Hey! My name is X! If you're looking for projects that I have led or my personal projects, you can see the list here! or at the bottom of this page.
Intro toAether: A level I created for theHometeam (previously Gamkedo) project, Hidden Passageways
You are a sky scavenger, an adventurer that uses their airship to hunt artifacts on mysterious floating islands. You'd come here in search of a relic of great power.
My [On Hold] tiny ARPGish -Delv
A short small top down ARPGish worked on with Hometeam in a span of a month.
Another title coming soon working withWantedPosterStudios!
Some of the things that I have to show right now are some jam games and someHometeam club games I've worked on. I'll be populating this page more eventually, but for now I'd say enjoy some of theHometeam games and if you ended up here needing to contact me for whatever reason, hit me onTwitter. Or email me at TheSleepyEntity (at) gmail. (Circumvents scraper bots). If you'd like to support me you can become a patron onPatreon. Thanks for stopping by!