HISTORIC: This page is not kept up to date. W3C currently does nothave an Activity on Web Characterization. The page is made available topreserve information on the results of the Web Characterization Activity.
This is the homepage of theW3C Web CharacterizationActivity, part of theW3CArchitecture domain. The purpose of the Web Characterization Activity isto characterize the Web, develop real world test scenarios, and to provideinformation for the Web community how the Web is currently being used andanticipated use in the near future.
January 1998Answers to theHTTP-NG Protocol Design Group
TheWCA forum isthe place where you should ask your questions regarding the Web - emailnotification will automatically be sent to the <www-wca@w3.org. That is, if you are subscribed (which youshould be anyway) then you will get mail there when things happen. Of course,these mails can start discussions that can trigger other questions and soon.
In order for you to participate, you MUST sign in to the system. This is sothat we can see who has created the requests and what their email address is.Of course, the privacy policy is exactly the same for our mailing lists - wedon't hand out any contact information whatsoever.
June 28, 1999 | Work in Progress | Repository Validation Process | Balachander Krishnamurthy Marc Abrams, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen |
May 24, 1999 | Draft | Web Characterization Terminology & Definitions Sheet | Brian Lavoie Henrik Frystyk Nielsen |
May 4, 1999 | Work In Progress | Web Characterization Metrics | Brian Lavoie |
March 19, 1999 | W3C Note | Web Characterization: from working group to activity | Jim Pitkow Johan Hjelm Henrik Frystyk Nielsen |
January 27, 1999 | Paper | The WCA Repository White Paper | Marc Abrams Ed Fox |
December 18, 1998 | Concept | Metrics of Web Characterizations | Jim Pitkow |
December 16, 1998 | Results | HTTP Request and Response Characterization | Anja Feldmann |
December 14, 1998 | Paper | Key Differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 | Balachander Krishnamurthy Jeffrey C. Mogul David M. Kristol |
December 11, 1998 | Results | Persistent Connection Behavior of Popular Browsers | Pei Cao |
December 6, 1998 | Concept | Response to Thought Paper on Automatic Recharacterization | Volker Turau |
December 2, 1998 | Concept | Thought Paper on Automatic Recharacterization | Johan Hjelm |
Request Tracker (Web Site) | Operational | July 1- Done | Henrik/W3C systems team | None - interface details |
Launch of Repository (Web Site) | Operational (major issues) | November 10 IETF | Virginia Tech | None |
Get Logs into Repository (Web Site) | Being processed | November 10 IETF | Martin - World Cup Joe - Boeing | None |
Auto Characterization Extraction (Tool) | Tool on w3c.dev server | July 30 - Done | Jim/Open Source? | Integration into the repository certification process. Find other developers |
Anonymizer (Tool) | Awaiting clearence | November 30 | Joe/Open Source? | Need clearance from Kroger |
Characterization Issues (IETF Presentation) | Preparing slides | November 8, Wash. DC | Jim, Anja, Bala | None |
Terminology (Draft) | Out for public comment | December 1 Final Version | Brian/OCLC | None |
Metrics (Draft) | Started | December 1 Final Version | Brian/OCLC | None |
November 5, 1998 | W3C Workshop (member and non-member) on Web characterizations, test bed simulators, and automatic characterization methodologies | Abstract reviewed Workshop | Done |
November 15, 1998 | Identification and inclusion of new members into the Working Group | Milestone | Done |
November 15, 1998 | Workshop minutes | W3C Note | Done |
December 15, 1998 | Solicitation to other W3C Working Groups | Memo to other W3C Working Groups | Done |
December 15, 1998 | Initial repository containing data sets, tools, and bibliography of Web characterization research | Initial online repository available | Done |
January 5, 1998 | Initial proposal for automatic Web characterization | W3C Note | In Progress |
February 15, 1999 | Alpha release of repository to WCA members | Online system | Done |
April 1, 1999 | Creation of issue/question tracking system | Online system | Done |
April 15, 1999 | Solicitation to other W3C Working Groups | Memo to other W3C Working Groups | Done |
May 15, 1999 | Closing date for contracting with other W3C Working Groups | Milestone | Done UseETA |
November 10, 1999 | Completed repository containing data sets, tools, and bibliography of Web characterization research | Online repository available to the public | On scheudule |
October 25, 1999 | Fulfillment of contracts with other W3C Working Groups | W3C Note | Done |
December 5, 1999 | Twelve month status report | Report to the Membership | In progress |
Marc Abrams | Virginia Tech | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Martin F. Arlitt | HP Labs | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Paul Barford | Boston University | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Pei Cao | University of Wisconsin | October 30, 1998 - December, 31, 1998 | |
Anja Feldmann | AT&T Research Labs | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Edward A. Fox | Virginia Tech | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Johan Hjelm | W3C/Ericsson | October 30, 1998 - present | Interest Group Chair |
Balachander Krishnamurthy | AT&T Research Labs | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Joe Meadows | Boeing | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen | W3C | October 30, 1998 - present | W3C Staff Contact |
Ed O'Neill | OCLC | October 30, 1998 - present | |
Jim Pitkow | Xerox PARC | October 30, 1998 - present | Working Group Chair |