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central working part of a reciprocating engine or pump, the space in which a piston travels, often equipped with a cylinder liner
- (Cylinder Sleeving)
- (cylinder liner)
Cylinder blocks
0 references
1 reference
27 January 2022
Wikipedia(38 entries)
edit- arwikiأسطوانة (محرك)
- bewikiЦыліндр (рухавік)
- cawikiCilindre (motor)
- cswikiVálec (motor)
- dawikiCylinder (motordel)
- dewikiZylinder (Technik)
- enwikiCylinder (engine)
- eowikiCilindro (motoro)
- eswikiCilindro (motor)
- etwikiSilinder (mootori osa)
- euwikiZilindro (motorra)
- fawikiسیلندر (موتور)
- fiwikiSylinteri (moottori)
- frwikiCylindre (moteur)
- glwikiCilindro (motor)
- hewikiצילינדר (הנדסת מכונות)
- idwikiSilinder (mesin)
- itwikiCilindro (meccanica)
- jawikiシリンダー
- kkwikiҚозғауш цилиндр
- kowiki실린더 (엔진)
- mywikiဆလင်ဒါ (အင်ဂျင်)
- nlwikiCilinder (motor)
- nowikiSylinder (motor)
- plwikiCylinder (mechanika)
- pnbwikiسلنڈر (انجن)
- ptwikiCilindro (motor)
- rowikiCilindru motor
- ruwikiЦилиндр (двигатель)
- simplewikiCylinder (engine)
- skwikiValec (technika)
- srwikiЦилиндар (мотор)
- svwikiCylinder (maskindel)
- thwikiกระบอกสูบ
- ukwikiЦиліндр (двигун)
- urwikiسلنڈر (انجن)
- viwikiXi lanh
- zhwiki气缸
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edit- commonswikiCategory:Cylinder blocks
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