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WebSub provides a common mechanism for communication between publishers of any kind of Web content and their subscribers, based on HTTP web hooks. Subscription requests are relayed through hubs, which validate and verify the request. Hubs then distribute new and updated content to subscribers when it becomes available. WebSub was previously known as PubSubHubbub.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of currentW3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
This document was published by theSocial Web Working Group as a Recommendation. Comments regarding this document are welcome. All interested parties are invited to provide implementation and bug reports and other comments through the Working Group'sIssue tracker. These will be discussed by theSocial Web Community Group and considered in any future versions of this specification.
Please see the Working Group'simplementation report.
This document has been reviewed byW3C Members, by software developers, and by otherW3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as aW3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document.W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
This document was produced by a group operating under theW3C Patent Policy.W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of theW3C Patent Policy.
This document is governed by the1 March 2017W3C Process Document.
(This section is non-normative.)
Earlier versions of this protocol were called PubSubHubbub:
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
WebSub describes three roles: publishers, subscribers and hubs. This section describes the conformance criteria for each role.
A conforming subscriber:
A conforming hub:
header if the subscription was made with ahub.secret
as described inAuthenticated Content Distribution.This specification exited the CR stage with at least two independent, interoperable implementations of each feature. Each feature may have been implemented by a different set of products. There was no requirement that all features be implemented by a single product. For the purposes of this criterion, we define the following terms:
A WebSub Publisher is an implementation that advertises a topic and hub URL on one or more resource URLs. The conformance criteria are described inConformance Classes above.
A WebSub Subscriber is an implementation that discovers the hub and topic URL given a resource URL, subscribes to updates at the hub, and accepts content distribution requests from the hub. The subscriberMAY supportauthenticated content distribution. The conformance criteria are described inConformance Classes above.
A WebSub Hub is an implementation that handles subscription requests and distributes the content to subscribers when the corresponding topic URL has been updated. HubsMUST support subscription requests with a secret and deliverauthenticated requests when requested. HubsMUST deliver the full contents of the topic URL in the request, andMAY reduce the payload to a diff if the content type supports it. The conformance criteria are described inConformance Classes above.
Each implementation must be developed by a different party and cannot share, reuse, or derive from code used by another qualifying implementation. Sections of code that have no bearing on the implementation of this specification are exempt from this requirement.
A Subscriber and Hub implementation are considered interoperable for a specific feature when the Hub takes the defined action that the Subscriber requests, the Subscriber gets the expected response from a Hub according to the feature, and the Hub sends the expected response to the Subscriber.
For the purposes of evaluating exit criteria, each of the following is considered a feature:
The discovery mechanism aims at identifying at least 2 URLs.
Publishers may wish to advertise and publish to more than one hub for fault tolerance and redundancy. If one hub fails to propagate an update to the document, then using multiple independent hub is a way to increase the liklihood of delivery to subscribers. As such, subscribers may subscribe to one or more of the advertised hubs.
The protocol currently supports the following discovery mechanisms. PublishersMUST implement at least one of them:
Since<link> has been limited to being placed in the<head> for many years, some consuming code might only check the<head>. Therefore it is more robust to place the<link> tags only in the HTML<head> rather than in the<body>.
GET/feed HTTP/1.1Host: example.comHTTP/1.1200 OkContent-type: text/htmlLink: <>; rel="hub"Link: <>; rel="self"<!doctype html><html><head><linkrel="hub"href=""><linkrel="self"href=""></head><body> ...</body></html>
When perfoming discovery, subscribersMUST implement all three discovery mechanisms in the following order, stopping at the first match:
For practical purposes, it is important that therel=self URL only offers a single representation. As the hub has no way of knowing what Media Type ([RFC6838]) or language may have been requested by the subscriber upon discovery, it would not be able to deliver the content using the appropriate representation of the document.
It is, however, possible to perform content negotiation by returning an appropriaterel=self URL according to the HTTP headers used in the initial discovery request. For example, a request to/feed with anAccept header containingapplication/json could return arel=self value of/feed.json.
The example below illustrates how a topic URL can return differentLink headers depending on theAccept header that was sent.
GET/feed HTTP/1.1Host: example.comAccept: application/jsonHTTP/1.1200 OkContent-type: application/jsonLink: </feed.json>; rel="self"Link: <>; rel="hub"{"items": [...]}
GET/feed HTTP/1.1Host: example.comAccept: text/htmlHTTP/1.1200 OkContent-type: text/htmlLink: </feed.html>; rel="self"Link: <>; rel="hub"<html>...
Similarly, the technique can also be used to return a differentrel=self URL depending on the language requested by theAccept-Language header.
GET/feed HTTP/1.1Host: example.comAccept-Language: de-DEHTTP/1.1200 OkContent-type: text/htmlLink: </feed-de.json>; rel="self"Link: <>; rel="hub"{"items": [...]}
Subscribing to a topic URL consists of four parts that may occur immediately in sequence or have a delay.
Unsubscribing works in the same way, except with a single parameter changed to indicate the desire to unsubscribe. Also, the Hub will not validate unsubscription requests with the publisher.
Subscription is initiated by the subscriber making an HTTPS or HTTP POST [RFC7231] request to the hub URL. This requestMUST have a Content-Type header ofapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded (described in Section [HTML5]),MUST use UTF-8 [Encoding] as the document character encoding, andMUST use the following parameters in its body, formatted accordingly:
SubscribersMAY also include additional HTTP [RFC7230] request parameters, as well as HTTP [RFC7230] Headers if they are required by the hub.
HubsMUST ignore additional request parameters they do not understand.
HubsMUST allow subscribers to re-request subscriptions that are already activated. Each subsequent request to a hub to subscribe or unsubscribeMUST override the previous subscription state for a specific topic URL and callback URL combination, but only once the action is verified (Section 4.3). If verification fails, the subscription stateMUST be left unchanged. This is required so subscribers can renew their subscriptions before the lease seconds period is over without any interruption. The subscriberMAY use a new hub.secret value in a future subscription, andMAY make a new subscription without a hub.secret.
The topic and callback URLsMAY use HTTP [RFC7230] or HTTPS [RFC2818] schemes. The topic URLMUST be the one advertised by the publisher in a Self Link Header during the discovery phase. (SeeSection 3). HubsMAY refuse subscriptions if the topic URL does not correspond to the one advertised by the publisher. The topic URL can otherwise be free-form following the URL spec [URL]. HubsMUST always decode non-reserved characters for these URL parameters; see section 1.2 on"Percent-encoded bytes" in [URL].
The callback URLSHOULD be an unguessable unique URL ([capability-urls]) andSHOULD use HTTPS [RFC7230]. The callback URL acts as authentication from the hub to the subscriber when confirming subscriptions and delivering the content. Additionally, the callbackSHOULD be unique (not re-used for multiple hubs) and changed when subscriptions are renewed.
The callback URLMAY contain arbitrary query string parameters (e.g.,?foo=bar&red=fish). HubsMUST preserve the query string during subscription verification by appending new parameters to the end of the list using the& (ampersand) character to join. Existing parameters with names that overlap with those used by verification requests will not be overwritten. When sending the content distribution request, the hub will make a POST request to the callback URL including any query string parameters in the URL portion of the request, not as POST body parameters.
If the hub URL supports WebSub and is able to handle the subscription or unsubscription request, itMUST respond to a subscription request with an HTTP [RFC7231] 202 "Accepted" response to indicate that the request was received and will now be verified (Section 4.3) and validated (Section 4.2) by the hub. The hubSHOULD perform the verification and validation of intent as soon as possible.
If a hub finds any errors in the subscription request, an appropriate HTTP [RFC7231] error response code (4xx or 5xx)MUST be returned. In the event of an error, hubsSHOULD return a description of the error in the response body as plain text, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error. This is not meant to be shown to the end user. HubsMAY decide to reject some callback URLs or topic URLs based on their own policies (e.g., domain authorization, topic URL port numbers). However, since verification and validation of intent are asynchronous steps that logically begin after the HTTP response has been returned, the HTTP responseMUST NOT depend on the process or outcome of verification or validation.
If the hub URL is not able to handle subscription or unsubscription requests, itMAY redirect to another hub which supports WebSub. It does so by yielding an HTTP [RFC7231] 307 (temporary redirect) or 308 (permanent redirect) response. ItMUST also include at least a HTTP [RFC7230] Location Header containing a preferred URL reference for the hub to use by the subscriber. The subscriber is expected to retry the subscription or unsubscription at the new hub URL.
SubscriptionsMAY be validated by the Hubs who may require more details to accept or refuse a subscription. The HubMAY also check with the publisher whether the subscription should be accepted.
If (and when) the subscription is accepted, the hubMUST perform theverification of intent of the subscriber.
If (and when) the subscription is denied, the hubMUST inform the subscriber by sending an HTTP [RFC7231] (or HTTPS [RFC2818]) GET request to the subscriber's callback URL as given in the subscription request. This request has the following query string arguments appended (format described in Section 4 of [URL]):
The subscriptionMAY be denied by the hub at any point (even if it was previously accepted). The SubscriberSHOULD then consider that the subscription is not possible anymore.
In order to prevent an attacker from creating unwanted subscriptions on behalf of a subscriber (or unsubscribing desired ones), a hub must ensure that the subscriber did indeed send the subscription request.
The hub verifies a subscription request by sending an HTTP [RFC7231] (or HTTPS [RFC2818]) GET request to the subscriber's callback URL as given in the subscription request. This request has the following query string arguments appended (format described in Section 4 of [URL]):
The subscriberMUST confirm that thehub.topic corresponds to a pending subscription or unsubscription that it wishes to carry out. If so, the subscriberMUST respond with an HTTP success (2xx) code with a response body equal to thehub.challenge parameter. If the subscriber does not agree with the action, the subscriberMUST respond with a 404 "Not Found" response.
The hubMUST consider other server response codes (3xx, 4xx, 5xx) to mean that the verification request has failed. If the subscriber returns an HTTP [RFC7231] success (2xx) but the content body does not match thehub.challenge parameter, the hubMUST also consider verification to have failed.
HubsMAY make thehub.lease_seconds equal to the value the subscriber passed in their subscription request butMAY change the value depending on the hub's policies. To sustain a subscription, the subscriberMUST re-request the subscription on the hub beforehub.lease_seconds seconds has elapsed.
HubsMUST enforce lease expirations, andMUST NOT issue perpetual lease durations.
The spec uses GET vs POST to differentiate between the confirmation/denial of the subscription request and delivering the content. While this is not considered "best practice" from a web architecture perspective, it does make implementation of the callback URL simpler. Since the POST body of the content distribution request may be any arbitrary content type and only includes the actual content of the document, using the GET vs POST distinction to switch between handling these two modes makes implementations simpler.
The publisherMUST inform the hubs it previously designated when a topic has been updated. The hub and the publisher can agree on any mechanism, as long as the hub is eventually able send the updated payload to the subscribers.
The specific mechanism for the publisher to inform the hub is left unspecified. For example, some existing public hubs[1][2][3] ask publishers to send a POST request with the keyshub.mode="publish" andhub.url=(the URL of the resource that was updated).
If the publisher wishes to migrate existing subscriptions to a new topic URL, it can do so using HTTP redirects.
URL and the new hub, and will subscribe to the new topic URL at the new hub.This does not require any participation on the part of the previous hub, and works whether or not the publisher changes hubs as well.
A content distribution request is sent from the Hub to the Subscriber when new content is available for a topic URL. The request is an HTTP [RFC7231] (or HTTPS [RFC2818]) POST request from the hub to the subscriber's callback URL. The HTTP body of the POST requestMUST include the payload of the content distribution notification. The content distribution requestMUST have aContent-Type Header corresponding to theContent-Type of the topic, andMUST contain the full contents of the topic URL, with an exception allowed as described below.
For Atom ([RFC4287]) and RSS ([RSS-2.0]) feeds, the hubMAY remove already-deliveredatom:entry
elements from the feed.
The requestMUST include at least one Link Header [RFC5988] withrel=hub pointing to a Hub associated with the topic being updated. ItMUST also include one Link Header [RFC5988] withrel=self set to the canonical URL of the topic being updated. The HubSHOULD combine these headers into a single Link Header [RFC5988]. All these URLs are those resulting from the discovery process (Section 3). The subscriberMUST NOT use these Link headers to identify the subscription corresponding to the content distribution request, because the Link headers are metadata associated with the topic content, not with any particular subscription. For example, the topic URL in the content distribution request may be different from the topic URL that was originally subscribed to.
The subscriber's callback URLMUST return an HTTP [RFC7231] 2xx response code to indicate a success. The subscriber's callback URLMAY return an HTTP 410 code to indicate that the subscription has been deleted, and the hubMAY terminate the subscription if it receives that code as a response. The hubMUST consider all other subscriber response codes as failures; that means subscribersMUST NOT use HTTP redirects for moving subscriptions. SubscribersSHOULD respond to content distribution requests as quickly as possible; their success response codeSHOULD only indicate receipt of the message, not acknowledgment that it was successfully processed by the subscriber. The response body from the subscriberMUST be ignored by the hub. HubsSHOULD retry content distribution requests up to self-imposed limits on the number of times and the overall time period to retry. When the failing delivery exceeds the hub's limits, the hub stops attempting to deliver that nofication. The hubMUST keep the subscription active until the end of the lease duration, and if a new update is published to the topic,MUST continue to retry delivery to the previously-failing subscriber.
If the subscriber supplied a value forhub.secret in their subscription request, the hubMUST generate an HMAC signature of the payload and include that signature in the request headers of the content distribution request. TheX-Hub-Signature header's valueMUST be in the formmethod=signature wheremethod is one of the recognized algorithm names andsignature is the hexadecimal representation of the signature. The signatureMUST be computed using the HMAC algorithm [RFC6151] with the request body as the data and thehub.secret as the key.
The following algorithms are the initially registered algorithm names, based on the contents of the [FIPS-PUB-180-4] registry at the time of publishing.
In the future, an extension may be specified allowing subscribers to indicate which algorithms they can use for validation. As of this writing, most hubs sign with SHA-1, despite its known cryptographic weakness, in order to be interoperable with older subscribers.
When subscribers receive a content distribution request with theX-Hub-Signature header specified, theySHOULD recompute the signature with the shared secret using the same method (provided in theX-Hub-Signature header) as the hub. If the signature does not match, subscribersMUST locally ignore the message as invalid. SubscribersMAY still acknowledge this request with a 2xx response code in order to be able to process the message asynchronously and/or prevent brute-force attempts of the signature. Using this technique along with HTTPS [RFC2818] for subscription requests enables simple subscribers to receive authenticated content distribution requests from hubs without the need for subscribers to run an HTTPS [RFC2818] server.
Please note however that this signature only ensures that the payload was not forged. Since the request also includes headers, these should not be considered as safe by the subscriber, unless of course the subscriber uses HTTPS [RFC2818] callbacks.
Here is a summary of security considerations. It is important to note that WebSub is a server-to-server protocol which relies only on HTTP. It is strongly recommended to use HTTPS for all requests.
The decision about whether a subscriber should look for<link> elements inside a page's<body> (as well as the<head>) is not straightforward, and there is currently no clear consensus. One reason to ignore the<body> during discovery is that some web sites might (perhaps accidentally) allow users to post content containing<link> elements, though the working group does not know of any specific examples of such sites. If WebSub discovery uses such<link> elements, a user contributing to such sites could potentially maliciously cause all subscribers to use an alternate hub which later delivers malicious content. Given this potential attack, it may be prudent to do discovery only in the<head> of HTML documents.
First, subscribersSHOULD always favor the HTTPS URL for hubs (even if the URL is advertised as HTTP). Second, subscribersSHOULD use unique unguessable capability URLs for the callbacks, as well as make them available via HTTPS. Finally, subscribersSHOULD use ahub.secret when subscribing to allow signature of the content distribution.
HubsSHOULD enforce short livedhub.lease_seconds (10 days is a good default). When performing intent verification, the hubSHOULD use a random, single-usehub.challenge.
The HubMUST use the exact callback used by the subscriber (including the use of HTTPS). HubsMUST sign their requests using thehub.secret supplied by subscribers if requested.
If the subscriber included a hub.secret in the subscription request, the subscriberSHOULD validate the hub's provided signature, and if they do so, theyMUST use the server's stated signature mechanism, and discard requests which fail the test.
If a subscriber does not use a secure callback URL (HTTPS), or if it is suspected that the TLS transport between the hub and subscriber may be compromised, then the integrity of the content delivery notification is only protected by thehub.secret and the hashing algorithm used. In this case, an appropriate hashing algorithm should be used based on the security requirements of the application. As SHA-1 has been demonstrated to be compromised as of the date of this publication, a minimum of SHA-256 should be used.
These questions provide an overview of security and privacy considerations for this specification as guided by Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy ([security-privacy-questionnaire]).
This section is non-normative.
The editors wish to thank the authors of PubSubHubbub, the IndieWeb community, and other implementers for their support, encouragement and enthusiasm. In particular, the editors wish to thankBrad Fitzpatrick,Brett Slatkin,Martin Atkins,Amy Guy,Barry Frost,Benjamin Roberts,Eugen Rochko,Jordan Potter,Matthias Pfefferle,Malcolm Blaney,Marten de Vries,Sandro Hawke,Tantek Çelik, andTony Garnock-Jones.
This section is non-normative.
discovery feature due to lack of implementations (Issue #97)hub.secret
should be cryptographically random and uniqueAccept-Language
tags in the HTML <head> elementrel=self
URLs to support content negotiationhub.topic
must be theself
URL that was discoveredFrom
header on subscription requests