Resurrection of the dead(Q2997437)
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Wikipedia(13 entries)
edit- bgwikiВъзкресение на мъртвите
- dewikiAuferstehung
- elwikiΑνάσταση νεκρών
- enwikiResurrection of the dead
- etwikiÜlestõusmine
- frwikiRésurrection (d'entre les morts)
- iawikiResurrection del mortos
- idwikiKebangkitan orang mati
- kowiki죽은 자의 부활
- mswikiKebangkitan yang mati
- ptwikiRessurreição dos mortos
- rowikiÎnvierea morților
- ruwikiВоскрешение мёртвых
Wikibooks(0 entries)
editWikinews(0 entries)
editWikiquote(0 entries)
editWikisource(0 entries)
editWikiversity(0 entries)
editWikivoyage(0 entries)
editWiktionary(0 entries)
editMultilingual sites(1 entry)
edit- commonswikiCategory:Resurrection of the dead
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