Hi arcy and team, this is a fantastic little gem, congrats! any thoughts about converting into a small but full game? Looking for indie gems to publish, if interested let me know! you can find me in discord if you want to chat discord ID: cruzseg
This isnt actually a bug. Its meant to stop you from spamming airblocks so you cant cheese levels and just airblock all the way to the finish. But the feature does feel pretty buggy ngl
I'm not sure how I got this to happen, I think i was spamming buttons in the end screen and then when I quick restarded I quick restarded again while in the "press space to start" screen and then it happened. I restarted my game multiple times but that didn't fix it.
I found out what causes it. if you die after finishing a level (by placing a block, as shown in the video) you get sent back to the start menu. you can then press quick restart to get a 0 second time. (in the video i started first before quick restarting to showcase it)
Oh right, this is intentional to prevent spamming air cubes and cheesing the whole game, as long as you dont spam air cubes specifically this should never happen (i probably should put a cap on it though)
Good to know this isnt actually a bug. May want to fix the issue of it stopping you from normally scaling cubes after the fact. Ive had times where i will spam air cubes for a bit, then i wont be able to scale my cubes for the rest of a run.