Episcopal Church(Q682443)
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Anglican denomination in the United States
- Episcopalianism
- The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
- American Episcopal Church
- The Episcopal Church
- Episcopalian
- Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
- Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
- Protestant Episcopal Church
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined | ||
English | Episcopal Church | Anglican denomination in the United States |
Washington National Cathedral.jpg
1,536 × 2,048; 1.71 MB
1,536 × 2,048; 1.71 MB
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America(American English)
0 references
The Episcopal Church(English)
0 references
15 January 2024
1 reference
15 January 2024
1 reference
22 February 2025
1 reference
22 February 2025
Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
1 reference
Episcopal Church
Église épiscopalienne
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Église épiscopalienne des États-Unis
Église épiscopale des États-Unis
Église d'Angleterre aux États-Unis
0 references
Episcopal Church
Domestic and foreign missionary society of the Protestant episcopal Church in the United States of America
Episcopal Church in the U. S. A.
Protestant episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
Protestant episcopal Church in the United States of America
American episcopal Church
Protestant episcopal Church
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America
Église épiscopale
Église épiscopalienne
1 reference
26 August 2015
Episcopal Church
Église épiscopalienne
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Église épiscopalienne des États-Unis
Église épiscopale des États-Unis
Église d'Angleterre aux États-Unis
0 references
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Episcopal Church (Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America)
Protestant Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church in the USA
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
Protestantisch-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States of America
The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
0 references
Episcopal Church
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
0 references
Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church (United States)
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
0 references
Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
0 references
Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestant Episcopal Church
American Episcopal Church
0 references
Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
1 reference
Episcopal Church
1 reference
Episcopal Church
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
0 references
Episcopal Church in the USA
1 reference
Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church in the United States of America
0 references
The Episcopal Church
1 reference
Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
American Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Protestantlich-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten
0 references
21 April 2009
15 June 2020
1 reference
The Episcopal Church
30 November 2017
5 December 2020
1 reference
Wikipedia(40 entries)
- arwikiالكنيسة الأسقفية الأمريكية
- arzwikiالكنيسه الاسقفيه الامريكيه
- bewikiЕпіскапальная царква
- bgwikiЕпископална църква в САЩ
- cawikiEsglésia episcopal als Estats Units
- cswikiEpiskopální církev Spojených států amerických
- dewikiEpiskopalkirche der Vereinigten Staaten
- enwikiEpiscopal Church (United States)
- eowikiEpiskopa Eklezio de Usono
- eswikiIglesia episcopal en los Estados Unidos
- euwikiAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Eliza Episkopalianoa
- fawikiکلیسای اپیسکوپال (ایالات متحده آمریکا)
- fiwikiYhdysvaltain episkopaalinen kirkko
- frwikiÉglise épiscopalienne des États-Unis
- hewikiהכנסייה האפיסקופלית (ארצות הברית)
- huwikiEpiszkopális Egyház (Egyesült Államok)
- iawikiEcclesia Episcopal
- idwikiGereja Episkopal Amerika Serikat
- itwikiChiesa episcopale (Stati Uniti d'America)
- jawiki米国聖公会
- kowiki미국 성공회
- lawikiEcclesia Episcopalis
- lvwikiEpiskopālā baznīca
- mgwikiFiangonana Episkôpaliana (Etazonia)
- nlwikiEpiscopaalse Kerk (Verenigde Staten)
- nowikiDen episkopale kirke i USA
- plwikiKościół Episkopalny w Stanach Zjednoczonych
- ptwikiIgreja Episcopal dos Estados Unidos
- rowikiBiserica Episcopală din Statele Unite
- ruwikiЕпископальная церковь
- scowikiEpiscopal Kirk (Unitit States)
- shwikiAmerička episkopalna crkva
- simplewikiEpiscopal Church (United States)
- skwikiEpiskopálna cirkev Spojených štátov
- svwikiEpiskopalkyrkan i USA
- trwikiEpiskopal Kilise (ABD)
- ukwikiЄпископальна церква (США)
- urwikiاسقفی کلیسیا (ریاستہائے متحدہ)
- viwikiGiáo hội Giám nhiệm (Hoa Kỳ)
- zhwiki美国圣公会
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(1 entry)
- ruwikinewsКатегория:Епископальная церковь
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(1 entry)
- enwikisourcePortal:The Episcopal Church
Wikiversity(0 entries)
Wikivoyage(0 entries)
Wiktionary(0 entries)
Multilingual sites(0 entries)
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