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Pages for the Creations of Ryan Armstrong


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  1. Arcade Spinner Box


    A how-to on assembling an Ultimarc SpinTrak into a PC USB controller

    Arcade-style spinner

  2. Atari Lynx Screenshot Gallery

    Todd's Adventure in Slime World

    After Game Boy and Neo Geo Pocket Color, it's time for a gallery of...the Atari Lynx! I'm actually pleasantly surprised at the variety of games for this system.


    View Gallery

  3. Neo Geo Pocket Color Screenshot Gallery

    Metal Slug First Mission

    Having previously done the Game Boy Gallery, I was inspired to do another gallery ofportable screenshots: this time for the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

    It's a much smaller library, but it's neat to see it all in one place. Enjoy:

    View Gallery

  4. Dungeon Mapper now on Github

    Well, it's very very very late, butDungeon Mapper is nowon Github in my own repo area. I'll see if I can at least get into a phase where it can be built on modern systems and accept pull requests,but who knows what else will do with it …

  5. Nutty Apricot Granola Bars

    I finally decided to post my current granola bar recipe, as ithas shifted quite a bit since the earlier one I posted way backin 2013. As before, any dried fruit can be substited just fine,and any combination of oats, nuts and grains should workwith a similar …

  6. Faking Fullscreen in Linux

    When running games in Linux, especially throughWine, occasionally you will run intoa game that doesn't support fullscreen and otherwise appears a bit small for comfort.In my case, I ran into this runningEnvironmental Station Alpha andthe classicEntertainment Pack version ofChip's Challenge.

    The approach I …

  7. Dice Solitaire

    A solitaire game for the Arduboy with a dice theme.

    title screen

  8. Super Mario Maker 2 Courses

    A listing of my courses for Super Mario Maker 2 on the Switch.

    Ghost Caves

  9. Mapping Scripts Updated to Support Python 3.x

    This is just a heads up that theROTT,Xargon andShadow Caster mapping and resource extraction scripts have been upgraded to support Python 3.x versions. They should again be easily usable on modern OSes and Distributions. All three projects have been configured onGithub in suitable repositories.

  10. Arduboy MPD Remote Firmware

    A firmware/python pairing to control playback on aMusic Player Daemon (MPD) instance using anArduboy.

    Arduboy remote display example

  11. Yet another GRUB guide

    It should go without saying that there are a lot of guides to installingGRUB and fixing GRUB stuff for Linux users (not the least of whichis theArch Wiki. This articleis a smaller, more focused article on the issues I have personally runinto, and their solutions …

  12. Mystic Balloon Maps

    Pixel maps for Mystic Balloon


  13. Running Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 in QEMU

    A guide to running Caldera Open Linux 1.3 in QEMU with working networking, XFree86 setup and some information on forwarding X clients from the VM to Xnest.

    XNest session running 'Looking Glass'

  14. Ace of Penguins (1998)

    The Ace of Penguins is a collection of solitaire and other computer games, mostly modelled after those included in Windows or theMicrosoft Entertainment Packs.

    A round of solitaire

  15. X Solitare (1998)

    X Solitare (xsol) is a VERY basic Klondike solitaire implementation. It doesn't have card art, it doesn't automatically flip cards and does not detect a win state.

    A round of solitaire, almost won

  16. XPacman (1996)

    XPacman is a fascinating, though bare-bones, clone of Pac-man.

    XPacman on the default board size

  17. XShisen (1995)

    XShisen is an implementation of theShisen-sho variety of Mahjong solitaire. In this variety, pieces are arranged into a single rectangle and can be removed if they can be connected by three horizontal/vertical line segments.

    A round of solitaire, almost won

  18. XSok (1994)

    An X11 clone of Sokoban, Cyberbox with several other unique levels.

    A screenshot of XSok running level 1 of the Sokoban levels

  19. XTrojka (1994)

    Trojka is a falling block puzzle game, somewhat similar toColumns, but using its own matching rules. The game is played in a rather narrow well, of only 5 blocks wide. Blocks fall individually, and need to be matched in groups of three or more horizontally or diagonally, butnot vertically (which would be trivial).

    A game of XTrojka

  20. XEvil (1994)

    XEvil is a primarily multiplayer platformer deathmatch game for the X Window System.

    XEvil match, modern version

  21. XBill (1994)

    XBill is probably the least-likely of these games to be forgotten, but I would be remiss if I covered old Linux games without mentioning it. XBill has you protecting a series of computers against an army of 'Bill' clones who seek to install a virus disguised as an operating system. You do this, of course, by clicking on each Bill to cause them to explode. Naturally.

    XBill game in progress

  22. Oonsoo (1994)

    Oonsoo is is a solitaire/patience game involving Hanafuda cards. The objective is to sort each of the twelve suits in order, such that each foundation has a single suit/season. As you play, you can deal an additional row of cards until all cards are eventually in play. In this regard, it is somewhat similar to Spider solitaire.

    Oonsoo game in progress

  23. XMine (1993)

    Another game, another clone. This time it'sMinesweeper. Overall, this isvery faithful clone of the Windows version, down to the smiley face and the user-friendly feature that the first click is always safe. The same difficulty presets are present, and similar capabilities for a custom game.

    A game of XMine

  24. XPat/XPat2 (1993)

    XPat is a collection of solitaire/patience games. BeforeAisleriot,KPatience orPySolFC, this was as good as it got.

    Running XPat2 with Gypsy Solitaire rules

  25. XVier (1992)

    XVier is a single-player implementation ofConnect Four against the computer.

    A game of XVier

  26. Chomp (1990)

    Chasing after white ghosts after eating a power pellet

    Yup, it's a Pac-Man clone. Pretty good one too, despite being black and white.Game speed is good (though can betweaked via compile options), ghosts are suitablyevil, and fruit appears exactly how you expect it. No tunnels though.

    Chomp was written by Jerry J. Shekhel in 1990 for …

  27. XLander (1992)

    XLander is a 3D wire-frame lunar lander clone. The game keeps looping after each successful (or partially successful) landing so you can earn a high score based on your landing combo. As soon as you crash, the game immediately exits and reports your final score to the terminal.

    Approaching the landing pad in XLander

  28. Jewel Box (1990)

    Jewel Box is a fairly faithful clone ofColumns. Not a whole lot more to say about it; if you've played once of the Sega releases, or other clones, you should know what to expect. If you've been looking for something like that for Unix/Linux: congrats, you found it!

    Jewel Box session in progress

  29. Spider (1989)

    Next up for 1989 is... another Solitaire variant. This time it is the popular Spider solitaire, a whole 9 years before Microsoft's version.Spider is a popular solitaire variant with a fair amount of strategy, and this is pretty good version of it.

    A game of Spider Solitaire in progress

  30. XTetris/XTetris 2 (1989)

    This specific Tetris clone is XTetris, which is an overall rather enjoyable version. It has a drop preview and both rotation directions, with hard drop as the drop method. No multiplayer, hold, T-spins, multi-piece preview or any modern Tetris trappings. Just a fun, basic Tetris marathon.

    A game of XTetris

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