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XML Core Working Group Public Page

Note: The XML Core Working Group was closed in 2016.

This is the public web page for the XML Core Working Group, part of the W3CXML Activity. There is also amember-only page with telephone numbers forconference calls, and other internal details.

This page only contains general information and therefore isn't updated ona regular basis. For latest information on the Working Group activities, lookat theagendaandminutesof the teleconferences.


The XML Core Working Group publishes the formal specification for theExtensible Markup Language (XML) and mantains errata for that document.

The XML Core Working Group also works on several other specifications.

Charter and Participation

The XML Core Working Group operates according to thischarter. You can get involved byjoining the W3C or by reading workingdrafts listedon this page and sending yourcomments to the addresses given in each draft. The Working Group must respondto all public comments, and feedback from implementors and users is welcomed.The Working Group particularly welcomes feedbackabout difficulties in writing programs that conform to the specifications orabout errors in the specifications.

The XML Core Working Group conducts much of its business in public via amailing list whosearchive isavailable to anyone.

Please do not write to us asking for help learning about XML. See theMain XML page for pointers to tutorials or visit your localbookshop or newsagent for books and magazines.

IPR Disclosures

The XML Core Working Group is chartered under a Royalty-Free basis underthe5 February2004 W3C Patent Policy. TheXML Core Working GroupPatent Policy Status tabulates the documents covered by this policy andthe status of disclosures etc. made by WG members with respect to thosedocuments. Earlier publications are covered by theW3CCurrent Patent Practice and the members have madepublic IPR disclosures that arecompatible with this.


The XML Core Working Group is responsible for several specifications; someof these are published as W3C Recommendations, and some are still drafts. Ifyou implement a draft, you must not claim to have implemented a formalRecommendation (nor astandard). You should not assume this pagereflects the very latest status of work in progress: seeabove for the best places to look for up-to-date information.

Specifications are aimed at people writing software to implement them;they are not tutorials.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)

Extensible Markup Language(XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)W3C Recommendation 26November 2008, Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler,François Yergeau eds.

There is also a page forerrata.

The Fifth Edition supersedes the originalXML 1.0 Recommendation published on 10thFebruary 1998.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)

XML 1.1 (SecondEdition), W3C Recommendation, 16 August 2006, Tim Bray, JeanPaoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, François Yergeau, John Cowan,ed.

There is also a page forerrata.

The Second Edition supersedes the originalXML 1.1 Recommendation published on 4February 2004.

XML 1.1 updates XML so that it no longer depends on the specific Unicodeversion: you can always use the latest. It also adds checking ofnormalization, and follows the Unicode line ending rules more closely.

You are encouraged to create or generate XML 1.0 documents if you do notneed the new features in XML 1.1; XML Parsers are expected to understand bothXML 1.0 and XML 1.1.

Namespaces in XML

Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)

Namespaces in XML (SecondEdition), W3C Recommendation, 16 August 2006, Tim Bray, DaveHollander, Andrew Layman, Richard Tobin, eds.

There is also a page oferrata.

The Second Edition supersedes the originalNamespaces in XML published on 14January 1999.

Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition)

Namespaces in XML 1.1(Second Edition), W3C Recommendation, 16 August 2006, AndrewLayman, Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Richard Tobin, eds.

There is also a page forerrata.

The Second Edition supersedes the originalNamespaces in XML 1.1 publishedon 4th February 2004.

Namespaces 1.1 incorporates all three published errata for Namespaces 1.0.In addition it makes two substantive changes:

  1. you can undeclare a namespace: that is, you can remove the association between a namespace prefix and a URI;
  2. Namespaces 1.1 allows IRIs as well as URIs.

Note also that the Namespaces specification says nothing about what might(or might not) happen if one were to attempt to dereference a URI/IRI used toidentify a namespace.

XML Inclusions (XInclude) (Second Edition)

XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition)W3C Recommendation, 15 November 2006. Jonathan Marsh, DavidOrchard, Daniel Veillard.

Note that in a significant change from the first CR version of XInclude,the REC uses a separate attribute for the optional XPointer rather than afragment identifier as part of the value of thehref attribute.

The Second Edition supersedes the originalXML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 publishedon 20 December 2004.

XML Information Set (Second Edition)

XML Infoset 2ndEditionW3C Recommendation First published 24October 2001, revised 4 February 2004, John Cowan, Richard Tobin

If any errata are found, they will be published asW3C XML Information SetErrata.


xml:idW3CRecommendation, 9 September 2005. Jonathan Marsh, Daniel Veillard,Norman Walsh.

XML Fragment Interchange

There is no active work on this document due to a lack of feedback.If you feel we should be doing more work in this area, please let us knowusing the email address for comments given in the specification.

XML Fragment Interchange(Candidate Recommendation as of 12 February 2001) Paul Grosso, DanielVeillard.

XML Base

XML Base (Second Edition)W3CRecommendation, 28 January 2009, Jonathan Marsh, Richard Tobin.

This document was originally produced by the XML Linking Working Groupand was transferred to the XML Core Working Group.

The Second Edition supersedes the originalXML Base publishedon 27 June 2001.

Associating Stylesheets with XML

Associating Style Sheets with XMLdocumentsW3C Recommendation James Clark

Conformance Testing

TheExtensible Markup Language (XML) Conformance TestSuites are primarily aimed at implementors of XML processors. Currentlythis includes tests for

There is also anXMLInclusions (XInclude) Conformance Test Suite.

Valid XHTML 1.0! Originally created April 1997; send feedback on this page toLiam Quin (W3C team contact)
$Revision: 1.58 $ $Date: 2017/08/10 17:35:55 $ by $Author: liam $
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