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HTML 4.01 Specification

W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999
superseded 27 March 2018

This version:
Latest version of HTML 4.01:
Latest version of HTML 4:
Latest version of HTML:
Previous version of HTML 4.01:
Previous HTML 4 Recommendation:
Dave Raggett <>
Arnaud Le Hors, W3C
Ian Jacobs, W3C

Copyright©1997-1999W3C® (MIT,INRIA,Keio), All RightsReserved. W3Cliability,trademark,documentuse andsoftwarelicensing rules apply.


This specification defines the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), thepublishing language of the World Wide Web. This specification defines HTML4.01, which is a subversion of HTML 4. In addition to the text, multimedia, andhyperlink features of the previous versions of HTML (HTML 3.2[HTML32] and HTML 2.0[RFC1866]), HTML 4supports more multimedia options, scripting languages, style sheets, betterprinting facilities, and documents that are more accessible to users withdisabilities. HTML 4 also takes great strides towards the internationalizationof documents, with the goal of making the Web truly World Wide.

HTML 4 is an SGML application conforming to International Standard ISO 8879-- Standard Generalized Markup Language[ISO8879].

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of itspublication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status ofthis document series is maintained at the W3C.

This document has been reviewed by W3C Members and other interested partiesand has been endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation.

This specification is aSuperseded Recommendation. A newerspecification exists that is recommended for new adoption in place ofthis specification. New implementations should follow thelatest version of the HTML specification.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documentscan be found at

Available languages

The English version of this specification is the only normative version.However, for translations of this document, see


The list of known errors in this specification is available at:

Quick Table of Contents

  1. About the HTML 4Specification
  2. Introduction toHTML 4
  3. On SGML andHTML
  4. Conformance:requirements and recommendations
  5. HTML DocumentRepresentation- Character sets, character encodings, andentities
  6. Basic HTML datatypes- Character data, colors, lengths, URIs, content types,etc.
  7. The globalstructure of an HTML document- The HEAD and BODY of adocument
  8. Languageinformation and text direction- International considerations fortext
  9. Text-Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases
  10. Lists-Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
  11. Tables
  12. Links-Hypertext and Media-Independent Links
  13. Objects,Images, and Applets
  14. StyleSheets- Adding style to HTML documents
  15. Alignment,font styles, and horizontal rules
  16. Frames- Multi-view presentation of documents
  17. Forms-User-input Forms: Text Fields, Buttons, Menus, and more
  18. Scripts- Animated Documents and Smart Forms
  19. SGML referenceinformation for HTML- Formal definition of HTML andvalidation
  20. SGML Declaration of HTML4
  21. Document Type Definition
  22. Transitional Document Type Definition
  23. Frameset Document Type Definition
  24. Character entityreferences in HTML 4
  1. Changes
  2. Performance,Implementation, and Design Notes

Full Table of Contents

  1. About the HTML 4Specification
    1. How the specification isorganized
    2. Document conventions
      1. Elements andattributes
      2. Notes and examples
    3. Acknowledgments
      1. Acknowledgments for thecurrent revision
    4. Copyright Notice
  2. Introduction toHTML 4
    1. What is the World WideWeb?
      1. Introduction toURIs
      2. Fragmentidentifiers
      3. Relative URIs
    2. What is HTML?
      1. A brief history ofHTML
    3. HTML 4
      1. Internationalization
      2. Accessibility
      3. Tables
      4. Compounddocuments
      5. Style sheets
      6. Scripting
      7. Printing
    4. Authoring documents withHTML 4
      1. Separate structure andpresentation
      2. Consider universalaccessibility to the Web
      3. Help user agents withincremental rendering
  3. On SGML andHTML
    1. Introduction toSGML
    2. SGML constructs used inHTML
      1. Elements
      2. Attributes
      3. Characterreferences
    3. How to read the HTMLDTD
      1. DTD Comments
      2. Parameter entitydefinitions
      3. Elementdeclarations
      4. Attributedeclarations
  4. Conformance:requirements and recommendations
    1. Definitions
    2. SGML
    3. The text/html content type
  5. HTML DocumentRepresentation- Character sets, character encodings, and entities
    1. The Document CharacterSet
    2. Character encodings
      1. Choosing an encoding
      2. Specifying the characterencoding
    3. Character references
      1. Numeric characterreferences
      2. Character entityreferences
    4. Undisplayablecharacters
  6. Basic HTML datatypes- Character data, colors, lengths, URIs, content types, etc.
    1. Case information
    2. SGML basic types
    3. Text strings
    4. URIs
    5. Colors
      1. Notes on using colors
    6. Lengths
    7. Content types (MIMEtypes)
    8. Language codes
    9. Character encodings
    10. Single characters
    11. Dates and times
    12. Link types
    13. Media descriptors
    14. Script data
    15. Style sheet data
    16. Frame target names
  7. The globalstructure of an HTML document- The HEAD and BODY of a document
    1. Introduction to thestructure of an HTML document
    2. HTML versioninformation
    3. TheHTML element
    4. The document head
      1. TheHEAD element
      2. TheTITLE element
      3. Thetitleattribute
      4. Meta data
    5. The document body
      1. TheBODY element
      2. Element identifiers:theid andclass attributes
      3. Block-level and inlineelements
      4. Grouping elements: theDIV andSPANelements
      5. Headings: TheH1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 elements
      6. TheADDRESS element
  8. Languageinformation and text direction- International considerations fortext
    1. Specifying the languageof content: thelang attribute
      1. Language codes
      2. Inheritance oflanguage codes
      3. Interpretation oflanguage codes
    2. Specifying thedirection of text and tables: thedir attribute
      1. Introduction to thebidirectional algorithm
      2. Inheritance of textdirection information
      3. Setting the directionof embedded text
      4. Overriding thebidirectional algorithm: theBDO element
      5. Character referencesfor directionality and joining control
      6. The effect of stylesheets on bidirectionality
  9. Text-Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases
    1. White space
    2. Structured text
      2. Quotations: TheBLOCKQUOTE andQ elements
      3. Subscripts andsuperscripts: theSUB andSUP elements
    3. Lines and Paragraphs
      1. Paragraphs: theP element
      2. Controlling linebreaks
      3. Hyphenation
      4. Preformatted text: ThePRE element
      5. Visual rendering ofparagraphs
    4. Marking document changes:The INS and DEL elements
  10. Lists-Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
    1. Introduction tolists
    2. Unordered lists (UL),orderedlists (OL), and list items (LI)
    3. Definition lists: theDL,DT, andDD elements
      1. Visual rendering oflists
    4. TheDIR andMENU elements
  11. Tables
    1. Introduction totables
    2. Elements forconstructing tables
      1. TheTABLE element
      2. Table Captions: TheCAPTION element
      3. Row groups: theTHEAD,TFOOT, andTBODY elements
      4. Column groups: theCOLGROUP andCOLelements
      5. Table rows: TheTR element
      6. Table cells: TheTH andTD elements
    3. Table formatting byvisual user agents
      1. Borders andrules
      2. Horizontal andvertical alignment
      3. Cell margins
    4. Table rendering bynon-visual user agents
      1. Associating headerinformation with data cells
      2. Categorizingcells
      3. Algorithm to findheading information
    5. Sample table
  12. Links-Hypertext and Media-Independent Links
    1. Introduction to linksand anchors
      1. Visiting a linkedresource
      2. Other linkrelationships
      3. Specifying anchors andlinks
      4. Link titles
      5. Internationalizationand links
    2. TheA element
      1. Syntax of anchornames
      2. Nested links areillegal
      3. Anchors with theid attribute
      4. Unavailable andunidentifiable resources
    3. Document relationships:theLINK element
      1. Forward and reverselinks
      2. Links and externalstyle sheets
      3. Links and searchengines
    4. Path information: theBASE element
      1. Resolving relative URIs
  13. Objects,Images, and Applets
    1. Introduction toobjects, images, and applets
    2. Including an image:theIMG element
    3. Generic inclusion: theOBJECT element
      1. Rules for renderingobjects
      2. Objectinitialization: thePARAM element
      3. Global namingschemes for objects
      4. Object declarationsand instantiations
    4. Including an applet:theAPPLET element
    5. Notes on embeddeddocuments
    6. Image maps
      1. Client-side imagemaps: theMAP andAREAelements
      2. Server-side imagemaps
    7. Visual presentation ofimages, objects, and applets
      1. Width andheight
      2. White space aroundimages and objects
      3. Borders
      4. Alignment
    8. How to specifyalternate text
  14. StyleSheets- Adding style to HTML documents
    1. Introduction to stylesheets
    2. Adding style toHTML
      1. Setting the defaultstyle sheet language
      2. Inline styleinformation
      3. Header styleinformation: theSTYLE element
      4. Media types
    3. External stylesheets
      1. Preferred andalternate style sheets
      2. Specifying externalstyle sheets
    4. Cascading stylesheets
      1. Media-dependentcascades
      2. Inheritance andcascading
    5. Hiding style data fromuser agents
    6. Linking to stylesheets with HTTP headers
  15. Alignment,font styles, and horizontal rules
    1. Formatting
      1. Backgroundcolor
      2. Alignment
      3. Floatingobjects
    2. Fonts
      1. Font styleelements: theTT,I,B,BIG,SMALL,STRIKE,S, andU elements
      2. Font modifierelements:FONT andBASEFONT
    3. Rules: theHR element
  16. Frames- Multi-view presentation of documents
    1. Introduction toframes
    2. Layout of frames
      1. TheFRAMESET element
      2. TheFRAME element
    3. Specifying targetframe information
      1. Setting the defaulttarget for links
      2. Targetsemantics
    4. Alternate content
      1. TheNOFRAMES element
      2. Long descriptions offrames
    5. Inline frames: theIFRAME element
  17. Forms-User-input Forms: Text Fields, Buttons, Menus, and more
    1. Introduction toforms
    2. Controls
      1. Controltypes
    3. TheFORM element
    4. TheINPUT element
      1. Control typescreated with INPUT
      2. Examples of formscontaining INPUT controls
    5. TheBUTTON element
    6. TheSELECT,OPTGROUP, andOPTION elements
      1. Pre-selectedoptions
    7. TheTEXTAREA element
    8. TheISINDEX element
    9. Labels
      1. TheLABEL element
    10. Adding structure toforms: theFIELDSET andLEGEND elements
    11. Giving focus to anelement
      1. Tabbingnavigation
      2. Access keys
    12. Disabled andread-only controls
      1. Disabledcontrols
      2. Read-onlycontrols
    13. Form submission
      1. Form submissionmethod
      2. Successfulcontrols
      3. Processing formdata
      4. Form contenttypes
  18. Scripts- Animated Documents and Smart Forms
    1. Introduction toscripts
    2. Designing documentsfor user agents that support scripting
      1. TheSCRIPT element
      2. Specifying thescripting language
      3. Intrinsicevents
      4. Dynamicmodification of documents
    3. Designing documentsfor user agents that don't support scripting
      1. TheNOSCRIPT element
      2. Hiding script datafrom user agents
  19. SGML referenceinformation for HTML- Formal definition of HTML and validation
    1. DocumentValidation
    2. Sample SGMLcatalog
  20. SGML Declaration of HTML4
    1. SGMLDeclaration
  21. Document Type Definition
  22. Transitional Document Type Definition
  23. Frameset Document Type Definition
  24. Character entityreferences in HTML 4
    1. Introduction tocharacter entity references
    2. Character entityreferences for ISO 8859-1 characters
      1. The list ofcharacters
    3. Character entityreferences for symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters
      1. The list ofcharacters
    4. Character entityreferences for markup-significant and internationalization characters
      1. The list ofcharacters
  1. Changes
    1. Changes between 24April 1998 HTML 4.0 and 24 December 1999 HTML 4.01 versions
      1. Changes to thespecification
      2. Errors that werecorrected
      3. Minor typographicalerrors that were corrected
      4. Clarifications
      5. Known Browserproblems
    2. Changes between 18December 1997 and 24 April 1998 versions
      1. Errors that werecorrected
      2. Minor typographicalerrors that were corrected
    3. Changes between HTML3.2 and HTML 4.0 (18 December 1997)
      1. Changes toelements
      2. Changes toattributes
      3. Changes foraccessibility
      4. Changes for metadata
      5. Changes fortext
      6. Changes forlinks
      7. Changes fortables
      8. Changes for images,objects, and image maps
      9. Changes forforms
      10. Changes for stylesheets
      11. Changes forframes
      12. Changes forscripting
      13. Changes forinternationalization
  2. Performance,Implementation, and Design Notes
    1. Notes on invaliddocuments
    2. Special characters inURI attribute values
      1. Non-ASCII charactersin URI attribute values
      2. Ampersands in URIattribute values
    3. SGML implementationnotes
      1. Line breaks
      2. Specifying non-HTMLdata
      3. SGML features withlimited support
      4. Booleanattributes
      5. MarkedSections
      6. ProcessingInstructions
      7. Shorthandmarkup
    4. Notes on helping searchengines index your Web site
      1. Search robots
    5. Notes on tables
      1. Design rationale
      2. Recommended LayoutAlgorithms
    6. Notes on forms
      1. Incrementaldisplay
      2. Futureprojects
    7. Notes on scripting
      1. Reserved syntax forfuture script macros
    8. Notes onframes
    9. Notes onaccessibility
    10. Notes on security
      1. Security issues forforms

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