


Web AccessibilityInitiativeWAI
Strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force


Find out about the activities of the ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force (known as the APG Task Force) and how you can contribute to its objectives.


The objective of the APG Task Force is to develop the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide, which describes considerations that might not be evident to authors from the WAI-ARIA specification alone, and recommends approaches to make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible using WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties.

Work statement

To learn about the focus, scope and deliverables of the task force, see theAPG Task Force Work Statement.

Current work

The APG Task Force supports the deliverables of theAccessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group.

For details of the current work, see the following:

Contribute to the work

The APG Task Force welcomes input from the global accessibility community on the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide.

Contribute without joining the task force

You can contribute to the work without being a member of the task force in theAPG GitHub repository:

Become a participant in the task force

Joining the APG Task Force enables you to participate fully in the development of the work and influence the deliverables. You and your organization will also be listed as contributors, where appropriate.

Being a participant involves commitment to support the work of the task force in the following ways:

To become a participant in the APG Task Force, you must first be a member of the ARIA Working Group. SeeInstructions for joining the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group.

Once you are a member of the ARIA Working Group, email theW3C Staff Contact for the APG Task Force to let them know you’d like to join the task force.

Note: As a participant in one of the ARIA Working Group’s task forces, you can choose to focus your time exclusively on the task force deliverables and you do not have to contribute to the working group’s other activities.

Task force members



The APG Task Force develops and maintains theWAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide for the ARIA Working Group.

Contact the chairs

If you have a question for the APG Task Force, email thechairs or theW3C staff contact.

Help improve this page

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