Please refer to theerrata for this document, which may include some normative corrections.
See alsotranslations.
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The technology described in this document “Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0“ enhances the foundation to integrate automated processing of human language into core Web technologies. ITS 2.0 bears many commonalities with its predecessor,ITS 1.0 but provides additional concepts that are designed to foster the automated creation and processing of multilingual Web content. ITS 2.0 focuses on HTML, XML-based formats in general, and can leverage processing based on the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF), as well as the Natural Language Processing Interchange Format (NIF).
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
The technology described in this document “Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0“ enhances the foundation to integrate automated processing of human language into core Web technologies. ITS 2.0 bears many commonalities with is predecessor,ITS 1.0 but provides additional concepts that are designed to foster the automated creation and processing of multilingual Web content. ITS 2.0 focuses on HTML, XML-based formats in general, and can leverage processing based on the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF), as well as the Natural Language Processing Interchange Format (NIF).
This document was published by theMultilingualWeb-LT Working Group as a W3C Recommendation (seeW3C document maturity levels). The Working Group has completed and approved this specification'sTest Suite and created anImplementation Report that shows that two or more independent implementations pass each test.
This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
The ITS 2.0 specification has a normative dependency on the HTML5 specification: it relies on theHTML5 Translate attribute. By publishing this Recommendation, W3C expects that the functionality specified in this ITS 2.0 Recommendation will not be affected by changes to HTML5 as that specification proceeds to Recommendation.
If you wish to make comments, please send them Thearchives for this list are publicly available. See also issues discussed within theMultilingualWeb-LT Working Group and thelist of changes since the previous publication.
This document was produced by a group operating under the5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
This section is informative.
Content or software that is authored in one language (so-called source language) for one locale (e.g. the French-speaking part of Canada) is often made available in additional languages or adapted with regard to other cultural aspects. A prevailing paradigm for multilingual production in many cases encompasses three phases: internationalization, translation, and localization (see the W3C's Internationalization Q&A for more information related to these concepts).
From the viewpoints of feasibility, cost, and efficiency, it is important that the original material is suitable for downstream phases such as translation. This is achieved by appropriate design and development. The corresponding phase is referred to as internationalization.A proprietary XML vocabulary may be internationalized by defining special markup to specify directionality in mixed direction text.
During the translation phase, the meaning of a source language text is analyzed, and a target language text that is equivalent in meaning is determined. For example national or international laws may regulate linguistic dimensions like mandatory terminology or standard phrases in order to promote or ensure a translation's fidelity.
Although an agreed-upon definition of the localization phase is missing, this phase is usually seen as encompassing activities such as creating locale-specific content (e.g. adding a link for a country-specific reseller), or modifying functionality (e.g. to establish a fit with country-specific regulations for financial reporting). Sometimes, the insertion of special markup to support a local language or script is also subsumed under the localization phase. For example, people authoring in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or Urdu need special markup to specify directionality in mixed direction text.
The technology described in this document – theInternationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 addresses some of the challenges and opportunities related to internationalization, translation, and localization. ITS 2.0 in particular contributes to concepts in the realm of metadata for internationalization, translation, and localization related to core Web technologies such as XML. ITS does for example assist in production scenarios, in which parts of an XML-based document are to be excluded from translation. ITS 2.0 bears many commonalities with its predecessor,ITS 1.0 but provides additional concepts that are designed to foster enhanced automated processing – e.g. based on language technology such as entity recognition – related to multilingual Web content.
Like ITS 1.0, ITS 2.0 both identifies concepts (such as “Translate” ), and defines implementations of these concepts (termed “ITS data categories”) as a set of elements and attributes called theInternationalization Tag Set (ITS). The definitions of ITS elements and attributes are provided in the form of RELAX NG[RELAX NG] (normative). Since one major step from ITS 1.0 to ITS 2.0 relates to coverage for HTML, ITS 2.0 also establishes a relationship between ITS markup and the various HTML flavors. Furthermore, ITS 2.0 suggests when and how to leverage processing based on the XML Localization Interchange File Format ([XLIFF 1.2] and[XLIFF 2.0]), as well as the Natural Language Processing Interchange Format[NIF].
For the purpose of an introductory illustration, here is a series of examples related to the question, how ITS can indicate that certain parts of a document are not intended for translation.
In this document it is difficult to distinguish between thosestring
elements that are intended for translation and those that are not to be translated. Explicit metadata is needed to resolve the issue.
<resources><sectionid="Homepage"><arguments><string>page</string><string>childlist</string></arguments><variables><string>POLICY</string><string>Corporate Policy</string></variables><keyvalue_pairs><string>Page</string><string>ABC Corporation - Policy Repository</string><string>Footer_Last</string><string>Pages</string><string>bgColor</string><string>NavajoWhite</string><string>title</string><string>List of Available Policies</string></keyvalue_pairs></section></resources>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-motivation-its-1.xml]
ITS proposes several mechanisms, which differ among others in terms of the usage scenario/user types for which the mechanism is most suitable.
ITS provides two mechanisms to explicitly associate metadata with one or more pieces of content (e.g. XML nodes): aglobal, rule-based approach as well as alocal, attribute-based approached. Here, for instance, atranslateRule
first specifies that only every second element insidekeyvalue_pairs
is intended for translation; later, an ITStranslate
attribute specifies that one of these elements is not to be translated.
<resourcesxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:translateRuleselector="//arguments"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//keyvalue_pairs/string[(position() mod 2)=1]"translate="no"/></its:rules><sectionid="Homepage"><arguments><string>page</string><string>childlist</string></arguments><variables><stringits:translate="no">POLICY</string><string>Corporate Policy</string></variables><keyvalue_pairs><string>Page</string><string>ABC Corporation - Policy Repository</string><string>Footer_Last</string><string>Pages</string><string>bgColor</string><stringits:translate='no'>NavajoWhite</string><string>title</string><string>List of Available Policies</string></keyvalue_pairs></section></resources>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-motivation-its-2.xml]
The basics of ITS 1.0 are simple:
Provide metadata (e.g. “Do not translate”) to assist internationalization-related processes
Use XPath (so-calledglobal approach) to associate metadata with specific XML nodes (e.g. all elements nameduitext
) or put the metadata straight onto the XML nodes themselves (so-calledlocal approach)
Work with a well-defined set of metadata categories or values (e.g. only the values "yes" and "no" for certain data categories)
Take advantage of existing metadata (e.g. terms already marked up with HTML markup such asdt
This conciseness made real-world deployment of ITS 1.0 easy. The deployments helped to identify additional metadata categories for internationalization-related processes. TheITS Interest Group for example compiled a list of additional data categories (see thisrelated summary). Some of these were then defined in ITS 2.0:ID Value, localElements Within Text,Preserve Space, andLocale Filter. Others are still discussed as requirements for possible future versions of ITS:
“Context” = What specific related information might be helpful?
“Automated Language” = Does this content lend itself to automatic processing?
The real-world deployments also helped to understand that for theOpen Web Platform – the ITS 1.0 restriction to XML was an obstacle for quite a number of environments. What was missing was, for example, the following:
Applicability of ITS to formats such as HTML in general, and HTML5 in particular
Easy use of ITS in various Web-exposed (multilingual) Natural Language Processing contexts
Computer-supported linguistic quality assurance
Content Management and translation platforms
Cross-language scenarios
Content enrichment
Support for W3C provenance[PROV-DM], “information about entities, activities, and people involved in producing a piece of data or thing, which can be used to form assessments about its quality, reliability or trustworthiness”
Provisions for extended deployment in Semantic Web/Linked Open Data scenarios
ITS 2.0 was created by an alliance of stakeholders who are involved in content for global use. Thus, ITS 2.0 was developed with input from/with a view towards the following:
Providers of content management and machine translation solutions who want to easily integrate for efficient content updates in multilingual production chains
Language technology providers who want to automatically enrich content (e.g. via term candidate generation, entity recognition or disambiguation) in order to facilitate human translation
Open standards endeavours (e.g. related to[XLIFF 1.2],[XLIFF 2.0] and[NIF]) that are interested for example in information sharing, and lossless roundtrip of metadata in localization workflows
One example outcome of the resulting synergies is theITS Tool Annotation mechanism. It addresses the provenance-related requirement by allowing ITS processors to leave a trace: ITS processors can basically say “It is me that generated this bit of information”. Another example are the[NIF] related details of ITS 2.0, which provide a non-normative approach to couple Natural Language Processing with concepts of the Semantic Web.
The[ITS 1.0]introduction states: “ITS is a technology to easily create XML, which is internationalized and can be localized effectively”. In order to make this tangible, ITS 1.0 provided examples forusers and usages. Implicitly, these examples carried the information that ITS covers two areas: one that is related to the static dimension of mono-lingual content, and one that is related to the dynamic dimension of multilingual production.
Static mono-lingual (for example, the area of content authors): This part of the content has the directionality “right-to-left”.
Dynamic multilingual: (for example, the area of machine translation systems): This part of the content has to be left untranslated.
Although ITS 1.0 made no assumptions about possible phases in a multilingual production process chain, it was slanted towards a simple three phase “write→internationalize→translate” model. Even a birds-eye-view at ITS 2.0 shows that ITS 2.0 explicitly targets a much more comprehensive model for multilingual content production. The model comprises support for multilingual content production phases such as:
Pre-production (e.g. related to marking terminology)
Automated content enrichment (e.g. automatic hyperlinking for entities)
Extraction/filtering of translation-relevant content
Leveraging (e.g. of existing translation-related assets such as translation memories)
Machine Translation (e.g. geared towards a specific domain)
Quality assessment or control of source language or target language content
Generation of translation kits (e.g. packages based on XLIFF)
The document[MLW US IMPL] lists a large variety of usage scenarios for ITS 2.0. Most of them are composed from the aforementioned phases.
In a similar vein, ITS 2.0 takes a much more comprehensive view on the actors that may participate in a multilingual content production process. ITS 1.0 annotations (e.g. local markup for theTerminology data category) most of the time were conceived as being closely tied to human actors such as content authors or information architects. ITS 2.0 raises non-human actors such as word processors/editors, content management systems, machine translation systems, term candidate generators, entity identifiers/disambiguators to the same level. This change among others is reflected by the ITS 2.0Tool Annotation, which allows systems to record that they have processed a certain part of content.
The differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0 can be summarized as follows.
Coverage of[HTML5]:ITS 1.0 can be applied to XML content. ITS 2.0 extends the coverage to[HTML5]. Explanatory details about ITS 2.0 and[HTML5] are given inSection 2.5: Specific HTML support.
Addition of data categories: ITS 2.0 provides additional data categories and modifies existing ones. A summary of all ITS 2.0 data categories is given inSection 2.1: Data Categories.
Modification of data categories:
ITS 1.0 provided theRuby data category. ITS 2.0 does not provide ruby because at the time of writing theruby model in HTML5 was still under development. Once these discussions are settled, the Ruby data category possibly will be reintroduced, in a subsequent version of ITS.
TheDirectionality data category reflects directionality markup in[HTML 4.01]. The reason is that enhancements are being discussed in the context of HTML5 that are expected to change the approach to marking up directionality, in particular to support content whose directionality needs to be isolated from that of surrounding content. However, these enhancements are not finalized yet. They will be reflected in a future revision of ITS.
Additional or modified mechanisms: The following mechanisms from ITS 1.0 have been modified or added to ITS 2.0:
ITS 1.0 used only XPath as the mechanism for selecting nodes inglobal rules. ITS 2.0 allows for choosing thequery language of selectors. The default is XPath 1.0. An ITS 2.0 processor is free to support other selection mechanisms, like CSS selectors or other versions of XPath.
In global rules it is now possible to setvariables for the selectors (XPath expression). Theparam
element serves this purpose.
ITS 2.0 has anITS Tools Annotation mechanism to associate processor information with the use of individual data categories. SeeSection 2.6: Traceability for details.
Mappings: ITS 2.0 provides a non-normative algorithm to convert ITS 2.0 information into[NIF] and links to guidance about how to relate ITS 2.0 to XLIFF. SeeSection 2.7: Mapping and conversion for details.
Changes to the conformance section: TheSection 4: Conformance tells implementers how to implement ITS. For ITS 2.0, the conformance statements related to Ruby have been removed. For[HTML5], a dedicated conformance section has been created. Finally, a conformance clause related to Non-ITS elements and attributes has been added.
As a general guidance, implementations of ITS 2.0 are encouraged to use anormalizing transcoder. It converts from a legacy encoding to a Unicode encoding form and ensures that the result is in Unicode Normalization Form C. Further information on the topic of Unicode normalization is provided in[Charmod Norm].
This section is informative.
The purpose of this section is to provide basic knowledge about how ITS 2.0 works. Detailed knowledge (including formal definitions) is given in the subsequent sections.
A key concept of ITS is the abstract notion ofdata categories. Data categories define the information that can be conveyed via ITS. An example is theTranslate data category. It conveys information about translatability of content.
Section 8: Description of Data Categories defines data categories. It also describes their implementation, i.e. ways to use them for example in an XML context. The motivation for separating data category definitions from their implementation is to enable different implementations with the following characteristics:
For various types of content (XML in general orHTML).
For a single piece of content, e.g. ap
element. This is the so-calledlocal approach.
For several pieces of content in one document or even a set of documents. This is the so-calledglobal approach.
For a complete markup vocabulary. This is done by addingITS markup declarations to the schema for the vocabulary.
ITS 2.0 provides the following data categories:
Translate: expresses information about whether a selected piece of content is intended for translation or not.
Localization Note: communicates notes to localizers about a particular item of content.
Terminology: marks terms and optionally associates them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data base.
Directionality: specifies the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
Language Information: expresses the language of a given piece of content.
Elements Within Text: expresses how content of an element is related to the text flow (constitutes its own segment like paragraphs, is part of a segment like emphasis marker etc.).
Domain: identifies the topic or subject of the annotated content for translation-related applications.
Text Analysis: annotates content with lexical or conceptual information (e.g. for the purpose of contextual disambiguation).
Locale Filter: specifies that a piece of content is only applicable to certain locales.
Provenance: communicates the identity of agents that have been involved processing content.
External Resource: indicates reference points in a resource outside the document that need to be considered during localization or translation. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.
Target Pointer: associates the markup node of a given source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and the markup node of its corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target language). This is relevant for formats that hold the same content in different languages inside a single document.
Id Value: identifies a value that can be used as unique identifier for a given part of the content.
Preserve Space: indicates how whitespace is to be handled in content.
Localization Quality Issue: describes the nature and severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA) process.
Localization Quality Rating: expresses an overall measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.
MT Confidence: indicates the confidence that MT systems provide about their translation.
Allowed Characters: specifies the characters that are permitted in a given piece of content.
Storage Size: specifies the maximum storage size of a given piece of content.
Most of the existing ITS 1.0 data categories are included and new ones have been added. Modifications of existing ITS 1.0 data categories are summarized inSection 1.4: High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0.
Information (e.g. “translate this”) captured by an ITS data category always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes, primarily element and attribute nodes. In a sense, the relevant node(s) get “selected”. Selection may be explicit or implicit. ITS distinguishes two mechanisms for explicit selection: (1) local and (2) global (viarules
). Both local and global approaches can interact with each other, and with additional ITS dimensions such as inheritance and defaults.
The mechanisms defined for ITS selection resemble those defined in[CSS 2.1]. The local approach can be compared to thestyle
attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the global approach is similar to thestyle
element in HTML/XHTML:
The local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the host vocabulary (e.g. theauthor
element in DocBook)
The globalrule-based approach puts the ITS markup in elements defined by ITS itself (namely therules
ITS usually uses XPath in rules for identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can in addition be implemented by applications.
ITS 2.0 can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, document schemas (e.g. an XML Schema document for a proprietary document format), or data models in RDF.
The following two examples provide more details about the distinction between the local and global approach, using theTranslate data category as an example.
The document inExample 3 shows how a content author can use the ITStranslate
attribute to indicate that all content inside theauthor
element is not intended for translation (i.e. has to be left untranslated). Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of the attribute can protect the relevant content from being translated (possibly still allowing translators to see the protected content as context information).
<articlexmlns=""xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"version="5.0"xml:lang="en"><info><title>An example article</title><authorits:translate="no"><personname><firstname>John</firstname><surname>Doe</surname></personname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation></author></info><para>This is a short article.</para></article>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-1.xml]
For the local approach (andExample 3) to work for a whole markup vocabulary, a schema developer would need to add thetranslate
attribute to the schema as a common attribute or on all the relevant element definitions. The example indicates thatinheritance plays a part in identifying which content does have to be translated and which does not: Although only theauthor
element is marked as “do not translate”, its descendants (personname
) are considered to be implicitly marked as well. Tools that process this content for translation need to implement the expected inheritance.
For XML content, the local approach cannot be applied to a particular attribute. If ITS needs to be applied to a particular attribute, the global approach has to be used. The local approach applies to content of the current element and all its inherited nodes as described inSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories. For theTranslate data category used in[HTML5], this is different, see the explanation of theHTML5 definition of Translate.
The document inExample 4 shows a different approach to identifying non-translatable content, similar to that used with astyle
element in[XHTML 1.0], but using an ITS-defined element calledrules
. It works as follows: A document can contain arules
element (placed where it does not impact the structure of the document, e.g., in a “head” section, or even outside of the document itself). Therules
element contains one or more ITS children/rule elements (for exampletranslateRule
). Each of these children elements contains aselector
attribute. As its name suggests, this attribute selects the node or nodes to which the corresponding ITS information pertains. The values of ITSselector
attributes are XPath absolute location paths (or CSS Selectors if queryLanguage is set to "css"). Via theparam
element variables can be provided and used in selectors.
Information for the handling of namespaces in XPath expressions is taken from namespace declarations[XML Names] in the current rule element.
<myTopicxmlns=""id="topic01"xml:lang="en-us"><prolog><title>Using ITS</title><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:translateRuleselector="//n:term"translate="no"xmlns:n=""/></its:rules></prolog><body><p>ITS defines<term>data category</term> as an abstract concept for a particular type of information for internationalization and localization of XML schemas and documents.</p></body></myTopic>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-2.xml]
For the global approach (andExample 4) to work, a schema developer may need to add arules
element and associated markup to the schema. In some cases, global rules may be sufficient and other ITS markup (such as antranslate
attribute on the elements and attributes) may not be needed in the schema. However, it is likely that authors may need the local approach from time to time to override the general rule.
For specification of theTranslate data category information, the contents of thetranslateRule
element would normally be designed by an information architect familiar with the document format and familiar with, or working with someone familiar with, the needs of localization/translation.
The global, rule-based approach has the following benefits:
Content authors do not have to concern themselves with creating additional markup or verifying that the markup was applied correctly. ITS data categories are associated with sets of nodes (for example allp
elements in an XML instance)
Changes can be made in a single location, rather than by searching and modifying local markup throughout a document (or documents, if therules
element is stored as an external entity)
ITS data categories can designate attribute values (as well as elements)
It is possible to associate ITS markup with existing markup (for example theterm
element in DITA)
The commonality in both examples above is the markuptranslate='no'
. This piece of ITS markup can be interpreted as follows:
it pertains to theTranslate data category
the attributetranslate
holds a value of "no"
The power of the ITS selection mechanisms comes at a price: rules related tooverriding/precedence andinheritance have to be established.
The document inExample 5 shows how inheritance and overriding work for theTranslate data category:
The ITS default is that all elements are translatable.
element declared in the header overrides the default for thehead
element inside text and for all its children.
Because thetitle
element is actually translatable, the global rule needs to be overridden by a localits:translate="yes"
In the body of the document the default applies, andits:translate="no"
is used to set "faux pas" as non-translatable.
<textxmlns:its=""><head><revision>Sep-10-2006 v5</revision><author>Ealasaidh McIan</author><contact></contact><titleits:translate="yes">The Origins of Modern Novel</title><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:translateRuletranslate="no"selector="/text/head"/></its:rules></head><body><divxml:id="intro"><head>Introduction</head><p>It would certainly be quite a<spanits:translate="no">faux pas</span> to start a dissertation on the origin of modern novel without mentioning the<tl>Epic of Gilgamesh</tl>...</p></div></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-3.xml]
For XML content,data category specific defaults are provided. These are independent of the actual XML markup vocabulary. Example for theTranslate data category:translate="yes"
for elements, andtranslate="no"
for attributes.
For[HTML5], several HTML5 elements and attributes map exactly to ITS 2.0 data categories. Hence that HTML markup is normatively interpreted as ITS 2.0 data category information (seeSection 2.5.3: HTML markup with ITS 2.0 counterparts for more information).
Data categories can add information or point to information for the selected nodes. For example, theLocalization Note data category can add information to selected nodes (using alocNote
element), or point to existing information elsewhere in the document (using alocNotePointer
Thedata category overview table, inSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories, provides an overview of which data categories allow the addition of information and which allow to point to existing information.
Adding information and pointing to existing information aremutually exclusive; attributes for adding information and attributes for pointing to the same information are not allowed to appear at the same rule element.
For applying ITS 2.0 data categories to HTML, five aspects are of importance:
Global approach in HTML5
Local Approach
HTML markup with ITS 2.0 counterparts
Standoff markup in HTML5
Version of HTML
In the following sections these aspects are briefly discussed.
To account for the so-calledglobal approach in HTML, this specification (seeSection 6.2: Global rules) defines:
A link type for referring to external files with global rules from alink
An approach to have inline global rules in the HTMLscript
It is preferable to use external global rules linked via thelink
element rather than to have inline global rules in the HTML document. The advantage is in being able to reuse the same rules file for many documents and also inline rules require secondary parsing of thescript
element points to the rules fileEX-translateRule-html5-1.xml
attribute identifies the ITS specific link relationits-rules
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Translate flag global rules example</title><linkhref=EX-translateRule-html5-1.xmlrel=its-rules></head><body><p>This sentence should be translated, but code names like the<code>span</code> element should not be translated. Of course there are always exceptions: certain code values should be translated, e.g. to a value in your language like<codetranslate=yes>warning</code>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-translate-html5-global-1.html]
The rules file linked inExample 6.
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-translateRule-html5-1.xml]
element contains the same rules as the external rules fileEX-translateRule-html5-1.xml
inthe above example.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Translate flag global rules example</title><scripttype=application/its+xmlid=ru1><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""xmlns:h=""><its:translateRuletranslate="no"selector="//h:code"/></its:rules></script></head><body><p>This sentence should be translated, but code names like the<code>span</code> element should not be translated. Of course there are always exceptions: certain code values should be translated, e.g. to a value in your language like<codetranslate=yes>warning</code>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-translate-html5-inline-global-1.html]
In HTML, an ITS 2.0 local data category is realized with the prefixits-
. The general mapping of the XML based ITS 2.0 attributes to their HTML counterparts is defined inSection 6.1: Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML. An informative table inAppendix I: List of ITS 2.0 Global Elements and Local Attributes provides an overview of the mapping for all data categories.
There are four ITS 2.0 data categories, which have counterparts in HTML markup. In these cases, native HTML markup provides some information in terms of ITS 2.0 data categories. For these data categories, ITS 2.0 defines the following:
TheLanguage Information data category has the HTMLlang
attribute as a counterpart. In XHTML the counterpart is thexml:lang
attribute. These HTML attributes act as local markup for theLanguage Information data category in HTML and takeprecedence over language information conveyed via a globallangRule
TheId Value data category has the HTML or XHTMLid
attribute as counterpart. This HTML attribute acts as local markup for theId Value data category in HTML and takesprecedence over identifier information conveyed via a globalidValueRule
TheElements within Text data category has a set of HTML elements (the so-calledphrasing content) as counterpart. In the absence of anElements within Text local attribute or global rules selecting the element in question, most of the phrasing content elements are interpreted aswithinText="yes"
by default. The phrasing content elementsiframe
are interpreted aswithinText="nested"
TheTranslate data category has a direct counterpart in[HTML5], namely the[HTML5]translate
attribute. ITS 2.0 does not define its own behavior for[HTML5]translate
, but just refers tothe HTML5 definition. That definition also applies to nodes selected via global rules. That is, atranslateRule
like<its:translateRule selector="//h:img" translate="yes"/>
will set theimg
element and its translatable attributes likealt
to "yes".
attribute of thehtml
element conveys theLanguage Information value "en". Theid
attribute of thep
element conveys theId Value "p1". The elementsem
are interpreted to bewithinText="yes"
. Thep
element and its children are set to be non-translatable via an[HTML5]translate
attribute. Via inheritance, thealt
attribute, normally translatable by default, also is non-translatable.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>HTML native markup expressing three ITS 2.0 data categories</title></head><body><pid="p1"translate="no">This is a<em>motherboard</em> and image:<imgsrc=""alt="My image"/>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-its-and-existing-HTML5-markup.html]
There are also some HTML markup elements that have or can have similar, but not necessarily identical, roles and behaviors as certain ITS 2.0 data categories. For example, the HTMLdfn
element could be used to identify a term in the sense of theTerminology data category. However, this is not always the case and it depends on the intentions of the HTML content author. To accommodate this situation, users of ITS 2.0 are encouraged to specify the semantics of existing HTML markup in an ITS 2.0 context with a dedicated global rules file. For example, a rule can be used to define that the HTMLdfn
has the semantics of ITSterm="yes"
. For additional examples, see theXML I18N Best Practices document.
TheProvenance and theLocalization Quality Issue data categories allow for using so-called standoff markup, see the XMLExample 58. In HTML such standoff markup is placed into ascript
element. If this is done, the constraints forProvenance standoff markup in HTML andLocalization quality issue markup in HTML need to be taken into account. Examples of standoff markup in HTML for the two data categories areExample 61 andExample 76.
ITS 2.0 does not define how to use ITS in HTML versions prior to version 5. Users are thus encouraged to migrate their content to[HTML5] or XHTML. While it is possible to useits-*
attributes introduced for[HTML5] in older versions of HTML (such as 3.2 or 4.01) and pages using these attributes will work without any problems,its-*
attributes will be marked as invalid by validators.
TheITS Tools Annotation mechanism allows processor information to be associated with individual data categories in a document, independently from data category annotations themselves (e.g. the Entity Type related to Text Analysis). The mechanism associates identifiers for tools with data categories via theannotatorsRef
attribute (orannotators-ref in[HTML5]) and is mandatory for theMT Confidence data category. For theTerminology andText Analysis data categories the ITS Tools Annotation is mandatory if the data categories provide confidence information. Nevertheless,ITS Tools Annotation can be used for all data categories.Example 23 demonstrates the usage in the context of several data categories.
ITS 2.0 provides a non-normative algorithm to convert XML or HTML documents (or their DOM representations) that contain ITS metadata to the RDF format based on[NIF]. NIF is an RDF/OWL-based format that aims at interoperability between Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, language resources and annotations.
The conversion fromITS 2.0 to NIF results in RDF triples. These triples represent the textual content of the original document as RDF typed information. The ITS annotation is represented as properties of content-related triples and relies on anITS RDF vocabulary.
The back conversion fromNIF to ITS 2.0 is defined informatively as well. One motivation for the back conversion is a roundtrip workflow like: 1) conversion to NIF 2) in NIF representation detection of named entities using NLP tools 3) back conversion to HTML and generation ofText Analysis markup. The outcome are HTML documents with linked information, seeExample 52.
The XML Localization Interchange File Format[XLIFF 1.2] is an OASIS standard that enables translatable source text and its translation to be passed between different tools within localization and translation workflows.[XLIFF 2.0] is the successor of[XLIFF 1.2] and under development. XLIFF has been widely implemented in various translation management systems, computer aided translation tools and in utilities for extracting translatable content from source documents and merging back the content in the target language.
The mapping between ITS and XLIFF therefore underpins several important ITS 2.0 usage scenarios[MLW US IMPL]. These usage scenarios involve:
the extraction of ITS metadata from a source language file into XLIFF
the addition of ITS metadata into an XLIFF file by translation tools
the mapping of ITS metadata in an XLIFF file into ITS metadata in the resulting target language files.
ITS 2.0 has no normative dependency on XLIFF, however anon-normative definition of how to represent ITS 2.0 data categories in XLIFF 1.2 or XLIFF 2.0 is being defined within theInternationalization Tag Set Interest Group.
What does it mean to implement ITS 2.0? This specification provides several conformance clauses as the normative answer (seeSection 4: Conformance). The clauses target different types of implementers:
Conformance clauses inSection 4.1: Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations tell markup vocabulary developers how to add ITS 2.0 markup declarations to their schemas.
Conformance clauses inSection 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup tell implementers how to process XML content according to ITS 2.0 data categories.
Conformance clauses inSection 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML tell implementers how to process[HTML5] content.
Conformance clauses inSection 4.4: Conformance Type 4: Markup conformance for HTML5+ITS documents tell implementers how ITS 2.0 markup is integrated into[HTML5].
The conformance clauses inSection 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup andSection 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML clarify how information needs to be made available for given pieces of markup when processing a dedicated ITS 2.0 data category. To allow for flexibility, an implementation can choose whether it wants to support only ITS 2.0 global or local information, or XML or HTML content. These choices are reflected in separate conformance clauses and also in theITS 2.0 test suite.
ITS 2.0 processing expectations only define which information needs to be made available. They do not define how that information actually is to be used. This is due to the fact that there is a wide variety of usage scenarios for ITS 2.0, and a wide variety of tools for working with ITS 2.0 is possible. Each of these tools may have its own way of using ITS 2.0 data categories (see[MLW US IMPL] for more information).
This section is normative.
The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in[RFC 2119].
The namespace URI thatMUST be used by implementations of this specification is:
The namespace prefix used in this specification for XML implementations of ITS for the above URI isits
. It is recommended that XML implementations of this specification use this prefix, unless there is existing dedicated markup in use for a given data category. In HTML there is no namespace prefix:its-
is used instead to indicate ITS 2.0 attributes in HTML documents. SeeSection 6.1: Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML for details.
In addition, the following namespaces are used in this document:
for the XML Schema namespace, here used with the prefixxs
for the XLink namespace, here used with the prefixxlink
for the HTML namespace, here used with the prefixh
[Definition: ITS definesdata category as an abstract concept for a particular type of information for internationalization and localization of XML schemas and documents.] The concept of a data category is independent of its implementation in an XML and HTML environment (e.g., using an element or attribute).
For each data category, ITS distinguishes between the following:
the prose description, seeSection 8: Description of Data Categories
schema language-independent formalization, see the "implementation" subsections inSection 8: Description of Data Categories
schema language-specific implementations, seeAppendix D: Schemas for ITS
TheTranslate data category conveys information as to whether a piece of content is intended for translation or not.
The simplest formalization of this prose description on a schema language-independent level is atranslate
attribute with two possible values: "yes" and "no". An implementation on a schema language-specific level would be the declaration of thetranslate
attribute in, for example, an XML Schema document or a RELAX NG document. A different implementation would be atranslateRule
element that allows for specifyingglobal rules about theTranslate data category.
[Definition:selection encompasses mechanisms to specify to what parts of an XML or HTML document an ITS data category and its values apply.] Selection is discussed in detail inSection 5: Processing of ITS information. Selection can be applied globally, seeSection 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection, and locally, seeSection 5.2.2: Local Selection in an XML Document. As for global selection, ITS information can beadded to the selected nodes, or it canpoint to existing information that is related to selected nodes.
The selection of the ITS data categories applies to textual values contained within element or attribute nodes. In some cases these nodes form pointers to other resources; a well-known example is thesrc
attribute on theimg
element in HTML. The ITSTranslate data category applies to the text of the pointer itself, not the object to which it points. Thus in the following example, the translation information specified via thetranslateRule
element applies to the filename "instructions.jpg", and is not an instruction to open the graphic and change the words therein.
<text><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:translateRuletranslate="yes"selector="//p/img/@src"/></its:rules> ...<pxmlns:its="">As you can see in<imgsrc="instructions.jpg"/>, the truth is not always out there.</p></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-notation-terminology-1.xml]
[Definition:ITS Local Attributes are all attributes defined inSection 8: Description of Data Categories as a local markup.]
[Definition:Rule Elements are all elements defined inSection 8: Description of Data Categories as elements for global rules.]
All attributes that have the typeanyURI
in the normative RELAX NG schema inAppendix D: Schemas for ITSMUST allow the usage of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs,[RFC 3987] or its successor) to ease the adoption of ITS in international application scenarios.
This specification uses the termHTML
to refer to HTML5 or its successor in HTML syntax[HTML5].
This specification uses the termCSS Selectors
in the sense ofSelectors
as specified in[Selectors Level 3] to prevent confusion with the generic use of the word "selector".
This section is normative.
The usage of the termconformance clause in this section is in compliance with[QAFRAMEWORK].
This specification defines four types of conformance: conformance of1) ITS markup declarations, conformance of2) processing expectations for ITS Markup, conformance of3) processing expectations for ITS Markup in HTML, and4) markup conformance for HTML5+ITS documents. The conformance type 4 is defined for using ITS markup in HTML5 documents, HTML5+ITS, which serves as anapplicable specification in the sense specified in theExtensibility section of[HTML5]. These conformance types and classes complement each other. An implementation of this specificationMAY use them separately or together.
Description: ITS markup declarations encompass all declarations that are part of the Internationalization Tag Set. They do not concern theusage of the markup in XML documents. Such markup is subject to the conformance clauses inSection 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup.
Definitions related to this conformance type: ITS markup declarations are defined in various subsections in a schema language independent manner.
Who uses this conformance type: Schema designers integrating ITS markup declarations into a schema. All conformance clauses for this conformance type concern the position of ITS markup declarations in that schema, and their status as mandatory or optional.
Conformance clauses:
1-1: At least one of the followingMUST be in the schema:
one of the local ITS attributes
1-2: If therules
element is used, itMUST be part of the content model of at least one element declared in the schema. ItSHOULD be in a content model for meta information, if this is available in that schema (e.g., thehead
element in[XHTML 1.0]).
1-3: If thespan
element is used, itSHOULD be declared as an inline element.
Full implementations of this conformance type will implement all markup declarations for ITS. Statements related to this conformance typeMUST list all markup declarations they implement.
Examples: Examples of the usage of ITS markup declarations in various existing schemas are given in a separate document[XML i18n BP].
Description: Processors need to compute the ITS information that pertains to a node in an XML document. The ITS processing expectations define how the computation has to be carried out. Correct computation involves support forselection mechanism,defaults / inheritance / overriding characteristics, andprecedence. The markupMAY be valid against a schema that conforms to the clauses inSection 4.1: Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations.
Definitions related to this conformance type: The processing expectations for ITS markup make use of selection mechanisms defined inSection 5: Processing of ITS information. The individual data categories defined inSection 8: Description of Data Categories havedefaults / inheritance / overriding characteristics, and allow for using ITS markup in various positions (global andlocal).
Who uses this conformance type: Applications that need to process the nodes captured by a data category for internationalization or localization. Examples of this type of application are: ITS markup-aware editors, or translation tools that make use of ITS markup to filter translatable text as an input to the localization process.
Application-specific processing (that is processing that goes beyond the computation of ITS information for a node), such as automated filtering of translatable content based on theTranslate data category, is not covered by the conformance clauses below.
Conformance clauses:
2-1: A processor MUST implement at leastonedata category. For each implementeddata category, the followingMUST be taken into account:
2-1-1: processing of at least one selection mechanism (global orlocal).
2-1-2: thedefault selections for the data category.
2-1-3: the precedence definitions for selections defined inSection 5.5: Precedence between Selections, for the type of selections it processes.
2-2: If an application claims to process ITS markup for the global selection mechanism, itMUST process an XLinkhref
attribute found on arules
2-3: If an application claims to process ITS markup implementing the conformance clauses 2-2 and 2-3, itMUST process that markup with XML documents.
2-4: Non-ITS elements and attributes found in ITS elementsMAY be ignored.
Statements related to this conformance typeMUST list alldata categories they implement, and for eachdata category, which type of selection they support, whether they support processing of XML.
The above conformance clauses are directly reflected in theITS 2.0 test suite. All tests specify which data category is processed (clause2-1); they are relevant for (clause2-1-1) global or local selection, or both; they require the processing of defaults and precedence of selections (clauses2-1-2 and2-1-3); for each data category there are tests with linked rules (2-2); and all types of tests are given for XML (clause2-3). Implementers are encouraged to organize their documentation in a similar way, so that users of ITS 2.0 easily can understand the processing capabilities available.
Description: Processors need to compute the ITS information that pertains to a node in an HTML document. The ITS processing expectations define how the computation has to be carried out. Correct computation involves support forselection mechanism,defaults / inheritance / overriding characteristics, andprecedence.
Definitions related to this conformance type: The processing expectations for ITS markup make use of selection mechanisms defined inSection 5: Processing of ITS information. The individual data categories defined inSection 8: Description of Data Categories havedefaults / inheritance / overriding characteristics, and allow for using ITS markup in various positions (local,external global andinline global).
Who uses this conformance type: Applications that need to process the nodes captured by a data category for internationalization or localization. Examples of this type of application are ITS markup-aware editors or translation tools that make use of ITS markup to filter translatable text as an input to the localization process.
Application-specific processing (that is processing that goes beyond the computation of ITS information for a node) such as automated filtering of translatable content based on theTranslate data category is not covered by the conformance clauses below.
Conformance clauses:
3-1: A processor MUST implement at leastonedata category. For each implementeddata category, the followingMUST be taken into account:
3-1-1: processing of at least one selection mechanism (global orlocal).
3-1-2: thedefault selections for the data category.
3-1-3: the precedence definitions for selections defined inSection 6.4: Precedence between Selections, for the type of selections it processes.
3-2: If an application claims to process ITS markup for the global selection mechanism, itMUST process ahref
attribute found on alink
element that has arel
attribute with the valueits-rules
3-3: If an application claims to process ITS markup implementing the conformance clauses 3-1 and 3-2, itMUST process that markup within HTML documents.
Statements related to this conformance typeMUST list alldata categories they implement and, for eachdata category, which type of selection they support.
Conforming HTML5+ITS documents are those that comply with all the conformance criteria for documents as defined in[HTML5] with the following exception:
Conformance clause4-1:Global attributes that can be used on all HTML elements are extended by attributes for local data categories as defined inSection 6.1: Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML.
This section is normative.
Additional definitions about processing of HTML are given inSection 6: Using ITS Markup in HTML.
The version of the ITS schema defined in this specification is "2.0". The version is indicated by the ITSversion
attribute. This attribute is mandatory for therules
element, where itMUST be in no namespace.
If there is norules
element in an XML document, a prefixed ITSversion
attribute (e.g.,its:version
)MUST be provided on the element where the ITS markup is used, or on one of its ancestors.
If there is norules
element and there are elements with standoff ITS markup in an XML document, an ITSversion
attributeMUST be provided on element with standoff ITS markup or a prefixed ITSversion
attribute (e.g.,its:version
)MUST be provided on one of its ancestors.
ThereMUST NOT be two different versions of ITS in the same document.
External, linked rules can have different versions than internal rules.
ITS data categories can appear in two places:
Global rules: the selection is realized within arules
element. It containsrule elements for each data category. Each rule element has aselector
attribute and possibly other attributes. Theselector
attribute contains an absolute selector as defined inSection 5.3: Query Language of Selectors.
Locally in a document: the selection is realized using ITS local attributes, which are attached to an element node, or thespan
element. There is no additionalselector
attribute. The default selection for each data category defines whether the selection covers attributes and child elements. SeeSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories.
The two locations are described in detail below.
Global, rule-based selection is implemented using therules
element. Therules
element contains zero or morerule elements. Eachrule element has a mandatoryselector
attribute. This attribute and all other possible attributes onrule elements are in the empty namespace and used without a prefix.
If there is more than onerules
element in an XML document, the rules from each section are to be processed at the same precedence level. Therules
sections are to be read in document order, and the ITS rules with them processed sequentially. The versions of theserules
elementsMUST NOT be different.
Depending on the data category and its usage, there are additional attributes for adding information to the selected nodes, or for pointing to existing information in the document. For example, theLocalization Note data category can be used for adding notes to selected nodes, or for pointing to existing notes in the document. For the former purpose, alocNote
element can be used. For the latter purpose, alocNotePointer
attribute can be used.
Thedata category overview table, inSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories, provides an overview of what data categories allow to point to existing information or to add information.
The functionalities of adding information and pointing to existing information aremutually exclusive. That is: markup for pointing and adding the same informationMUST NOT appear in the same rule element.
Global rules can appear in the XML document they will be applied to, or in a separate XML document. The precedence of their processing depends on these variations. See alsoSection 5.5: Precedence between Selections.
Local selection in XML documents is realized withITS local attributes or thespan
serves just as a carrier for the local ITS attributes.
The data category determines what is being selected. The necessary data category specific defaults are described inSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories.
By default the content of all elements in a document is translatable. The attributeits:translate="no"
in thehead
element means that the content of this element, including child elements, is not intended for translation. The attributeits:translate="yes"
in thetitle
element means that the content of this element, is to be translated (overriding theits:translate="no"
). Attribute values of the selected elements or their children are not affected by localtranslate
attributes. By default they are not translatable.
The default directionality of a document is left-to-right. Theits:dir="rtl"
in thequote
element means that the directionality of the content of this element, including child elements and attributes, is right-to-left. Note thatxml:lang
indicates only the language, not the directionality.
<textxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"xml:lang="en"><headits:translate="no"><author>Sven Corneliusson</author><date>2006-09-26T17:34:04Z</date><titleits:translate="yes"role="header">Bidirectional Text</title></head><body><par>In Arabic, the title<quotexml:lang="ar"its:dir="rtl">نشاط التدويل، W3C</quote> means<quote>Internationalization Activity, W3C</quote>.</par></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-selection-local-1.xml]
attributes are not listed in the ITS attributes to be used in HTML. The reason is that these two attributes are available in HTML natively, so there is no need to provide them asits-
attributes. The definition of the two attributes in HTML is compatible, that is it provides the same values and interpretation, as the definition for the two data categoriesTranslate andDirectionality.
Rule elements have attributes that contain absolute and relative selectors. Interpretation of these selectors depends on the actual query language. The query language is set byqueryLanguage
attribute onrules
element. IfqueryLanguge
is not specified XPath 1.0 is used as a default query language.
XPath 1.0 is identified byxpath
value inqueryLanguage
The absolute selectorMUST be an XPath expression that starts with "/
". That is, itMUST be an AbsoluteLocationPath or union of AbsoluteLocationPaths as described inXPath 1.0. This ensures that the selection is not relative to a specific location. The resulting nodesMUST be either element or attribute nodes.
Context for evaluation of the XPath expression is as follows:
Context node is set toRoot Node.
Both context position and context size are 1.
All variables defined byparam
elements are bind.
All functions defined in theXPath Core Function Library are available. It is an error for an expression to include a call to any other function.
The set of namespace declarations are those in scope on the element that has the attribute in which the expression occurs. This includes the implicit declaration of the prefixxml
required by theXML Namespaces Recommendation; the default namespace (as declared byxmlns
) is not part of this set.
element from the TEI is in a namespace
<!-- Definitions for TEI --><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:termRuleselector="//tei:term"term="yes"xmlns:tei=""/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-selection-global-1.xml]
element from DocBook V4.5 is in no namespace.
<!-- Definitions for DocBook --><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-selection-global-2.xml]
The relative selectorMUST use aRelativeLocationPath or anAbsoluteLocationPath as described inXPath 1.0. The XPath expression is evaluated relative to the nodes selected by the selector attribute.
The following attributes point to existing information:allowedCharactersPointer
Context for evaluation of the XPath expression is the same as for an absolute selector with the following changes:
Nodes selected by the expression in theselector
attribute form the current node list.
Context node comes from the current node list.
The context position comes from the position of the current node in the current node list; the first position is 1.
The context size comes from the size of the current node list.
The termCSS Selectors
is used throughout the specification in the sense ofSelectors
as specified in[Selectors Level 3] to prevent confusion with the generic use of the word "selector". SeeThe term CSS Selector.
The working group will not provide a CSS Selectors-based implementation; nevertheless there are several existing libraries that can translate CSS Selectors to XPath so that XPath selectors-based implementations can be used.
CSS selectors have no ability to point to attributes.
CSS Selectors are identified by the valuecss
in thequeryLanguage
An absolute selectorMUST be interpreted as a selector as defined in[Selectors Level 3]. Both simple selectors and groups of selectors can be used.
A relative selectorMUST be interpreted as a selector as defined in[Selectors Level 3]. A selector is not evaluated against the complete document tree but only against subtrees rooted at nodes selected by the selector in theselector
ITS processorsMAY support additional query languages. For each additional query language the processorMUST define:
the identifier of the query language used inqueryLanguage
rules for evaluating an absolute selector to a collection of nodes;
rules for evaluating a relative selector to a collection of nodes.
Because future versions of this specification are likely to define additional query languages, the following query language identifiers are reserved:xpath
element (or several ones) can be placed as the first child element(s) of therules
element to define the default values of variables used in the various selectors used in the rules.
An implementationMUST support theparam
element for all query languages it supports and at the same time define how variables are bound for evaluation of the selector expression. ImplementationsSHOULD also provide means for changing the default values of theparam
elements. Such means are implementation-specific.
element has a requiredname
attribute. The value of thename
attribute is aQName, see[XML Names]. The content of the element is a string used as default value for the corresponding variable.
element to define the default value of a variable in aselector
element defines the default value for the$LCID
variable. In this case, only themsg
element with the attributelcid
set to "0x049" is seen as translatable.
<docits:version="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:paramname="LCID">0x0409</its:param><its:translateRuleselector="/doc"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//msg[@lcid=$LCID]"translate="yes"/></its:rules><msglcid="0x0409"num="1">Create a folder</msg><msglcid="0x0411"num="1">フォルダーを作成する</msg><msglcid="0x0407"num="1">Erstellen Sie einen Ordner</msg><msglcid="0x040c"num="1">Créer un dossier</msg></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-param-in-global-rules-1.xml]
In XSLT-based applications, it may make sense to map ITS parameters directly to XSLT parameters. To avoid naming conflicts one can use a prefix with the parameter name's value to distinguish between the ITS parameters and the XSLT parameters.
One way to associate a document with a set of external ITS rules is to use the optional XLink[XLink 1.1]href
attribute in therules
element. The referenced documentMUST be a valid XML document containing at most onerules
element. Thatrules
element can be the root element or be located anywhere within the document tree (for example, the document could be an XML Schema).
The rules contained in the referenced documentMUST be processed as if they were at the top of therules
element with the XLinkhref
The example demonstrates how metadata can be added to ITS rules.
<myFormatInfo><desc>ITS rules used by the Open University</desc><hostVoc></hostVoc><rulesId>98ECED99DF63D511B1250008C784EFB1</rulesId><rulesVersion>v 1.81 2006/03/28 07:43:21</rulesVersion> ...<its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:translateRuleselector="//header"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//term"translate="no"/><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"/><its:withinTextRulewithinText="yes"selector="//term | //b"/></its:rules></myFormatInfo>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-link-external-rules-1.xml]
<myDoc><header><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""xmlns:xlink=""xlink:href="EX-link-external-rules-1.xml"><its:translateRuleselector="//term"translate="yes"/></its:rules><author>Theo Brumble</author><lastUpdate>Apr-01-2006</lastUpdate></header><body><p>A<term>Palouse horse</term> has a spotted coat.</p></body></myDoc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-link-external-rules-2.xml]
The result of processing the two documents above is the same as processing the following document.
<myDoc><header><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:translateRuleselector="//header"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//term"translate="no"/><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"/><its:withinTextRulewithinText="yes"selector="//term | //b"/><its:translateRuleselector="//term"translate="yes"/></its:rules><author>Theo Brumble</author><lastUpdate>Apr-01-2006</lastUpdate></header><body><p>A<term>Palouse horse</term> has a spotted coat.</p></body></myDoc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-link-external-rules-3.xml]
As withExample 16, these rules can be applied toExample 17. The only difference is that inExample 19, therules
element is the root element of the external file.
<its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:translateRuleselector="//header"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//term"translate="no"/><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"/><its:withinTextRulewithinText="yes"selector="//term | //b"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-link-external-rules-4.xml]
Applications processing global ITS markupMUST recognize the XLinkhref
attribute in therules
element; theyMUST load the corresponding referenced document and process its rules element before processing the content of therules
element where the original XLinkhref
attribute is.
External rules may also have links to other external rules (seeExample 17). The linking mechanism is recursive in a depth-first approach, and subsequently after the processing the rules MUST be read top-down (seeExample 18).
The following precedence order is defined for selections of ITS information in various positions (the first item in the list has the highest precedence):
Selection via explicit (i.e., not inherited) local ITS markup in documents (ITS local attributes on a specific element)
Global selections in documents (using arules
Inside eachrules
element the precedence order is:
Any rule inside the rules element
Any rule linked via the XLinkhref
ITS does not define precedence related to rules defined or linked based on non-ITS mechanisms (such as processing instructions for linking rules).
Selection via inherited values. This applies only to element nodes. The inheritance rules are laid out in a dedicateddata category overview table: see the column "Inheritance for element nodes". Selection via inheritance takes precedence over default values, see below item.
Selections via defaults for data categories, seeSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories
In case of conflicts between global selections via multiplerules elements or conflicts between multipleparam
elements with the same name, the last rule or lastparam
element has higher precedence.
The precedence order fulfills the same purpose as the built-in template rules of[XSLT 1.0]. Override semantics are always complete, that is all information provided via lower precedence is overridden by the higher precedence. E.g. defaults are overridden by inherited values and these are overridden by nodes selected via global rules, which are in turn overridden by local markup.
The two elementstitle
of this document are intended as separate content when inside aprolog
element, but in other contexts as part of the content of their parent element. In order to make this distinction twowithinTextRule
elements are used:
The first rule specifies thattitle
in general are to be treated as an element within text. This overrides the default.
The second rule indicates that whentitle
are found in aprolog
element their content is to be treated separately. This is normally the default, but the rule is needed to override the first rule.
<text><prolog><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:withinTextRulewithinText="yes"selector="//title|//author"/><its:withinTextRulewithinText="no"selector="//prolog/title|//prolog/author"/></its:rules><title>Designing User Interfaces</title><author>Janice Prakash</author><keywords>user interface, ui, software interface</keywords></prolog><body><p>The book<title>Of Mice and Screens</title> by<author>Aldus Brandywine</author> is one of the best introductions to the vast topic of designing user interfaces.</p></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-selection-precedence-1.xml]
Some markup schemes provide markup that can be used to express ITS data categories. ITS data categories can be associated with such existing markup, using the global selection mechanism described inSection 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection.
Associating existing markup with ITS data categories can be done only if the processing expectations of the host markup are the same as, or greater than, those of ITS. For example, the[DITA 1.0] format can use its translate attribute to apply to “transcluded” content, going beyond the ITS 2.0 local selection mechanism, but not contradicting it.
In this example, there is an existingtranslate
attribute in DITA, and it is associated with the ITS semantics using the its:rules section. Similarly, the DITAdt
elements are associated with the ITSTerminology data category.
<topicid="myTopic"><title>The ITS Topic</title><prolog><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:translateRuleselector="//*[@translate='no']"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//*[@translate='yes']"translate="yes"/><its:termRuleselector="//term | //dt"term="yes"/></its:rules></prolog><body><dl><dlentryid="tDataCat"><dt>Data category</dt><dd>ITS defines<term>data category</term> as an abstract concept for a particular type of information related to internationalization and localization of XML schemas and documents.</dd></dlentry></dl><p>For the implementation of ITS, apply the rules in the order:</p><ul><li>Defaults</li><li>Rules in external files</li><li>Rules in the document</li><li>Local attributes</li></ul><p><phtranslate="no"xml:lang="fr">Et voilà !</ph>.</p></body></topic>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-associating-its-with-existing-markup-1.xml]
Global rules can be associated with a given XML document using different means:
By using anrules
element in the document itself:
with the rules directly inside the document, as shown inExample 21
with a link to an external rules file using the XLinkhref
attribute, as shown inExample 16
By associating the rules and the document through a tool-specific mechanism. For example, in the case of a command-line tool by providing the paths of both the XML document to process and its corresponding external rules file.
In some cases, it may be important for instances of data categories to be associated with information about the processor that generated them. For example, the score of theMT Confidence data category (provided via themtConfidence
attribute) is meaningful only when the consumer of the information also knows which MT engine produced it, because the score provides the relative confidence of translations from the same MT engine but does not provide a score that can be reliably compared between MT engines. The same is true for confidence provided for theText Analysis data category, providing confidence information via thetaConfidence
attribute, or theTerminology data category, providing confidence information via thetermConfidence
ITS 2.0 provides a mechanism to associate such processor information with the use of individual data categories in a document, independently from data category annotations themselves.
The attributeannotatorsRef
provides a way to associate all the annotations of a given data category within the element with information about the processor that generated those data category annotations.
Three cases of providing tool information can be expected:
information about tools used for creating or modifying the textual content;
information about tools that do 1), but also create ITS annotations, seeAppendix I: List of ITS 2.0 Global Elements and Local Attributes;
information about tools that don’t modify or create content, but just create ITS annotations.
is only meant to be used when actual ITS annotation is involved, that is for 2) and 3). To express tool information related only to the creation or modification of textual content and independent of ITS data categories, that is case 1), the tool ortoolRef
attribute provided by theProvenance data category is to be used.
An example of case 2) is an MT engine that modifies content and creates ITSMT Confidence annotations. Here the situation may occur that several tools are involved in creating MT Confidence annotations: the MT engine and the tool inserting the markup. The annotatorsRef attribute is to identify the tool most useful in further processes, in this case the MT engine.
The value ofannotatorsRef
is a space-separated list of references where each reference is composed of two parts: a data category identifier and an IRI. These two parts are separated by a|
VERTICAL LINE (U+007C) character:
The data category identifierMUST be one of the identifiers specified in thedata category overview table.
Within oneannotatorsRef
value, a data category identifierMUST NOT appear more than one time.
The IRI indicates information about the processor used to generate the data category annotation. No single means is specified for how this IRI has to be used to indicate processor information. Possible mechanisms are: to encode information directly in the IRI, e.g., as parameters; to reference an external resource that provides such information, e.g. an XML file or an RDF declaration; or to reference another part of the document that provides such information.
In HTML documents, the mechanism is implemented with theits-annotators-ref
The attribute applies to the content of the element where it is declared (including its children elements) and to the attributes of that element.
On any given node, the information provided by this mechanism is a space-separated list of the accumulated references found in theannotatorsRef
attributes declared in the enclosing elements and sorted by data category identifiers. For each data category, the IRI part is the one of the inner-most declaration.
In this example, the text shows the computed tools reference information for the given node. Note that the references are ordered alphabetically and that the IRI values are always the ones of the inner-most declaration.
<docits:version="2.0"xmlns:its=""its:annotatorsRef="mt-confidence|MT1" >doc node: "mt-confidence|MT1"<groupits:annotatorsRef="terminology|ABC" >group node: "mt-confidence|MT1 terminology|ABC"<pits:annotatorsRef="text-analysis|Tool3" >This p node: "text-analysis|Tool3 mt-confidence|MT1 terminology|ABC"</p><pits:annotatorsRef="mt-confidence|MT123" >This p node: "mt-confidence|MT123 terminology|ABC"</p></group><!-- To make this example usable in real life, we would have annotations of the three data categories - text-analysis, mt-confidence and terminology - in the document --><pits:annotatorsRef="text-analysis|XYZ" >This p node: "text-analysis|XYZ mt-confidence|MT1"</p></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-its-tool-annotation-1.xml]
attribute is used in this XML document to indicate that information about the processor that generated themtConfidence
values for the first twop
elements are found in element withid="T1"
in the external document tools.xml, while that information for the thirdp
element is found in the element withid="T2"
in the same document. In addition,annotatorsRef
is used to identify a Web resource with information about the QA tool used to generate theLocalization Quality Issue annotation in the document.
<docits:version="2.0"its:annotatorsRef="mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T1 localization-quality-issue |"xmlns:its=""><pits:mtConfidence="0.78">Text translated with tool T1</p><pits:mtConfidence="0.55"its:locQualityIssueType="typographical"its:locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"its:locQualityIssueSeverity="50">text also translated with tool T1</p><pits:mtConfidence="0.34"its:annotatorsRef="mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T2"> Text translated with tool T2</p></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-its-tool-annotation-2.xml]
attributes are used in this HTML document to indicate that theMT Confidence annotation on the first twospan
elements come from one MT (French to English) engine, while the annotation on the third comes from another (Italian to English) engine. Bothits-annotators-ref
attributes refer to a Web resource for information about the engine generating theMT Confidence annotation.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Sentences about capital cities machine translated into English with mtConfidence defined locally.</title></head><bodyits-annotators-ref="mt-confidence|"><p><spanits-mt-confidence=0.8982>Dublin is the capital of Ireland.</span><spanits-mt-confidence=0.8536>The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague.</span><spanits-mt-confidence=0.7009its-annotators-ref="mt-confidence|"> The capital Italia is Roma.</span></p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-its-tool-annotation-html5-1.html]
This section is normative.
Please note that the termHTML
refers to HTML5 or its successor in HTML syntax[HTML5].
All data categories defined inSection 8: Description of Data Categories and having local implementation may be used in HTML with the exception of theTranslate,Directionality andLanguage Information data categories.
The above-mentioned data categories are excluded because HTML has native markup for them.
In HTML data categories are implemented as attributes. The name of the HTML attribute is derived from the name of the attribute defined in the local implementation by using the following rules:
The attribute name is prefixed withits-
Each uppercase letter in the attribute name is replaced by-
(U+002D) followed by a lowercase variant of the letter.
Example 48 demonstrates theElements Within Text data category with the local XML attributewithinText
.Example 49 demonstrates the counterpart in HTML, i.e., the local attributeits-within-text
Values of attributes, which corresponds to data categories with a predefined set of values,MUST be matched ASCII-case-insensitively.
Case of attribute names is also irrelevant given the nature of HTML syntax. So in HTML theterminology data category can be stored asits-term
etc. All of those attributes are treated as equivalent and will be normalized upon DOM construction.
Values of attributes that correspond to data categories that useXML Schema double data typeMUST be also valid floating-point numbers as defined in[HTML5].
Various aspects for global rules in general, external global rules, or inline global rules need to be taken into account. An example of an HTML5 document using global rules isExample 6. The corresponding rules file isExample 7.
By default XPath 1.0 will be used for selection in global rules. If users prefer an easier selection mechanism, they can switch query language to CSS selectors by using thequeryLanguage
attribute, seeSection 5.3.1: Choosing Query Language.
The HTML5 parsing algorithm automatically puts all HTML elements into the XHTML namespace (
). Selectors used in global rules need to take this into account.
Linking to external global rules is specified in thehref
attribute oflink
elements, with the link relationits-rules
Using XPath in global rules linked from HTML documents does not create an additional burden to implementers. Parsing HTML content produces a DOM tree that can be directly queried using XPath, functionality supported by all major browsers.
Inline global rulesMUST be specified inside ascript
element that has atype
attribute with the valueapplication/its+xml
. Thescript
element itselfSHOULD be a child of thehead
element. CommentsMUST NOT be used inside global rules. Eachscript
elementMUST NOT contain more than onerules
It is preferred to use external global rules linked using thelink
element than to have global rules embedded in the document.
The constraints forProvenance standoff markup in HTML andLocalization quality issues markup in HTMLMUST be followed.
The following precedence order is defined for selections of ITS information in various positions of HTML document (the first item in the list has the highest precedence):
Implicit local selection in documents (ITS local attributes on a specific element)
Global selections in documents (using the mechanism ofexternal global rules orinline global rules), to be processed in a document order, seeSection 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection for details.
ITS does not define precedence related to rules defined or linked based on non-ITS mechanisms (such as processing instructions for linking rules). Selection via inheritance takes precedence over default values (see below).
Selection via inherited values. This applies only to element nodes. The inheritance rules are laid out in a dedicateddata category overview table (see the column "Inheritance for element nodes). Selection via inheritance takes precedence over default values (see below)."
Selections via defaults for data categories, seeSection 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance, and Overriding of Data Categories.
In case of conflicts between global selections via multiplerules elements or conflicts between multipleparam
elements with the same name, the last rule or lastparam
element has higher precedence.
Example 6, previously discussed, demonstrates the precedence: thecode
element with thetranslate
attribute set to yes has precedence over the global rule setting allcode
elements as untranslatable.
This section is normative.
XHTML documents aimed at public consumption by Web browsers, including HTML5 documents in XHTML syntax,SHOULD use the syntax described inSection 6: Using ITS Markup in HTML in order to adhere toDOM Consistency HTML Design Principle.
This example illustrates the use of ITS 2.0 local markup in XHTML.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""><htmlxmlns=""xml:lang="en"><head><title>XHTML and ITS2.0</title></head><body><h1>XHTML and ITS2.0</h1><p>Don't use<spanits-loc-note="Internationalization Tag Set">ITS</span> prefixed attributes inside the content, like its:locNote.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-xhtml-markup-1.html]
Please note that this section defines how to use ITS in XHTML content that is directly served to Web browsers. Such XHTML is very often sent with an incorrect media type and parsed as HTML rather than XML in Web browsers. In such case it is more robust and safer to use HTML-like syntax for ITS metadata.
However when XHTML is not used as a delivery but rather as an exchange or storage format all XML features can be used in XHTML and it is advised to use XML syntax for ITS metadata.
This section is normative.
The following table summarizes for each data category which selection, default value, and inheritance and overriding behavior apply. It also provides data category identifiers used inSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation:
Default values apply if both local and global selection are absent. The default value for theTranslate data category, for example, mandates that elements are translatable, and attributes are not translatable if there is notranslateRule
element and notranslate
attribute available.
Inheritance describes whether ITS information is applicable to child elements of nodes and attributes related to these nodes or their child notes. The inheritance for theTranslate data category, for example, mandates that all child elements of nodes are translatable whereas all attributes related to these nodes or their child notes are not translatable.
For ITS data categories with inheritance, the information conveyed by the data category can be overridden. For example, a localtranslate
attribute overrides theTranslate information conveyed by a globaltranslateRule
Foreign elements can be used only insiderules
. Foreign attributes can be used on any element defined in ITS.
An ITS application is free to decide what pieces of content it uses. For example:
Terminology information is added to aterm
element. The information pertains only to the content of the element, since there is no inheritance forTerminology. Nevertheless an ITS application can make use of the complete element, e.g., including attribute nodes etc.
UsingID Value, a unique identifier is provided for ap
element. An application can make use of the completep
element, including child nodes and attributes nodes. The application is also free to make use just of the string value ofp
. Nevertheless the id provided viaID Value pertains only to thep
element. It cannot be used to identify nested elements or attributes.
Usingtarget pointer, selectedsource
elements have the ITS information that their translation is available in atarget
element; seeExample 65. This information does not inherit to child elements oftarget pointer
. E.g., the translation of aspan
element nested insource
is not available in a specifictarget
element. Nevertheless, an application is free to use the complete content ofsource
, includingspan
, and, e.g., present it to a translator.
Data category (identifier ) | Local Usage | Global, rule-based selection | Global adding of information | Global pointing to existing information | Default Values | Inheritance for elements nodes | Examples |
Translate (translate ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | For XML:translate="yes" for elements, andtranslate="no" for attributes.For[HTML5]: seeHTLM5 Translate Handling. | For XML: Textual content of element,including content of child elements, butexcluding attributes. For[HTML5]: seeHTLM5 Translate Handling. | local,global |
Localization Note (localization-note ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including content of child elements, butexcluding attributes | local,global |
Terminology (terminology ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | term="no" | None | local,global |
Directionality (directionality ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | dir="ltr" | Textual content of element,including attributes and child elements | local,global |
Language Information (language-information ) | No | Yes | No | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including attributes and child elements | global |
Elements Within Text (elements-within-text ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | For XML content:withinText="no" .For[HTML5]: seeHTLM5 Element Within Text Handling. | None | local,global |
Domain (domain ) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including attributes and child elements | global |
Text Analysis (text-analysis ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | None | local,global |
Locale Filter (locale-filter ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | localeFilterList="*" ,localeFilterType="include" | Textual content of element,including attributes and child elements | local,global |
Provenance (provenance ) | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including child elements and attributes | local,global |
External Resource (external-resource ) | No | Yes | No | Yes | None | None | global |
Target Pointer (target-pointer ) | No | Yes | No | Yes | None | None | global |
ID Value (id-value ) | No | Yes | No | Yes | None | None | global |
Preserve Space (preserve-space ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | default | Textual content of element,including attributes and child elements | local,global |
Localization Quality Issue (localization-quality-issue ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including child elements, but excluding attributes | local,global |
Localization Quality Rating (localization-quality-rating ) | Yes | No | No | No | None | Textual content of element,including child elements, but excluding attributes | local |
MT Confidence (mt-confidence ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Textual content of element,including child elements, but excluding attributes | local,global |
Allowed Characters (allowed-characters ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | Textual content of element,including child elements, but excluding attributes | local,global |
Storage Size (storage-size ) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | None | local,global |
In this example, the content of all thedata
elements is translatable and none of the attributes are translatable, because the default for theTranslate data category in elements is "yes" and in attributes is "no", and neither of their values are overridden at all. The firsttranslateRule
is overridden by the localits:translate="no"
attribute. The content ofrevision
elements are not translatable. This is because the default is overridden by the sameits:translate="no"
that these elements inherit from the local ITS markup in theprolog
element. The exception is thefield
element where the secondtranslateRule
takes precedence over the inherited value. The lasttranslateRule
indicates that the content oftype
is not translatable because the global rule takes precedence over the default value.
The localization note for the two firstdata
elements is the text defined globally with thelocNoteRule
element. This note is overridden for the lastdata
element by the locallocNote
<Resxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><prologits:translate="no"><revision>Sep-07-2006</revision><profile><reviser>John Doe</reviser><field>Computing Engineering</field></profile><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:translateRuleselector="//prolog"translate="yes"/><its:translateRuleselector="/Res/prolog/profile/field"translate="yes"/><its:translateRuleselector="//msg/type"translate="no"/><its:locNoteRulelocNoteType="description"selector="//msg/data"><its:locNote>The variable {0} is the name of the host.</its:locNote></its:locNoteRule></its:rules></prolog><body><msgid="HostNotFound"><type>Error</type><data>Host {0} cannot be found.</data></msg><msgid="HostDisconnected"><type>Error</type><data>The connection with {0} has been lost.</data></msg><msgid="FileNotFound"><type>Error</type><dataits:locNote="{0} is a filename">{0} not found.</data></msg></body></Res>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-datacat-behavior-1.xml]
The data categories differ with respect to defaults. This difference is due to existing standards and practices. It is common practice for example that information about translation refers only to textual content of an element. Thus, the default selection for theTranslate data category is the textual content.
TheTranslate data category expresses information about whether the content of an element or attribute is intended for translation or not. The values of this data category are "yes" (translatable) or "no" (not translatable).
TheTranslate data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. Handling of inheritance and interaction between elements and attributes is different for XML content versus[HTML5] content.
For XML: for elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements, butexcluding attributes. The default is that elements are translatable and attributes are not.
For HTML: The interpretation of thetranslate
attribute is given inHTML5. Nodes in an HTML document selected via aglobal rule are also interpreted followingHTML5.
As of writing, the default in[HTML5] is that elements are translatable, and that translatable attributes inherit from the respective elements. There is a pre-defined list of translatable attributes, for examplealt
Since the[HTML5] definition also applies to nodes selected via global rules, atranslateRule
like<its:translateRule selector=""//h:img" translate="yes"/>
will set theimg
element and its translatable attributes likealt
to "yes".
GLOBAL: ThetranslateRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredtranslate
attribute with the value "yes" or "no".
element specifies that the elementscode
is not to be translated.
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-translate-selector-1.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theTranslate data category:
attribute with the value "yes" or "no".
In[HTML5] the native[HTML5]translate
attributeMUST be used to express theTranslate data category.
For XML content, it is not possible to override theTranslate data category settings of attributes using local markup. This limitation is consistent with the advised practice of not using translatable attributes. If attributes need to be translatable, then this has to be declared globally. Note that this restriction does not apply toHTML5.
The localits:translate="no"
specifies that the content ofpanelmsg
is not to be translated.
<messagesits:version="2.0"xmlns:its=""><msgnum="123">Click Resume Button on Status Display or<panelmsgits:translate="no" >CONTINUE</panelmsg> Button on printer panel</msg></messages>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-translate-selector-2.xml]
The localtranslate="no"
attribute specifies that the content ofspan
is not to be translated.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Translate flag test: Default</title></head><body><p>The<spantranslate=no>World Wide Web Consortium</span> is making the World Wide Web worldwide!</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-translate-html5-local-1.html]
TheLocalization Note data category is used to communicate notes to localizers about a particular item of content.
This data category can be used for several purposes, including, but not limited to:
Tell the translator how to translate parts of the content
Expand on the meaning or contextual usage of a specific element, such as what a variable refers to or how a string will be used in the user interface
Clarify ambiguity and show relationships between items sufficiently to allow correct translation (e.g., in many languages it is impossible to translate the word"enabled" in isolation without knowing the gender, number, and case of the thing it refers to.)
Indicate why a piece of text is emphasized (important, sarcastic, etc.)
Two types of informative notes are needed:
An alert contains information that the translator has to read before translating a piece of text. Example: an instruction to the translator to leave parts of the text in the source language.
A description provides useful background information that the translator will refer to only if they wish. Example: a clarification of ambiguity in the source text.
Editing tools may offer an easy way to create this type of information. Translation tools can be made to recognize the difference between these two types of localization notes, and present the information to translators in different ways.
TheLocalization Note data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements, butexcluding attributes.
GLOBAL: ThelocNoteRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredlocNoteType
attribute with the value "description" or "alert".
Exactly one of the following:
element that contains the note itself and allows forlocal ITS markup.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the localization note.
attribute that contains an IRI referring to the location of the localization note.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the IRI referring to the location of the localization note.
element associates the content of thelocNote
element with the message with the identifier 'DisableInfo' and flags it as important. This would also work if the rule is in an external file, allowing it to provide notes without modifying the source document.
<myRes><head><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"its:translate="no"><its:locNoteRulelocNoteType="alert"selector="//msg[@id='DisableInfo']"><its:locNote>The variable {0} has three possible values: 'printer', 'stacker' and 'stapler options'.</its:locNote></its:locNoteRule></its:rules></head><body><msgid="DisableInfo">The {0} has been disabled.</msg></body></myRes>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locNote-element-1.xml]
attribute is arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the note.
<Res><prolog><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:translateRuleselector="//msg/notes"translate="no"/><its:locNoteRulelocNoteType="description"selector="//msg/data"locNotePointer="../notes"/></its:rules></prolog><body><msgid="FileNotFound"><notes>Indicates that the resource file {0} could not be loaded.</notes><data>Cannot find the file {0}.</data></msg><msgid="DivByZero"><notes>A division by 0 was going to be computed.</notes><data>Invalid parameter.</data></msg></body></Res>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locNotePointer-attribute-1.xml]
element specifies that the message with the identifier 'NotFound' has a corresponding explanation note in an external file. The IRI for the exact location of the note is stored in thelocNoteRef
<myRes><head><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:locNoteRulelocNoteType="description"selector="//msg[@id='NotFound']"locNoteRef="ErrorsInfo.html#NotFound"/></its:rules></head><body><msgid="NotFound">Cannot find {0} on {1}.</msg></body></myRes>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locNoteRef-attribute-1.xml]
attribute contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the IRI referring to the location of the note.
<dataFile><prolog><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:locNoteRulelocNoteType="description"selector="//data"locNoteRefPointer="../@noteFile"/></its:rules></prolog><body><stringid="FileNotFound"noteFile="Comments.html#FileNotFound"><data>Cannot find the file {0}.</data></string><stringid="DivByZero"noteFile="Comments.html#DivByZero"><data>Invalid parameter.</data></string></body></dataFile>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locNoteRefPointer-attribute-1.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theLocalization Note data category:
Exactly one of the following:
attribute that contains the note itself.
attribute that contains an IRI referring to the location of the localization note.
An optionallocNoteType
attribute with the value "description" or "alert". If thelocNoteType
attribute is not present, the type of localization note will be assumed to be "description".
<msgListxmlns:its=""xml:space="preserve"its:version="2.0"><dataname="LISTFILTERS_VARIANT"its:locNote="Keep the leading space!"its:locNoteType="alert"><value> Variant {0} = {1} ({2})</value></data><dataits:locNote="%1\$s is the original text's date in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM always in GMT"><value>Translated from English content dated<spanid="version-info">%1\$s</span> GMT.</value></data></msgList>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locNote-selector-2.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>LocNote test: Default</title></head><body><p>This is a<spanits-loc-note="Check with terminology engineer"its-loc-note-type=alert> motherboard</span>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-locNote-html5-local-1.html]
It is generally recommended to avoid using attributes to store text, however, in this specific case, the need to provide the notes without interfering with the structure of the host document is outweighing the drawbacks of using an attribute.
TheTerminology data category is used to mark terms and optionally associate them with information, such as definitions. This helps to increase consistency across different parts of the documentation. It is also helpful for translation.
Existing terminology standards such as[ISO 30042] and its derived formats are about coding terminology data, while the ITSTerminology data category simply allows to identify terms in XML documents and optionally to point to corresponding information.
TheTerminology data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. There is no inheritance. The default is that neither elements nor attributes are terms.
GLOBAL: ThetermRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredterm
attribute with the value "yes" or "no".
Zero or one of the following:
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the terminology information.
attribute that contains an IRI referring to the resource providing information about the term.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds the IRI referring to the location of the terminology information.
<text><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"termInfoPointer="id(@def)"/></its:rules><p>We may define<termdef="TDPV">discoursal point of view</term> as<glossxml:id="TDPV">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss></p></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-terms-selector-1.xml]
<text><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:termRuleselector="//term[1]"term="yes"termInfoRef="#TDPV"/></its:rules><p>We may define<term>discoursal point of view</term>as<glossxml:id="TDPV">the relationship, expressed through discoursestructure, between the implied author or some other addresser,and the fiction.</gloss></p></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-terms-selector-2.xml]
<text><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:termRuleselector="//term"term="yes"termInfoRefPointer="@target"/></its:rules><p>We may define<termtarget="#TDPV">discoursal point of view</term>as<glossxml:id="TDPV">the relationship, expressed through discoursestructure, between the implied author or some other addresser,and the fiction.</gloss></p></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-terms-selector-3.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theTerminology data category:
attribute with the value "yes" or "no".
An optionaltermInfoRef
attribute that contains an IRI referring to the resource providing information about the term.
An optionaltermConfidence
attribute with the value of a rational number in the interval 0 to 1 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 1.termConfidence
represents the confidence of the agents producing the annotation that the annotated unit is a term or not. 1 represents the highest level of confidence.termConfidence
does not provide confidence information related totermInfoRef
Any node selected by the terminology data category with thetermConfidence
attribute specifiedMUST be contained in an element with theannotatorsRef
(or in HTMLits-annotators-ref
) attribute specified for theTerminology data category. SeeSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation for more information.
<bookits:version="2.0"xmlns:its=""its:annotatorsRef="terminology|"><head>...</head><body> ...<p>And he said: you need a new<quoteits:term="yes"its:termInfoRef=""its:termConfidence="0.5">motherboard</quote></p> ...</body></book>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-terms-selector-4.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Terminology test: default</title></head><body><p>We need a new<spanits-term=yes>motherboard</span></p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-term-html5-local-1.html]
At the time of writing, enhancements are being discussed in the context of HTML5 that are expected to change the approach to marking upDirectionality, in particular to support content where directionality needs to be isolated from that of surrounding content. However, these enhancements are not finalized yet. This section therefore reflects directionality markup in[HTML 4.01]; enhancements in HTML5 will be reflected in a future revision.
TheDirectionality data category allows the user to specify the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings, and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. It has four values: "ltr", "rtl", "lro" and "rlo".
ITS defines only the values of theDirectionality data category and their inheritance. The behavior of text labeled in this way may vary, according to the implementation. Implementers are encouraged, however, to model the behavior on that described in the CSS 2.1 specification or its successor. In such a case, the effect of the data category's values would correspond to the following CSS rules:
Data category value: "ltr" (left-to-right text)
CSS rule:*[dir="ltr"] { unicode-bidi: embed; direction: ltr}
Data category value: "rtl" (right-to-left text)
CSS rule:*[dir="rtl"] { unicode-bidi: embed; direction: rtl}
Data category value: "lro" (left-to-right override)
CSS rule:*[dir="lro"] { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: ltr}
Data category value: "rlo" (right-to-left override)
CSS rule:*[dir="rlo"] { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl}
More information about how to use this data category is provided by[Bidi Article].
TheDirectionality data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes. The default is that both elements and attributes have the directionality of left-to-right.
GLOBAL: ThedirRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requireddir
attribute with the value "ltr", "rtl", "lro" or "rlo".
In this document the right-to-left directionality is marked using adirection
attribute with a value "rtlText".
<textxml:lang="en"><body><par>In Hebrew, the title<quotexml:lang="he"direction="rtlText">פעילות הבינאום, W3C</quote> means "Internationalization Activity, W3C", and the order of characters is<bdodirection='rtlText'>פעילות הבינאום, W3C</bdo>.</par></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-dir-selector-1.xml]
element indicates that all elements with an attributedirection="rtlText"
have right-to-left content, except that bdo elements with that attribute have right-to-left override content.
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-dir-selector-2.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theDirectionality data category:
attribute with the value "ltr", "rtl", "lro" or "rlo".
[HTML 4.01] does not have the "lro" and "rlo" values for itsdir
attribute, so these values are not used for HTML documents. HTML uses an inlinebdo
element instead.
On the firstquote
element, theits:dir="rtl"
attribute indicates a right-to-left content.
<textxml:lang="en"xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><body><par>In Arabic, the title<quotexml:lang="ar"its:dir="rtl">نشاط التدويل، W3C</quote> means "Internationalization Activity, W3C".</par></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-dir-selector-3.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Dir test: Default</title></head><body><p>In Arabic, the title<qdir=rtllang=ar>نشاط التدويل، W3C</q> means "Internationalization Activity, W3C".</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-dir-html5-local-1.html]
The elementlangRule
is used to express the language of a given piece of content. ThelangPointer
attribute points to the markup that expresses the language of the text selected by the selector attribute. This markupMUST use values that conform to[BCP47]. The recommended way to specify language identification is to usexml:lang
in XML, andlang
in HTML. ThelangRule
element is intended only as a fall-back mechanism for documents where language is identified with another construct.
The followinglangRule
element expresses that the content of allp
elements (including attribute values and textual content of child elements) are in the language indicated bymylangattribute
, which is attached to thep
elements, and expresses language using values conformant to[BCP47].
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-lang-definition-1.xml]
TheLanguage Information data category only provides for rules to be expressed at a global level. Locally users are able to usexml:lang
(which is defined by XML), orlang
in HTML, or an attribute specific to the format in question (as inExample 45).
In XMLxml:lang
is the preferable means of language identification. To ease the usage ofxml:lang
, a declaration for this attribute is part of the non-normative XML DTD and XML Schema document for ITS markup declarations. There is no declaration ofxml:lang
in the non-normative RELAX NG document for ITS, since in RELAX NG it is not necessary to declare attributes from the XML namespace.
Applying theLanguage Information data category toxml:lang
attributes using global rules is not necessary, sincexml:lang
is the standard way to specify language information in[XML 1.0].
In HTMLlang
is the mandated means of language identification.
TheLanguage Information data category can be expressed only with global rules. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes. There is no default.
GLOBAL: ThelangRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredlangPointer
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that contains language information. If the attributexml:lang
is present orlang
in HTML for the selected node, the value of thexml:lang
attribute orlang
in HTMLMUST take precedence over thelangPointer
TheElements Within Text data category reveals if and how an element affects the way text content behaves from a linguistic viewpoint. This information is for example relevant to provide basic text segmentation hints for tools such as translation memory systems. The values associated with this data category are:
"yes": The element and its content are part of the flow of its parent element. For example the elementstrong
in[XHTML 1.0]:
<strong>Appaloosa horses</strong> have spotted coats.
"nested": The element is part of the flow of its parent element, its content is an independent flow. For example the elementfn
in[DITA 1.0]:
Palouse horses<fn>A Palouse horse is the same as an Appaloosa.</fn> have spotted coats.
"no": The element splits the text flow of its parent element and its content is an independent text flow. For example the elementp
when inside the elementli
<li>Palouse horses: <p>They have spotted coats.</p> <p>They have been bred by the Nez Perce.</p> </li>
TheElements Within Text data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. There is no inheritance.
For XML: The default is that elements are not within text.
For HTML: The default is that elements are not within text, with the following exceptions:
For the elements that are part of theHTML5 phrasing content the default iswithinText="yes"
, with the following exceptions:
For the elementsiframe
the default iswithinText="nested"
In this document the different flows of text are the following (brackets indicating inline or nested elements):
- "Elements within Text defaults for HTML5"
- "The element p is not within text. But [the element em is]."
- "A button [Click Here] is also within text. But [] is nested."
- "The content of textarea"
- "Some additional text... [] []"
- "The script element is nested."
- "The noscript element is nested."
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Elements within Text defaults for HTML5</title></head><body><p>The element p is not within text. But<em>the element em is</em>.</p><p>A button<buttononclick="display()">Click Here</button> is also within text.But<textarea>The content of textarea</textarea> is nested.</p>Some additional text...<script><!--function display() {alert("The script element is nested."); }//--></script><noscript>The noscript element is nested.</noscript></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-within-text-defaults-html5-1.html]
GLOBAL: ThewithinTextRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredwithinText
attribute with the value "yes", "no" or "nested".
<its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:withinTextRulewithinText="yes"selector="//b | //em | //i"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-within-text-implementation-1.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theElements Within Text data category:
attribute with the values "yes", "no" or "nested".
<textxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><body><par>Text with<boldits:withinText="yes">bold</bold>.</par></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-within-text-local-1.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Within text test: Default</title></head><body><p>Text with<spanits-within-text='yes'>bold</span>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-within-text-local-html5-1.html]
TheDomain data category is used to identify the topic or subject of content. Such information allows for more relevant linguistic choices during various processes.
Examples of usage include:
Allowing machine translation systems to select the most appropriate engine and rules to translate the content.
Providing a general indication of what terminology collection is most suitable for use by translators.
This data category addresses various challenges:
Often domain-related information already exists in the document (e.g., keywords in the HTMLmeta
element). TheDomain data category provides a mechanism to point to this information.
There are many flat or structured lists of domain related values, keywords, key phrases, classification codes, ontologies, etc. TheDomain data category does not propose its own given list. Instead it provides a mapping mechanism to associate the values in the document with the values used by the consumer tool.
TheDomain data category can be expressed only with global rules. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes. There is no default.
The information provided by this data category is a comma-separated list of one or more values, which is obtained by applying the following algorithm:
STEP 1: Set the initial value of the resulting string as an empty string.
STEP 2: Get the list of nodes resulting of the evaluation of thedomainPointer
STEP 3: For each node:
STEP 3-1: If the node value contains a COMMA (U+002C):
STEP 3-1-1: Split the node value into separate strings using the COMMA (U+002C) as separator.
STEP 3-1-2: For each string:
STEP 3-1-2-1: Trim the leading and trailing white spaces of the string.
STEP 3-1-2-2: If the first character of the value is an APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or a QUOTATION MARK (U+0022): Remove it.
STEP 3-1-2-3: If the last character of the value is an APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or a QUOTATION MARK (U+0022): Remove it.
STEP 3-1-2-4: If the value is empty: Go to STEP 3-1-2.
STEP 3-1-2-5: Check thedomainMapping
attribute to see if there is a mapping set for the string:
STEP 3-1-2-5-1. If a mapping is found: Add the corresponding value to the result string.
STEP 3-1-2-5-2. Else (if no mapping is found): Add the string to the result string.
STEP 3-2: Else (if the node value does not contain a COMMA (U+002C)):
STEP 3-2-1: Trim the leading and trailing white spaces of the string.
STEP 3-2-2: If the first character of the value is an APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or a QUOTATION MARK (U+0022): Remove it.
STEP 3-2-3: If the last character of the value is an APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or a QUOTATION MARK (U+0022): Remove it.
STEP 3-2-4: If the value is empty: Go to STEP 3.
STEP 3-2-5: Check if there is a mapping for the string:
STEP 3-2-5-1: If a mapping is found: Add the corresponding value to the result string.
STEP 3-2-5-2: Else (if no mapping is found): Add the string (in its original cases) to the result string.
STEP 4: Remove duplicated values from the resulting string.
STEP 5: Return the resulting string.
GLOBAL: ThedomainRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requireddomainPointer
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that contains the domain information.
An optionaldomainMapping
attribute that contains a comma separated list of mappings between values in the content and consumer tool specific values. The left part of the pair corresponds to the source content and is unique within the mapping and case-sensitive. The right part of the mapping belongs to the consumer tool. Several left parts can map to a single right part. The values in the left or the right part of the mapping may contain spaces; in that case theyMUST be delimited by quotation marks, that is pairs of APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or QUOTATION MARK (U+0022).
Although thedomainMapping
attribute it is optional, its usage is recommended. Many commercial machine translation systems use their own domain definitions; thedomainMapping
attribute will foster interoperability between these definitions and metadata items likekeywords
in Web pages or other types of content.
Values used in thedomainMapping
attribute are arbitrary strings. In some consumer systems or existing content, the domain may be identified via an IRI like
. ThedomainMapping
allows for using IRIs too. For the mapping, they are regarded as ordinary string values.
Although the focus of ITS 2.0, and some of the usage scenarios addressed inITS 2.0 High-level Usage Scenarios) is on “single engine” environments, ITS 2.0 (for example in the context of theDomain data category) can accommodate ""workflow/multi engine" scenarios.
A scenario involves Machine Translation (MT) engines A and B. The domain labels used by engine A follow the naming scheme A_123, the one for engine B follow the naming scheme B_456.
as follows is in place: domainMapping="'sports law' Legal, 'property law' Legal"
Engine A maps 'Legal' to A_4711, Engine B maps 'Legal' to B_42.
Thus, ITS does not encode a process or workflow (like "Use MT engine A with domain A_4711, and use MT engine B with domain A_42"). Rather, it encodes information that can be used in workflows.
element expresses that the content of the HTMLbody
element is in the domain expressed by the HTMLmeta
element with thename
attribute, valuekeywords
. ThedomainPointer
attribute points to thatmeta
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-domain-1.xml]
element expresses that the content of the HTMLbody
element is in the domain expressed by associated values. ThedomainPointer
attribute points to the values in the source content. In this case it points to themeta
elements with thename
attribute set to "keywords" or to "dcterms.subject". These elements hold the values in theircontent
attributes. ThedomainMapping
attribute contains the comma-separated list of mappings. In the example, "automotive" is available in the source content, and "auto" is used within the consumer tool, e.g., a machine translation system.
<its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"xmlns:h=""><its:domainRuleselector="/h:html/h:body"domainPointer="/h:html/h:head/h:meta[@name='dcterms.subject' or @name='keywords']/@content"domainMapping="automotive auto, medical medicine, 'criminal law' law, 'property law' law"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-domain-2.xml]
In HTML, one possible way how to express domain information is ameta
element with thename
attribute set to "keywords" (seestandard metadata names in HTML). Alternatively, following the process forother metadata names theextension value of "dcterms.subject" can be used. The usage of both "keywords" and "dcterms.subject" is shown in exampleExample 51.
In the area of machine translation (e.g., machine translation systems or systems harvesting content for machine translation training), there is no agreed upon set of value sets for domain. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use a small set of values both in source content and within consumer tools, to foster interoperability. If larger value sets are needed (e.g., detailed terms in the law or medical domain), mappings to the smaller value set needed for interoperability is to be provided. An example would be adomainMapping
attribute for generalizing the law domain:domainMapping="'criminal law' law, 'property law' law, 'contract law' law"
It is possible to have more than one domain associated with a piece of content. For example, if the consumer tool is a statistical machine translation engine, it could include corpora from all domains available in the source content in training the machine translation engine.
The consumer machine translation engine might choose to ignore the domain and take a one-size-fits-all approach, or may be selective in which domains to use, based on the range of content marked with domain. For example, if the content has hundreds of sentences marked with domain "automotive" and "medical", but only a couple of sentences marked with additional domains "criminal law" and "property law", the consumer tool may opt to include its domains "auto" and "medicine", but not "law", since the extra training resources do not justify the improvement in the output. Guidance about appropriate actions in such cases is beyond the scope of this specification.
TheText Analysis data category is used to annotate content with lexical or conceptual information for the purpose of contextual disambiguation. This information can be provided by so-called text analysis software agents such as named entity recognizers, lexical concept disambiguators, etc., and is represented by either string valued or IRI references to possible resource descriptions. Example: A named entity recognizer provides the information that the string "Dublin" in a certain context denotes a town in Ireland.
While text analysis can be done by humans, this data category istargeted more at software agents.
The information can be used for several purposes, including, but not limited to:
Informing a human agent such as a translator that a certain fragment of textual content (so-called “text analysis target”) may follow specific translation rules. Examples: proper names, brands, or officially regulated expressions.
Informing a software agent such as a content management system about the conceptual type of a textual entity to enable special processing. Examples: places, personal names, product names, or geographic names, chemical compounds, and protein names that are situated in a specific index.
The data category provides three pieces of annotation: confidence, entity type or concept class, entity identifier or concept identifier as specified in the following table.
Information | Description | Value | Example | Comments |
Text analysis confidence | The confidence of the agent (that produced the annotation)inits own computation | TheXML Schema double data typewith the constraining facets minInclusiveset to 0 and maxInclusiveset to 1 | 0.5647346 | The confidence value applies to two pieces of information (see the following rows in this table). This is opposed totermConfidence which is part of theTerminology data category.termConfidence represents the confidence in just a single piece of information: the decision whether something is a term or not (term).termConfidence does not relate to the confidence about additional information about the term that can be encoded withtermInfoRef . |
Entity type / concept class | The type of entity, or concept class of the text analysistarget | IRI | | |
Entity / concept identifier | A unique identifier for the text analysis target | Mode 1: Identifier (string value) of the collection source + identifier of the concept in that collection | "Wordnet3.0" to identify the collection resource; "301467919" to identify a synset in Wordnet3.0 | Mode 1 and mode 2 are mutually exclusive. TheyMUST NOT be used at the same time for the same text analysis target/node. |
Mode 2: Identifier ( IRI) of the text analysis target | |
The use case forText Analysis is distinct from that for theTerminology data category. Text Analysis informs human agents or software agents in cases where either explicit terminology information is not (yet) available, or would not be appropriate, e.g. conceptual information for general vocabulary.
Text Analysis support is achieved by associating a fragment oftext with an external resource that can be interpreted by alanguage review agent. The agent may for example use the webresource to disambiguate the meaning or lexical choice of thefragment, and thereby contributing to its correct translation. Theweb resource may as well provide information on appropriate synonymsand example usage. This is for example the case if the web resourceis WordNet[WordNet]. In the case of aconcept class, the external resourcemay provide a formalized conceptual definition arranged in ahierarchical framework of related concepts. In the case of a namedentity, the external resource may provide a full-fledged descriptionof the associated real world entity.
Extended example: The word 'City' in the fragment 'I am going tothe City' may be enhanced by one of the following:
one of WordNet's synsets that can be represented by 'city'
an ontological concept of 'City' that could represent asubclass of 'Populated Place' as a concept
the central area of a particular city – as interpreted as an entity instance (e.g., 'City of London')
A given document fragment can only be annotated once. When support for multiple annotations is necessary (e.g., when all three of the annotations in the extended example above need to be accommodated) NIF 2.0,TEI Stand-off Markup, or other so-called stand-off annotation mechanisms is better suitable.
Some external resources such as DBpedia also provide information for some ontological concepts and named entity definitions in multiple languages, and this facilitates translation even more because a possible link traversal would allow a direct access to foreign language labels for named entities.
TheText Analysisdata category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on anindividual element. There is no inheritance.
This specification defines a normative way to representtext analysis information in XML and HTMLlocally. However,text analysis information can also be represented in other formats, e.g.,JSON. TheInternationalization Tag Set Interest Group maintains adescription of such alternative serializations. Readers of this specification are encouraged to evaluate whether that description fulfills their needs and to provide comments in theITS IG mailing list (public archive).
GLOBAL: ThetextAnalysisRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute that contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
At least one of the following:
attribute that contains arelative selectorpointing to a node that holds an IRI, which implements theentity type / concept classinformation.
Exactly one of the following:
When using identificationmode 1: AtaSourcePointer
attribute that contains arelative selector to a node that holds theidentifier of the collection source;and ataIdentPointer
attribute that contains a relative selector to a node thatholds theidentifier of the concept in the collection.
When using identificationmode 2: AtaIdentRefPointer
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that holds an IRI that holds theidentifierof the text analysis target.
For an example, seeExample 54.
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theText Analysisdata category:
An optionaltaConfidence
attribute that implements thetext analysis confidence.
At least one of the following:
attribute that holds an IRI, which implements theEntity type / concept classinformation.
Exactly one of the following:
When using identificationmode 1: AtaSource
attribute that holds theidentifier of the collection source,and ataIdent
attribute that holds theidentifier of the concept in thecollection.
When using identificationmode 2: AtaIdentRef
attribute that holds theidentifier of the text analysistarget.
Any node selected by theText Analysisdata category with thetaConfidence
attribute specifiedMUSTbe contained in an element with theannotatorsRef
(or in HTMLits-annotators-ref
) attribute specified for theText Analysisdata category. For more information, seeSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"its-annotators-ref="text-analysis|"><head><metacharset="utf-8" /><title>Text analysis: Local Test</title></head><body><p><spanits-ta-confidence="0.7"its-ta-class-ref=""its-ta-ident-ref="">Dublin</span> is the<spanits-ta-source="Wordnet3.0"its-ta-ident="301467919"its-ta-confidence="0.5" >capital</span> of Ireland.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-text-analysis-html5-local-1.html]
For expressingEntity type / concept class information, implementers are encouraged to use an existing repository of entity types such as the Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation[NERD] ontology. Of course this requires that the repository satisfies the constraints imposed by the text analysis data category (e.g., use of IRIs).
Various target types can be expressed viaEntity type / concept class: types of entities, types of lexical concepts, or ontologyconcepts. While a relationship between these types may exist, thisspecification does not prescribe a way of automatically inferring aone target type from another.
Text Analysis is primarily intended for textual content. Nevertheless, the data category can also be used in multimedia contexts. Example: objects on an image could be annotated with DBpedia IRIs.
When serializing theText Analysis data category markup in HTML, one way to serialize the markup is RDFa Lite or Microdata. This serialization is due to the existing search and crawling infrastructure that is able to consume these formats. For other usage scenarios (e.g., adding text annotation to feed into a subsequent terminology process), using native ITS Text Analysis data category markup is preferred. In this way, the markup easily can be stripped out again later.
SeeExample 54 for the companion document with the mapping data.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><linkhref=EX-text-analysis-html5-rdfa.xmlrel=its-rules><title>Entity: Local Test</title></head><body><p><spanproperty=""about=""typeof="http:/">Dublin</span> is the capital of Ireland.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-text-analysis-html5-rdfa.html]
<its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:textAnalysisRuleselector="//*[@typeof and @about]"taClassRefPointer="@typeof"taIdentRefPointer="@about"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-text-analysis-html5-rdfa.xml]
TheLocale Filter data category specifies that a node is only applicable to certain locales.
This data category can be used for several purposes, including, but not limited to:
Including a legal notice only in locales for certain regions.
Dropping editorial notes from all localized output.
TheLocale Filter data category associates with each selected node a filter type and a list of extended language ranges conforming to[BCP47].
The list is comma-separated and can include the wildcard extended language range "*". The list can also be empty. Whitespace surrounding language ranges is ignored.
The type can take the values "include" or "exclude":
A single wildcard "*" with a type "include" indicates that the selected content applies to all locales.
A single wildcard "*" with a type "exclude" indicates that the selected content applies to no locale.
An empty string with a type "include" indicates that the selected content applies to no locale.
An empty string with a type "exclude" indicates that the selected content applies to all locales.
Otherwise, with a type "include", the selected content applies to the locales for which the language tag has a match in the list when using the Extended Filtering algorithm defined in[BCP47].
If, instead, the type is "exclude", the selected content applies to the locales for which the language tag does not have a match in the list when using the Extended Filtering algorithm defined in[BCP47].
TheLocale Filter data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes. The default is that the language range is "*" and the type is "include".
GLOBAL: ThelocaleFilterRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredlocaleFilterList
attribute with a comma-separated list of extended language ranges, or an empty string value.
An optionallocaleFilterType
attribute with a value "include" or "exclude".
This document contain threelocaleFilterRule
elements: The first one specifies that the elementslegalnotice
with arole
set to "Canada" apply only to the Canadian locales. The second one specifies that the elementslegalnotice
with arole
set to "nonCanada" apply to all locales that are not Canadian. And the third one specifies that none of theremark
elements apply to any locale.
<bookxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><info><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:localeFilterRuleselector="//legalnotice[@role='Canada']"localeFilterList="*-CA"/><its:localeFilterRuleselector="//legalnotice[@role='nonCanada']"localeFilterList="*-CA"localeFilterType="exclude"/><its:localeFilterRuleselector="//remark"localeFilterList=""/></its:rules><legalnoticerole="Canada"><para>This notice is only for Canadian locales.</para></legalnotice><legalnoticerole="nonCanada"><para>This notice is for locales that are non-Canadian locales.</para></legalnotice><remark>Note: This section will be written later.</remark></info></book>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locale-filter-selector-1.xml]
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theLocale Filter data category:
attribute with a comma-separated list of extended language ranges, or an empty string value.
An optionallocaleFilterType
attribute with a value "include" or "exclude".
In this example theLocale Filter data category is used to select different sections depending on whether the locale is a Canadian one or not.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Locale filter</title></head><body><divits-locale-filter-list="*-ca"><p>Text for Canadian locales.</p></div><divits-locale-filter-list="*-ca"its-locale-filter-type="exclude"><p>Text for non-Canadian locales.</p></div></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-locale-filter-local-html5-1.html]
<bookxmlns:its=""><info><legalnoticeits:localeFilterList="en-CA, fr-CA"><para>This legal notice is only for English and French Canadian locales.</para></legalnotice></info></book>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locale-filter-attribute-1.xml]
TheProvenance data category is used to communicate the identity of agents that have been involved in the translation of the content or the revision of the translated content. This allows translation and translation revision consumers, such as post-editors, translation quality reviewers, or localization workflow managers, to assess how the performance of these agents may impact the quality of the translation. Translation and translation revision agents can be identified as a person, a piece of software or an organization that has been involved in providing a translation that resulted in the selected content.
This data category offers three types of information. First, it allows identification of translation agents. Second, it allows identification of revision agents. Third, if provenance information is needed that includes temporal or sequence information about translation processes (e.g. multiple revision cycles) or requires agents that support a wider range of activities, the data category offers a mechanism to refer to external provenance information.
The specification does not define the format of external provenance information, but it is recommended that an open provenance or change-logging format be used, e.g. the W3C provenance data model[PROV-DM].
Translation or translation revision tools, such as machine translation engines or computer assisted translation tools, may offer an easy way to create this information. Translation tools can then present this information to post-editors or translation workflow managers. Web applications may to present such information to consumers of translated documents.
The data category defines seven pieces of information:
Information | Description | Value |
Human provenance information | Identification of a human translation agent | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Organizational provenance information | Identification of an organization acting as a translation agent | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Tool-related provenance information | Identification of a software tool that was used in translating the selected content | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Human revision provenance information | Identification of a human translation revision agent | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Organizational revision provenance information | Identification of an organization acting as a translation revision agent | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Tool-related revision provenance information | Identification of a software tool that was used in revising the translation of the selected content | A string or an IRI (only for theRef attributes) |
Reference to external provenance information | A reference to external provenance information | A space (U+0020) separated list of IRIs |
The tool related provenance and tool related revision provenance pieces of information are not meant to express information about tools used for creating ITS annotations themselves. For this purpose, ITS 2.0 provides a separate mechanism. SeeSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation for details, especially thenote on annotatorsRef usage scenarios.
TheProvenance data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on individual elements. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes.
GLOBAL: TheprovRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node containing a list ofprovenance records. These are related to the content selected via theselector
This example expresses provenance information in a standoff manner usingprovenanceRecords
elements. TheprovRule
element specifies that for any element with aref
attribute thatref
attribute holds a reference to an associatedprovenanceRecords
element where the provenance information is listed. Thelegalnotice
element has been revised two times. Hence, the relatedprovenanceRecords
element contains twoprovenanceRecord
child elements.
<textxmlns:dc=""xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><dc:creator>John Doe</dc:creator><its:provenanceRecordsxml:id="pr1"><its:provenanceRecordtoolRef=""org="acme-CAT-v2.3"revToolRef=""revOrg="acme-CAT-v2.3"provRef=""/></its:provenanceRecords><its:provenanceRecordsxml:id="pr2"><its:provenanceRecordperson="John Doe"orgRef=""revPerson="Tommy Atkins"revOrgRef=""provRef=""/><its:provenanceRecordrevPerson="John Smith"revOrgRef=""/></its:provenanceRecords><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:provRuleselector="//*[@ref]"provenanceRecordsRefPointer="@ref"/></its:rules><title>Translation Revision Provenance Agent: Global Test in XML</title><body><parref="#pr1"> This paragraph was translated from the machine.</par><legalnoticepostediting-by=""ref="#pr2">This text was translated directly by a person.</legalnotice></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-provenance-global-1.xml]
LOCAL: Using the inline markup to represent the data category locally is limited to a single occurrence for a given content (e.g., one cannot have differenttoolRef
attributes applied to the same span of text because the inner-most one would override the others). A localstandoff markup is provided to allow such cases.
The following local markup is available for theProvenance data category:
Either (inline markup): at least one of the following attributes:
attribute that implements thehuman provenance information.
attribute that implements theorganizational provenance information.
attribute that implements thetool-related provenance information.
attribute that implements thehuman revision provenance information.
attribute that implements theorganizational revision provenance information.
attribute that implements thetool-related revision provenance information.
attribute that implements thereference to external provenance descriptions.
Or (standoff markup):
attribute. Its value is an IRI pointing to theprovenanceRecords
element containing the list ofprovenance records related to this content.
An elementprovenanceRecords
, which contains:
One or more elementsprovenanceRecord
, each of which contains at least one of the following attributes:
attribute that implements thehuman provenance information.
attribute that implements theorganizational provenance information.
attribute that implements thetool-related provenance information.
attribute that implements thehuman revision provenance information.
attribute that implements theorganizational revision provenance information.
attribute that implements thetool-related revision provenance information.
attribute that implements thereference to external provenance descriptions.
Ideally the order ofprovenanceRecord
elements within aprovenanceRecords
element reflects the order with which they were added to the document, with the most recently added one listed first.
When the attributesperson
are used in a standoff manner, the information they carry pertains to the content of the element that refers to the standoff annotation, not to the content of the elementprovenanceRecord
where they are declared.
In HTML the standoff markupMUST either be stored inside ascript
element in the same HTML document, or be linked from anyprovenanceRecordsRef
to an external XML or HTML file with the standoff inside. If standoff is inside ascript
element that elementMUST have atype
attribute with the valueapplication/its+xml
. Itsid
attributeMUST be set to the same value as thexml:id
attribute of theprovenanceRecords
element it contains.
The provenance related attributes at thepar
elements are used to associate the provenance information directly with the content of these elements.
<textxmlns:dc=""xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><title>Translation Revision Provenance Agent: Local Test in XML</title><body><parits:toolRef=""its:org="acme-CAT-v2.3"its:revToolRef=""its:revOrg="acme-CAT-v2.3"its:provRef="" >This paragraph was translated from the machine.</par><legalnoticeits:person="John Doe"its:orgRef=""its:provRef=""its:revPerson="Tommy Atkins"its:revOrgRef="" >This text was translated directly by a person.</legalnotice></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-provenance-local-1.xml]
In this example several spans of content are associated with provenance information.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Provenance Agent: Local Test in HTML5</title></head><body><pits-tool-ref=""its-org="acme-CAT-v2.3"its-prov-ref=""its-rev-org="acme-CAT-v2.3" >This paragraph was translated from the machine.</p><pclass="legal-notice"its-person="John Doe"its-org-ref=""its-prov-ref=""its-rev-person="Tommy Atkins"its-rev-org-ref="" >This text was translated directly by a person.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-provenance-html5-local-1.html]
The following example shows a document using local standoff markup to encode provenance information. Thep
elements delimit the content to markup. They holdits-provenance-records-ref
attributes that point to the standoff information inside thescript
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Test</title><scriptid=pr1type=application/its+xml><its:provenanceRecordsxml:id="pr1"xmlns:its=""><its:provenanceRecordtoolRef=""org="acme-CAT-v2.3"provRef=""revToolRef=""revOrg="acme-CAT-v2.3" /></its:provenanceRecords></script><scriptid=pr2type=application/its+xml><its:provenanceRecordsxml:id="pr2"xmlns:its=""><its:provenanceRecordperson="John Doe"orgRef=""provRef=""revPerson="Tommy Atkins"revOrgRef="" /><its:provenanceRecordrevPerson="John Smith"revOrgRef="" /></its:provenanceRecords></script></head><body><pits-provenance-records-ref="#pr1">This paragraph was translated from the machine.</p><pits-provenance-records-ref="#pr2">This text was translated directly by a person.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-provenance-html5-local-2.html]
TheExternal Resource data category indicates that a node represents or references potentially translatable data in a resource outside the document. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.
TheExternal Resource data category can be expressed only with global rules. There is no inheritance. There is no default.
GLOBAL: TheexternalResourceRefRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredexternalResourceRefPointer
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node that provides the IRI of the external resource.
element expresses that theimagedata
elements contain references to external resources. These references are expressed via afileref
attribute. TheexternalResourceRefPointer
attribute points to that attribute.
<docxmlns:its=""xmlns:db=""><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:externalResourceRefRuleselector="//db:imagedata | //db:audiodata | //db:videodata"externalResourceRefPointer="@fileref"/></its:rules><db:mediaobject><db:videoobject><db:videodatafileref="movie.avi"/></db:videoobject><db:imageobject><db:imagedatafileref="movie-frame.gif"/></db:imageobject><db:textobject><db:para>This video illustrates the proper way to assemble an inverting time distortion device.</db:para><db:warning><db:para> It is imperative that the primary and secondary temporal couplings not be mounted in the wrong order. Temporal catastrophe is the likely result. The future you destroy may be your own.</db:para></db:warning></db:textobject></db:mediaobject></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-externalresource-1.xml]
elements used for external resources associated with HTMLvideo
elementsThe twoexternalResourceRefRule
elements select thesrc
and theposter
attributes at HTMLvideo
elements. These attributes identify different external resources, and at the same time contain the references to these resources. For this reason, theexternalResourceRefPointer
attributes point to the value ofsrc
respectively. The underlying HTML document is given inExample 64.
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-externalresource-2.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Video element example</title></head><body><videoheight=360poster=><p>If your browser doesn't support the<code>video</code> element, you can<ahref=>download the video</a> instead.</p></video></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-externalresource-html5-1.html]
Some formats, such as those designed for localization or for multilingual resources, hold the same content in different languages inside a single document. TheTarget Pointer data category is used to associate the node of a given source content (i.e., the content to be translated) and the node of its corresponding target content (i.e., the source content translated into a given target language).
This specification makes no provision regarding the presence of the target nodes or their content: A target node may or may not exist and it may or may not have content.
This data category can be used for several purposes, including but not limited to:
Extract the source content to translate and put back the translation at its proper location.
Compare source and target content for quality verification.
Reuse existing translations when localizing the new version of an existing document.
Access aligned bi-lingual content to build memories, or to train machine translation engines.
In general, it is recommended to avoid developing formats where the same content is stored in different languages in the same document, except for very specific use cases. See the best practices “Working with multilingual documents” from[XML i18n BP] for further guidance.
TheTarget Pointer data category can be expressed only with global rules. There is no inheritance. There is no default.
GLOBAL: ThetargetPointerRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredtargetPointer
attribute. It contains arelative selector that points to the node for the target content corresponding to the selected source node.
The source node and the target node may be of different types, but the target node has to contain the same content as the source node (e.g., an attribute node cannot be the target node of a source node that is an element with children).
<file><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:translateRuleselector="/file"translate="no"/><its:translateRuleselector="//source"translate="yes"/><its:targetPointerRuleselector="//source"targetPointer="../target"/></its:rules><entryid="one"><source>Remember last folder</source><target/></entry><entryid="two"><source>Custom file filter:</source><target/></entry></file>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-target-pointer-global-1.xml]
TheID Value data category indicates a value that can be used as unique identifier for a given part of the content.
The recommended way to specify a unique identifier is to usexml:id
[XML ID] orid
in HTML (See the best practice “Defining markup for unique identifiers” from[XML i18n BP]). TheidValueRule
element is intended only as a fall-back mechanism for documents in which unique identifiers are available with another construct.
Providing a unique identifier that is maintained in the original document can be useful for several purposes, for example:
Allow automated alignment between different versions of the source document, or between source and translated documents.
Improve the confidence in leveraged translation for exact matches.
Provide backtracking information between displayed text and source material when testing or debugging.
TheID Value data category only provides for rules to be expressed at a global level. Locally, users are able to usexml:id
(which is defined by XML) orid
in HTML, or an attribute specific to the format in question (as inExample 68).
Applying theID Value data category toxml:id
(in XML) orid
(in HTML) attributes in global rules is not necessary, since these attributes are the recommended way to specify an identifier.
TheID Value data category can be expressed only with global rules. There is no inheritance. There is no default.
GLOBAL: TheidValueRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredidValue
attribute. It contains any XPath expression; the context for the evaluation of the XPath expression is the same as forrelative selectors. The evaluation of the XPath expression constructs a string corresponding to the identifier of the node to which this rule applies. The identifierMUST be unique at least within the document. If the attributexml:id
is present orid
in HTML for the selected node, the value of thexml:id
attribute orid
in HTMLMUST take precedence over theidValue
element indicates that the unique identifier for each<text>
element is the value of the attributename
of its parent element.
<?xml version="1.0"?><resources><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:translateRuletranslate="no"selector="/resources"/><its:translateRuletranslate="yes"selector="//text"/><its:idValueRuleselector="//text"idValue="../@name"/></its:rules><entryname="btn.OK"><text>OK</text><pos>1, 1</pos><trig>sendOK</trig></entry><entryname="btn.CANCEL"><text>Cancel</text><pos>2, 1</pos><trig>cancelAll</trig></entry></resources>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-idvalue-element-1.xml]
attribute allows to build composite values based on different attributes, elements, or even hard-coded text. Any of the String functions offered by XPath can be used. In the document below, the two elements<text>
are translatable, but they have only one corresponding identifier, thename
attribute in their parent element.
To make sure the identifier is unique for both the content of<text>
and the content of<desc>
, the XPath expressionconcat(../@name, '_t')
gives the identifier "settingsMissing_t" for the content of<text>
and the expressionconcat(../@name, '_d')
gives the identifier "settingsMissing_d" for the content of<desc>
<?xml version="1.0"?><doc><its:rulesversion="2.0"xmlns:its=""><its:idValueRuleselector="//text"idValue="concat(../@name, '_t')"/><its:idValueRuleselector="//desc"idValue="concat(../@name, '_d')"/></its:rules><msgname="settingsMissing"><text>Can't find settings file.</text><desc>The module cannot find the default settings file. You need to re-initialize the system.</desc></msg></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-idvalue-element-2.xml]
When anxml:id
attribute is present for a node selected by anidValueRule
element, the value ofxml:id
takes precedence over the value defined by theidValueRule
element. In the example below, the unique ID to use is “btnAgain” for the first<res>
element, and “retryTip” for the second<res>
<?xml version="1.0"?><file><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:idValueRuleselector="//res"idValue="@name"/></its:rules><resname="retryBtn"xml:id="btnAgain">Try Again</res><resname="retryTip">click this to re-run the process with the current settings.</res></file>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-idvalue-attribute-1.xml]
ThePreserve Space data category indicates how whitespace is to be handled in content. The possible values for this data category are "default" and "preserve" and carry the same meaning as the corresponding values of thexml:space attribute. The default value is "default". The Preserve Space data category does not apply to HTML documents in HTML syntax.
ThePreserve Space data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally using thexml:space
attribute. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements and attributes.
ThePreserve Space data category is not applicable to HTML documents in HTML syntax becausexml:space
(and by extensionPreserve Space) has no effect in documents parsed as text/html. However, the data category can be used in HTMLin XHTML syntax.
GLOBAL: ThepreserveSpaceRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredspace
attribute with the value "default" or "preserve".
element specifies that whitespace in all verse elements are to be treated literally.
<book><info><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:preserveSpaceRuleselector="//verse"space="preserve"/></its:rules></info><verse>’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.</verse></book>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-preservespace-global-1.xml]
LOCAL: Thexml:space
attribute, as defined in section 2.10 of[XML 1.0], maps exactly to thePreserve Space data category.
The standardxml:space
attribute specifies that the whitespace in the verse element are to be treated literally.
<book><versexml:space="preserve">'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.</verse></book>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-preservespace-local-1.xml]
TheLocalization Quality Issue data category is used to express information related to localization quality assessment tasks. Such tasks can be conducted on the translation of some source content (such as a text or an image) into a target language or on the source content itself where its quality may impact on the localization process.
Automated or manual quality assessment is one area of quality management for translation and localization. An example of existing quality assessment is in-country review (e.g., as part of a language acceptance test for software). An important part of quality assessment is the list of issue types that are being used. Very often, simple issue categories like "correct/incorrect" or "like/dislike" are inadequate; instead, more specific ones such as "terminology" or "grammar" are more helpful in identifying concrete reasons for quality problems and for obtaining a more objective picture of quality levels.
Non-normative terminology related to localization quality as used in this section is provided inAppendix H: Localization Quality Guidance.
This data category can be used in a number of ways, including the following example scenarios:
A human reviewer working with a web-based tool adds quality markup manually in a text editor, including comments and suggestions, to localized content as part of the review process. A subsequent process examines this markup to ensure that changes were made.
A fully automatic quality checking tool flags a number of potential quality issues in an XML or HTML file and marks them up using ITS 2.0 markup. A human reviewer then uses another tool to examine this markup and decide whether the file needs to receive more extensive review or be passed on for further processing without a further manual review stage.
A quality assessment process identifies a number of issues and adds the ITS markup to a rendered HTML preview of an XML file along with CSS styling that highlights these issues. The resulting HTML file is then sent back to the translator to assist his or her revision efforts.
What issues should be considered in quality assessment tasks depends on the nature of the project and tools used. Further guidance is beyond the scope of this specification, but implementers may wish to consult the references cited inAppendix H: Localization Quality Guidance.
The data category defines five pieces of information:
Information | Description | Value | Notes |
Type | A classifier that groups similar issues into categories (for example to differentiate spelling errors from grammar errors). | One of the values defined inlist of type values. | ITS 2.0-compliant tools that use these typesMUST map their internal values to these types. If the type of the issue is set touncategorized , a commentMUST be specified as well. |
Comment | A human-readable description of a specific instance of a quality issue. | Text | Comments can be used to explain an issue or provide guidance in addressing an issue. For example, a note about a Terminology issue might specify what term should be used. |
Severity | A classifier for the seriousness of an issue. The seriousness depends on the Quality Model that is being applied. The Quality Model should be made explicit via the Profile Reference. | A rational number in the interval 0 to 100 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 100. The higher values represent greater severity. | It is up to tools to map the values allowed by ITS 2.0 to their own system’s scale. If needed, the original value can be passed along using a custom namespace for XML, or adata- attribute for HTML. |
Profile Reference | A reference to a description of the quality assessment model (or a specific profile (customization/instantiation) of a model, where relevant) used for the issue. | An IRI pointing to the reference document. | The use of resolvable IRIs is strongly recommended as it provides a way for human evaluators to learn more about the quality issues in use. |
Enabled | A flag indicating whether the issue is enabled or not. | A valueyes orno , with the default value beingyes . | This flag is used to activate or deactivate issues. There is no prescribed behavior associated with activated or deactivated issues. One example of usage is a tool that allows the user to deactivate false positives so they are not displayed again each time the document is re-checked. |
TheLocalization Quality Issue data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on individual elements. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements, but excluding attributes.
GLOBAL: ThelocQualityIssueRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
Either (in parallel tolocal inline markup)
At least one of the following attributes:
attribute that implements thetype information.
attribute that implements thecomment information.
An optionallocQualityIssueSeverity
attribute that implements theseverity information.
An optionallocQualityIssueProfileRef
attribute that implements theprofile reference information.
An optionallocQualityIssueEnabled
attribute that implements theenabled information.
Or (standoff markup) exactly one of the following:
attribute. Its value is an IRI pointing to thelocQualityIssues
element containing thelist of issues related to this content.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node with the exact same semantics aslocQualityIssuesRef
The attributelocQualityIssuesRefPointer
does not apply to HTML as local markup is provided for direct annotation in HTML.
element associates the issue information with the value of thetext
<?xml version="1.0"?><doc><header><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:locQualityIssueRuleselector="//image[@id='i1']/@text"locQualityIssueType="typographical"locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/></its:rules></header><para>Click the button<imageid="i1"src="button.png"text="start button"/>.</para></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locQualityIssue-global-1.xml]
The following example shows a document using local standoff markup to encode several issues. But because, in this case, themrk
element does not allow attributes from another namespace we cannot uselocQualityIssuesRef
directly. Instead, a global rule is used to map the function oflocQualityIssuesRef
to a non-ITS construct, here theref
attribute of anymrk
elements that have their attributetype
set to "x-itslq".
<?xml version="1.0"?><docxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><file><header><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:locQualityIssueRuleselector="//mrk[@type='x-itslq']"locQualityIssuesRefPointer="@ref"/></its:rules></header><unitid="1"><segment><source>This is the content</source><target><mrktype="x-itslq"ref="#lq1">c'es</mrk> le contenu</target></segment><its:locQualityIssuesxml:id="lq1"><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="misspelling"locQualityIssueComment="'c'es' is unknown. Could be 'c'est'"locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="typographical"locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"locQualityIssueSeverity="30"/></its:locQualityIssues></unit></file></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locQualityIssue-global-2.xml]
LOCAL: Using inline markup to represent the data category locally is limited to a single occurrence for a given content (e.g. one cannot have differentlocQualityIssueType
attributes applied to the same span of text because the inner-most one would override the others). A localstandoff markup is provided to allow such cases.
The following local markup is available for theLocalization Quality Issue data category:
Either (inline markup):
At least one of the following attributes:
attribute that implements thetype information.
attribute that implements thecomment information.
An optionallocQualityIssueSeverity
attribute that implements theseverity information.
An optionallocQualityIssueProfileRef
attribute that implements theprofile reference information.
An optionallocQualityIssueEnabled
attribute that implements theenabled information.
Or (standoff markup):
attribute. Its value is an IRI pointing to thelocQualityIssues
element containing thelist of issues related to this content.
An elementlocQualityIssues
with axml:id
attribute set to the identifier specified in thelocQualityIssuesRef
attribute. ThelocQualityIssues
element contains:
One or more elementslocQualityIssue
, each of which contains:
At least one of the following attributes:
attribute that implements thetype information.
attribute that implements thecomment information.
An optionallocQualityIssueSeverity
attribute that implements theseverity information.
An optionallocQualityIssueProfileRef
attribute that implements theprofile reference information.
An optionallocQualityIssueEnabled
attribute that implements theenabled information.
Ideally the order oflocQualityIssue
elements within alocQualityIssues
element reflects the order with which they were added to the document, with the most recently added one listed first.
When the attributeslocQualityIssueType
are used in a standoff manner, the information they carry pertains to the content of the element that refers to the standoff annotation, not to the content of the elementlocQualityIssue
where they are declared.
In HTML the standoff markupMUST either be stored inside ascript
element in the same HTML document, or can be linked from anylocQualityIssuesRef
to an external XML or HTML file with the standoff inside. If standoff is inside ascript
element, that elementMUST have atype
attribute with the valueapplication/its+xml
. Itsid
attributeMUST be set to the same value as thexml:id
attribute of thelocQualityIssues
element it contains.
The attributeslocQualityIssueType
are used to associate the issue information directly with a selected span of content.
<?xml version="1.0"?><docxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><para><spanits:locQualityIssueType="typographical"its:locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"its:locQualityIssueSeverity="50">this</span> is an example</para></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locQualityIssue-local-1.xml]
In this example several spans of content are associated with a quality issue.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Telharmonium 1897</title><styletype=text/css> [its-loc-quality-issue-type]{ background-color:yellow; margin:2px; } [its-loc-quality-issue-severity = "100"]{ border: 2px solid red; }</style></head><body><h1>Telharmonium (1897)</h1><p><spandata-mytool-qacode=named_entity_not_foundits-loc-quality-issue-comment="Should be Thomas Cahill."its-loc-quality-issue-profile-ref=>Christian Bale</span> (1867–1934) conceived of an instrument that could transmit its sound from a power plant for hundreds of miles to listeners over telegraph wiring. Beginning in 1889 the sound quality of regular telephone concerts was very poor on account of the buzzing generated by carbon-granule microphones. As a result Cahill decided to set a new standard in perfection of sound<spanits-loc-quality-issue-comment="should be 'quality'"its-loc-quality-issue-profile-ref=grammarits-loc-quality-issue-severity=50its-loc-quality-issue-type=misspelling>qulaity</span> with his instrument, a standard that would not only satisfy listeners but that would overcome all the flaws of traditional instruments.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-locQualityIssue-html5-local-1.html]
The following example shows a document using local standoff markup to encode several issues. Themrk
element delimits the content to markup and holds alocQualityIssuesRef
attribute that points to thelocQualityIssues
element where the issues are listed.
<?xml version="1.0"?><xliffversion="1.2"xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><fileoriginal="example.doc"source-language="en"datatype="plaintext"><body><trans-unitid="1"><sourcexml:lang="en">This is the content</source><targetxml:lang="fr"><mrkmtype="x-itslq"its:locQualityIssuesRef="#lq1">c'es</mrk> le contenu</target><its:locQualityIssuesxml:id="lq1"><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="misspelling"locQualityIssueComment="'c'es' is unknown. Could be 'c'est'"locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="typographical"locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"locQualityIssueSeverity="30"/></its:locQualityIssues></trans-unit></body></file></xliff>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locQualityIssue-local-2.xml]
The following example shows a document using local standoff markup to encode several issues. Thespan
element delimits the content to markup and holds aloc-quality-issues-ref
attribute that points to a specialspan
element where the issues are listed within a set of other specialspan
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Test</title><scriptsrc=qaissues.jstype=text/javascript></script><scripttype=application/its+xmlid=lq1><its:locQualityIssuesxml:id="lq1"xmlns:its=""><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="misspelling"locQualityIssueComment="'c'es' is unknown. Could be 'c'est'"locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/><its:locQualityIssuelocQualityIssueType="typographical"locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"locQualityIssueSeverity="30"/></its:locQualityIssues></script><styletype=text/css>.qaissue { background-color: yellow; }</style></head><bodyonload=addqaissueattrs()><p><spanits-loc-quality-issues-ref=#lq1>c'es</span> le contenu</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-locQualityIssue-html5-local-2.html]
TheLocalization Quality Rating data category is used to express an overall measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.
This data category allows to specify a quality score or a voting result for a given item or document, as well as to indicate what constitutes a passing score or vote. It also allows pointing to a profile describing the quality assessment model used for the scoring or the voting.
TheLocalization Quality Rating data category is only expressed locally on individual elements. The data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements, butexcluding attributes.
LOCAL: The following local markup is available for theLocalization Quality Rating data category:
Exactly one of the following:
attribute. Its value is a rational number in the interval 0 to 100 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 100. The higher values represent better quality.
attribute. Its value is a signed integer with higher values indicating a better vote.
is used:
an optionallocQualityRatingScoreThreshold
attribute indicating the lowest score that constitutes a passing score in the profile used. Its value is a rational number in the interval 0 to 100 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 100.
is used:
an optionallocQualityRatingVoteThreshold
attribute indicating the lowest value that constitutes a passing vote in the profile used. Its value is a signed integer.
An optionallocQualityRatingProfileRef
attribute. Its value is an IRI pointing to the reference document describing the quality assessment model used for the scoring.
are used to score the quality of the document.
<?xml version="1.0"?><docxml:lang='nl'xmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"its:locQualityRatingScore="100"its:locQualityRatingScoreThreshold="95"its:locQualityRatingProfileRef=""><title>De lotgevallen van Tom Sawyer</title><para>Hij kwam vrij laat te huis, en toen hij voorzichtig het raam insprong, viel hij in eene hinderlaag, in de persoon van zijne tante, bij wie, toen zij den staat zag, waarin zijne kleederen verkeerden, het besluit om zijn vrijen Zaterdag in een gevangenschap met dwangarbeid te veranderen, onherroepelijk vaststond.</para></doc>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-locQualityRating-local-1.xml]
are used to score the quality of the document.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=frits-loc-quality-rating-profile-ref= ><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Rikki-tikki-tavi</title></head><body><p>C'est l'histoire de la grande guerre que Rikki-Tikki-Tavi a combattu tout seul, à travers les salles de bain du grand bungalow au cantonnement Segowlee. Darzee, le tailbird, l'a aidé, et Chuchundra, le rat musqué, qui ne sort jamais jusqu'au milieu du plancher, mais se glisse toujours contre la paroi, lui donnait des conseils, mais Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fait le véritable combat.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-locQualityRating-html5-local.html]
TheMT Confidence data category is used to communicate the confidence score from a machine translation engine for the accuracy of a translation it has provided. It is not intended to provide a score that is comparable between machine translation engines and platforms. This data category does NOT aim to establish any sort of correlation between the confidence score and either human evaluation of MT usefulness, or post-editing cognitive effort. For harmonization’s sake, MT Confidence is provided as a rational number in the interval 0 to 1 (inclusive).
Implementers are expected to interpret the floating-point number and present it to human and other consumers in a convenient form, such as percentage (0-100%) with up to 2 decimal digits, font or background color coding, etc.
The value provided by theMT Confidence data category can be 1) the quality score of the translation as produced by an MT engine, or 2) a quality estimation score that uses both MT-system-internal features and additional external features. For this reason it is important thatMT Confidence provides additional information about the MT engine (via theannotatorsRef
attribute, or in HTML theits-annotators-ref
attribute). Otherwise the score on its own is hard to interpret and to reuse. In the case of 2),MT Confidence potentially conveys information about any additional tools that were used in deriving the score.
This data category can be used for several purposes, including, but not limited to:
Automated prioritising of raw machine translated text for further processing based on empirically set thresholds.
Providing readers, translators, post-editors, reviewers, and proof-readers of machine translated text with self-reported relative accuracy prediction.
MT confidence scores can be displayed e.g., on websites machine translated on the fly, by simple web-based translation editors or by Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools.
TheMT Confidence category can be expressed with global rules or locally on individual elements. For elements, the data category informationis inherited by the textual content of the element,including child elements, butexcluding attributes.
Any node selected by theMT Confidence data categoryMUST be contained in an element with theannotatorsRef
(or in HTML,its-annotators-ref
) attribute specified for theMT Confidence data category. For more information, seeSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation.
GLOBAL: ThemtConfidenceRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
A requiredmtConfidence
attribute with a value that represents the translation confidence score as a rational number in the interval 0 to 1 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 1.
in a HTML document to specify the confidence scores for the translation into English of thetitle
attributes of twoimg
elements.<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><linkhref=EX-mtconfidence-global-html5-1-external-rules.xmlrel=its-rules><title>Machine translated title attributes of img elements give MT confidence scores using global rules</title></head><bodyits-annotators-ref="mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T1"><p><imgsrc=""title="Front gate of Trinity College Dublin"alt="alternative description"/><imgsrc=""title="A tart with a cart"alt="alternative description"/></p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-mtConfidence-global-html5-1.html]
Where the external ITS rules file is as shown:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"xmlns:h=""><its:mtConfidenceRulemtConfidence="0.785"selector="//h:img[@title='Front gate of Trinity College Dublin']/@title"/><its:mtConfidenceRulemtConfidence="0.805"selector="//h:img[@title='A tart with a cart']/@title"/></its:rules>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-mtconfidence-global-html5-1-external-rules.xml]
LOCAL: the following local markup is available for theMT Confidence data category:
attribute with a value that represents the translation confidence score as a rational number in the interval 0 to 1 (inclusive). The value follows theXML Schema double data type with the constraining facetsminInclusive set to 0 andmaxInclusive set to 1.
<textxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"its:annotatorsRef="mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T1"><body><p><spanits:mtConfidence="0.8982">Dublin is the capital city of Ireland.</span></p></body></text>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-mtConfidence-local-1.xml]
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en ><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Sentences about Dublin and Prague machine translated from Czech with mtConfidence locally.</title></head><bodyits-annotators-ref="mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T1"><p><spanits-mt-confidence=0.8982>Dublin is the capital of Ireland.</span><spanits-mt-confidence=0.8536 >The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague.</span></p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-mtConfidence-html5-local-1.html]
TheAllowed Characters data category is used to specify the characters that are permitted in a given piece of content.
This data category can be used for various purposes, including the following examples:
Limiting the characters that may be used in the UI of a game due to font restrictions.
Preventing illegal characters from being entered as text content that represents file or directory names.
Controlling what characters can be used when translating examples of a login name in content.
TheAllowed Characters data category is not intended to disallow HTML markup. The purpose is to restrict the content to various characters only, e.g., when the content is to be used for URL or filename generation. In most Content Management Systems, content is divided into several fields, some of which may be restricted to plain text, while in other fields HTML fragments may be allowed. Enforcing such restrictions is outside the scope of this data category.
The set of characters that are allowed is specified using a regular expression. That is, each character in the selected contentMUST be included in the set specified by the regular expression.
The regular expression is the character class constructcharClass
defined as follows:
[1] charClass ::= singleCharEsc | charClassExpr | wildcardEsc
[2] singleCharEsc ::= '\' [nrt\|.?*+(){}#x2D#x5B#x5D#x5E]
[3] charClassExpr ::= '[' charGroup ']'
[4] charGroup ::= posCharGroup | negCharGroup
[5] posCharGroup ::= ( charRange | singleCharEsc )+
[6] charRange ::= seRange | xmlCharIncDash
[7] seRange ::= charOrEsc '-' charOrEsc
[8] charOrEsc ::= xmlChar | singleCharEsc
[9] xmlChar ::= [^\#x2D#x5B#x5D]
[10] xmlCharIncDash ::= [^\#x5B#x5D]
[11] negCharGroup ::= '^' posCharGroup
[12] wildcardEsc ::= '.'
metacharacter also matches CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) and LINE FEED (U+000F). That is thedot-all option is set.
This construct is a sub-set of theCharacter Classes construct of XML Schema[XML Schema Part 2] and is compatible with most other regular expression engines.
Users may want to use a regular expression to make sure that they follow the definition given above. Sample regular expressions to verify the regular expression in allowed characters are provided:for XML andfor Java.
Example of expressions (shown as XML source):
: allows the characters 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
: allows the characters 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
: allows the characters from 'a' to 'z' and from 'A' to 'Z'.
: allows any characters except 'a', 'b', and 'c'.
: allows any characters except 'a', 'b', and 'c'.
: allows only the characters valid for Windows file names.
: allows any character.
: allows no character.
TheAllowed Characters data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on individual elements. For elements, the data category informationinherits to the textual content of the element,including child elements, butexcluding attributes.
GLOBAL: TheallowedCharactersRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
Exactly one of the following:
attribute that contains the regular expression indicating the allowed characters.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node with the exact same semantics asallowedCharacters
element states that the translated content of elementscontent
cannot contain the characters*
<?xml version="1.0"?><myResxmlns:its=""><head><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:allowedCharactersRuleallowedCharacters="[^*+]"selector="//content"/></its:rules></head><body><content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.</content></body></myRes>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-allowedCharacters-global-1.xml]
The attributeallowedCharactersPointer
is used to map the data category to the non-ITS attributeset
in this document. The attribute has the same semantics asallowedCharacters
<?xml version="1.0"?><resxmlns:its=""><head><its:rulesversion="2.0"><its:allowedCharactersRuleselector="//record"allowedCharactersPointer="@set"/></its:rules></head><recordid="a1"set="[ !–~]">FULL WIDTH ONLY</record></res>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-allowedCharacters-global-2.xml]
LOCAL: the following local markup is available for theAllowed Characters data category:
attribute that contains the regular expression indicating the allowed characters.
The localallowedCharacters
attribute specifies that the translated content of elementpanelmsg
is only allowed to contain Unicode characters between U+0020 and U+00FE.
<?xml version="1.0"?><messagesxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><msgnum="123">Click the<panelmsgits:allowedCharacters="[ -þ]" >CONTINUE</panelmsg> Button on the printer panel</msg></messages>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-allowedCharacters-local-1.xml]
The localits-allowed-characters
attribute specifies that the translated content of elementcode
cannot contain the characters other than 'a' to 'z' in any case and the characters underscore and minus.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Example</title></head><body><p>Login names can only use letters from A to Z (upper or lowercase) and the character underscore (_) and minus (-). For example:<codeits-allowed-characters=[a-zA-Z_\-]>Huck_Finn</code>.</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-allowedCharacters-html5-local-1.html]
TheStorage Size data category is used to specify the maximum storage size of a given content.
This data category can be used for various purposes, including the following examples:
Verify during translation if a string fits into a fixed-size database field.
Control the size of a string that is stored in a fixed-size memory buffer at run-time.
The storage size is always expressed in bytes and excludes any leading Byte-Order-Markers. It is provided along with the character encoding and the line break type that will be used when the content is stored. If the encoding form does not use the byte as its unit (e.g. UTF-16 uses 16-bit code units) the storage sizeMUST still be given in byte (e.g., for UTF-16: 2 bytes per 16-bit code unit).
An application verifying the storage size for a given content is expected to perform the following steps:
All the LINE FEED (U+000A) characters of the content to verify are replaced by the character or characters specified by the line break type.
The resulting string is converted to an array of bytes using a character encoder for the specified encoding. If a character cannot be represented with the specified encoding, an error is generated.
If the leading bytes represent a Byte-Order-Mark, they are stripped from that array.
The length of the resulting array is compared to the storage size provided. The content is too long if the length is greater than the storage size.
Storage size is not directly related to the display length of a text, and therefore is not intended as a display length constraint mechanism.
TheStorage Size data category can be expressed with global rules, or locally on individual elements. There is no inheritance. The default value of the character encoding is "UTF-8", and the default value for the line break is "lf" (LINE FEED (U+000A)).
GLOBAL: ThestorageSizeRule
element contains the following:
A requiredselector
attribute. It contains anabsolute selector that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
Exactly one of the following:
attribute. It contains the maximum number of bytes the text of the selected node is allowed in storage.
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node with the exact same semantics asstorageSize
None or exactly one of the following:
attribute. It contains the name of the character encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The nameMUST be one of the names or aliases listed in theIANA Character Sets registry[IANA Character Sets]. The default value is the string "UTF-8".
attribute that contains arelative selector pointing to a node with the exact same semantics asstorageEncoding
An optionallineBreakType
attribute. It indicates what type of line breaks the storage uses. The possible values are: "cr" for CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D), "lf" for LINE FEED (U+000A), or "crlf" for CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) followed by LINE FEED (U+000A). The default value is "lf".
element is used to specify that, when encoded in ISO-8859-1, the content of thecountry
element cannot be more than 25 bytes. The name "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée" is 25 character long and fits because all characters in ISO-8859-1 are encoded as a single byte.
<?xml version="1.0"?><db><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:storageSizeRuleselector="//country"storageSize="25"storageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"/></its:rules><data><countryid="123">Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée</country><countryid="139">République Dominicaine</country></data></db>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-storageSize-global-1.xml]
attribute is used to map the non-ITS attributemax
to the same functionality asstorageSize
. There is no character encoding specified, so the default UTF-8 is assumed. Note that, while the name "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée" is 25 characters long, the character 'é' is encoded into two bytes in UTF-8. Therefore this name is one byte too long to fit in its storage destination.
<?xml version="1.0"?><fields><its:rulesxmlns:its=""version="2.0"><its:storageSizeRuleselector="//field"storageSizePointer="@max"/></its:rules><fieldtype="country"id="123"max="25">Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée</field><fieldtype="country"id="139"max="25">République Dominicaine</field></fields>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-storageSize-global-2.xml]
LOCAL: the following local markup is available for theStorage Size data category:
attribute. It contains the maximum number of bytes the text of the selected node is allowed in storage.
An optionalstorageEncoding
attribute. It contains the name of the character encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The nameMUST be one of the names or aliases listed in theIANA Character Sets registry[IANA Character Sets]. The default value is the string "UTF-8".
An optionallineBreakType
attribute. It indicates what type of line breaks the storage uses. The possible values are: "cr" for CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D), "lf" for LINE FEED (U+000A), or "crlf" for CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) followed by LINE FEED (U+000A). The default value is "lf".
attribute allows specification of different maximum storage sizes throughout the document. Note that the stringCONTINUE
does not fit the specified restriction of 8 bytes. The minimal number of bytes to store such a string in UTF-16 is 16.
<?xml version="1.0"?><messagesxmlns:its=""its:version="2.0"><varnum="panelA1_Continue"its:storageSize="8"its:storageEncoding="UTF-16">CONTINUE</var><varnum="panelA1_Stop"its:storageSize="8"its:storageEncoding="UTF-16">STOP</var><varnum="panelB5_Cancel"its:storageSize="12"its:storageEncoding="UTF-16">CANCEL</var></messages>
[Source file:examples/xml/EX-storageSize-local-1.xml]
is used here to specify the maximum number of bytes the two editable strings can have in UTF-8.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><title>Example</title></head><body><p>String to translate:</p><pcontenteditable=trueid=123its-storage-size=25>Papua New-Guinea</p><pcontenteditable=trueid=139its-storage-size=25>Dominican Republic</p></body></html>
[Source file:examples/html5/EX-storageSize-html5-local-1.html]
This section is normative.
This section is normative.
This section defines a MIME type for Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) documents. It covers both ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0.
Type name: application
Subtype name: its+xml
Required parameters: none
Optional parameters: charset
This parameter has identical semantics to the charset parameter of the "application/xml" media type as specified in IETF RFC 3023.
Encoding considerations: Identical to those of "application/xml" as described in IETF RFC 3023, section 3.2, as applied to an ITS document.
Security considerations: An ITS 1.0 or ITS 2.0 document may cause arbitrary URIs or IRIs to be dereferenced, via the @xlink:href attribute at the its:rules element. Therefore, the security issues of[RFC 3987] Section 8 should be considered. In addition, the contents of resources identified by file: URIs can in some cases be accessed, processed and returned as results. An implementation of ITS global rules requires the support of XPath 1.0 or its successor. Hence, processing of global rules might encompass dereferencing of URIs or IRIs during computation of XPath expressions. Arbitrary recursion is possible, as is arbitrarily large memory usage, and implementations may place limits on CPU and memory usage, as well as restricting access to system-defined functions. ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0 permit extensions. Hence it is possible that application/its+xml may describe content that has security implications beyond those described here.
Interoperability considerations: There are no known interoperability issues.
Published specification: and
Any XML document containing ITS 1.0 "its:rules" elements can be labeled withapplication/its+xml
. Provides an example of a document linking to a file with ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0 "rules". The link target is at There is no need that the link target has "its:rules" as a root element. The processing semantics is that rules are gathered in document order.
Applications that use this media type: This new media type is being registered to allow for deployment of ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0 on the World Wide Web., e.g., by localization tools.
Additional information:
Magic number(s): none
File extension(s): .its
Macintosh file type code(s): TEXT
Person & email address to contact for further information: World Wide Web Consortium <web-human at>
Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: none
Author / Change controller: The Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 1.0 and 2.0 specifications are a work product of the World Wide Web Consortium's Internationalization Tag Set Working Group. The W3C has change control over this specification.
This section is normative.
attribute provides a basic level of interoperability between different localization quality assurance tools. It offers a list of high-level quality issue types common in fully automatic and manual localization quality assessment. Tools can map their internal types to these types in order to exchange information about the kinds of issues they identify and take appropriate action even if another tool does not know the specific issues identified by the generating tool.
Note: The values of locQualityIssueType were derived from an early version of the QTLaunchPad project's Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework. MQM is based on a careful analysis of existing translation quality assessment tools and models, such as the LISA QA Model, SAE J2450, and various commercial tools. The values represent common issue types found in those models and are designed to provide interoperability between models. Differences in granularity and in issue types may prevent full interoperability, but using the shared values will maximize interoperability where possible.
The scope column in the following table identifies whether the issue type applies to the source content (“S”), target content (“T”) or both (“S or T”).
The values listed in the following table are allowed forlocQualityIssueType
. Ideally the values a tool implementing the data category produces for the attribute matches one of the values provided in this table and are as semantically accurate as possible. For example, marking the phrase “These man is” as aterminology
issue, rather than as agrammar
issue would be semantically inaccurate. Tools are encouraged to map their internal values to these types. The valueother
is reserved strictly for values that cannot be mapped.
For toolsgenerating ITS 2.0 Localization Quality Issue markup, if one internal issue type can be categorized as multiple ITS 2.0 issue types,the first applicable one from the following table should be used. The list is ordered with more specific types first. For example, if a terminology database specifies that the term “USB memory stick” should be used instead of “USB pen drive” but the translated content has “Insert a USB pen drive into any available USB port”,terminology
would be used instead ofmistranslation
occurs earlier in the list and is more specific than a (general)mistranslation
. In the case where multiple separate issues must be marked on a single span (e.g., it contains both amistranslation
and agrammar
issue), implementers may wish to use standoff annotation, as shown inExample 75 andExample 76.
TheITS Interest Group maintains informativemappings of tool-specific quality issue types and ITS 2.0 localization quality types. The ITS IG Wiki provides information on how to update that list. The purpose of these mappings is to document how tool internal information relates to the ITS 2.0 quality types. To foster interoperability, implementers are strongly encouraged to implement the ITS 2.0 quality types natively.
Value | Description | Example | Scope | Notes |
terminology | An incorrect term or a term from the wrong domain was used or terms are used inconsistently. |
| S or T | This value is not intended for simple typographical errors or word choice not related to defined terminologies. For example, a mistyping of “pin” as “pen” or the use of “imply” instead of “infer” (mistaking two commonly confused words) would not count as terminology issues and is best categorized as either spelling errors or mistranslations, depending on the nature of the issue. Terminology refersonly to cases where incorrect choices about terms (either formal or commonly defined in a domain) are involved. |
mistranslation | The content of the target mistranslates the content of the source. |
| T | Issues related to translation of specific terms related to the domain or task-specific language are to be categorized asterminology issues. |
omission | Necessary text has been omitted from the localization or source. |
| S or T | This value is not to be used for missing whitespace or formatting codes, but instead has to be reserved for linguistic content. |
untranslated | Content that has been intended for translation is left untranslated. |
| T | omission takes precedence overuntranslated . Omissions are distinct in that they address cases where text is not present, whileuntranslated addresses cases where text has been carried from the source untranslated. |
addition | The translated text contains inappropriate additions. |
| T | |
duplication | Content has been duplicated improperly. |
| T | |
inconsistency | The text is inconsistent with itself or is translated inconsistently (NB: not for use with terminology inconsistency). |
| S or T | |
grammar | The text contains a grammatical error (including errors of syntax and morphology). |
| S or T | |
legal | The text is legally problematic (e.g., it is specific to the wrong legal system). |
| S or T | |
register | The text is written in the wrong linguistic register of uses slang or other language variants inappropriate to the text. |
| S or T | |
locale-specific-content | The localization contains content that does not apply to the locale for which it was prepared. |
| S or T | Legally inappropriate material is to be classified aslegal . |
locale-violation | Text violates norms for the intended locale. |
| S or T | This value can be used for spelling errors only if they relate specifically to locale expectations (e.g., a text consistently uses British instead of U.S. spellings for a text intended for the U.S.). If these errors are not systematic (e.g., a text uses U.S. spellings but has a single instance of “centre”), they are instead to be counted as spelling errors. |
style | The text contains stylistic errors. |
| S or T | |
characters | The text contains characters that are garbled or incorrect or that are not used in the language in which the content appears. |
| S or T | Characters ought to be used in cases of garbling or systematic use of inappropriate characters, not for spelling issues where individual characters are replaced with incorrect one. |
misspelling | The text contains a misspelling. |
| S or T | |
typographical | The text has typographical errors such as omitted/incorrect punctuation, incorrect capitalization, etc. |
| S or T | |
formatting | The text is formatted incorrectly. |
| S or T | |
inconsistent-entities | The source and target text contain different named entities (dates, times, place names, individual names, etc.) |
| S or T | |
numbers | Numbers are inconsistent between source and target. |
| S or T | Some tools may correct for differences in units of measurement to reduce false positives (e.g., a tool might adjust for differences in values between inches and centimeters to avoid flagging numbers that seem to be different but are in fact equivalent). |
markup | There is an issue related to markup or a mismatch in markup between source and target. |
| S or T | |
pattern-problem | The text fails to match a pattern that defines allowable content (or matches one that defines non-allowable content). |
| S or T | Defining what is or is not an allowable pattern is up to the processing application and is beyond the scope of this specification. Best practice would be to use the Comment attribute to specify the pattern that led to the issue. |
whitespace | There is a mismatch in whitespace between source and target content or the text violates specific rules related to the use of whitespace. |
| S or T | |
internationalization | There is an issue related to the internationalization of content. |
| S or T | There are many kinds of internationalization issues. This value is therefore very heterogeneous in what it can refer to. |
length | There is a significant difference in source and target length. |
| S or T | What constitutes a "significant" difference in length is determined by the model referred to in thelocQualityIssueProfileRef . |
non-conformance | The content is deemed to show poor statistical conformance to a reference corpus. Higher severity values reflect poorer conformance. | The sentence "The harbour connected which to printer is busy or configared not properly." would have poor conformance. | S or T | Non-conformance is determined through the use of multiple statistical measures of similarity to a corpus of known-good content. For example, in a system that uses classification techniques the poor conformance might be a function of combined incorrect terminology, wrong spelling and bad grammar, or other features as determined by the system. |
uncategorized | The issue either has not been categorized or cannot be categorized. |
| S or T | This value has the following uses:
other | Any issue that cannot be assigned to any values listed above. | S or T |
The valueuncategorized
is used for issues that have not (yet) been categorized into a more specific value. For example, an automatic process might flag issues for attention but not provide any further detail or categorization: such issues would be listed asuncategorized
in ITS 2.0. It may also be used when the exact nature of an issue is unclear and it cannot be categorized as a result (e.g., text is seriously garbled and the cause it unclear). By contrast other is used when the nature of an issue is clear but it cannot be categorized in one of the ITS 2.0 categories (or when a model or tool has its own “other” category). For example, in translation of subtitles there is a “respeaking” error category that does not correspond to any ITS 2.0 category and is highly specific to that environment; respeaking errors would therefore be categorized asother
in ITS 2.0.
This section is informative.
The schemas are only informative and may be updated any time. An updated version of the schemas can be found in theITS 2.0 test suite.
The following schemas define ITS elements and attributes and can be used as building blocks when you want to integrate ITS markup into your own XML vocabulary. You can see examples of such integration inBest Practices for XML Internationalization.
Foreign elements can be used only insiderules
. Foreign attributes can be used on any element defined in ITS.
The following four schemas are provided:
1. NVDL document: The following[NVDL] document allows validation of ITS markup that has been added to a host vocabulary. Only ITS elements and attributes are checked. Elements and attributes of the host language are ignored during validation against this NVDL document/schema.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rulesxmlns=""><namespacens=""><validateschema="its20-elements.rng"/></namespace><namespacens=""match="attributes"><validateschema="its20-attributes.rng"/></namespace><anyNamespace><allow/></anyNamespace></rules>
[Source file:schemas/its20.nvdl]
2. RELAX NG schema for elements and attributes: The NVDL schema depends on the following two schemas: RELAX NG schema for ITS elements, and RELAX NG schema for all ITS local attributes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammarxmlns=""><includehref="its20.rng"/><start><choice><refname="its-rules"/><refname="its-span"/><refname="its-standoff"/></choice></start></grammar>
[Source file:schemas/its20-elements.rng]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammarxmlns=""><includehref="its20.rng"/><start><group><optional><refname="its-local.attributes"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.version"/></optional></group></start></grammar>
[Source file:schemas/its20-attributes.rng]
3. Base RELAX NG schema for ITS: All ITS elements and attributes referenced by previous two schemas are defined in the base RELAX NG schema for ITS.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammarns=""xmlns:a=""xmlns:xlink=""xmlns:its=""xmlns=""datatypeLibrary=""><includehref="its20-types.rng"/><definename="its-attribute.translate"><attributename="its:translate"><refname="its-translate.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.translate.nons"><attributename="translate"><refname="its-translate.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.dir"><attributename="its:dir"><refname="its-dir.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.dir.nons"><attributename="dir"><refname="its-dir.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNote"><attributename="its:locNote"><refname="its-locNote.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNote.nons"><attributename="locNote"><refname="its-locNote.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNoteType"><attributename="its:locNoteType"><refname="its-locNoteType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNoteType.nons"><attributename="locNoteType"><refname="its-locNoteType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNoteRef"><attributename="its:locNoteRef"><refname="its-locNoteRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNoteRef.nons"><attributename="locNoteRef"><refname="its-locNoteRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.termInfoRef"><attributename="its:termInfoRef"><refname="its-termInfoRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.termInfoRef.nons"><attributename="termInfoRef"><refname="its-termInfoRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.term"><attributename="its:term"><refname="its-term.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.term.nons"><attributename="term"><refname="its-term.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.termConfidence"><attributename="its:termConfidence"><refname="its-termConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.termConfidence.nons"><attributename="termConfidence"><refname="its-termConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.withinText"><attributename="its:withinText"><refname="its-withinText.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.withinText.nons"><attributename="withinText"><refname="its-withinText.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.domainMapping"><attributename="its:domainMapping"><refname="its-domainMapping.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.domainMapping.nons"><attributename="domainMapping"><refname="its-domainMapping.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taConfidence"><attributename="its:taConfidence"><refname="its-taConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taConfidence.nons"><attributename="taConfidence"><refname="its-taConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taClassRef"><attributename="its:taClassRef"><refname="its-taClassRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taClassRef.nons"><attributename="taClassRef"><refname="its-taClassRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdent"><attributename="its:taIdent"><refname="its-taIdent.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdent.nons"><attributename="taIdent"><refname="its-taIdent.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdentRef"><attributename="its:taIdentRef"><refname="its-taIdentRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdentRef.nons"><attributename="taIdentRef"><refname="its-taIdentRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taSource"><attributename="its:taSource"><refname="its-taSource.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taSource.nons"><attributename="taSource"><refname="its-taSource.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.localeFilterList"><attributename="its:localeFilterList"><refname="its-localeFilterList.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.localeFilterList.nons"><attributename="localeFilterList"><refname="its-localeFilterList.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.localeFilterType"><attributename="its:localeFilterType"><refname="its-localeFilterType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.localeFilterType.nons"><attributename="localeFilterType"><refname="its-localeFilterType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.person"><attributename="its:person"><refname="its-person.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.person.nons"><attributename="person"><refname="its-person.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.personRef"><attributename="its:personRef"><refname="its-personRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.personRef.nons"><attributename="personRef"><refname="its-personRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename=""><attributename="its:org"><refname="its-org.type"/></attribute></define><definename=""><attributename="org"><refname="its-org.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.orgRef"><attributename="its:orgRef"><refname="its-orgRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.orgRef.nons"><attributename="orgRef"><refname="its-orgRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.tool"><attributename="its:tool"><refname="its-tool.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.tool.nons"><attributename="tool"><refname="its-tool.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.toolRef"><attributename="its:toolRef"><refname="its-toolRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.toolRef.nons"><attributename="toolRef"><refname="its-toolRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revPerson"><attributename="its:revPerson"><refname="its-revPerson.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revPerson.nons"><attributename="revPerson"><refname="its-revPerson.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revPersonRef"><attributename="its:revPersonRef"><refname="its-revPersonRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revPersonRef.nons"><attributename="revPersonRef"><refname="its-revPersonRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revOrg"><attributename="its:revOrg"><refname="its-revOrg.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revOrg.nons"><attributename="revOrg"><refname="its-revOrg.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revOrgRef"><attributename="its:revOrgRef"><refname="its-revOrgRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revOrgRef.nons"><attributename="revOrgRef"><refname="its-revOrgRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revTool"><attributename="its:revTool"><refname="its-revTool.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revTool.nons"><attributename="revTool"><refname="its-revTool.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revToolRef"><attributename="its:revToolRef"><refname="its-revToolRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.revToolRef.nons"><attributename="revToolRef"><refname="its-revToolRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.provRef"><attributename="its:provRef"><refname="its-provRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.provRef.nons"><attributename="provRef"><refname="its-provRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRef"><attributename="its:provenanceRecordsRef"><refname="its-provenanceRecordsRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRef.nons"><attributename="provenanceRecordsRef"><refname="its-provenanceRecordsRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRef"><attributename="its:locQualityIssuesRef"><refname="its-locQualityIssuesRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRef.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssuesRef"><refname="its-locQualityIssuesRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType"><attributename="its:locQualityIssueType"><refname="its-locQualityIssueType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssueType"><refname="its-locQualityIssueType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment"><attributename="its:locQualityIssueComment"><refname="its-locQualityIssueComment.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssueComment"><refname="its-locQualityIssueComment.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity"><attributename="its:locQualityIssueSeverity"><refname="its-locQualityIssueSeverity.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssueSeverity"><refname="its-locQualityIssueSeverity.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef"><attributename="its:locQualityIssueProfileRef"><refname="its-locQualityIssueProfileRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssueProfileRef"><refname="its-locQualityIssueProfileRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled"><attributename="its:locQualityIssueEnabled"><refname="its-locQualityIssueEnabled.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssueEnabled"><refname="its-locQualityIssueEnabled.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScore"><attributename="its:locQualityRatingScore"><refname="its-locQualityRatingScore.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScore.nons"><attributename="locQualityRatingScore"><refname="its-locQualityRatingScore.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVote"><attributename="its:locQualityRatingVote"><refname="its-locQualityRatingVote.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVote.nons"><attributename="locQualityRatingVote"><refname="its-locQualityRatingVote.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScoreThreshold"><attributename="its:locQualityRatingScoreThreshold"><refname="its-locQualityRatingScoreThreshold.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScoreThreshold.nons"><attributename="locQualityRatingScoreThreshold"><refname="its-locQualityRatingScoreThreshold.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVoteThreshold"><attributename="its:locQualityRatingVoteThreshold"><refname="its-locQualityRatingVoteThreshold.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVoteThreshold.nons"><attributename="locQualityRatingVoteThreshold"><refname="its-locQualityRatingVoteThreshold.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingProfileRef"><attributename="its:locQualityRatingProfileRef"><refname="its-locQualityRatingProfileRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityRatingProfileRef.nons"><attributename="locQualityRatingProfileRef"><refname="its-locQualityRatingProfileRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.mtConfidence"><attributename="its:mtConfidence"><refname="its-mtConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.mtConfidence.nons"><attributename="mtConfidence"><refname="its-mtConfidence.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.allowedCharacters"><attributename="its:allowedCharacters"><refname="its-allowedCharacters.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.allowedCharacters.nons"><attributename="allowedCharacters"><refname="its-allowedCharacters.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.storageSize"><attributename="its:storageSize"><refname="its-storageSize.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.storageSize.nons"><attributename="storageSize"><refname="its-storageSize.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.storageEncoding"><attributename="its:storageEncoding"><refname="its-storageEncoding.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.storageEncoding.nons"><attributename="storageEncoding"><refname="its-storageEncoding.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.lineBreakType"><attributename="its:lineBreakType"><refname="its-lineBreakType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.lineBreakType.nons"><attributename="lineBreakType"><refname="its-lineBreakType.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.annotatorsRef"><attributename="its:annotatorsRef"><refname="its-annotatorsRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.annotatorsRef.nons"><attributename="annotatorsRef"><refname="its-annotatorsRef.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.version"><attributename="its:version"><a:documentation>Version of ITS</a:documentation><refname="its-version.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.version.nons"><attributename="version"><a:documentation>Version of ITS</a:documentation><refname="its-version.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.queryLanguage"><attributename="its:queryLanguage"><refname="its-queryLanguage.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.queryLanguage.nons"><attributename="queryLanguage"><refname="its-queryLanguage.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.xlink.href"><attributename="xlink:href"><datatype="anyURI"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.xlink.type"><attributename="xlink:type"><value>simple</value></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.selector"><attributename="selector"><refname="its-absolute-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-foreign-attribute"><attribute><anyName><except><nsNamens=""/></except></anyName></attribute></define><definename="its-foreign-no-xml-id-attribute"><attribute><anyName><except><nsNamens=""/><name>xml:id</name></except></anyName></attribute></define><definename="its-foreign-no-xlink-attribute"><attribute><anyName><except><nsNamens=""/><nsNamens=""/></except></anyName></attribute></define><definename="its-any-attribute"><attribute><anyName/></attribute></define><definename="its-any-element"><element><anyName/><zeroOrMore><choice><zeroOrMore><refname="its-any-attribute"/></zeroOrMore><text/><refname="its-any-element"/></choice></zeroOrMore></element></define><definename="its-foreign-element"><element><anyName><except><nsName/></except></anyName><zeroOrMore><choice><zeroOrMore><refname="its-any-attribute"/></zeroOrMore><text/><refname="its-foreign-element"/></choice></zeroOrMore></element></define><definename="its-rules"><elementname="rules"><a:documentation>Container for global rules</a:documentation><refname="its-rules.content"/><refname="its-rules.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-rules.content"><zeroOrMore><refname="its-param"/></zeroOrMore><zeroOrMore><choice><refname="its-translateRule"/><refname="its-locNoteRule"/><refname="its-termRule"/><refname="its-dirRule"/><refname="its-langRule"/><refname="its-withinTextRule"/><refname="its-domainRule"/><refname="its-textAnalysisRule"/><refname="its-localeFilterRule"/><refname="its-provRule"/><refname="its-locQualityIssueRule"/><refname="its-mtConfidenceRule"/><refname="its-externalResourceRefRule"/><refname="its-targetPointerRule"/><refname="its-idValueRule"/><refname="its-preserveSpaceRule"/><refname="its-allowedCharactersRule"/><refname="its-storageSizeRule"/><refname="its-foreign-element"/></choice></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-rules.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.version.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.xlink.href"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.xlink.type"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.queryLanguage.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-no-xlink-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-param"><elementname="param"><a:documentation>Declaration of variable used in selectors</a:documentation><refname="its-param.content"/><refname="its-param.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-param.content"><text/></define><definename="its-param.attributes"><attributename="name"><datatype="string"/></attribute><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-local.attributes"><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.translate"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.dir"/></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.locNote"/><refname="its-attribute.locNoteRef"/></choice><optional><refname="its-attribute.locNoteType"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.term"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.termInfoRef"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.termConfidence"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.withinText"/></optional><optional><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.taConfidence"/></optional><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.taClassRef"/></optional><optional><choice><group><refname="its-attribute.taSource"/><refname="its-attribute.taIdent"/></group><refname="its-attribute.taIdentRef"/></choice></optional></interleave></interleave></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterList"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterType"/></optional></optional><optional><choice><interleave><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.person"/><refname="its-attribute.personRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname=""/><refname="its-attribute.orgRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.tool"/><refname="its-attribute.toolRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revPerson"/><refname="its-attribute.revPersonRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revOrg"/><refname="its-attribute.revOrgRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revTool"/><refname="its-attribute.revToolRef"/></choice></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.provRef"/></optional></interleave><refname="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRef"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRef"/><interleave><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment"/></optional></interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled"/></optional></interleave></choice></optional><optional><choice><group><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScore"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScoreThreshold"/></optional></group><group><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVote"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVoteThreshold"/></optional></group></choice><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingProfileRef"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.mtConfidence"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.allowedCharacters"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.storageSize"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.storageEncoding"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.lineBreakType"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.annotatorsRef"/></optional></interleave></define><definename="its-local.nons.attributes"><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.translate.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.dir.nons"/></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.locNote.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.locNoteRef.nons"/></choice><optional><refname="its-attribute.locNoteType.nons"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.term.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.termInfoRef.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.termConfidence.nons"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.withinText.nons"/></optional><optional><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.taConfidence.nons"/></optional><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.taClassRef.nons"/></optional><optional><choice><group><refname="its-attribute.taSource.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.taIdent.nons"/></group><refname="its-attribute.taIdentRef.nons"/></choice></optional></interleave></interleave></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterList.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterType.nons"/></optional></optional><optional><choice><interleave><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.person.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.personRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname=""/><refname="its-attribute.orgRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.tool.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.toolRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revPerson.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revPersonRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revOrg.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revOrgRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revTool.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revToolRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.provRef.nons"/></optional></interleave><refname="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRef.nons"/><interleave><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment.nons"/></optional></interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled.nons"/></optional></interleave></choice></optional><optional><choice><group><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScore.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingScoreThreshold.nons"/></optional></group><group><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVote.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingVoteThreshold.nons"/></optional></group></choice><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityRatingProfileRef.nons"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.mtConfidence.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.allowedCharacters.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.storageSize.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.storageEncoding.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.lineBreakType.nons"/></optional></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.annotatorsRef.nons"/></optional></interleave></define><definename="its-span"><elementname="span"><a:documentation>Inline element to contain ITS information</a:documentation><refname="its-span.content"/><refname="its-span.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-span.content"><zeroOrMore><choice><text/><refname="its-span"/></choice></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-span.attributes"><interleave><refname="its-local.nons.attributes"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></interleave></define><definename="its-translateRule"><elementname="translateRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Translate data category</a:documentation><refname="its-translateRule.content"/><refname="its-translateRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-translateRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-translateRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.translate.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-locNoteRule"><elementname="locNoteRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Localization Note data category</a:documentation><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.locNoteType.nons"/><choice><refname="its-locNote"/><refname="its-attribute.locNotePointer.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.locNoteRef.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.locNoteRefPointer.nons"/></choice><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></element></define><definename="its-attribute.locNotePointer.nons"><attributename="locNotePointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.locNoteRefPointer.nons"><attributename="locNoteRefPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-locNote"><elementname="locNote"><a:documentation>Localization note</a:documentation><refname="its-locNote.content"/><refname="its-locNote.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-locNote.content"><zeroOrMore><choice><text/><refname="its-span"/></choice></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-locNote.attributes"><refname="its-local.nons.attributes"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-termRule"><elementname="termRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Terminology data category</a:documentation><refname="its-termRule.content"/><refname="its-termRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-termRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-termRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.term.nons"/><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.termInfoPointer.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.termInfoRef.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.termInfoRefPointer.nons"/></choice></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.termInfoPointer.nons"><attributename="termInfoPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.termInfoRefPointer.nons"><attributename="termInfoRefPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-dirRule"><elementname="dirRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Directionality data category</a:documentation><refname="its-dirRule.content"/><refname="its-dirRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-dirRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-dirRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.dir.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-langRule"><elementname="langRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Language Information data category</a:documentation><refname="its-langRule.content"/><refname="its-langRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-langRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-langRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.langPointer.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.langPointer.nons"><attributename="langPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-withinTextRule"><elementname="withinTextRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Elements Within Text data category</a:documentation><refname="its-withinTextRule.content"/><refname="its-withinTextRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-withinTextRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-withinTextRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.withinText.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-domainRule"><elementname="domainRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Domain data category</a:documentation><refname="its-domainRule.content"/><refname="its-domainRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-domainRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-domainRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.domainPointer.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.domainMapping.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.domainPointer.nons"><attributename="domainPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-textAnalysisRule"><elementname="textAnalysisRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Disambiguation data category</a:documentation><refname="its-textAnalysisRule.content"/><refname="its-textAnalysisRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-textAnalysisRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-textAnalysisRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.taClassRefPointer.nons"/></optional><optional><choice><group><refname="its-attribute.taSourcePointer.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.taIdentPointer.nons"/></group><refname="its-attribute.taIdentRefPointer.nons"/></choice></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.taClassRefPointer.nons"><attributename="taClassRefPointer"><refname="its-taClassRefPointer.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdentPointer.nons"><attributename="taIdentPointer"><refname="its-taIdentPointer.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taSourcePointer.nons"><attributename="taSourcePointer"><refname="its-taSourcePointer.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.taIdentRefPointer.nons"><attributename="taIdentRefPointer"><refname="its-taIdentRefPointer.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-localeFilterRule"><elementname="localeFilterRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the LocaleFilter data category</a:documentation><refname="its-localeFilterRule.content"/><refname="its-localeFilterRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-localeFilterRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-localeFilterRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterList.nons"/><optional><refname="its-attribute.localeFilterType.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-provRule"><elementname="provRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Provenance data category</a:documentation><refname="its-provRule.content"/><refname="its-provRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-provRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-provRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRefPointer.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.provenanceRecordsRefPointer.nons"><attributename="provenanceRecordsRefPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-externalResourceRefRule"><elementname="externalResourceRefRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the External Resource data category</a:documentation><refname="its-externalResourceRefRule.content"/><refname="its-externalResourceRefRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-externalResourceRefRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-externalResourceRefRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.externalResourceRefPointer.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.externalResourceRefPointer.nons"><attributename="externalResourceRefPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-targetPointerRule"><elementname="targetPointerRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Target Pointer data category</a:documentation><refname="its-targetPointerRule.content"/><refname="its-targetPointerRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-targetPointerRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-targetPointerRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.targetPointer.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.targetPointer.nons"><attributename="targetPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-idValueRule"><elementname="idValueRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Id Value data category</a:documentation><refname="its-idValueRule.content"/><refname="its-idValueRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-idValueRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-idValueRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.idValue.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.idValue.nons"><attributename="idValue"><refname="its-xpath-expression.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-preserveSpaceRule"><elementname="preserveSpaceRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Preserve Space data category</a:documentation><refname="its-preserveSpaceRule.content"/><refname="its-preserveSpaceRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-preserveSpaceRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-preserveSpaceRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname=""/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename=""><attributename="space"><choice><value>default</value><value>preserve</value></choice></attribute></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueRule"><elementname="locQualityIssueRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Localization Quality Issue data category</a:documentation><refname="its-locQualityIssueRule.content"/><refname="its-locQualityIssueRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><choice><choice><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRef.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRefPointer.nons"/></choice><group><oneOrMore><choice><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment.nons"/></choice></oneOrMore><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled.nons"/></optional></group></choice><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.locQualityIssuesRefPointer.nons"><attributename="locQualityIssuesRefPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-mtConfidenceRule"><elementname="mtConfidenceRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the MT Confidence data category</a:documentation><refname="its-mtConfidenceRule.content"/><refname="its-mtConfidenceRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-mtConfidenceRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-mtConfidenceRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><refname="its-attribute.mtConfidence.nons"/><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-allowedCharactersRule"><elementname="allowedCharactersRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Allowed Characters data category</a:documentation><refname="its-allowedCharactersRule.content"/><refname="its-allowedCharactersRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-allowedCharactersRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-allowedCharactersRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><choice><refname="its-attribute.allowedCharacters.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.allowedCharactersPointer.nons"/></choice><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.allowedCharactersPointer.nons"><attributename="allowedCharactersPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-storageSizeRule"><elementname="storageSizeRule"><a:documentation>Rule about the Allowed Characters data category</a:documentation><refname="its-storageSizeRule.content"/><refname="its-storageSizeRule.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-storageSizeRule.content"><empty/></define><definename="its-storageSizeRule.attributes"><refname="its-attribute.selector"/><choice><refname="its-attribute.storageSize.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.storageSizePointer.nons"/></choice><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.storageEncoding.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.storageEncodingPointer.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.lineBreakType.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></define><definename="its-attribute.storageSizePointer.nons"><attributename="storageSizePointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-attribute.storageEncodingPointer.nons"><attributename="storageEncodingPointer"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></attribute></define><definename="its-standoff"><choice><refname="its-provenanceRecords"/><refname="its-locQualityIssues"/></choice></define><definename="its-provenanceRecords"><elementname="its:provenanceRecords"><a:documentation>Standoff markup for Provenance data category</a:documentation><oneOrMore><refname="its-provenanceRecord"/></oneOrMore><attributename="xml:id"><datatype="ID"/></attribute><optional><refname="its-attribute.version.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-no-xml-id-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></element></define><definename="its-provenanceRecord"><elementname="its:provenanceRecord"><a:documentation>Provenance record used in Provenance standoff markup</a:documentation><refname="its-provenanceRecord.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-provenanceRecord.attributes"><interleave><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.person.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.personRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname=""/><refname="its-attribute.orgRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.tool.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.toolRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revPerson.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revPersonRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revOrg.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revOrgRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><choice><refname="its-attribute.revTool.nons"/><refname="its-attribute.revToolRef.nons"/></choice></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.provRef.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></interleave></define><definename="its-locQualityIssues"><elementname="its:locQualityIssues"><a:documentation>Standoff markup for Localization Quality Issue data category</a:documentation><oneOrMore><refname="its-locQualityIssue"/></oneOrMore><attributename="xml:id"><datatype="ID"/></attribute><optional><refname="its-attribute.version.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-no-xml-id-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></element></define><definename="its-locQualityIssue"><elementname="its:locQualityIssue"><a:documentation>Issue recorded in Localization Quality standoff markup</a:documentation><refname="its-locQualityIssue.attributes"/></element></define><definename="its-locQualityIssue.attributes"><interleave><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueType.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueComment.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueSeverity.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueProfileRef.nons"/></optional><optional><refname="its-attribute.locQualityIssueEnabled.nons"/></optional><zeroOrMore><refname="its-foreign-attribute"/></zeroOrMore></interleave></define></grammar>
[Source file:schemas/its20.rng]
4. Data type definitions: All datatypes used in the base RELAX NG schema are defined the following schema.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammarxmlns:a=""xmlns=""datatypeLibrary=""><definename="its-version.type"><a:documentation>Version of ITS</a:documentation><datatype="string"><paramname="pattern">[0-9]+\.[0-9]+</param></data></define><definename="its-queryLanguage.type"><a:documentation>The query language to be used for processing the rules</a:documentation><choice><value>xpath</value><value>css</value><text/></choice></define><definename="its-absolute-selector.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""><a:documentation>Absolute selector</a:documentation></data></define><definename="its-relative-selector.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""><a:documentation>Relative selector</a:documentation></data></define><definename="its-xpath-expression.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-confidence.type"><datatype="double"><paramname="minInclusive">0</param><paramname="maxInclusive">1</param></data></define><definename="its-translate.type"><a:documentation>The Translate data category information to be attached to the current node</a:documentation><choice><value>yes</value><a:documentation>The nodes need to be translated</a:documentation><value>no</value><a:documentation>The nodes must not be translated</a:documentation></choice></define><definename="its-locNote.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-locNoteType.type"><a:documentation>The type of localization note</a:documentation><choice><value>alert</value><a:documentation>Localization note is an alert</a:documentation><value>description</value><a:documentation>Localization note is a description</a:documentation></choice></define><definename="its-locNoteRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-termInfoRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-term.type"><a:documentation>Indicates a term locally</a:documentation><choice><value>yes</value><a:documentation>The value 'yes' means that this is a term</a:documentation><value>no</value><a:documentation>The value 'no' means that this is not a term</a:documentation></choice></define><definename="its-termConfidence.type"><refname="its-confidence.type"/></define><definename="its-dir.type"><a:documentation>The text direction for the context</a:documentation><choice><value>ltr</value><a:documentation>Left-to-right text</a:documentation><value>rtl</value><a:documentation>Right-to-left text</a:documentation><value>lro</value><a:documentation>Left-to-right override</a:documentation><value>rlo</value><a:documentation>Right-to-left override</a:documentation></choice></define><definename="its-withinText.type"><a:documentation>States whether current context is regarded as "within text"</a:documentation><choice><value>yes</value><a:documentation>The element and its content are part of the flow of its parent element</a:documentation><value>no</value><a:documentation>The element splits the text flow of its parent element and its content is an independent text flow</a:documentation><value>nested</value><a:documentation>The element is part of the flow of its parent element, its content is an independent flow</a:documentation></choice></define><definename="its-domainMapping.type"><a:documentation>A comma separated list of mappings between values in the contentand workflow specific values. The values may contain spaces; inthat case they MUST be delimited by quotation marks.</a:documentation><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-taConfidence.type"><refname="its-confidence.type"/></define><definename="its-taClassPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-taClassRefPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-taClassRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-taIdentRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-taIdent.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-taSource.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-taIdentPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-taIdentRefPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-taSourcePointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-localeFilterList.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-localeFilterType.type"><choice><value>include</value><value>exclude</value></choice></define><definename="its-provenanceRecordsRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-person.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-personRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-org.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-orgRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-tool.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-toolRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-revPerson.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-revPersonRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-revOrg.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-revOrgRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-revTool.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-revToolRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-provRef.type"><list><oneOrMore><datatype="anyURI"/></oneOrMore></list></define><definename="its-externalResourceRefPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-targetPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-idValue.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-space.type"><choice><value>default</value><value>preserve</value></choice></define><definename="its-locQualityIssuesRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssuesRefPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueType.type"><choice><value>terminology</value><value>mistranslation</value><value>omission</value><value>untranslated</value><value>addition</value><value>duplication</value><value>inconsistency</value><value>grammar</value><value>legal</value><value>register</value><value>locale-specific-content</value><value>locale-violation</value><value>style</value><value>characters</value><value>misspelling</value><value>typographical</value><value>formatting</value><value>inconsistent-entities</value><value>numbers</value><value>markup</value><value>pattern-problem</value><value>whitespace</value><value>internationalization</value><value>length</value><value>non-conformance</value><value>uncategorized</value><value>other</value></choice></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueTypePointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueComment.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueCommentPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueSeverity.type"><datatype="double"><paramname="minInclusive">0</param><paramname="maxInclusive">100</param></data></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueSeverityPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueProfileRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueProfileRefPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-locQualityIssueEnabled.type"><choice><value>yes</value><value>no</value></choice></define><definename="its-locQualityRatingScore.type"><datatype="double"><paramname="minInclusive">0</param><paramname="maxInclusive">100</param></data></define><definename="its-locQualityRatingVote.type"><datatype="integer"/></define><definename="its-locQualityRatingScoreThreshold.type"><datatype="double"><paramname="minInclusive">0</param><paramname="maxInclusive">100</param></data></define><definename="its-locQualityRatingVoteThreshold.type"><datatype="integer"/></define><definename="its-locQualityRatingProfileRef.type"><datatype="anyURI"/></define><definename="its-mtConfidence.type"><refname="its-confidence.type"/></define><definename="its-allowedCharacters.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-allowedCharactersPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-storageSize.type"><datatype="nonNegativeInteger"/></define><definename="its-storageSizePointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-storageEncoding.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define><definename="its-storageEncodingPointer.type"><refname="its-relative-selector.type"/></define><definename="its-lineBreakType.type"><choice><value>cr</value><value>lf</value><value>crlf</value></choice></define><definename="its-annotatorsRef.type"><datatype="string"datatypeLibrary=""/></define></grammar>
[Source file:schemas/its20-types.rng]
5. Schematron schema: Several constraints of ITS markup cannot be validated with above ITS schemas. The following[Schematron] document allows for validating some of these constraints.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><schemaxmlns=""queryBinding="xslt2"><nsuri=""prefix="its"/><nsuri=""prefix="xlink"/><pattern><title>Indicating the Version of ITS</title><rulecontext="*[@its:*]"><asserttest="ancestor-or-self::*/@its:version | //its:rules/@version"> The version is indicated by the ITS version attribute. This attribute is mandatory for the rules element, where it MUST be in no namespace. If there is no rules element in an XML document, a prefixed ITS version attribute (e.g. its:version) MUST be on the element where the ITS markup is used, or on one of its ancestors.</assert></rule><rulecontext="its:provenanceRecords | its:locQualityIssues"><asserttest="self::*/@version | ancestor::*/@its:version | //its:rules/@version"> The version is indicated by the ITS version attribute. This attribute is mandatory for the rules element, where it MUST be in no namespace. If there is no rules element in an XML document, a prefixed ITS version attribute (e.g. its:version) MUST be on the element where the ITS markup is used, or on one of its ancestors. For standoff markup unprefixed version attribute is used.</assert></rule><rulecontext="*[@its:version]"><asserttest="if (@its:version and //its:rules/@version) then //its:rules/@version = @its:version else true()"> There MUST NOT be two different versions of ITS in the same document.</assert><asserttest="every $v in //*/@its:version satisfies $v = @its:version"> There MUST NOT be two different versions of ITS in the same document.</assert></rule><rulecontext="its:provenanceRecords | its:locQualityIssues"><asserttest="if (@version and //its:rules/@version) then //its:rules/@version = @version else true()"> There MUST NOT be two different versions of ITS in the same document.</assert><asserttest="every $v in //*/@its:version satisfies $v = @version"> There MUST NOT be two different versions of ITS in the same document.</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>Global, Rule-based Selection</title><rulecontext="its:rules"><asserttest="every $rules in //its:rules satisfies $rules/@version = current()/@version"> If there is more than one rules element in an XML document, the rules from each section are to be processed at the same precedence level. The rules sections are to be read in document order, and the ITS rules with them processed sequentially. The versions of these rules elements MUST NOT be different.</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>Link to External Rules</title><rulecontext="its:rules[@xlink:href]"><asserttest="count(doc(resolve-uri(@xlink:href, base-uri()))//its:rules) le 1"> The referenced document must be a valid XML document containing at most one rules element.</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>ITS Tools Annotation</title><rulecontext="*[@its:annotatorsRef]"><asserttest="every $ref in tokenize(@its:annotatorsRef, '\s+') satisfies matches($ref, ' (translate|localization-note|terminology|directionality|language-information| elements-within-text|domain|text-analysis|locale-filter|provenance|external-resource| target-pointer|id-value|preserve-space|localization-quality-issue|localization-quality-rating| mt-confidence|allowed-characters|storage-size)\|.+')"> The value of annotatorsRef is a space-separated list of references where each reference is composed of two parts: a data category identifier and an IRI. These two parts are separated by a character | VERTICAL LINE (U+007C).</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>Source of confidence</title><rulecontext="*[@its:termConfidence]"><asserttest="ancestor-or-self::*[@its:annotatorsRef] [matches(@its:annotatorsRef, '.*\s*terminology\|.+')]"> Any node selected by the terminology data category with the termConfidence attribute specified MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef attribute specified for the Terminology data category.</assert></rule><rulecontext="*[@its:taConfidence]"><asserttest="ancestor-or-self::*[@its:annotatorsRef] [matches(@its:annotatorsRef, '.*\s*text-analysis\|.+')]"> Any node selected by the Text Analysis data category with the taConfidence attribute specified MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef attribute specified for the Text Analysis data category.</assert></rule><rulecontext="*[@its:mtConfidence]"><asserttest="ancestor-or-self::*[@its:annotatorsRef] [matches(@its:annotatorsRef, '.*\s*mt-confidence\|.+')]"> Any node selected by the MT Confidence data category MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef attribute specified for the MT Confidence data category.</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>Text analysis</title><rulecontext="its:textAnalysisRule"><asserttest="@taClassRefPointer | @taSourcePointer | @taIdentPointer | @taIdentRefPointer"> Text analysis rule must specify at least target type class or target identity.</assert></rule></pattern><pattern><title>Provenance standoff markup</title><rulecontext="its:provenanceRecord"><asserttest="@person | @personRef | @org | @orgRef | @tool | @toolRef | @revPerson | @revPersonRef | @revOrg | @revOrgRef | @revTool | @revToolRef | @provRef"> At least one attribute must be specified on the provenanceRecord element.</assert></rule></pattern></schema>
[Source file:schemas/its20.sch]
In order to make it easy to integrate ITS markup into schemas based on W3C XML Schema language the following informative schemas are provided:
its20.xsd – base schema for ITS
its20-types.xsd – schema defining datatypes used in ITS markup
Please note that W3C XML Schema is less expressive then RELAX NG and some content models are more loose. A document can validate against W3C XML Schema while it is not conforming to ITS specification and it is not valid according to RELAX NG schema.
This section is informative.
This section is informative.
This section provides an informative algorithm to convert XML or HTML documents (or their DOM representations) that contain ITS metadata to the RDF format based on[NIF]. The conversion results in RDF triples.
The algorithm creates URIs that in the query part contain the characters "[" and "]", as part of XPath expressions. In the conversion output (see anexample), The URIs are escaped as "%5B" and "%5D". For readability the URIs shown in this section do not escape these characters.
The algorithm is intended to extract the text from the XML/HTML/DOM for an NLP tool. It can produce a lot of "phantom" predicates from excessive whitespace, which 1) increases the size of the intermediate mapping and 2) extracts this whitespace as text, and therefore might decrease NLP performance. It is strongly recommended to normalize whitespace in the input XML/HTML/DOM in order to minimize such phantom predicates. A normalized example is given below. The whitespace normalization algorithm itself is format dependent (for example, it differs for HTML compared to general XML).
The output of the algorithm shown below uses the ITS RDF ontology[ITS RDF] and its namespace
Like the algorithm, this ontology is not a normative part of the ITS 2.0 specification and is being discussed in theITS Interest Group.
element are not taken into account.<!DOCTYPE html><htmlxmlns=""><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8" ><title>NIF conversion example</title></head><body><h2translate="yes">Welcome to<spanits-ta-ident-ref=""its-within-text="yes"translate="no">Dublin</span> in<btranslate="no"its-within-text="yes">Ireland</b>!</h2></body></html>
The conversion algorithm to generate NIF consists of seven steps:
STEP 1: Get an ordered list of all text nodes of the document.
STEP 2: Generate an XPath expression for each non-empty text node of all leaf elements and memorize them.
STEP 3: Get the text for each text node and make a tuple with the corresponding XPath expression (X,T). Since the text nodes have a certain order we now have a list of ordered tuples ((x0,t0), (x1,t1), ..., (xn,tn)).
STEP 4 (optional): Serialize as XML or as RDF. The list with the XPath-to-text mapping can also be kept in memory. Part of a serialization example is given below. The upper part is in RDF Turtle Syntax while the lower part is in XML (themappings
# Turtle example:@prefix nif: <> .@prefix itsrdf: <> .<,e0> nif:wasConvertedFrom <> .<,e1> nif:wasConvertedFrom <> .# ...<,en> nif:wasConvertedFrom <> .<!-- XML Example --><mappings> <mapping x="xpath(x0)" b="b0" e="e0" /> <mapping x="xpath(x1)" b="b1" e="e1" /> <!-- ... --> <mapping x="xpath(xn)" b="bn" e="en" /></mappings>
b0 = 0e0 = b0 + (Number of characters of t0) b1 = e0e1 = b1 + (Number of characters of t1) = e(n-1)en = bn + (Number of characters of tn)
Example (continued)
# Turtle example:@prefix nif: <> .@prefix itsrdf: <> .# "Welcome to "<,11> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]>.# "Dublin"<,17> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/span[1]/text()[1]>.# " in "<,21> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/text()[2]> .# "Ireland"<,28> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/b[1]/text()[1]> .# "!"<,29> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/text()[3]> .# "Welcome to Dublin Ireland!"<,29> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/text()> .<!-- XML Example --> <mappings> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1]/text()[1])" b="0" e="11" /> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1]/span[1]/text()[1])" b="11" e="17" /> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1]/text()[2])" b="17" e="21" /> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1]/b[1]/text()[1])" b="21" e="28" /> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1]/text()[3])" b="28" e="29" /> <mapping x="xpath(/html/body[1]/h2[1])" b="0" e="29" /></mappings>
STEP 5: Create a context URI and attach the whole concatenated text$(t0+t1+t2+...+tn)
of the document as reference.
STEP 6: Attach any ITS metadata annotations from the XML/HTML/DOM input to the respective NIF URIs.
STEP 7: Omit all URIs that do not carry annotations (to avoid bloating the data).
@prefix itsrdf: <> .@prefix nif: <><,29> rdf:type nif:Context ; rdf:type nif:RFC5147String ;# concatenate the whole text nif:isString "$(t0+t1+t2+...+tn)" ; nif:beginIndex "0" ; nif:endIndex "29" ; itsrdf:translate "yes"; nif:sourceUrl <> .<,17> rdf:type nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "11" ; nif:endIndex "17" ; itsrdf:translate "no"; itsrdf:taIdentRef <> ; nif:referenceContext <,29> .<,28> rdf:type nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "21" ; nif:endIndex "28" ; itsrdf:translate "no"; nif:referenceContext <,29> .
A complete sample output in RDF/XML format after step 7, given the input documentExample 97, is available atexamples/nif/EX-nif-conversion-output.ttl.
The conversion to NIF is a possible basis for a natural language processing (NLP) application that creates, for example, named entity annotations. A non-normative algorithm to integrate these annotations into the original input document is given inAppendix G: Conversion NIF2ITS. Many decisions to be made in this algorithm depend on the particular NLP application being used.
NIF allows an URL for a String resource to be referenced as URIs that are fragments of the original document in the form:,11
This offers a convenient mechanism for linking NIF resources in RDF back to the original document. TheNIF Web Service Access Specification defines the parameters for NIF web services.
RDF treats URIs as opaque and does not impose any semantic constraints on the used fragment identifiers, thus enabling their usage in RDF in a consistent manner. However, fragment identifiers get interpreted according to the retrieved mime type, if a retrieval action occurs as is the case in Linked Data. The char fragment is defined currently only for text/plain while the xpath fragment is not defined for HTML. Therefore this URL recipe does fulfil the ITS requirements to support both XML and HTML and the aim of this mapping to produce resources adhering to the Linked Data principle of dereferenceablility. The future definition and registration of these fragment types, while a potentially attractive feature, is beyond the scope of this specification.
This section is informative.
The following algorithm relies onExample 97. It is assumed that the example has been converted to NIF, leading to theoutput exemplified for theITS2NIF conversion algorithm.
This example usesDBpedia Spotlight as an example natural language processing (NLP) tool. In it, DBpedia Spotlight linked "Ireland" to DBpedia:
<,28> rdf:type nif:RFC5147String; itsrdf:taIdentRef <> .<> rdf:type <http:/> .
The conversion algorithm to generate ITS out of NIF consists of two steps:
STEP 1: NIF Web services accept two different types of input. It is possible to either send the extracted text (the object of thenif:isString
property) directly or NIF RDF to the NLP tool, i.e. the text is sent as anif:Context
node and included asnif:isString
. Either way, the output of the Web service will be a NIF representation.
Accepting text will be the minimal requirement of a NIF web service. Ideally, you would be able to send thenif:Context
node with the isString as RDF directly, which has the advantage, that all other annotations can be used by the NLP tool:
<,29> rdf:type nif:RFC5147String ; rdf:type nif:Context ; nif:beginIndex "0" ; nif:endIndex "29" ; nif:isString "Welcome to Dublin in Ireland!" .
STEP 2: Use the mapping from ITS2NIF (available afterstep 7 of the ITS2NIF algorithm) to reintegrate annotations in the original ITS annotated document.
For step 2, three cases can occur.
CASE 1: The NLP annotation created in NIF matches the text node. Solution: Attach the annotation to the parent element of the text node.
# Based on:<,28> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/b[1]/text()[1]> .# and:<,28> itsrdf:taIdentRef <> .# we can attach the metadata to the parent node:<b its-ta-ident-ref="" translate="no">Ireland</b>
CASE 2: The NLP annotation created in NIF is a substring of the text node. Solution: Create a new element, e.g., for HTML "span". A different input example is given below as case 2 is not covered in the original example input.
# Input: <html> <body> <h2>Welcome to Dublin in Ireland!</h2> </body></html> # ITS2NIF <,29> nif:wasConvertedFrom <[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]> . # DBpedia Spotlight returns: <,28> itsrdf:taIdentRef <> . # NIF2ITS <html> <body> <h2>Welcome to Dublin in <span its-ta-ident-ref="">Ireland</span>!</h2> </body></html>
Case 3: The NLP annotation created in NIF starts in one region and ends in another. Solution: No straight mapping is possible; a mapping can be created if both regions have the same parent.
This section is informative.
TheLocalization Quality Issue data category description uses the following terms as defined below for the purposes of this document.
Quality assessment. The task of evaluating the quality of translated content to determine its quality and to assign a value to it. Localization quality assessment is commonly conducted by identifying, categorizing, and counting issues in the translated content.
Issue. A quality issue is a potential error detected in content. Issues may be detected automatically (e.g., by using a grammar checker or translation-specific tool) or manually, by human checking of content. Issues may or may not be errors (e.g., an apparent mistranslation may be deliberate and appropriate in some contexts) and should be confirmed by review.
Metric. A metric is a formal system used in quality assessment tasks to identify issues, evaluate them, and determine quality. Metrics provide specific reference points for categorizing issues (as opposed to subjective assessment of quality, which does not use a metric) and may include weights for issues.
Model. A model is the underlying description of the system that underlies a metric. (For example, some models may allow variable weights to be assigned to different issue types, in which case the specific metric used for a task will have these weights defined, even though the underlying model does not.)
Profile. A quality profile is the adaptation of a model to specific requirements. It specifies specific conditions for using a model. It may include instructions and other guidelines that are not included in the actual metric used. If a model allows for no customization, it has a single profile that is identical to the model; if it allows customization, each customization is a distinct profile.
Review. The task of examining a text to identify any issues that occur in it. Review may be tied to the task of fixing any issues, a task generally referred to as revision.
Specifications. Specifications (sometimes called a translation brief) are a description of the various expectations and requirements for a translation task. These may include statements about the type of translation expected, guidance on terminology to be used, information about audience, and so forth. Translation specifications are described in detail in ISO/TS-11669.
Tool. As used here, a tool is software that generates localization quality markup. Tools may be fully automatic (e.g., a tool that identifies potential issues with terminology and grammar and marks them without human intervention) or may required human input (e.g., a system that allows users to highlight spans of text and mark them with appropriate issues).
For more information on setting translation project specifications and determining quality expectations, implementers are encouraged to consult the ISO standard definition of translation project specifications included in[ISO/TS 11669:2002]. Details about translation specifications are available at[Structured Specifications]. While these documents do not directly address the definition of quality metrics, they provide useful guidance for implementers interested in determining which localization quality issue values should be used for specific scenarios.
The issue types defined in Localization Quality Issue were derived from the QTLaunchPad project’s Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework. Additional guidance on this project may be found at[Multidimensional Quality Metrics].
The topic of localization quality is rapidly evolving and ITS 2.0 represents the first step in standardizing this area and will serve for basic interoperability needs. For situations requiring additional expressive capability or categories, further custom markup may be required.
This section is informative.
The following table lists global ITS 2.0 elements insiderules
element and local ITS 2.0 markup in XML and HTML. Note that for the local markup there are various constraints on what local attributes can be used together. Here these constraints are expressed via occurrence indicators: optional "?", alternatives "|", or groups "(...)". Please check the related sub sections inSection 8: Description of Data Categories defining local markup normatively.
In addition to below markup, ITS 2.0 provides a means to refer to the tools used to generate the markup: for XML theannotatorsRef
attribute and for HTML theannotators-ref
attribute. SeeSection 5.7: ITS Tools Annotation for details, especially thenote on annotatorsRef usage scenarios.
Data category | Global element insiderules element | Local XML attributes in ITS namespace | HTML attributes |
Translate | translateRule | translate | translate |
Localization Note | locNoteRule | (locNote |locNoteRef ),locNoteType ? | (its-loc-note |its-loc-note-ref ),its-loc-note-type ? |
Terminology | termRule | term ,termInfoRef ?,termConfidence ? | its-term ,its-term-info-ref ?,its-term-confidence ? |
Directionality | dirRule | dir | dir |
Language Information | langRule | xml:lang | lang |
Elements Within Text | withinTextRule | withinText | its-within-text |
Domain | domainRule | - | - |
Text Analysis | textAnalysisRule | taConfidence ?, at least one of (taClassRef , ((taSource ,taIdent ) |taIdentRef )) | its-ta-confidence ?, at least one of (its-ta-class-ref , ((its-ta-source ,its-ta-ident ) |its-ta-ident-ref )) |
Locale Filter | localeFilterRule | localeFilterList | its-locale-filter-list |
Provenance | provRule | (at least one of ((person |personRef ), (org |orgRef ), (tool |toolRef ), (revPerson |revPersonRef ), (revOrg |revOrgRef ), (revTool |revToolRef ),provRef )) |provenanceRecordsRef | (at least one of ((its-person |its-person-ref ), (its-org |its-org-ref ), (its-tool |its-tool-ref ), (its-rev-person |its-rev-person-ref ), (its-rev-org |its-rev-org-ref ), (its-rev-tool |its-rev-tool-ref ),its-prov-ref )) |its-provenance-records-ref |
External Resource | externalResourceRefRule | - | - |
Target Pointer | targetPointerRule | - | - |
ID Value | idValueRule | xml:id | id |
Preserve Space | preserveSpaceRule | xml:space | - |
Localization Quality Issue | locQualityIssueRule | (at least one of (locQualityIssueType ,locQualityIssueComment ),locQualityIssueSeverity ?,locQualityIssueProfileRef ?,locQualityIssueEnabled ?) |locQualityIssuesRef | (at least one of (its-loc-quality-issue-type ,its-loc-quality-issue-comment ),its-loc-quality-issue-severity ?,its-loc-quality-issue-profile-ref ?,its-loc-quality-issue-enabled ?) |its-loc-quality-issues-ref |
Localization Quality Rating | - | (locQualityRatingScore ,locQualityRatingScoreThreshold ?) | (locQualityRatingVote ,locQualityRatingVoteThreshold ?),locQualityRatingProfileRef ? | (its-loc-quality-rating-score ,its-loc-quality-rating-score-threshold ?) | (its-loc-quality-rating-vote ,its-loc-quality-rating-vote-threshold ?),its-loc-quality-rating-profile-ref ? |
MT Confidence | mtConfidenceRule | mtConfidence | its-mt-confidence |
Allowed Characters | allowedCharactersRule | allowedCharacters | its-allowed-characters |
Storage Size | storageSizeRule | storageSize ,storageEncoding ?,lineBreakType ? | its-storage-size ,its-storage-encoding ?,its-line-break-type ? |
This section is informative.
The following log records major changes that have been made to this document since theITS 2.0 Proposed Recommendation 24 September 2013:
In response to Working Group discussion and AC review, fixed an error inAppendix D: Schemas for ITS and made the section informative.
Added an informative reference to[Multidimensional Quality Metrics] and reformatting of a few references.
Editorial fixes, seerelated mail.
This document has been developed with contributions by theMultilingualWeb-LT Working Group and collaborators: Mihael Arcan (DERI Galway at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland), Pablo Badía (Linguaserve), Aaron Beaton (Opera Software), Renat Bikmatov (Logrus Plus LLC), Aljoscha Burchardt (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)), Nicoletta Calzolari (CNR--Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Somnath Chandra (Department of Information Technology, Government of India), John Colosi (Verisign, Inc.), Mauricio del Olmo (Linguaserve), Giuseppe Deriard (Linguaserve), Pedro Luis Díez Orzas (Linguaserve), David Filip (University of Limerick), Leroy Finn (Trinity College Dublin), Karl Fritsche (Cocomore AG), Serge Gladkoff (Logrus Plus LLC), Tatiana Gornostay (Tilde), Daniel Grasmick (Lucy Software and Services GmbH), Declan Groves (Centre for Next Generation Localisation), Manuel Honegger (University of Limerick), Dominic Jones (Trinity College Dublin), Matthias Kandora (]init[), Milan Karásek (Moravia Worldwide), Jirka Kosek (University of Economics, Prague), Michael Kruppa (Cocomore AG), Alejandro Leiva (Cocomore AG), Swaran Lata (Department of Information Technology, Government of India), David Lewis (Trinity College Dublin), Fredrik Liden (ENLASO Corporation), Christian Lieske (SAP AG), Qun Liu (Centre for Next Generation Localisation), Arle Lommel (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)), Priyanka Malik (Department of Information Technology, Government of India), Shaun McCance ((public) Invited expert), Sean Mooney (University of Limerick), Jan Nelson (Microsoft Corporation), Pablo Nieto Caride (Linguaserve), Pēteris Ņikiforovs (Tilde), Naoto Nishio (University of Limerick), Philip O'Duffy (University of Limerick), Des Oates (Adobe Systems Inc.), Georgios Petasis (Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IIT), NCSR), Mārcis Pinnis (Tilde), Prashant Verma Prashant (Department of Information Technology, Government of India), Georg Rehm (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)), Phil Ritchie (VistaTEC), Thomas Rüdesheim (Lucy Software and Services GmbH), Nieves Sande (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)), Felix Sasaki (DFKI / W3C Fellow), Yves Savourel (ENLASO Corporation), Jörg Schütz (W3C Invited Experts), Sebastian Sklarß (]init[), Ankit Srivastava (Centre for Next Generation Localisation), Tadej Štajner (Jozef Stefan Institute), Olaf-Michael Stefanov ((public) Invited expert), Najib Tounsi (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs Rabat (EMI)), Naitik Tyagi Tyagi (Department of Information Technology, Government of India), Stephan Walter (Cocomore AG), Clemens Weins (Cocomore AG).
A special thanks goes to the following persons:
Sebastian Hellmann for introducing us to[NIF] and for contributing to the creation of theITS 2.0 ontology and NIF testing.
Daniel Naber for introducing us toLanguageTool and for implementingLocalization Quality Issue Type functionality in language tool.