



Priorities for CSS from the Digital Publishing Interest Group

W3C First Public Working Draft,

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Latest version:
Editor's Draft:
Feedback: with subject line “[dpub-css-priorities]… message topic …” (archives)
Issue Tracking:
Inline In Spec
Dave Cramer (Hachette Livre)

Copyright © 2015W3C® (MIT,ERCIM,Keio,Beihang). W3Cliability,trademark anddocument use rules apply.


This document documents CSS features needed by the digital publishing community, as determined by the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at

This document is aFirst Public Working Draft.

Publication as a First Public Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

The (archived) public mailing (seeinstructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text “dpub-css-priorities” in the subject, preferably like this: “[dpub-css-priorities]…summary of comment…

This document was produced by theDigital Publishing Interest Group (part of theDigital Publishing Activity). This document is not on Recommendation track.

This document was produced by a group operating under the5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the1 August 2014 W3C Process Document.

Table of Contents


As publishing moves to the Open Web Platform (OWP), we hope to expand upon the range of content we are able to publish with web technologies. How content is displayed is of critical importance to how it is understood, and so we ask much of CSS. This document aims to describe our highest priorities for entirely new CSS features, implementation of CSS features that have already been specified, and even some cases where work may need to be done beyond the scope of CSS.

Note: Many of the features described here are documented in[dpub-latinreq].

2.List of Priorities

Priorities are listed on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest priority. Priorities were determined in a somewhat arbitrary manner by the editor, with feedback from some members of the interest group. Input from anyone involved in digital publishing is welcome.

Get more input on priorities.

2.1.Features requiring implementation

Note: these features are relatively mature, and have been implemented in more than one browser, but will not be widely useful until implemented in all browsers.

FeaturePrioritySpec, StatusImplementedNot ImplementedPolyfill?
font-feature-settings5[css3-fonts], CRFirefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, Prince, AHSafari (now implemented, but not in time for 3Q 2015 releasesNo
hyphens5[css3text], LCFirefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Prince, AHChrome (bug filed; assigned on August 12, 2015)Yes
vertical text5[css3-writing-modes], CRChrome, IE, Opera, Safari, AHFirefox (which has announcedintent to ship)
Regions5[css-regions-1], WDIE, SafariChrome, Firefox, Opera Prince, AHYes
Ruby4[css-ruby-1], WDFirefox, partial support in Chrome, IE, Safari, OperaunknownYes
Emphasis Marks4[css3-text-decor], CRSafari, partial support in Chrome and OperaFirefox, IE
OpenType Math Tables3Partial support in Firefox and SafariIE, Chrome, Opera

2.2.Features requiring specification

Note: these features require further specification work

FeaturePrioritySpec, StatusImplementedNot ImplementedPolyfill?
character-based alignment in tables5[css4-text], unofficial draftChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Prince, AH
target-counter()5[css3-content], EDPrince, AHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, SafariYes
target-counters()5[css3-content], EDPrince, AHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, SafariYes
target-text()5[css3-content], EDPrince, AHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, SafariYes
text-spacing4[css4-text], unofficial draft
content property on elements4[css3-content], EDPrince, AHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
Line grid3[css3-line-grid], WD
initial-letter3[css-inline-3], WDSafari (soon)Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Prince, AH
hanging punctuation3[css3-text], WDAHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Prince

2.3.Features requiring design

Note: these features require design work.

FeaturePrioritySpec, StatusImplementedNot ImplementedNote
Pagination11[css3-display],[css3-break],[css-overflow-3],[css3-page],[css3-content],[css3-gcpm],[css-page-floats],[css3-page-template],[css-regions-1]Prince, AH, Opera 12.16 (Presto)Chrome, Firefox, IE, Current Opera, SafariYes
Hyphenation exception dictionary4unspecifiedAH, PrinceChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
Font Metric API4[houdini-font-metrics-1]noneChrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera, Prince, AH
hyphenate-limit-chars3[css4-text], unofficial draftAH, PrinceChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
hyphenate-limit-lines3[css4-text], unofficial draftAH, PrinceChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
hyphenate-patterns3UnspecifiedAH, PrinceChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
min-length-of-last-line2UnspecifiedChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Prince, AH
merge-sequential-page-numbers2UnspecifiedAHChrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Prince

3.Typography and Fonts



Not yet supported in Safari

Note: support for this would help with ligatures

Can be polyfilled by subsetting fonts, but this does not seem to be viable in a production environment.

3.1.2.Font Metric API


3.2.1.The hyphens property

Hyphenation is critical for justified text. Most browsers now support thehyphens property.

hyphens property not supported in Chrome:

Some polyfills may pollute the source document with discretionary hyphens, causing difficulty for search and other functions.

3.2.2.Hyphenation parameters

This property specifies three different things:

  1. the shortest word that can be hyphenated.

  2. the minimum number of letters in a word that may be left at the end of a line when the word is hyphenated.

  3. the minimum number of letters in a word that may be moved to the next line when the word is hyphenated.

Note: The second parameter is calledhyphenation-remain-character-count in[XSLFO20], andhyphenate-after in Prince. The third parameter is calledhyphenation-push-character-count in[XSLFO20], andhyphenate-before in Prince.

Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.

implemented only by Prince and AH.

This property specifies the maximum number of consecutive lines that may end with a hyphenated word.

Note: Calledhyphenate-limit in Prince

Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.

implemented only by Prince and AH dictionaries

Reference a hyphenation dictionary, formatted as TeX does.

Value:none| url(patterns-url)
Applies to:all elements
Computed value:as specified

Not in a CSS spec

implemented only by PrinceXML exception list

Reference a hyphenation exception list, in a simple text format where hyphens show possible break points, and all other break points are forbidden:


Note: Called hyphenation-exceptions in[XSLFO20]

Not in a CSS spec

Not implemented
Applies to:all elements
Computed value:as specified

Note: This property is from[XSLFO20]

Not in a CSS spec

Not implemented

3.3.East Asian Language Support

3.3.1.Emphasis Marks

not supported in Firefox.Bug to implement unassigned.

not supported in IE.

partial support in Chrome and Opera; don’t support left and right values of -webkit-text-emphasis-position.


Details needed on level of support in different browsers, and priorities for implementing features

is the spec stable?

CSS stylesheet polyfill for Ruby


[css4-text] is not yet an official spec

implementation status unknown


will be shipped in Safari in Fall 2015, but not yet implemented in other browsers.

some spec work still required for i18n.

3.5.Hanging punctuation

at risk in[css3-text]

not supported by any browser



Pagination is a complex subject, involving many different features and specifications.

How will Project Houdini fit into all of this?

Is there a role for[css-regions-1] in defining pagination?

A significant number of people consider the page margin boxes as defined by[css3-page] to be inadequate.[css3-page-template] describes a potential alternative.



4.3.Page transitions

5.Generated Content and Cross-References

Many publication elements, such as figures, tables, and even chapters, can be automatically numbered or labelled. We need to be able to both display those labels and reference them from elsewhere in the document (see Figure 1.3).

[css3-content]] describes functions for referencing the values of counters and text.


5.1.1.Thetarget-counter() function

target-counter() is not implemented in browsers

5.1.2.Thetarget-counters() function

target-counters() is not implemented in browsers

5.1.3.Thetarget-text() function

target-text() is not implemented in browsers

5.2.Collapsing Page Ranges

When generating indexes or referring to page ranges, one often ends up with duplicated or sequential numbers.

1, 3, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16

This should be formatted as:

1, 3, 7–10, 16

with duplicates removed and consecutive numbers replaced by ranges.

Value:merge| leave-separate
Applies to:all elements
Computed value:as specified

Not in a CSS spec.

Note:[XSLFO20] has a merge-sequential-page-numbers feature:

5.3.Generated content

In[css21], generated content is restricted to pseudo-elements. PDF formatters like Prince allow the content property on all elements. This has proved invaluable for many common use cases.

[HTML5] and EPUB 3 accessibility guides recommend using thehr element to indicate thematic breaks in narrative content (sometimes called "space breaks" in the publishing industry. But these breaks are often designed as an ornament or image, rather than any sort of horizontal line. We would like to do
hr.ornament {  font-family: 'Poetica Std';  content: '•';  font-feature-settings: "ornm" 10;}


Browser support for mathematics is critical for educational, scientific, and technical publishing. In the absence of native high-quality cross-browser support for MathML, the community is focusing on ways of making polyfilling MathML easier and better. Some features that might help include:

  1. Font metric APIs

  2. Support for Open Type Math Tables

6.1.Aligning equations

Many publishers require that all equations on a page align on the equals sign.

    x + 3z = 7 + 2y    2x + y + z = 4Intervening text which mayextend for several lines   10 + 2y = 3x + 2z

design a mechanism for this feature.

math {    text-align: "=" center;}

6.2.Numbering equations

Are CSS counters adequate to the task?

6.3.OpenType Math Tables

This provides crucial technology for math layout (e.g., specifying glyph fragments for stretchy character constructions).

Note: see and

only partial support in Gecko and WebKit

unsupported in Blink, Trident/Edge


7.1.Character-based alignment

td { text-align: "." center }


|   445.85  || 12345.6   ||     1.234 ||      .1   |

Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.



not implemented in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera

CSS Regions Polyfill by François Remy

8.2.Line grid

implementation status unknown


Accessibility of generated content


Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes.[RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text withclass="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text withclass="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

CSS Generated Content Module Level 3 URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Text Module Level 3. 10 October 2013. LCWD. URL:
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Values and Units Module Level 3. 11 June 2015. CR. URL:
S. Bradner.Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:

Informative References

Bert Bos; et al.Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification. 7 June 2011. REC. URL:
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Display Module Level 3. 21 July 2015. WD. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii; Alan Stearns.CSS Line Grid Module Level 1. 16 September 2014. WD. URL:
Alan Stearns.CSS Pagination Templates Module Level 3. Proposal for a CSS module. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3. 1 August 2013. CR. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Text Module Level 3. 10 October 2013. LCWD. URL:
Dave Cramer; Elika Etemad; Steve Zilles.CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3. 18 December 2014. WD. URL:
David Baron.CSS Overflow Module Level 3. 18 April 2013. WD. URL:
Johannes Wilm.CSS Page Floats. ED. URL:
Rossen Atanassov; Alan Stearns.CSS Regions Module Level 1. 9 October 2014. WD. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Ruby Layout Module Level 1. 5 August 2014. WD. URL:
Rossen Atanassov; Elika Etemad.CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3. 29 January 2015. WD. URL:
Ian Hickson.CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module. 14 May 2003. WD. URL:
John Daggett.CSS Fonts Module Level 3. 3 October 2013. CR. URL:
Dave Cramer.CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module. 13 May 2014. WD. URL:
Melinda Grant; et al.CSS Paged Media Module Level 3. 14 March 2013. WD. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Text Module Level 3. 10 October 2013. LCWD. URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Writing Modes Level 3. 20 March 2014. CR. URL:
fantasai; Koji Ishii; Alan Stearns.CSS Text Module Level 4. ED. URL:
Dave Cramer.Requirements for Latin Text Layout and Pagination. 30 September 2014. WD. URL:
Stephen Zilles; Alan Stearns; Chris Lilley.Font Metrics API Level 1. ED. URL:
Ian Hickson; et al.HTML5. 28 October 2014. REC. URL:
Dave Pawson.Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 2.0. 17 January 2012. WD. URL:

Property Index

NameValueInitialApplies toInh.%agesMediaAnimatableComputed value
hyphenate-patternsnone | url(patterns-url)noneall elementsyesn/avisualnoas specified
min-length-of-last-line<length>1all elementsyesn/avisualnoas specified
merge-sequential-page-numbersmerge | leave-separatemergeall elementsyesn/avisualnoas specified

Issues Index

Get more input on priorities.
Not yet supported in Safari
hyphens property not supported in Chrome:
Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.
implemented only by Prince and AH.
Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.
implemented only by Prince and AH
Not in a CSS spec
implemented only by PrinceXML
Not in a CSS spec
Not implemented
Not in a CSS spec
Not implemented
not supported in Firefox.Bug to implement unassigned.
not supported in IE.
partial support in Chrome and Opera; don’t support left and right values of -webkit-text-emphasis-position.
Details needed on level of support in different browsers, and priorities for implementing features
is the spec stable?
[css4-text] is not yet an official spec
implementation status unknown
will be shipped in Safari in Fall 2015, but not yet implemented in other browsers.
some spec work still required for i18n.
at risk in[css3-text]
not supported by any browser
How will Project Houdini fit into all of this?
Is there a role for[css-regions-1] in defining pagination?
A significant number of people consider the page margin boxes as defined by[css3-page] to be inadequate.[css3-page-template] describes a potential alternative.
target-counter() is not implemented in browsers
target-counters() is not implemented in browsers
target-text() is not implemented in browsers
Not in a CSS spec.
design a mechanism for this feature.
Are CSS counters adequate to the task?
only partial support in Gecko and WebKit
unsupported in Blink, Trident/Edge
Defined in[css4-text] which is not yet an official spec.
not implemented in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera
implementation status unknown
Accessibility of generated content

