


Web AccessibilityInitiativeWAI
Strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Accessibility Guidelines Working Group


Find out about the activities of the Accessibility Guidelines (AG) Working Group and how you can contribute to its mission.


The mission of the AG Working Group is to develop and maintain specifications for making web content accessible to people with disabilities, along with support materials for implementing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


To learn about the group’s focus, scope and deliverables, see theAG Working Group Charter.

Current work

For details of the current work, see theAG Working Group wiki.


Work on developing WCAG 3 takes place in many task forces and subgroups of the AG Working Group. For information about the WCAG 3 timelines and publication plan, seeWCAG 3 Timeline.

WCAG 2.2

TheWCAG 2.x Backlog Task Force maintains WCAG 2.x (WCAG versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2) for the AG Working Group. This includes reviewing public comments on WCAG 2.x and improving the following supporting documents:

For current outstanding WCAG 2.x issues, seeWCAG issues — GitHub.

Contribute to the work

W3C and the AG Working Group welcome input on WCAG work from the global accessibility community.

Contribute without joining the group

There are ways you can contribute without being a member of the working group:

Become a participant in the group

Joining the AG Working Group enables you to participate fully in the development of the work and influence the deliverables. You and your organization will also be listed as contributors, where appropriate.

Being a participant involves commitment to support the work of the group in the following ways:

SeeInstructions for joining the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group.

Group members and task forces

Communications and decisions

GitHub repositories

The AG Working Group maintains the following GitHub repositories:

Publications and copyright

List of technical reports published by the AG Working Group.

W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group — for details, seeIntellectual property rights — AG Working Group.

There are also instructions forHow to Make a Patent Disclosure.

Contact the chairs

If you have a question for the AG Working Group’s chairs or the W3C staff contact,

Help improve this page

Please share your ideas, suggestions, or comments via e-mail to the publicly-archived or via GitHub.

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