



XForms 1.1

W3C Recommendation 20 October 2009

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John M. Boyer, IBM

Please refer to theerrata for this document, which may include normative corrections.

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The English version of this specification is the only normative version. Non-normativetranslations may also be available.

Copyright © 2009 W3C® (MIT,ERCIM,Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3Cliability,trademark anddocument use rules apply.


XForms is an XML application that represents the next generation of forms for the Web. XForms is not a free-standing document type, but is intended to be integrated into other markup languages, such as XHTML, ODF or SVG. An XForms-based web form gathers and processes XML data using an architecture that separates presentation, purpose and content. The underlying data of a form is organized intoinstances of data schema (though formal schema definitions are not required). An XForm allows processing of data to occur using three mechanisms:

Thus, XForms accommodates form component reuse, fosters strong data type validation, eliminates unnecessary round-trips to the server, offers device independence and reduces the need for scripting.

XForms 1.1 refines the XML processing platform introduced by[XForms 1.0] by adding several newsubmission capabilities, action handlers, utility functions, user interface improvements, and helpful datatypes as well as a more powerful action processing facility, including conditional, iterated and background execution, the ability to manipulate data arbitrarily and to access event context information.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at

This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3CRecommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.

This document was produced by theW3C Forms Working Group as part of theForms Activity within theW3C Interaction Domain. The working group has supplied atest suite (zip file) and animplementation report demonstrating at least one implementation for each test of a feature and at least two interoperable implementations for each test of a required feature.

Please send comments about this document (withpublic archive). Please send discussion email (withpublic archive).

This document was produced by a group operating under the5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1About the XForms Specification
    1.2Reading the Specification
    1.3How the Specification is Organized
    1.4Documentation Conventions
    1.5Differences between XForms 1.1 and XForms 1.0
        1.5.1Model and Instance
        1.5.2Enhanced Submissions
        1.5.3Datatypes and Model Item Properties
        1.5.4Functions and XPath Expressions
        1.5.5User Interface
        1.5.6Actions and Events
2 Introduction to XForms
    2.1An Example
    2.2Providing XML Instance Data
    2.3Constraining Values
    2.4Multiple Forms per Document
3Document Structure
    3.1Namespace for XForms
    3.2XForms Core Attribute Collections
        3.2.1Common Attributes
        3.2.2Linking Attributes
        3.2.3Single-Node Binding Attributes
        3.2.4Node-Set Binding Attributes
        3.2.5Model Item Property Attributes
    3.3The XForms Core Module
        3.3.1The model Element
        3.3.2The instance Element
        3.3.3The submission Element
        3.3.4The bind Element
    3.4The XForms Extension Module
        3.4.1The extension Element
    3.5The XForms MustUnderstand Module
4Processing Model
    4.1Events Overview
    4.2Initialization Events
        4.2.1The xforms-model-construct Event
        4.2.2The xforms-model-construct-done Event
        4.2.3The xforms-ready Event
        4.2.4The xforms-model-destruct Event
    4.3Interaction Events
        4.3.1The xforms-rebuild Event
        4.3.2The xforms-recalculate Event
        4.3.3The xforms-revalidate Event
        4.3.4The xforms-refresh Event
        4.3.5The xforms-reset Event
        4.3.6The xforms-next and xforms-previous Events
        4.3.7The xforms-focus Event
        4.3.8The xforms-help and xforms-hint Events
        4.3.9The xforms-submit Event
        4.3.10The xforms-submit-serialize Event
    4.4Notification Events
        4.4.1The xforms-insert Event
        4.4.2The xforms-delete Event
        4.4.3The xforms-value-changed Event
        4.4.4The xforms-valid Event
        4.4.5The xforms-invalid Event
        4.4.6The xforms-readonly Event
        4.4.7The xforms-readwrite Event
        4.4.8The xforms-required Event
        4.4.9The xforms-optional Event
        4.4.10The xforms-enabled Event
        4.4.11The xforms-disabled Event
        4.4.12The DOMActivate Event
        4.4.13The DOMFocusIn Event
        4.4.14The DOMFocusOut Event
        4.4.15The xforms-select and xforms-deselect Events
        4.4.16The xforms-in-range Event
        4.4.17The xforms-out-of-range Event
        4.4.18The xforms-scroll-first and xforms-scroll-last Events
        4.4.19The xforms-submit-done Event
    4.5Error Indications
        4.5.1The xforms-binding-exception Event
        4.5.2The xforms-compute-exception Event
        4.5.3The xforms-version-exception Event
        4.5.4The xforms-link-exception Event
        4.5.5The xforms-output-error Event
        4.5.6The xforms-submit-error Event
    4.6Event Sequencing
        4.6.1For input, secret, textarea, range, or upload Controls
        4.6.2For output Controls
        4.6.3For select or select1 Controls
        4.6.4For trigger Controls
        4.6.5For submit Controls
        4.6.6Sequence: Selection Without Value Change
        4.6.7Sequence: Value Change
        4.6.8Sequence: Activating a Trigger
        4.6.9Sequence: Submission
    4.7Resolving ID References in XForms
        4.7.1References to Elements within a repeat Element
        4.7.2References to Elements within a bind Element
    4.8DOM Interface for Access to Instance Data
        4.8.1The getInstanceDocument() Method
        4.8.2The rebuild() Method
        4.8.3The recalculate() Method
        4.8.4The revalidate() Method
        4.8.5The refresh() Method
    4.9Feature string for the hasFeature method call
    5.1XML Schema Built-in Datatypes
    5.2XForms Datatypes
        5.2.1Additional XForms Datatypes to Allow Empty Content
6Model Item Properties
    6.1Model Item Property Definitions
        6.1.1The type Property
        6.1.2The readonly Property
        6.1.3The required Property
        6.1.4The relevant Property
        6.1.5The calculate Property
        6.1.6The constraint Property
        6.1.7The p3ptype Property
    6.2Schema Constraints
        6.2.1Atomic Datatype
7XPath Expressions in XForms
    7.1XPath Datatypes
    7.2Evaluation Context
    7.3References, Dependencies, and Dynamic Dependencies
    7.4Expression Categories
        7.4.1Model Binding Expressions and Computed Expressions
        7.4.2Expressions in Actions and Submissions
        7.4.3UI Expressions
        7.4.4UI Binding in other XML vocabularies
        7.4.5Binding Examples
    7.5The XForms Function Library
    7.6Boolean Functions
        7.6.1The boolean-from-string() Function
        7.6.2The is-card-number() Function
    7.7Number Functions
        7.7.1The avg() Function
        7.7.2The min() Function
        7.7.3The max() Function
        7.7.4The count-non-empty() Function
        7.7.5The index() Function
        7.7.6The power() Function
        7.7.7The random() Function
        7.7.8The compare() Function
    7.8String Functions
        7.8.1The if() Function
        7.8.2The property() Function
        7.8.3The digest() Function
        7.8.4The hmac() Function
    7.9Date and Time Functions
        7.9.1The local-date() Function
        7.9.2The local-dateTime() Function
        7.9.3The now() Function
        7.9.4The days-from-date() Function
        7.9.5The days-to-date() Function
        7.9.6The seconds-from-dateTime() Function
        7.9.7The seconds-to-dateTime() Function
        7.9.8The adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() Function
        7.9.9The seconds() Function
        7.9.10The months() Function
    7.10Node-set Functions
        7.10.1The instance() Function
        7.10.2The current() Function
        7.10.3The id() Function
        7.10.4The context() Function
    7.11Object Functions
        7.11.1The choose() Function
        7.11.2The event() Function
    7.12Extension Functions
8Core Form Controls
    8.1The XForms Core Form Controls Module
        8.1.1Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls
        8.1.2The input Element
        8.1.3The secret Element
        8.1.4The textarea Element
        8.1.5The output Element
   mediatype Element (for output)
        8.1.6The upload Element
   filename Element
   mediatype Element (for upload)
        8.1.7The range Element
        8.1.8The trigger Element
        8.1.9The submit Element
        8.1.10The select Element
        8.1.11The select1 Element
    8.2Common Support Elements
        8.2.1The label Element
        8.2.2The help Element
        8.2.3The hint Element
        8.2.4The alert Element
    8.3Common Markup for Selection Controls
        8.3.1The choices Element
        8.3.2The item Element
        8.3.3The value Element
9Container Form Controls
    9.1The XForms Group Module
        9.1.1The group Element
    9.2The XForms Switch Module
        9.2.1The switch Element
        9.2.2The case Element
    9.3The XForms Repeat Module
        9.3.1The repeat Element
        9.3.2Nested Repeats
        9.3.3Repeat Processing
        9.3.4User Interface Interaction
        9.3.5Creating Repeating Structures Via Attributes
        9.3.6The itemset Element
        9.3.7The copy Element
10XForms Actions
    10.1The action Element
    10.2The setvalue Element
    10.3The insert Element
    10.4The delete Element
    10.5The setindex Element
    10.6The toggle Element
        10.6.1The case Element Child of the toggle Element
    10.7The setfocus Element
        10.7.1The control Element Child of the setfocus Element
    10.8The dispatch Element
        10.8.1The name Child Element
        10.8.2The targetid Child Element
        10.8.3The delay Child Element
    10.9The rebuild Element
    10.10The recalculate Element
    10.11The revalidate Element
    10.12The refresh Element
    10.13The reset Element
    10.14The load Element
        10.14.1The resource Element child of load
    10.15The send Element
    10.16The message Element
    10.17Conditional Execution of XForms Actions
    10.18Iteration of XForms Actions
    10.19Actions from Other Modules
11The XForms Submission Module
    11.1The submission Element
    11.2The xforms-submit Event
    11.3The xforms-submit-serialize Event
    11.4The xforms-submit-done Event
    11.5The xforms-submit-error Event
    11.6The Submission Resource
        11.6.1The resource Element
    11.7The Submission Method
        11.7.1The method Element
    11.8The header Element
        11.8.1The name Element
        11.8.2The value Element
    11.9Submission Options
        11.9.1The get Submission Method
        11.9.2The post, multipart-post, form-data-post, and urlencoded-post Submission Methods
        11.9.3The put Submission Method
        11.9.4The delete Submission Method
        11.9.5Serialization as application/xml
        11.9.6Serialization as multipart/related
        11.9.7Serialization as multipart/form-data
        11.9.8Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    11.10Replacing Data with the Submission Response
    11.11Integration with SOAP
        11.11.1Representation of SOAP Envelope
        11.11.2Indicating a SOAP submission
        11.11.3SOAP HTTP Binding
        11.11.4Handling the SOAP Response
    12.1Conforming XForms Documents
    12.2Conforming XForms Generators
    12.3Base Technologies for XForms Processors
    12.4Conformance Levels
        12.4.1XForms Model
        12.4.2XForms Full
13Glossary Of Terms


    A.1Normative References
    A.2Informative References
BPatterns for Data Mutations
    B.1Prepend Element Copy
    B.2Append Element Copy
    B.3Duplicate Element
    B.4Set Attribute
    B.5Remove Element
    B.6Remove Attribute
    B.7Remove Nodeset
    B.8Copy Nodeset
    B.9Copy Attribute List
    B.10Replace Element
    B.11Replace Attribute
    B.12Replace Instance with Insert
    B.13Move Element
    B.14Move Attribute
    B.15Insert Element into Non-Contiguous, Heterogeneous Nodeset
CRecalculation Sequence Algorithm
    C.1Details on Creating the Master Dependency Directed Graph
    C.2Details on Creating the Pertinent Dependency Subgraph
    C.3Details on Computing Individual Vertices
    C.4Example of Calculation Processing
DPrivacy Considerations
    D.1Using P3P with XForms
EInput Modes (Non-Normative)
    E.1inputmode Attribute Value Syntax
    E.2User Agent Behavior
    E.3List of Tokens
        E.3.1Script Tokens
        E.3.2Modifier Tokens
    E.4Relationship to XML Schema pattern facets
FSchema for XForms (Non-Normative)
    F.1Schema for XML Events
GXForms and Styling (Non-Normative)
HComplete XForms Examples (Non-Normative)
    H.1XForms in XHTML
    H.2Editing Hierarchical Bookmarks Using XForms
    H.3Survey Using XForms and SVG
IAcknowledgements (Non-Normative)
JProduction Notes (Non-Normative)

1 About the XForms Specification

1.1 Background

Forms are an important part of the Web, and they continue to be the primary means for enabling interactive Web applications. Web applications and electronic commerce solutions have sparked the demand for better Web forms with richer interactions. XForms is the response to this demand, and provides a new platform-independent markup language for online interaction between a person (through anXForms Processor) and another, usually remote, agent. XForms are the successor to HTML forms, and benefit from the lessons learned from HTML forms.

Further background information on XForms can be found at

1.2 Reading the Specification

This specification has been written with various types of readers in mind—in particular XForms authors and XForms implementors. We hope the specification will provide authors with the tools they need to write efficient, attractive and accessible documents without overexposing them to the XForms implementation details. Implementors, however, should find all they need to build conforming XForms Processors. The specification begins with a general presentation of XForms before specifying the technical details of the various XForms components.

The specification has been written with various modes of presentation in mind. In case of a discrepancy, the online electronic version is considered the authoritative version of the document.

With regard to implementing behaviors defined for XForms content herein, this document uses the termsmust,must not,required,shall,shall not,recommended,should,should not,may, andoptional in accord with[RFC 2119]. Generally, the elements, attributes, functions and behaviors of XForms content defined in this specification are required to implement unless explicitly specified otherwise. The termauthor-optional, when applied to a content item such as an element, attribute, or function parameter, indicates to form authors that they may omit the content item and obtain the default behavior. The term author-optional is orthogonal to the conformance status (required, recommended, or optional) of the content item.

1.3 How the Specification is Organized

The specification is organized into the following chapters:

Chapters 1 and 2

An introduction to XForms. The introduction outlines the design principles and includes a brief tutorial on XForms.

Chapters 3 and up

XForms reference manual. The bulk of the reference manual consists of the specification of XForms. This reference defines XForms and how XForms Processors must interpret the various components in order to claim conformance.


Appendixes contain an XML Schema description of XForms, references, examples, and other useful information.

1.4 Documentation Conventions

Throughout this document, the following namespace prefixes and corresponding namespace identifiers are used:

xforms: The XForms namespace, e.g. (see3.1 Namespace for XForms)
html: An XHTML namespace, e.g. (see[XHTML 1.0])
xs: The XML Schema namespace (see[XML Schema part 1])
xsd: The XML Schema namespace (see[XML Schema part 2])
xsi: The XML Schema for instances namespace (see[XML Schema part 1])
ev: The XML Events namespace (see[XML Events])
my: Any user defined namespace

This is only a convention; any namespace prefix may be used in practice.

The following typographical conventions are used to present technical material in this document.

Official terms are defined in the following manner: [Definition: You can find mostterms in chapter13 Glossary Of Terms]. Links toterms may be specially highlighted where necessary.

The XML representations of various elements within XForms are presented using the syntax for Abstract Modules in XHTML Modularization[XHTML Modularization].

Examples are set off typographically:

Example item
Example Item

References to external documents appear as follows:[Sample Reference] with links to the references section of this document.

Sample Reference
Reference - linked to from above.

The following typesetting convention is used for additional commentary:


A gentle explanation to readers.

Editorial note: Editorial Note Name 
Editorial commentary, not intended for final publication.

Issue (sample-implementation-issue):


A specific issue for which input from implementors is requested, for example as part of the Candidate Recommendation phase.


None recorded.

1.5 Differences between XForms 1.1 and XForms 1.0

This informative section provides an overview of the new features and changed behaviors available in XForms 1.1.

1.5.1 Model and Instance

Themodel element now must support aversion attribute to help authors bridge the transition between XForms 1.0 to XForms 1.1.

Theinstance element now has aresource attribute that allows instance data to be obtained from a URI only if the instance does not already contain data. By contrast, thesrc attribute overrides the inline content in aninstance. Theresource attribute is more useful in systems that must support save and reload of XForms-based documents.

1.5.2 Enhanced Submissions

Thesubmission element offers many new features that allow significantly improved data communications capabilities for XForms, including:

  • Access to SOAP-based web services, RESTful services, ATOM-based services, and non-XML services

  • Improved control over submission processing and serialization

  • Ability to control the submission URI and headers with instance data

  • Targetted instance data replacement capabilities

Thesubmission element now has aresource attribute andresource child element that allow the instance data to dynamically control the submission URI. As a result, theaction attribute is deprecated, though still supported in XForms 1.1.

In XForms 1.0, submissions were already more capable than AJAX, based on the ability to automatically update a form with results from HTTP and HTTPS services, including RSS feeds. In XForms 1.1, themethod attribute now supportsdelete as well as any other QName. Themethod child element also allows the method to be dynamically controlled by instance data. Submission headers can now be added, and even dynamically controlled by instance data, using theheader child element. These features complete the capabilities needed for ATOM and RESTful services. XForms 1.1 also offers special submission header behavior through themediatype attribute to allow communications with SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 web services.

Thesubmission element now supports attributesrelevant andvalidate, which allow form authors to turn off instance data relevance pruning and validity checking. This allowssubmission to be used to save and reload unfinished data on a server or the local file system.

Thesubmission element now supports thetargetref attribute, which allows partial instance replacement by identifying a node to be replaced with the submission result. Thereplace attribute also now supports atext setting, which allows the content of the target node, rather than the target node itself, to be replaced with a non-XML (text) submission result.

Thesubmission element now also supports thexforms-submit-serialize event, which allows the form author to provide a custom serialization, such as plain text or the full XForms document, as the submission data. Theserialization attribute also provides increased control over the submission data serialization, including the settingnone, which allowssubmission to be used for simple URI activation.

Thexforms-submit-done andxforms-submit-error events now have event context information available that provide more information about both successful and failed submissions, such as the response headers of successful submissions and the reason code for failed submissions.

Finally, over a dozen new examples have been added to illustratesubmission usage.

1.5.3 Datatypes and Model Item Properties

XForms 1.1 now offersemail andcard-number datatypes so form authors can easily validate email address and credit card number input values.

To further simplify authoring, XForms 1.1 now also provides its own definitions of the XML Schema datatypes, except the XForms versions permit the empty string. Allowing empty string means that input like an age or a birthdate can be collected without being required input for validity (an empty string is not in the lexical space of XML schema datatypes likexsd:positiveInteger andxsd:date). If an input is required, the form author can still use the XForms versions of the datatypes in combination with therequired model item property. The XForms datatypes also aid authoring by allowing type definitions to omit namespace qualification, e.g.type="date" rather thantype="xsd:date", if the default namespace of the model is set to XForms.

Thereadonly model item property was defined to be an inviolate property of the data model. This means it cannot be violated by anything outside of the model item property system, including not just form controls but also XForms actions and instance data access from the DOM interface.

1.5.4 Functions and XPath Expressions

XForms 1.1 now contains many new functions that can be used incalculate and other XPath expressions to enable numerous features, including:

  • basic date math and working with local dates and times:local-date(),local-dateTime(),days-to-date(),seconds-to-dateTime(), andadjust-dateTime-to-timezone()

  • working with tabular data and parallel lists:current(),choose() andcontext()

  • basic security capabilities:digest(),hmac(), andrandom()

  • improved numeric and string processing:power(),is-card-number(), andcompare()

  • search across instances of a model: two parameterid() function

  • access to context information added to many XForms events:event()

The specification now provides a better classification of binding expression types as well as a more rigorous definition for dynamic dependencies. These definitions ensure that XPath expressions in form controls and actions which use theindex() are automatically re-evaluated when appropriate.

Due to the addition of thechoose() function, theif() function is still supported but deprecated as futureproofing against the conflict with theif keyword in XPath 2.0.

1.5.5 User Interface

The behavioral description common to all form controls has been improved to indicate default layout styling and rendering requirements for required data.

Theoutput form control has been improved to render non-text mediatypes, particularly images, obtained from instance data.

An example was added to show the use of aDOMActivate handler on aninput to automatically initiate a submission once a user enters and commits input, such as a search query.

The processing model and implementation requirements on selection controls were elaborated upon to ensure consistency of behavior between selection data expressed as textual lists versus element lists.

The ability to create wizard-like interfaces with dynamically available form controls has been improved. Details are in the description of improvements to actions.

The specification provides more rigorous definitions and classifications of form controls, which have been applied throughout the specification to ensure proper support of varied features related to form controls, such as events, applicability of model item properties, and focusability.

The XForms repeat has been made more powerful and flexible. The specification now provides rigorous definitions and processing model descriptions for repeated content, including creation, destruction, IDREF resolution and event flow between repeated content and the containing content (which may itself be repeated). Therepeat is now capable of operating over any nodeset, not just an homogeneous collection. A formal processing model for repeat index handling has been defined.

1.5.6 Actions and Events

Theinsert anddelete actions have been converted from specialized actions associated withrepeat to generalized data insertion and deletion operations. An entire appendix of 15 examples was added to illustrate this additional capability in detail.

All XForms actions, as well as sets of actions, can be executed conditionally or iteratively. Combined with the generalizedinsert anddelete, this means that the information processing power of XForms 1.1 is Turing-complete.

Thedispatch action now allows the event name and target to be specified by instance data. A new attribute,delay, has also been added to allow an event to be scheduled for dispatch at a later time. Since the event handler for the event can schedule same event for later dispatch, it is possible in XForms 1.1 to create background daemon tasks.

Thesetfocus andtoggle have been improved to help with creating wizard interfaces and handling dynamically available content. The control to focus and the case to select can now be specified by instance data. These actions have also been improved relative to the recalculation processing model. They now perform deferred updates before their regular processing to ensure the user interface is automatically refreshed.

As part of the improvement to repeat index management, thesetindex action now behaves more likesetvalue, which means it now sets the flags for automatic recalculation, revalidation and user interface refresh. As well, this action now also performs deferred updates before its regular processing to ensure the user interface is up to date.

Finally, thesetvalue action has been improved due to the addition of thecontext() function. Now it is possible to express thevalue attribute in terms of the same context node used to evaluate the single node binding. This improves the ability to usesetvalue inside of arepeat to set values of instance nodes that are outside of the repeat nodeset based on values that are within the repeat nodeset.

2 Introduction to XForms

XForms has been designed on the basis of several years' experience with HTML forms. HTML forms have formed the backbone of the e-commerce revolution, and having shown their worth, have also indicated numerous ways they could be improved.

The primary difference when comparing XForms with HTML forms, apart from XForms being in XML, is the separation of the data being collected from the markup of the controls collecting the individual values. By doing this, it not only makes XForms more tractable by making it clear what is being submitted where, it also eases reuse of forms, since the underlying essential part of a Form is no longer irretrievably bound to the page it is used in.

A second major difference is that XForms, while designed to be integrated into XHTML, is no longer restricted only to be a part of that language, but may be integrated into any suitable markup language.

XForms has striven to improve authoring, reuse, internationalization, accessibility, usability, and device independence. Here is a summary of the primary benefits of using XForms:

Strong typing

Submitted data is strongly typed and can be checked using off-the-shelf tools. This speeds up form filling since it reduces the need for round trips to the server for validation.

XML submission

This obviates the need for custom server-side logic to marshal the submitted data to the application back-end. The received XML instance document can be directly validated and processed by the application back-end.

Existing schema re-use

This obviates duplication, and ensures that updating the validation rules as a result of a change in the underlying business logic does not require re-authoring validation constraints within the XForms application.

External schema augmentation

This enables the XForms author to go beyond the basic set of constraints available from the back-end. Providing such additional constraints as part of the XForms Model enhances the overall usability of the resulting Web application.


Using XML 1.0 for instance data ensures that the submitted data is internationalization ready.

Enhanced accessibility

XForms separates content and presentation. User interface controls encapsulate all relevant metadata such as labels, thereby enhancing accessibility of the application when using different modalities. XForms user interface controls are generic and suited for device-independence.

Multiple device support

The high-level nature of the user interface controls, and the consequent intent-based authoring of the user interface makes it possible to re-target the user interaction to different devices.

Less use of scripting

By defining XML-based declarative event handlers that cover common use cases, the majority of XForms documents can be statically analyzed, reducing the need for imperative scripts for event handlers.

2.1 An Example

In the XForms approach, forms are comprised of a section that describes what the form does, called theXForms Model, and another section that describes how the form is to be presented.

Consider a simple electronic commerce form that might be rendered as follows:

screen shot of a graphic rendering

It is clear that we are collecting a value that represents whether cash or a credit card is being used, and if a credit card, its number and expiration date.

This can be represented in the XFormsmodel element, which in XHTML would typically be contained within thehead section:

<xforms:model>  <xforms:instance>    <ecommerce xmlns="">      <method/>      <number/>      <expiry/>    </ecommerce>  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:submission action="" method="post" includenamespaceprefixes=""/></xforms:model>

This simply says that we are collecting three pieces of information (note that we have as yet not said anything about their types), and that they will be submitted using the URL in theaction attribute.

XForms defines a device-neutral, platform-independent set ofform controls suitable for general-purpose use. The controls arebound to the XForms Model via the XForms binding mechanism, in this simple case using theref attribute on the controls. In XHTML, this markup would typically appear within thebody section (note that we have intentionally defaulted the XForms namespace prefix here):

<select1 ref="method">  <label>Select Payment Method:</label>  <item>    <label>Cash</label>    <value>cash</value>  </item>  <item>    <label>Credit</label>    <value>cc</value>  </item></select1><input ref="number">  <label>Credit Card Number:</label></input><input ref="expiry">  <label>Expiration Date:</label></input><submit submission="submit">  <label>Submit</label></submit>

Notice the following features of this design:

  • The user interface is not hard-coded to use radio buttons. Different devices (such as voice browsers) can render the concept of "select one" as appropriate.

  • Core form controls always have labels directly associated with them as child elements— this is a key feature designed to enhance accessibility.

  • There is no need for an enclosingform element, as in HTML. (See2.4 Multiple Forms per Document for details on how to author multiple forms per document)

  • Markup for specifying form controls has been simplified in comparison with HTML forms.

The fact that you can bind form controls to the model like this simplifies integrating XForms into otherhost languages, since any form control markup may be used to bind to the model.

2.2 Providing XML Instance Data

TheXForms Processor can directly submit the data collected as XML. In the example, the submitted data would look like this:

Submitted Data
<ecommerce>  <method>cc</method>  <number>1235467789012345</number>  <expiry>2001-08</expiry></ecommerce>

XForms processing keeps track of the state of the partially filled form through thisinstance data. Initial values for the instance data may be provided or left empty as in the example. Elementinstance essentially holds a skeleton XML document that gets updated as the user fills out the form. It gives the author full control on the structure of the submitted XML data, including namespace information. When the form is submitted, the instance data is serialized as an XML document. Here is an alternative version of the earlier example:

<xforms:model>  <xforms:instance>    <payment method="cc" xmlns="">      <number/>      <expiry/>    </payment>  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:submission action="" method="post" includenamespaceprefixes="#default"/></xforms:model>

In this case the submitted data would look like this:

Submitted Data
<payment method="cc" xmlns="">  <number>1235467789012345</number>  <expiry>2001-08</expiry></payment>

This design has features worth calling out:

  • There is complete flexibility in the structure of the XML instance data, including the use of attributes. Notice that XML namespaces are used, and that a wrapper element of the author's choosing contains the instance data.

  • Empty elementsnumber andexpiry serve as place-holders in the XML structure, and will be filled in with form data provided by the user.

  • An initial value ("cc") for the form control is provided through the instance data, in this case an attributemethod. In the submitted XML, this initial value will be replaced by the user input, if the user changes the form control displaying that data.

To connect this instance data with form controls, theref attributes on the form controls need to be changed to point to the proper part of the instance data, usingbinding expressions:

Binding Form Controls to Instance Nodes withref
... xmlns:my=""  ...  <xforms:select1 ref="@method">...</xforms:select1>  ...  <xforms:input ref="my:number">...</xforms:input>  ...  <xforms:input ref="/my:payment/my:expiry">...</xforms:input>

Binding expressions are based on XPath[XPath 1.0], including the use of the@ character to refer to attributes, as seen here. Note that for illustrative purposes, the first two expressions make use of the XPath context node, which defaults to the top-level element (heremy:payment). The third expression shows an absolute path.

2.3 Constraining Values

XForms allows data to be checked for validity as the form is being filled. In the absence of specific information about the types of values being collected, all values are returned as strings, but it is possible to assign types to values in the instance data. In this example,number should accept digits only, and should have between 14 and 18 digits andexpiry should accept only valid month/date combinations.

Furthermore, the credit card information form controls fornumber andexpiry are only relevant if the"cc" option is chosen formethod, but are required in that case.

By specifying an additional component,model item properties, authors can include rich declarative validation information in forms. Such information can be taken from XML Schemas as well as XForms-specific additions, such asrelevant. Such properties appear onbind elements, whileSchema constraints are expressed in an XML Schema fragment, either inline or external. For example:

Declarative Validation with Model Item Properties
... xmlns:my=""...          <xforms:model>    ...    <xforms:bind nodeset="/my:payment/my:number" relevant="/my:payment/@method = 'cc'" required="true()" type="my:ccnumber"/>    <xforms:bind nodeset="/my:payment/my:expiry" relevant="/my:payment/@method = 'cc'" required="true()" type="xsd:gYearMonth"/>    <xs:schema ...>      ...      <xs:simpleType name="ccnumber"><xs:restriction base="xsd:string">  <xs:pattern value="\d{14,18}"/></xs:restriction>      </xs:simpleType>      ...    </xs:schema>  </xforms:model>


In the above example, therelevant expression uses absolute XPath notation (beginning with/) because the evaluation context nodes forcomputed expressions are determined by thebinding expression (see7.2 Evaluation Context), and so any relative node path in the firstbindrelevant above would be relative to/my:payment/my:number

2.4 Multiple Forms per Document

XForms processing places no limits on the number of individual forms that can be placed in a singlecontaining document. When a single document contains multiple forms, each form needs a separatemodel element, each with anid attribute so that they can be referenced from elsewhere in the containing document.

In addition, form controls should specify whichmodel element contains the instance data to which they bind. This is accomplished through amodel attribute that is part of the binding attributes. If nomodel attribute is specified on the binding element, the nearest ancestor binding element'smodel attribute is used, and failing that, the first XForms Model in document order is used. This technique is called 'scoped resolution', and is used frequently in XForms.

The next example adds an opinion poll to our electronic commerce form.

Adding apoll model
<xforms:model>  <xforms:instance>    ...payment instance data...  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:submission action="" method="post"/></xforms:model>        <xforms:model>  <xforms:instance>    <helpful/>  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:submission .../></xforms:model>

Additionally, the following markup would appear in the body section of the document:

Form Controls forpoll model
<xforms:select1 ref="/helpful" model="poll">  <xforms:label>How useful is this page to you?</xforms:label>  <xforms:item>    <xforms:label>Not at all helpful</xforms:label>    <xforms:value>0</xforms:value>  </xforms:item>  <xforms:item>    <xforms:label>Barely helpful</xforms:label>    <xforms:value>1</xforms:value>  </xforms:item>  <xforms:item>    <xforms:label>Somewhat helpful</xforms:label>    <xforms:value>2</xforms:value>  </xforms:item>  <xforms:item>    <xforms:label>Very helpful</xforms:label>    <xforms:value>3</xforms:value>  </xforms:item></xforms:select1>        <xforms:submit submission="pollsubmit">  <xforms:label>Submit</xforms:label></xforms:submit>

The main difference here is the use ofmodel="poll", which identifies the instance. Note thatsubmit refers to thesubmission element by ID and does not require binding attributes.

More XForms examples can be found inH Complete XForms Examples.

3 Document Structure

XForms is an application of XML[XML 1.0] and has been designed for use within other XML vocabularies—in particular within a future version of XHTML[XHTML 1.0]. XForms always requires such ahost language. This chapter discusses the structure of XForms that allow XForms to be used with other document types.

3.1 Namespace for XForms

The namespace URI for XForms is The XForms schema has the target namespace specified and as such is compatible with the XForms 1.0 definition.

XForms used in combination with XHTML 1.0
<switch xmlns="">  <case selected="true">    <input ref="yourname">      <label>Please tell me your name</label>      <toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="out"/>    </input>  </case>  <case selected="false">    <html:p>Hello <output ref="yourname" />      <trigger>        <label>Edit</label>        <toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="in"/>      </trigger>    </html:p>  </case></switch>

The above example is unchanged from the specification in XForms 1.0 (in the example, the prefixes html and ev are defined by an ancestor of theswitch element).

3.2 XForms Core Attribute Collections

3.2.1 Common Attributes

The Common Attribute Collection applies to every element in the XForms namespace.


Foreign attributes are allowed on all XForms elements.


The author-optionalid attribute of typexsd:ID assigns an identity to the containing element.


Elements can be identified using any attribute of type ID (such asxml:id), not just theid attribute defined above.


TheXML Events attributes are foreign attributes and therefore are allowed on any XForms element that includes theCommon attributes. This specification lists bothCommon andEvents attributes on XForms actions for reading convenience, i.e. since authors are most likely to placeEvents attributes on the actual event handler elements.

3.2.2 Linking Attributes

Thehost language may permit a Linking Attributes Collection to be applied to XForms elements as an alternate means of obtaining content related to the element. An example is thesrc attribute from[XHTML 1.0]. The schedule by which link traversal occurs is defined by the host language. If the link traversal fails, the host language may dispatchxforms-link-exception to themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node of the element that bears the Linking Attributes Collection for the failed link.


Section3.3.2 The instance Element defines attributesrc for theinstance element.

3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes

The following attributes can be used to define a binding between an XForms element such as a form control or an action and an instance data node defined by an XPath expression.


Binding expression interpreted as XPath. This attribute has no meaning when abind attribute is present.


Author-optional XForms Model selector. Specifies theID of an XForms Model to be associated with this binding element. This attribute has no meaning for the current binding element when abind attribute is present. Rules for determining the context XForms Model are located at7.2 Evaluation Context.


Author-optional reference to abind element.

In this specification, when an XForms element is declared to have a Single-Node Binding, then the author must specify the Single-Node Binding unless the element explicitly states that it is author-optional.

In some cases, an XForms element may allow a Single-Node Binding, but one or more attributes in the Single-Node Binding attribute group are inappropriate for that XForms element. In such cases, the exact attributes are listed for the XForms element, but those attributes still express a Single-Node Binding if they appear in the element. For example, thesubmission element forbids themodel attribute because the model is defined to be the one containing thesubmission, so the attributesref andbind are listed forsubmission rather than referring to the Single-Node Binding attribute group, but if aref orbind attribute is used on asubmission, it does express a Single-Node Binding.

When the Single-Node Binding is required, one ofref orbind is required. Whenbind is used, the node is determined by the referencedbind. See4.7.2 References to Elements within a bind Element for details on selecting an identifiedbind that is iterated by one or more containingbind elements. Whenref is used, the node is determined by evaluating the XPath expression with the evaluation context described in Section7.2 Evaluation Context.

First-node rule: When a Single-Node Binding attribute selects a node-set of size > 1, the first node in the node-set, based on document order, is used.

It is an exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event) if theXForms Processor encounters amodel attributeIDREF value that refers to anID not on amodel element, or abind attributeIDREF value that refers to anID not on abind element.

3.2.4 Node-Set Binding Attributes

The following attributes define a binding between an XForms element such as a form control or an action and a node-set defined by the XPath expression.


Binding expression interpreted as XPath. This attribute has no meaning when abind attribute is present.


Author-optional XForms Model selector. Specifies theID of an XForms Model to be associated with this binding element. This attribute has no meaning for the current binding element when abind attribute is present. Rules for determining the context XForms Model are located at7.2 Evaluation Context.


Author-optional reference to abind element.

In this specification, when an XForms element is declared to have a Node-Set Binding, then the author must specify the Node-Set Binding unless the element explicitly states that it is author-optional.

In some cases, an XForms element may allow a Node-Set Binding, but one or more attributes in the Node-Set Binding attribute group are inappropriate for that XForms element. In such cases, the exact attributes are listed for the XForms element, but those attributes still express a Node-Set Binding if they appear in the element. For example, thebind element only allows thenodeset attribute. Themodel andbind attributes are not allowed on abind element, but if thenodeset attribute appears on abind element, it does express a Node-Set Binding.

When the Node-Set Binding is required, one ofnodeset orbind is required. Whenbind is used, the node-set is determined by the referencedbind. See4.7.2 References to Elements within a bind Element for details on selecting an identifiedbind that is iterated by one or more containingbind elements. Whennodeset is used, the node-set is determined by evaluating the XPath expression with the evaluation context described in Section7.2 Evaluation Context.

It is an exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event) if theXForms Processor encounters amodel attributeIDREF value that refers to anID not on amodel element, or abind attributeIDREF value that refers to anID not on abind element.

3.2.5 Model Item Property Attributes

This collection contains one attribute for each model item property, with an attribute name exactly matching the name of the model item property, as defined in6.1 Model Item Property Definitions.

3.3 The XForms Core Module

The XForms Core Module defines the major structural elements of XForms, intended for inclusion in a containing document. The elements and attributes included in this module are:

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
modelCommon, functions (QNameList), schema (list of xsd:anyURI), version (xforms:versionList)(instance|xs:schema| submission|bind|Action)*
instanceCommon, src (xsd:anyURI), resource (xsd:anyURI)(ANY)

ref (binding-expression)
bind (xsd:IDREF)
resource (xsd:anyURI)
action (xsd:anyURI) [deprecated]
mode ("asynchronous"|"synchronous")
method ("post"|"get"|"put"|"delete"|"multipart-post"|"form-data-post"|"urlencoded-post"|Any otherNCName|QNameButNotNCName)
validate (xsd:boolean)
relevant (xsd:boolean)
serialization ("application/xml"|"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"|"multipart/related"|"multipart/form-data"|"none")
version (xsd:NMTOKEN)
indent (xsd:boolean)
mediatype (xsd:string)
encoding (xsd:string)
omit-xml-declaration (xsd:boolean)
standalone (xsd:boolean)
cdata-section-elements (QNameList)
replace ("all"|"instance"|"text"|"none" |QNameButNotNCName)
instance (xsd:IDREF)
targetref (nodeset XPath Expression)
separator (';' | '&')
includenamespaceprefixes (xsd:NMTOKENS)

(resource |method |header)*,Action*
bindCommon,Model Item Properties, nodeset (model-binding-expression)(bind)*

Elements defined in the XForms Actions module, when that module is included, are also allowed in the content model ofmodel andsubmission, as shown above.

Within the containing document, these structural elements are typically not rendered.

TheXForms Processor must ignore any foreign-namespaced attributes that are unrecognized.

Note that the presence of foreign namespaced elements is subject to the definition of the containing or compound document profile.

3.3.1 The model Element

This element represents a form definition and is used as a container for elements that define the XForms Model. No restriction is placed on how manymodel elements may exist within a containing document.

Common Attributes:Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional space-separated list of XPath extension functions (represented by QNames) required by this XForms Model. Guidance on the use of this attribute is at7.12 Extension Functions.


Author-optional list ofxsd:anyURI links to XML Schema documents outside thismodel element. TheXForms Processor must process all Schemas listed in this attribute. Within each XForms Model, there is a limit of one Schema per namespace declaration, including inline and linked Schemas.

The schema definitions for a namespace are determined to beapplicable to instance nodes based on an instance schema validation episode initialized tolax processing. When an element lacks a schema declaration, the XML Schema specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional. For this specification, this recursive checking is required. Schema processing for a node with matching schema declarations is governed by its content processing definition, which isstrict by default.


Theschema list may include URI fragments referring to elements located outside the current model elsewhere in the containing document; e.g."#myschema".xs:schema elements located inside the current model need not be listed.


Author-optional attribute with a default value of empty string and legal values defined by the datatypexforms:versionList. Examples are"1.0" and"1.0 1.1". If one or more versions are indicated by this attribute on the defaultmodel, then anXForms Processor must support at least one of the listed language versions of XForms. Otherwise, theXForms Processor must terminate processing after dispatching the eventxforms-version-exception to the defaultmodel. If theXForms Processor supports more than one language version indicated by the version setting on the defaultmodel or if the version setting on the defaultmodel is empty string (whether specified or by default), then theXForms Processor may execute the XForms content using any language conformance level available to it. If any non-defaultmodel has a version setting that is incompatible with the language version selected by theXForms Processor, then theXForms Processor must terminate processing after dispatching the eventxforms-version-exception to the defaultmodel.


This example shows a simple usage ofmodel, with the XForms namespace defaulted:
<model schema="MySchema.xsd">  <instance resource="" />  ...</model>
Handler for xforms-version-exception
<model>  <message level="modal" ev:event="xforms-version-exception">      <output value="event('errorinformation')"/>  </message>  ...</model>...<model version="1.1">  ...</model>

Since theversion attribute is not specified on themodel, theXForms Processor may choose any language conformance level, which may be incompatible with the version setting of the secondmodel. Therefore, the message action occurs during initialization of the secondmodel due to its version incompatibility with the defaultmodel.

An Example of Differing but Compatible Version Settings
<model version="1.0 1.1">  ...</model>...<model>  ...</model>

Since theversion attribute is not specified on the secondmodel, it is compatible with any choice made based on the version setting on the default model.

3.3.2 The instance Element

This author-optional element contains or references initial instance data.

Common Attributes:Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional link to externally defined initial instance data. If the link traversal fails, it is treated as an exception (4.5.4 The xforms-link-exception Event).


Author-optional link to externally defined initial instance data. If the link is traversed and the traversal fails, it is treated as an exception (4.5.4 The xforms-link-exception Event).

If thesrc attribute is given, then it takes precedence over inline content and theresource attribute, and the XML data for the instance is obtained from the link. If thesrc attribute is omitted, then the data for the instance is obtained from inline content if it is given or theresource attribute otherwise. If both theresource attribute and inline content are provided, the inline content takes precedence.

If the initial instance data is given by a link (fromsrc orresource), then the instance data is formed by creating an XPath data model of the linked resource. If the link cannot be traversed, then processing halts after dispatching anxforms-link-exception with aresource-uri of the link that failed.

If the initial instance data is given by inline content, then instance data is obtained by first creating a detached copy of the inline content (including namespaces inherited from the enveloping ancestors), then creating an XPath data model over the detached copy. The detached copy must consist of content that would be well-formed XML if it existed in a separate document. Note that this restricts the element content ofinstance to a single child element.

If creation of the XPath data model for the instance data fails due to an XML error, then processing halts after dispatching anxforms-link-exceptionwith aresource-uri indicating either the URI for an external instance, a fragment identifier URI reference (including the leading # mark) for an identified internal instance, or empty string for an unidentified internal instance. This exception could happen, for example, if the content had no top-level element or more than one top-level element, neither of which is permitted by the grammar of XML.


All data relevant to the XPath data model must be preserved during processing and as input to submission serialization, including processing instructions, comment nodes and all whitespace.


XForms authors who need additional control over the serialization of namespace nodes can use theincludenamespaceprefixes attribute on thesubmission element.

3.3.3 The submission Element

Details about thesubmission element and its processing are described in11 The XForms Submission Module.

3.3.4 The bind Element

Elementbind selects a node-set from theinstance data with either amodel binding expression in thenodeset attribute or the default of the in-scope evaluation context node. Other attributes on elementbind encodemodel item properties to be applied to each node in the node-set. Whenbind has an attribute of typexsd:ID, thebind then associates that identifier with the selected node-set.

Common Attributes:Common,Model Item Properties (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


An author-optional attribute containing amodel binding expression that selects the set of nodes on which thisbind operates. If the attribute is omitted, the default is the in-scope evaluation context node.

See6 Model Item Properties for details on model item properties.

See7.2 Evaluation Context for details on how the evaluation context is determined for each attribute of thebind element.

3.4 The XForms Extension Module

There are many different ways ahost language might include XForms. One approach uses only well-formed processing, disregarding validation. Another case uses strict validation, for example XHTML 1.0, in which only predefined elements are allowed. Another common approach is to allow unregulated content in a few select places. A host language that chooses this option can use the Extension module.

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model

3.4.1 The extension Element

Author-optional elementextension is a container for application-specific extension elements from any namespace other than the XForms namespace. This specification does not define the processing of this element.

Common Attributes:Common

For example, RDF metadata could be attached to an individual form control as follows:

<input ref="dataset/user/email">  <label>Enter your email address</label>  <extension>    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">      <rdf:Description rdf:about="#email-input">        <my:addressBook>personal</my:addressBook>      </rdf:Description>    </rdf:RDF>  </extension></input>

3.5 The XForms MustUnderstand Module

This section is deleted.

4 Processing Model

This chapter defines the XForms Processing Model declaratively by enumerating the various states attained by an XForms Processor and the possible state transitions that exist in each of these states. The chapter enumerates the pre-conditions and post-conditions that must be satisfied in each of these states. XForms Processors may be implemented in any manner, so long as the end results are identical to that described in this chapter.

State transitions are in general initiated by sending events to parts of the XForms tree. The XForms Processing Model consists of events in the following categories:

4.1 Events Overview

XForms processing is defined in terms of events, event handlers, and event responses. XForms uses the events system defined in[DOM2 Events][XML Events], with an event capture phase, arrival of the event at its Target, and finally the event bubbling phase.

Event nameCancelable?Bubbles?Target element
4.2 Initialization Events
4.3 Interaction Events
xforms-previousYesNoCore Form Controls
xforms-nextYesNoCore Form Controls
xforms-focusYesNoCore Form Controls|group|switch|repeat
xforms-helpYesYesCore Form Controls
xforms-hintYesYesCore Form Controls
4.4 Notification Events
xforms-value-changedNoYesCore Form Controls
xforms-validNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-invalidNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-readonlyNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-readwriteNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-requiredNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-optionalNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-enabledNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
xforms-disabledNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch
DOMActivateYesYesCore Form Controls
DOMFocusInNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch|repeat
DOMFocusOutNoYesCore Form Controls|group|switch|repeat
xforms-selectNoYesitem orcase
xforms-deselectNoYesitem orcase
xforms-in-rangeNoYesCore Form Controls
xforms-out-of-rangeNoYesCore Form Controls
4.5 Error Indications
xforms-binding-exceptionNoYesany element that can contain a binding expression
xforms-version-exceptionNoYesThe defaultmodel

4.2 Initialization Events

This section defines the various stages of theinitialization phase. The processor begins initialization by dispatching an eventxforms-model-construct to each XForms Model in the containing document. How the XForms Processor itself is requested to initialize is implementation dependent.

4.2.1 The xforms-model-construct Event

Dispatched to each XForms model by the XForms processor.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following:

  1. All XML Schemas are loaded. If an error occurs while attempting to access or process a remote document, processing halts with an exception (4.5.4 The xforms-link-exception Event).

  2. For eachinstance element, an XPath data model [7 XPath Expressions in XForms] is constructed from it as described in Section3.3.2 The instance Element. If there are noinstance elements, the data model is not constructed in this phase, but during user interface construction (4.2.2 The xforms-model-construct-done Event).

  3. If applicable, P3P initialization occurs.[P3P 1.0]

  4. Perform the behaviors ofxforms-rebuild,xforms-recalculate, andxforms-revalidate in sequence on thismodel element without dispatching events to invoke the behaviors. The notification event markings for these operations are discarded, and thexforms-refresh behavior is not performed since the user interface has not yet been initialized.

After all XForms Models have been initialized, anxforms-model-construct-done event is dispatched to eachmodel element.

4.2.2 The xforms-model-construct-done Event

Dispatched after the completion ofxforms-model-construct processing.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event happens once, no matter how many XForms Models are present in the containing document, and results in the following, for eachform control:

Processing can proceed in one of two different ways depending on whether aninstance in amodel exists when the first form control is processed.

If theinstance referenced on the form control existed when the first form control was processed:

  1. The single node binding expression is evaluated, if it exists on the form control, to ensure that it points to a node that exists. If this is not the case then the form control should behave in the same manner as if it had bound to a model item with therelevant model item property resolved tofalse.

  2. Otherwise, the user interface for the form control is created and initialized.

If theinstance referenced on the form control did not exist when the first form control for the sameinstance was processed:

  1. For the first reference to aninstance a defaultinstance is created by following the rules described below.

    1. A rootinstanceData element is created.

    2. An instance data element node will be created using the binding expression from the user interface control as thename. If thename is not a valid QName, processing halts with an exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

  2. For the second and subsequent references to aninstance which was automatically created the following processing is performed:

    1. If a matching instance data node is found, the user interface control will be connected to that element.

    2. If a matching instance data node is not found, an instance data node will be created using the binding expression from the user interface control as thename. If thename is not a valid QName, processing halts with an exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

The above steps comprise the default processing ofxforms-model-construct-done.

After all form controls have been initialized and allxforms-model-construct-done events have been processed, anxforms-ready event is dispatched to eachmodel element.

4.2.3 The xforms-ready Event

Dispatched as part ofxforms-model-construct-done processing.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.2.4 The xforms-model-destruct Event

Dispatched by the processor to advise of imminent shutdown of the XForms Processor, which can occur from user action, or from theload XForms Action, or as a result of form submission.


Bubbles: No

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.3 Interaction Events

4.3.1 The xforms-rebuild Event

Dispatched in response to: a request to rebuild the internal data structures that track computational dependencies within a particular XForms Model.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following:

All model item properties are initialized by processing allbind elements in document order. For eachbind:

  1. If the attributenodeset is attached to the bind, it is evaluated to select an XPath node-set. Otherwise, if thebind does not have anodeset attribute, then the selected XPath node-set consists of the in-scope evaluation context.

  2. For each node in the selected XPath node-set, model item properties are applied according to the remaining attributes on thebind element (for details on the model item properties, see6 Model Item Properties). If a node already contains a model item property of the same name due to the processing of priorbind elements, then XForms processing for the containing document halts with an exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

  3. For each node in the selected XPath node-set, any childbind elements are recursively processed as described in the three points of this list.

After initial processing of thebind elements, the computational dependency data structures are rebuilt, and then the change listL is set to contain references to all instance nodes that have an associated computational expression so that afull recalculation is performed the next time the behavior ofxforms-recalculate is invoked.

4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event

Dispatched in response to: a request to recalculate all calculations associated with a particular XForms Model.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following:

The values of all instance data items match their associated 'calculate' constraints, if any. All model item properties that can contain computed expressions are resolved. In addition to contributing further node value changes that will cause xforms-value-changed notifications in xforms-refresh, the model item properties that change are marked to help xforms-refresh to determine the notification events to dispatch.

  • If the required model item property changes, then either the xforms-required event must be marked for dispatch if required is true or the xforms-optional event must be marked for dispatch if required is false. Marking one of these events for dispatch unmarks the other.

  • If the readonly model item property changes, then either the xforms-readonly event must be marked for dispatch if readonly is true or the xforms-readwrite event must be marked for dispatch if readonly is false. Marking one of these events for dispatch unmarks the other.

  • If the relevant model item property changes, then either the xforms-enabled event must be marked for dispatch if relevant is true or the xforms-disabled event must be marked for dispatch if relevant is false. Marking one of these events for dispatch unmarks the other.

An XPath expression is bound either to the value or to a model item property (e.g.,required,relevant) of one or more instance nodes. The combination of an XPath expression with a single instance node's value or model item property is considered as a single computational unit, acompute, for the purposes of recalculation.

When it is time to recalculate a model item property, the XPath expression is evaluated. The evaluation context is determined from the model binding expression that applied the model item property, as defined for computed expressions in7.2 Evaluation Context. The XPath expression mayreference orrefer to another instance node, in which case the value of the instance node isreferenced. Each referenced instance node has asdependents those computes which directly refer to the instance node. References to the current node's value incalculate expressions are explicitly ignored, i.e., if an expression associated with a compute refers to the instance node associated with the compute, then the instance node does not take itself as a dependent. A compute iscomputationally dependent on an instance node (whose value may or may not be computed) if there is a path of dependents leading from the instance node through zero or more other instance nodes to the compute. A compute is part of acircular dependency if it is computationally dependent on itself.


Referring to a node's value in acalculate on the node, as in the following example, may have effects that vary by implementation:<bind nodeset="x" calculate=".+1"/>. Model item properties other thancalculate, such asrequired orreadonly are well-defined in the presence of self-references.


An example of a calculate formula that contains a self-reference (i.e. that refers to the node it calculates) appears in Section6.1.2 The readonly Property. The example enforces a default value for a node and, as mentioned above, does not create a circular dependency. An example of a circular dependency is<bind nodeset="A|B" calculate="../A + ../B"/>. In this example, nodeA depends in part onB, and nodeB depends in part onA.

When a recalculation event begins, there will be a listL of one or more instance nodes whose values may have been changed, e.g., by user input being propagated to the instance or by asetvalue action.

  1. An XForms Processor must recalculate computes for nodes inL, if any, and nodes that are computationally dependent on nodes inL.

  2. An XForms Processor must perform only a single recalculation of each compute that is computationally dependent on one or more of the elements inL.

  3. An XForms Processor must recalculate a computeC after recalculating all computes of instance nodes on whichC is computationally dependent. (Equivalently, an XForms Processor must recalculate a computeC before recalculating any compute that is computationally dependent on the instance node associated withC.)

  4. Finally, if a compute is part of a circular dependency and also computationally dependent on an element inL, then an XForms processor must report an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event).

C Recalculation Sequence Algorithm describes one possible method for achieving the required recalculation behavior.

4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event

Dispatched in response to: a request to revalidate a particular XForms Model.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

An instance node isvalid if and only if the following conditions hold:

  • the constraint model item property is true

  • the value is non-empty if the required model item property is true

  • the node satisfies all applicable XML schema definitions (including those associated by the type model item property, by an external or an inline schema, or byxsi:type)


xsi:type attributes on instance data elements are processed even in the absence of external or inline schema.


The applicable XML schema definitions are determined as defined in Section3.3.1 The model Element.

The default action for this event results in the following:

All instance data nodes in allinstance elements in themodel are checked for validity according to the above definition. If the validity of a node changes, then either the xforms-valid event must be marked for dispatch if the node changes from invalid to valid or the xforms-invalid event must be marked for dispatch if the node changes from valid to invalid. Marking one of these events for dispatch unmarks the other.


Since the event sequence forxforms-model-construct excludesxforms-refresh and discardsevent notification marks, form controls bound to invalid nodes do not receive an initialxforms-invalid event.

4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event

Dispatched in response to: a request to update all form controls associated with a particular XForms Model.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following:

  1. AllUI Expressions are reevaluated (implementations may optimize this operation but must behave as if all UI Expressions are reevaluated).

  2. A node can be changed by a number of mechanisms in XForms, including confirmed user input to a form control, anxforms-recalculate (4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event), and thesetvalue action (10.2 The setvalue Element).If the value of an instance data node was changed, then the node must be marked for dispatching the xforms-value-changed event.

  3. If the xforms-value-changed event is marked for dispatching, then all of the appropriate model item property notification events must also be marked for dispatching (xforms-optional or xforms-required, xforms-readwrite or xforms-readonly, and xforms-enabled or xforms-disabled).

  4. The user interface reflects the state of the model, which means that all forms controls and related UI elements reflect their corresponding instance data, including:

    • current values (for the appropriate form controls and related UI elements)

    • validity

    • other model item properties (required,readonly andrelevant).

    • the proper number of and content for repeat objects.

    This process includes sending the notification events to the form controls. For each form control, each notification event for which the form control is a legitimate target and that is marked for dispatching on the bound node must be dispatched (xforms-value-changed, xforms-valid, xforms-invalid, xforms-optional, xforms-required, xforms-readwrite, xforms-readonly, and xforms-enabled, xforms-disabled). The notification events xforms-out-of-range or xforms-in-range must also be dispatched as appropriate. This specification does not specify an ordering for the events.

4.3.5 The xforms-reset Event

Dispatched in response to: a user request to reset the model.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following:

The instance data is reset to the tree structure and values it had immediately after having processed thexforms-ready event. Then, the eventsxforms-rebuild,xforms-recalculate,xforms-revalidate andxforms-refresh are dispatched to themodel element in sequence.

4.3.6 The xforms-next and xforms-previous Events

Dispatched in response to: user request to navigate to the next or previousCore Form Control.

Target:Core Form Controls

Bubbles: No

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for these events results in the following: Navigation according to the default navigation order. For example, on a keyboard interface, "tab" might generate anxforms-next event, while "shift+tab" might generate anxforms-previous event.

Navigation is determined on a containing document-wide basis. The host language is responsible for defining overall navigation order. The following describes a possible technique based on anavindex attribute, using individual form controls as a navigation unit: The <group>, <repeat>, and <switch> structures serve as container navigation units that, instead of providing a single navigation point, create a local navigation context for child form controls (and possibly other substructures). The navigation sequence is determined as follows:

  1. Form controls that have anavindex specified and assign a positive value to it are navigated first.

    1. Outermost form controls are navigated in increasing order of thenavindex value. Values need not be sequential nor must they begin with any particular value. Form controls that have identicalnavindex values are to be navigated in document order.

    2. Ancestor form controls (<group>, <repeat>, and <switch>) establish a local navigation sequence. All form controls within a local sequence are navigated, in increasing order of thenavindex value, before any outside the local sequence are navigated. Form controls that have identicalnavindex values are navigated in document order.

  2. Those form controls that do not specifynavindex or supply a value of "0" are navigated next. These form controls are navigated in document order.

  3. Those form controls that are disabled, hidden, or notrelevant are assigned a relative order in the overall sequence but do not participate as navigable controls.

  4. The navigation sequence past the last form control (or before the first) is undefined. XForms Processors may cycle back to the first/last control, remove focus from the form, or other possibilities.

4.3.7 The xforms-focus Event

Dispatched in response to: set focus to a form control.

Target:Core Form Control|group|switch|repeat

Bubbles: No

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for these events results in the following:

Focus is given to the target form control if the form control is able to accept focus. Changing the focus to a form control within a repeat object may cause one or more repeat index values to be changed as described in Section9.3.4 User Interface Interaction. Setting focus to arepeat container form control sets the focus to therepeat object associated with the repeat index. Setting the focus to agroup orswitch container form control set the focus to the first form control in the container that is able to accept focus. Any form control is able to accept the focus if it is relevant.


This event is implicitly invoked to implement XForms accessibility features such asaccesskey and when the user changes the focus.

4.3.8 The xforms-help and xforms-hint Events

Dispatched in response to: a user request for help or hint information.

Target:Core Form Control

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for these events results in the following: If the form control has help/hint elements supplied, these are used to construct a message that is displayed to the user. Otherwise, user agents may provide default help or hint messages, but are not required to.

4.3.9 The xforms-submit Event

See chapter11.2 The xforms-submit Event.

4.3.10 The xforms-submit-serialize Event

See chapter11.3 The xforms-submit-serialize Event.

4.4 Notification Events

4.4.1 The xforms-insert Event

Dispatched in response to: Successful insertion of one or more nodes by an XFormsinsert action.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

inserted-nodesnode-setThe instance data node or nodes inserted.
origin-nodesnode-setThe instance data nodes referenced by theinsert action'sorigin attribute if present, or the empty nodeset if not present.
insert-location-nodenode-setTheinsert location node as defined by theinsert action.
positionstringThe insert position,before orafter.

Default Action: None; notification event only.


Notification events are those with no default processing defined. Although this event is dispatched byinsert processing as a notification,repeat processing associates behavior with the capture phase of this event.

4.4.2 The xforms-delete Event

Dispatched in response to: Successful deletion of one or more nodes by an XFormsdelete action.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

deleted-nodesnode-setThe instance data node or nodes deleted. Note that these nodes are no longer referenced by their parents.
delete-locationnumberThedelete location as defined by thedelete action, or NaN if there is no delete location.

Default Action: None; notification event only.


Notification events are those with no default processing defined. Although this event is dispatched bydelete processing as a notification,repeat processing associates behavior with the capture phase of this event.

4.4.3 The xforms-value-changed Event

Dispatched in response to: a change to an instance data node bound to a core form control.

Target:Core Form Controls

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event if the bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event due to a change.


For incremental processing, this specification does not define how often XForms Processors fire these events. Implementations are expected to optimize processing (for instance not flashing the entire screen for each character entered, etc.).


The change to the instance data associated with this event happens before the event is dispatched.

4.4.4 The xforms-valid Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becomingvalid.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event.

4.4.5 The xforms-invalid Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming invalid (notvalid).

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event.

4.4.6 The xforms-readonly Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming readonly.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.7 The xforms-readwrite Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming read-write.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.8 The xforms-required Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming required.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.9 The xforms-optional Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming optional.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.10 The xforms-enabled Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming enabled.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.11 The xforms-disabled Event

Dispatched in response to: an instance data node either changing and being or becoming disabled.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched during4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event ifthe bound instance data node has been marked for dispatchingthis event in4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event or4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

4.4.12 The DOMActivate Event

Dispatched in response to: the "default action request" for a core form control, for instance pressing a button or hitting enter.

Target:Core Form Controls

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.4.13 The DOMFocusIn Event

Dispatched in response to: a form control receiving focus.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch|repeat

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.4.14 The DOMFocusOut Event

Dispatched in response to: a form control losing focus.

Target:Core Form Controls|group|switch|repeat

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.4.15 The xforms-select and xforms-deselect Events

Dispatched in response to: anitem in aselect,select1, or acase in aswitch becoming selected or deselected.

Target:item orcase

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.4.16 The xforms-in-range Event

Dispatched in response to: the value of an instance data node has changed such that the value can now be represented by the form control.

Target:Core Form Controls

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched whenever the value of an instance data node that was not possible to represent given the constraints specified on a form control has changed such that the value can now be represented by the form control.

4.4.17 The xforms-out-of-range Event

Dispatched in response to: the value of an instance data node has changed such that the value can not be represented by the form control.

Target:Core Form Controls

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

This event is dispatched whenever the value of an instance data node can not be represented given the constraints specified on a form control.

4.4.18 The xforms-scroll-first and xforms-scroll-last Events

Dispatched in response to: a setindex action attempting to set an index outside the range of arepeat.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

The default action for this event results in the following: None; notification event only.

4.4.19 The xforms-submit-done Event

See chapter11.4 The xforms-submit-done Event.

4.5 Error Indications

Error indications happen as a result of unusual conditions in the XForms Processor. Some of these are "fatal" errors, which halt processing, and bear the suffix "exception". Others are simply for notification, and bear the suffix "error". For all events in this section, it is permissible for the XForms Processor to perform some kind of default handling, for example logging error messages to a file.

4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event

Dispatched as an indication of: an illegal binding expression, or amodel attribute that fails to point to the ID of amodel element, or abind attribute that fails to point to the ID of abind element, or asubmission attribute that fails to point to the ID of asubmission element, or aninstance attribute on thesubmission element that fails to point to aninstance element in the samemodel element as thesubmission.

Target: any element that can contain a binding expression

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None

Default Action: Fatal error (halts processing).

4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event

Dispatched as an indication of: an error occurring during XPath evaluation for a model item property (see6 Model Item Properties).


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

error-messagestringAn implementation-specific string that should contain the expression being processed when the exception was detected.

Default Action: Fatal error (halts processing).

4.5.3 The xforms-version-exception Event

Dispatched as an indication of failure of the version checks defined in the description of theversion attribute in Section3.3.1 The model Element.

Target: the defaultmodel

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

error-informationstringAn implementation-specific error string

Default Action: Fatal error (halts processing).


This exception occurs early in processing. XForms processors are not expected to product XForms user interface elements nor even execute XForms action handlers (such as amessage action) in response to this event. This exception is dispatched for the benefit of implementation-specific processing code that may be monitoring the behavior of an XForms processor.

4.5.4 The xforms-link-exception Event

Dispatched as an indication of: a failure to traverse or process the result of a link in a situation critical to form processing, such as schema or instance initialization.

Target:model associated with the in-scope evaluation context node of the element performing the link

Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

resource-uristringThe URI associated with the failed link (xsd:anyURI)

Default Action: Fatal error (halts processing).


This exception occurs early in processing. XForms processors are not expected to produce XForms user interface elements nor even execute XForms action handlers (such as amessage action) in response to this event. This exception is dispatched for the benefit of implementation-specific processing code that may be monitoring the behavior of an XForms processor.

4.5.5 The xforms-output-error Event

Dispatched by the processor immediately after the failure of anoutput to render or update the rendition of content.


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info: None.

Default Action: None; notification event only.


Theoutput element content can include XForms actions, so anoutput element can contain an event handler for thexforms-output-error event. See Section8.1.5 The output Element.

4.5.6 The xforms-submit-error Event

See chapter11.5 The xforms-submit-error Event.

4.6 Event Sequencing

The previous sections describe processing associated with individual events. This section gives the overall sequence of related events that must occur in several common situations. In the following lists, events that may be fired more than once are prefixed with [n].

4.6.1 Forinput,secret,textarea,range, orupload Controls

  • When the form control is interactively changed, and has theincremental="true" setting, the event sequence described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change may be initiated at implementation dependent intervals.

  • When the form control is interactively changed and does not have theincremental="true" setting, no events are required to be dispatched, and thus no order is defined.

  • When the user activates the control and the value has changed, then, after the new value is placed into the bound instance node, the event sequence consists of the events described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change followed by dispatching the DOMActivate event. See8.1.2 The input Element for an example.

  • When focus changes from the form control and the value has changed, then, after the new value is placed into the bound instance node, the event sequence is as described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change.

4.6.2 Foroutput Controls

  • The implementation of anoutput dispatchesxforms-output-error if it unable to process the output data (such as corrupt image data when the output mediatype indicates it is image data). This event may occur each time theoutput is given new data (such as a change of data in the bound data node or a change of the bound data node).

4.6.3 Forselect orselect1 Controls

  • When a selection is interactively changed, and the form control has theincremental="true" setting (which is the default for theselect orselect1 elements), the event sequence is described at4.6.6 Sequence: Selection Without Value Change, which may be followed immediately by the sequence described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change.

  • When a selection is interactively changed, and theselect orselect1 form control has theincremental="false" setting, the event sequence is described at4.6.6 Sequence: Selection Without Value Change.

  • When the user activates the control and the selection has changed, then, after the new value is placed into the bound instance node, the event sequence consists of the events described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change followed by dispatching the DOMActivate event. Note that this event sequence will have been preceded by the event sequence described at4.6.6 Sequence: Selection Without Value Change at the moment the selection was changed.

  • When focus changes from the form control and the selection has changed, then, after the new value is placed into the bound instance node, the event sequence is as described at4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change. Note that this event sequence will have been preceded by the event sequence described at4.6.6 Sequence: Selection Without Value Change at the moment the selection was changed.

4.6.4 Fortrigger Controls

4.6.5 Forsubmit Controls

4.6.6 Sequence: Selection Without Value Change

  1. xforms-deselect (for eachitem deselected by the change, if any)

  2. xforms-select (for eachitem selected by the change, if any)

4.6.7 Sequence: Value Change

  1. xforms-recalculate

  2. xforms-revalidate

  3. xforms-refresh performs reevaluation of UI binding expressions then dispatches these events according to value changes, model item property changes and validity changes:

    • [n] xforms-value-changed

    • [n] xforms-valid or xforms-invalid

    • [n] xforms-enabled or xforms-disabled

    • [n] xforms-optional or xforms-required

    • [n] xforms-readonly or xforms-readwrite

    • [n] xforms-out-of-range or xforms-in-range

    (The order in which these events are dispatched is not defined).

  4. Perform further deferred updates as necessary

4.6.8 Sequence: Activating a Trigger

  1. DOMActivate

4.6.9 Sequence: Submission

  1. xforms-submit

  2. xforms-submit-serialize

  3. xforms-submit-done or xforms-submit-error

4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms

The element of a document for which an IDREF must be resolved is called thesource element, and the elementbearing the matching ID, if there is one, is called thetarget element. Due to the run-time expansion of repeated content in XForms, it is possible that there will be more than one occurrence of both the source and target elements. This section describes how XForms IDREF resolution works to accommodate such repetition of the originating document's content.

Each run-time occurrence of the source element is called asource object, and each run-time occurrence of the target element is called atarget object. It is the source object that performs the IDREF resolution, and the result of the search is either null or a target object.

Whether or not repeated content is involved, a null search result for an IDREF resolution is handled differently depending on the source object. If there is a null search result for the target object and the source object is an XForms action such asdispatch,send,setfocus,setindex ortoggle, then the action is terminated with no effect. Similarly, asubmit form control does not dispatchxforms-submit if itssubmission attribute does not indicate an existingsubmission element. Likewise, when an XPath function associated with the source object performs the IDREF search and a null result is obtained, the function returns an empty result such asNaN for theindex() function or empty nodeset for theinstance() function. However, anxforms-binding-exception occurs if there is a null search result for the target object indicated by attributesbind,model andinstance.

If the target element is not repeated, then the search for the target object is trivial since there is only one associated with the target element that bears the matching ID. This is true regardless of whether or not the source object is repeated. However,if the target element is repeated, then additional information must be used to help select a target object from among those associated with the identified target element.

4.7.1 References to Elements within a repeat Element

When the target element that is identified by the IDREF of a source object has one or morerepeat elements as ancestors,then the set of ancestor repeats are partitioned into two subsets, those in common with the source element and those that arenot in common. Any ancestorrepeat elements of the target element not in common with the source element are descendants of therepeat elements that the source and target element have in common, if any.

For therepeat elements that are in common, the desired target object exists in the same set of run-time objects thatcontains the source object. Then, for each ancestorrepeat of the target element that is not in common with the source element, the current index of therepeat determines the set of run-time objects that contains the desired target object.

4.7.2 References to Elements within a bind Element

When a source object expresses a Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding with abind attribute, the IDREF of thebindattribute is resolved to a target bind object whose associated nodeset is used by the Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding.However, if the targetbind element has one or morebind element ancestors, then the identifiedbind may be a target element that is associated with more than one target bind object.

If a targetbind element is outermost, or if all of its ancestorbind elements havenodeset attributesthat select only one node, then the targetbind only has one associated bind object, so this is the desired target bind object whose nodeset is used in the Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding. Otherwise, the in-scope evaluationcontext node of the source object containing thebind attribute is used to help select the appropriate target bind objectfrom among those associated with the targetbind element.

From among the bind objects associated with the targetbind element, if there exists a bind object created with the same in-scope evaluation context node as the source object, then that bind object is the desired target bind object. Otherwise,the IDREF resolution produced a null search result.

4.8 DOM Interface for Access to Instance Data

For eachmodel element, the XForms Processor maintains the state in an internal structure calledinstance data that conforms to the XPath Data Model[XPath 1.0]. XForms Processors that implement DOM must provide DOM access to this instance data via the interface defined below.


Instance data always has a single root element, and thus corresponds to a DOM Document.

The IDL for this interface follows:

#include "dom.idl"   pragma prefix ""   module xforms {      interface XFormsModelElement : dom::Element {         dom::Document getInstanceDocument(in dom::DOMString instanceID)            raises(dom::DOMException);         void rebuild();         void recalculate();         void revalidate();         void refresh();      };   };

4.8.1 The getInstanceDocument() Method

If theinstance-id parameter is the empty string, then the document element of the default instance is returned. Otherwise, this method returns a DOM Document that corresponds to the instance data associated with theinstance element containing anID matching theinstance-id parameter. If there is no matching instance data, aDOMException is thrown.

The implementation of the DOM interface for the instance document must not permit direct mutations of readonly instance nodes. Specifically, the implementation must not allow insertion of a node whose parent is readonly, direct deletion of a readonly node, nor setting the content of a readonly node. A node that is not readonly can be deleted, including all descendants, even if it has readonly descendants.

4.8.2 The rebuild() Method

This method signals the XForms Processor to rebuild any internal data structures used to track computational dependencies within this XForms Model. This method takes no parameters and raises no exceptions.

4.8.3 The recalculate() Method

This method signals the XForms Processor to perform a full recalculation of this XForms Model. This method takes no parameters and raises no exceptions.

4.8.4 The revalidate() Method

This method signals the XForms Processor to perform a full revalidation of this XForms Model. This method takes no parameters and raises no exceptions.

4.8.5 The refresh() Method

This method signals the XForms Processor to perform a full refresh of form controls bound to instance nodes within this XForms Model. This method takes no parameters and raises no exceptions.

4.9 Feature string for the hasFeature method call

For this version of the XForms specification, the feature string for the[DOM2 Core]DOMImplementation interfacehasFeature method call is"org.w3c.xforms.dom" and the version string is"1.0".

5 Datatypes

This chapter defines the datatypes used in defining anXForms Model.

5.1 XML Schema Built-in Datatypes

XForms supports all XML Schema 1.0datatypes except forxsd:duration,xsd:ENTITY,xsd:ENTITIES, andxsd:NOTATION. Conceptsvalue space,lexical space and constrainingfacets are as specified in[XML Schema part 2]. XForms Processors must treat these datatypes as in-scope without requiring the inclusion of an XML Schema.


The built-in datatypexsd:duration is not supported, except as an abstract datatype. Instead, eitherxforms:dayTimeDuration orxforms:yearMonthDuration should be used.

5.2 XForms Datatypes

XForms defines the following types in the XForms namespace. These datatypes can be used in thetype model item property without a namespace prefix when the default namespace is the XForms namespace. All of these datatypes allow empty content. XForms Processors must treat these datatypes as in-scope without requiring the inclusion of an XML Schema.

5.2.1 Additional XForms Datatypes to Allow Empty Content

Many default XML schema types report empty content as invalid, which conflicts with the use of therequired model item property. The following XForms datatypes are defined as having a lexical space consisting of either the empty string or the lexical space of the corresponding XML schema datatype. Although some XML schema datatypes do allow empty string content, they have also been added to the available XForms datatypes for form authoring consistency.

Built-in primitive types (in the XForms namespace):


Built-in derived types (in the XForms namespace):


5.2.2 xforms:listItem

This datatype serves as a base for thelistItems datatype. The lexical space for listItem permits one or more characters valid for xsd:string, except white space characters.

5.2.3 xforms:listItems

XForms includes form controls that produce simpleType list content. This is facilitated by defining aderived-by-list datatype. The lexical space for listItems is defined by list-derivation fromlistItem.


In most cases, it is better to use markup to distinguish items in a list. See9.3.6 The itemset Element.

5.2.4 xforms:dayTimeDuration

XForms includes a totally ordered duration datatype that can represent a duration of days, hours, minutes, and fractional seconds. The value space for this datatype is the set of fractional second values. This datatype is derived fromxsd:duration.

The dayTimeDuration datatype is made available by the XForms processor based on the following lexical space definition:

xforms:dayTimeDuration type definition
<xs:simpleType name="dayTimeDuration">  <xs:restriction base="xsd:string">    <xs:pattern value="([\-]?P([0-9]+D(T([0-9]+(H([0-9]+(M([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?S|\.[0-9]+S)?|(\.[0-9]*)?S)|(\.[0-9]*)?S)?|M([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?S|\.[0-9]+S)?|(\.[0-9]*)?S)|\.[0-9]+S))?|T([0-9]+(H([0-9]+(M([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?S|\.[0-9]+S)?|(\.[0-9]*)?S)|(\.[0-9]*)?S)?|M([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?S|\.[0-9]+S)?|(\.[0-9]*)?S)|\.[0-9]+S)))?"/>  </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>

5.2.5 xforms:yearMonthDuration

XForms includes a totally ordered duration datatype that can represent a duration of a whole number of months and years. The value space for this datatype is the set of integer month values. This datatype is derived fromxsd:duration.

The yearMonthDuration datatype is made available by the XForms processor based on the following lexical space definition:

xforms:yearMonthDuration type definition
<xs:simpleType name="yearMonthDuration">  <xs:restriction base="xsd:string">    <xs:pattern value="([\-]?P[0-9]+(Y([0-9]+M)?|M))?"/>  </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>

5.2.6 xforms:email

This datatype represents an email address, as defined by[RFC 2822]. Internationalized email addresses are not restricted by XForms beyond the definition in the RFC. For simplicity, some extremely uncommon features of the RFC syntax are not allowed, such as "Obsolete Addressing" from section 4.4, square-bracketed "domain-literal"s, and insignificant whitespace and comments.

Examples of valid xforms:email addresses

Examples of invalid xforms:email addresses

editors@(this is a comment)


The is a valid xsd:anyURI but not a valid xforms:email because the colon separator for the URI scheme is not allowed before the '@' symbol. A valid xforms:email address does not include amailto: URI scheme.


It is outside the scope of XForms to determine whether a given email address actually corresponds to an active mailbox.

The email datatype is made available by the XForms processor based on the following lexical space definition:

xforms:email type definition
<xs:simpleType name="email">  <xs:restriction base="xsd:string">    <xs:pattern value="([A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+)*)?"/>  </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>

5.2.7 xforms:card-number

This type defines the basic lexical properties of a datatype that can be used to represent various ID, debit and credit card numbers.. The lexical space of the xforms:card-number datatype is a pattern restriction onxsd:string: it must be zero or more digits (0 - 9).


The display representation of this datatype by form controls is not required to match the lexical space of the bound instance data. User agents should apply appropriate conventions to the display and input of values, including separator characters.

xforms:card-number type definition
<xs:simpleType name="card-number">   <xs:annotation>      <xs:documentation>         This type defines the basic lexical properties for a dataypte that can be used to represent         various ID numbers such as for debit and credit cards.         This type does not apply the Luhn checksum algorithm.      </xs:documentation>   </xs:annotation>   <xs:restriction base="xsd:string">      <xs:pattern value="[0-9]*"/>   </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>

The standard defines the structure of the number as well as how to apply the Luhn formula to ensure a correct check digit. This type only specifies the format of the number. The complementary XPath functionis-card-number() should be used to validate that the ID number conforms to the specification.

Credit Card Example
<model xmlns="">   <instance>      <payment method="cc" xmlns="">         <number>4111111111111111</number>         <expiry/>      </payment>   </instance>   <bind nodeset="number" type="card-number" constraint="is-card-number(.)"/></model>

This example specifies that the elementnumber is of the typecard-number and that to be valid theis-card-number() function must evaluate to true indicating that check digit is valid.

6 Model Item Properties

This chapter defines infoset contributions that can be bound to instance data nodes with elementbind (see3.3.4 The bind Element). The combination of these contributions to aninstance data node is called amodel item. Taken together, these contributions are calledmodel item properties, and are defined in the following section. In contrast, the termSchema constraint refers only to XML Schema constraints from thefacets of a given datatype.

6.1 Model Item Property Definitions

Model item properties can be distinguished along various axes.

Computed expressions vs. fixed properties:

  • Fixed properties are static values that the XForms Processor evaluates only once. Such properties consist of literals, and are not subject to XPath evaluation.

  • Computed expressions are XPath expressions that provide a value to the XForms Processor. Such values are recalculated at certain times as specified by the XForms Processing Model (see4 Processing Model). These expressions encode dynamic properties, often constraints, such as the dependency among various data items. Computed expressions are not restricted to examining the value of the instance data node to which they apply. XPath expressions provide the means to traverse the instance data; more complex computations may be encoded as call-outs to external scripts.

Inheritance rules:

Some model item properties define inheritance rules, in which case the XForms Processor needs to keep track of two separate values: 1) thelocal value, which is applied from an attribute of elementbind, and 2) theinherited value, which is determined by combining the evaluated local value with the evaluated values from ancestor nodes in the instance data.


The sample recalculation algorithm defined inC Recalculation Sequence Algorithm is defined to operate only on the local values of a model item property. It assumes that an implementation propagates the combined values to a node's descendants.

Assigning local values:

Local values are assigned by processing all bind elements in an XForms Model in document order. It is an error to attempt to set a model item property twice on the same node (see4.3.1 The xforms-rebuild Event for details)..

The following sections list the model item properties available as part of allmodel items. For each, the following information is provided:

Computed Expression (yes or no)
Legal Values
Default Value
Inheritance Rules

6.1.1 The type Property

Description: Thetype model item property can be applied to both elements and attributes.Thetype model item property is not applied to instance nodes that contain child elements.Thetype model item property associates a datatype (as defined in[XML Schema part 2]) with the string-value (as defined in[XPath 1.0]) of an instance node.The datatype being associated can be obtained from a simpleType definition or a simpleContent definition from a complexType. If the datatype cannot be obtained as just described, then the Default Value ofxsd:string is used.This model item property does not prevent form controls and XForms actions from setting invalid values into data nodes.

Computed Expression: No.

Legal Values: Anyxsd:QName representing a datatype definition in an XML Schema. The namespace context from the parentbind of thetype attribute is used to resolve the namespace qualification of the value.

Default Value:xsd:string.

Inheritance Rules: does not inherit.

This model item property contributes to the overall validity assessment of a node; the effect of validity state on bound form controls is described in Section8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls.


In XML Schema, an element can be made nillable. Although this means it can have empty content, nillable is defined by[XML Schema part 1] to be a property of an element, not a type. Therefore, the nillable property from XML Schema cannot be applied to instance nodes using thetype model item property.

Associating datatypes with instance nodes
<model xmlns:my="">     <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:my="">      <xs:simpleType name="Currency"><xs:restriction base="xsd:string">           <xs:enumeration value="USD"/>           <xs:enumeration value="EUR"/></xs:restriction>      </xs:simpleType>            <xs:complexType name="Price">         <xs:simpleContent>            <xs:extension base="xsd:double">               <xs:attribute name="currency" type="my:Currency" use="optional" default="USD"/>            </xs:extension>         </xs:simpleContent>      </xs:complexType>   </xs:schema>                   <instance>      <data xmlns="">         <aString>Hello, world!</aString>         <simpleType>            <price>100.00</price>            <price>abc</price>            <price currency="EUR">100.00</price>            <price currency="EUR">abc</price>         </simpleType>         <complexType>            <price>100.00</price>            <price>abc</price>            <price currency="abc">100.00</price>            <price currency="EUR">abc</price>         </complexType>      </data>   </instance>   <bind nodeset="my:aString" type="xsd:string"/>   <bind nodeset="my:simpleType/my:price" type="xsd:double"/>   <bind nodeset="my:complexType/my:price" type="my:Price"/>   <bind nodeset="my:complexType/my:price[3]/@currency" type="my:Currency"/>   <bind nodeset="/my:data" type="xsd:string"/>   </model>

The first bind expresses the default datatype of xsd:string.

The second and third binds place type model item properties on each of the fourprice element children of the elementssimpleType andcomplexType. Both binds associate the datatypexsd:double with the nodes. In both cases,the first and third nodes are considered valid according to the type model item property because their content matches thexsd:doubledatatype constraint. For both binds, the second and fourthprice nodes are not valid due to their content.

The fourth bind places a type model item property on thecurrencyattribute of the thirdprice element. According to this association,thecurrency attribute node is not valid because its content doesnot match the enumeration given formy:Currency. Note thatthe containing elementprice is valid according to its typemodel item property.

The fifth bind attempts to associate a datatype with thedataelement. The association is ignored since thedata elementcontains child elements.

6.1.2 The readonly Property

Description: describes whether the node content is restricted from changing.

Computed Expression: Yes.

Legal Values: Any expression that is convertible to XPathboolean withboolean().

Default Value:false(), unless acalculate is specified for the value property, thentrue().

Inheritance Rules: If any ancestor node evaluates totrue, this value is treated astrue. Otherwise, the local value is used.


This is the equivalent of taking the logical OR of the evaluatedreadonly property on the local and every ancestor node.

Whentrue, this model item property indicates that the XForms Processor must not allow any direct changes to the content of the bound instance data node from constructs other than the model item property system (i.e. other than acalculate). Instance mutations performed bysubmission, form controls, DOM interface access, and XForms actions must not insert or copy a new node into a parent node that is readonly, delete or replace a node whose parent is readonly, nor change the value or content of a readonly node. A node that is readonly but whose parent is not readonly can be entirely deleted or replaced by a submission even though doing so indirectly results in deletion or replacement of readonly descendant nodes.

In addition to restricting value changes, thereadonly model item property provides information to the XForms user interface about how bound form controls should be rendered. Form controls bound to instance data with thereadonly model item property that evaluates totrue should indicate that entering or changing the value is not allowed. This specification does not define any effect of thereadonly model item property on visibility, focus, or navigation order.

Attaching a readonly property
<instance>  <my:person-name>    <my:first-name>Roland</my:first-name>    <my:last-name/>  </my:person-name></instance><bind nodeset="/my:person-name/my:first-name" readonly="true()"/>

Here, we have associated areadonly property with an element.

The following example illustrates the ability to override the defaultreadonly setting on calculated nodes.

Setting a default value
<model>  <instance>    <my:data></my:data>  </instance>  <bind nodeset="/my:data" readonly="false()" calculate="choose(.='', 'default', .)"/><model><input ref="/my:data"> ...

The calculate onmy:data is executed on any recalculate that follows a rebuild, including the form initialization, so the user initially sees the word 'default'. The user may make any change tomy:data with theinput, and the calculation will be executed again as a result. Therefore, if the user enters an empty value, then the calculate will changemy:data back to 'default'.

6.1.3 The required Property

Description: describes whether a value is required before the instance data is submitted.

Computed Expression: Yes.

Legal Values: Any expression that is convertible to XPathboolean withboolean().

Default Value:false().

Inheritance Rules: does not inherit.

A form mayrequire certain values, and this requirement may be dynamic. When evaluating totrue, this model item property indicates that a non-empty instance data node is required before a submission of instance data can occur. Non-empty is defined as: The value of the bound instance data node must be convertible to an XPathstring with a length greater than zero.


The XML Schema feature represented bynillable andxsi:nil is unrelated to the XFormsrequired model item property. An element may have thexsi:nil attribute set totrue to indicate that its empty content is schema valid, but if therequired model item property for that element node istrue, then the element violates therequired constraint because a required node must be non-empty as defined above.

Except as noted below, therequired model item property does not provide a hint to the XForms user interface regarding visibility, focus, or navigation order. XForms authors are strongly encouraged to make sure that form controls that acceptrequired data are visible. An XForms Processor must provide an indication that a form control is required, and may provide immediate feedback, including limiting navigation. This model item property does not prevent form controls and XForms actions from setting empty strings into data nodes.

Attaching a required property
<instance>  <my:person-name>    <my:first-name>Roland</my:first-name>    <my:last-name />  </my:person-name></instance><bind nodeset="/my:person-name/my:last-name" required="true()"/>

Here, we have associated arequired property with elementmy:last-name to indicate that a value must be supplied.


XML Schema has a similarly named concept withuse="required|optional|prohibited". This is different than the XForms Model item property, in two ways: 1)use applies only to attributes, while XFormsrequired applies to any node. 2)use is concerned with whether the entire attribute must be specified (without regard to value), whilerequired determines whether a value is required of the node before submission.

6.1.4 The relevant Property

Description: indicates whether the model item is currentlyrelevant. Instance data nodes with this property evaluating tofalse areunavailable in the user interface and can be removed from submission serialization.

Computed Expression: Yes.

Legal Values: Any expression that is convertible to XPathboolean withboolean().

Default Value:true().

Inheritance Rules: If any ancestor node evaluates to XPathfalse, this value is treated asfalse. Otherwise, the local value is used.


This is the equivalent of taking the logical AND of the evaluatedrelevant property on the local and every ancestor node.

Many forms have data entry sections that depend on other conditions. For example, a form might ask whether the respondent owns a car. It is only appropriate to ask for further information about their car if they have indicated that they own one.

Through single node UI bindings, therelevant model item property provides information to the XForms user interface regarding visibility, focus, and navigation order. In general, whentrue, associated form controls should be madeavailable for user interaction. Whenfalse, associated form controls (and any children) and group and switch elements (including content) must be made unavailable, removed from the navigation order, and not allowed focus. Typically, non-relevant user interface content is not presented, or it may be styled as disabled. Elements other than form controls may also use a single node binding that selects a non-relevant node, but such elements are not made unavailable or non-operable due to the single node binding because it is not aUI binding expression. For example, actions such as10.2 The setvalue Element and10.16 The message Element or the11.1 The submission Element remain operable if their single node bindings select a non-relevant node. However, some such elements may indirectly be affected by therelevant model item property. For example, it is possible for non-relevant nodes to be excluded from the data of a submission. Similarly, non-relevance indirectly affects the running of actions because a non-relevant form control disables event handlers that listen for events targeted at the form control element.


A core form control, group or switch must express a single node binding in order to be associated with an instance node. Due to the definition ofrepeat object, therelevant model item property of the node in the associatedrepeat item affects the availability of the repeat object.

Attaching a relevant property
<instance>  <my:order>    <my:item>      <my:amount />      <my:discount>100</my:discount>    </my:item>  </my:order></instance><bind nodeset="my:item/my:discount" readonly="true()"      relevant="../my:amount > 1000"/>

Here, we have associated arelevant property with elementmy:discount to indicate a discount is relevant when the order amount is greater than 1000.

6.1.5 The calculate Property

Description: supplies an expression used to calculate a string value for the associated instance data node.

Computed Expression: Yes.

Legal Values: Any XPath expression.

Default Value: none.

Inheritance Rules: does not inherit.

An XForms Model may include model items whose string values are computed from other values. For example, the sum over line items for quantity times unit price, or the amount of tax to be paid on an order. The formula for such a computed value can be expressed with acalculate property, whose XPath expression is evaluated, converted to a string with the XPathstring() function, and stored as the value content of the calculated data node. Chapter4 Processing Model contains details of when and how the calculation is performed.

Attaching a calculate property
<instance>  <my:order>    <my:item>      <my:amount />      <my:discount />    </my:item>  </my:order></instance><bind nodeset="my:item/my:discount" calculate="../my:amount * 0.1"      relevant="../my:amount > 1000"/>

Here, we have associated arelevant property with elementmy:discount to indicate a discount of 10% is relevant when the order amount is greater than 1000.

6.1.6 The constraint Property

Description: specifies a predicate that needs to be satisfied for the associated instance data node to be considered valid.

Computed Expression: Yes.

Legal Values: Any expression that is convertible to XPathboolean withboolean().

Default Value:true().

Inheritance Rules: does not inherit.

When evaluating to XPathfalse, the associated model item is not valid; the converse is not necessarily true. This model item property does not prevent form controls and XForms actions from setting invalid values into data nodes. Chapter4 Processing Model contains details of when and how the constraint is calculated as well as when validation is performed. This model item property contributes to the overall validity assessment of a node; the effect of validity state on bound form controls is described in Section8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls.

Attaching a constraint property
<instance>  <my:range>    <my:from />    <my:to />  </my:range></instance><bind nodeset="my:to" constraint=". > ../my:from" />

Here, aconstraint property associated with elementmy:to indicates that its value must be greater than that of elementmy:from.


Specifying minimum and maximum occurrences for nodes in the instance data can be achieved by using thecount() function within aconstraint property.

6.1.7 The p3ptype Property

Description: Attaches a P3P data element to an instance data node, indicating the specific kind of data collected there.

Computed Expression: No.

Legal Values:xsd:string.

Default Value: none

Inheritance Rules: does not inherit.

This model item property holds a description of the kind of data collected by the associated instance data node, based on the P3P datatype system[P3P 1.0]. This information may be used to enhance the form-fill experience, for example by supplying previously-known data.

Attaching a type constraint using Binding
<instance>  <my:person-name>    <my:first-name />    <my:last-name />  </my:person-name></instance><bind type="my:nonEmptyString" nodeset="my:first-name"      p3ptype=""/>

Here, we have attached both XML Schema and P3P type information to elementfirst-name via elementbind.

6.2 Schema Constraints

Chapter5 Datatypes described how XForms uses the XML Schema datatype system to constrain thevalue space of data values collected by an XForms Model. Such datatype constraints can be provided via an XML Schema. Alternatively, this section lists various mechanisms for attaching type constraints to instance data. Attributesxsi:schemaLocation andxsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation are ignored for purposes for locating a Schema.

6.2.1 Atomic Datatype

The XForms Processing Model applies XML Schema facets as part of the validation process. At the simplest level, it is necessary to associate a set of facets (through an XML Schema datatype) with a model item. This has the effect of restricting the allowable values of the associated instance data node to valid representations of the lexical space of the datatype.

The set of facets associated with a model item must be determined by the following list, as if it were processed in the given order. When multiple datatype restrictions apply to the same model item, the combination of all given restrictions must apply. Note that it is possible to produce a combination of restrictions that is impossible to satisfy; authors are encouraged to avoid this practice.

  1. Applicable XML schema definitions (including those associated an external or an inline schema, or byxsi:type)

  2. An XFormstype constraint associated with the instance data node usingXForms binding.

  3. If no type constraint is provided, the instance data node defaults totype="xsd:string" (default to string rule).

The following declares a datatype based onxsd:string with an additional constraining facet.

Type Constraint Using XML Schema
<xs:simpleType name="nonEmptyString">  <xs:restriction base="xsd:string">    <xs:minLength value="1"/>  </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>

This new datatype would then be associated with one or more model items through one of the methods outlined here.

Attaching A Type Constraint
<my:first-name xsi:type="my:nonEmptyString"/>

This defines elementfirst-name to be of typemy:nonEmptyString.

Attaching Type Constraint Using XForms Binding
<instance>  <my:first-name /></instance><bind type="my:nonEmptyString" nodeset="/my:first-name"/>

Here, we have attached type information to elementfirst-name via elementbind. Thus the XForms author can extend external schemas without having the ability to change them.

7 XPath Expressions in XForms

XForms uses XPath to addressinstance data nodes in binding expressions, to express constraints, and to specify calculations.XPath expressions in XForms are based on[XPath 1.0]. A future version of XForms is expected to enable use of[XPath 2.0]. At the time of evaluation, an XPath expression must be syntactically correct. In addition, the namespaces the expression references must be in scope and the functions and variables it references must be defined. If any of these conditions is not satisfied, an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event) is raised, except for binding expressions, which produce a different exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

7.1 XPath Datatypes

XPath datatypes are used only inbinding expressions andcomputed expressions. XForms uses XPath datatypesboolean,string,number, andnode-set. Additionally, the typeobject is used to denote a parameter or return value that can be any one of the four XPath datatypes. A future version of XForms is expected to use XPath 2.0, which includes support for XML Schema datatypes.

7.2 Evaluation Context

Within XForms, thedefault model is the firstmodel in document order. Thedefault instance of anymodel is the first childinstance in document order within thatmodel. XPath expressions appearing in various XForms attributes are used to reference instance data. Every XPath expression requires an evaluation context consisting of a node, position, size, variable bindings, function set, and namespace context. For all evaluation contexts in XForms,

  1. No variable bindings are in place.

  2. The available function library is defined below in7.5 The XForms Function Library.

  3. Any namespace declarations in scope for the attribute that defines the expression are applied to the expression.

  4. The context node, position and size are determined according to rules described below.

Abinding element is any element that is explicitly allowed to have a binding expression attribute, and abound element is any element that explicitly declares a binding expression attribute. A binding expression attribute contains an XPath expression that references zero or more nodes of instance data. Every XPath expression requires an evaluation context. Thein-scope evaluation context of a binding element provides an evaluation context for the binding expression attribute. The following rules are used in determining the node, position and size of the in-scope evaluation context:

  1. A binding element is "outermost" if the element has no ancestor binding elements. If an outermost binding element is contained by amodel, then the context node for the outermost binding element is the top-level document element node of the default instance of the containingmodel element. Otherwise, the context node for outermost binding elements is the top-level document element node of the default instance in the default model. For outermost binding elements, the context size and position are 1.

  2. The context node, position and size for non-outermost binding elements is determined using the binding expression attribute or in-scope evaluation context of the nearest ancestor binding element. This is also referred to as "scoped resolution". For a non-outermost binding element:

    1. If the nearest ancestor binding element is not a bound element, then the in-scope evaluation context of the non-outermost binding element is equivalent to the in-scope evaluation context of the nearest ancestor binding element.

    2. If the nearest ancestor binding element expresses a Single-Node binding, then the in-scope evaluation context of the non-outermost binding element has a context size and position of 1 and the context node is the one resulting from the Single-Node binding of the nearest ancestor binding element.

    3. If the nearest ancestor binding element expresses a Node Set binding, then the XForms processor dynamically generates an occurrence of the non-outermost binding element for each of the nodes in the Node Set Binding of the nearest ancestor binding element. Thedynamic in-scope evaluation context for each generated occurrence of the non-outermost binding element has a context size equal to the size of the nodeset identified by the Node Set Binding of the nearest ancestor binding element, the context node is the node for which the occurrence of the non-outermost binding element was generated, and the position is equal to the position of the generator node in the nodeset identified by the Node Set Binding of the nearest ancestor binding element.

    4. If the nearest ancestor binding element expresses a Node Set binding, then the non-outermost binding element has its own in-scope evaluation context separately from those of its dynamically generated occurences described above. The in-scope evaluation context has a context position of 1, and the context node and size are set by the first node and the size of the nodeset identified by the Node Set binding of the nearest ancestor binding element.

  3. Once the context node of the in-scope evaluation context has been determined according to the rules above, if the binding element expresses amodel attribute that refers to amodel other than the one containing the context node, then the context node of the in-scope evaluation context is changed to be the top-level document element node of the default instance of the referencedmodel, and the context position and size are changed to 1.

Thein-scope evaluation context of an element that is not a binding element is the same as if the element were a binding element. For example, the in-scope evaluation context for thesetindex action element is required to provide the context for evaluating theindex attribute, so it is determined as if the element could contain a binding expression attribute.

XPath expressions also appear in model item property attributes of thebind element to define computed expressions. If thebind element does not express a Node Set binding, then the in-scope evaluation context for model item property attributes of thebind is equal to the in-scope evaluation context for thebind. Otherwise, thebind has a Node Set binding, and computed expressions for each model item property attribute are generated for each node. For each computed expression generated, the evaluation context node, position and size are determined by the same method as dynamic in-scope evaluation context rule above, except the computed expression is used in lieu of a binding expression attribute such that thebind element is the nearest ancestor binding element.

XPath expressions also appear in the special attributes of several other XForms elements, such as thevalue attribute onsetvalue andoutput, theat attribute ofinsert anddelete, or theindex attribute ofsetindex. Generally, if the containing element does not express a Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding, then the special attribute is evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context. Special attributes may be evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context even if the containing element expresses a Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding. However, for some special attributes, the evaluation context node, position and size are based on the result of the Single Node Binding or Node set Binding. Each special attribute that contains an XPath expression describes how its evaluation context node, position and size are determined.

In the following example, thegroup has a binding expression oflevel2/level3. According to the rules above, this outermost element node would have a context node of/level1, which is the document element node of the instance data. Theselect1 form control then inherits a context node from the parent group.

Sample XML Instance Data
<level1>  <level2>    <level3 attr="xyz"/>  </level2></level1>
Binding Expression Context Nodes
<group ref="level2/level3">  <select1 ref="@attr" ... >     <label>...</label>  </select1></group>

This section describes how the in-scope evaluation context of an element is determined, not whether the in-scope evaluation will be used. The Single-Node Binding or Node Set Binding of a non-outermost binding element is not evaluated if the in-scope evaluation context does not contain a context node. This can occur if the Single-Node Binding or Node Set Binding of the nearest ancestor bound element produces an empty nodeset. Also, if the Single-Node Binding or Node Set Binding of an element is expressed with thebind attribute, then the resulting node or nodeset is obtained from the referencedbind element. Thenodeset attribute of abind element is evaluated using the in-scope evaluation of thebind element, not the in-scope evaluation context of an element that references it with abind attribute.

7.3 References, Dependencies, and Dynamic Dependencies

An XPath expressionreferences a node of instance data if the node is selected during the evaluation of the expression. A node is selected by matching an XPathNodeTest or by being returned by a function call. For examples, a node can match a name test, a wildcard test, a node type test, or it can be returned by or used as a parameter to a function, or it can appear in a filter expression (where all of the prior examples recursively apply). Once selected, a node is considered to be referenced even if a filter expression subsequently excludes the node from further participation in the expression evaluation. Thereference list of an XPath expression is the set of instance nodes that it references.

Example of References and Non-References

Given the following default instance:

<xforms:instance>   <data xmlns="">      <a attr="X">         <b attr="Y">            <c/>         </b>         <d/>      </a>               <a attr="Z">         <b attr="Z">            <c/>         </b>         <d/>      </a>            </data></xforms:instance>

and the following XPath expression:


Both nodes nameda are referenced since both are matched by a NameTest. Theattr attribute in each elementa is referenced during the evaluation of the filter expression. The filter expression rejects the second elementa, but that element is still considered to have been referenced because it was selected for further processing during the expression evaluation.

The element namedb in the first elementa is referenced, but elementb in the seconda is not referenced because the expression evaluation did not proceed beyond the filter expression that rejected the seconda element.

While performing the NameTest for elementb, observe that an XPath expression evaluator may visit all the children of the first elementa in order to perform the NodeTest. However, a node is not referenced if it is only visited but fails the NodeTest. In this case, the NodeTest is a NameTest forb, which the elementd fails. Therefore,d is not referenced.

The filter expression test onb rejects the only elementb that has been selected so far because the attribute value ofattr does not match the equality test. Still,b and its attributeattr have been referenced by this expression.

Elementc is not considered to be referenced by this expression given this data. Although a NameTest forc appears in the expression, the evaluation of the expression did not proceed to perform the NameTest due to the rejection ofb by the filter expression.

Finally, note that an XPath expression can reference many nodes even if its final result is an empty nodeset.


Defining areference in terms of matching a NodeTest was a deliberate design decision that creates more references than necessary in order to make the computation system more responsive to certain types of changes without needing a rebuild operation. When a leaf node is filtered from an expression by a predicate, the leaf node is still considered to be referenced so that if the condition changes such that the leaf node would be included in the result value of the expression, then the expression will be recalculated without needing a rebuild. However, once a node is rejected from an expression, further location steps are not evaluated relative to the rejected node, so references for that location step are only created based on its execution relative to accepted nodes. For example, if the above expression were in acalculate, and if the attribute of eitherb element changes to the valueX, the expression would be recalculated but it still does not record a reference to anyc elements until the references are obtained in the next rebuild operation. Moreover, the excess references created by the definition may cause some recalculation constructs to cease operation due to circular references that would not be created with a stricter definition of a reference. A future version of XForms may use a stricter version of referencing for recalculation and a less strict definition of referencing for the purpose of detecting and performing automatic rebuild operations.

The referencing of a repeat index by theindex() function is handled as a special case. Implementations must behave as if each occurrence of arepeat is associated with an implicitly managed instance data node containing the repeat index. If arepeat identified asR1 contains arepeat identified asR2, then a repeat index instance node is managed for each occurrence ofR2 that is generated byR1. An invocation of the functionindex() in an XPath expression is considered to reference the repeat index instance node corresponding to the repeat index value that it returns.

If an XPath expression references an instance node, then the expression result isdependent on the instance node. Adependency list for an instance node is the list of XPath expressions of a given category that are dependent upon the instance node. For example, in Section4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event, the dependency list of computed expressions for each instance node helps establish the recalculation order for the computed expressions when the values of instance data nodes are changed.

The references of an XPath expression may be altered by insertion of instance nodes since the new nodes may be referenced by the XPath expression if it is re-evaluated. Similarly, the references of an XPath expression may be altered by deletion of instance nodes that are being referenced by the XPath expression. An XPath expression isdynamically dependent on an instance node if its reference list is altered by inserting, deleting or changing the value of the instance node. An instance node is adynamic dependency for an XPath expression if the expression is dynamically dependent on the instance node. If an XPath expression contains a dynamic dependency and the XForms processor is maintaining dependency lists for the category of the XPath expression, then changing the dynamic dependency implies a change to the dependency lists of instance nodes referenced by the XPath expression.

The computational dependency data structure described in Section4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event essentially stores the dependency lists of instance nodes corresponding to all the references made by computed expressions (see AppendixC Recalculation Sequence Algorithm for details). The computational dependency data structure is not reconstructed in response to a dynamic dependency change. Instead, the form author may request a rebuild of the computational dependency data structures using therebuild action. Additionally, theinsert anddelete actions set a rebuild flag so that computational dependency data structures will be rebuild at the end of an action sequence.

Due to the rebuild flag setting oninsert anddelete, a form author can use many kinds of dynamic dependencies in model binding expressions and computed expressions without ever explicitly invoking therebuild action. This includes the use of functions such asposition(),last(), andcount() on element and attribute nodes because the return values of the functions in these cases is fixed except when aninsert ordelete occurs. By comparison, functions such asid(),instance(), andindex() can establish dynamic dependencies that can necessitate invoking arebuild if they are used in model binding expressions or computed expressions because the results of the functions are affected by changing the values of instance nodes, not by inserting or deleting nodes.

7.4 Expression Categories

There are several different categories of XPath expressions used in XForms, and they are processed at different times depending on the category. Abinding expression is an XPath expression used to bind amodel item property to one or more instance nodes, or to bind a form control to instance data, or to specify the node or node set for operation by an action. The evaluation schedule for binding expressions differs based on whether the binding expression is a model binding expression, UI binding expression, or a binding expression for an XForms action. XPath expressions are also used in various other attributes of XForms binds, actions, form controls, andsubmissions, and their descendant elements. These expressions follow one of the three schedules associated with binding expressions as described below.

7.4.1 Model Binding Expressions and Computed Expressions

Amodel binding expression is a kind of binding expression that can be used to declare model item properties, and is used in the Node-Set binding of thebind element. Acomputed expression is an XPath expression used to determine the value of amodel item property based on instance data. Several of the attributes ofbind are computed expressions, includingcalculate,readonly,relevant, andrequired.

Dynamic dependencies in model binding expressions and computed expressions will require manual rebuilding of dependencies.


If theindex() function is being invoked from a model binding expression or computed expression, it will be necessary to invokerebuild manually. If the repeat index change occurs due to an implicit behavior such as a change to the focused form control, then the rebuild (along with recalculate, revalidate and refresh) can be invoked from a handler forDOMFocusIn attached to therepeat or each repeat object.

7.4.2 Expressions in Actions and Submissions

Binding expressions on XForms actions and XPath expressions appearing in other attributes of XForms actions are evaluated at the time the XForms action is performed. In some cases, XForms actions have child elements that allow the values of some of their attributes to be determined based on instance data. In these cases, thevalue attribute of the child element is evaluated at the time the corresponding attribute is needed in the processing model of the containing XForms action.

Similarly, XPath expressions used in the attributes ofsubmission and its child elements (other than XForms actions) are evaluated as needed within the submission processing model.

Form authors can use dynamic dependencies in the XPath expressions of XForms Actions and Submissions without invoking any special data structure reconstruction actions because implementations must behave as if these expressions are evaluated as needed.

7.4.3 UI Expressions

AUI Binding Expression is a Single Node Binding or Node Set Binding in a form control. AUI expression is a UI Binding Expression or an XPath expression appearing in a descendant element of a form control, except for XPath expressions in the categories described above (such as XForms action expressions). These include the Single Node Bindings and Node Set Bindings of the additional elements that contribute to the behavior of a form control (includinglabel,help,hint andalert,filename andmediatype) and the selection helper elements (itemset,label,value andcopy). This also includes thevalue attribute onoutput andvalue elements.

Form authors can use dynamic dependencies in UI Expressions without invoking any special data structure reconstruction actions because the state of the user interface at the end of processingxforms-refresh is required to reflect the instance data as if all UI Expressions had been re-evaluated.


Implementations may record UI Expression dependency lists on instance nodes to help streamline detection of the need to re-evaluate a UI Expression at the beginning of processing forxforms-refresh. Such implementations may determine that a UI Expression is stale (needs re-evaluation) when a node on which it depends has been changed. An implementation may also indicate that all UI Expressions are stale if a node of instance data is inserted, deleted or replaced, or the implementation may streamline detection of which UI Expressions may be affected by the insertion, deletion or replacement of an instance data node.

7.4.4 UI Binding in other XML vocabularies

The XForms binding mechanism allows other XML vocabularies to make single node bindings between custom user interface controls and XForms instance data. As an example, XForms binding attributebind might be used within XHTML 1.x user interface controls as shown below. See3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes.

XForms Binding In XHTML 1.x User Interface Controls
<html:input type="text" name="..." xforms:bind="fn"/>

7.4.5 Binding Examples

Consider the following document with the one-and-only XForms model:

<xforms:model>  <xforms:instance xmlns="">    <orderForm>      <shipTo>        <firstName>John</firstName>      </shipTo>    </orderForm>  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:bind nodeset="/orderForm/shipTo/firstName" /></xforms:model>

The following examples show three ways of binding user interface controlxforms:input to instance elementfirstName declared in the model shown above.

UI Binding Using Attributeref
<xforms:input ref="/orderForm/shipTo/firstName">...
UI Binding Using Attributebind
<xforms:input bind="fn">...
Specifies Model Containing The Instance Explicitly
<xforms:input model="orders" ref="/orderForm/shipTo/firstName">...

7.5 The XForms Function Library

The XForms Function Library includes the entire[XPath 1.0] Core Function Library, including operations on node-sets, strings, numbers, and booleans.

The following sections define additional required functions for use within XForms :7.6 Boolean Functions,7.7 Number Functions,7.8 String Functions,7.9 Date and Time Functions,7.10 Node-set Functions , and7.11 Object Functions.

The function library provided by an XForms processor may also contain other extension functions as described in7.12 Extension Functions.

If an error occurs in an XPath function, then an4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event or4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event occurs..

7.6 Boolean Functions

7.6.1 The boolean-from-string() Function


Functionboolean-from-string returnstrue if the required parameterstring is "true" or "1", orfalse if parameterstring is "false", or "0". This is useful when referencing a Schemaxsd:boolean datatype in an XPath expression. If the parameter string matches none of the above strings, according to a case-insensitive comparison, the return value isfalse.

7.6.2 The is-card-number() Function


If the string parameter conforms to the pattern restriction of thecard-number datatype, then this function applies theLuhn algorithm described in[Luhn Patent] and returns true if the number satisfies the formula. Otherwise, false is returned. If the parameter is omitted, it defaults to the string-value of the current context node.

Examples (see also5.2.7 xforms:card-number):


returnstrue if and only if the context node contains a string that contains of zero or more digits and satisfies the formula.


returnstrue. Other examples of string constants that will returntrue are :5431111111111111,341111111111111 and6011601160116611.



7.7 Number Functions

7.7.1 The avg() Function


Functionavg returns the arithmetic average of the result of converting the string-values of each node in the argument node-set to a number. The sum is computed withsum(), and divided withdiv by the value computed withcount(). If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of the nodes evaluate toNaN, the return value isNaN.

7.7.2 The min() Function


Functionmin returns the minimum value of the result of converting the string-values of each node in argumentnode-set to a number. "Minimum" is determined with the< operator. If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of the nodes evaluate toNaN, the return value isNaN.

7.7.3 The max() Function


Functionmax returns the maximum value of the result of converting the string-values of each node in argumentnode-set to a number. "Maximum" is determined with the< operator. If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of the nodes evaluate toNaN, the return value isNaN.

7.7.4 The count-non-empty() Function


Functioncount-non-empty returns the number of non-empty nodes in argumentnode-set. A node is considered non-empty if it is convertible into a string with a greater-than zero length.

7.7.5 The index() Function


Functionindex takes a string argument that is theIDREF of arepeat and returns the current 1-based position of the repeat index for the identifiedrepeat—see9.3.1 The repeat Element for details onrepeat and its associated repeat index. If the specified argument does not identify arepeat, the function returnsNaN.


The IDREF obtained from the function parameter may not uniquely identifythe desiredrepeat if therepeat element bearing the matching ID resides in a repeating construct such as elementrepeat. The general method described in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired run-time repeat object.

<xforms:trigger>  <xforms:label>Add to Shopping Cart</xforms:label>  <xforms:insert ev:event="DOMActivate" position="after"                 nodeset="items/item" at="index('cartUI')"/></xforms:trigger>

7.7.6 The power() Function


Raises the first argument to the power of the second argument, returning the result. Ifthe calculation does not result in a real number, thenNaN is returned.


power(2, 3)


power(-1, 0.5)


if (prin>0 and dur>0 and rate>0, prin*rate/(1-power(1+rate, -dur)), 0)

returns a compounded interest payment value given a non-zero principal (prin), duration (dur) and periodic interest rate (rate).

7.7.7 The random() Function


This function generates and returns a uniformly distributed random or pseudorandom number in therange from 0.0 up to but excluding 1.0. This function accepts an author-optional boolean parameter that isfalse by default. Iftrue, the random number generator for this function is first seeded with a source of randomness before generating the return value. A typical implementation may seed the random number generator with the current system time in milliseconds whenrandom(true) is invoked, and it may apply a linear congruential formula to generate return values on successive invocations of the function.



could return0.14159265358979

7.7.8 The compare() Function


This function returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the value of the first argument is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the value of second argument based on lexicographic comparison using Unicode code point values[Unicode Collation Algorithm].


compare('apple', 'orange')


7.8 String Functions

7.8.1 The if() Function


Functionif evaluates the first parameter as boolean, returning the second parameter whentrue, otherwise the third parameter.


This function is deprecated because a future version of XForms is expected to be based on[XPath 2.0], which contains anif construct that is incompatible with this function.Form authors and design tools are encouraged to use the functionchoose() from Section7.11.1 The choose() Function instead of this function.

7.8.2 The property() Function


This function accepts a string identifying a property name. If the property name is not recognized, empty string is returned. The property definitions for this function are as follows:

PropertyReturn Value
conformance-levelfull,basic or a string beginning withfull orbasic
Any otherNCNameReserved. Their use results in an exception (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type)
QNameButNotNCNameAn implementation-specific property value, such as a locale or timezone for the user agent. If the implementation does not support the property, then empty string is returned.





may returnfull

7.8.3 The digest() Function


This function accepts a string of data, a string indicating a cryptographic hashing algorithm, and an author-optional string indicating an encoding method. The data string is serialized as UTF-8, the hash value is then computed using the indicated hash algorithm, and the hash value is then encoded by the indicated method, and the result is returned by the function. The following table presents the keywords for the second string parameter and the corresponding hash algorithms:

KeywordsHash AlgorithmStatus
MD5The MD5 hash algorithm defined in[MD5]Required
SHA-1The SHA-1 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Required
SHA-256The SHA-256 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Required
SHA-384The SHA-384 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Optional
SHA-512The SHA-512 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Optional
Any otherNCNameReserved. Their use results in an exception (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type)Required
QNameButNotNCNameAn implementation-specific hash algorithm is used. If the implementation does not support the indicated hash algorithm, then an exception occurs (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type).Required

This recommendation defines the valueshex andbase64 for the third string parameter that indicates the encoding method. If the parameter is missing, then the default isbase64. Thehex andbase64 encoding methods of this function correspond to the encodings defined in[XML Schema part 2] for the datatypeshexBinary andbase64Binary, respectively. For the hexadecimal encoding, the digits 'a' through 'f'are encoded with lower case letters. Any other string value given for the encoding method results in an exception (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type).

digest('abc', 'SHA-1', 'hex')


digest('abc', 'MD5', 'hex')


digest('abc', 'SHA-256', 'hex')


7.8.4 The hmac() Function


This function accepts a string for a key or shared secret, a string of data, a string indicating a cryptographic hashing algorithm, and an author-optional string indicating an encoding method. The key and data strings are serialized as UTF-8, and they are subjected to the HMAC algorithm defined in[HMAC] and parameterized by the the hash algorithm indicated by the third parameter. The result is encoded with the method indicated by the fourth parameter, and the result is returned by the function.

The following table presents the keywords for the third string parameter and the corresponding hash algorithms:

KeywordsHash AlgorithmStatus
MD5The MD5 hash algorithm defined in[MD5]Required
SHA-1The SHA-1 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Required
SHA-256The SHA-256 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Required
SHA-384The SHA-384 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Optional
SHA-512The SHA-512 hash algorithm defined in[SHA2]Optional
Any otherNCNameReserved. Their use results in an exception (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type)Required
QNameButNotNCNameAn implementation-specific hash algorithm is used. If the implementation does not support the indicated hash algorithm, then an exception occurs (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type).Required

This recommendation defines the valueshex andbase64 for the fourth string parameter that indicates the encoding method. If the parameter is missing, then the default isbase64. Thehex andbase64 encoding methods of this function correspond to the encodings defined in[XML Schema part 2] for the datatypeshexBinary andbase64Binary, respectively. For the hexadecimal encoding, the digits 'a' through 'f'are encoded with lower case letters. Any other string value given for the encoding method results in an exception (see7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type).

hmac('Jefe', 'what do ya want for nothing?', 'SHA-1', 'hex')


hmac('Jefe', 'what do ya want for nothing?', 'MD5', 'hex')


hmac('Jefe', 'what do ya want for nothing?', 'SHA-256', 'hex')


7.9 Date and Time Functions


The following XML Schema datatypes do not have specific functions for manipulation within XForms expressions:xsd:time,xsd:gYearMonth,xsd:gYear,xsd:gMonthDay,xsd:gDay,xsd:gMonth. Extension functions (7.12 Extension Functions) may be used to perform needed operations on these datatypes.

7.9.1 The local-date() Function


This function returns a lexicalxsd:date obtained as if by the following rules: the result ofnow() is converted to a local date based on the user agent time zone information. If no time zone information is available, then the date portion of the result ofnow() is returned.



could return2006-10-13-07:00

substring(local-date(), 1, 10)

could return2006-10-13

days-to-date(days-from-date(local-date()) + 31)

returns a date that is 31 days from today. For example, iflocal-date() returns2006-10-13-07:00, then the result is2006-11-13.

7.9.2 The local-dateTime() Function


This function returns a lexicalxsd:dateTime obtained as if by the following rules: the result ofnow() is converted to a local dateTime based on the user agent time zone information. If no time zone information is available, then the result ofnow() is returned.



could return2006-10-13T16:04:17-07:00

adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(seconds-to-dateTime(seconds-from-dateTime(local-dateTime()) + 7200))

Adds two hours (7200 seconds) to the local date and time, returning the result in the local time zone. For example, iflocal-dateTime() returns2007-10-02T14:26:43-07:00, then the above expression returns2007-10-02T16:26:43-07:00

7.9.3 The now() Function


Thenow function returns the current UTC date and time as a string value in the canonical XML Schemaxsd:dateTime format. If time zone information is available, it is used to convert the date and time to UTC. If no time zone information is available, then the date and time are assumed to be in UTC.


Attaching a calculation of "now()" to an instance data node would not result in a stream of continuous recalculations of the XForms Model.


returns2006-10-14T01:04:17Z iflocal-dateTime() returns2006-10-13T18:04:17-07:00

seconds-to-dateTime(seconds-from-dateTime(now()) + 7200)

Computes two hours from now, returning the result in UTC time. For example, ifnow() returns2007-10-02T21:26:43Z, then the above expression returns2007-10-02T23:26:43Z

7.9.4 The days-from-date() Function


This function returns a whole number of days, according to the following rules:

If the string parameter represents a legal lexicalxsd:date orxsd:dateTime, the return value is equal to the number of days difference between the specified date or dateTime (normalized to UTC) and1970-01-01. Hour, minute, and second components are ignored after normalization. Any other input parameter causes a return value ofNaN.


If anxsd:date is given as the parameter, the timezone is ignored if provided because there is no way to normalize to the date in the UTC timezone without both the time and timezone.








7.9.5 The days-to-date() Function


This function returns a string containing a lexicalxsd:date that corresponds to the number of days passed as the parameter according to the following rules:

The number parameter is rounded to the nearest whole number, and the result is interpreted as the difference between the desired date and1970-01-01. An input parameter value ofNaN results in output of the empty string.






7.9.6 The seconds-from-dateTime() Function


This function returns a possibly fractional number of seconds, according to the following rules:

If the string parameter represents a legal lexicalxsd:dateTime, the return value is equal to the number of seconds difference between the specified dateTime (normalized to UTC) and1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. Any other input string parameter causes a return value ofNaN. This function does not support leap seconds.






7.9.7 The seconds-to-dateTime() Function


This function returns a string containing a lexicalxsd:dateTime that corresponds to the number of seconds passed as the parameter according to the following rules:

The number parameter is rounded to the nearest whole number, and the result is interpreted as the difference between the desired UTC dateTime and1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. An input parameter value ofNaN results in output of the empty string. This function does not support leap seconds.






seconds-to-dateTime(seconds-from-dateTime(now()) + 7200)

Computes two hours from now, returning the result in UTC time. For example, ifnow() returns2007-10-02T21:26:43Z, then the above expression returns2007-10-02T23:26:43Z

adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(seconds-to-dateTime(seconds-from-dateTime(now()) + 7200))

Computes two hours from now, returning the result in the local time zone. For example, ifnow() returns2007-10-02T21:26:43Z and the local date and time is2007-10-02T14:26:43-07:00, then the above expression returns2007-10-02T16:26:43-07:00

7.9.8 The adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() Function


This function adjusts a legal lexicalxsd:dateTime received as the string parameter to the local time zone of the implementation, and returns the result. If the string argument contains no time zone, then the result is the string argument with the local time zone as the time zone component. If the implementation does not have access to time zone information, UTC is used. The result is empty string if the string argument is the empty sequence or not a legal lexicalxsd:dateTime.



returns2007-10-07T02:22:00-07:00 in the Pacific time zone since daylight savings time applies.


returns2007-10-02T14:26:43-07:00 in the Pacific time zone since daylight savings time applies.

adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(seconds-to-dateTime(seconds-from-dateTime(now()) + 7200))

Computes two hours from now, returning the result in the local time zone. For example, ifnow() returns2007-10-02T21:26:43Z and the local date and time is2007-10-02T14:26:43-07:00, then the above expression returns2007-10-02T16:26:43-07:00

7.9.9 The seconds() Function


This function returns a possibly fractional number of seconds, according to the following rules:

If the string parameter represents a legal lexicalxsd:duration, the return value is equal to the number specified in the seconds component plus 60 * the number specified in the minutes component, plus 60 * 60 * the number specified in the hours component, plus 60 * 60 * 24 * the number specified in the days component. The sign of the result will match the sign of the duration. Year and month components, if present, are ignored. Any other input parameter causes a return value ofNaN.


Even though this function is defined based on a lexicalxsd:duration, it is intended for use only with derived-from-xsd:duration datatypes, specificallyxforms:dayTimeDuration.



returns297001.5 (3 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes, and 1.5 seconds)


returns0 because the year and month parts of the duration are ignored and the remaining portions are unspecified and default to 0


returnsNaN because the parameter is not a lexically valid duration

7.9.10 The months() Function


This function returns a whole number of months, according to the following rules:

If the string parameter represents a legal lexicalxsd:duration, the return value is equal to the number specified in the months component plus 12 * the number specified in the years component. The sign of the result will match the sign of the duration. Day, hour, minute, and second components, if present, are ignored. Any other input parameter causes a return value ofNaN.


Even though this function is defined based on a lexicalxsd:duration, it is intended for use only with derived-from-xsd:duration datatypes, specificallyxforms:yearMonthDuration.




returns14 (1 year and 2 months)


returns-19 because the duration is negative and expresses 0 years and 19 months

7.10 Node-set Functions

7.10.1 The instance() Function


An XForms Model can contain more than one instance. This function allows access to instance data, within the same XForms Model, but outside the instance data containing the context node.

If the argument is omitted or is equal to the empty string, then the root element node (also called the document element node) is returned for the default instance in the model that contains the current context node.

Otherwise, the argument is converted to a string as if by a call to thestring function. This string is treated as an IDREF, which is matched againstinstance elements in the containing document. If a match is located, and the matching instance data is associated with the same XForms Model as the current context node, this function returns a node-set containing just the root element node (also called the document element node) of the referenced instance data. In all other cases, an empty node-set is returned.


For instance data corresponding to this XML:

<xforms:instance xmlns="">  <orderForm>    <shipTo>      <firstName>John</firstName>    </shipTo>  </orderForm></xforms:instance>

The following expression selects thefirstName node. Note that theinstance function returns an element node, effectively replacing the leftmost location step from the path:


7.10.2 The current() Function


Returns thecontext node used to initialize the evaluation of the containing XPath expression.


For the following instance data:

<xforms:instance xmlns="">   <converter>      <amount>100</amount>      <currency>jpy</currency>      <convertedAmount></convertedAmount>   </converter></xforms:instance><xforms:instance xmlns="">   <convTable date="20040212" currency="cdn">      <rate currency="eur">0.59376</rate>      <rate currency="mxn">8.37597</rate>      <rate currency="jpy">80.23451</rate>      <rate currency="usd">0.76138</rate>   </convTable></xforms:instance>

and the following value calculation bind:

<bind nodeset="convertedAmount"       calculate="../amount *                  instance('convTable')/rate[@currency=current()/../currency]"/>

the content value of/converter/convertedAmount is the product of/converter/amount and the conversion table rate given by therate element whosecurrency attribute valuematches the content of/converter/currency.

For the following instance data:

<xforms:instance xmlns="">   <months>      <mon>01</mon>      <mon>02</mon>      <mon>03</mon>   </months></xforms:instance><xforms:instance xmlns="">   <months>      <month code="01">Jan</month>      <month code="02">Feb</month>      <month code="03">Mar</month>   </months></xforms:instance>

and the following repeat structure:

<repeat nodeset="mon">   <output value="instance('i2')/month[@code = current()]/></repeat>

the output should containJan Feb Mar.

7.10.3 The id() Function


Theobject parameter provides one or more IDREFs. This may be in the form of a string containing a space-separated list of IDREFs or a node-set, each node of which contains an IDREF. Thenode-set parameter provides nodes in one or more instance data documents to be searched. If the node-set parameter is not given or is empty, then the instance data document to be searched is the one containing the context node of the function call. For each node in the node-set parameter (or its default), the set of element nodes are collected with IDs that match the IDREFs from theobject parameter. The result of this function is a node-set containing the union of the collected element nodes from each string. An element node can be assigned an ID by means of anxml:id attribute or an attribute that is assigned the type ID by a DTD or xsd:ID or any type derived from xsd:ID by an XML schema, or thetype model item property.


id('X Y', instance('Z'))

Returns nodes identified by X or Y from the instance data document associated with the root element of theinstance identified by Z.

7.10.4 The context() Function


This function returns the in-scope evaluation context node of the nearest ancestor element of the node containing the XPath expression that invokes this function. The nearest ancestor element may have been created dynamically as part of the run-time expansion of repeated content as described in Section4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms.


<setvalue ref="x" value="context()/y"/>

This action sets nodex to the value of nodey, where both nodes are children of the in-scope evaluation context node for thesetvalue element.


An intended use of this function is in conjunction with therepeat element (Section9.3.1 The repeat Element and thesetvalue action element (Section10.2 The setvalue Element). The intent is to provide form authors with a means of expressing avalue attribute that is relative to the repeat context node when the Single Node Binding result is not.

7.11 Object Functions

7.11.1 The choose() Function


This function provides a conditional test that chooses an object to return based on the boolean parameter. If the boolean parameter is true, then the first object is returned, otherwise the second object is returned. Each of the object parameters can be of any XPath datatype as described in Section7.1 XPath Datatypes, and this function does no type conversion of the parameter it chooses to return.


All parameters of an XPath function are evaluated, so the parameter that is not returned by this function is still evaluated, and its result is discarded by this function.


Form authors and design tools are encouraged to use this function instead of the functionif() described in Section7.8.1 The if() Function, which has been deprecated. Because this function returns an object instead of a string, migrating fromif() tochoose() may occasionally require conversion of the return result using thestring() function.


choose(count(x) > 0, x, y)

Returns the node-set of matchingx if it is non-empty and the node-set matchingy otherwise.

choose(@x, @x, 0)

If the context node of the function contains attributex, then the nodeset containing that attribute is returned. Otherwise, the number0 is returned.

7.11.2 The event() Function


Functionevent returns context specific information determined by thestring argument. The returned context information is an XPath object whose type and contentdepends upon the requested property. Each event describes what properties can be accessed by this function and the type and value that will be returned as the result.

The event context properties available for each event are provided in the sections that describe the events.

This function is intended for use in the XPath expressions of XForms actions. If invoked for any otherXPath expression, such as a binding expression or model item property expression, this function returnsthe empty string. If this function is invoked from an XPath expression for an XForms action, then event context information is used from the most recently dispatched event whose action handler contains the XForms action.

Some properties defined for an event may be unavailable if certain prerequisite conditions were not met prior to the event being dispatched. Implementations may also add custom properties. If the event context information does not contain the property indicated by thestring argument, then an empty node-set is returned.



If called from anxforms-insert event handler, a nodeset is returned containing the instance data node or nodes inserted.

7.12 Extension Functions

XForms documents may use additional XPath extension functions beyond those described here. A number of useful community extensions are defined at[EXSLT]. The names of any such extension functions must be declared in attributefunctions on elementmodel. Such declarations are used by the XForms Processor to check against available extension functions. XForms Processors perform this check at the time the document is loaded, and halt processing by signaling an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event) if the XForms document declares an extension function for which the processor does not have an implementation.


Explicitly declaring extension functions enables XForms Processors to detect the use of unimplemented extension functions at document load-time, rather than throwing a fatal exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event or4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event) during user interaction. Failure by authors to declare extension functions will result in an XForms Processor potentially halting processing during user interaction with a fatal error.

8 Core Form Controls

This chapter covers the XForms view layer features for directly interacting with instance data and properties from the XForms Model. This includes features that provide data from the model to the view layer as well as features of the view layer that commit data collected from the user to the model.

8.1 The XForms Core Form Controls Module

Form controls are declared using markup elements, and their behavior refined via markup attributes. The core form controls are described in this module, including their attributes and their content models (their metadata elements). Acore form control is an element that acts as a direct point of user interaction and often provides read, write, or read/write access to a node of instance data. See Section9 Container Form Controls for a description ofcontainer form controls.

Core Form Control ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
inputCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, inputmode (xsd:string), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (UI Common)*
secretCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, inputmode (xsd:string), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (UI Common)*
textareaCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, inputmode (xsd:string), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (UI Common)*
outputCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional), appearance ("full"|"compact"|"minimal"|QNameButNotNCName), value (XPath Expression), mediatype (xsd:string)label?,mediatype?, (UI Common)*
uploadCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, mediatype (xsd:string), incremental (xsd:boolean)label,filename?,mediatype?, (UI Common)*
rangeCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, start (xsd:string), end (xsd:string), step (xsd:string), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (UI Common)*
triggerCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)label, (UI Common)*
submitCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional), submission (xsd:IDREF)label, (UI Common)*
selectCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding, selection ("open" | "closed"), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (List UI Common)+, (UI Common)*
select1Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding, selection ("open" | "closed"), incremental (xsd:boolean)label, (List UI Common)+, (UI Common)*


Unless bound to form controls, instance data nodes are not presented to the user; consequently, there is no need for a form control corresponding to HTMLinput type="hidden".

The following table summarizes additional support elements for form controls.

Support ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
labelCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional)(PCDATA|(UI Content))*
helpCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional)(PCDATA|(UI Content))*
hintCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional)(PCDATA|(UI Content))*
alertCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional)(PCDATA|(UI Content))*
filename (forupload)Common,Single Node BindingEMPTY
mediatype (forupload)Common,Single Node BindingEMPTY
mediatype (foroutput)Common,Single Node Binding, value (string XPath Expression)EMPTY
choices (for selection controls)Commonlabel?, (List UI Common)+
item (for selection controls)Commonlabel, value, (UI Common)*
value (for selection controls)Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)PCDATA

See also:9.3.6 The itemset Element (for selection controls) and9.3.7 The copy Element (for selection controls).

The following attributes are common to many user-interface related XForms elements, here called theUI Common attribute group.

(various)appearance ("full"|"compact"|"minimal" |QNameButNotNCName)

Author-optional attribute to define an appearance hint. If absent, the user agent may freely choose any suitable rendering.


A host language is expected to add attributes such asxml:lang as well as an attribute, namedclass, that holds a list of strings that can be matched by CSS class selectors.

Further, a host language must provide a way to indicate overall navigation order among form controls and other elements included in the host language, as well as keyboard or direct access navigation to specific elements. One such proposal is to uses a pair of attributes namednavindex andaccesskey, defined as follows:


This author-optional attribute is a non-negative integer in the range of 0-32767 used to define the navigation sequence. This gives the author control over the sequence in whichform controls are traversed. The default navigation order is specified in the chapter4 Processing Model.


This author-optional attribute defines a shortcut for moving the input focus directly to a particularform control. The value of this is a single character which when pressed together with a platform specific modifier key (e.g., thealt key) results in the focus being set to thisform control.

The user agent must provide a means of identifying the accesskeys that can be used in a presentation. This may be accomplished in different ways by different implementations, for example through direct interaction with the application or via the user's guide. The accesskey requested by the author might not be made available by the player (for example it may not exist on the device used, or it may be used by the player itself). Therefore the user agent should make the specified key available, but may map the accesskey to a different interaction behavior.

Additionally, this module defines the following content sets:

Content SetMinimal Content Model
UI Common(help|hint|alert|Action)*
List UI Common(choices|item|itemset)+
Core Form Controls(input|secret|textarea|output|upload|range|trigger|submit|select|select1)*
UI Content(output)*

As shown above, the XML Events module adds the Actions content set into the UI Common content set. A host language may add markup to theUI Content set. When the XForms Extension module is present, it too should be included in the UI Common content set.

8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls

XForms user interface controls are bound to the underlying instance data usingbinding attributes as defined in the chapter6 Model Item Properties.

Form controls enable accessibility by taking a uniform approach to such features as labels, help text, navigation, and keyboard shortcuts. Internationalization issues are addressed by following the same design principles as in XHTML. All form controls are suitable for styling as aural or visual media.

Form controls encapsulate high-level semantics without sacrificing the ability to deliver real implementations. For instance, the form controlselect enables the user toselect items from a set. These form controls distinguish the functional aspects of the underlying control from the presentational and behavioral aspects. This separation enables the expression of the intent underlying a particular form control—see[AUI97] for a definition of such high-level user interaction primitives.

Form controls when rendered display the underlying data values to which they are bound. While the data presented to the user through a form control must directly correspond to the bound instance data, the display representation is not required to match the lexical space value of the bound instance data. For example, user agents should apply appropriate conventions to the display of dates, times, durations and numeric values including separator characters.

All form controls must meet the following implementation requirements:

  • All form controls, includingcontainer form controls, should have an inline layout by default (e.g. for a host language that supportsCSS, the default styling should bedisplay:inline). By default,repeat items should have a block layout (e.g. a default styling ofdisplay:block for host languages that support CSS).

  • If a form control violates its data binding restriction, anxforms-binding-exception must occur.


    Form controls that read or write simpleContent produce this exception whenever and as soon as they are bound to an element node that has an element child node.

  • Form controls that write simpleContent to instance data must do so exactly as defined by the XForms Actionsetvalue (10.2 The setvalue Element).


    If a form control binds to an element node, then regardless of how many child nodes the element has, the result of the form control writing to the bound element node is that it has either a single non-empty text node child, or no children if the simpleContent written is the empty string (which is in accord with the data model of[XPath 1.0]).

  • All form controls that read simpleContent instance data must do so as follows:

    • Element nodes: If element child nodes are present, then anxforms-binding-exception occurs. Otherwise, return the string value of the node.

    • Attribute nodes: returns the string-value of the node.

    • Text nodes: returns the string-value of the node.

    • Namespace, processing instruction, and comment nodes: behavior is undefined (implementation-dependent).

    • the XPath root node: anxforms-binding-exception occurs.

  • Form controls are considered to berelevantif none of the following apply andnon-relevant if any of the following apply:

    • the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to empty nodeset,

    • the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to a non-relevant instance node,

    • the form control is contained by a non-relevantswitch orgroup (which includes a non-relevantrepeat item), or

    • the form control is contained by a non-selectedcase element of aswitch.

    When a form control becomes non-relevant, it must receive eventxforms-disabled and then theXForms action handlers that are listening for events on the non-relevant form control must be disabled.

    When a non-relevant form control changes to being relevant, the XForms action handlers that listen forevents on the form control must become enabled and then the form control must be updated to represent the current value(s) and model item properties of the instance node(s) to which it is bound or to which it refers.The following events must be dispatched to the form control:xforms-enabled,xforms-value-changed,one ofxforms-valid orxforms-invalid, one ofxforms-readonly orxforms-readwrite, one ofxforms-required orxforms-optional, and one ofxforms-in-range orxforms-out-of-range.

  • Except as noted, relevant form controls must distinguish rendering between being bound to a required node versus a non-required node. Exceptions are form controls that do not directly render the string value of the bound node (includingtrigger and thecontainer form controls). Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets.

  • Relevant form controls must distinguish rendering between valid and invalid states. Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets.

  • Relevant form controls must indicate when the bound instance data contains a value or content that the form control is not capable of rendering. Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets.

  • If a form control binds to a readonly node, then the form control must not allow the user to modify the node value. The relevant form control that is bound to a readonly node should render in a way which indicates that entering or changing the value is not allowed. Control of the render behavior should be made available to stylesheets.

Sections in this chapter define the various form controls by specifying the following:

Common Attributes
Special Attributes
Data Binding Restrictions
Implementation Requirements

8.1.2 The input Element

Description: This form control enables free-form data entry or a user interface component appropriate to the datatype of the bound node..

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional. This form control accepts an input mode hint.E Input Modes.


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default value for this attribute isfalse.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent (exceptxsd:base64Binary,xsd:hexBinary or any datatype derived from these).


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow entry of a lexical value for the bound datatype. Implementations should provide a convenient means for entry of datatypes and take into account localization and internationalization issues such as representation of numbers. For example, aninput bound to an instance data node of typexsd:date might provide a calendar control to enter dates; similarly, an input control bound to of typeboolean might be rendered as a checkbox.


Simple Free-Form Data Entry
<input ref="order/shipTo/street">  <label>Street</label>  <hint>Please enter the number and street name</hint></input>

In the above, theclass attribute can be used by a style sheet to specify the display size of the form control. Note that the constraints on how much text can be input are obtained from the underlying XForms Model definition and not from these display properties.

A graphical browser might render the above example as follows:

An average-looking text entry form control. The label, 'Street' has been aligned to the left

Datatype-sensitive Data Entry
<input ref="order/shipDate">  <label>Ship By</label>  <hint>Please specify the ship date for this order.</hint></input>

A graphical browser might render the above example as follows:

A text box for a date control, with a button to open into a calendar.

The user can type a date into the text edit box, or press the button to open a calendar:

A calendar picker graphical widget.

Data Entry with Activation Behavior
<input ref="/search/expr">  <label>Search term(s):</label>  <send ev:event="DOMActivate" submission="doSearch" /></input><submit submission="doSearch">  <label>Search</label></submit>

This example shows theinput andsubmit form controls working together to provide the common user experience of a simple search. Theinput collects the search term(s) and then automatically initiates thesubmission identified bydoSearch if the user activates theinput control. Alternatively, the user initiate thedoSearchsubmission by activating thesubmit control.


A graphical browser on a desktop device might activate form controls such asinput in response to a special user action such as pressing the Enter key or either clicking or double-clicking with the mouse (depending on the type of form control).

8.1.3 The secret Element

Description: This form control is used to provide the user with the ability to supply information to the system in a manner that makes it difficult for someone, other than the user, who may be observing the process to discern the value that is being supplied. A common use is for password entry.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional. This form control accepts an input mode hint.E Input Modes.


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default value for this attribute isfalse.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent (exceptxsd:base64Binary,xsd:hexBinary or any datatype derived from these).


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: Implementations, including accessibility aids, must obscure the value being entered into this form control. One possible approach would be to render a "*" or similar character instead of the actual characters entered. Note that this provides only a casual level of security; truly sensitive information will require additional security measures outside the scope of XForms.


Password Entry
<secret ref="/login/password">  <label>Password</label>  <hint>The password you enter will not be displayed.</hint></secret>

A graphical browser might render this form control as follows:

A password entry form control, with '*' characters where the text would be expected and a hint box displaying hint text.

8.1.4 The textarea Element

Description: This form control enables free-form data entry and is intended for use in entering multiline content, e.g., the body of an email message.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional. This form control accepts an input mode hint.E Input Modes.


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default value for this attribute isfalse.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent (exceptxsd:base64Binary,xsd:hexBinary or any datatype derived from these).


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow entry of a lexical value for the bound datatype, including multiple lines of text.


Email Message Body
<textarea ref="message/body">  <label>Message Body</label>  <hint>Enter the text of your message here</hint></textarea>

In the above, theclass attribute can be used by a style sheet to specify the display size of the form control. Note that the constraints on how much text can be input are obtained from the underlying XForms Model definition and not from these display properties.

A graphical browser might render the above example as follows:

A larger-than-average text entry form control. The title, 'Message Body:' provides an additional hint that large amounts of text are allowed here.

8.1.5 The output Element

Description: This form control renders content based in part on instance data, but it provides no means for entering or changing data.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


This form control does not use the UI Common attribute group, but nevertheless still contains an author-optionalappearance attribute, as defined above.


Author-optional. An XPath expression to be evaluated. The string result of the evaluation is rendered by the form control. If binding attributes are present to select a node, this attribute has no effect. The evaluation context is the same as would be applied to the evaluation of the single node binding. This XPath expression is re-evaluated whenever there is a change in any node to which the expression refers. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.


Author-optional attribute used to indicate that data obtained from the Single-Node Binding should be rendered (after decoding, if needed) according to a desired media type indicated by the attribute value string, such asimage/* for image rendition. If themediatype element appears as a child of theoutput, then it overrides this attribute. If the media type is not specified by this attribute or by themediatype element, then the the default is to present the indicated data as plain text (with no decoding according to datatype).

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent.


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow display of a value for the bound datatype. Implementations should provide a convenient means for display of datatypes and take into account localization and internationalization issues such as representation of numbers and dates.

Elementoutput can be used to display the value of a particular instance node by using a Single-Node Binding; it can also be used to display the result of evaluating an XPath expression by specifying the XPath expression to be evaluated via attributevalue. Note that the Single-Node Binding attributes andvalue on elementoutput are mutually exclusive.

By default, theoutput element simply renders the plain text of thevalue attribute or the node indicated by the Single-Node Binding. However, if the Single-Node Binding indicates a non-empty data node, and the media type is specified based on themediatype attribute ormediatype child element, then the content of the data nodemust be decoded or dereferenced according to its datatype, and the resultshould be rendered according to the indicated media type if it is possible to do so (e.g. a voice-only device cannot render a digital image).


When the media type is specified, implementationsmay handle the output content as presentation-only or as interactive content, and interactive contentmay be isolated from or capable of accessing the enclosing document that contains theoutput. Further implementation experience and user feedback is required. For example, if the output content includes XForms user interface elements, it may be desirable for them to access a default XForms model in the output content or from the enclosing document.

If the Single Node Binding is absent or if it does not indicate a non-empty instance node, then the media type specification is ignored if given. Otherwise, if the Single Node Binding produces a non-empty node, and the media type is specified, then decoding or dereferencing of the instance node prior to rendition is performed by datatype as follows:

  • If the instance node either is of type or is derived from typexsd:base64Binary, then the data is base-64 decoded.

  • If the instance node either is of type or is derived from typexsd:hexBinary, then the data is hex-binary decoded.

  • If the instance node either is of type or is derived from typexsd:anyURI, then the data is treated as a URI and dereferenced.

  • If the instance node is of any other type, then the data is used without modification.

If theoutput rendition is based on thevalue attribute, then the rendition is updated if the nodes referenced by thevalue expression change or if the content of any of the referenced nodes changes. Otherwise, the rendition of anoutput is updated if the node referenced by the Single-Node Binding changes, if the content of the referenced node changes, or if the media type changes. The media type can change by a change to themediatype element's referenced node or its content (a host language may also allow DOM mutation of the content of themediatype attribute or element). A change to the label associated with theoutput causes an update to the rendition of the label (which may affect the layout position of the main output content).

Failure to render the content indicated by theoutput elementshould result in anxforms-output-error,a non-fatal error that does not halt XForms processing. Failures can occur on initial creation of theoutput or during user interface refresh (see Section4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event). Failures can occur for many reasons, including

  • Data to be decoded does not conform to the format ofxsd:base64Binary orxsd:hexBinary

  • An error dereferencing the URI in a node of or derived from typexsd:anyURI

  • A data format error (e.g. invalid or unsupported image format)

  • An unrecognized media type identifier string

The content model for theoutput element includesUI Common in order to allow action handlers for thexforms-output-error as well as to allow more comprehensive behavior and information to be provided for theoutput, e.g. via thehint element.


Explanatory Message
I charged you -<output ref="order/totalPrice"/>- and here is why:

A graphical browser might render an output form control as follows:

Average-looking text, reading 'I charged you 100.0 - and here is why:'

Displaying an image uploaded to instance data
<xforms:model><xforms:instance xmlns=""><data></data></xforms:instance><xforms:bind nodeset="/data" type="xsd:base64Binary"/></xforms:model>

Given themodel above, the following controls can upload an image to instance data and display it:

<xforms:upload ref="/data" mediatype="image/*"><xforms:label>Press me to attach a picture</xforms:label></xforms:upload><xforms:output ref="/data" mediatype="image/*">   <xforms:hint>This is the image you attached to the form.</xforms:hint>   <xforms:message ev:event="xforms-output-error">Error attaching image data.</xforms:message></xforms:output>
Output of node bound to xsd:date
<bind nodeset="birthdate"type="xsd:date" />...<output ref="birthdate">   <label>Lexical: </label></output><output ref="birthdate" appearance="full">   <label>Full: </label></output><output ref="birthdate" appearance="minimal">   <label>Minimal: </label></output>

A graphical browser may take into account theappearance and the localization information from the host language and present the above output form controls as follows:

Lexical: 1998-01-19 Full: 19 janvier 1998 Minimal: 19/01/1998 The mediatype Element (for output)

Binding attributes on author-optional elementmediatype specify the location in the instance of the string that indicates the desired media type rendition for the parentoutput. If the binding attributes are not used, thevalue attribute must be used instead to specify the desired media type rendition.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


An XPath expression to be evaluated. The string result of the evaluation is used to specify the desired media type for output rendition. If a single node binding is expressed, then this attribute has no effect. The evaluation context is the same as would be applied to the evaluation of the single node binding.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

8.1.6 The upload Element

Description: This form control enables the common feature found on Web sites to upload a file from the local file system, as well as accepting input from various devices including microphones, pens, and digital cameras.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional. Space-separated list of suggested media types, used by the XForms Processor to determine the possible sources of data to upload.


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default for this form control isfalse.

Data Binding Restrictions: This form control can only be bound to datatypesxsd:anyURI,xsd:base64Binary orxsd:hexBinary, or types derived by restriction from these.


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: For base64Binary or hexBinary data binding:

  • When bound to an instance data node of typexsd:base64binary,xsd:hexBinary, or a type derived by restriction thereof, on activationupload places the binary content in the content of the node with the indicated encoding.

Implementation Requirements: For anyURI data binding:

  • When bound to an instance data node of typexsd:anyURI (or a type derived by restriction thereof), on activationupload places a URI in the content of the node.

    For security reasons, the XForms Processor must not dereference the URI bound to this form control without explicit user permission.


    Implementors note thatupload must associate the binary content, mediatype, and filename with that URI for11.9.6 Serialization as multipart/related and11.9.7 Serialization as multipart/form-data serialization.

  • Implementations with a file system should supportfile upload—selecting a specific file. The types of files presented by default should reflect the mediatype specified by attributemediatype, for example defaulting to only audio file types in the file dialog when the mediatype is "audio/*".

Implementation Requirements: For all data bindings:

  • Implementations with specific pen/digitizer hardware should (and implementations with other pointing devices may) supportscribble—allowing in-place creation of pen-based data.

  • Implementations with specific audio recording capabilities should supportrecord audio—in-place recording of an audio clip.

  • Implementations with a digital camera, scanner interface or screen capture should supportacquire image—in-place upload of images from an attached device.

  • Implementations with video recording capability should provide arecord video option.

  • Implementations with 3d capabilities should provide a 3d interface option.

  • Implementations may provide proprietary implementations (for example, a mediatype oftext/rtf could invoke an edit window with a proprietary word processing application)

  • Implementations are encouraged to support other input devices not mentioned here.

  • Implementations which cannot support upload for the given mediatype must make this apparent to the user.

See the child elementsfilename ( The filename Element) andmediatype ( The mediatype Element (for upload)).


Uploading An Image
<upload ref="mail/attachment" mediatype="image/*">  <label>Select image:</label>  <filename ref="@filename" />  <mediatype ref="@mediatype" /></upload>

A graphical browser might render this form control as follows:

A drop-down box; main display reads 'Select Image:' with a cute icon. The drop-down itself has three items: (icon)-From Scanner or Camera...; (icon)-Scribble...; Browse...

Implementation Requirements:

  • On activation, if child elementfilename is present and a filename is available,upload places the filename of the data to upload in the instance at the node indicated by the binding attributes on child elementfilename.

  • On activation, if child elementmediatype is present and a mediatype is available,upload places the mediatype of the data to upload in the instance at the node indicated by the binding attributes on child elementmediatype. The filename Element

Binding attributes on author-optional elementfilename specify the location in the instance for the parent elementupload, when activated, to place the filename for the chosen binary resource. For security reasons,upload must not take action due to any existing value of the node.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding

Content: EMPTY

In the following example, the user is prompted to select an image. When activated,upload places inmail/attachment either the binary data of the image or a URI for it, depending on the type declared for themail/attachment. The filename, perhaps "me.jpg", is placed in the attribute nodemail/attachment/@filename, and the mediatype, perhaps "image/jpeg" in the attribute nodemail/attachment/@mediatype.


<upload ref="mail/attachment" mediatype="image/*">   <label>Select an image to attach</label>   <filename ref="@filename"/>   <mediatype ref="@mediatype"/></upload> The mediatype Element (for upload)

Binding attributes on author-optional elementmediatype specify the location in the instance for the parent elementupload, when activated, to place the mediatype of the chosen binary resource, if available.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding

Content: EMPTY

8.1.7 The range Element

Description: This form control allows selection from a sequential range of values.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing a hint for the lexical starting bound for the range—a legal value for the underlying data. If provided, this value is used to further refine the constraints specified by the underlying model.


Author-optional attribute containing a hint for the ending bound for the range—a legal value for the underlying data. If provided, this value is used to further refine the constraints specified by the underlying model.


Author-optional attribute containing a delta-value to use for incrementing or decrementing the value. Must be of a type capable of expressing the difference between two legal values of the underlying data.


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default for this form control isfalse.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds only the following list of datatypes, or datatypes derived by restriction from those in the list:xsd:duration,xsd:date,xsd:time,xsd:dateTime,xsd:gYearMonth,xsd:gYear,xsd:gMonthDay,xsd:gDay,xsd:gMonth,xsd:float,xsd:double, andxsd:decimal.


The above list of datatypes includes by derivation all of the integer datatypes (), all of the XForms datatypes defined in Section5.2 XForms Datatypes that correspond to the allowed XML schema datatypes, and the datatypes defined in5.2.4 xforms:dayTimeDuration and5.2.5 xforms:yearMonthDuration.


This control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow input of a value corresponding to the bound datatype. Implementations should inform the user of the upper and lower bounds, as well as the step size, if any. If the instance data value is outside the upper or lower bounds, this form control must indicate an out-of-range condition. In graphical environments, this form control may be rendered as a "slider" or "rotary control".

In the event of overlapping restrictions between the underlying datatype and thestart andend hints, the most restrictive range should be used.

Notice that the attributes of this element encapsulate sufficient metadata that in conjunction with the type information available from the XForms Model proves sufficient to produce meaningful prompts when using modalities such as speech, e.g., when using an accessibility aid. Thus, in the example below, an aural user agent might speak a prompt of the formPlease pick a date in the range January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001.


Picking From A Range
<range ref="/stats/balance" start="-2.0" end="2.0" step="0.5">  <label>Balance</label></range>

A graphical browser might render this as follows:

a slider control, from -2 to +2

Picking a date from a range
<range ref="/order/shipDate" start="2001-01-01" end="2001-12-31">  <label>Ship Date</label></range>

8.1.8 The trigger Element

Description: This form control is similar to the HTML elementbutton and allows for user-triggered actions. This form control may also be used to construct other custom form controls.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any node. This form control does not directly interact with form data, but is affected by model item properties of the bound node, thus binding attributes are not required.

Implementation Requirements: The user agent must provide a means to generate anDOMActivate event on the form control. Graphical implementations might render this form control as a push-button with the label on the button face. Style sheets can be used to style this form control as an image, hyperlink, or other presentation.

Although atrigger element receives events associated with model item properties of a bound node, such asxforms-readonly andxforms-invalid, the XForms processor must not impart special behaviors on this control for model item properties other than the model item propertyrelevant of a bound data node. For example, thereadonly model item property of a bound data node does not affect whether or not thetrigger can be activated.

Typically, a style sheet would be used to determine the exact appearance of form controls, though a means is provided to suggest an appearance through attributeappearance. Suggested renditions for the pre-defined values of this attribute are as follows:

"full": visually rendered as a standard button control with border.
"compact": visually rendered as a standard button control without border
"minimal": rendered with no border, a transparent background and underline font effect. This rendition hint is meant to be analogous to the typical visual rendition of an XHTML anchor element.


Simple Trigger
<trigger>  <label>Click here</label></trigger>

8.1.9 The submit Element

Description: This form control initiates a submission .

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing a reference to elementsubmission. If this attribute is given but does not identify asubmission element, then activating thesubmit does not result in the dispatch of anxforms-submit event. If this attribute is omitted, then the firstsubmission in document order from themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context is used.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any node. This form control does not directly interact with form data, but is affected by model item properties of the bound node, thus binding attributes are not required.

Implementation Requirements: The default action for eventDOMActivate is to dispatch eventxforms-submit to thesubmission element specified by attributesubmission (or its default). Upon activation, this control must become unavailable for further activations until the submit process concludes with either anxforms-submit-done orxforms-submit-error event.

Typically, a style sheet would be used to determine the exact appearance of form controls, though a means is provided to suggest an appearance through attributeappearance. Suggested renditions for the pre-defined values of this attribute are the same as fortrigger.


<submit submission="timecard">  <label>Submit Timecard</label></submit>

8.1.10 The select Element

Description: This form control allows the user to make multiple selections from a set of choices.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute determining whether free entry is allowed in the list. Default is "closed".


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default for this form control istrue.

Data Binding Restrictions: any simpleContent capable of holding a sequence. The restriction to binding simpleContent exists when the choices are authored as part of the user interface control as shown in this section. Elementitemset (described in9.3.6 The itemset Element) creates dynamic selection items and allows the available choices to be obtained from an XForms Model. Whenitemset uses thevalue element, the restriction to binding simpleContent remains in effect. However, theitemset also allows for the selection and deselection of subtrees of instance data using thecopy element, and when using that construct, the data binding restriction to simpleContent is relaxed, but the form control must bind to an element with no mixed content.


Except in the case described above where the simpleContent data binding restriction is relaxed, this control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.


A limitation of the XML Schema list datatypes is that white space characters in the storage values (thevalue element) are always interpreted as separators between individual data values. Therefore, authors should avoid using white space characters within storage values with list simpleContent.

Incorrect Type Declaration
<item>  <value>United States of America</value>  ...</item>

When selected, this item would introduce not one but four additional selection values: "America", "of", "States", and "United".

Implementation Requirements: The label for each choice must be presented, and the control must allow any number of selections, possibly none. When this form control uses thevalue element for selection, it stores the values corresponding to the selected choices in a space separated list in the location addressed by the binding attributes. The values to be stored for selected items are either directly specified as the contents of elementvalue, or specified indirectly through binding attributes on elementvalue. When this form control uses thecopy element for selection, it stores copies of the subtrees corresponding to the selected choices in the location addressed by the binding attributes.

The datatype bound to this form control may include a non-enumerated value space, e.g.,xsd:string, or a union of a enumeration and a non-enumerated datatype (called an open enumeration). In this case, controlselect may have attributeselection="open". The form control must then allow free data entry, as described in8.1.2 The input Element. The form control may permit multiple values to be entered through free entry.

For closed selections: If the instance data matches the storage data of one or more of the selection items, those items are selected. If there is no match, no items are initially selected. If any of the stored values or subtree copies do not correspond to an item with a matching storage value or subtree, the form control must indicate an out-of-range condition. If the form control switches to or from being out-of-range, thenxforms-out-of-range orxforms-in-range must be dispatched to the form control.

For open selections: When using dynamic selections with theitemset andcopy elements, open selection has no effect. If the instance data matches the storage values specified by one or more of the selection items, then all such matching items are selected. If any instance data list values do not match the storage value specified by one or more of the items, all such non-matching values are retained, as if entered through free entry. Free entry text is handled the same as form controlinput (8.1.2 The input Element), possibly in multiplicity.

For both closed and open selections, any selection item with an empty storage data subtree or a storage value that is either empty or contains only white space characters must remain deselected.

For both closed and open selections, the above rules describe which items are considered to be selected and deselected by the control. Theselect form control changes the states of selected and deselected items on creation, refresh, and user selection or deselection of an item. Newly selected items receive the eventxforms-select immediately after all newly deselected items receive the eventxforms-deselect. The content of the instance node bound to the selection control must only be changed by the addition or deletion of storage data associated with items that have been selected or deselected. Content not associated with selection items is preserved. For selection controls that use thevalue element, the net effect of newly selected and deselected items is computed into a string, preserving content not associated with selection items, and the result is then committed to the bound instance node by using the XForms Action10.2 The setvalue Element. For selection controls that use thecopy element, the individual subtrees associated with the newly selected and deselected items are added or removed individually by using10.3 The insert Element and10.4 The delete Element.

Implementation Hints:

For closed selections, when the form control is created or refreshed to reflect bound instance data, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. The content parts (space-separated values or subtree copies) in the bound instance data node are compared with the form control items' storage data (values or subtree copies).

  2. Each item with storage data (value or subtree copy) equal to an instance data content part becomes selected if it was not already selected.

  3. Each item with storage data missing from the instance data content becomes deselected if it was not already deselected.

  4. If there are instance data content parts for which there is no corresponding selection item, the form control indicates an out-of-range condition.

When the user selects an item which was previously deselected, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. If the item's storage data (value or subtree copy) was not present in the bound instance data, the item's storage data is inserted into the instance data content list. The exact location of the insertion is implementation-dependent. Any other item having the same storage data becomes selected as well.

  2. If the item's storage data was already present in the bound instance data, the bound instance data is left unchanged.

When the user deselects an item which was previously selected, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. If the item's storage data was present in the bound instance data, the item's storage data is removed from the instance data content list. Any other item having the same storage data becomes deselected as well.

  2. If the item's storage data was already absent from the bound instance data, the bound instance data is left unchanged.

For open selections: when the form control is created or refreshed to reflect bound instance data, the behavior is the same as with closed selection, except the form control never indicates an out-of-range condition.

An accessibility aid might allow the user to browse through the available choices and leverage the grouping of choices in the markup to provide enhanced navigation through long lists of choices.

Typically, a style sheet would be used to determine the exact appearance of form controls, though a means is provided to suggest an appearance through attributeappearance. The value of the attribute consists of one of the following values:

"full": all choices should be rendered at all times.
"compact": a fixed number of choices should be rendered, with scrolling facilities as needed
"minimal": a minimum number of choices should be rendered, with a facility to temporarily render additional choices


Selecting Ice Cream Flavor
<select ref="my:flavors">  <label>Flavors</label>  <choices>    <item>      <label>Vanilla</label>      <value>v</value>    </item>    <item>      <label>Strawberry</label>      <value>s</value>    </item>    <item>      <label>Chocolate</label>      <value>c</value>    </item>  </choices></select>

In the above example, more than one flavor can be selected.

A graphical browser might render form controlselect as any of the following:

Check boxes for three choices: Vanilla, Strawberry, and Chocolate. Strawberry and Chocolate are selected.A list box with three choices: Vanilla, Strawberry, and Chocolate visible. Strawberry and Chocolate are selected.A popup menu with three choices: Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate. Strawberry and Chocolate are selected.

8.1.11 The select1 Element

Description: This form control allows the user to make a single selection from multiple choices.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute determining whether free entry is allowed in the list. Default is "closed".


Author-optional. Whentrue, this form control will generate additionalxforms-value-changed events. The default for this form control istrue.

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent. The restriction to binding simpleContent exists when the choices are authored as part of the user interface control as shown in this section. Elementitemset (described in9.3.6 The itemset Element) creates dynamic selection items and allows the available choices to be obtained from an XForms Model. Whenitemset uses thevalue element, the restriction to binding simpleContent remains in effect. However, theitemset also allows for the selection and deselection of subtrees of instance data using thecopy element, and when using that construct, the data binding restriction to simpleContent is relaxed, but the form control must bind to an element with no mixed content.


Except in the case described above where the simpleContent data binding restriction is relaxed, this control cannot bind to element nodes that have element children. See8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls for user interface processing rules common to all form controls.

Implementation Requirements: The label for each choice must be presented, and the control must allow at all times exactly one selection. When this form control uses thevalue element for selection, it stores the value corresponding to the selected choice in the location addressed by the binding attributes. The value to be stored is either directly specified as the contents of elementvalue, or specified indirectly through binding attributes on elementvalue. When this form control uses thecopy element for selection, it stores a copy of the subtree corresponding to the selected choice in the location addressed by the binding attributes.

The datatype bound to this form control may include a non-enumerated value space, e.g.,xsd:string, or a union of a enumeration and a non-enumerated datatype (called an open enumeration). In this case, controlselect1 may have attributeselection="open". The form control must then allow free-form data entry, as described in8.1.2 The input Element.

For closed selections: If the instance data matches the storage data of one of the selection items, that item is selected. If there is no match, no items are initially selected. If there is no match and the storage data is non-empty, the form control must indicate an out-of-range condition. If the form control switches to or from being out-of-range, thenxforms-out-of-range orxforms-in-range must be dispatched to the form control.

For open selections: When using dynamic selections with theitemset andcopy elements, open selection has no effect. If the instance data matches the storage value specified by one of the selection items, then the first such matching item is selected. Otherwise, no items are selected and the instance data value is retained, as if entered through free text entry. Free entry text is handled the same as form controlinput (8.1.2 The input Element).

For both closed and open selections, any selection item with a storage value which is empty or which contains only white space characters must remain deselected.

For both closed and open selections, the above rules describe which items are considered to be selected by the control. Items that are not selected are considered to be deselected. Theselect1 form control changes the states of selected and deselected items on creation, refresh, and user selection or deselection of an item. A newly selected item receives the eventxforms-select immediately after all other items receive the eventxforms-deselect. The content of the instance node bound to the selection control must only be changed by the addition or deletion of storage data associated with items that have been selected or deselected. Content not associated with selection items is preserved. For selection controls that use thevalue element, the net effect of newly selected and deselected items is computed into a string, preserving content not associated with selection items, and the result is then committed to the bound instance node by using the XForms Action10.2 The setvalue Element. For selection controls that use thecopy element, the individual subtrees associated with the newly selected and deselected items are added or removed individually by using10.3 The insert Element and10.4 The delete Element.

Implementation Hints:

For closed selections, when the form control is created or refreshed to reflect bound instance data, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. The bound instance data is compared with the items' storage data (values or subtree copies).

  2. If no item with storage data (value or subtree copy) in the bound instance data node is selected, then the first item with storage data in the instance data content, if any, becomes selected. Otherwise, if an item with storage data in the bound instance data node is selected, then the first selected item remains selected, and any other items with storage data matching the selected item are deselected.

  3. If there is a selected item, then all items with storage data not equal to the selected item are deselected, and their representative storage data is removed from the bound instance node content.

  4. If no item has storage data in the bound instance data node content and the instance data node content is not empty, then the form control indicates an out-of-range condition.

When the user selects an item which was previously deselected, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. All selected items other than the newly selected item are deselected, if any, and the storage data of any deselected items whose storage data does not match the newly selected item are removed from the bound instance node data.

  2. The newly selected item becomes selected. If its storage data (value or subtree copy) is not present in the bound instance data, then the item's storage data is inserted into the instance data. The exact location of the insertion is implementation-dependent, but the newly inserted data is not accompanied by any other data unless the data does not match any items for the selection control.

When the user deselects an item which was previously selected, behavior equivalent to the following steps occurs:

  1. The item is deselected and its storage data is removed from the bound instance node data.

  2. If the bound instance data node is not empty, then the form control indicates an out-of-range condition.

For open selections: when the form control is created or refreshed to reflect bound instance data, the behavior is the same as with closed selection, except the form control never indicates an out-of-range condition.

An accessibility aid might allow the user to browse through the available choices and leverage the grouping of choices in the markup to provide enhanced navigation through long lists of choices.

User interfaces may choose to render this form control as a pulldown list or group of radio buttons, among other options. Theappearance attribute offers a hint as to which rendering might be most appropriate, although any styling information (such as CSS) should take precedence.


Pick A Flavor
<select1 ref="my:flavor">  <label>Flavor</label>  <item>    <label>Vanilla</label>    <value>v</value>  </item>  <item>    <label>Strawberry</label>    <value>s</value>  </item>  <item>    <label>Chocolate</label>    <value>c</value>  </item></select1>

In the above example, selecting one of the choices will result in the associated value given by elementvalue on the selected item being set in the underlying instance data at the locationicecream/flavor.

A graphical browser might render this form control as any of the following:

Radio buttons for three choices: Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate. Strawberry is selected.A list boxwith three choices: Vanilla, Strawberry, and Chocolate visible. Strawberry is selected.A collapsible pull-down list with the three choices. The list is collapsd, and Vanilla is selected.

8.2 Common Support Elements

The child elements detailed below provide the ability to attach metadata to many form controls and other elements.

  • Factoring all human readable messages to a separate resource XML file.

  • Using URIs into this XML resource bundle within individuallabel elements

  • Finally, an XForms implementation could use content negotiation to obtain the appropriate XML resource bundle, e.g., based on theaccept-language headers from the client, to serve up the user interface with messages localized to the client's locale.

8.2.1 The label Element

This element provides a descriptive label for the containing form control. The descriptive label can be presented visually and made available to accessibility software so the visually-impaired user can obtain a short description of form controls while navigating among them.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes: None

The label specified can exist in instance data or as inline text. If more than one source of label is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, inline text.

An accessibility aid might speak the metadata encapsulated here when the containing form control gets focus.

8.2.2 The help Element

The author-optional elementhelp provides a convenient way to attach help information to a form control.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes: None

The message specified can exist in instance data or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, inline text.

An example of this element is at10.16 The message Element.

8.2.3 The hint Element

The author-optional elementhint provides a convenient way to attach hint information to a form control.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes: None

The message specified can exist in instance data or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, inline text.

An example of this element is at10.16 The message Element.

8.2.4 The alert Element

The author-optional elementalert provides a convenient way to attach alert or error information to a form control. Rendering of this element is implementation-defined, and there is no defaultlevel such asmodal orephemeral for the displayed message.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes: None

The message specified can exist in instance data or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, inline text. SeeG XForms and Styling for examples to see how this might be presented to the user.

8.3 Common Markup for Selection Controls

8.3.1 The choices Element

This element is used within selection form controls to group available choices. This provides the same functionality as elementoptgroup in HTML.

Common Attributes:Common

8.3.2 The item Element

This element specifies the storage value and label to represent an item in a list. It is found within elementsselect1 andselect, or grouped in elementchoices.

Common Attributes:Common

8.3.3 The value Element

This element provides a storage value to be used when anitem is selected. The storage value is determined by one of three methods, in order of precedence:

  1. the value of a node indicated by a single node binding expression, if specified

  2. the result of evaluating an XPath expression appearing in attributevalue, if specified

  3. the inline content of thevalue element (when neither the single node binding nor thevalue attribute are expressed).

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


Author-optional. An XPath expression to be evaluated. The string result of the evaluation is used as the storage value of theitem when it is selected. If a single node binding is expressed, then this attribute has no effect. The evaluation context is the same as would be applied to the evaluation of the single node binding.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Data Binding Restriction: All lexical values must be valid according to the datatype bound to the selection control. If the single node binding attributes are used and indicate a node in a model other than the bound node of the containing selection control, then anxforms-binding-exception must occur.

9 Container Form Controls

This chapter covers XForms view layer features for combiningcore form controls into user interfaces usingcontainer form controls. All core form controls defined in8 Core Form Controls are treated as individual units for purposes of visual layout e.g., in XHTML processing. Acontainer form control is a form control that provides the ability to combine other form controls in its content into user interfaces.

Aggregation of form controls with markup defined in this chapter provides semantics about the relationship among user interface controls; such knowledge can be useful in delivering a coherent UI to small devices. For example, if the user interface needs to be split up over several screens, controls appearing inside the same aggregation would typically be rendered on the same screen or page.

9.1 The XForms Group Module

Agroup element is acontainer form control that allows a form author to aggregate other form controls into a single, aggregate user interface component. The elements and attributes included in this module are:

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
groupCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)label?, ((Core Form Controls)|group|switch|repeat|UI Common)*

9.1.1 The group Element

Thegroup element is used as a container for defining a hierarchy of form controls. Groups can be nested to create complex hierarchies. The author-optionallabel element has special significance when it appears as the first element child ofgroup, representing a label for the entire group.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Although agroup element receives events associated with model item properties of a bound node, such asxforms-readonly andxforms-invalid, no special behavior is imparted by thegroup onto the content elements in the group as a direct result of any model item property. The model item propertyrelevant of a bound data node can indirectly affect the content of the group via its contribution to deciding whether thegroup is relevant or non-relevant. A group is considered to be non-relevant if and only if:

  • the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to empty nodeset,

  • the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to a non-relevant instance node,

  • thegroup is contained by a non-relevantswitch orgroup (which includes a non-relevantrepeat object), or

  • thegroup is contained by a non-selectedcase element of aswitch.

All content elements (e.g. core form controls, groups, switches, repeats and host language content) within a non-relevant group are handled as non-relevant. When agroup becomes non-relevant, it must receive eventxforms-disabled and then the XForms action handlers that are listening for events on the non-relevantgroup must be disabled. When a non-relevantgroup changes to being relevant, the XForms action handlers that listen for events on thegroup must become enabled and then thegroup must receive the eventxforms-enabled.


If a group is non-relevant, then the rendering approach used to signify non-relevance is applied to the entire content of the group.


Grouping Related Controls
<group ref="address">  <label>Shipping Address</label>  <input ref="line_1">    <label>Address line 1</label>  </input>  <input ref="line_2">    <label>Address line 2</label>  </input>  <input ref="postcode">    <label>Postcode</label>  </input></group>

Setting the input focus on a group results in the focus being set to the first form control in the navigation order within that group.

9.2 The XForms Switch Module

Aswitch element is acontainer form control that allows the creation of user interfaces where the user interface can be varied based on user actions and events. The elements and attributes included in this module are:

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
switchCommon,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)case+
caseCommon, selected (xsd:boolean)label?, ((Core Form Controls)|group|switch|repeat|Action)*
toggleCommon,Events,Action Common, case (xsd:IDREF)case?

9.2.1 The switch Element

This element contains one or morecase elements, any one of which is rendered at a given time.


This is separate from XFormsrelevant processing (see6.1.4 The relevant Property), which is based on the current state of the XForms Model. As an example, portions of a questionnaire pertaining to the user's automobile may become relevant only if the user has answered in the affirmative to the question 'Do you own a car?'.

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Although aswitch element receives events associated with model item properties of a bound node, such asxforms-readonly andxforms-invalid, no special behavior is imparted by theswitch onto the content elements in the selectedcase as a direct result of any model item property. The model item propertyrelevant of a bound data node can indirectly affect the content of the selectedcase via its contribution to deciding whether theswitch is relevant or non-relevant. The non-relevance of a switch is determined in the same way as it is forgroup and similarly applies to the entire content. Also, as withgroup, when aswitch becomes non-relevant, it must receive eventxforms-disabled and then the XForms action handlers that are listening for events on the non-relevantswitch must be disabled. As well, when a non-relevantswitch changes to being relevant, the XForms action handlers that listen for events on theswitch must become enabled and then theswitch must receive the eventxforms-enabled.


<switch>  <case selected="true">    <input ref="yourname">      <label>Please tell me your name</label>      <toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="out"/>    </input>  </case>  <case selected="false">    <html:p>Hello <output ref="yourname" />      <trigger>        <label>Edit</label>        <toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="in"/>      </trigger>    </html:p>  </case></switch>

The above results in the portion of the user interface contained in the firstcase being displayed initially. This prompts for the user's name; filling in a value andactivating the control e.g., by pressingenter results switches to the alternate case, with a read-onlyoutput rendering. Activating the trigger labeled "Edit" in turn switches back to the original case.

9.2.2 The case Element

This element encloses markup to be conditionally rendered. The content elements (e.g. form controls, groups, switches, repeats and host language elements) within a non-selectedcase behave as if they were in a non-relevantgroup (see9.1.1 The group Element). Similarly, content elements in acase that becomes selected behave as if they were in agroup that has become relevant. The attributeselected determines the initial selected state.

Common Attributes:Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional selection status for the case. The default value is"false".

If multiplecases within aswitch are marked asselected="true", the first selectedcase remains and all others are deselected. If none are selected, the first becomes selected.

9.3 The XForms Repeat Module

The XForms specification allows the definition of repeating structures such as multiple items within a purchase order. When defining the XForms Model, such higher-level collections are constructed out of basic building blocks; similarly, this section defines acontainer form control calledrepeat that can bind to data structures such as lists and collections and provide a user interface for each node of the list or collection.. The elements and attributes included in this module are:

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
repeatCommon,UI Common,Node Set Binding, startindex (xsd:positiveInteger), number (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)((Core Form Controls)|group|switch|repeat|Action)*
setindexCommon,Events,Action Common, repeat (xsd:IDREF), index (number XPath Expression)EMPTY
itemsetCommon,Node Set Bindinglabel, (value|copy), (UI Common)*
copyCommon,Single Node Binding (author-optional)EMPTY
(various)[repeat-nodeset, repeat-bind, repeat-model] (Node Set Binding attributes), repeat-startindex (xsd:positiveInteger), repeat-number (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)N/A

9.3.1 The repeat Element

This element defines a UI mapping over a node-set selected by Node Set Binding Attributes. This node-set is called arepeat collection.

For example:

Shopping Cart
<repeat nodeset="/cart/items/item">  <input ref="." ...>     <label>...</label>  </input>  <html:br/></repeat>

Common Attributes:Common,UI Common,Node Set Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional 1-based initial value of the repeat index. The default value is 1.


Author-optional hint to the XForms Processor as to how many elements from the collection to display.

This element operates over arepeat collection by binding the encapsulated user interface controls to each element of the collection. If an element of the collection is non-relevant, then the rendering approach used to signify non-relevance is applied to the associated user interface controls. Attributes on this element specify how many members of the collection are presented to the user at any given time. XForms Actionsinsert,delete, andsetindex can be used to operate on the collection—see10 XForms Actions. Another way to view repeat processing (disregarding special user interface interactions) is to consider "unrolling" the repeat. The above example is similar to the following (given fouritem elements in the returned node-set):

Repeat Unrolled
<!-- unrolled repeat -->  <input ref="/cart/items/item[1]"><label>...</label></input><html:br/>  <input ref="/cart/items/item[2]"><label>...</label></input><html:br/>  <input ref="/cart/items/item[3]"><label>...</label></input><html:br/>  <input ref="/cart/items/item[4]"><label>...</label></input><html:br/>
Repeat Collection
<model>  <instance>    <my:lines>      <my:line name="a">        <my:price>3.00</my:price>      </my:line>      <my:line name="b">        <my:price>32.25</my:price>      </my:line>      <my:line name="c">        <my:price>132.99</my:price>      </my:line>      </my:lines>  </instance></model>  ...<repeat nodeset="/my:lines/my:line">  <input ref="my:price">    <label>Line Item</label>  </input>  <input ref="@name">    <label>Name</label>  </input></repeat>        <trigger>  <label>Insert a new item after the current one</label>  <action ev:event="DOMActivate">    <insert nodeset="/my:lines/my:line" at="index('lineset')"      position="after"/>    <setvalue ref="/my:lines/my:line[index('lineset')]/@name"/>    <setvalue ref="/my:lines/my:line[index('lineset')]/price">0.00</setvalue>  </action>  </trigger>          <trigger>  <label>remove current item</label>  <delete ev:event="DOMActivate" nodeset="/my:lines/my:line"    at="index('lineset')"/></trigger>

9.3.2 Nested Repeats

The form controls appearing insiderepeat need to be suitable for populating individual items of the collection. A simple but powerful consequence of the above is that if the XForms Model specifies nested collections, then a corresponding user interface can nestrepeat elements.

It is possible to nest repeat elements to create more powerful user interface for editing structured data.H.2 Editing Hierarchical Bookmarks Using XForms is an example of a form using nested repeats to edit hierarchical data consisting of bookmarks within multiple sections. Consider the followinginsert statement that appears as part of that example.

Repeat Index and Nested Repeats
<xforms:insert nodeset="/bookmarks/section[index('repeatSections')]/bookmark"               at="index('repeatBookmarks')"               position="after"/>

The aboveinsert statement is used in that example to add new bookmark entries into thecurrently selected section. The inner (nested) repeat operates on bookmarks in this selected section; The index—as returned by XForms functionindex—for this inner repeat starts at1. Hence, after a new empty section of bookmarks is created and becomescurrent, the firstinsert bookmark operation adds the newly created bookmark at the front of the list.

9.3.3 Repeat Processing

The markup contained within the body of elementrepeat specifies the user interface to be generated for eachrepeat item of the underlying repeat collection. During user interface initialization (see4.2.2 The xforms-model-construct-done Event), the following steps are performed forrepeat:

  1. The Node Set Binding is evaluated to locate therepeat collection to be operated on by thisrepeat.

  2. Theindex for this repeating structure is initialized to the value ofstartindex. If the initialstartindex is less than 1 it defaults to 1. If the index is greater than the initial node-set then it defaults to the size of the node-set.

  3. User interface as specified by therepeat is generated for the requisite number of members of the collection as specified by attributes on elementrepeat.

For each node of the repeat collection, arepeat item is defined to be the aggregation of the node, its position, the size of the repeat collection, and arepeat object.

Arepeat object is an implicitly generatedgroup element that contains the set of run-time objects generated to represent the repeat template content for a single repeat item of therepeat collection. These run-time objects are form controls, XForms actions and other host language elements that correspond to elements in the repeat template.


The capture and bubble phases of events dispatched to the run-time objects behave as if the repeat object were a child of elementrepeat. The repeat template content, including action handlers, is made unavailable to the host language processor. Copies of the repeat template content, including Action handlers, are made available via the repeat objects.

Example: Handling an Event Dispatched to arepeat Element
<repeat ... >        ...</repeat><action ev:event="xforms-scroll-first" ev:target="X" ev:observer="X">   ...</action>

A new repeat item is created dynamically at any time in the lifecycle of the form (i.e. any time afterxforms-model-construct-done) whenever a new node is added to therepeat collection. There are many ways to add new nodes to arepeat collection, including but not limited to the following:

  • Aninsert action can add one or more nodes that match the repeat nodeset;

  • The new instance data subtree created by asubmission instance replacement may contain nodes that match the repeat nodeset;

  • Asetvalue action or acalculate may change a value that causes one or more nodes to match the repeat nodeset.

Any time a new repeat item is created, XML Event handlers declared within the corresponding repeat object are initialized, and the user interface form controls generated for the repeat object are initialized in the same manner as the user interface initialization that is performed during default processing ofxforms-model-construct-done. For example, if the repeat object contains an innerrepeat run-time object, then it is initialized according to the list of steps at the beginning of this section (9.3.3 Repeat Processing).

The processing model for repeating structures includes anindex that points to thecurrent repeat item in therepeat collection . This repeat index is accessed via XForms functionindex (7.7.5 The index() Function) and manipulated via XForms Actionsetindex (10.5 The setindex Element). This index can be used as a reference point forinsert anddelete actions. Notice that the contained XForms form controls inside elementrepeat do not explicitly specify the index of the collection entry being populated. This is intentional; it keeps both authoring as well as the processing model simple.

If one or more nodes have been added to the repeat collection by aninsert action, then the repeat items corresponding to the new nodes must be created and initialized, and the repeat index must be updated to indicate the repeat item corresponding to the last node added by theinsert.


The change of index on arepeat does not cause the index of anyrepeat nested within it to be re-initialized.

The repeat item generation and repeat index update on insertion must behave as if it occurs in response to thexforms-insert event dispatched by theinsert action. The index update must behave as if it occurs when thexforms-insert event reaches the parent of the targetinstance element in the capture phase.


An event handler that listens forxforms-insert oninstance in the default phase has access to the updated index value via functionindex().

A repeat item can also be destroyed dynamically at any time in the lifecycle of the form whenever a node is removed from therepeat collection. When a repeat item is destroyed, the repeat object and all of its inner form controls are eliminated, including inner repeats, switches and groups, and all XML Event handlers created by the repeat object are eliminated. There are many ways to remove repeat items from arepeat collection, including but not limited to the following:

  • Adelete action can remove nodes that matched the repeat nodeset;

  • The new instance data subtree created by asubmission instance replacement may replace nodes that matched the repeat nodeset;

  • Asetvalue action or acalculate may change a value that causes one or more nodes to stop matching the repeat nodeset.

If one or more nodes have been removed from the repeat collection by adelete action, then the repeat items corresponding to the deleted nodes must be destroyed and the repeat index must be updated based on the rules below.

  1. If, prior to node deletion, the repeat index indicated a repeat that is still contained in the repeat collection after node deletion, then the index is adjusted, if necessary, to indicate that same repeat item.

  2. Otherwise, if all repeat items in the collection have been destroyed, the repeat index is set to 0 .

  3. Otherwise, if the repeat index was pointing to one of the deleted repeat items, and if the new size of the collection is smaller than the index, the index is changed to the new size of the collection.

  4. Otherwise, if the repeat index was pointing to one of the deleted repeat items, and if the new size of the collection is equal to or greater than the index, the index is not changed.


The change of index on arepeat does not cause the index of anyrepeat nested within it to be re-initialized.

The repeat index update on deletion behaves as if it occurs in response to thexforms-delete event dispatched by thedelete action. Specifically, the index update behaves as if it occurs when thexforms-delete event reaches the parent of the targetinstance element in the capture phase.

9.3.4 User Interface Interaction

Elementrepeat enables the binding of user interaction to a node-set, referred to asrepeat collection. The number of displayed items might be less than the total number available in the collection. In this case, the presentation would render only a portion of the repeating items at a given time. For example, a graphical user interface might present a scrolling table. The current item indicated by the repeat index should be made available to the user at all times, for example, not allowed to scroll out of view. The XForms Actions enumerated at10 XForms Actions may be used within event listeners to manipulate therepeat collection being populated by scrolling, inserting, and deleting entries.

Notice that the markup encapsulated by elementrepeat acts as the template for the user interface that is presented to the user. As a consequence, statically authoredIDREF attributes must be interpreted based on a combination of repeat indexes and where the IDREF attributes appear relative to the element bearing the matching ID. Based on the IDREF resolution rules given in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms, it is possible to toggle thecase of aswitch even when it is within one or morerepeat elements. Similarly, it is possible to set the focus to controls and dispatch events to elements that are within one or morerepeat elements.

If the focus is transferred to a form control within arepeat by any means, such as by an XForms action or by user interaction, the index of therepeat is updated to indicate the item of therepeat collection that contains the control. If the repeat item containing the focused control contains any inner repeat objects, their indexes are not changed. However, the repeat index update is recursive for all outer repeats that contain the focused control; the index of each outer containingrepeat is adjusted appropriately. These changes of repeat index occurs as if by invoking thesetindex action.

9.3.5 Creating Repeating Structures Via Attributes

Elementrepeat enables the creation of user interfaces for populating repeating structures. When using XForms within host languages like XHTML, it is often necessary to create repeating structures within constructs such astable. Thus, one might wish to use elementrepeat within atable to create the rows of a table, where each row of the table binds to a distinct member of arepeat collection. Sincehtml:table doesn't (and perhaps never will) allowxforms:repeat elements as children, another syntax is needed.

Tables And Repeating Structures
<table>  <repeat nodeset="...">    <tr>      <td>...</td>      ...    </tr>  </repeat></table>

More generally, there is a need to integrate repeat behavior into host languages at points where the content model of the host language does not or cannot provide the appropriate extension hooks via modularization. To accommodate this, XForms defines an alternative syntax that is functionally equivalent to therepeat element, using the following attributes:


The above attributes are equivalent to therepeat attributes of the same name, but without the prefixrepeat-. A host language can include these attributes in the appropriate places to enable repeating constructs. For example, a version of XHTML might use:

Tables And Repeating Structures
<html:table xforms:repeat-nodeset="...">  <html:tr>    <html:td><xforms:output ref="..."/></html:td>  </html:tr></html:table>

Which could be validated against an appropriately configured XHTML Schema that includes the XForms Repeat module. Note that what gets repeated is the child elements of the element with therepeat- attributes.

Additionally, when using XForms Actionsetindex, attributerepeat of typeidref can point to any element carrying the repeat attributes. Similarly, when using functionindex against a repeating structure created via therepeat-attributes, theid of that element can be used as the argument to functionindex.

9.3.6 The itemset Element

This element allows the creation of dynamic selections within controlsselect andselect1, where the available choices are determined at run-time. The node-set that holds the available choices is specified via the Node Set Binding. Child elementslabel andvalue indirectly specify the label and storage values. Notice that the run-time effect ofitemset is the same as using elementchoices with childitem elements to statically author the available choices.

For each node of the Node Set Binding, an associateditem element is created. XForms Actions appearing in the content of anitemset are created within eachitem element, and the in-scope evaluation context for these XForms Actions is based on the node for which theitem was generated as described in Section7.2 Evaluation Context.


As with therepeat element, theitemset template content, including XForms Actions, is made unavailable. Copies of theitemset template content, including XForms Actions, are made available via repeateditem objects.

Common Attributes:Common,Node Set Binding


Whenever arefresh event is dispatched thenodeset is re-evaluated to update the list of available choices.

The following example shows elementitemset within controlselect to specify a dynamic list of ice cream flavors:

Dynamic Choice Of Ice Cream Flavors
<model>  <instance>    <my:icecream>      <my:order/>    </my:icecream>  </instance></model><model>  <instance>    <my:flavors>      <my:flavor type="v">        <my:description>Vanilla</my:description>      </my:flavor>      <my:flavor type="s">        <my:description>Strawberry</my:description>      </my:flavor>      <my:flavor type="c">        <my:description>Chocolate</my:description>      </my:flavor>    </my:flavors>  </instance></model><!-- user interaction markup --><select model="cone" ref="my:order">  <label>Flavors</label>  <itemset model="flavors" nodeset="/my:flavors/my:flavor">    <label ref="my:description"/>    <copy ref="my:description"/>  </itemset></select>          <!-- For all three items selected, this example produces instance data like     <my:icecream>       <my:order>  <my:description>Vanilla</my:description>  <my:description>Strawberry</my:description>  <my:description>Chocolate</my:description>           </my:order>     </my:icecream>-->

9.3.7 The copy Element

Structurally, this element is similar to8.3.3 The value Element. It differs in that it can only be used withinitemset, and that it works with subtrees of instance data rather than simple values.

Common Attributes:Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

If the single node binding attributes indicate a node in a model other than the bound node of the containing selection control, then anxforms-binding-exception must occur.. When acopy item is selected, the following rules apply:

  • The target node, selected by the binding attributes on the list form control, must be an element node, otherwise an exception results (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

  • The element node associated with theitem, selected by the binding attributes oncopy, is deep copied as a child of the target node by using aninsert action (10.3 The insert Element).

  • A full computational dependency rebuild is done, followed by recalculate, revalidate, and refresh.

When acopy item is deselected, the following rules apply:

  • The target node, selected by the binding attributes on the list form control, must be an element node, otherwise an exception results (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event).

  • The child element node associated with theitem, selected by the binding attributes oncopy, is deleted by using adelete action (10.4 The delete Element).

  • A full computational dependency rebuild, followed by recalculate, revalidate, and refresh.


If the target node of theselect orselect1 is readonly, then the insertion or deletion associated with the copy operation is not performed.

10 XForms Actions

This chapter defines the controller layer of XForms, an XML Events-based[XML Events] common set of actions that can be invoked in response to events.


XForms itself defines no method for script-based event handling. The definition of such facilities is a responsibility of the hosting language.

All form controls as well as other elements defined in this specification have a set of commonbehaviors that encourage consistent authoring and look and feel for XForms-based applications. This consistency comes from attaching a common set of behaviors to the various form controls. In conjunction with the event binding mechanism provided by XML Events, these handlers provide a flexible means for forms authors to specify event processing at appropriate points within the XForms user interface. XForms Actions are declarative XML event handlers that capture high-level semantics. As a consequence, they significantly enhance the accessibility of XForms-based applications in comparison to previous Web technologies that relied exclusively on scripting.

The elements and attributes included in this module are:

ElementAttributesMinimal Content Model
actionCommon,Events,Action Common(Action)*
setvalueCommon,Events,Action Common,Single Node Binding, value (string XPath Expression)PCDATA
insertCommon,Events,Action Common,Node Set Binding, context (node XPath Expresson), at (number XPath Expression), position ("before"|"after"), origin (nodeset XPath Expresson)EMPTY
deleteCommon,Events,Action Common,Node Set Binding, context (node XPath Expresson), at (number XPath Expression)EMPTY
setindexCommon,Events,Action Common, repeat (xsd:IDREF), index (number XPath Expression)EMPTY
toggleCommon,Events,Action Common, case (xsd:IDREF)case?
setfocusCommon,Events,Action Common, control (xsd:IDREF)control?
dispatchCommon,Events,Action Common, name (xsd:NMTOKEN), targetid (xsd:IDREF), delay (xsd:nonNegativeInteger), bubbles (xsd:boolean), cancelable (xsd:boolean)name?, targetid?, delay? [in any order]
rebuildCommon,Events,Action Common, model (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
recalculateCommon,Events,Action Common, model (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
revalidateCommon,Events,Action Common, model (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
refreshCommon,Events,Action Common, model (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
resetCommon,Events,Action Common, model (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
loadCommon,Events,Action Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional), resource (xsd:anyURI), show ("new" | "replace")resource?
sendCommon,Events,Action Common, submission (xsd:IDREF)EMPTY
messageCommon,Events,Action Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional), level ("ephemeral" | "modeless" | "modal"|QNameButNotNCName)(PCDATA|UI Inline)*

This module also defines the content set"Action", which includes the following elements:


The following group of attributes, here calledAction Common, are available to allAction elements:

Actionif (boolean XPath Expression), while (boolean XPath Expression)

Author-optional attribute defined in Section10.17 Conditional Execution of XForms Actions.


Author-optional attribute defined in Section10.18 Iteration of XForms Actions.

Additionally, this module defines the attribute group"XML Events", which includes all of the "global" attributes defined in the[XML Events] specification.

The following example shows how events can be used:

Action Syntax
<xforms:trigger>  <xforms:label>Reset</xforms:label>  <xforms:reset ev:event="DOMActivate" model="thismodel"/></xforms:trigger>

This example recreates the behavior of the HTMLreset control, which this specification does not define as an independent form control.

For each built-in XForms Action, this chapter lists the following:

Common Attributes
Special Attributes
Description of behavior

All elements defined in this chapter explicitly allow global attributes from the XML Events namespace, and apply the processing defined in that specification in section 2.3[XML Events].

Anoutermost action handler is an action that is activated when the XForms processor is not executing any other action handlers.

Aninner action handler is an action that is activated when the XForms processor is executing the declared actions of anoutermost action handler. An inner action handler may be within the content of the outermost action handler, or it may be executed as the response to an event dispatched while performing all of the actions initiated by theoutermost action handler.

Deferred Updates: Sequences of one or more XForms Actions have a deferred effect on XForms model and user interface processing. Implementations are free to use any strategy to accomplish deferred updates, but the end result must be as follows: Instance data changes performed by a set of actions do not result in immediate computation dependency rebuilding, recalculation, revalidate and form control refreshing until the termination of theoutermost action handler, as described here. Each XForms model can be thought of as having a set of deferred update Boolean flags, initiallyfalse at the start of anoutermost action handler, to indicate whether each of the actionsrebuild,recalculate,revalidate, andrefresh are required for that model upon termination of theoutermost action handler.

By default, the behavior of an action handler is performed one time when the action is encountered in the execution sequence. However, execution of an action handler may be conditional or iterated, as described in10.17 Conditional Execution of XForms Actions and10.18 Iteration of XForms Actions.

Execution of anoutermost action handler begins by setting the XForms processor into the state of executing anoutermost action handler. Theoutermost action handler is then performed, which may include the execution ofinner action handlers. Finally, the XForms processor is set into the state of not executing anoutermost action handler and then the deferred update is performed for each model.

Thedeferred update behavior for a model consists of examining each deferred update Boolean flag in the order ofrebuild,recalculate,revalidate, andrefresh, and for eachtrue flag, set the flag tofalse and then dispatch the proper event to the model for that deferred update flag (i.e. dispatchxforms-rebuild for a truerebuild flag,xforms-recalculate for a truerecalculate flag,xforms-revalidate for a truerevalidate flag, andxforms-refresh for a truerefresh flag).


The XForms processor is not considered to be executing anoutermost action handler at the time that it performs deferred update behavior for XForms models. Therefore, event handlers for events dispatched to the user interface during the deferred refresh behavior are considered to be newoutermost action handler.

Actions that manipulate properties of the XForms view layer begin by invoking thedeferred update behavior so that the model and all data are up to date prior to performing the action. The XForms Actions in this category are:


Actions that directly invoke rebuild, recalculate, revalidate, or refresh always have an immediate effect, and clear the corresponding deferred update flag. The XForms Actions in this category are:


Similarly, if the default processing of any of the eventsxforms-rebuild,xforms-recalculate,xforms-revalidate, orxforms-refresh are performed, then the corresponding deferred update flag is cleared. The XForms Actions that can dispatch these events are:


XForms Actions that change the tree structure of instance data result in setting all four deferred update flags totrue for the model over which they operate. The XForms Actions in this category are:


XForms Actions that change only the value of an instance node results in setting the deferred update flags forrecalculate,revalidate, andrefresh totrue and making no change to the deferred update flag forrebuild for the model over which they operate. The XForms Actions in this category are:


Finally, the XFormssubmission process can affect deferred update behavior. See Section11.2 The xforms-submit Event for details. XForms actions that are capable of initiating an XForms submission are:


10.1 The action Element

This action causes its child actions to be invoked in the order that they are specified in the document.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Grouping Actions
<trigger>  <label>Click me</label>  <action ev:event="DOMActivate">    <reset model="thismodel"/>    <setvalue ref="."/>  </action></trigger>

10.2 The setvalue Element

This action explicitly sets the value of the specified instance data node. This action has no effect if the Single Node Binding does not select an instance data node or if a readonly instance data node is selected. Anxforms-binding-exception occurs if the Single Node Binding indicates a node whose content is not simpleContent (i.e., a node that has element children).

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common,Single Node Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate, with the result stored in the selected instance data node. The evaluation context for this XPath expression is the result from the Single Node Binding. To obtain the value, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

The element content ofsetvalue specifies the literal value to set; this is an alternative to specifying a computed value via attributevalue. If neither avalue attribute nor text content are present, the effect is to set the value of the selected node to the empty string (""). If both are present, thevalue attribute is used. The following examples contrast these approaches:

setvalue with Expression
<setvalue bind="put-here" value="a/b/c"/>

This causes the string value ata/b/c in the instance data to be placed on the single node selected by the bind element withid="put-here".

setvalue with Literal
<setvalue bind="put-here">literal string</setvalue>

This causes the value "literal string" to be placed on the single node selected by the bind element withid="put-here".


See Section7.10.4 The context() Function for an example in which thecontext() function is used to provide the same initial evaluation context node to both theref andvalue attributes. See AppendixB Patterns for Data Mutations for numerous further usage patterns forsevalue,insert anddelete.

All strings are inserted into the instance data as follows:

  • Element nodes: If element child nodes are present, then anxforms-binding-exception occurs. Otherwise, regardless of how many child nodes the element has, the result is that the string becomes the new content of the element. In accord with the data model of[XPath 1.0], the element will have either a single non-empty text node child, or no children string was empty.

  • Attribute nodes: The string-value of the attribute is replaced with a string corresponding to the new value.

  • Text nodes: The text node is replaced with a new one corresponding to the new value, or the text node is eliminated if the new value is the empty string.

  • Namespace, processing instruction, and comment nodes: behavior is undefined (implementation-dependent).

  • the XPath root node: anxforms-binding-exception occurs.


This action affectsdeferred updates by setting the deferred update flags for recalculate, revalidate and refresh.

10.3 Theinsert Element

Theinsert action is used to create one or more nodes of instance data by cloning one or more existing instance nodes. Attributes of theinsert action specify the node or nodes to be cloned and the location within instance data where the clones will appear. The clones are deep copies of the original nodes except the contents of nodes of typexsd:ID are modified to remain as unique values in the instance data after the clones are inserted.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common,Node Set Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context. If themodel attribute is present, then it is processed as described in7.2 Evaluation Context before evaluating this attribute. The Node Set Binding is required unless this attribute is present. The result of the XPath expression is used to override the in-scope evaluation context. If the result is an empty nodeset or not a nodeset, then the insert action is terminated with no effect. Otherwise, the first node of the nodeset is used as the new in-scope evaluation context node, and the context position and size are set to 1. By adjusting the in-scope evaluation context, this attribute affects the subsequent evaluation of many other attributes that can appear oninsert, includingif,while,nodeset andorigin.


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context , which may have been amended by thecontext attribute. Theorigin node-set is the set of one or more nodes to be cloned by theinsert action. If this attribute is present and resolves to a non-empty nodeset, then the result overrides the default setting of theorigin node-set as described below in the processing of theinsert action.


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression evaluated using the Node Set Binding node-set to help determine theinsert location node. This attribute is ignored if the Node Set Binding is not specified or specifies an empty node-set. Theinsert location node is a node within the Node Set Binding node-set that is used to help determine where in the instance to insert each node cloned by theinsert. If this attribute is present, then its result is used to override the default setting of theinsert location node as described below in the processing of theinsert action.


Author-optional selector that indicates where to put the cloned node or nodes relative to theinsert location node. Valid values arebefore andafter, and the latter is the default. This attribute is ignored if the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty. If the node at theinsert location node within the Node Set Binding node-set is the document element of an instance, then this attribute is ignored.

Processing for theinsert action is as follows:

  1. Theinsert context is determined. If thecontext attribute is not given, theinsert context is the in-scope evaluation context. Otherwise, the XPath expression provided by thecontext attribute is evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context, and the first node rule is applied to obtain theinsert context. Theinsert action is terminated with no effect if theinsert context is the empty node-set.

  2. The Node Set Binding node-set is determined. If abind attribute is present, it directly determines the Node Set Binding node-set. If anodeset attribute is present, it is evaluated within theinsert context to determine the Node Set Binding node-set. If the Node Set Binding attributes are not present, then the Node Set Binding node-set is the empty node-set. Theinsert action is terminated with no effect if any of the following conditions is true:

    1. Thecontext attribute is not given and the Node Set Binding node-set is the empty node-set.

    2. Thecontext attribute is given, theinsert context does not evaluate to an element node and the Node Set Binding node-set is the empty node-set.

  3. Theorigin node-set is determined. If theorigin attribute is not given and the Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then theorigin node-set is the empty node-set. Otherwise, if theorigin attribute is not given, then theorigin node-set consists of the last node of the Node Set Binding node-set. If theorigin attribute is given, theorigin node-set is the result of the evaluation of theorigin attribute in theinsert context. Namespace nodes and root nodes (parents of document elements) are removed from theorigin node-set. Theinsert action is terminated with no effect if theorigin node-set is the empty node-set.

  4. Theinsert location node is determined. If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, theinsert location node is theinsert context node. Otherwise, if theat attribute is not given, then theinsert location node is the last node of the Node Set Binding node-set. Otherwise, aninsert location node is determined from theat attribute as follows:

    1. The evaluation context node is the first node in document order from the Node Set Binding node-set, the context size is the size of the Node Set Binding node-set, and the context position is1.

    2. The return value is processed according to the rules of the XPath functionround(). For example, the literal1.5 becomes2, and the literal'string' becomesNaN.

    3. If the result is in the range 1 to the Node Set Binding node-set size, then theinsert location is equal to the result. If the result is non-positive, then theinsert location is1. Otherwise, the result isNaN or exceeds the Node Set Binding node-set size, so theinsert location is the Node Set Binding node-set size.

    4. Theinsert location node is the node in the Node Set Binding node-set at the position given by theinsert location.

  5. Theinsert action is terminated with no effect if the insertion will create nodes whose parent is readonly. This occurs if theinsert location node is readonly and the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, or otherwise if the parent of theinsert location node is readonly.

  6. Each node in theorigin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in theorigin node-set.

  7. Thetarget location of each of the cloned nodes is determined as follows:

    1. If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, then theinsert location node provided by thecontext attribute is intended to be the parent of the cloned node. Thetarget location is dependent on the types of the cloned node and theinsert location node as follows:

      • If theinsert location node is not an element node or root node, then it cannot be the parent of the cloned node, so thetarget location is undefined.

      • If theinsert location node is the root node of an instance (which is the parent of the root element), and the cloned node is an element, then thetarget location is the root element of the instance.

      • If theinsert location node is the root node of an instance (which is the parent of the root element), and the cloned node is not an element, then thetarget location is before the first child of theinsert location node.

      • If theinsert location node is an element, and the cloned node is an attribute, then thetarget location is the attribute list of theinsert location node.

      • If theinsert location node is an element, and the cloned node is not an attribute, then thetarget location is before the first child of theinsert location node, or the child list of theinsert location node if it is empty.

    2. Otherwise, the Node Set Binding node-set is specified and non-empty, so theinsert location node provided by the Node Set Binding and author-optionalat attribute is intended to be the sibling of the cloned node. If theinsert location node is an attribute or root node, then thetarget location is undefined. If theinsert location node is not an attribute or root node, then thetarget location is immediately before or after theinsert location node, based on theposition attribute setting or its default.

  8. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned into theirtarget locations depending on their node type. If the parent node of the target location is the instance root node (which is the parent of the root document element of the instance), and if the cloned node is an element, then the instance root element is deleted before the cloned node is inserted at the target location. If the cloned node is a duplicate of another attribute in its parent element, then either the duplicate attribute is first removed or the existing attribute value is updated. If a cloned node cannot be placed at thetarget location due to a node type conflict or because thetarget location is undefined, then the insertion for that particular cloned node is ignored. Each cloned node that is inserted is added to theinserted-nodes list that will be provided in thexforms-insert event context information. For each cloned node used to update an existing attribute node, the existing attribute node is added to the list ofinserted-nodes.


    A node type conflict is a mismatch between the XPath node type and thetarget location. For example, an attribute cannot be inserted as a sibling before or after an element.

  9. If the list ofinserted-nodes is empty, then theinsert action is terminated with no effect.

  10. The XForms action system's deferred update flags for rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh are set.

  11. Theinsert action is successfully completed by dispatching thexforms-insert event with appropriate context information.


    Arepeat updates its index in response to this event if its repeat collection changes size as a result of the insertion. See Section9.3.3 Repeat Processing for details.


This action affectsdeferred updates by setting the deferred update flags for rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh.


Inserting into arepeat, whether or not it is empty

When therepeat is empty, theat index is zero so a newitem is prepended to the child elements ofpurchaseOrder. When therepeat is non-empty, the newitem is added after the node currently indexed by repeatR.

...<xforms:instance>   <purchaseOrder xmlns="">        <subtotal/>        <tax/>        <total/>   </purchaseOrder></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">       ...       <item>           <product/>           <quantity/>           <unitcost/>           <price/>       </item>       ...    </prototypes></xforms:instance>...<repeat nodeset="/purchaseOrder/item">   ...</repeat>...<xforms:trigger>  <xforms:label>Add to purchase order</xforms:label>  <xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate>    <xforms:insert context="/purchaseOrder" nodeset="item" at="index('R')" origin="instance('prototypes')/item"/>    <xforms:setfocus control="R"/>  </xforms:action></xforms:trigger>
Insert and Read-Only Content
<model xmlns:my="">  <instance>    <my:data>      <my:name>        <my:first-name>John</my:first-name>        <my:last-name>Doe</my:last-name>      </my:name>      <my:address>        <my:street>123 Main St.</my:street>        <my:city>Smallville</my:city>      </my:address>    </my:data>  </instance>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:name/" readonly="true()"/>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:address/my:street" readonly="true()"/>  <action ev:event="xforms-model-construct-done">      <insert nodeset="my:name/*" ... />      <insert nodeset="my:address/my:street" at="1" >  </action></model>

Insert I1 fails because it attempts to insert into the content of a readonly node (my:name). Insert I2 succeeds even though the insert location is a readonly node because the new node is placed as a sibling into the content of the parent, which is not readonly.

See10.4 The delete Element for an example that usesinsert anddelete to make arepeat that always shows at least one repeat item. See AppendixB Patterns for Data Mutations for numerous further usage patterns forsevalue,insert anddelete.

10.4 Thedelete Element

This action deletes one or more nodes from instance data.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common,Node Set Binding

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context. If themodel attribute is present, then it is processed as described in7.2 Evaluation Context before evaluating this attribute. The Node Set Binding is required unless this attribute is present. The result of the XPath expression is used to override the in-scope evaluation context. If the result is an empty nodeset or not a nodeset, then thedelete action is terminated with no effect. Otherwise, the first node of the nodeset is used as the new in-scope evaluation context node, and the context position and size are set to 1. By adjusting the in-scope evaluation context, this attribute affects the evaluation of subsequent attributes that may appear ondelete, includingif,while, andnodeset.


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression evaluated using the Node Set Binding node-set to determine thedelete location. If the Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then this attribute is ignored.

Processing for thedelete action is as follows:

  1. Thedelete context is determined. It is set to the in-scope evaluation context, possibly overridden by thecontext attribute if that attribute is present. Thedelete action is terminated with no effect if thedelete context is the empty node-set.

  2. The Node Set Binding node-set is determined. If abind attribute is present, it directly determines the Node Set Binding node-set. If anodeset attribute is present, it is evaluated within thedelete context to determine the Node Set Binding node-set. The behavior of thedelete action is undefined if the Node Set Binding node-set contains nodes from more than oneinstance. Thedelete action is terminated with no effect if the Node Set Binding is expressed and the Node Set Binding node-set is the empty node-set. Otherwise, the Node Set Binding is not expressed, so the Node Set Binding node-set is set equal to the delete context node with a position and size of 1.

  3. Thedelete location is determined. If theat attribute is not specified, there is nodelete location. Otherwise, thedelete location is determined by evaluating the XPath expression specified by theat attribute as follows:

    1. The evaluation context node is the first node in document order from the Node Set Binding node-set, the context size is the size of the Node Set Binding node-set, and the context position is1.

    2. The return value is processed according to the rules of the XPath functionround(). For example, the literal1.5 becomes2, and the literal'string' becomesNaN.

    3. If the result is in the range 1 to the Node Set Binding node-set size, then thedelete location is equal to the result. If the result is non-positive, then thedelete location is1. Otherwise, if the result isNaN or exceeds the Node Set Binding node-set size, thedelete location is the Node Set Binding node-set size.

  4. If there is nodelete location, each node in the Node Set Binding node-set is deleted, except if the node is a readonly node, a namespace node, a root node, or the root document element of an instance, then that particular node is not deleted. Otherwise, if there is adelete location, the node at thedelete location in the Node Set Binding node-set is deleted, except if the node is the root document element of an instance or has a readonly parent node, then that node is not deleted. The delete action is terminated with no effect if no node is deleted.

  5. The XForms action system's deferred update flags for rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh are set.

  6. Thedelete action is successfully completed by dispatching thexforms-delete event with appropriate context information.


This action affectsdeferred updates by setting the deferred update flags for rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh.


Usingdelete andinsert to Maintain a Non-empty repeatrepeat

In this example, thetrigger is not in therepeat. When it is activated, the indexeditem in the repeat is first deleted. Next, if that was the lastitem, then a new prototypicalitem is inserted so that therepeat does not become empty. The focus is then sent back to therepeat from thetrigger.

...<xforms:trigger>  <xforms:label>Delete from purchase order</xforms:label>  <xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate">    <xforms:delete context="/purchaseOrder" nodeset="item" at="index('R')"/>    <xforms:insert context="/purchaseOrder" if="not(item)"                   nodeset="item" origin="instance('prototypes')/item"/>    <xforms:setfocus control="R"/>  </xforms:action></xforms:trigger>


The form author could have writtennodeset="/purchaseOrder/item" in thedelete action, but thecontext attribute was added for consistency with theinsert action.

Delete and Read-Only Content
<model xmlns:my="">  <instance>    <my:data>      <my:name>        <my:first-name>John</my:first-name>        <my:last-name>Doe</my:last-name>      </my:name>      <my:address>        <my:street>123 Main St.</my:street>        <my:city>Smallville</my:city>      </my:address>    </my:data>  </instance>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:name/" readonly="true()"/>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:address/my:street" readonly="true()"/>  <action ev:event="xforms-model-construct-done">      <delete nodeset="my:name/*" ... />      <delete nodeset="my:address/my:street" at="1" >      <delete nodeset="my:address" at="1" >  </action></model>

Delete D1 fails because it attempts to delete from the content of a readonly node (my:name). Delete D2 succeeds even though the node to delete is readonly because the node is not being changed, but rather removed from the content of the parent, which is not readonly. Delete D3 succeeds even though it contains a readonly node because a node can be deleted if its parent is not readonly, and node deletion includes deletion of its attributes and content, regardless of whether or not the attributes or content nodes are readonly.

See AppendixB Patterns for Data Mutations for numerous further usage patterns forsevalue,insert anddelete.

10.5 The setindex Element

This XForms Action begins by invoking thedeferred update behavior. This action then marks a specific item as current in a repeating sequence (within9.3.1 The repeat Element).

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Required reference to a repeating element.


Required XPath expression that evaluates to a 1-based offset into the sequence. The evaluation context is determined in the same manner as the evaluation context for a Single-Node Binding (see7.2 Evaluation Context).

If the selected index is 0 or less, anxforms-scroll-first event is dispatched and the index is set to 1. If the selected index is greater than the index of the last repeat item, anxforms-scroll-last event is dispatched and the index is set to that of the last item. If the index evaluates to NaN the action has no effect.


The IDREF from therepeat attribute may not uniquely identify the desiredrepeat if therepeat element bearing the matching ID resides within the content of anotherrepeat. The general method described in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired run-time repeat object.


This action affectsdeferred updates by performing deferred update in its initialization and by setting the deferred update flags for recalculate, revalidate and refresh.

10.6 The toggle Element

This XForms Action begins by invoking thedeferred update behavior. This action then selects one possible case from an exclusive list of alternatives in aswitch.

This action performs the following:

  1. Dispatches anxforms-deselect event to the currently selectedcase in theswitch containing the identifiedcase.

  2. Adjusts theselected states (not the attribute values) on the affected cases to reflect the new state of theswitch containing the identifiedcase.

  3. Dispatches anxform-select event to thecase just selected.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional reference to acase element. Thecase to select is specified by this attribute or by the child elementcase.

Thecase to be selected by theswitch is identified by IDREF either by the attributecase or by a childcase element. If nocase element contains the given identifier, then this action has no effect.


Whether the IDREF is obtained from thecase attribute or element, the IDREF may not uniquely identify the desiredcase if thecase element bearing the matching ID resides in a repeating construct such as elementrepeat. The general method described in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired run-time case object.


This action affectsdeferred updates by performing deferred update in its initialization.

10.6.1 The case Element Child of the toggle Element

This section defines a child element oftoggle namedcase that is an alternate means of providing the identity of acase element to select with aswitch.


Common attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain thecase identity, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

Thecase to be selected by thetoggle action is given by thecase attribute or thecase element. If both are given, the element takes precedence. Due to the addition of the element, thecase attribute is no longer required, but either thecase attribute or thecase element must appear. Thecase element can provide the identity of acase with either its string content or thevalue attribute. If both are given, then thevalue attribute takes precedence.

<toggle><case value="concat('case_', ../addressBlockType)"/></toggle>

10.7 The setfocus Element

This XForms Action begins by invoking thedeferred update behavior. This action then dispatches anxforms-focus event (4.3.7 The xforms-focus Event) to the element identified by attributecontrol or child elementcontrol.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional reference to aform control. The form control is specified by this attribute or by the child elementcontrol.

The identity of the element to which thesetfocus action dispatchesxforms-focus is given by thecontrol attribute or thecontrol element. If no such element contains the given identifier, then this action has no effect.


Whether the IDREF is obtained from thecontrol attribute or element, the IDREF may not uniquely identifythe desired form control if the element bearing the matching ID resides in a repeating construct such as elementrepeat. The general method described in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired form control.


Changing the focus to a form control within a repeat object may cause one or more repeat index values to be changed as described in Section9.3.4 User Interface Interaction.

10.7.1 The control Element Child of the setfocus Element

This section defines a child element ofsetfocus namedcontrol that is an alternate means of providing the element that receives thexforms-focus event.


Common attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain thedesired element identifier, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The identity of the element to which thesetfocus action dispatchesxforms-focus is given by thecontrol attribute or thecontrol element. If both are given, the element takes precedence. Due to the addition of the element, thecontrol attribute is no longer required, but either thecontrol attribute or thecontrol element must appear. Thecontrol element can provide the desired element identifier with either its string content or thevalue attribute. If both are given, then thevalue attribute takes precedence.

<setfocus><control value="concat('input_', ../paymentType)"/></setfocus>

10.8 The dispatch Element

This action dispatches an XML Event to a specific target element. Two kinds of event can be dispatched:

  1. Predefined XForms events (i.e., xforms-event-name), in which case thebubbles andcancelable attributes are ignored and the standard semantics as defined in4 Processing Model apply.

  2. An event created by the XForms author with no predefined XForms semantics and as such not handled by default by the XForms Processor.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute for specifying the name of the event to dispatch.


Author-optional attribute for specifying the reference to the event target.


Author-optional attribute that indicates the minimum number of milliseconds to delay dispatching of the event to the target. The default is the empty string, which indicates no delay.


Author-optional attribute containing a boolean indicating if this event bubbles—as defined in[DOM2 Events]. The default value istrue for a custom event. For predefined events, this attribute has no effect.


Author-optional attribute containing a boolean indicating if this event is cancelable—as defined in[DOM2 Events]. The default value istrue for a custom event. For predefined events, this attribute has no effect.

The event to be dispatched is given by thename attribute or thename child element.Due to the addition of thename element, thename attribute is not required, but either thename attribute or thename element must appear.If the event name is not specified or empty string, then this action has no effect.

The element to which the event is to be dispatched is identified by thetargetid attribute or thetargetid chlid element. Due to the addition of thetargetid element, thetargetid attribute is not required, but this action has no effect unless the target identifier is specified by the element or attribute.For backwards compatibility with documents created for earlier versions of the specification, the processor of thedispatch elementmay allow the attribute namedtarget and the child elementtarget to be used. The attribute and element namedtarget provide exactly the same behaviors as thetargetid attribute and element, except that thetarget attribute and element are ignored if thedispatch element also bears atargetid attribute or contains atargetid child element.


Whether the IDREF is obtained from thetargetid attribute ortargetid element, the IDREF may not uniquely identify the desired target object if the element bearing the matching ID resides in a repeating construct such as elementrepeat. The general method described in4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired target object.

The event may be dispatched immediately or after a specified non-negative number of milliseconds of delay. The event delay is specified thedelay attribute or by the child elementdelay. If the delay is not specified or if the given value does not conform toxsd:nonNegativeInteger, then the event is dispatched immediately as the result of thedispatch action. Otherwise, the specified event is added to the delayed event queue unless an event with the same name and target element already exists on the delayed event queue. Thedispatch action has no effect if the event delay is a non-negative integer and the specified event is already in the delayed event queue.


Since an element bearing a particular ID may be repeated, the delayed event queue may contain more than oneevent with the same name and target IDREF. It is the name and the targetrun-time element that must be unique.

If a run-time element is destroyed, then any delayed events targeted at that element are removed from the delayed event queue. A run-time element may be destroyed for a number of reasons, including shutdown of the form or removal of form controls associated by arepeat with an instance data node that is destroyed.

As soon as possible after the specified delay in milliseconds has elapsed, the event is removed from the delayed event queue and then dispatched. In the same manner used to handle user-generated events or the completion of an asynchronous submission, the dispatch and processing of delayed events is done without interrupting the processing of another event and its event handlers.


Because the delayed event is first removed from the delayed event queue and then dispatched, a handler for a givenevent may dispatch the event again with a delay. This can be used to perform simple polling and asynchronous looping operations. Moreover, theif attribute can be applied to thedispatch action to decide when to discontinue the polling or looping based on a setting in instance data.

10.8.1 The name Child Element

This section defines a new child element ofdispatch that provides an alternate means of specifying thename of the event to dispatch.


Common attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain theevent name, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The event name of thedispatch action is given by thename attribute or thename element. If both are given, the element takes precedence. Thename element can provide the event name with either its string content or thevalue attribute. If both are given, then thevalue attribute takes precedence.

10.8.2 The targetid Child Element

This section defines a new child element ofdispatch that provides an alternate means of specifying thetarget of the event to be dispatched.


Common attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain theevent target, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The event target of thedispatch action is given by thetargetid attribute or thetargetid element. If both are given, the element takes precedence. Thetargetid element can provide an IDREF for the event target with either its string content or thevalue attribute. If both are given, then thevalue attribute takes precedence.

10.8.3 The delay Child Element

This section defines a new child element ofdispatch that provides an alternate means of specifying thedelay imposed on the event to be dispatched.


Common attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain theevent delay, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. Ifthe result does not conform lexically toxsd:nonNegativeInteger, then the result of empty string is used.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The event delay of thedispatch action is given by thedelay attribute or thedelay element. If both are given, the element takes precedence. Thedelay element can provide the delay with either its string content or thevalue attribute. If both are given, then thevalue attribute takes precedence.

10.9 The rebuild Element

This action causes the default processing ofxforms-rebuild to happen, bypassing the normal event flow (i.e. the behavior occurs without dispatching thexforms-rebuild event). This action results in the XForms Processor rebuilding any internal data structures used to track computational dependencies among instance data nodes —see4.3.1 The xforms-rebuild Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional XForms Model selector, as defined in3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes. If this attribute is omitted, then the default is themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node.


This action affectsdeferred updates.

10.10 The recalculate Element

This action causes the default processing ofxforms-recalculate to happen, bypassing the normal event flow (i.e. the behavior occurs without dispatching thexforms-recalculate event). As a result, instance data nodes whose values need to be recalculated are updated as specified in the processing model—see4.3.2 The xforms-recalculate Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional XForms Model selector, as defined in3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes. If this attribute is omitted, then the default is themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node.


This action affectsdeferred updates.

10.11 The revalidate Element

This action causes the default processing ofxforms-revalidate to happen, bypassing the normal event flow (i.e. the behavior occurs without dispatching thexforms-revalidate event). This results in the instance data being revalidated as specified by the processing model—see4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional XForms Model selector, as defined in3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes. If this attribute is omitted, then the default is themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node.


This action affectsdeferred updates.

10.12 The refresh Element

This action causes the default processing ofxforms-refresh to happen, bypassing the normal event flow (i.e. the behavior occurs without dispatching thexforms-refresh event). This action results in the XForms user interface beingrefreshed, and the presentation of user interface controls being updated to reflect the state of the underlying instance data—see4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional XForms Model selector, as defined in3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes. If this attribute is omitted, then the default is themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node.


This action affectsdeferred updates.

10.13 The reset Element

This action initiates reset processing by dispatching anxforms-reset event to the specifiedmodel. Processing of eventxforms-reset is defined in the processing model—see4.3.5 The xforms-reset Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional XForms Model selector, as defined in3.2.3 Single-Node Binding Attributes. If this attribute is omitted, then the default is themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context node.


This action affectsdeferred updates.

10.14 The load Element

This action traverses the specified link.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common,Single-Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute. Link to an external resource to load.


Author-optional link behavior specifier. The allowed values are "replace" and "new". If this attribute is missing, a default value of "replace" is assumed.

The URI specifying the link to traverse may be pointed to by the Single Node Binding attributes, if given, or by theresource attribute or thename child element. Individually, the Single Node Binding,resource element andresource attribute are not required. If none are given, the action has no effect. If the Single Node Binding is present and does not select an instance data node, then this action has no effect. If the Single Node Binding is given in addition to one of theresource attribute orresource element, then the action has no effect.

The URI obtained in this manner is treated as a link to an external resource, defined as an[XLink 1.0] link between theload element and the remote resource indicated. No XLinkactuate value is defined, since control of actuation is defined by XML Events. The XLinkshow value depends on theshow attribute.

The link indidicated by the URI obtained above is traversed. If the link traversal fails, then an implementation-specific means of conveying the link traversal failure occurs. Otherwise, processing for the document (or portion of the document) reached by traversing the link is specified by theshow attribute. The following are the possible values for theshow attribute and the corresponding processing behaviors:


The document is loaded into a new presentation context, e.g., a new window. Form processing in the original window continues.


The document is loaded into the current window. Form processing is interrupted, exactly as if the user had manually requested navigating to a new document.

10.14.1 The resource Element child of load

When it appears as the first child element ofload, theresource element provides the URI of the link, overriding theresource attribute. As stated above, theload action has no effect if both aresource and a Single Node Binding are given. This element allows the URI used by theload to be dynamically calculated based on instance data.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain theURI, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function.An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The URI to be used by theload can be specified with either thevalue attribute or the string content of theresource element. If both are specified, then thevalue attribute takes precedence. If theload does not have aresource element as its first child, then the URI is obtained from theresource attribute or the Single Node Binding, if given.

10.15 The send Element

This action initiates submit processing by dispatching anxforms-submit event. Processing of eventxforms-submit is defined in the processing model—see4.3.9 The xforms-submit Event.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing a reference to asubmission element. If this attribute is given but does not identify asubmission element, then thesend action has no effect. If this attribute is omitted, then the firstsubmission in document order from themodel associated with the in-scope evaluation context is used.

10.16 The message Element

This action encapsulates a message to be displayed to the to the user.

Common Attributes:Common,Events,Action Common,Single Node Binding (author-optional)

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing a message level identifier, one of ("ephemeral"|"modeless"|"modal"|QNameButNotNCName). The default is "modal" if the attribute is not specified. This specification does not define behavior forQNameButNotNCName values.

The message specified can exist in instance data or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, inline text.

The user interface for themessage action is considered to be created at the time the action occurs. If the message is obtained from the inline content of themessage action, then the output of anyoutput controls in themessage content is determined based on the instance data available when themessage action occurs. For example, the following example displays the messageHello, world! as the form starts up:

<model>     <instance>         <data xmlns="">             <name>John</name>         </data>     </instance>        <action ev:event="xforms-ready">         <setvalue ref="name">world</setvalue>         <message level="modal">Hello, <output ref="name"/>!</message>  ...</action></model>

In this example, the message includes the latest user input even though other form controls not in themessage action are not guaranteed to be updated until the end of thexforms-refresh event processing:

<input ref="birthday">     <label>Enter birthday:</label>     <message ev:event="xforms-invalid"><output ref="."/> isn't a valid birthday</message></input>


Due to deferred update behavior, if amessage action is preceded in an action sequence by other actions that change instance nodes, and the message references nodes that are computationally dependent on the changed nodes, then the form author should invoke therecalculate action before themessage action. Moreover, if the computational dependencies involved nodes that were inserted or deleted, then the form author should invokerebuild prior to therecalculate.

A graphical browser might render a modal message as follows:

<model>  <message level="modal" ev:event="xforms-ready">This is not a drill!</message>  ...</model>

An alert popup, with a helpful error message.

A modeless message is the foundation for displaying ahelp message, which a graphical browser might render as follows:

<secret ref="/login/password">  <label>Password</label>  <help>Have you forgotten your password? Simply call 1-900-555-1212 and have        a major credit card handy.</help></secret>

A password entry form control, with a popup window below, displaying instructions for retrieving a forgotten password

An ephemeral message is the foundation for displaying ahint message, which a graphical browser might render as follows:

<input ref="po/address/street1">  <label>Street</label>  <hint>Please enter the number and street name</hint></input>

An average-looking text entry form control, with a mouse pointer visible and a tooltip below, reading 'Please enter the number and street name'

10.17 Conditional Execution of XForms Actions

Theif attribute can be added to any XForms action. It contains an[XPath 1.0] expression that is evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context before the action is executed. The result of the expression is converted to aboolean as if converted with theboolean() function defined by the[XPath 1.0] specification. If the converted result of the expression evaluates tofalse, then the action is not performed. If the converted result istrue, then the action is performed.

If this attribute is applied to an XFormsaction element and the converted result of evaluation isfalse, then all of the actions within theaction element are omitted from the executionof the XForms action sequence that invoked theaction element. If the result istrue,then the contained actions are performed according to the normal processing rules such as deferred update behaviorand applicability of conditional and iterative attributes.


In actionsinsert anddelete, the attributecontext is evaluated before theif attribute.

Automatic Focus Advancement

Thesetfocus action in each input control is executed only if the node bound to the controlis a number of a particular length. The exacting form author could perform further validity tests.

...<input ref="areaCode" incremental="true"><label>Area Code</label><setfocus ev:event="xforms-value-changed" control="ExchangeControl" if="string-length(.)=3 and . > 0"/></input><input ref="exchange" incremental="true"><label>Exchange</label><setfocus ev:event="xforms-value-changed" control="LocalControl" if="string-length(.)=3 and . > 0"/></input><input ref="local" incremental="true"><label>Local</label><setfocus ev:event="xforms-value-changed" control="ExtensionControl" if="string-length(.)=4 and . > 0"/></input>...
Handling Focus for Empty Repeats

The trigger that performs a delete conditionally sets the focus to a control outside of the repeat ifthe repeat becomes empty due to the deletion. Thesetfocus is called first because thedelete removes the context node.

...<trigger><label>Insert Row</label><action ev:event="DOMActivate"><insert context="purchaseOrder/lines" nodeset="line" at="index('PurchaseOrderRepeat')" origin="instance('prototype')"/><setfocus control="PurchaseOrderRepeat"/></action></trigger><repeat nodeset="purchaseOrder/lines/line">...<trigger><label>Delete Row</label><action ev:event="DOMActivate"><setfocus control="InsertControl" if="last()=1"/><delete  nodeset="../line" at="index('PurchaseOrderRepeat')"/></action></trigger>...</repeat>

10.18 Iteration of XForms Actions

Thewhile attribute can be added to any XForms action. It contains an[XPath 1.0] expression that is evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context before the action is executed. The result of the expression is converted to aboolean as if converted with theboolean() function defined by the[XPath 1.0] specification. If the converted result of the expression istrue, then the XForms action is performed and then the expression is re-evaluated. The XForms action is executed repeatedly until the converted result of the expression evaluates tofalse.

If this attribute is applied to an XFormsaction element, then the sequence of XForms actions in its content are executed repeatedly once for each time the immediately preceding evaluation of the expression yields a result oftrue.

When XForms actions are iteratively executed, they are still subject to the normal action processing rules such as deferred update and applicability of conditional and iterative attributes.

An XForms action may be executed zero times due to this attribute. Furthermore, if an action bears this attribute and theif attribute, then the expressions of both attributes must evaluate totrue before each iterative execution of the action.


In actionsinsert anddelete, the attributecontext is evaluated before thewhile attribute. Therefore,context is re-evaluated before each iteration of the actions controlled by thewhile attribute.

Summing Selected Results

Counter and accumlator variables are created in instance data to sum a selection of values chosen by the user

<trigger>   <label>Get Sum</label>   <action ev:event="DOMActivate">      <setvalue ref="instance('temps')/counter" value="1"/>      <setvalue ref="instance('temps')/accumulator" value="0"/>      <action while="instance('temps')/counter <= count(/some/nodes)">         <setvalue ref="instance('temps')/accumulator"                    value=". + instance('default')/some/nodes[number(instance('temps')/counter)]"                   if="boolean-from-string(/some/nodes[number(instance('temps')/counter)]/@selected)"/>         <setvalue ref="instance('temps')/counter" value=". + 1"/>      </action>   </action></trigger>

10.19 Actions from Other Modules

Of the action handlers detailed in this chapter, XForms defines some to be part of the XForms Switch and Repeat modules:10.6 The toggle Element and10.5 The setindex Element.

11 The XForms Submission Module

XForms is designed to gatherinstance data, serialize it into an external representation, and submit it with a protocol. XForms defines a set of options for serialization and submission. The following sections define the processing of instance data for submission, and the behavior for the serialization and submission options.

11.1 The submission Element

Thesubmission element represents declarative instructions on what to submit, and how.

ElementOverview of AttributesOverview of Content Model

ref (binding-expression)
bind (xsd:IDREF)
resource (xsd:anyURI)
action (xsd:anyURI) [deprecated]
mode ("asynchronous"|"synchronous")
method ("post"|"get"|"put"|"delete"|"multipart-post"|"form-data-post"|"urlencoded-post"|Any otherNCName|QNameButNotNCName)
validate (xsd:boolean)
relevant (xsd:boolean)
serialization ("application/xml"|"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"|"multipart/related"|"multipart/form-data"|"none")
version (xsd:NMTOKEN)
indent (xsd:boolean)
mediatype (xsd:string)
encoding (xsd:string)
omit-xml-declaration (xsd:boolean)
standalone (xsd:boolean)
cdata-section-elements (QNameList)
replace ("all"|"instance"|"text"|"none" |QNameButNotNCName)
instance (xsd:IDREF)
targetref (nodeset XPath Expression)
separator (';' | '&')
includenamespaceprefixes (xsd:NMTOKENS)

(resource |method |header)*,Action*

Below is a more detailed decription of each attribute whose name and datatype information appears above.

Common Attributes:Common

Special Attributes:


Attribute indicating the destination URI for submitting instance data. This attribute is not author-optional unless the destination URI is provided by theresource element, which can dynamically specify the URI based on instance data, or theaction attribute. This attribute should be used in place of theaction attribute. Behavior of relative URIs in links is determined by the host language, although[XML Base] processing is strongly recommended.


Deprecated author-optional attribute indicating the destination URI for submitting instance data. Behavior of relative URIs in links is determined by the host language, although[XML Base] processing is strongly recommended. Due to the addition of theresource attribute, this attribute is deprecated and optional. However, the destination URI must be specified by this attribute or by either theresource attribute or theresource element.


Author-optional selectorbinding expression enabling submission of a portion of the instance data. The selected node, and all descendants, are selected for submission. The default value is "/".


Author-optional reference to abind element. When present, the binding reference on this attribute is used in preference to any binding reference from theref attribute.


Author-optional attribute defaulting to "asynchronous" and with legal values of "synchronous" and "asynchronous". This attribute controls whether or not the submission response processing is performed as part of the default processing of eventxforms-submit. An asynchronous submission can complete default processing for this event before the submission response is received; in this case, submission response is processed once it is completely received asynchronously. For a "synchronous" submission, the submission response is received and processed during the default processing of eventxforms-submit.


Author-optional attribute specifying the protocol operation to be used to transmit the serialized instance data. There is no default value because either the attributemethod or the elementmethod must be specified. See Section11.9 Submission Options for information on how this attribute affects the default serialization of instance data and the HTTP method[RFC 2616].


Author-optional boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the data validation checks of the submission are performed. The default value is "false" if the value ofserialization is "none" and "true" otherwise.


Author-optional boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the relevance pruning of the submission is performed. The default value is "false" if the value ofserialization is "none" and "true" otherwise.


Author-optional attribute that controls how and whether to serialize instance data as part of the submission. The default value of this attribute is based on the submissionmethod as described in Section11.9 Submission Options. If the attribute value is "none", then instance data is not serialized as part of the submission. This can be useful for requests that either require no data or that have the data already gathered in the URI.


Settingserialization to "none" will also have the default effect of preventing relevance pruning and validation. However, the author is free to override this by settingrelevant and/orvalidate attributes to "true".


Author-optional attribute specifying theversion of XML to be serialized. The default is "1.0".


Author-optional attribute specifying whether the serializer should add extra white space nodes for readability. The default is "false".


Author-optional attribute specifying the mediatype for XML serialization of instance data. Authors should ensure that the type specified is compatible with the data being submitted, such asapplication/xml for posted XML data. The default is "application/xml".


This attribute does not affect serialization and cannot be used to override theserialization attribute. It is only used to provide additional information about the submission data serialization when the serialization isapplication/xml. For example, this attribute could be used to indicate that the content type of the XML serialization istext/xml.


Author-optional attribute specifying an encoding for serialization. The default is "UTF-8".


Author-optional attribute specifying whether to omit the XML declaration on the serialized instance data. The default value is "false".


Author-optional attribute specifying whether to include a standalone declaration in the serialized XML.If theomit-xml-declaration attribute has the valuetrue, then this attribute is ignored. Otherwise, if this attribute is omitted, then the XML declaration does not include a standalone document declaration, and if this attribute is specified, then the XML declaration includes a standalone document declaration with the same value as this attribute.


Author-optional attribute specifying element names to be serialized with CDATA sections. The default is empty string.


Author-optional attribute specifying how the information returned after submit should be applied. In the absence of this attribute, "all" is assumed. The legal values are "all", "instance", "text" and "none".


Author-optional attribute specifying the instance to replace when thereplace attribute value is "instance". When the attribute is absent, then the default is the instance that contains the submission data. An xforms-binding-exception (4.5.1 The xforms-binding-exception Event) occurs if this attribute does not indicate an instance in the same model as the submission.


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression that indicates the target node for data replacement. The in-scope evaluation context of thesubmission element is used to evaluate the expression. Ifreplace is "instance", then the target node is replaced by the submission result. Ifreplace is "text", then the content of the target node is replaced by the submission result. For other values of thereplace attribute, this attribute is ignored. By default, the target node is the document element of the instance indicated by theinstance attribute.


Author-optional attribute specifying the separator character between name/value pairs in urlencoding. The default value is '&'. To express the default, character entity encoding is used:separator='&amp;'.


Author-optional attribute providing control over namespace serialization. If absent, all namespace nodes present in the instance data are considered for serialization. If present, specifies list of namespace prefixes to consider for serialization, in addition to those visibly utilized. As in[Exc-C14N], the special value#default specifies the default namespace.

The following examples show how various options on elementsubmission can affect serialization asapplication/xml. Given the following XForms fragment:

<xforms:model xmlns:xforms=""              xmlns:my="">  <xforms:instance>    <qname xmlns="">my:sample</qname>  </xforms:instance>  <xforms:submission method="post" resource="..."/></xforms:model>

Note that theincludenamespaceprefixes attribute is not present, which causes all namespace nodes to be serialized, resulting in the following serialized instance data:

<qname xmlns:xforms=""       xmlns:my="">my:sample</qname>

In particular, note that the XForms namespace has been serialized. To prevent this example from including the unneeded XForms namespace while maintaining the neededmy prefix,includenamespaceprefixes="my" must be added to the submission element. When this attribute is present, the author takes responsibility to list all namespace prefixes not visibly utilized by the submitted instance data.

The following attributes correspond (in spelling, processing, and default values) to attributes on theoutput element of[XSLT 1.0], with the exception of usingxsd:boolean to replace"yes"|"no":



The following XSLT attributes have no counterpart in XForms:


The table below provides an overview of the child elements of the XFormssubmission element, including their attributes and content models. Elements defined in the XForms Actions module are also allowed in the content model ofsubmission.

ElementOverview of AttributesOverview of Content Model
resourcevalue (string XPath Expression)PCDATA
methodvalue (string XPath Expression)PCDATA
headernodeset (nodeset XPath Expression)name, value+

11.2 The xforms-submit Event


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: Yes

Context Info: None

Under no circumstancescan more than a single concurrent submit process be under way for a particular XForms submission. From the start of the default action ofxforms-submit for asubmission, until immediately beforexforms-submit-done orxforms-submit-error is dispatched to thatsubmission, the default action for subsequentxforms-submit events dispatched to thatsubmission is to dispatchxforms-submit-error to that submission with context information containing anerror-type ofsubmission-in-progress.

Otherwise, the default action for this event results in the following steps:

  1. The data model is updated based on some of the flags defined fordeferred updates.. Specifically, if the deferred updaterebuild flag is set for themodel containing thissubmission, then the rebuild operation is performed without dispatching an event to invoke the operation. Then, if the deferred updaterecalculate flag is set for themodel containing thissubmission, then the recalculate operation is performed without dispatching an event to invoke the operation. This sequence of operations affects thedeferred update behavior by clearing the deferred update flags associated with the operations performed.

  2. If the binding attributes ofsubmission indicate an empty nodeset or anode other than an element or an instance document root node, then submission processing is stopped after dispatching eventxforms-submit-error with context information containing anerror-type ofno-data. Otherwise, the binding attributes ofsubmission indicate a node of instance data.

  3. The indicated node and all nodes for which it is an ancestor are selected. If the attributerelevant istrue, whether by default or declaration, then any selected node which is not relevant as defined in6.1.4 The relevant Property is deselected (pruned). If all instance nodes are deselected, then submission processing is stopped after dispatching eventxforms-submit-error with context information containing anerror-type ofno-data.

  4. If the attributevalidate istrue,whether by default or declaration, then all selected instance data nodes are checked for validity according to the definition in4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event(no notification events are marked for dispatching due to this operation).Any selected instance data node that is found to be invalid stops submission processing after dispatching eventxforms-submit-error with context information containing anerror-type ofvalidation-error.

  5. Thesubmission method is determined.

  6. Thesubmission resource is determined. If the resource is not specified, then submission processing stops after dispatching evenxforms-submit-error with context information containing anerror-type ofresource-error.

  7. If theserialization attribute value is"none", then the submission data serialization is the empty string. Otherwise, the submission data serialization is determined as follows. The eventxforms-submit-serialize is dispatched. If thesubmission-body property of the event is changed from the initial value of empty string, then the content of thesubmission-body property string is used as thesubmission data serialization. Otherwise, thesubmission data serialization consists of a serialization of the selected instance data according to the rules stated in11.9 Submission Options.

  8. Thesubmission headers are determined using the header entries produced by theheader element(s) in the submission and themediatype attribute or its default.

  9. The submission is performed based on thesubmission headers,submission method,submission resource, andsubmission data serialization. The exact rules of submission are based on the URI scheme and thesubmission method, as defined in11.9 Submission Options.


Asubmission with no resource specification can be used to test validity of data. If the selected data is invalid, then thexforms-submit-error has anerror-type ofvalidation-error. If the selected data is valid, then thexforms-submit-error has anerror-type ofresource-error.

If themode of thesubmission isasynchronous, then default processing for this event ends after the above steps, and submission processing is resumed once the response from the submission is returned. In the same manner used to handle user-generated events or the dispatch and processing of delayed events, the processing of the asynchronous submission response is done without interrupting the processing of any other event and its event handlers. If themode of thesubmission issynchronous, then the XForms processor suspends user interaction with all form controls of the document and action processing is blocked within the default processing for this event until the response from the submission is returned.

The response returned from the submission is applied as follows:

  • For a success response including a body, when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "all", the eventxforms-submit-done may be dispatched with appropriate context information, and submit processing concludes with entire containing document being replaced with the returned body.

  • For a success response including a body of an XML media type (as defined by the content type specifiers in[RFC 3023]), when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "instance", the response is parsed as XML. If the parse fails, then submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type ofparse-error. However, if the XML parse succeeds, then instance data replacement is performed according to the rules specified in11.10 Replacing Data with the Submission Response. This operation may fail for a number of reasons, including if processing of thetargetref attribute yields a readonly node (ifreplace="text") or a node that either has a readonly parent or is not an element (ifreplace="instance"). In this case, submission ends after dispatching eventxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type oftarget-error. Otherwise, the instance data replacement succeeds. Submission processing then concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-done with appropriate context information.

  • For a success response including a body of a non-XML media type (i.e. with a content type not matching any of the specifiers in[RFC 3023]), when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "instance", nothing in the document is replaced and submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type ofresource-error.

  • For a success response including a body of an XML media type (as defined by the content type specifiers in[RFC 3023]) or a text media type (as defined by a content type oftext/*), when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "text", the response is encoded as text. Then, the content replacement is performed according to the rules specified in11.10 Replacing Data with the Submission Response. If the processing of thetargetref attribute (including its default) fails, then the submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type oftarget-error. Otherwise, submission processing then concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-done with appropriate context information.

  • For a success response including a body that is both a non-XML media type (i.e. with a content type not matching any of the specifiers in[RFC 3023]) and a non-text type (i.e. with a content type not matchingtext/*), when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "text", nothing in the document is replaced and submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type ofresource-error.

  • For a success response including a body, when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "none", submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-done with appropriate context information.

  • For a success response not including a body, submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-done with appropriate context information.

  • Behaviors of other possible values for attributereplace are not defined in this specification.

  • For an error response, when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is "all", either the document is replaced with an implementation-specific indication of an error or submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type ofresource-error.

  • For an error response, when the value of thereplace attribute on elementsubmission is not "all", nothing in the document is replaced, and submission processing concludes after dispatchingxforms-submit-error with appropriate context information, including anerror-type ofresource-error.

In addition to initiating a submission with its default processing, XForms actions can also provide handlers for thexforms-submit event to peform tasks such as data preparation.


Preparing data for submission
<submission resource="" method="post" ref="instance('doctorSearchParams')"            replace="instance" targetref="instance('doctorList')" >     <action ev:event="xforms-submit">         <setvalue ref="diagnosis" value="instance('patientRecord')/malady"/>         <setvalue ref="city" value="instance('patientRecord')/city"/>     </action> </submission>

The schema for the doctor search service requires certain portions of the patient record in order to provide a list of specialists who could treat the patient. The server-side module may perform database searches for doctors with the required specialties as well as implement business rules such as providing doctors that are within an acceptable distance of the given city. The resulting list is provided to a separate instance so it can be presented to the user for selection or used in subsequent availability searches.

11.3 The xforms-submit-serialize Event

Dispatched at the beginning ofsubmission serialization (see11.2 The xforms-submit Event).


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

submission-bodynode-setA document element node with a QName ofsubmission-body. The node initially contains an empty string. Event handlers can write data into the node. If the string value of this node is non-empty, then the string value is used in the submission in lieu of the default instance data serialization.


Thesubmission-body property is a string, but theevent() function encapsulates the string in a text node so that the string can be modified by thesetvalue action, which sets a value into a node determined by its Single Node Binding.


Since thesubmission-body is a string, this feature may be used to submit non-XML data.

Default Action: If the event contextsubmission-body property string is empty, then no operation is performed so that thesubmission will use the normal serialization data(see11.2 The xforms-submit Event). Otherwise, if the event contextsubmission-body property string is non-empty, then the serialization data for thesubmission is set to be the content of thesubmission-body string.


Submitting plain text
<submission resource="" method="post" mediatype="text/plain">     <setvalue ev:event="xforms-submit-serialize" ref="event('submission-body')" value="my/text"/> </submission>

The string value of the elementmy/text is placed into the node representing the submission body, so that is the text posted by the submission. In this example, the result returned by the submission replaces the document. This feature could be used to submit plain text, but it could also be used to allow a document to submit its serialization rather than just submitting instance data.

11.4 The xforms-submit-done Event

Dispatched as an indication of: successful completion of a submission process


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

resource-uristringThe submission resource URI that succeeded (xsd:anyURI)
response-status-codenumberThe protocol return code of the success response, orNaN if the submission did not receive a success response.
response-headersnode-setZero or more elements, each one representing a content header in the success response received by the submission. The returned node-set is empty if the submission did not receive a response or if there were no headers. Each element has a local name ofheader with no namespace URI and two child elements,name andvalue, whose string contents are the name and value of the header, respectively.
response-reason-phrasestringThe protocol response reason phrase of the success response. The string is empty if the submission did not receive a response or if the response did not contain a reason phrase.

Default Action: None; notification event only.


Submission Sequencing
<submission resource="" method="post" replace="instance" instance="record">     <send ev:event="xforms-submit-done" submission="chargeForRecord"/> </submission><submission resource="" method="get" serialization="none" replace="none"/>

The default instance data is submitted as the search criteria for a desired record. Only upon successful completion of the submission is a second submission performed to charge the user's account for the record.

11.5 The xforms-submit-error Event

Dispatched as an indication of: failure of a submission process


Bubbles: Yes

Cancelable: No

Context Info:

error-typestringOne of the following:submission-in-progress,no-data,validation-error,parse-error,resource-error,target-error.
resource-uristringThe submission resource URI that failed (xsd:anyURI)
response-status-codenumberThe protocol return code of the error response, orNaN if the failed submission did not receive an error response.
response-headersnode-setZero or more elements, each one representing a content header in the error response received by a failed submission. The returned node-set is empty if the failed submission did not receive an error response or if there were no headers. Each element has a local name ofheader with no namespace URI and two child elements,name andvalue, whose string contents are the name and value of the header, respectively.
response-reason-phrasestringThe protocol response reason phrase of the error response. The string is empty if the failed submission did not receive an error response or if the error response did not contain a reason phrase.
response-bodyobject (string or node-set) When the error response specifies an XML media type as defined by[RFC 3023], the response body is parsed into an XML document and the root element of the document is returned. If the parse fails, or if the error response specifies a text media type (starting withtext/), then the response body is returned as a string. Otherwise, an empty string is returned.

Default Action: None; notification event only.


Reporting a Submission Error
<submission resource="" method="post" replace="instance" instance="record">     <message ev:event="xforms-submit-error">A submission error (<output value="event('error-type')"/>) occurred.</message></submission>

The default instance data is submitted as the search criteria for a desired record. Only upon successful completion of the submission is a second submission performed to charge the user's account for the record.

11.6 The Submission Resource

Thesubmission resource is the URI for the submission. It is of typexsd:anyURI.

In XForms 1.0, the URI for submission was provided by theaction attribute. For consistency, form authors should now use the attributeresource of typexsd:anyURI, which deprecates theaction attribute. If bothaction andresource are present, then theresource attribute takes precedence.

Theresource element provides the submission URI, overriding theresource attribute and theaction attribute. If asubmission has more than oneresource child element, the firstresource element child must be selected for use. Individually, theresource element, theresource attribute and theaction attribute are not required. However, one of the three is mandatory as there is no default submission resource.

11.6.1 The resource Element

Theresource element allows the URI used for a submission to be dynamically calculated based on instance data.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain the URI, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The URI to be used by thesubmission can be specified with either thevalue attribute or the string content of theresource element. If both are specified, then thevalue attribute takes precedence. If thesubmission does not have aresource child element, then the submission URI is obtained from theresource attribute or theaction attribute.


Submitting the default instance to a location determined dynamically from an instance
<submission method="post">     <resource value="instance('params')/anyURI"/> </submission>

11.7 The Submission Method

Thesubmission method indicates the submission protocol operation to be performed.

The submission method may be specified by themethod attribute. Thesubmission element can have a child element namedmethod, which overrides the submission method setting obtained from themethod attribute if both are specified. If more than onemethod element is given, the first occurrence in document order must be selected for use. Individually, themethod element and themethod attribute are not required. However, one of the two is mandatory as there is no default submission method.

11.7.1 The method Element

Themethod element allows the submission method to be dynamically calculated based on instance data.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain the method, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

Content: PCDATA

The method to be used by thesubmission can be specified with either thevalue attribute or the string content of themethod element. If both are specified, then thevalue attribute takes precedence. If thesubmission does not have amethod child element, then the submission method is obtained from themethod attribute.

11.8 The header Element

Theheader element can be used to contribute information to the preamble of a submission in a manner appropriate to the protocol. Thesubmission element can contain zero or moreheader child elements. Each produces zero or more header entries containing a name, a value, and a combination. The entries are provided to the submission protocol in the specified order. It is the responsibility of the submission protocol implementation to combine the entries and to serialize the result into submission protocol headers. Accordingly, entries may be re-ordered, combined, or otherwise altered in accordance with the specific protocol implementation requirements.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. One or more header entries are generated for each node selected by this attribute.


Author-optional attribute defaulting to "append" and with legal values of "append", "prepend", and "replace". This attribute controls the method of combination for entries produced by this elementheader with other entries produced by otherheader elements. This attribute and its default also provide information for the protocol implementation, which may use some or all of the information to combine XForms submission headers with headers provided by the user agent.

Content: (name,value+) | (value+,name)

If theheader element does not contain anodeset attribute, then one header entry is created for eachvalue element. If theheader element contains anodeset attribute, then for each selected node, one header entry is created for eachvalue element. The name and value of the header entry are obtained from the required child elementsname (11.8.1 The name Element) andvalue (11.8.2 The value Element). If the name obtained from thename element is the empty string, then the header entry is omitted.

The header entry order is determined as follows:

  1. document order ofheader elements

  2. node order of nodes innodeset attribute

  3. document order ofvalue elements

The application of this order information to header serialization is determined by the submission protocol.

If aheader element defines theContent-type header, then this setting overrides aContent-type set by themediatype attribute.

In the case of a multipart submission, the header entries are combined with those for the first part of the submission.


Setting the Accept header

In the example below, the submission request uses theheader element to replace the user agent's existing value of the HTTP Accept header withapplication/sparql-results+xml.

<submission             resource="" method="get"             ref="instance('conceptsList')" replace="instance">   <header combine="replace">     <name>Accept</name>    <value>application/sparql-results+xml</value>   </header> </submission>

11.8.1 The name Element

When thename element appears as a child of elementheader, it is used to specify the name of a header entry to be provided to the submission protocol.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain the header name, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

The header entry name may be given by the string content of thename element, or by the result of thevalue attribute. If both are given, the result from thevalue attribute takes precedence. If the resulting name is the empty string, then the entry is considered to be void, and it is not supplied to the submission protocol.

11.8.2 The value Element

When thevalue element appears as a child of elementheader, it is used to specify the value component of a header entry to be supplied to the submission protocol to be added to the preamble of a submission. Thevalue element may be used more than once in a given elementheader, in which case each value produces a new header entry.

Common Attributes: None

Special Attributes:


Author-optional attribute containing an XPath expression to evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context. To obtain the header entry value, the result of the expression is processed as if by call to the XPathstring function. An empty string is used if the XPath evaluation fails.

The header entry value may be given by the string content of thevalue element, or by the result of thevalue attribute. If both are given, the result from thevalue attribute takes precedence.


The XPathstring function combines multiple nodes by concatenating them into a string separated with spaces. As a result, a header value specified by avalue element nodeset containing multiple nodes may not be properly serialized in a submission protocol preamble. To assure proper delivery of individual header items to the submission protocol, restrict use of XPath expressions producing nodesets for elementheader with attributenodeset, where each node will produce its own separate header entry, and use expressions resulting in only a single node in elementvalue.

11.9 Submission Options

The XForms Model specifies asubmission element containing the following attributes and child elements that affect serialization and submission. This section summarizes the behaviors for the allowable values of these attributes and child elements, and presents subsections that define the behavior for submission and serialization.

For the submission protocol obtained from the URI scheme in thesubmission resource, XForms normatively defines a binding to HTTP/1.1[RFC 2616].


Other bindings, in particular to the URI scheme "mailto:" may, and the schemes "https:" and "file:" should, be supported. Bindings to these schemes are not normatively defined in XForms. Implementations that choose to provide a binding to these schemes should pay particular attention to privacy and security concerns. Within the "http:" and "https:" schemes, form creators are encouraged to follow the finding of the W3C Technical Architecture Group on when to use the GET method:[TAG Finding 7]

Thesubmission method determines the default data serialization format, and both thesubmission method and the URI scheme in thesubmission resource determine the submission protocol operation, according to the following table:

URI schemeSubmission MethodDefault SerializationSubmission Protocol Operation
http https mailto"post"application/xmlHTTP POST or equivalent
http https file"get"application/x-www-form-urlencodedHTTP GET or equivalent
http https file"delete"application/x-www-form-urlencodedHTTP DELETE or equivalent
http https file"put"application/xmlHTTP PUT or equivalent
http https mailto"multipart-post"multipart/relatedHTTP POST or equivalent
http https mailto"form-data-post"multipart/form-dataHTTP POST or equivalent
http https mailto"urlencoded-post"application/x-www-form-urlencodedHTTP POST or equivalent
(any)Any otherNCNameapplication/xmlAs given by theSubmission Method


Foreign-namespaced attribute values are allowed in theSubmission Method, but no behavior is defined by XForms.

11.9.1 The get Submission Method

This submit method represents HTTP GET or the equivalent concept. The serialized form data is delivered as part of the URI that is requested during the submit process.

This method is not suitable for submission of forms that are intended to change state or cause other actions to take place at the server. See[RFC 2616] for recommended uses of HTTP GET.

The URI is constructed as follows:

  • The submit URI is examined. If it does not already contain a? (question mark) character, one is appended. If it does already contain a question mark character and the serialized form data is non-empty, then a separator character from the attributeseparator is appended.

  • The serialized form data, if any, is appended to the URI.

No message body is sent with the request.


Simple search submission
<submission resource="" method="get"/>

After doing relevance and validity checking on the data, the leaf nodes of the default instance are submitted asynchronously, encoded as a URL (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), to The result replaces the whole page.

Reading from a local file
<submission resource="file:data.xml" method="get" serialization="none" replace="instance" instance="data" />

Replaces the instance 'data' with the content of the file data.xml. Serialization, and its associated validity and relevance processing, is not needed. See the corresponding example for saving a file in Section11.9.3 The put Submission Method. The user agent may restrict file access to a user-specific and domain-specific security zone in local storage.

11.9.2 The post, multipart-post, form-data-post, and urlencoded-post Submission Methods

These submit methods represent HTTP POST or the equivalent concept (such as a mail message). The serialized form data is delivered as the message body.


Posting instance data
<submission resource="" method="post" ref="/purchaseOrder" />

Submits the XML for a purchase order to a secure server order processing system.

Simple posted login
<submission resource="" method="urlencoded-post"/>

After doing relevance pruning and validity checking on the login data, the leaf nodes of the default instance are submitted asynchronously in the posted data, encoded based on theapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization, to The result replaces the whole page.

11.9.3 The put Submission Method

This submit method represents HTTP PUT or the equivalent concept (such as writing to a local file). The serialized form data is delivered as the message body.


Saving to a local file
<submission resource="file:data.xml" ref="instance('data')" method="put" validate="false" relevant="false" replace="none" />

Saves the instance 'data' to the file data.xml without validation checking and relevance pruning. See the corresponding example for reading from a local file in Section11.9.1 The get Submission Method. The user agent may restrict file access to a user-specific and domain-specific security zone in local storage.

11.9.4 The delete Submission Method

This submit method represents HTTP DELETE or the equivalent concept (such as deleting a local file). The serialized form data is delivered in the same manner as theget submission method (see11.9.1 The get Submission Method).

11.9.5 Serialization as application/xml

This format permits the expression of the instance data as XML that is straightforward to process with off-the-shelf XML processing tools. In addition, this format is capable of submission of binary content.

The steps for serialization are as follows:

  1. An XML document is produced following the rules of the XML output method defined in[XSLT 1.0] section 16 and 16.1, using the values supplied as attributes of thesubmission element.

    1. Handling of namespace nodes: The default behavior is that every namespace node is serialized according to the rules of the XML output method, so that at least one namespace declaration appears in the serialized XML for each in-scope namespace. Additional inherited namespaces are declared on the root element of the serialized XML. If, however, attributeincludenamespaceprefixes on elementsubmission is present, then all namespace declarations not visibly utilized in the instance data (as defined in[Exc-C14N]) and the default namespace if it is empty are excluded from the root element serialization, unless the corresponding namespace prefix is listed in theincludenamespaceprefixes attribute. The special value#default represents the default namespace.

    2. Mediatype: By default, the mediatype of the serialized XML instance isapplication/xml, but can be changed to a compatible type using elementsubmission attributemediatype. Authors should ensure that the type specified is compatible withapplication/xml.

11.9.6 Serialization as multipart/related

This format is intended for integration of XForms into environments that involve large amounts of binary data where the inclusion of the data asxsd:base64Binary orxsd:hexBinary is undesirable.

In this format, XML instance data is serialized as one part of the[RFC 2387]multipart/related message, using the rules as described in11.9.5 Serialization as application/xml. Binary content fromxsd:anyURI instance nodes populated by theupload (see8.1.6 The upload Element) control is serialized in separate parts of the[RFC 2387]multipart/related message.

This format follows the rules ofmultipart/related MIME data streams for in[RFC 2387], with specific requirements of this serialization listed below:

  • multipart/related message header requirements:

    • Must contain atype parameter of the mediatype of the serialized XML instance.

    • Must contain astart parameter referring to the Content-ID first body part (root).

  • First body part (root) requirements:

  • Subsequent part requirements:

    • One part for each node with a datatype ofxsd:anyURI populated byupload with:

      • AContent-Type header that represents the type of the attachment if known, otherwiseapplication/octet-stream.

      • AContent-Transfer-Encoding header.

      • AContent-ID header whose value matches the URI in the associated instance data node.

      • The binary content associated with the URI, serialized according to theContent-Transfer-Encoding heading.

<submission method="multipart-post" resource="" />

Submits the instance data inmultipart/related, along with the selected file as an attachment.

POST /photo HTTP/1.0Host: example.comContent-Type: multipart/related; boundary=f93dcbA3; type=application/xml; start="<>"Content-Length: xxx--f93dcbA3Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8Content-ID: <><?xml version="1.0"?><uploadDocument>  <title>My Proposal</title>  <author>E. X. Ample</author>  <summary>A proposal for a new project.</summary>  <notes image="">(see handwritten region)</notes>  <keywords>project proposal funding</keywords>  <readonly>false</readonly>  <filename>image.png</filename>  <content></content></uploadDocument>--f93dcbA3Content-Type: image/pngContent-Transfer-Encoding: binaryContent-ID: <>...Binary data here...--f93dcbA3Content-Type: image/pngContent-Transfer-Encoding: binaryContent-ID: <>...Binary data here...--f93dcbA3--

11.9.7 Serialization as multipart/form-data

This format is for legacy compatibility to permit the use of XForms clients with[RFC 2388] servers. This method is suitable for the persistence of binary content. Contextual path information, attribute values, namespaces and namespace prefixes are not preserved. As a result, different elements might serialize to the same name.


Existing HTML user agents fail to encode special characters (such as double quotes) and non-ASCII characters in theContent-Disposition: form-dataname andfilename parameters. Since this serialization method is supported for legacy applications only, new applications should useapplication/xml ormultipart/related.

This format follows the rules formultipart/form-data MIME data streams in[RFC 2388], with specific requirements of this serialization listed below:

  • Each element node is visited in document order, except non-relevant elements are skipped if therelevant setting of thesubmission istrue.

  • Each visited element that has no child element nodes (i.e., each leaf element node) is selected for inclusion, including those that have no value (no text node).

  • Element nodes selected for inclusion are encoded asContent-Disposition: form-data MIME parts as defined in[RFC 2388], with thename parameter being the element local name.

  • Element nodes of any datatype populated byupload also have aContent-Dispositionfilename parameter, if the filename is available.

  • Element nodes of any datatype populated byupload are serialized as the specified binary content. In the case ofxsd:anyURIand derived types, the serialization content is obtained from the URI. Forxsd:base64Binary,xsd:hexBinary, and derived types, the serialization content is obtained by decoding the element string value.

  • Element nodes of any datatype not populated byupload are serialized as the string value of the element (the concatenation of all text node children, or empty string if the element has no text node children).

  • TheContent-Type must betext/plain except forxsd:anyURI,xsd:base64Binary,xsd:hexBinary, and derived types, in which case the header represents the media type of the attachment if known, otherwiseapplication/octet-stream. If a character set is applicable, theContent-Type may have acharset parameter.


<submission method="form-data-post" resource="" />

Submits the instance data inmultipart/form-data, along with the selected file as a part.

POST /photo HTTP/1.0Host: example.comContent-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03xContent-Length: xxx--AaB03xContent-Disposition: form-data; name="document"; filename="b.txt"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1This is a file.It has two lines.--AaB03xContent-Disposition: form-data; name="title"A File--AaB03xContent-Disposition: form-data; name="summary"This is my filefile test--AaB03x--

11.9.8 Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded

This format represents an extension of the[XHTML 1.0] form content typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded with specific rules for encoding non-ASCII and reserved characters.

This format is not suitable for the persistence of binary content. Therefore, it is recommended that forms capable of containing binary content use another serialization method.

The steps for serialization are as follows:

  1. Each element node is visited in document order, except non-relevant elements are skipped if therelevant setting of thesubmission istrue. Each visited element that has no child element nodes (i.e., each leaf element node) is selected for inclusion, including those that have no value (no text node).Note that attribute information is not preserved.

  2. Element nodes selected for inclusion are encoded asEltName=value, where= is a literal character,EltName represents the element local name, andvalue represents the string value of the element (the concatenation of all text node children, or empty string if the element has no text node children). The separator character {sep} from theseparator attribute onsubmission is used between pairs of encoded name/value pairs, e.g.EltName1=value1{sep}EltName2=value2{sep}EltName3=value3. Note that contextual path information is not preserved, nor are namespaces or namespace prefixes. As a result, different elements might serialize to the same name.

    • The encoding ofEltName andvalue are as follows: space characters are replaced by+, and then non-ASCII and reserved characters (as defined by[RFC 2396] as amended by subsequent documents in the IETF track) are escaped by replacing the character with one or more octets of the UTF-8 representation of the character, with each octet in turn replaced by%HH, whereHH represents the uppercase hexadecimal notation for the octet value and% is a literal character. Line breaks are represented as "CR LF" pairs (i.e.,%0D%0A).

  3. All such encodings are concatenated, maintaining document order.



This format consists of simple name-value pairs.

<PersonName title="Mr">  <GivenName>René</GivenName></PersonName>

Here is the instance data for the above example. Note that very little of the data is preserved. Authors desiring greater data integrity should select a different serialization format.

11.10 Replacing Data with the Submission Response

Thesubmission element allows an author-optional attribute namedtargetref. The attribute value is interpreted asabinding expression to which the first node rule is applied to obtain areplacement target node for the submission response. This attribute is ignored unless the value of thereplace attribute is "instance" or "text".

For backwards compatibility with documents created for earlier versions of the specification, the processor of thesubmission elementmay allow the author-optional attribute namedtarget to be used. Thetarget attribute provides exactly the same behaviors as thetargetref attribute except that thetarget attribute is ignored if thesubmission element also bears atargetref attribute.

The default replacement target node is the document element node of the instance identified by theinstance attribute, whichis equal to the default instance of the model if not specified. The evaluation context for this attribute is the in-scope evaluation contextfor thesubmission element, except the context node is modified to be the document element of the instance identified by theinstance attribute if it is specified.

This attribute is evaluated only once a successful submission response has been received and if thereplace attributevalue is "instance" or "text". The first node rule is applied to the result.

The processing of thetargetref attribute (and its default) is considered to have failed if the result is any of the following:

  • an empty nodeset

  • a readonly node, ifreplace="text"

  • a non-element, ifreplace="instance"

  • a node whose parent is readonly, ifreplace="instance"

If the processing of thetargetref attribute fails, then submission processing ends after dispatching the eventxforms-submit-error with anerror-type oftarget-error.

If thereplace attribute contains the value "text" and the submission response conforms to an XML mediatype (as defined by the content type specifiers in[RFC 3023]) ora text media type (as defined by a content type specifier oftext/*), then the response data is encoded as text and replaces thecontent of the replacement target node.

If thereplace attribute contains the value "instance" and the submission response conforms to an XML mediatype (as defined by the content type specifiers in[RFC 3023]) and the XML parse of the submission response succeeds, then the XML obtained from the submission response is used to replace the target node. The XML in the response may have commentand processing instruction nodes before and after the document element. These nodes are discarded if the replacement target nodeis not the document element of an instance. Otherwise, those processing instructions and comments replace any processing instructionsand comments that previously appeared outside of the document element of the instance being replaced.

In the case of text replacement of the content of the replacement target node, the replacement is performed by the XForms Actionsetvalue (10.2 The setvalue Element).In the case of instance node replacement, the replacement is performed by an XForms action that performs some combination of node insertion and deletion operations thatare performed by theinsert action (10.3 The insert Element) and thedelete action (10.4 The delete Element).If thesubmission has amode of "asynchronous", then the text replacement action or the instance node replacement action is an outermost action handler, so thedeferred update behavior occurs at the end of the action. If themode is "synchronous", then the text replacement action or the instance node replacement action is not outermost since occurs during the default processing ofxforms-submit, so the appropriatedeferred update flags are set based on whether the action was asetvalue or whether it performeda series ofinsert anddelete actions.


In an asynchronous submission, the deferred update behavior ensures that the user interface is up to date with the latest calculated values before thexforms-submit-done event is dispatched. In a synchronous submission, the calculated values dependent on replaced text or data nodes can be made available to actions in thexforms-submit-done handler by first invoking therecalculate action. A sequence of synchronous submissions performed with successivesend actions can avoid refreshing the user interface until after the completion of the lastsend action.


Replacing a subtree of instance data
<submission resource="" method="post" ref="name" replace="instance" targetref="address"/>

This submission would be invoked after the user enters a value forname. Based on the name given, a simple server-side database lookup is performed to get a last known address. Theaddress element is replaced with the result, prefilling part of the form for the user.

Replacing text in an instance
<submission resource="" method="get" ref="address" replace="text" targetref="address/postalCode"/>

The address information is past to a postal code search service that returns a textual result, which is placed into thepostalCode element.

Submission and Read-Only Content
<model xmlns:my="">  <instance>    <my:data>      <my:name>        <my:first-name>John</my:first-name>        <my:last-name>Doe</my:last-name>      </my:name>      <my:address>        <my:street>123 Main St.</my:street>        <my:city>Smallville</my:city>      </my:address>    </my:data>  </instance>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:name/" readonly="true()"/>  <bind nodeset="/my:data/my:address/my:street" readonly="true()"/>  <submission targetref="my:name" replace="instance" method="post" resource="..."/>    <submission targetref="my:name/my:first-name" replace="instance" method="post" resource="..."/>  <submission targetref="my:name/my:first-name" replace="text" method="post" resource="..."/>    <submission targetref="my:address/my:street" replace="text" method="post" resource="..."/></model>

Submission S1 succeeds because a readonly node (my:name) can be replaced if its parent is not readonly.Submission S2 fails because a node (my:first-name) cannot be replaced if its parent is readonly.Submission S3 fails because the content of a readonly node cannot be replaced, even if it is readonly due to inheritance.Submission S4 failse because the content of a readonly node cannot be replaced, even if the node's parent is not readonly.

11.11 Integration with SOAP

This section describes the integration of XForms submission with[SOAP 1.1] and[SOAP 1.2]

11.11.1 Representation of SOAP Envelope

The single-node binding of thesubmission element refers to the XML data to be submitted. In the case of a SOAP submission, the instance data includes the SOAP envelope and related SOAP tags.


The form author may choose to store the data payload in one instance and copy the data to the submission instance containing the SOAP envelope as part of anxforms-submit event handler. The form author is responsible for declaring the appropriate model item properties on both instances (e.g. therelevant declarations).

11.11.2 Indicating a SOAP submission

For a SOAP submission, themediatype attribute of thesubmissionmust be set to the MIME type ofapplication/soap+xml. The form author may appendcharset andaction MIME parameters.


Theaction MIME parameter has no effect unless the submissionmethod is "post" because the GET method implies no SOAP processing by the receiving SOAP node.


SOAP 1.1 does not support the HTTP GET operation.

11.11.3 SOAP HTTP Binding

Themethod attribute of thesubmissionmust be set toget orpost in order to access the SOAP HTTP binding.

Ifmethod="get", then the SOAP response message exchange pattern is used. The HTTP headersmust contain the Accept parameter with a value conforming to the following properties:

  • must begin withapplication/soap+xml

  • If the submissionmediatype contains acharset MIME parameter, then it is appended to theapplication/soap+xml MIME type. Otherwise, acharset MIME parameter with same value as theencoding attribute (or its default) is appended to theapplication/soap+xml MIME type.

  • No other MIME parameters from themediatype are copied to theapplication/soap+xml MIME type

  • Theq MIME parametermust not be specified in theapplication/soap+xml MIME type so that the default quality of 1 is used.

Ifmethod="post", then the SOAP request-response message exchange pattern is used. For SOAP 1.2, the current submission behavior of using themediatype attribute value as the value of theContent-type parameter in the HTTP headers is sufficient. If the instance data being submitted has as its root element node a SOAP envelope in the SOAP 1.1 namespace (, then:

  • theContent-type HTTP header is changed totext/xml

  • thecharset MIME parameter is appended . The charset parameter value from themediatype attribute is used if it is specified. Otherwise, the value of theencoding attribute (or its default) is used.

  • if theaction MIME parameter appears in themediatype then a SOAPAction HTTP header is added and given a value equal to the content of theaction MIME parameter


XForms 1.1 does not support the SOAP email binding, so method="post" with amailto: scheme results in anxforms-submit-error event before any submit processing message is dispatched.


XForms 1.1 does not support the SOAP 1.1 binding to the HTTP Extension Framework.


Consuming a SOAP 1.1 Request-Response Web Service
    <xforms:model xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">   <xforms:instance>       <data xmlns="">           <city>Victoria</city>           <country>Canada</country>           <weather>Mostly sunny and cool. High 12C. Low 3C.</weather>       </data>   </xforms:instance>   <xforms:instance>  <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body><GetWeather xmlns="">   <CityName>Victoria</CityName>   <CountryName>Canada</CountryName></GetWeather> </soap:Body>  </soap:Envelope>   </xforms:instance>   <xforms:instance>  <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body><GetWeatherResponse xmlns="">   <GetWeatherResult>Mostly sunny and cool. High 12C. Low 3C.</GetWeatherResult></GetWeatherResponse> </soap:Body>  </soap:Envelope>   </xforms:instance>      <xforms:submission resource="" method="post"        ref="instance('GetWeatherSoapIn')" mediatype="application/soap+xml; action="         replace="instance" instance="GetWeatherSoapOut">        <xforms:action ev:event="xforms-submit">            <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('GetWeatherSoapOut')/soap:Body/tns:GetWeather/tns:CityName"                              value="instance('data')/city"/>            <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('GetWeatherSoapOut')/soap:Body/tns:GetWeather/tns:CountryName"                              value="instance('data')/country"/>        </xforms:action>        <xforms:action ev:event="xforms-submit-done">            <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('data')/weather"                              value="instance('GetWeatherSoapOut')/soap:Body/tns:GetWeatherResponse/tns:GetWeatherResult"/>        </xforms:action>   </xforms:submission></xforms:model><xforms:input ref="city">   <xforms:label>City </xforms:label>   <xforms:send ev:event="xforms-value-changed" submission="GetWeather"/></xforms:input><xforms:input ref="country">   <xforms:label>Country </xforms:label>   <xforms:send ev:event="xforms-value-changed" submission="GetWeather"/></xforms:input><xforms:output ref="weather">   <xforms:label>The weather forecast is </xforms:label></xforms:output>

This form accepts input of a city name and country name from the user. When the user changes either value, the 'GetWeather' web service is initiated. Onxforms-submit, the user input is copied into the request envelope. When the web service submission result is received, thexforms-submit-done handler copies the weather forecast from the response envelope to the data instance.

The submission and the request and response instances correspond to the web service definition below:

<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=""     xmlns:xs="" xmlns:soap=""      xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace="">  <wsdl:types>    <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">      <xs:element name="GetWeather">        <xs:complexType>          <xs:sequence>            <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CityName" type="xs:string" />            <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CountryName" type="xs:string" />          </xs:sequence>        </xs:complexType>      </xs:element>      <xs:element name="GetWeatherResponse">        <xs:complexType>          <xs:sequence>            <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetWeatherResult" type="xs:string" />          </xs:sequence>        </xs:complexType>      </xs:element>      ...  </wsdl:types>    <wsdl:message name="GetWeatherSoapIn">    <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetWeather" />  </wsdl:message>  <wsdl:message name="GetWeatherSoapOut">    <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetWeatherResponse" />  </wsdl:message>  ...  <wsdl:portType name="GetWeatherSoap">    <wsdl:operation name="GetWeather">      <wsdl:input message="tns:GetWeatherSoapIn" />      <wsdl:output message="tns:GetWeatherSoapOut" />    </wsdl:operation>    ...  </wsdl:portType>  ...  <wsdl:binding name="GetWeatherSoap" type="tns:GetWeatherSoap">    <soap:binding transport="" />    <wsdl:operation name="GetWeather">      <soap:operation soapAction="" />      <wsdl:input>        <soap:body use="literal" />      </wsdl:input>      <wsdl:output>        <soap:body use="literal" />      </wsdl:output>    </wsdl:operation>    ...  </wsdl:binding>  <wsdl:service name="GetWeatherService">    <wsdl:port name="GetWeatherSoap" binding="tns:GetWeatherSoap">      <soap:address location="" />    </wsdl:port>    ...  </wsdl:service></wsdl:definitions>

11.11.4 Handling the SOAP Response

The XForms processormust handle client authorization and redirection.

SOAP faults (400 and 500 level errors) are handled in the same manner as underlying HTTP errors, which is to say that anxforms-submit-error event is dispatched.

On successful completion, the results are consumed according to the XForms submission process, culminating in anxforms-submit-done event. The form author may capture this event and copy data from the target instance that receives the returned SOAP envelope to other instances that are designed to carry only data.

12 Conformance

12.1 Conforming XForms Documents

All XForms Containing Documents must conform to the following specifications, except as qualified below:

XForms elements are typically inserted into a containing document in multiple places. The root element for each individual fragment of XFormsmust bemodel, acore form control,group,repeat, orswitch. Individual XForms fragmentsmust be schema-valid according to the Schema for XForms (F Schema for XForms), except that the host languagemay add elements of its own namespace to the content models of the following elements:group,repeat,case,label,help,hint,alert andmessage. .

Ahost language may introduce additional conformance requirements.

12.2 Conforming XForms Generators

XForms generatorsshould generate conforming XForms documents.

12.3 Base Technologies for XForms Processors

The following are base technologies for XForms. AnXForms Processor thereforemust conform to the following specifications, except as qualified below:

12.4 Conformance Levels

XForms is a generalized XML processing language. Therefore, the XForms specification is intended for implementation on hardware platforms of all sizes, from tiny hand-held devices to high-powered servers. This section describes two main levels of conformance that are useful in varied scenarios.

12.4.1 XForms Model

This conformance level is distinguished by the processor'sproperty() function returning a string beginning with"model" for theconformance-level property.

An XFormsmodel can contain or reference XML schemas, XFormsinstance elements, XFormsbind elements, XFormssubmission elements, and XForms actions. XFormssubmission elements can also contain XForms actions.

AnXForms Model Processor is a reduced functionalityXForms Processorwith required, recommended and optional features described in this section.

AnXForms Model Processor must support all attributes of themodel element. The processormust support the valid attributes and content of theinstance element, and itshould support the notification eventsxforms-insert andxforms-delete. The processormust support all attributes, content and otheraspects ofbind elements, exceptp3ptype support isoptional. The processormust fully support[XPath 1.0], including all XForms extension functions (though theindex() functionmay return1 if the processor has no information about the identifiedrepeat element). The processormust make available the automatic schema datatype information defined by XForms.The processormust be able to parse inline and external declared XML schema and consume their schema datatype information[XML Schema part 2], and the processorshould consume all schema information available where appropriate in the XForms processing model.AnXForms Model Processor may (and hence may not) support user interface creation and refresh behaviors described formodel processing.AnXForms Model Processor must support action handlers for the eventsxforms-model-construct-done,xforms-ready,xforms-link-exception andxforms-version-exception. The processormay support action handlers for thexforms-refresh event, and itshould support all other events targetted atmodel elements. The support for attributes and elements of[XML Events] is described below in the description of the support for XForms Actions.

AnXForms Model Processor should supporttheXForms Submission module. If it does, then all attributes, child elements, behaviors and eventsmust be supported except as follows. The support for attributes and elements of[XML Events] on action handlers for submission events is described below in the description of the support for XForms Actions.AllNCName submission methodsshould be supported, and the following methodsmust be supported:get,post,put,delete, andurlencoded-post. Themode attributeshould be supported; at leastone of asynchronous or synchronous submissionmust be supported. Thehttp submission schememust be supported. Thehttps andfileschemesshould be supported. Other schemesmay be supportedsuch asmailto orftp. XForms-defined submission headersmay be combined with those from the user agent in the manner specified by thecombine attribute.

AnXForms Model Processor must supportthe following actions:action,insert,delete,setvalue,reset,rebuild,recalculate,revalidate, anddispatch. The processorshould supportsend andload. The processormay supportrefresh,setindex,setfocus,toggle, andmessage. For every supportedaction, the processormust support all local attributes defined for the action, including conditional and iteration attributes. AnXForms Model Processor must support the attributeev:event so that XForms action handlers can appear as children of either the target elements of the events they handle or ancestors of thoseelements. The processorshould support the attributeev:target so action handlers can identify theevents targetted at a particular descendant of the action handler's parent element (e.g. thexforms-insert orxforms-deleteevent on a particularinstance of themodel). The processormay support all other features of[XML Events].

12.4.2 XForms Full

This conformance level is distinguished by the processor'sproperty() function returning a string beginning with"full" for theconformance-level property.

AnXForms Full Processor is anXForms Processorconsisting of a conformingXForms Model Processor along with the following additional required, recommended and optional features:

  • The processormust support user interface creation and refresh behaviors described formodel processing.

  • The processormust support allcore form controls, including all of their attributes and child elements.

  • The processormust support the actionsrefresh,setfocus, andmessage.

  • The processorshould support theXForms Group Module. If the processor does not support this module and agroup element is encountered during user interface initialization, then the processormust terminate processing after dispatchingxforms-binding-exception.

  • The processorshould support thetoggle action and theXForms Switch Module. If the processor does not support this module and aswitch element is encountered during user interface initialization, then the processormust terminate processing after dispatchingxforms-binding-exception.

  • The processorshould support thesetindex action and theXForms Repeat Module, except that support of therepeat-* attributes isoptional. If the processor does not support this module and arepeat element is encountered during user interface initialization, then the processormust terminate processing after dispatchingxforms-binding-exception.

  • The processorshould support all interaction and notification events targetted at basic form controls,group,switch,repeat, and their descendant elements ( anditem).

  • The processormay support the Extension module.

13 Glossary Of Terms


[Definition: A "binding" connects an instance data node to a form control or to a model item property by using a binding expression as a locator.]

Binding expression

[Definition: An[XPath 1.0] expression used in a binding.]

Compound Document

A[CDRF 1.0] Compound Document is a document that combines multiple document formats either by reference, by inclusion or both.

Computed expression

[Definition: An[XPath 1.0] expression used by model item properties such as relevant and calculate to include dynamic functionality in XForms.]

Containing document

[Definition: A specific document, for example an XHTML document, in which one or more <model> elements are found.]


[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 2]: A 3-tuple, consisting of a) a set of distinct values, called its value space, b) a set of lexical representations, called its lexical space, and c) a set of facets that characterize properties of the value space, individual values or lexical items.]


[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 2]: A single defining aspect of a value space. Generally speaking, each facet characterizes a value space along independent axes or dimensions.]

First node rule

[Definition: When a UI Single-Node Binding attribute selects a node-set of size > 1, the first node in the node-set is used.]

Form control

[Definition: An XForms user interface control that serves as a point of user interaction (acore form control) or as a container for other form controls (acontainer form control).]

Host language

[Definition: An XML vocabulary, such as XHTML, into which XForms is embedded.]

Instance data

[Definition: An internal tree representation of the values and state of all the instance data nodes associated with a particular form.]

Instance data node

[Definition: An[XPath 1.0] node from the instance data.]

Lax schema processing

[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 1]: For an element or attributes Schema validity to be assessed, then the applicable schema must provide a definition of the item. If not, Schema validation makes no contribution to the validity test for the item.]

Lexical space

[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 2]: A lexical space is the set of valid literals for a datatype.] The XML serialization that may occur during submission expresses the instance data using lexical space literals.

Model Binding expression

[Definition: An[XPath 1.0] expression used in thenodeset attribute of abind element in an XForms model. Often, abind also declarescomputed expressions for model item properties of the nodes. ]

Model item

[Definition: An instance data node with associated constraints.]

Model item property

[Definition: An XForms-specific annotation to an instance data node.]

Non-relevant Form Control

[Definition: A form control satisfying at least one of theform control non-relevance conditions.]


[Definition: AQName that is not anNCName. In 2006, the W3C named this aPrefixedName. ]

Relevant Form Control

[Definition: A form control satisfying none of theform control non-relevance conditions.]

Schema constraint

[Definition: A restriction, applied to form data, based on XML Schema datatypes.]

Strict schema processing

[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 1]: If the applicable schema does not provide a definition for an element or attribute, then Schema validation marks the item as invalid.]

UI Binding Expression

[Definition: An[XPath 1.0] expression used in binding aform control to the instance.]

Valid node

[Definition: An instance data node is valid if and only if the constraint model item property is true, the value is non-empty if the required model item property is true, and the node satisfies all applicable XML Schema definitions (including those associated byt the type model item property, byxsi:type or by an external or inline schema).]

Value space

[Definition: From XML Schema[XML Schema part 2]: A set of values for a given datatype. Each value in the value space of a datatype is denoted by one or more literals in its lexical space.]


[Definition: A list ([XML Schema part 2]) with an atomic datatype ([XML Schema part 2]) ofversionNumber.]


[Definition: A string consisting of a non-zero digit (1 to 9) followed by zero or more digits (0 to 9), then a period character (.), and then one or more digits (0-9). A version number is derived from string by restriction based on the following pattern value (excluding the quote marks):"[1-9]\d*\.\d+".]

XForms Model

[Definition: The non-visible definition of an XML form as specified by XForms. The XForms Model defines the individual model items and constraints and other run-time aspects of XForms.]

XForms Processor

[Definition: A software application or program that implements and conforms to the XForms specification.]

A References

A.1 Normative References

Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0, J. Boyer, D. Eastlake 3rd, J. Reagle, 2002. W3C Recommendation available at
RFC 2104 - HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, R. Canetti, 1997. Available at
Luhn Patent
Computer for Verifying Numbers, H. P. Luhn, U.S. Patent 2,950,048, 1960.
RFC 1321: The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, R. Rivest, 1992. Available at
RFC 2119
RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner, 1997. Available at
RFC 2387
RFC 2387: The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type, E. Levinson, 1998. Available at:
RFC 2388
RFC 2388: Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data, L. Masinter, 1998. Available at:
RFC 2396
RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, 1998. Available at:
RFC 2616
RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee,1999. Available at:
RFC 2822
RFC 2822: Internet Message Format, P. Resnick, 2001. Available at:
RFC 3023
RFC 3023: XML Media Types, M Murata, S. St. Laurent, D. Kohn, 2001. Available at:
SECURE HASH STANDARD. FIPS PUB 180-2, August 2002. Available at
SOAP 1.1
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, D. Box, D. Ehnebuske, G. Kakivaya, A. Layman, N. Mendelsohn, H. F. Nielsen, S. Thatte, D. Winer, 2000. Available at:
SOAP 1.2
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework, M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N. Mendelsohn, J.-J. Moreau, H. F. Nielsen, A. Karmarkar, Y. Lafon, 2007. Available at:
Unicode Collation Algorithm
Unicode Technical Standard #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm, Available at:
XHTML Modularization
XHTML Modularization 1.1, D. Austin, S. Peruvemba, S. McCarron, M. Ishikawa, M. Birbeck, 2008. W3C Recommendation available at
XML Base
XML Base (Second Edition), J. Marsh, R. Tobin, 2009. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML Events
XML Events - An events syntax for XML, Steven Pemberton, T. V. Raman, Shane P. McCarron, 2003. W3C Recommendation available at:
XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0, Steven Pemberton, et al., 2002. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML 1.0
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition), Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, 2006. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML Names
Namespaces in XML (Second Edition), Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, and Richard Tobin, 2006. W3C Recommendation available at:
XPath 1.0
XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0, James Clark, Steve DeRose, 1999. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML Schema part 1
XML Schema Part 1: Structures, Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn, 2004. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML Schema part 2
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, 2004. W3C Recommendation available at:
XSLT 1.0
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, James Clark, 1999. W3C Recommendation available at:

A.2 Informative References

The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 1 Fundamental Algorithms, D. E. Knuth, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1968. Third edition, 1997. ISBN:0-2018-9683-4.
Auditory User Interfaces--Toward The Speaking Computer, T. V. Raman, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. ISBN:0-7923-9984-6.
CDRF 1.0
Compound Document by Reference Framework 1.0, Timur Mehrvarz, Lasse Pajunen, Julien Quint, and Daniel Applequist, 2007. W3C Candidate Recommendation available at:
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification, Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, Ian Jacobs, 1998. W3C Recommendation available at:
Resizable Arrays, Heaps and Hash Tables, John Boyer, Doctor Dobb's Journal, CMP Media LLC, January 1998 Issue.
DOM2 Core
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification, Tom Pixley, 2000. W3C Recommendation available at:
DOM2 Events
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification, Tom Pixley, 2000. W3C Recommendation available at:
EXSLT Web site. Available at
ODF 1.1
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.1, Patrick Durusau, Michael Brauer, and Lars Oppermann (editors), 2007. OASIS Standard available at:
P3P 1.0
The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification, Lorrie Cranor, Marc Langheinrich, Massimo Marchiori, Martin Presler-Marshall, Joseph Reagle, 2002. W3C Recommendation available at:
RELAXNG Specification, James Clark, MURATO Makoto, 2001. OASIS Committee Specification available at:
RELAXNG Compact Syntax, James Clark, 2002. OASIS Committee Specification available at:
SVG 1.1
SVG 1.1, Jon Ferraiolo, FUJISAWA Jun, Dean Jackson, 2003. W3C Recommendation available at:
TAG Finding 7
TAG Finding: URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET, Ian Jacobs, 2004. Available at:
Unicode Script Names
ISO 15924: Codes for the representation of names of scripts, Available at:
UAAG 1.0
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, Ian Jacobs, Jon Gunderson, Eric Hansen, 2002. Working Draft available at
Unicode Scripts
Script Names, Mark Davis, 2001. Unicode Technical Report #24 available at
XForms 1.0
XForms 1.0 Third Edition, John Boyer, 2007. W3C Recommendation available at:
XForms Basic
XForms Basic Profile, Micah Dubinko, T. V. Raman, 2003. W3C Candidate Recommendation available at:
XLink 1.0
XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, Steve DeRose, Eve Maler, David Orchard, 2001. W3C Recommendation available at:
XPath 2.0
XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0, Anders Berglund, Scott Boag, Don Chamberlin, Mary F. Fernández, Michael Kay, Jonathan Robie, and Jérôme Siméon, 2007. W3C Recommendation available at:
XML Schema part 0
XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition, David C. Fallside and Priscilla Walmsley, 2004. W3C Recommendation available at:

B Patterns for Data Mutations

This appendix provides several usage patterns for thesetvalue,insert anddelete actions that perform various kinds of mutations of instance data elements and attributes.

B.1 Prepend Element Copy

Pattern:<insert context="parent of new element" origin="element to copy"/>


Thecontext attribute is used so that this pattern will work whether or not the parent element is empty.

Operation: Prepend a new, emptyperson element into a list ofpeople

<xforms:insert context="people" origin="instance('prototypes')/person"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>   <data xmlns="">       <people>           <person>               <name>Jane Doe</name>           </person>       </people>   </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>   <data xmlns="">       <people><person><name/></person>           <person>               <name>Jane Doe</name>           </person>       </people>   </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.2 Append Element Copy

Pattern:<insert context="parent of new element" nodeset="*" origin="element to copy"/>


Thecontext attribute is used so that this pattern will work whether or not the parent element is empty.

Operation: Append a new, emptyperson element into a list ofpeople

<xforms:insert context="people" nodeset="person" origin="instance('prototypes')/person"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>   <data xmlns="">       <people>           <person>               <name>Jane Doe</name>           </person>       </people>   </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>   <data xmlns="">       <people>           <person>               <name>Jane Doe</name>           </person><person><name/></person>       </people>   </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.3 Duplicate Element

Pattern:<insert nodeset="exact element to duplicate"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an exact element to duplicate, sonodeset is used. If the element does not exist, the operation will have no effect.

Operation: Duplicate the selected element and place it as a following sibling

<xforms:insert nodeset="paragraph[2]"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <document xmlns="">        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>        <paragraph>Lorem ipsum verterem voluptaria ...</paragraph>        <paragraph>Primis abhorreant delicatissimi ..</paragraph>        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>    </document></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <document xmlns="">        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>        <paragraph>Lorem ipsum verterem voluptaria ...</paragraph>        <paragraph>Primis abhorreant delicatissimi ...</paragraph><paragraph>Primis abhorreant delicatissimi ...</paragraph>        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>        <header>Lorem ipsum</header>    </document></xforms:instance>

B.4 Set Attribute

Pattern:<insert context="container element receiving attribute" origin="attribute to copy"/>


Thenodeset attribute is not used because this pattern cannot indicate an exact attribute sibling of the attribute being inserted. This is true not only because attribute order is not guaranteed but also because the attribute being inserted may already exist, in which case the existing attribute is replaced. Thecontext attribute is used when it is necessary to indicate the parent of the node being inserted.

Operation: Create or replace an attribute with a copy of a given attribute

<xforms:insert context="item[2]" origin="../item[1]/@rating"/><xforms:insert context="item[3]" origin="../item[1]/@rating"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23" rating="classified"/>        <item key="42"/>        <item key="68" rating="unknown"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23" rating="classified"/>        <item key="42"rating="classified"/>        <item key="68" rating="classified"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

B.5 Remove Element

Pattern:<delete nodeset="exact element to remove"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an exact element to remove, sonodeset is used. If the element does not exist, the operation will have no effect.

Operation: Removeitem element in case it exists

<xforms:delete nodeset="item[2]"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <shoppingcart xmlns="">        <item>            <product>SKU-0815</product>            <quantity>1</quantity>            <unitcost>29.99</unitcost>            <price>29.99</price>        </item><item><product>SKU-4711</product><quantity>3</quantity><unitcost>7.49</unitcost><price>22.47</price></item>    </shoppingcart></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <shoppingcart xmlns="">        <item>            <product>SKU-0815</product>            <quantity>1</quantity>            <unitcost>29.99</unitcost>            <price>29.99</price>        </item>    </shoppingcart></xforms:instance>

B.6 Remove Attribute

Pattern:<delete nodeset="exact attribute to remove"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an exact attribute to remove, sonodeset is used. If the attribute does not exist, the operation will have no effect.

Operation: Removerating attribute in case it exists

<xforms:delete nodeset="item/@rating"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23"rating="classified"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

B.7 Remove Nodeset

Pattern:<delete nodeset="nodeset to remove"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate a nodeset to remove, sonodeset is used. If the nodeset does not exist, the operation will have no effect.

Operation: Removetrack nodeset in case it exists

<xforms:delete nodeset="track"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <playlist xmlns="">        <name>Music for Airports</name><track/><track/><track/>    </playlist></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <playlist xmlns="">        <name>Music for Airports</name>    </playlist></xforms:instance>

B.8 Copy Nodeset

Pattern:<insert context="parent of new nodeset" nodeset="*" origin="nodeset to copy"/>


Thecontext attribute is used so that this pattern will work whether or not the parent element is empty.

Operation: Append aperson nodeset into a list ofpeople

<xforms:insert context="people" nodeset="person" origin="instance('prototypes')/person"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <data xmlns="">        <people/>    </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name>Jane Doe</name>        </person>        <person>            <name>John Doe</name>        </person>        <person>            <name>Joe Sixpack</name>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <data xmlns="">        <people><person><name>Jane Doe</name></person><person><name>John Doe</name></person><person><name>Joe Sixpack</name></person>        </people>    </data></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name>Jane Doe</name>        </person>        <person>            <name>John Doe</name>        </person>        <person>            <name>Joe Sixpack</name>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.9 Copy Attribute List

Pattern:<insert context="exact element receiving attribute list" origin="attribute list to copy"/>

Operation: Copy attribute list from oneitem to another

<xforms:insert context="item[2]" origin="../item[1]/@*"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="0" rating="classified"/>        <item/>    </items></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="0" rating="classified"/>        <itemkey="0" rating="classified"/>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.10 Replace Element

Pattern:<insert nodeset="exact element to replace" origin="element to copy"/><delete nodeset="exact element to replace"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an exact element to replace, sonodeset is used. If the element does not exist, both insert and delete operation will have no effect.

Operation: Replace aperson element by copying a new one and removing the old one

<xforms:insert nodeset="person[1]" origin="instance('prototypes')/person"/><xforms:delete nodeset="person[1]"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <people xmlns="">        <person>            <name>John Doe</name>        </person>    </people></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <people xmlns="">        <person><name/>        </person>    </people></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <person>            <name/>        </person>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.11 Replace Attribute

Pattern:<setvalue ref="exact attribute to replace" value="attribute to copy"/>


If the attribute does not exist, the operation will have no effect.

Operation: Replace an attribute with the copy of a given attribute

<xforms:setvalue ref="item[2]/@key" value="../../item[1]/@key"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance >    <items xmlns="">        <item key="0"/>        <item key="4711"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance >    <items xmlns="">        <item key="0"/>        <itemkey="0"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

B.12 Replace Instance with Insert

Pattern:<insert nodeset="root node of instance to replace" origin="element to copy"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an instance root node to replace, sonodeset is used. Since an instance cannot be empty,nodeset will always be non-empty. Insert implements special handling for instance root nodes, thus a delete operation is not necessary.

Operation: Replace instance root node with an emptyshoppingcart element

<xforms:insert nodeset="." origin="instance('prototypes')/shoppingcart"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <shoppingcart xmlns=""><item><product>SKU-0815</product><quantity>1</quantity><unitcost>29.99</unitcost><price>29.99</price></item><item><product>SKU-4711</product><quantity>3</quantity><unitcost>7.49</unitcost><price>22.47</price></item>    </shoppingcart></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <shoppingcart/>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <shoppingcart xmlns=""/></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <shoppingcart/>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

B.13 Move Element

Pattern:<insert context="new parent of element" nodeset="*" origin="exact element to move"/><delete nodeset="exact element to move"/>


Thecontext attribute is used for insert so that this pattern will work whether or not the new parent element is empty. For delete thenodeset attribute is used instead because this pattern assumes the ability to indicate an exact element to move. If the element to be moved does not exist, both insert and delete operation will have no effect.

Operation: Copy an existing element to a new parent and remove the original

<xforms:insert context="playlist[2]" nodeset="track" origin="../playlist[1]/track[2]"/><xforms:delete nodeset="playlist[1]/track[2]"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <library xmlns="">        <playlist>            <name>Music for Airports</name>            <track/><track/>            <track/>        </playlist>        <playlist>            <name>Lullabies</name>            <track/>            <track/>        </playlist>    </library></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <library xmlns="">        <playlist>            <name>Music for Airports</name>            <track/>            <track/>        </playlist>        <playlist>            <name>Lullabies</name>            <track/>            <track/><track/>        </playlist>    </library></xforms:instance>

B.14 Move Attribute

Pattern:<insert context="exact element receiving attribute" origin="exact attribute to move"/><delete nodeset="exact attribute to move"/>


If the attribute to be moved does not exist, both insert and delete operation will have no effect.

Operation: Copy an existing attribute to a new element and remove the original

<xforms:insert context="item[2]" origin="../item[1]/@rating"/><xforms:delete nodeset="item[1]/@rating"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23"rating="classified"/>        <item key="42"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <items xmlns="">        <item key="23"/>        <item key="42"rating="classified"/>    </items></xforms:instance>

B.15 Insert Element into Non-Contiguous, Heterogeneous Nodeset

Pattern:<insert nodeset="non-contiguous, heterogeneous nodeset" origin="element to copy" at="insert location"/>


Thecontext attribute is not used because it adheres to the first node rule and therefore would not allow to select a non-contiguous nodeset. Thenodeset attribute is used instead to select a nodeset consisting of nodes with different names and different parents. The parent of the new node is the same as the parent of the insert location node selected by the combination ofnodeset andat.

Operation: Copy an existing element into a non-contiguous, heterogeneous nodeset at a specified position

<xforms:insert nodeset="chapter/*" origin="instance('prototypes')/paragraph" at="7" position="before"/>

Data Before Operation

<xforms:instance>    <document xmlns="">        <chapter>            <header>Lorem ipsum</header>            <paragraph>Lorem ipsum verterem voluptaria ...</paragraph>            <diagram>Exemplum 1</diagram>            <diagram>Exemplum 2</diagram>            <paragraph>Primis abhorreant delicatissimi ...</paragraph>        </chapter>        <chapter>            <header>Lorem ipsum</header>            <diagram>Exemplum 3</diagram>        </chapter>    </document></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <chapter/>        <header/>        <paragraph/>        <diagram/>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

Data After Operation

<xforms:instance>    <document xmlns="">        <chapter>            <header>Lorem ipsum</header>            <paragraph>Lorem ipsum verterem voluptaria ...</paragraph>            <diagram>Exemplum 1</diagram>            <diagram>Exemplum 2</diagram>            <paragraph>Primis abhorreant delicatissimi ...</paragraph>        </chapter>        <chapter>            <header>Lorem ipsum</header><paragraph/>            <diagram>Exemplum 3</diagram>        </chapter>    </document></xforms:instance><xforms:instance>    <prototypes xmlns="">        <chapter/>        <paragraph/>        <diagram/>    </prototypes></xforms:instance>

C Recalculation Sequence Algorithm

XForms Processors are free (and encouraged) to skip or optimize any steps in this algorithm, as long as the end result is the same. The XForms recalculation algorithm considers model items and model item properties to be vertices in a directed graph. Edges between the vertices represent computational dependencies between vertices.

Following is the default handling for arecalculate action. Actionrecalculate is defined in10.10 The recalculate Element.

  1. A master dependency directed graph is created as detailed inC.1 Details on Creating the Master Dependency Directed Graph.

  2. To provide consistent behavior, implementations must reduce the number of vertices to be processed by computing a pertinent dependency subgraph consisting only of vertices and edges that are reachable from nodes that require recomputation. This is detailed inC.2 Details on Creating the Pertinent Dependency Subgraph. Note that on a first recomputation (such as on form load), the pertinent dependency subgraph will be the same as the master dependency directed graph.

  3. A topological sort is performed on the vertices of the pertinent dependency subgraph, resulting in an order of evaluation in which each vertex is evaluated only after those vertices on which it depends and before all vertices which depend on it. The topological sort algorithm is discussed at[Algorithms].

  4. Therecalculate process completes.

C.1 Details on Creating the Master Dependency Directed Graph

The master dependency directed graph can be considered an array with one record for each vertex, each having the following fields:

InstanceNode: a reference to the associated instance data node
type: indicates the aspect of the instance node represented by the vertex (the text content or a model item property such as readOnly or required)
depList: a list of vertices that refer to this vertex
in-degree: the number of vertices on which this vertex depends
visited: a flag used to ensure vertices are not added to a subgraph multiple times
index: an association between vertices in the master dependency directed graph and a subgraph

ThedepList for each vertex is assigned based on the referenced XML nodes of instance nodes, which are obtained by parsing the computed expression bound to the node (e.g., by calculate, relevant, readonly, or required). Any expression violating any Binding Expression Constraint causes an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event), terminating therecalculate process.

Specifically, thedepList for a vertexv is assigned to be the vertices other thanv whose computational expressions referencev (described below). Vertexv is excluded from its owndepList to allow self-references to occur without causing a circular reference exception.

A computational expression appearing in acalculate attribute controls the text content (value) of one or more instance nodes. A vertex exists for each instance node to represent the expression in the context of the node. Likewise, computational expressions for model item properties such asreadOnly andrequired are applied to one or more instance nodes, and vertices are created to represent such expressions in the context of each applicable node. The computational expression of each vertex must be examined to determine the XML nodes to which it refers. Any expression violating any Binding Expression Constraint causes an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event), terminating therecalculate process. A computation expression refers to a vertexv if a subexpression indicates the InstanceNode forv andv represents the instance node text content (its value). In this version of XForms, model item properties such asreadOnly andrequired cannot be referenced in an expression.

C.2 Details on Creating the Pertinent Dependency Subgraph

If all calculations must be performed, which is the case on form load, then the pertinent dependency subgraph is simply a duplicate of the master dependency directed graph. If the recalculation algorithm is invoked with a list of changed instance data nodes since the last recalculation, then the pertinent dependency subgraph is obtained by exploring the paths of edges and vertices in the computational dependency directed graph that are reachable from each vertex in the change list. The method of path exploration can be depth first search, a suitable version of which appears in the pseudo-code below.

Sample Algorithm to Create the Pertinent Dependency Subgraph

This algorithm creates a pertinent dependency subgraphS from a list of changed instance data nodesL<sub>c</sub>. Variables such asv andw represent vertices in the master dependency directed graph. The same variables ending withS indicate vertices in the pertinent dependency subgraphS.

// Use depth-first search to explore master digraph subtrees rooted at// each changed vertex. A 'visited' flag is used to stop exploration// at the boundaries of previously explored subtrees (because subtrees// can overlap in directed graphs).for each vertexr inLc  ifr is not visited  {    Push the pair (NIL,r) onto a stack    while the stack is not empty    {      (v,w) = pop dependency pair from stack      ifw is not visited      {        Set the visited flag ofw to true        Create a vertexwS in S to representw        Set the index ofw equal to the array location ofwS        Set the index ofwS equal to the array location ofw        Set the InstanceNode ofwS equal to the InstanceNode ofw        Set the type ofwS equal to the type ofw        For each dependency nodex ofw          Push the pair (w,x) onto the stack      }      else ObtainwS from index ofw      ifv is not NIL      {        ObtainvS from index ofv        Add dependency node forwS tovS        Increment inDegree ofwS      }    }  }        // Now clear the visited flags set in the loop abovefor each vertexvS in S{  Obtainv from index ofvS  Assign false to the visited flag ofv}

Note that the number of vertices and dependency nodes in the pertinent dependency subgraph is not known beforehand, but a method such as array doubling (see[DDJ-ArrayDoubling]) can be used to ensure that building the subgraph is performed in time linear in the size ofS.

C.3 Details on Computing Individual Vertices

The following steps process vertices, resulting in a recalculated form:

  1. A vertex with inDegree of 0 is selected for evaluation and removed from the pertinent dependency subgraph. In the case where more than one vertex has inDegree zero, no particular ordering is specified. If the pertinent dependency subgraph contains vertices, but none have an inDegree of 0, then the calculation structure of the form has a loop, and an exception (4.5.2 The xforms-compute-exception Event) must be thrown, terminating processing.

  2. If the vertex corresponds to a computed item, computed expressions are evaluated as follows:

    1. calculate: If the value of the model item changes, the corresponding instance data is updated and the dirty flag is set.

    2. relevant,readonly,required,constraint: If any or all of these computed properties change, the new settings are placed into effect for associated form controls.

  3. For each vertex in thedepList of the removed vertex, decrement the inDegree by 1.

  4. If no vertices remain in the pertinent dependency subgraph, then the calculation has successfully completed. Otherwise, repeat this sequence from step 1.

C.4 Example of Calculation Processing

For example, consider six verticesa,b,v,w,x, andy. Leta andb represent the text content of instance nodes that will be set by a binding from user input controls. Letv andw be vertices representing the calculated value and the validity property of a third instance nodec. These vertices would result from abind elementB withcalculate andconstraint attributes and anodeset attribute that indicatesc. Suppose that the value ofc is the product ofa andb and that the value is only valid if it does not exceed 100. Likewise, supposex andy are vertices representing the calculated value and the validity property of a fourth instance noded. Let the value ofd be the sum ofa andb, and letd be valid if the value does not exceed 20. The figure below depicts the dependency digraph for this example.

Dependency graph

Verticesa andb have edges leading tov andx because these vertices represent the calculate expressions ofc andd, which referencea andb to compute their product and sum, respectively. Similarly,v andx have directed edges tow andy, respectively, becausew andy represent theconstraint expressions ofc andd, which reference the values ofc andd to compare them with boundary values.

Ifa andb are initially equal to 10, and the user changesa to 11, then it is necessary to first recalculatev (the value ofc) then recalculatew (the validity property of the value ofc). Likewise,x (the value ofd) must be recalculated before recalculatingy (the validity property of the value ofd). In both cases, the validity of the value does not change tofalse until after the new product and sum are computed based on the change toa. However, there are no interdependencies betweenv andx, so the product and sum could be computed in either order.

The pertinent subgraph excludesb and only vertexa has in-degree of zero. The vertexa is processed first. It is not a computed vertex, so no recalculation occurs ona, but its removal causesv andx to have in-degree zero. Vertexv is processed second. Its value changes to 121, and its removal drops the in-degree of vertexw to zero. Vertexx is processed next, changing value to 21. Whenx is removed, its neighbory drops to in-degree zero. The fourth and fifth iterations of this process recalculate the validity ofw andy, both of which change to false.

D Privacy Considerations

D.1 Using P3P with XForms

P3P privacy policies may be associated with any forms transmitted over HTTP that have URIs associated with them. In the future, mechanisms may be specified for associating P3P policies with content transmitted over other protocols.

P3P allows for policies to be associated with an individual URI or a set of URIs. By associating a separate policy with each URI a site can declare a very precise policy that addresses exactly what data is collected with a particular HTTP request and how that data will be used. However, site management is substantially easier for many sites if they declare a single policy that covers many URIs, or even their entire Web presence.

The P3P specification specifies several methods for referencing a P3P policy reference file, which in turn associates P3P policies with URIs and cookies. XForms can be P3P enabled using any of the methods that are appropriate for the Web site in which they are embedded. Some special considerations regarding forms are addressed in the P3P Specification.[P3P 1.0]

Different P3P policies may be applied to the representation of a form embedded in a containing document to that which is associated with the data submitted via that form. If the form representation is served from a different server than the form is submitted to, it is likely that separate P3P policy reference files and policies will be needed. Typically the form representation causes onlyclickstream data (as defined in[P3P 1.0] section 5.6.4) to be transferred, while a form submission causes much more data to be transferred.

E Input Modes (Non-Normative)

The attributeinputmode provides ahint to the user agent to select an appropriate input mode for the text input expected in an associated form control. The input mode may be a keyboard configuration, an input method editor (also called front end processor) or any other setting affecting input on the device(s) used.

Usinginputmode, the author can give hints to the agent that make form input easier for the user. Authors should provideinputmode attributes wherever possible, making sure that the values used cover a wide range of devices.

E.1inputmode Attribute Value Syntax

The value of theinputmode attribute is a white space separated list of tokens. Tokens are either sequences of alphabetic letters or absolute URIs. The later can be distinguished from the former by noting that absolute URIs contain a ':'. Tokens are case-insensitive. All the tokens consisting of alphabetic letters only are defined in this specification, inE.3 List of Tokens (or a successor of this specification).

This specification does not define any URIs for use as tokens, but allows others to define such URIs for extensibility. This may become necessary for devices with input modes that cannot be covered by the tokens provided here. The URI should dereference to a human-readable description of the input mode associated with the use of the URI as a token. This description should describe the input mode indicated by this token, and whether and how this token modifies other tokens or is modified by other tokens.

E.2 User Agent Behavior

Upon entering an empty form control with aninputmode attribute, the user agent should select the input mode indicated by theinputmode attribute value. User agents should not use theinputmode attribute to set the input mode when entering a form control with text already present. To set the appropriate input mode when entering a form control that already contains text, user agents should rely on platform-specific conventions.

User agents should make available all the input modes which are supported by the (operating) system/device(s) they run on/have access to, and which are installed for regular use by the user. This is typically only a small subset of the input modes that can be described with the tokens defined here.


Additional guidelines for user agent implementation are found at[UAAG 1.0].

The following simple algorithm is used to define how user agents match the values of aninputmode attribute to the input modes they can provide. This algorithm does not have to be implemented directly; user agents just have to behave as if they used it. The algorithm is not designed to produce "obvious" or "desirable" results for every possible combination of tokens, but to produce correct behavior for frequent token combinations and predictable behavior in all cases.

First, each of the input modes available is represented by one or more lists of tokens. An input mode may correspond to more than one list of tokens; as an example, on a system set up for a Greek user, both "greek upperCase" and "user upperCase" would correspond to the same input mode. No two lists will be the same.

Second, theinputmode attribute is scanned from front to back. For each tokent in theinputmode attribute, if in the remaining list of tokens representing available input modes there is any list of tokens that containst, then all lists of tokens representing available input modes that do not containt are removed. If there is no remaining list of tokens that containst, thent is ignored.

Third, if one or more lists of tokens are left, and they all correspond to the same input mode, then this input mode is chosen. If no list is left (meaning that there was none at the start) or if the remaining lists correspond to more than one input mode, then no input mode is chosen.

Example: Assume the list of lists of tokens representing the available input modes is: {"cyrillic upperCase", "cyrillic lowerCase", "cyrillic", "latin", "user upperCase", "user lowerCase"}, then the followinginputmode values select the following input modes: "cyrillic title" selects "cyrillic", "cyrillic lowerCase" selects "cyrillic lowerCase", "lowerCase cyrillic" selects "cyrillic lowerCase", "latin upperCase" selects "latin", but "upperCase latin" does select "cyrillic upperCase" or "user upperCase" if they correspond to the same input mode, and does not select any input mode if "cyrillic upperCase" and "user upperCase" do not correspond to the same input mode.

E.3 List of Tokens

Tokens defined in this specification are separated into two categories:Script tokens andmodifiers. Ininputmode attributes, script tokens should always be listed before modifiers.

E.3.1 Script Tokens

Script tokens provide a general indication of the set of characters thatis covered by an input mode. In most cases, script tokens corresponddirectly to[Unicode Scripts]. However, this neither means that aninput mode has to allow input for all the characters in the script,nor that an input mode is limited to only characters from thatspecific script. As an example, a "latin" keyboard doesn't cover allthe characters in the Latin script, and includes punctuation which isnot assigned to the Latin script.

The script tokens that are allowed are listed in[Unicode Script Names], "codes for the representations of scripts". The allowable values are those listedin the column "Property Value Alias" with the underscore character (_) removed, and excluding the two values "Common", and "Unknown". At the time of writing, these values are:

  • Arabic

  • Armenian

  • Balinese

  • Bengali

  • Bopomofo

  • Braille

  • Buginese

  • Buhid

  • CanadianAboriginal

  • Carian

  • Cherokee

  • Coptic

  • Cuneiform

  • Cypriot

  • Cyrillic

  • Deseret

  • Devanagari

  • Ethiopic

  • Georgian

  • Glagolitic

  • Gothic

  • Greek

  • Gujarati

  • Gurmukhi

  • Han

  • Hangul

  • Hanunoo

  • Hebrew

  • Hiragana

  • Kannada

  • Katakana

  • KatakanaOrHiragana

  • KayahLi

  • Kharoshthi

  • Khmer

  • Lao

  • Latin

  • Lepcha

  • Limbu

  • LinearB

  • Lycian

  • Lydian

  • Malayalam

  • Mongolian

  • Myanmar

  • NewTaiLue

  • Nko

  • Ogham

  • OlChiki

  • OldItalic

  • OldPersian

  • Oriya

  • Osmanya

  • PhagsPa

  • Phoenician

  • Rejang

  • Runic

  • Saurashtra

  • Shavian

  • Sinhala

  • Sundanese

  • SylotiNagri

  • Syriac

  • Tagalog

  • Tagbanwa

  • TaiLe

  • Tamil

  • Telugu

  • Thaana

  • Thai

  • Tibetan

  • Tifinagh

  • Ugaritic

  • Vai

  • Yi

Seven other values are allowed:

Input Mode TokenComments
ipaInternational Phonetic Alphabet
hanjaSubset of 'han' used in writing Korean
kanjisubset of 'han' used in writing Japanese
mathmathematical symbols and related characters, representing the[Unicode Script Names] code "Zmth"
simplifiedHanzirepresenting the[Unicode Script Names] code "Hans"
traditionalHanzirepresenting the[Unicode Script Names] code "Hant"
userspecial value denoting the 'native' input of the user according to the system environment

E.3.2 Modifier Tokens

Modifier tokens can be added to the scripts they apply in order to more closely specify the kind of characters expected in the form control. Traditional PC keyboards do not need most modifier tokens (indeed, users on such devices would be quite confused if the software decided to change case on its own; CAPS lock for upperCase may be an exception). However, modifier tokens can be very helpful to set input modes for small devices.

Input Mode TokenComments
lowerCaselowercase (for bicameral scripts)
upperCaseuppercase (for bicameral scripts)
titleCasetitle case (for bicameral scripts): words start with an upper case letter
startUpperstart input with one uppercase letter, then continue with lowercase letters
digitsdigits of a particular script (e.g. inputmode='thai digits')
symbolssymbols, punctuation (suitable for a particular script)
predictOntext prediction switched on (e.g. for running text)
predictOfftext prediction switched off (e.g. for passwords)
halfWidthhalf-width compatibility forms (e.g. Katakana; deprecated)

E.4 Relationship to XML Schema pattern facets

User agents may use information available in an XML Schema pattern facet to set the input mode. Note that a pattern facet is a hard restriction on the lexical value of an instance data node, and can specify different restrictions for different parts of the data item. Attributeinputmode is a soft hint about the kinds of characters that the user may most probably start to input into the form control. Attributeinputmode is provided in addition to pattern facets for the following reasons:

  1. The set of allowable characters specified in a pattern may be so wide that it is not possible to deduce a reasonable input mode setting. Nevertheless, there frequently is a kind of characters that will be input by the user with high probability. In such a case,inputmode allows to set the input mode for the user's convenience.

  2. In some cases, it would be possible to derive the input mode setting from the pattern because the set of characters allowed in the pattern closely corresponds to a set of characters covered by aninputmode attribute value. However, such a derivation would require a lot of data and calculations on the user agent.

  3. Small devices may leave the checking of patterns to the server, but will easily be able to switch to those input modes that they support. Being able to make data entry for the user easier is of particular importance on small devices.

E.5 Examples

This is an example of the user interface markup for a form for user input in Japanese. .

<xf:input ref="name" inputmode="kanji">   <xf:label>Family name:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:input ref="nameKana" inputmode="katakana">   <xf:label>Family name in kana:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:input ref="given" inputmode="kanji">   <xf:label>Given name:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:input ref="givenKana" inputmode="katakana">   <xf:label>Given name in kana:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:input ref="email" inputmode="latin lowerCase">   <xf:label>Email:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:input ref="phone" inputmode="latin digits">   <xf:label>Telephone:</xf:label></xf:input><xf:textarea ref="comments" inputmode="user predictOn">   <xf:label>Comments:</xf:label></xf:textarea><xf:submit submission="sendit">   <xf:label>Send It</xf:label></xf:submit>

F Schema for XForms (Non-Normative)

The XML Schema for XForms, which has a target namespace, is located at

The RELAXNG ([RELAXNG],[RELAXNG Compact]) Schema for XForms, which includes the target namespace as well as the version suitable for import to a host language namespace, is located at

F.1 Schema for XML Events

This XML Schema for XML Events is referenced by the XML Schema for XForms, and located at

G XForms and Styling (Non-Normative)

This informative section provides a broad outline of new and existing CSS features needed to style XForms content. A future Recommendation from the CSS Working Group will fully develop the specification of these features.

G.1 Pseudo-classes

A CSS pseudo-class is used to select elements for styling based on information that lies outside of the document tree or that cannot be expressed using the other selectors.

NameDefined in:Relationship to XForms
:enabled &:disabled[CSS3]Selects any form control that isrelevant ornon-relevant (respectively).
:required &:optionalTBDSelects any core form control bound to a node with the model item propertyrequired evaluating to true or false (respectively).
:valid &:invalidTBDSelects any core form control bound to a node that is currently valid or invalid (respectively), as defined by XForms.
:read-only &:read-writeTBDSelects any core form control bound to a node with the model item propertyreadonly evaluating to true or false (respectively).
:out-of-range &:in-rangeTBDSelects any core form control bound to a node that contains a value the form control is not or is capable of rendering, (respectively).
:value-empty &:value-non-emptyTBDSelects any core form control bound to a node whose content is the empty string or not the empty string (respectively).

This list is not exhaustive; other pseudo-classes may be defined.

G.2 Pseudo-elements

Pseudo-elements are abstractions about the document tree beyond those specified by the document language. Pseudo-elements do not appear in the DOM; they are used only for purposes of styling.

NameDefined in:Relationship to XForms
::valueTBDRepresents the "active" area of a form control excluding the label; this corresponds in HTML toinput and other form control elements. This pseudo-element is a child of the form control element, and appears immediately after the requiredlabel element.
::repeat-itemTBDRepresents a single item from a repeating sequence. Its position is as a parent to all the elements in a single repeating item. Each::repeat-item is associated with a particular instance data node, and is affected by the model item properties (e.g. 'relevant') found there, as the related style properties will cascade to the child elements.
::repeat-indexTBDRepresents the current item of a repeating sequence. Its position is as a parent of all the elements in the index repeating item (and as a child to the::repeat-item pseudo-element), thus any style declarations applying to this pseudo-element override those on the parent::repeat-item.

This list is not exhaustive; other pseudo-elements may be defined.

G.3 Examples

The following examples collects together styling recommendations from this document, expressing them with a CSS notation. Throughout the examples, the following namespace declaration is assumed:

@namespace xf url('');

From8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls: "All form controls, includingcontainer form controls, should have an inline layout by default... By default,repeat items should have a block layout." Hence, if the display property is not set via CSS, it should default to the following:

xf|input:enabled, xf|secret:enabled, xf|textarea:enabled, xf|output:enabled, xf|upload:enabled, xf|range:enabled, xf|trigger:enabled, xf|submit:enabled, xf|select:enabled, xf|select1:enabled { display: inline; }xf|output:enabled { display: inline; }xf|group:enabled, xf|switch:enabled { display: inline; }xf|repeat:enabled { display: inline; }::repeat-item:enabled { display:block; }

From6.1.4 The relevant Property: "Typically, non-relevant content is not presented, or it may be styled as disabled." If the display property is not set via CSS, it should default to the following:

xf|input:disabled, xf|secret:disabled, xf|textarea:disabled,xf|output:disabled, xf|upload:disabled, xf|range:disabled,xf|trigger:disabled, xf|submit:disabled, xf|select:disabled,xf|select1:disabled {  display: none; }xf|output:disabled { display: none; }xf|group:disabled, xf|switch:disabled { display: none; }::repeat-item:disabled { display: none; }

Below is an example of how a form author can override the default display:none styling of :disabled. Note that the implementation must also implement the behavior of not accepting user input in the disabled control.

xf|input.authorization:disabled {   display: inline; background-color: #bbbbbb }

From8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls: "The readonly form control should render in a way which indicates that entering or changing the value is not allowed." Below is an example of one way to indicate this information. CSS does not have a way to provide readonly behavior, so this example merely changes the background color. An implementation could use this style by default, and an author would only need to use styling to override the default.

xf|input:enabled:readonly::value{   display: inline; background-color: #888888 }

From8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls: "Except as noted, relevant form controls must distinguish rendering between being bound to a required node versus a non-required node. Exceptions are form controls that do not directly render the string value of the bound node (including trigger and the container form controls)." Below is an example styling form controls bound to required nodes with a soft yellow background. An implementation could use this style by default, and an author would only need to use styling to override the default.

xf|input:enabled:required, xf|secret:enabled:required,xf|textarea:enabled:required, xf|output:enabled:required,xf|upload:enabled:required, xf|range:enabled:required,xf|trigger:enabled:required, xf|submit:enabled:required,xf|select:enabled:required, xf|select1:enabled:required {    background-color: #FFFFD0}

From8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls: Relevant form controls must distinguish rendering between valid and "invalid states. Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets." Below is an example styling input controls bound to non-empty but invalid nodes with a reddish background. An implementation could use this style by default, and an author would only need to use styling to override the default.

xf|input:enabled:invalid:value-non-empty {   background-color: #ff8080;}

From8.1.1 Implementation Requirements Common to All Form Controls: "Relevant form controls must indicate when the bound instance data contains a value or content that the form control is not capable of rendering. Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets". In this example, select, select1, and range controls bound nodes whose values are not presentable by the controls are styled with in red. An implementation could use this style by default, and an author would only need to use styling to override the default.

xf|select1:enabled:out-of-range, xf|select1:enabled:out-of-range, xf|range:enabled:out-of-range {   color: red;}

H Complete XForms Examples (Non-Normative)

This section presents complete XForms examples. These and additional examples are maintained at

H.1 XForms in XHTML

<html xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:my=""xml:lang="en">
<title>XForms in XHTML</title>

<model xmlns=""schema="payschema.xsd">
<my:cc />
<my:exp />
<submissionaction=""method="post"id="s00" />
<bindnodeset="my:cc"relevant="../@as='credit'"required="true()" />
<bindnodeset="my:exp"relevant="../@as='credit'"required="true()" />
<group xmlns="">
<label>Select Payment Method</label>
              Please do not mail cash.
<label>Credit Card Number</label>
<alert>Please specify a valid credit card number
            (use spaces or hyphens between digit groups)
<label>Expiration Date</label>

Schema filepayschema.xsd:

<!-- payschema.xsd -->
<xs:schema xmlns:my="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd=""targetNamespace=""elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:elementref="my:cc" />
<xs:elementref="my:exp" />
<xs:attributename="as"type="my:paymentAs" />
<xs:elementname="cc"type="my:cc" />
<xs:elementname="exp"type="xsd:gYearMonth" />

<xs:minLengthvalue="12" /> 
<xs:maxLengthvalue="19" /> 
<xs:patternvalue="[0-9]+" /> 

<xs:enumerationvalue="cash" />
<xs:enumerationvalue="credit" />

H.2 Editing Hierarchical Bookmarks Using XForms

<html xmlns="" xmlns:xforms="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:my="" xmlns:ev=""xml:lang="en">
      xforms|input.editField {
       font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; width:500px
      xforms|label.sectionLabel {
        font-weight:bold; color:white; background-color:blue
      xforms|submit {
        font-family: Arial; font-size: 20px; font-style: bold; color: red
<title>Editing Hierarchical Bookmarks In X-Smiles </title>
<xforms:instanceresource="bookmarks.xml" />
<xforms:submissionid="s01"method="post"action="" />
<xforms:label>Bookmark name</xforms:label>
<xforms:label>Insert bookmark</xforms:label>
<xforms:insertnodeset="section[index('repeatSections')]/bookmark"at="index('repeatBookmarks')"position="after"ev:event="DOMActivate" />
<xforms:label>Delete bookmark</xforms:label>
<xforms:deletenodeset="section[index('repeatSections')]/bookmark"at="index('repeatBookmarks')"ev:event="DOMActivate" />
<xforms:label>Insert section</xforms:label>
<xforms:insertnodeset="section"at="index('repeatSections')"position="after"ev:event="DOMActivate" />
<xforms:label>Delete section</xforms:label>
<xforms:deletenodeset="section"at="index('repeatSections')"ev:event="DOMActivate" />
<xforms:hint>Click to submit</xforms:hint>

Initial instance filebookmarks.xml:

<!--This is the bookmarks.xml file -->
<bookmarkhref=""name="Main page" />
<bookmarkhref=""name="images" />
<bookmarkhref=""name="ecma" />
<bookmarkhref=""name="sip" />
<bookmarkhref="file:///C/source/xmlevents.xml"name="XML events" />
<bookmarkhref="file:///C/source/model3.xml"name="model3" />
<bookmarkhref="file:///C/source/"name="repeat" />

H.3 Survey Using XForms and SVG

The following example shows one possible way of integrating XForms with[SVG 1.1]. Note that the complete set of rules for integrating XForms and SVG are not fully specified at the time this specification was published. Future versions of the XForms, SVG, or other W3C specifications might define more complete rules for integrating XForms and SVG which might not be compatible with the example below.

Note that the example below does not use SVG'sswitch andrequiredExtensions features, which are commonly used in conjunction withforeignObject.

<!-- <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" 
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xforms="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:s=""width="700px"height="600px"viewBox="0 0 700 600">
<polygonid="bullet"points="-30,-30, -10,-10, -20,10"fill="#007138" />
<s:survey xmlns="">
<xforms:submissionid="submit1"method="post"action="" />
<title>Espresso survey</title>
<desc>Sample SVG and XForms - espresso customer survey</desc>
<textx="50"y="70"font-size="40"font-family="Arial Black, sans-serif"font-weight="900">Customer Survey: Espresso</text>
<gfont-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"font-size="18">
<gtransform="translate(80, 140)">
<usexlink:href="#bullet" />
<text>Your usual coffee drink is:</text>
<xforms:label>Rich, dark espresso</xforms:label>
<xforms:label>Creamy cappuccino</xforms:label>
<xforms:label>Long, milky latte</xforms:label>
<xforms:label>Don't like coffee!</xforms:label>
<gtransform="translate(80, 230)">
<usexlink:href="#bullet" />
<text>Shots of espresso per week:</text>
<gtransform="translate(80, 340)">
<usexlink:href="#bullet" />
<gtransform="translate(80, 410)">
<usexlink:href="#bullet" />
<xforms:label>Required for the full experience</xforms:label>
<xforms:label>Keep that citrus to yourself</xforms:label>
<usexlink:href="#bullet"x="101"y="64"transform="scale(7,3)" />
<xforms:label>Send survey</xforms:label>
<!--- keep the graphics data out of this example listing -->
<imagexlink:href="espresso.svg"x="400"y="230"width="280"height="270" />

I Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

This document was produced with the participation of Forms Working Group participants, including:

J Production Notes (Non-Normative)

This document was encoded in the XMLspec DTD v2.6. The XML sources were transformed using diffspec and xmlspec stylesheets, version 2.6. The XML Schema portion of the Appendix was rendered into HTML with thexmlverbatim XSLT stylesheet (used with permission). The primary tool used for editing was XMLSpy. The XML was transformed using the XSLT processor in Java 6. The editor(s) use the W3C CVS repository and the W3C IRC server for collaborative authoring.

