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TheResource Description Framework RDFallows users to describe both Web documents and concepts from the real world—people, organisations, topics, things—in a computer-processable way.Publishing such descriptions on the Web creates theSemantic Web. URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) are veryimportant, providing both the core of the framework itself and the link between RDF and the Web. This document presentsguidelines for their effective use. It discusses two strategies, called303URIs andhash URIs. It gives pointers to several Web sites thatuse these solutions, and briefly discusses why several other proposals haveproblems.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
This is a W3C Interest Group Note giving a tutorial explaining decisions of the TAG for newcomers to Semantic Web technologies. It was initially based on theDFKITechnical Memo TM-07-01,Cool URIs for the Semantic Web and was subsequently published as a W3C Working draft inDecember 2007, and again inMarch 2008by theSemantic WebEducation and Outreach (SWEO) Interest Group of the W3C, part of theW3C Semantic Web Activity.The drafts were publicly reviewed, especially by theTechnical Architecture Group (TAG) and theSemantic Web Deployment Group (SWD). The only change from the previous version of this document is the addition of a link to anerrata page.
The charter of theSemantic WebEducation and Outreach (SWEO) Interest Group expired at the end of March, 2008. Nevertheless, this document may be taken up by some other groups in the future for further development.Feedbacks on this documents is therefore encouraged. Please send comments about this document (withpublicarchive). A completelist of changes is available.
Publication as an Interest Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under the5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. The group does not expect this document to become a W3C Recommendation. W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
The disclosure obligations of the Participants of this group are described in thecharter.
This document is a practical guide for implementers of the RDFspecification. The title is inspired by Tim Berners-Lee's article "Cool URIs don't change" [Cool]. It explains two approaches for RDF data hosted onHTTP servers. Intended audiences are Web and ontologydevelopers who have to decide how to model their RDF URIs for use with HTTP.Applications using non-HTTP URIs are not covered. This document is aninformative guide covering selected aspects of previously published, detailedtechnical specifications. The 303 URIs are based on thehttpRange-14resolution [httpRange] by theTechnical Architecture Group (TAG). We assume that you are familiar with thebasics of the RDFdata model [RDFPrimer]. We alsoassume some familiarity with theHTTP protocol [RFC2616].Wikipedia's article [WP-HTTP] serves as a good primer.
The Semantic Web is envisioned as a decentralised world-wide informationspace for sharing machine-readable data with a minimum of integration costs.Its two core challenges are the distributed modelling of the world with ashared data model, and the infrastructure where data and schemas can bepublished, found and used. Users benefit from getting information"raw and now" [Give] and in portable data formats [DP]. Providers often publish data embedded in a fixed user interface, in HTML. A basic question is thus how to publishinformation about resources in a way that allows interested users andsoftware applications to find and interpret them.
On the Semantic Web, all information has to be expressed asstatements aboutresources, likethe members of the company are Alice and Bob orBob's telephone number is "+1 555 262" orthis Web page was created by Alice. Resourcesare identified byUniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) [RFC3986]. This modelling approach is at theheart ofResource Description Framework (RDF) [RDFPrimer]. A nice introduction is given in the N3 primer [N3Primer].
Using RDF, the statements can be published on the Web site of the company.Others can read the data and publish their own information, linking toexisting resources. This forms a distributed model of the world. It allows the user to pick any application to view and work with the same data, for example to see Alice's published address in your address book.
At the same time, Web documents have always been addressed with
So the question is, what URIs should we use in RDF? As an example, toidentify the frontpage of the Web site of Example Inc., we may use But what URI identifies the company as anorganisation, not a Web site? Do we have to serve any content—HTML pages,RDF files—at those URIs? In this document we will answer these questionsaccording to relevant specifications. We explain how to use URIs for thingsthat are not Web pages, such as people, products, places, ideas and conceptssuch as ontology classes. We give detailed examples as to how the Semantic Web can(and should) be realised as a part of the Web.
Let us begin with an example. Assume that Example Inc., a fictionalcompany producing "Extreme GuitarAmplifiers", has a Website at Part of the site is a white-pagesservice listing the names and contact details of the employees. Alice and Bobboth work at Example Inc. The structure of the Web site might thus be:
Like everything on the traditional Web, each of the pages mentioned aboveareWeb documents. Every Web document has its own URI. Note that aWeb document is not the same as a file: a single Web document can beavailable in many different formats and languages, and a single file, forexample a PHP script, may be responsible for generating a large number of Webdocuments with different URIs. A Web document is defined as something thathas a URI and can returnrepresentations (responses in a format suchas HTML or JPEG or RDF) of the identified resource in response to HTTPrequests. In technical literature, such asArchitecture of theWorld Wide Web, Volume One [AWWW], the termInformation Resource isused instead ofWeb document.
On the traditional Web, URIs were usedprimarily for Webdocuments—to link to them, and to access them in a browser. The notion of resourceidentity was not soimportant on the traditional Web, a URL simply identified whatever we seewhen we type it into a browser.
Web clients and servers use theHTTP protocol [RFC2616] to request representations of Webdocuments and send back the responses. HTTP has a powerful mechanism foroffering different formats and language versions of the same Web documentknown ascontent negotiation.
When a user agent (such as a browser) makes an HTTP request, it sends along some HTTP headers to indicate what data formats and language it prefers. The server then selects the best match from itsfile system or generates the desired content on demand, and sends it backto the client. For example, a browser could send this HTTP request toindicate that it wants an HTML or XHTML representation of in English or German:
GET /people/alice HTTP/1.1Host: www.example.comAccept: text/html, application/xhtml+xmlAccept-Language: en, de
The server could answer:
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Language: enContent-Location:
followed by the content of the HTML document in English.
Here we seeContentnegotiation [TAG-Alt] in action. The server interprets theAccept-Language headers in the request and decides to return the English representation of the resource in question. Note that the URI of this representation is passed back in theContent-Location header, this is not required but a recommended good practice (see [CHIPS],7.2). Clients see that this URI is connected to the specific representation (in this case English) and search engines can refer to the different representations by using the different URIs. This implies that it is possible to have multiple representations of the same resource.
Content negotation is often implemented with a twist: Instead of a direct answer, the serverredirects to another URL where the appropriate representation is found:
HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:
The redirect is indicated by a specialStatus Code, here302Found. The client would now send another HTTP request to the new URL. Byhaving separate URLs for different representations, this approach allows Web authorsto link directly to a specific representation.
RDF/XML, the standard serialisation format of RDF, has its own contenttype,application/rdf+xml. Content negotiation thus allowspublishers to serve HTML representations of a Web document to traditional Webbrowsers and RDF representations to Semantic Web-enabled user agents. This alsoallows servers to provide alternative RDF serialisation formats likeNotation3 [N3] orTriX[TriX].
On the Semantic Web, URIs identify not just Web documents, but alsoreal-world objects like people and cars, and even abstract ideas andnon-existing things like a mythical unicorn. We call thesereal-worldobjects orthings.
Given such a URI, how can we find out what it identifies? We needsome way to answer this question, because otherwise it will be hard toachieve interoperability between independent information systems. We couldimagine a service where we can look up a description of the identifiedresource, similar to today's search engines. But such a single point offailure is against the Web's decentralised nature.
Instead, we should use the Web itself—an extremely robust and scalableinformation publishing system—as a lookup service for resourcedescriptions. Whenever a URI is mentioned, we can look it up to retrieve adescription containing relevant information and links to related data. Thisis so important that we make it our number one requirement forcool URIs:
Let's assume Example Inc. wants to publish contact data of their employeeson the Semantic Web so their business partners can import it into theiraddress books. For example, the published data would contain these statementsabout Alice, written here inN3 syntax [N3]:
<URI-of-alice> afoaf:Person; foaf:name"Alice"; foaf:mbox<>; foaf:homepage<> .
What URI should we use instead of the placeholder<URI-of-alice>? Certainly not, because that would confuse aperson with a Web document, leading to misunderstandings: Is the homepage ofAlice also named “Alice”? Can a homepage itself have an e-mail address? And does it make sense for a home-page to have itself as its home-page? So we need another URI. (For in-depth treatments ofthis issue, seeWhat HTTP URIs Identify? [HTTP-URI2] andFour Uses of a URL: Name, Concept, Web Location and Document Instance [Booth]).
Therefore our second requirement:
We note that our requirements seem to conflict with each other. If wecan't use URIs of documents to identify real-world object, then how can weretrieve a representation about real-world objects based on their URI? Thechallenge is to find a solution that allows us to find the describingdocuments if we have just the resource's URI, using standard Webtechnologies.
The following picture shows the desired relationships between a resourceand its representing documents:
It is important to understand that using URIs, it is possible to identify both a thing (which may exist outside of the Web) and a Web documentdescribing the thing.For example the person Alice is described on her homepage. Bob may not like the look of thehomepage, but fancy the person Alice. So two URIs are needed, one for Alice, one for the homepage or a RDF document describing Alice. The question is where to draw the line between the case where either is possible and the case whereonly descriptions are available.
According to W3C guidelines ([AWWW], section 2.2.), we have a Web document (there calledinformationresource) ifall its essential characteristics can be conveyed in amessage. Examples are a Web page, an image or a product catalog.
In HTTP, because a200response code should be sent when a Web document has been accessed, but a different setup is needed when publishing URIs that are meant to identify entities which arenot Web documents.
In the next section, solutions are described that allow you to mint URIs for things and also allow clients to get a description of the thing using standard Web technologies.
There are two solutions that meet our requirements for identifyingreal-world objects:303 URIs andhash URIs. Which one touse depends on the situation, both have advantages and disadvantages.
The solutions described in the following apply to deployment scenarios inwhich the RDF data and the HTML data is served separately, such as astandalone RDF/XML document along with an HTML document. The metadata canalso be embedded in HTML, using technologies such as RDFa [RDFa Primer], microformats and other documents towhich the GRDDL [GRDDL] mechanisms can be applied. In those cases the RDFdata is extracted from the returned HTML document.
The first solution is to use “hash URIs” for non-document resources.URIs can contain afragment, a special part that is separated fromthe rest of the URI by a hash symbol (“#”).
When a client wants to retrieve a hash URI, then the HTTP protocolrequires the fragment part to be stripped off before requesting the URI fromthe server. This means a URI that includes a hash cannot be retrieveddirectly, and therefore does not necessarily identify a Web document. But we can use themto identify other, non-document resources, without creating ambiguity.
If Example Inc. adopts this solution, then they could use these URIs torepresent the company, Alice, and Bob:
Clients will always strip off the fragment part before requesting any ofthese URIs, resulting in a request to this URI:
At this URI, Example Inc. could serve an RDF document that containsdescriptions of all three resources, using the original hash URIs to identifythe resources.
The following picture shows the hash URI approach without contentnegotiation:
Alternatively, content negotiation (seeSection2.1.) could be employed to redirect from theabout URI toeither a HTML or an RDF representation. The decision which to return is based on client preferences and server configuration, as explained below inSection 4.7. TheContent-Location header should be set to indicate if the hash URIrefers to a part of the HTML document or RDF document.
The following picture shows the hash URI approach with contentnegotiation:
The second solution is to use a special HTTP status code,303 SeeOther, to give an indication that the requested resource is not aregular Web document. Web architecture tells you that for a thingresource (URI) it is inappropriate to return a 200 because there is, in fact, nosuitable representation for those resources. However, it is useful to provideinformation about those resources. The W3C's Technical Architecture Groupproposes in itshttpRange-14resolution [httpRange] documenta solution that is to direct you to a document which has informationabout the thing you asked about. By doing this we avoid ambiguity between the original, real-world object and the resource that represents it.
Since 303 is a redirect status code, the server can give the locationof a document that represents the resource. If, on the other hand, a requestis answered with one of the usual status codes in the 2XX range, like200OK, then the client knows that the URI identifies a Web document.
If Example Inc. adopts this solution, they could use these URIs torepresent the company, Alice and Bob:
The Web server would be configured to answer requests to all these URIswith a 303 status code and aLocation HTTP header that provides theURL of a document that represents the resource.For example, to redirect from to
Content-negotiation is then used when retrieving a representation from the document URI using a HTTP request. The server decides (seeSection 4.7) to return either HTML or RDF (or more alternative forms) and sets theContent-Location header to the URI where the specific representation can be retrieved.
This setup should be used when the RDF and HTML (and possibly more alternative representations) convey thesame information in different forms. When the information in the variations differs considerably, the 303 approach as describedbelow should be used.
See the following illustration for the solution providing the generic document URI.
In this setup, the server forwards from the identification URI to the generic document URI. This has the advantage that clients can bookmark and further work with the generic document. A user having a RDF-capable client could bookmark the document, and mail it to another user (or device) which then dereferences it and gets the HTMLor the RDF view. Also, the server can add representations in new languages in the future. Just because the client started with the URI of a thing, it doesn't mean that the document involved is not a first class document on the WWW. The background of generic document resources is described in [GenRes].
When the RDF and HTML representations of the resource differ substantially, the previous setup should not be used. They are not two versions of the same document, but different documents altogether. Again, the Web server would be configured to answer requests with a 303 status code and aLocation HTTP header that provides theURL of a document that represents the resource.
The following picture shows the redirects for the 303 URIsolution without the generic document URI:
The server could employ content negotiation (seeSection2.1.) to send either the URL of an HTML description or RDF. HTTP requestsfor HTML content would be redirected to the HTML URLs we gave inSection 2. Requests for RDF data would be redirected toRDF documents, such as:
Each of the RDF documents would contain statements about the appropriateresource, using the original URI, e.g., to identify the describedresource.
Which approach is better? It depends. The hash URIs have the advantage ofreducing the number of necessary HTTP round-trips, which in turn reducesaccess latency. A family of URIs can share the same non-hash part. Thedescriptions of,, and are retrieved with a singlerequest to However this approach has adownside. A client interested only in#product123 will inadvertentlyload the data for all other resources as well, because they are in the samefile. 303 URIs, on the other hand, are very flexible because the redirectiontarget can be configured separately for each resource. There could be onedescribing document for each resource, or one large document for all of them,or any combination in between. It is also possible to change the policy lateron.
When using 303 URIs for an ontology, like FOAF, network delay can reduce a client's performance considerable. The large number of redirects may cause higher latency. A client looking up a set of terms through 303 may use many requests, even though the first request has already loaded everything there is to know.
When hosting large-scale datasets with the 303 solution, clients may be tempted to download all data using many requests. We advise to additionally provide SPARQL endpoints or comparable services to answer complex queries on the server directly, rather than to let the client download a large set of data via HTTP.
Note also, that both303 and Hash can becombined, allowing a large dataset to be separated into multiple parts and havean identifier for a non-document resource. An example for a combination of303 and Hash is:
Any fragment identifier is valid,this in the above URI is asuggestion you may want to copy for your implementations.
Hash URIs without content negotiation can be implemented by simply uploading static RDF files to a Web server, without any special server configuration. This makes them popular for quick-and-dirty RDF publication.
URIs of thebob#this form can be used for large sets of data that are, or may grow, beyond the point where it is practical to serve all related resources in a single document. 303 URIs may also be used for such data sets, making neater-looking URIs, but with an impact on run-time performance and server load.
If in doubt, follow your nose.
The best resource identifiers don't just provide descriptions for peopleand machines, but are designed with simplicity, stability and manageabilityin mind, as explained by Tim Berners-Lee inCool URIs don't changeand by the W3C Team inCommon HTTPImplementation Problems (sections 1 and 3):
All the URIs related to a single real-world object—resource identifier,RDF document URL, HTML document URL—should also be explicitly linked witheach other to help information consumers understand their relation. Forexample, in the 303 URI solution for Example Inc., there are three URIsrelated to Alice:
Two of them are Web document URLs. The RDF document located at might contain these statements(expressed in N3):
<> foaf:page<>; rdfs:isDefinedBy<>; afoaf:Person; foaf:name"Alice"; foaf:mbox<>; ...
The document makes statements about Alice, the person, using the resourceidentifier. The first two properties relate the resource identifier to thetwo document URIs. Thefoaf:page statement links it to the HTMLdocument. This allows RDF-aware clients to find a human-readable resource, and at the same time, by linking the page to its topic, definesuseful metadata about that HTML document. Therdfs:isDefinedBystatement links the person to the document containing its RDF description andallows RDF browsers to distinguish this main resource from other auxiliaryresources that just happen to be mentioned in the document. We userdfs:isDefinedBy instead of its weaker superpropertyrdfs:seeAlso because the content at/data/alice isauthoritative. The remaining statements are the actual white pages data.
The HTML document at shouldcontain in its header a<link> element that points to thecorresponding RDF document:
<html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>Alice's Homepage</title> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF Representation" href="" /> </head> ...
This allows RDF-aware Web clients to discover the RDF information. Theapproach isrecommendedin the RDF/XML specification ([RDFXML], section 9). If the RDF data isabout the Web page, rather than an expression of the information in it, then we recommend usingrel="meta" instead ofrel="alternate".
The client also can deduce similar link information directly from the HTTP headers: that a thing is described by a Web document which can be found at the end of a 303 redirect; that theContent-Location resource is a content-specific version of the generic document, and more. Ontologies for these relations are not discussed here.
The following illustration shows how the RDF and HTML documents shouldrelate the three URIs to each other:
The W3C's Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group haspublished a document that describes how to implement the solutions presentedhere on the Apache Web server. TheBest PracticeRecipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies [Recipes] mostly discuss the publication ofRDF vocabularies, but the ideas can also be applied to other kindsof small RDF datasets that are published from static files.
However, especially when it comes to content negotiation, the Recipes document doesn't cover some important details. Content negotiation is a bit more difficult in practice because of mixed-mode clients that can deal with both HTML and RDF, such as Firefox with theTabulator extension.
These browsers announce their ability to consume both RDF and HTML throughAccept headers that useq (quality) values:
Accept: application/rdf+xml;q=0.7, text/html
This browser accepts RDF with aq value of 0.7 and HTML with aq value of 1.0 (the default). This means the browser has a slight preference for HTML over RDF.
Now, a client preference for HTML doesn't necessarily mean that every server should send HTML. The server has to look at the client's preferences, and then it must make a decision based on the quality of the different variants it could offer. For example:
There are algorithms for choosing the best match by comparing client preferences with the quality of the server's available variants. For example, the Apache server can be configured with server-sideqs values that specify their relative quality.
Aqs value of 1.0 forapplication/rdf+xml and 0.5 fortext/html, would mean that the HTML variant has only approximately half the quality of the RDF and might be appropriate in the first case from the list above. If the HTML is a news article and the RDF contains just minimal information such as title, date and author, then 1.0 for the HTML and 0.1 for the RDF would be appropriate.
To determine the best variant for a particular client, Apache multiplies the client'sq value for HTML with the configuredqs value for HTML; and the same for RDF. The variant with the higher number wins. Apache's documentation has asection with a detailed description of its content negotiation algorithm [ApCN]. HTTP'sAccept header is described in detail insection 14.1 of the HTTP specification [HTTP-SPEC].
Content negotiation, with all its details, is fairly complex, but it is a powerful way of choosing the best variant for mixed-mode clients that can deal with HTML and RDF.
Not all projects that work with Semantic Web technologies make their dataavailable on the Web. But a growing number of projects follow the practicesdescribed here. This section gives a few examples.
ECS Southampton. TheSchool of Electronics and ComputerScience at University of Southampton has a Semantic Web site that employsthe 303 solution and is a great example of Semantic Web engineering. It isdocumented in theECS URISystem Specification [ECS].Separate subdomains are used for HTML documents, RDF documents, and resourceidentifiers. Take these examples:
Entering the first URI into a normal Web browser redirects to an HTML pageabout Wendy Hall. It presents a Web view of all available data on her. Thepage also links to her URI and to her RDF document.
D2RServer is an open-source application that can be used to publishdata from relational databases on the Semantic Web in accordance with theseguidelines. It employs the 303 solution and content negotiation. For example,theD2R Serverpublishing the DBLP Bibliography Database publishes several thousand bibliographical records and information about their authors. Example URIs,again connected via 303 redirects:
The RDF document for Chris Bizer is a SPARQL query result from theserver's SPARQL endpoint:\%3Chttp\%3A\%2F\\%2Fdblp\%2Fresource\%2Fperson\%2F315759\%3E
The SPARQL query encoded in this URI is:
This shows how a SPARQL endpoint can be used as a convenient method ofserving resource descriptions.
SemanticMediaWiki is an open-source Semantic wiki engine. Authors canuse special wiki syntax to put semantic attributes and relationships intowiki articles. For each article, the software generates a 303 URI thatidentifies the article's topic, and serves RDF descriptions generated fromthe attributes and relationships. Semantic MediaWiki drives theOntoWorld wiki. It has an article about thecity of Karlsruhe:
The URI of the RDF description is less than ideal, because it exposes theimplementation (php) and refers redundantly to RDF in the path and in thequery. A much cooler URI would be for example, as it allows content negotiationto be used to serve the data in RDF, RIF (Rule Interchange Format), or whatever else we think of next.
Many other approaches have been suggested over the years. While most ofthem are appropriate in special circumstances, we feel that they do not fitthe criteria fromSection 3, which are tobe on theWeb anddon't be ambiguous. Therefore they are not adequate asgeneral solutions for building a standards-based, non-fragmented,decentralized Semantic Web. We will discuss two of these approaches in somedetail.
HTTP URIs already identify Web resources and Web documents, not otherkinds of resources. Shouldn't we create a new URI scheme to identify otherresources? Then we could easily distinguish them from Web documents just bylooking at the first characters of the URI. For example, theinfoscheme can be used to identify books based on a LCCN number:info:lccn/2002022641.
Here are examples of such new URI schemes. A longer list is provided byThompson and Orchard inURNs,Namespaces and Registries [TAG-URNs].
) and the Dewey decimal system (info:ddc/22/eng//004.678),2001-06-05:Taiko
.To be truly useful, a new scheme must be accompanied by a protocol defining how to access more information about the identified resource. For example, theftp:// URI scheme identifies resources (files on an FTP server), andalso comes with a protocol for accessing them (the FTP protocol).
Some of the new URI schemes provide no such protocol at all. Othersprovide a Web Service that allows retrieval of descriptions using the HTTPprotocol. The identifier is passed to the service, which looks up theinformation in a central database or in a federated way. The problem here isthat a failure in this service renders the system unusable.
Another drawback can be a dependence on a standardization body. Toregister new parts in theinfo: space, a standardization body has tobe contacted. This, or paying a license fee before creating a new URI, slowsdown adoption. In such cases a standardization body is desirable to ensure thatall URIs are unique (e.g. with ISBNs). But this can be achieved using HTTPURIs inside an HTTP namespace owned and managed by the standardizationorganization.
Independent of standardization body and retrievability, pending patents and legal issues can influence the adoption of a new URI scheme. When using patented technology, implementers should verify that a Royalty-Free license is available.
The problems with new URI schemes are discussed at length inURNs,Namespaces and Registries.
"Reference by Description" radically solves the URI problem by doing away with URIsaltogether: Instead ofnaming resources with a URI,anonymousnodes are used, and aredescribed with information that allowsus to find the right one. A person, for example, could be described by name, date of birth, and social security number. These pieces of informationshould be sufficient to uniquely identify a person.
A popular practice is the use of a person's email address as a uniquelyidentifying piece of information. Thefoaf:mbox property is used inFriend of a Friend(FOAF) profiles for this purpose. InOWL, this kind of property is known as anInverse FunctionalProperty (IFP). When an agent encounters two resources with the sameemail address, it can infer that both refer to the same person and can treatthem as one.
But how tobe on the Web with this approach? How to enable agentsto download more data about resources we mention? There is a best practice toachieve this goal: Provide not only the IFP of the resource (e.g. theperson's email address), but also anrdfs:seeAlso property thatpoints to a Web address of an RDF document with further information about it.We see that HTTP URIs are still used to identify the location where more information can bedownloaded.
Furthermore, we now need several pieces of information to refer to aresource, the IFP value and the RDF document location. The simple act oflinking by using a URI has become a process involving several moving parts,and this increases the risk of broken links and makes implementation morecumbersome.
Regarding FOAF's practice of avoiding URIs for people, we agree withTim Berners-Lee'sadvice: “Go ahead and give yourself a URI. You deserve it!”
Resource names on the Semantic Web should fulfill two requirements: First,a description of the identified resource should be retrievable with standardWeb technologies. Second, a naming scheme should not confuse things and the documents representing them.
We have described two approaches that fulfill these requirements, bothbased on the HTTP URI scheme and protocol. One is to use the 303 HTTP statuscode to redirect from the resource identifier to the describing document. Oneis to use “hash URIs” to identify resources, exploiting the fact thathash URIs are retrieved by dropping the part after the hash and retrievingthe other part.
The requirement to distinguish between resources and their descriptionsincreases the need for coordination between multiple URIs. Some usefultechniques are: embedding links to RDF data in HTML documents, using RDFstatements to describe the relationship between the URIs, and using contentnegotiation to redirect to an appropriate description of a resource.
Many thanks to Tim Berners-Lee who invested much time and helped us understanding theTAG solution by answeringchatrequests and contributing many emails with clarifications and detailled reviews of this document. Special thanks go to Stuart Williams, Norman Walsh and all the other members from TAG,who reviewedthis document and provided essential feedback inJune 2007 andSeptember 2007 about many formulations that were (accidentially) contrary to the TAG's view. Also special thanks to theSemantic Web Deployment Group's members Michael Hausenblas, Vit Novacek, and Ed Summers' reviews and their review summary sent inOctober 2007. We wish tothank everyone else who has reviewed drafts of this document, especially Chris Bizer, Gunnar AAstrand Grimnes, Harry Halpin, Xiaoshu Wang, Henry S. Thompson, Jonathan Rees, and Christoph Päper. Susie Stephens reviewed the document, managed SWEO, and helped us to stay on track. Ivan Herman did much to verify that the W3C requirements are met and submitted the note.
This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education,Science, Research and Technology (BMBF), (Grants 01 IW C01, Project EPOS:Evolving Personal to Organizational Memories; and 01 AK 702B, ProjectInterVal: Internet and Value Chains) and by the European Union IST fund(Grant FP6-027705, Project Nepomuk).