


The XFree86® Project, Inc

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What is XFree86®?

The XFree86 Project, Inc is a global volunteer organization which producesXFree86®, the freely redistributable open-source implementation of theX Window System continuously since 1992.

XFree86 runs primarily on UNIX® and UNIX-like operating systems like Linux, all of the BSD variants, Sun Solaris both native 32 and 64 bit support, Solaris x86, Mac OS X (via Darwin) as well as other platforms like OS/2 and Cygwin.

What XFree86 does, is provide a client/server interface between the display hardware (those physical things like the mouse, keyboard, and video displays) and the desktop environment, (this is typically called a window manager as it deals with how X is displayed i.e. the overall appearance). Yet X it goes beyond that and also gives the infrastructure and a standardized application interface (API).

All of this which makes XFree86 platform-independent, network-transparent and fully extensible. In short, XFree86 is the premier open source X11-based desktop infrastructure. Our group's goals and overall purpose are Detailed in goals and purpose detailed in ourMission Statement.

XFree86 turns 22!

The effort that would become XFree86 began in May 1992, with the name XFree86 being adopted later that year in September. Watch this space for new developments!

Where to Get XFree86

The current release of XFree86 is version 4.8.0. It is availablehere. The current development version is available from ourCVS repository.


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The XFree86 web site is generously hosted byInternet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Copyright © 1994-2014 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All rights reserved.

XFree86® is a registered trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc.

The Open Group, UNIX and X Window System are trademarks of The Open Group.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The XFree86 logo was created and donated by Gary Swofford.

Last Modified: 2014

