ViscountVascoda GamaformerlyGama
Son ofEstêvão (Gama) da Gamaand[mother unknown]
Brother ofPaulo (Gama) da Gama
[spouse(s) unknown]
Father ofEstêvão (Gama) da Gama,Francisco da Gama andCristóvão (Gama) da Gama
Family Tree of Vasco (Gama) da Gama
ViscountVascoda GamaformerlyGama
Son ofEstêvão (Gama) da Gamaand[mother unknown]
Brother ofPaulo (Gama) da Gama
[spouse(s) unknown]
Father ofEstêvão (Gama) da Gama,Francisco da Gama andCristóvão (Gama) da Gama
Descendants of Vasco (Gama) da Gama

| Vasco (Gama) da Gama is managed by the Portugal Project. Join:Portugal Project Discuss:portugal |
A Portuguese explorer and nobleman who was the first European to reach India by sea
Vasco da Gama was born about 1460. Vasco was an explorer, and the first European to reach India by way of sea.
Vasco da Gama[1] was born in the 1460’s. He was Viceroy of India[2] from September, 1524, until his death. Vasco died on December 24, 1524.
- ↑Wikipedia - Vasco da Gama
- ↑ Jayne, K.G.,Vasco da Gama and His Successors 1460-1580 (Methuen & Co.Ltd. 36 Essex Street W.C. London) (Free-book) p. xix
See also:
- Subrahmanyam, Sanjay.The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama (NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997), np.
- Wikidata:Item Q7328,en:Wikipedia
CommentsonVasco (Gama) da Gama:7
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Can someone with a Pre-1500 certification add his son,Francisco da Gama (Da_Gama-16), the second count of Vidigueira ? That way Vasco da Gama will be connected to the big tree.
Vasco da Gama married Catarina de Ataíde after September 1499 (date of the return from his voyage to India, when he sailed was single), and before 5 October 1501 (at this date Nuno Fernandes de Ataíde transfer an allowance to his sister Catarina that was already married).
- Source: Braamcamp Freire, Anselmo. Brasões da Sala de Sintra. Vol. 2. Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade, 1921. . p91.
Other suggestions to improve the profile:
- His signature:
- Vasco da Gama's autograph, reads "Ho Comde Almirante (The Admiral Count)".
- Image of his coat of arms:,_Vasco_da_Gama.jpg
- The image if from Livro do Armeiro-Mor (fl 87), created in 1509 (
- His tomb in Jerónimos Monastery (moved there in XIX cent.):
- His former tomb in St. Francis Church, Kochi (he died in India in 1524 and his remains were returned to Portugal in 1539 and were re-interred in Vidigueira):
- Add Category:Panteão Nacional, Lisbon, Portugal (he is honored in the Portuguese National Pantheon)
- His cenotaph in the National Pantheon:
(reedited to make a g2g post)--Sn
Was bestowed with the newly created royal title of Almirante dos mares de Arabia, Persia, India e de todo o Oriente ("Admiral of the Seas of Arabia, Persia, India and all the Orient")
After returning from India, received the right to use the prefix "Dom", Exceptionally the right was also extended to his brothers and sister and his descendants.
in 1519 received the title of count of Vidigueira.
Duarte de Meneses
1524 - 1524
Henrique de Meneses
- Parameters:
|image=SN_resources-26.png|position1=1st Count of Vidigueira|after1=Francisco da Gama|years1=1519 - 1524|position2=Viceroy of India|before2=Duarte de Meneses|after2=Henrique de Meneses|years2=1524 - 1524
Featured connections toteachers before they were famous:Vasco is52 degrees from Roberta Flack, 26 degrees from Alexander Graham Bell, 32 degrees from Hillary Clinton, 33 degrees from Sheryl Crow, 28 degrees from Ralph Emerson, 38 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 30 degrees from Lyndon Johnson, 28 degrees from Stephen Leacock, 33 degrees from Christa McAuliffe, 39 degrees from Helen Mirren, 22 degrees from Diana Mountbatten-Windsor and 36 degrees from Mark Rutte
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