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This note describes two new XProc steps designed to make iteasier to construct documents within an XProc pipeline using valuescomputed by that pipeline.
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This is the first publication of this document as a WorkingGroup Note. This document is a product of theXML Processing Model WorkingGroup as part of the W3CXML Activity. The Englishversion of this specification is the only normative version.However, for translations of this document, see
This Note defines some additional optional steps for use inXProc pipelines. The XML Processing Model Working Group expectsthat these new steps will be widely implemented and used.
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It's quite common in [XProc: An XML Pipeline Language] to constructdocuments using values computed by the pipeline. This isparticularly (but not exclusively) the case when the pipeline usesthep:http-request step. The input top:http-request is ac:request document; attributes on thec:request element control most of the requestparameters; the body of the document forms the body of request.
A typical example looks like this:
<c:request method="POST" href="" username="user" password="password"><c:body> <computed-content/></c:body></c:request>
If we assume that thehref valueand the computed content come from an input document, and theusername and password are options, then a typical pipeline tocompute the request becomes quite complex.
<p:pipeline xmlns:p="" xmlns:c="" name="main" version="1.0"><p:option name="username" required="true"/><p:option name="password" required="true"/><p:identity> <p:input port="source"> <p:inline> <c:request method="POST"/> </p:inline> </p:input></p:identity><p:add-attribute match="/c:request" attribute-name="href"> <p:with-option name="attribute-value" select="/doc/request/@uri"> <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/> </p:with-option></p:add-attribute><p:add-attribute match="/c:request" attribute-name="username"> <p:with-option name="attribute-value" select="$username"/></p:add-attribute><p:add-attribute match="/c:request" attribute-name="password"> <p:with-option name="attribute-value" select="$password"/></p:add-attribute><p:insert position="first-child" match="/c:request"> <p:input port="insertion" select="/doc/request"> <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/> </p:input></p:insert><p:unwrap match="/c:request/request"/></p:pipeline>
There's nothing wrong with this pipeline, but it requiresseveral steps to accomplish with the pipeline author probablyconsiders a single operation. What's more, the result of thesesteps is not immediately obvious on casual inspection.
In order to make this simple construction case both literallyand conceptually simpler, this note introduces two new XProc stepsin the XProc namespace. Support for these steps is optional, but westrongly encourage implementors to provide them.
The new steps arep:in-scope-names andp:template. Takentogether, they greatly simplify the pipeline:
<p:pipeline xmlns:p="" xmlns:c="" name="main" version="1.0"><p:option name="username" required="true"/><p:option name="password" required="true"/><p:in-scope-names name="vars"/><p:template> <p:input port="template"> <p:inline> <c:request method="POST" href="{/doc/request/@uri}" username="{$username}" password="{$password}"> { /doc/request/node() } </c:request> </p:inline> </p:input> <p:input port="source"> <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/> </p:input> <p:input port="parameters"> <p:pipe step="vars" port="result"/> </p:input></p:template></p:pipeline>
Thep:in-scope-names step provides all of thein-scope options and variables in ac:param-set (this operation is exactly analagousto what thep:parameters step does,except that it operates on the options and variables instead of onparameters).
Thep:template step searches for XPathexpressions, delimited by curly braces, in a template document andreplaces each with the result of evaluating the expression. All ofthe parameters passed to thep:template step are available as in-scopevariable names when evaluating each XPath expression.
Where the expressions occur in attribute values, their stringvalue is used. Where they appear in text content, their node valuesare used.
In this note the wordsmust,must not,should,should not,may andrecommended are to be interpreted as described in[RFC 2119].
Thep:in-scope-names step exposes all ofthe in-scope variables and options as a set of parameters in ac:param-set document.
Each in-scope variable and option is converted into ac:param element. The resultingc:param elements are wrapped in ac:param-set and the parameter set document iswritten to theresult port.The order in whichc:param elements occur in thec:param-set isimplementation-dependent.
For consistency and user convenience, if any of the variables oroptions have names that are in a namespace, thenamespace attribute on thec:param elementmust be used. Eachnamemust be anNCName.
The base URI of the output document is the URI of the pipelinedocument that contains the step.
For consistency with thep:parameters step, theresult port is not primary.
This unlikely pipeline demonstrates the behavior ofp:in-scope-names:
<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" name="main" version="1.0"><p:output port="result"> <p:pipe step="vars" port="result"/></p:output><p:option name="username" required="true"/><p:option name="password" required="true"/><p:variable name="host" select="''"/><p:in-scope-names name="vars"/></p:declare-step>
Assuming the values supplied for the username and passwordoptions are “user” and “pass”, respectively, the output would be:
<c:param-set xmlns:c=""> <c:param name="username" namespace="" value="user"/> <c:param name="host" namespace="" value=""/> <c:param name="password" namespace="" value="pass"/></c:param-set>
Thep:template replaces each XPathexpression, delimited with curly braces, in thetemplate document with the result of evaluating thatexpression.
While evaluating each expression, the names of any parameterspassed to the step are available as variable values in the XPathdynamic context.
The step searches for XPath expressions in attribute values,text content (adjacent text nodes, if they occur in the data model,must be coalesced; this step always processes maximal length textnodes), processing instruction data, and comments. XPathexpressions are identified by curly braces, similar to attributevalue templates in XSLT or enclosed expressions in XQuery.
In order to allow curly braces to appear literally in content,they can be escaped by doubling them. In other words, where“{” would start an XPath expression,“{{” is simply asingle, literalopening curly brace. The same applies for closing curly braces.
Inside an XPath expression, strings quoted by single (') or double (") quotes aretreated literally. Outside of quoted text, it is an error for anopening curly brace to occur. A closing curly brace ends the XPathexpression (whether or not it is followed immediately by anotherclosing curly brace).
These parsing rules can be described by the following algorithm,though implementations are by no means required to implement theparsing in exactly this way, provided that they achieve the sameresults.
The parser begins inregular-mode at the start of eachunit of content where expansion may occur. Inregular-mode:
“{{” is replaced by a single “{”.
“}}” is replaced by a single “}”.
Note:It isadynamic error (err:XC0067
) toencounter a single closing curly brace “}”that is not immediately followed by another closing curlybrace.
A single opening curly brace “{” (notimmediately followed by another opening curly brace) is discardedand the parser moves intoxpath-mode. The initalexpression is empty.
All other characters are copied without change.
It is adynamic error (err:XC0067
) toencounter an opening curly brace “{”.
A closing curly brace “}” is discarded andends the expression. The expression is evaluated and the result ofthat evaluation is copied to the output. The parser returns toregular-mode.
Note: Braces cannot be escaped by doubling them inxpath-mode.
A single quote (') is added to the currentexpression and the parser moves tosingle-quote-mode.
A double quote (") is added to the currentexpression and the parser moves todouble-quote-mode.
All other characters are appended to the current expression.
A single quote (') is added to the currentexpression and the parser moves toxpath-mode.
All other characters are appended to the current expression.
A double quote (") is added to the currentexpression and the parser moves toxpath-mode.
All other characters are appended to the current expression.
It is adynamic error (err:XC0067
) if theparser reaches the end of the unit of content and it is not inregular-mode.
The context node used for each expression is the document passedon thesource port.It is adynamic error (err:XC0068
) if morethan one document appears on thesource port.In an XPath 1.0 implementation, ifp:empty is given or implied on thesource port, an empty document node is used as thecontext node. In an XPath 2.0 implementation, the context item isundefined.Itis adynamic error (err:XC0026
) if anyXPath expression makes reference to the context node, size, orposition when the context item is undefined.
In an attribute value, processing instruction, or comment, thestring value of the XPath expression is used. In text content, anexpression that selects nodes will cause those nodes to be copiedinto the template document.
Depending on which version of XPath an implementation supports,and possibly on thexpath-versionsetting on thep:template, someimplementations may report errors, or different results, than otherimplementations in those cases where the interpretation of an XPathexpression differs between the versions of XPath.
An example ofp:document appears inSection 1,“Introduction”.
[RFC 2119]Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate RequirementLevels. S. Bradner. Network Working Group, IETF,Mar 1997.
[XProc: An XML Pipeline Language]XML: An XML Pipeline Language.Norman Walsh, Alex Milowski, and Henry S. Thompson, editors. W3CRecommedation 11 May 2010.
The followingdynamic errors areexplicitly called out in this note.
It is a dynamic error if any XPath expression makes reference tothe context node, size, or position when the context item isundefined.
It is a dynamic error to encounter a single closing curly brace“}” that is not immediately followed by another closing curlybrace.
It is a dynamic error if more than one document appears on thesource port.
Other errors may also arise, see [XProc: An XML Pipeline Language] for a completediscussion of error codes.