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This document lists the requirements for anXML grammar intended for representing events as they are defined inDOM 3 Events, primarily but not exclusively for purposes of transmission or synchronisation of remote documents. Such a vocabulary would enable one endpoint to interact remotely with another endpoint holding aDOM representation by sending itDOM Events as if they had occurred directly at the same location.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of currentW3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
This document is produced by a joint task force of theSVGWG (part of theGraphics Activity) and theWeb APIWG (part of theRich Web Clients Activity). Please send comments (Archive), the public email list for issues related to Web APIs.
The patent policy for this document is the5 February 2004W3C Patent Policy. Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on theSVG Working Group's patent disclosure page andWeb API Working Group's patent disclosure page. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) with respect to this specification should disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of theW3C Patent Policy.
This document does not necessarily represent the full and complete consensus of the REX Task Force, the Web API Working Group, or theSVG Working Group at the time of its publication, some issues being still considered to some degree contentious. It is made available for public review in the hope that access from a wider audience early in the process will help increase the quality and timeliness of the specification.
Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by theW3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
These requirements cover what pertains directly to the functionality desired in REX.
These requirements cover how the functionality available in REX is to be captured by a format, and what constraints this format is to follow.
These requirements cover the way in which REX needs to integrate with the existing ecosystem of surrounding specifications.