Dictionary of disasters at sea during the age of steam, including sailing ships and ships of war lost in action, 1824-1962
The compass of this work has therefore had to be limited, but it does include all shipping casualties occurring since 1824 (inclusive) and up to the end of 1962 on the high seas, in territorial waters or in inland waters, including ship canals, and falling within the following categories: 1)ships of war (surface) lost by enemy action or by ordinary marine risks. Merchant ships requisitioned for naval purposes are treated as warships. 2) British merchant ships of 500 tons gross and over, foreign merchant ships of 1000 tons gross and over, lost by ordinary marine risks with the loss of 5 or more lives. Ships of 10,000 tons gross and over with or without loss of life. 3) British and foreign merchant ships, of 500 and 1,000 tons gross respectively, lost by enemy action in World Wars I and II whether loss of life was reported or not. In addition, many other losses outside these categories have been included for reasons of general interest. -- Foreward
2 volumes ([8], 779 pages) 28 cm
9780900528033, 0900528036
Vol. I.A to L
vol. II. M to Z