Bob Kahn(Q62843)
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American Internet pioneer, computer scientist
- Robert Elliot Kahn
- Robert Kahn
- Robert E. Kahn
- R.E. Kahn
Bob Kahn.jpg
2,255 × 2,614; 2.85 MB
2,255 × 2,614; 2.85 MB
Bob Kahn i Geneve, maj 2013.(Swedish)
14 May 2013
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
for the development of the Internet(English)
0 references
For creating and sustaining development of Internet Protocols.(English)
1 reference
For the creation of the concept of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol architecture for packet switched internetting.(English)
0 references
1 reference
Robert Kahn
Michael Aaron Dennis
0 references
Wikipedia(39 entries)
edit- arwikiروبرت خان
- arzwikiروبرت خان
- azwikiRobert Elliot Kan
- bnwikiরবার্ট কান
- cawikiRobert Kahn
- cswikiBob Kahn
- dewikiRobert E. Kahn
- enwikiRobert Kahn (computer scientist)
- eowikiRobert Kahn
- eswikiRobert Kahn
- fawikiباب کان
- fiwikiBob Kahn
- frwikiRobert Elliot Kahn
- hewikiבוב קאהן
- huwikiBob Kahn
- hywikiՌոբերտ Քան
- idwikiRobert E. Kahn
- itwikiRobert Kahn
- jawikiロバート・カーン
- kawikiრობერტ კანი
- kowiki로버트 칸
- mgwikiRobert E. Kahn
- mlwikiബോബ് കാൻ
- nlwikiBob Kahn
- nowikiRobert E. Kahn
- plwikiBob Kahn
- ptwikiRobert Kahn
- rowikiBob Kahn
- ruwikiКан, Роберт Эллиот
- simplewikiBob Kahn
- skwikiRobert Kahn
- srwikiБоб Кан
- svwikiBob Kahn
- swwikiBob Kahn
- tawikiபாபு கான்
- trwikiBob Kahn
- ukwikiРоберт Елліот Кан
- viwikiBob Kahn
- zhwiki罗伯特·卡恩
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