Copyright © 2020W3C® (MIT,ERCIM,Keio,Beihang). W3Cliability,trademark andpermissive document license rules apply.
This document describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO. The document is mainly based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS X 4051, however, it also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X 4051. This version integrates errata and links to related materials.
この文書は,CSS,SVGおよびXSL-FOなどの技術で実現が求められる一般的な日本語組版の要件を記述したものです.この文書は,主としてJIS X 4051(日本語組版規則)に基づいていますが,一部,JIS X 4051に記載されていない事項にも言及しています.この版では,誤りの訂正や関連情報へのリンク追加などが行われています.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of currentW3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
この節はこの文書の公開時点での状況を述べています.他の文書によりこの文書が更新されていることがあります.現在のW3C の文書と最新版の技術報告のリストは, にあるW3C 技術報告一覧から入手できます.
This is a maintenance version of a document that describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG, XSL-FO and eBook standards. The document is mainly based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS X 4051, however, it also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X 4051. The second version of the document added a significant amount of additional information related to hanmen design, such as handling headings, placement of illustrations and tables, handling of notes and reference marks, etc. This version integrates errata and links to related materials.
この文書は,CSS,SVG,XSL-FOおよびeBookなどの技術で実現が求められる一般的な日本語組版の要件を記述した文書の訂正版です.この文書は,主としてJIS X 4051(日本語組版規則)に基づいていますが,一部,JIS X 4051に記載されていない事項にも言及しています.この第2版では版面デザインに関する説明を大幅に増やしました.例えば,見出しの扱い,図版や表の配置,注や合印などです.
This document was developed by participants in theJapanese Layout Task Force. It will be published by theInternationalization Working Group. Previous versions of the document were developed by participants in theprevious Japanese Layout Task Force, with input from fourW3C Working Groups,CSS,Internationalization Core,SVG andXSL.
この文書はJLReq 日本語組版タスクフォース の参加者により作成されており,国際化委員会において公開されます.以前のバージョンのこの文書はJLReq 日本語組版タスクフォース の参加者により,CSS,Internationalization Core,SVG,XSL の4つのW3C ワーキンググループからの情報を参考に作成されています.
The document was originally authored in Japanese, then translated to English under the guidance of the Japanese authors. In order to reach the largest international audience, theW3C works in English, so theEnglish version of the document is the authoritative version. However, theJapanese version of this document is also available.
この文書は日本語で記述されたものを,日本語版作成者の監修のもとに英語に翻訳したものです.最大の国際的な利用者に届けるため,W3C は英語を標準としているため,この文書は英語版が公式となります.なお,日本語版も提供しています.
To make it easier to track comments, please raise separate issues or emails for each comment, and point to the section you are commenting on.
指摘を追跡しやすくするため,それぞれの指摘点について対象となるセクションを明記のうえ,個別の issue もしくはメールを送ってください.
この文書に関する議論にはGitHub Issues の利用が望まれます.
ワーキンググループノートとしての公開はW3C 会員による支持を意味しません.この文書は草案であり,更新やほかの文書により置き換えられる可能性が常にあります.作業版以外としての参照は推奨されません.
この文書はW3C 特許ポリシーに従って運営されているグループにより作成されました.このグループはこの文書をW3C 勧告とすることを想定していません.
この文書は2019年3月1日版のW3C プロセス文書に従っています.
This document was published by theInternationalization Working Group as a Working Group Note.
GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification.
Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by theW3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under theW3C Patent Policy. The group does not expect this document to become aW3C Recommendation.
This document is governed by the1 March 2019W3C Process Document.
Each cultural community has its own language, script and writing system. In that sense, the transfer of each writing system into cyberspace is a task with very high importance for information and communication technology.
As one of the basic work items of this task force, this document describes issues of textcomposition in the Japanese writing system. The goal of the task force is not to propose actual solutions but describe important issues as basic information for actual implementations.
This document was created by theW3C Japanese Layout Task Force. The Task Force has discussed many issues and harmonized the requirements from user communities and solutions from technological experts. It includes the following participants:
Japanese text composition experts (The editors of "JIS X 4051 : Formatting rules for Japanese documents").
日本語組版の専門家(“JIS X 4051:日本語文書の組版方法”のエディターたち)
Internationalization and standardization experts in Japan (from Microsoft, Antenna House, JustSystems).
This task force also constitutes an important innovation due to its bilingual work-flow. Discussion is mainly conducted in Japanese, because of the Japanesecomposition issues, but minutes and one mailing list were in English. To support development, the task force held face-to-face meetings with participating Working Groups.
The document itself was also developed bilingually, and is published bilingually. We carefully avoided using jargon for technical terms. Even if there were English words corresponding to the Japanese, we carefully studied any potential differences in the nuances of meaning, and if there were differences between corresponding concepts, we provided the Japanese jargon in romaji (Latin transliteration) for future discussion. Moreover, we prepared as many figures as possible, with clear and understandable English, to help non-Japanese readers.
Japanese composition exhibits several differences from Western composition. Major differences include:
The use of not only horizontal writing mode but also vertical writing mode.
In principle, allcharacter frames ofideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters used in Japanese composition are designed in a square box, and these characters are composed without intervening spacing (i.e. set solid). In this document, notations such asideographic (cl-19) andhiragana (cl-15) characters indicate character classes (see§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて).
原則として,日本語組版で使用する漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15),片仮名(cl-16)の文字の外枠は,正方形にデザインされており,これを,隙間なく詰めて組んでいく.なお,“漢字等(cl-19)”,“平仮名(cl-15)”などと示すものは,文字クラス名である(文字クラスの詳細は§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてを参照).
This document mainly explains the characteristics of Japanese composition along the lines of the following policy.
It does not fully cover all issues of the Japanese composition system, but mainly discusses the differences from Western composition systems.
It focuses on the requirements for the Japanese visual presentation form of text composition. Technology-specific interpretations of the requirements and/or how to implement them are out of scope for this document.
It explicitly refers to JIS X 4051 "Formatting rules for Japanese documents" as much as possible. This document focuses on fundamental and important issues of Japanese layout as much as possible, and for more detail references the corresponding clause of JIS X 4051. The JIS X 4051 topics that are not described in this document, are only for exceptional, corner cases or to provide some specific line composition algorithms. On the other hand, some topics that are not described in JIS X 4051 are described in detail. Accordingly, this document is sufficient to implement Japanese layout processing for most parts of the Japanese market.
日本語組版に関する日本工業規格(JIS)に“JIS X 4051(日本語文書の組版方法)”がある.これとの参照関係をできるだけ示すことを心掛けた.本文書では,記述をできる限り本質的で重要な事項に限定した.そのため,詳細な処理内容はJIS X 4051にゆずり,参照だけで示した箇所がある.JIS X 4051の記述のうち,本文書に記述がない部分は,特別な例外的な場合や,行組版についての具体的なアルゴリズム記述に限られる.なお,本文書では,JIS X 4051で規定されている内容だけではなく,それ以外で重要と思われる事項についても解説するようにした.したがって,本文書の内容を実装することで,日本の大部分の市場要求に応えることができる.
In accordance with the stated policy, this document provides tutorial- or summary-like, supplementary explanations, related background, and additional descriptions for JIS X 4051 information. This document covers all the fundamental issues of Japanese text layout, but the reader will need to refer to JIS X 4051 for advanced discussion of exceptional topics.
また,この文書とJIS X 4051との関係でいえば,JIS X 4051の要点の解説あるいは要約,補足説明,それに関わる周辺情報の追加,JIS X 4051で規定していない事項の解説ということになる.したがって,基本的な事項を理解するためであれば,この文書で十分であるが,細部にわたる例外的な内容を知るためにはJIS X 4051を参照する必要がある.
It provides typical examples of actual use for key composition features, to enable better understanding of their usage.
For non-Japanese readers, frequency of use is indicated for each requirement. These frequencies are not the outcome of any accurate research, but arise from the long experience of the authors. They are intuitive for ordinary Japanese text readers; however, for non-Japanese readers it may be difficult to imagine without explicit information. These frequencies are only rough information to prioritize the importance of issues.
For example: "warichu (inline cutting note) is not frequently used, but is useful to simply annotate persons, things, and so on, at the place where the text appears, especially in classic texts or translations.", or "ruby is frequently used in modern documents, including newspapers."
In consideration of non-Japanese readers of this document, figures are used for explanations wherever possible.
Text layout rules and recommendations for readable design are different things, however these two issues are difficult to discuss independently. In this document, these two aspects are carefully separated. The aesthetic design recommendations are mainly described using notes.
The main target of this document is common books. The authors' experiences are mainly related to common books, and the quality required for common books is the highest in the market. There are many kinds of books in the market, and the requirements are quite diverse. The task force has a lot of accumulated experience in requirements and solutions for Japanese text composition. Nonetheless, many issues, which have been discussed over a long period of time, are applicable for other kinds of publication.
In terms of frequency of use, the importance of magazines, technical manuals, and Web documents rates alongside common books. However, there are several characteristics in these publications, which are different from common books. These issues should be treated more fully in future documents.
This document consists of four parts:
§ 2.Basics of Japanese Composition日本語組版の基本 explains the characteristics of letters and symbols which are used in Japanese composition, their differences invertical writing mode andhorizontal writing mode, and the design and adaptation of thekihon-hanmen.
§ 2.Basics of Japanese Composition日本語組版の基本では,日本語組版で使用される文字の特徴,縦組と横組の相違点,基本版面の設計方法及びその適用方法などについて解説する.
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理 explains line composition methods forideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) characters andpunctuation marks, together with ruby (inter-line pronunciation information and annotation) andJapanese and Western mixed text composition, i.e. mixtures of Japanese characters andWestern characters (cl-27).
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理では,漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15),片仮名(cl-16)及び約物だけでなく文字に添えて行間に配置されるルビ処理及び欧文用文字(cl-27)を含む和欧文混植などの行の組版処理並びに行内での文字配置方法を解説する.
§ 4.Positioning of Headings, Notes, Illustrations, Tables and Paragraphs見出し・注・図版・表・段落の配置処理 describes construction methods and composition methods forheadings,notes,illustrations andtables.
§ 4.Positioning of Headings, Notes, Illustrations, Tables and Paragraphs見出し・注・図版・表・段落の配置処理では,見出し,注,図版,表などの構成方法及び配置方法を解説する.
In principle, characters in Japanese composition are designed in a square box and positioned without extra spacing, i.e.solid setting. This is taken as a basic premise for the design of thekihon-hanmen, the basis of book layout. Furthermore, to understand Japanese layout, it is important to understand the design of the kihon-hanmen and how to position illustrations, characters, symbols etc. in relation to it. Hence,§ 2.Basics of Japanese Composition日本語組版の基本 describes in detail the design of the kihon-hanmen and its dependencies. In particular,§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用 provides prototypical patterns for the three guidelines listed after this paragraph: what recommendations need to be strictly taken into account, and what exceptions are possible. (The goal of these explanations is an understanding of Japanese composition. Since detailed explanations of the various elements of the kihon-hanmen are given in§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理 and§ 4.Positioning of Headings, Notes, Illustrations, Tables and Paragraphs見出し・注・図版・表・段落の配置処理, some explanations are repeated.)
なお,日本語組版は,原則として全角のモノスペースの文字・記号を字間を空けずに(ベタ組にして)配置する.このことを前提にして本の基本となる版面(基本版面)を設計する.そのうえで実際のページでは,基本版面の設計に従い図版や文字・記号などを配置する.この基本版面の設計と,それに従いどのように図版や文字・記号などを配置するかを理解することは,日本語組版を理解する重要なポイントである.そこで,§ 2.Basics of Japanese Composition日本語組版の基本では,基本版面の設計とその適用方法について,詳細に解説した.特に,§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用では,次の3点について,基本版面で設計した事項のどこを厳守し,どのような例外が出るかについて,典型的な例を解説した.ここでの説明の目的は,日本語組版を理解してもらうためのものであり,各要素の詳細な解説は,§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理と§ 4.Positioning of Headings, Notes, Illustrations, Tables and Paragraphs見出し・注・図版・表・段落の配置処理で行うので,説明が一部では重なる部分も出てくる.
Keep to the basic size and column numbers ofmulti-column format that were decided upon in setting up thekihon-hanmen, with some exceptions.
Keep to the line positions that were decided upon in setting up thekihon-hanmen, with some exceptions.
Keep to the letter positions that were decided upon in setting up thekihon-hanmen, with some exceptions.
The definitions of technical terms are described in the§ G.Terminology用語集 appendix. Terms are linked to corresponding places in the Terminology appendix only at first appearance and in important places. If there is no appropriate English terminology for Japanese terminology, or the English terminology may possibly cause misunderstanding, the Japanese terminology is only transliterated to Hepburn style romaji notation (except that "m", not "n", is used before "b", "m" and "p").
この文書で使用している用語の定義は,§ G.Terminology用語集に掲げる.用語の表記,参照等は,次のように行った.“用語集”に掲げる用語への参照は,節項目の初出の箇所以外は,特に関連が深い箇所に限って行った.なお,英語版の対応用語については,対応する英語の用語がない,あるいは意味の近い用語があっても,その用語の使用により誤解を生む恐れがある用語は,ヘボン式のローマ字表記とした(ただし,b,m,pの前では“m”としないで,“n”とした).
Also, the definitions of terminology in the Terminology appendix are basically the same as the definitions of JIS Z 8125 or JIS X 4051, with respect to common Japanese usage of terminology.
また,“用語集”に掲げる用語については,日本における標準的な定義を示すことを考慮し,JIS Z 8125 又は JIS X 4051 に定義されている用語で,かつ,この文書で使用する用語の意味と差異のないものは,そこに示されている定義を掲げた.
Each character class has its own character class number in parentheses. Members of each character class are listed in§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧, except for CJK Ideographs. Each character in this document is named and referred to using the character names of ISO/IEC 10646 (UCS).
文字クラス名には,その後ろの括弧内に文字クラス番号を掲げた.それぞれの文字クラスに含まれる非漢字の一覧は,§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧に掲げた.個々の文字については,その後ろにISO/IEC 10646(UCS)の名称を掲げた.
The formal title of the frequently mentioned Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X 4051 is as follows:
この文書でよく参照しているJIS X 4051の名称は,以下である.
JIS X 4051 : 2004 Formatting rules for Japanese documents
JIS X 4051 : 2004 日本語文書の組版方法(Formatting rules for Japanese documents)
JIS X 4051 is available from the Japan Standards Association (, but a PDF version is not available from JSA. The PDF version is accessible from the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee site (, however it is not possible to download it.
JIS X 4051 は,日本規格協会(から入手できる(PDFデータの頒布はしていない).ただし,日本産業標準調査会(で,この規格を検索することにより,PDFの閲覧が可能である(閲覧のみに限られる).
Japanese letters used for composing Japanese text mainly consist ofideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters (seeFigure1).
In addition toideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters, variouspunctuation marks (seeFigure2) as well asWestern characters (cl-27), such asEuropean numerals, Latin letters and/or Greek letters, may be used in Japanese text. In this document these characters are classified into character classes, for which explanations are given describing their behavior in type-setting.
The details of character classes used in this document will be explained in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて, as well as in§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧. Also, in "Spacing between Characters" all non-Kanji characters included in ISO/IEC 10646 (UCS) Annex A collection 285 (Basic Japanese character set) and collection 286 (Extended non-Kanji character set) are explicitly classified by character class.
この文書における文字クラスの詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで解説する.また,§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧に各文字クラスに含まれる文字・記号とISO/IEC 10646(UCS)のAnnex Aで規定されている“基本日本文字集合”(UCSのコレクション285)及び“拡張非漢字集合”(UCSのコレクション286)に含まれる非漢字との対応を示す.
Ideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters are the same size, and have squarecharacter frames of equal dimensions. Aligned with the vertical and horizontal center of the character frame, there is a smaller box called theletter face, which contains the actual symbol.Character size is measured by the size of the character frame (seeFigure3). "Character advance" is a term used to describe the advance width of the character frame of a character. By definition, it is equal to the "width" of a character inhorizontal writing mode, whereas it is the height of a character invertical writing mode (seeFigure3).
In vertical writing mode, the letter face ofsmall kana (cl-11) characters (ぁぃぅァィゥ etc.) is placed at the vertical center and to the right of the horizontal center of thecharacter frame; in horizontal writing mode, it is placed at the horizontal center and below the vertical center (seeFigure4). Also there arepunctuation marks with letter faces that are not placed at the vertical and horizontal center of the character frame.
In principle, when composing a line withideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters no extra spacing appears between theircharacter frame. This is called solid setting (seeFigure5).
In theletterpress printing eraideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters were designed so that they were easy to read insolid setting, regardless of text direction. However, unlike the letterpress printing era, when several sizes of theoriginal pattern of a letter were required to creatematrices, in today's digital era the same original pattern is used for any size simply by enlargement or reduction. Because of this, it might be necessary to adjust theinter-character spacing when composing lines at large character sizes. When composing lines at small character sizes, hinting data is used to ensure that the width of the strokes that make up a character look correct.
Depending on the context, there are several setting methods used in addition tosolid setting, as shown below.
Fixed inter-character spacing: Text set with a fixed sizespacing between each character frame (seeFigure6).
Fixed inter-character spacing is used in books for the following cases: (Fixed inter-character spacing, including alsoeven tsumegumi, is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 4.18.1 b.)
書籍におけるアキ組は,次のような場合に利用されている.(アキ組については,均等詰めを含めてJIS X 4051の4.18.1のb)に規定されている.)
To achieve a balance betweenrunning heads with few and with many characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used for the running heads with few characters. Examples of fixed inter-character spacing for running heads are given in JIS X 4051, annex 5.
字数の少ない柱と字数の多い柱とのバランスをとるために,字数の少ない柱をアキ組にする.柱のアキ組の例は,JIS X 4051の附属書5に掲げられている.
To achieve a balance between headings with few and with many characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used for theheadings with few characters. Examples of fixed inter-character spacing for headings are given in JIS X 4051, annex 6.
字数の少ない見出しと字数の多い見出しとのバランスをとるために,字数の少ない見出しをアキ組にする.見出しのアキ組の例は,JIS X 4051の附属書6に掲げられている.
Forcaptions ofillustrations andtables, which only have a few characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used to balance with the size of the illustration or table.
In some cases, fixed inter-character spacing is used for Chinese and Japanese poetry where one line has only a few characters.
Even inter-character spacing: Text set with equal inter-character spacing between characters on a given line, so that each line is aligned to the sameline head and line end (seeFigure7).
Even inter-character spacing setting is used in books for unifying the length of table headings with Japanese text (seeFigure8). There are also examples (e.g. lists of names) in which parts of a person names receive inter-character spacing. (Even inter-character spacing, including processing ofjidori, is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 4.18.1.)
書籍における均等割りは,表の和文の項目見出しの長さをそろえる場合に利用されている(Figure8).また,名簿などで人名の部分で均等割りにする例がある.(均等割りについては,字取り処理を含めてJIS X 4051の4.18.1に規定されている.)
Tsumegumi (kerning / tracking): Text is set with negative inter-character spacing by arranging characters so that a portion of two character frames overlap each other. This is divided further into two types, depending on the methods used for inter-character spacing reduction. One method involves reducing by the same amount of inter-character spacing (even tsumegumi or tracking, seeFigure9) and the other involves determining the amount of spacing to reduce based on the distance between the two letter faces of adjacent characters (face tsumegumi or letter face kerning, seeFigure10).
In themain text of books, the most reader-friendly approach is to usesolid setting. However, if the character size is larger, the distance between characters may become unbalanced, and tsumegumi will be applied. For example, there are books where tsumegumi is used with headings set in large character sizes. These methods are rarely used in books, since ease of reading is very important, but in magazines or advertisements there are many more examples of tsumegumi. Magazines tend to use type to differentiate themselves from others, and so devices like this are sometimes used for that purpose.
Thepage format of a Japanese document is specified by:
Generally, books use only one template forpage format, whereas magazines often use several templates.
Although in books, as will be mentioned in c of§ 2.2.5Kihon-hanmen and Examples of Real Page Format基本版面と実際のページの設計例, there tends to be one template for the page format, the basic pattern is typically adapted. For example, thetable of contents may contain small modifications. Furthermore, there are many examples ofindexes with a different page format than the basic page format, and vertically set books often have indexes in horizontal writing mode and sometimes multiple columns. This still holds true where the goal is to make the size of thehanmen for indexes close to the size of hanmen in the basic page format.
書籍では,1パターンといっても,§ 2.2.5Kihon-hanmen and Examples of Real Page Format基本版面と実際のページの設計例のcで解説するように,目次などは基本となる組体裁を元に設計をしなおす.また,索引は,基本となる組体裁とは異なる設計になる例が多く,縦組の書籍でも,索引は横組とし,段組とする例が多い.この場合でも,基本となる組体裁で設計した版面サイズと索引の版面サイズが近似するように設計する.
Magazines gather articles of different kinds. Often the page format will differ depending on the content of the article. For example, one part may have 9 point character size and 3 columns, and another part 8 point character size and 4 columns.
The following are the basic elements of a page format.Figure11 illustrates an example of a page format in vertical writing mode.
Trim size and binding side (vertically set Japanese documents arebound on the right-hand side, and horizontally set documents arebound on the left-hand side. SeeFigure12.)
Principaltext direction (vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode).
Appearance of the kihon-hanmen and its position relative to the trim size.
Appearance ofrunning heads andpage numbers, and their positions relative to the trim size and kihon-hanmen.
Establishing akihon-hanmen may be seen as defining not only a rectangular area on a page, but also within that area an underlying, logical grid, to guide the placement of such things as characters,headings, andillustrations. However, once a kihon-hanmen is established, there is no absolute requirement to align characters with the grid, especially when setting characters inside a line. The only factors that influence the placement of characters are strong gravitational forces that (i) attract the first and last characters on a line to align with the border of the kihon-hanmen, and (ii) attract each line position to the line positions on which the kihon-hanmen is based.
It may help in understanding the basic concepts of Japanese layout and kihon-hanmen to think in terms of a slit-based model, rather than a grid-based model. Each slit is the full length of the lines on which the kihon-hanmen is based.
Thekihon-hanmen is the hanmen style designed as the basis of a book. The following are the basic elements of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure13).
Character size and typeface name
Text direction (vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode)
Number of columns andcolumn gap when usingmulti-column format
Number of lines per page (number of lines per column when using multi-column format)
To understand the characteristics of Japanese composition, it is important to understand how the various elements of the kihon-hanmen are applied to a real page. The details will be explained in§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用.
基本版面で設計した各要素が,実際のページでどのように適用されるかは日本語組版の特徴を理解するための重要なポイントである.そこで,その詳細は§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用で解説する.
The normative definition of kihon-hanmen is provided in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.5.
基本版面の指定等については,JIS X 4051の7.5に規定されている.
Format examples (including running heads and page numbers) and composition examples for kihon-hanmen in differenttrim sizes are available in JIS X 4051, annexes 3 and 4.
仕上りサイズ別の基本版面の設計例(柱及びノンブルの設計例も含く)及び組版例が,JIS X 4051の附属書3及び附属書4に掲げられているので参考になる.
Depending on the application, character sizes can be specified in multiple ways. For books, character size is mainly specified using points or Q/q. Points are used for letterpress printing. In JIS Z 8305 (size units of printing type), one point is determined to be 0.3514mm. This is the size that is usually used. However, some commonly used applications adopt one point as 1/72 inch, ca. 0.3528mm. Q was used for photo typesetting. One Q is 0.25mm. It is very difficult to unify the unit sizes for character size specifications, because actual users prefer the unit to which they are accustomed. In some companies, multiple types of unit are used together.
処理系にもよるが,文字サイズの指示には複数の単位が使用できる.書籍において,文字サイズの指示に使用されている単位としては,主にポイントと級(Q,q)がある.ポイントは,活字組版で使用されていた単位で,JIS Z 8305(活字の基準寸法)では,1ポイントは0.3514mmと規定しており,このサイズが現在でも使用されている.ただし,1ポイントを1/72インチ(約0.3528mm)とすることができる処理系も多く,このサイズを採用しているものもある.級は写真植字で使用されていた単位で,1Qは0.25mmである.文字サイズの指示では,慣れているものが使いやすいということもあり,どれか1つに整理するのは困難であり,同じ出版社内でも複数の単位が使用されている例がある.
Below are several examples of how the basic page format is created, and how then various elements are placed on a real text page. (This and other aspects of how the various elements of the kihon-hanmen are arranged on each page are explained in§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用.)
基本となる組体裁を設計し,それを基準に文書の実際のページにおける各要素の配置設計を行うが,その例をいくつか示しておく(なお,この点を含め,基本版面の設計要素が各ページでどのように適用されるかについては§ 2.5Page wise Arrangement of Kihon-hanmen Elements基本版面の設計要素の各ページに対する適用で解説する).
Realm and position ofheadings
To set a heading, first establish a rectangular space based on a number of lines in the kihon-hanmen. For example, a '3 line space' means (3 * the size of the character frame used for the kihon-hanmen + 2 * the line gap in the kihon-hanmen). (Details of this processing are defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 8.3.3.d). The heading text is usually set in the centre of the rectangular space in theblock direction, and indented from the line head. The size of the indent is usually specified as a number of characters in the kihon-hanmen. For example, a '4 character indent' means (4 * the size of the character frames used for establishing the kihon-hanmen). (See the example atFigure14.)
見出しを配置する領域の行送り方向のサイズは,基本版面で設定した行の位置を元に,それの何行分を用いるかという方法で設計する(この処理方法については,JIS X 4051の8.3.3のd)に規定されている).見出しの字詰め方向の字下げは,基本版面で設定した文字位置を基準に,その何字分を下げるかという方法で一般に設計する.Figure14の例は,見出しを基本版面で設定した行の位置の3行分の中央に配置し,基本版面で設定した文字サイズの4字分下がった位置に配置している.
Details of the different types of heading, creation of headings, methods for placing headings, etc. is explained in§ 4.1Handling of Headings (including Page Breaks)見出し処理(改ページ処理も含む).
見出しの種類や構成,その配置方法等についての詳細は,§ 4.1Handling of Headings (including Page Breaks)見出し処理(改ページ処理も含む)で解説する.
Size ofillustrations
In horizontal writing mode with two columns, for example, the width of illustrations should, if at all possible, be either the width of one kihon-hanmen column or the width of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure15). The illustrations are usually set at thehead or thefoot of the page (seeFigure15).
Also, in vertical writing mode, for example with three columns, the height of illustrations should, if at all possible, be either the height of one kihon-hanmen column or the height of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure16). The illustrations are usually set at the right side or left side of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure16).
Details of illustration positioning is explained in§ 4.3Positioning of Illustrations図版の配置処理.
Hanmen size for thetable of contents
The hanmen size for the table of contents of books is based on the size of the kihon-hanmen. There are many examples of tables of contents in vertical writing mode where the left-to-right size is identical to that of the kihon-hanmen, but the top-to-bottom size is a little bit smaller (seeFigure17).
There are cases when a different hanmen than thekihon-hanmen is used for positioning ofrunning heads andpage numbers. This will be discussed in§ 2.6.2Principles of Arrangement of Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置の原則 (seeFigure51).
基本版面と異なる版面にした場合の柱及びノンブルの位置については,§ 2.6.2Principles of Arrangement of Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置の原則で解説する(Figure51).
Japanesecomposition has twotext directions. One is vertical direction (vertical writing mode), the other is horizontal direction (horizontal writing mode).
Ideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters for Japanese composition have basically been designed to have a square character frame from the letterpress printing era on. Thus the same collection ofprinting types can be used in either vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode, simply by changing the direction of text, (seeFigure18). There were some attempts to developprinting types designed exclusively for horizontal writing mode, but they were not widely accepted.
There is usually only one direction for all text throughout a book, but there are cases where horizontal writing mode is used in certain parts of vertically composed books (seeFigure19).Tables,captions forillustrations,running heads, andpage numbers are usually composed horizontally in a page with a vertical writing mode.
The following are major differences between vertical writing mode and horizontal writing mode.
Arrangement of characters, lines,columns andpages; direction of page progression.
Vertical writing mode. SeeFigure20 for an example of vertical writing mode with two columns per page.
Characters are arranged from top to bottom, lines are arranged from right to left.
Columns are arranged from top to bottom. A book starts with the left (recto) side and progresses from right to left (seeFigure21).
Horizontal composition. SeeFigure22 for an example of horizontal text layout with two-columns per page.
Characters are arranged from left to right, and lines are arranged from top to bottom.
Columns are arranged from left to right. A book starts with the right (recto) side and progresses from left to right (seeFigure23).
Orientation of Latin alphanumeric characters in a line.
There are three ways to arrange Latin alphanumerics in vertical writing mode:
One by one with the same normal orientation as that ofJapanese characters. This is usually applied to one-letter alphanumerics or capitalized abbreviations (seeFigure24).
The alphanumeric characters used for this arrangement have different typographic features than those withproportional width used for Western text. They are offixed-width andfull-width design, and have been used this way since theletterpress printing era.
Rotated 90 degrees clockwise. This is usually applied to English words or sentences (seeFigure25).
InFigure25, there is extra spacing before and after the character frame for the Western word "editor". This spacing is necessary for composition of mixed Japanese and Western text, and details will be provided in§ 3.2.6Handling of Western Text in Japanese Text using Proportional Western Fontsプロポーショナルな欧字を用いた和欧文混植処理.
Figure25において“editor”の文字の外枠の前後に隙間がある.この隙間は,和文と欧文を混ぜて配置する場合の必要な処理であり,詳細は§ 3.2.6Handling of Western Text in Japanese Text using Proportional Western Fontsプロポーショナルな欧字を用いた和欧文混植処理で解説する.
Set horizontally without changing orientation (calledtate-chu-yoko, which means horizontal-in-vertical composition) (seeFigure26). This is usually applied to two-digit numbers (see JIS X 4051, sec. 4.8 for the definition).
正常な向きのまま,横組にする(縦中横,Figure26).主に2桁の数字の場合などで利用されている(縦中横の処理は,JIS X 4051の4.8に規定されている).
In horizontal writing mode there is only one way of arranging alphanumerics, i.e. normal orientation.
Arrangement oftables and/orillustrations rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise for reasons of size. (This processing is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.3.).
表,図版などを,サイズの関係から時計回り又は反時計回りに90度回転して配置する場合,次のようにする(この処理は,JIS X 4051の7.3に規定されている).
In vertical writing mode, align the top of tables/illustrations to the right of the page (seeFigure27).
In horizontal writing mode, align the top of tables/illustrations to the left of the page (seeFigure28).
Arrangement of an incomplete number of lines on amulti-column format page due tonew recto,page break or other reasons. (The processing of new recto and page break is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 8.1.1.).
改丁・改ページなどの直前ページにおいて,段組の行がページの途中で終わる場合は,次のようにする(改丁・改ページの処理は,JIS X 4051の8.1.1に規定されている).
In vertical writing mode, just finish the line where it ends ("nariyuki"). The number of lines in each column is not uniform (seeFigure29).
In horizontal writing mode, re-arrange columns so that each column has the same number of lines. In case the number of lines is not divisible by thenumber of columns, add the smallest number to make it divisible and re-arrange columns using the quotient as the number of lines so that only the last column shall have the incomplete number of lines (seeFigure30).
In Japanese composition, first the size of the kihon-hanmen is defined, using the squarecharacter frames of characters insolid setting. Taking this as a base, the position of thekihon-hanmen with regards to thetrim size is then specified. The following are procedures for determining the size and position of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure31).
Specifying the dimensions of the kihon-hanmen.
For a document with a single column per page, specify thecharacter size, theline length (thenumber of characters per line), the number of lines per page, and theline gap.
For a document with multiple columns per page, specify the character size, the line length (the number of characters per line), the number of lines per column, the line-gap, and the number of columns and thecolumn gap.
Determining the position of the kihon-hanmen relative to the trim size.
There are various alternative methods for specifying the position of the kihon-hanmen relative to the trim size:
Position vertically by centering the kihon-hanmen. Position horizontally by centering the kihon-hanmen.
Position vertically by specifying the spacing size at thehead (for horizontal writing mode) or the spacing at thefoot (for vertical writing mode). Position horizontally by centering the kihon-hanmen.
Position vertically by centering the kihon-hanmen. Position horizontally by specifying the spacing size of thegutter.
Position vertically by specifying the spacing at the head (for horizontal writing mode) or the spacing at the foot (for vertical writing mode). Position horizontally by specifying the spacing size of the gutter.
In most cases the kihon-hanmen is set at the horizontal and vertical center of thetrim size, which should be the default positioning, but depending on the dimensions of the kihon-hanmen there may be cases where the default needs to be changed; for example, by moving the kihon-hanmen up, down, to the left or to the right of the default position.
It is technically possible to determine the dimensions of the kihon-hanmen by specifying thetrim size and margins of all sides, but this method is not common in the tradition of Japanese composition. If this is the only way an implementation allows, the margins of each side need to be determined beforehand in relation to the dimensions of the kihon-hanmen and its position in the trim size.
The following are considerations to take into account when designing the kihon-hanmen. (This topic is not about processing, but rather an explanation of design preferences. The definition of kihon-hanmen is given in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.4.1.)
基本版面は,次のような事項を考慮し設計する(以下の説明は処理内容というよりは,どのように設計するかという問題についての解説である.なお,基本版面の指定については,JIS X 4051の7.4.1に規定がある).
Trim size and margins. It would be best if the shape of the kihon-hanmen could be made similar to that of the trim size.
Character size. Generally 9 point (about 3.2mm) type is common. Except for specialized publications such as dictionaries, the minimum size of type is 8 point (about 2.8mm).
Line length should be multiples of the character size (seeFigure33).
There are basically two reasons why line length should be multiples of the character size.
For Japanese composition, all line lengths except that of the last line of the paragraph should, in principle, be the same.
In principle, for printing, Japanese characters likeideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters are uniformly designed in the same squarecharacter frame and they are set solid (no extra spacing between adjacent character frames).
The bestline length (number of characters per line) is around 52 characters, maximum, in vertical writing mode, and 40 characters, maximum, in horizontal writing mode. If the trim size would take lines beyond the recommended length, consider using amulti-column format and making the line length shorter.
Use the same amount of line gap throughout the book, except for special cases. The size of the kihon-hanmen in the block direction is specified using the number of lines and the size of the line-gap.
In Japanese composition, there are cases whereruby or emphasis (emphasis dots,bousen,underlines, etc.) are inserted between lines. In such cases the line gap is not changed but is kept constant (seeFigure34). It is also possible to insertreference marks tonotes between lines within themain text. This case is handled in the same manner. If these elements are likely to occur in text, the line gap established during the kihon-hanmen design needs to be of an adequate size to accommodate them. Further explanations about the placement of ruby will be given in§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理.
日本語組版では,行間にルビ・圏点・傍線・下線などを配置する例がある.このようなものを配置した場合でも,行間は一定にし,変更しない(Figure34).本文中に注とそれを参照するための合印を行間に配置する方法があるが,この場合も同様に扱う.これらの要素が配置される文書では,基本版面の設計段階で,これらの要素との関連で,行間の大きさをどの程度にするか検討することが望ましい.なお,ルビなどの配置法そのものについては,§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理で解説する.
Warichu (inline cutting note) juts into the line gap on either side of a line. The basic line gap isn't changed where warichu occurs (the line gap between warichu itself and the adjacent lines looks narrower than for the rest of the line), so when warichu is likely to occur in text, the line gap for the kihon-hanmen may be set slightly larger than normal to accommodate it. The same is true fortate-chu-yoko orsubscript andsuperscript (ornament characters). Further explanation of the placement of warichu and other items is provided in§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理.
割注は,基本版面で設定した行送り方向の行の幅(基本版面で設定した文字サイズ)よりはみ出して配置する.この場合でも,割注の入らない部分の行間を一定にし,割注のある箇所は狭くなるようにする(Figure35).したがって,割注が入る場合は,行間をある程度大きくしておく必要がある.この他に,縦中横,上付き・下付きの添え字などについても,行送り方向の行の幅よりはみ出して配置する場合は,同様に扱う.なお,割注などの配置法そのものについては,§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理で解説する.
It is common that theline gap for the kihon-hanmen is set to a value betweenhalf-em spacing and theone em spacing of the character frame used for the kihon-hanmen. Half-em spacing can be chosen in cases where the line length is short, but one em spacing or close to it is more appropriate when the line length is longer than 35 characters.
Unlessruby or other design elements are placed in the space between lines (e.g. for books such as classics, with many annotations), there is no need to make the line-gap larger than full-width, since this would decrease legibility.
It is said that the standard line-gap in Western text layout isone third em spacing, which is smaller than that in Japanese composition. This difference again comes from the different approach to the design of Latin and Japanese characters.
There is another method of specifying the kihon-hanmen that usesline feeds rather than line gaps. Line feed is the distance between two adjacent lines measured from their reference points (seeFigure36). The reference point differs from implementation to implementation, however, in vertical writing mode the horizontal center of the character frame is usually used, and with horizontal writing mode, the vertical center of the character frame is used. When the character size is the same for every character, the following calculation is used:
line feed = character size / 2 + line gap + character size / 2 = character size + line gap
line gap = line feed - character size
The size of the kihon-hanmen in this case can be calculated by following method:
Vertical writing mode with one column
Width of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of lines per page + line gap × (number of lines per page − 1)
298 point = 9 point × 18 lines + 8 point × (18 lines − 1)
Height of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of characters per line
468 point = 9 point × 52 characters
Vertical writing mode with multi columns
Width of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of lines per column + line gap × (number of lines per column − 1)
309 point = 9 point × 21 lines + 6 point × (21 lines − 1)
Height of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of characters per line × number of columns + column gap × (number of columns − 1)
468 point = 9 point × 25 characters × 2 columns + 18 point × (2 columns − 1)
Horizontal writing mode with one column
Width of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of characters per line
315 point = 9 point × 35 characters
Height of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of lines per page + line gap × (number of lines per page − 1)
468 point = 9 point × 28 lines + 8 point × (28 lines − 1)
Horizontal writing mode with multi columns
Width of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of characters per line × number of columns + column gap × (number of columns − 1)
320 point = 8 point × 19 characters × 2 columns + 16 point × (2 columns − 1)
Height of kihon-hanmen = character size × number of lines per column + line gap × (number of lines per column − 1)
476 point = 8 point × 40 lines + 4 point × (40 lines − 1)
The various elements of a page should remain inside the boundaries of thekihon-hanmen. However, there are exceptions such as the following:
Ruby or emphasis marks (bousen,emphasis dots, etc.) at the before edge of the hanmen, are placed outside the hanmen (seeFigure37). The same applies in cases where ruby,underline, etc. appear beyond the after edge of the hanmen. Like the handling of exceptions mentioned below, the purpose here is to preserve the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen. This technique can also be used forreference marks associated with lines of text.
When there are inline elements whose dimensions extend beyond the before edge and the after edge of a line of characters as determined by the kihon-hanmen, and when those elements appear in the first or last line of the hanmen, the parts that jut out beyond the regular line of characters also jut out of the hanmen area. For example, this is the case when the width of a sequence of characters which are set totate-chu-yoko is wider than the characters set for the kihon-hanmen. In addition, warichu (inline cutting note) orsubscript andsuperscript (ornament characters) are handled in the same way. (The processing rules for this item and the previous item are defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 12.1.1.)
版面の先頭又は末尾に配置する行に基本版面で設定した行送り方向の行の幅(基本版面で設定した文字サイズ)よりはみ出して配置する要素がある場合は,基本版面で設定した行送り方向の行の幅よりはみ出して配置する部分を,版面の領域の外側にはみ出して配置する(前項とこの項の処理は,JIS X 4051の12.1.1に規定されている).例えば,縦中横の設定を行った文字列の横幅が基本版面で設定した文字サイズより大きくなる場合などである.この他に,割注,上付き・下付きの添え字なども同様な扱いとする.
Line adjustment by hanging punctuation is only necessary forfull stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07) when they would otherwise need tobe wrapped to the line head. The character is placed so that it touches the hanmen at theline end (seeFigure38). (Hanging punctuation is not defined in JIS X 4051, but there is an explanation in sec. 8.1, c.)
ぶら下げ組とよばれる処理をした場合は,行頭禁則の処理を必要とする句点類(cl-06)及び読点類(cl-07)に限り,行末の版面の領域の外側に接して配置する(Figure38).なお,ぶら下げ組についてはJIS X 4051に規定されていないが,同規格の解説8.1)c)に説明がある.
Illustrations andtables are normally placed inside the area defined by the kihon-hanmen. However, there may also be cases in which a particular illustration or table juts outside the kihon-hanmen.
Cases in which it is necessary to make the illustration or table larger than the kihon-hanmen, because reducing its size would make it unreadable.
For the sake of visual effect, the illustration maybleed into the complete paper area. This is not often used in books, but is often used in magazines (seeFigure39).
Magazines may place thecaptions of illustrations outside the column area or in thecolumn gap. (Some people regard this as bad style.)
In principle, pagewise positioning of lines relies on the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen. This holds for lines with ruby or emphasis dots as shown inFigure34. Even when lines contain characters that are smaller than thecharacter size used for the kihon-hanmen (as shown inFigure40), the line positions used for the kihon-hanmen continue to be used as the basic guide lines. This is so that following lines with normal-sized characters still naturally fall into the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen.
Characters within brackets are made smaller, since the text is an additional explanation. Such cases are handled in the following three ways. The first method, making only characters in restricted places smaller, is the most commonly used.
Make the characters smaller only in restricted places, for example for references.
Make all characters within brackets smaller (as shown inFigure40).
Make all characters within brackets the same size as the character size established for the kihon-hanmen.
The following are exceptions when handling line position:
When inserting more than one illustration or table item in horizontal writing mode, assuming that there is no text to the left or right of the items, the items may either slip off the grid established for the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure41), or stick to the grid (seeFigure42). The former approach is used, whenever possible, to achieve an equal amount of space before and after illustrations or tables. (This method is often used in books.) (This processing method is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 10.3.2., d.)
横組で,図版や表の左右にテキストを配置しない方法とした場合,1ページに2つ以上のや表が挿入されたときは,基本版面で設定した行の位置からずれることがある(Figure41).ただし,基本版面で設定した行の位置に配置する方法もある(Figure42).前者の方法は,図版や表の前後の空き量をできるだけ均一にするという考え方による(この方法を採用している書籍が多い).この処理方法については,JIS X 4051の10.3.2のd)に規定がある.
The size of characters inendnotes inserted betweenparagraphs or those infootnotes at the bottom of the page (in horizontal writing mode) is smaller than the character size established for the kihon-hanmen. As a result, the character size andline gap are also smaller, and so the line positions are no longer identical to those established for the kihon-hanmen. As an example,Figure43 shows the position of an endnote between paragraphs in vertical writing mode. (The processing of endnotes is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 9.3, and the processing of footnotes in sec. 9.4.)
段落間に挿入される後注及び横組でページの下端に挿入される脚注は,基本版面で設定した文字サイズよりは小さくする.これに伴い行間も狭くするので,基本版面で設定した行の位置とはそろわない.例えば,縦組において,段落の間に入る後注の配置位置の例をFigure43に示す.なお,後注の組版処理については,JIS X 4051の9.3,脚注は9.4に規定されている.
As mentioned above, the position of aheading may not be identical to the lines established for the kihon-hanmen. Nevertheless, in theblock direction, headings base their alignment on the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure14).
In principle, the characters in each line follow thesolid setting positions of characters established for the kihon-hanmen. However, as already shown in some of the previous figures, there are examples where this is not the case. Such cases are rather common, and here we will show some prototypical examples (details will be given in§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理).
各行に配置する文字の位置は,基本版面で設定したベタ組とした文字の配置位置に従うのが原則である.しかし,前掲したいくつかの図でも基本版面で設定した文字の位置に従っていない例がある.こうした事例は多いが,以下では,典型的な例をいくつか示す(詳細は§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理で解説する).
Where character sizes differ from the solid set sizes established for the kihon-hanmen, line lengths may not be identical with theline length of the kihon-hanmen; it is necessary to align the ends of the lines, with the exception of the last line in a paragraph. The processing method for this is explained in§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理.
基本版面で設定した文字サイズのベタ組にしない箇所がある場合,その行の行頭から行末までの長さが,基本版面として設定した行長にならないケースも発生する.しかし,1行の行長に満たない段落の最終行を除き,それ以外の行の行頭から行末までの長さは,基本版面として設定した行長にそろえるのが原則である.そこで,行長をそろえる処理が必要になる.この処理方法については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理で解説する.
When 9pt is the character size used to establish the kihon-hanmen, characters smaller than 9pt may be inserted in part of a line (seeFigure40). In such cases, the parts set at 9pt and any parts set at a smaller, say, 8pt size both use solid setting, withcharacter frames at the respective sizes for each part.
In cases where proportional Latin letters are rotated 90 degrees clockwise (seeFigure25), the proportional letters are placed according to theirproportional widths. Hence, they do not fit to the character positions established for the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure44). Japanese letters following the Latin letters consequently slip away from the default positions as well.
There are several methods for positioningopening brackets (cl-01) at the beginning of a line (details are explained in§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法). In cases where the indentation of the first line of a paragraph is aone em space, or if thetentsuki position is used for the bracket (that is, there is no space at the line head), the character following the bracket will be in a position which does not fit to the character positions established for the kihon-hanmen, due to the bracket being first reduced in width by half an em by default (seeFigure45). However, the adaptations made during the alignment of line ends will ensure that the character at the end of a line is at a position that fits with the kihon-hanmen.
改行した行の先頭(改行行頭)や段落の2行目以下の行頭(折返し行頭)に配置する始め括弧類(cl-01)の配置方法は,いくつかある(詳細は§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法で解説する).改行行頭の字下げを全角アキとする場合,又は折返し行頭に空き量をとらない配置法である天付きとする場合は,Figure45のように2字目以下の文字は,基本版面で設定した文字位置とはそろわなくなる.しかし,行長をそろえる調整処理を行っているので,行末の文字は,基本版面で設定した文字位置にそろっている.
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理 explains thatfull stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07),opening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02) arehalf-width. If thesepunctuation marks and brackets are adjacent toideographic (cl-19),katakana (cl-16) orhiragana (cl-15) characters, in principle there should behalf em spacing before or after the punctuation mark or brackets, so that these occupy in effect a full-width size. However, if they are adjacent to other punctuation marks or brackets, the half em spacing is not added. This is done to improve the visual appearance. In such cases, the character positions are different than the positions established when defining the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure46).
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理で解説するように句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07),始め括弧類(cl-01)及び終わり括弧類(cl-02)の字幅は半角であるが,これらの約物が漢字等(cl-19),片仮名(cl-16)又は平仮名(cl-15)と連続する場合は,原則として,それぞれの約物の前又は後ろに二分アキをとることで,結果として全角というサイズにする.しかし,句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07),始め括弧類(cl-01)及び/又は終わり括弧類(cl-02)が連続する場合は,二分アキをとらない箇所があり,このケースでは基本版面で設定した文字位置にそろわないことになる(Figure46).これは,見た目の体裁をよくするためである.
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理 explains the principle thatclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07)should not be placed at the line head. If by simple sequential placement these characters would appear at the line head or at the line end, some kind of adjustment becomes necessary. A similar adjustment is required for characters that should not be placed at the end of a line, such asopening brackets (cl-01). As a result of such adjustment, it may happen that other characters are placed at positions which are different from those established for the kihon-hanmen.
§ 3.Line Composition行の組版処理で解説するように終わり括弧類(cl-02),句点類(cl-06)及び読点類(cl-07)を行頭に配置してはならないという規則(行頭禁則という),並びに始め括弧類(cl-01)を行末に配置してはならないという規則(行末禁則)がある.これらが行頭又は行末にくる場合は,なんらかの調整が必要になる.その調整処理のために基本版面で設定した文字位置にそろわない場合が出てくる.
Typical positions ofrunning heads andpage numbers for vertically set books withdouble running heads (see§ 2.6.3Ways of Arranging Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置方式) are as shown inFigure48.
縦組の書籍における両柱方式(§ 2.6.3Ways of Arranging Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置方式)による柱及びノンブルの代表的配置位置例をFigure48に示す.
Typical positions of running heads and page numbers for horizontally set books with double running heads (see§ 2.6.3Ways of Arranging Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置方式) are as shown inFigure49.
横組の書籍における両柱方式(§ 2.6.3Ways of Arranging Running Heads and Page Numbers柱及びノンブルの配置方式)による柱及びノンブルの代表的な配置位置例をFigure49に示す.
In principle, positions of running heads and page numbers should be specified relative to thekihon-hanmen, not with absolute coordinates in thetrim size. (Positioning of running heads is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.6.4. Positioning of page numbers is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.5.4.)
柱及びノンブルの位置は,一般に仕上りサイズに対する絶対的な位置関係ではなく,基本版面との相対的な位置関係で設定する(柱の配置については,JIS X 4051の7.6.4に,ノンブルの配置については,JIS X 4051の7.5.4に規定がある).
Positioning a horizontal running head above the top left corner (tohead andfore-edge) of the kihon-hanmen in a typical vertically set book (seeFigure50).
9 points above the kihon-hanmen (vertical space)
9 points from the left edge of the kihon-hanmen (horizontal space)
The following recommendations should be taken into account when positioning running heads and page numbers with reference to the kihon-hanmen.
When positioning horizontal running heads and page numbers with reference to the kihon-hanmen in vertically set books, the amount of vertical space between the edge of the kihon-hanmen and the running head is aone em space as established for the kihon-hanmen. If the kihon-hanmen of the book is horizontally set, take more vertical space than thecharacter size in the kihon-hanmen.
Regardless of the direction of text in the kihon-hanmen of a book, horizontal running heads and page numbers on the left page should be aligned either at the left edge of the kihon-hanmen orone em space to the right of the left edge. On the right page, the tail of the running heads or page numbers should be aligned either at the right edge of the kihon-hanmen or one full-width space to left of the right edge.
Regardless of the writing direction of the text in a book, when arranging running heads and page numbers together on the same horizontal line (such as positioning the running head immediately adjacent to the page number at the left side on left pages), the space between the running head and the page number should either be double or one and a half times the character size (embox size) of the running head. On left-hand pages, the page number should be set on the left side, and the running head should be set on the right side. On right-hand pages, the page number should be set on the right side and the running head should be set on the left side. The exact positions of the page numbers are given in the instructions above (see b).
When positioning running heads and page numbers vertically to thefore-edge of the kihon-hanmen in a vertically set book (see spread (e) inFigure48, for example), the minimum horizontal distance from the kihon-hanmen should be the same as that of theline gap of the kihon-hanmen. The top of the running head should be positioned approximately four kihon-hanmen characters below the head, and the bottom of the page numbers should be positioned approximately five kihon-hanmen characters above thefoot.
In general,ideographic numerals (一二三四五六七八九〇) are used for vertically set page numbers, andEuropean numerals for horizontal pagination. When usingindependent pagination for thefront matter, smallRoman numerals are used for horizontal pagination.
Positioning of all running heads and page numbers in the same book should be consistent.
Even on a page with a text area smaller in size than that of the kihon-hanmen, such as for atable of contents orindex, positioning of the running head and page number relative to the trim size will remain the same. Therefore, the positioning of running heads and page numbers relative to those areas smaller than the kihon-hanmen is different.Figure51 below demonstrates the respective positions of the hanmen for a table of contents and running heads or page numbers. As shown inFigure17, this hanmen is smaller than the kihon-hanmen.Figure52 demonstrates the related positions of running heads and page numbers and the hanmen of indexes. These hanmen are not only 4 points smaller at the left and right, but also 5 points smaller at the top and bottom.
Because the start of a page will be on the recto side, the right-hand page of aspread in a vertically set book is always an even page and the left-hand page is always an odd page (seeFigure53). Likewise, the left-hand page of a spread in a horizontally set book is always an even page and the right-hand page is always an odd page (seeFigure54).
There are two ways to arrange running heads. One is thesingle running head method and the other is thedouble running head method. (Arrangement of running heads is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 7.6.2. Page Numbers are defined in sec. 7.5.2.).
柱には,両柱方式(Figure55)と片柱方式(Figure56)とがある(柱の掲げ方についてはJIS X 4051の7.6.2に,ノンブルの掲げ方については7.5.2に規定がある).
Double running head method: Place running heads on both even pages and odd pages (seeFigure55).
Single running head method: Place running heads only on odd pages (seeFigure56).
In general, there will be only one page number per page. However in some cases multiple page numbers are printed on each page as in the following examples:
When a horizontally set index and/orbibliography appears at the end of a volume in a vertically set book, bothreverse pagination andcontinuous pagination are printed.
Formultivolume works, both serial page numbers throughout the work and page numbers per volume are printed.
In the double running head method, a higher-level title, such as that of the chapter or book, is used for the running heads on the even pages, and a lower-level title, such as that for a section, on the odd pages. Where there are no differing levels of titles, such as on the page containing the table of contents, the samerunning head is used on both even and odd pages.
In the single running head method, one of heading levels is used.
In principle, the contents of running heads will be the same as those of headings with the following differences:
Numbers and words in Latin alphanumeric characters in vertically set headings in vertically set books should be changed to horizontal notation for horizontally set running heads (see§ 2.3.2Major Differences between Vertical Writing Mode and Horizontal Writing Mode縦組と横組の主な相違点).
縦組の書籍において見出しを横組の柱にして掲げる場合,数字表記などを横組の表記法に変更する(§ 2.3.2Major Differences between Vertical Writing Mode and Horizontal Writing Mode縦組と横組の主な相違点).
If headings are too long, they should be made shorter by paraphrasing them in fewer characters. Running heads with too many characters will not look good.
For certain publications, such as a collection of monographs, the names of authors may be added in parentheses at the end of the running head.
In principle, thetext direction of running heads and page numbers should be the same as that of the kihon-hanmen. For vertically set books, however, it is more common to set running heads and page numbers horizontally.
In principle, for the single running head method running heads are printed on all odd pages, and for the double running head method on all even and odd pages. However, for the sake of appearance, running heads may be omitted as follows:
Pages on which running headsshould be hidden:
Pages where a running head overlaps with other elements such as illustrations.
Pages on which running headsmay be hidden:
In principle, page numbers are printed on all pages. However, for the sake of appearance, they may be omitted as follows:
Pages on which page numbersshould be hidden:
Pages on which a illustration or a table is positioned adjacent to the page number.
Pages on which page numbersmay be hidden:
Divisional title and simplified divisional title pages.
Pages in horizontally set books with a page number placed in the margin at the top of the page, and with a heading at the beginning of a new recto or new page. (In this case, it is also possible to move the page numbers to the center of the margin at the foot of the page.)
There are two types of page numbering. "Continuous pagination" means that page numbers continue throughout the whole book. "Independent pagination" means that page numbers start from "1" separately at beginning of thefront matter andback matter. There is also, for example in manuals, the method of starting each chapter from page number "1". (In such cases, it is common that the name of the chapter is added as a prefix before the page number.)
There are somepunctuation marks that are used uniquely in eithervertical writing mode orhorizontal writing mode. In this document, characters and symbols are treated as members of a character class, classified by their behavior forcomposition. Each class name is followed by class id, such asopening brackets (cl-01). Details are explained in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて. The following are some typical examples:
縦組と横組で異なる約物などを使用する例がある.主な例を次に示す.(なお,以下の文書では,約物を含む文字・記号について,その組版上の振る舞いで分類し,文字クラスとしてグループに分けて扱う.用語の後ろの括弧内に“(cl-01)”などと示すものは,その文字クラスの番号である.文字クラスの詳細は§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで解説する.)
Full stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07)
In vertical writing mode,IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP "。" andIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" are used forfull stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07).
縦組では,句点類(cl-06)には,句点[。] (IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP)を,読点類(cl-07)には読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)を使用する.
In horizontal writing mode, there are three conventions in choice of symbols forfull stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07):
UsingCOMMA "," andFULL STOP "." (seeFigure57).
コンマ[,] (COMMA)とピリオド[.] (FULL STOP)を使用する(Figure57).
UsingCOMMA "," andIDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP "。" (seeFigure58).
コンマ[,] (COMMA)と句点[。] (IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP)を使用する(Figure58).
かぎ括弧(始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET))とクォーテーションマーク(左ダブルクォーテーションマーク[“] (LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右ダブルクォーテーションマーク[”] (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK)並びに左シングルクォーテーションマーク[‘] (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右シングルクォーテーションマーク[’] (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK))
In vertical writing mode,LEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" andRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」" are used for quotations (seeFigure60).
縦組では,始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET)を用いる(Figure60).
In horizontal writing mode, pairs ofLEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK "“" andRIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK "”" or pairs ofLEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK "‘" andRIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK "’" may be used in place ofLEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" andRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」" (seeFigure61).
横組では,始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET)に替えて左ダブルクォーテーションマーク[“] (LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右ダブルクォーテーションマーク[”] (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK),又は左シングルクォーテーションマーク[‘] (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右シングルクォーテーションマーク[’] (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK)を用いる方法がある(Figure61).
ThoughREVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK "〝" andLOW DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK "〟" are similar to double quotation marks in appearance (seeFigure62) they are exclusively used for vertical writing mode and are not to be used in horizontal writing mode.
ダブルクォーテーションマークに似た括弧類にダブルミニュート(始めダブルミニュート[〝] (REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK)及び終わりダブルミニュート[〟] (LOW DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK))がある(Figure62).これは,縦組専用の括弧類であり,横組では使用しない.
LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK "“" andRIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK "”" are exclusively for horizontal writing mode and not to be used in vertical writing mode. Also,LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK "‘" andRIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK "’" are exclusively for horizontal writing mode and not to be used in vertical writing mode. However, in vertical writing mode, whenWestern characters (cl-27) are composed rotated 90 degrees clockwise, these quotation marks are sometimes used.
左ダブルクォーテーションマーク[“] (LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右ダブルクォーテーションマーク[”] (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK)は,横組専用の括弧類であり,縦組では使用しない.また,左シングルクォーテーションマーク[‘] (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK)及び右シングルクォーテーションマーク[’] (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK)も横組専用の括弧類であり,縦組では使用しない.ただし,縦組において欧文用文字(cl-27)などを時計回りに90度回転させて配置する場合に使用する例がある.
LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET "〔" andRIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET "〕" are vertical variants ofLEFT SQUARE BRACKET "[" andRIGHT SQUARE BRACKET "]", which are used in horizontal writing mode. Square brackets should be used in horizontal writing mode except for special cases.
ブラケット([ ])を縦組用に変形したものが,きっこう(〔 〕)である.したがって,特別な場合を除き,横組ではブラケットを使用する.
The position of theletter face ofcommas (cl-07) andfull stops (cl-06) within thecharacter frame differs in vertical and horizontal writing modes. The same letter face can be used foropening brackets (cl-01),closing brackets (cl-02) andhyphens (cl-03) in both vertical and horizontal writing mode by rotating clockwise 90 degrees to the inline direction. The position of theletter face ofsmall kana (cl-11) symbols within the character frame is different in vertical and horizontal writing modes. ForKATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK "ー", the difference between vertical and horizontal writing modes is not only in the orientation of theletter form to the inline direction, but also the shape of the symbol (seeFigure63).
句点類(cl-06)及び読点類(cl-07)は,縦組用と横組用では,文字の外枠に対する字面の配置位置が異なる.始め括弧類(cl-01),終わり括弧類(cl-02)及びハイフン類(cl-03)は,縦組用と横組用で字面の向きを変更する.その他,小書きの仮名(cl-11)は,前述したように文字の外枠に対する字面の位置が縦組用と横組用では異なる.また,長音記号[ー] (KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK)は,字形の向きを変更するだけではなく,字形そのものも変更している.横組用の長音記号は,縦組用の長音記号を単純に反時計回りに90度回転したものではない(Figure63).
The positioning of punctuation marks (commas, periods and brackets) in a line proceeds as follows.
Basic processing of characters and symbols, including punctuation marks, which are subject to considerations ofline head wrapping,line end wrapping and inter-character spacing adjustment, will be described in detail in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて. All combinations of character class are provided as a complete table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.
約物を含め,その他の文字・記号を行頭及び行末に配置する方法,並びに隣接する文字の間隔の原則的な処理方法についての詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示す.
Thecharacter advance ofcommas (cl-07),full stops (cl-06),opening brackets (cl-01),closing brackets (cl-02) andmiddle dots (cl-05) ishalf-width (half em). But when those punctuation marks are placed side-by-side withideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15), orkatakana (cl-16) characters, in principle, a given amount of spacing will be inserted before or after the symbols, which makes them appear as if they were intrinsicallyfull-width (one em) (seeFigure64). Spacing is inserted before and aftermiddle dots (cl-05). This principle makes the symbols consistent withideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters in character width, and at the same time the spacing for punctuation helps to make the organization of text clearer. The spacing added before or after punctuation marks is subject, in principle, toline adjustment and may eventually be removed, except for that added afterfull stops (cl-06). (Details of line adjustment are discussed in§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理).
読点類(cl-07),句点類(cl-06),始め括弧類(cl-01),終わり括弧類(cl-02)及び中点類(cl-05)の字幅は,半角であるが,これらの約物が漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15)又は片仮名(cl-16)と連続する場合は,原則として,それぞれの約物の前又は後ろ(中点類(cl-05)は,その前及び後ろ)に一定の空き量をとることで,結果として全角というサイズになる(Figure64).漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15),及び片仮名(cl-16)の全角というサイズとそろえるとともに,これらの約物の前及び/又は後ろに空き量をとることにより,文章の区切りを示すためである.行中での句点類(cl-06)の後ろの空き量を除いて,原則とした空き量は,行の調整処理における詰める場合の対象とし,結果的に0となることもある(行の調整処理については§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).
Aftercommas (cl-07),half em spacing is added, in principle.
Afterfull stops (cl-06), in the middle of a line, half em spacing is added. At the end of a line, half em spacing is added, in principle.
Beforeopening brackets (cl-01), half em spacing is added, in principle.
Afterclosing brackets (cl-02), half em spacing is added, in principle.
Before and aftermiddle dots (cl-05),quarter em spacing is added, in principle.
Infont implementations,punctuation marks can be given a different character width, but it is expected that the font is capable of following the line composition rules explained here to produce the final result. For example, whenopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02) are implemented with full-width size, it is possible that a minus half em spacing is used between adjacentclosing brackets (cl-02) andopening brackets (cl-01) (Some implementations prepare minushalf em spaces andquarter em spaces). Inletterpress printing, it was also common practice to combine punctuation marks with a half-width body and half em spaces in order to make it easier to remove the space later for adjustment. Because of that, the types were picked up except for the punctuation marks at thetype-picking phase, following the manuscript, and the punctuation marks were picked only when they were necessary in composing a page. Later, with the increasing adoption of Monotype machines, punctuation marks with a full-width body became popular and both full-width and half-width punctuation marks have been used, mixed together, since then.
Amongopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02),LEFT PARENTHESIS "(",RIGHT PARENTHESIS ")",LEFT ANGLE BRACKET "〈" andRIGHT ANGLE BRACKET "〉" are used to indicate supplementary explanations, and in that case their usage differs slightly from otheropening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02). To reflect the difference, there is an alternative convention to not appendhalf em spacing before or after the parentheses and angle brackets, and instead just set themsolid (seeFigure65).
始め括弧類(cl-01),終わり括弧類(cl-02)のうち,始め小括弧[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)並びに始め山括弧[〈] (LEFT ANGLE BRACKET)及び終わり山括弧[〉] (LEFT ANGLE BRACKET)は,補足説明等に利用され,他の始め括弧類(cl-01),終わり括弧類(cl-02)と扱いがやや異なる.このようなことから,始め小括弧[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)並びに始め山括弧[〈] (LEFT ANGLE BRACKET)及び終わり山括弧[〉] (LEFT ANGLE BRACKET)については,その前又は後ろの二分アキを確保しないで,ベタ組とする方針で処理する方法もある(Figure65).
The spacing usually added afterIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" and the spacing before and afterKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" are omitted, in principle, for cosmetic reasons in the following cases.
次のような場合においては,読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)の後ろ及び中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)の前後の空き量をとらないことを原則とする.これは体裁上からの処理である.
In vertical writing mode,ideographic numerals andIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" used as a decimal separator areset solid (as in the right line inFigure66).
縦組において漢数字の位取りを示す読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)の後ろはベタ組にする(Figure66の右側).
In vertical writing mode, ideographic digits used withIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" to represent an approximate number are expected to beset solid too (as in the right line inFigure67).
縦組において漢数字で概略の数を示す場合も,体裁の面から読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)の後ろはベタ組にすることが望ましい(Figure67の右側).
In vertical writing mode, ideographic digits andKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" representing a decimal point areset solid (as in the right line inFigure68).
縦組において漢数字の小数点を示す中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)の前後はベタ組にする(Figure68の右側).
In vertical writing mode, whenKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" is used as a member ofunit symbols (cl-25) in unit symbols,grouped numerals (cl-24), andWestern characters (cl-27) in mathematical and chemical formulae, before and afterKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" is set solid.
なお,横組において,中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)を単位記号中の文字(cl-25)として単位記号の中で使用する場合,中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)を連数字中の文字(cl-24)の中で使用する場合及び欧文用文字(cl-27)を用いた数式・化学式の中で使用する場合は,[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)の前後はベタ組にする.
In cases where multiple punctuation marks, such asopening brackets (cl-01),closing brackets (cl-02),commas (cl-07),full stops (cl-06) andmiddle dots (cl-05), come one after the other, the following spacing adjustments are made for aesthetic reasons (seeFigure69). Note also that the half em andquarter em spacing added before or after punctuation marks, including thehalf em spacing afterfull stops (cl-06) appearing in the middle of a line, are subject, in principle, to line adjustment and may eventually be removed, except for those added afterfull stops (cl-06). (See§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理 for more about line adjustment.) For more information about the positioning ofclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) andmiddle dots (cl-05) at line end, see§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法.
始め括弧類(cl-01),終わり括弧類(cl-02),読点類(cl-07),句点類(cl-06)及び中点類(cl-05)が連続する場合は,次のようにする(Figure69).これは体裁上からの処理である.なお,行中における句点類(cl-06)の後ろの二分アキを除いて,行末における句点類(cl-06)の後ろの二分アキを含めて原則として二分アキ又は四分アキとする箇所は,行の調整処理の詰める場合の対象にしてよい(行の調整処理については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).なお,行末に配置する終わり括弧類(cl-02),句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07)及び中点類(cl-05)の配置方法については§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法を参照.
Whenclosing brackets (cl-02) come immediately aftercommas (cl-07) orfull stops (cl-06), remove the defaulthalf em spacing between them and, in principle, add half em spacing after the closing brackets (seeFigure69 ①).
Whencommas (cl-07) come immediately afterclosing brackets (cl-02), remove the defaulthalf em spacing between them and, in principle, add half em spacing after the comma. Whenfull stops (cl-06) come immediately afterclosing brackets (cl-02), remove the default half em spacing between them and, in middle of a line, add half em spacing after the full stop; at the end of a line, in principle, add half em spacing after the full stop (seeFigure69 ②).
Whenopening brackets (cl-01) come immediately aftercommas (cl-07), in principle, addhalf em spacing between them (seeFigure69 ③). Whenopening brackets (cl-01) come immediately afterfull stops (cl-06) in the middle of a line, add half em spacing between them. Note that whenfull stops (cl-06) come in the bottom of lines, in principle, add half em spacing afterfull stops (cl-06).
Whenopening brackets (cl-01) come immediately afterclosing brackets (cl-02), in principle, add ahalf em space between them (seeFigure69 ④).
Whenopening brackets (cl-01) come immediately after otheropening brackets (cl-01), set themsolid and, in principle, addhalf em spacing before the first one (seeFigure69 ⑤).
Whenclosing brackets (cl-02) come immediately after otherclosing brackets (cl-02), set themsolid and, in principle, addhalf em spacing after the last closing bracket (seeFigure69 ⑥).
Whenmiddle dots (cl-05) come immediately afterclosing brackets (cl-02), in principle, addquarter em spacing before the following middle dot (seeFigure69 ⑦).
Whenopening brackets (cl-01) come immediately aftermiddle dots (cl-05), in principle, addquarter em spacing after the preceding middle dot (seeFigure69 ⑦).
The line adjustment rules shown above have been established because the defaulthalf em spacing before or after consecutive punctuation marks, orquarter em spacing before and after them, makes the line look sparse and doesn't make the line appear well-proportioned (seeFigure70).
When starting anew line withopening brackets (cl-01) there are some patterns as shown inFigure71. Note that the amount of line indent after the line feed (the first line indent of a new paragraph) is assumed to be aone em space across all the patterns.
The first line indent after the line feed is set full-width (one em) and the next line after the first line break starts with no space (so-calledtentsuki) (seeFigure71 ①).
The first line indent after the line feed is set one and a half em and the next line indent after the first line break is set to a half em (seeFigure71 ②).
The first line indent after the line feed is set at a half em and the next line after the first line break is set tentsuki (seeFigure71 ③).
Because the inherent character width of a bracket is considered to be half-width,Figure71 ① can be explained as the result of applying the principle that any line should start with no spacing. On the other hand, the principle represented byFigure71 ② is to assume that opening brackets should be always accompanied by the preceding half em spacing as if they were full-width and then apply the same principle as inFigure71 ①. JIS X 4051 adopts the principle shown in ① (the patterns shown in ② is offered as options) . The pattern shown in ③ was first invented in books such as novels, which use frequent line feeds and corner brackets in dialogues, for which the first line indent with one em spacing or one and a half em spacing (then this pattern was accepted and adopted by general books). Major Japanese publishers who deal with literature, such as Kodansha, Shinchosha, Bungei Shunju, Chuoh Kouronsha, and Chikuma Shobo, have adopted the pattern shown in ③. By contrast, Iwanami Shoten and other publishers adopted the pattern shown in ①. Because Iwanami Shoten once adopted pattern ② in vertical composition, there used to be many examples of it, but few examples of ② can be found today.
元々括弧類の字幅は半角であったのであるから,何も空き量を入れなければFigure71の①の方法となる.これに対し,②の方法は,行頭の括弧類の字幅について空き量を含めて全角とする処理方法である.JIS X 4051では,①の方法を採用している(ただし,オプションで②の方法も選択できる).③の方法は,小説などで会話が多い場合,改行行頭の括弧の字下げを全角アキ又は全角半(全角の1.5倍)アキとすると下がり過ぎになることから考えられた方法である(これが一般書にも採用されるようになっている).講談社,新潮社,文藝春秋,中央公論新社,筑摩書房など文芸関係の出版社では,③の方法が採用されている.岩波書店やその他の出版社では①の方法を採用している.以前の岩波書店の縦組では②の方法であり,この方法を採用している例はかなりあった.しかし,今日では②の方法を採用している例は少なくなった.
The first line indent of a new paragraph is full-width in principle. However, the following exceptions can be found.
The most popular scheme is to set the first line indent of all new paragraphs to full-width. However, even if there is a paragraph break and the new line looks like the beginning of new paragraph, in contexts where the new line is a continuation of the preceding line, the new line is set tentsuki as shown inFigure72. (There are books such as novels which adopt full-width line indent without exception.) Similarly, in horizontal writing mode, the line indent is set tentsuki where the new line continues the preceding line of a mathematical expression connected by conjunctions such as "therefore".
Whenheadings have no line indent, the first line indent of the first paragraph after the heading can be also set tentsuki, for cosmetic reasons. However, it is not recommended to set the first line indent to tentsuki for all paragraphs, because it would make paragraph breaks unclear.
Thedividing punctuation marks (cl-04) (QUESTION MARK "?" andEXCLAMATION MARK "!") should be full-width, and they are typeset as follows.
区切り約物(cl-04)(疑問符[?] (QUESTION MARK)と感嘆符[!] (EXCLAMATION MARK))の字幅は,全角とし,次のように配置する.
Basically, add no spacing beforedividing punctuation marks (cl-04) at the end of a sentence and addone em spacing after them (seeFigure73). However when aclosing bracket (cl-02) follows right after the dividing punctuation mark, add no spacing after the dividing punctuation mark and addhalf em spacing after the closing bracket (seeFigure73).
Many implementations usefull-width ideographic space (cl-14) for theone em spacing to be appended afterdividing punctuation marks (cl-04).
Nofull stops (cl-06) should be appended afterdividing punctuation marks (cl-04) at the end of a sentence.
There are some cases wheredividing punctuation marks (cl-04) are used in the middle of a sentence, not at the end. In those cases, either add no spacing or aquarter em spacing before and after the dividing punctuation mark seeFigure74).
The details of composition rules fordividing punctuation marks (cl-04) andhyphens (cl-03) are described in [[[#spacing_between_characters"]]] as a complete table, in accordance with the descriptions of character classes in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
区切り約物(cl-04)及びハイフン類(cl-03)の配置方法についての詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量で示す.
Whendividing punctuation marks (cl-04) at the end of a sentence reach the end of a line, apply the following rules (seeFigure75).
If theline length is 13 character widths and adividing punctuation mark (cl-04) occurs in the 12th character position, one em spacing should be appended after it.
If the line length is 13 character widths and adividing punctuation mark (cl-04) occurs in the 13th character position, no spacing should be appended after it. In addition, do not carry over the one em space usually appended after the dividing punctuation marks to the line head of the next line; the line in this case should be set tentsuki.
The character width ofhyphens (cl-03) varies according to the type of hyphen.HYPHEN "‐" should bequarter em width (i.e. one quarter of an em width),EN DASH "–" andKATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN "゠" should behalf-width (a half em width),WAVE DASH "〜" should befull-width. Basically there should be no spacing before and afterhyphens (cl-03). However,half em spacing should be appended, in principle, whenopening brackets (cl-01) follow right after ahyphen (cl-03) andquarter em spacing whenmiddle dots (cl-05) follow ahyphen (cl-03).
ハイフン類(cl-03)のハイフン[‐] (HYPHEN)の字幅は四分角,二分ダッシュ[–] (EN DASH)及び二重ハイフン[゠] (KATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN)の字幅は半角,波ダッシュ[〜] (WAVE DASH)の字幅は全角とし,ハイフン類(cl-03)の前後はベタ組とする.ただし,ハイフン類(cl-03)の後ろに始め括弧類(cl-01)がくる場合はそれらの字間を原則として二分アキ,ハイフン類(cl-03)の後ろに中点類(cl-05)がくる場合はそれらの字間を原則として四分アキとする.
In principle, no line should begin withclosing brackets (cl-02),hyphens (cl-03),dividing punctuation marks (cl-04),middle dots (cl-05),full stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07),iteration marks (cl-09), aprolonged sound mark (cl-10),small kana (cl-11) orwarichu closing brackets (cl-29) (line-start prohibition rule). Otherwise the line would have an odd appearance.
Not a small number of books adopt a less strict set of rules which allowIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" (one of theiteration marks (cl-09)),prolonged sound mark (cl-10) andsmall kana (cl-11) to start a line. There is another method wherebyIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" is replaced by a kanji character when it would otherwise be set at the head of a line. For example, 家 (at the end of a line) + 々 (at the head of the next line) will be changed to 家 (at the end of a line) + 家 (at the head of the next line).
文字クラスとしての繰返し記号(cl-09)の中の繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK),長音記号(cl-10)及び小書きの仮名(cl-11)を行頭禁則としない方法もあり,この方法を採用している書籍も多い.また,繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)が行頭に配置された場合,元の漢字に置き換える方法もある.例えば,“家(行末)+々(行頭)”となった場合,“家(行末)+家(行頭)”とする方法である.
In the layout of newspaper text, in addition to the symbols above,dividing punctuation marks (cl-04) (QUESTION MARK "?" andEXCLAMATION MARK "!") are allowed to start a line. This is due to the fact that the line lengths are shorter in newspapers. When the line is very short, there are fewer opportunities for inter-character spacing adjustment, which makes it difficult to preserve the number of characters per line. It is thought that this is why the less strict set of line head wrapping rules was adopted in newspaper text layout.
新聞では,上記に加え,区切り約物(cl-04)(疑問符[?] (QUESTION MARK)と感嘆符[!] (EXCLAMATION MARK))を行頭に配置することを許容している.これは1行の行長が短いことによる.行長が短いと,詰めて調整する場合も,空けて調整する場合も,少ない箇所で調整を行い,字間の調整が極端になる.これを避けるために行頭禁則の条件をゆるやかにしたものと思われる.
The details of theline-start prohibition rules andline-end prohibition rules, including the relaxations specified above, are described in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 as a complete table, in accordance with the description of character classes in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて. The line-start prohibition rules and line-end prohibition rules can be considered as§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量. The details of these rules are also described in§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否. Furthermore, line-start prohibition rules and line-end prohibition rules have several variations, so four different levels of character classes are allowed at the line-start and line-end in§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否§ C.3Addendum補記.
上記の注に示した許容事項を含め,行頭禁則及び次項で解説する行末禁則の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量で示す.また,行頭禁則及び行末禁則は,分割禁止と考えることもでき,これらを含めての詳細は,§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否で示す.さらに,行頭禁則,行末禁則及び分割禁止については,複数の考え方があることから,§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否の§ C.3Addendum補記で,4つのレベルに分けて,許容する(禁止としない)文字クラスを示す.
No line should end withopening brackets (cl-01) orwarichu opening brackets (cl-28) (line-end prohibition rules). Otherwise the line would have an odd appearance.
In principle,closing brackets (cl-02),commas (cl-07) orfull stops (cl-06) at the line end havehalf em spacing after them (seeFigure76). This half em spacing can be removed for line adjustment (for more about line adjustment, see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理). However, the possibilities are only half em spacing or solid. Other spacing, such as quarter em spacing should not be used. In principle, themiddle dot (cl-05) character at the line end also hasquarter em spacing before and after, and is handled like a full-width character (seeFigure76). This quarter em spacing can also be removed for line adjustment, namelymiddle dots (cl-05) can be set solid before and after (about line adjustment, see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理). However, in this case also, the only possibilities are quarter em spacing or solid setting. Other intermediate-sized spacing should not be used.
行末に配置する終わり括弧類(cl-02),読点類(cl-07)及び句点類(cl-06)は,その後ろを原則として二分アキとする(Figure76).この,原則として二分アキとする箇所は,行の調整処理の詰める場合の対象にして,ベタ組としてもよい(行の調整処理については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).ただし,空き量を二分アキにするか又はベタ組にするかのどちらかで,その中間の値(例えば四分アキなど)としてはならない.また,行末に配置する中点類(cl-05)は,その前及び後ろを原則として四分アキとし,全角の扱いとする(Figure76).この原則として四分アキとする箇所も,行の調整処理の詰める場合の対象にして,中点類(cl-05)の前及び後ろを一緒にベタ組としてもよい(行の調整処理については§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).ただし,空き量を四分アキとするかベタ組にするかのどちらかで,その中間の値としてはならない.
With regard toclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) andmiddle dots (cl-05) at line end, the following processing is defined in JIS X 4051 (seeFigure77).
JIS X 4051では,終わり括弧類(cl-02),句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07)及び中点類(cl-05)の行末における配置を次のように扱っている(Figure77).
Afterfull stops (cl-06), there must behalf em spacing, including at the line end. This half em spacing must not be a target for reduction during line adjustment. 句点類(cl-06)の後ろは,行末に配置する場合を含めて必ず二分アキを確保する.この二分アキは,行の調整処理の詰める場合の対象にしてはならない. | |
Aftercommas (cl-07),solid setting is applied. 読点類(cl-07)の後ろは,ベタ組にする. | |
Afterclosing brackets (cl-02), solid setting is applied. 終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろは,ベタ組にする. | |
In principal, beforemiddle dots (cl-05) there isquarter em spacing, and aftermiddle dots (cl-05) solid setting is applied. 中点類(cl-05)の前は原則として四分アキとし,後ろはベタ組とする. |
In theletterpress printing era, the following methods were common (seeFigure78).
Forfull stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) andclosing brackets (cl-02), if possible,half em spacing was preserved. Using half em spacing was the general approach. Formiddle dots (cl-05), if possible,quarter em spacing was preserved. Using quarter em spacing was the general approach.
If the line length was not sufficient or too great and line adjustment processing became necessary (see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理), the first priority was to replace thehalf em spacing afterfull stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) andclosing brackets (cl-02) with solid setting. The reason was that this was at the line end, and no problems would arise, even though the half em spacing became solid set. The option of replacing the half em spacing after punctuation marks withquarter em spacing, instead of removing the whole half em spacing was not used. That meant that there was the choice between either half em spacing after punctuation marks or solid setting. The second priority was to replace the quarter em spacing before and aftermiddle dots (cl-05) with solid setting.
行長に過不足が発生し,行の調整処理で詰める処理の必要がある場合(§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照),優先的に句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07)及び終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろの二分アキをベタ組にする.これは,行末でもあり,これらの後ろの二分アキがベタ組になってもほとんど問題にならないからである.なお,この二分アキを中間的な四分アキにするという方法は採用されていなかった.二分アキ又はベタ組のいずれかを選択する,ということである.また,行の調整処理で詰める処理が必要な場合,句点類(cl-06),読点類(cl-07)及び終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろの二分アキより優先順位は低くなるが,中点類(cl-05)の前後の四分アキをベタ組にする.
In some DTP systems etc., afterfull stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) orclosing brackets (cl-02) at the line end, the line end is always set solid (seeFigure79).
If the following characters and symbols appear in sequence there will beno line break between them. The reason is that these characters and symbols are to be handled as one unit.
Bothline head wrap andline end wrap mean that there will be no line break between characters or symbols. For line head wrap there is no break between theline head wrap character and the character or symbol before. For line end wrap, there is no break between theline end wrap character and the following character or symbol.
The details of unbreakable character sequences are described in§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否 as a complete table, in accordance with the description of character classes in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
2行に分割してはいけない箇所及び2行に分割してよい箇所の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否で示す.
Between a sequence ofEM DASH "—" characters (to be more specific, for a double dash, seeFigure80). Note that some systems implementHORIZONTAL BAR "―" with very similar behavior toEM DASH "—".
連続する全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)と全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)との間(具体的には2倍ダッシュ[――])(Figure80).なお,処理系によっては,[―] (HORIZONTAL BAR)にも,同様の振る舞いを実装しているものもある.
Other characters and punctuation marks before and afterEM DASH "—" are set solid. However, in the following cases some spacing should be added betweenEM DASH "—" and other characters. As mentioned in the next note,HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "…",TWO DOT LEADER "‥",prefixed abbreviations (cl-12) andpostfixed abbreviations (cl-13) behave similarly toEM DASH "—".
全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の前後にくる他の文字との字間はベタ組にする.ただし,全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の前後に次の文字が配置される場合は,空き量を確保する.後述する三点リーダ[…] (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS),二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER),前置省略記号(cl-12)又は後置省略記号(cl-13)と,その前後に位置した文字との字間も,全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の場合と同様である.
Whereclosing brackets (cl-02) orcommas (cl-07) are followed byEM DASH "—",half em spacing is inserted between them, in principle. Also, in the middle of lines, wherefull stops (cl-06) are followed byEM DASH "—", half em spacing is inserted between them. However, whenfull stops (cl-06) are placed at the end of a line half em spacing is added after thefull stops (cl-06).
全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の前に終わり括弧類(cl-02)又は読点類(cl-07)がくる場合は,それらの字間は原則として二分アキとする.また,行中で全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の前に句点類(cl-06)がくる場合は,その字間は二分アキとする.ただし,句点類(cl-06)が行末に位置した場合は,句点類(cl-06)の後ろを原則として二分アキにする.
WhereEM DASH "—" is followed byopening brackets (cl-01),half em spacing is inserted between them, in principle.
全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の後ろに始め括弧類(cl-01)がくる場合は,その字間は原則として二分アキとする.
WhereEM DASH "—" andmiddle dots (cl-05) are set side by side,quarter em spacing is inserted between them, in principle.
全角ダッシュ[—] (EM DASH)の前又は後ろに中点類(cl-05)がくる場合は,その字間は原則として四分アキとする.
Between sequences ofHORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "…" orTWO DOT LEADER "‥" (to be more specific, double HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "……" or double TWO DOT LEADER "‥‥").
連続する三点リーダ[…] (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS)又は二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER)の字間(具体的には2倍三点リーダ[……]又は2倍二点リーダ[‥‥]).
BetweenEuropean numerals (seeFigure82,Figure83, andFigure84.). European numerals indicate decimal place via the position of a numeral.
When writing European numerals,FULL STOP "." is used as a decimal point,COMMA "," or space is used as a place indicator. Line breaks cannot occur before and after these characters (seeFigure84: the space before "4" expresses a decimal place).
アラビア数字の表記では,小数点にピリオド[.] (FULL STOP),位取りにコンマ[,] (COMMA)又は空白を使用する.これらの前及び後ろも含めて分割禁止である(Figure84,Figure84の“4”の前の空白は,位取りを示す空白である).
Betweenprefixed abbreviations (cl-12) (YEN SIGN "¥",DOLLAR SIGN "$",CENT SIGN "¢" etc.) and the following arabic or ideographic numeral (seeFigure82). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit.
前置省略記号(cl-12)(円記号[¥] (YEN SIGN),ドル記号[$] (DOLLAR SIGN)など)とその後ろにくるアラビア数字・漢数字との間(Figure82).それらの文字列を一体として扱いたいためである.
Betweenpostfixed abbreviations (cl-13) (PERCENT SIGN "%",PER MILLE SIGN "‰" etc.) and the precedingEuropean numeral orideographic numeral (seeFigure83). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit.
後置省略記号(cl-13)(パーセント[%] (PERCENT SIGN),パーミル[‰] (PER MILLE SIGN)など)とその前にくるアラビア数字・漢数字との間(Figure83).それらの文字列を一体として扱いたいためである.
Inter-letter spacing amongWestern characters (cl-27) in a word (or, sequence of letters, which it is not possible tohyphenate), or unit indicators (km, kg, mm etc.) in Latin letters (seeFigure84).
欧文用文字(cl-27)の単語のハイフネーション可能な箇所以外の字間及び単位記号(km, kg, mmなど)の字間(Figure84).
When usingHYPHEN "‐" at the end of a line, it becomes possible to have a line break withinWestern characters (cl-27).
欧文用文字(cl-27)の単語は,音節(シラブル)に従い,行末にハイフン[‐] (HYPHEN)を付けることで,分割が可能になる.
In this document, description of units with proportional Western characters, such as km and kg, are treated asunit symbols (cl-25).
InFigure84, there is aquarter em space between "4" and "k", because of the convention to insert a quarter em betweenunit symbols (cl-25) and following European numerals orWestern characters (cl-27). It is permitted to break a line between "4" and "k". In this case, there is no quarter em space in either the head or the end of the line. Note that the spacing between "3" and "4" inFigure84 is explained in c of (note 2).
Inter-letter spacing among ruby characters, when composed asmono-ruby. Note that it is possible to break a line betweenbase characters with mono-ruby (seeFigure85).
Inter-letter spacing among ruby characters or base characters, composed asgroup-ruby (seeFigure85).
Withruby used for compound words (jukugo-ruby), a group of ruby characters is attached to each base character. It is possible to have a line break between such groups of ruby characters and base characters (seeFigure86), however, a line break should not occur between ruby characters related to a given base character.
Between a subscript or superscript and an adjacent base character (preceding or following) (seeFigure87), or between base characters withornament characters, or between ornament characters themselves. The reason is that these character sequences are to be handled as one object.
In order to create a correspondence betweennotes and the related main text,reference marks (aijirushi) are often added. Line breaks are not allowed before the reference mark or between letters of the reference mark itself (seeFigure88). The application of the no-line-break rule here is a matter of style.
In this document, characters inreference marks are treated ascharacters as reference marks (cl-20).
Often there arefull stops (cl-06) afterreference marks. In these cases, line breaks are not allowed between the reference marks and the full stops. The reason is that full stops should not be set at the head of lines (seeFigure88).
Afterwarichu opening brackets (cl-28), which openwarichu, or beforewarichu closing brackets (cl-29), which close warichu.
A unit offuriwake. A unit of furiwake is handled as one object.
For line adjustment processing, spacing must not be increased between the following characters. (This is called theinseparable characters rule.) The reason is that these characters or symbols should appear as one unit (for more about line adjustment, see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理).
行の調整処理の際に,字間を空けて処理する場合,次の字間には空き量を入れることは避ける(分離禁止ともいう).これは,それらの文字・記号を一体として扱いたいためである(行の調整処理については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).
The main places where solid setting may be dropped for line adjustment processing is the spacing amonghiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16), andideographic characters (cl-19). Furthermore, things such as the amount of spacing between words in Western text are also a target for spacing adjustment.
Combinations of character classes which allow spacing to be inserted for line alignment, are described as a complete table in§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所, following§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
行の調整処理の際に字間を空ける処理が可能な箇所の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所で示す.
There must be no added spacing between any characters described in§ 3.1.10Unbreakable Character Sequences分割禁止.
§ 3.1.10Unbreakable Character Sequences分割禁止で掲げた字間は,すべて行の調整処理で字間を空ける箇所としては避ける.
In addition to the cases mentioned above, the inseparable character rule has to be applied to the following cases.
Before or afteropening brackets (cl-01) orclosing brackets (cl-02).
Afteropening brackets (cl-01) or beforeclosing brackets (cl-02) the inseparable characters rule is always applied. In contrast, before opening brackets or after closing brackets the rule is not applied.Full stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07) are handled the same as closing brackets.
Before or afterfull stops (cl-06) orcommas (cl-07).
Before or aftermiddle dots (cl-05).
Before or afterdividing punctuation marks (cl-04).
Before or afterhyphens (cl-03).
Before or after one em, etc. space between Japanese characters.
Among base characters withjukugo-ruby.
Methods of line adjustment processing are discussed in§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理. However, since layout processing of punctuation marks is one reason for the need for line adjustment processing, we will here introduce two main examples of cases where line adjustment processing is necessary, and show adjustment examples (seeFigure89).
行の調整処理の処理方法については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理で解説するが,行の調整処理が必要になる要因の1つに約物の組版処理が関係することから,ここでは行の調整処理が必要となる主な2つの例とその調整例について解説する(Figure89).
The principal approach in Japanese composition is that with the exception of the last line of a paragraph, the length of all lines is the same, so all lines are aligned. As explained before, the line length is set to be n-times the character size established for the kihon-hanmen. Hence, as long as only full-width characters are used, all lines have the same length (see ① atFigure89).
InFigure89 at ②, there is anIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" followed by aLEFT CORNER BRACKET "「", and the total space taken by the two characters is one and a half em. That means that the line overshoots or runs short of the edge of the kihon-hanmen by a half em. To restore a uniform line length, line adjustment is applied as shown at ③ inFigure89. Thehalf em space overshoot or shortage is recovered byreducing inter-character spacing to a quarter em before theLEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" and after theRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」".
Figure89の②では,読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)と始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)が連続し,この2つの約物全体の字幅及び空き量の合計は1.5倍となり,行長で二分の過不足が発生する.そこで,Figure89の③のように始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)の前の二分アキ及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET)の後ろの二分アキを四分アキに詰める処理(追込み処理という)が可能なので,ここで二分の過不足の調整を行い,行長をそろえる.
At ④ inFigure89, the 15th character is anopening bracket (cl-01). This should not appear at the line end. Ideally, a full width spacing reduction would be applied, and the character "前" on the second line would be moved onto the first line in the 15th position. In that way, the problem could be avoided. However, in this example a full-width spacing reduction is not possible, so line adjustment processing is applied as shown at ⑤ inFigure89. Theopening bracket (cl-01) is moved to the second line, andline adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion is applied. That means that spacing is added in the first line at places where it is allowed.
There are a lot of examples of Japanese text in which Western and/or Greek letters are mixed among Japanese letters. Examples are as follows:
Using one Latin letter as a symbol for something, like "A" and "B".
Using a Western word in a Japanese context, like "editor".
Using acronyms of things and organization names, like "DTP" and "GDP".
Writing Western book titles and authors in lists of referred books with original spelling.
Latin letters are also used initemized lists and numbering ofheadings, as well as symbols for units, symbols for chemical elements, and mathematical symbols. As can be judged from these examples, mixtures of Latin letters among Japanese letters are in daily use in Japanese composition.
Invertical writing mode, symbols for units are usually described withkatakana (cl-16), such as センチメートル (centimeter) or センチ(abbreviation of centimeter in katakana, "senchi"). Inhorizontal writing mode, the International System of Units (SI) is usually used, such as "cm".
In horizontal writing mode the basic approach is to useproportional Western fonts (Figure90). ForEuropean numerals, bothhalf-width fonts and proportional fonts are used. Note thatWestern word space (cl-26) is a one third em space, in principle, except at line head, line head of warichu, line end and line end of warichu.Western word space (cl-26) at line head, line head of warichu, line end and line end of warichu, is set solid.
As shown inFigure91, there are some examples of Westernfull-width fonts used in horizontal Japanese typesetting, this usage is not recommended, for cosmetic reasons.
Usually, in horizontal Japanese text, fonts are used with European numeric glyphs that are easy to balance and harmonize with Japanese fonts. Consideringline adjustment, the use of fonts with half-width numeric glyphs is recommended. There are some cases of Japanese fonts with half-width glyphs for European digits.
There are two choices for including glyphs of Latin letters and numerals in Japanese and Westernmixed text compositions. One way is to use the glyphs for Western characters built into the same Japanese font. The other is to combine an independent Western font for Western characters with a Japanese font for Japanese characters. (Example:Figure92 is composed using proportional glyphs for Latin letters and numerals included in Ryumin R-KL.Figure93 is composed with Ryumin R-KL for Japanese characters and Times New Roman for Latin letters and numerals.)
和文との混植に用いる欧字・アラビア数字の書体は,和文書体にセットされている文字(例えばFigure92のようにリュウミンR-KLのプロポーショナルな欧字・アラビア数字)を使用する方法と,欧文専用の書体を和文書体と組み合わせて使用する方法がある(例えばFigure93のように和文はリュウミンR-KL,欧字・アラビア数字はTimes New Roman).
The value ofWestern word space (cl-26) mentioned here is only applicable for western texts among Japanese texts in Japanese common books. In general, the value of western word space shall be decided with the consideration of the kind of western typeface, the font size and the value of line gap.
As explained in§ 2.3.2Major Differences between Vertical Writing Mode and Horizontal Writing Mode縦組と横組の主な相違点, there are three different styles for setting Latin letters and European numerals in vertical writing mode:
縦組では,§ 2.3.2Major Differences between Vertical Writing Mode and Horizontal Writing Mode縦組と横組の主な相違点で解説したように,欧字及びアラビア数字を配置する方法としては,次の3つの方法がある.
Setting Latin letters and/or European numerals one by one in inline direction withJapanese characters (seeFigure94). Single Latin letters or Arabic numerals are set with this style. In this case, a full width monospace font is usually used. Currently, proportional Western style fonts are also sometimes used with this style.
Setting Latin letters and/or European numerals rotated 90 degrees clockwise in vertical text mode (Figure95). This style is usually adopted when Latin letters compose a word or sentence. Proportional fonts are specified for characters in this style, as in horizontal writing mode (or half-width fonts for European numerals).
Setting Latin letters and/or European numerals intate-chu-yoko (horizontal-in-vertical setting, seeFigure96). Tate-chu-yoko layout is usually adopted when dealing with a two-digit number in European numerals, or a combination of two or three Latin letters, the length of which is equal to the default size of the line in paragraph direction or longer than that just to an acceptable extent. (A combination of two or three Latin letters may be rotated 90 degrees clockwise rather than set in tate-chu-yoko layout.) Proportional glyphs (or half-width glyphs for European numerals) are used for characters in tate-chu-yoko layout.
Acronyms, such as "GNP", and abbreviations like "Web", are usually set one by one, character-wise in normal orientation (seeFigure97). However, there are some cases where acronyms and abbreviations are rotated 90 degrees clockwise (seeFigure98).
Theideographic numerals were traditionally used in vertical writing mode instead of European numerals. (Road numbers and car registration numbers were examples of a couple of exceptions). However, the more newspapers and other publications have been adopting European numerals in vertical writing mode, the more the use of tate-chu-yoko layout for European numerals has also been increasing.
Whenfull-width andfixed-width Western characters or European numerals are set invertical writing mode as "quasi" Japanese characters,inter-character spacing between these characters andhiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) orideographic characters (cl-19) areset solid, similar to ordinaryideographic characters (cl-19) (seeFigure99). Also, in principle, when full-width and fixed-width Western characters or European numerals are set afterfull stops (cl-06),commas (cl-07) orclosing brackets (cl-02), or beforeopening brackets (cl-01), inserthalf em spacing aftercommas (cl-07) orclosing brackets (cl-02), or beforeopening brackets (cl-01). In addition, in these cases, insert half em spacing afterfull stops (cl-06). When full-width and fixed-width Western characters or European numerals are set before afull stop (cl-06),comma (cl-07) orclosing bracket (cl-02), or after anopening bracket (cl-01), the inter-character spacing before the full stop, comma or closing bracket, or after the opening bracket is set solid.
In this document, full-width and fixed-space Western characters and European numerals are treated as members of theideographic characters (cl-19) class. Accordingly, whenKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" appears before or after full-width and fixed-space Western characters and Western numerals, in principle,quarter em spacing is added betweenKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" and Western characters or Western numerals. However, whenKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" is used as a decimal symbol between Western numerals, in principle, it is set solid, like ideographic numerals.
この文書では,全角のモノスペースの欧字及び全角のモノスペースのアラビア数字の文字クラスは,漢字等(cl-19)として扱う.したがって,全角のモノスペースの欧字及び全角のモノスペースのアラビア数字の前後に中点類(cl-05)がくる場合は,中点類(cl-05)と全角のモノスペースの欧字又は全角のモノスペースのアラビア数字との空き量は,原則として四分アキとする.ただし,全角のモノスペースのアラビア数字の途中に小数点として中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)を用いる場合は,漢数字の場合と同様に,原則としてその前後をベタ組とする.
The details ofideographic characters (cl-19), including full-width and fixed-width Western characters and European numerals, are described as a complete table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量, in accordance with§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
全角のモノスペースの欧字及び全角のモノスペースのアラビア数字を含む漢字等(cl-19)の配置方法についての詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量以下で示す.
To set strings as tate-chu-yoko (horizontal-in-vertical setting), first set from left to right usingsolid setting, then align the whole string to the center of the vertical line (Figure101). Whenhiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) orideographic characters (cl-19) are set before/after tate-chu-yoko, the inter-character spacing is set solid. In principle, when tate-chu-yoko is set after acomma (cl-07) orclosing bracket (cl-02), or before anopening bracket (cl-01),half em spacing is added. In addition, when tate-chu-yoko is set after afull stop (cl-06) in the middle of a line, half em spacing is added. When afull stop (cl-06) is set at the end of a line, half em spacing is inserted after it, in principle. When tate-chu-yoko is set before full stops, commas or closing brackets, or after opening brackets, the inter-character spacing is set solid.
The details of handling of inter-character spacing betweencharacters in tate-chu-yoko (cl-30) and adjacent other character classes are described as a complete table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量, in accordance with§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
縦中横で配置する文字列(縦中横中の文字(cl-30))と隣接する文字間の間隔についての処理方法の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量以下で示す.
Composition rules for Western characters, Western text and European numerals, set rotated 90 degrees clockwise invertical writing mode, andhorizontal writing mode, are as follows:
A sequence of Western characters in a Western word should notbe broken across a line-break, except wherehyphenation is allowed.
When line adjustment is done withline adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction,Western word space (cl-26) is used as first priority. Also, when line adjustment is done withline adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion, Western word spaces are used as first priority.
When line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion is used, inter-character spacing within Western words and European numerals is not used for expansion.
Inter-character spacing, betweenhiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) orideographic characters (cl-19) and Western characters or European numerals, isquarter em spacing (seeFigure102). The issue as to whether the quarter em spacing can be used for line end adjustment or not is discussed in§ 3.8.2Reduction and Addition of Inter-Character Spacing詰める処理と空ける処理 and§ 3.8.4Procedures for Inter-Character Space Expansion空ける処理の優先順位.
欧字・アラビア数字の前後に配置される平仮名(cl-15),片仮名(cl-16)又は漢字等(cl-19)との字間は,四分アキとする(Figure102).(この四分アキを行の調整処理に使用する場合の詳細については§ 3.8.2Reduction and Addition of Inter-Character Spacing詰める処理と空ける処理及び§ 3.8.4Procedures for Inter-Character Space Expansion空ける処理の優先順位を参照.)
In the following cases, aquarter em spacing is not added (seeFigure103).
At the start of a line, there is no spacing before Latin characters or European numerals. At the end of the line, there is no spacing after Latin characters or European numerals.
In the case where Latin characters and European numerals follow acomma (cl-07) orclosing bracket (cl-02), or are followed byopening brackets (cl-01), in principle,half em spacing is added. In the case where Latin characters and European numerals follow afull stop (cl-06) in the middle of a line, half em spacing is added. When thefull stop (cl-06) is set at the end of a line, in principle, half em spacing is added after thefull stop (cl-06).
In the case where Latin characters and European numerals are set before afull stop (cl-06),comma (cl-07) orclosing bracket (cl-02), or after anopening bracket (cl-01), the inter-character spacing is set solid.
In this document, proportional Western characters and European numerals are treated as members of theWestern characters (cl-27) class. Note that half- and fixed-width European numerals, when mixed with Japanese text, are treated as members of thegrouped numerals (cl-24) class.
The reasonquarter em spacing is needed between Western characters or European numerals andhiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) orideographic characters (cl-19), is that the design concept of Latin fonts and Japanese fonts are different from each other, so it looks too tight without the spacing (Figure104).
Ruby is a small-sized, supplementary text attached to a character or a group of characters in the main text. A run of ruby text, usually attached to the right of the characters invertical writing mode or immediately above them inhorizontal writing mode, indicates the reading or the meaning of those characters (seeFigure105). The characters in the main text that are annotated by ruby are called "base characters". MainlyHiragana (cl-15) characters are often used for ruby to indicate how to readideographic characters (cl-19); this is known as ruby annotation or as "furigana".
Societal change in the use of kanji when composing Japanese and changes in the use of ruby implementations in text layout methods have been affecting the usage of ruby itself. Ruby was not very popular while the Touyou Kanji Table (当用漢字表) (the list of kanji characters for everyday use, issued by the Government on November 16, 1946) was in effect because, in principle, it discouraged the use of furigana in its 'directions for use' section. TheJouyou Kanji Table (常用漢字表) (the list of kanji characters in common use, issued by the Government to replace theTouyou Kanji Table on October 10, 1981) has changed the scope of the list. (The Touyou Kanji Table defined the list of all kanji characters that can be used for any documents, while the Jouyou Kanji Table was designed to be a 'reference guide' for the use of kanji to compose contemporary Japanese for general use in society.) For example, the preface of the Jouyou Kanji Table states that one may consider the use of 'furigana (annotations to indicate pronunciation)' when the text appears too difficult to read. This is why the use of ruby has been increasing today. The use of ruby is common in magazines and books, and even newspapers have begun to use ruby these days.
The specification of ruby composition was first introduced in the second revision of JIS X 4051, which was further revised in 2004 to addjukugo-ruby,katatsuki-ruby and the dual ruby composition with which two distinct runs of ruby are attached to the same base characters (4.12 Ruby Composition).
ルビの組版処理は,JIS X 4051においては第2次規格で規定が追加され,さらに2004年の改正で,熟語ルビ,肩付きルビ,親文字の両側に付けるルビ処理の規定が追加されている(“4.12 ルビ処理”).
There are three methods to treat ruby as follows:
Mono-ruby : ruby characters are set in connection with each base character (see§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置).
モノルビ:親文字の1字ごとに対応してルビを付けて配置する(§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置).
Jukugo-ruby : ruby characters are set not only in connection with each base character but also treated as a group as kanji compound word (see§ 3.3.7Positioning of Jukugo-ruby with Respect to Base Characters熟語ルビの親文字に対する配置位置 and§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法).
熟語ルビ:個々の親文字の読みとともに熟語としてのまとまりを重視して配置する(§ 3.3.7Positioning of Jukugo-ruby with Respect to Base Characters熟語ルビの親文字に対する配置位置及び§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法).
Group-ruby : The connection between ruby characters and base characters is treated as group-to-group (see§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置).
グループルビ:複数の親文字で構成される語全体に掛かるように配置する(処理方法は§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置).
Because of different purposes and different functionalities, there are several complicated methods for ruby as follows:
PURPOSE: Ruby annotation with kana (usuallyhiragana (cl-15)) to provide readings ofideographic characters (cl-19). There are two types of ruby for this purpose depending on the type of base character:
Add one or morehiragana (cl-15) ruby characters to indicate the reading (Japanese onyomi or kunyomi) for each baseideographic character (cl-19) (seeFigure106). This method, attaching one or several hiragana or katakana characters for each base ideographic character, is calledmono-ruby.
In the Japanese writing system,kanji compound words (jukugo) occasionally appear, usually constructed with a couple ofideographic characters (cl-19). There are two different methods of attaching ruby characters to baseideographic characters (cl-19) for these compound words.
Mono-ruby. Ruby characters are attached to each baseideographic character (cl-19), similarly to the previous section (seeFigure107).
Jukugo-ruby. Pronunciation is indicated for eachideographic character (cl-19), but the positioning takes into account the fact that together they make up acompound word (seeFigure108). The intention when using jukugo-ruby is to handle theideographic character (cl-19) phrase as one object.
There is no difference betweenFigure107 ofmono-ruby andFigure108 ofjukugo-ruby, when the number of ruby characters for each baseideographic character (cl-19) is one or two. When the mono-ruby approach is adopted, the inter-character spacing between baseideographic characters (cl-19) can be expanded for line adjustment (inFigure107, the inter-character spacing between "鬼" and "門", or, "方" and "角" can be expanded). When the jukugo-ruby approach is adopted, line adjustment cannot be applied to the baseideographic characters (cl-19).
The following examples show the relationship between ruby characters and baseideographic characters (cl-19).
Example of mono-ruby: モノルビの例) | "凝+(ぎよう)" "視+(し)" |
Example of jukugo-ruby 1: 熟語ルビの例1) | "凝+(ぎよう) 視+(し)" |
Example of jukugo-ruby 2: 熟語ルビの例2) | "(凝視)+(ぎよう/し)" |
Books commonly adopt kana-based jukugo-ruby for ideographiccompound words. However, due to technical difficulties for rendering jukugo-ruby in machine-assisted text layout, the adoption of kana-based mono-ruby is increasing. For example, newspapers do not use jukugo-ruby, and study aids generally use mono-ruby because it is considered more important to show the readings of eachideographic character (cl-19) for students than to be concerned about the beauty of the layout.
Multiple ideographiccompound words can form one compound phrase. In this case, there are two ways to attach ruby, i.e. attaching ruby to the compound phrase as a whole, or to each word which forms the compound (seeFigure109). Similarly, a Japanese personal name consists of a given name and a family name, which together form a compound of a full name, and it is an editorial decision whether to attach two runs of ruby, one each for given name and family name, or to attach the full ruby text to the compound which represents the reading of the full name.
In most cases, the reading of an ideographic compound word is just a concatenation of the readings of each individualideographic character (cl-19), but some phrases have their own native readings (known as jukuji readings) (seeFigure110), which cannot be derived from the readings of each character. Attaching ruby to those phrases, which are usually sequences of two or threeideographic characters (cl-19), is essentially the same as attaching ruby inkatakana (cl-16) toideographic character (cl-19) and/orhiragana (cl-15) base characters (seeFigure111).
PURPOSE: Ruby annotation that annotates aideographic character (cl-19) orhiragana (cl-15) word withkatakana (cl-16) to provide its meaning, together with its reading. In terms of ruby layout, attaching ruby text to a single character inideographic character (cl-19) is essentially the same as attaching the reading to aideographic character (cl-19) (e.g. attaching ruby text "バザール", 'Bazaar', inhiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) to aideographic character (cl-19) "市" is just like attaching the reading "いち" to that character). When attachingkatakana (cl-16) ruby text to a run of base text consisting of two or more characters inideographic character (cl-19) and/orhiragana (cl-15), the ruby text needs to be positioned as if it corresponds to the annotated text itself, no matter how the ruby characters are distributed across each base character. The most typical example of this is attaching ruby text to a kanji compound word to indicate a corresponding loan word in katakana (seeFigure111). The use of ruby text of this kind is on the increase in proportion to the growing need for translations and loan words. This type of ruby, namely ruby characters that are attached to two or more base characters as one object (note that ruby characters are not limited tokatakana (cl-16).Figure110 andFigure112), is calledgroup-ruby. Group-ruby and its base characters are unbreakable, because of their behavior as one object (it is possible to break a line in the middle of the base characters wherejukugo-ruby is in use).
Having said that, the layout of ruby text to a singleideographic character (cl-19) is not entirely the same depending on the use of ruby, and may differ according to whether it is for indicating the reading or the meaning. In fact, thekatatsuki, one of ruby layout per character which will be described in the later section, does allow thenakatsuki layout for those ruby which indicate meaning.
PURPOSE: Ruby annotation, usually withkatakana (cl-16) characters, to indicate the reading or the meaning of a Western word used in base text (seeFigure112). There are opposite cases where a synonymous Western word in Latin characters is attached as a ruby annotation to a Japanese word inideographic character (cl-19) orhiragana (cl-15) and so on (seeFigure112). These cases are less used than a and b, however they are quite common in study guides, translated books and travel guides.
There is no difference in the positioning of ruby text whether attaching ruby characters inkatakana (cl-16) orhiragana (cl-15) to a Western word in Latin characters or attaching ruby in Latin to a Japanese word inideographic character (cl-19) orhiragana (cl-15). The ruby text in either case should be positioned relative to a run of base text to be annotated as in b). However, there is a difference in cases where the lengths of the base text and the ruby text are different. Details are described in§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理. When the length of a ruby text inideographic character (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) is shorter than the corresponding base text, the ruby text is, in general, stretched by adding inter-character spacing between ruby characters, and when the length of a ruby text inideographic character (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) is longer than the corresponding base text, the base text is, in general, stretched by adding inter-character spacing between base characters, so that the ruby and base text look similar in length (seeFigure111). On the other hand, when the base text or ruby text is a Latin word, the word is set with western solid setting, and no inter-character spacing will be added to any ruby or base text in Latin characters no matter how different the ruby and base text look in length (seeFigure112). Details will be explained later.
親文字としての複数の欧字の文字列に片仮名(cl-16)若しくは平仮名(cl-15)のルビを付ける又は複数の漢字等(cl-19)や平仮名(cl-15)の親文字列に欧字のルビを付ける処理は,bと同様に親文字列全体にまとめてルビを対応させるという点では同じである.しかし,親文字とルビの文字列の長さが同じでないときは,詳細は§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理で解説するが,親文字及びルビが漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15)又は片仮名(cl-16)の場合は,その字間を空けて長さのバランスをとる処理を一般に行う(Figure111).これに対し,親文字又はルビが欧文の単語の場合は,親文字とルビの文字列の長さが不ぞろいであっても,親文字列の欧字又はルビ文字列の欧字は,それぞれの文字の固有の字幅に応じて配置し字間は空けない,という違いがある(Figure112).
PURPOSE: Ruby annotation usingideographic character (cl-19) for a base text word inhiragana (cl-15). This is calledfurikanji, and is very rarely found.
Hereafter, mainly the usage of (a) and (b) will be explained.
There are several methods of choosing how to attach ruby annotations to which base characters.
'General-ruby' is the method of attaching ruby annotations to all base characters inideographic character (cl-19).
'Para-ruby' is the method of attaching ruby annotations to only those base characters inideographic character (cl-19) for which readings are difficult.
The 'para-ruby' method is further divided into the method of attaching ruby annotations regardless of multiple occurrences of the same baseideographic character (cl-19), and the method of attaching ruby annotations to only the first instance of the same baseideographic character (cl-19). Furthermore, the latter method has several variations in counting the first instance for the entire book, each chapter, or eachspread, etc.
Note that ruby should be attached to allideographic characters (cl-19) in a compound word, to reflect the unitary nature of the text. To attach ruby to only some of theideographic characters (cl-19) in a compound word is not recommended (seeFigure113).
Thecharacter size of ruby characters is, in principle, the half size of the base characters (seeFigure114).
The 'one-third-ruby' characters are used on rare occasions to attach three ruby characters to onefull-widthideographic character (cl-19). One-third-ruby for vertical layout has the dimension of the half of the base character in width and the one third in height. Those for horizontal writing mode have the dimension of half of the base characters in height and one third in width (seeFigure115).
When ruby is attached to twelve point or larger base characters (usually used for headings), the size of the ruby character is generally smaller than half the size of the base characters, considering the proportion of the sizes of base characters and ruby. When all is said and done, these cases are very rare.
Slightly different from the question of the size of ruby, there is a question of whether or notsmall kana (cl-11) characters should be used in ruby annotations. Because the size is so small, there was no choice of using small kana inletterpress printing. Today there are cases where small kana are used in ruby annotations, but taking legibility into consideration, these cases should be limited to those where accurate readings are needed, such as for proper nouns.
In principle, ruby is attached to the right of base characters in vertical writing mode, and above in horizontal writing mode.
In some special cases, ruby can be seen to the left of base characters in vertical writing mode, and below in horizontal writing mode, but this is very rare.
There are cases where two kinds of ruby are attached, one to either side of the base characters, one for readings and the other for meanings (seeFigure117). This is also very rare.
In the following sections, the ruby composition methods will be explained on the assumption that the size of ruby is half the size of the base characters, and they will be attached to the right in vertical writing mode and above in horizontal writing mode. First we look at the basic composition rules ofmono-ruby,group-ruby andjukugo-ruby, then the rules of positioning of ruby with respect to those characters which come before and after the base characters, and finally the composition rules at theline head and at theline end.
Whenmono-ruby characters are Japanese, they areset solid. If mono-ruby characters have their own character widths such as Western characters orEuropean numerals, they are set according to their own widths and then the ruby text is placed so that its center matches that of its base character. There are more variations depending on the combination of the base character and ruby text and accordingly various composition rules have been invented, which will be explained with examples.
When attaching twohiragana (cl-15) ruby characters to a single base character, the lengths of the ruby text and the base text are the same and they are positioned as shown inFigure118.
When attaching a singlehiragana (cl-15) ruby character to a single base character, there are two ways of positioning the ruby character.
Invertical writing mode, attach a ruby character so that its vertical center matches that of the base character (seeFigure119). Inhorizontal writing mode, attach a ruby character so that its horizontal center matches that of the base character (seeFigure119). This positioning of a ruby character is called 'nakatsuki' (center-alignment).
In vertical writing mode, attach a ruby character so that the top of its virtual body is aligned with the top of that of the base character (seeFigure119). This positioning of a ruby character is called 'katatsuki' (top-alignment). For horizontal writing mode, 'katatsuki' should not be adopted. If a ruby character is attached so that the left-edge of its virtual body is aligned with the left-edge of that of the base character, it would result in the loss of the center of balance, which doesn't look good (seeFigure120).
Katatsuki alignment was commonly used in theletterpress printing era, but today the adoption of nakatsuki alignment is increasing even in vertical writing mode. However, there is still an opinion favoring katatsuki alignment, because it is familiar and readable.
When attaching three or morehiragana (cl-15) ruby characters to a single base character, the ruby characters are set solid. In this case, where the length of a ruby text is longer than that of its base character, positioning of the ruby text depends on which alignment has been adopted for a single ruby character. There is another issue: how to maintain the spatial balance of the ruby characters hanging over those characters which are not related base characters. The adjustment of inter-character spacing for those characters which come before and after the base character will be explained in§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理.
親文字1文字に平仮名(cl-15)のルビ文字が3字以上付く場合は,ルビ文字列はベタ組にする.しかし,親文字列よりルビ文字列が長くなるので,その配置位置が問題となる.ルビ文字が1字の場合にどの方法を採用したかにより異なる.一般に次のようにしている.なお,親文字からルビがはみ出した場合における前後にくる文字との字間処理は§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理で解説する.
When nakatsuki alignment is adopted for a single ruby character, position a ruby text so that its vertical center is aligned with that of its base character in vertical writing mode (seeFigure121). In horizontal writing mode, position a ruby text so that its horizontal center is aligned with that of its base character (seeFigure121).
When katatsuki alignment is adopted for a single ruby character, there are two methods, as follows.
Position the ruby text so that its vertical center is aligned with that of its base character (seeFigure121).
Depending on the type of script of the adjacent characters to the base character, and the number of ruby characters, a decision is made about whether ruby hangover is allowed on the character before its base character, or on the character after, or on both adjacent characters. At break-even situation, the hangover is usually on the character after its base character (seeFigure122).
Formono-ruby, base characters and attached ruby characters are handled as one object, and internal line-breaks are prohibited.
When the length of a sequence of base characters (number of characters * advance-width of each character) and that of the ruby text are the same, each text is set solid and the center of both texts are aligned with each other (seeFigure123).
When the length of the ruby text is shorter than that of its base characters, set the base text solid and attached ruby character, so that both texts balance each other. To be more specific, where 2 units of inter-character spacing are used between ruby characters, add 1 unit of spacing between the start of the base text and the start of the ruby text, and between the end of the ruby text and the end of the base text. This will give a balanced appearance, and is the method specified in JIS X 4051 (seeFigure124). Another way is to first align the leading characters for both the base text and ruby text and the ends of both trailing characters, and then add the same amount of inter-character spacing between the rest of the ruby characters (seeFigure125).
親文字の文字列の長さよりルビ文字の文字列の長さが短い場合は,親文字の文字列をベタ組にし,ルビ文字の文字列の字間及びその前後を適当に空け,親文字とのバランスをとる.この場合,JIS X 4051で規定しているように,ルビ文字の文字列の字間の空き量の大きさ2に対して,先頭までの空き量及び親文字の文字列の末尾からルビ文字の文字列の末尾までの空き量を1の比率で空けると体裁がよい(Figure124).親文字の文字列及びルビ文字の文字列の先頭及び末尾をそろえ,ルビ文字の文字列の字間だけを空ける方法もある(Figure125).
When the length of the ruby text is far shorter than that of the base text, the method specified in JIS X 4051 could result in spacing twice the size of a ruby character for the leading and the trailing spacing, which might give a misleading appearance. Therefore, a criterion for deciding whether or not to adopt the method of JIS X 4051 is to see if the amount of the leading and the trailing spacing exceeds the full-width size (or up to 1.5 times the size) of a ruby character (seeFigure126).
親文字の文字列の長さに比べ,ルビ文字の文字列の長さが極端に短い場合,JIS X 4051で規定している方法では,ルビ文字の文字列の先頭及び末尾がルビ文字の文字サイズで2倍以上空いてしまう場合がある.これは誤読の原因ともなりかねないので,ルビ文字の文字列の先頭及び末尾の空き量は,ルビ文字の文字サイズの全角(又は1.5倍)アキまでとした方がよい(Figure126).
When the length of the ruby text is longer than that of the base characters, balance the base characters with the ruby text by setting the ruby text solid and adding a certain amount of inter-character spacing between each adjacent base character. To be more specific, for 2 units of inter-character spacing, add 1 unit of spacing between the start of the ruby text and the start of the base text, and between the end of the base text and the end of the ruby text, as specified in JIS X 4051 (seeFigure127). Another way is to first align the start of both the leading characters and the end of the trailing characters, and then add a certain amount of inter-character spacing between each adjacent base character (seeFigure128).
親文字の文字列の長さよりルビ文字の文字列の長さが長い場合は,ルビ文字の文字列をベタ組とし,親文字の文字列の字間及びその前後を適当に空け,ルビ文字とのバランスをとる.この場合,JIS X 4051で規定しているように,親文字の文字列の字間の空き量の大きさ2に対して,ルビ文字の文字列の先頭から親文字の文字列の先頭までの空き量及びルビ文字の文字列の末尾から親文字の文字列の末尾までの空き量の大きさを1の比率で空けると体裁がよい(Figure127).親文字の文字列とルビ文字の文字列の先頭及び末尾をそろえ,親文字の文字列の字間だけを空ける方法もある(Figure128).
Forgroup-ruby, base characters and attached ruby characters are handled as one object, and internal line-breaks are prohibited. Also, for an object constructed with base characters and attached ruby characters it is prohibited to insert additional spacing between each character for line adjustment.
If the number of ruby characters are two or less for eachideographic characters (cl-19) which participates in a kanji compound word (or jukugo), then for each run of ruby text associated with each base character, compose ruby characters as described in§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置 (seeFigure129).
熟語を構成するそれぞれの漢字等(cl-19)に付くルビ文字がそれぞれ2文字以下の場合,それぞれの親文字の漢字等(cl-19)とルビ文字を対応させ,§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置で述べた方法で配置する(Figure129).
If there is anyideographic character (cl-19) in a given kanji compound word which needs three or more ruby characters, thejukugo-ruby layout cannot be used. In this case, attach the ruby text to the kanji compound word as a whole. The available methods include the layout as specified in JIS X 4051, which is similar to thegroup-ruby method described in§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置 (seeFigure130), and layout decided by the phonetic structure of the kanji compound word and the type of script of the adjacent characters (seeFigure131). The latter method can be used unless a run of ruby text for the base character hangs over another base character more than a full character width (or one and a half times the full-width) of a ruby character. (The detail of this method is described in§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法.)
熟語を構成するそれぞれの漢字等(cl-19)の中で,1字でもそれに対応するルビ文字が3字以上のものがある場合,熟語全体とルビ文字の文字列を対応させて配置する.熟語全体とルビ文字の文字列を対応させる方法としては,JIS X 4051で規定しているように§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置項のグループルビと同様な方法で配置する方法(Figure130)と,熟語の構成,さらにその熟語の前後にくる文字の種類を考慮して配置する方法とがある(Figure131).後者の方法では,熟語を構成するそれぞれの漢字等(cl-19)に対応するルビ文字が,熟語内の他の漢字等(cl-19)に最大でルビ文字サイズで全角(又は1.5倍)まで掛かってよい,としている(この処理方法の詳細は,§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法で解説する).
There are often cases where thejukugo-ruby consists of one ruby character followed by three ruby characters, and vice versa, for a kanji compound word of two base characters. If themono-ruby layout were chosen for these cases, it would look like as shown inFigure132, which wouldn't be very beautiful.
Jukugo-ruby can be split into two lines at the boundary of each unit of ruby text attached to oneideographic character (cl-19). When a kanji compound word consists of two characters, each unit will be processed using themono-ruby method. When dividing a compound word that consists of threeideographic characters (cl-19), use the mono-ruby method for the firstideographic character (cl-19) and use the jukugo-ruby method for the remaining twoideographic characters (cl-19), and vice versa. In order to maintain the correspondence of eachideographic character (cl-19) to its ruby annotation, the layout of the ruby may be different after the division (seeFigure133). Note that jukugo-ruby and its base characters cannot be the subject of inter-character spacing expansion for line adjustment.
The composition ofjukugo-ruby changes in accordance with the construction of the jukugo, the position at the head, middle or bottom of the line, and adjacent characters before or after. The detail of this issue is too complicated to discuss here, so it is discussed in§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法.
熟語の構成などを考慮して配置する熟語ルビの配置方法は,熟語の構成,行頭・行中・行末かの位置,その前後に配置される文字などにより変化する.この処理方法の詳細は,複雑になるので,§ F.Positioning of Jukugo-ruby熟語ルビの配置方法で解説する.
The complexes of base characters with ruby characters are classified assimple-ruby character complex (cl-22) andjukugo-ruby character complex (cl-23). The handling and positioning of these complexes with adjacent characters is discussed in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 as a complete table in accordance with§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
ルビ文字が付いた親文字群については,親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)と親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)に分け,それと隣接する文字間の間隔についての処理方法の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量以下で示す.
When the length of any ruby text is shorter than that of the base characters, the main text can be just set solid because there is no need for any adjustment of the inter-character spacing between base characters and their adjacent characters in the main text.
When the length of the ruby text is longer than that of the base characters, the method of composing the main text depends on how much the ruby text hangs over theideographic character (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orpunctuation marks, which are attached to the base characters. The following are the general rules (seeFigure135 andFigure136). They were established especially in order to avoid misreading the base text, as well as to maintain the beauty of the layout. Note that the detailed values for inter-character spacing for cases of ruby characters hanging over the base characters is described in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 as Table 1 in accordance with§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
ルビ文字の文字列が親文字の文字列より長い場合は,親文字の前後に配置する他の漢字等(cl-19),平仮名(cl-15)や約物などにどこまで親文字よりはみ出したルビ文字が掛かってよいかが問題となる.一般に次のように処理している(Figure135,Figure136).これはもっぱら誤読を避けること,及び体裁を考慮しての処理である.なお,ルビ文字の文字列が親文字の文字列よりはみ出した場合についての詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして附属書 B 文字間の空き量で示す.
Ruby text shall not hang over theideographic characters (cl-19) adjacent to the base characters.
When the adjacent character is ahiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16),prolonged sound mark (cl-10) orsmall kana (cl-11), the ruby text may overhang the character up to the full-width size of the ruby characters.
Because ruby characters are allowed to overhang the adjacent base characters when they arehiragana (cl-15) etc. up to the full-width size of a ruby character, ruby characters on either side of a basehiragana (cl-15) that are overhanging it may end up touching, as seen inFigure137. Setting ruby text like this is not recommended because of the possibility of misreading them. It is recommended to insert one em spacing between the first run of ruby characters and the next run of ruby characters. There are two ways to accomplish this. One is to reduce the maximum size of overhang on thehiragana (cl-15) base character and each adjacent ruby run, and the other is to reduce the maximum size of overhang on thehiragana (cl-15) base character of only the latter ruby run. The latter case is carried out by differently setting the limit of overhang than is set on the prior run. Firstly, set the ruby characters on the prior run as usual, i.e. ruby character may overhang up to the full-width size of a ruby character. Secondly, ruby character on the latter run shall be set with one em spacing before, namely, the ruby character from after can not overhang the basehiragana (cl-15) character in between. Then, appropriate size spacing shall be added between base characters themselves (seeFigure138).
The ruby character may overhang the base characters and overhang thehalf em spacing which is added afterclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06) orcommas (cl-07), set before the target ruby object, up to the full-width size of a ruby character. Also, the ruby character may overhang the base characters and hang over the half em spacing which is added beforeopening brackets (cl-01), set after the target ruby object, up to the full-width size of a ruby character. Note that when the half em spacing is reduced for line adjustment, the room for ruby character overhang is also compressed to the reduced spacing. (For example, if the spacing is a quarter em in the base character size, the ruby character can overhang by ahalf em in ruby character size.)
When the adjacent character is aninseparable character (cl-08), the ruby text may overhang the character up to the full-width size of a ruby character.
When the adjacent character is one of themiddle dots (cl-05), the ruby text may overhang the middle dots, in principle, up to the full-width size of a ruby character. But if there is any reduction of spacing before and after the middle dots as a result of the line adjustment, the amount of the extension shall be up to the amount of spacing after the middle dots plus 1/2 a ruby character size when the middle dots are set before the ruby object, or the spacing before the middle dots plus 1/2 a ruby character size when the middle dots are set after the ruby object.
When the adjacent character is one of theclosing brackets (cl-02),full stop (cl-06) orcomma (cl-07) after the ruby object, or one of theopening brackets (cl-01) before the ruby object, the ruby text may overhang the adjacent base character up to the full-width size of a ruby character. Note that the overhang must not go beyond theclosing brackets (cl-02), thefull stop (cl-06), thecomma (cl-07) or theopening brackets (cl-01) itself.
There is an opinion that it is not good style to hang ruby characters overopening brackets (cl-01), especiallyLEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" andRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」". When this opinion holds, there are two possibilities. One is not allow ruby characters to overhang theopening brackets (cl-01). The other is allow ruby characters to overhang the opening brackets up to 1/2 the size of a ruby character.
前にくる始め括弧類(cl-01),特に始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)にルビ文字を掛けることは体裁がよくないので,避けた方がよいという考え方もある.この考え方では,始め括弧類(cl-01)にルビ文字を掛けない処理とするか,又は最大でルビ文字サイズの二分までルビ文字を掛ける処理方法とする.
There is another variation that allows ruby text to overhang anyideographic characters (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) up to the half-width size of a ruby character (seeFigure139).
There is a further variation that does not allow ruby text to overhang anyideographic (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) characters (seeFigure140).
When the line head starts with ruby annotated text where the ruby text length is shorter than that of the base characters, compose the text so that the first base character is aligned with the line head. Similarly, when ruby annotated text ends at the line end and the ruby length is shorter than that of the basic characters, compose the text so that the last basic character is aligned with the line end.
When the line head starts with ruby annotated text where the ruby text length is longer than that of the base characters, compose the text so that the first ruby character which overhangs the base text is aligned with the line head, and vice versa (seeFigure141). Alternatively, there is a variation by which the text is composed so that the first base character is aligned with the line head, and vice versa (seeFigure142).
When aligning the first base character to the line head and the last base character to the line end, ruby text is not allowed to extend beyond the hanmen or the area of thecolumn. If it does, the following adjustments should be considered in positioning base characters and ruby characters.
Mono-ruby at the line head: Make adjustments so that the top of the ruby text is aligned with that of the base characters (seeFigure142).
Mono-ruby at the line end: Make adjustments so that the bottom of the ruby text is aligned with that of the last base character (seeFigure142).
Group-ruby at the line head: Make adjustments so that the top of the ruby text is aligned with that of the first base character, and add the same amount of inter-character spacing between the base characters and between the end of the last base character and the end of the last ruby character after the last base character (the method specified in JIS X 4051) (seeFigure143).
グループルビの行頭:ルビ文字の文字列の先頭と親文字の文字列の先頭をそろえ,親文の文字列の字間の空き量と,親文字の文字列の末尾からルビ文字の文字列の末尾までの空き量とを1対1の比率に変更する(JIS X 4051で規定している方法,Figure143).
Group-ruby at the line end: Make adjustments so that the end of the ruby text is aligned with that of the last base character and add the same amount of inter-character spacing between the base characters and the spacing between the start of the base text and the start of the ruby text (the method specified in JIS X 4051) (seeFigure143).
グループルビの行末:ルビ文字の文字列の末尾と親文字の文字列の末尾をそろえ,親文字の文字列の字間の空き量と,親文字の文字列の先頭からルビ文字の文字列の先頭までの空き量とを1対1の比率に変更する(JIS X 4051で規定している方法,Figure143).
Jukugo-ruby at the line head or at the line end: Make the same adjustments as described in (c) or (d) for thegroup-ruby.
Jukugo-ruby at the line head: Make adjustments so that the top of the ruby text is aligned with that of the first base character. A run of ruby characters for a base character may overhang the adjacent base characters of the same kanji compound word, up to the full-width size (or one and a half of it) of a ruby character. If the extension should go beyond the limit, just force the ruby text out of the base characters, or make a further adjustment by adding inter-character spacing between the base characters.
Jukugo-ruby at the line end: Make adjustments so that the end of the ruby text is aligned with that of the last base character. A run of ruby characters for a base character may overhang the adjacent base characters of the same kanji compound word, up to the full-width size (or one and a half of it) of the ruby characters. If the extension should go beyond the limit, just force the ruby text out of the base characters, or make a further adjustment by adding inter-character spacing between the base characters.
Jukugo-ruby split across two lines: jukugo-ruby can be split across two lines, with one part at the line end and the other at the line head. In the case of a compound word with twoideographic characters (cl-19), it is as the same as dealing with oneideographic character (cl-19) with amono-ruby text at the line end and the otherideographic characters (cl-19) with another mono-ruby text at the next line head. In the case of a phrase with threeideographic characters (cl-19), handle oneideographic character (cl-19) with mono-ruby text and the remaining twoideographic characters (cl-19) with jukugo-ruby, and vice versa. The layout of oneideographic character (cl-19) with mono-ruby text will be composed by method (a) or (b) described above. The layout of twoideographic characters (cl-19) with jukugo-ruby text will be composed by method (f) or (g) above.
Emphasis dots (also known as bouten or side dots) are symbols placed alongside a run ofideographic character (cl-19) orhiragana (cl-15) characters to emphasize the text.
There are many ways to emphasize a run of text in Japanese composition. Besides attaching emphasis dots, one may emphasize a certain run of text by selecting a differenttypeface (for example, Mincho face for normal text andJapanese gothic face for emphasis), a different color (for example, turning to red for emphasis), by enclosing the text within brackets (for example,LEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" andRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」" orLEFT ANGLE BRACKET "〈" andRIGHT ANGLE BRACKET "〉"), by drawing a line alongside the text (orbousen,underlining the text), and so on. It is an editorial decision which emphasis method to adopt. Selecting a different typeface and enclosing text within brackets are generally used and popular emphasis methods. Attaching emphasis dots is not very common but one of the long-established and traditional methods typically used inkanbun composition (classic Chinese text).
日本語組版において文中の一部の文字列を強調する方法としては,圏点を付ける方法以外に,その部分の書体を変更する(例えばゴシック体),文字の色を変更する(例えば赤色の文字にする),括弧類でくくる(例えば始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET),又は始め山括弧[〈] (LEFT ANGLE BRACKET)及び終わり山括弧[〉] (RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET)でくくる),傍線(又は下線)を付けるなどの方法がある.どの方式にするかは編集方針による.一般に書体を変更する方法や括弧類でくくる方法がよく使用されている.圏点を付ける方法はやや少ないが,漢文等では古くからで使用されており,歴史のある伝統的な方法である.
In practice, emphasis dots are not used forcommas (cl-07),full stops (cl-06),opening brackets (cl-01) orclosing brackets (cl-02).
Composition of emphasis dots is as follows (seeFigure144).
Thecharacter size of emphasis dots is the half size of thebase characters to be emphasized.
Emphasis dots are attached to the right of the base characters invertical writing mode, or above them inhorizontal writing mode. The center of emphasis dots is aligned with that of the base characters.
There are many symbols that could be specified for use asemphasis dots.SESAME DOT "﹅" invertical writing mode andBULLET "•" inhorizontal writing mode are those used for emphasis dots in general.
圏点にどのような記号を付けるかは指定によるが,一般に縦組ではゴマ[﹅] (SESAME DOT),横組ではビュレット[•] (BULLET)が使用されている.
Warichu (inline cutting note) is a type of inline notation, where two lines of small characters are inserted into the text. Warichu divides a line into two sub lines. The frequency of use of the inline cutting note is not so high. However, the inline cutting note is very important for study guides, travel guides, reference books, encyclopedias and manuals, because it is very effective for inserting notes at the point in the text where they are needed (seeFigure145). Inline cutting note is usually used invertical writing mode. It is very infrequently used inhorizontal writing mode.
Character size for an inline cutting note depends on the character size established for the kihon-hanmen. Usually, around six point size is used (seeFigure145).
The space between adjacent lines in an inline cutting note is zero, that is to say, there is noline gap between them (seeFigure146).
As shown inFigure146, an inline cutting note usually has two lines, and is surrounded byLEFT PARENTHESIS "(" andRIGHT PARENTHESIS ")" characters that are double the size of the characters in the inline cutting note itself. There is no space between the surrounding text and parentheses for the inline cutting note.
割注は,Figure146のように,通常,2行に割り書きし,割注全体の先頭及び末尾に,行送り方向の割注の幅と同じ文字サイズの始め小括弧[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)でくくる形式が多い.したがって,割注を囲む括弧類(以下,割注始め括弧類(cl-28)及び割注終わり括弧類(cl-29)とよぶ)のサイズは,割注の文字サイズの2倍にする.なお,割注始め括弧類の前,及び割注終わり括弧類の後ろの漢字等,平仮名,片仮名との字間はベタ組とする.
There is a style of inline cutting note, which has noopening brackets (cl-01) orclosing brackets (cl-02), but is surrounded by spacing that has been added explicitly to act as delimiters.
Handling of inter-character spacing betweenwarichu opening brackets (cl-28) orwarichu closing brackets (cl-29) and adjacent characters is described in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 as a complete table, using the concept of character class described in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
割注始め括弧類(cl-28)及び割注終わり括弧類(cl-29)と隣接する文字間の間隔についての処理方法の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量で示す.
Symbols, likeopening brackets (cl-01),closing brackets (cl-02),commas (cl-07) andfull stops (cl-06) are also used in inline cutting note text. In such cases, the handling of such symbols is the same as for themain text.
In vertical text, the horizontal width of the inline cutting note area is wider than the width of akihon-hanmen line. The horizontal centers of the kihon-hanmen line and inline cutting note area are aligned. The line gap used to establish the kihon-hanmen should not be affected by the horizontal width of the inline cutting note area. In other words, the line gap for the kihon-hanmen needs to be designed wider than usual in preparation for the use of the inline cutting note. (seeFigure35 andFigure145) Warichu is used also in horizontal text, however it is not so common, and usually occurs only in study guides and encyclopedias.
The length of the two lines of the inline cutting note should be as near as possible the same. When the inline cutting note can be set in one kihon-hanmen line, the whole inline note text should be broken at a position where line breaking is permitted, and where the two resulting lines are as close as possible to the same length. The length of the second line should not be longer than the length of the first line. Note that the same line breaking rules are used as for basic text (seeFigure147).
When an inline cutting note will not fit on a single kihon-hanmen line, it will wrap onto the following line, and will be set as shown inFigure148 orFigure149.
Aparagraph, a section of a document which consists of one or more sentences to indicate a distinct idea, usually begins on anew line. For the relatedline head indent at the beginning of paragraphs (in JIS 4051, this is called the "paragraph line head indent") the following methods are available. The amount of spacing used for the indentation is, in principle,one em spacing using thecharacter size in the paragraph.
ある意味のまとまりを持った複数の文で構成されている段落(意味上の段落)を示す場合に,通常,新しい段落で改行にしている.この際,段落先頭行の字下げ(JIS X 4051では“段落字下げ”という用語を使用している)については,次のような方法がある.なお,字下げする場合は,その段落で使用している文字サイズの全角アキが原則である.
The definition of line head indent at the beginning of paragraphs is provided in JIS X 4051, sec. 4.17 "paragraph appearance processing". Note that "paragraph appearance processing" includes "line head indent", "line end indent" and "indent" in general.
段落先頭行の字下げについては,JIS X 4051では“4.17 段落整形処理”に規定されている.なお,段落整形とは,字下げ,字上げ,インデントなどの段落の書式をいう.
The layout processing foropening brackets (cl-01) in the case of full-width line head indent at the beginning of paragraphs, is described in this document,§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法.
段落先頭行の字下げを全角とした場合の始め括弧類(cl-01)の組版処理については,本文書の§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法を参照.
Line head indent at the beginning of paragraphs is applied to all paragraphs. Nearly all books and magazines make use of this method (seeFigure150).
In the case of written conversational text followed by, for example, "she said", if the conversational part is bounded byLEFT CORNER BRACKET "「" andRIGHT CORNER BRACKET "」" and the "she said" text appears after a line-break, the conversational text and the "she said" text are considered to be one continuous phrase. Hence, there is no line head indent at the beginning of the "she said" phrase, after the conversation part, i.e. so-called tentsuki (seeFigure151). When you have a (mathematical) formula on a separate line inhorizontal writing mode, and a following line containing text such as "will be" there is also no line head indent at the beginning of the paragraph. On the other hand, there is also an approach in novels etc., where the first line indent is applied to paragraphs (seeFigure152).
改行にして始めかぎ括弧[「] (LEFT CORNER BRACKET)及び終わりかぎ括弧[」] (RIGHT CORNER BRACKET)でくくった会話などを“といった……”などと受けて続く場合は,文節が連続していると考え,段落の先頭行の字下げは行わないで天付きとする(Figure151).横組の別行にした数式を受けて,改行で“となるので……”などと受ける場合も,同様に段落の先頭行の字下げは行わない.ただし,小説などでは,すべて段落の先頭行の字下げは行うという処理方法も行われている(Figure152).
Line head indent at the beginning of paragraphs is not applied for any paragraph at all, and the tentsuki position is used (seeFigure153). There are examples of this method being used in certain books and magazines for the sake of styling, but this is rather hard to read.
In principle,line head indent is applied at the beginning of a paragraph. However, a paragraph immediately following a tentsuki-setheading is also settentsuki, so that the beginning of the heading and the paragraph are aligned (seeFigure154). In some books and magazines this method is applied to text in horizontal writing mode.
On the other hand, for example withitemization, there is also the method that indents the second and following lines of the paragraph (seeFigure155). This is the so-called "questions and answer" (Q&A) form. It has the effect that numbers (if used) stand out.
Theline head indent is the indentation of the line head by a fixed amount, starting from theline head side of the hanmen (in the case of one column) or of thecolumn area (in the case of several columns). In contrast, the indentation of theline end position by a fixed amount, starting from the line head, is calledline end indent.
There are examples ofline head indent forquotations in separate lines (seeFigure156) or for headings in separate lines.Line end indent is used, for example, for headings or for quotations in separate lines.
Forquotations on separate lines, there are the following approaches: either (a) the character size is the same as for the main text, and the difference from the main text is expressed only by the line head indent; or (b) the character size is made smaller than that of the main text. The former approach is applied frequently. With this approach, the line head indent is often set at double the normal character size of the main text. If large quotations are inserted frequently, there is also an approach that uses a full-width line head indent with an empty line inserted before and after the quotation. The approach where characters are made smaller than the main text is the same as the processing of endnotes, see§ 4.2.4Processing of Endnotes in Vertical Writing Mode or Horizontal Writing Mode縦組又は横組の後注処理).
別行にする引用文では,本文と同じ文字サイズで字下げだけで本文との区別を表す方法と,文字サイズも本文よりは小さくする方法がある.前者の方法が多い.この場合,一般に本文の文字サイズの2倍の字下げとする例が多い.分量の多い引用文が数多く挿入される場合は,全角の字下げとして,さらに別行の引用文の前後を1行アキとする方法も行われている.文字サイズを本文より小さくして字下げを行う方法は,後注などの注の字下げと同様である(このような注の字下げについては,§ 4.2.4Processing of Endnotes in Vertical Writing Mode or Horizontal Writing Mode縦組又は横組の後注処理を参照).
The Japanese "single line alignment method" is a process for setting alignment for a run of text that is shorter than a given line length. This method is frequently used for headings and poems. The following methods are available (seeFigure157).
Centering: Thespacing between adjacent characters is, in principle,set solid. (If spacing is needed between Japanese text and western text, beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02), that spacing is added based on the table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.) Also, if there is an explicit instruction to add spacing, such spacing is added. If there is not solid setting but a fixed spacing between characters, this is used; the amount of spacing at the line head and line end is made equal, and the center of the character sequence is unified with the center of the line.
中央そろえ:隣接する文字の字間は,原則としてベタ組(和文と欧文との字間,始め括弧類(cl-01)の前,終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろなど§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示した原則とする空き量が必要なときは,その空き量を入れる)とするか,又は明示的に指定された空き量がある場合はその空き量を挿入し,行頭側及び行末側の空き量を均等にし,文字列の中央を,行の中央の位置に合わせて配置する.
Line head alignment: The spacing between adjacent characters is, in principle, set solid. (If spacing is needed between Japanese text and western text, beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02), that spacing is added based on the table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.) Also, if there is an explicit instruction to add spacing, such spacing is added. If there is not solid setting but a fixed spacing between characters, this is used; the start of the character sequence is unified with the line head, and if the line is not full, the line end is kept empty.
行頭そろえ:隣接する文字の字間は,原則としてベタ組(和文と欧文との字間,始め括弧類(cl-01)の前,終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろなど§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示した原則とする空き量が必要なときは,その空き量を入れる)とするか,又は明示的に指定された空き量がある場合はその空き量を挿入し,文字列の先頭を行頭の位置に合わせ,1行に満たないときは行末側を空けて配置する.
Line end alignment: The spacing between adjacent characters is, in principle, set solid. (If spacing is needed between Japanese text and western text, beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02), that spacing is added based on the table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.) Also, if there is an explicit instruction to add spacing, such spacing is added. If there is not solid setting but a fixed spacing between characters, this is used; the end of the character sequence is unified with the line end, and if the line is not full, the line head is kept empty.
行末そろえ:隣接する文字の字間は,原則としてベタ組(和文と欧文との字間,始め括弧類(cl-01)の前,終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろなど§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示した原則とする空き量が必要なときは,その空き量を入れる)とするか,又は明示的に指定された空き量がある場合はその空き量を挿入し,文字列の末尾を行末の位置に合わせ,1行に満たないときは行頭側を空けて配置する.
Even inter-character spacing: The spacing between adjacent characters is, in principle, set solid. (If spacing is needed between Japanese text and western text, beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02), that spacing is added based on the table in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.) Also, if there is an explicit instruction to add spacing, such spacing is added. In addition, using the spacing made available during line adjustment processing, equal character spacing is applied where possible. The start of the character sequence is aligned to the position of the line head, and the end of the character sequence to the position of the line end.
均等割り:隣接する文字の字間は,原則としてベタ組(和文と欧文との字間,始め括弧類(cl-01)の前,終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろなど§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示した原則とする空き量が必要なときは,その空き量を入れる)とするか,又は明示的に指定された空き量がある場合はその空き量を挿入し,そのうえで,行の調整を行う際に空ける調整が可能な箇所で字間を均等に空けて,文字列の先頭を行頭の位置に,文字列の末尾を行末の位置に合わせる.
Several justification methods are applied for positioning of headings or items oftables. For example,centering is often used for headings in horizontal writing mode, taking the left-right balance is taken into account. However, there are also examples ofline head alignment.
The intent ofwidow adjustment of paragraphs is to avoid that the last line of a paragraph contains less than a given number of characters. This is also called "widow" processing.
Widow adjustment of paragraphs is defined in JIS X 4051, sec. 4.20 "Widow Adjustment of Paragraphs".
段落末尾処理については,JIS X 4051では“4.20 段落末尾処理”に規定されている.
Widow adjustment of paragraphs is not regarded as very important in Japanese composition. However, care is taken to avoid cases such as a single character in the last line of a paragraph (often this is tolerated), or - even more extreme - just one character on a page just before apage break or anew recto (seeFigure159).
Tab setting is useful for alignment oftable data,itemized lists, etc. where a series of characters need to be set at specific alignment positions within a line (seeFigure160).
Fortab setting, it is necessary to identify tab positions, tab types (how to align the characters in the tab position), and the characters to be set. For this purpose, it is necessary to insert a tab sign before the tabbed character. The series of characters just after the tab sign are the target characters (seeFigure161). If there is more than one tab sign, it is necessary to set the same numbers of tab positions and tab types as the number of tab signs.
There are the following types of tab setting to align texts.
Start alignment tab setting: the start position of the text is aligned to the tab position (seeFigure162).
End alignment tab setting: the end position of the text is aligned to the tab position (seeFigure163).
Center alignment tab setting: the center of the text is aligned to the tab position (seeFigure164).
Alignment with a specified character tab setting: the start position of a specified character or sign (for example, a period) in the text is aligned to the tab position (seeFigure165).
Set the text from theline head to the position before the tab sign in the first tab position, set the text from the first tab sign to the next tab sign in the second tab position, and so on. The behavior ofopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02), etc. is same as for themain text.
Following are some examples. The behavior of text before and after the tab positions are very difficult to anticipate, so it is necessary to design using trial and error.
If the target string is the first series of the line, the characters should be set in the first tab position from the start of the line, and so on, one after another (seeFigure166).
If the target string of text is too long to be set before the next tab position and overflows, the next string of text is aligned to the tag position after the end of the preceding string (seeFigure167).
If the beginning of the string overlaps with the end of the preceding string as the result of the tab setting indication, the following string is set just after the preceding string (seeFigure168).
If there is no tab position corresponding to the target string, the string should be set from the tab position of the next line, and so forth (seeFigure169).
Superscripts andsubscripts are small letters associated with base characters, and typically used to indicate SI unit symbols, or used for mathematical or chemical formulae.
Superscripts and subscripts are usually set after thebase character, with some exceptions for chemical formulae (which appear before the base character). They should beset solid.
For examples of superscripts and subscripts seeFigure170. In this document, superscripts and subscripts and their base characters are handled asornamented character complex (cl-21) characters.
Inter-letter spacing betweenornamented character complex (cl-21) and adjacent characters is described in detail in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 in accordance with the character class concept in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
親文字群中の文字(添え字付き)(cl-21)と隣接する文字間の間隔についての処理方法の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示す.
JIS X 4051 specifies thecharacter size and theblock direction positioning of superscripts and subscripts alongside the base character to be implementation definable parameters. However it is recommended that the size of superscripts and subscripts are around 60% of the base character, depending on the size of the base character.
添え字の文字サイズ及び親文字に対する添え字の行送り方向の配置位置については,JIS X 4051では,“処理系定義とする”となっている.添え字の文字サイズは,親文字のサイズにもよるが,一般に親文字の60%くらいがよいであろう.
It is prohibited tobreak lines within anornamented character complex (cl-21) sequence. Also, it is prohibited to use inter-character spacing within anornamented character complex (cl-21) sequence forline adjustment.
Invertical writing mode, characters with superscripts or subscripts, that isornamented character complex (cl-21) characters, are rotated 90 degrees clock-wise. If the length of the sequence is short enough, the sequence can be set astate-chu-yoko.
When both thesuperscript and thesubscript follow the base character, usually the subscript is set first and set solid, followed by the superscript set with solid spacing. For chemical formulae sometimes both superscript and subscript are set vertically in the same position with respect to the base character, and with solid spacing between them and the base character.
Furiwake is a typesetting style for setting multiple phrases or sentences in the middle of a line. Furiwake is also used to indicate options (seeFigure171). Study guides, manuals and reference books sometimes use furiwake. In many furiwake styles, multiple lines are indicated withopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02), etc.
Furiwake is usually done as follows (seeFigure172). In this document, the lines which combine to make the furiwake are called furiwake-gyou.
The character size of the furiwake-gyou is usually the same as that of the base paragraph. Sometimes, the furiwake-gyou is a little bit smaller than the size of the base paragraph. Sometimes, the font style of the furiwake-gyou is differenttypeface the style of the base paragraph.
In the same furiwake block, the top positions of all the furiwake-gyou lines are aligned.
The line length of the furiwake block is the line length of the longest furiwake-gyou. However, it is permitted to indicate the length of the furiwake block, and break the furiwake-gyou lines. In this style, the start positions of the broken lines should be explicitly indicated. When there are line break marks in the furiwake-gyou, the line is broken in the indicated places. In this style, the start positions of the wrapped lines are aligned to the first line. The spacing between wrapped lines should be set solid.
The line-feed spacing of each furiwake block should be explicitly indicated.
The center line of the furiwake block should be aligned with the center line of themain text.
When the furiwake block is enclosed byopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02), etc. the width of brackets should be the same as the width of the furiwake block.
One furiwake block should be set per base text line. One furiwake block should not be extended across multiple base text lines.
The size of the line-feed spacing of the paragraph which contains the furiwake block, should be explicitly indicated. The spacing should be decided by considering the content of the furiwake block, and may therefore differ from the size of the line-feed spacing of kihon-hanmen.
In general, the width of the furiwake block is larger than the width of an inline cutting note block. However, unlike in the case of the inline cutting block, the whole furiwake block should be set inside of the kihon-hanmen, or acolumn of the kihon-hanmen Setting a furiwake block that extends beyond the border of the kihon-hanmen is prohibited.
In cases such as lists of names of Japanese people, the length of some part of the text may be explicitly defined. In such cases, different numbers of characters are set, using adjustment of the inter-character spacing, so that they are all aligned to the same length. This is calledjidori processing (seeFigure173).
Sometimes, inhorizontal writing mode, text inrunning heads (with the exception of chapter and section numbers) are set using jidori processing. For example, three to six characters are set in a 7 character space (based on the size of the characters in the running head (seeFigure174). Two characters are set in a 6 character space to avoid too much space. Seven characters are set solid in a seven character space, and eight or more characters are set solid in a space of eight or more characters. This rule can be applied to other numbers of characters, such as five, six and eight.
Jidori processing should be done as follows:
The length for the jidori processing should be defined as a whole number of full-width characters at the size defined for the surrounding text.
The jidori text should be adjusted using spacing between characters so that the sides of the text are aligned at the defined length. The following, however, should be set solid:
Positions where line breaks are prohibited: betweengrouped numerals (cl-24); betweenWestern characters (cl-27); between twoinseparable characters (cl-08); and so on. These sequences should be treated as a single block.
The handling ofopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02) in jidori processing is also very controversial. Usually, the spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and spacing afterclosing brackets (cl-02) is set solid. In jidori processing, the spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and the spacing afterclosing brackets (cl-02) may be used for line adjustment, but the spacing afteropening brackets (cl-01) and the spacing beforeclosing brackets (cl-02) should not used for adjustment, because it is prohibited to break lines in these positions.Figure175 shows one example with even spacing for all characters, a second example as explained here, and a third example that is set solid before and after theopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02).
WhereWestern word space (cl-26) orfull-width ideographic space (cl-14) are inserted, add the same spacing to those space characters as is being added to the other characters.
If there is only one character, it should be aligned to the left of the jidori block.
Math symbols and math operators, such asEQUALS SIGN "=",APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF "≒",PLUS SIGN "+" andMINUS SIGN "−" are commonly used not only for scientific and technical documents but also for ordinary books. In the Japanese composition system, there are two different groups of math symbols, which are each treated differently. So in this document math symbols are classified into two different classes;math symbols (cl-17) andmath operators (cl-18).
理工学書だけでなく,一般の本でも,等号[=] (EQUALS SIGN),ほとんど等しい[≒] (APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF),正符号[+] (PLUS SIGN),負符号[−] (MINUS SIGN)などの数学記号が使用されている.日本語組版では,等号,ほとんど等しいなどと,正符号,負符号などでは組版処理方法が異なる.そこで,この文書では,等号の類似記号を等号類(cl-17)に,正符号などの類似記号を演算記号(cl-18)に分けて,それらに限り,処理方法を解説する.
The members of themath symbols (cl-17) andmath operators (cl-18) classes are described in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて. Also, the handling of inter-character spacing between these math symbols and adjacent characters is described in§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧 as a complete table, in accordance with the concept of character class, described in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
等号類(cl-17)及び演算記号(cl-18)にどのような記号が含まれるかは,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで解説する.これらの数学記号と隣の文字間の空き量の扱いについては,§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧に§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについての記載の文字クラスを用いて完全な表として掲載する.
Composition rules formath symbols (cl-17) andmath operators (cl-18) are as follows:
The width ofmath symbols (cl-17) andmath operators (cl-18) is full-width, i.e. one em (seeFigure176).
The inter-character spacing betweenmath symbols (cl-17) ormath operators (cl-18) and before and after adjacent characters, such asgrouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27), andornamented character complex (cl-21) in one line is set solid (seeFigure176). However, when the top and/or the bottom of the mathematical formula isgrouped numerals (cl-24) orWestern characters (cl-27), the spacing betweenideographic characters (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) isquarter em spacing.
The inter-character spacing betweenideographic characters (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) andmath symbols (cl-17) ormath operators (cl-18) is solid. However, it is better to add quarter em spacing betweenideographic characters (cl-19),hiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) and adjacentmath operators (cl-18) when themath operators (cl-18) are followed bygrouped numerals (cl-24) orWestern characters (cl-27) which represent some mathematical value (seeFigure177).
When math formulae or chemical formulae are set in one independent line, the inter-character spacing betweenmath symbols (cl-17) and adjacentgrouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) andornamented character complex (cl-21) is quarter em. Also, when math formulae or chemical formulae are set in an individual line, the inter-character spacing betweenmath operators (cl-18) and adjacentgrouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) orornamented character complex (cl-21) is set solid.
In the formula in one independent line, there is another method to set the inter-character spacing betweengrouped numerals (cl-24) orWestern characters (cl-27) andmath symbols (cl-17), solid or half em. When the inter-character spacing before and after themath symbols (cl-17) is set to a quarter em or a half em, there is another method to set the inter-character spacing, betweenmath operators (cl-18) andgrouped numerals (cl-24) orWestern characters (cl-27), that is, a quarter em.
A line can be broken betweenmath symbols (cl-17) ormath operators (cl-18) and adjacentgrouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) orornamented character complex (cl-21).
In an independent formula line, when there are more than one place where the line can be broken the first priority is before themath symbols (cl-17), and the next is before themath operators (cl-18).
The inter-character spacing before and afterKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・", beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02) in an independent formula line is set solid, except for the case to set spacing between these characters and adjacentmath symbols (cl-17) ormath operators (cl-18).
数式,化学式に配置する中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT),始め括弧類(cl-01)及び終わり括弧類(cl-02)は,等号類(cl-17)又は演算記号(cl-18)の前後に空き量を確保する場合を除き,中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)の前後,始め括弧類(cl-01)の前及び終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろはベタ組とする.
Line adjustment processing is applied where inter-character adjustments are needed to bring the line end into the correct alignment, e.g. because ofline wrap or other reasons. Within a paragraph, lines are created by separating character sequences at places where line breaking is not prohibited. Except for the end of the last line of a paragraph, it is necessary to set the head and end of each line at predicable, aligned positions. For the last line of the paragraph, it is still necessary to set the head at the aligned position, however the line end need not aligned to the other alignment position. To achieve this, only inter-character spacing indicated in the table of§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量, or explicitly chosen spacing, are added, and other inter-character spacing is set solid.
禁則処理その他の要因により行長に過不足が出る場合は,行の調整処理を行う.段落内では,分割禁止とされていない箇所で文字列を分割し,それぞれの行を構成していく.この際,段落末尾の1行の行長に満たない行以外の行は,指定された行長にし,段落末尾の1行の行長に満たない行以外の行頭及び行末の位置を所定の位置に配置する必要がある.段落末尾の1行の行長に満たない行は,隣接する文字の字間に§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示した原則とする空き量を挿入するか,又は指定された空き量がある場合はその空き量を挿入する以外は,原則としてベタ組にして文字列の先頭を行頭にそろえて配置し,文字列の末尾は行末にそろえる必要はない.
In Japanese composition, there is no concept corresponding to the Western "ragged right (flush left)", "ragged left (flush right)", or "ragged center". In Japanese composition, especially common book composition, usually only "justification" is applied. Note that, in Western composition, "justification" is usually applied for only word spacing. In Japanese composition, it is applied for not onlyWestern word space (cl-26) but also in several other places as explained in following text.
欧文組版においてみられるragged right (flush left),ragged left (flash right),ragged centerとよばれる方法は,日本語組版,特に書籍の本文においては,一般に行われていない.書籍の本文における段落の処理は,欧文組版でいう“justification”が原則である.なお,欧文組版の場合のjustificationは,主に単語間の空き量(語間)を増減して1行の行長をそろえるのに対し,日本語組版では,欧文間隔(cl-26)だけでなく,以下に述べるように多くの箇所を調整に利用している.
Usually, the last line of a paragraph needs no adjustment. However, when the last line of a paragraph is a little bit longer than the line length, inter-character spacing reduction is applied foropening brackets (cl-01),closing brackets (cl-02) and at other places, if possible.
There is another adjustment processing, besides line adjustment, called "single line alignment". Single line alignment is applied to align a run of the text that is shorter than a given line length to designated positions. Details are explained in§ 3.5.3Single Line Alignment Processingそろえの処理.
段落を処理対象とした行の調整処理とは処理対象が異なるが,指定された行長以下の1行の文字列の位置を指定した位置に合わせる方法については,§ 3.5.3Single Line Alignment Processingそろえの処理で解説する.
There are various reasons for line adjustment processing. Examples of the most important ones will be given below.
Mixed use of characters and symbols (e.g.grouped numerals (cl-24) orWestern characters (cl-27)) where not all characters are full-width (seeFigure180).
Sequences ofpunctuation marks. For example, a sequence of aclosing bracket (cl-02) and afull stop (cl-06) takes one and a half em of spacing altogether (seeFigure181). However, if anopening bracket (cl-01) follows immediately after the full stop, these punctuation marks will need two em of spacing altogether. Hence, no adjustment is needed to correctly align the line end (seeFigure181).
Mixtures of characters with different sizes (seeFigure182).
Cases whereline head wrapping,line end wrapping orunbreakable character sequences should not be broken (seeFigure89).
Line adjustment processing targets places with a predefined spacing or solid setting. Methods for line adjustment are as follows.
Line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction. This means thathalf em spacing is reduced aftercommas (cl-07) orclosing brackets (cl-02), or beforeopening brackets (cl-01), andWestern word space (cl-26) is reduced within a defined limit.
Line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion. Line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion means expanding inter-character spacing for line adjustment, where inter-character spacing is allowed to be extended up to a defined limit, such as forWestern word space (cl-26) or other places where it is not prohibited to extend inter-character spacing.
Normally line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction is preferred. Only when there is no spacing that can be reduced is line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion applied. The reason for the preference of line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction comes from the thinking that characters in solid setting should not have more inter character spacing, if at all possible.
Line adjustment by hanging punctuation is a method of avoiding line head wrap offull stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07). This method is not formally defined in JIS X 4051, however JIS X 4051 does provide explanatory material about it.
句点類(cl-06)及び読点類(cl-07)の行頭禁則を回避する方法としてぶら下げ組がある.この方法は,JIS X 4051では規定していないが,その“解説”では説明が行われている.
Line adjustment by hanging punctuation is a method which is only applied tofull stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07). These touch thehanmen and are set in a place outside the defined line length (seeFigure183). This is also applied, for example, in books, in order to avoid the addition of inter character spacing and maintain solid setting. However, line adjustment by hanging punctuation is not an appropriate method for dealing with a mixture of Japanese and Latin script text, since the latter principally does not apply line adjustment by hanging punctuation. In addition, there is another argument against line adjustment by hanging punctuation. Originally it was a method used in letterpress printing, to make the task of line adjustment easier. Furthermore, as shown at the end of line 1 and 5 ofFigure183, if possible thefull stops (cl-06) orcommas (cl-07) are placed at the line end (the 18th position). In DTP there are examples of hanging punctuation like in line 3, but this may be regarded as unnecessary processing.
The processing mentioned here that the widths of Western word spaces are reduced or added to between a given range is only applicable for the cases that Western text is inserted into the Japanese text in common Japanese books. In general, the value ofWestern word space (cl-26) shall be decided with the consideration of the kind of typeface, font size and the value of line gap. In Western typography, there is a method to decide only the minimum word space width (e.g. one-fourth em) and adding appropriate spacing values, rather than using spacing reduction.
For line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction decisions must first be made about the preferred order in which reduction processing options are applied, and the maximum amount of spacing reduction needed. Inter-character spacing reduction is processed with following priorities.
JIS X 4051 provides also definitions for the adaptation ofinline cutting note, but for the purpose of this section, these are rather complex and hence left out.
JIS X 4051では割注の調整方法も規定しているが,ここでは説明がやや複雑になるので除いた.
The details of inter-character spacing and where reduction processing may be applied are described in the table of§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所, following§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
行の調整処理の際に詰める処理(追込み処理)が可能な箇所の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所の表4で示す.
Western word spaces (cl-26) are reduced to leave a minimum ofone-quarter em spacing between words. The same width reduction is applied to all spaces on the target line at the same time.
The half em spacing afterclosing brackets (cl-02),commas (cl-07) andfull stops (cl-06) at the end of a line, is removed and set solid.
The quarter em spacing both before and after themiddle dots (cl-05) is removed and set solid.
The quarter em spacing before or aftermiddle dots (cl-05), in the middle of a line, is reduced equally in proportion to the character size, to a minimum of zero (solid setting).
The half em spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01) or afterclosing brackets (cl-02) orcommas (cl-07), in the middle of a line, is reduced equally in proportion to the character size, to a minimum of zero (solid setting).
With the exception of the line end position, the half spacing afterfull stops (cl-06) should not adapted, since it plays an important role as a sentence separator.
Commas (cl-07) fulfill different roles toopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02). Hence, there are examples where it is preferred to reduce the half em spacing before or after brackets, rather than to reduce the half em spacing after commas.
The reduction of the half em spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01) or afterclosing brackets (cl-02) andcommas (cl-07) up to solid setting is regarded as too much reduction. Hence, there are examples where the maximum amount of spacing reduction is up to quarter em spacing.
The quarter em spacing between Japanese text (hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19)) and Latin script text (grouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) andunit symbols (cl-25)), is reduced equally with proportional character size, as far as one eighth em spacing.
There are also examples where the quarter em spacing between Japanese text (hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19)) and Latin script text (Western characters (cl-27),grouped numerals (cl-24) orunit symbols (cl-25)) is regarded as fixed size spacing, and spacing adaptation is not applied.
In JIS X 4051, the spacing afterclosing brackets (cl-02),commas (cl-07) andmiddle dots (cl-05) at the end of a line are set solid, and the spacing aftercommas (cl-07) at the end of a line is set to a half em. Accordingly, JIS X 4051 defines the priority of processing as follows:
なお,JIS X 4051では,行末に配置する終わり括弧類(cl-02),読点類(cl-07)及び中点類(cl-05)の後ろをベタ組とし,行末に配置する句点類(cl-06)の後ろは二分アキとすることから,次の順序で処理するように規定している.
The details of the inter-character spacing, where the inter-space reduction processing can be applied, which is defined in JIS X 4051, is described in detail in the Table 5 of§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所 in accordance with the character class concept in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
JIS X 4051で規定している行の調整処理の際に詰める処理(追込み処理)が可能な箇所の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所の表5で示す.
Western word space (cl-26), which is usually one third em, is reduced by equal amounts, to leave a minimum of a quarter em spacing between words.
The quarter em spacing before and aftermiddle dots (cl-05) is reduced equally with proportional character size as far as solid setting.
The half em spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01) and afterclosing brackets (cl-02) orcommas (cl-07), is reduced equally in proportion to the character size, to a minimum of zero (solid setting).
The quarter em spacing between Japanese text (hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19)) and Latin script text (grouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) andunit symbols (cl-25)) are reduced in proportion to the character size, to a minimum of 1/8th em spacing.
As with line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction, for line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion at first the order of processing and the maximum amount of spacing to be added are defined. In JIS X 4051, the following processing order is defined.
空ける処理(追出し処理)を行う場合も詰める処理(追込み処理)と同様,優先順位と空ける限界を決めて行う.JIS X 4051では,次の順序で処理するように規定している.
Western word space (cl-26), which is usually one third em, is added equally with proportional character size up to a maximum of a half em size for each space.
The quarter em spacing between Japanese text (hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19)) and Latin script text (grouped numerals (cl-24),Western characters (cl-27) andunit symbols (cl-25)) is increased equally with proportional character size, up to half em spacing (orone third em spacing).
Like with inter-character spacing reduction, there are also examples there the quarter em spacing between Japanese text (hiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19)) and Latin script text (Western characters (cl-27),grouped numerals (cl-24) andunit symbols (cl-25)) is regarded as a fixed spacing, and spacing adaptation is not applied.
For places which do not fall under (a) or (b) and which do not have the inseparable character rule (bunrikinshi), spacing is added equally with proportional character size up to one quarter em spacing.
In addition to the adaptation in the manner of (a), (b) and (c), in cases where such processing is not possible, spacing is added equally with proportional character size, with the exception of places which require the inseparable character rule (bunrikinshi).
JIS X 4051 provides a definition in addition to (d). This says that it depends on each layout processing system whether inter-character spacing should be added equally. This includes the spacing betweenWestern characters (cl-27).
JIS X 4051ではdの処理に加えて,欧文用文字(cl-27)の字間を含め,均等に空けるかどうかは,処理系定義とする,となっている.
The detail of the places where spacing expansion is possible for line adjustment is described in§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所 as a complete table, in accordance with the concept of character class in§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについて.
行の調整処理の際に空ける処理(追い出し処理)が可能な箇所の詳細は,§ 3.9About Character Classes文字クラスについてで説明する文字クラスに従い,表の形式にして§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所で示す.
The positioning of characters and symbols may vary depending on the following.
Is the character widthfull-width,half-width, or something else?
Is it allowed or forbidden to place the character or symbol at theline head? If it is allowed, how will it be placed?
Is it allowed or forbidden to place the character or symbol at theline end? If it is allowed, how will it be placed?
Are characters and symbols appearing in sequence insolid setting, or will there be a fixed size space between them? For example, sequences ofideographic characters (cl-19) andhiragana (cl-15) are set solid, and forWestern characters (cl-27) followinghiragana (cl-15) there will be quarter em spacing.
Is it allowed to have a line break within a sequence of characters? For example, there must not be a line break in a sequence ofgrouped numerals (cl-24).
Is it allowed to use the spacing between characters in a sequence duringline adjustment processing? For example, is inter-character spacing reduction or addition possible between the characters appearing in sequence? Another issue to be decided is the preferred order for adjustment processing, and the amount of the allowed adjustment.
During layout processing, the issues mentioned in the previous section are addressed by grouping characters and symbols according to their characteristics, and handling them as character classes.
JIS X 4051 also provides similar character classes but that are slightly different from this document. Furthermore JIS X 4051 states that it is implementation-defined how to handle characters that are not explicitly mentioned, e.g. whether they should belong to either class or not.
JIS X 4051でも,“6.1.1 文字クラス”に文字クラスが示されている.なお,JIS X 4051では,“ここに挙げた文字以外を,それぞれの文字クラスに追加するか否かは,処理系定義とする”と備考に書かれている.
A few character classes of this document are modified from JIS X 4051. In§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧, there is a whole mapping table to ISO/IEC 10646 Annex A collection 285 (BASIC JAPANESE) and collection 286 (JAPANESE NON IDEOGRAPHIC EXTENSION). All character classes of this document are as follows:
この文書における文字クラスは,JIS X 4051における文字クラス分けを一部修正し,次のようにする.なお,§ A. Character Classes文字クラス一覧に,各文字クラスに含まれている文字・記号とISO/IEC 10646(UCS)のAnnex Aで規定されている“基本日本語文字集合”(UCSのコレクション285)及び“拡張非漢字集合”(UCSのコレクション286)に含まれる非漢字との対応を示す.
Opening brackets (cl-01)
Closing brackets (cl-02)
In JIS X 4051,IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" andCOMMA "," are classified asclosing brackets (cl-02), because they have similar positioning methods. However, in this document, the handling ofIDEOGRAPHIC COMMA "、" andCOMMA "," are described as an independent class, namedcommas (cl-07).
JIS X 4051では,読点[、] (IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA)及びコンマ[,] (COMMA)については終わり括弧類と同様な配置法となるので,文字クラスとしては終わり括弧類に含めている.しかし,この文書では,読点及びコンマは読点類(cl-07)として文字クラスを独立させ,解説する.
Hyphens (cl-03)
Dividing punctuation marks (cl-04)
Middle dots (cl-05)
Full stops (cl-06)
Commas (cl-07)
Inseparable characters (cl-08)
Iteration marks (cl-09)
In JIS X 4051, iteration marks such asIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" are classified as "no line break allowed before" characters. In this document,IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" etc. are classified asiteration marks (cl-09).
繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)などは,JIS X 4051では,行頭禁則和字に含まれているが,この文書では,独立した文字クラスとした.
Prolonged sound marks (cl-10)
In JIS X 4051,KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK "ー" is a member of "Japanese characters with no line break allowed before". In this documentKATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK "ー" is the only member ofprolonged sound mark (cl-10).
長音記号[ー] (KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK)は,JIS X 4051では,行頭禁則和字に含まれているが,この文書では,独立した文字クラスとした.
Small kana (cl-11)
In JIS X 4051, small katakana letters, such asKATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU "ッ", are regarded as members of "Japanese characters with no line break allowed before" character class. In this document, small katakana letters are classified insmall kana (cl-11). Accordingly, the "Japanese characters with no line break allowed before" character class in JIS X 4051 is divided to three separate classes;iteration marks (cl-09),prolonged sound mark (cl-10) andsmall kana (cl-11).
小書きの片仮名ツ[ッ] (KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU)などは,JIS X 4051では,行頭禁則和字に含まれているが,この文書では,独立した文字クラスとした.したがって,JIS X 4051でいう“行頭禁則和字”は,繰返し記号(cl-09),長音記号(cl-10)及び小書きの仮名(cl-11)の3つに分解されたことになる.
Prefixed abbreviations (cl-12)
Postfixed abbreviations (cl-13)
Full-width ideographic space (cl-14)
Hiragana (cl-15)
The reason kanji etc. (Japanese characters except 1. to 12.) and hiragana are regarded different classes in JIS X 4051, is the difference in the case ofruby, and specifically the handling in terms of characters jutting out of the base and overhanging adjacent characters.
JIS X 4051で,漢字など(1.~12.以外の和字)と平仮名が別のクラスになっているのは,ルビの親文字からのはみ出しがあった場合,そのはみ出しを掛けてよいかどうかで差があるからである.
Katakana (cl-16)
In JIS X 4051, katakana and kanji are included in the same class (Japanese characters except for 1. to 12.). However, in this document, when ruby characters jut out of the base characters and overhang adjacent hiragana or katakana, the handling is same. That is the reason that in this document,katakana (cl-16) is an independent character class.
片仮名は,JIS X 4051では,漢字などと同じ文字クラス(1.~12.以外の和字)に含まれている.しかし,この文書では,ルビのはみ出しがあった場合,平仮名と同様に掛かってよいとしたことから独立した文字クラスとした.
Math symbols (cl-17)
In JIS X 4051, math symbols (+-÷×etc.) and math operators (=≠<>≦≧⊆⊇∪∩etc.) are included in the "Japanese characters excluded from 1. to 12." class or Western character class. However, handling of math symbols and math operators adjacent to Western character or Arabic numerals is different from kanji. So, in this document, newmath operators (cl-18) andmath symbols (cl-17) classes are defined.
数式などに使う演算記号(+-÷×等)や等号類(=≠<>≦≧⊆⊇∪∩等)は,JIS X 4051では漢字などと同じ文字クラス(1.~12.以外の和字)又は欧文用文字に含まれている.しかし,欧字やアラビア数字と連続した場合の扱いは,漢字とは異なるので,次項の演算記号とともに新たな文字クラスを作成した.
Math operators (cl-18)
Ideographic characters (cl-19)
Characters as reference marks (cl-20)
Characters which are inside verification seal (those are characters inside a verification seal that appear in the line just after the item applicable forreference marks ofnotes). See§ 4.2.2Note Numbers注の番号.
注の参照のために該当する項目の直後の行中に配置した合印中の文字である(§ 4.2.2Note Numbers注の番号).
Ornamented character complexes (cl-21)
The name of this class in JIS X 4051 is "Characters included in ornamented base characters complex". The meaning of "base characters complex" is characters in a complex including ruby,ornament characters andemphasis dots.
JIS X 4051の名称は,“添え字付き親文字群中の文字”である.親文字群とは,親文字及びそれに付随するルビ,添え字又は圏点を含めた文字群のことである.
Simple-ruby character complexes (cl-22)
Jukugo-ruby character complexes (cl-23)
Grouped numerals (cl-24)
Sequences of European numerals which are not full-width and are handled as Japanese text, the decimal point or the comma and space used as a decimal place indicator in numbers.
Unit symbols (cl-25)
Units described here include combinations of Latin script and Greek script characters used for international units (SI).
There are units created with combinations of Latin and Greek script characters with a full-width character frame (full-width units). Such units are not part of the characters for units described here. Furthermore, full-width characters for units are mainly used in vertical writing mode. Their usage in horizontal writing mode is regarded as bad style and should be avoided (seeFigure184).
Western word space (cl-26)
Western characters (cl-27)
Western characters (cl-27) include punctuation marks, such as commas, used in Western context. Among these punctuation marks, several marks are used both in a Japanese context and Western context. However, these marks have differentcharacter shapes depending on whether they are used in a Japanese context or Western context. For example,LEFT PARENTHESIS "(" andRIGHT PARENTHESIS ")" has not only different width (Japanese, half em, Western, proportional) but are also different in line position (Japanese, center of thecharacter frame in the inline direction, Western,base line anddescender line dependent) and design (Japanese, slightly bent and constant line thickness, Western, strongly curved and dynamic line thickness). The usage of these two differently designed commas should be explicit. Usually, in a Japanese context Japanese design is used, and in Western context Western design is used. However, there are some ambiguous cases, such as "エディター(editor)は……". In this case, English spelling is indicated using parentheses in a Japanese line of text. In this particular case, Japanese design is better.
欧文用文字(cl-27)には,欧文として使用する括弧類などの欧文の約物を含む.なお,これらは和文でも欧文でも使用している種類がある.しかし,それらの字幅や字形は異なることが多い.例えば,始め小括弧(始め丸括弧)[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧(終わり丸括弧)[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)は,和文用と欧文用とでは,字幅が異なるだけではなく(和文用は文字の外枠の行送り方向の中央,欧文用は並び線・ディセンダラインが基準),円弧の深さ(フォントにもよるが,一般に和文用は円弧が深く,欧文用は浅い),字形(フォントにもよるが,和文用は線の太さの変化が小さく,欧文用は変化が大きい)といった違いがある.これらにつき,どの部分に和文用,どの部分に欧文用を使用するかは指定による.和文中は和文用を,欧文中は欧文用を使用するのが原則であるが,判断に迷う例もある.例えば,“エディター(editor)は……”のように和文中に英語の綴りを括弧内に示す例は多い.この始め小括弧(始め丸括弧)[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧(終わり丸括弧)[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)は,和文か欧文かということである.この場合の始め小括弧(始め丸括弧)[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧(終わり丸括弧)[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)は和文としてよいであろう.
Warichu opening brackets (cl-28)
Warichu closing brackets (cl-29)
warichu opening brackets (cl-28) andwarichu closing brackets (cl-29) are used for surroundinginline cutting notes and the space. They are in a separate class since they differ from normal brackets with regard to their processing.
Characters in tate-chu-yoko (cl-30)
For each character class it is possible to describe whether the characters may appear at the line head or line end or not, the positioning method for the line head or line end positions (if available), the amount of spacing between sequences of several characters, and the combination with character classes before or after the characters (in a 2 dimensional table). In JIS X 4051 this is shown in table 5 "Amount of spacing (between characters)".
文字クラスごとに,行頭・行末に配置してよいか,禁止するか,さらに行頭・行末にきた場合の配置法や,それぞれが並んだ場合の文字間の空き量は,前に配置される文字クラスと後ろに配置される文字クラスの組合せ(2次元の表)で示すことができる.JIS X 4051では,表5に“(文字間の)空き量”として示されている.
Also, it can be defined for each combination of the character classes (in a two dimensional table) whether the characters of classes appearing in sequence allow for a line break between them, or whether it is possible during line adjustment processing to add inter character spacing between them. In JIS X 4051 these items are also shown in a two dimensional table. Table 6 shows whether a line break is possible, and table 7 shows if it is possible to add inter-character spacing.
また,文字クラスの文字・記号が並んだ場合,その字間で2行に分割が可能か,行の調整処理の際に字間を空けてよいかどうかも,各文字クラスの組合せ(2次元の表)で規定できる.このような事項についても,JIS X 4051では2次元の表で示している.2行に分割が可能かどうかは表6,行の調整処理の際に字間を空けてよいかどうかは表7に示されている.
The width, in principle, of the spacing between each character or symbol in character classes used in this document is described in the table of§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.
この文書における,それぞれの文字クラスの文字・記号が並んだ場合の文字間の原則的な空き量の表を§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に掲げる.
The combinations of adjacent characters and symbols in character classes used in this document, and where text is breakable or not, is described in the table of§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否.
この文書における,それぞれの文字クラスの文字・記号が並んだ場合に,その字間で2行に分割が可能かどうかを示す表を§ C.Possibilities for Line-breaking between Characters文字間での分割の可否に掲げる.
The width of spacing between each character or symbol in character classes used in this document, and which can be reduced, is described in the table of§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所. Also, expandable spacing is described in the table of§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所.
この文書における,それぞれの文字クラスの文字・記号が並んだ場合に,行の調整処理の際に字間を詰めてよいかを示す表を§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所,行の調整処理の際に字間を空けてよいかを示す表を§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所に掲げる.
In terms of text composition, there are four types of headings.
Naka-tobira or han-tobira
Block headings
Run-in headings
Cut-in headings
Punctuation marks are also used in headings, and usually used in the same manner as in the main text. However, sometimes, half em spacing beforeopening brackets (cl-01), and, afterclosing brackets (cl-02) andcommas (cl-07) are changed to solid setting or quarter em spacing because of the larger character size of headings.
Naka-tobira is used to separate sections of books. One whole odd page is used for the section title and the following even page is left blank. Naka-tobira sometimes includes author's names and illustrations, in addition to the section title (seeFigure185) (seeFigure185). Some kinds of book, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and annual reports, use a different kind of paper from that in the main text.
Han-tobira is a simplified naka-tobira. The following even page is not blank, and is used for the main text.
Most books are usually set using naka-tobira or han-tobira, even when sections need not be separated with naka-tobira. In such cases, at the very top of the main text, namely just after the front matter, one naka-tobira is commonly set to show the book title itself.
A block heading is the heading occupying a whole, independent line. The main text is set from the very next line. Top level headings and medium level headings are of this type (seeFigure186).
In multi-column format, block headings sometimes span multiple columns. This style is called "dan-nuki midashi", which corresponds to "column spanning heading" in accordance with the terminology in§ G.Terminology用語集.
A run-in heading is a heading immediately followed by main text without a line break, and is usually used as a low level heading (seeFigure188). Note that a low level heading can also appear as a block heading.
A drop heading is a somewhat modified run-in heading style. The footprint of the heading is followed by two or three main text lines without line breaks, like drop caps (seeFigure189). Drop headings are usually used for low level headings.
JIS X 4051 describes the elements of ablock heading for three levels:top level heading, medium level heading, and low level heading. These block headings have to have a heading text, and may have alabel name, number, andsubtitle (seeFigure190).
別行見出しの構成については,JIS X 4051では大見出し,中見出し及び小見出しを定義し,それぞれラベル名,番号,見出し文字列及び副題で構成するとしている(Figure190).ただし,ラベル名,番号及び副題は,必須要素ではなく,省略してもよいとなっている.
There are several different styles of heading as follows: the heading is enclosed with symbols at the top and the bottom, rules (or thin lines) are inserted before and after the heading line, or the heading is enclosed with rectangular rules (or thin lines).
Headings have a hierarchical structure. So, each level of heading has to have an appropriate visual style. The following issues have to be considered:
Character size for the heading
The character size of headings should be selected as appropriate in accordance with the level of headings. For example, when the character size of main text is 9 point, the low level headings are usually set with 10 points, medium level headings are usually set with 12 points and top level headings are usually set with 14 points. The character size of headings is usually larger than main text, and the character size of higher level headings are larger than the size of smaller size headings.Figure191 is an example of this principle.
Type faces for headings
Both mincho and Japanese gothic are usually used. Other type face designs are seldom used.
Usually, the character size for main text mincho is 8 point or 9 point and the weight is light (Hoso-mincho). For such main text, heading font weight sometimes changes to a heavier weight for better balance (seeFigure192).
Alignment of headings (inline direction)
In the case of horizontal writing mode, top level headings and medium level headings are in most cases centre-aligned. In the case of vertical writing mode, headings are usually aligned to the line head with some indent.
The reason the value of the indent is based on the main text is to align the top of the heading to the edge of the character boundary of the main text. Accordingly, so that the main text is set solid, the indent value of a heading is recommended to be an integral multiplication of the main character size (seeFigure193).
Block direction footprint of headings
Generally, the block direction footprint of any element of layout, including figures, notes and headings, should be aligned to the line positions of the kihon-hanmen. Accordingly, the block direction space is set based on a number of lines in the kihon-hanmen. This method is usually called "gyou-dori". "Gyou-dori" is a very complicated issue, and provokes much discussion, so the detail will be discussed in another section with examples. Details will be discussed in§ 4.1.6Processing of Gyou-dori行取りの処理例 and§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理.
各ページで行を配置していく場合,基本版面で設定した行位置にそろった方が望ましい.そこで,行送り方向の見出しの占める領域は,基本版面で設定した行位置を基準にして設定する方法が行われている.このような設定方法を行取りという.行取りの組版処理については問題が多いので,詳細は§ 4.1.6Processing of Gyou-dori行取りの処理例及び§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理で解説する.
The beginning position of headings around page breaks etc.
The handling of headings around page breaks and other places will be discussed in§ 4.1.4How to Handle Headings with New Recto, Page Break and New Column改丁・改ページ・改段処理.
改ページなどの組版処理については,§ 4.1.4How to Handle Headings with New Recto, Page Break and New Column改丁・改ページ・改段処理で解説する.
At any level, when the number of characters for a heading is two or three, the heading is sometimes set with fixed inter-character spacing. Examples are shown below (seeFigure194).
Whether to decorate with solid lines, or give a symbol on the top of the heading.
A top level heading sometimes starts with a new page following a page break, to clarify the separation between sections. The processing below should be followed:
Always begin with odd pages, i.e. new recto. Used for Naka-tobira, han-tobira and top level heading.
Books usually begin with page one. Accordingly, vertical writing mode and books bound on the right-hand side begin with a left page, horizontal writing mode and books bound on the left-hand side begin with a right page after a new recto (seeFigure195).
Always begin with new pages, regardless of even pages or odd pages, i.e. page breaking. Used for top level heading.
Always begin with even pages. Used for magazines articles beginning a spread page. Begin with right pages when in vertical writing mode and bound on the right-hand side. Begin with left pages when in horizontal writing mode and bound on the left-hand side.
In multicolumn format, begin with a new column.
Following previous text (seeFigure196), i.e. "nariyuki". Medium level headings and low level headings are usually processed with "nariyuki". Note that medium level headings are sometimes processed with a page break. Even when "nariyuki" mode is adopted, low level headings sometimes happen to be set at the top of new pages, also the headings at the very end of pages or columns are sometimes moved to the top of next page or column, for aesthetic reasons. (Details are described at§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理.)
前の文章に続ける(Figure196).“なりゆき”という.中見出しや小見出しは,一般に“なりゆき”で処理している(中見出しは改ページとすることもある).“なりゆき”の場合でも,位置により,たまたま小見出しなどが新しいページの先頭に配置されるケースもある.また“なりゆき”で配置した見出しの位置がページ末又は段の末尾になった場合も,体裁がよくないので,次のページの先頭又は段の先頭に見出しを移動することがある(詳細は§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理).
Spacing just before new rectos, page breaks and new columns is treated as follows (the last pages are treated as the same):
In the case of single column typesetting, the space just before the new rectos and page breaks is left alone (seeFigure197).
In the case of multiple columns, the remaining space of preceding columns is left as-is.
In the case of vertical writing mode, columns are filled with text lines from upper right to lower left. There is no need to align line numbers of the upper column and lower column, and remaining space is left alone (seeFigure198).
In horizontal writing mode and multi-column format, the number of lines for each column is set to be the same, but where the result of the total number of lines divided by the column number chosen for the kihon-hanmen results in an odd number, the last column may have a smaller number of lines and may be followed by blank space (seeFigure199).
"Gyou-dori" is the process of specifying the footprint of headings in the block direction by using the line positions provided by the kihon-hanmen as a basis and by deciding how many times they need to be used. The length of the footprint in the block direction is calculated as follows: (line width in the block direction) × (line number) + (line gap) * (line number − 1). However, when the heading footprint happens to appear in middle of the page or the column, the footprint has adjacent line gaps before and after, and when the heading footprint happens to appear at the top of the page or the column, the footprint has an adjacent line gap after.
The following procedures are some of the ways "betsugyou" headings are processed based on the "gyou-dori" method:
Set the heading text at the center of the space specified with multiple lines of the kihon-hanmen. For example, when the heading is set at the center of a three line space, it is called "center of three lines space". Following are some examples (seeFigure200 et al). In these figures, gray rectangles indicate the main text, and dotted rectangles in the heading area indicate the space specified with kihon-hanmen text lines. Also, running headings and page numbers are indicated with gray rectangles.
Set the heading text at the center of the footprint specified with a multiple number of lines of the kihon-hanmen, and add spacing before and/or after also specified using numbers of lines of the kihon-hanmen. For example, when adding space corresponding to the size of one line of the kihon-hanmen, it is called a one line blank space. Following are some examples (seeFigure205 et al).
Set the heading text in the space specified with multiple number of lines from the kihon-hanmen, with specific specifications regarding size. In this case, the size of the heading block in the block direction is the total of the previous space, the character size and the after space, and the size should be the same as the space occupied by multiple lines of the kihon-hanmen. Following are some examples (seeFigure208 et al).
Set one line heading at the place decided by the kihon-hanmen design and set one blank line before the heading line. Blank lines may be more than one line, but such cases are very rare. This style is commonly used for low level headings. Following are some examples (seeFigure210 et al).
When headings are on multiple levels, set "gyou-dori" headings with different line spacing per heading level. There are two cases. One is the single heading case, the other is adjacent multiple level headings. In these cases, spacing in the block direction should look the same in both the single heading case and in the case of adjacent different level headings. To implement this design, in some cases, same level headings have different spacing depending on whether the heading is single or whether headings are adjacent. There are some examples inFigure213.
The heading is set in a block of multiple lines, which is specified by using the line positions provided by the kihon-hanmen as a basis, but is not set in the center of the block but rather specified by specification of line numbers and space before and after. See an example inFigure214 et al.
When the gyou-dori heading is set at the bottom of the page (or the top of the page), the processing is done as follows in consideration of the visual effect:
Except for (d) of the previous section, when it is not possible to set the heading block at the bottom of the page, the block is set at the top of the next page and the remaining space at the bottom of the former page may be left blank (see§ 4.1.8Processing when a One Line Space is Set Before a Low Level Heading小見出しの前を1行アキにした場合の処理 for the case of the previous section).
前項のd以外の場合,ページ末に指定された行数が確保できないときは,その行取りの設定がされた見出し全体を次ページの冒頭に配置する.前のページ末は,空けたままにしておく(dの場合は§ 4.1.8Processing when a One Line Space is Set Before a Low Level Heading小見出しの前を1行アキにした場合の処理).
When there is space for the heading block at the bottom of the page but no space for following main text, in cases involving vertical writing style on an odd page, horizontal writing style on an odd page and horizontal writing style on an even page, the heading block is set at the top of the next page and remaining space at the bottom of the previous page may be left blank (seeFigure216). In the case of vertical writing style on an even page, the heading block is set at the bottom of the page.
In vertical writing style the heading block at the bottom of an even page is naturally followed by the main text on the next odd page (seeFigure217). Note that there is the style to process to set the heading block to the top of the next page like for the odd page case.
When the heading block of gyou-dori comes at the bottom of the column, the block is moved to the top of the next for reasons of visual aesthetics. The blank space of the bottom of a previous column needs some processing, however it may be left blank if there is no solution.
When a one line space is set before a low level heading, the following different cases apply when the one line space comes at the top of the page.
When the low level heading with a one line space before comes at the top of the page, the one line space is always set before the heading. The reason is that the heading and the one line space before are regarded as one unified object.
With this policy, the tail of the previous page fall into one of the following three cases: (1) the lines of the before page are filled with text, (2) the last line is set blank, (3) the last two lines are set blank. Except (1), in cases (2) and (3), the blank line before the low level heading is doubled (seeFigure218).
When a heading with one blank line comes at the top of the page, the blank line before should be deleted. At the top of the page there is already space before the line, so there is no need for an additional blank line.
With this principle, there are three cases: (1) the previous page is filled with text lines, (2) the bottom of the previous page is one blank line, (3) the bottom of the previous page is two blank lines. In case (1) there is no blank line, in case (2) and (3) the blank line before the heading is at the bottom of the previous page (seeFigure219).
When a heading with one blank line before comes at the top of the page, if the previous page is filled with lines of text, set the blank line before the heading, and if the bottom of the previous page has one or two blank lines, set no blank line before the heading (Figure220).
Run-in headings are usually used for low level headings. The following are some examples of run-in headings. Inter-character spacing between the run-in heading and following main text is usually one em spacing of the base character size decided for the kihon-hanmen. Note that the run-in heading may be set at the last line of the page, or of the column in multi column style.
The run-in heading is set with the same character size as the main text and with Japanese gothic face (seeFigure221).
Set the run-in heading with one level smaller character size than the main text and use Japanese gothic face (seeFigure222).
Set the run-in heading with the same character size and type-face as the main text. Note that the heading number orWestern characters (cl-27) at the top of the heading are set with Japanese gothic face or bold face, for emphasis (seeFigure223).
Drop headings are also used for low level headings. A drop heading has no label name or heading number. Processing is as follows (seeFigure224):
Set the cut-in heading with one level smaller character size than the main text or the same character size as the main text, and with Japanese gothic face.
It is better that the cut-in heading occupies a maximum of three lines and ten characters per line. JIS X 4051 determines that cut-in headings with up to six characters should be one line, up to twenty characters should be two lines and more than twenty-one characters should be three lines. When the cut-in heading has two lines, each line has half the number of characters of the heading text. When the cut-in heading has three lines, each line has a third of the number of characters of the heading text. If lines have a different number of characters, the last line may have less characters, and the remainder may be blank space. The line gap of two or three lines of cut-in heading is usually a fourth of an em of the heading character size.
窓見出しの行数は,最大3行とし,1行の字数は最大で10字くらいとすることが望ましい.JIS X 4051では,“窓見出しの文字数が6字までは1行,20字までは2行,21字以上は3行とすることを既定値とする”と規定している.窓見出しの行数を2行にする場合は,窓見出しの字数の1/2の位置で折り返し,窓見出しの行数を3行にする場合は,窓見出しの字数の1/3及び2/3の位置で折り返す.不足分は,最終行の末尾を空ける.窓見出しを2行又は3行にする場合の行間は,窓見出しの文字サイズの四分アキくらいが望ましい.
The line indent of a cut-in heading is usually a half em of the base character size for the kihon-hanmen. The in-line direction length of a cut-in heading is usually multiples of the character size for the kihon-hanmen. The space between the cut-in heading and the main text is usually more than one em and less than two em of the character size for the kihon-hanmen.
When a cut-in heading has one line, the heading is set in the center of a two line space of the kihon-hanmen and two lines of main text are set following the cut-in heading. When the cut-in heading has two lines or three lines, the heading is set in the center of a three line space of the kihon-hanmen and three lines of main text follow the cut-in heading.
A cut-in heading may be set at the end of a page or column. Note that if the space is less than the block direction width of the cut-in heading, the heading should be set on a new page or new column and the blank before the heading may be left as is. One cut-in heading is not set across two pages or two columns.
In multi-column pages, headings spanning multiple columns are processed as follows:
A spanning heading spanning all columns in the kihon-hanmen is usually set at the top of the page after the page break or new recto. However, there are cases where full spanning headings are set around the middle of the page. In such cases, main text lines are turned back before the heading block, including before headings that are not full spanning headings (seeFigure227).
When turning back main text before a spanning block, if the divided text lines are not same, the last column has less lines and remaining blank lines may be left as is (seeFigure228). In vertical writing mode, the column with the least number of lines is the column nearest the bottom, and in horizontal writing mode, the column with the least number of lines is the right-most column.
The less spanning block headings are usually set in the middle of the page. In these cases, the way in which multi column heading blocks are set is decided as follows:
When setting main text lines in multiple columns, if the spanning block heading appears in the first column, the spanning heading block is set to start from the first column (Figure229).
When main text lines are set following the multi column region, if a spanning block heading does not appear in the top column, the heading is set in that column or in the previous column. If the heading block appears before the block direction center of the column, the heading is set from the previous column (seeFigure230). If the heading block appears after the block direction center of the column, the heading is set from that column itself (seeFigure231). Note that if the line direction bottom of the heading block runs out of the hanmen, the heading block is set from previous columns (seeFigure232).
Spanning block headings are not set at the bottom of columns. Full spanning block headings are moved to the top of the next page. The bottom of the previous page is processed in the same way as for new recto and page break cases. Less column spanning block headings are moved to other positions, usually one column down.
The following kinds of notes are used in Japanese text layout, besides notes betweenLEFT PARENTHESIS "(" andRIGHT PARENTHESIS ")" or warichu:
日本語組版で利用されている注を表す形式としては,始め小括弧[(] (LEFT PARENTHESIS)及び終わり小括弧[)] (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)内に補足する方法や割注以外に次がある.
Endnotes: Notes used both in horizontal writing mode and vertical writing mode, set after a paragraph, a clause, a chapter or the whole base text. In vertical writing mode this type is most frequently used (seeFigure233). In horizontal writing mode, the frequency of this type is second after footnotes (seeFigure234).
Headnotes (in vertical writing mode) : Notes set above the kihon-hanmen in vertical writing mode. The area for the headnote is reserved at the upper part of the kihon-hanmen when the kihon-hanmen is designed, and notes related to a page or spread are set in the same page or spread (seeFigure235). Headnotes are frequently used as explanations for words and idioms of Japanese classic texts. Japanese classic texts are sometimes set with three vertical areas, the top area is used for head notes, the middle area is used for the original text and the bottom area is used for a modern Japanese translation.
Footnotes (in horizontal writing mode) : Notes set beneath the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure236). In horizontal writing mode, footnotes are the most frequently used note style.
Footnotes (in vertical writing mode) : The area for the footnote for vertical writing mode is reserved at the bottom of the kihon-hanmen beforehand, when the kihon-hanmen is designed, and notes are set in this area. This is similar to a headnote, but the location is beneath the base text. It is used in Japanese classic texts and keimousho (enlightening books), as explanations for technical terms. When illustrations are included in the footnote, basically the illustrations should be set within the footnote area (seeFigure237).
Sidenotes (in vertical writing mode) : In vertical writing mode, related notes in a spread are set in the fore-edge of the left (recto) page (seeFigure238). In vertical writing mode, sidenotes are not frequently used. However, this style may be used more frequently, because for the reader this style causes minimal disturbance when following the flow of the base text, and the notes can be set very near to the related base text.
Sidenotes (in horizontal writing mode) : In horizontal writing mode an area for a sidenote is reserved at the fore-edge side when the kihon-hanmen is designed, and the notes related to the page are set in the sidenote area of the same page (Figure239). Related illustrations are also set in the area. There are cases where sidenotes in horizontal writing style are set not in the fore-edge but right side of both recto and verso pages (Figure240). There are not so many cases of sidenotes in horizontal writing style. This style is sometimes used for keimousho (enlightening books) with many illustrations.
Other than these styles of note, explanations of facts and persons in study aid books and history texts, and modern translations of Japanese classic texts are sometimes set between lines. These notes are called interlinear notes (seeFigure241).
Some notes have no explicit relationship to the specific position of the base text, and describe issues only vaguely related to the issues on the same page. However, in most cases, notes are explicitly related to specific positions within the base text using note numbers.
In vertical writing mode, western numerals used as note numbers are usually set using tate-chu-yoko style (seeFigure242).
In vertical writing mode, the shapes of ideographic numerals used as note numbers are usually modified to a half em size in height. These ideographic characters are called hiraji (seeFigure243).
Note numbers in corresponding positions in the base text are called reference marks. The character class of reference mark ischaracters as reference marks (cl-20).
There are several principles related to how to reset the series of note numbers. Endnotes are usually reset every chapter or section. Sidenotes in vertical writing mode are usually reset in every spread. Footnotes in horizontal writing mode are usually reset in every page.
Headnotes (in vertical writing mode), footnotes (vertical writing mode) and sidenotes (in horizontal writing mode) sometimes have no note numbers and are set with corresponding heading text with Japanese gothic typeface at the top of the note text (seeFigure244).
There are two styles for setting reference marks (characters as reference marks (cl-20)). One is to set the reference mark adjacent to the target word and on the interlinear right side (in vertical writing mode) or interlinear upper side (in horizontal writing mode). The other is to set the reference mark in the line just after the target word.
characters as reference marks (cl-20) When the target word is at the bottom of the sentence,characters as reference marks (cl-20) are set before thefull stops (cl-06). There is another method that sets thecharacters as reference marks (cl-20) after thefull stops (cl-06), but this method is very rare.
The method where the reference mark is set on the right side (vertical writing mode) or above (horizontal writing mode) is as follows (seeFigure245,Figure246).
Character size of reference marks is around 6 points.
In vertical writing mode, the bottom edges of the character frames of the target word and thecharacters as reference marks (cl-20) are aligned. In horizontal writing mode, the right side of thecharacters as reference marks (cl-20) and the target word are aligned. Thecharacters as reference marks (cl-20) are not set outside of the area of the hanmen or column, so in such cases,characters as reference marks (cl-20) are aligned at the top of the line. In this case,characters as reference marks (cl-20) may jut out of the bottom of the target word.
The target word corresponding to the reference mark can be split across a line break where permitted. However,characters as reference marks (cl-20) are not split when includingopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02) and are treated as one object.
Reference marks do not affect the default line gap.
Reference marks, attached to the word set in the first line of the page or column, are set touching the outside of the hanmen or column area (see (Figure245,Figure246).
In vertical writing mode,characters as reference marks (cl-20) are set just after the target word inline, as follows (seeFigure247):
Character size of reference marks is one or two levels smaller than the character size defined for the kihon-hanmen.
The right side ofcharacters as reference marks (cl-20) is set aligned with the right side of the base character line.
Characters as reference marks (cl-20) are set solid with the base text before and after, except when followed byopening brackets (cl-01) (see§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量).
合印中の文字(cl-20)の前後は,合印中の文字(cl-20)の後ろ側に始め括弧類(cl-01)が配置される場合を除いて,ベタ組とする(§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量).
Characters as reference marks (cl-20) do not include line breaks when includingopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02), and are handled as one object.Characters as reference marks (cl-20) are not used for the line adjustment process, i.e., are set solid. Also,characters as reference marks (cl-20) and base characters before and after are set solid.
In horizontal writing mode,characters as reference marks (cl-20) are set inline just after the target word as follows (Figure248):
Characters as reference marks (cl-20) are same kind to characters for superior scripts.
Characters as reference marks (cl-20) and base characters before and after are set solid, except forcharacters as reference marks (cl-20) followed byopening brackets (cl-01).
Characters as reference marks (cl-20) are not broken across a line end when includingopening brackets (cl-01) andclosing brackets (cl-02), and are handled as a one object.Characters as reference marks (cl-20) are not used for the line adjustment process, i.e., are set solid. Also,characters as reference marks (cl-20) and base characters before and after are set solid.
The following figure is a common example of endnotes set at the end of paragraphs in vertical writing mode (seeFigure249).
Specific issues related to setting endnotes in vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode include the following:
The character size of endnotes should be one or two levels smaller than the character size of the base text in the kihon-hanmen.
The indent length should be around two characters sizes of the base text in the kihon-hanmen. The line length of endnotes should be an integer-based number of times the endnote character size. The bottom of the endnote line should be set aligned with the bottom edge of the kihon-hanmen or column area. Accordingly, the indent length of endnotes needs to be adjusted and the length may sometimes differ by an integer-based number of units based on the base character size of the kihon-hanmen.
For example, supposing the character size of the base text in the kihon-hanmen is nine points and one line contains forty three characters, the character size of the endnote is seven points, the indent length is calculated as follows:
line length of base text 基本版面の行長 | 387 point = 9 point × 43 characters 387ポイント=9ポイント×43字 |
convert to 7 point based line length 7ポイントの字数に換算 | 387 point = 7 point × 55 characters + 2 point 387ポイント=7ポイント×55字+2ポイント |
Suppose the line length of the endnote is 7 points by 53 characters, the length of indent is 16 points with following calculation:
16 point = 387 point − 7 point × 53 characters 16ポイント=387ポイント-7ポイント×53字 |
Suppose line length of the endnote is 7 points by 52 characters, indent length is 23 points with following calculation:
23 point = 387 point − 7 point × 52 characters 23ポイント=387ポイント-7ポイント×52字 |
Accordingly, in this case, the indent length of the endnote is 16 points or 23 points.
The inter-letter spacing after the head endnote number is usually the size of a full-width character of the endnote.
When the endnote is two lines or more, the second line and after are indented one or two full-width character sizes longer than the first line.
Line gaps of endnotes are narrower than the line gap of the kihon-hanmen because of the smaller character size of endnotes.
When new chapters are begun after a page break or new recto, endnotes are set just before the page or page break or new recto, and the space after the endnote may be left as is. Only the line gap between the base text and the endnote should be specified. However, when the endnotes are set between paragraphs, the line gap before and after the endnote becomes an issue. Basically, the minimum size of line gaps between the endnote and the base text, before and after, is the line gap decided for the kihon-hanmen, and usually, the line at the end of the hanmen or a column is aligned with the bottom of the hanmen or the column. In these cases, the fraction of line gap is basically adjusted by the increase of the line gap after the endnote, but when the endnote comes to the end of the hanmen or the column, the line gap before the endnote is increased (Figure250).
Setting positions of footnotes in horizontal writing mode are at the bottom of the hanmen in the page where the target words and the reference marks appear in one column, and at the bottom of the column space where the target words and the reference marks appear in two or more columns. When footnotes overflow from the hanmen or the column, the overflowed part of the footnotes is inserted before the footnotes of the next page or next column.
In the case of multiple columns, footnotes are set at the bottom of the column where corresponding reference marks appear (seeFigure251). However, there are cases where all footnotes in the page are set at the bottom of the hanmen with one column (seeFigure252).
When footnotes are set just before page breaks or new rectos, footnotes are set aligned with the bottom of the kihon-hanmen including rules, and space between base text and footnotes are used for the alignment (seeFigure253). There are cases where footnotes are set continuously following the base text and the space after footnotes is left as is, but in Japan these cases are few (seeFigure254).
Following figure is an common example of footnotes in horizontal writing mode (seeFigure255).
The following items are outstanding issues when setting footnotes in horizontal writing mode:
The character size of footnotes is one or two levels smaller than the character size of the base text in the kihon-hanmen.
Usually footnotes are accompanied by lines to separate the base text and footnotes (i.e. rules), indentation is not needed. However because the line length of footnotes should be multiples of the character size of footnotes, the difference in line length of the base text and line length of footnotes is adjusted with the insertion of left side spacing and the bottom of footnote is aligned with the kihon-hanmen or column area.
For example, when the base text line length is nine point by thirty four characters and footnote character size is seven point, the remaining space of footnotes are calculated as follows:
line length of base text 基本版面の行長 | 306 point = 9 point × 34 characters 306ポイント=9ポイント×34字 |
convert to 7 point based line length 7ポイントの字数に換算 | 306 point = 7 point × 43 characters + 5 point 306ポイント=7ポイント×43字+5ポイント |
When line length of footnotes is set as seven point by forty three characters, the space inserted in the left side of footnote lines is 5 point.
For example, when base text line length is 9 point by thirty five characters and footnote character size is seven point, the left space of footnotes are calculated as follows:
line length of base text 基本版面の行長 | 315 point = 9 point × 35 characters 315ポイント=9ポイント×35字 |
convert to 7 point based line length 7ポイントの字数に換算 | 315 point = 7 point × 45 characters 315ポイント=7ポイント×45字 |
when line length of footnote is seven point by 45 characters, there is no left space inserted.
The inter-character spacing between footnote numbers at the top of the line and footnote text is usually a full-width of footnote text character in size.
When a footnote has two or more lines, the second line or below is indented by one em space, or the first line is indented by one em space of footnote character size (Figure256).
Line gaps of footnotes are narrower according to the smaller size of footnote characters. The line gap of footnotes is recommended to be a half em of a footnote character size or slightly narrower, depending on the base text line gap.
A line called a rule is inserted between the base text and footnotes to distinguish the footprint of the footnotes. For this purpose, a thin border is used. The length of the line is usually one third of the line length of the kihon-hanmen, depending on the kihon-hanmen design. The left side of the line is aligned to the left side of the hanmen or column. The line gap between the line and the footnote is slightly wider than the usual line gap among footnotes.
The minimum size of line gaps among base text, the rule, and footnotes is a line gap size of the base text in the kihon-hanmen. The bottom line of footnotes is aligned to the edge of the kihon-hanmen or column area. Accordingly, fractions will appear. This fraction is inserted between the base text area and the rule. Accordingly, the fraction between the rule and the base text area will change between the line gap of the kihon-hanmen and the character size plus line gap of the kihon-hanmen.
The following figure is a common example of sidenotes in vertical writing mode (seeFigure257).
Side notes in vertical writing mode are similar to footnotes in horizontal writing mode. Accordingly, general methods for footnotes in horizontal writing mode can be applied to sidenotes in vertical writing mode. The following items are outstanding issues only applied to sidenotes in vertical writing mode:
Side notes in vertical writing mode are set at the left side of the odd page of the spread to which corresponding reference marks appear. In multiple columns, sidenotes are aligned to the left side of the lowest column.
When the volume of sidenotes is too great, the sidenotes may overflow to the even page. In multiple columns, the sidenotes may overflow to the column above.
When it is not possible to set any sidenotes or some of the sidenotes in a spread, the overflowed part may be inserted before the sidenotes corresponding to the next reference mark in an odd page or the lowest column in an odd page of the next spread.
In pages just before a page break or a new recto, the sidenotes are set in the last page of the section following the base text, even if the last page is even. If it is not possible to set the side notes in the page, the part of the notes that juts out is set from the top of the next page or the top of the first column, then the page is followed by page break or new recto.
In the above cases, the remaining space is usually inserted after the sidenote, unlike the case where footnotes are inserted between the base text and the footnotes in horizontal writing mode.
A thin line is inserted between the base text and sidenotes to distinguish them. The line is a thin border. The length of the line depends on the line length of the kihon-hanmen, but is usually one third of the line length, and the top end of the line is aligned to the top edge of the kihon-hanmen. It is recommended that the gap between the line and the sidenotes is a little bit wider than for footnote cases.
The minimum value of the line gap between the line to distinguish the base text and sidenotes is the value of line gap decided in the kihon-hanmen. The left side of the last line of the sidenotes is aligned to the left edge of the kihon-hanmen or the column. Accordingly, a fraction space in the block direction is inserted between the base text area and the rule, and the fraction between the rule and the base text area will change between the line gap of the kihon-hanmen and the character size plus line gap of the kihon-hanmen.
Processing of headnotes in vertical writing mode, footnotes in vertical writing mode and sidenotes in horizontal writing mode is very similar, so these processing methods will be described together in this section. These types of notes will be calledparallel-notes, hereafter.
There are the following relationships between the parallel-note and the main text:
Setting the note number as a reference mark: Set a number as a reference mark (characters as reference marks (cl-20) at the corresponding main text position, and set the same number at the very top of the parallel-note.
Setting symbols as a reference mark: Set a symbol (ex.ASTERISK "*") beside the corresponding main text position or change the font style or corresponding main text position to another font style (ex. Japanese Gothic) (Figure258,Figure259).
記号などで示す方法.本文の該当項目の横に記号を付ける(例えば,アステリスク[*] (ASTERISK)),又は本文の該当語句の書体を変更し(例えば,ゴシック体),並列注の先頭に掲げる項目を強調する書体に変更して(例えば,ゴシック体)示す(Figure258,Figure259).
Set parallel-notes in the same spread where the corresponding main text positions appear without reference marks. Only the key words are emphasized with a difference of font style (ex. Japanese Gothic).
There are some issues specific to setting parallel-notes as follows:
The character size of parallel-notes is one or two levels smaller than the character size of main text in the kihon-hanmen.
The line length of parallel-notes is an integer based multiple of the character size of notes. It depends on the book size; around fifteen characters to twenty characters in a line is recommended. In some cases around twenty five characters is acceptable.
The line gap of parallel-notes is basically a half em of the character size of the parallel-notes. When the volume of parallel-notes is high, there are cases of one third em.
The size of the parallel-note area in the block direction is the same as the size of the main text in the kihon-hanmen.
It is recommended to set the space between parallel-notes and the main text in inline direction at around double the em character size of the main text in the kihon-hanmen.
Usually, indentation of the second line and after, like end notes, is not applied to parallel-notes. In the majority of cases, the first line of a parallel-note is set as tentsuki. There are cases where the first line is indented by one a em character size of the parallel-notes, like common paragraphs.
The inter-letter spacing between the note number and the following parallel-note text is around one em of a parallel-note character size. There are cases where the note number and target word are changed to a different font style (ex. Japanese Gothic) and the note number and the target word are set solid. The inter-letter spacing between the target word and parallel-note text is one em of the parallel-note text size (seeFigure260).
The setting of parallel-notes and the main text area is as follows:
The position of target text and the position of a parallel-note in block direction are aligned as near as possible. In vertical writing mode, the right edge of the target word and the right edge of the parallel-note are aligned. In horizontal writing mode, the upper edge of the target word and the upper edge of the parallel-note are aligned (seeFigure261).
After these methods are applied, if the parallel-note text overflows, there needs to be some arrangement to handle that within the page. In vertical writing mode, the parallel-note positions are shifted to the right, and in horizontal writing mode, the parallel-note positions are shift above (seeFigure262). This arrangement is done until the first parallel-note reaches the right edge in vertical writing mode or the top edge in horizontal writing mode. If there is more overflow, the overflowed part of the parallel-notes is set at the top of the next page. In vertical writing mode, arrangements may be applied not within the page but within the spread.
When there are multiple parallel-notes set in the same page or the same spread, the following methods are applied:
The line gap between the two different parallel-notes is explicitly specified, or the value for the line gap within the parallel-note itself is applied if there is no explicit instruction.
The arrangement of positioning is done as follows. First, the parallel-note positions are settled from first parallel-note, and second parallel-note and after is set with the instructed line gap or corresponding position to the target word in the main text. Second, if the parallel-note will overflow, the parallel-notes are set from the bottom of parallel-note area. Third, if the parallel-notes still overflow, parallel-notes are set from the top of the parallel-note area with appropriate line gap, and the overflowed part of the parallel-notes is set at the top of the next page or next spread.
When the parallel-notes will overflow to the next page or next spread, the instructed line gap is inserted between the overflowed part of the parallel-notes and the original parallel-note part. The realm after the overflowed part is the area for the original parallel-notes.
There are two methods for specifying the position ofillustrations.
With this method, first, the in slip for thebody of the book is created. Then, for each page, layout processing is executed, and the positioning of illustrations on a specific page and its position in that page are specified.
With this method, the relation between the main text and the illustration is specified, and the position of the illustration within the page is specified only in principle.
Normally, when applying method "b" for vertical layout, the illustration is placed on the head orfore-edge (seeFigure263). For even pages, the figure will be on the left, for odd pages, it will be on the right side.
The prototypical method for horizontal layout using method "b" is to position the illustration centered, without characters to the left or to the right. In this case, the illustration is normally either positioned betweenparagraphs (see the left page inFigure264), or at thefoot orhead (see the right page inFigure264).
Illustrations are often accompanied bycaptions ornotes. Captions are normally positioned below the illustration. Captions also frequently include illustration numbers. Thecharacter size in captions is smaller than in the main text, and often a differentfont is used. If the caption stretches across more than 2 lines,inter-line spacing is not too large, so that the caption looks compact. If the font of the caption is changed, the whole caption will be in agothic typeface, or only the illustration number will be in a gothic typeface. The latter case means a moderate emphasis of the illustration and can be used for putting the figure into the background (seeFigure265).
The explanation below is restricted to method (b). Illustration, captions and notes will be regarded as one piece of data. The positioning method for this single piece of data is explained.
When the position of an illustration within a page is specified only by the relation between illustration and main text, it is desirable that the explanation of the illustration in the main text and the illustration are as close as possible to each other.
Depending on the size of an illustration, it may not be possible to have references to the illustration and the illustration itself on the same page. In such cases, the following considerations for illustration positioning are taken into account.
It is better to position the illustration on the page after the page with references to the illustration, and not on the page before the references.
Sometimes there are no references to an illustration, but an explanation of the illustration appears before it. That means that it is not possible to avoid in every case that illustrations appear on the page before (or after) the references. If the illustration and its references are on the samespread it is often possible to be tolerant with illustration positioning.
Many aspects have to be taken into account with regards to the positioning of illustrations. This means that, even if automatic processing is used as much as possible, according to the layout result it will be necessary to change the position of references or the size of the illustration manually.
For vertical layout as inFigure263, the following requirements for illustration positioning apply.
In books, the spread is the basis for the design, and the illustration position is specified towards the head and fore-edge. Hence it is necessary to use the spread as the basis for the specification of the position. Concretely it means that the position has to correspond to "towards the fore-edge" or towards thegutter.
In vertical layout, often the upper part of an illustration touches the head of the hanmen, or the left or right part touches the fore-edge. This makes it necessary to position the illustration relying on the hanmen (or the final size). Furthermore, even if the complete hanmen is occupied by the illustration, depending on the illustration content, in some cases it is better style to position the illustration about 1mm inside the hanmen.
As said in "b", normally, it is appropriate to specify a position starting from the hanmen. However, in the case of ableed, it is necessary to jut out of the final size to position the illustration (seeFigure39). Furthermore, in such cases it is possible to specify an intuitive position, if the specification of the position uses the edge of the trim size as the origin (seeFigure266).
If base text is placed around illustrations, normally the smallest spacing between them is specified. The smallest spacing is the character size used for the main text (which is specified for thekihon-hanmen), or the line gap (also specified for thekihon-hanmen). It is also necessary to specify theline length of surrounding text as an integral multiple of the character size in use.
Here an example is shown of the smallest and largest spacing between an illustration and characters, for a character size of 9 points in the kihon-hanmen and 8 points for line gap (seeFigure267).
字詰め方向の空き量 | 9points≦spacing of illustration and surrounding characters<18points 9ポイント≦図版と周囲の文字の空き量<18ポイント |
行送り方向の空き量 | 9points≦spacing of illustration and surrounding characters<26points 9ポイント≦図版と周囲の文字の空き量<26ポイント |
or, Spacein the block direction 又は,行送り方向の空き量 | 8points≦spacing of illustration and surrounding characters<25points 8ポイント≦図版と周囲の文字の空き量<25ポイント |
If the number of characters of main text to be placed around illustrations in inline direction is very small (for example 1/4 of the line length of the kihon-hanmen or less than 9 characters), it is better to not place the characters and leave the space free (seeFigure268). Also, as shown in the left part ofFigure269, for the arrangement of illustrations in the block direction, it is bad style and should be avoided to have only one line of main text (inFigure269, the right side shows the appropriate way).
In the case of horizontal layout as inFigure264, the following requirements for illustration positioning apply.
In case ofFigure264, the basic approach is to position the illustration directly after the paragraph with its explanation (seeFigure270).
If due to space it is not possible to position the illustration in that place, it is placed at the head or foot of the hanmen (seeFigure271).
As shown inFigure264, often characters are not put to the right or left of an illustration, and the space is left blank. However, there is also the possibility of placing the illustration at the side of the fore-edge (seeFigure272) or the right side (seeFigure273). Also in these cases, the illustrations are not placed - like in vertical layout - at the side of the head, but often in linkage with the main text. That is, the illustrations are placed on the page with their explanations, beside the mid paragraph anchor point or on the head or foot (seeFigure272 andFigure273).
As shown in the left part ofFigure274, like in vertical layout, it is bad style and must be avoided to have just one line of the main text around an illustration in the block direction. In the example inFigure274, the problem is solved by transferring the single line below the illustration above it and placing the illustration at the bottom fore-edge of the hanmen.
Illustrations which stretch across several columns in a print space are normally placed at the head or foot (seeFigure275).
To provide some background for the preceding discussion, the main definitions of JIS X 4051 will be introduced below.
これまでの説明を前提にして,JIS X 4051の図版をページに配置する処理の主な規定内容を紹介する.
JIS X 4051 defines two methods for illustration positioning: "relative position specification" and "absolute position specification". Below the definitions from this standard are described.
JIS X 4051では,図版配置については“相対位置指定”と“絶対位置指定”の2つの方法を規定している.次に同規格の用語の定義を掲げる.
Relative position specification: the specification of block units appears together with the flow of, say, paragraphs of the main text within lines. The lines are the basis for positioning, and segmentation of the line feed is not possible. ("block unit": a general term for blocks of figures, images etc. and tables)
Absolute position specification: the specification of block units appears within the hanmen or spread. An absolute position based on these is the basis for illustration placement.
In the case ofFigure263, where the position is specified from two directions (from the head or the fore-edge), the absolute position specification method is used.
As shown inFigure264,Figure272 orFigure273, when the position in the inline direction is given as specified, and the position in the block direction is determined depending on the position of the main text which refers to the block unit, the adopted method is relative positioning (of course absolute positioning is possible too for placement at the head or foot ).
Furthermore, JIS X 4051 defines the placement of the specification method for gutter and fore-edge with absolute positioning method, but not with relative positioning. It is desirable to allow for a positioning based upon a specification method of gutter and fore-edge, also for relative positioning.
なお,JIS X 4051では,絶対位置指定の方法では,のど・小口の指定方法の配置を規定している.しかし,相対位置指定では,のど・小口の指定方法の配置を規定していない.相対位置指定であっても,のど・小口の指定方法による配置ができることが望ましい.
When both the main text (or the main paragraph in JIS X 4051 terminology) and the illustration are on the same page, either method does not raise any problem unless there is only a single line of the main text to be laid out before the illustration in the block direction on the top of the content page area or after the illustration at the bottom as shown inFigure269 or inFigure274. The problematic cases are where, via the relation to the corresponding text or the size of the illustration, the illustration juts out of the the hanmen or the area of the column, or the page of the main text and the page of the illustration are different. About these issues JIS X 4051 makes the following definitions.
いずれの方法もリンクした本文のテキスト(JIS X 4051の用語では本文段落)と配置する図版が同一ページにある場合は,Figure269 又はFigure274 のように図版の行送り方向の前又は後ろに1行だけ配置する場合を除き問題はない.対応する本文のテキストの位置又は図版のサイズの関係から,図版が版面又は段の領域からはみ出した場合,また,本文のテキストと図版を配置するページが異なる場合が問題となる.JIS X 4051では,この点につき,以下のように規定している.
With the relative positioning method, the illustration is placed directly after the line in which the anchor in the main text is defined. If, as a result of the positioning, the illustration juts out of the hanmen or the column, the length of the part of the illustration inside the hanmen or the column (a), and the part outside the area (b) will be compared (seeFigure276). Since it should be avoided (if possible) that an illustration appears before its explanation in the main text, the comparison uses not a simple 1/2, but a relative weight. If concretely like inFigure276 the relation betweena andb isa ≧ 2b, the illustration is placed on that page (in the final stage), and the lines which overlap with the area of the illustration (including the line with the anchor) are put on the following page, they are put out (seeFigure277).
Also, in the case ofa < 2b (seeFigure278), the illustration is placed on the following page, and the free area is filled with main text taken from the following page.
The same basic ideas apply also for absolute positioning. However, the portions to be compared are different than with relative positioning.
With the absolute positioning method, first the distance between the specification of the position via the anchor in the main text, and the distance to the end of the area of the hanmen or the column are calculated (seea in the left part ofFigure280). Next, as a result of the positioning of the illustration, the anchor will be moved. If the moved anchor is on the same page, the illustration will be placed on that page.
If the anchor has moved to the following page, the distance between that anchor and the beginning of the area of the hanmen or the column will be calculated (seeb in the right part ofFigure280).
In addition,a andb are compared. Ifa ≧ 2b, the illustration is placed on the page where the anchor appeared first. In the case ofa < 2b, the illustration is placed after the page where the anchor appeared first. In the example inFigure280,a < 2b, the illustration is moved to the left page (page 13), seeFigure281.
Figure282 shows an example where an anchor firstly appears in the 5th line of a page (page 12), and as a result of illustration placement, the anchor is moved to the second line of the left page (page 13). In this casea ≧ 2b, and the illustration is left on the right page (page 12).
In addition some more definitions related to illustration positioning are introduced below.
With the absolute positioning method, a stranded line before or after the illustration in the block direction can be predicted and hence avoided. In contrast, with the relative positioning method, it happens that a stranded line in the block direction is left out as a result. This is bad style, and JIS X 4051 defines a processing method for avoiding it.
絶対位置指定の方法では,行送り方向の前後に1行だけテキストを配置するケースは予想できるので避けることができる.これに対して相対位置指定の方法では,結果として行送り方向の前後に1行だけテキストを配置するケースが発生する.これは体裁がよくないので,避けるための処理法をJIS X 4051では規定している.
Several elements come in between e.g. paragraphs, and it is necessary to adapt the area of the hanmen size in the block direction. For this case, there are several approaches about style designed via the kihon-hanmen (character size, line spacing etc.) and different style elements: the approach of unifying the space around such elements, or the approach of maintaining (if at all possible) the position of lines specified during the design of the hanmen. JIS X 4051 defines two methods for this topic (see section§ 4.5Block Direction Setting Process of Lines, Paragraphs etc.行・段落などの行送り方向の配置処理).
段落の間などに様々な要素が入り,行送り方向の版面サイズの領域調整が必要になる.この場合に,基本版面で設定した体裁(文字サイズや行間など)と異なる体裁となる要素について,その要素の前後の空き量を均一にする考え方と,できるだけ基本版面で設定した行の配置位置を維持する考え方とがある.JIS X 4051では,これら2つの方法を規定している(詳細は§ 4.5Block Direction Setting Process of Lines, Paragraphs etc.行・段落などの行送り方向の配置処理で解説する).
When the space around an illustration is maintained and main text is inserted in the free area, it is necessary to adapt the line length to integral multiple of the characters used. Such aspects are defined in JIS X 4051 as well (seeFigure263).
Also, if the number of surrounding characters is extremely low, it is better to keep the surroundings free. If the number of surrounding characters is 1/4 of the line length of the kihon-hanmen or 9 characters below, JIS X 4051 specifies that no main text should surround an illustration. InFigure272 orFigure273 the illustration is placed midway down the page using the relative positioning method, so it is necessary to unify the space above and below the illustration. JIS X 4051 also provides definitions for this aspect (seeFigure283).
For positioning of illustrations relying on the spread, JIS X 4051 defines a method using the absolute positioning method (see§ 4.4.5Processing of Tables Allocated in a Spread見開きに配置する表の処理)..
見開きを単位にした図版の配置については,絶対位置指定による方法を規定している(その方法は,§ 4.4.5Processing of Tables Allocated in a Spread見開きに配置する表の処理).
A table is set of cells, which includes numbers, facts or information, arranged in rows across and down lines for easy recognition at a glance.
In JIS X 4015, there is a figure of an example of the structure of table in horizontal writing mode as follows (seeFigure284). The following descriptions will use the terminology in this figure.
表の構成については,JIS X 4051では,横組の例として次のような図を掲げている(Figure284).以下では,ここで用いている用語を使用する.
Tables are used for various purposes, and there is a lot to consider with regards to the processing of tables, so, only Japanese language related issues are discussed here.
Tables themselves can be classified according to horizontal mode and vertical mode.
The text direction of each cell may change cell by cell, but the direction of the table itself is decided by the majority direction of the cells. The direction of almost all tables themselves, especially those containing numerals, are in horizontal mode and vertical mode tables are rare. However, in set in vertical writing mode, there are many vertical examples ofchronological histories andchronological tables asback matter (Figure285 andFigure294).
There are examples of tables containing cells with a different text direction from the dominant text direction of the table, but not so many. This style is used to display item names in a header row (Figure286).
When the direction of a table itself is horizontal, the position of the origin and the setting order of cell contents is as follows (Figure287):
The origin is the left upper top of the table.
The order of cells in a line is from left to right.
The order of lines in a table is from top to bottom.
In the first line ofFigure287, cells from cell ① to cell ③ are filled with cell contents, consequently, in the second line, cells from cell ④ to cell ⑦ are filled with cell contents, and in the third line, cell ④ is skipped and cells from cell ⑧ to cell ⑩ are filled with cell contents.
When the direction of a table itself is vertical, the position of the origin and the setting order of cell contents is as follows (Figure288).
The origin is the right upper top of the table.
The order of cells in a line is from top to bottom.
The order of lines in a table is from right to left.
In the first line ofFigure288 cells from cell ① to cell ③ are filled with cell contents, consequently, in the second line, cells from cell ④ to cell ⑦ are filled with cell contents, and in the third line, cell ④ is skipped and cells from cell ⑧ to cell ⑩ are filled with cell contents.
The text direction in a cell content is vertical or horizontal only, and cannot be mixed. When different text directions are needed in a cell, the cell is divided into two cells.
Following is an example of a vertical writing mode book with a table (seeFigure289). The issues to be noted are as follows:
The direction of the kihon-hanmen is vertical, and the table itself is predominantly in horizontal writing mode. However, some cells of the header row are cell merged and vertically set.
The character size of the table text is smaller than the character size of the kihon-hanmen (kihon-hanmen: nine point, table: seven point or eight point). The caption of the table is also seven point with the number emphasized withJapanese Gothic (there are cases where all the caption text is emphasized with Japanese Gothic). The note attached to the table is six point, smaller than the table text.
The usage of visible lines to distinguish cells is limited. In this case, the top horizontal line is emphasized with a width of 0.25 mm., other horizontal lines are 0.12 mm. width. There are cases where the top horizontal line is 0.4 mm. or 0.12 mm.
In JIS X 4051, the widths of thin borders, mid borders and thick borders are described as informative.
表罫,中細罫及び裏罫の太さについては,JIS X 4051では参考として,次の数値を掲げている.
OMOTEKEI (thin border) 表罫 | 0.12 mm 0.12 mm |
CHUUBOSOKEI (mid border) 中細罫 | 0.25 mm 0.25 mm |
URAKEI (thick border) 裏罫 | 0.4 mm 0.4 mm |
The notations of OMOTEKEI, URAKEI and CHUUBOSOKEI are inherited from the letterpress printing age, and have been used in computerized type setting. The physical shape of the border in letterpress printing is shown inFigure290. OMOTEKEI is printed with the sharp edge and URAKEI is printed with bottom flat edge. The width of the top edge of CHUUBOSOKEI is cast between the top edge of OMOTEKEI and the bottom edge of OMOTEKEI, so CHUUBOSOKEI can be used as URAKEI when the bottom edge is used. Furthermore, in letterpress printing, the width of OMOTEKEI, CHUUBOSOKEI and URAKEI are different but the width of the bottom of the borders is the same as each other. However, there are two kinds of bottom of border, one is 1/8 of one point, the other is 1/8 of one GOU (i.e. 10.5 points), namely 1.3 point. When the GOU-KEISEN (5 border) is used, the URAKEI is thicker than the POINT-KEISEN.
The top column of the table is used for row header names. and the first two rows from left are used for column header names, partially merged to one row.
The width of each row is calculated as follows: firstly, calculate the width of the widest cell content in the column, and add space the size of a half em of the character size of the cell to both edges of the text. Secondly, adjust for the multiples of the character size used for the table. Thirdly, if the cell contents among different rows are similar, the width of the rows are set the same (in the fourth and fifth rows from the left).
In tables with horizontal writing mode, the minimum space between the content and the KEISEN is usually a half of the basic character size of the table, and at least a fourth of the basic character size of the table. The space should not reduced to solid.
Some row headers have two lines with no line gap to maintain appropriate proportions with the cell contents.
Column header names and row header names are set with evenly distributed-character spacing, except for vertically set KANJI cells and "total" cells. "Total" cells shall be distinguished from other ordinary cells.
The horizontal position of names of header rows and the header column are horizontally centered.
For cells except header rows and header columns, all numeric data is set aligned by the decimal point, or line end aligned for currency. Numeric data is centered according to the longest numeric cell, but the spacing after shall not be longer than the spacing before.
The block direction space between KEISEN and cell contents are as follows: the space between visible KEISEN and cell content is one-half em space of the basic table character size. The space between invisible KEISEN and cell content are one-fourth em of the basic table character size. Namely, it can be said that the visible line gaps are one-half em except for the header row. In this example, there are two line cells as a header, the block direction space between KEISEN and cell contents is set with a minimum gap of one-fourth em (seeFigure289 a and b). The reason is not to make too much space between KEISEN and cell contents of other one-line cells.
There are several kinds of tables as follows:
Tables treated as one object with captions and notes together with the table itself, where it is prohibited to divide across two or more pages or columns.
Linked with an anchor of the base text, and moved with the anchor. The position of the table is relative (seeFigure291 and§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方).
表と対応がある本文の行(リンクの指定)の出現位置を基準に配置する表(§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方で解説する用語でいえば,“相対位置指定”によるもの(Figure291)).
Tables allocated with absolute position in the kihon-hanmen, except for the tables allocated with absolute position in a spread (seeFigure292).
版面からの絶対的な位置を配置位置基準として配置する表(§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方で解説する用語でいえば,“絶対位置指定”によるもので,見開きを単位とする領域からの絶対的な位置を配置位置基準とするものを除いたもの(Figure292)).
Tables allocated in a spread with absolute position (seeFigure293).
It is preferable to set the tables within the kihon-hanmen, even if the table is large enough to occupy a spread, however, usually these tables are too large to set within the kihon-hanmen, so there are many cases where tables spill out of the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure293).
Tables anchored to base text and moving with the position of the anchor, can also be divided across two or more pages or columns. In JIS X 4051, this type of table is called "continuously allocated tables" (seeFigure294).
表と対応がある行(リンクの指定)の出現位置を基準に配置する表であるが,複数のページ又は複数の段にわたって行送り方向への分割を可として配置する表.JIS X 4051では,このような表の配置を“連続位置指定による配置”とよんでいる(Figure294).
When a table is allocated in a spread, it is desirable to allocate within the spread. However, sometimes it is impossible to allocate in the same spread where the table is linked to. In such cases, the spread where the table is allocated is decided as follows (see§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方): Firstly, calculate the distance between the anchor position of the base text and the last position of the spread (seeFigure295). Secondly, calculate the distance between the original position of the anchor and the position of the anchor when the table is allocated at the spread where the anchor was originally positioned, and consequently the position of the anchor is overflowed to the next spread (seeFigure296). Finally, compare these two distances, and decide whether to allocate the table to the original spread or next spread (seeFigure297).
§ 4.4.4Kinds of Tables from Allocation to Page Positionページへの配置からみた表の種類のbに記述した見開きに配置する場合,配置の指示があった行(リンクの指定)と同じ見開きに表(又は図版)が配置できればよい.しかし,異なる場合も多い.この場合の処理方法も§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方で解説したように(ただし,版面でなく,見開きの領域を単位に),リンクの指定が出現した時点における指定の出現位置と見開きの領域の最後までの距離を計算し(Figure295),さらに,表(又は図版)をリンクの指定が出現した見開きに仮に配置した結果,次の見開きにはみ出した配置の指示があった行(リンクの指定)までの距離を計算し(Figure296),両者の大きさを比べ,どの見開きに配置するかを決定する(Figure297).
The next problem is where to divide a table. In some senses, illustrations can be divided wherever specified or at the kihon-hanmen border. On the other hand, there are some limitations and issues to consider when dividing tables as follows:
Tables are divided at the border of rows or columns, with condition that the border between the header and adjoining cells shall not be divided, also it is prohibited to divide just after captions.
When there is a visible KEISEN at the expected dividing position, the common approach is as follows:
When the outer frame KEISENs of inline direction are visible, the top side KEISEN at the dividing position shall be invisible and the bottom side KEISEN at the dividing position shall be visible (seeFigure298).
When the outer frame KEISENs of inline direction are invisible, the top side KEISEN at the dividing position shall be visible and the bottom side KEISEN at the dividing position shall be invisible (seeFigure299).
When the tables are divided by column units, the KEISEN at the dividing position of the top part shall be invisible, and the bottom part KEISEN shall be visible.
Processing of dividable tables is as follows:
Dividable tables are set from the position of the specified anchor text position with specified line direction gap
The inline length of the table shall not hang out from the inline length of the kihon-hanmen or the column.
Dividable tables are divided at the bottom of the kihon-hanmen or the column and between lines of the table. When there are other tables or illustrations are set in the page, the space for the other tables or illustrations should be kept beforehand.
Captions and header line shall not be divided in following cases:
Between header with two lines.
Between caption and header column.
Between header column.
Between header column and the first column of the content.
The same header column shall also be set at the top of the divided tables. Noted that when the kihon-hanmen is in vertical writing mode, if the following page is odd, there is usually no header column, i.e. the divided tables on even pages have a header column (seeFigure300).
When the table is divided by columns, the top KEISEN of the divided position shall be invisible, and the bottom KEISEN of the divided position shall be visible. However, there are methods where both top and bottom KEISENs are visible.
When setting lines in pages or columns, basically each line should be set by aligning with the line positions set in the kihon-hanmen
Also the last line of each page or each column should be set at the very end of the kihon-hanmen area or the column area.
The following objects should be set in the interlinear space.
Interlinearreference marks
The following objects might jut into the interlinear space in conjunction with character size and other factors.
Tate-chu-yoko processed texts
Warichu (inline cutting note)
The strings some of character positions are moved to block direction.
Strings where the character size is larger than the size specified in the kihon-hanmen (seeFigure301).
On the other hand when characters are inserted that are smaller than the basic character size of the paragraph, to keep the line gap of the paragraph visible the interlinear space looks wider as shown below (seeFigure302).
When the following interlinear objects are set at the very top of the page or the column, these objects are set out of the hanmen or the column area (seeFigure303):
In vertical writing mode, ruby, emphasis dots and sidelines at the right side of the character.
In horizontal writing mode, ruby and emphasis dots above the character.
In horizontal writing mode and vertical writing mode, reference marks between lines.
When the following objects which jut into the interlinear area are set on the very top line of the hanmen or column area, the part of the object that juts out is set outside of the hanmen or column area:
characters processed with tate-chu-yoko
ornamented characters
characters where each base line is changed to block direction
characters where the size is larger than the size dictated by the kihon-hanmen
Following interlinear objects are set outside the hanmen or column area, when set at the very last line of the hanmen or column area:
in vertical writing mode, ruby and sideline set left side of the base character
in horizontal writing mode, underline under main text
When the following objects which jut into the interlinear area are set for the very end line of the hanmen or column area, the part of the objects that juts out is set outside of the hanmen or column area (seeFigure304):
characters processed with tate-chu-yoko
ornamented characters
characters where each position is changed to block direction
characters whose size is larger than the size dictated by the kihon-hanmen
The space between paragraphs is usually same as line gap specified for the paragraphs.
Sometimes the space between paragraphs is specified. JIS X 4051 determines the space before the paragraph as "space before paragraph" and the space after the paragraph as "space after paragraph". When the "space before paragraph" or the "space after paragraph" is specified, the space will be kept between paragraphs. Thus "space before paragraph" or "space after paragraph" in the JIS X 4051 context is usually specified with absolute spacing (seeFigure305) or a number of lines (seeFigure306).
段落の間の空き量が指定されている場合は,その空き量にする.JIS X 4051では,段落の前の空き量を“段落前アキ”,段落の後ろの空き量を“段落後アキ”とよんでいる.“段落前アキ”又は“段落後アキ”が指定されている場合は,その空き量を段落の間にとる.このJIS X 4051でいう“段落前アキ”又は“段落後アキ”は,絶対的な空き量で指定する方法(Figure305)と,行数で指定する方法がある(Figure306).
JIS X 4051 describes "space before paragraph" and "space after paragraph" at the top or the bottom of the hanmen or column as follows (seeFigure309Figure310 andFigure311 about the space specified with number of lines):
“段落前アキ”又は“段落後アキ”が指定されている段落が版面又は段の先頭又は末尾に配置される場合は,JIS X 4051では,次のように処理するとなっている(行数での指定がある場合の処理は,後述のFigure309,Figure310,Figure311).
When the space is specified with "space before paragraph", the last line of the paragraph is at the bottom of the hanmen or column, or there is not enough room to fill the specified space, the top of the next page or column will be used to fill the "space before paragraph" followed by the next paragraph (seeFigure307). Note that the remaining unexpected blank on the previous page or column is left as is.
When the last line of the paragraph with "space after paragraph" is at the bottom of the hanmen or column or there is not enough blank space to contain the specified space after the paragraph, the next paragraph starts from the top of the next hanmen or the next column. Note that the space after the previous paragraph is left as is (seeFigure308).
When the "space before paragraph" or the "space after paragraph" is specified with a number of lines, the space is calculated with the basic character size and line gap of the paragraph. The space accompanying the header is calculated with the character size and the line gap of the kihon-hanmen. When the space between paragraphs is specified to be one line of space, the results are as follows:
Except for the last line before the page break or new recto, the very last line set at the bottom of a page or a column is set to be aligned to the border of the kihon-hanmen or the column area. However, sometimes exceptions arise as follows:
Paragraphs and other objects set using a different character size or line gap from the kihon-hanmen. If there is no adjustment, the bottom of the last line will not be aligned to the bottom of the kihon-hanmen or column area in the block direction. Examples are block headings and end notes inserted after a paragraph.
When setting objects which are prohibited at the bottom of a kihon-hanmen or the bottom of a column, such as block headings, some blanks may appear on the previous page or in the previous column.
In these cases, there are two ways to solve the issue. Hereafter, procedure (a) will be called "adjustment processing in block direction".
Set the bottom of the line aligned to the bottom of the kihon-hanmen or the bottom of the column in the block direction, and move blanks to appropriate positions within the kihon-hanmen or the column.
Let the blanks appearing at the bottom of the hanmen or the column in block direction remain as they are.
There are some issues related to the adjustment procedure in the block direction as follows:
First, make best efforts to reduce such cases. Some examples of how not to let objects affect the alignment to the kihon-hanmen lines of following objects are:
Block heading: the area of the block heading is specified by an integral number of lines (see§ 4.1.6Processing of Gyou-dori行取りの処理例).
別行見出し:別行見出しの行送り方向の配置領域を整数の行数で設定する(§ 4.1.6Processing of Gyou-dori行取りの処理例).
Block direction space between paragraphs: to specify the size of a space with a number of lines (see§ 4.5.2Processing of Space between Paragraphs段落間処理).
段落間の空き量:空き量を整数の行数で設定する(§ 4.5.2Processing of Space between Paragraphs段落間処理).
Other cases such as Haiku with larger characters, where the space of the block is specified with a number of lines.
When haiku and other short texts are quoted in a block area the inter-letter-space is sometimes set as a half em or fourth em, or by setting the length of the line and setting the text using the even inter-letter spacing method (seeFigure158).
When there is a following object and the properties of the object are different from the properties of the kihon-hanmen, set the object to align with the bottom edge of hanmen or column and adjust the space between the object and the text before. Examples are as follows:
Footnotes in horizontal writing mode (see§ 4.2.5Processing of Footnotes in Horizontal Writing Mode横組の脚注処理).
横組の脚注(§ 4.2.5Processing of Footnotes in Horizontal Writing Mode横組の脚注処理).
Sidenotes in vertical writing mode (see§ 4.2.6Processing of Sidenotes in Vertical Writing Mode縦組の傍注処理).
縦組の傍注(§ 4.2.6Processing of Sidenotes in Vertical Writing Mode縦組の傍注処理).
When there is following text and objects and there is blank space as the result of setting text and objects with a specified amount of space, adjustment is done with the block direction space between text lines and objects. Examples are as follows:
Cases where an illustration or a table is inserted with "relative positioning and no turn around mode" in terms of JIS X 4051 (see§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方). Process should be implemented as follows:
JIS X 4051でいうところの相対位置指定により配置した図版又は表が回り込みがなしで挿入された場合(§ 4.3.5Basic Ideas about Illustration Positioning in JIS X 4051JIS X 4051における図版配置の基本的な考え方).この場合は,次のように調整する.
When only one illustration or table with "relative positioning and no turn around mode" is allocated at the top or the bottom of the hanmen or the column, the adjustment of the hanmen or the column is done between the illustration or the table and the main text (seeFigure312).
When only one illustration or table with "relative positioning and no turn around mode" is allocated in the middle of a hanmen or a column the adjustment of the hanmen or the column is done evenly in the space before and after the illustration or table (seeFigure313).
When two or more illustrations or tables are inserted, space is distributed evenly before and after main text and illustrations or tables (seeFigure41).
When two or more illustrations are inserted, if the adjustment is done at more than one position, the line position of main text might be moved from the kihon-hanmen. To avoid that, one approach is to set lines after the illustration with alignment to the kihon-hanmen line position (seeFigure42). In processing likeFigure41, the size of the space before and after illustrations are very similar, however, in cases likeFigure42, the size of the space before and after one illustration are equal, but, the sizes of space before and after different illustrations might be different from each other.
Cases where an endnote is inserted (see§ 4.2.4Processing of Endnotes in Vertical Writing Mode or Horizontal Writing Mode縦組又は横組の後注処理). In these cases, basically the adjustment is done between the endnote and the main text just after the endnote. However, when endnotes are only set at the very end of the hanmen or the column, the adjustment is done between the endnote and the main text before the endnote.
後注を挿入する場合(§ 4.2.4Processing of Endnotes in Vertical Writing Mode or Horizontal Writing Mode縦組又は横組の後注処理).この場合は,原則として後注とその後ろにくる本文の間で行送り方向の領域の調整処理を行う.ただし,版面又は段の末尾にだけ後注を配置する場合は,後注とその前にくる本文の間で行送り方向の領域の調整処理を行う.
Cases where an inserted quotation block has a smaller character size and narrower line gap than the kihon-hanmen. In these cases, the adjustment processing in block direction is basically the same as for endnotes inserted between paragraphs (seeFigure314,Figure315).
When there is no place for the adjustment even if it is necessary, the blank at the very bottom of the hanmen or the column area in block direction is left as it is. One example is the blank after endnotes occupying one full page.
There are cases that there is not enough blank to set the following object and there happen to remain blank at the bottom of the realm of the hanmen or the column. The examples to let the rest blanck as is are as follows:
Cases where the heading is set at the bottom of the hanmen or column and the heading is moved to the next page or next column (see§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理).
見出しが,版面や段の末尾に配置されるために,次のページ又は段に見出しを移動する場合(§ 4.1.7Processing of Gyou-dori Heading Set at the bottom of the Page行取り処理した見出しがページ末にきた場合の処理)
Cases where the size of the space before or after the paragraph is specified and the paragraph is set at the top or bottom of a hanmen or a column (see§ 4.5.2Processing of Space between Paragraphs段落間処理).
段落の間の空き量が指定されている場合において,その段落などを版面や段の先頭又は末尾に配置する場合(§ 4.5.2Processing of Space between Paragraphs段落間処理)
Cases where there are no dividable positions in the first part of a dividable table and the table is set at the top of the next page or the next column and there remains some blank space at the bottom of the previous hanmen or the previous column. Also cases where a dividable table is divided and there remains some blank space at the bottom of the previous hanmen or the previous column.
The following are lists of (non-ideographic) characters from a subset of ISO/IEC 10646 (collection number 285 "BASIC JAPANESE" and 286 "JAPANESE NON IDEOGRAPHICS EXTENSION") grouped by character class according to the classification explained in§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分ける.
§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分けるで解説した文字クラスに従い,ISO/IEC 10646のサブセット(コレクション285“基本日本文字集合”及びコレクション286“拡張非漢字集合”)に含まれる非漢字の文字を分類して,以下に示す.
Generalpunctuation marks are script neutral in ISO/IEC 10646 and there is no "Opening Ideographic Parenthesis" specifically encoded for CJK scripts in the standard. However, because of the typographic difference among scripts with respect tobase line position as well as width and glyph design, the same set of punctuation marks usually do not fit to both Latin and Japanese text. To work around this issue, many existing implementations use compatibility characters encoded separately in the standard for the purpose of round-trip integrity with the legacy encoding standards. For example, while this document lists U+0028 LEFT PARENTHESIS as a member ofopening brackets (cl-01), the compatibility counterpart U+FF08 FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS is used in the Japanese context in most Japanese text layout software.
約物は国際文字符号化集合ISO/IEC 10646では基本的に特定の用字系に依存しない汎用的な記号として扱っているため,和文専用に符号化された例えば“和文用始め小括弧”というような記号は符号化されていない.しかしながら,実際の組版においては,用字系によって,字幅,字形デザイン,及び並び線の位置について違いがあるので,同じひとそろいの約物は,通常欧文と和文の双方に適用することはできない.この問題に対処するため,多くの実際の処理系では,その他の文字コード規格との往復保全の互換性を維持する目的で規格として別にコード化されている互換用の文字コードを使用している.例えば,この文書では“U+0028(LEFT PARENTHESIS,始め小括弧)”を始め括弧類(cl-01)の一つに分類しているが,多くの和文組版ソフトウェアでは,和文に適用する場合は対応する互換用の文字コードである“U+FF08(FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS)”を使用している.なお,“通用名称”は,JIS X 0213の“日本語通用名称(参考)”である.
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
‘ | 2018 | LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK | 左シングル引用符,左シングルクォーテーションマーク | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
“ | 201C | LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK | 左ダブル引用符,左ダブルクォーテーションマーク | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
( | 0028 | LEFT PARENTHESIS | 始め小括弧,始め丸括弧 | |
〔 | 3014 | LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 始めきっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
[ | 005B | LEFT SQUARE BRACKET | 始め大括弧,始め角括弧 | |
{ | 007B | LEFT CURLY BRACKET | 始め中括弧,始め波括弧 | |
〈 | 3008 | LEFT ANGLE BRACKET | 始め山括弧 | |
《 | 300A | LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET | 始め二重山括弧 | |
「 | 300C | LEFT CORNER BRACKET | 始めかぎ括弧 | |
『 | 300E | LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET | 始め二重かぎ括弧 | |
【 | 3010 | LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET | 始めすみ付き括弧 | |
⦅ | 2985 | LEFT WHITE PARENTHESIS | 始め二重パーレン,始め二重括弧 | |
〘 | 3018 | LEFT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 始め二重きっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
〖 | 3016 | LEFT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET | 始めすみ付き括弧(白) | |
« | 00AB | LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK | 始め二重山括弧引用記号,始めギュメ | |
〝 | 301D | REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK | 始めダブルミニュート | used in vertical composition縦組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
’ | 2019 | RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK | 右シングル引用符,右シングルクォーテーションマーク | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
” | 201D | RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK | 右ダブル引用符,右ダブルクォーテーションマーク | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
) | 0029 | RIGHT PARENTHESIS | 終わり小括弧,終わり丸括弧 | |
〕 | 3015 | RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 終わりきっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
] | 005D | RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET | 終わり大括弧,終わり角括弧 | |
} | 007D | RIGHT CURLY BRACKET | 終わり中括弧,終わり波括弧 | |
〉 | 3009 | RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET | 終わり山括弧 | |
》 | 300B | RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET | 終わり二重山括弧 | |
」 | 300D | RIGHT CORNER BRACKET | 終わりかぎ括弧 | |
』 | 300F | RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET | 終わり二重かぎ括弧 | |
】 | 3011 | RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET | 終わりすみ付き括弧 | |
⦆ | 2986 | RIGHT WHITE PARENTHESIS | 終わり二重パーレン,終わり二重括弧 | |
〙 | 3019 | RIGHT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 終わり二重きっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
〗 | 3017 | RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET | 終わりすみ付き括弧(白) | |
» | 00BB | RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK | 終わり二重山括弧引用記号,終わりギュメ | |
〟 | 301F | LOW DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK | 終わりダブルミニュート | used in vertical composition縦組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
‐ | 2010 | HYPHEN | ハイフン(四分) | quarter em width字幅は四分角 |
〜 | 301C | WAVE DASH | 波ダッシュ | |
゠ | 30A0 | KATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN | 二重ハイフン,二分二重ダッシュ | half-width字幅は半角 |
– | 2013 | EN DASH | 二分ダーシ,ダッシュ(二分) | half-width字幅は半角 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
! | 0021 | EXCLAMATION MARK | 感嘆符 | |
? | 003F | QUESTION MARK | 疑問符 | |
‼ | 203C | DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK | 感嘆符二つ | |
⁇ | 2047 | DOUBLE QUESTION MARK | 疑問符二つ | |
⁈ | 2048 | QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK | 疑問符感嘆符 | |
⁉ | 2049 | EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK | 感嘆符疑問符 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
・ | 30FB | KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT | 中点 | |
: | 003A | COLON | コロン | |
; | 003B | SEMICOLON | セミコロン | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
。 | 3002 | IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP | 句点 | |
. | 002E | FULL STOP | ピリオド | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
、 | 3001 | IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA | 読点 | |
, | 002C | COMMA | コンマ | used in horizontal composition横組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
— | 2014 | EM DASH | ダッシュ(全角) | Some systems implement U+2015 HORIZONTAL BAR very similar behavior to U+2014 EM DASH処理系によっては,U+2015 (HORIZONTAL BAR)にも,同様の振る舞いを実装しているものもある |
… | 2026 | HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS | 三点リーダ | |
‥ | 2025 | TWO DOT LEADER | 二点リーダ | |
〳 | 3033 | VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK UPPER HALF | くの字点上 | used in vertical composition U+3035 follows this縦組で使用 この文字の後ろにU+3035が配置される |
〴 | 3034 | VERTICAL KANA REPEAT WITH VOICED SOUND MARK UPPER HALF | くの字点上(濁点) | used in vertical composition U+3035 follows this縦組で使用 この文字の後ろにU+3035が配置される |
〵 | 3035 | VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK LOWER HALF | くの字点下 | used in vertical composition縦組で使用 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
ヽ | 30FD | KATAKANA ITERATION MARK | 片仮名繰返し記号 | |
ヾ | 30FE | KATAKANA VOICED ITERATION MARK | 片仮名繰返し記号(濁点) | |
ゝ | 309D | HIRAGANA ITERATION MARK | 平仮名繰返し記号 | |
ゞ | 309E | HIRAGANA VOICED ITERATION MARK | 平仮名繰返し記号(濁点) | |
々 | 3005 | IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK | 繰返し記号 | |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
ぁ | 3041 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A | 小書き平仮名あ | |
ぃ | 3043 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL I | 小書き平仮名い | |
ぅ | 3045 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL U | 小書き平仮名う | |
ぇ | 3047 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL E | 小書き平仮名え | |
ぉ | 3049 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL O | 小書き平仮名お | |
ァ | 30A1 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A | 小書き片仮名ア | |
ィ | 30A3 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL I | 小書き片仮名イ | |
ゥ | 30A5 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL U | 小書き片仮名ウ | |
ェ | 30A7 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL E | 小書き片仮名エ | |
ォ | 30A9 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL O | 小書き片仮名オ | |
っ | 3063 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL TU | 小書き平仮名つ | |
ゃ | 3083 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YA | 小書き平仮名や | |
ゅ | 3085 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YU | 小書き平仮名ゆ | |
ょ | 3087 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YO | 小書き平仮名よ | |
ゎ | 308E | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL WA | 小書き平仮名わ | |
ゕ | 3095 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KA | 小書き平仮名か | |
ゖ | 3096 | HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KE | 小書き平仮名け | |
ッ | 30C3 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU | 小書き片仮名ツ | |
ャ | 30E3 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YA | 小書き片仮名ヤ | |
ュ | 30E5 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YU | 小書き片仮名ユ | |
ョ | 30E7 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YO | 小書き片仮名ヨ | |
ヮ | 30EE | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL WA | 小書き片仮名ワ | |
ヵ | 30F5 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KA | 小書き片仮名カ | |
ヶ | 30F6 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KE | 小書き片仮名ケ | |
ㇰ | 31F0 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KU | 小書き片仮名ク | |
ㇱ | 31F1 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL SI | 小書き片仮名シ | |
ㇲ | 31F2 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL SU | 小書き片仮名ス | |
ㇳ | 31F3 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TO | 小書き片仮名ト | |
ㇴ | 31F4 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL NU | 小書き片仮名ヌ | |
ㇵ | 31F5 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HA | 小書き片仮名ハ | |
ㇶ | 31F6 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HI | 小書き片仮名ヒ | |
ㇷ | 31F7 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HU | 小書き片仮名フ | |
ㇸ | 31F8 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HE | 小書き片仮名ヘ | |
ㇹ | 31F9 | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HO | 小書き片仮名ホ | |
ㇺ | 31FA | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL MU | 小書き片仮名ム | |
ㇻ | 31FB | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RA | 小書き片仮名ラ | |
ㇼ | 31FC | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RI | 小書き片仮名リ | |
ㇽ | 31FD | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RU | 小書き片仮名ル | |
ㇾ | 31FE | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RE | 小書き片仮名レ | |
ㇿ | 31FF | KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RO | 小書き片仮名ロ | |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
¥ | 00A5 | YEN SIGN | 円記号 | |
$ | 0024 | DOLLAR SIGN | ドル記号 | |
£ | 00A3 | POUND SIGN | ポンド記号 | |
# | 0023 | NUMBER SIGN | 番号記号,井げた | |
€ | 20AC | EURO SIGN | ユーロ記号 | |
№ | 2116 | NUMERO SIGN | 全角NO |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
° | 00B0 | DEGREE SIGN | 度 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
′ | 2032 | PRIME | 分 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
″ | 2033 | DOUBLE PRIME | 秒 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
℃ | 2103 | DEGREE CELSIUS | セ氏度記号 | |
¢ | 00A2 | CENT SIGN | セント記号 | |
% | 0025 | PERCENT SIGN | パーセント | |
‰ | 2030 | PER MILLE SIGN | パーミル | |
㏋ | 33CB | SQUARE HP | HP, ホースパワー(馬力) | |
ℓ | 2113 | SCRIPT SMALL L | リットル | |
㌃ | 3303 | SQUARE AARU | 全角アール | |
㌍ | 330D | SQUARE KARORII | 全角カロリー | |
㌔ | 3314 | SQUARE KIRO | 全角キロ | |
㌘ | 3318 | SQUARE GURAMU | 全角グラム | |
㌢ | 3322 | SQUARE SENTI | 全角センチ | |
㌣ | 3323 | SQUARE SENTO | 全角セント | |
㌦ | 3326 | SQUARE DORU | 全角ドル | |
㌧ | 3327 | SQUARE TON | 全角トン | |
㌫ | 332B | SQUARE PAASENTO | 全角パーセント | |
㌶ | 3336 | SQUARE HEKUTAARU | 全角ヘクタール | |
㌻ | 333B | SQUARE PEEZI | 全角ページ | |
㍉ | 3349 | SQUARE MIRI | 全角ミリ | |
㍊ | 334A | SQUARE MIRIBAARU | 全角ミリバール | |
㍍ | 334D | SQUARE MEETORU | 全角メートル | |
㍑ | 3351 | SQUARE RITTORU | 全角リットル | |
㍗ | 3357 | SQUARE WATTO | 全角ワット | |
㎎ | 338E | SQUARE MG | 全角MG | |
㎏ | 338F | SQUARE KG | 全角KG | |
㎜ | 339C | SQUARE MM | 全角MM | |
㎝ | 339D | SQUARE CM | 全角CM | |
㎞ | 339E | SQUARE KM | 全角KM | |
㎡ | 33A1 | SQUARE M SQUARED | 全角M2 | |
㏄ | 33C4 | SQUARE CC | 全角CC |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
あ | 3042 | HIRAGANA LETTER A | 平仮名あ | |
い | 3044 | HIRAGANA LETTER I | 平仮名い | |
う | 3046 | HIRAGANA LETTER U | 平仮名う | |
え | 3048 | HIRAGANA LETTER E | 平仮名え | |
お | 304A | HIRAGANA LETTER O | 平仮名お | |
か | 304B | HIRAGANA LETTER KA | 平仮名か | |
が | 304C | HIRAGANA LETTER GA | 濁点付き平仮名か | |
き | 304D | HIRAGANA LETTER KI | 平仮名き | |
ぎ | 304E | HIRAGANA LETTER GI | 濁点付き平仮名き | |
く | 304F | HIRAGANA LETTER KU | 平仮名く | |
ぐ | 3050 | HIRAGANA LETTER GU | 濁点付き平仮名く | |
け | 3051 | HIRAGANA LETTER KE | 平仮名け | |
げ | 3052 | HIRAGANA LETTER GE | 濁点付き平仮名け | |
こ | 3053 | HIRAGANA LETTER KO | 平仮名こ | |
ご | 3054 | HIRAGANA LETTER GO | 濁点付き平仮名こ | |
さ | 3055 | HIRAGANA LETTER SA | 平仮名さ | |
ざ | 3056 | HIRAGANA LETTER ZA | 濁点付き平仮名さ | |
し | 3057 | HIRAGANA LETTER SI | 平仮名し | |
じ | 3058 | HIRAGANA LETTER ZI | 濁点付き平仮名し | |
す | 3059 | HIRAGANA LETTER SU | 平仮名す | |
ず | 305A | HIRAGANA LETTER ZU | 濁点付き平仮名す | |
せ | 305B | HIRAGANA LETTER SE | 平仮名せ | |
ぜ | 305C | HIRAGANA LETTER ZE | 濁点付き平仮名せ | |
そ | 305D | HIRAGANA LETTER SO | 平仮名そ | |
ぞ | 305E | HIRAGANA LETTER ZO | 濁点付き平仮名そ | |
た | 305F | HIRAGANA LETTER TA | 平仮名た | |
だ | 3060 | HIRAGANA LETTER DA | 濁点付き平仮名た | |
ち | 3061 | HIRAGANA LETTER TI | 平仮名ち | |
ぢ | 3062 | HIRAGANA LETTER DI | 濁点付き平仮名ち | |
つ | 3064 | HIRAGANA LETTER TU | 平仮名つ | |
づ | 3065 | HIRAGANA LETTER DU | 濁点付き平仮名つ | |
て | 3066 | HIRAGANA LETTER TE | 平仮名て | |
で | 3067 | HIRAGANA LETTER DE | 濁点付き平仮名て | |
と | 3068 | HIRAGANA LETTER TO | 平仮名と | |
ど | 3069 | HIRAGANA LETTER DO | 濁点付き平仮名と | |
な | 306A | HIRAGANA LETTER NA | 平仮名な | |
に | 306B | HIRAGANA LETTER NI | 平仮名に | |
ぬ | 306C | HIRAGANA LETTER NU | 平仮名ぬ | |
ね | 306D | HIRAGANA LETTER NE | 平仮名ね | |
の | 306E | HIRAGANA LETTER NO | 平仮名の | |
は | 306F | HIRAGANA LETTER HA | 平仮名は | |
ば | 3070 | HIRAGANA LETTER BA | 濁点付き平仮名は | |
ぱ | 3071 | HIRAGANA LETTER PA | 半濁点付き平仮名は | |
ひ | 3072 | HIRAGANA LETTER HI | 平仮名ひ | |
び | 3073 | HIRAGANA LETTER BI | 濁点付き平仮名ひ | |
ぴ | 3074 | HIRAGANA LETTER PI | 半濁点付き平仮名ひ | |
ふ | 3075 | HIRAGANA LETTER HU | 平仮名ふ | |
ぶ | 3076 | HIRAGANA LETTER BU | 濁点付き平仮名ふ | |
ぷ | 3077 | HIRAGANA LETTER PU | 半濁点付き平仮名ふ | |
へ | 3078 | HIRAGANA LETTER HE | 平仮名へ | |
べ | 3079 | HIRAGANA LETTER BE | 濁点付き平仮名へ | |
ぺ | 307A | HIRAGANA LETTER PE | 半濁点付き平仮名へ | |
ほ | 307B | HIRAGANA LETTER HO | 平仮名ほ | |
ぼ | 307C | HIRAGANA LETTER BO | 濁点付き平仮名ほ | |
ぽ | 307D | HIRAGANA LETTER PO | 半濁点付き平仮名ほ | |
ま | 307E | HIRAGANA LETTER MA | 平仮名ま | |
み | 307F | HIRAGANA LETTER MI | 平仮名み | |
む | 3080 | HIRAGANA LETTER MU | 平仮名む | |
め | 3081 | HIRAGANA LETTER ME | 平仮名め | |
も | 3082 | HIRAGANA LETTER MO | 平仮名も | |
や | 3084 | HIRAGANA LETTER YA | 平仮名や | |
ゆ | 3086 | HIRAGANA LETTER YU | 平仮名ゆ | |
よ | 3088 | HIRAGANA LETTER YO | 平仮名よ | |
ら | 3089 | HIRAGANA LETTER RA | 平仮名ら | |
り | 308A | HIRAGANA LETTER RI | 平仮名り | |
る | 308B | HIRAGANA LETTER RU | 平仮名る | |
れ | 308C | HIRAGANA LETTER RE | 平仮名れ | |
ろ | 308D | HIRAGANA LETTER RO | 平仮名ろ | |
わ | 308F | HIRAGANA LETTER WA | 平仮名わ | |
ゐ | 3090 | HIRAGANA LETTER WI | 平仮名ゐ | |
ゑ | 3091 | HIRAGANA LETTER WE | 平仮名ゑ | |
を | 3092 | HIRAGANA LETTER WO | 平仮名を | |
ん | 3093 | HIRAGANA LETTER N | 平仮名ん | |
ゔ | 3094 | HIRAGANA LETTER VU | 濁点付き平仮名う | |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
ア | 30A2 | KATAKANA LETTER A | 片仮名ア | |
イ | 30A4 | KATAKANA LETTER I | 片仮名イ | |
ウ | 30A6 | KATAKANA LETTER U | 片仮名ウ | |
エ | 30A8 | KATAKANA LETTER E | 片仮名エ | |
オ | 30AA | KATAKANA LETTER O | 片仮名オ | |
カ | 30AB | KATAKANA LETTER KA | 片仮名カ | |
ガ | 30AC | KATAKANA LETTER GA | 濁点付き片仮名カ | |
キ | 30AD | KATAKANA LETTER KI | 片仮名キ | |
ギ | 30AE | KATAKANA LETTER GI | 濁点付き片仮名キ | |
ク | 30AF | KATAKANA LETTER KU | 片仮名ク | |
グ | 30B0 | KATAKANA LETTER GU | 濁点付き片仮名ク | |
ケ | 30B1 | KATAKANA LETTER KE | 片仮名ケ | |
ゲ | 30B2 | KATAKANA LETTER GE | 濁点付き片仮名ケ | |
コ | 30B3 | KATAKANA LETTER KO | 片仮名コ | |
ゴ | 30B4 | KATAKANA LETTER GO | 濁点付き片仮名コ | |
サ | 30B5 | KATAKANA LETTER SA | 片仮名サ | |
ザ | 30B6 | KATAKANA LETTER ZA | 濁点付き片仮名サ | |
シ | 30B7 | KATAKANA LETTER SI | 片仮名シ | |
ジ | 30B8 | KATAKANA LETTER ZI | 濁点付き片仮名シ | |
ス | 30B9 | KATAKANA LETTER SU | 片仮名ス | |
ズ | 30BA | KATAKANA LETTER ZU | 濁点付き片仮名ス | |
セ | 30BB | KATAKANA LETTER SE | 片仮名セ | |
ゼ | 30BC | KATAKANA LETTER ZE | 濁点付き片仮名セ | |
ソ | 30BD | KATAKANA LETTER SO | 片仮名ソ | |
ゾ | 30BE | KATAKANA LETTER ZO | 濁点付き片仮名ソ | |
タ | 30BF | KATAKANA LETTER TA | 片仮名タ | |
ダ | 30C0 | KATAKANA LETTER DA | 濁点付き片仮名タ | |
チ | 30C1 | KATAKANA LETTER TI | 片仮名チ | |
ヂ | 30C2 | KATAKANA LETTER DI | 濁点付き片仮名チ | |
ツ | 30C4 | KATAKANA LETTER TU | 片仮名ツ | |
ヅ | 30C5 | KATAKANA LETTER DU | 濁点付き片仮名ツ | |
テ | 30C6 | KATAKANA LETTER TE | 片仮名テ | |
デ | 30C7 | KATAKANA LETTER DE | 濁点付き片仮名テ | |
ト | 30C8 | KATAKANA LETTER TO | 片仮名ト | |
ド | 30C9 | KATAKANA LETTER DO | 濁点付き片仮名ト | |
ナ | 30CA | KATAKANA LETTER NA | 片仮名ナ | |
ニ | 30CB | KATAKANA LETTER NI | 片仮名ニ | |
ヌ | 30CC | KATAKANA LETTER NU | 片仮名ヌ | |
ネ | 30CD | KATAKANA LETTER NE | 片仮名ネ | |
ノ | 30CE | KATAKANA LETTER NO | 片仮名ノ | |
ハ | 30CF | KATAKANA LETTER HA | 片仮名ハ | |
バ | 30D0 | KATAKANA LETTER BA | 濁点付き片仮名ハ | |
パ | 30D1 | KATAKANA LETTER PA | 半濁点付き片仮名ハ | |
ヒ | 30D2 | KATAKANA LETTER HI | 片仮名ヒ | |
ビ | 30D3 | KATAKANA LETTER BI | 濁点付き片仮名ヒ | |
ピ | 30D4 | KATAKANA LETTER PI | 半濁点付き片仮名ヒ | |
フ | 30D5 | KATAKANA LETTER HU | 片仮名フ | |
ブ | 30D6 | KATAKANA LETTER BU | 濁点付き片仮名フ | |
プ | 30D7 | KATAKANA LETTER PU | 半濁点付き片仮名フ | |
ヘ | 30D8 | KATAKANA LETTER HE | 片仮名ヘ | |
ベ | 30D9 | KATAKANA LETTER BE | 濁点付き片仮名ヘ | |
ペ | 30DA | KATAKANA LETTER PE | 半濁点付き片仮名ヘ | |
ホ | 30DB | KATAKANA LETTER HO | 片仮名ホ | |
ボ | 30DC | KATAKANA LETTER BO | 濁点付き片仮名ホ | |
ポ | 30DD | KATAKANA LETTER PO | 半濁点付き片仮名ホ | |
マ | 30DE | KATAKANA LETTER MA | 片仮名マ | |
ミ | 30DF | KATAKANA LETTER MI | 片仮名ミ | |
ム | 30E0 | KATAKANA LETTER MU | 片仮名ム | |
メ | 30E1 | KATAKANA LETTER ME | 片仮名メ | |
モ | 30E2 | KATAKANA LETTER MO | 片仮名モ | |
ヤ | 30E4 | KATAKANA LETTER YA | 片仮名ヤ | |
ユ | 30E6 | KATAKANA LETTER YU | 片仮名ユ | |
ヨ | 30E8 | KATAKANA LETTER YO | 片仮名ヨ | |
ラ | 30E9 | KATAKANA LETTER RA | 片仮名ラ | |
リ | 30EA | KATAKANA LETTER RI | 片仮名リ | |
ル | 30EB | KATAKANA LETTER RU | 片仮名ル | |
レ | 30EC | KATAKANA LETTER RE | 片仮名レ | |
ロ | 30ED | KATAKANA LETTER RO | 片仮名ロ | |
ワ | 30EF | KATAKANA LETTER WA | 片仮名ワ | |
ヰ | 30F0 | KATAKANA LETTER WI | 片仮名ヰ | |
ヱ | 30F1 | KATAKANA LETTER WE | 片仮名ヱ | |
ヲ | 30F2 | KATAKANA LETTER WO | 片仮名ヲ | |
ン | 30F3 | KATAKANA LETTER N | 片仮名ン | |
ヴ | 30F4 | KATAKANA LETTER VU | 濁点付き片仮名ウ | |
ヷ | 30F7 | KATAKANA LETTER VA | 濁点付きワ | |
ヸ | 30F8 | KATAKANA LETTER VI | 濁点付きヰ | |
ヹ | 30F9 | KATAKANA LETTER VE | 濁点付きヱ | |
ヺ | 30FA | KATAKANA LETTER VO | 濁点付きヲ |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
= | 003D | EQUALS SIGN | 等号 | |
≠ | 2260 | NOT EQUAL TO | 等号否定 | |
≃ | 2243 | ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO | 漸進的に等しい,ホモトープ | |
≅ | 2245 | APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO | 同形 | |
≈ | 2248 | ALMOST EQUAL TO | 近似的に等しい,同相 | |
≡ | 2261 | IDENTICAL TO | 常に等しい,合同 | |
≢ | 2262 | NOT IDENTICAL TO | 合同否定 | |
< | 003C | LESS-THAN SIGN | 不等号(より小) | |
> | 003E | GREATER-THAN SIGN | 不等号(より大) | |
≦ | 2266 | LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO | より小さいか又は等しい | |
≧ | 2267 | GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO | より大きいか又は等しい | |
≪ | 226A | MUCH LESS-THAN | 非常に小さい | |
≫ | 226B | MUCH GREATER-THAN | 非常に大きい | |
≶ | 2276 | LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN | 小さいか大きい | |
≷ | 2277 | GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN | 大きいか小さい | |
⋚ | 22DA | LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN | 小さいか等しいか大きい | |
⋛ | 22DB | GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN | 大きいか等しいか小さい | |
∧ | 2227 | LOGICAL AND | 及び(合接) | |
∨ | 2228 | LOGICAL OR | 又は(離接) | |
⌅ | 2305 | PROJECTIVE | 射影的関係 | |
⌆ | 2306 | PERSPECTIVE | 背景的関係 | |
⊂ | 2282 | SUBSET OF | 真部分集合 | |
⊃ | 2283 | SUPERSET OF | 真部分集合(逆方向) | |
⊄ | 2284 | NOT A SUBSET OF | 部分集合の否定 | |
⊅ | 2285 | NOT A SUPERSET OF | 部分集合の否定(逆方向) | |
⊆ | 2286 | SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO | 部分集合 | |
⊇ | 2287 | SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO | 部分集合(逆方向) | |
⊊ | 228A | SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO | 真部分集合2 | |
⊋ | 228B | SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO | 真部分集合2(逆方向) | |
∈ | 2208 | ELEMENT OF | 属する | |
∋ | 220B | CONTAINS AS MEMBER | 元として含む | |
∉ | 2209 | NOT AN ELEMENT OF | 要素の否定,元の否定 | |
∪ | 222A | UNION | 合併集合 | |
∩ | 2229 | INTERSECTION | 共通集合 | |
∥ | 2225 | PARALLEL TO | 平行 | |
∦ | 2226 | NOT PARALLEL TO | 平行の否定 | |
⇒ | 21D2 | RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW | ならば(含意) | |
⇔ | 21D4 | LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW | 同値 | |
↔ | 2194 | LEFT RIGHT ARROW | 同等 | |
∽ | 223D | REVERSED TILDE (lazy S) | 相似 | |
∝ | 221D | PROPORTIONAL TO | 比例 | |
⊥ | 22A5 | UP TACK | 垂直 | |
⊕ | 2295 | CIRCLED PLUS | 直和 | |
⊗ | 2297 | CIRCLED TIMES | テンソル積 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
+ | 002B | PLUS SIGN | 正符号,加算記号 | |
- | 2212 | MINUS SIGN | 負符号,減算記号 | |
× | 00D7 | MULTIPLICATION SIGN | 乗算記号 | |
÷ | 00F7 | DIVISION SIGN | 除算記号 | |
± | 00B1 | PLUS-MINUS SIGN | 正又は負符号 | |
∓ | 2213 | MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN | 負又は正符号 |
In addition to CJK Ideographs,ideographic characters (cl-19) also includes some handful of other symbols. The following is the list of all non-ideographic characters assigned to this character class.
漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスには,“CJK Ideographs”の他に,いくつかの記号類が含まれる.次は,この文字クラスに含まれる非漢字の文字・記号のリストである.
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
& | 0026 | AMPERSAND | アンパサンド | |
* | 002A | ASTERISK | 星印,アステリスク | |
/ | 002F | SOLIDUS | 斜線 | |
0 | 0030 | DIGIT ZERO | 0 | |
1 | 0031 | DIGIT ONE | 1 | |
2 | 0032 | DIGIT TWO | 2 | |
3 | 0033 | DIGIT THREE | 3 | |
4 | 0034 | DIGIT FOUR | 4 | |
5 | 0035 | DIGIT FIVE | 5 | |
6 | 0036 | DIGIT SIX | 6 | |
7 | 0037 | DIGIT SEVEN | 7 | |
8 | 0038 | DIGIT EIGHT | 8 | |
9 | 0039 | DIGIT NINE | 9 | |
@ | 0040 | COMMERCIAL AT | 単価記号,アットマーク | |
A | 0041 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A | ラテン大文字A | |
B | 0042 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B | ラテン大文字B | |
C | 0043 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C | ラテン大文字C | |
D | 0044 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D | ラテン大文字D | |
E | 0045 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E | ラテン大文字E | |
F | 0046 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F | ラテン大文字F | |
G | 0047 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G | ラテン大文字G | |
H | 0048 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H | ラテン大文字H | |
I | 0049 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I | ラテン大文字I | |
J | 004A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J | ラテン大文字J | |
K | 004B | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K | ラテン大文字K | |
L | 004C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L | ラテン大文字L | |
M | 004D | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M | ラテン大文字M | |
N | 004E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N | ラテン大文字N | |
O | 004F | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O | ラテン大文字O | |
P | 0050 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P | ラテン大文字P | |
Q | 0051 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q | ラテン大文字Q | |
R | 0052 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R | ラテン大文字R | |
S | 0053 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S | ラテン大文字S | |
T | 0054 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T | ラテン大文字T | |
U | 0055 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U | ラテン大文字U | |
V | 0056 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V | ラテン大文字V | |
W | 0057 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W | ラテン大文字W | |
X | 0058 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X | ラテン大文字X | |
Y | 0059 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y | ラテン大文字Y | |
Z | 005A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z | ラテン大文字Z | |
\ | 005C | REVERSE SOLIDUS | 逆斜線 | |
a | 0061 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A | ラテン小文字A | |
b | 0062 | LATIN SMALL LETTER B | ラテン小文字B | |
c | 0063 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C | ラテン小文字C | |
d | 0064 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D | ラテン小文字D | |
e | 0065 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E | ラテン小文字E | |
f | 0066 | LATIN SMALL LETTER F | ラテン小文字F | |
g | 0067 | LATIN SMALL LETTER G | ラテン小文字G | |
h | 0068 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H | ラテン小文字H | |
i | 0069 | LATIN SMALL LETTER I | ラテン小文字I | |
j | 006A | LATIN SMALL LETTER J | ラテン小文字J | |
k | 006B | LATIN SMALL LETTER K | ラテン小文字K | |
l | 006C | LATIN SMALL LETTER L | ラテン小文字L | |
m | 006D | LATIN SMALL LETTER M | ラテン小文字M | |
n | 006E | LATIN SMALL LETTER N | ラテン小文字N | |
o | 006F | LATIN SMALL LETTER O | ラテン小文字O | |
p | 0070 | LATIN SMALL LETTER P | ラテン小文字P | |
q | 0071 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Q | ラテン小文字Q | |
r | 0072 | LATIN SMALL LETTER R | ラテン小文字R | |
s | 0073 | LATIN SMALL LETTER S | ラテン小文字S | |
t | 0074 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T | ラテン小文字T | |
u | 0075 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U | ラテン小文字U | |
v | 0076 | LATIN SMALL LETTER V | ラテン小文字V | |
w | 0077 | LATIN SMALL LETTER W | ラテン小文字W | |
x | 0078 | LATIN SMALL LETTER X | ラテン小文字X | |
y | 0079 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Y | ラテン小文字Y | |
z | 007A | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z | ラテン小文字Z | |
| | 007C | VERTICAL LINE | 縦線 | |
§ | 00A7 | SECTION SIGN | 節記号 | |
© | 00A9 | COPYRIGHT SIGN | 著作権表示記号 | |
® | 00AE | REGISTERED SIGN | 登録商標記号 | |
¶ | 00B6 | PILCROW SIGN | 段落記号 | |
½ | 00BD | VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF | 2分の1 | |
Β | 0392 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA | ギリシア大文字BETA | |
Ζ | 0396 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA | ギリシア大文字ZETA | |
Η | 0397 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA | ギリシア大文字ETA | |
Ι | 0399 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA | ギリシア大文字IOTA | |
Μ | 039C | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU | ギリシア大文字MU | |
Ν | 039D | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU | ギリシア大文字NU | |
Ξ | 039E | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI | ギリシア大文字XI | |
Π | 03A0 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI | ギリシア大文字PI | |
Ρ | 03A1 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO | ギリシア大文字RHO | |
Τ | 03A4 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU | ギリシア大文字TAU | |
Φ | 03A6 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI | ギリシア大文字PHI | |
Χ | 03A7 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI | ギリシア大文字CHI | |
Ψ | 03A8 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI | ギリシア大文字PSI | |
α | 03B1 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA | ギリシア小文字ALPHA | |
β | 03B2 | GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA | ギリシア小文字BETA | |
γ | 03B3 | GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA | ギリシア小文字GAMMA | |
δ | 03B4 | GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA | ギリシア小文字DELTA | |
ζ | 03B6 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA | ギリシア小文字ZETA | |
η | 03B7 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA | ギリシア小文字ETA | |
θ | 03B8 | GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA | ギリシア小文字THETA | |
ι | 03B9 | GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA | ギリシア小文字IOTA | |
μ | 03BC | GREEK SMALL LETTER MU | ギリシア小文字MU | |
ν | 03BD | GREEK SMALL LETTER NU | ギリシア小文字NU | |
ξ | 03BE | GREEK SMALL LETTER XI | ギリシア小文字XI | |
π | 03C0 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PI | ギリシア小文字PI | |
ρ | 03C1 | GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO | ギリシア小文字RHO | |
ς | 03C2 | GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA | ギリシア小文字ファイナルSIGMA | |
σ | 03C3 | GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA | ギリシア小文字SIGMA | |
τ | 03C4 | GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU | ギリシア小文字TAU | |
φ | 03C6 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI | ギリシア小文字PHI | |
χ | 03C7 | GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI | ギリシア小文字CHI | |
ψ | 03C8 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI | ギリシア小文字PSI | |
ω | 03C9 | GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA | ギリシア小文字OMEGA | |
Ё | 0401 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO | キリール大文字IO | |
А | 0410 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A | キリール大文字A | |
Б | 0411 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE | キリール大文字BE | |
В | 0412 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE | キリール大文字VE | |
Д | 0414 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE | キリール大文字DE | |
Е | 0415 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE | キリール大文字IE | |
З | 0417 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE | キリール大文字ZE | |
И | 0418 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I | キリール大文字I | |
О | 041E | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O | キリール大文字O | |
Р | 0420 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER | キリール大文字ER | |
С | 0421 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES | キリール大文字ES | |
Т | 0422 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE | キリール大文字TE | |
У | 0423 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U | キリール大文字U | |
Ф | 0424 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF | キリール大文字EF | |
Х | 0425 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA | キリール大文字HA | |
Э | 042D | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E | キリール大文字E | |
а | 0430 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A | キリール小文字A | |
б | 0431 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE | キリール小文字BE | |
в | 0432 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE | キリール小文字VE | |
г | 0433 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE | キリール小文字GHE | |
д | 0434 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE | キリール小文字DE | |
е | 0435 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE | キリール小文字IE | |
ж | 0436 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE | キリール小文字ZHE | |
з | 0437 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE | キリール小文字ZE | |
и | 0438 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I | キリール小文字I | |
к | 043A | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA | キリール小文字KA | |
л | 043B | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL | キリール小文字EL | |
м | 043C | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM | キリール小文字EM | |
н | 043D | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN | キリール小文字EN | |
о | 043E | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O | キリール小文字O | |
п | 043F | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE | キリール小文字PE | |
р | 0440 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER | キリール小文字ER | |
с | 0441 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES | キリール小文字ES | |
т | 0442 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE | キリール小文字TE | |
у | 0443 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U | キリール小文字U | |
ф | 0444 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF | キリール小文字EF | |
х | 0445 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA | キリール小文字HA | |
ц | 0446 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE | キリール小文字TSE | |
ч | 0447 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE | キリール小文字CHE | |
ш | 0448 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA | キリール小文字SHA | |
э | 044D | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E | キリール小文字E | |
ю | 044E | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU | キリール小文字YU | |
я | 044F | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA | キリール小文字YA | |
ё | 0451 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO | キリール小文字IO | |
‖ | 2016 | DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE | 双柱 | |
† | 2020 | DAGGER | ダガー | |
‡ | 2021 | DOUBLE DAGGER | ダブルダガー | |
• | 2022 | BULLET | ビュレット | |
※ | 203B | REFERENCE MARK | 米印 | |
⁂ | 2042 | ASTERISM | アステリズム | |
℡ | 2121 | TELEPHONE SIGN | 全角TEL | |
⅓ | 2153 | VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD | 3分の1 | |
⅔ | 2154 | VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS | 3分の2 | |
⅕ | 2155 | VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH | 5分の1 | |
Ⅰ | 2160 | ROMAN NUMERAL ONE | ローマ数字1 | |
Ⅱ | 2161 | ROMAN NUMERAL TWO | ローマ数字2 | |
Ⅲ | 2162 | ROMAN NUMERAL THREE | ローマ数字3 | |
Ⅳ | 2163 | ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR | ローマ数字4 | |
Ⅴ | 2164 | ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE | ローマ数字5 | |
Ⅵ | 2165 | ROMAN NUMERAL SIX | ローマ数字6 | |
Ⅶ | 2166 | ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN | ローマ数字7 | |
Ⅷ | 2167 | ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT | ローマ数字8 | |
Ⅸ | 2168 | ROMAN NUMERAL NINE | ローマ数字9 | |
Ⅹ | 2169 | ROMAN NUMERAL TEN | ローマ数字10 | |
Ⅺ | 216A | ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN | ローマ数字11 | |
Ⅻ | 216B | ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE | ローマ数字12 | |
Ⅻ | 216B | ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE | ローマ数字12 | |
ⅰ | 2170 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE | ローマ数字1小文字 | |
ⅱ | 2171 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO | ローマ数字2小文字 | |
ⅲ | 2172 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE | ローマ数字3小文字 | |
ⅳ | 2173 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR | ローマ数字4小文字 | |
ⅴ | 2174 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE | ローマ数字5小文字 | |
ⅵ | 2175 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX | ローマ数字6小文字 | |
ⅶ | 2176 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN | ローマ数字7小文字 | |
ⅷ | 2177 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT | ローマ数字8小文字 | |
ⅸ | 2178 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE | ローマ数字9小文字 | |
ⅹ | 2179 | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN | ローマ数字10小文字 | |
ⅺ | 217A | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN | ローマ数字11小文字 | |
ⅻ | 217B | SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE | ローマ数字12小文字 | |
← | 2190 | LEFTWARDS ARROW | 左向矢印 | |
↑ | 2191 | UPWARDS ARROW | 上向矢印 | |
→ | 2192 | RIGHTWARDS ARROW | 右向矢印 | |
↓ | 2193 | DOWNWARDS ARROW | 下向矢印 | |
↔ | 2194 | LEFT RIGHT ARROW | 同等 | |
↖ | 2196 | NORTH WEST ARROW | 左上向矢印 | |
↗ | 2197 | NORTH EAST ARROW | 右上向矢印 | |
↘ | 2198 | SOUTH EAST ARROW | 右下向矢印 | |
↙ | 2199 | SOUTH WEST ARROW | 左下向矢印 | |
⇦ | 21E6 | LEFTWARDS WHITE ARROW | 左向白矢印 | |
⇧ | 21E7 | UPWARDS WHITE ARROW | 上向白矢印 | |
⇨ | 21E8 | RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW | 右向白矢印 | |
⇩ | 21E9 | DOWNWARDS WHITE ARROW | 下向白矢印 | |
√ | 221A | SQUARE ROOT | 根号 | |
∞ | 221E | INFINITY | 無限大 | |
∟ | 221F | RIGHT ANGLE | ファクトリアル,直角 | |
∫ | 222B | INTEGRAL | 積分記号 | |
∬ | 222C | DOUBLE INTEGRAL | 2重積分記号 | |
∴ | 2234 | THEREFORE | ゆえに | |
∵ | 2235 | BECAUSE | なぜならば | |
⊖ | 2296 | CIRCLED MINUS | 丸付きマイナス | |
⊿ | 22BF | RIGHT TRIANGLE | 直角三角 | |
⌘ | 2318 | PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN | コマンド記号 | |
⏎ | 23CE | RETURN SYMBOL | リターン記号 | |
␣ | 2423 | OPEN BOX | 空白記号 | |
① | 2460 | CIRCLED DIGIT ONE | 丸1 | |
② | 2461 | CIRCLED DIGIT TWO | 丸2 | |
③ | 2462 | CIRCLED DIGIT THREE | 丸3 | |
④ | 2463 | CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR | 丸4 | |
⑤ | 2464 | CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE | 丸5 | |
⑥ | 2465 | CIRCLED DIGIT SIX | 丸6 | |
⑦ | 2466 | CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN | 丸7 | |
⑧ | 2467 | CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT | 丸8 | |
⑨ | 2468 | CIRCLED DIGIT NINE | 丸9 | |
⑩ | 2469 | CIRCLED NUMBER TEN | 丸10 | |
⑪ | 246A | CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN | 丸11 | |
⑫ | 246B | CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE | 丸12 | |
⑬ | 246C | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN | 丸13 | |
⑭ | 246D | CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN | 丸14 | |
⑮ | 246E | CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN | 丸15 | |
⑯ | 246F | CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN | 丸16 | |
⑰ | 2470 | CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN | 丸17 | |
⑱ | 2471 | CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN | 丸18 | |
⑲ | 2472 | CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN | 丸19 | |
⑳ | 2473 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY | 丸20 | |
⓵ | 24F5 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE | 二重丸1 | |
⓶ | 24F6 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO | 二重丸2 | |
⓷ | 24F7 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE | 二重丸3 | |
⓸ | 24F8 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR | 二重丸4 | |
⓹ | 24F9 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE | 二重丸5 | |
⓺ | 24FA | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX | 二重丸6 | |
⓾ | 24FE | DOUBLE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN | 二重丸10 | |
■ | 25A0 | BLACK SQUARE | 黒四角 | |
□ | 25A1 | WHITE SQUARE | 四角 | |
▱ | 25B1 | WHITE PARALLELOGRAM | 平行四辺形 | |
◆ | 25C6 | BLACK DIAMOND | 黒ひし形 | |
◇ | 25C7 | WHITE DIAMOND | ひし形 | |
◉ | 25C9 | FISHEYE | 蛇の目 | |
○ | 25CB | WHITE CIRCLE | 丸印,白丸 | |
◎ | 25CE | BULLSEYE | 二重丸 | |
● | 25CF | BLACK CIRCLE | 黒丸 | |
◐ | 25D0 | CIRCLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK | 左半黒丸 | |
◑ | 25D1 | CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK | 右半黒丸 | |
◒ | 25D2 | CIRCLE WITH LOWER HALF BLACK | 下半黒丸 | |
◓ | 25D3 | CIRCLE WITH UPPER HALF BLACK | 上半黒丸 | |
◦ | 25E6 | WHITE BULLET | 白ビュレット | |
◯ | 25EF | LARGE CIRCLE | 大きな丸 | |
☀ | 2600 | BLACK SUN WITH RAYS | 晴マーク | |
☁ | 2601 | CLOUD | 曇マーク | |
☂ | 2602 | UMBRELLA | 雨マーク | |
☃ | 2603 | SNOWMAN | 雪マーク | |
★ | 2605 | BLACK STAR | 黒星 | |
☆ | 2606 | WHITE STAR | 白星 | |
☎ | 260E | BLACK TELEPHONE | 電話マーク | |
☖ | 2616 | WHITE SHOGI PIECE | 白将棋駒 | |
☗ | 2617 | BLACK SHOGI PIECE | 黒将棋駒 | |
☞ | 261E | WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX | 指示マーク | |
♀ | 2640 | FEMALE SIGN | 雌記号 | |
♂ | 2642 | MALE SIGN | 雄記号 | |
♠ | 2660 | BLACK SPADE SUIT | スペード | |
♡ | 2661 | WHITE HEART SUIT | ハート(白) | |
♢ | 2662 | WHITE DIAMOND SUIT | ダイヤ(白) | |
♣ | 2663 | BLACK CLUB SUIT | クラブ | |
♤ | 2664 | WHITE SPADE SUIT | スペード(白) | |
♥ | 2665 | BLACK HEART SUIT | ハート | |
♦ | 2666 | BLACK DIAMOND SUIT | ダイヤ | |
♧ | 2667 | WHITE CLUB SUIT | クラブ(白) | |
♨ | 2668 | HOT SPRINGS | 温泉マーク | |
♩ | 2669 | QUARTER NOTE | 四分音符 | |
♪ | 266A | EIGHTH NOTE | 音符 | |
♫ | 266B | BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES | 連こう(桁)付き八分音符 | |
♬ | 266C | BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES | 連こう(桁)付き十六分音符 | |
♭ | 266D | MUSIC FLAT SIGN | フラット | |
♮ | 266E | MUSIC NATURAL SIGN | ナチュラル | |
♯ | 266F | MUSIC SHARP SIGN | シャープ | |
✓ | 2713 | CHECK MARK | チェックマーク | |
❖ | 2756 | BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X | 四つ菱 | |
⦿ | 29BF | CIRCLED BULLET | 丸中黒 | |
⧺ | 29FA | DOUBLE PLUS | 2プラス | |
⧻ | 29FB | TRIPLE PLUS | 3プラス | |
〃 | 3003 | DITTO MARK | 同じく記号 | |
〆 | 3006 | IDEOGRAPHIC CLOSING MARK | しめ | |
〇 | 3007 | IDEOGRAPHIC NUMBER ZERO | 漢数字ゼロ(レイ) | |
〒 | 3012 | POSTAL MARK | 郵便記号 | |
〓 | 3013 | GETA MARK | げた記号 | |
〠 | 3020 | POSTAL MARK FACE | 郵便マーク | |
〼 | 303C | MASU MARK | ます記号 | |
〽 | 303D | PART ALTERNATION MARK | 歌記号,いおり(庵)点 | |
ゟ | 309F | HIRAGANA DIGRAPH YORI | より | |
㈱ | 3231 | PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH STOCK | 全角括弧付き株 | |
㈲ | 3232 | PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH HAVE | 全角括弧付き有 | |
㉑ | 3251 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY ONE | 丸21 | |
㉒ | 3252 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY TWO | 丸22 | |
㉓ | 3253 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY THREE | 丸23 | |
㉔ | 3254 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FOUR | 丸24 | |
㉕ | 3255 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FIVE | 丸25 | |
㉖ | 3256 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SIX | 丸26 | |
㉗ | 3257 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN | 丸27 | |
㉘ | 3258 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY EIGHT | 丸28 | |
㉙ | 3259 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY NINE | 丸29 | |
㉚ | 325A | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY | 丸30 | |
㉛ | 325B | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY ONE | 丸31 | |
㉜ | 325C | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY TWO | 丸32 | |
㊤ | 32A4 | CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH HIGH | 丸付き上 | |
㊥ | 32A5 | CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH CENTRE | 丸付き中 | |
㊦ | 32A6 | CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH LOW | 丸付き下 | |
㊧ | 32A7 | CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH LEFT | 丸付き左 | |
㊨ | 32A8 | CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH RIGHT | 丸付き右 | |
㊱ | 32B1 | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY SIX | 丸36 | |
㊵ | 32B5 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY | 丸40 | |
㊶ | 32B6 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY ONE | 丸41 | |
㊷ | 32B7 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY TWO | 丸42 | |
㊹ | 32B9 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY FOUR | 丸44 | |
㊿ | 32BF | CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTY | 丸50 | |
㋐ | 32D0 | CIRCLED KATAKANA A | 丸ア | |
㋑ | 32D1 | CIRCLED KATAKANA I | 丸イ | |
㋒ | 32D2 | CIRCLED KATAKANA U | 丸ウ | |
㋓ | 32D3 | CIRCLED KATAKANA E | 丸エ | |
㋔ | 32D4 | CIRCLED KATAKANA O | 丸オ | |
㋕ | 32D5 | CIRCLED KATAKANA KA | 丸カ | |
㋖ | 32D6 | CIRCLED KATAKANA KI | 丸キ | |
㋗ | 32D7 | CIRCLED KATAKANA KU | 丸ク | |
㋘ | 32D8 | CIRCLED KATAKANA KE | 丸ケ | |
㋙ | 32D9 | CIRCLED KATAKANA KO | 丸コ | |
㋚ | 32DA | CIRCLED KATAKANA SA | 丸サ | |
㋛ | 32DB | CIRCLED KATAKANA SI | 丸シ | |
㋜ | 32DC | CIRCLED KATAKANA SU | 丸ス | |
㋝ | 32DD | CIRCLED KATAKANA SE | 丸セ | |
㋞ | 32DE | CIRCLED KATAKANA SO | 丸ソ | |
㋟ | 32DF | CIRCLED KATAKANA TA | 丸タ | |
㋠ | 32E0 | CIRCLED KATAKANA TI | 丸チ | |
㋡ | 32E1 | CIRCLED KATAKANA TU | 丸ツ | |
㋢ | 32E2 | CIRCLED KATAKANA TE | 丸テ | |
㋣ | 32E3 | CIRCLED KATAKANA TO | 丸ト | |
㋥ | 32E5 | CIRCLED KATAKANA NI | 丸ニ | |
㋩ | 32E9 | CIRCLED KATAKANA HA | 丸ハ | |
㋬ | 32EC | CIRCLED KATAKANA HE | 丸ヘ | |
㋭ | 32ED | CIRCLED KATAKANA HO | 丸ホ | |
㋺ | 32FA | CIRCLED KATAKANA RO | 丸ロ | |
㍻ | 337B | SQUARE ERA NAME HEISEI | 全角元号平成 | |
㍼ | 337C | SQUARE ERA NAME SYOUWA | 全角元号昭和 | |
㍽ | 337D | SQUARE ERA NAME TAISYOU | 全角元号大正 | |
㍾ | 337E | SQUARE ERA NAME MEIZI | 全角元号明治 | |
㏍ | 33CD | SQUARE KK | 全角KK | |
Any character may participate inreference marks.
Any character may participate in ornamented character complex.
Any character may participate in simple-ruby character complex.
Any character may participate in jukugo-ruby character complex.
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
0020 | SPACE | quarter em width位取りの空白 字幅は四分角 | ||
, | 002C | COMMA | コンマ | quarter em width or half-width位取りのコンマ 字幅は四分角又は半角 |
. | 002E | FULL STOP | ピリオド | decimal point quarter em width or half-width小数点 字幅は四分角又は半角 |
0 | 0030 | DIGIT ZERO | 0 | half-width字幅は半角 |
1 | 0031 | DIGIT ONE | 1 | half-width字幅は半角 |
2 | 0032 | DIGIT TWO | 2 | half-width字幅は半角 |
3 | 0033 | DIGIT THREE | 3 | half-width字幅は半角 |
4 | 0034 | DIGIT FOUR | 4 | half-width字幅は半角 |
5 | 0035 | DIGIT FIVE | 5 | half-width字幅は半角 |
6 | 0036 | DIGIT SIX | 6 | half-width字幅は半角 |
7 | 0037 | DIGIT SEVEN | 7 | half-width字幅は半角 |
8 | 0038 | DIGIT EIGHT | 8 | half-width字幅は半角 |
9 | 0039 | DIGIT NINE | 9 | half-width字幅は半角 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
0020 | SPACE | quarter em width位取りの空白 字幅は四分角 | ||
( | 0028 | LEFT PARENTHESIS | 始め小括弧,始め丸括弧 | |
) | 0029 | RIGHT PARENTHESIS | 終わり小括弧,終わり丸括弧 | |
/ | 002F | SOLIDUS | 斜線 | one third em width, half-width or proportional字幅は三分角, 半角又はプロポーショナル |
1 | 0031 | DIGIT ONE | 1 | half-width or proportional半角又はプロポーショナル |
2 | 0032 | DIGIT TWO | 2 | half-width or proportional半角又はプロポーショナル |
3 | 0033 | DIGIT THREE | 3 | half-width or proportional半角又はプロポーショナル |
4 | 0034 | DIGIT FOUR | 4 | half-width or proportional半角又はプロポーショナル |
A | 0041 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A | ラテン大文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
B | 0042 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B | ラテン大文字B | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
C | 0043 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C | ラテン大文字C | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
D | 0044 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D | ラテン大文字D | プロポーショナル |
E | 0045 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E | ラテン大文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
F | 0046 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F | ラテン大文字F | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
G | 0047 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G | ラテン大文字G | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
H | 0048 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H | ラテン大文字H | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
I | 0049 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I | ラテン大文字I | プロポーショナル |
J | 004A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J | ラテン大文字J | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
K | 004B | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K | ラテン大文字K | プロポーショナル |
L | 004C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L | ラテン大文字L | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
M | 004D | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M | ラテン大文字M | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
N | 004E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N | ラテン大文字N | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
O | 004F | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O | ラテン大文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
P | 0050 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P | ラテン大文字P | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Q | 0051 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q | ラテン大文字Q | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
R | 0052 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R | ラテン大文字R | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
S | 0053 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S | ラテン大文字S | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
T | 0054 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T | ラテン大文字T | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
U | 0055 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U | ラテン大文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
V | 0056 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V | ラテン大文字V | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
W | 0057 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W | ラテン大文字W | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
X | 0058 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X | ラテン大文字X | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Y | 0059 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y | ラテン大文字Y | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Z | 005A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z | ラテン大文字Z | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
a | 0061 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A | ラテン小文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
b | 0062 | LATIN SMALL LETTER B | ラテン小文字B | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
c | 0063 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C | ラテン小文字C | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
d | 0064 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D | ラテン小文字D | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
e | 0065 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E | ラテン小文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
f | 0066 | LATIN SMALL LETTER F | ラテン小文字F | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
g | 0067 | LATIN SMALL LETTER G | ラテン小文字G | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
h | 0068 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H | ラテン小文字H | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
i | 0069 | LATIN SMALL LETTER I | ラテン小文字I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
j | 006A | LATIN SMALL LETTER J | ラテン小文字J | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
k | 006B | LATIN SMALL LETTER K | ラテン小文字K | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
l | 006C | LATIN SMALL LETTER L | ラテン小文字L | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
m | 006D | LATIN SMALL LETTER M | ラテン小文字M | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
n | 006E | LATIN SMALL LETTER N | ラテン小文字N | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
o | 006F | LATIN SMALL LETTER O | ラテン小文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
p | 0070 | LATIN SMALL LETTER P | ラテン小文字P | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
q | 0071 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Q | ラテン小文字Q | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
r | 0072 | LATIN SMALL LETTER R | ラテン小文字R | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
s | 0073 | LATIN SMALL LETTER S | ラテン小文字S | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
t | 0074 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T | ラテン小文字T | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
u | 0075 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U | ラテン小文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
v | 0076 | LATIN SMALL LETTER V | ラテン小文字V | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
w | 0077 | LATIN SMALL LETTER W | ラテン小文字W | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
x | 0078 | LATIN SMALL LETTER X | ラテン小文字X | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
y | 0079 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Y | ラテン小文字Y | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
z | 007A | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z | ラテン小文字Z | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ω | 03A9 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA | ギリシア大文字OMEGA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
μ | 03BC | GREEK SMALL LETTER MU | ギリシア小文字MU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
℧ | 2127 | INVERTED OHM SIGN | モー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Å | 212B | ANGSTROM SIGN | オングストローム | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
− | 2212 | MINUS SIGN | 負符号,減算記号 | |
・ | 30FB | KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT | 中点 | half-width字幅は半角 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
0020 | SPACE |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
! | 0021 | EXCLAMATION MARK | 感嘆符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
" | 0022 | QUOTATION MARK | 引用符,クォーテーションマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
# | 0023 | NUMBER SIGN | 番号記号,井げた | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
$ | 0024 | DOLLAR SIGN | ドル記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
% | 0025 | PERCENT SIGN | パーセント | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
& | 0026 | AMPERSAND | アンパサンド | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
' | 0027 | APOSTROPHE | アポストロフィ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
( | 0028 | LEFT PARENTHESIS | 始め小括弧,始め丸括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
) | 0029 | RIGHT PARENTHESIS | 終わり小括弧,終わり丸括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
* | 002A | ASTERISK | 星印,アステリスク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
+ | 002B | PLUS SIGN | 正符号,加算記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
, | 002C | COMMA | コンマ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
- | 002D | HYPHEN-MINUS | ハイフンマイナス | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
. | 002E | FULL STOP | ピリオド | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
/ | 002F | SOLIDUS | 斜線 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
0 | 0030 | DIGIT ZERO | 0 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
1 | 0031 | DIGIT ONE | 1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
2 | 0032 | DIGIT TWO | 2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
3 | 0033 | DIGIT THREE | 3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
4 | 0034 | DIGIT FOUR | 4 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
5 | 0035 | DIGIT FIVE | 5 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
6 | 0036 | DIGIT SIX | 6 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
7 | 0037 | DIGIT SEVEN | 7 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
8 | 0038 | DIGIT EIGHT | 8 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
9 | 0039 | DIGIT NINE | 9 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
: | 003A | COLON | コロン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
; | 003B | SEMICOLON | セミコロン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
< | 003C | LESS-THAN SIGN | 不等号(より小) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
= | 003D | EQUALS SIGN | 等号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
> | 003E | GREATER-THAN SIGN | 不等号(より大) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
? | 003F | QUESTION MARK | 疑問符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
@ | 0040 | COMMERCIAL AT | 単価記号,アットマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
A | 0041 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A | ラテン大文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
B | 0042 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B | ラテン大文字B | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
C | 0043 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C | ラテン大文字C | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
D | 0044 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D | ラテン大文字D | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
E | 0045 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E | ラテン大文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
F | 0046 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F | ラテン大文字F | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
G | 0047 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G | ラテン大文字G | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
H | 0048 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H | ラテン大文字H | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
I | 0049 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I | ラテン大文字I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
J | 004A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J | ラテン大文字J | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
K | 004B | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K | ラテン大文字K | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
L | 004C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L | ラテン大文字L | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
M | 004D | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M | ラテン大文字M | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
N | 004E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N | ラテン大文字N | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
O | 004F | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O | ラテン大文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
P | 0050 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P | ラテン大文字P | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Q | 0051 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q | ラテン大文字Q | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
R | 0052 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R | ラテン大文字R | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
S | 0053 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S | ラテン大文字S | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
T | 0054 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T | ラテン大文字T | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
U | 0055 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U | ラテン大文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
V | 0056 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V | ラテン大文字V | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
W | 0057 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W | ラテン大文字W | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
X | 0058 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X | ラテン大文字X | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Y | 0059 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y | ラテン大文字Y | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Z | 005A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z | ラテン大文字Z | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
[ | 005B | LEFT SQUARE BRACKET | 始め大括弧,始め角括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
\ | 005C | REVERSE SOLIDUS | 逆斜線 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
] | 005D | RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET | 終わり大括弧,終わり角括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
^ | 005E | CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT | アクサンシルコンフレックス,サーカムフレックスアクセント | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
_ | 005F | LOW LINE | アンダーライン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
` | 0060 | GRAVE ACCENT | アクサングラーブ,グレーブアクセント | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
a | 0061 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A | ラテン小文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
b | 0062 | LATIN SMALL LETTER B | ラテン小文字B | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
c | 0063 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C | ラテン小文字C | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
d | 0064 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D | ラテン小文字D | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
e | 0065 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E | ラテン小文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
f | 0066 | LATIN SMALL LETTER F | ラテン小文字F | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
g | 0067 | LATIN SMALL LETTER G | ラテン小文字G | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
h | 0068 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H | ラテン小文字H | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
i | 0069 | LATIN SMALL LETTER I | ラテン小文字I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
j | 006A | LATIN SMALL LETTER J | ラテン小文字J | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
k | 006B | LATIN SMALL LETTER K | ラテン小文字K | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
l | 006C | LATIN SMALL LETTER L | ラテン小文字L | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
m | 006D | LATIN SMALL LETTER M | ラテン小文字M | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
n | 006E | LATIN SMALL LETTER N | ラテン小文字N | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
o | 006F | LATIN SMALL LETTER O | ラテン小文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
p | 0070 | LATIN SMALL LETTER P | ラテン小文字P | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
q | 0071 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Q | ラテン小文字Q | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
r | 0072 | LATIN SMALL LETTER R | ラテン小文字R | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
s | 0073 | LATIN SMALL LETTER S | ラテン小文字S | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
t | 0074 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T | ラテン小文字T | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
u | 0075 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U | ラテン小文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
v | 0076 | LATIN SMALL LETTER V | ラテン小文字V | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
w | 0077 | LATIN SMALL LETTER W | ラテン小文字W | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
x | 0078 | LATIN SMALL LETTER X | ラテン小文字X | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
y | 0079 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Y | ラテン小文字Y | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
z | 007A | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z | ラテン小文字Z | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
{ | 007B | LEFT CURLY BRACKET | 始め中括弧,始め波括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
| | 007C | VERTICAL LINE | 縦線 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
} | 007D | RIGHT CURLY BRACKET | 終わり大括弧,終わり角括弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
~ | 007E | TILDE | チルド | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
00A0 | NO-BREAK SPACE | ノーブレークスペース | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル | |
¡ | 00A1 | INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK | 逆感嘆符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¢ | 00A2 | CENT SIGN | セント記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
£ | 00A3 | POUND SIGN | ポンド記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¤ | 00A4 | CURRENCY SIGN | 不特定通貨記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¥ | 00A5 | YEN SIGN | 円記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¦ | 00A6 | BROKEN BAR | 破断線 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
§ | 00A7 | SECTION SIGN | 節記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¨ | 00A8 | DIAERESIS | ウムラウト,ダイエレシス | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
© | 00A9 | COPYRIGHT SIGN | 著作権表示記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ª | 00AA | FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR | 女性序数標識 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
« | 00AB | LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK | 始め二重山括弧引用記号,始めギュメ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¬ | 00AC | NOT SIGN | 否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
| 00AD | SOFT HYPHEN | ソフトハイフン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
® | 00AE | REGISTERED SIGN | 登録商標記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¯ | 00AF | MACRON | マクロン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
° | 00B0 | DEGREE SIGN | 度 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
± | 00B1 | PLUS-MINUS SIGN | 正又は負符号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
² | 00B2 | SUPERSCRIPT TWO | 上付き2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
³ | 00B3 | SUPERSCRIPT THREE | 上付き3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
´ | 00B4 | ACUTE ACCENT | アクサンテギュ,プライム記号,アキュートアクセント | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¶ | 00B6 | PILCROW SIGN | 段落記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
· | 00B7 | MIDDLE DOT | 中点(ラテン) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¸ | 00B8 | CEDILLA | セディラ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¹ | 00B9 | SUPERSCRIPT ONE | 上付き1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
º | 00BA | MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR | 男性序数標識 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
» | 00BB | RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK | 終わり二重山括弧引用記号,終わりギュメ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¼ | 00BC | VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER | 4分の1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
½ | 00BD | VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF | 2分の1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¾ | 00BE | VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS | 4分の3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
¿ | 00BF | INVERTED QUESTION MARK | 逆疑問符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
À | 00C0 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Á | 00C1 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
 | 00C2 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
à | 00C3 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE | チルド付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ä | 00C4 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Å | 00C5 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE | 上リング付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Æ | 00C6 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE (ash) | AE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ç | 00C7 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きC | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
È | 00C8 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
É | 00C9 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ê | 00CA | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ë | 00CB | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ì | 00CC | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Í | 00CD | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Î | 00CE | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ï | 00CF | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ð | 00D0 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) | アイスランド語ETH | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ñ | 00D1 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE | チルド付きN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ò | 00D2 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ó | 00D3 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ô | 00D4 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Õ | 00D5 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE | チルド付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ö | 00D6 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
× | 00D7 | MULTIPLICATION SIGN | 乗算記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ø | 00D8 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE | ストローク付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ù | 00D9 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ú | 00DA | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Û | 00DB | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ü | 00DC | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ý | 00DD | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きY | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Þ | 00DE | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) | アイスランド語THORN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ß | 00DF | LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) | ドイツ語エスツェット | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
à | 00E0 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
á | 00E1 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
â | 00E2 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ã | 00E3 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE | チルド付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ä | 00E4 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
å | 00E5 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE | 上リング付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
æ | 00E6 | LATIN SMALL LETTER AE (ash) | AE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
æ̀ | <00E6, 0300> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER AE, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT> | グレーブアクセント付きAE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ç | 00E7 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きC小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
è | 00E8 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
é | 00E9 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ê | 00EA | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ë | 00EB | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ì | 00EC | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
í | 00ED | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
î | 00EE | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ï | 00EF | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ð | 00F0 | LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) | アイスランド語ETH小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ñ | 00F1 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE | チルド付きN小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ò | 00F2 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ó | 00F3 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ô | 00F4 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
õ | 00F5 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE | チルド付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ö | 00F6 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
÷ | 00F7 | DIVISION SIGN | 除算記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ø | 00F8 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE | ストローク付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ù | 00F9 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ú | 00FA | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
û | 00FB | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ü | 00FC | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ý | 00FD | LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きY小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
þ | 00FE | LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) | アイスランド語THORN小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ÿ | 00FF | LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS | ダイエレシス付きY小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ā | 0100 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON | マクロン付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ā | 0101 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON | マクロン付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ă | 0102 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE | ブリーブ付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ă | 0103 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE | ブリーブ付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ą | 0104 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK | オゴネク付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ą | 0105 | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK | オゴネク付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ć | 0106 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きC | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ć | 0107 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きC小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ĉ | 0108 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きC | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ĉ | 0109 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きC小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Č | 010C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON | キャロン付きC | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
č | 010D | LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON | キャロン付きC小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ď | 010E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON | キャロン付きD | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ď | 010F | LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON | キャロン付きD小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
đ | 0111 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE | ストローク付きD小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ē | 0112 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON | マクロン付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ē | 0113 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON | マクロン付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ę | 0118 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK | オゴネク付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ę | 0119 | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK | オゴネク付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ě | 011A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON | キャロン付きE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ě | 011B | LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON | キャロン付きE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ĝ | 011C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きG | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ĝ | 011D | LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きG小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ĥ | 0124 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きH | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ĥ | 0125 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きH小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ħ | 0127 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE | ストローク付きH小文字,無声咽頭摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ī | 012A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON | マクロン付きI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ī | 012B | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON | マクロン付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ĵ | 0134 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きJ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ĵ | 0135 | LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きJ小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ĺ | 0139 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きL | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ĺ | 013A | LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きL小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ľ | 013D | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON | キャロン付きL | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ľ | 013E | LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON | キャロン付きL小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ł | 0141 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE | ストローク付きL | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ł | 0142 | LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE | ストローク付きL小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ń | 0143 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ń | 0144 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きN小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ň | 0147 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON | キャロン付きN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ň | 0148 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON | キャロン付きN小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ŋ | 014B | LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG (Sami) | ENG小文字,有声軟口蓋鼻音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ō | 014C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON | マクロン付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ō | 014D | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON | マクロン付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ő | 0150 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE | ダブルアキュートアクセント付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ő | 0151 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE | ダブルアキュートアクセント付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Œ | 0152 | LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE | リガチャOE大文字,円唇前舌広母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
œ | 0153 | LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE | リガチャOE小文字,円唇前舌広・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ŕ | 0154 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きR | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ŕ | 0155 | LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きR小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ř | 0158 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON | キャロン付きR | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ř | 0159 | LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON | キャロン付きR小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ś | 015A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きS | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ś | 015B | LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きS小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ŝ | 015C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きS | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ŝ | 015D | LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX | サーカムフレックスアクセント付きS小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ş | 015E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きS | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ş | 015F | LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きS小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Š | 0160 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON | キャロン付きS | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
š | 0161 | LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON | キャロン付きS小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ţ | 0162 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きT | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ţ | 0163 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA | セディラ付きT小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ť | 0164 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON | キャロン付きT | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ť | 0165 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON | キャロン付きT小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ū | 016A | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON | マクロン付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ū | 016B | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON | マクロン付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ŭ | 016C | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE | ブリーブ付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ŭ | 016D | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE | ブリーブ付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ů | 016E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE | 上リング付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ů | 016F | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE | 上リング付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ű | 0170 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE | ダブルアキュートアクセント付きU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ű | 0171 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE | ダブルアキュートアクセント付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ź | 0179 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きZ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ź | 017A | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きZ小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ż | 017B | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE | 上ドット付きZ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ż | 017C | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE | 上ドット付きZ小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ž | 017D | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON | キャロン付きZ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ž | 017E | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON | キャロン付きZ小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ɠ | 0193 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH HOOK | フック付きG大文字,有声口蓋垂内破音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǂ | 01C2 | LATIN LETTER ALVEOLAR CLICK | 硬口蓋歯茎吸着音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ǎ | 01CD | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CARON | キャロン付きA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǎ | 01CE | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CARON | キャロン付きA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǐ | 01D0 | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CARON | キャロン付きI小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ǒ | 01D1 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CARON | キャロン付きO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǒ | 01D2 | LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CARON | キャロン付きO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǔ | 01D4 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CARON | キャロン付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǖ | 01D6 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON | マクロンとダイエレシス付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǘ | 01D8 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE | アキュートアクセントとダイエレシス付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǚ | 01DA | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND CARON | キャロンとダイエレシス付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǜ | 01DC | LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND GRAVE | グレーブアクセントとダイエレシス付きU小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ǹ | 01F8 | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǹ | 01F9 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH GRAVE | グレーブアクセント付きN小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ǽ | 01FD | LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE (ash) | アキュートアクセント付きAE小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɐ | 0250 | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED A | ターンドA小文字,非円唇中舌狭めの広母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɑ | 0251 | LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA | スクリプトA小文字,非円唇後舌広母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɒ | 0252 | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED ALPHA | ターンドALPHA小文字,円唇後舌広母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɓ | 0253 | LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH HOOK | フック付きB小文字,有声両唇内破音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɔ | 0254 | LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O | オープンO小文字,円唇後舌広・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɔ̀ | <0254, 0300> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT> | グレーブアクセント付きオープンO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɔ́ | <0254, 0301> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT> | アキュートアクセント付きオープンO小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɕ | 0255 | LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CURL | カール付きC小文字,歯茎・硬口蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɖ | 0256 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TAIL | テール付きD小文字,有声そり舌破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɗ | 0257 | LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK | フック付きD小文字,有声歯茎内破音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɘ | 0258 | LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED E | リバースドE小文字,非円唇中舌狭・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ə | 0259 | LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA | SCHWA小文字,非円唇中舌中央母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ə̀ | <0259, 0300> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT> | グレーブアクセント付きSCHWA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ə́ | <0259, 0301> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT> | アキュートアクセント付きSCHWA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɚ | 025A | LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK | フック付きSCHWA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɚ̀ | <025A, 0300> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT> | グレーブアクセントとフック付きSCHWA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɚ́ | <025A, 0301> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT> | アキュートアクセントとフック付きSCHWA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɜ | 025C | LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E | リバースドオープンE小文字,非円唇中舌広・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɞ | 025E | LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED REVERSED OPEN E | クローズドリバースドオープンE小文字,円唇中舌広・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɟ | 025F | LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE | ストローク付きドットなしJ小文字,有声硬口蓋破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɠ | 0260 | LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH HOOK | フック付きG小文字,有声軟口蓋内破音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɡ | 0261 | LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G | スクリプトG小文字,有声軟口蓋破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɤ | 0264 | LATIN SMALL LETTER RAMS HORN | ベビーガンマ,非円唇後舌狭中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɥ | 0265 | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H | ターンドH小文字,有声両唇・硬口蓋接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɦ | 0266 | LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH HOOK | フック付きH小文字,有声声門摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɧ | 0267 | LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG WITH HOOK | フック付きHENG小文字,無声後部歯茎軟口蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɨ | 0268 | LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH STROKE | ストローク付きI小文字,非円唇中舌狭母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɬ | 026C | LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BELT | ベルト付きL小文字,無声歯茎側面摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɭ | 026D | LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH RETROFLEX HOOK | レトロフレックスフック付きL小文字,有声そり舌側面接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɮ | 026E | LATIN SMALL LETTER LEZH | LEZH小文字,有声歯茎側面摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɯ | 026F | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M | ターンドM小文字,非円唇後舌狭母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɰ | 0270 | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M WITH LONG LEG | ロングレッグ付きターンドM小文字,有声軟口蓋接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɱ | 0271 | LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH HOOK | フック付きM小文字,有声唇歯鼻音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɲ | 0272 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK | 左フック付きN小文字,有声硬口蓋鼻音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɳ | 0273 | LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH RETROFLEX HOOK | レトロフレックスフック付きN小文字,有声そり舌鼻音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɵ | 0275 | LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED O | バー付きO小文字,円唇中舌狭・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɹ | 0279 | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R | ターンドR小文字,無声歯茎接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɺ | 027A | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH LONG LEG | ロングレッグ付きターンドR小文字,歯茎側面弾き音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɻ | 027B | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH HOOK | フック付きターンドR小文字,有声そり舌接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɽ | 027D | LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH TAIL | テール付きR小文字,有声そり舌弾き音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ɾ | 027E | LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH FISHHOOK | フィッシュフック付きR小文字,有声歯茎弾き音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʁ | 0281 | LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL INVERTED R | インバーテッドRスモールキャピタル,有声口蓋垂摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʂ | 0282 | LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH HOOK | フック付きS小文字,無声そり舌摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʃ | 0283 | LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH | ESH小文字,無声後部歯茎摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʄ | 0284 | LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE AND HOOK | フックとストローク付きドットなしJ小文字,有声硬口蓋内破音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʈ | 0288 | LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH RETROFLEX HOOK | レトロフレックスフック付きT小文字,無声そり舌破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʉ | 0289 | LATIN SMALL LETTER U BAR | バー付きU小文字,円唇中舌狭母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʊ | 028A | LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON | UPSILON小文字,円唇後舌広めの狭母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʋ | 028B | LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH HOOK | フック付きV小文字,有声唇歯接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʌ | 028C | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V | ターンドV小文字,非円唇後舌広・中段母音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʌ̀ | <028C, 0300> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT> | グレーブアクセント付きターンドV小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʌ́ | <028C, 0301> | <LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT> | アキュートアクセント付きターンドV小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʍ | 028D | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED W | ターンドW小文字,無声両唇・軟口蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʎ | 028E | LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED Y | ターンドY小文字,有声硬口蓋側面接近音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʐ | 0290 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH RETROFLEX HOOK | レトロフレックスフック付きZ小文字,有声そり舌摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʑ | 0291 | LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CURL | カール付きZ小文字,歯茎・硬口蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʒ | 0292 | LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH | EZH小文字,有声後部歯茎摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʔ | 0294 | LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP | グロッタルストップ,無声声門破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʕ | 0295 | LATIN LETTER PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE | リバースドグロッタルストップ,有声咽頭摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʘ | 0298 | LATIN LETTER BILABIAL CLICK | 両唇吸着音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʝ | 029D | LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CROSSED-TAIL | クロスドテール付きJ小文字,有声硬口蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʡ | 02A1 | LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE | ストローク付きグロッタルストップ,咽頭蓋破裂音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ʢ | 02A2 | LATIN LETTER REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE | ストローク付きリバースドグロッタルストップ,有声咽頭蓋摩擦音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ˇ | 02C7 | CARON (Mandarin Chinese third tone) | キャロン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ˈ | 02C8 | MODIFIER LETTER VERTICAL LINE | 小縦線,第一強勢 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ˌ | 02CC | MODIFIER LETTER LOW VERTICAL LINE | 下小縦線,第二強勢 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ː | 02D0 | MODIFIER LETTER TRIANGULAR COLON | 長 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ˑ | 02D1 | MODIFIER LETTER HALF TRIANGULAR COLON | 半長 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˘ | 02D8 | BREVE | ブリーブ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˙ | 02D9 | DOT ABOVE (Mandarin Chinese light tone) | 上ドット | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˛ | 02DB | OGONEK | オゴネク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˝ | 02DD | DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT | ダブルアキュートアクセント | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˞ | 02DE | MODIFIER LETTER RHOTIC HOOK | rの音色 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˥ | 02E5 | MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR | 声調記号超高 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˥˩ | <02E5, 02E9> | <MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR, MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-LOW TONE BAR> | 声調記号下降調 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˦ | 02E6 | MODIFIER LETTER HIGH TONE BAR | 声調記号高 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˧ | 02E7 | MODIFIER LETTER MID TONE BAR | 声調記号中 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˨ | 02E8 | MODIFIER LETTER LOW TONE BAR | 声調記号低 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˩ | 02E9 | MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-LOW TONE BAR | 声調記号超低 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
˩˥ | <02E9, 02E5> | <MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-LOW TONE BAR, MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR> | 声調記号上昇調 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̀ | 0300 | COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Varia) | グレーブアクセント(合成可能),声調低 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
́ | 0301 | COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (Oxia, Tonos) | アキュートアクセント(合成可能),声調高 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̂ | 0302 | COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT | サーカムフレックスアクセント(合成可能),声調下降調 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̃ | 0303 | COMBINING TILDE | チルド(合成可能),鼻音化 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̄ | 0304 | COMBINING MACRON | マクロン(合成可能),声調中 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̆ | 0306 | COMBINING BREVE (Vrachy) | ブリーブ(合成可能),超短 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̈ | 0308 | COMBINING DIAERESIS (Dialytika) | ダイエレシス(合成可能),中舌母音化 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̋ | 030B | COMBINING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT | ダブルアキュートアクセント(合成可能),声調超高 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̌ | 030C | COMBINING CARON | キャロン(合成可能),声調上昇調 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̏ | 030F | COMBINING DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT | ダブルグレーブアクセント(合成可能),声調超低 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̘ | 0318 | COMBINING LEFT TACK BELOW | 下レフトタック(合成可能),前方舌根性 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̙ | 0319 | COMBINING RIGHT TACK BELOW | 下ライトタック(合成可能),後方舌根性 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̚ | 031A | COMBINING LEFT ANGLE ABOVE | 上レフトアングル(合成可能),開放が聞こえない | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̜ | 031C | COMBINING LEFT HALF RING BELOW | 下レフトハーフリング(合成可能),より円唇性の弱い | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̝ | 031D | COMBINING UP TACK BELOW | 下アップタック(合成可能),高舌の | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̞ | 031E | COMBINING DOWN TACK BELOW | 下ダウンタック(合成可能),低舌の | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̟ | 031F | COMBINING PLUS SIGN BELOW | 下プラス(合成可能),前寄りの | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̠ | 0320 | COMBINING MINUS SIGN BELOW | 下マイナス(合成可能),後ろ寄りの | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̤ | 0324 | COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW | 下ダイエレシス(合成可能),かすれ音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̥ | 0325 | COMBINING RING BELOW | 下リング(合成可能),無声 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̩ | 0329 | COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW | 下縦線(合成可能),音節主音的 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̪ | 032A | COMBINING BRIDGE BELOW | 下ブリッジ(合成可能),歯 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̬ | 032C | COMBINING CARON BELOW | 下キャロン(合成可能),有声 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̯ | 032F | COMBINING INVERTED BREVE BELOW | 下インバーテッドブリーブ(合成可能),音節副音的 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̰ | 0330 | COMBINING TILDE BELOW | 下チルド(合成可能),きしみ音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̴ | 0334 | COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY | チルドオーバレイ(合成可能),軟口蓋化あるいは咽頭化 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̹ | 0339 | COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING BELOW | 下ライトハーフリング(合成可能),より円唇性の強い | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̺ | 033A | COMBINING INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW | 下インバーテッドブリッジ(合成可能),舌先的 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̻ | 033B | COMBINING SQUARE BELOW | 下スクエア(合成可能),舌端的 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̼ | 033C | COMBINING SEAGULL BELOW | 下シーガル(合成可能),舌先端唇音 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
̽ | 033D | COMBINING X ABOVE | 上X(合成可能),中段中舌母音化 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
͡ | 0361 | COMBINING DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE | ダブルインバーテッドブリーブ(合成可能),破擦音又は二重調音記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Α | 0391 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA | ギリシア大文字ALPHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Β | 0392 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA | ギリシア大文字BETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Γ | 0393 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA | ギリシア大文字GAMMA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Δ | 0394 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA | ギリシア大文字DELTA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ε | 0395 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON | ギリシア大文字EPSILON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ζ | 0396 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA | ギリシア大文字ZETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Η | 0397 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA | ギリシア大文字ETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Θ | 0398 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA | ギリシア大文字THETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ι | 0399 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA | ギリシア大文字IOTA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Κ | 039A | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA | ギリシア大文字KAPPA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Λ | 039B | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA | ギリシア大文字LAMBDA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Μ | 039C | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU | ギリシア大文字MU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ν | 039D | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU | ギリシア大文字NU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ξ | 039E | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI | ギリシア大文字XI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ο | 039F | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON | ギリシア大文字OMICRON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Π | 03A0 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI | ギリシア大文字PI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ρ | 03A1 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO | ギリシア大文字RHO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Σ | 03A3 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA | ギリシア大文字SIGMA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Τ | 03A4 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU | ギリシア大文字TAU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Υ | 03A5 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON | ギリシア大文字UPSILON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Φ | 03A6 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI | ギリシア大文字PHI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Χ | 03A7 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI | ギリシア大文字CHI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ψ | 03A8 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI | ギリシア大文字PSI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ω | 03A9 | GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA | ギリシア大文字OMEGA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
α | 03B1 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA | ギリシア小文字ALPHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
β | 03B2 | GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA | ギリシア小文字BETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
γ | 03B3 | GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA | ギリシア小文字GAMMA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
δ | 03B4 | GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA | ギリシア小文字DELTA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ε | 03B5 | GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON | ギリシア小文字EPSILON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ζ | 03B6 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA | ギリシア小文字ZETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
η | 03B7 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA | ギリシア小文字ETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
θ | 03B8 | GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA | ギリシア小文字THETA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ι | 03B9 | GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA | ギリシア小文字IOTA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
κ | 03BA | GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA | ギリシア小文字KAPPA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
λ | 03BB | GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA | ギリシア小文字LAMBDA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
μ | 03BC | GREEK SMALL LETTER MU | ギリシア小文字MU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ν | 03BD | GREEK SMALL LETTER NU | ギリシア小文字NU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ξ | 03BE | GREEK SMALL LETTER XI | ギリシア小文字XI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ο | 03BF | GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON | ギリシア小文字OMICRON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
π | 03C0 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PI | ギリシア小文字PI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ρ | 03C1 | GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO | ギリシア小文字RHO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ς | 03C2 | GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA | ギリシア小文字ファイナルSIGMA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
σ | 03C3 | GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA | ギリシア小文字SIGMA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
τ | 03C4 | GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU | ギリシア小文字TAU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
υ | 03C5 | GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON | ギリシア小文字UPSILON | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
φ | 03C6 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI | ギリシア小文字PHI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
χ | 03C7 | GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI | ギリシア小文字CHI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ψ | 03C8 | GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI | ギリシア小文字PSI | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ω | 03C9 | GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA | ギリシア小文字OMEGA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ё | 0401 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO | キリール大文字IO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
А | 0410 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A | キリール大文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Б | 0411 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE | キリール大文字BE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
В | 0412 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE | キリール大文字VE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Г | 0413 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE | キリール大文字GHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Д | 0414 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE | キリール大文字DE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Е | 0415 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE | キリール大文字IE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ж | 0416 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE | キリール大文字ZHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
З | 0417 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE | キリール大文字ZE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
И | 0418 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I | キリール大文字I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Й | 0419 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I | キリール大文字SHORT I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
К | 041A | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA | キリール大文字KA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Л | 041B | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL | キリール大文字EL | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
М | 041C | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM | キリール大文字EM | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Н | 041D | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN | キリール大文字EN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
О | 041E | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O | キリール大文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
П | 041F | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE | キリール大文字PE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Р | 0420 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER | キリール大文字ER | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
С | 0421 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES | キリール大文字ES | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Т | 0422 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE | キリール大文字TE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
У | 0423 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U | キリール大文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ф | 0424 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF | キリール大文字EF | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Х | 0425 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA | キリール大文字HA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ц | 0426 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE | キリール大文字TSE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ч | 0427 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE | キリール大文字CHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ш | 0428 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA | キリール大文字SHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Щ | 0429 | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA | キリール大文字SHCHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ъ | 042A | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN | キリール大文字HARD SIGN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ы | 042B | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU | キリール大文字YERU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ь | 042C | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN | キリール大文字SOFT SIGN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Э | 042D | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E | キリール大文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ю | 042E | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU | キリール大文字YU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Я | 042F | CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA | キリール大文字YA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
а | 0430 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A | キリール小文字A | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
б | 0431 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE | キリール小文字BE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
в | 0432 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE | キリール小文字VE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
г | 0433 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE | キリール小文字GHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
д | 0434 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE | キリール小文字DE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
е | 0435 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE | キリール小文字IE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ж | 0436 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE | キリール小文字ZHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
з | 0437 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE | キリール小文字ZE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
и | 0438 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I | キリール小文字I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
й | 0439 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I | キリール小文字SHORT I | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
к | 043A | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA | キリール小文字KA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
л | 043B | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL | キリール小文字EL | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
м | 043C | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM | キリール小文字EM | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
н | 043D | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN | キリール小文字EN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
о | 043E | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O | キリール小文字O | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
п | 043F | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE | キリール小文字PE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
р | 0440 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER | キリール小文字ER | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
с | 0441 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES | キリール小文字ES | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
т | 0442 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE | キリール小文字TE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
у | 0443 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U | キリール小文字U | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ф | 0444 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF | キリール小文字EF | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
х | 0445 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA | キリール小文字HA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ц | 0446 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE | キリール小文字TSE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ч | 0447 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE | キリール小文字CHE | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ш | 0448 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA | キリール小文字SHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
щ | 0449 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA | キリール小文字SHCHA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ъ | 044A | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN | キリール小文字HARD SIGN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ы | 044B | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU | キリール小文字YERU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ь | 044C | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN | キリール小文字SOFT SIGN | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
э | 044D | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E | キリール小文字E | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ю | 044E | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU | キリール小文字YU | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
я | 044F | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA | キリール小文字YA | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ё | 0451 | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO | キリール小文字IO | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Ḿ | 1E3E | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きM | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ḿ | 1E3F | LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH ACUTE | アキュートアクセント付きM小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ὰ | 1F70 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VARIA | グレーブアクセント付きスクリプトA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ά | 1F71 | GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA | アキュートアクセント付きスクリプトA小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ὲ | 1F72 | GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH VARIA | グレーブアクセント付きEPSILON小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
έ | 1F73 | GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH OXIA | アキュートアクセント付きEPSILON小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‐ | 2010 | HYPHEN | ハイフン | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
– | 2013 | EN DASH | 二分ダーシ,ダッシュ(二分) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
— | 2014 | EM DASH | ダッシュ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‖ | 2016 | DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE | 双柱 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‘ | 2018 | LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK | 左シングル引用符,左シングルクォーテーションマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
’ | 2019 | RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK | 右シングル引用符,右シングルクォーテーションマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
“ | 201C | LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK | 左ダブル引用符,左ダブルクォーテーションマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
” | 201D | RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK | 右ダブル引用符,右ダブルクォーテーションマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
† | 2020 | DAGGER | ダガー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‡ | 2021 | DOUBLE DAGGER | ダブルダガー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
• | 2022 | BULLET | ビュレット | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‥ | 2025 | TWO DOT LEADER | 二点リーダ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
… | 2026 | HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS | 三点リーダ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‰ | 2030 | PER MILLE SIGN | パーミル | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
′ | 2032 | PRIME | 分 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
″ | 2033 | DOUBLE PRIME | 秒 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‾ | 203E | OVERLINE | オーバーライン,論理否定記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
‿ | 203F | UNDERTIE (Enotikon) | 連結している | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⁂ | 2042 | ASTERISM | アステリズム | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⁑ | 2051 | TWO ASTERISKS ALIGNED VERTICALLY | ダブルアステ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
€ | 20AC | EURO SIGN | ユーロ記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ℏ | 210F | PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI | エイチバー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
℧ | 2127 | INVERTED OHM SIGN | モー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Å | 212B | ANGSTROM SIGN | オングストローム | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ℵ | 2135 | ALEF SYMBOL | アレフ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⅓ | 2153 | VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD | 3分の1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⅔ | 2154 | VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS | 3分の2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⅕ | 2155 | VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH | 5分の1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
← | 2190 | LEFTWARDS ARROW | 左向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↑ | 2191 | UPWARDS ARROW | 上向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
→ | 2192 | RIGHTWARDS ARROW | 右向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↓ | 2193 | DOWNWARDS ARROW | 下向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↔ | 2194 | LEFT RIGHT ARROW | 同等 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↖ | 2196 | NORTH WEST ARROW | 左上向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↗ | 2197 | NORTH EAST ARROW | 右上向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↘ | 2198 | SOUTH EAST ARROW | 右下向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
↙ | 2199 | SOUTH WEST ARROW | 左下向矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇄ | 21C4 | RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW | 右矢印左矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇒ | 21D2 | RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW | ならば(含意) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇔ | 21D4 | LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW | 同値 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇦ | 21E6 | LEFTWARDS WHITE ARROW | 左向白矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇧ | 21E7 | UPWARDS WHITE ARROW | 上向白矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇨ | 21E8 | RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW | 右向白矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⇩ | 21E9 | DOWNWARDS WHITE ARROW | 下向白矢印 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∀ | 2200 | FOR ALL | すべての(普通限定子) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∂ | 2202 | PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | デル,ラウンドディー | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∃ | 2203 | THERE EXISTS | 存在する(存在限定子) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∅ | 2205 | EMPTY SET | 空集合 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∇ | 2207 | NABLA | ナブラ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∈ | 2208 | ELEMENT OF | 属する | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∉ | 2209 | NOT AN ELEMENT OF | 要素の否定,元の否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∋ | 220B | CONTAINS AS MEMBER | 元として含む | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
− | 2212 | MINUS SIGN | 負符号,減算記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∓ | 2213 | MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN | 負又は正符号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
√ | 221A | SQUARE ROOT | 根号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∝ | 221D | PROPORTIONAL TO | 比例 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∞ | 221E | INFINITY | 無限大 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∟ | 221F | RIGHT ANGLE | ファクトリアル,直角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∠ | 2220 | ANGLE | 角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∥ | 2225 | PARALLEL TO | 平行 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∦ | 2226 | NOT PARALLEL TO | 平行の否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∧ | 2227 | LOGICAL AND | 及び(合接) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∨ | 2228 | LOGICAL OR | 又は(離接) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∩ | 2229 | INTERSECTION | 共通集合 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∪ | 222A | UNION | 合併集合 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∫ | 222B | INTEGRAL | 積分記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∬ | 222C | DOUBLE INTEGRAL | 2重積分記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∮ | 222E | CONTOUR INTEGRAL | 経路積分記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∴ | 2234 | THEREFORE | ゆえに | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∵ | 2235 | BECAUSE | なぜならば | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
∽ | 223D | REVERSED TILDE (lazy S) | 相似 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≃ | 2243 | ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO | 漸進的に等しい,ホモトープ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≅ | 2245 | APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO | 同形 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≈ | 2248 | ALMOST EQUAL TO | 近似的に等しい,同相 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≒ | 2252 | APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF | ほとんど等しい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≠ | 2260 | NOT EQUAL TO | 等号否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≡ | 2261 | IDENTICAL TO | 常に等しい,合同 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≢ | 2262 | NOT IDENTICAL TO | 合同否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≦ | 2266 | LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO | より小さいか又は等しい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≧ | 2267 | GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO | より大きいか又は等しい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≪ | 226A | MUCH LESS-THAN | 非常に小さい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≫ | 226B | MUCH GREATER-THAN | 非常に大きい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≶ | 2276 | LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN | 小さいか大きい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
≷ | 2277 | GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN | 大きいか小さい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊂ | 2282 | SUBSET OF | 真部分集合 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊃ | 2283 | SUPERSET OF | 真部分集合(逆方向) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊄ | 2284 | NOT A SUBSET OF | 部分集合の否定 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊅ | 2285 | NOT A SUPERSET OF | 部分集合の否定(逆方向) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊆ | 2286 | SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO | 部分集合 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊇ | 2287 | SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO | 部分集合(逆方向) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊊ | 228A | SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO | 真部分集合2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊋ | 228B | SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO | 真部分集合2(逆方向) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊕ | 2295 | CIRCLED PLUS | 直和 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊖ | 2296 | CIRCLED MINUS | 丸付きマイナス | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊗ | 2297 | CIRCLED TIMES | テンソル積 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⊥ | 22A5 | UP TACK | 垂直 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⋚ | 22DA | LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN | 小さいか等しいか大きい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⋛ | 22DB | GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN | 大きいか等しいか小さい | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⌅ | 2305 | PROJECTIVE | 射影的関係 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⌆ | 2306 | PERSPECTIVE | 背景的関係 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⌒ | 2312 | ARC | 弧 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⌘ | 2318 | PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN | コマンド記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⏎ | 23CE | RETURN SYMBOL | リターン記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
␣ | 2423 | OPEN BOX | 空白記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
① | 2460 | CIRCLED DIGIT ONE | 丸1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
② | 2461 | CIRCLED DIGIT TWO | 丸2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
③ | 2462 | CIRCLED DIGIT THREE | 丸3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
④ | 2463 | CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR | 丸4 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑤ | 2464 | CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE | 丸5 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑥ | 2465 | CIRCLED DIGIT SIX | 丸6 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑦ | 2466 | CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN | 丸7 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑧ | 2467 | CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT | 丸8 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑨ | 2468 | CIRCLED DIGIT NINE | 丸9 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑩ | 2469 | CIRCLED NUMBER TEN | 丸10 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑪ | 246A | CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN | 丸11 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑫ | 246B | CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE | 丸12 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑬ | 246C | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN | 丸13 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑭ | 246D | CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN | 丸14 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑮ | 246E | CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN | 丸15 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑯ | 246F | CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN | 丸16 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑰ | 2470 | CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN | 丸17 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑱ | 2471 | CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN | 丸18 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑲ | 2472 | CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN | 丸19 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⑳ | 2473 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY | 丸20 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓐ | 24D0 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A | 丸A小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓑ | 24D1 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER B | 丸B小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓒ | 24D2 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER C | 丸A小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓓ | 24D3 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER D | 丸C小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓔ | 24D4 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER E | 丸E小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓕ | 24D5 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER F | 丸F小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓖ | 24D6 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER G | 丸G小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓗ | 24D7 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER H | 丸H小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓘ | 24D8 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER I | 丸I小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓙ | 24D9 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER J | 丸J小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓚ | 24DA | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER K | 丸K小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓛ | 24DB | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER L | 丸L小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓜ | 24DC | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER M | 丸M小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓝ | 24DD | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER N | 丸N小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓞ | 24DE | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER O | 丸O小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓟ | 24DF | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER P | 丸P小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓠ | 24E0 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Q | 丸Q小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓡ | 24E1 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER R | 丸R小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓢ | 24E2 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER S | 丸S小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓣ | 24E3 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER T | 丸T小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓤ | 24E4 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER U | 丸U小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓥ | 24E5 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER V | 丸V小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓦ | 24E6 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER W | 丸W小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓧ | 24E7 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER X | 丸X小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓨ | 24E8 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Y | 丸Y小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
ⓩ | 24E9 | CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z | 丸Z小文字 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓫ | 24EB | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN | 黒丸11 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓬ | 24EC | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE | 黒丸12 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓭ | 24ED | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN | 黒丸13 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓮ | 24EE | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN | 黒丸14 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓯ | 24EF | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN | 黒丸15 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓰ | 24F0 | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN | 黒丸16 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓱ | 24F1 | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN | 黒丸17 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓲ | 24F2 | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN | 黒丸18 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓳ | 24F3 | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN | 黒丸19 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓴ | 24F4 | NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY | 黒丸20 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓵ | 24F5 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE | 二重丸1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓶ | 24F6 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO | 二重丸2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓷ | 24F7 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE | 二重丸3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓸ | 24F8 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR | 二重丸4 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓹ | 24F9 | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE | 二重丸5 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓺ | 24FA | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX | 二重丸6 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓻ | 24FB | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN | 二重丸7 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓼ | 24FC | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT | 二重丸8 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓽ | 24FD | DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE | 二重丸9 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⓾ | 24FE | DOUBLE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN | 二重丸10 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
■ | 25A0 | BLACK SQUARE | 黒四角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
□ | 25A1 | WHITE SQUARE | 四角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▱ | 25B1 | WHITE PARALLELOGRAM | 平行四辺形 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▲ | 25B2 | BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE | 黒三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
△ | 25B3 | WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE | 三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▶ | 25B6 | BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE | 右向黒三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▷ | 25B7 | WHITE RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE | 右向三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▼ | 25BC | BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE | 逆黒三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
▽ | 25BD | WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE | 逆三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◀ | 25C0 | BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE | 左向黒三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◁ | 25C1 | WHITE LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE | 左向三角 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◆ | 25C6 | BLACK DIAMOND | 黒ひし形 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◇ | 25C7 | WHITE DIAMOND | ひし形 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
○ | 25CB | WHITE CIRCLE | 丸印,白丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◎ | 25CE | BULLSEYE | 二重丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
● | 25CF | BLACK CIRCLE | 黒丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◐ | 25D0 | CIRCLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK | 左半黒丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◑ | 25D1 | CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK | 右半黒丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◒ | 25D2 | CIRCLE WITH LOWER HALF BLACK | 下半黒丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◓ | 25D3 | CIRCLE WITH UPPER HALF BLACK | 上半黒丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◦ | 25E6 | WHITE BULLET | 白ビュレット | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
◯ | 25EF | LARGE CIRCLE | 大きな丸 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☀ | 2600 | BLACK SUN WITH RAYS | 晴マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☁ | 2601 | CLOUD | 曇マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☂ | 2602 | UMBRELLA | 雨マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☃ | 2603 | SNOWMAN | 雪マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
★ | 2605 | BLACK STAR | 黒星 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☆ | 2606 | WHITE STAR | 白星 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☎ | 260E | BLACK TELEPHONE | 電話マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
☞ | 261E | WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX | 指示マーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♀ | 2640 | FEMALE SIGN | 雌記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♂ | 2642 | MALE SIGN | 雄記号 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♠ | 2660 | BLACK SPADE SUIT | スペード | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♡ | 2661 | WHITE HEART SUIT | ハート(白) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♢ | 2662 | WHITE DIAMOND SUIT | ダイヤ(白) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♣ | 2663 | BLACK CLUB SUIT | クラブ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♤ | 2664 | WHITE SPADE SUIT | スペード(白) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♥ | 2665 | BLACK HEART SUIT | ハート | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♦ | 2666 | BLACK DIAMOND SUIT | ダイヤ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♧ | 2667 | WHITE CLUB SUIT | クラブ(白) | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♩ | 2669 | QUARTER NOTE | 四分音符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♪ | 266A | EIGHTH NOTE | 音符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♫ | 266B | BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES | 連こう(桁)付き八分音符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♬ | 266C | BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES | 連こう(桁)付き十六分音符 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♭ | 266D | MUSIC FLAT SIGN | フラット | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♮ | 266E | MUSIC NATURAL SIGN | ナチュラル | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
♯ | 266F | MUSIC SHARP SIGN | シャープ | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
✓ | 2713 | CHECK MARK | チェックマーク | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❖ | 2756 | BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X | 四つ菱 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❶ | 2776 | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE | 黒丸1 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❷ | 2777 | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO | 黒丸2 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❸ | 2778 | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE | 黒丸3 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❹ | 2779 | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR | 黒丸4 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❺ | 277A | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE | 黒丸5 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❻ | 277B | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX | 黒丸6 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❼ | 277C | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN | 黒丸7 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❽ | 277D | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT | 黒丸8 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❾ | 277E | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE | 黒丸9 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
❿ | 277F | DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN | 黒丸10 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⤴ | 2934 | ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING UPWARDS | 曲がり矢印上がる | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⤵ | 2935 | ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING DOWNWARDS | 曲がり矢印下がる | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⧺ | 29FA | DOUBLE PLUS | 2プラス | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
⧻ | 29FB | TRIPLE PLUS | 3プラス | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉑ | 3251 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY ONE | 丸21 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉒ | 3252 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY TWO | 丸22 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉓ | 3253 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY THREE | 丸23 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉔ | 3254 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FOUR | 丸24 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉕ | 3255 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FIVE | 丸25 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉖ | 3256 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SIX | 丸26 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉗ | 3257 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN | 丸27 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉘ | 3258 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY EIGHT | 丸28 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉙ | 3259 | CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY NINE | 丸29 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉚ | 325A | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY | 丸30 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉛ | 325B | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY ONE | 丸31 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉜ | 325C | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY TWO | 丸32 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉝ | 325D | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY THREE | 丸33 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉞ | 325E | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY FOUR | 丸34 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㉟ | 325F | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY FIVE | 丸35 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊱ | 32B1 | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY SIX | 丸36 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊲ | 32B2 | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY SEVEN | 丸37 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊳ | 32B3 | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY EIGHT | 丸38 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊴ | 32B4 | CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY NINE | 丸39 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊵ | 32B5 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY | 丸40 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊶ | 32B6 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY ONE | 丸41 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊷ | 32B7 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY TWO | 丸42 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊸ | 32B8 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY THREE | 丸43 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊹ | 32B9 | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY FOUR | 丸44 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊺ | 32BA | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY FIVE | 丸45 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊻ | 32BB | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY SIX | 丸46 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊼ | 32BC | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY SEVEN | 丸47 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊽ | 32BD | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY EIGHT | 丸48 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊾ | 32BE | CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY NINE | 丸49 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
㊿ | 32BF | CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTY | 丸50 | proportionally-spacedプロポーショナル |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
( | 0028 | LEFT PARENTHESIS | 始め小括弧,始め丸括弧 | |
〔 | 3014 | LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 始めきっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
[ | 005B | LEFT SQUARE BRACKET | 始め大括弧,始め角括弧 |
Character字形 | UCSUCS | NameUCS名称 | Common name通用名称 | Remarks備考 |
) | 0029 | RIGHT PARENTHESIS | 終わり小括弧,終わり丸括弧 | |
〕 | 3015 | RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET | 終わりきっこう(亀甲)括弧 | |
] | 005D | RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET | 終わり大括弧,終わり角括弧 |
Any character may participate in tate-chu-yoko composition.
The amount of spacing between two adjacent characters of given character classes explained in§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分ける is determined by Table 1. For methods to determine the amounts of spacing reduction and addition byline adjustments, see§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所 and§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所.
§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分けるで解説した,それぞれの文字クラスに含まれる文字・記号が並んだ場合の文字間の空き量は,表1のようにする.なお,行の調整処理の際に詰めてよい箇所又は空けてよい箇所と,その空き量の調整の範囲などは,§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所及び§ E.Opportunities for Inter-character Space Expansion during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所に示す.
See "Table 1 Spacing between characters" (PDF).
“表1 文字間の空き量”(PDF版)を参照.
The left-most column, labeled "before", lists preceding character classes, and the top row, labeled "after", lists trailing character classes. Each cell indicates the amount of spacing between two characters of the corresponding character classes at the intersection of a given row and column.
The last row, labeled "line head", lists amounts of spacing added between the line head and a character of the corresponding character class in each column. Likewise, the last column, labeled "line end", lists amounts of spacing added between a character of the corresponding character class in each row and the line end.
“line head”の欄(横方向の行)には,それぞれの文字クラスを行頭に配置する場合の前の空き量を示し,“line end”(縦方向の列)の欄には,それぞれの文字クラスを行末に配置する場合の後ろの空き量を示す.
The following notations in cells are used to indicate the amount of spacing or other related information.
blank:Set solid between two adjacent characters (it can be that the preceding character is actually the line head or the trailing character is actually the line end).
× mark: The combination is not allowed due to line breaking rules or other restrictions.
1/2 be: Insert half em spacing, where the em here indicates the size of the preceding character.
1/2 be:文字間を二分アキにする.ただし,二分は,前に配置する文字サイズの二分とする.
1/2 af: Insert half em spacing, where the em here indicates the size of the trailing character.
1/2 af:文字間を二分アキにする.ただし,二分は,後ろに配置する文字サイズの二分とする.
The reason for the distinction between the two instances of half em spacing ("be" stands for "before" and "af" stands for "after") is necessary because there are cases where a line is composed with different sizes of characters, as shown inFigure316 where it is necessary to disambiguate which em size we are referring to. Likewise, other instances of the notation "be" or "af" in this appendix are for the same disambiguation.
1/2 be hang: Identical to "1/2 be" in the amount of spacing. Ruby text can be extended up to the size of the ruby character over this "1/2 be hang" spacing as long as it is not reduced due to line adjustments. When it is reduced, ruby text can be extended up to the size of the reduced spacing and shall not be extended over the other character.
1/2 be hang:“1/2 be”(文字間を二分アキ)とする.この二分アキには,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズまで掛けて配置してよい.ただし,この二分アキが行の調整処理で詰められている場合,ルビ文字を掛けてよいのは,その詰められた(調整された)空き量までとし,ルビ文字を文字間の空き量以上にはみ出して,掛けてはならない.
1/2 af hang: Identical to "1/2 af" in the amount of spacing. Ruby text can be extended up to the size of the ruby character over this "1/2 af hang" spacing as long as it is not reduced due to line adjustments. When it is reduced, ruby text can be extended up to the size of the reduced spacing and shall not be extended over the other character.
1/2 af hang:“1/2 af”(文字間を二分アキ)とする.この二分アキには,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズまで掛けて配置してよい.ただし,この二分アキが行の調整処理で詰められている場合,ルビ文字を掛けてよいのは,その詰められた(調整された)空き量までとし,ルビ文字を文字間の空き量以上にはみ出して,掛けてはならない.
1/4 be: Insert a quarter em spacing, where the em here indicates the size of the preceding character.
1/4 be:文字間を四分アキにする.ただし,四分は,前に配置する文字サイズの四分とする.
1/4 af: Insert a quarter em spacing, where the em here indicates the size of the trailing character.
1/4 af:文字間を四分アキにする.ただし,四分は,後ろに配置する文字サイズの四分とする.
1/4 be hang: Identical to "1/4 be" in the amount of spacing. Ruby text can be extended up to half the size of the ruby character over this "1/4 be hang" spacing as long as it is not reduced due to line adjustments. When it is reduced, ruby text can be extended up to the size of the reduced spacing and shall not be extended over the other character.
1/4 be hang:“1/4 be”(文字間を四分アキ)とする.この四分アキには,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズの二分まで掛けて配置してよい.ただし,この四分アキが行の調整処理で詰められている場合,ルビ文字を掛けてよいのは,その詰められた(調整された)空き量までとし,ルビ文字を文字間の空き量以上にはみ出して,掛けてはならない.
1/4 af hang: Identical to "1/4 af" in the amount of spacing. Ruby text can be extended up to half the size of the ruby character over this "1/4 af hang" spacing as long as it is not reduced due to line adjustments. When it is reduced, ruby text can be extended up to the size of the reduced spacing and shall not be extended over the other character.
1/4 af hang:“1/4 af”(文字間を四分アキ)とする.この四分アキには,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズの二分まで掛けて配置してよい.ただし,この四分アキが行の調整処理で詰められている場合,ルビ文字を掛けてよいのは,その詰められた(調整された)空き量までとし,ルビ文字を文字間の空き量以上にはみ出して,掛けてはならない.
ruby hang: Set solid. Ruby text can be extended up to the size of the ruby character over the other character (see also 7 of§ B.2Notes注記).
ruby hang:ベタ組において,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズまで掛けて配置してよい(§ B.2Notes注記の7も参照).
Whenopening brackets (cl-01) are followed by asimple-ruby character complex (cl-22) orjukugo-ruby character complex (cl-23), the preferred approach is to allow the ruby text to be extended up to the size of the ruby character over theopening brackets (cl-01). One alternative approach is to not allow ruby text to be extended over opening brackets, and another is to allow it to be extended up to half the size of the ruby character.
The preferred spacing betweenclosing brackets (cl-02) and the line end is a half em. The alternative is to set solid (JIS X 4051 adopts solid setting method, see§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法).
行末に配置する終わり括弧類(cl-02)の後ろは,原則として二分アキとする.ただし,ベタ組とする方法もある(JIS X 4051ではベタ組としている,§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法参照).
Character spacing between two consecutivemiddle dots (cl-05) shall be the sum of a quarter em of the preceding middle dots and a quarter em of the trailing middle dots.
The preferred spacing betweenmiddle dots (cl-05) and the line end is a quarter em. The alternative is to set solid (JIS X 4051 adopts solid setting method, see§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法).
行末に配置する中点類(cl-05)の後ろは,原則として四分アキとする.ただし,ベタ組とする方法もある(JIS X 4051ではベタ組としている,§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法参照).
In this document, character spacing between afull stop (cl-06) orcomma (cl-07) and a followingmiddle dot (cl-05) is the sum of the half em spacing of the full stop or comma and the quarter em spacing of the middle dot. On the other hand, JIS X 4051 classifiescommas (cl-07) as a subset ofclosing brackets (cl-02), and, therefore, where acomma (cl-07) is followed by amiddle dot (cl-05) in JIS X 4051 the character spacing between them is just the quarter em spacing of the followingmiddle dot (cl-05).
前に配置する句点類(cl-06)又は読点類(cl-07)の文字サイズの二分アキ+後ろに配置する中点類(cl-05)の文字サイズの四分アキとする.なお,JIS X 4051では,読点類(cl-07)は終わり括弧類(cl-02)に含まれているので,読点類(cl-07)の後ろに中点類(cl-05)を配置する場合は,中点類(cl-05)の文字サイズの四分アキとしている.
The preferred spacing betweenfull stops (cl-06) orcommas (cl-07) and the line end is a half em. The alternative is to set solid (JIS X 4051 specifies that the spacing afterfull stop (cl-06) is a half em and the spacing aftercomma (cl-07) is solid, see§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法).
行末に配置する句点類(cl-06)又は読点類(cl-07)の後ろは,原則として二分アキとする.ただし,ベタ組とする方法もある(JIS X 4051では句点類(cl-06)の後ろは二分アキ,読点類(cl-07)の後ろはベタ組としている,§ 3.1.9Positioning of Closing Brackets, Full Stops, Commas and Middle Dots at Line End行末に配置する終わり括弧類,句点類,読点類及び中点類の配置方法参照).
When asimple-ruby character complex (cl-22) orjukugo-ruby character complex (cl-23) is adjacent tokatakana (cl-16), the preferred approach is to allow the ruby text to be extended up to the size of the ruby character over the katakana. However, if it is required to conform to JIS X 4051, ruby text shall not be extended over the katakana because katakana characters belong to the ideographic character class in JIS X 4051.
親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)又は親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)の前又は後ろに片仮名(cl-16),長音記号(cl-10)又は小書きの仮名(cl-11)を配置する場合,ルビ文字を最大でルビ文字の文字サイズまで掛けて配置してよい.ただし,JIS X 4051では,片仮名は,漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスに含めているので,片仮名にルビ文字を掛けることは禁止されている.
There are alternative methods, one of which is to allow ruby text to be extended up to the size of the ruby character over any character includingideographic (cl-19) as well ashiragana (cl-15) andkatakana (cl-16) characters, and another is NOT to allow ruby text to be extended over any character fromhiragana (cl-15),katakana (cl-16) andideographic characters (cl-19).
Ruby text can be extended up to the size of the ruby character over thefull-width ideographic space (cl-14). The preferred approach is to apply the same for the full-width line head indent at the beginning of a paragraph. The alternative approach is not to allow ruby text to be extended over the line head indent.
When two adjacent characters belong to the sameornamented character complex (cl-21) run, set them according to the method explained in§ 3.7.1Superscripts and Superscripts添え字処理. When two adjacent characters belong to two distinct ornamented character complex runs, set them solid.
後ろの文字が前の親文字群中の文字(添え字付き)(cl-21)と同一の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(添え字付き)(cl-21)の場合は,§ 3.7.1Superscripts and Superscripts添え字処理で解説した方法で配置する.後ろの文字が前の親文字群中の文字(添え字付き)(cl-21)とは別の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(添え字付き)(cl-21)の場合,その字間はベタ組とする.
When two adjacent characters belong to the samesimple-ruby character complex (cl-22) run, set them according to the method explained in§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置 or§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置. When two adjacent characters belong to two distinct simple-ruby character complex runs, set them solid.
後ろの文字が,前の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)と同一の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)の場合は,§ 3.3.5Positioning of Mono-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersモノルビの親文字に対する配置位置又は§ 3.3.6Positioning of Group-ruby with Respect to Base Charactersグループルビの親文字に対する配置位置で解説した方法で配置する.後ろの文字が前の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)とは別の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ以外のルビ付き)(cl-22)の場合,その字間はベタ組とする.
When two adjacent characters belong to the samejukugo-ruby character complex (cl-23) run, set them according to the method explained in§ 3.3.7Positioning of Jukugo-ruby with Respect to Base Characters熟語ルビの親文字に対する配置位置. When two adjacent characters belong to two distinct simple-ruby character complex runs, set them solid.
後ろの文字が前の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)と同一の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)の場合は,§ 3.3.7Positioning of Jukugo-ruby with Respect to Base Characters熟語ルビの親文字に対する配置位置で解説した方法で配置する.後ろの文字が前の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)とは別の親文字群の親文字群中の文字(熟語ルビ付き)(cl-23)の場合,その字間はベタ組とする.
Character spacing between a precedingunit symbol (cl-25) and a trailingmiddle dot (cl-05) shall be a quarter em of the trailing character. Note thatKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" can be used either as aunit symbol (cl-25) or as a middle dot. When it is used as aunit symbol (cl-25), both preceding and trailing spacing ofKATAKANA MIDDLE DOT "・" shall be zero.
前に配置する単位記号中の文字(cl-25)と後ろに配置する中点類(cl-05)の字間は,後ろに配置する中点類(cl-05)の文字サイズの四分アキである.ただし,中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)は,単位記号中の文字(cl-25)としても使用する.この場合については,中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)の前及び後ろはベタ組とする.
There shall be no visible space occupied byWestern word space (cl-26) at the line head and that of warichu (inline cutting note), the line end and that of warichu (inline cutting note). If the condition is changed for the same text, restore the default visible space forWestern word space (cl-26).
In principleiteration marks (cl-09) should be placed neither at the line head nor at the head of an inline cutting note. When it happens withIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々", there are three ways to deal with this situation.
行頭又は割注行頭に繰返し記号(cl-09)を配置することは原則として禁止である.ただし,繰返し記号(cl-09)のうち,行頭に配置される繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)については,次の3つの処理方法がある.
Follow the principle by applying some sort of line adjustment. In this case,IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" remains initeration marks (cl-09).
原則通り行頭又は割注行頭に配置することは禁止し,なんらかの行の調整処理を行う.繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)を繰返し記号(cl-09)に含めたままとする.
AllowIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" to be placed either at the line head or at the head of an inline cutting note. In this case, the character shall be treated as part of theideographic characters (cl-19) class.
行頭又は割注行頭に配置することを許容する.この場合は,繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)を漢字等(cl-19)に含める.
ReplaceIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" with the corresponding character.
行頭又は割注行頭に配置する繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)を元の漢字に変更する.
line end: 国 行末:国 | line head: 々 行頭:々 | <is replaced with> → | line end: 国 行末:国 | line head: 国 行頭:国 |
line end: 人 行末:人 | line head: 々 行頭:々 | <is replaced with> → | line end: 人 行末:人 | line head: 人 行頭:人 |
In principle, aprolonged sound mark (cl-10) should be placed neither at the head of a line nor that of an inline cutting note. If it were allowed, the character shall be treated as part of thekatakana (cl-16) class.
In principle,small kana (cl-11) should be placed neither at the head of a line nor that of an inline cutting note in principle. If it were to be allowed, HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL * shall be treated as part of thehiragana (cl-15) class, and KATAKANA LETTER SMALL * as part of thekatakana (cl-16) class.
The preferred character spacing between the line head and openingopening brackets (cl-01) is zero. An alternative way is not to remove a conditional half em spacing accompanying the characters (see§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法 including methods of positioning of opening brackets at the beginning of paragraphs).
行頭に配置する始め括弧類(cl-01)の前はベタ組である.ただし,行頭に配置する始め括弧類(cl-01)の前を二分アキとする方式もある(改行の行頭に配置する始め括弧類(cl-01)の配置法を含め,§ 3.1.5Positioning of Opening Brackets at Line Head行頭の始め括弧類の配置方法参照).
Line break opportunities between two adjacent characters of given character classes explained in§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分ける shall be determined by Table 2.
§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分けるで解説した,それぞれの文字クラスに含まれる文字・記号が並んだ場合,その文字間で2行に分割してよいかどうかは,表2のようにする.
See "Table 2 Possibility of separation between characters" (PDF).
“表2 文字間での分割の可否”(PDF版)を参照.
The left-most column, labeled "before", lists preceding character classes, and the top row, labeled "after", lists trailing character classes. Each cell indicates the type of line break opportunity between two adjacent characters of the corresponding character classes at a given row and column.
The type of line break opportunity is indicated in each cell in the table using the following notation.
blank: A line is allow to end between the two characters (breakable).
not: A line is not allowed to end between the two characters (unbreakable).
× mark: the combination is not allowed due toline breaking rules or other restrictions.
IfIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" is allowed to appear at theline head or that ofinline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of theideographic character (cl-19) class. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forideographic characters (cl-19).)
繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)を行頭又は割注行頭に配置することを許容する場合,繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)は漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスに含める(その扱いは漢字等(cl-19)の欄を参照).
If aprolonged sound mark (cl-10) is allowed to appear at the head of a line or that of inline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of thekatakana (cl-16) class. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forkatakana (cl-16).)
Ifsmall kana (cl-11) are allowed to appear at the head of a line or that of inline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of thehiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) classes accordingly, depending on the script type of the character. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forhiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16).)
For the default one em spacing afterdividing punctuation marks (cl-04) at the end of a sentence,full-width ideographic space (cl-14) can be used. See§ 3.1.6Positioning of Dividing Punctuation Marks (Question Mark and Exclamation Mark) and Hyphens区切り約物及びハイフン類の配置方法 for more detail on how to deal with this case.
文末に配置する区切り約物(cl-04)の後ろは,全角アキとする.その場合,区切り約物(cl-04)の後ろに和字間隔(cl-14)を配置して処理する方法がある.この場合の問題点は,§ 3.1.6Positioning of Dividing Punctuation Marks (Question Mark and Exclamation Mark) and Hyphens区切り約物及びハイフン類の配置方法参照.
There is no line break opportunity between following couple of consecutiveinseparable characters (cl-08) as follows:
前にダッシュ(全角)[—] (EM DASH)と,後ろにダッシュ(全角)[—] (EM DASH)
前に二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER)と,後ろに二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER)
When the combination of precedinginseparable characters (cl-08) and the trailinginseparable characters (cl-08) is different each other, the two characters are separable. For example, when twoEM DASH "―" appears consecutively, these two characters are inseparable, and consecutiveEM DASH "―" andHORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "…" are separable.
後ろに配置する分離禁止文字(cl-08)の文字及び前に配置する分離禁止文字(cl-08)が上記とは異なる組合せの場合は,分割可とする.例えば,ダッシュ(全角)[―] (EM DASH)の後ろにダッシュ(全角)[―] (EM DASH)が連続する場合,その字間では分割不可である.ダッシュ(全角)[―] (EM DASH)の後ろに三点リーダ[…] (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS)が連続する場合,その字間では分割可である.
There is no line break opportunity between two consecutive characters belonging to the sameornamented character complex (cl-21). If two consecutive characters belong to differentornamented character complexes (cl-21), a line break opportunity exists between them.
There is no line break opportunity between two consecutive characters belonging to the samesimple-ruby character complex (cl-22). If two consecutive characters belong to differentsimple-ruby character complexes (cl-22), a line break opportunity exists between them.
A line break opportunity exists between two consecutive base characters belonging to differentjukugo-ruby character complexes (cl-23). There is also a line break opportunity between two consecutive base characters belonging to the samejukugo-ruby character complex (cl-23) and between two runs of ruby text accompanying the corresponding base characters. However, a base character and the accompanying ruby text shall be indivisible, hence there is no line break opportunity between any two consecutive ruby characters in a run of ruby text accompanying a base character.
There is no line break opportunity between precedinggrouped numerals (cl-24) and trailingpostfixed abbreviations (cl-13). The alternative approach is to allow a line to break before trailingPERCENT SIGN "%", in which casePERCENT SIGN "%" shall be treated as a member of theideographic character (cl-19) class.
前に配置する連数字中の文字(cl-24)と後ろに配置する後置省略記号(cl-13)の字間では,分割不可である.ただし,パーセント記号[%] (PERCENT SIGN)については,前に配置する連数字中の文字(cl-24)との字間で分割を許容する方法もある.この場合,パーセント記号[%] (PERCENT SIGN)は,漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスに含める.
There are two approaches: one is to allow a line to break between precedinggrouped numerals (cl-24) and trailingWestern characters (cl-27), and the other is not to.
A line break opportunity generally exists between precedingWestern characters (cl-27) and trailingpostfixed abbreviations (cl-13), unless the precedingWestern character (cl-27) is used as a symbol of a quantity or a European numeral, in which case a line break is not allowed between them.
There is no line break opportunity between two consecutiveWestern characters (cl-27). In order to break a line in the middle of a Western word, it needs to be divided into two syllables first. Then a line can be broken between the two by addingHYPHEN "-" at the line end.
前に配置する欧文用文字(cl-27)と後ろに配置する欧文用文字(cl-27)との字間では,分割不可である.ただし,欧文用文字(cl-27)で構成する単語を音節に従い分割し,行末にハイフン[-] (HYPHEN)を付けることで,分割が可能になる.
There is no line break opportunity between two consecutive characters belonging to the same set ofcharacters in tate-chu-yoko (cl-30). If two consecutive characters belong to different sets ofcharacters in tate-chu-yoko (cl-30), there a line break opportunity exists between them.
As noted in§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量 and§ C.2Notes注記, there are several conventions forline-start prohibition,line-end prohibition andunbreakable character rules. The following lists four levels of convention. Note that breaking a line afteropening brackets (cl-01) and beforeclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06) orcommas (cl-07) is prohibited at all levels. Likewise, those rules common to all levels are not listed below.
§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量,§ C.2Notes注記などで解説しているように,行頭禁則,行末禁則及び分割禁止については,複数の考え方がある.そこで,これらをレベルに分けて示すと,以下のようになる.なお,どんなレベルでも,始め括弧類(cl-01)とその後ろに配置する文字との字間,又は終わり括弧類(cl-02),句点類(cl-06)若しくは読点類(cl-07)と,その前に配置する文字との字間で2行に分割することを許容することはない.このようにすべてのレベルに共通する事項は,以下では示していない.
Very loose (Newspapers)
Breaking a line is allowed before or after the following character classes even though Table 2 prohibits it.
Loose (Magazines)
Breaking a line is allowed before or after the following character classes (or characters) even though Table 2 prohibits it.
中点類(cl-05)の中点[・] (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT)
Between two consecutiveHORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS "…" and between two consecutiveTWO DOT LEADER "‥"
分離禁止文字(cl-08)の三点リーダ[…] (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS)と三点リーダ[…] (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS)の字間,及び二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER)と二点リーダ[‥] (TWO DOT LEADER)の字間
繰返し記号(cl-09)の繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)
後置省略記号(cl-13)のパーセント[%] (PERCENT SIGN)
Strict (Default, general publications)
Breaking a line is allowed before or after the following character classes (or characters) even though Table 2 prohibits it.
繰返し記号(cl-09)の繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)
Very strict (General publications)
Breaking a line is not allowed for any place where Table 2 prohibits it (no alternate rule explained in§ C.2Notes注記 is applied.).
表2で禁止とされているすべての字間で2行に分割することを禁止する(§ C.2Notes注記で説明している許容はしない).
The difference between the strict and the very strict rules described above is as follows. The very strict line-breaking rule is the convention that attaches greater importance to the line-start prohibition and unbreakable character rules, and therefore it is more likely to lead to the need for line adjustment processing. In comparison, the strict line-breaking rule is the convention that weakens line-start prohibition in order to avoid line adjustment as much as possible to make it easier to achieve solid setting. In other words, the very strict rule is for the best appearance at the line head, while the strict rule is best to avoid inter-character spacing adjustment.
The following tables indicate if an opportunity exists forinter-character spacing reduction duringline adjustment between two adjacent characters of given character classes as explained in§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分ける. (For more detail on line adjustment, see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理.) In the process of line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction, the first place to look (the first stage of inter-character spacing reduction in priority order) is forWestern word spaces (cl-26), each of which is reducible equally, to leave a minimum of a quarter em spacing (or a one fifth em spacing) with respect to the corresponding character size. The tables are for the second and subsequent stages of inter-character spacing reduction in priority order, assuming the first stage of the reduction forWestern word spaces (cl-26) is already done. The default unadjusted spacing between two adjacent characters of given character classes shall be determined according to§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.
行の調整処理で詰める処理(追込み処理)が可能な箇所かどうかを,§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分けるで解説した,それぞれの文字クラスに含まれる文字・記号について,表にして示す(行の調整処理については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).行の調整処理で詰める処理を行う場合,優先的に最初に行う処理(優先順位の第1段階の処理)は欧文間隔(cl-26)であり,欧文間隔(cl-26)を最小で四分アキ(又は五分アキ)まで文字サイズ比で均等に詰める処理を行う.以下の表では,それぞれの文字クラスが連続する場合の字間について,欧文間隔(cl-26)の処理を行った後で行う処理,つまり,優先順位の第2段階以降の処理について示す.なお,それぞれ箇所の原則的な空き量は,§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示す.
There are several conventions for line adjustment, especially when it is to be achieved by inter-character spacing reduction. Table 3 follows the method adopted by this document, Table 4 supplies an alternative way specified by JIS X 4051, and Table 5, taking partially different approaches from the previous two, represents yet another method which can be seen in books or other publications.
行の調整処理,特に詰める処理では,複数の処理方法があるので,この文書で主に解説している方法を表3,JIS X 4051の規定に従った方法を表4,それらとは一部が異なるもので,書籍などで採用されている方法を表5に示す.
See "Table 3 Opportunity of inter-character spacing reduction" (PDF).
“表3 行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所”(PDF版)を参照.
See "Table 4 Opportunity of inter-character spacing reduction (the method specified by JIS X 4051)" (PDF).
“表4 行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所(JIS X 4051の規定に従った例)”(PDF版)を参照.
See "Table 5 Opportunity of inter-character spacing reduction (the method adopted by books)" (PDF).
“表5 行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所(書籍などで行われている例)”(PDF版)を参照.
The left-most column, labeled "before", lists preceding character classes, and the top row, labeled "after", lists trailing character classes. Each cell indicates the type of opportunities of inter-character spacing reduction between two adjacent characters of the corresponding character classes at a given row and column.
The cells in the row "line head" or the column "line end" should read if there exists opportunity for spacing reduction at line head or line end respectively. Tables 3, 4 and 5 all prohibit spacing reduction at line head. While Table 4 prohibits spacing reduction at line end too, Tables 3 and 5 allow it for several character classes at line end.
“line head”の欄(横方向の行)には,それぞれの文字クラスを行頭に配置する場合,“line end”(縦方向の列)の欄には,それぞれの文字クラスを行末に配置する場合に詰める処理が可能かどうかを示す.なお,行頭については,表3,表4及び表5ともに,詰める処理の対象箇所としていない(詰め処理否).行末については,表4では詰める処理の対象箇所としていない(詰め処理否).しかし,表3及び表5では,行末の一部の箇所で可能(詰め処理可)になっている.
The type of opportunity for spacing reduction is indicated in each cell in the tables using the following notation.
Cells with a white background: No opportunity for spacing reduction because the two characters are set solid and there is no adjustable spacing between them, or because it is prohibited by rule to reduce the inter-character spacing for the given combination.
Blank: No opportunity for spacing reduction because the given combination of characters is set solid (or there is no spacing before or after the given character at line head or at line end respectively).
× mark:The combination is not allowed due to line breaking rules or other restrictions.
1/2: The amount of inter-character spacing shall be a half em, and this spacing shall not be reduced (no opportunity of inter-character spacing reduction).
1/4: The amount of inter-character spacing shall be a quarter em, and this spacing shall not be reduced (no opportunity of inter-character spacing reduction).
Cells with a colored or gray background: An opportunity for inter-character spacing reduction exists.
Priority order in spacing reduction: The second highest and subsequent priorities of inter-character spacing reduction are indicated by the given background colors of the cells. The cells with the colors in the left are higher in priority than ones in the right. Space reduction shall be processed in this order.
Amount of spacing reducible: the amount of spacing to be reduced is indicated using the following notation.
1/2–0: A half em spacing by default, which is reducible equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, with no minimum spacing required (set solid).
1/2–1/4: A half em spacing by default, which is reducible equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, to leave a minimum of a quarter em spacing.
1/2=0: A half em spacing by default, which can be removed to set solid (it is not allowed to leave any intermediate size of spacing between zero to a half em, such as a quarter em spacing).
1/4–0: A quarter em spacing by default, which is reducible equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, with no minimum spacing required (set solid).
1/4–1/8: A quarter em spacing by default, which is reducible equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, to leave a minimum of a one eighth em spacing.
Note that JIS X 4051 specifies to not leave any spacing after theclosing brackets (cl-02) orcommas (cl-07) at the line end. Therefore, Table 4 also indicates that there is no opportunity for spacing reduction afterclosing brackets (cl-02) andcommas (cl-07) at the line end. Likewise, becausemiddle dots (cl-05) at the line end are supposed to have no spacing, Table 4 indicates there is no opportunity for spacing reduction formiddle dots (cl-05) at the line end. On the other hand, while JIS X 4051 specifies to pad with a half em spacing afterfull stops (cl-06) at the line end, which is not allowed to reduce this spacing for line adjustment, Table 3 and 5 allow the removal of the default half em spacing afterclosing brackets (cl-02),full stops (cl-06) andcommas (cl-07) at the line end for line adjustment. Table 3 further allows the removal of the default quarter em spacing padding before and aftermiddle dots (cl-05) at the line end for line adjustment, while Table 5 does not.
なお,JIS X 4051では,終わり括弧類(cl-02)又は読点類(cl-07)を行末に配置する場合は,それらの後ろをベタ組とすることになっている.したがって,表4の終わり括弧類(cl-02)及び読点類(cl-07)の行末については,いずれも“詰め処理否”となる.また,中点類(cl-05)を行末に配置する場合も,それらの後ろをベタ組とすることになっており,表4の中点類(cl-05)の行末については,“詰め処理否”となる.なお,句点類(cl-06)を行末に配置する場合,JIS X 4051では,その後ろを二分アキとする.しかし,この句点類(cl-06)の後ろは,JIS X 4051では,詰める調整に使用することは認められていない.これに対して,表3及び表5では,行末に配置する終わり括弧類(cl-02),句点類(cl-06)及び読点類(cl-07)の後ろは,原則として二分アキとし,ここをベタ組にする調整方法を可としている.また,表3では,行末に配置する中点類(cl-05)の前及び後ろは,原則として四分アキとし,中点類(cl-05)の前及び後ろの四分アキをベタ組にする調整方法を可としている.表5では,行末に配置する中点類(cl-05)の前及び後ろは,四分アキとしているが,中点類(cl-05)の前及び後ろのアキを詰める調整に使用することは認めていない.
The default unadjusted spacing when amiddle dot (cl-05) is followed by amiddle dot (cl-05), is the sum of the conditional quarter em space accompanying the precedingmiddle dot (cl-05) and the conditional quarter em space accompanying the trailingmiddle dot (cl-05). Tables 3 and 4 allow these two instances of quarter em space to be reduced, to leave no space as a minimum. The priority order in space reduction is the fourth in Table 3, and it is the second priority in Table 4.
The default unadjusted space when afull stop (cl-06) is followed by amiddle dot (cl-05), is the sum of the conditional half em space accompanying the precedingfull stop (cl-06) and the conditional quarter em space accompanying the trailingmiddle dot (cl-05). Tables 3 and 4 allow the quarter em space accompanying the trailingmiddle dot (cl-05) to be reduced, to leave no space as a minimum. The priority order in space reduction is the fourth in Table 3, and it is the second priority in Table 4.
The default unadjusted space when acomma (cl-07) is followed by amiddle dot (cl-05), is the sum of the conditional half em space accompanying the precedingcomma (cl-07) and the conditional quarter em space accompanying the trailingmiddle dot (cl-05) (in Table 4, the conditional half space accompanying precedingcomma (cl-07) and the conditional quarter space accompanying trailingmiddle dot (cl-05) can be reduced to solid setting). Table 5 allows the conditional half em space accompanying precedingcomma (cl-07) to be reduced to a quarter space as a minimum. The priority order in space reduction for the conditional space accompanyingmiddle dots (cl-05) is the fourth in Table 3 and the second in Table 4. The priority order in space reduction for the conditional space accompanyingcomma (cl-07) is the fifth in Table 3 and the third in Table 5.
There is no opportunity for space reduction for aWestern word space (cl-26) at the line head and at the line end since there is supposed to be no visible space. The same applies to theWestern word space (cl-26) at the line head or the line end of warichu (inline cutting note). If the condition is changed for the same text, restore the default visible space forWestern word space (cl-26).
Table 3, and only Table 3, allows the preceding and trailing conditional quarter em space accompanyingmiddle dots (cl-05) to be reduced to leave no space. The priority order is the third.
The following table indicates if an opportunity exists forinter-character spacing expansion duringline adjustment between two adjacent characters of given character classes as explained in§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分ける. (For more detail on line adjustment, see§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理.) In the process of line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion, the first place to look (the first stage of inter-character spacing expansion in priority order) is forWestern word spaces (cl-26), each of which is expandable equally, to take up and maximum of a half em space with respect to the corresponding character size. The tables are for the second and subsequent stages of inter-character spacing expansion in priority order, assuming the first stage of the expansion forWestern word spaces (cl-26) is already done. The default unadjusted space between two adjacent characters of given character classes shall be determined according to§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量.
行の調整処理で空ける処理(追出し処理)が可能な箇所かどうかを,§ 3.9.2Grouping of Characters and Symbols depending on their Positioning文字・記号を振る舞い方により分けるで解説した,それぞれの文字クラスに含まれる文字・記号について,表6として示す(行の調整処理については,§ 3.8Line Adjustment行の調整処理を参照).行の調整処理で空ける処理を行う場合,優先的に最初に行う処理(優先順位の第1段階の処理)は欧文間隔(cl-26)であり,欧文間隔(cl-26)を最大で二分アキまで文字サイズ比で均等に空ける処理を行う.以下の表では,それぞれの文字クラスが連続する場合の字間について,欧文間隔(cl-26)の処理を行った後で行う処理,つまり,優先順位の第2段階以降の処理について示す.なお,それぞれ箇所の原則的な空き量は,§ B.Spacing between Characters文字間の空き量に示す.
See "Table 6 Opportunity of inter-character spacing expansion" (PDF).
“表6 行の調整処理で空ける処理が可能な箇所”(PDF版)を参照.
The left-most column, labeled "before", lists preceding character classes, and the top row, labeled "after", lists trailing character classes. Each cell indicates the type of opportunities for inter-character spacing expansion between two adjacent characters of the corresponding character classes at a given row and column. Note that there are no cells involving "line head" or "line end" because there is no opportunity for inter-character spacing expansion before any character at the line head or after any character at the line end.
The type of opportunity for space expansion is indicated in each cell in the table using the following notation.
Cells with a white background: No opportunity for space expansion.
Blank: Inter-character spacing expansion is not allowed because there is no line break opportunity between the given combination of characters.
× mark: The combination is not allowed due to line breaking rules or other restrictions.
Cells with a colored or gray background: An opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion.
Priority order in space expansion: The second highest and subsequent priorities of inter-character spacing expansion are indicated by the given background colors of the cells. The cells with the colors in the left are higher in priority than ones in the right. Space expansion shall be processed in this order. When the 4th step is needed, evenly add space to equalize the spacing of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th steps.
Amount of space expandable: The amount of space to be expanded is indicated using the following notation.
1/4–1/2: A quarter em space by default, which is expandable equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, to take up to a maximum of a half em space. However if Table 5 of§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所 is adopted as the method of inter-character spacing reduction for line adjustment, this quarter em space shall not be expanded.
1/4–1/2:字間の四分アキを,最大で二分アキまで(又は三分アキまで)文字サイズ比で均等に空ける処理が可能.ただし,行の調整処理の詰める調整において,§ D. Opportunities for Inter-character Space Reduction during Line Adjustment行の調整処理で詰める処理が可能な箇所の表5の処理方法にした場合は,この箇所は空ける処理の対象箇所としない.
1/4: No inter-character spacing by default, which is expandable equally, with respect to the corresponding character size, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space.
blank: Expandable equally with respect to the corresponding character size, only after no other expandable inter-character spacing is left.
If theIDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK "々" is allowed to appear at the head of a line or that of inline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of theideographic character (cl-19) class. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forideographic characters (cl-19).)
繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)を行頭又は割注行頭に配置することを許容する場合,繰返し記号[々] (IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK)は漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスに含める(その扱いは漢字等(cl-19)の欄を参照).
If aprolonged sound mark (cl-10) is allowed to appear at the line head or that of inline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of thekatakana (cl-16) class. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forkatakana (cl-16).)
Ifsmall kana (cl-11) are allowed to appear at the head of a line or that of inline cutting note, the character shall be treated as a member of thehiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16) class accordingly, depending on the script type of the character. (For how it behaves in combination with other character classes, see the cells forhiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16).)
A third order opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, between two consecutiveinseparable characters (cl-08) which are of different kinds.
A third order opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, between the two consecutive characters which belong to differentornamented character complexes (cl-21)
A third order opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, if the two consecutive characters belong to differentsimple-ruby character complexes (cl-22). If not, inter-character spacing expansion is not allowed.
A third order opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, if the two consecutive base characters belonging to differentjukugo-ruby character complexes (cl-23). If not, inter-character spacing expansion is not allowed.
There is no opportunity for inter-character spacing expansion between a precedinggrouped numeral (cl-24) and a trailingpostfixed abbreviation (cl-13), unless the alternative approach is chosen which allows a line to break between a precedinggrouped numeral (cl-24) and the trailingPERCENT SIGN "%", wherePERCENT SIGN "%" shall be treated as a member of theideographic character (cl-19) class, in front of which inter-character spacing is expandable.
前に配置する連数字中の文字(cl-24)と後ろに配置する後置省略記号(cl-13)の字間は,空ける調整に使用できない.ただし,パーセント記号[%] (PERCENT SIGN)については,前に配置する連数字中の文字(cl-24)との字間で2行に分割することを許容する方法もある.この場合は,パーセント記号[%] (PERCENT SIGN)は,漢字等(cl-19)の文字クラスに含めるので,空ける調整が可能な箇所になる.
There is an alternative way to give a third order opportunity for inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, between a precedinggrouped numeral (cl-24) and a trailingWestern character (cl-27).
A third order opportunity exists for inter-character spacing expansion between a precedingWestern character (cl-27) and a trailingpostfixed abbreviation (cl-13), unless the precedingWestern character (cl-27) is used as a symbol of a quantity or a European numeral, in which case no inter-character spacing expansion is allowed between them.
There is an alternative way to give a fourth order opportunity for inter-character spacing expansion with respect to the corresponding character size, between two consecutiveWestern characters (cl-27).
A third order opportunity exists for the inter-character spacing expansion, to take up to a maximum of a quarter em space, with respect to the corresponding character size, if two consecutive characters belong to different runs ofcharacters in tate-chu-yoko (cl-30). If not, inter-character spacing expansion is not allowed.
Positioning ofruby characters is explained in§ 3.3Ruby and Emphasis Dotsルビと圏点処理, including that ofjukugo-ruby, however it is limited to the basic principles. This appendix provides supplementary notes on jukugo-ruby distribution in terms of the structure of a kanjicompound word (jukugo) and the type of script of the characters adjacent to the kanji compound word. All explanations hereafter in this appendix assume we are going to compose ruby characters with 'katatsuki' distribution (top-alignment invertical writing mode).
熟語ルビを含めルビの配置方法は,§ 3.3Ruby and Emphasis Dotsルビと圏点処理で解説している.しかし,熟語ルビの配置方法については,そこでは原則しか示していない.そこで,以下では熟語ルビについて,熟語の構成,さらにその熟語の前後にくる文字の種類を考慮して配置する方法について補足しておく.なお,ここでは,縦組における肩付きルビの配置方法を前提にして解説する.
The following are principles of jukugo-ruby distribution, taking account of the structure of a kanji compound word and the type of script of the adjacent characters surrounding the compound word.
Because the purpose of ruby annotation, including jukugo-ruby, is to supply the reading of each base kanji character, attach each run of ruby text which represents the reading to the corresponding base kanji character.
If each run of ruby characters representing the reading of a given baseideographic character (cl-19) participating in a kanji compound word is less than or equal to two, attach each ruby text to the corresponding baseideographic character (cl-19) (seeFig. F.1). The following figures supply a pair of examples of the same text per line, with and without character frames displayed. Ruby characters and base characters in the same color indicate that they correspond to each other. Thoseideographic characters (cl-19) which are not part of the jukugo-ruby, and which, therefore, ruby characters are not allowed to overhang, are presented in yet different colors.
Because the intention when using jukugo-ruby is to handle the kanji compound word (jukugo) as one object, a run of ruby text for a baseideographic character (cl-19) is allowed to overhang the adjacent base character participating to the same compound word, up to a maximum of one em in the ruby character size (alternatively, the maximum size for the ruby overhang can be one and a half em, but the explanation hereafter assumes the maximum overhang to be one em in the ruby size.).
When the number of ruby characters is so great that the length of the ruby text is longer than that of the base characters forming the kanji compound word, the decision to what extent the ruby text can overhang the adjacent characters, if allowed, shall be made according to the methods explained in§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理. The explanation hereafter adopts one of the methods that prohibits any ruby text to overhangideographic characters (cl-19) but allows ruby to overhang the characters of a certain character class such ashiragana (cl-15) orkatakana (cl-16), up to a maximum of one em in the ruby character size.
熟語ルビに付くルビの字数が多く,親文字群からルビ文字がはみ出した場合,前後の文字などにどこまで掛かってよいかは§ 3.3.8Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Charactersルビが親文字よりはみ出した場合の処理の本文で解説した方法と同じである.以下では,漢字等(cl-19)には掛けてはならないが,平仮名(cl-15)や片仮名(cl-16)などには最大でルビ文字サイズの全角までルビ文字を掛けてもよい,とする方法を前提に解説する.
Inletterpress printing, ruby text was composed according to "principles part one" in the previous section, but on a case by case basis. Therefore, ruby texts were often composed differently for the same kanji compound word in the same situation. In some cases they differed according to the person in charge of the composition. In this section, one consistent method of ruby composition is presented as "principles part two", which is established with reference to those adopted in books and other publications.
As long as jukugo-ruby can fit the kanji compound word by allowing ruby characters to overhang an adjacent base character that is part of the same compound word or those characters adjacent to the compound word which are of a certain character class such ashiragana (cl-15), inter-character spacing between base characters in the kanji compound word and that between the kanji compound word and the adjacent characters, should not be expanded.
When a base character is accompanied by three or more ruby characters, decide the positioning of the ruby characters in the following order.
Let a run of ruby text for a given base character overhang either or both of the adjacent base characters up to a maximum of one em in the ruby character size. The first choice should be the succeeding base character. For example, suppose we have a kanji compound word consisting of three ideographic characters, each of which is accompanied by three, two and one ruby characters respectively. In this case, let the third character for the first base character overhang the second base character, by letting the second ruby character for the second base character overhang the third base character (seeFigure320). In cases where there is no possible arrangement of ruby characters that follows the first choice, let them overhang the preceding base characters as in the following illustrations.Figure321 shows examples where the succeeding base characters overhang, whileFigure322 are examples where the preceding base characters overhang since there is no arrangement of ruby characters to take the succeeding ones.
When there is no possible arrangement of ruby characters even by allowing them to overhang the base characters participating to the same kanji compound word, at maximum by one em in ruby character size, then look at the adjacent characters in the main text surrounding the kanji compound word if they are of such character classes which ruby characters are allowed to overhang as inhiragana (cl-15). If they are, allow ruby characters to overhang these characters. The same principle applies here as to the choice of the adjacent (base or non-base) character to be the succeeding one in priority. For example, suppose we have a kanji compound word consisting of two ideographic characters, each of which is accompanied by three and two ruby characters respectively. In this case, let the third ruby character for the first base character overhang the second base character, by letting the second ruby character for the second base character overhang the succeeding non-base character ofhiragana (cl-15) class or the like (seeFigure323). The following are some examples.Figure324 shows examples of ruby characters that overhang the succeeding non-base characters andFigure325 are examples of ruby characters that overhang the preceding non-base characters since there is no possible arrangement to allow ruby characters to take the succeeding ones. The last illustration shows examples of ruby characters that overhang both of the non-base characters adjacent to the kanji compound word (seeFigure326).
If the succeeding character in the main text adjacent to the kanji compound word accompanied by ruby characters is of a character class which does not allow ruby to overhang, as withideographic characters (cl-19), then look at the preceding character and allow ruby to overhang the character if it is of a character class that allows it. If the examples shown inFigure323 orFigure324 hadideographic characters (cl-19) next to the kanji compound word accompanied by ruby characters, let ruby characters overhang the preceding character in all cases but two examples with "居候" and "古代紫" (seeFigure327).
When both of the preceding and succeeding characters adjacent to the kanji compound word accompanied by ruby characters are of character classes which do not allow ruby to overhang, or there are too many ruby characters and it is impossible to fit them in using the approaches described above, the last thing to consider is to fit them in by expanding the inter-character spacing of the kanji compound word. There could be various methods, depending on what priorities are chosen, and in fact many different ways have been adopted. The following section will explain one of these methods.
To sum up the aforementioned, first try to let ruby characters overhang other base characters associated with the same kanji compound word, then look for adjacent non-base characters to see if they allow ruby to overhang. Finally when both approaches still cannot settle the positioning of the ruby characters, combine the method of expanding inter-character spacing of the compound word with the previous two.
Principles for a method of jukugo-ruby distribution which allows inter-character spacing to expand, are as follows.
Try first to let ruby characters overhang other base characters associated with the same kanji compound word. If ruby still does not fit, then look for adjacent non-base characters that allow ruby to overhang. Lastly when both approaches still cannot settle the positioning of the ruby characters, combine the method of expanding inter-character spacing of the compound word with the previous two.
Inter-character spacing can be expanded only for those base characters which are accompanied by more than two ruby characters.
The total amount of inter-character spacing should be determined as follows.
Total inter-character spacing = (the sum of the length of those ruby characters forced out from the corresponding base character) - (the sum of the length of those ruby characters which overhang other base characters) - (the sum of the length of those ruby characters which overhang other non-base characters).
Distribute the amount of space across those base characters accompanied by more than two ruby characters in accordance with the number of ruby characters (or the length of ruby characters when set solid).
For each base character, expand the preceding and succeeding inter-character spacing equally by half of the assigned space. Note that, depending on the position of the base character, it could be the expansion of inter-character spacing between two base characters, or it could be the expansion between the base character and a non-base character.
In a special case where a jukugo-ruby character complex is at the line-head and the base character and the ruby character at the line-head are supposed to be aligned, expand only the succeeding inter-character spacing of the base character by all of the assigned space. Similarly, when a jukugo-ruby character complex is at the line-end and the base character and the ruby character at the line-end are supposed to be aligned, expand the preceding inter-character spacing of the base character by all of the assigned space.
The following are examples of jukugo-ruby distribution in accordance with the principles mentioned in the previous section.
The jukugo-ruby shown inFigure328 requires expansion of inter-character spacing by one ruby character. Expand the preceding and succeeding inter-character spacing for the base character "峻" accompanied by three ruby characters by a quarter em each in base character size.
The jukugo-ruby shown inFigure329 requires expansion of inter-character spacing by one ruby character. Expand the preceding and the succeeding inter-character spacing for the base character "候" accompanied by four ruby characters by a quarter em each in base character size.
Figure330 are examples with the same jukugo-ruby as inFigure328 andFigure329 except their positions in the lines are at the line-head or at the line-end, where the base character and the ruby character at the line-head or at the line-end are both aligned.
Examples shown inFigure331 are those with two base characters accompanied by six ruby characters. Distribution of ruby varies depending on the position ofideographic characters (cl-19) and whether it is adjacent to the kanji compound word.
Examples shown inFigure332 are those with three base characters accompanied by eight ruby characters. Distribution of ruby varies depending on the position ofideographic characters (cl-19) and whether it is adjacent to the kanji compound word.
Examples shown inFigure333 are those with three base characters accompanied by nine ruby characters. Distribution of ruby varies depending on the position ofideographic characters (cl-19) and whether it is adjacent to the kanji compound word.
The definitions with (JIS Z 8125) and (JIS X 4051) at the end are those adopted for the corresponding terms by JIS Z 8125 ("Graphic arts - Glossary - Digital printing terms") and JIS X 4051 ("Formatting rules for Japanese documents") respectively.
説明の最後に“(JIS Z 8125)”と示したものは,JIS Z 8125(印刷用語 ― デジタル印刷),“(JIS X 4051)”と示したものは,JIS X 4051(日本語文書の組版方法)の定義である.
Terminology用語(英語) | Japanese用語(日本語) | Transliterationよみ | Definition定義 |
back matter | 後付 | atozuke あとづけ | Appendices, supplements, glossary of terms, index and/or bibliography, and so on, appended at the end of a book. 書籍の巻末に付けられる付録,補遺,語彙解説,索引,文献など. |
base character | 親文字 | oya moji おやもじ | A character to be annotated by ruby, ornament characters, or emphasis dots. ルビ,添え字又は圏点が付けられたとき,その対象となる文字. |
base line | 並び線 | narabi sen ならびせん | A virtual line on which almost all glyphs in Western fonts are designed to be aligned. (JIS Z 8125) 欧文フォントなどにおいて,フォント中の多くのグリフがその上でそろう,基本的な仮想の線.(JIS Z 8125) |
bibliography | 参考文献 | sankō bunken さんこうぶんけん | A list of works and papers related to the subjects in the text. (JIS Z 8125) 本文の内容に関係の深い他の著書,論文を記したもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
blank page | 白ページ | shiro pēji しろぺーじ | An empty page. 何も表示しないページ. |
bleed | 裁切り | tachikiri たちきり | To print a picture or a tint to run off the edge of a trimmed page. (JIS Z 8125) 写真,平網などを断裁位置いっぱいまで印刷すること.(JIS Z 8125) |
block direction | 行送り方向 | gyō okuri hōkō ぎょうおくりほうこう | The direction lines progress, one after the other. (JIS Z 8125) 1つの行が次の行へと続く方向.(JIS Z 8125) |
block heading | 別行見出し | betsugyōmidashi べつぎょうみだし | A kind of heading styles. The heading is set as an independent line from basic text. (JIS Z 8125) 本文とは別の行に配置した見出し.(JIS Z 8125) |
bold | 太字 | futoji ふとじ | A kind of font style. Similer to bold in western typograpy. ウェイトを大きく(字形の画線を太く)した書体. |
bound on the left-hand side | 左綴じ | hidari toji ひだりとじ | Binding of a book to be opened from the left. 表紙の表面を正面に見た場合に,のどが左側になっている綴じ方. |
bound on the right-hand side | 右綴じ | migi toji みぎとじ | Binding of a book to be opened from the right. 表紙の表面を正面に見た場合に,のどが右側になっている綴じ方. |
bousen (sideline) | 傍線 | bōsen ぼうせん | A line drawn by the left or right side of a character or a run of text in vertical writing mode. (JIS Z 8125) 縦組において,文字又は文字列の右又は左に引いた線.(JIS Z 8125) |
break (a line) | (2行に)分割 | bunkatsu ぶんかつ | To place the first of two adjacent characters at the end of a line and the second at the head of a new line. 連続した2文字について,前の文字は,その行の行末に配置し,後ろの文字は次の行の行頭に移動すること. |
caption | キャプション | kyapushon きゃぷしょん | A title or a short description accompanying a picture, an illustration, or a table. (JIS Z 8125) 写真,図版,表などにそえる標題や簡潔な説明文.(JIS Z 8125) |
cell | こま | koma こま | Each element area of tables, cell. 表においては,罫などで小さな領域に区切るが,この隣り合う縦及び横の罫などで区切られた個々の領域. |
cell contents | こま内容 | komanaiyō こまないよう | The content of each cell in tables. (JIS X 4051) 表のこまの中に表示されるもの.(JIS X 4051) |
cell padding | こま余白 | komayohaku こまよはく | Spacing between line and cell in tables. (JIS X 4051) 表の罫線とこまとの間の空白領域.(JIS X 4051) |
centering | 中央そろえ | chūō soroe ちゅうおうそろえ | To align the center of a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to the center of a line. (JIS Z 8125) 文字列の中央を,行頭と行末との中央の位置に合わせること.(JIS Z 8125) |
character advance | 字幅 | jihaba じはば | Size of a character frame in the inline direction, generally indicated as a ratio of the size of a full-width character, as in full-width, half-width, or quarter em width. Character advance is the width of a given character in horizontal writing-mode, while it is the height in vertical writing-mode. 字幅が,全角の2分の1である文字の外枠.(JIS X 4051) |
character frame | (文字の)外枠 | sotowaku そとわく | Rectangular area occupied by a character when it is set solid. 1つの文字が組版の際に占有する仮想的な長方形の領域. |
character shape | 字形 | jikei | Incarnation of a character by handwriting, printing or rendering to a computer screen. (JIS Z 8125) 文字について,手書き,印字,画面表示などによって実際に図形として表現したもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
character size | 文字サイズ | moji saizu もじさいず | Dimensions of a character. Unless otherwise noted, it refers to the size of a character frame in the block direction. 文字の大きさ.通常,文字の行送り方向の外枠の長さ. |
characters not ending line | 行末禁則文字 | gyōmatsu kinsoku moji | Any character for which "line-end prohibition rule" is invoked. (JIS Z 8125) 行末禁則の条件に該当する文字.(JIS Z 8125) |
characters not starting line | 行頭禁則文字 | gyōtō kinsoku moji ぎょうとうきんそくもじ | Any character for which "line-start prohibition rule" is invoked. (JIS Z 8125) 行頭禁則の条件に該当する文字.(JIS Z 8125) |
chronological history | 年譜 | nenpu ねんぷ | Chronological tabels about the histories of persons or organizations. 個人(又は団体)の経歴について,年代順に記載した表. |
chronological table | 年表 | nenpyō ねんぴょう | Chronologocal tables about histrical incidents. There are special types of chronological tables besides general ones, focused to specific view points and aspects. 歴史上の諸事件について,年代順に記載した表.年表には,社会全般の諸事件を対象とした総合年表だけでなく,目的に応じて特定の分野に限定した特殊年表がある. |
chu-boso-kei | 中細罫 | chūbosokei ちゅうぼそけい | Middle width line, usually about 0.25mm. 0.25mm程度の太さの実線. |
column | 段 | dan だん | A partition on a page in multi-column format. (JIS Z 8125) 段組において,分割された1区分.(JIS Z 8125) |
column gap | 段間 | dankan だんかん | Amount of space between columns on a page. (JIS Z 8125) 段組の段と段との間の空き.(JIS Z 8125) |
column spanning | 段抜き | dannuki だんぬき | A setting style of illustrations, tables, etc., over hanging to multiple columns. (JIS Z 8125) 段組のページにおいて,見出し,図版などを複数段にまたがって配置すること.(JIS Z 8125) |
column spanning heading | 段抜きの見出し | dannuki no midashi だんぬきのみだし | Headings using multiple columns. 段抜きにして配置する見出し. |
composition | 組版 | kumihan くみはん | Process of arrangement of text, figures and/or pictures, etc on a page in a desired layout (design) in preparation for printing. 原稿及びレイアウト(デザイン)の指定に従って,文字・図版・写真などを配置する作業の総称. |
compound word (jukugo) | 熟語 | jukugo じゅくご | A combination of two or more kanji characters which makes one word. 2字以上の漢字が結合し,一語となったもの. |
continuous pagination | 通しノンブル | tōshi nonburu とおしのんぶる | a) To number the pages of a book continuously across all those in the front matter, the text and the back matter. a)書籍の前付・本文・後付を通して一連のノンブルを付けること. |
cut-in heading | 窓見出し | madomidashi まどみだし | A style of headings. Headings do not occupy the full lines, but share lines area with following main text lines. 見出しだけで1行を構成することなく,見出しの次に2行又は3行の文章を続ける見出し. |
descender line | ディセンダライン | disenda rain でぃせんだらいん | A descender is the part of a letter extending below the base line, as in 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', or 'y'. A descender line is a virtual line drawn at the bottom of descender parallel to base line. ディセンダは,欧文小文字のg,j,p,q,yなどの文字の,ベースラインより下に伸びている部分をいい,ディセンダラインは,ディセンダの最下端を示す,ベースラインに平行な仮想の線. |
double running head method | 両柱方式 | ryōbashira hōshiki りょうばしらほうしき | A method that prints running heads on both even and odd pages. (JIS Z 8125) 柱を奇数・偶数両ページに掲げること.(JIS Z 8125) |
emphasis dots | 圏点 | kenten けんてん | Symbols attached alongside a run of base characters to emphasize them. (JIS Z 8125) 文字のそばに付けて注意を促したり,その部分を強調したりするしるし.(JIS Z 8125) |
endnote | 後注 | kōchū こうちゅう | A set of notes placed at the end of a part, chapter, section, paragraph and so on, or at the end of a book. (JIS Z 8125) 本文の編・章・節・段落などの区分の終わり又は巻末にまとめて入れる注釈.(JIS Z 8125) |
European numerals | アラビア数字 | arabia sūji あらびあすうじ | Any of the symbols in [0-9] used to represent numbers. (JIS Z 8125) インドに始まり,アラビアからヨーロッパに伝わった数字.(算用数字,洋数字ともいう.)(JIS Z 8125) |
even inter-character spacing | 均等割り | kintō wari きんとうわり | A text setting with uniform inter-character spacing per line so that each line is aligned on the same line-head and line-end. (JIS Z 8125) 字間を均等に空け,文字列の両端を行頭及び行末にそろえること.(JIS Z 8125) |
even tsumegumi | 均等詰め | kintō zume きんとうづめ | Adjustment of inter-character spacing by subtracting the same amount of space. (JIS Z 8125) ベタ組より字間を一定量詰めて文字を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
face tsumegumi | 字面詰め | jizura zume じづらづめ | Adjustment of inter-character spacing by subtracting space to the extent that two letter faces are placed adjacent. (JIS Z 8125) 仮名や約物等の字面が重ならない程度まで詰めて文字を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
fixed inter-character spacing | アキ組 | aki gumi あきぐみ | A text setting with a uniform inter-character spacing. (JIS Z 8125) 字間に一定のアキを入れて文字を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
fixed-width | モノスペース | monosupēsu ものすぺーす | A characteristic of a font where the same character advance is assigned for all glyphs. (JIS Z 8125) 1つのフォントの文字の字幅がすべて等しい値を持っていること.(JIS Z 8125) |
font | フォント | fonto ふぉんと | A set of character glyphs of a given typeface. (JIS Z 8125) ある書体によって作成された字形の集合.(JIS Z 8125) |
foot | 地 | chi ち | a) The bottom part of a book or a page. a)本又はページの下部. |
footnote | 脚注 | kyakuchū きゃくちゅう | A note in a smaller face than that of main text, placed at the bottom of a page. (JIS Z 8125) ページの下部に,本文よりも小さな文字で組まれた注釈.(JIS Z 8125) |
fore-edge | 小口 | koguchi こぐち | a) The three front trimmed edges of pages in a book. a)本のページの綴じていない三方の切り口. |
front matter | 前付 | maezuke まえづけ | The first part of a book followed by the text, usually consisting of a forward, preface, table of contents, list of illustrations, acknowledgement and so on. 書籍の本文に先立つページで,まえがき,序文,目次,挿絵一覧,献辞など. |
full-width | 全角 | zenkaku ぜんかく | a) Relative index for the length which is equal to a given character size. a)文字サイズに等しい長さの相対単位. |
furigana | 振り仮名 | furigana | A method of ruby annotation using kana characters to indicate how to read kanji characters. This term derives from a Japanese verb "furu (to attach alongside)" and "kana", and has been used synonymously with "ruby". This document prefers to use the term "ruby". ルビの配置位置に,仮名を使用したもの.なお,振り仮名とは,漢字の読み方を示すために,そのわきに付ける仮名という意味で,ルビと同義的に用いられてきた.この文書では“ルビ”という用語を一貫して用いる. |
furikanji | 振り漢字 | furikanji ふりがな | A method of ruby annotation using Kanji characters for ruby instead of kana characters. ルビの配置位置に,仮名ではなく,漢字を使用したもの. |
furiwake | 振分け | furiwake ふりわけ | A method of placing multiple runs of text in a line. (JIS Z 8125) 1行の中に,複数の行からなる文章を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
general-ruby | 総ルビ | sō rubi そうるび | A method of ruby annotation that attaches ruby text for all Kanji characters in the text. (JIS Z 8125) 文中のすべての漢字にルビを付けること.(JIS Z 8125) |
group-ruby | グループルビ | gurūpu rubi ぐるーぷるび | A method of ruby character distribution such that the length of ruby text matches to that of the base text by giving the same adjusted amount of space between ruby characters. 複数の親文字で構成される語全体に掛かるように均等間隔にルビを付けて配置する方法. |
gutter | のど | nodo のど | a) The binding side of a spread of a book. a)本を広げたとき,中央の綴じ目がある方向. |
gyodori | 行取り | gyōdori ぎょうどり | To keep block direction area for headings and so on, along with line units in kihon-hanmen. The width of the gyodori space is calculated with following fomula: line width × number of lines + line gap × (number of lines − 1). However, deceptively, in middle of page or column, the line gaps before and after seem to be added to the gyodori space, and in the start of page or column, the line gap after seems to be added to the gyodori space. 見出しなどを配置する領域の行送り方向の大きさを行単位で確保すること.この場合,行送り方向の見出しの占めるスペースは,“行の幅×行数+行間×(行数-1)”となる.しかし,見た目には,ページ(又は段)の途中に見出しを配置する場合は,そのスペースの前及び後ろの行間が加わり,ページ(又は段)の先頭に見出しを配置する場合は,そのスペースの後ろの行間が加わった大きさとなる. |
half em | 二分 | nibu にぶ | Half of the full-width size. (JIS Z 8125) 全角の2分の1の長さ.(JIS Z 8125) |
half em space | 二分アキ | nibu aki にぶあき | Amount of space that is half size of em space. 二分の空き量. |
half-width | 半角 | hankaku はんかく | Character frame which has a character advance of a half em. 字幅が,全角の2分の1である文字の外枠.(JIS X 4051) |
han-tobira | 半扉 | hantobira はんとびら | A simplified version of naka-tobira, the verso side of which text of the new part starts. (JIS Z 8125) 中扉を簡略にしたもので,裏面から本文を始める,見出しなどの標題を掲げたページ.(JIS Z 8125) |
hanmen (page content area) | 版面 | hanmen はんめん | Actual printed area in a page excluding the margins. (note: Running heads and page numbers are not part of hanmen.) (JIS Z 8125) 本の1ページ内の,周囲の余白を除いた部分の印刷面.(参考:柱及びノンブルは版面に含めない.)(JIS Z 8125) |
head | 天 | ten てん | a) The top part of a book or a page. a)本又はページの上部. |
heading | 見出し | midashi みだし | a) A title of a paper or an article. a)論文,記事などの標題. |
headnote | 頭注 | tōchū とうちゅう | A kind of notes in vertical writing style, head area in kihon-hanmen is kept beforehand, and notes are set with smaller size font than main text. 縦組において,基本版面内の上部に注を配置するための領域をあらかじめ設定し,その領域に本文よりも小さな文字サイズにして掲げる注. |
horizontal writing mode | 横組 | yokogumi よこぐみ | The process or the result of arranging characters on a line from left to right, of lines on a page from top to bottom, and/or of columns on a page from left to right. (JIS Z 8125) 行においては文字を水平方向に左から右へ,ページにおいて行を上から下へ,段を左から右へ配列すること.また,そのように文字が配置された状態.(JIS Z 8125) |
hyphenation | ハイフネーション | haifunēshon はいふねーしょん | A method of breaking a line by dividing a Western word at the end of a line and adding a hyphen at the end of the first half of the syllable. 行末にかかった欧文の単語について,音節などに従い分綴可能な位置にハイフンを挿入し,2行に分割する処理. |
ideographic numerals | 漢数字 | kansūji かんすうじ | Ideographic characters representing numbers. 漢字の一二三…十などを用いて表す数字. |
illustrations | 図版 | zuhan ずはん | A general term referring to a diagram, chart, cut, figure, picture and the like, to be used for printed materials. 印刷物の中に掲げる図,グラフ,カット,イラストレーション,写真などの総称. |
independent pagination | 別ノンブル | betsu nonburu べつのんぶる | To number the pages of the front matter, the text and the back matter independently. (JIS Z 8125) 前付ページ又は後付ページと本文ページとに別の順序付けを行うノンブルを付けること.(JIS Z 8125) |
index | 索引 | sakuin さくいん | A list of terms or subjects with page numbers for where they are referred to in a single or multiple volumes of a book. (JIS Z 8125) 1冊又は複数冊からなる本の中の語句,事項などを抜き出して配列し,それぞれの該当ページ番号を示したもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
inline direction | 字詰め方向 | jizume hōkō じづめほうこう | Text direction in a line. (JIS Z 8125) 1行の中で,1つの文字から次の文字へと続く方向.(JIS Z 8125) |
inseparable characters rule | 分離禁止 | bunri kinshi ぶんりきんし | A line adjustment rule that prohibits inserting any space between specific combinations of characters. (JIS Z 8125) 特定の文字の組の文字間にアキを入れることを禁止すること.(JIS Z 8125) |
inter-character spacing | 字間 | jikan じかん | Amount of space between two adjacent character frames on the same line. 同一行の隣接する2つの文字の外枠の間隔. |
itemization | 箇条書き | kajō gaki かじょうがき | To list ordered or unordered items one under the other. (JIS Z 8125) 順序付き,又は順序を明示することなく項目を列挙すること.(JIS Z 8125) |
Japanese and Western mixed text composition | 和欧文混植 | waōbun konshoku わおうぶんこんしょく | To mix Japanese text and Western text in the same composition. 和文と欧文とを併用して組版すること. |
Japanese characters | 和文文字 | wabun moji わぶんもじ | Characters used to compose Japanese text. 日本語の文書に使用する文字. |
Japanese gothic face | ゴシック体 | goshikku tai ごしっくたい | A Japanese typeface, with strokes almost the same in thickness, and no special ornament on a stroke such as a triangular element commonly seen in the Mincho typeface. Used for text emphasis and/or headings. 文字の線がほぼ同じ幅を持った和文書体で,明朝体のように三角形のうろこが付いていない.強調する部分や見出しなどに用いる. |
jidori | 字取り | jidori じどり | A method of aligning a run of text to both edges which is specified by a position to start and the length calculated by a specified number of a given size of characters. (JIS Z 8125) 使用文字サイズの倍数で指定した長さの両端に文字列の先頭と最後尾をそろえて文字を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
Jouyou Kanji Table | 常用漢字表 | jōyō kanji hyō じょうようかんじひょう | The official list of Kanji characters "for general use in society. such as in legal and official documents, newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and the like". It was established in 1981 as a reference guide for people in composing contemporary Japanese. It listed 1,945 of Kanji characters together with their orthographic shapes, Japanese native reading (Kun), Chinese derived reading (On) and other useful information. 1981年に制定された一般の社会生活において,現代の国語を書き表す場合の漢字使用の目安を示す表.1945字の漢字,その音訓,字体などが示されている. |
jukugo-ruby | 熟語ルビ | jukugo rubi じゅくごるび | A method of ruby character distribution determined by two functions, one is to provide reading for each Kanji character, the other is to give a united appearance attached to a word. 熟語の個々の漢字の読みと熟語としてのまとまりの2つを考慮して配置位置を決めるルビの配置方法. |
kabe | かべ | kabe かべ | Main text is bounced before the dannuki headings, illustrations, tables, etc., like balls and walls. 段組において,版面の中に配置した段抜きの見出し・図版・表組などを壁にたとえ,その手前で文章の行の流れを折り返すこと. |
kanbun composition | 漢文 | kanbun かんぶん | Chinese classic text (or text in the same style) with various auxiliary symbols so that it can be read as Japanese text. 中国の古典文(又はそれにならった文体の文)について,日本語の文として読むことが可能になるように,読むための様々な補助記号を付けた文. |
katatsuki (katatsuki-ruby) | 肩付き(肩付きルビ) | katatsuki (katatsuki rubi) かたつき | A method of attaching ruby at the upper right of each base character. (JIS Z 8125) 縦組において,ルビを親文字の右肩に付けて配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
kihon-hanmen | 基本版面 | kihon hanmen きほんはんめん | The default dimensions of the main area of a typeset page specified by text direction, number of columns, character size, number of characters in a line, number of lines in a column, inter-line spacing and inter-column spacing. (JIS X 4051) 本の基本として設計される版面体裁.組方向,段数,文字サイズ,字詰め数,行数,行間及び段間で指定する.(JIS X 4051) |
label name | ラベル名 | raberumei らべるめい | Text following or followed by numbers for illustrations, tables, headings and running headings. (JIS X 4051) 図番号,表番号,見出し番号及び柱番号において,それぞれの番号の前及び/又は後ろに付ける文字列.(JIS X 4051) |
letter face | 字面 | jizura じづら | Area in which glyph is drawn. (JIS Z 8125) 字形の,実際に表示される領域.(JIS Z 8125) |
letterpress printing | 活字組版 | katsuji kumihan かつじくみはん | The traditional printing method using movable type. 可動式の活字,その他の材料を用いた伝統的な組版. |
line adjustment | 行の調整処理 | gyō no chōsei shori ぎょうのちょうせいしょり | A method of aligning both edges of all lines to be the same given length by removing or adding adjustable spacing. 指定された行長にするために,字間を詰める又は空ける処理. |
line adjustment by hanging punctuation | ぶら下げ組 | burasage gumi ぶらさげぐみ | A line breaking rule to avoid commas or full stops at a line head (which is prohibited in Japanese typography) by taking them back to the end of the previous line beyond the specified line length. (JIS Z 8125) 行頭に位置した和文の句読点を1文字だけ前行の行末文字の次に指定された行長を越えて配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
line adjustment by inter-character spacing expansion | 追出し処理 | oidashi shori おいだししょり | A line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by expanding inter-character spacing. (JIS Z 8125). 禁則処理の1つの方法であって,字間を広げて行頭行末そろえをすること(JIS Z 8125).行頭行末そろえとは,各行の最初の文字を行頭にそろえ,かつ各行の最後の文字を行末にそろえて配置する方法(JIS Z 8125). |
line adjustment by inter-character spacing reduction | 追込み処理 | oikomi shori おいこみしょり | A line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by removing adjustable spacing such as conditional spacing for punctuation marks. (JIS Z 8125). 禁則処理の1つの方法であって,約物の前後などを詰めて行頭行末そろえをすること(JIS Z 8125).行頭行末そろえとは,各行の最初の文字を行頭にそろえ,かつ各行の最後の文字を行末にそろえて配置する方法(JIS Z 8125). |
line breaking rules | 禁則処理 | kinsoku shori きんそくしょり | A set of rules to avoid prohibited layout in Japanese typography, such as "line-start prohibition rule", "line-end prohibition rule", inseparable or unbreakable character sequences and so on. (JIS Z 8125) 行頭禁則,行末禁則,分離(分割)禁止などの禁則を避けるために行われる処理.(JIS Z 8125) |
line end | 行末 | gyōmatsu ぎょうまつ | The position at which a line ends. (JIS Z 8125) 1つの行の終わる位置.(JIS Z 8125) |
line end alignment | 行末そろえ | gyōmatsu soroe ぎょうまつそろえ | To align a run of text to the line end. (JIS Z 8125) 文字列の最後の文字を行末の位置に合わせること.(JIS Z 8125) |
line end indent | 字上げ | jiage じあげ | To reserve a certain amount of space before the default position of a line end. (JIS Z 8125) 行末の位置を行頭方向に移すこと.(JIS Z 8125) |
line feed | 行送り | gyō okuri ぎょうおくり | The distance between two adjacent lines measured by their reference points. (JIS Z 8125) 隣接する行同士の基準点から基準点までの距離.(JIS Z 8125) |
line gap | 行間 | gyōkan ぎょうかん | The smallest amount of space between adjacent lines. 隣接する行の文字の外枠間の距離. |
line head | 行頭 | gyōtō ぎょうとう | The position at which a line starts. (JIS Z 8125) 1つの行の始まる位置.(JIS Z 8125) |
line head alignment | 行頭そろえ | gyōtō soroe ぎょうとうそろえ | To align a run of text to the line head. (JIS Z 8125) 文字列の最初の文字を行頭の位置に合わせること.(JIS Z 8125) |
line head indent | 字下げ | jisage じさげ | To reserve a certain amount of space after the default position of a line head. (JIS Z 8125) 行頭の位置を行末方向に移すこと.(JIS Z 8125) |
line length | 行長 | gyōchō ぎょうちょう | Length of a line with a pre-defined number of characters. When the line is indented at the line head or the line end, it is length of the line from the specified amount of line head indent to the specified amount of line end indent. 基本版面で設定した行の行頭から行末までの長さ.字下げ又は字上げした場合は,指定された行頭から行末までの長さ. |
line-end prohibition rule | 行末禁則 | gyōmatsu kinsoku ぎょうまつきんそく | A line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line end. (JIS Z 8125) 行末に特定の文字を置くことを禁止する規則.(JIS Z 8125) |
line-start prohibition rule | 行頭禁則 | gyōtō kinsoku ぎょうとうきんそく | A line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line head. (JIS Z 8125) 行頭に特定の文字を置くことを禁止する規則.(JIS Z 8125) |
main text | 本文 | honbun ほんぶん | a) The principal part of a book, usually preceded by the front matter, followed by the back matter. a)書籍を構成する主要部分.通常,その前に前付,後には後付が付く. |
matrix | 母型 | bokei ぼけい | A metal mold from which movable type is cast. 活字を鋳造する際に,字面を形成する型. |
mawarikomi | 回り込み | mawarikomi まわりこみ | Text setting style to fill the left line direction space, which is happen to appear because of the arragnement of illustrations, tables, etc. (JIS Z 8125) 図版,表組などを配置するために確保した領域の字詰め方向の余白に本文を組み込むこと.(JIS Z 8125) |
Mincho typeface | 明朝体 | minchōtai みんちょうたい | A major style of Japanese font. Horizontal lines are thin and vertical lines are thick. At the start position and the end position, there are triangular figure representing press of brush. Kana are designed to balance the Kanji design. In Japanese text setting, Mincho typeface is most frequently used for main text, especially for long text. Similar to "serif" of Western typography. 漢字は,横線に比べて縦線が太く,起筆部と終筆部に三角形が付いている.これに調和するように設計された仮名が作られている.日本語の長文の文書では,最も使用頻度が高い. |
mixed text composition | 混植 | konshoku こんしょく | a) To interleave Japanese text with Western text in a line (Japanese and Western mixed text composition). a)和文と欧文とを併用して組版すること(和欧文混植). |
mono-ruby | モノルビ | mono rubi ものるび | A method of ruby distribution where a run of ruby text is attached to each base character. (JIS Z 8125) 親文字の1字ごとに対応してルビを付けて配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
multi-column format | 段組 | dangumi だんぐみ | A format of text on a page where text is divided into two or more sections (columns) in the inline direction and each column is separated by a certain amount of space (column space). (JIS Z 8125) 連続する1系列の文章を1ページの中で,字詰め方向において,2つ以上の部分(段)に分割し,各部分の間には空白(段間)を設けて文字を配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
multivolume work | 多巻物 | takanmono たかんもの | A set of work published in two or more volumes, as in the complete work or the first/last half volumes. 全集,上下巻など,1部の本で2冊以上の図書で構成されているもの. |
naka-tobira | 中扉 | naka tobira なかとびら | A recto or a page inserted to divide two different parts in a book. It often has a title or other text to describe the new part. (JIS Z 8125) 書籍の内容が大きく区分される場合に,その内容の区切りをはっきりさせるために本文中に挿入する,標題などを掲げた丁又はページ.(JIS Z 8125) |
nakatsuki (nakatsuki-ruby) | 中付き(中付きルビ) | nakatsuki (nakatsuki rubi) なかつき | A method of ruby character distribution where each ruby character is aligned to the vertical center of the corresponding base character in vertical writing mode, or to the horizontal center of the base character in horizontal writing mode. (JIS Z 8125) 縦組の場合は親文字の天地中央に,横組の場合は親文字の左右中央にルビを付けて配置する方法.(JIS Z 8125) |
new column | 改段 | kaidan かいだん | In multi-column setting, to change to new column before the end of current column. 段組で段の途中にもかかわらず,次の見出しなどを新しい段の始めから配置すること. |
new recto | 改丁 | kaichō かいちょう | To start a new heading or something on an odd page. (JIS Z 8125) 奇数ページより新規に見出しなどを始めること.(JIS Z 8125) |
note | 注 | chū ちゅう | Explanatory information added to terms, figures or tables. (JIS Z 8125) 語句,図版,表などに加える補助的な説明・解釈.(JIS Z 8125) |
number of characters per line | 字詰め | jizume じづめ | Number of characters in a line to specify the length of lines. (JIS Z 8125) 図版,表組などを配置するために確保した領域の字詰め方向の余白に本文を組み込むこと.(JIS Z 8125) |
number of columns | 段数 | dansū だんすう | Number of columns on a page. (JIS Z 8125) 1ページ内に配置される段の数.(JIS Z 8125) |
omote-kei | 表罫 | omotekei おもてけい | Thin width line. Usually about 0.12mm. (JIS Z 8125) 0.1mm程度の太さの実線.(JIS Z 8125) |
one em space | 全角アキ | zenkaku aki ぜんかくあき | Amount of space that is full-width size. 全角の空き量. |
one third em | 三分 | sanbu さんぶ | One third of the full-width size. (JIS Z 8125) 全角の3分の1の長さ.(JIS Z 8125) |
one third em space | 三分アキ | sanbu aki さんぶあき | Amount of space that is one third size of em space. 三分の空き量. |
one-third-ruby | 三分ルビ | sanbu rubi さんぶるび | Ruby characters, narrow enough so that three can fit within the width of a full-width base character. 全角の字幅の親文字1字に対し,3文字のルビを親文字からはみ出させないように付けるためのルビ. |
original pattern | 原図 | genzu げんず | An original drawn pattern of a character image to be used for a printing type or a digitized glyph. 印刷用の文字の元となる描かれた文字. |
ornament characters | 添え字 | soeji そえじ | A superscript or subscript attached to a base character. (JIS Z 8125) 文字のそばに付ける上付き文字又は下付き文字.(JIS Z 8125) |
page | ページ | pēji ぺーじ | A side of a sheet of paper in a written work such as a book. (JIS Z 8125) 本などを構成する1枚の紙の片面.(JIS Z 8125) |
page break | 改ページ | kai pēji かいぺーじ | To end a page even if it is not full and to start a new page with the next paragraph, a new heading and so on. (JIS Z 8125) 奇数ページ・偶数ページに関わらず,ページの途中であっても次の文章・見出しなどを次のページから新しく始めること.(JIS Z 8125) |
page format | 組体裁 | kumi teisai くみていさい | The layout and presentation of a page with text, graphics and other elements for a publication such as a book. 本などの仕上りサイズ及びそこに配置する文字その他の表示体裁. |
page number | ノンブル | nonburu のんぶる | A sequential number to indicate the order of pages in a publication. (JIS Z 8125) 印刷物の各ページの順序を示すために付けてある番号.(JIS Z 8125) |
para-ruby | パラルビ | para rubi ぱらるび | A method of ruby annotation where ruby text is only attached to selected Kanji characters in the text. (JIS Z 8125) 文中の一部の漢字だけにルビを付けること.(JIS Z 8125) |
paragraph | 段落 | danraku だんらく | A group of sentences to be processed for line composition. A paragraph consists of one or more lines. (JIS Z 8125) 行組版処理の処理単位となる1つ以上の文の集まり.段落は,1行又は連続した複数の行からなる.(JIS Z 8125) |
paragraph break | 改行 | kaigyō かいぎょう | To start a new line to indicate a new paragraph. 段落の区切りなどを示すために行を改めること. |
paragraph format | 段落整形 | danraku seikei だんらくせいけい | A format of a paragraph, as in line head indent or line end indent. 字下げ,字上げ,インデントなどの段落の書式. |
parallel-note | 並列注 | heiretsuchū へいれつちゅう | Areas of notes are kept when the kihon-hanmen is designed. Related notes are set in these areas, with page unit or spread unit. Parallel-note is the general name for head note (in vertical writing mode), foot note (in vertical writing mode) and side note (in horizontal writing mode). 基本版面の設計段階であらかじめ注のための領域を確保し,その領域にページ又は見開きを単位として,その範囲にある項目に関連した注を掲げる頭注(縦組),脚注(縦組)及び傍注(横組)の総称. |
point | ポイント | pointo ぽいんと | A measurement unit of character size. 1 point is equal to 0.3514mm (see JIS Z 8305). There is another unit to measure character sizes called Q, where 1Q is equivalent to 0.25mm. 文字サイズの単位.1ポイントは0.3514mmに等しい(JIS Z 8305).なお,ポイント以外に,文字サイズの単位に使用されている1Qは,0.25mmである. |
printing types | 活字 | katsuji かつじ | Movable type used for letterpress printing. 文字組版に使用するもので,文字・数字・記号類などの字面を逆向きで凸状に,鉛合金などで鋳造した角柱. |
proportional | プロポーショナル | puropōshonaru ぷろぽーしょなる | A characteristic of a font where character advance is different per glyph. (JIS Z 8125) 1つのフォント中で文字の字幅が一定でなく,文字ごとに独立した字幅の値を持っていること.(JIS Z 8125) |
punctuation marks | 約物 | yakumono やくもの | A general term referring to the symbols used in text composition to help make the meaning of text clearer, as in commas, full stops, question marks, brackets, diereses and so on. (JIS Z 8125) 文字組版に使用する記述記号類の総称.備考:句読点・疑問符・括弧・アクセントなど.(JIS Z 8125) |
quarter em | 四分 | shibu しぶ | Quarter size of full-width. 全角の4分の1の長さ.(JIS Z 8125) |
quarter em space | 四分アキ | shibu aki しぶあき | Amount of space that is a quarter of an em space in size. 四分の空き量. |
quarter em width | 四分角 | shibu kaku しぶかく | Character frame which has a character advance of a quarter em. (JIS X 4051) 字幅が,全角の1/4である文字の外枠.(JIS X 4051) |
quotation | 引用文 | in-yōbun いんようぶん | Excerps from other published works. (JIS Z 8125) 公表された他の著作物から,その一部を引用して利用するもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
reference marks | 合印 | aijirushi あいじるし | A symbol or short run of text attached to a specific part of text, to which notes are provided followed by the corresponding marks. 注と本文文字列などの該当項目とを対応させるために該当項目に付ける文字列. |
reverse pagination | 逆ノンブル | gyaku nonburu ぎゃくのんぶる | Numbering pages of a book backwards. (JIS Z 8125) 巻末の方からページの番号を開始するノンブル.(JIS Z 8125) |
Roman numerals | ローマ数字 | rōma sūji ろーますうじ | Numerals represented by upper case or lower case of Latin letters. (JIS Z 8125) ラテン文字の大文字又は小文字を用いて表記する数字.(JIS Z 8125) |
ruby | ルビ | rubi るび | Supplementary small characters indicating pronunciation, meaning, etc. for the character or the block of characters they annotate. (JIS Z 8125) (Sometimes these annotations are referred to as "furigana".) 文字及び語のそばに付けて,その読み,意味などを示す小さな文字.(JIS Z 8125)“振り仮名”ともよばれることがある. |
run-in heading | 同行見出し | dōgyōmidashi どうぎょうみだし | A kind of heading style to continue main text just after the heading without line break. 見出しに続く文章を改行することなく,見出しに続けて文章を配置する形式の見出し. |
running head | 柱 | hashira はしら | A page element which contains information on the title of the book, chapter, section and so on, printed outside the area of the hanmen. (JIS Z 8125) 各ページの版面外に記載された書名・章名・節名など.(JIS Z 8125) |
middle level heading | 中見出し | nakamidashi なかみだし | Middle level heading between top level heading and low level heading. (JIS Z 8125) 大見出しと小見出しとの中間の区分に付ける標題.(JIS Z 8125) |
sidenote | 傍注 | bōchū ぼうちゅう | A kind of notes, in vertical writing mode with spread unit, and related notes are set from the left end of left page with smaller size font than the main text. A kind of notes, in horizontal writing mode, the realm is kept beforhand in right side or fore-edge side of kihon-hanmen, and related notes are set in the realm with smaller size font than main text. 縦組において,見開きを単位として,そこに関連する注を左ページ(奇数ページ)の左端に本文よりも小さな文字サイズにして掲げる注.横組において,基本版面内の小口側又は右側に注を配置するための領域をあらかじめ設定し,その領域に本文よりも小さな文字サイズにして掲げる注. |
single line alignment method | そろえ | soroe かたばしらほうしき | To align a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to designated positions. 1行の文字列について,指定した位置に文字の配置位置を合わせること. |
single running head method | 片柱方式 | katabashira hōshiki かたばしらほうしき | A method that puts running heads only on odd pages. (JIS Z 8125) 柱を奇数ページだけに掲げること.(JIS Z 8125) |
small kana | 小書きの仮名 | kogaki no kana こがきのかな | Kana with smaller letter faces to be used mainly for representing contracted sounds or prolonged vowels. (JIS Z 8125) 拗音,促音,外来語などを書き表す場合に用いる,字面を小さくした仮名.捨て仮名,半音ともいう.(JIS Z 8125) |
solid setting | ベタ組 | beta gumi べたぐみ | To arrange characters with no inter-character spacing between adjacent character frames. 字間を空けずに文字の外枠を接して文字を配置すること. |
space | アキ | aki あき | Amount of space between adjacent characters or lines. It also refers to the blank area between the edges of a hanmen or an illustration and text or other hanmen elements. 隣接する文字又は隣接する行の間隔.また,版面,図版などの端から文字列などの端までの間隔. |
spread | 見開き | mihiraki みひらき | Any two facing pages when opening a book and the like. (JIS Z 8125) 本などを開いたときの両方のページ.(JIS Z 8125) |
subscript (inferior) | 下付き | shitatsuki したつき | Smaller face of characters, attached to the lower right or the lower left of a normal size character. (JIS Z 8125) 小さい字面の文字で,通常の大きさの文字の右下又は左下に付けて配置する文字.(JIS Z 8125) |
subtitle | 副題 | fukudai ふくだい | Secondary title for headings, subtile. (JIS X 4051) 見出しに付ける副次的な標題.サブタイトルともいう.(JIS X 4051) |
superscript (superior) | 上付き | uwatsuki うわつき | Smaller face of characters, attached to the upper right or the upper left of a normal size character. (JIS Z 8125) 小さい字面の文字で,通常の大きさの文字の右肩又は左肩に付けて配置する文字.(JIS Z 8125) |
tab setting | タブ処理 | tabu shori たぶしょり | A method of line composition to align one or more runs of text to designated positions on a line. 行において,1つ又は複数の文字列を指定位置に合わせて配置する処理. |
table | 表 | hyō ひょう | Formatted data consisting of characters or numbers, arranged in cells and sometimes divided by lines, in order to present the data in a way that is easier to understand. (JIS Z 8125) 文字又は数字を一覧できるように,罫などで区切ったこま(小間)に配列したもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
table of contents | 目次 | mokuji もくじ | A list of headings of contents of a book in page order or arranged by subjects, with page numbers on which each section begins. (JIS Z 8125) 本の内容の見出しを,書かれている順又は分野別に並べて,それぞれの該当ページ番号を示したもの.(JIS Z 8125) |
tate-chu-yoko | 縦中横 | tate chū yoko たてちゅうよこ | To typeset a (small) group of characters horizontally within a vertical line of main text. 縦組の行中で,文字を縦向きのまま横組にすること. |
tentsuki | 天付き | tentsuki てんつき | a) To remove conditional space from opening brackets at a line head to align the line head to the ones of the adjacent lines. a)行頭に位置した括弧類に二分の字幅のものなどを使用して,隣接する行の行頭とそろえること. |
text direction | 組方向 | kumi hōkō くみほうこう | Horizontal setting or vertical setting. (JIS Z 8125) 横組又は縦組.(JIS Z 8125) |
low level heading | 小見出し | komidashi こみだし | Headings for the lowest or minimum unit of main text in books. 書籍などで,区分の最小のまとまりに付ける標題. |
top level heading | 大見出し | ōmidashi おおみだし | Headings for largest or muximum unit of main text in books. 書籍などで,区分の最大のまとまりに付ける標題. |
Touyou Kanji Table | 当用漢字表 | tōyō kanji hyō とうようかんじひょう | The official list of Kanji characters established in 1946, which was designed to restrict the Kanji characters for general use in society to only those 1850 specified in the list. The list together with other related tables was superseded by the Jouyou Kanji Table. 1946年に制定された一般社会で使用する漢字の範囲を示す表.1850字の漢字が示されている.この表は,当用漢字音訓表,当用漢字字体表とともに常用漢字表に改められた. |
trim size | 仕上りサイズ | shiagari saizu しあがりさいず | Dimensions of a full page in a publication, including margins. (JIS Z 8125) 仕上げ裁ちした印刷物の寸法.(JIS Z 8125) |
tsumegumi | 詰め組 | tsumegumi つめぐみ | Adjustment of inter-character spacing by making the distance between the letter face of adjacent characters shorter than that produced by solid setting. (JIS Z 8125) ベタ組より字送りを詰めて文字を配置する方法(JIS Z 8125).なお,字送りとは,同一行の隣接する文字同士の基準点から基準点までの距離(JIS Z 8125). |
type-picking | 文選 | bunsen ぶんせん | To select metal type for characters needed to print a manuscript. (Metal type is stored in a type case, but because the number of Japanese characters is very large, an extra operation was invented that involves collecting type in a so-called 'bunsen box' before typesetting a manuscript using a composing stick.) 原稿で指示された文字について,その活字を拾い集める作業.具体的には活字を配列してある活字ケースから文字を選び,文選箱に収める. |
typeface | 書体 | shotai しょたい | A set of letters or symbols, which are designed to have coherent patterns to be used for printing or rendering to a computer screen. (JIS Z 8125) 印字,画面表示などに使用するため,統一的な意図に基づいて作成された一組の文字又は記号の意匠.(JIS Z 8125) |
unbreakable characters rule | 分割禁止 | bunkatsu kinshi ぶんかつきんし | A line breaking rule that prohibits breaking a line between consecutive dashes or leaders, or between other specific combinations of characters. ダッシュ,リーダなど連続した同じ文字間,又は特定の文字の組の文字間では分割を禁止する規則. |
underline | 下線 | kasen かせん | A line drawn under a character or a run of text in horizontal writing mode. (JIS Z 8125) 横組において,文字又は文字列の下に引いた線.(JIS Z 8125) |
ura-kei | 裏罫 | urakei うらけい | Thick width line. Usually about 0.4mm. (JIS Z 8125) 0.4mm程度の太さの実線.(JIS Z 8125) |
vertical writing mode | 縦組 | tate gumi たてぐみ | The process or the result of arranging characters on a line from top to bottom, of lines on a page from right to left, and/or of columns on a page from top to bottom. (JIS Z 8125) 行においては文字を垂直方向に上から下へ,ページにおいて行を右から左へ,段を上から下へ配列すること.また,そのように文字が配置された状態.(JIS Z 8125) |
warichu (inline cutting note) | 割注 | warichū わりちゅう | A note of two or more lines inserted in the text. It includes brackets which surround the note (JIS Z 8125) 本文中で,複数行に割書きした注釈.割注には,割書きを囲む括弧類を含む.(JIS Z 8125) |
weight | ウェイト | weito うぇいと | A measurement of the thickness of fonts. (JIS Z 8125) 書体における字形の画線の太さの指標.(JIS Z 8125) |
widow | ウィドウ | widō うぃどう | The term in Western text layout to describe that the last line of a paragraph with only a few words appears at the top of a new page or a column. (JIS Z 8125) 欧文組版において,2単語程度である段落の最終行が,新しいページ又は段の第1行目にくること.(JIS Z 8125) |
widow adjustment | 段落末尾処理 | danraku matsubi shori だんらくまつびしょり | A method of line composition to adjust lines in a paragraph so that the last line consists of more than a given number of characters. 段落の最終行に配置する行の字数が所定の字数未満にならないようにする処理. |
Japan Editors School. ed. 1997. "A Guide to Publishing and Editing - New Edition -" 2 vols. Tokyo: Japan Editors School Press
日本エディタースクール編“新編 出版編集技術”(上・下巻),日本エディタースクール出版部,東京,1997年
Japan Editors School. ed. 1998. "A Guide to Proofreading - New Edition -" 2 vols. Tokyo: Japan Editors School Press
日本エディタースクール編“新編 校正技術”(上・下巻),日本エディタースクール出版部,東京,1998年
JIS X 4051:2004 "Formatting rules for Japanese documents" Tokyo: Japan Standards Association
JIS X 4051:2004(日本語文書の組版方法,Formatting rules for Japanese documents),日本規格協会,東京,2004年
JIS Z 8125:2004 "Graphic arts — Glossary — Digital printing" Tokyo: Japan Standards Association
JIS Z 8125:2004(印刷用語 — デジタル印刷,Graphic arts — Glossary — Digital printing),日本規格協会,東京,2004年
ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.3:2008 "Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Amendment 3: Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Saurashtra, Vai and other characters"
ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.3:2008 "Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Amendment 3: Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Saurashtra, Vai and other characters"
The University of Chicago. 2003. "The Chicago Manual of Style" 15th ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
"The Chicago Manual of Style" 15th ed., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2003.
R. M. Ritter. 2002. "The Oxford Guide to Style" Oxford: Oxford University Press
R. M. Ritter, "The Oxford Guide to Style", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.
This document has been developed with contributions from participants of theJapanese Layout Task Force.
この資料は,Japanese Layout Task Forceの参加者の多大な協力によって作成されている.
The following changes were made since the previous publication.
Merged and simplifiedhandling of overhanging ruby text on punctuation marks (former 3.3.8 f,g,h).
約物にかかるルビ文字の定義を集約し簡単化しました (以前の 3.3.8 f,g,h).
[Issue,PR]English wording fixed.
[Issue,PR;Issue,PR;Issue,PR]Merged English and Japanese documents into a single document, with switches to allow readers to view the text in either language, or both.
[7dcc927;Issue,PR]Link targets were assigned to each list item and note, making it possible to point into the document in a more fine-grained way.
Also minor editorial changes were made to structure and wording of the text. A detailed list of changes, including diffs, can be found in thegithub commit log.
また細かな構成・表記上の修正を行いました.変更点を含む詳細な変更履歴についてはgithub のコミットログを参照してください.