



Web Characterization Activity

News |FAQ |WCA|People |Issue Tracker |Documents |Milestones |Background

HISTORIC: This page is not kept up to date. W3C currently does nothave an Activity on Web Characterization. The page is made available topreserve information on the results of the Web Characterization Activity.

This is the homepage of theW3C Web CharacterizationActivity, part of theW3CArchitecture domain. The purpose of the Web Characterization Activity isto characterize the Web, develop real world test scenarios, and to provideinformation for the Web community how the Web is currently being used andanticipated use in the near future.


Nearby you can find theHTTP-NG Activitywhere the Phase I of this Activity was carried out.

News, Updates, and Events

Frequently Asked Questions

Part of the function of the WCA is to help other W3C working groups answerspecific questions about the Web and Web technologies.  Below are some of theanswers we have provided in the past.  The group is in the process of activelyreceiving solicitations for other W3C groups during the April 1999.   We'll beposting these results over the summer 1999.  Stay tuned.

January 1998Answers to theHTTP-NG Protocol Design Group

Mailing List

Discussion of theWebCharacterization Activity takes place on mailinglist (Archives).YouMUST be subscribed in order to post to this mailing list! Followthese shortcuts toquick subscribeorquickunsubscribe or see theinformation on mailing listsfor more details.

The WCA Request Tracking Forum

The model behind WCA is to provide a link between people with lots of logfiles and people who are interested in finding out what the Web looks like. Inorder to track and maintain a user friendly and efficient interface to thevarious questions and requests for information about the Web, we have built atool which we callETA to help us.

TheWCA forum isthe place where you should ask your questions regarding the Web - emailnotification will automatically be sent to the < That is, if you are subscribed (which youshould be anyway) then you will get mail there when things happen. Of course,these mails can start discussions that can trigger other questions and soon.

In order for you to participate, you MUST sign in to the system. This is sothat we can see who has created the requests and what their email address is.Of course, the privacy policy is exactly the same for our mailing lists - wedon't hand out any contact information whatsoever.

Drafts, Documents, Papers and Reports

Working Drafts and Notes

Latest Revision
June 28, 1999 Work in Progress Repository Validation ProcessBalachander Krishnamurthy 
Marc Abrams, 
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen
May 24, 1999Draft Web Characterization Terminology & Definitions SheetBrian Lavoie 
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen 
May 4, 1999Work In ProgressWeb Characterization MetricsBrian Lavoie 
March 19, 1999W3C Note Web Characterization: from working group to activityJim Pitkow 
Johan Hjelm 
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen 

Papers, Reports, Concepts

January 27, 1999Paper The WCA Repository White PaperMarc Abrams 
Ed Fox
December 18, 1998ConceptMetrics of Web CharacterizationsJim Pitkow
December 16, 1998ResultsHTTP Request and Response CharacterizationAnja Feldmann
December 14, 1998PaperKey Differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1Balachander Krishnamurthy 
Jeffrey C. Mogul 
David M. Kristol
December 11, 1998ResultsPersistent Connection Behavior of Popular BrowsersPei Cao
December 6, 1998ConceptResponse to Thought Paper on Automatic RecharacterizationVolker Turau
December 2, 1998ConceptThought Paper on Automatic RecharacterizationJohan Hjelm


TheWeb Characterization Working Group is responsible for the production of reports and for meeting these milestones. All results of the Working Group are published online and discussed on theWCA mailing list.

Summer 1999 Milestones

Target Date
WCA Lead
Major Issues
Request Tracker 
(Web Site)
OperationalJuly 1- DoneHenrik/W3C systems teamNone - interface details
Launch of Repository 
(Web Site)
(major issues)
November 10
Virginia TechNone
Get Logs into Repository 
(Web Site)
Being processedNovember 10
Martin - World Cup 
Joe - Boeing 
Auto Characterization Extraction 
Tool on serverJuly 30 - DoneJim/Open Source?Integration into the repository certification process.  Find other developers
Awaiting clearenceNovember 30Joe/Open Source?Need clearance from Kroger
Characterization Issues
(IETF Presentation)
Preparing slidesNovember 8, Wash. DC Jim, Anja, BalaNone
Out for public commentDecember 1 
Final Version
StartedDecember 1
Final Version

 WCA 1998-1999 Milestones

November 5, 1998W3C Workshop (member and non-member) on Web characterizations, test bed simulators, and automatic characterization methodologiesAbstract reviewed WorkshopDone
November 15, 1998Identification and inclusion of new members into the Working GroupMilestoneDone
November 15, 1998Workshop minutesW3C NoteDone
December 15, 1998Solicitation to other W3C Working GroupsMemo to other W3C Working GroupsDone
December 15, 1998Initial repository containing data sets, tools, and bibliography of Web characterization researchInitial online repository availableDone
January 5, 1998Initial proposal for automatic Web characterizationW3C NoteIn Progress
February 15, 1999Alpha release of repository to WCA membersOnline systemDone
April 1, 1999Creation of issue/question tracking systemOnline systemDone
April 15, 1999Solicitation to other W3C Working Groups Memo to other W3C Working GroupsDone
May 15, 1999Closing date for contracting with other W3C Working GroupsMilestoneDone 
November  10, 1999Completed repository containing data sets, tools, and bibliography of Web characterization researchOnline repository available to the public On scheudule
October 25, 1999Fulfillment of contracts with other W3C Working GroupsW3C Note Done
December 5, 1999Twelve month status reportReport to the Membership In progress

Working Group Participants

The following people are part of the WCA Working Group and are committed tomeeting theWCA milestones.
Participation Dates
Marc AbramsVirginia TechOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Martin F. ArlittHP Labs October 30, 1998 - present 
Paul BarfordBoston UniversityOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Pei CaoUniversity of WisconsinOctober 30, 1998 - December, 31, 1998 
Anja FeldmannAT&T Research LabsOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Edward A. FoxVirginia Tech October 30, 1998 - present 
Johan HjelmW3C/Ericsson October 30, 1998 - presentInterest Group Chair
Balachander KrishnamurthyAT&T Research LabsOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Joe MeadowsBoeingOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Henrik Frystyk NielsenW3COctober 30, 1998 - presentW3C Staff Contact
Ed O'NeillOCLCOctober 30, 1998 - present 
Jim PitkowXerox PARCOctober 30, 1998 - presentWorking Group Chair

Related Information

Jim Pitkow, Xerox PARC, WG Chair
Johan Hjelm, W3C/Ericsson, IG Chair andStaff Contact
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