never been a wringer main, but I think torpedo could combo quite well with dread. Tristrike is pretty alright for tower, but I don't think that dread or torpedo would be a good pick for the mode. I'd probably be better for something like zones or clam blitz, tho. If you want a good weapon for tower, probably go with a blaster or weapon that has suction bombs
Unfortunately, I don't have a way to play the game, but I did watch ManyBadassHero's video on this game. It seemed like a very cool game!
The true ending though, man... what a shocker. I was not expecting that, and it honestly makes me sad that Allie won't be able to see Tabby again. Even when the scares fall short for me, they never fail to make me feel sad for the characters. I absolutely love cute animal characters, and the way you do your horror is the perfect contrast.
Whenever I get myself an actual computer to play your games on, you can bet I'll be playing them. Keep up the good work!
really difficult. Its a good concept that could use some much needed polishing. the sprite work is really good, and the visuals are easily the best part. It seems like if you press left for just a split second, or release right for just a little too long, you're pretty much doomed. I haven't been able to get past three segments for the P-Meter.
tl;dr tweak the difficulty. all you have to do is slow down the Chomp when it gets close enough, or maybe, as another comment suggested, add a practice mode, just to let players get familiar with the platforming. I've lost one too many runs to a note block that didn't want to send me high up
Incredible! Truly! I loved this demo beginning to end! The gameplay is incredibly fun, and while the controls don't exactly translate well to keyboard, I'd love to play this on Switch when it comes out.
I may not have a GBA, but I'd love to get this game from the E Shop when it does come out. The art style is great, and the dialogue is great too. The puzzles aren't that easy, but you feel great when you figure it out