


Adventure Begins - 16x16 Retro Tiles & Characters

Adventure Begins - 16x16 Retro Tiles & Characters

A downloadable asset pack

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The time has come to embark on a great adventure. From the beloved village to mysterious forests and ruins, traveling through vast plains; crossing lively rivers and hot deserts... marching on towards yourvery first dungeon!
Adventure Begins is a collection of 16x16 tiles and characters, inspired by the late 90s era of handheld action rpgs and rpgs, carefully crafted to push classic pocket hardware to the very edge.

The entire pack (unlocking at 14,99$) features:

  • more than 15 different terrains (single tiles and composeable)
  • 5 different cliff tiles, with variations, caves and stairs
  • 6 different trees and a composeable jungle ...and a biiig tree!
  • drywall and grassy mound ruins
  • animatedwater (shallow, deep, sea, waterfalls, cliffs and rocks - and more!)
  • village houses, decorations and bridges
  • desert tiles, dunes and an ancient city
  • 3palette variations: daytime, sunset and night.
  • planned updates and extras from the discord workshop!

Now also including the character expansion pack - Adventurers & Adversaries!

This add-on pack features 4 directional characters with movement animation, 4-5 colors in a gbc-like aesthetic.

  • 36 characters (heroes and npcs)
  • 8 animals
  • 8 horse and horseriding sprites
  • 16 monsters
  • 8 big bosses
  • alternative palette for each character

Adventure Inside, the latest expansion pack for Adventure Begins is now available! It containsinterior tiles and brand new Castle City tiles!
This latest expansion pack, the biggest one yet - effectively more than double the original release, contains:

  • Castle Town tileset (656x656pixels! More than 1.6k tiles!) featuring modular house and castle tiles, walls, a flea market and much more!
  • 6 Interior Structure tilesets(Cave, three types of house, Treetop, Special Round Turrets), matching Adventure Begins Overworld and the brand new Castle Town tileset
  • Hundreds of decorations (tables, chairs, furniture, food, wall-mounted, shop, astrology, science and magic and much more!)
  • Brand new animations (waterwheels, windmill, doors, crystals, chests, light sources, furniture and more!

A selection of tiles and characters is available as a free version!
Rpgmaker and Godot support is coming.

For both versions of the pack (demo and complete)
✔️ You can :

  • Use these assets for personal and commercial projects.
  • Adapt and modify these assets, their palette and their layout to match your project and needs.

❌ You can not :

  • Claim these assets as yours.
  • Distribute or sell those assets, even when modified.
  • Use the assets for a NFT/metaverse/AI project.

🎞️The only difference between the two versions is crediting:demo version requires crediting for either commercial or personal projects; whereas credits are not mandatory for the complete pack (but still very apreciated!).


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

AdventureBegins_DemoVersion.zip60 kB
Adventure_Begins_OverworldTilesetPack1.0.1.zip2.5 MB
if you pay$14.99 USD or more
Adventurers & Adversaries 1.2.zip3 MB
if you pay$14.99 USD or more
Adventure Inside 1.1.zip5.7 MB
if you pay$14.99 USD or more

Development log


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Ever plan on doing any weapons or attack animations? 

Would it be possible to get the color palette that was used to create these Tilesets? It could be very useful.

Very rarely do you see a tileset that you go, damn, I hope somebody makes a game using this. This is a gorgeous looking tileset, really.

Does it support RPG Maker now? I just want to make sure before I buy it.

Very, very soon! As we are speaking I'm working with  the whole cross-pack rpgmaker update (for this pack, Tar Pit and Adventure Begins)!
May I ask which RMaker version would you be interested in the most? Atm I'm  focusing mainlyon MZ/MV

I'm using RMaker MZ. I'll be waiting for that RMaker update support. Thanks and Goodluck! 

MZ/MV version please. 

I have an issue with the Cave tilesets. I feel like I'm missing some tiles for making concave rooms. Will tiles be added for creating corners inside cave rooms?

Does this pack include a palette file, by chance?

Ohh, very nice looking. Also looking forward for RPG Maker support.

Hey, I absolutely love these tiles, instant purchase, excited to get to use them! I saw that RPG Maker support was planned for a while back, is that still on the docket for this pack?

Yes indeed! The next big update is RMaker files (for this and the new assets), as well as a few extra parts (and correctioons)!

Insta purchase when this drops 😎

This is stunning! Just purchased and can't wait to tinker around with it! Thank you for your incredible work

Hi, could you include the color palette? Thanks!

Hi, Zaebucca! I noticed a problem in the Cave_A and Cave_B tilesets. The floor tiles in the bottom left corner are misaligned. I had to move them down half a tile for them to work as intended. This seems to be an error in the packing of the sprites

hello is there any attack animations or is this more like jrpg overworld where the combat is seperate

There's no attack animations, which I feel is probably this assets weakest part. 

ngl , this is absolutely gorgeous and very reminiscent of FF:Legends and Dragon Quest

Is it possible to use these assets in an open source project for a pirate themed game? It has the GPL 3.0 license. No, I have not used it yet :)

You could, but the assets would not be able to be GPLed since the license is more restrictive. While the GPL allows redistribution, the description of these assets clearly states that distribution is disallowed. So erm actually you can't distribute the game at all unless you distribute the rest of the game separate from the assets and then direct people here to download them. /hj

I would really love to see some more examples of the tileset in action, otherwise keep up the good work!

This pack looks great but, I was wondering if you plan on adding a snow expansion as well?

Amazing! This pack gives me an old Final Fantasy vibe. May I ask if you have any plans for Godot support soon, especially for the animation tiles?

How many layers would you recommend a game with these graphics to have?

That's all up to you how you want to handle it.
But generally speaking when I do it




Hello there! That's an interesting question. These tiles may work with as few as two layers (a terrain / structure layer, and an "overlay" layer for elements such as treetops and decorations with transparency). By following this strict limitation, you may be able to obtain a real retro-styled GBC aesthetic. Of course, on top of these two layers, a third one is dedicated to characters and animation.

I usually work with two or three layers as well + character/event layer, as this allows me slightly more freedom with overlaying tiles and transparent ones without making too many specific junction tiles!

this pack is insane. you're the GOAT

This is....... amazing

can u make and sell spell icons/items/weapons ect u know for jrpg games.

That's a lovely request, and I can just say... stay tuned!

This is really, really beautiful.Thank you for making the set!

Wow, the stunning material resolution, what a nostalgic and exquisite art style

Really cool assets, fantastic work!

This is a really gorgeous set, reminds me a lot of Zelda games. I started working on an RPG maker game that I plan to draw all the assets in, but I wanted something to start with so I wouldn't get bogged down in drawing stuff and never being happy with how it looked.

Seems you haven't quite worked out RPG Maker MZ support so I'll have to do a fair bit of 'reformatting' of things. Which is too bad, I hoped to be able to just buy it and go. But I know how to use Photoshop, so it's not the end of the world.

Still, it would have been really nice to be able to just drop these into RPG Maker and go instead of having to do a bunch of work :) (their auto tile system gives me a headache. It's not that complicated but it's still annoying.)

Hi David! I'm almost done with RMaker MZ (which is the easiest to set mainly because their 16x16 option and layering, allowing a more "custom" use of tilesets A, B, C, D). Character packs are already Rmaker-ready (with options for Rmaker XP, VX, Ace and MV as well)
The main issue with Rmaker tilesets (taking me forever) is the stark limitation on width and length, which requires me to constantly make more tileset groups and constantly sacrifice tiles  (dramatically so with terrains) and decoration to make everything fit in 256x256 groups.

The final result will probably still need quite some tinkering from the users, as it won't allow all the possible required combinations for each map anyways :'(

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll hold off until you say you're done then. I tried doing it myself but RPG maker's auto tile system is such a mind**** (not sure if you can swear in the comments on here.) I tried to do it myself but it gave me such a headache. I don't know why their system is so obtuse from the artist's perspective. Having the system generate these middle ground tiles based on little subtitles is ridiculous. It would make far more sense to just allow people to do a few 9/9 grids. Like this literally waves a couple megabytes per game, but wastes hours and hours of the artist's time.

Sorry one more thing. Do you have any rough estimate for when you think those will be done? (Don't want to rush or make you think you're under the gun. I honestly should have checked the description before buying... though your tiles are really gorgeous.) Once you do complete I'll purchase the pack again (I realize I don't have to but I will do it as a thank you.)

Also not sure if you're aware, if you want to make 16/16 tiles into 32/32 and 48/48 tiles for the three sizes of RPG Maker MZ tile set options you can just set Photoshop or whatever image app you're using to resample with nearest neighbour and then change your DPI from whatever it is to that number x2 for 32/32 and x3 for 48/48. Which might cut off future requests from people who want larger tiles. (Don't feel a need to do that just for me though, that's easy to do myself in Photoshop.)

Beautiful work! Is there estimate as to when Godot support is coming? Will defo get the whole pack once it does, this is just what I’m looking for. 

Absolutely stunning. Easily the most polished, professional, and amazing set I’ve seen on here or anywhere for that matter. Will definitely be keeping you in mind if I ever manage to get a project going.

Buckle293 days ago(1 edit)(+1)

Holy shit....absolutely incredible. My jaw dropped.

I often see a lot of assets I fall in love with on itch but very few get that reaction out of me.

So happy to hear you're adding RPG Maker support, its my creative outlet of choice. Following you and will buy it the second its updated.

Which animation do the caracteres have?

Hi! At the moment they all feature 4-directional, 3 frames walking movement!
I'm planning on adding a few attacks and other options as minor updates during the next months, but the focus of this particular pack has been tilesets and environments!

Question do you have the animation files already set up in Tiled perhaps? 

Oh! I set some animated tiled files while working and tryint the tileset, but I think it's a good idea to provide them once they're update with the new layouts. I'll be giving support to a variety of formats and layout in the next days and weeks, and I may as well add Tiled animation as well!

Beautiful work, it looks almost as though it were painted!!!

Btw: Why is it that you've chosen to have characters decorated in various shades of the same hue?

The visual inspiration is almost certainly based on the limited palettes seen in GBC games.

Thank you! Regarding sprite colors, I tried to follow the old school gbc games! Some of them (bosses and bigger sprites) have one more color hue to make them look richer (so they're actually black, highlight and two hues). I wanted to keep the characters quite simple and contrasted in order to make them pop a lot more withing the environment, but I also have a few more options in store... :'P

holy heck this is freaking GORGEOUS! great stuff!!

Hello, can I buy only the waterfall for a small price then the full version?

Hello! Sorry for the extremely late reply, but I didn't see this comment until today!
Sadly, due to the bundled nature of the pack resources it would be very difficult to me to make price estimates and on-demand deliveries and exports for each part of it!
I chose an affordable price policy (14,99 for more than 80 characters, thousands of tiles and animation frames) on a wide selection of tiles rather than very specific packs for this very reason!

Just bought the pack. Love your style. Using these in a game I have been creating. I would love to hire you for some commissions if you have time. Name your price! What a talent!

Hehe! Thank you so much Brandon, I'm flattered! At the moment my commissions are full, but I will probably open a batch later in May!
I tend to post openings on my socials, you can find me pretty much on every platform as Zaebucca in case!
You can find all the links on my carrd!

Thanks! Will keep a look out for sure!

I as well~! I love your assets and hope to commission you soon!

okay first off amazing!!! I love them! Quick question, is the Adventurers & Adversaries! included in this, or is a different pack? It looks like a link on phone, but either isn’t or isn’t hooked up. I basically want to know what is included in the 14.99 pack. Sorry for the bold, my phone won’t unfold it. 

Never mind I see what’s included now. But I was wondering if you will be adding more or not? 

Hey Lucas, don't worry for the bold hueheuhe!
Yes indeed, tilesets and character sprites are all together in the 14,99 pack!
I'm adding animations for bosses, a few characters and pixel battle effects, as well as rpgmaker and godot layouts, these updates will also be included in 14,99!

Thanks for the reply! I have been looking for assets like these for awhile, so I ended up buying them to make a game. I look forward to the updates! 

The tilesets are beautiful, but they don't seem to be (as far as I can tell) formatted for RPGMaker.

Unless I am mistaken, as things stand now, this will require a lot of cropping and moving things around.  

Hey! Yes, at the present date these tilesets included are not rpgmaker-ready! I'm still working a bit on tilesets and autotiles, which are not available yet as an rpgmaker format (I would like to provide an actual rgss file with connections and interactions working, but I'm a bit unfamiliar with rmvx, vx ace and mz and it's taking a bit of time) Characters instead are already rpgmaker-ready! 

I am planning a big release with godot and possibly gb studio formats all together!

Thank you for all your hard work. Please take your time.

Thank you for your support!
As a little update, I'm planning a bundle release of all the updates and extra content for this pack, due to popular demand. :'>
Stay tuned for more!

Thank you June! Sorry, I missed the comment. :'>
This is just the beginning!

Thank you Seliel! You are my gold standard for asset packs!

oh my, don't make me blush 🥰

Hehe, it's only fair! I basically discovered a few years ago from your twitter and Gif's!

Well, you have some really lovely art, with a very distinctive style. I'm sure your assets will be very popular 🤗 Good luck!

gameboy color compatible? :o

Not too strictly! I took quite some liberties. Tilesets generally follow the 4 color rule, and the general palette per environment is 16 colors or less.
Character sprites, for the vast majority, are 4 colors, while bosses come in two versions: 5 and 4 colors! Their sprites may be a little too big too!

Can't express how happy I am you even gave the large monsters 4-directional sprites! This means I can use them for tactical RPGs where facing is important!

Yes indeed! I think I will update the page with some previews showcasing the fact that every character, bosses included, are available in 4 directions!
Really happy this is helping you! :'>

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