Revolucionario Nicaragüense(Q852448)
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head of state and head of government of Nicaragua
30 April 1854Gregorian
12 March 1855Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
1 June 1854Gregorian
9 April 1855Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
12 March 1855Gregorian
10 April 1855Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
10 April 1855Gregorian
23 October 1855Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
25 October 1855Gregorian
24 June 1857Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
29 June 1856Gregorian
13 August 1856Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
15 November 1857Gregorian
1 March 1859Gregorian
1 reference
9 February 2019
prezidentka Nikaraguy(Czech)
0 references
Presidenta de Nicaragua(Catalan)
0 references
presidenta de Nicaragua(Galician)
0 references
Presidents of Nicaragua
0 references
Wikipedia(20 entries)
edit- arwikiرئيس نيكاراغوا
- azwikiNikaraqua Prezidenti
- cawikiPresident de Nicaragua
- elwikiΣυμπρόεδροι της Νικαράγουας
- enwikiCo-presidents of Nicaragua
- eswikiCopresidente de Nicaragua
- fiwikiNicaraguan presidentti
- frwikiPrésident de la république du Nicaragua
- hiwikiनिकारागुआ के राष्ट्रपति
- jawikiニカラグアの大統領
- kawikiნიკარაგუის პრეზიდენტი
- kowiki니카라과의 대통령
- mswikiPresiden Nicaragua
- ptwikiLista de presidentes da Nicarágua
- ruwikiСписок глав Никарагуа
- simplewikiPresident of Nicaragua
- trwikiNikaragua devlet başkanları listesi
- ukwikiПрезидент Нікарагуа
- xmfwikiნიკარაგუაშ პრეზიდენტი
- zhwiki尼加拉瓜总统
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