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Have fun with exploring the world of XOOPS.
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Directory XoopsModules25x: 86 of 191 Repositories
Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.5.x
Created at: 11/10/2020 9:06 Updated at: 01/22/2024 15:21
wgSimpleAcc module forXOOPS CMS for incomes/expenses calculation for small communities (like my sports community)
Main features:
Most of the templates on user side are fully responsive, but for proper displaying you must use a Bootstrap theme.
wgSimpleAcc Version 1.22 is based on Bootstrap 3. It is recommended to to use theme 'wgsa_startmin' from folder 'extras/themes'
Next versions will be updated to Bootstrap 4.
Tutorial: coming soon onGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 11/26/2020 12:41 Updated at: 10/06/2023 13:54
wgGithub module forXOOPS CMS can be used to access Github data, download repositories information, releases information and readme files.
The index page provide an overview about all repositories with release information and show the content of the readme file.
Additonally you find links to the repositories and releases for quick access.
The database will be updated with each access to index page.
For access to GitHub you need a GitHub account and you have to enter your user name and private access token in "settings"
wgGithub is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: soon onGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 11/12/2016 11:35 Updated at: 09/08/2023 18:17
wgTimelines module forXOOPS CMS enables you to create beautiful timelines for your XOOPS website. You can select between different templates, which have also various settings.
You can add descriptions and/or logos to your individual timelines, and for each item you can also add an image, as well as a rating system.
Most of the templates on user side are fully responsive, but for proper displaying you must use a Bootstrap theme. Depending on the template you can select various options like colors, border styles, badges and many more.
wgTimelines is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 05/03/2020 11:21 Updated at: 07/08/2023 8:49
SupportIf you liked the modulebuilder module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation toXoops.org
Note: This repository contains the code of the modulebuilder moduleIt's under development currently. If you want to build with developers this version of module or create a base modules, you can use the last version of this module atGithub, and visit the main discussion forum atXOOPS Web Site for more information.
Clear version
ModuleBuilder is a module that create other basic modules for XOOPS CMS.
ModuleBuilder is tested with PHP 8. Created modules are ready for PHP 8.0
Tested with XOOPS 2.5.11, you can not use it with earlier versions, unless because you don't fit some core files in the background and after some tests.
That is ahead XOOPS versions, and goes to 2.6.0, you should download XOOPS 2.5 and use with this latest version.
Therefore recommended not to use modulebuilder 3.x, with previous versions of XOOPS 2.5.10
PHP = 7.3, 7.4, 8.0
MySQL = 5.6.20, 5.7.11
Apache = 2.4.10, 2.4.18
XOOPS = 2.5.11
Codeception = 2.0.13
Selenium IDE = 2.9.0
Tutorial: coming soon onGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 03/03/2023 6:51 Updated at: 07/06/2023 10:50
wgTestUI module forXOOPS CMS for automated testing XOOPS Core and module
Main features:
Coming soon..
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 01/27/2022 6:40 Updated at: 06/28/2023 5:30
A XOOPS module for handling events, including online registrations.
If you like the wgEvents module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation toXoops.org
wgEvents is ready for PHP 8.0
In folderextras/themes/ you can find the themexswatch4_wge especially prepared for wgEvents
Coming soon...
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 05/18/2017 13:50 Updated at: 05/26/2023 4:15
XOOPS FAQ is aXOOPS module to create Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and organizethem by categories. Each category allows the administrator to create an unlimited number of questions and answers.
*FAQs can be organized into a virtually unlimited number of categories*Visibility of categories (and FAQs by inheritance) can be restricted using XOOPs Group Permissions*Virtually unlimited number of FAQs per category*Display of FAQs uses XOOPS templating system*Supports XOOPS commenting*FAQ answer display is controlled by javascript (in non-bootsrap themes) to provide a show/hide accordion effect*Uses XOOPS editors to allow for rich text display of FAQ answers.*Three (3) cloneable blocks are available to display Categories, Random FAQ, and most Recent FAQ(s)*Blocks allow varying visibility based on group permissions
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:45 Updated at: 04/20/2023 11:02
XoopsPolls module forXOOPS CMS can be used to display interactive survey forms on your site. Each poll can display a question on which visitors can ‘vote’.
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 02/06/2022 10:33 Updated at: 04/13/2023 22:43
A XOOPS module for generation of faked test data.
If you like the wgFaker module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation toXoops.org
wgFaker is ready for PHP 8.0
For detailed tutorial see help section in module.
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 03/28/2018 19:12 Updated at: 04/13/2023 22:37
wgGallery module forXOOPS CMS enables you to create beautiful galleries for your XOOPS website. You can select between different templates (gallery types, album types), which have also various settings.
Most of the templates on user side are fully responsive, but for proper displaying you must use a Bootstrap theme. Depending on the template you can select various options like slideshow type (Lightbox, Jssor,....), autoplay, speed and many more.
wgGallery is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 06/21/2020 12:37 Updated at: 04/13/2023 14:50
wgTransifex module forXOOPS CMS can be used to access Transifex data, download projects, resources and translations. You can provide then language packages as zip files.For access to Transifex you need a Transifex account and you have to enter your user name and passwort in "settings"
wgTransifex is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 01/28/2016 7:17 Updated at: 04/13/2023 14:44
wgTeams is a simple module forXOOPS CMS to present one or more teams.
You can select between different templates, which have also various settings.
The templates on user side are fully responsive, but for proper displaying you must use a Bootstrap theme.
wgTeams is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 11/12/2016 11:35 Updated at: 04/13/2023 14:33
A simple Xoops module for presentation of one or more legal notice. This module includes also the possibility to download ready-to-use text components.
If you like the wgSitenotice module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation toXoops.org
wgSitenotice is ready for PHP 8.0
Tutorial: onGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 05/15/2021 6:43 Updated at: 04/13/2023 14:30
wgDiaries module forXOOPS CMS documentation of the work from home in a diary.
Most of the templates on user side are fully responsive, but for proper displaying you must use a Bootstrap theme.
Demo (in German) is available on:https://xoops.wedega.com
The module is tested with
Tutorial will coming soon at: Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Translation will coming soon at:
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 12/12/2021 9:56 Updated at: 04/13/2023 14:27
A simple Xoops module for presentation of information in one or more blocks.
If you like the wgBlocks module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation toXoops.org
wgBlocks is ready for PHP 8.0
No additional tutorial necessary. See module help.
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:56 Updated at: 04/08/2023 19:55
extCal forXOOPS CMS is a module for Event/Calendar Management
Tutorial: seehere.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 11/12/2016 11:36 Updated at: 02/28/2023 13:15
this module admins a backlink network
Created at: 10/08/2013 7:01 Updated at: 02/11/2023 22:34
Content Publishing module forXOOPS CMS for static/HTML content and dynamic articles stored and presented in a hierarchical manner
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 7:03 Updated at: 12/16/2022 10:31
ModuleInstaller forXOOPS CMS is a module to install, uninstall, and update other modules in bulk
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:55 Updated at: 11/27/2022 7:44
Forum module forXOOPS CMS for discussions
Tutorial: seehere.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:50 Updated at: 10/25/2022 12:37
With theNews module forXOOPS CMS, you can create an unlimited number of news on your site. You can create all the articles you want and attach them to topics.
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 11/16/2017 19:42 Updated at: 10/07/2022 6:47
Suico module forXOOPS CMS is a Social Network module.
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:40 Updated at: 07/25/2022 16:02
SmartFAQ forXOOPS CMS as you would probably have guessed by the name, is a Frequently Asked Questions system for XOOPS 2.x websites.
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 09/23/2015 8:27 Updated at: 07/04/2022 6:43
Songlist (Karaoke) module forXOOPS CMS to .
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 10/08/2015 3:19 Updated at: 03/28/2022 15:08
MyIFrame forXOOPS CMS is a module for adding content from other Websites by using "iframes"
Tutorial: seeGitBook.To contribute to the Tutorial,fork it on GitHub
Please visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Directory XoopsDocs: 108 Repositories
Our repository for XOOPS documentation
Created at: 02/14/2016 23:43 Updated at: 10/23/2022 2:09
Copyright © 2013-2020 XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Unless otherwise specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Created at: 05/25/2015 4:10 Updated at: 10/07/2022 23:53
This document is an introduction toService Manager inXOOPS CMS Environment, in the upcomingnew version of XOOPS CMS
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 07/03/2022 17:31 Updated at: 07/03/2022 17:31
Karaoke module for XOOPS CMS
Created at: 02/06/2016 8:36 Updated at: 11/12/2021 15:56
© 2021 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
xForms is a module for XOOPS to offer widely customizable web forms.
This module allows the generation of different kinds of form elements e.g. text areas, check boxes for webmasters to create their "Contact Us" forms. Submitted information can be sent by email or through the private message system of XOOPS, and received by selected user group(s).
Some of the functions include:
Figure 1: Main view of the xForms Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 05/09/2017 7:29 Updated at: 11/03/2021 16:17
Version 0.9
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This document is a Cookbook documenting the recommended structure for XOOPS 2.5.10+ modules, best practices, as well as recipes for common tasks
You can contribute on GitHub by forking the book repository, editing the markdown files with a text editor, and submitting the changes via a Pull Request
Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 05/09/2020 19:05 Updated at: 07/16/2021 10:49
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is for creating/generating new XOOPS modules
Figure 1: Main view of the ModuleBuidler (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 04/25/2021 11:33 Updated at: 05/07/2021 14:03
© 2021 The XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
The module is used for simple income / expense accounting for clubs or small businesses.
This module supports:
All used templates on user side are fully responsive.
This module works only in combination with a bootstrap theme or you have to include bootstrap files manually to your theme.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is developed by Wedega Webdesign Gabor
Created at: 02/10/2021 9:22 Updated at: 02/10/2021 11:45
Tad's Module Development Guide is a translation of the Guide from Taiwan created by Tad:
Created at: 09/26/2015 18:52 Updated at: 11/05/2020 18:26
© 2018 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
© 2018 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module,xLanguage (eXtensible Multi-language content and character encoding Management plugin) handles displaying contents of different languages, like English, French and Chinese. Character encoding management also handles contents of different encoding sets for one language, like GB2312 (Chinese Simplified) and BIG5 (Chinese Traditional) for Chinese.
1 xLanguage does NOT have the ability of translating content from one language to another one. You have to input contents of various languages by yourself 2 xLanguage does NOT work without adding one line to XOOPS/include/common.php (see guide below) 3 xLanguage does NOT have the ability of converting content from one character encoding to another if none of "iconv", "mb_string" or "xconv" is available.
1 auto-detection of visitor's language on his first visitor 2 memorizing users' language preferences 3 switching contents of different languages/encoding sets on-fly 4 supporting M-S-M mode for character encoding handler
Figure 1: Main view of the xLanguage Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 11/12/2016 1:34 Updated at: 10/06/2020 20:44
Welcome to the XooNIps Developer Guide
Created at: 11/12/2016 1:32 Updated at: 10/04/2020 20:00
Module Version 3.49
Tutorial Version 3.45
© 2020XOOPS Project ,XooNIps,Riken
XooNIps is an easy-to-use software that can facilitates building a database-driven website for organizing enormous volume of information in various types of electronic formats, such as research papers, experimental data, mathematical models, and programs along with the metadata, and to share them with users worldwide on the internet.
Figure 1: Main view of the XooNIps Architecture
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed toXOOPS Project ,XooNIps,Riken
Created at: 05/25/2015 3:34 Updated at: 09/28/2020 10:02
for XOOPS 2.5.10 & PHP 7.2+
Figure 1: Main view of the NewBB Module (Admin side)
This module is for creating a Discussion Forums, aka BBS (Bulletin Boards).
Figure 1: Main view of the NewBB Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 07/23/2020 7:37 Updated at: 08/19/2020 6:47
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is especially developed for the translators of XOOPS modules and core.
Besides a lot of advantages Transifex have the disadvantage that you have to download the translated files one by one.
You have to create the necessary folders yourself and you have to partially rename the files and to save them in the right folders.
This module is:
Therefore downloaded files can be easily provided as a language package.
Figure 1: Main view of the wgTransifex (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 09/29/2015 17:47 Updated at: 08/09/2020 18:17
Version: xNewsletter 1.2 Final
© 2015 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is a Newsletter module for XOOPS created by Goffy.
Figure 1: Main view of the xNewsletter Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 08/08/2020 19:12 Updated at: 08/08/2020 21:08
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is a "CSS Markup Detective", a stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class.
Figure 1: Main view of the cssHolmes Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 06/14/2016 0:05 Updated at: 08/05/2020 15:01
Place holder for xfGuestbook Tutorial.
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is a simple Guestbook for the visitors of your Website.
Figure 1: Main view of the xfGuestbook Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 05/25/2020 7:16 Updated at: 05/25/2020 7:16
Created at: 04/17/2020 13:41 Updated at: 05/12/2020 14:07
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is aSocial Network module forXOOPS CMS
Figure 1: Main view of the Suico Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done by forking the tutorial fromGitHub, updating the markdown files with a text editor, and then submitting it back via a Pull Request.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 01/06/2016 17:15 Updated at: 05/12/2020 13:24
© 2020 XOOPS Project(www.xoops.org)
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the About us Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 02/16/2019 22:24 Updated at: 02/21/2020 2:40
This version contains information current as of XOOPS 2.5.11
Copyright © 2018-2020 XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Created at: 10/22/2019 13:27 Updated at: 11/15/2019 4:32
© 2019 The XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is for presentation of your images in a gallery.
You can defined various albums and combine different albums to a collection.
This module supports:
All used templates on user side are fully responsive.
This module works only in combination with a bootstrap theme or you have to include bootstrap files manually to your theme.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 11/26/2014 16:07 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:47
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the Marquee Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 02/06/2016 8:35 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:47
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module offers you an extensible waiting contents block into your XOOPS.
Figure 1: Main view of the Waiting Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 11/27/2014 9:14 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:43
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the Marquee Module (Admin side)
You can fork the module -->here)
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will bepushed to Gitbook.io automatically when themain repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository inthe Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Created at: 04/01/2016 8:49 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:43
Directory XoopsModulesArchive: 698 Repositories
Our repository for old modules
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:09 Updated at: 12/12/2020 12:01
XOOPS Module Archive: Modules in this archive are older modules for XOOPS CMS, and therefore some of them might not work with the latest XOOPS and PHP versions.
However, please fork them and if you have any improvements and fixes, please share them back with us.
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" XOOPS CMS version is being crafted at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 07/12/2020 6:17 Updated at: 11/10/2020 6:16
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:30 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:30 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Directory XoopsModules26x: 0 of 18 Repositories
Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.6.x
Directory XoopsThemes: 28 Repositories
Our repository for XOOPS themes
Created at: 09/13/2022 19:15 Updated at: 09/13/2022 20:04
This is the xswatch theme extracted from the pre-release XoopsCore25 XOOPS 2.5.11-Beta2
xSwatch is a theme forXOOPS 2.5 that is based onBootstrap 3.3.7.
The main theme is based onBootswatch Cerulean, and adark alternative is based onBootswatch Slate.Theme specific templates are generally compatible with and in many cases borrowed fromxBootstrap.
Customize xSwatch:
Created at: 06/20/2020 1:52 Updated at: 06/20/2020 2:18
Constra is a responsive HTML site template for a Construction Business. It has lot of features and is can be modified.
Adapted Modules:
Ported to XOOPSCMS 2.5.10+
License & Author Details:Freeware with Attributes toThemeFisher
XOOPS CMS is a free, open source, lightweight & extensible Content Management System (CMS) for building websites.
Visit us atXOPS CMS website
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 06/09/2020 0:14 Updated at: 06/11/2020 12:51
Xoops New Theme
Created at: 08/07/2020 12:13 Updated at: 02/09/2020 19:11
xSwatch4 is a theme forXOOPS 2.5.11 that is based onBootstrap 4.4.1.
The main theme is based onBootswatch Cerulean, and adark alternative is based onBootswatch Slate.
Customize xSwatch:
In addition to templates for the modules included in XOOPS (pm, profile and system,) Bootstrap v4.4 templates are included for the following modules:
Created at: 05/12/2017 10:20 Updated at: 02/26/2018 9:00
Version 1.2 Final
This is responsive theme for XOOPS CMS / www.xoops.org for 2.5.9 version
This theme is under MIT license and free for personal and commercial usage
This theme is based on simplegrid css /https://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/and font awesome icons /https://fontawesome.io/
DEMO URL:https://eunion.info/xoops/xsimpleblocks
Author:Brutalicuss support@eunion.info
This theme looks like any other, my first - xsimplegrid, but its really quite different
The is 25 possible, different top (bottom) block configuration on the template, 12 bottom (top) and 5 for footer blocks(see usage.txt and screenshots in docs folder, also you can view now in the demo - gallery)
The theme is clean for W3 validation, simple to use for own projects and as I believe looks modern and 100% responsive for mobile and tablets.
Created at: 12/18/2015 17:06 Updated at: 02/24/2018 2:11
xSimpleGrid Theme from Brutalicuss for Xoops 2.5.9 (based on SimpleGrid fromhttps://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/)
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Theme name: xsimplegrid
Version 1.3 Final (for XOOPS 2.5.9)
This is mobile responsive theme for XOOPS CMS / www.xoops.org
This template is FREE to use, moderate and publish for any project, personal or commercial
Author:Brutalicuss (support@eunion.info)Demo:https://eunion.info/xoops/xsimplegrid
Created at: 07/07/2021 10:37 Updated at: 12/15/2017 16:25
Created at: 05/04/2015 2:46 Updated at: 07/03/2017 5:38
xBootstrap is a theme for XOOPS (www.xoops.org) developed with Bootstrap.
Online demo:https://demo.xoopsfire.com
Previously, social sharing links through Shareaholic were automatically enabled.These are now optional and disabled by default. To enable Shareaholic supportfollow these steps:
<{assign var='siteId' value='n/a'}>
with theSite Id Shareaholic assigned to you, and save the fileYou can customize how Shareaholic interacts with your site in the Site ToolsDashboard on shareaholic.com. You may want to create an Inline App Locationon that page to customize the Share Buttons. These buttons will be shown intemplates such as modules/publisher/publisher_item.tpl with this line:<div class='shareaholic-canvas' data-app='share_buttons' data-app-id=''></div>
Created at: 07/03/2017 5:12 Updated at: 07/03/2017 5:24
You can explore older XOOPS themes in these archives:
XOOPS Themes Archive < 2.0.14 (Note: These themes most probably won't work without changes)
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 12/20/2015 21:17 Updated at: 12/24/2015 22:37
xSimpleGrid2 Theme from Brutalicuss for Xoops 2.5.x (using SimpleGrid fromhttps://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/)
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:49
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:49
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:46
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Created at: 09/13/2015 0:52 Updated at: 09/13/2015 1:10
Blog theme designed specifically for XOOPS Publisher module (by Heyula)
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Created at: 07/28/2015 22:50 Updated at: 07/30/2015 13:10
Created at: 07/28/2015 23:01 Updated at: 07/30/2015 13:09
Created at: 07/28/2015 22:02 Updated at: 07/28/2015 22:46
Sd-099-Theme-Surprice Xoops 2.5.x theme from Sinnedesign (2 columns theme)
Visit us onhttps://xoops.org
Directory GregMage: 6 of 10 Repositories
Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.5.x
Created at: 02/10/2019 12:17 Updated at: 01/07/2023 20:16
Module complémentaire a d'autres modules pour des fonctions sociales
Created at: 07/05/2017 14:17 Updated at: 01/05/2023 20:57
xmdoc module forXOOPS CMS is a documents management module.
This module is initially complementary to the modules of the xm-modules series. In fact, associated with these, it will allow you to add documents to your articles (xmnews module) and to your static pages (xmcontent module). It is possible to integrate into any module! To do this, just follow the tutorial onhttps://www.monxoops.fr.
Here are some interesting elements of the module:
Fine management of rights by user groups, for each category (Access, Suggest, Edit and Approve, Delete)Anti-leeching filter possible with list of authorized sitesPossible limitation of the number of downloads for each file in 24 hours per userChoice of authorized extensions (from a list> 100)Multi-languages FR GB/US
Please visit us onhttps://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 06/20/2016 8:22 Updated at: 01/04/2023 17:54
Created at: 10/26/2019 19:25 Updated at: 01/03/2023 21:19
xmnews module forXOOPS CMS is a simple module for creating news (articles) for XOOPS. This complete module is an interesting alternative for posting articles on its website. This module is in line with the other modules of the XM family.
The latest new features from xoops are implemented. The module is delivered with basic bootsrap 3 compatible templates. If you are not using a bootstrap 3 theme, you will need to create your templates using the overloading of templates in your theme.In the extra folder you will find 100% responsive bootstrap 4 compatible templates. In the future only the bootstrap 4 templates will be offered.
The main points of the module are:
• Category management.• Full permissions to customize access.• Keywords (SEO) customizable for each article or automatic if the field is free.• Automatic description (SEO) for each article.• Management of possible articles from the user side (addition, validation, deletion and cloning).• Several blocks available (Recent, most viewed, random and awaiting validation).• etc.
Please visit us onhttps://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 07/06/2016 20:15 Updated at: 01/03/2023 19:24
xmcontent module forXOOPS CMS is a content management module.
This module that will meet your initial need to create and manage pages of information that are simple to implement and effective.
Here are some interesting elements of the module:
Managing PagesSearch for the page by title, by status (On / Off / All)Sort by page weightDetailed management of access rights by user groups, for each pageImage associated with the pageFast page cloningChoice of the main page of the module: existing page or list of pages ("Display on the main page" option)Short description possible for a display on the main page of the moduleImage associated with the pageStatus: Enabled / DisabledDisplay of the page titleDisplay on the main page of the moduleActivation of comments, managed for each page (or global management in the module)Using a custom css file for content pagesCustomizable keywords (SEO) per page or self-generatedDescription (SEO) customizable by page or self-generated
Please visit us onhttps://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at:https://github.com/XOOPS
Created at: 06/24/2018 19:12 Updated at: 02/20/2020 20:19
Traduction française de xoops 2.5.9 et 2.5.10
1-Télécharger la version actuelle de la traduction.
2-Copier le contenu du dossier "htdocs" à la racine du site.
3-Modifier la langue dans les préférences.
4-XOOPS est maintenant en français!