



Linked Data Platform 1.0

W3C Recommendation

This version:
Latest published version:
Latest editor's draft:
Test suite:
Implementation report:
Previous version:
Steve Speicher,IBM Corporation
John Arwe,IBM Corporation
Ashok Malhotra,Oracle Corporation

Please check theerrata for any errors or issues reported since publication.

The English version of this specification is the only normative version. Non-normativetranslations may also be available.

Copyright © 2015W3C® (MIT,ERCIM,Keio,Beihang). W3Cliability,trademark anddocument use rules apply.


Linked Data Platform (LDP) defines a set of rules for HTTP operations on web resources, some based onRDF, to provide an architecture for read-write Linked Data on the web.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at

This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.

Please see the Working Group'simplementation report.

ThisW3C Recommendation was published by theLinked Data Platform Working Group. Discussions of this document are (subscribe,archives).

This document was produced by a group operating under the5 February 2004W3C Patent Policy.W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of theW3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the14 October 2005W3C Process Document.

Table of Contents


This section is non-normative.

This specification describes the useof HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting resources fromservers that expose their resources as Linked Data. It provides clarificationsand extensions of the rules of Linked Data [LINKED-DATA]:

  1. Use URIs as names for things
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
  3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards(RDF*,SPARQL)
  4. Include links to other URIs, so that they can discover more things

This specification discusses standard HTTP andRDF techniques used when constructing clients and servers that create, read, and writeLinked Data Platform Resources.LDP Primer provides an entry-level introduction with many examples in the context of a fictional application.LDP Best Practices and Guidelines discusses best practices that you should use, and anti-patterns you should avoid, when constructing these clients and servers.

This specification defines a special type ofLinked Data Platform Resource: aContainer. Containers are very useful in building application models involving collections of resources, often homogeneous ones. For example, universities offer a collection of classes and a collection of faculty members, each faculty member teaches a collection of courses, and so on. This specification discusses how to work with containers. Resources can be added to containers using standard HTTP operations like POST (seesection5.2.3HTTP POST).

The intention of this specification is to enable additional rules and layered groupings of rules as additional specifications. The scope is intentionally narrow to provide a set of key rules for reading and writing Linked Data that most, if not all, other specifications will depend upon and implementations will support.

This specification provides some approaches to deal with large resources. An extension to this specificationprovides the ability to break large resource representations into multiple paged responses [LDP-PAGING].

For context and background, it could be useful to readLinked Data Platform Use Case and Requirements [LDP-UCR] andsection6.Notable information from normative references.


Terminology is based onW3C's Architecture of the World Wide Web [WEBARCH] and Hyper-text Transfer Protocol ([RFC7230], [RFC7231], [RFC7232]).

A relationship between two resources when one resource (representation) refers to the other resource by meansof a URI [WEBARCH].

Linked Data
As defined by Tim Berners-Lee [LINKED-DATA].

A program that establishes connections for the purpose of sending one or more HTTP requests [RFC7230].

A program that accepts connections in order to service HTTP requests by sending HTTP responses.

The terms "client" and "server" refer only to the roles that these programs perform for a particular connection. The same program might act as a client on some connections and a server on others.

HTTP enables the use of intermediaries to satisfy requests through achain of connections. There are three common forms of HTTPintermediary: proxy, gateway, and tunnel. In some cases, a singleintermediary might act as an origin server, proxy, gateway, ortunnel, switching behavior based on the nature of each request.[RFC7230].

Linked Data Platform Resource (LDPR)
A HTTP resource whose state is represented in any way that conforms to the simple lifecyclepatterns and conventions insection4.Linked Data Platform Resources.

Linked Data PlatformRDF Source (LDP-RS)
AnLDPR whose state is fully represented inRDF, corresponding toanRDF graph. See also the termRDF Source from [rdf11-concepts].

Linked Data Platform Non-RDF Source (LDP-NR)
AnLDPR whose state isnot represented inRDF.For example, these can be binary or text documents that do not have usefulRDF representations.

Linked Data Platform Container (LDPC)
ALDP-RS representing a collection of linkeddocuments (RDF Document [rdf11-concepts] or information resources [WEBARCH])that responds to client requests for creation, modification, and/or enumeration of its linked members and documents, and that conforms to the simple lifecyclepatterns and conventions insection5.Linked Data Platform Containers.

Linked Data Platform Basic Container (LDP-BC)
AnLDPC that defines a simple link toitscontained documents (information resources) [WEBARCH].

Linked Data Platform Direct Container (LDP-DC)
AnLDPC that adds the concept ofmembership, allowing the flexibility of choosing what form itsmembership triples take, and allowsmembers to be any resources [WEBARCH], not only documents.

Linked Data Platform Indirect Container (LDP-IC)
AnLDPC similar to aLDP-DCthat is also capable of havingmembers whose URIs are basedon the content of itscontained documents rather than the URIs assigned to those documents.

The relationship linking anLDPC and its memberLDPRs, which can be different resources than itscontained documents. TheLDPC often assists with managing the membership triples, whether or not theLDPC'sURI occurs in them.

Membership triples
A set of triples that lists anLDPC's members.ALDPC's membership triples all have one of the following patterns:
The difference between the two is simply which position member-derived-URI occupies, which is usuallydriven by the choice ofmembership-predicate. Most predicates have a natural forward directioninherent in their name, and existing vocabularies contain useful examples that read naturally ineach direction.ldp:member anddcterms:isPartOf are representative examples.

Each linked container exposes properties (seesection5.2.1General)that allow clients to determine which pattern ituses, what the actualmembership-predicate andmembership-constant-URI values are, and (for containers that allow the creation of new members) what value is usedfor themember-derived-URI based on the client's input to the creation process.

Membership predicate
The predicate of all anLDPC'smembership triples.

The relationship binding anLDPC toLDPRs whose lifecycle it controls and is aware of. Thelifecycle of the containedLDPR is limited by the lifecycle of the containingLDPC;that is, a containedLDPR cannot be created (through LDP-defined means) before its containingLDPC exists.

Containment triples
A set of triples, maintained by theLDPC, that lists documents created by theLDPC but not yet deleted.These triplesalways have the form:(LDPC URI, ldp:contains , document-URI ).

Minimal-container triples
The portion of anLDPC's triples that would be present when the container is empty. Currently, this definitionis equivalent to all theLDPC's triples minus its containment triples, and minus its membership triples (if either are considered part of its state), but if future versions of LDP define additional classes of triples then this definitionwould expand to subtract out those classes as well.

LDP-server-managed triples
The portion of an LDP's triples whose behavior is constrained directly by this specification; for example,membership triples and containment triples. This portion of resources' content doesnotinclude constraints imposed outside of LDP, for example by other specifications that the server happens to support, or byserver implementation decisions.

2.1Conventions Used in This Document

The namespace for LDP is

Sample resource representations are provided intext/turtleformat [turtle].

Commonly used namespace prefixes:

@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix foaf:    <>.@prefix rdf:     <>.@prefix ldp:     <>.@prefix xsd:     <>.


As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key wordsMAY,MUST,MUST NOT,RECOMMENDED,SHOULD, andSHOULD NOT are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

The status of the sections of Linked Data Platform 1.0 (this document) is as follows:

A conformingLDP client is a conforming HTTP client [RFC7230] that follows the rules defined by LDP insection4.Linked Data Platform Resources and alsosection5.Linked Data Platform Containers.

A conformingLDP server is a conforming HTTP server [RFC7230] that follows the rules defined by LDP insection4.Linked Data Platform Resources when it is servingLDPRs, and alsosection5.Linked Data Platform Containers when it is servingLDPCs.LDP does not constrain its behavior when serving other HTTP resources.

4.Linked Data Platform Resources


This section is non-normative.

Linked Data Platform Resources (LDPRs) are HTTP resourcesthat conform to the simple patterns and conventions in this section.HTTP requests to access, modify, create or deleteLDPRs are acceptedand processed byLDP servers. MostLDPRs are domain-specific resourcesthat contain data for an entity in some domain, which could becommercial, governmental, scientific, religious, or other.

Some of the rules defined in this document provideclarification and refinement of the base Linked Data rules [LINKED-DATA];others address additional needs.

The rules for Linked Data Platform Resources address basicquestions such as:

Additional non-normative guidance is available in theLDP Best Practices and Guidelines that addressesquestions such as:

The following sections define the conformance rules for LDP servers when servingLDPRs.

LDP-RS's representations may be too big, one strategy is to break up the response representationinto client consumable chunks called pages. A separate LDP specification outlines the conformancerules around pagination [LDP-PAGING].

A LDP server can manage two kinds ofLDPRs, those resources whose state is represented usingRDF (LDP-RS) and those using other formats (LDP-NR). LDP-RSs have the uniquequality that their representation is based onRDF, which addresses a number of use cases from web metadata, open data models, machine processable information, and automated processing by software agents [rdf11-concepts]. LDP-NRs are almost anythingon the Web today: images, HTML pages, word processing documents, spreadsheets, etc. and LDP-RSs hold metadata associated with LDP-NRs in some cases.

Sample separation of Linked Data Platform Resource
Fig.1Samples of different types ofLDPRs

The LDP-NRs and LDP-RSs are simply sub-types ofLDPRs, as illustrated inFig.2Class relationship of types of Linked Data Platform Resources.

Class Diagram of Linked Data Platform Resource
Fig.2Class relationship of types of Linked Data Platform Resources


4.2.1General serversMUST at least be HTTP/1.1 conformant servers [RFC7230]. serversMAY host a mixture ofLDP-RSsandLDP-NRs. For example, itis common forLDP servers to need to host binary or text resourcesthat do not have usefulRDF representations. server responsesMUST use entity tags (either weak or strong ones) as responseETag header values, for responses that contain resource representations orsuccessful responses to HTTPHEAD requests. serversexposingLDPRsMUST advertise their LDP support by exposing a HTTPLink headerwith a target URI of, anda link relation type oftype (that is,rel="type")in all responses to requests made to anLDPR's HTTPRequest-URI [RFC5988].

Note: The HTTPLink header is the method by which servers assert their support for the LDP specification on a specific resource in a way that clients can inspect dynamically at run-time. This isnot equivalent to thepresence of a(subject-URI,rdf:type,ldp:Resource) triple in anLDP-RS.The presence of the header asserts that the server complies with the LDP specification's constraints on HTTP interactions withLDPRs, that isit asserts that the resourcehas Etags,supports OPTIONS, and so on,which is not true of all Web resources.

Note:A LDP server can host a mixture of LDP-RSs and LDP-NRs, and therefore there is no implicationthat LDP support advertised on one HTTPRequest-URI means that other resources on the same server are alsoLDPRs. Each HTTPRequest-URI needs to be individually inspected, in the absence of outside information. serversMUST assign the default base-URI for [RFC3987] relative-URI resolution to be the HTTPRequest-URI when the resource already exists, and to the URI of the created resource when the request results in the creation of a new resource. serversMUST publish any constraints onLDP clients’ ability to create or updateLDPRs, by adding a Link header withan appropriate context URI,a link relation of,and a target URI identifying a set of constraints[RFC5988], to all responses to requests that fail due to violation of those constraints. For example, a server that refuses resource creation requests via HTTP PUT, POST, or PATCH would return thisLink header on its 4xx responses to such requests.The sameLink headerMAY be provided on other responses. LDP neither defines nor constrains the representation of the link's target resource. Natural language constraint documents are therefore permitted, although machine-readable ones facilitate better client interactions.The appropriate context URI can vary based on the request's semantics and method;unless the response is otherwiseconstrained, the default (the effective request URI)SHOULD be used.

4.2.2HTTP GET serversMUST support the HTTPGET method forLDPRs. serversMUST support the HTTP response headers defined insection4.2.8HTTP OPTIONS for the HTTPGET method.


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes no new requirements forLDPRs.

Clients can createLDPRs viaPOST (section5.2.3HTTP POST) to aLDPC, viaPUT (section4.2.4HTTP PUT), or any other methods allowedfor HTTP resources. Any server-imposed constraints onLDPR creation or updatemust be advertised to clients.


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPRs.

Any server-imposed constraints onLDPR creation or updatemust be advertised to clients. a HTTPPUT is accepted on an existing resource,LDP serversMUSTreplace the entire persistent state of the identified resource withthe entity representation in the body of the request.LDP serversMAY ignoreLDP-server-managed properties,andMAY ignore other properties such asdcterms:modified anddcterms:creator if they arehandled specially by the server(for example, if the server overrides the value or supplies a default value).AnyLDP servers that wishto support a more sophisticated merge of data provided by the clientwith existing state stored on the server for a resourceMUST use HTTPPATCH, not HTTPPUT. serversSHOULD allow clients to update resources withoutrequiring detailed knowledge ofserver-specific constraints. This is a consequence of the requirement to enable simple creation and modification ofLDPRs. an otherwise valid HTTPPUT request is received that attempts to change propertiesthe server does not allow clients to modify,LDP serversMUST fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (typically409 Conflict).LDP serversSHOULD provide a corresponding response body containinginformation about which properties could not bepersisted.The format of the 4xx response body is not constrained by LDP.
Non-normative note: Clients might provide properties equivalent to those already in the resource's state,e.g. as part of a GET/update representation/PUT sequence, and those PUT requests are intended to work as long as theLDP-server-managed propertiesare identical on the GET response and the subsequent PUT request.This is in contrast to other cases likewrite-once properties that the server does not allow clients to modify once set; properties like this are under client and/or server control but are not constrained by LDP, so they are notLDP-server-managed triples. an otherwise valid HTTPPUT request is received that contains properties the server chooses not to persist, e.g. unknown content,LDP serversMUST respond with an appropriate 4xx range status code[RFC7231].LDP serversSHOULD provide a corresponding response body containinginformation about which properties could not bepersisted.The format of the 4xx response body is not constrained by LDP. LDP serversexpose these application-specific constraints as described insection4.2.1General. clientsSHOULD use the HTTPIf-Matchheader and HTTPETags to ensure it isn’tmodifying a resource that has changed since the client last retrievedits representation.LDP serversSHOULD require the HTTPIf-Match header and HTTPETagsto detect collisions.LDP serversMUST respond with status code 412(Condition Failed) ifETags fail to match when there are no othererrors with the request [RFC7232].LDP servers that require conditional requestsMUST respond with status code 428(Precondition Required) when the absence of a precondition is the only reason for rejecting the request [RFC6585]. serversMAY choose to allow the creation of new resources using HTTPPUT.


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes no new blanket requirements forLDPRs.

Additional requirements on HTTPDELETE forLDPRs within containers can be found insection5.2.5HTTP DELETE.


Note that certain LDP mechanisms rely on HTTP headers, and HTTP generally requires thatHEAD responses include the same headers asGET responses. Thus, implementers should also carefully read sections4.2.2HTTP GET and4.2.8HTTP OPTIONS. serversMUST support the HTTPHEAD method.


Per [RFC5789], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPRs.

Any server-imposed constraints onLDPR creation or updatemust be advertised to clients. servers that supportPATCHMUSTinclude anAccept-Patch HTTP response header [RFC5789] on HTTPOPTIONSrequests, listing patch document media type(s) supported by the server.


This specification imposes the following new requirements on HTTPOPTIONS forLDPRs beyond those in [RFC7231]. Other sections of this specification, for examplePATCH,Accept-Post,add other requirements onOPTIONS responses. serversMUST support the HTTPOPTIONS method. serversMUST indicate their support for HTTP Methods byresponding to a HTTPOPTIONS request on theLDPR’s URL with the HTTPMethod tokens in the HTTP response headerAllow.

4.3RDF Source

The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data PlatformRDF Source.

4.3.1General SourceMUST also be a conformingLDP Resource as defined insection4.2Resource, along with therestrictions in this section.LDP clientsMAY infer the following triple: onewhose subject is theLDP-RS, whose predicate isrdf:type, and whose object isldp:Resource, but there is no requirement to materialize this triple in theLDP-RS representation. representationsSHOULD have at least onerdf:typeset explicitly. This makes the representations much more useful toclient applications that don’t support inferencing. representation of aLDP-RSMAY have anrdf:typeofldp:RDFSource forLinked Data PlatformRDF Source. serversMUST provide anRDF representation forLDP-RSs. The HTTPRequest-URI of theLDP-RS is typically the subject of most triples in the response. reuse existing vocabularies instead of creatingtheir own duplicate vocabulary terms. In addition to this general rule, some specific cases arecovered by other conformance rules. predicatesSHOULD use standard vocabularies such as Dublin Core[DC-TERMS],RDF [rdf11-concepts] andRDF Schema [rdf-schema], wheneverpossible. the absence of special knowledge of the application or domain,LDP clientsMUST assume that anyLDP-RS can have multiplerdf:type triples with different objects. the absence of special knowledge of the application or domain,LDP clientsMUST assume that therdf:type valuesof a givenLDP-RS can change over time. clientsSHOULD always assume that the set of predicates for aLDP-RS of a particular type at an arbitrary server is open, in thesense that different resources of the same type may not all have thesame set of predicates in their triples, and the set of predicates thatare used in the state of any oneLDP-RS is not limited to any pre-definedset. serversMUST NOT require LDP clients to implement inferencing in order to recognize the subsetof content defined by LDP. Other specifications built on top of LDP may require clientsto implement inferencing [rdf11-concepts]. The practical implication is that all content defined by LDPmust be explicitly represented, unless noted otherwise within this document. clientMUST preserve all triples retrieved from aLDP-RS using HTTPGET thatit doesn’t change whether it understands the predicates or not, whenits intent is to perform an update using HTTPPUT. The use of HTTPPATCH instead of HTTPPUT for update avoids this burden for clients[RFC5789]. clientsMAY provide LDP-defined hints that allow servers to optimize the content of responses.section7.2Preferences on the Prefer Request Header defines hints that apply toLDP-RSs. clientsMUST be capable of processing responses formed by a LDP server that ignores hints,including LDP-defined hints.

4.3.2HTTP GET serversMUST respond with a Turtlerepresentation of the requestedLDP-RS whenthe request includes anAccept header specifyingtext/turtle, unless HTTP content negotiationrequires a different outcome [turtle].
Non-normative note:In other words, Turtle must be returned byLDP servers in the usual case clients would expect (client requests it) as well as cases where the client requests Turtle or other media type(s), content negotiation results in a tie,and Turtle is one of the tying media types.For example, if theAccept header liststext/turtle as one of several media types with thehighest relative qualityfactor (q= value),LDP servers must respond with Turtle.HTTP servers in general are not required to resolve ties in this way, or to support Turtle at all, butLDP servers are.On the other hand, if Turtle is one of several requested media types,but another media type the server supports has a higher relative quality factor,standard HTTP content negotiation rules apply and the server (LDP or not) would not respond with Turtle. serversSHOULDrespond with atext/turtlerepresentation of the requestedLDP-RS whenever theAccept request header is absent [turtle]. serversMUST respond with aapplication/ld+jsonrepresentation of the requestedLDP-RSwhen the request includes anAccept header, unless content negotiation orTurtle supportrequires a different outcome [JSON-LD].

4.4Non-RDF Source

The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data Platform Non-RDF Source.

4.4.1General Non-RDF SourceMUST also be a conformingLDP Resource insection4.2Resource.LDP Non-RDF Sources may not be able to fully express theirstate usingRDF [rdf11-concepts]. servers exposing anLDP Non-RDF SourceMAY advertise this by exposing a HTTPLink headerwith a target URI of, anda link relation type oftype (that is,rel="type")in responses to requests made to theLDP-NR's HTTPRequest-URI [RFC5988].

5.Linked Data Platform Containers


This section is non-normative.

Many HTTP applications and sites have organizingconcepts that partition the overall space of resources into smallercontainers. Blog posts are grouped into blogs, wiki pages are groupedinto wikis, and products are grouped into catalogs. Each resourcecreated in the application or site is created within an instance ofone of these container-like entities, and users can list the existingartifacts within one. Containers answer some basic questions, whichare:

  1. To which URLs can I POST to create new resources?
  2. Where can I GET a list of existing resources?
  3. How do I get information about the members along with the container?
  4. Howcan I ensure the resource data is easy to query?
  5. Howis the order of the container entries expressed? [LDP-PAGING]

This document defines the representation and behavior of containersthat address these issues. There are multiple types of containers definedto support a variety of use cases, all that support a base set of capabilities.The contents of a container isdefined by a set of triples in its representation (and state) calledthecontainment triples that follow a fixed pattern.Additional types of containers allow for the set of members of a container to bedefined by a set of triples in its representation calledthemembership triples that follow a consistent pattern(see the linked-to definition for the possible patterns). The membership triples of a container allhave the same predicate, called the membership predicate, and either the subject or the object is also a consistent value– the remaining position of the membershiptriples (the one that varies) define the members of the container. In the simplest cases, theconsistent value will be theLDPC resource's URI, but it does nothave to be. The membership predicate is also variable and will oftenbe a predicate from the server application vocabulary or theldp:member predicate.

In LDP 1.0, there exists a way for clients to request responses that contain onlypartial representations of the containers. Applications may define additional meansby which the response representations contain a filtered set of data and including (or excluding)additional details, those means are application-specific and not defined in this document.

This document includes a set of guidelines forcreating new resources and adding them to the list ofresources linked to a container. It goes on to explain how to learn about a set of relatedresources, regardless of how they were created or added to the container's membership.It also defines behavior when resources created using a container are later deleted;deleting containers removes membership information andpossibly performs some cleanup tasks on unreferenced member resources.

The following illustrates a very simplecontainer with only three members and some information about thecontainer (the fact that it is a container and a brief title):

Request to
Example 1
GET /c1/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 2
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "8caab0784220148bfe98b738d5bb6d13"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,PUTLink: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Transfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.<>   a ldp:BasicContainer;   dcterms:title "A very simple container";   ldp:contains <r1>, <r2>, <r3>.

The preceding example is very straightforward: there are containment tripleswhose subject is the container, whose predicate isldp:contains, and whose objects are the URIs of the contained resources,and there is no distinction between member resources and contained resources. A POST to this container will create a new resourceand add it to the list of contained resources by adding a new containment tripleto the container. This type of container is called aLinked Data Platform Basic Container.

Sometimes you have to build on existing models incrementally, so you have fewer degrees offreedom in the resource model. In these situations, it can be useful to help clients mapLDP patterns onto existing vocabularies, or to include members not created via the container;LDP Direct Containersmeet those kinds of needs. Direct Containers allow membership triples to use a subjectother than the container itself as the consistent membership value, and/or to usea predicate from an application's domain model as the membership predicate.

Let's start with a pre-existing domain resource for a person's net worth, as illustrated immediately below, and then see how a Container resource can be applied in subsequent examples:

Request to
Example 3
GET /netWorth/nw1/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 4
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "0f6b5bd8dc1f754a1238a53b1da34f6b"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Allow: GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,PUT,DELETETransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a o:NetWorth;   o:netWorthOf <>;   o:asset       <assets/a1>,      <assets/a2>;   o:liability       <liabilities/l1>,      <liabilities/l2>,      <liabilities/l3>.

In the preceding example, there is ardf:type ofo:NetWorth indicating theresource represents an instance of a person's net worth and ao:netWorthOf predicate indicating the associated person. There are two sets of same-subject, same-predicate triples; one for assets andone for liabilities. Existing domain-specific applications exist that depend on those types and predicates, so changing themincompatibly would be frowned upon.

It would be helpful to be able to use LDP patterns to manage the assets and liabilities-related triples.Doing so using a Basic Container would require duplicating much of the information with different types andpredicates, which would be onerous for large resources.Direct Containersprovide a middle ground, by giving LDP clients a way to map existing domain-specific resources to LDP'stypes and interaction models. In this specific example, it would be helpful to be able to manage the assets and liabilities triples consistently, for exampleby using LDP containers.One way to do this is to create two containers, one to manage assets and another liabilities, as separate HTTP resources. Existing clients have no need to interact with those containers,whereas LDP-enabled clients now have container URLs that they can interact with. The existingresource remains unchanged so that existing clients continue to function normally.This is illustrated in the set of related examples, one example per HTTP resource, starting withtheLDP-RS example from before:

Request to
Example 5
GET /netWorth/nw1/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 6
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "0f6b5bd8dc1f754a1238a53b1da34f6b"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Allow: GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,PUT,DELETETransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a o:NetWorth;   o:netWorthOf <>;   o:asset       <assets/a1>,      <assets/a2>;   o:liability       <liabilities/l1>,      <liabilities/l2>,      <liabilities/l3>.

The structure of the net worth resource is completely unchanged, so any existing domain-specific applications continue to work without impact.LDP clients, on the other hand, have no way to understand that the asset andliability triples correspond in any way to LDP containers. For that, they need thenext two resources.

The first container is aLDP Direct Container to manage assets. Direct Containers add the concept ofmembershipand flexibility on how to specify themembership triples.

Request to
Example 7
GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 8
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "6df36eef2631a1795bfe9ab76760ea75"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADLink: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Transfer-Encoding: chunked      @prefix ldp: <>.@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;   ldp:contains <a1>, <a2>.

In the preceding asset container, the consistent membership value (membership-constant-URI, still in the subject position) is not thecontainer itself – it is the (separate) net worth resource. Themembership predicate iso:asset,from the domain model. A POST of an asset representation to the asset container will create a newasset and add it to net-worth's list ofassets by adding a new membership tripleto the resource and a containment triple to the container.

The second container is aLDP Direct Container to manage liabilities.

Request to
Example 9
GET /netWorth/nw1/liabilities/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 10
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "9f50da01f792281ddcfebe9788372d07"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADTransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The liabilities of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:liability;   ldp:contains <l1>, <l2>, <l3>.

The preceding liability container is completely analogous to the asset container above, simplymanaging liabilities instead of assets and using theo:liability predicate.

To add a another liability, a client would POST something like this to the liability container:

Request to
Example 11
POST /netWorth/nw1/liabilities/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtleContent-Type: text/turtleContent-Length: 63@prefix o: <>.<>   a o:Liability.   # plus any other properties that the domain says liabilities have
Example 12
HTTP/1.1 201 CreatedLocation: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:56:13 GMTLink: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"

Assuming the server successfully processes this request and assigns the URI<> to the newly created liability resource, at least two new triples would be added.

  1. In the net worth resource,<> o:liability <liabilities/l4>
  2. In the liability container,<> ldp:contains <l4>.

You might wonder why we chose to create two new containers instead of making itself a container.A single net worth container would be a fine design if only assets or only liabilities (basically: only a single predicate to manage), but since it has separate predicates for assets and liabilities an ambiguity arises:it is unspecified whether a client's creation request (POST)should add a newo:asset oro:liability triple. Having separate and containersallows both assets and liabilities to be created and linked to the net-worth resource using the appropriate predicate. Similar ambiguities ariseif the client wishes to list the members and/or contained resources.

Continuing in the multiple containers direction, we will now extend our net worth example to add a container foradvisors (people) that have managed the assets and liabilities. We have decidedto identify these advisors with URLs that contain a fragment (hash) to representthese real-world resources, not the documents that describe them.

Request to
Example 13
GET /netWorth/nw1/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtle
Example 14
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleDate: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMTETag: "e8d129f45ca31848fb56213844a32b49"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Allow: GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,PUT,DELETETransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix foaf: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a o:NetWorth;   o:netWorthOf <>;   o:advisor    <advisors/bob#me>,     # URI of a person    <advisors/marsha#me>.    <advisors/>   a ldp:IndirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The asset advisors of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:advisor;   ldp:insertedContentRelation foaf:primaryTopic;   ldp:contains    <advisors/bob>,     # URI of a document a.k.a. an information resource    <advisors/marsha>.  # describing a person

To handle this type of indirection, the triple with predicate ofldp:insertedContentRelation and object offoaf:primaryTopic informs clients that when POSTing to this container, they need to include a triple of theform(<>, foaf:primaryTopic, topic-URI) to inform the server which URI to use (topic-URI) in the new membership triple.

This type of container is referred to as aLDP Indirect Container. It is similar to anLDP Direct Container but it provides an indirection to add (via a create request) as a member any resource, including a URI representing a real-world object. Create requests toLDP Direct Containers can only add information resources [WEBARCH] - the documents they create - as members.

To add a another advisor, a client would POST something like this to the advisors container:

Request to
Example 15
POST /netWorth/nw1/advisors/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtleContent-Type: text/turtleSlug: georgeContent-Length: 72@prefix foaf: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a o:Advisor;   foaf:primaryTopic <#me>.   # plus any other properties that the domain says advisors have
Example 16
HTTP/1.1 201 CreatedLocation: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:56:13 GMTLink: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"

Assuming the server successfully processes this request and assigns the URI<> to the newly created advisor resource, at least two new triples would be added.

  1. In the net worth resource,<> o:advisor <advisors/george#me>
  2. In the advisors container,<> ldp:contains <george>

In summary,Fig.3Class relationship of types of Linked Data Platform Containers illustrates the LDP-defined container types: Basic, Direct, and Indirect, alongwith their class relationship to types ofLDPRs.

Types of Linked Data Platform Containers
Fig.3Class relationship of types of Linked Data Platform Containers

The following table illustrates some differences betweenmembership andcontainment triples. For details on the normative behavior, see appropriate sectionsbelow.

Completed RequestEffects
LDPR created inLDP-BCNew triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains,LDPR)Same
LDPR created inLDP-DCNew triple linksLDP-RS to createdLDPR.LDP-RS URI may be same asLDP-DCNew triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains,LDPR)
LDPR created inLDP-ICNew triple linksLDP-RS to content indicated URINew triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains,LDPR)
LDPR is deletedMembership triple may be removed(LDPC, ldp:contains,LDPR) triple is removed
LDPC is deletedTriples and member resources may be removedTriples of form (LDPC, ldp:contains,LDPR) and containedLDPRs may be removed

5.1.1Retrieving Only Minimal-Container Triples

The representation of a containerthat has many members will be large. There are several importantcases where clients need to access only the subset of the container's properties that are unrelated to member resources and unrelated to contained documents, forexample to determine the membership triple pattern and membership predicate of anLDP-DC. LDP calls theseminimal-container triples,because they are what remains when the container has zero members and zero contained resources.Since retrieving the whole container representation toget this information may be onerous for clients and cause unnecessaryoverhead on servers, we define a way to retrieve onlythese property values (and more generally, a way to retrieve only the subset of properties used to address other major clusters of use cases).LDP adds parameters to the HTTPPrefer header'sreturn=representation preference for this (seesection7.2Preferences on the Prefer Request Header for details).

The example listed here only showsa simple case where few minimal-container triples areretrieved. In real world situations more complex cases are likely, such as those that add other predicates tocontainers, for example providing validation information andassociatingSPARQL endpoints. [sparql11-query]

Here is an example requesting the minimal-container triples of acontainer identified by the URL

Request to

Example 17
GET /container1/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtlePrefer: return=representation; include=""


Example 18
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleETag: "_87e52ce291112"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADPreference-Applied: return=representationTransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "A Linked Data Platform Container of Acme Resources";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member;   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject;   dcterms:publisher <>.

LDP recommends using PATCH to update these properties, if necessary. It provides no facilityfor updating them via PUT without replacing the entire container's state.


The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data Platform Container.


The Linked Data Platform does not define how clientsdiscoverLDPCs. Data Platform ContainerMUST also be a conformingLinked Data PlatformRDF Source.LDP clientsMAY infer the following triple: onewhose subject is theLDPC, whose predicate isrdf:type, and whose object isldp:RDFSource, but there is no requirement to materialize this triple in theLDPC representation. representation of aLDPCMAY have anrdf:typeofldp:Container forLinked Data Platform Container.Non-normative note:LDPCsmight have additional types, like anyLDP-RS. representationsSHOULD NOT useRDF container typesrdf:Bag,rdf:Seq orrdf:List. serversexposingLDPCsMUST advertise their LDP support by exposing a HTTPLink headerwith a target URI matching the type of container (see below) theserver supports, anda link relation type oftype (that is,rel="type")in all responses to requests made to theLDPC's HTTPRequest-URI.LDP serversMAY provide additional HTTPLink: rel="type" headers.Thenotes on the correspondingLDPR constraint applyequally toLDPCs.

Valid container type URIs forrel="type" defined by this document are: serversSHOULD respect all of a client's LDP-defined hints, for examplewhich subsets of LDP-defined statethe client is interested in processing,to influence the set of triples returned in representations of aLDPC, particularly for largeLDPCs. See also [LDP-PAGING].


Persection4.2.2HTTP GET the HTTP GET method is required and additional requirements can be found insection5.2.1General.


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPCs.

Any server-imposed constraints on creation or updatemust be advertised to clients. clientsSHOULD create member resources by submitting a representation asthe entity body of the HTTPPOST to a knownLDPC. If the resource was created successfully,LDP serversMUSTrespond with status code 201 (Created) and theLocationheader set to the new resource’s URL. Clients shall not expect any representation in the responseentity body on a 201 (Created) response. a successful HTTPPOST request to aLDPC results in the creation of aLDPR, acontainment tripleMUST be added to the state of theLDPCwhose subject is theLDPC URI, whose predicate isldp:contains and whose object is the URI for the newly created document (LDPR). Other triples may be added as well.The newly createdLDPR appears as a contained resource of theLDPC until thenewly created document is deleted or removed by other methods. serversMAY accept an HTTPPOST of non-RDF representations(LDP-NRs) forcreation of any kind of resource, for example binary resources. Seethe Accept-Post section for details on how clients can discover whether aLDPC supports this behavior. servers that successfully create a resource from aRDF representation in the request entity bodyMUST honor the client's requested interaction model(s). If any requested interaction model cannot be honored, the serverMUST fail the request.

Clients use the same syntax, that isHTTP Link headers, to specify the desired interaction modelwhen creating a resource as servers use to advertise it on responses.

Note: A consequence ofthis is thatLDPCs can be used to createLDPCs, if the server supports doing so.

Non-normative note: LDP assumes that the interaction model of a resource is fixed when the resource is created, and this is reflected in the language of the bullets. If an implementation were to extend LDP by allowing theinteraction model to vary after creation, that is viewed as a compatible extension to LDP and the statements above would constrain the default interaction model rather than saying that no other behavior is possible. servers that allow creation ofLDP-RSs via POSTMUST allow clients to create new members by enclosing a request entity body with aContent-Type request header whose value istext/turtle [turtle]. serversSHOULD use theContent-Type request header to determine the request representation's format when the request has an entity body. servers creating aLDP-RS via POSTMUST interpret the null relativeURI for the subject of triples in theLDP-RS representation in therequest entity body as identifying the entity in the request body.Commonly, that entity is the model for the "to be created"LDPR, sotriples whose subject is the null relative URI result intriples in the created resource whose subject is the createdresource. serversSHOULD assign the URI for the resource to becreated using server application specific rules in the absence of aclient hint. serversSHOULD allow clients to create new resources withoutrequiring detailed knowledge of application-specific constraints.This is a consequence of the requirement to enable simple creation and modification ofLDPRs. LDP serversexpose these application-specific constraints as described insection4.2.1General. serversMAY allow clients to suggest the URI for a resourcecreated throughPOST, using the HTTPSlug header as defined in [RFC5023]. LDP addsno new requirements to this usage, so its presence functions as a client hint to the server providing a desired string to be incorporated into the server's final choice of resource URI. servers that allow member creation viaPOSTSHOULD NOT re-use URIs. successful creation of anLDP-NR (HTTP status code of 201-Created and URI indicated byLocation response header),LDP serversMAY create an associatedLDP-RSto contain data about the newly createdLDP-NR. If a LDP server creates this associatedLDP-RS, itMUST indicateits location in the response by adding a HTTPLink header with a context URI identifying the newly createdLDP-NR (instead of the effective request URI),a link relation value ofdescribedby,and a target URI identifying the associatedLDP-RS resource [RFC5988]. servers that supportPOSTMUSTinclude anAccept-Post response header on HTTPOPTIONSresponses, listingPOST request media type(s) supported by the server.LDP only specifies the use ofPOST for the purpose of creating new resources, but a servercan acceptPOST requests with other semantics. While "POST to create" is a common interaction pattern, LDP clients are not guaranteed, even when making requests to a LDP server, that every successfulPOST request will result in the creation of a new resource; they must rely on out of band information for knowledge of whichPOST requests,if any, will have the "create new resource" semantics.This requirement on LDP servers is intentionally stronger than the one levied in theheader registration; it is unrealistic to expect all existing resourcesthat supportPOST to suddenly return a new header or for all new specifications constrainingPOST to be aware of its existence and require it, but it is a reasonable requirement for newspecifications such as LDP. servers that allow creation ofLDP-RSs via POSTMUST allow clients to create new members by enclosing a request entity body with aContent-Type request header whose value isapplication/ld+json [JSON-LD].


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPCs.

Any server-imposed constraints on creation or updatemust be advertised to clients. serversSHOULD NOT allow HTTPPUT to update aLDPC’scontainment triples; if the server receives such a request, itSHOULD respond with a 409(Conflict) status code. servers that allowLDPR creation viaPUTSHOULD NOT re-use URIs.


Per [RFC7231], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPCs. acontainedLDPR is deleted, theLDPC serverMUST also remove the corresponding containment triple, which has the effect of removing the deletedLDPR from the containingLDPC.
Non-normative note: TheLDP server might perform additional actions, as described in thenormative references like [RFC7231]. For example, the server could remove membership triples referring to the deletedLDPR, perform additional cleanup tasks for resources it knows are no longer referenced or have notbeen accessed for some period of time, and so on. acontainedLDPR is deleted, and theLDPC server created an associatedLDP-RS (see theLDPC POST section), theLDPC serverMUST also delete the associatedLDP-RS it created.


Note that certain LDP mechanisms rely on HTTP headers, and HTTP recommends thatHEAD responses include the same headers asGET responses.LDP servers must also include HTTP headerson responses toOPTIONS, seesection4.2.8HTTP OPTIONS.Thus, implementers supportingHEAD should also carefully read thesection5.2.2HTTP GET andsection5.2.8HTTP OPTIONS.


Per [RFC5789], this HTTP method is optional and this specification does not requireLDP servers to support it.When a LDP server supports this method, this specification imposes the following new requirements forLDPCs.

Any server-imposed constraints onLDPR creation or updatemust be advertised to clients. servers areRECOMMENDED to support HTTPPATCH as the preferred method for updating aLDPC'sminimal-container triples.


This specification imposes the following new requirements on HTTPOPTIONS forLDPCs.Note that support for this method is required forLDPCs, sinceit is required forLDPRs andLDPCs adhere toLDP-RS requirements. responding to requests whoserequest-URI is aLDP-NR with an associatedLDP-RS, aLDPC serverMUST provide the same HTTPLinkresponse header as isrequired in the create response.


The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data Platform Basic Container.

5.3.1General Basic ContainerMUST also be a conformingLDP Container insection5.2Container along with thefollowing restrictions in this section.LDP clientsMAY infer the following triple:whose subject is theLDP Basic Container, whose predicate isrdf:type, and whose object isldp:Container, but there is no requirement to materialize this triple in theLDP-BC representation.


The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data Platform Direct Container.

5.4.1General Direct ContainerMUST also be a conformingLDP Container insection5.2Container along the followingrestrictions.LDP clientsMAY infer the following triple:whose subject is theLDP Direct Container, whose predicate isrdf:type, and whose object isldp:Container, but there is no requirement to materialize this triple in theLDP-DC representation. Direct ContainersSHOULD use theldp:member predicate as aLDPC'smembership predicateif there is no obvious predicate from an application vocabulary to use.The state of aLDPC includes information about whichresources are its members, in the form ofmembership triples thatfollow a consistent pattern. TheLDPC's state contains enough information for clients to discernthemembership predicate, the other consistent membershipvalue used in the container's membership triples (membership-constant-URI), and the position (subject or object) where those URIsoccurs in themembership triples.Member resources can beany kind of resource identified by a URI,LDPR or otherwise. Direct ContainerrepresentationMUST contain exactly one triple whose subject is theLDPC URI, whose predicate is theldp:membershipResource, and whose object is theLDPC'smembership-constant-URI.Commonly theLDPC's URI is themembership-constant-URI, but LDP does not require this. Direct ContainerrepresentationMUST contain exactly one triple whose subject is theLDPC URI, and whose predicate is eitherldp:hasMemberRelation orldp:isMemberOfRelation. The object of the triple is constrained by other sections, such asldp:hasMemberRelation orldp:isMemberOfRelation, based on themembership triple pattern used by the container. Direct Containerswhosemembership triple pattern is( membership-constant-URI , membership-predicate , member-derived-URI )MUSTcontain exactly one triplewhose subject is theLDPC URI, whose predicate isldp:hasMemberRelation, and whose object is the URI ofmembership-predicate. Direct Containerswhosemembership triple pattern is( member-derived-URI , membership-predicate , membership-constant-URI )MUSTcontain exactly one triplewhose subject is theLDPC URI, whose predicate isldp:isMemberOfRelation, and whose object is the URI ofmembership-predicate. Direct ContainersMUST behave as if theyhave a(LDPC URI,ldp:insertedContentRelation ,ldp:MemberSubject )triple, but LDP imposes no requirement to materialize such a triple in theLDP-DC representation.The valueldp:MemberSubject means that themember-derived-URI is the URI assigned by the server to a document it creates; for example, if the client POSTs content to a containerthat causes the container to create a newLDPR,ldp:MemberSubject saysthat themember-derived-URI is the URI assigned to the newly createdLDPR.

5.4.2HTTP POST a successful HTTPPOST request to aLDPC results in the creation of aLDPR, theLDPCMUST update its membership triples to reflect that addition, and the resulting membership tripleMUST be consistent with any LDP-defined predicates it exposes.ALDP Direct Container's membership triplesMAY also be modified via through other means.

5.4.3HTTP DELETE aLDPR identified by the object of amembership triple which wasoriginally created by theLDP-DC is deleted, theLDPC serverMUST also remove the corresponding membership triple.


The following section contains normative clauses forLinked Data Platform Indirect Container.

5.5.1General Indirect ContainerMUST also be a conformingLDP Direct Container as described insection5.4Direct, along with the followingrestrictions.LDP clientsMAY infer the following triple: one whose subject isLDP Indirect Container, whose predicate isrdf:type, and whose object isldp:Container, but there is no requirement to materialize this triple in theLDP-IC representation. Indirect ContainersMUST contain exactly one triple whose subject is theLDPC URI, whose predicate isldp:insertedContentRelation, and whose objectICR describes how themember-derived-URI in the container'smembership triples is chosen.Themember-derived-URI is taken from some triple( S, P, O ) in the document supplied by the client as input to the create request;ifICR's value isP, then themember-derived-URI isO. LDP does not define the behavior when more than one triple containing the predicateP is present in the client's input.For example, if the client POSTsRDF content to a containerthat causes the container to create a newLDP-RS, and that content contains the triple( <> , foaf:primaryTopic , bob#me )foaf:primaryTopic saysthat themember-derived-URI isbob#me. One consequence of this definition is that indirect container member creation is only well-defined by LDP when the document supplied by the client as input to the create requesthas anRDF media type.

5.5.2HTTP POST whoseldp:insertedContentRelation triple has an objectother thanldp:MemberSubject and that create new resourcesMUST add a triple to the containerwhose subject is the container's URI, whose predicate isldp:contains, andwhose object is the newly created resource's URI (which will be different fromthemember-derived URI in this case).Thisldp:contains triple can be the only link from the container to the newly createdresource in certain cases.

6.Notable information from normative references

This section is non-normative.

While readers, and especially implementers, of LDP are assumed to understand the information in its normative references, the working group has found that certain points are particularly important to understand.For those thoroughly familiar with the referenced specifications, these points might seem obvious, yetexperience has shown that few non-experts find all of them obvious. This section enumerates these topics; it is simply re-stating (non-normatively) information locatable via the normative references.

6.1Architecture of the World Wide Web

This section is non-normative.

Reference: [WEBARCH]

6.1.1LDPC membership is not exclusive; this means that the same resource(LDPR or not) can be a member of more than oneLDPC.

6.1.2LDP servers should not re-use URIs, regardless of the mechanism by which members are created (POST,PUT, etc.).Certain specific cases exist where aLDPC server might delete a resource and then later re-use theURI when it identifies the same resource, but only when consistent with Web architecture.While it is difficult to provide absolute implementation guarantees of non-reuse in all failurescenarios, re-using URIs creates ambiguities for clients that are best avoided.

6.2HTTP 1.1

This section is non-normative.

Reference: [RFC7230], [RFC7231], [RFC7232]

6.2.1LDP servers can support representations beyond thosenecessary to conform to this specification. Thesecould be otherRDF formats, like N3 or NTriples, but non-RDF formatslike HTML [HTML401] and JSON [RFC4627] would likely be common. HTTP content negotiation ([RFC7231] Section 3.4 - Content Negotiation) is used to select the format.

6.2.2LDPRs can be created, updated and deleted using methods not defined inthis document, for example through application-specific means,SPARQLUPDATE, etc. [SPARQL-UPDATE], as long as those methods do not conflict with this specification's normative requirements.

6.2.3LDP servers remove the resource identified by theRequest-URI in response to a successful HTTPDELETE request.After such a request, a subsequent HTTPGET on the sameRequest-URI usually results in a 404 (Not found) or 410 (Gone) statuscode, although HTTP allows others.

6.2.4LDP servers can alter the state of other resources as a result of any HTTP request, especially when non-safe methods are used ([RFC7231] section 4.2.1). For example, it is acceptable for the server toremove triples from other resources whose subject or object is thedeleted resource as the result of a successful HTTPDELETE request. It is also acceptable and common forLDP servers tonot do this – the server's behavior can vary, so LDP clients cannot depend on it.

6.2.5LDP servers can implement HTTPPATCH to allow modifications,especially partial replacement, of their resources. Nominimal set of patch document formats is mandated by this document or by the definition ofPATCH [RFC5789].

6.2.6 When theContent-Type request header is absent from a request,LDP servers might infer the content type by inspecting the entity body contents ([RFC7231] section


This section is non-normative.

Reference: [rdf11-concepts]

6.3.1The state of aLDPR can have triples with any subject(s). The URL used to retrieve therepresentation of aLDPR need not be the subject of any of its triples.

6.3.2The representation of aLDPCcan include an arbitrary number ofadditional triples whose subjects are the members of the container,or that are from the representations of the members (if they haveRDFrepresentations). This allows anLDP server to provide clients withinformation about the members without the client having to do aGETon each member individually.

6.3.3The state of aLDPR can have more than onetriple with anrdf:type predicate.

7.HTTP Header Definitions

7.1The Accept-Post Response Header


The LDP Working Group proposes incorporation of the features described in this section.

TheAccept-Post header has applicability beyond LDP as outlined in thisIETF draft [Accept-Post].

This specification introduces a new HTTP response headerAccept-Post usedto specify the document formats accepted by the server on HTTPPOST requests.It is modelled after theAccept-Patch header defined in [RFC5789].

7.1.1The syntax forAccept-Post, usingthe ABNF syntax defined in Section 1.2 of [RFC7231], is:

Accept-Post = "Accept-Post" ":" # media-range

TheAccept-Post header specifies a comma-separated list of media ranges (with optional parameters) as defined by [RFC7231], Section 5.3.2. TheAccept-Post header, in effect, uses the same syntax as the HTTPAccept header minus the optionalaccept-params BNF production,since the latter does not apply toAccept-Post.

7.1.2TheAccept-Post HTTP headerSHOULD appear in theOPTIONS response for any resourcethat supports the use of thePOST method. The presence of theAccept-Post header in response to any method is an implicitindication thatPOST is allowed on the resource identified by theRequest-URI. The presence of a specific document format inthis header indicates that that specific format is allowed onPOST requests to theresource identified by theRequest-URI.

7.1.3IANA Registration Template

The Accept-Post response header must be added to the permanent registry (see [RFC3864]).

Header field name: Accept-Post

Applicable Protocol: HTTP

Author/Change controller:W3C

Specification document: this specification

7.2Preferences on the Prefer Request Header


This specification introduces new parameters on the HTTPPrefer request header'sreturn=representation preference [RFC7240], used optionally by clients to supply a hint to help the server form a response that is most appropriate to the client's needs. The LDP-defined parameters suggest the portion(s) of a resource's state that the client application is interested in and, if received, is likely to be processed. LDP Containers with large numbers of associated documents and/or members will have large representations, and many client applications may be interested in processing only a subset of theLDPC's information (for example, only membership triples or only containment triples), resulting in a potentially large savings in server, client, and network processing.

Non-normative note: LDP server implementers should carefully consider the effects of thesepreferences on caching, as described in section 2 of [RFC7240].

Non-normative note: [RFC7240] recommends that server implementers include aPreference-Applied response header when the client cannot otherwise determine the server'sbehavior with respect to honoring hints from the response content.Examples illustrate some cases where the header is unnecessary.

7.2.2Specification hint defines a subset of aLDPR's content that a clientwould like included in a representation.The syntax for theinclude parameter of the HTTPPrefer request header'sreturn=representation preference [RFC7240] is:
include-parameter = "include" *WSP "=" *WSP ldp-uri-list

WhereWSP is whitespace [RFC5234], andldp-uri-list is a double-quoted blank-delimited unordered set of URIs whose ABNF is given below.The generic preference BNF [RFC7240] allows either a quoted string or a token as the value of a preference parameter; LDP assigns a meaning to the value only when it is a quoted string ofthe form:

ldp-uri-list = DQUOTE *WSP URI *[ 1*WSP URI ] *WSP DQUOTE

whereDQUOTE is a double quote [RFC5234], andURI is an absolute URI with an optionalfragment component [RFC3986]. hint defines a subset of aLDPR's content that a clientwould like omitted from a representation.The syntax for theomit parameter of the HTTPPrefer request header'sreturn=representation preference [RFC7240] is:
omit-parameter = "omit" *WSP "=" *WSP ldp-uri-list

WhereWSP andldp-uri-list are defined as above forinclude. LDP servers receive a request with conflicting hints, this specification imposesno requirements on their behavior. They are free to reject the request, process itapplying some subset of the hints, or anything else appropriate to the server.[RFC7240] suggests treating similar requests as though none of the conflictingpreferences were specified. specification defines the following URIs for clients to use withincludeandomit parameters. It assigns no meaning to other URIs, althoughother specificationsMAY do so.
Containment triples
Membership triples
Minimal-container triples
     or the equivalent but deprecated term

Non-normative note: all currently defined URIs are only coherent for LDP-RSs, and in fact only forLDPCs, however inthe future it is possible that additional URIs with other scopes of applicabilitycould be defined.


This section is non-normative.

If we assume a container likethe one below:

Example 19
# The following is the representation of# @base <>.@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.<>   a o:NetWorth;   o:asset <a1>, <a3>, <a2>.<a1>   a o:Stock;   o:marketValue 100.00 .<a2>   a o:Cash;   o:marketValue 50.00 .<a3>   a o:RealEstateHolding;   o:marketValue 300000 .

Clients interested only in information about the container (for example, which membership predicate it uses) might use this hint on aGET request:Prefer: return=representation; include=""

A server that honors this hint would return a following response containing the HTTP headerPreference-Applied: return=representation and this representation:

Request to
Example 20
GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtlePrefer: return=representation; include=""
Example 21
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleETag: "_87e52ce291112"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADPreference-Applied: return=representationTransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.

Clients interested only in information about the container (same as before) might use this hint instead:Prefer: return=representation; omit="". Note:Treating the two as equivalent is not recommended. While today thisomit parameter value is equivalent to the precedinginclude parameter value, they may not be equivalent in the future due to the definition ofminimal-container triples.Clients should preferentially use theinclude parameter, as it more precisely communicates their needs.

ALDP 1.0 server that honors this hint would return the following response. Serversimplementing later versions of LDP might return substantively different responses.

Request to
Example 22
GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtlePrefer: return=representation; omit=""
Example 23
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleETag: "_87e52ce291112"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADPreference-Applied: return=representation Transfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.

Clients interested only in information about the container (for example, which membership predicate it uses) and its membership might use this hint on aGET request:Prefer: return=representation; include="".

A server that honors this hint would return (at least) the following response, and perhaps only this (it mightwell omit containment triples if they are not specifically requested). In cases like this example, where a client can detect from the content that its hints were honored(the presence of the predicatesdcterms:title ando:asset demonstrate this in the representation below), there is no need for the server to include aPreference-Applied response header in many common cases like a200 (OK) response. In other cases, like status code303,the header would still be required for the client to know that the303 response entityis a representation of the resource identified by theLocation URI instead of a short hypertext note (one with a hyperlink tothe same URI reference provided in theLocation header field [RFC7231]).

Request to
Example 24
GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgAccept: text/turtlePrefer: return=representation; include=""
Example 25
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/turtleETag: "_87e52ce291112"Link: <>; rel="type",      <>; rel="type"Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+jsonAllow: POST,GET,OPTIONS,HEADPreference-Applied: return=representationTransfer-Encoding: chunked@prefix dcterms: <>.@prefix ldp: <>.@prefix o: <>.<>   a ldp:DirectContainer;   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";   ldp:membershipResource <>;   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.<>   a o:NetWorth;   o:asset <a1>, <a3>, <a2>.

8.Link Relations

The intent is that these link relations will be registered with IANA per [RFC5988] section 6.2.1.


The contents of this section were originally taken from [POWDER] appendix D, and then modified to comply with the current registration template.The pre-LDP IANA link relation registry entry fordescribedby refers to a different section of [POWDER] that was substantively updated inan erratum, and that section was notactually the normative definition of the link relation. Since we expect no update to [POWDER] that incorporates the erratum or fixes the registry link, this superseding registration approach is being taken.

The following Link Relationship will be submitted to IANA for review, approval, and inclusion in the IANA Link Relations registry.

Relation Name:
The relationshipA describedby B asserts that resource B provides a description of resource A. There are no constraints on the format or representation of either A or B, neither are there any further constraints on either resource.
TheW3CLinked Data Platform specification.
Descriptions of resources may be socially sensitive, may require processing to be understood and may or may not not be accurate. Consumers of descriptive resources should be aware of the source and chain of custody of the data. Security considerations for URIs (Section 7 of RFC 3986) and IRIs (Section 8 of RFC 3987) apply to the extent that describing resources may affect consumers' decisions about how or whether to retrieve those resources.

9.Security Considerations

This section is non-normative.

As with any protocol that is implemented leveraging HTTP, implementations should take advantage of the many security-related facilities associated with it and are not required to carry out LDP operations that may be in contradistinction to a particular security policy in place. For example, when faced with an unauthenticated request to replace system criticalRDF statements in a graph through the PUT method, applications mayconsider responding with the 401 status code (Unauthorized), indicating that the appropriate authorization is required. In cases where the provided authentication fails to meet the requirements of a particular access control policy, the 403 status code (Forbidden) can be sent back to the client to indicate this failure to meet theaccess control policy.


This section is non-normative.

The following people have been instrumental in providing thoughts, feedback,reviews, content, criticism and input in the creation of this specification:

Arnaud Le Hors (chair), Alexandre Bertails, Andrei Sambra, Andy Seaborne, Antonis Loizou, Ashok Malhotra, Bart van Leeuwen, Cody Burleson, David Wood, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Erik Wilde, Henry Story, John Arwe, Kevin Page, Kingsley Idehen, Mark Baker, Martin P. Nally, Miel Vander Sande, Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Olivier Berger, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Raúl García Castro, Reza B'Far, Richard Cyganiak, Rob Sanderson, Roger Menday, Ruben Verborgh, Sandro Hawke, Serena Villata, Sergio Fernandez, Steve Battle, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau, Tim Berners-Lee, Yves Lafon

B.Change History

This section is non-normative.

The change history is up to the editors to insert a brief summary ofchanges, ordered by most recent changes first and with heading from whichpublic draft it has been changed from.


Summary of notable changes from theProposed Recommendation.


C.1Normative references

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Terms, version 1.1. 11 October 2010. DCMI Recommendation. URL:
Manu Sporny; Gregg Kellogg; Markus Lanthaler.JSON-LD 1.0. 16 January 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL:
S. Bradner.Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
G. Klyne; M. Nottingham; J. Mogul.Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields. September 2004. Best Current Practice. URL:
T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter.Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. January 2005. Internet Standard. URL:
M. Duerst; M. Suignard.Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs). January 2005. Proposed Standard. URL:
J. Gregorio, Ed.; B. de hOra, Ed..The Atom Publishing Protocol. October 2007. Proposed Standard. URL:
D. Crocker, Ed.; P. Overell.Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF. January 2008. Internet Standard. URL:
L. Dusseault; J. Snell.PATCH Method for HTTP. March 2010. Proposed Standard. URL:
M. Nottingham.Web Linking. October 2010. Proposed Standard. URL:
M. Nottingham; R. Fielding.Additional HTTP Status Codes. April 2012. Proposed Standard. URL:
R. Fielding, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed..Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing. June 2014. Proposed Standard. URL:
R. Fielding, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed..Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content. June 2014. Proposed Standard. URL:
R. Fielding, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed..Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests. June 2014. Proposed Standard. URL:
J. Snell.Prefer Header for HTTP. June 2014. Proposed Standard. URL:
Ian Jacobs; Norman Walsh.Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One. 15 December 2004. W3C Recommendation. URL:
Dan Brickley; Ramanathan Guha.RDF Schema 1.1. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL:
Richard Cyganiak; David Wood; Markus Lanthaler.RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL:
Eric Prud'hommeaux; Gavin Carothers.RDF 1.1 Turtle. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL:

C.2Informative references

J. Arwe; S. Speicher; E. Wilde.The Accept-Post HTTP Header. Internet Draft. URL:
Dave Raggett; Arnaud Le Hors; Ian Jacobs.HTML 4.01 Specification. 24 December 1999. W3C Recommendation. URL:
S. Speicher; J. Arwe; A. Malhotra.Linked Data Platform Paging. Candidate Recommendation. URL:
R. Garcia-Castro; F. Serena.Linked Data Platform 1.0 Test Cases. Editor's Draft of Working Group Note. URL:
Steve Battle; Steve Speicher.Linked Data Platform Use Cases and Requirements. 13 March 2014. W3C Note. URL:
Tim Berners-Lee.Linked Data Design Issues. 27 July 2006. W3C-Internal Document. URL:
Phil Archer; Kevin Smith; Andrea Perego.Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Description Resources. W3C Recommendation. URL:
D. Crockford.The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). July 2006. Informational. URL:
Paul Gearon; Alexandre Passant; Axel Polleres.SPARQL 1.1 Update. 21 March 2013. W3C Recommendation. URL:
Steven Harris; Andy Seaborne.SPARQL 1.1 Query Language. 21 March 2013. W3C Recommendation. URL:

