A downloadable tileset
Pixel Hex Tileset came out in 2018. When it was released, I was blown away by the community's response and reception.
While Pixel Hex Tileset is great, I've grown as an artist and I'm ready to show off another set. Pixel Hex Tileset 2 is a completely new tileset with different biomes and other details that make it unique from Tileset 1. Tilesets 1 and 2 are compatible with each other.
If you're new to hex tilesets, these tiles are used to build maps or game worlds for your own table top roleplaying adventures (think D&D, PbtA, Troika, etc). Use your favorite hex tile program, virtual table top, or photo editing software to create wonderful worlds!
Commercial licensing is now available for those wanting to add these tiles to their video game or ttrpg product!
Unzip the folder using any common unzip program (7zip, winrar, etc). Import the folder into the application or virtual table top you plan to use.
Virtual Table Tops: Some VTTs like Roll20 support hex tiles, although you may need to tweak the settings. Import the tiles and make sure the hexes are as close to 84x96 pixels as possible.
Hex Kit: Pixel Hex Tileset started as a set from Hex Kit, which supports flat topped hex tiles. However, some users have reported issues with importing tiles recently.
The Pixel Hex Tileset 2 sorted zip file has all the tiles presorted in folders and is ready for import into Hex Kit. Import the main folder using the import tool on HexKit. Please note tiles may appear outside of the boundary but that's because some tiles have art extending over the hex border. You may need to manually adjust settings to align tiles if you have issues.
For Tiled and other map programs:
If your tile program supports folder organization, download the Pixel Hex Tileset 2 sorted file. Otherwise, Pixel Hex Tileset 2 unsorted contains all the tiles in one convenient folder.
The images are saved as 96x96 pixels to allow for objects outside the hex boundary, but should be treated as 84x96 pixel images for the sake of hex sizing. Import the images and use the following settings:
Photoshop or Image Editors:
If you are bold enough to hand select and place individual hex tiles, then more power to you! Just make sure to create a large enough canvas.
By purchasing Pixel Hex Tileset, you agree to the following terms:
Commercial use license is $60, and includes the tileset assets if you don't already have them.
Do not buy the commercial use license until you've read the example contract in the demo section. Reach out if you have questions.
The license allows you to use this specific tileset for any amount of commercial projects, given some specific limitations.
Please hang on to your receipt as proof.
Feel free to reach out to me when you publish and I'll see about boosting your project on socials.
(I've ended my patreon page for the near future but shout out to):
Alexander Graefe
Bradley Gardner
Chris Mangum
Depressed Puppy
Dylan Hill
Justin Rude
Luke Magnan
Malcom Wilson
In order to download this tileset you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Hey, Zeshio! I used your earlier tilesets to DEATH for my personal projects, thank you so much for the updated assets!
I've always used Tiled for my maps, and I had to pull up my old maps because there is no "horizontal" orientation option. What users will want is their orientation set to "Hexagonal (Staggered)" and a Stagger Axis set to X before setting the tile dimensions from the Map Properties. After that the new tileset worked perfectly, and it's so much easier as individual images.
Thank you again! Best wishes.
Why do you have this tile set on roll20 if it doesn't fit? Why haven't you made ANY attempt to fix the problems? Because people like me who want to support artists instead of AI love your art and get screwed. So now I've bought your tile sets twice and the dog shit program TileD doesn't work, I'm not paying for Hex-Kit since it doesn't work there either. So what am I left to do except learn my lesson and never support another artist ever again? Alright. Lesson learned. You make amazing tiles, too bad they can't be used.
Tiled is very frustrating at first glance because nothing is explained to you, even though the learning curve is not as high as it seems.
When you create the tileset, make sure to set it to "collection of images" and from the "Add Tiles" menu you should be able to select the entire "unsorted" folder, using the settings explained in the post above. I know I used to have problems when all of the tiles were a single image file, but as individual images they're already set to work.
Next you'll create a new map with the settings I've posted below. The red boxes are for the map dimensions, which will vary based on your project. Also make sure Stagger Axis is set to X rather than Y.
Once you do that, all of the tiles should line up with the map and show in their entirety. Then you can start exploring with layers for stacked tiles or adding structures and animal tiles, etc.
Versatile (get it?) collection of sprites, so nice to have a selection to pick from. Made a handcrafted map with them for my game Spammerina:
I bought this tile set some time ago, but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted in Foundry. Recently I learned that TileD supports Hex grids and they can be used there, though you need to put the tile sets files together yourself for use in the program. It's a bit tedious, but only needs to be done once, at which point you can just load the TSX files for future mapping endeavors.
Amazing tile set, easily worth far more than the asking price!
Ok, I did some checks on my different sets. The Hex Tileset 1 roads go across the borders, but the Hex Tileset 2 roads don't. I have them ending at the border of the hex. So if you're using the PH2 roads, there will be a space left to allow for the full hex border. I apologize if that looks kind of weird, maybe I can export an updated version that aligns with PH1 roads.
Correct. Created maps are for personal use (not for sale). If you're making money or gaining some benefit from a map you created from my tiles, its against the use (the only exception to this being streaming or YouTube content). If you want to discuss a way to use the maps for commercial use, you can email me at zeshio.zworld@gmail.com. Options would be to include me as part of the royalty for the adventure or pay for a one time use to commercialize your map in a product. Thanks!
Pixel Hex 1 and Pixel Hex 2 are completely separate. I don't think it would be appropriate to resell the same assets in multiple packs! Pixel Hex 1 was my original set I created a couple of years ago, and as such it's a bit more simple. Each has different 'themes' the other set doesn't have. However, each pack can function by itself, or you can mix and match. It's generally up to you!
Hi thanks for the replay.
I didn't know [or understand] its only art asset .
Is there a free art map maker i cod use? the program cost 9$ and the programs are 15$ more. Now i have the asset but have no real way to use it without paying more - which is ok - but I woud be much happier if it was more clear on the presentation of the asset.
Thanks Eli for your response. Tiled is a free map editing program, I suggest using that. https://thorbjorn.itch.io/tiled
If you read my store page, I have instructions on what specific things you need to use the art files.
Thanks and I hope you have a good time with them!
Is there a way to make these tiles stay within the boundary for Hex Kit after rotation? When I go to rotate hexes they end up looking out of bounds and disjointed. It prevents me from using the tools effectively because I have to go through and find the tile specifically made for whatever angle of connection I need.
Thanks for the question Bakure. The inherent limitation with positional hexes is that they really can't be rotated. You can do horizontal flipping of the tile because they're flat top hexes, but that's the most you'll be able to do. This is the reason why I had to create each specific angle or connector. Thanks!
Okay, I've been playing around with it for a couple hours now. I love what you did with the rivers, and the transitions! One thing I would like to see is larger mountain options, or some sort of "tiered" sections to make mountainous areas look bigger. I'm also not sure what to use for farm land. You had that in V1, but I don't see anything that is obviously a farm area. I could be blind and haven't explored enough though. I also had quite a bit of trouble with the roads not lining up with the grid, so I ended up just placing them freehand, rotating and flipping as needed. This I didn't mind, but I'm not sure how I was supposed to make a continuous path otherwise.
Overall, the options in this pack are amazing! There are so many variants and positions to fit every transition combination. Not only that, but I love the options to have a flat shore, semi-rocky shore, and full cliff shore with the summer Fjord! I decided to remake the 150x150 map that I made with the V1 tile pack, but this time I'm making it double the scale.
Another suggestion for things to add: Full forest options and transitions. I've got some thick forests on my map I would like to recreate.
I think I'm going to have quite a bit of feedback for you here in the next while. :P In regards to the mountains, my idea was to have a continuous spine of mountains, rather than occasional protrusions. I'm done quite a bit of my map, and I love how it's looking, so I'll share it here when I have more to show.
I might just edit a list of stuff I would like to see here, or things I haven't found, and continue adding as I get more ideas.
Things I have not found / would like to see: