W3C First Public Working Draft
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This document defines SPARQL-related extensions of the SHACL Shapes Constraint Language.SHACL is a language for validating RDF graphs against a set of conditions.These conditions are provided as shapes and other constructs expressed in the form of an RDF graph.While the Core part of SHACL defines the basic syntax of shapes and the most common constraint componentssupported by SHACL, the SPARQL-related extensions cover features that extend the expressiveness of Coreby means of SPARQL.In particular, this document defines how constraints and constraint components can be defined using SPARQL.
TODO: More will be added on Node Expressions/targets once that part is ready.Other features from SHACL-AF such as user-defined functions may get added.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of currentW3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.
This document was published by theData Shapes Working Group as a First Public Working Draft using theRecommendation track.
Publication as a First Public Working Draft does not imply endorsement byW3C and its Members.
This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under theW3C Patent Policy.W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of theW3C Patent Policy.
This document is governed by the03 November 2023W3C Process Document.
This document specifies the SPARQL-related features of the SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language).
Throughout this document, the following terminology is used.
The SHACL SPARQL Extensions defined in this document are sometimes called SHACL-SPARQL.
Terminology that is linked to portions of RDF 1.2 Concepts and Abstract Syntax is used in SHACL-SPARQL as defined there.Terminology that is linked to portions of SPARQL 1.2 Query Language is used in SHACL-SPARQL as defined there. Terminology that is linked to portions of SHACL 1.2 Core is used in SHACL-SPARQL as defined there. A single linkage is sufficient to provide a definition for all occurences of a particular term in this document.
Definitions are complete within this document, i.e., if there is no rule tomake some situation true in this document then the situation is false.
The syntax of SHACL is RDF.The examples in this document use Turtle [rdf12-turtle].Other RDF serializations such as RDF/XML may be used in practice.The reader should be familiar with basic RDF concepts [rdf12-concepts] such as triples and with SPARQL [sparql12-query].
Within this document, the following namespace prefix bindings are used:
Prefix | Namespace |
rdf: | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# |
rdfs: | http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# |
sh: | http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl# |
xsd: | http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# |
ex: | http://example.com/ns# |
Note that the URI of the graph defining the SHACL vocabulary itself is equivalent tothe namespace above, i.e. it includes the#
.References to the SHACL vocabulary, e.g. viaowl:imports
should include the#
Throughout the document, color-coded boxes containing RDF graphs in Turtle will appear.These fragments of Turtle documents use the prefix bindings given above.
SHACL Definitions appear in blue boxes:
# This box contains SPARQL or textual definitions.
Grey boxes such as this include syntax rules that apply to theshapes graph.
SPARQL variables using the$
marker represent externalbindings that arepre-bound or, in the case of$PATH
,substituted in the SPARQL query before execution (as explained in3.3Validation with SPARQL-based Constraint Components).
denotes the RDF term"true"^^xsd:boolean
denotes the RDF term"false"^^xsd:boolean
As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key wordsMAY,MUST, andSHOULD in this document are to be interpreted as described inBCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
This document defines theSHACL-SPARQL language that extends SHACL Core.This specification describes conformance criteria for:
This document includes syntactic rules that shapes and other nodes need to fulfill in theshapes graph.These rules are typically of the formA shape must have... orThe values of X are literals orAll objects of triples with predicate P must be IRIs.The complete list of these rules can be found in theappendix.Nodes that violate any of these rules are calledill-formed.Nodes that violate none of these rules are calledwell-formed.Ashapes graph is ill-formed if it contains at least one ill-formed node.
SHACL-SPARQL supports aconstraint component that can be used to express restrictions based on a SPARQL SELECT query.
Constraint Component IRI:sh:SPARQLConstraintComponent
Property | Summary |
sh:sparql | ASPARQL-based constraint declaring the SPARQL query to evaluate. |
Thesyntax rules andvalidation process for SPARQL-based constraints are defined in the rest of this section.
This section is non-normative.
The following example illustrates the syntax of aSPARQL-based constraint.
The target of the shape above includes allSHACL instances ofex:Country
.For those nodes (represented by the variablethis
), the SPARQL query walks through the values ofex:germanLabel
and verifies that they are literals with a German language code.
The SPARQL query returns result setsolutions for all bindings of the variablevalue
that violate the constraint.There is a validation result for eachsolution in that result set, applying themapping rules explained later.In this example, each validation result will have thebinding for the variablethis
as thesh:focusNode
and the violating value assh:value
The following example illustrates a similar scenario as above, but with aproperty shape.
Shapes may have values for the propertysh:sparql
, and these values are eitherIRIs orblank nodes.These values are calledSPARQL-based constraints.
SPARQL-based constraints have exactly onevalue for the propertysh:select
.The value ofsh:select
is aliteral of datatypexsd:string
.The classsh:SPARQLConstraint
is defined in the SHACL vocabulary and may be used as thetype of these constraints (although no type is required).Using theprefix handling rules, the value ofsh:select
is a valid SPARQL 1.2 SELECT query.The SPARQL query derived from the value ofsh:select
projects the variablethis
in the SELECT clause.
The following two properties are similar to their use inshapes:
SPARQL-based constraints may have values for the propertysh:message
and these are eitherxsd:string
literals or literals with a language tag.SPARQL-based constraints may have at most one value for the propertysh:deactivated
and this value is eithertrue
SELECT queries used in the context ofproperty shapes use a special variable namedPATH
as a placeholder for the path used by the shape.
The only legal use of the variablePATH
in the SPARQL queries ofSPARQL-based constraintsandSELECT-based validators is in thepredicate position of atriple pattern.A query that uses the variablePATH
in any other position isill-formed.
Ashapes graph may include declarations of namespace prefixes so that these prefixes can be used to abbreviate the SPARQL queries derived from the same shapes graph.The syntax of such prefix declarations is illustrated by the following example.
Thevalues of the propertysh:declare
areIRIs orblank nodes,and these values are calledprefix declarations.The SHACL vocabulary includes the classsh:PrefixDeclaration
as type for suchprefix declarationsalthough nordf:type
triple is required for them.Prefix declarations have exactly one value for the propertysh:prefix
.The values ofsh:prefix
areliterals of datatypexsd:string
.Prefix declarations have exactly one value for the propertysh:namespace
.The values ofsh:namespace
areliterals of datatypexsd:anyURI
.Such a pair of values specifies a single mapping of a prefix to a namespace.
The recommendedsubject for values ofsh:declare
is the IRI of the named graph containing the shapes that use the prefixes.These IRIs are often declared as an instance ofowl:Ontology
, but this is not required.
Prefix declarations can be used bySPARQL-based constraints,thevalidators ofSPARQL-based constraint components,and by similar features defined by SHACL extensions.These nodes can use the propertysh:prefixes
to specify a set of prefix mappings.An example use of thesh:prefixes
property can be found in theexample above.
The values ofsh:prefixes
are eitherIRIs orblank nodes.A SHACL processor collects a set of prefix mappings as the union of allindividual prefix mappings that arevalues of theSPARQL property pathsh:prefixes/owl:imports*/sh:declare
of theSPARQL-based constraint orvalidator.If such a collection of prefix declarations contains multiple different namespaces for the samevalue ofsh:prefix
,then theshapes graph isill-formed.(Note that SHACL processorsMAY ignore prefix declarations that are never reached).
A SHACL processor transforms the values ofsh:select
(and similar properties such assh:ask
)into SPARQL by prependingPREFIX
declarationsfor all prefix mappings.Each value ofsh:prefix
is turned into thePNAME_NS
, while each value ofsh:namespace
is turnedinto theIRIREF
in thePREFIX
declaration.For the example shapes graph above, a SHACL-SPARQL processor would produce lines such asPREFIX ex: <http://example.com/ns#>
.The SHACL-SPARQL processorMUST produce afailure if the resulting query string cannot be parsed into a valid SPARQL 1.2 query.
In the rest of this document, thesh:prefixes
statements may have been omitted for brevity.
This section explains thevalidator ofsh:SPARQLConstraintComponent
.Note that this validator only explains one possible implementation strategy, andSHACL processors may choose alternative approaches as long as the outcome is equivalent.
as avalue for the propertysh:deactivated
.Otherwise, execute the SPARQL query specified by theSPARQL-based constraint$sparql
pre-binding the variablesthis
and, if supported,shapesGraph
as described in2.3.1Pre-bound Variables in SPARQL Constraints ($this, $shapesGraph, $currentShape). If theshape is aproperty shape, then prior to executionsubstitute the variablePATH
where it appears in thepredicateposition of atriple patternwith a valid SPARQL surface syntax string of theSHACL property pathspecified viash:path
at theproperty shape.There is one validation result for eachsolution that does not havetrue
as thebinding for the variablefailure
.These validation resultsMUST have the property values explained in2.3.2Mapping of Solution Bindings to Result Properties.AfailureMUST be produced if and only if one of thesolutions hastrue
as thebinding forfailure
.When the SPARQL queries ofSPARQL-based constraints and thevalidatorsofSPARQL-based constraint components areprocessed,the SHACL-SPARQL processorpre-binds values for the variables in the following table.
Variable | Interpretation |
this | Thefocus node. |
shapesGraph (Optional) | Can be used to query the shapes graph as inGRAPH $shapesGraph { ... } .If the shapes graph is a named graph in the same dataset as the data graph then it is theIRI of the shapes graph in the dataset.Not all SHACL-SPARQL processors need to support this variable.Processors that do not support the variableshapesGraph MUST report afailure if they encounter a query that references this variable.Use ofGRAPH $shapesGraph { ... } should be handled with extreme caution.It may result in constraints that are not interoperable across different SHACL-SPARQL processors and that may not run on remote RDF datasets. |
currentShape (Optional) | The currentshape. Typically used in conjunction with the variableshapesGraph .The same support policies as forshapesGraph apply for this variable. |
The propertyvalues of the validation result nodes are derived by the following rules, through a combination of result solutions and the values of the constraint itself.The rules are meant to be executed from top to bottom, so that the first bound value will be used.
Property | Production Rules |
sh:focusNode |
sh:resultPath |
sh:value |
sh:resultMessage |
These message literals may include the names of any SELECT result variables via {?varName} or{$varName} .If the constraint is based on aSPARQL-based constraint component, then the component'sparameter names can also be used.These{?varName} and{$varName} blocksSHOULD be replaced with suitable string representations of the values of said variables. |
sh:sourceConstraint |
SPARQL-based constraints provide a lot of flexibilitybut may be hard to understand for some people or lead to repetition.This section introducesSPARQL-based constraint components as a way to abstract the complexity of SPARQLand to declare high-level reusable components similar to theCore constraint components.Such constraint components can be declared using the SHACL RDF vocabulary and thus shared and reused.
This section is non-normative.
The following example demonstrates how SPARQL can be used to specify new constraint components using the SHACL-SPARQL language.The example implementssh:pattern
using aSPARQL ASK query to validate that eachvalue node matches a given regular expression.Note that this is only an example implementation and should not be considered normative.
Constraint components provide instructions to validation engines on how to identify and validateconstraints within ashape.In general, if ashapeS
has avalue for a propertyp
, and there is aconstraint componentC
that specifiesp
as a parameter, andS
has values for allmandatory parameters ofC
,then the set of these parameter values (including theoptional parameters) declare aconstraint and the validation engine uses a suitablevalidator fromC
to perform the validation of this constraint.In the example above,sh:PatternConstraintComponent
declares the mandatory parametersh:pattern
,the optional parametersh:flags
,and avalidator that can be used to perform validation against eithernode shapes orproperty shapes.
ASPARQL-based constraint component is anIRI that hasSHACL typesh:ConstraintComponent
in theshapes graph.
The mechanism to declare newconstraint components in this document is limited to those based on SPARQL.However, then general syntax of declaring parameters and validators has been designed to also work for other extension languages such as JavaScript.
Theparameters of aconstraint component are declared via the propertysh:parameter
.The values ofsh:parameter
are calledparameter declarations.The classsh:Parameter
may be used astype ofparameter declarations but no such triple is required.Eachparameter declaration has exactly one value for the propertysh:path
.Atparameter declarations, thevalue ofsh:path
is anIRI.
Thelocal name of anIRI is defined as the longestNCNAMEat the end of theIRI, not immediately preceded by the first colon in theIRI.Theparameter name of aparameter declaration is defined as thelocal name of thevalue ofsh:path
.To ensure that a correct mapping from parameters into SPARQL variables is possible, the following syntax rules apply:
Everyparameter name is a validSPARQL VARNAME.Parameter names must not be one of the following:this
.A constraint component where two or moreparameter declarations use the sameparameter names isill-formed.
The values ofsh:optional
must be literals with datatypexsd:boolean
.Aparameter declaration can have at most one value for the propertysh:optional
.If set totrue
then the parameter declaration declares anoptional parameter.Everyconstraint component has at least one non-optional parameter.
The classsh:Parameter
is defined as aSHACL subclass ofsh:PropertyShape
,and all properties that are applicable to property shapes may also be used for parameters.This includes descriptive properties such assh:name
but also constraint parameters such assh:class
.Shapes that do notconform with the constraints declared for the parameters areill-formed.Some implementationsMAY use these constraint parameters to prevent the execution of constraint components with invalid parameter values.
The propertysh:labelTemplate
can be used at anyconstraint component to suggest howconstraints could be rendered to humans.The values ofsh:labelTemplate
are strings (possibly with language tag) andare calledlabel templates.
The remainder of this section is informative.
Label templates can include the names of the parameters that are declared for the constraint component using the syntaxes{?varName}
is the name of theparameter name.At display time, these{?varName}
blocksSHOULD be replaced with the actual parameter values.There may be multiple label templates for the same subject, but they should not have the same language tags.
For every supported shape type (i.e.,property shape ornode shape)the constraint component declares a suitablevalidator.For a given constraint, a validator is selected from the constraint component using the following rules, in order:
, if present.sh:propertyValidator
, if present.sh:validator
.If no suitable validator can be found, a SHACL-SPARQL processor ignores the constraint.
SHACL-SPARQL includes two types of validators, based onSPARQL SELECT (forsh:nodeValidator
)orSPARQL ASK queries (forsh:validator
Validators withSHACL typesh:SPARQLSelectValidator
are calledSELECT-based validators.The values ofsh:nodeValidator
must beSELECT-based validators.The values ofsh:propertyValidator
must beSELECT-based validators.SELECT-based validators have exactly onevalue for the propertysh:select
.The value ofsh:select
is a valid SPARQL SELECT query using the aforementionedprefix handling rules.The SPARQL query derived from the value ofsh:select
projects the variablethis
in its SELECT clause.
The remainder of this section is informative.
The following example illustrates the declaration of a constraint component based on a SPARQL SELECT query.It is a generalized variation of the example from2.1An Example SPARQL-based Constraint.That SPARQL query included two constants: the specific propertyex:germanLabel
and the language tagde
.Constraint components make it possible to generalize such scenarios, so that constants getpre-bound withparameters.This allows the query logic to be reused in multiple places, without having to write any new SPARQL.
Once a constraint component has been declared (in ashapes graph), its parameters can be used as illustrated in the following example.
The example shape above specifies the condition that all values ofex:germanLabel
carry the language tagde
while all values ofex:englishLabel
as their language.These details are specified via two property shapes that have values for theex:lang
parameter required by the constraint component.
Many constraint components are of the form in which allvalue nodes are tested individually against some boolean condition.Writing SELECT queries for these becomes burdensome, especially if a constraint component can beused for bothproperty shapes andnode shapes.SHACL-SPARQL provides an alternative, more compact syntax for validators based on ASK queries.
Validators withSHACL typesh:SPARQLAskValidator
are calledASK-based validators.The values ofsh:validator
must beASK-based validators.ASK-based validators have exactly one value for the propertysh:ask
.The value ofsh:ask
must be a literal with datatypexsd:string
.The value ofsh:ask
must be a valid SPARQL ASK query using the aforementionedprefix handling rules.
The remainder of this section is informative.
The ASK queries returntrue
if and only if a givenvalue node(represented by the pre-bound variablevalue
) conforms to the constraint.
The following example declares a constraint component using an ASK query.
Note that the validation condition implemented by an ASK query is "in the inverse direction" from its SELECT counterpart:ASK queries returntrue
for value nodes that conform to the constraint, while SELECT queries return those value nodes that do not conform.
This section defines thevalidator ofSPARQL-based constraint components.Note that this validator only explains one possible implementation strategy, andSHACL processors may choose alternative approaches as long as the outcome is equivalent.
As the first step, avalidatorMUST be selected based on the rules outlinedin3.2.3Validators.Then the following rules apply, producing a set ofsolutions of SPARQL queries:
where the SPARQL ASK query returnsfalse
pre-bound to the variablevalue
,create onesolution consisting of the bindings($this
,focus node) and ($value
be a list of thesesolutions.PATH
where it appears in thepredicateposition of atriple patternwith a valid SPARQL surface syntax string of theSHACL property pathspecified viash:path
at theproperty shape.LetQS
be thesolutions produced by executing the SPARQL query.The SPARQL query executions aboveMUSTpre-bind the variablesthis
and, if supported,shapesGraph
as described in2.3.1Pre-bound Variables in SPARQL Constraints ($this, $shapesGraph, $currentShape).In addition, eachvalue of aparameter of theconstraint component in theconstraintMUST bepre-bound as a variable that has theparameter name as its name.
The production rules for the validation results are identical to those forSPARQL-based constraints,using thesolutionsQS
as produced above.
This section introducesnode expression functions based on SPARQL.
Anode expression that has avalue forsh:select
is called aselect expression with thefunction namesh:SelectExpression
A node in an RDF graph is awell-formedselect expression if it is ablank nodethat is thesubject of exactly onetriple withsh:select
aspredicate and aliteral asobjectwithdatatypexsd:string
.Using theprefix handling rules, the value ofsh:select
is a valid SPARQL 1.2 SELECT query.The SPARQL query derived from the value ofsh:select
projects exactly one variable in the SELECT clause.
Theoutput nodes of aselect expression are the listresultNodes
consisting of exactly the bindings of the (only)variable that is projected from the SELECT clause.If present in thescope, the value of the scope variablefocusNode
MUST bepre-bound as the value of the SPARQL variablethis
.eval(expr, activeGraph, scope) -> resultNodes
The remainder of this section is informative.
Here is an example use of aselect expression, computing the values of a property shape for the property "full name" as the concatenation of theex:firstName
, a space, and theex:lastName
This example also illustrates the use ofsh:prefixes
to insert PREFIX declarations into the beginning of the query before parsing.Note that the query is executed with the currentfocus nodepre-bound to the variablethis
Here is an example use of aselect expression, computing the target nodes of a shape to consist of all instances ofex:Person
where theex:age
is less than18
From the following data graph, onlyex:Benjamin
is a target node.
Some features of SHACL-SPARQL rely on the concept ofpre-binding of variables as defined in this section.
The definition of pre-binding used by SHACL requires the following restrictions on SPARQL queries.SHACL-SPARQL processorsMUST report afailure when it is operating on ashapes graphthat contains SHACL-SPARQL queries (viash:select
) that violate any of these restrictions.Note that the termpotentially pre-bound variables includes the variablesthis
(for ASK queries),and any variables that represent theparameters of theconstraint component that uses the query.
clauseAS ?var
for any potentially pre-bound variableshapesGraph
which are optional as already mentioned in2.3.1Pre-bound Variables in SPARQL Constraints ($this, $shapesGraph, $currentShape)For solution mappingμ
, defineTable(μ)
to be the multiset formed fromμ
Table(μ) = { μ }
Card[μ] = 1
Define theValues Insertion functionReplace(X, μ)
toreplace each occurenceY
of aBasic Graph Pattern,Property Path Expression,Graph(Var, pattern)
withjoin(Y, Table(μ))
The evaluation of theSPARQL QueryQ = (E, DS, QF)
withpre-bound variablesμ
is defined as the evaluation of SPARQL queryQ' = (Replace(E, μ), DS, QF)
This section enumerates all normative syntax rules of SHACL.This section is automatically generated from other parts of this spec and hyperlinks are provided backinto the prose if the context of the rule in unclear. Nodes that violate these rules in ashapes graph areill-formed.
Syntax Rule Id | Syntax Rule Text |
sparql-nodeKind | Shapes may have values for the propertysh:sparql , and these values are eitherIRIs orblank nodes. |
SPARQLConstraint-select-count | SPARQL-based constraints have exactly onevalue for the propertysh:select |
SPARQLConstraint-select-datatype | The value ofsh:select is aliteral of datatypexsd:string . |
select-query-valid | Using theprefix handling rules, the value ofsh:select is a valid SPARQL 1.2 SELECT query. |
select-query-this | The SPARQL query derived from the value ofsh:select projects the variablethis in the SELECT clause. |
SPARQLConstraint-message-datatype | SPARQL-based constraints may have values for the propertysh:message and these are eitherxsd:string literals or literals with a language tag. |
SPARQLConstraint-deactivated-maxCount | SPARQL-based constraints may have at most one value for the propertysh:deactivated |
PATH-position | The only legal use of the variablePATH in the SPARQL queries ofSPARQL-based constraintsandSELECT-based validators is in thepredicate position of atriple pattern. |
declare-nodeKind | Thevalues of the propertysh:declare areIRIs orblank nodes |
prefix-count | Prefix declarations have exactly one value for the propertysh:prefix |
prefix-datatype | The values ofsh:prefix areliterals of datatypexsd:string . |
namespace-count | Prefix declarations have exactly one value for the propertysh:namespace . |
namespace-datatype | The values ofsh:namespace areliterals of datatypexsd:anyURI . |
prefixes-nodeKind | The values ofsh:prefixes are eitherIRIs orblank nodes. |
prefixes-duplicates | A SHACL processor collects a set of prefix mappings as the union of allindividual prefix mappings that arevalues of theSPARQL property pathsh:prefixes/owl:imports*/sh:declare of theSPARQL-based constraint orvalidator.If such a collection of prefix declarations contains multiple different namespaces for the samevalue ofsh:prefix ,then theshapes graph isill-formed. |
ConstraintComponent | ASPARQL-based constraint component is anIRI that hasSHACL typesh:ConstraintComponent in theshapes graph. |
Parameter-predicate-count | Eachparameter declaration has exactly one value for the propertysh:path |
Parameter | Atparameter declarations, thevalue ofsh:path is anIRI. |
parameter-name-VARNAME | Everyparameter name is a validSPARQL VARNAME. |
parameter-name-not-in | Parameter names must not be one of the following:this ,shapesGraph ,currentShape ,path ,PATH ,value . |
parameter-name-unique | A constraint component where two or moreparameter declarations use the sameparameter names isill-formed. |
optional-datatype | The values ofsh:optional must be literals with datatypexsd:boolean . |
optional-maxCount | Aparameter declaration can have at most one value for the propertysh:optional . |
ConstraintComponent-parameter | Everyconstraint component has at least one non-optional parameter. |
Parameter-conformance | Shapes that do notconform with the constraints declared for the parameters areill-formed. |
labelTemplate-datatype | The values ofsh:labelTemplate are strings (possibly with language tag) |
nodeValidator-class | The values ofsh:nodeValidator must beSELECT-based validators. |
propertyValidator-class | The values ofsh:propertyValidator must beSELECT-based validators. |
SPARQLSelectValidator-select-count | SELECT-based validators have exactly onevalue for the propertysh:select . |
validator-class | The values ofsh:validator must beASK-based validators. |
ask-count | ASK-based validators have exactly one value for the propertysh:ask |
ask-datatype | The value ofsh:ask must be a literal with datatypexsd:string . |
ask-sparql | The value ofsh:ask must be a valid SPARQL ASK query using the aforementionedprefix handling rules. |
SelectExpression-syntax | A node in an RDF graph is awell-formedselect expression if it is ablank nodethat is thesubject of exactly onetriple withsh:select aspredicate and aliteral asobjectwithdatatypexsd:string . |
SelectExpression-query-valid | Using theprefix handling rules, the value ofsh:select is a valid SPARQL 1.2 SELECT query. |
SelectExpression-query-output-nodes | The SPARQL query derived from the value ofsh:select projects exactly one variable in the SELECT clause. |
pre-binding-limitations | The definition of pre-binding used by SHACL requires the following restrictions on SPARQL queries.SHACL-SPARQL processorsMUST report afailure when it is operating on ashapes graphthat contains SHACL-SPARQL queries (via
This section is non-normative.
This appendix uses parts of SPARQL 1.2 in non-normative alternative definitions of the semantics ofconstraint components andtargetsfrom [shacl12-core].While these may help some implementers, SPARQL is not required for the implementation of the SHACL Core language.
SPARQL variables using the$
marker represent externalbindings that arepre-bound or, in the case of$PATH
,substituted in the SPARQL query before execution (as explained in3.3Validation with SPARQL-based Constraint Components).TODO: Assuming SHACL Core 1.2 allows node expressions as constraint parameters, explain that they are evaluated prior to substitution.
The following query expresses a potential definition ofclass targets in SPARQL.The variabletargetClass
will bepre-bound to the given value ofsh:targetClass
.Allbindings of the variablethis
from thesolutions become focus nodes.
SELECT DISTINCT ?this # ?this is the focus nodeWHERE {?this rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* $targetClass .}
The following query expresses a potential definition ofsubjects-of targets in SPARQL.The variabletargetSubjectsOf
will bepre-bound to the given value ofsh:targetSubjectsOf
.Allbindings of the variablethis
from thesolutions become focus nodes.
SELECT DISTINCT ?this # ?this is the focus nodeWHERE {?this $targetSubjectsOf ?any .}
The following query expresses a potential definition ofobjects-of targets in SPARQL.The variabletargetObjectsOf
will bepre-bound to the given value ofsh:targetObjectsOf
.Allbindings of the variablethis
from thesolutions become focus nodes.
SELECT DISTINCT ?this # ?this is the focus nodeWHERE {?any $targetObjectsOf ?this .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:class.
ASK {$value rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* $class .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:nodeKind.
ASK {FILTER ((isIRI($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:IRI, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) ||(isLiteral($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:Literal, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) ||(isBlank($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:BlankNode, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral ) )) .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:minExclusive.The SPARQL expression produces an error if the value node cannot be compared to the specified range,for example when someone compares a string with an integer.If the comparison cannot be performed, then there is a validation result.This is different from, say, a plain SPARQL query, in which such errors would silently not lead to any results.
ASK {FILTER ($minExclusive < $value)}
Similar definitions are possible for:
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:minLength.
ASK {FILTER (STRLEN(str($value)) >= $minLength) .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:maxLength.
ASK {FILTER (STRLEN(str($value)) <= $maxLength) .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:pattern.
ASK {FILTER (!isBlank($value) && IF(bound($flags), regex(str($value), $pattern, $flags), regex(str($value), $pattern)))}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:disjoint.
SELECT DISTINCT $this ?valueWHERE {$this $PATH ?value .$this $disjoint ?value .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:lessThan.
SELECT $this ?valueWHERE {$this $PATH ?value .$this $lessThan ?otherValue .BIND (?value < ?otherValue AS ?result) .FILTER (!bound(?result) || !(?result)) .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:lessThanOrEquals.
SELECT $this ?valueWHERE {$this $PATH ?value .$this $lessThanOrEquals ?otherValue .BIND (?value <= ?otherValue AS ?result) .FILTER (!bound(?result) || !(?result)) .}
The following query expresses a potential SPARQL-based validator forsh:in.
ASK {GRAPH $shapesGraph {$in (rdf:rest*)/rdf:first $value .}}
This section is non-normative.
Like most RDF-based technologies, SHACL processors may operate on graphs that are combinedfrom various sources. Some applications may have an open "linked data" architecture and dynamicallyassemble RDF triples from sources that are outside of an organization's network of trust.Since RDF allows anyone to add statements about any resource, triples may modify the originallyintended semantics of shape definitions or nodes in a data graph and thus lead to misleading results.Protection against this (and the following) scenario can be achieved by only using trustedand verified RDF sources and eliminating the possibility that graphs are dynamically added viaowl:imports
SHACL-SPARQL includes all thesecurity issues of SPARQL.
This section is non-normative.
The original 1.0 version of SHACL was produced by the RDF Data Shapes Working Group.See itsSHACL 1.0 Acknowledgements section.
This section is non-normative.
The detailed list of changes and their diffs can be found in the Git repository.
This section is non-normative.
, seeIssue 288Referenced in:
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