well damn i did not expect a real reply. to not waste much time imma just give a quick feedback. the game is fun. it seems you are also working on other projectiles which is a nice idea. the movementspeed of the protag is in my opinion fine. attack power is ok.
now here are some stuff that maybe should or could be added: experience and upgrade (or a level system). bigger map/stages in same area with more little enemies (with more nsfw content maybe) but id say like 2 to 4 per area. movement button hidden once you fully lost maybe. you could also just make a rouge like game and add specs and upgrades. i know you probably thought of most of these but i heard somewhere that feedback is always welcomed. i believe your game has huge potential and im def waiting for further updates.
NEW UPDATE HECK YEAAAAH. sorry for not joining your patreon. me no have money. i do like your games tho and would love to see future updates in both this game and moon rhapsody bc the gameplay is awesome. take your time in whatever youre planning and sorry for being unable to contribute more. (i WOULD translate the whole game in german if youd allow me to play the whole thing instead of the demo)
no. also im using the itch app. the language barrier is kinda probably messing with us. sorry about that. imma describe it as accurate as possible. downright is the button right next to another button which looks similar to an option like button. if i click on it it just doesnt show me how big the game is. even if i tried to continue to download it just says :(cannot read property "build" of undefined)
thx for explaining it. first about the bed situation. After i saved that kidnapped lady in the house full of these bandits i started farming to increase my strenght for some days. i somehow managed to stay in the inn for the first 2 days even though i didnt have the money. i just did miniquest till after night and woke up in the inn. after gathering the money i finally was able to use the bed but didnt get charged. now about the black screen. after walking through that allay first i had to go back to it. i went there next day and the protag basically said something like going there next day. and the next thing i saw was a black screen slowly fading in but it just coulndt vanish. i was able to open the menu and save but reloading also didnt help.
this looks promising but i have just 3 issues. the game itself seems to have potential but i sometimes get stuck by a black screen everytime i finish the main quest. mana also sometimes vanish right after i gathered it into the cube tho i might also have not yet understood that concept. money doesnt vanish after use (sleeping and loosing the clown minigame) and just to clarify how many scenes are there? bc i think some scenes that should have been activated just didnt and thats why im asking. But i for sure like the idea behind the game. hope to see more in the future