberi Jukebox" "Melon Juice" "Fanmeeting" "Seishun Full Throttle" "Matenrou no Kyori" "Soiu koto February" "Jonetsu Highway" "Kanashimi no Jouka Souchi" "HAKATA Kyuuketsuki" "Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru?" "Romantic Byou" "Watashi no Furusato" "How about you?" "Soramimi Rock" "Zenzen Kawaranai" "Deai no Tsuzuki" "3-2" "UFO Boshuchu" "Watashi wa Blueberry Pie" "Klaxon de I love you!" "Kimi to Doko ka e Ikitai" "Biisan wa Naze Naku Naru no ka?" "Totsuzen Do love me!" "Saikou ka yo" "Hayaokuri Calendar" "Kimi wa Motto Dekiru" Encore
"12byou" "Sakura, Minna de Tabeta" Yabuki Nako Graduation Concert ~Future Wings~(演唱歌单)
"Overture" "Kimi wa Motto Dekiru" "Biisan wa Naze Naku Naru no ka?" "Totsuzen Do love me!" "Wink wa Sankai" "Yabukii" "Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo" "Seventeen" "Tsuki to Suikyou" "Namaiki Lips" "Make noise" "Natsu no Mae" "Idol no Ouja" "Sentimental Train" "Omoide no Hotondo" "Tomodachi de Irarerunara" "2018nen no Hashi" "Kimi no Na wa Kibou" "Ijiwaru Chuu" "Otona Ressha" "Ishi" "Hayaokuri Calendar" "Saikou ka yo" "Sakura, Minna de Tabeta" Encore
"Koko ni Ita Koto" "Kimi wa Motto Dekiru" "Melon Juice" "12byou" Red Velvet 4th Concert "R to V"[ 编辑 ] Red Velvet 4th Concert "R to V"(演唱歌单)
"Pose" "Beg For Me" "Zoom" "Bye Bye" "In & Out" "I Just" "Peek-A-Boo" "Bad Boy" "Psycho" "Feel My Rhythm" "Bamboleo" "LP" "Ice Cream Cake" "Oh Boy" "On a Ride" "Eyes Locked, Hands Locked" "Queendom" "Bing Bing" "Birthday" "Red Flavor" Encore "Celebrate" "My Dear" "Russian Roulette" "Zimzalabim" "You Better Know" Super Show 9 : Road Show [ 编辑 ] Super Show 9 : Road Show (演唱歌单)
Burn The Floor Ticky Tocky Paradox Mystery It's You MAMACITA Mr. Simple_SUPER SHOW 5 Ver. When We Were Us (K.R.Y.) One More Chance Memories At Least I Still Have You (Korean ver.) (SUPER JUNIOR-M) Rewind (Korean ver.) (Zhoumi) Super Clap U SPY Dorothy (Leeteuk, Shindong, Siwon) Way For Love Magic Shake It Up! Let's Dance Zero + Danger (D&E) Black Suit Sorry, Sorry BONAMANA Encore
You & I Too Many Beautiful Girls Miracle Twice 5th World Tour 'Ready To Be'[ 编辑 ] Twice 5th World Tour 'Ready To Be' (演唱歌单)
"Set Me Free" "I Can't Stop Me" "Go Hard" "More & More" "Moonlight Sunrise" "Brave" "Try" (Dahyun cover) "Done for Me" (Tzuyu cover) "New Rules" (Sana cover) "Move" (Momo dance cover) "7 Rings" (Mina cover) "Feel Special" "Cry For Me" "Fancy" "The Feels" "My Guitar" (Chaeyoung) "Nightmare" (Jihyo) "Juice" (Jeongyeon cover) "Pop!" (Nayeon) "Blame It On Me" "Queen of Hearts" "Yes or Yes?" + "What is Love?" + "Cheer Up" + "Likey" + "Knock Knock" + "Scientist" + "Heart Shaker" "Alcohol-Free" "Dance the Night Away" "Talk That Talk" "Got the Thrills" "Moonlight" "When We Were Kids" "Crazy Stupid Love" Encore
"TT" "Wallflower" "Basics" "Like Ooh-Ahh" 2023 CRAVITY The 1st World Tour "Masterpiece" in Seoul[ 编辑 ] 2023 CRAVITY The 1st World Tour "Masterpiece" in Seoul (演唱歌单)
"Get Lifted" "Baddie" "My Turn" "Flip the Frame" "Veni Vidi Vici" "Bad Habits" "Gas Pedal" "Go Go" "Give Me Your Love" "Maybe Baby" "Fly" "Boogie Woogie" "Cloud 9" "Ooh Ahh" "Party Rock" "Vivid" "Colorful" "Jumper" "Pow!" "New Addiction" "Groovy" Encore
"A to Z" "Light the Way" THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration [ 编辑 ] THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration (演唱歌单)
"Ego" "Reveal" "Awake" "Roar" "I'm Your Boy" "Text Me Back" "Bloom Bloom" "Keeper" "Only One" "Whisper" "Salty" "Water" "Thrill Ride" "D.D.D" "Lucid Dream" "Daydream" "Butterfly" "Wings" "Nighmares" "Russian Roulette" "Savior" "Insanity" "The Stealer" "Maverick" "Spring Snow" "Horizon" "4ever" Encore
"Clover" "Dancing Till We Drop" "Timeless" Twice 5th World Tour 'Ready To Be' in Japan[ 编辑 ] Twice 5th World Tour 'Ready To Be' in Japan (演唱歌单)
"Set Me Free" "I Can't Stop Me" "Go Hard" "More & More" "Moonlight Sunrise" "Brave" "Try" (Dahyun cover) "Done for Me" (Tzuyu cover) "New Rules" (Sana cover) "Move" (Momo dance cover) "7 Rings" (Mina cover) "Feel Special" "Cry For Me" "Fancy" "The Feels" "My Guitar" (Chaeyoung) "Nightmare" (Jihyo) "Juice" (Jeongyeon cover) "Pop!" (Nayeon) "Queen of Hearts" "Yes or Yes?" + "What is Love?" + "Cheer Up" + "Likey" + "Knock Knock" + "Scientist" + "Heart Shaker" "Alcohol-Free" "Dance the Night Away" "Talk That Talk" "Hare Hare" "Happy Happy" "Candy Pop" "When We Were Kids" "Crazy Stupid Love" Encore
"Strawberry Moon" "BDZ" NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In YOUR DREAM"[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show 2 : In YOUR DREAM" (演唱歌單)
"Deja Vu" "Countdown (3, 2, 1)" "Stronger" "Dreaming" "Glitch Mode" "My First and Last" "Bye My First..." "Love Again" "To My First" "Sorry, Heart" "Puzzle Piece" "Chewing Gum" "ANL" "Dive Into You" "Saturday Drip" "Quiet Down" "Drippin'" "Better Than Gold" "Life is Still Going On" "Fire Alarm" "Ridin'" "Hot Sauce" "Trigger the Fever" Encore
"Hello Future" "Rewind" "Dear Dream" "Graduation" "Candy" YOASOBI Arena Tour 2023 "DENKOSEKKA"[ 编辑 ] YOASOBI Arena Tour 2023 "DENKOSEKKA" (演唱歌單)
"Shukufuku" "Yoru ni Kakeru" "Sangenshoku" "Seventeen" "Mr." "Umi no Manimani" "Suki da" "Comet" "Moshimo Inochi ga Kaketara" "Tabun" "Halzion" "Haruka" "Tsubame" "Kaibutsu" "Gunjou" "Adventure" "Idol" SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination][ 编辑 ] SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination] (演唱歌單)
"Chemistry" "Dream Girl" "Heart Attack" "Like It" "Atlantis" "Sweet Misery" "Code" "Good Evening" "Sherlock (Clue + Note)" "Don't Call Me" "Body Rhythm" "Juice" "Identity" "Everybody" "View" "The Feeling" "Replay" "Love Like Oxygen" "Aside" "Kind" "Selene 6.23" "An Ode to You" "An Encore" Encore
"Hard" "Hitchhiking" "Runaway" "The Feeling" IKONOIJOY 2023 "Water & Bubbles Party" (演唱歌單)
"Overture" =LOVE - "Weekend Citron" ≠ME - "Su Sukijanai!" ≒JOY - "Sweet Sixteen" =LOVE - "Want you! Want you!" ≠ME - "Kochira Happy Tankentai" =LOVE - "Watashi Mahoutsukai" ≠ME - "Summer Chocolate" =LOVE - "Mayonaka Mermaid" ≠ME - "Nijihan Rock'n'Roll" ≠ME - "Peonies" ≒JOY - "Ozora Byun to" ≠ME - "Omowase Burikko" =LOVE - "Natsumatope" ≒JOY - "Chou Kodoku Lion" ≠ME - "Tenshi wa Doko e" =LOVE - "Junkies" =LOVE - "Heroines" =LOVE - "Kiara Tiara" =LOVE - "Haikei Anata Sama" ≒JOY - "Kyou mo Kimi no Yume wo Mitanda" ≠ME - "Mahoroba Asterisk" =LOVE - "Seishun "Subliminal"" ≠ME - "Hanikami Short" =LOVE - "Kono Sora ga Trigger" IKONOIJOY - "Triple Date" Encore
≠ME - "Kimi wa Kono Natsu Koi wo Suru" =LOVE - "Natsumatsuri Koishitau" =LOVE - "Natsumatope" IKONOIJOY 2023 "Shuffle Party" (演唱歌單)
"Overture" IKONOIJOY - "Triple Date" =LOVE - "Su Sukijanai!" ≠ME - "Sweet Sixteen" ≒JOY - "Kurukuru Kakigori" =LOVE - "Watashi Mahoutsukai" ≠ME - "Nijihan Rock'n'Roll" =LOVE & ≒JOY - "Ultra Rare Kiss" ≠ME - "Summer Chocolate" =LOVE - "Nizi no Moto" =LOVE - "Shiran Kedo" ≠ME - "Peonies" ≒JOY - "≒JOY" ≠ME - "≠ME" =LOVE - "=LOVE" ≒JOY - "Anoko Complex" ≠ME - "Poison Girl" =LOVE - "Tenshi wa Doko e" ≒JOY - "Ozora Byun to" ≠ME - "Omowase Burikko" =LOVE - "Dakaratote" ≠ME - "Mahoroba Asterisk" =LOVE - "Seishun "Subliminal"" ≠ME - "Hanikami Short" =LOVE - "Kono Sora ga Trigger" =LOVE - "Natsumatope" Encore
≠ME - "Kimi wa Sparkle" =LOVE - "Oh! Darling" =LOVE - "Natsumatsuri Koishitau" 2023 NCT Concert - NCT Nation : To The World [ 编辑 ] 2023 NCT Concert - NCT Nation : To The World (演唱歌單)
NCT U - "Intro : Neo Got My Back" NCT U - "The 7th Sense" NCT 127 - "Limitless" WayV - "Take Off" NCT Dream - "Boom" NCT - "Black on Black" NCT U - "Interlude : Oasis" NCT U - "Without You" NCT U - "Round & Round" NCT U - "Know Now" NCT U - "Vroom" NCT U - "Kangaroo" NCT U - "Coming Home" NCT U - "My Everything" NCT U - "Good Night" NCT U - "From Home" Taeyong - "Shalala" NCT DoJaeJung - "Perfume" NCT Dream - "Broken Melodies" NCT Dream - "Hot Sauce" NCT Dream - "ISTJ" WayV - "Kick Back" (Korean ver.) WayV - "Nectar" WayV - "Phantom" (English ver.) NCT 127 - "Kick It" NCT 127 - "Ay-Yo" NCT 127 - "2 Baddies" NCT U - "New Axis" NCT U - "The Bat" NCT U - "Faded in My Last Song" NCT U - "OK!" NCT U - "Pado" NCT U - "Alley Oop" NCT U - "Misfit" NCT U - "Baggy Jeans" NCT U - "Baby Don't Stop" NCT U - "Call D" NCT U - "Universe (Let's Play Ball)" NCT U - "Boss" NCT - "Resonance" Encore
NCT - "Beautiful" NCT - "Golden Age" Young K Solo Concert <Letters with notes>[ 编辑 ] Young K Solo Concert <Letters with notes> (演唱歌單)
"Waited" "Best Song" "Time of Our Life" "Playground" "What a Wonderful Word" "Babo" "Maybe Next Time" "Microphone" "Soul" "Memories" (cover) "Fly Me to the Moon" (cover) "Viva La Vida" (cover) "Sing Me" "Cover" "Man in a Movie" "What Is..." "Want to Love You" "Goodnight, Dear" "Bungee Jumping" "Natural" "Strange" "Guard You" "Dreamer" "Nothing But" Encore
"Not Gonna Love You" "Let It Be Summer" 2PM 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM>[ 编辑 ] 2PM 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM> (演唱歌單)
"I'll Be Back" "Jump" "Go Crazy" (BOYTOY Crazy Remix) "Hands Up" "Make It" "Comeback When You Hear This Song" "Only You" "I Can't" "Shall We? "Magic" "10 Out of 10" "Red" (VCR) "My House" "Promise (I'll Be)" "A.D.T.O.Y." "I'm Your Man" (Korean ver.) "At Times" "One More Day" "OK or Not" "Again & Again" "Without U" "Heartbeat" "I Hate You" "Game Over" "Don't Stop Can't Stop" Encore
"Thank You" "Hold You" "Zero Point" "Goodbye Trip" "Hot" "Hands Up" "10 Out of 10" SMTOWN LIVE 2023: SMCU PALACE@JAKARTA[ 编辑 ] SMTOWN LIVE 2023: SMCU PALACE@JAKARTA (演唱歌單)
aespa - "Girls" (Band ver.) aespa - "Hold On Tight" (Band ver.) aespa - "Better Things" aespa - "Next Level" (Band ver.) WayV - "Kick Back" (Korean ver.) WayV - "Take Off" WayV - "It's Only Me" (cover) WayV - "Love Talk" NCT 127 - "Limitless" NCT 127 - "Lemonade" NCT 127 - "Ay-Yo" NCT 127 - "Kick It" SUPER JUNIOR - "Black Suit" SUPER JUNIOR - "Mamacita" SUPER JUNIOR - "Mr. Simple" SUPER JUNIOR - "Bonamana" (Rock ver.) Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Giselle & Yangyang - "Zoo" NCT Dream - "Candy" RIIZE - "Memories" Red Velvet - "Psycho" Red Velvet - "Birthday" Red Velvet - "Queendom" Red Velvet - "Red Flavor" (R to V ver.) NCT Dream - "Glitch Mode" NCT Dream - "Hot Sauce" NCT Dream - "Yogurt Shake" NCT Dream - "Beatbox" TVXQ! - "Rising Sun" TVXQ! - "Keep Your Head Down" TVXQ! - "Hi Ya Ya Summer Day" TVXQ! - "Balloons" TVXQ! - "Somebody to Love" (Korean ver.) RIIZE - "Get a Guitar" NCT U - "Baggy Jeans" aespa - "Spicy" NCT Dream - "ISTJ" WayV - "Phantom" (English ver.) Red Velvet - "Feel My Rhythm" NCT 127 - "Faster" NCT 127 - "2 Baddies" TVXQ! - "Mirotic" SUPER JUNIOR - "Sorry, Sorry" (Rock ver.) SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" Hata Motohiro Concert Tour 2023 -Paint Like a Child- [ 编辑 ] Hata Motohiro Concert Tour 2023 -Paint Like a Child- (演唱歌單)
"Paint Like a Child" "Shikisai" "Girl" "2022" "Dot" "Uroko" "Zanei" "Taiyo no Rosario" "Trick Me" "Raspberry Lover" "Dolce" "Life is Art!" "Kimi Meguru Boku" "Asobu Otona" "Himawari no Yakusoku" "Icarus" Encore
"Cider" "Naki Warai No Episode" 2PM 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM> in Japan[ 编辑 ] 2PM 15th Anniversary Concert <It's 2PM> in Japan (演唱歌單)
"I'll Be Back" (Japanese ver.) "Jump" "Go Crazy" (Japanese ver.) (BOYTOY Crazy Remix) "Hands Up" "Make It" "Comeback When You Hear This Song" "Only You" "I Can't" "Take Off" "Next Generation" "10 Out of 10" "Red" (VCR) "My House" "Promise (I'll Be)" "A.D.T.O.Y." "I'm Your Man" "Even Though We're Apart" "The Time We Have Spent Together" "OK or Not" "Again & Again" "Without U" "Heartbeat" "I Hate You" "Game Over" "Don't Stop Can't Stop" Encore
"Forever" "Don't Forget" "Zero Point" "Set Me Free" "Higher" IVE The 1st World Tour <SHOW WHAT I HAVE>[ 编辑 ] IVE The 1st World Tour <SHOW WHAT I HAVE> (演唱歌單)
"I Am" "Royal" (Rock ver.) "Blue Blood" "Heroine" "Cherish" "Eleven" "Shine With Me" (Extended ver.) "Either Way" "Lips" "Mine" "Off the Record" "7 Rings" (Gaeul cover) "H.S.K.T." (Rei cover) "Rush Hour" (Gaeul & Rei cover) "Reality" (Wonyoung & Liz cover) "Woman Like Me" (Yujin & Leeseo cover) "Hypnosis" "My Satisfaction" "Not Your Girl" "Love Dive" "Kitsch" "After Like" Encore
"Overture" "=LOVE" "Bokura no Seifuku Christmas" "The 5th" "Want you! Want you!" "Kimi to Watashi no Uta" "Ohimesama ni Shite yo!" "Love Rocket" "Watashi, Mahoutsukai" (第1天) / "Haikei Anata Sama" (第2天) "Haikei Anata Sama" (第1天) / "Sweetest Girl" (第2天) "Mayonaka Mermaid" (第1天) / "Watashi, Mahoutsukai" (第2天) "Last Note Shika Shiranai" "Cameo" "Shukusai" "Anoko Complex" "Junkies" "Iranai Twintail" "Oh! Darling" "Heroines" "Natsumatope" "Kono Sora ga Trigger" "Sagase Diamond Lily" "Seishun "Subliminal"" Encore
"Bukatsu Chuu ni Mega Au Natte Omottetanda" "Dakaratote" "Love Create" "Natsumatsuri Koi Shitau" "=LOVE" (第2天) Yesung Solo Concert - Unfading Sense [ 编辑 ] Yesung Solo Concert - Unfading Sense (演唱歌單)
"Scented Things" "Fornever" "Silhouette" "No More Love" "Moment" "Floral Sense" (Solo ver.) "Beautiful" "Ho" "Like Us" "All Night Long" "4 Seasons" "Butterfly" "Bear Hug" "Corazon Perdido (Lost Heart)" "Small Things" "Slide Away" Encore
"Together" "Like Us" "I Am" Ado Japan Tour 2023 "MARS"[ 编辑 ] Ado Japan Tour 2023 "MARS" (演唱歌單)
"Odo" (Bon-Odo Remix) "I'm Invincible" "Freedom" "Ashura-chan" "Fleeting Lullaby" "Kazarijanainoyo Namidawa" "Unravel" "Villain" "Buriki no Dance" "Readymade" "Missing" "Yoru no Pierrot" "Fireworks" "Himawari" "Rebellion" "I'm a Controversy" "Tot Musica" "Usseewa" "Dignity" "Ibara" Encore
"Backlight" "Show" "New Genesis" Eve Arena Tour 2023 "Kororon"[ 编辑 ] Eve Arena Tour 2023 "Kororon" (演唱歌單)
"FightSong" "Kororon" "Kara no Kioku" "Shirayuki" "Raison D'etre" "Inochi no Tabekata" "Byouka" "Ao no Waltz" "Shinkai" "Ougon no Hibi" "Gunjo Sanka" "Demon Dance Tokyo" "Outsider" "Baumkuchen End" "Kaikai Kitan" "Bokurano" "Taikutsuwo Saienshinaide" Encore
"Kimi ni Sekai" "Nonsense Bungaku" 櫻坂46 "3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE"[ 编辑 ] 櫻坂46 "3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE" (第1天) (演唱歌單)
"Overture" "Buddies" "Dead End" "Masatsukeisu" "Naze Koi wo Shitekonakattandarou?" "Utsukushiki Nervous" "Natsu no Chimakichi" "Anthem Time" "Drone Senkaichuu" "Microscope" "Omottayorimo Sabishikunai" "Sukimakazeyo" "Sakurazuki" "Nobody's Fault" "Jokenhansya de Naketekuru" "Ban" "Seijaku no Bouryoku" "Start Over!" "Shoninyokkyu" Encore
"302 Goushitsu" "Syoujyoniha Modorenai" "Bokutachi no Sensou" "Time Machine de Yeah!" "Bokutachi no La Vie en Rose" "Sakurazaka no Uta" 櫻坂46 "3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE" (第2天) (演唱歌單)
"Overture" "Buddies" "Dead End" "Masatsukeisu" "Naze Koi wo Shitekonakattandarou?" "Sore ga Ai Nano ne" "Natsu no Chimakichi" "Anthem Time" "Drone Senkaichuu" "Kimi to Boku to Sentakumono" "Plastic Regret" "Kakushinteki Croissant" "Jokenhansya de Naketekuru" "Konbinato" "Sukimakazeyo" "Samidareyo" "Isshun no Uma" "Cool" "Nagaredama" "Ban" "Mamoribito" "Start Over!" "Shoninyokkyu" Encore
"Boku no Dilemma" "Omottayorimo Sabishikunai" "Sakurazaka no Uta" NCT 127 3rd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Unity'[ 编辑 ] NCT 127 3rd Tour 'Neo City: Seoul - The Unity' (演唱歌單)
"Punch" "Superhuman" "Ay-Yo" "Crash Landing" "Space" "Time Lapse" "Skyscraper" "Parade" "DJ" "Boom" "Je Ne Sais Quoi" "Fire Truck" "Sit Down!" "Chain" (Korean ver.) "Cherry Bomb" "Gold Dust" "Fly Away With Me" "Magic Carpet Ride" "Love is a Beauty" "Simon Says" "Tasty" "Favorite (Vampire)" "Kick It" "2 Baddies" "Fact Check" Encore
"Angel Eyes" "Black Clouds" "Promise You" Melon Music Awards 2023 [ 编辑 ] Melon Music Awards 2023 (演唱歌單)
SILICA GEL - "T" + "Tik Tak Tok"SILICA GEL - "No Pain" KISS OF LIFE - "Bad News"李泳知 - "I'm Lee Young-ji"李泳知 - "Not Sorry" 李泳知 - "Fighting" + "Smoke" STAYC - "Bubble"STAYC - "Teddy Bear" BOYNEXTDOOR - Intro + "Crying"BOYNEXTDOOR - "But Sometimes" RIIZE - "Get a Guitar"RIIZE - "Talk Saxy" NewJeans - "New Jeans" (MMA ver.)NewJeans - "Super Shy" (MMA ver.) NewJeans - "ETA" (MMA ver.) NewJeans - "Cool With You" (MMA ver.) NewJeans - "Get Up" NewJeans - "ASAP" (MMA ver.) ZEROBASEONE - "In Bloom"ZEROBASEONE - "Crush" aespa - Intro + "Trick or Trick"aespa - "Drama" imase - Intro + "Night Dancer" IVE - Intro + "Baddie" + "Kitsch"IVE - "Blue Blood" IVE - "I Am" 泰民 - "Sherlock (Clue + Note)"珉豪 - "View"Key - "Dream Girl"SHINee - "Everybody"SHINee - "Don't Call Me" SHINee - "Hard" NCT Dream - "Broken Melodies"NCT Dream - "Poison" NCT Dream - "ISTJ" THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration - Encore [ 编辑 ] THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration - Encore (演唱歌单)
"Ego" "Reveal" "Awake" "Roar" "Keeper" "Make or Break" "Text Me Back" "Only One" "Fantasize" "Lip Gloss" "Thrill Ride" "D.D.D" "Passion Fruit" (Special Unit) "Lucid Dream" "Daydream" "Butterfly" "Wings" "Nighmares" "Watch It" "Insanity" "Savior" "Honey" (Sunwoo & Eric) "Rat in the Trap" (Sangyeon, Jacob, Kevin, New & Haknyeon) "Russian Roulette" "Maverick" "Candles" "White" "Christmassy" "Dear" Encore
"Clover" "Bloom Bloom" "Fire Eyes" "Timeless" Taemin Solo Concert : Metamorph [ 编辑 ] Taemin Solo Concert : Metamorph (演唱歌单)
"The Rizzness" "Advice" "Black Rose" "Criminal" "Impressionable" "Heaven" "Strings" "Not Over You" "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" "Light" "Famous" (Korean ver.) "Want" "Danger" "Door" (Korean ver.) "Guilty" "Move" "Night Away" "Blue" Encore
"Idea" "Pansy" "I Think It's Love" "Identity" DAY6 Christmas Special Concert 'The Present : You Are My Day'[ 编辑 ] DAY6 Christmas Special Concert 'The Present : You Are My Day' (演唱歌单)
"I Smile" "You Make Me" "One" "Zombie" "I'm Serious" "Day and Night" "Healer" "Days Gone By" "Only" "Man in a Movie" "My Day" "You Were Beautiful" "Congratulations" (Final ver.) "I Like You" "Love Me or Leave Me" "I Wait" "Sweet Chaos" "Shoot Me" "Best Part" "Time of Our Life" Encore
"Dance Dance" "Sing Me" "Freely" "Time of Our Life" 2023 TVXQ! Concert [20&2][ 编辑 ] 2023 TVXQ! Concert [20&2] (演唱歌单)
"Rising Sun" "Jungle" "The Chance of Love" "Devil" (Max Changmin) "Wrong Number" "Down" "Rodeo" "Keep Your Head Down" "Purple Line" "Vuja De" (U-Know) "Something" "Life's a Dance" "The Way U Are" (Unplugged ver.) "I'll Be There" "I Wanna Hold You" "I Believe" "Hug" "Drive" "Crazy Love" "Balloons" "Mirotic" "Rebel" Encore
"Love in the Ice" "Thanks To" "Always With You" "I Wish..." "You're My Miracle" "Catch Me" 2024 LEE JUNHO CONCERT <THE DAY WE MEET AGAIN>[ 编辑 ] 2024 LEE JUNHO CONCERT <THE DAY WE MEET AGAIN> (演唱歌单)
"The Day We Meet Again" (Korean ver.) "Pressure" "Hyper" "Nobody Else" "Fire" "Dangerous" (Korean ver.) "Wow" (Korean ver.) "Insane" "So Good" "Feel" (Korean ver.) "Don't Tease Me" "Darling" "Nothing But You" (Korean ver.) "Fine" "Kimi no Koe" "Hey You" (Korean ver.) "Say Yes" "Can I" (Korean ver.) "Like a Star" "Love Song" "Zero Point" "DSMN" "I'm in Love" Encore
"Next to You" "Ride Up" "Flashlight" "Zero Point" Airi Kanna 1st Solo Concert [KANNA][ 编辑 ] Airi Kanna 1st Solo Concert [KANNA](演唱歌单)
"Color" "Addict!on" "Kono Machi Ni Hare Wa Konai" (cover) "Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku" (cover) "Blooming in the Mud" (cover) "The Last Flower" "Diary" (cover) "Boku no Koto" (cover) 3rd Single Project SEKAI COLORFUL LIVE 3rd -Evolve- (东京)[ 编辑 ] Project SEKAI COLORFUL LIVE 3rd -Evolve- (东京)(演唱歌单)
"Journey" "Showtime Ruler" "Fixer"(天) / "Alien Alien"(夜晚) "Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme"(天) / "Tondemo-Wonderz"(夜晚) "Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo"(天) / "Setsuna Trip"(夜晚) "If" "Idol Shin'eitai" ((天) / "Melty Land Nightmare"(夜晚) "Lower"(天) / "IDSmile"(夜晚) "Meru"(天) / "Gehenna"(夜晚) "Samsa" "Pheles"(天) / "Ame to Petra"(夜晚) "Machi"(天) / "Ready Steady"(夜晚) "Utsuro wo Aogu" "From Tokyo"(天) / "Stage of Sekai"(夜晚) "Attract Light"(天) / "Hello, Worker"(夜晚) "The Wall" "Sekai" "Kashika" "Mr. Showtime" "Teratera" "Parasol Cider" "Bug" Encore
"I'm Mine" "Neo" 2024 KEYLAND ON : AND ON [ 编辑 ] 2024 KEYLAND ON : AND ON(演唱歌单)
"Good & Great" "Saturday Night" "I Wanna Be" "Easy to Love" "The Duty of Love" "Heartless" "Hologram" "Bad Love" "Can't Say Goodbye" "CoolAs" "Live Without You" "Killer" "Intoxicating" "Imagine" "Helium" "Bound" "Another Life" "Yellow Tape" "Mirror, Mirror" "G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)" Encore
"I Can't Sleep" "Gasoline" "Forever Yours" SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. THE SHOW : Th3ee Guys [ 编辑 ] SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. THE SHOW : Th3ee Guys(演唱歌单)
"Suit Up" "C'mon" "Close the Shutter" (Korean ver.) "New Road" (Korean ver.) "Twins" "Sorry, Sorry" "So I" "Mirror" "Love in the Ice" (cover) "Oppa, Oppa" "Pajama Party" "Old Skool" (Korean ver.) "Latte" "Hairspray" "Joke" "Ceremony" (Korean ver.) Encore
"The Melody" "Sapphire Blue" "Miracle" Project SEKAI COLORFUL LIVE 3rd -Evolve- (大阪)[ 编辑 ] Project SEKAI COLORFUL LIVE 3rd -Evolve- (大阪)(演唱歌单)
"Journey" "Showtime Ruler" "Fixer"(天) / "Alien Alien"(夜晚) "Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme"(天) / "Tondemo-Wonderz"(夜晚) "Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo"(天) / "Setsuna Trip"(夜晚) "If" "Idol Shin'eitai" ((天) / "Melty Land Nightmare"(夜晚) "Lower"(天) / "IDSmile"(夜晚) "Meru"(天) / "Gehenna"(夜晚) "Samsa" "Pheles"(天) / "Ame to Petra"(夜晚) "Machi"(天) / "Ready Steady"(夜晚) "Utsuro wo Aogu" "From Tokyo"(天) / "Stage of Sekai"(夜晚) "Attract Light"(天) / "Hello, Worker"(夜晚) "The Wall" "Sekai" "Kashika" "Mr. Showtime" "Teratera" "Parasol Cider" "Bug" Encore
NCT Wish - "NASA" NCT Wish - "Hands Up" Hyoyeon feat. Yangyang - "Dessert" Zhoumi feat. Eunhyuk - "Mañana" Zhoumi & Ryeowook - "Starry Night" Kangta & Doyoung - "Doll" Kangta - "Eyes on You" RIIZE - "Get a Guitar" RIIZE - "Love 119" (Japanese ver.) aespa - "Next Level" (Band ver.) aespa - "Spicy" (Band ver.) WayV - "Love Talk" (English ver.) WayV - "Phantom" (English ver.) Yesung - "Pretender" (cover) Seulgi, Jeno, Karina & Wonbin - "Hot & Cold" NCT 127 - "Be There for Me" Winter & Wendy - "Her Blue Sky" (cover) Ryeowook & Sohee - "The Little Prince" Taeyeon - "To. X" Red Velvet-Irene & Seulgi - "Monster" SUPER JUNIOR & NCT Wish - "U" TVXQ! & RIIZE - "Rising Sun" NCT Dream - "Best Friend Ever" NCT Dream - "We Go Up" Hyoyeon - "Picture" Taeyeon feat. Jaehyun - "Starlight" Max Changmin, Kyuhyun & Shotaro - "Idol" (cover) Taeyong - "Shalala" + "Tap" Red Velvet - "Wildside" Red Velvet - "Chill Kill" SUPER JUNIOR - "Sorry, Sorry" SUPER JUNIOR - "Bonamana" Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Yangyang & Giselle - "Zoo" Ten - "Nightwalker" TVXQ! - "Down" RIIZE - "Talk Saxy" + "Siren" aespa - "Drama" (Rock ver.) NCT U - "Baggy Jeans" NCT Wish - "Wish" NCT Dream - "ISTJ" WayV - "On My Youth" (English ver.) NCT 127 - "2 Baddies" NCT 127 - "Fact Check" Red Velvet - "Feel My Rhythm" SUPER JUNIOR - "Black Suit" TVXQ! - "Rebel" TVXQ! - "Mirotic" (Japanese ver.) SMTOWN - "Hope from Kwangya" 2024 TAEYONG CONCERT <TY TRACK>[ 编辑 ] 2024 TAEYONG CONCERT <TY TRACK>(演唱歌单)
"Concrete" "Virtual Insanity" "¥€$" "Ape" "Shalala" "H.E.R" "Lonely" "Move Mood Mode" "Ruby" "Moonlight" "Moon Tour" "404 File Not Found" "404 Loading" "Ghost" "Back" "Solar Eclipse" "Ups & Downs" "What is Love" "Gwando" "Tap" "Run Away" Encore
"Long Flight" "Back to the Past" ITZY 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in SEOUL[ 编辑 ] ITZY 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in SEOUL(演唱歌单)
"Born to Be" "Racer" "Kidding Me" "Mr. Vampire" "Swipe" "Wannabe" "Mine" (Chaeryeong) "Run Away" (Ryujin) "Yet, But" (Yuna) "Crown on My Head" (Yeji) "Untouchable" "Gas Me Up" "Dynamite" "Psychic Lover" "Don't Give a What" "Loco" "Not Shy" "Cake" "Sneakers" "Kill Shot" "Escalator" Encore
"Love Is" "Be in Love" "Chillin' Chillin'" "Dalla Dalla" STARLIGHT+ 2024 Powered by NTT DOCOMO Studio & Live[ 编辑 ] STARLIGHT+ 2024 Powered by NTT DOCOMO Studio & Live (第1天)(演唱歌单)
"Octave" "Showtime" "Sweet" "It's a Bop" "Wake Up" "Run" (Special ver.) "Rain" (Acoustic ver.) "Perfect" "Come Alive" II. OWV
"Sleepless Town" "Uba Uba" "Gamer" "Tararam" "What You Waitin' For" "Bremen" III. PSYCHIC FEVER
"Up and Down" "Habanero" "Just Like Dat" "Temperature" "Hotline" "Bitter Sweet" "Choose One" "Fire" IV.INI
"Legit" "Drop" "Ferris Wheel" "Dirty Shoes Swag" "INItialize" "10 Things" "Busterz" "More" STARLIGHT+ 2024 Powered by NTT DOCOMO Studio & Live (第2天)(演唱歌单)
"XY" "Spiky Fashion" "YG" (Band) Band x Dance Session "Stoopid" (D&V) "Crazy Love" II.DXTEEN
"Unlimit" "Brand New Day" "Stars" "Snowin'" "Sail Away" "Dive" "Come Over" "Next" "First Flight" III. MAZZEL
"Fire" "Carnival" "Came to Dance" "Waterfall" "Holiday" "Vivid" "Mission" IV. SUPER★DRAGON
"New Rise" "Are U Ready?" "Gotta Keep It Going On" "Don't Let Me Down" "Hey, Girl" "LRL -Left Right Left-" "Untouchable Max" V.秀太末吉
"Wild" "So-Re-Na" "Hack" "Run Away" "Neverland" "Shampoo" "Flat" STARLIGHT+ 2024 Powered by NTT DOCOMO Studio & Live (第3天)(演唱歌单)
"Firebird" "Runway" "Watw"ing"" "Break Out" "Wait a Minute!" "Let's Get on the Beat" "Waves" "I Don't Care" "Honey, You!" "Yo Ma Sunshine" II. BUDDiiS
"Jubiilee" "The One" "Koi to me" "Lack" "Glow Gold" "Oz" "Under the Sea" "Bud" "Magic" "Brightness" III. NOA
"Burn" "Just Feel It" "Between" "Paradise" "Bad at Love" "To Be Honest" "Runaway Love" "Ticket" "Purple Sky" "Ybom" "Highway" IV.BE:FIRST
"Mainstream" "Move On" "Milli-Billi" "Brave Generation" "Spin!" "Grow Up" "Don't Wake Me Up" "Softly" "SOS" "Salvia" "Bye-Good-Bye" "Great Mistakes" "Boom Boom Back" DAY6 CONCERT <Welcome to the Show>[ 编辑 ] DAY6 CONCERT <Welcome to the Show>(演唱歌单)
"Welcome to the Show" "Better Better" "Love Parade" "The Power of Love" "Days Gone By" "Deep in Love" "Man in a Movie" "Only" "Let Me Love You" "Didn't Know" "I Would" "You Were Beautiful" "Sweet Chaos" "Sad Ending" "For Me" "Healer" "Wish" "Happy" "Get the Hell Out" "Dance Dance" "Somehow" Encore
"My Day" "Sing Me" "Say Wow" "Freely" "Best Part" "Time of Our Life" "Welcome to the Show" "Best Part" 2024 NCT DREAM WORLD TOUR <THE DREAM SHOW 3 : DREAM( )SCAPE>[ 编辑 ] 2024 NCT DREAM WORLD TOUR <THE DREAM SHOW 3 : DREAM( )SCAPE>(演唱歌单)
"Box" "119" "SOS" "Go" "Poison" "Drippin" "Arcade" "We Go Up" "Bungee" "Walk With You" "Never Goodbye" "Breathing" "Unknown" "Tangerine Love (Favorite)" "Yogurt Shake" "Pretzel (♡)" "Candy" "Dream Run" "Better Than Gold" "Fireflies" "Hello Future" "Broken Melodies" "Skateboard" "ISTJ" "Smoothie" Encore
"Blue Wave" "Dive Into You" "ANL" "Like We Just Met" ITZY 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in JAPAN[ 编辑 ] ITZY 2ND WORLD TOUR <BORN TO BE> in JAPAN(演唱歌单)
"Born to Be" "Racer" "Kidding Me" "Mr. Vampire" "Swipe" "Wannabe" "Mine" (Chaeryeong) "Run Away" (Ryujin) "Yet, But" (Yuna) "Crown on My Head" (Yeji) "Untouchable" "Ringo" "Algorhythm" "Psychic Lover" "Don't Give a What" "Loco" "Not Shy" "Cake" "Sneakers" "Kill Shot" "Escalator" Encore
"Sugar-holic" "Spice" "No Biggie" "Dalla Dalla" SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination : SHINee's Back][ 编辑 ] SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination : SHINee's Back] (演唱歌單)
"Sherlock (Clue + Note)" "Lucifer" "Stranger" "Satellite" "Identity" "Dream Girl" "Like It" "Good Evening" "Breaking News" "Don't Call Me" "Body Rhythm" "Juice" "Ring Ding Dong" "Everybody" "View" "The Feeling" "Replay" "Love Like Oxygen" "Aside" "Diamond Sky" "Colors of the Season" "An Encore" Encore
"Hard" "Hitchhiking" "Runaway" Super Junior - 15th Anniversary Special Event: Invitation [ 编辑 ] 2020年10月23日,Super Junior 宣布將於11月7日舉行紀念出道15週年的線上粉絲見面會《SUPER JUNIOR 15th Anniversary Special Event – 초대(Invitation)》。該粉絲見面會於15週年紀念日的第二天舉行。[ 45]
Super Junior - 15th Anniversary Special Event: Invitation(演唱歌單)
"Miracle" "Devil" "This Is Love" "Evanesce" "One More Chance" "U" "Super Clap" "Sorry Sorry" "Mr. Simple" "Bonamana" "The Melody" "From U" 2020 TVXQ! ONLINE FANMEETING “동(冬),방(房),신기 with Cassiopeia”[ 编辑 ] 2020年12月11日,東方神起 宣布將於12月26日舉行線上粉絲見面會《2020 TVXQ! ONLINE FANMEETING “동(冬),방(房),신기 with Cassiopeia”》,紀念出道17週年。[ 46]
2020 TVXQ! ONLINE FANMEETING “동(冬),방(房),신기 with Cassiopeia”(演唱歌單)
"The Chance of Love" "Hug" "Tonight" "Rise As One"(昌珉 Solo) "Follow"(允浩 Solo) "Catch Me" Xiumin Online Fanmeeting "On: Xiuweet Time"[ 编辑 ] 2021年3月5日,Xiumin 宣布將於2021年3月27日舉行線上粉絲見面會 《ON : XIUWEET TIME》[ 47] 。此次粉絲見面會是Xiumin繼2019年的首次單獨粉絲見面會《XIUWEET TIME》,時隔兩年再次舉辦的粉絲見面會,並以線上收費形式進行。
Xiumin Online Fanmeeting "On: Xiuweet Time"(演唱歌單)
"Let Out The Beast" "Shake" "Don't Go VCR" "Serenity" "Medley (Sign - Damage - Gravity)" "Obsession" Super Junior-E.L.F. Japan 10th Anniversary 〜The SUPER Blue Party〜[ 编辑 ] Super Junior-E.L.F. Japan 10th Anniversary 〜The SUPER Blue Party〜 (演唱歌單)
"Burn the Floor" "Super Clap" "U" + "Sorry, Sorry" + "Devil" "Phantom Pain"(藝聲 Solo) "Traveler" (Super Junior-K.R.Y) "Wings" (Super Junior-D&E) "House Party" "Star" SHINee WORLD J Presents 〜Bistro de SHINee〜[ 编辑 ] 「SHINee WORLD J Presents 〜Bistro de SHINee〜」(演唱歌單)
"Don't Call Me" "Altantis" "Diamond Sky" "Seasons" "Superstar" NCT 127 ONLINE FANMEETING 'OFFICE : Foundation Day'[ 编辑 ] 2021年6月29日,NCT 127 宣布將於2021年7月7日舉行線上5周年粉絲見面會 《NCT 127 ONLINE FANMEETING 'OFFICE : Foundation Day'》[ 48] 。
NCT 127 ONLINE FANMEETING 'OFFICE : Foundation Day'(演唱歌單)
"Kick It" "Welcome to My Playground" "Highway to Heaven" (English ver.) "Gimme Gimme" "Music, Dance" "Dreams Come True" Red Velvet Online Fanmeeting - inteRView vol.7: Queendom [ 编辑 ] Red Velvet Online Fanmeeting - inteRView vol.7: Queendom (演唱歌單)
"Psycho" "Umpah Umpah" + "Power Up" + "Red Flavor" "Hello, Sunset" "Pose" NCT DREAM ONLINE FANMEETING 'HOT! SUMMER DREAM'[ 编辑 ] 2021年8月13日,NCT Dream 宣布將於2021年8月25日舉行線上5周年粉絲見面會 《NCT DREAM ONLINE FANMEETING 'HOT! SUMMER DREAM'》[ 49] 。
"Boom" "Deja Vu" "ANL" "Life is Still Going On" "Hot Sauce" "Hello Future" 2PM 13th Anniversary Online Fanmeeting <Dear. HOTTEST>[ 编辑 ] 2PM 13th Anniversary Online Fanmeeeting <Dear. HOTTEST> (演唱歌單)
"I'm Your Man" (Korean ver.) (Multi-cam ON) "Without U" (Switching parts) "So Crazy" (Switching parts) "Heartbeat" (Knowing-all-the-beat) "Again & Again" (Knowing-all-the-beat) "My House" (Acoustic ver.) (Multi-cam ON) "Moon & Back" (Multi-cam ON) "Hold You" (Multi-cam ON) "Make It" (Multi-cam ON) "Hands Up" (Multi-cam ON) TVXQ Bigeast Fanclub Event 2021 Tohoshinki The Garden ~Online~[ 编辑 ] TVXQ Bigeast Fanclub Event 2021 Tohoshinki The Garden ~Online~ (演唱歌單)
"Hello" "Truth" (Japanese ver.) "Hot Sauce" "Guilty" "Small Talk" Choi Minho Fan Party <Best Choi's Minho 2021>[ 编辑 ] Choi Minho Fan Party <Best Choi's Minho 2021>(演唱歌單)
"I'm Home" "Prism" + "Electric" + "Body Rhythm" "Control Me" "Heartbreak" "Area" 2022 Lee Junho Fanmeeting <Junho the Moment>[ 编辑 ] 2022 Lee Junho Fanmeeting <Junho the Moment>(演唱歌單)
"Nobody Else" "Fire" "Canvas" "Hyper" "Ride Up" "Flashlight" Encore
"Fire" Stray Kids 2nd #LoveSTAY 'SKZ'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY'[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 2nd #LoveSTAY 'SKZ'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY'(演唱歌單)
"Domino" "The View" "Mixtape: Oh" "Mixtape: On Track" "Double Knot" "God's Menu" "Question" "Back Door" "Silent Cry" "Scars" (Korean ver.) "Call Me Baby" (cover) "#LoveSTAY" "Haven" ITZY The 1st Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly!"[ 编辑 ] ITZY The 1st Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly!"(演唱歌單)
"Mafia in the Morning" "Loco" "Not Shy" "Icy" "Nobody Like You" "Tennis (0:0)" "Cherry" "#Twenty" "Wannabe" + "Dalla Dalla" "Trust Me (MIDZY)" "Sooo Lucky" "Be in Love" EXO 2022 Debut Anniversary Fan Event [ 编辑 ] EXO 2022 Debut Anniversary Fan Event(演唱歌單)
"Peter Pan" "Paradise" "Lucky" "Just as Usual" (VCR) 2PM Jun.K & Wooyoung 2022 Fan-Con <115430>[ 编辑 ] 2PM Jun.K & Wooyoung 2022 Fan-Con <115430>(演唱歌單)
"Think About 'Chu" "R.O.S.E." (Korean ver.) "Going Going" "More" (Korean ver.) "Whatever" "Party Shots" "Formula" (Korean ver.) Jun.K
"Alive pt2" "My House" (Acoustic ver.) "Slip 'N Slide" "Better Man" "Think About You" "Ms. No Time" (Korean ver.) "This is Not a Song, 1929" (Korean ver.) Jun.K & Wooyoung
"Go Crazy!" + "Superman" "Young Forever" "DJ Got Me Goin' Crazy" "Only You" (Acoustic ver.) "Hands Up" "10 Out of 10" 2022 aespa FAN MEETING: MY SYNK. aespa [ 编辑 ] 2022 aespa FAN MEETING: MY SYNK. aespa(演唱歌單)
"Black Mamba" "Savage" "ICU" "Life's Too Short" "YEPPI YEPPI" "Illusion" "Next Level" "Girls" Lee Junho 2022 Fan-Con <Before Midnight>[ 编辑 ] Lee Junho 2022 Fan-Con <Before Midnight>(演唱歌單)
"Flashlight" "Instant Love" "Nobody Else" "Canvas" "Fire" "My House" "Don't Leave" "Darling" "So Good" "Ice Cream" "Like a Star" "Believe" "Insane" "Pressure" "I'm in Love" "Wow" "Say Yes" "Next to You" "All Day" 2022 Girls' Generation Special Event "Long Lasting Love"[ 编辑 ] 2022 Girls' Generation Special Event "Long Lasting Love"(演唱歌單)
"Genie" "Forever 1" "Paper Plane" "Closer" "Sailing" "Light Up the Sky" "Into the New World" "Gee" "Lucky Like That" Encore
"Kissing You" "PARTY" NCT 127 4th Album "2 Baddies" Comeback Show - Faster[ 编辑 ] NCT 127 4th Album "2 Baddies" Comeback Show - Faster (演唱歌單)
"Prelude" "Kick It" "Lemonade" "Crash Landing" "Black Clouds" "Designer" "Faster" "2 Baddies" Kim Go-eun Debut 10th Anniversary Fan Meeting <Go-eun Day: Come In Closer>[ 编辑 ] Kim Go-eun Debut 10th Anniversary Fan Meeting <Go-eun Day: Come In Closer>(演唱歌單)
"I'm Not the Only One" (cover) "Dark Hearts Will Pass Away Tonight" "Hype Boy" (dance cover) "Don't Say It's Not Love" (cover) "I'll Never Love Again" (cover) 2022 THE BOYZ FAN-CON : THE B-ROAD [ 编辑 ] 2022 THE BOYZ FAN-CON : THE B-ROAD(演唱歌單)
"Thrill Ride" "Salty" "Always You" (Jacob) "Dandelion" (cover) (Q) "It Must Have Been Love" (cover) (Haknyeon) "A Little Girl" (cover) (Juyeon) "Lullaby" (cover) (Hyunjae) "Say Something" (cover) (Younghoon) "Hype Boy" (dance cover) (Hyunjae, Juyeon, Q, Sunwoo & Eric) "The Visitor" (cover) (New) "100 Degrees' (cover) (Sunwoo) "Bad" (cover) (Sangyeon) "Confident" (dance cover) (Eric) "Bury a Friend" (cover) (Kevin) "Despacito" (cover) (Jacob, Younghoon, Juyeon, Kevin & Q) "Breaking Dawn" "Russian Roulette" "Maverick" "All About You" "Christmassy" "Timeless" "I'm Your Boy" "4ever" 2022 Best Choi's Minho - Lucky Choi's[ 编辑 ] 2022 Best Choi's Minho - Lucky Choi's(演唱歌單)
"Heartbreak" "It Was Love" (cover) "Atlantis" + "Don't Call Me" + "Gasoline" "Runaway" (feat. Gemini) "Chase" NCT Dream Winter Special Event "Candy"[ 编辑 ] NCT Dream Winter Special Event "Candy"(演唱歌單)
"Beatbox" "Candle Light" "Graduation" "Candy" 2023 WJSN Fan-Con <Codename: Ujung>[ 编辑 ] 2023 WJSN Fan-Con <Codename: Ujung>(演唱歌單)
"Done" "Renaissance" "You & I" "Easy" (WJSN CHOCOME) "Hmph!" (WJSN THE BLACK) Title Track Medley (Dawon & Yeonjung) "Last Sequence" "Dreams Come True" "Tra-La" "La La Love" "As You Wish" Encore
"Baby Come to Me" "Star" 2023 Park Jinyoung Fan Concert "Rendezvous in Seoul: Secret Meeting Between You And Me"[ 编辑 ] 2023 Park Jinyoung Fan Concert "Rendezvous in Seoul: Secret Meeting Between You And Me"(演唱歌單)
"Coming Home" "Cotton Candy" "Shining On Your Night" "Animal" "Bounce" "A" "Just Right" "Hard Carry" "You Calling My Name" "Our Miracle" "Letter" "Dive" "Sleep Well" 2023 Im Si-wan Fan Concert <Why I Am in Seoul>[ 编辑 ] 2023 Im Si-wan Fan Concert <Why I Am in Seoul>(演唱歌單)
"Fire" "Tomboy" (cover) "What the Spring?" (cover) "Tick-Tock Tick-Tock" "Kokamoe Freestyle" + "Yikes" + "1999" (Hyojin Choi dance) "Pink City" (cover) "Be Alright" "I And You" "My Heart" "Big Bird" (cover) Encore
"Fire" 2023 WayV Fanmeeting Tour [Phantom][ 编辑 ] 2023 WayV Fanmeeting Tour [Phantom](演唱歌單)
"Kick Back" "Try My Luck" "Illusion" + "Candy" + "Sherlock" (dance covers) "Broken Love" "Dream Launch" "Love Talk" "Diamonds Only" "Nectar" "Phantom" "Good Life" IVE The 1st Fan Concert <The Prom Queens>[ 编辑 ] IVE The 1st Fan Concert <The Prom Queens>(演唱歌單)
"After Like" "Take It" "My Satisfaction" "Royal" "Everywhere You Look" (cover) "Love Killa" (Gaeul & Leeseo cover) "Gravity" (Yujin & Liz cover) "Me Too" (Rei & Wonyoung cover) "Blue Blood" "That's My Girl" (cover) "Love Dive" "Eleven" "Not Your Girl" ITZY The 2nd Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly! To Wonder World"[ 编辑 ] ITZY The 2nd Fan Meeting "ITZY, MIDZY, Let's Fly! To Wonder World"(演唱歌單)
"Sorry Not Sorry" "Shoot!" "Cheshire" "What I Want" "Boys Like You" "Trust Me (MIDZY)" "Domino" "Sooo Lucky" "Dalla Dalla" "Wannabe" "Be in Love" 2023 CRAVITY Fan-Con <Dear My LUVITY>[ 编辑 ] 2023 CRAVITY Fan-Con <Dear My LUVITY>(演唱歌單)
"Flip the Frame" "My Turn" "Breathing" "Hug" (Jungmo, Woobin, Minhee & Seongmin cover) "Perfect Man" + "Shock" + "What's Going On" (Serim, Allen, Wonjin, Hyeongjun & Taeyoung cover) "Maybe Baby" "Knock Knock" "Colorful" "Gas Pedal" "Veni Vidi Vici" "Party Rock" Encore
"Realize" "Cloud 9" 4 Now, Party 4 The People Eunhyuk Loves[ 编辑 ] 4 Now, Party 4 The People Eunhyuk Loves(演唱歌單)
"Be" "Illusion (Obsessed)" "Red Muhly" "Today More Than Yesterday" "Bout You" (Super Junior-D&E) "Beautiful Liar" + "Unholy" + "New Thing" (dance covers) 2023 EXO Fanmeeting "EXO' Clock"[ 编辑 ] 2023 EXO Fanmeeting "EXO' Clock"(演唱歌單)
"The Eve" "Love Shot" "Don't Go" "Unfair" "Lucky" "Growl" "Love Me Right" "Angel" "Let Me In" NCT DoJaeJung Launch Day [ 编辑 ] NCT DoJaeJung Launch Day (演唱歌单)
"Strawberry Sunday" "Kiss" "Dive" "Perfume" 2023 Taemin Fanmeeting <Re:Act>[ 编辑 ] 2023 Taemin Fanmeeting <Re:Act>(演唱歌單)
"Criminal" "Black Rose" "Snow Flower" "Hypnosis" "Advice" "Pansy" + "Sad Kids" + "Think of You" + "Flame of Love" + "Rise" + "I Think It's Love" (Piano ver.) 2023 SHINee Fanmeeting 'Everyday is SHINee Day' : [Piece of Shine][ 编辑 ] 2023 SHINee Fanmeeting 'Everyday is SHINee Day' : [Piece of Shine](演唱歌單)
"Don't Call Me" "Good Evening" "The Feeling" "Days and Years" Kawaguchi Yurina Birthday ~Yurina's Room~ & ~Yurisse's Party~[ 编辑 ] Kawaguchi Yurina Birthday ~Yurina's Room~ & ~Yurisse's Party~(演唱歌單)
Stray Kids 3rd Fanmeeting "Pilot: For ★★★★★"[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 3rd Fanmeeting "Pilot: For ★★★★★"(演唱歌單)
"Freeze" "Charmer" "Neverending Story" "Waiting for Us" (Changbin, Hyunjin, Han & Felix) "Muddy Water" (Bang Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin & I.N) "Super Board" "Hello Stranger" "Star Lost" "Item" "Levanter" "S-Class" "Back Door" "Grow Up" "Miroh" 2023 MONSTA X 7th Official Fanclub MONBEBE Fan Concert <MX Friends>[ 编辑 ] 2023 MONSTA X 7th Official Fanclub MONBEBE Fan Concert <MX Friends>(演唱歌單)
"Heaven" "It's Alright" "Because of U" "Roller Coaster" "Lost in the Dream" "Lone Ranger" "Wildfire" "Shoot Out" "Gambler" "Kiss or Death" "Beautiful Liar" "Trespass" "Oh My" "Rodeo" + "Fallin" "By My Side" Xdinary Heroes 1st Fanmeeting <BAND CLUB XV: 2023 SUMMER CAMP>[ 编辑 ] Xdinary Heroes 1st Fanmeeting <BAND CLUB XV: 2023 SUMMER CAMP>(演唱歌單)
"Come Into My Head" "Zzz.." "Test Me" (Dance ver.) "Happy Death Day" (Instrument & Part Switch ver.) "Freakin' Bad" "Checkmate" "Welcome to the Black Parade" (cover) "Bicycle" "Man in the Box" "Hair Cut" "Good Enough" Encore
"Happy Death Day" "X-Mas" "Test Me" "Sucker Punch!" 2023 NCT 127 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "Once Upon a 7uly"[ 编辑 ] 2023 NCT 127 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "ONCE UPON A 7ULY"(演唱歌單)
"Kick It" "City 127" "Angel" "Replay (PM 01:27)" "2 Baddies" "Black Clouds" "Pandora's Box" 2023 NCT Dream 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "Dream Land"[ 编辑 ] 2023 NCT 127 7th Anniversary Fanmeeting "DREAM LAND"(演唱歌單)
"Candy" "Drive" "Better Than Gold" "Beatbox" "Like We Just Met" "ISTJ" MISAMO Japan Showcase "Masterpiece"[ 编辑 ] MISAMO Japan Showcase "Masterpiece"(演唱歌單)
"Behind the Curtain" "It's Not Easy For You" "Rewind You" "Funny Valentine" "Marshmallow" "Do Not Touch" Encore
"Bouquet" Masterpiece Medley Project SEKAI 3rd Anniversary Thanks Festival [ 编辑 ] 第1天 - 天 (9月16日)(演唱歌單)
More More Jump! - "More! Jump! More!" More More Jump! - "Color of Drops" Vivid Bad Squad - "Beat Eater" Vivid Bad Squad - "Gekokujou" More More Jump! - "Booo!" (cover) More More Jump! - "Kimagure Mercy" (cover) Vivid Bad Squad - "Children Record" (cover) Vivid Bad Squad - "Nounai Kakumei Girl" (cover) 初音未来 - "Journey" 世界计划 feat. 初音未来 - "Neo" 第1天 - 夜晚 (9月16日)(演唱歌單)
Vivid Bad Squad - "Beat Eater" Vivid Bad Squad - "Moonlight" More More Jump! - "More! Jump! More!" More More Jump! - "Worldwide Wander" Vivid Bad Squad - "Children Record" (cover) Vivid Bad Squad - "Akuma no Odorikata" (cover) More More Jump! - "Viva Happy" (cover) More More Jump! - "Kimagure Mercy" (cover) 初音未来 - "Sekai" 世界计划 feat. 初音未来 - "Neo" 第2天 - 天 (9月17日)(演唱歌單)
Wonderlands x Showtime - "Showtime Ruler" Wonderlands x Showtime - "88☆彡" 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Jackpot Sad Girl" 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "I Nandesu" Wonderlands x Showtime - "Ego Rock" (cover) Wonderlands x Showtime - "Odore Orchestra" (cover) 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Irony" (cover) 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Phony" (cover) 初音未来 - "Gunjou Sanka" 世界计划 feat. 初音未来 - "Neo" 第2天 - 夜晚 (9月17日)(演唱歌單)
25-ji, Nightcord de. - "I Nandesu" 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Kitty" Wonderlands x Showtime - "Once Upon a Dream" Wonderlands x Showtime - "88☆彡" 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Totemo Suteki na Rokugatsu Deshita" (cover) 25-ji, Nightcord de. - "Phony" (cover) Wonderlands x Showtime - "Ego Rock" (cover) Wonderlands x Showtime - "Taiyoukei Disco" (cover) 初音未来 & 镜音铃 - "Wah Wah World" 世界计划 feat. 初音未来 - "Neo" NMIXX The 1st Fan Concert "NMIXX CHANGE UP : MIXX UNIVERSITY"[ 编辑 ] NMIXX The 1st Fan Concert "NMIXX CHANGE UP : MIXX UNIVERSITY" (演唱歌單)
"Tank" "Dice" "O.O" "Young, Dumb, Stupid" "Paxxword" "Roller Coaster" "Catallena" (Haewon, Bae & Jiwoo cover) "Only You" (Lily, Sullyoon & Kyujin cover) "8282" (cover) "XOXO" "Party O'Clock" "Love Me Like This" Encore
"O.O Part 2" "Kiss" "My Gosh" "Home" 2023 TWICE FANMEETING <ONCE AGAIN>[ 编辑 ] 2023 TWICE FANMEETING <ONCE AGAIN> (演唱歌單)
"I'm Gonna Be a Star" "Talk That Talk" "Moonlight Sunrise" "You in My Heart" "Say Something" "Eternal Love" (Sana, Mina & Chaeyoung lip sync cover) "Candy" (Jeongyeon, Dahyun & Tzuyu lip sync cover) "10 Minutes" (Nayeon, Momo & Jihyo lip sync cover) "BDZ" (Korean ver.) "Yes or Yes?" Encore
"Precious Love" "Stuck" "Cheer Up" SUPER JUNIOR 18th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EVENT <1t's 8lue>[ 编辑 ] SUPER JUNIOR 18th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EVENT <1t's 8lue> (演唱歌單)
"Devil" "House Party" "Black Suit" "U" "Disco Drive" "Mamacita" "Sorry Sorry" Encore
"From U" "Miracle" 2023 aespa FAN MEETING <MY DRAMA>[ 编辑 ] 2023 aespa FAN MEETING <MY DRAMA> (演唱歌單)
"Welcome To My World" "Next Level" "Don't Blink" "Spicy" "Trick or Trick" "Drama" "You" 2024 BEST CHOI's MINHO FAN-CON <MULTI-CHASE>[ 编辑 ] 2024 BEST CHOI's MINHO FAN-CON <MULTI-CHASE> (演唱歌單)
"Chase" "Runaway" "Insomnia" "Heartbreak" "I'm Home" "Falling Free" (Korean ver.) "Waterfall" "Retro" "Prove It" "Stay For a Night" "Choice" YOONA FAN MEETING TOUR "YOONITE"[ 编辑 ] YOONA FAN MEETING TOUR "YOONITE" (演唱歌單)
"When the Wind Blows" "Knock" "Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway" 2024 TEN FIRST FAN-CON [1001][ 编辑 ] 2024 TEN FIRST FAN-CON [1001] (演唱歌單)
"Paint Me Naked" "On Ten" "Shadow" "Dangerous" "Water" "Love Talk" "Dream in a Dream" "Birthday" "Nightwalker" Encore
"New Heroes" "Lie With You" 2024 IVE 2nd FANMEETING <MAGAZINE IVE>[ 编辑 ] 2024 IVE 2nd FANMEETING <MAGAZINE IVE> (演唱歌單)
"Royal" "Love Dive" "OTT" "Off the Record" "Not Your Girl" "Holy Moly" "Baddie" "Kitsch" "I Am" Encore
"Next Page" "Shine With Me" Stray Kids 4TH FANMEETING 'SKZ's MAGIC SCHOOL'[ 编辑 ] Stray Kids 4TH FANMEETING 'SKZ's MAGIC SCHOOL' (演唱歌單)
"Megaverse" "Hall of Fame" "Blueprint" "Airplane" "Can't Stop" (SKZ ver.) "Mixtape : On Track" "Get Lit" "Back Door" "Sherlock (Clue + Note)" (cover) "Booster" Encore
"School Life" "Party's Not Over" "Fam" (Korean ver.) "Miroh" "Ta" 2024 CRAVITY FAN-CON <LUVITY GAMES>[ 编辑 ] 2024 CRAVITY FAN-CON <LUVITY GAMES> (演唱歌單)
"Ready or Not" "Adrenaline" "Fly" "Butterfly" (Woojin, Wonbin, Seongmin cover) "Champion" (Serim, Allen, Jungmo, Minhee, Hyeongjun, Taeyoung cover) "Fighting" (cover) "Cloud 9" "Cherry Blossom" "C'est La Vie" "Baddie" "Mammoth" "Megaphone" "Love or Die" Encore
"Love Fire" "Over & Over" 2024 EXO FAN MEETING : ONE [ 编辑 ] 2024 EXO FAN MEETING : ONE (演唱歌單)
"Hear Me Out" "Don't Go" "Peter Pan" "Wolf" "Growl" "Love Me Right" "Call Me Baby" "Lucky One" "Love Shot" "Lotto" "Monster" "Obsession" "Tempo" "Ko Ko Bop" "Cream Soda" "Don't Fight the Feeling" "Universe" Encore
"The First Snow" "XOXO" "Just as Usual" 2024 RIIZE FAN-CON TOUR 'RIIZING DAY' in SEOUL[ 编辑 ] 2024 RIIZE FAN-CON TOUR 'RIIZING DAY' in SEOUL (演唱歌單)
"Siren" "One Thing" (cover) "White Christmas" (cover) "Love 119" "Get a Guitar" "Honestly" "Talk Saxy" "9 Days" "Impossible" Encore
"One Kiss" "Memories" NCT WISH : School of Wish [ 编辑 ] NCT WISH : School of Wish (演唱歌單)
"Replay" (dance cover) "Wish" (Korean ver.) "Sail Away" (Korean ver.) "NASA" "Hands Up" (Korean ver.) Encore
"We Go!" (Korean ver.) 非法直播是線上演唱會潛在的問題。在首場Beyond LIVE 《SuperM - Beyond the Future》進行直播之前,SM娛樂 在SuperM 的各大社交媒體上發布了警告,將對非法直播侵犯版權的行為採取進一步的法律行動[ 50] 。在演唱會進行的同時,直播視頻上會不定時出現用戶賬號碼,以方便後台即時停止相關用戶進行非法轉播。儘管如此,美國媒體《福布斯 》指出,實際上有很多人嘗試通過非官方渠道收看線上直播的演唱會[ 8] 。
^1.0 1.1 1.2 Beyond LIVE . SMTOWN. [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-09-24)(中文) . ^2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Beyond LIVE : A new era of live concert begins . SMTOWN. 2020-04-20 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-04)(英语) . ^3.0 3.1 3.2 SM·JYP 세계 최초 온라인 콘서트 전문 회사 ‘비욘드 라이브 코퍼레이션’ 설립 . naver. 2020-08-04 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-11-16)(韩语) . ^ ‘Beyond Live’ K-Pop Concert Streaming Service Launches With SuperM, WayV, NCT Dream And NCT 127 . Forbes. 2020-04-21 [2021-01-04 ] (英语) . ^ K-pop stars look to online platforms to fill gap left by canceled performances . The Hankyoreh. 2020-04-27 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-09-12)(英语) . ^6.0 6.1 韩国SM娱乐和NAVER将合作推线上演唱会,首先登场的是SuperM . 新浪網. 2020-04-14 [2021-01-04 ] (中文) . ^7.0 7.1 TWICE 加入线上开唱行列!8 月第二周与全球 ONCE 相见 . 韩星网. 2020-07-17 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-07-20)(中文) . ^8.0 8.1 8.2 SuperM’s Virtual K-Pop Concert Sees Major Earnings . Forbes. 2020-04-26 [2021-01-04 ] (英语) . ^ NCT 127, ‘비욘드 라이브’에 전 세계 10만 4000여 시청자 모였다 . naver. 2021-01-04 [2020-05-18 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-07-03). ^ 슈퍼주니어 ‘Beyond LIVE’ 대성황, 최첨단 기술로 시선 압도 . Naver. 2020-06-01 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-11-16)(韩语) . ^ NCT, 믿고 보는 무대+무한 시너지…124개국 20만 명이 즐긴 NCT 월드 . Naver. 2020-12-28 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-26)(韩语) . ^ 새해 첫날 'SMTOWN LIVE', 186개국 3,583만 스트리밍 대기록 . Naver. 2021-01-02 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-04)(韩语) . ^ ‘Beyond LIVE’ 백현 첫 솔로 콘서트 전 세계 120개국, 11만 시청자 사로잡았다 . Osen. 2021-01-04 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-04)(韩语) . ^14.0 14.1 Yoon, Sang-geun." 샤이니 '비욘드 라이브' 성료..120개국+13만명 팬소통 "행복"[종합]" . Naver. [2021-04-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-11)(韩语) . ^15.0 15.1 Park, Seo-Hyun."'비욘드 라이브' 태민, 전 세계 119개국 팬 열광..솔로 콘서트 대성황" . Naver. [2021-05-02 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-11)(韩语) . ^16.0 16.1 SuperM全球首场线上演唱会反响热烈 开启演唱会新未来 . 人民网. 2020-04-28 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-04-19)(中文) . ^ Love Beyond Live: SuperM Livestream Concert From Seoul Is a Win for Fans, Despite Technical Issues . Variety. 2020-04-26 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-20)(英语) . ^ K-pop boy band SuperM thrills fans as it performs concert online during coronavirus pandemic . ABC News. 2020-04-27 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-31)(英语) . ^ K-pop stars look to online platforms to fill gap left by canceled performances . 韓民族日報. 2020-04-27 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-09-12)(英语) . ^ 威神V全球线上演唱会圆满成功 全世界观众同时在线观看 . 艺人网. 2020-05-03 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-06-18)(中文) . ^21.0 21.1 21.2 WayV, a paid concert dedicated to online ‘Beyond LIVE’ . smentertainment. 2020-05-03 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-11)(英语) . ^ #WayV – Beyond the Vision开始时威神V的官方应援棒会进行同步联动 . WayV. 2020-05-01 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-08)(中文) . ^23.0 23.1 NCT 127 wowed over 104 thousand viewers in 129 countries at their 'Beyond LIVE' concert online! . smentertainment. 2020-05-18 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-06-13)(英语) . ^ The 10 Best Moments of NCT 127's 'Beyond the Origin' Live Stream Concert . Billboard. 2020-05-07 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-08)(英语) . ^25.0 25.1 TVXQ! & SUPER JUNIOR join the lineup of Beyond LIVE! . smentertianment. 2020-05-11 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-09)(英语) . ^ TVXQ! meets worldwide fans at home via 'Beyond LIVE'! . smentertianment. 2020-05-25 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-09)(英语) . ^27.0 27.1 SUPER JUNIOR successfully wraps up 'Beyond LIVE' concert receiving over 2.85 billion ❤'s from more than 123 thousand fans around the world! . smentertianment. 2020-06-01 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-07)(英语) . ^ TWICE 周末开唱 定延因健康问题不得不坐著表演 . 韩星网. 2020-08-06 [2021-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-09-29)(中文) . ^ 슈퍼주니어 -KRY, 8월23일온라인공연개최…5년만단독콘서트[공식입장] . naver. 2020-07-20 [2020-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-11)(韩语) . ^ 슈퍼주니어 , 'Beyond LIVE'로역대급슈퍼쇼···전세계12만3천팬들과함께했다 . JoongAng Ilbo. 2020-06-01 [2020-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-06-23)(韩语) . ^ Stray Kids(스트레이 키즈) ONLINE CONCERT . Stay Kids. 2020-10-18 [2020-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-18)(英语) . ^ SM Entertainment CEO Drops “Spoiler” About An NCT 2020 Concert . koreaboo. 2020-10-28 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-27)(英语) . ^ Beyond LIVE - NCT : RESONANCE 'Global Wave’ . NCT. 2020-12-21 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-21)(英语) . ^ NCT’s Taeyong To Be Absent From Beyond LIVE Concert And Other Activities Due To Injury . soompi. 2020-12-24 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-26)(英语) . ^ NCT's Jisung unable to perform on stage due to knee injury . allkpop. 2020-11-04 [2020-11-30 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-18)(英语) . ^ NCT, 믿고 보는 무대+무한 시너지…124개국 20만 명이 즐긴 NCT 월드 . naver. 2020-12-28 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-29)(韩语) . ^ SM 측"1월1일온라인콘서트무료중계, 태연→레드벨벳출연"(공식) . newsen. 2020-12-28 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-28)(韩语) . ^ 레드벨벳 웬디, 부상 후 1년 만에 복귀.."완전체 무대 설레" ('SMTOWN LIVE') . osen. 2021-01-01 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-01)(韩语) . ^ SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity" Intro|Be kind, Be humble and Be the love . SMTOWN. 2021-01-01 [2021-01-01 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-29)(英语) . ^ The free #SMTOWN_LIVE concert records 35,830,000 streams in 186 countries! . SMTOWN. 2021-01-02 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-02)(英语) . ^ Beyond LIVE - BAEKHYUN : LIGHT . EXO. 2020-12-21 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-21)(英语) . ^ ‘Beyond LIVE’ 백현 첫 솔로 콘서트 전 세계 120개국, 11만 시청자 매료! . EXO. 2021-01-04 [2020-01-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-04)(韩语) . ^ ‘무대 장인’ 샤이니 ‘Beyond LIVE’ 4월4일 개최‥첫 온라인 콘서트(공식) . naver. 2021-03-12 [2021-03-12 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-03-12)(韩语) . ^ 샤이니 태민, 5월 2일 솔로 온라인 콘서트 개최[공식] . Naver. 2021-04-19 [2021-04-19 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-04-22)(韩语) . ^ 슈퍼주니어 데뷔 15주년 기념 온라인 팬미팅 . SUPER JUNIOR. 2020-10-23 [2020-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-30)(韩语) . ^ 동방신기, 데뷔 17주년 기념 랜선 팬미팅 개최..14일 티켓 오픈 . HeraldCorp. 2020-12-11 [2020-01-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-11-16)(韩语) . ^ 엑소 시우민, 온라인 팬미팅 개최 [공식] . SuperM. 2021-03-05 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-03-05)(韩语) . ^ Beyond LIVE - NCT 127 ONLINE FANMEETING 'OFFICE : Foundation Day' . NCT 127. 2021-06-29 [2021-06-30 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-06-29)(英语) . ^ NCT DREAM, 5주년 기념 온라인 팬미팅 25일 개최 . naver. 2021-08-13 [2021-08-13 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-08-13)(韩语) . ^ 비욘드 라이브의 불법 스트리밍이 적발될 경우 저작권 위반에 의한 법적인 제재를 받으실 수 있으니 공연 관람을 희망하시는 분들은 합법적인 관람권 구매를 통한 참여 부탁 드립니다 . SuperM. 2020-04-26 [2021-01-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-10-13)(韩语) .