



Arabic & Persian Layout Requirements

W3C Group Draft Note

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This document describes requirements for the layout and presentation of text in languages that use the Arabic script when they are used by Web standards and technologies, such as HTML, CSS, Mobile Web, Digital Publications, and Unicode.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of currentW3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at

This document describes the basic requirements for Arabic script layout and text support on the Web and in eBooks. These requirements provide information for Web technologies such as CSS, HTML and digital publications about how to support users of Arabic scripts. Currently the document focuses on Standard Arabic and Persian.

The editor's draft of this document was developed by theArabic Layout Task Force, part of theW3CInternationalization Interest Group. It is published by theInternationalization Working Group. The end target for this document is a Working Group Note.

To make it easier to track comments, please raise a separate issue for each comment, and at the start of the issue add a URL pointing to the section you are commenting on.

This document was published by theInternationalization Working Group as a Group Draft Note using theNote track.

Group Draft Notes are not endorsed byW3C nor its Members.

This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

TheW3C Patent Policy does not carry any licensing requirements or commitments on this document.

This document is governed by the03 November 2023W3C Process Document.



The information in this document was created by the following participants in theW3C'sArabic Script Language Enablement community: Behnam Esfahbod (Quora/Virgule Typeworks), Mostafa Hajizadeh, Najib Tounsi (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs), Richard Ishida (W3C), Shervin Afshar (Netflix), and Titus Nemeth.

Additional information and clarifications were provided by Khaled Hosny, and Azzeddine Lazrek.

See also theGitHub contributors list for the Arabic Script Enablement project, and thediscussions.

1.2About this document

The aim of this document is to describe the basic requirements for Arabic script layout and text support on the Web and in eBooks. These requirements provide information for Web technologies such as CSS, HTML and digital publications, and for application developers, about how to support users of Arabic scripts. The document focuses on Standard Arabic and Persian.

The document focuses on typographic layout issues. For a deeper understanding of the Arabic script itself and how it works seeModern Standard Arabic Orthography Notes, which includes topics such as:Phonology,Vowels,Consonants, andNumbers.

This document should contain no reference to a particular technology. For example, it should not say "CSS does/doesn't do such and such", and it should not describe how a technology, such as CSS, should implement the requirements. It is technology agnostic, so that it will be evergreen, and it simply describes how the script works. The gap analysis document is the appropriate place for all kinds of technology-specific information.

1.3Gap analysis

This document should be used alongside a separate document,Arabic Script Gap Analysis, which describes gaps in support for various languages written using the Arabic script on the Web, and prioritises and describes the impact of those gaps on the user.

Gap reports are brought to the attention of spec and browser implementers, and are tracked via theGap Analysis Pipeline. (Filter it for Kashmiri)

1.4Other related resources

To complement any content authored specifically for this document, a separate document, Arabic Script Layout Requirements, points to information, tests, GitHub discussions, etc., for a wide range of languages that use a form of the Arabic script.

TheLanguage enablement index points to this document and others, and provides a central location for developers and implementers to find information related to various scripts.

TheW3C also has a repository with discussion threads related to the Arabic script, including requests from developers to the user community for information about how scripts/languages work, and a notification system that tracks issues inW3C working groups related to Arabic scripts. See a list ofunresolved questions for Arabic script experts. See also therepository home page.

1.5Language scope

This document is focused on two languages: Standard Arabic and Persian.

1.5.1Standard Arabic language

Standard Arabic—a.k.a. Modern Standard Arabic or Literary Arabic—is the standardized and literary variety of Arabic used in writing and in most formal speech in countries of Northern Africa and West Asia. Regional and classical dialects of Arabic may differ in layout and text details and arenot covered by this document.

However, there are some major differences in common practices between theWestern Arab regions—that is North-West Africa—andEastern Arab regions—which is North-East Africa and West Asia. For example, the numeral digits used in the two regions and their formatting are vastly different. Although, there's no clear line between the Eastern and Western Arab regions.

1.5.2Persian language

Persian—a.k.a. Modern Persian—is the standardized and literary variety of the official languages used in Iran and Afghanistan. The dialect of Persian in Iran is also called Western Persian, and is locally known asFarsi. The dialect of Persian in Afghanistan is also known as Eastern Persian, and is locally known as Dari.

Tajik—a.k.a Tajiki or Tajiki Persian—is the Persian language as used in Tajikistan. It is written in the Cyrillic script, therefore, isnot covered by this document.

2.Text direction

2.1Writing mode

Arabic script is written from right to left. Numbers, even Arabic numbers, are written from left to right, as is text in a script that is normally left-to-right.

When the main script is Arabic, the layout and structure of pages and documents are also set from right to left.

2.1.1Vertical text

In situations where short runs of text run vertically, for example on book spines or in table headers, Arabic text is rotated to run along the line. It may be rotated so that the tops of the letters face to the left (read the text from top to bottom) or to the right (read the text from bottom to top).

Vertical Arabic top down  Vertical Arabic bottom up
Figure1Vertical Arabic, top-down and bottom-up flow.

The flow of text, top-down vs. bottom-up, may depend on regions or authors. The leftcase inFigure1 is a typically francophone style for bookspines, whereas the right case is an anglophone style. embedded in vertically orientated text

When Arabic is embedded in body text that is set vertically, such as CJK or Mongolian text, it is also normally rotated so as to run along the line. Typically, the Arabic text will be read from bottom to top of the line.

When the Arabic text spans more than one line, the text is wrapped in the same way as it would be in horizontal text, ie. the first part of the Arabic text is kept on thefirst line, and subsequent parts of the Arabic text appear on subsequent lines.Therefore, in the case of Mongolian, where lines are read left-to-right, the Arabic text lines are also read left-to-right, whereas in Chinese or Japanese, where vertical lines are normally read right-to-left, the Arabic text lines are also read right-to-left.

Figure2Arabic text embedded in vertical Chinese. vertical Arabic text

There are attested cases of Arabic text arranged vertically with the letters upright, for example in signboards for cinemas or theatres. It is not clear, at this point whether this a standard approach for Arabic text, or just an unusual layout that mimics Western typographic approaches.

Arabic Upright on a front movie
Figure3Arabic upright on a front movie (see arrow).

The following should be noted inFigure3.

  1. Letters flow from top to bottom (as with Latin script).
  2. Isolated form of letters seems more appropriate here than the joined form.
  3. Diacritic marks, if any, must be applied to letters and not appear on separatelines.

2.2Bidirectional text

2.2.1The Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm

TheUnicode Bidirectional Algorithm (orbidi algorithm, for short) [UAX9] details an algorithm for rendering right-to-left text and covers a myriad of situations, mixing different kinds of characters. A simpler explanation of the basics of the algorithm exists in theW3C articleUnicode Bidirectional Algorithm basics. [UBA-BASICS] You can refer to these documents for more information about Unicode’s bidirectional algorithm.

A brief overview of thebidirectional algorithm follows, because the direction is an essential part of how Arabic script is used.

The characters of a text are digitally stored and transferred in the same order that they are typed by a user. This is the order in which the text is read and pronounced by people and held in memory by software applications, as shown inFigure4 for a sample text.

The order of characters in memory
Figure4The order of characters in memory.

But the order used when displaying text is different. The purpose of the bidi algorithm is to find display positions for the characters of a text. These positions are solely used for displaying texts.Figure5 shows the same sample text when prepared for display with the bidi algorithm.

The order of characters when displayed
Figure5The order of characters when displayed.

An initial step of the process involves determining each paragraph’sbase direction: whether the paragraph is left-to-right or right-to-left. The base direction is either explicitly set by the author, inherited from the page, or (typically for user-generated content) detected based on the content of the paragraph. The base direction has two important uses later in the process.

The next step is to split the text intodirectional runs. Each directional run is a sequence of characters with the same direction.

Splitting a text into 3 directional runs
Figure6Splitting a text into 3 directional runs.

Inside each run, all the characters follow the same order. The runs themselves are ordered for visual representation from left to right or from right to left, depending on the base direction of the paragraph.Figure7 demonstrates an example of this. This is the first effect of the base direction.

The effect of base direction on the order of runs
Figure7The effect of base direction on the order of runs.

Unicode has abidi class (orbiditype) property defined for each character that is used to determine the direction of each character. All the Arabic letters are marked as right-to-left characters, while Latin characters have the left-to-right category.

Some characters, mostly punctuation marks, areneutral. Thedirection of these characters is derived from their surrounding characters. If a neutral character is surrounded by characters of the same direction (e.g. a space surrounded by Arabic letters), it gets the direction of its neighbors. Otherwise (e.g. a space between an Arabic and a Latin, or a neutral character appearing at the start or the end of a paragraph), the neutral character gets its direction from the paragraph’s base direction. This is another effect of the base direction in the bidi algorithm.

The above explanation of the bidi algorithm is highly simplified, to convey only theessentials of how Arabic text is transformed for rendering. The actual algorithm deals with many more character types and edge cases. Please refer toUnicodeBidirectional Algorithm basics [UBA-BASICS] for more information orUnicode Bidirectional Algorithm [UAX9] for the official detailed documentation.

3.Glyph shaping & positioning

3.1Fonts & font styles

Traditionally, the Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters, though for practical purposes it makes sense to include the hamzah, which increases the number of letters to 29. Numerous letters share the same skeleton and are only distinguished by diacritic signs. Since letters change according to their position in the word, Arabic fonts typically contain hundreds of glyphs. Depending on the design of the font, the inclusion of ligatures, stylistic alternates, contextually sensitive shapes, language localisation, punctuation, etc. can further expand the glyphset. Some contemporary fonts include many hundreds, in some cases even thousands of glyphs.

Early typefaces, some still in use today, incorporated design features based on a variety of simplifications. For example, one of the first approaches used a "typewriter" style, where the same glyph is used for different positions in a word. This is the case for initial and medial shapes for most letters. It is generally the browser default font for the Arabic script. A more unifying approach is the use of a single and detached glyphs for each letter without joining. Other approaches were used, producing visual results of more or less practicality.

Nowadays, there is a large choice of fonts, and one can choose the font that best suits one's typographical desire. However, one may also wish to take into account some non-typographical considerations like the following:

3.1.1The Islamic manuscript tradition

The Arabic script belongs to the class of Semitic writing systems. It evolved from the Nabataean script, and attained its distinctive form by the 4th century CE. It is closely related to the Syriac and the Hebrew script. The earliest attested document written in the Arabic alphabet in its classical form stems from the Islamic era, it is dated to 643 CE.

According to Islamic belief, the prophet Muhammad received his revelations in the Arabic language. As a consequence, Arabic attained religious connotations. Muhammad's revelations were first compiled and standardised in writing after his death in 632 CE under the caliphs Abu Bakr and 'Uthman. The resulting holy book, the Qur’ān, became a central vehicle of the faith. The Arabic script thus spread with Islamic civilization beyond its origins, and started to be used to write other languages. Because of the wide reach of Islam, numerous, widely differing languages were and are written with the Arabic script. As a result, different orthographies, including variant forms of Arabic letters were conceived. In parallel to these linguistic developments, a plethora of regional styles emerged, making the Islamic manuscript tradition one of the richest in the world. Styles

Islamic manuscript practice evolved with Islamic art and civilization. Extant evidence of decorative use of the Arabic script can be found as early as the 7th century CE, in a mosaic band in the Dome of the Rock. Beyond frequent monumental inscriptions in architecture, calligraphy became one of the foremost Islamic art forms. Manuscript practice evolved into a central element of Islamic civilization through the copying of books, and the refinement of calligraphy into a form of fine art. The commissioning and writing of the Qur’ān was seen as an expression of religious devotion and provided the context for scribes and calligraphers to excel in their craft. Further to its use as a textual medium, Arabic calligraphy and lettering crafts developed a rich palette of decorative forms and uses.

A range of styles evolved over time in different regions and for different purposes. These include monumental writing styles used in decorative and representational settings, styles used for the exclusive use of rulers, common hands in different areas, and styles dedicated for specialist purposes such as miniature writing. Many of these styles fell out of use, some evolved further, and some retained a high degree of consistency over time.

There is evidence that both monumental and current hands existed and evolved from the early Islamic era onwards. Various exponents of the monumental styles are often loosely referred to as Kūfī, making it a term that lacks precision and clarity. It describes a group of styles that are marked by an angularity and stark graphic characteristics that are absent from the round scripts that took preeminence from the late 10th, early 11th century CE.

The ‘Abbassīd calligrapher Ibn Muqlah (885/886–940 CE) is recognised for his contribution to the evolution of the round scripts. He articulated a system of proportional relations of Arabic letterforms, which became known as 'The Proportioned Script' (al-khatt al-mansūb), although its precise meaning remains open to interpretation. His work was continued by Ibn al-Bawwāb (d. 1022 CE), and later by Yāqūt al-Musta‘ṣimī (d. 1298 CE), who is credited with refining and canonising six writing styles into their definitive forms. The so-called 'Six Pens' (al-aqlām as-sitta) became the expression of an early high point of Islamic calligraphy. They are grouped in sister scripts of two, in which one is a large, the other a small hand, which share some characteristics. They are (large/small) Thuluth and Naskh, Muhaqqaq and Reyhān, and Tawqi‘ and Riqa‘, and they superceded all preceding styles.

Other cultural centres of Islamic civilization emerged after the fall of the ‘Abbassīds, and developed their distinct calligraphic styles. Of note is the Persian domain, where the styles Ta‘līq and Nasta‘līq emerged and attained their classical form in the 14th century CE. The Ottoman school began with Sheikh Hamdullah in the late 15th century CE, and built on the Arabic and Persian predecessors. It refined existing styles and invented new hands, to achieve a new high point in the arts of Islamic penmanship.

Today, only a handful of styles are still widely in use, and known. The most prominent style is Naskh, which has become the default form of Arabic in most contexts, notably as a model for typography. However, there is strong regional variance. In Iran and Pakistan Nasta‘līq remains the preferred style for Persian and Urdu respectively, and in the Mashriq Ruq‘ah (not to be confused with Riqa‘) retains a prominent role in casual writing, as well as in lettering. In calligraphic art, other styles are still practised, where notably Thuluth is preeminent.

Kūfī (كوفي)
Kūfī ‘Abbassīd style
Figure8Kūfī ‘Abbassīd style example [Source].

Kūfī is best understood as an umbrella term containing numerous variants, including widely diverging styles such as ornamental Kūfī, square Kūfī, and the so-called Eastern Kūfī, making the term highly ambiguous. The earliest forms of Kūfī are attested from the 7th century CE, making it one of the oldest Arabic writing styles. The Kūfī style that gained prominence in the production of Qur’ān manuscripts from the 7th century CE, also known as ‘Abbassīd style, is characterized by angular forms, with pronounced emphasis of horizontal strokes, very small or closed counter shapes, and uniformity of spacing.

Maghribī (مغربي)
Maghribi script
Figure9Maghribī example [Source].

Like Kūfī, the denomination Maghribī (western) is a generic name that encompasses numerous variants. This class of styles probably evolved from the ‘Abbassīd style when Islamic conquests advanced through North Africa and into the Iberian peninsula in the 8th century CE. It maintained some structural characteristics from the ‘Abbassīd style and evolved further into a distinct regional hand. Used for writing the Qur’ān as well as other scientific, legal and religiousmanuscripts.Rabat, amabsut version of it, is widely used in some official printings in Morocco.

Thuluth (ثلث)
Thuluth script
Figure10Thuluth example [Source].

Thuluth is one of the first rounded styles and can be traced back to the late 10th century. Its name probably refers to the width of the pen, which was a third of the pen used for the ancientṬūmār style. Canonised as one of the six pens, over timeThuluth acquired preeminence in the Islamic calligraphic arts. It was mainly used for large, decorative applications such as titles, chapters headers, or monumental inscriptions.

Naskh (نسخ)
Naskh script
Figure11Naskh example [Source].

Naskh means ‘copying’, and it is the bookhand par excellence of the Arabic manuscript tradition. It emerged at the end of the 10th century, and developed into distinct regional schools from the 13th century. Over time Naskh became the predominant writing style for continuous text and superseded most earlier styles. When typography was adopted in the Arabic script world,Naskh formed the basis for most types intended for continuous reading.

Taʻlīq (تعليق)
Taʻlīq script
Figure12Taʻlīq example [Source].

Taʻlīq (hanging) is a Persian chancery style. It probably emerged from the oldertawqī‘ and its definitive form was established by the 13th century. As the name indicates, and owing to the pronounced inclination, it gives the impression of being suspended from above.

Nastaʻlīq (نستعلیق)
Nastaliq script
Figure13Nastaʻlīq example [Source].

The namenastaʻlīq combinesnaskh andtaʻlīq, which may indicate the two influences of this style.Nastaʻlīq became the archetypal writing style of the Persianate world, and attained its definitive form by the late 14th century, although earlier forms are attested. Like taʻlīq it gives a ‘hanging’ impression, and is marked by smooth, flowing curves. Although not widely used for continuous text, nastaʻlīq also found some use for short texts in Arabic.

Dīwānī (ديواني)
Diwani script
Figure14Dīwānī example [Source].

Dīwānī was used at the Ottoman court (Dīwān) for official documents, making it a typical chancery script. It developed from the Persiantaʻlīq and found use from the late 15th century. Its considerable complexity was intended to preclude forgeries of official documents.

Ruqʻah (رقعة‎)
Ruqʻa script
Figure15Ruqʻa example [Source].

TheRuq’ah style evolved fromDīwānī in the 18th century as a fast chancery hand in the Ottoman Empire. It should not be confused with the olderRiqā‘ that is wholly different.Ruq’ah is still commonly used in the region of the fertile crescent as the preferred hand for everyday use. Its compact proportions give it a dark appearance, and its origins as a small, fast hand lend the shapes a graphic simplicity when enlarged, a feature that makes it popular in contemporary lettering.

3.2Context-based shaping & positioning

Arabic script has some characteristics that are challenging for typographers and font designers. The examples below show some characteristics that require careful consideration. How, even in the simplernaskh style, can typography, which came late to the Arabic world, follow the tradition of the many authors and artists who manually shaped the Arabic writing over decades.

3.2.1Multi-level baselines

Letters may join through a finely inclined line.

slope baseline
Figure16Inclining baseline.

Or they may appear on two, square-ended lines.

two level baselin
Figure17Dual-level baseline.

Multilevel baselines don't occur in all fonts. The above examples use the Arabic Typesetting font. Compare those examples to more typical fonts:

normal Font

Figure18Flat baselines.

3.2.2Multi-context joining

Rendering of letters depends not only on their place in the word (initial, medial, final) but also on their neighboring letters, i.e. the letter they join with. Each letter has a different appearance in each combination.

Different initial shape of noon
Figure19Initial letter noon, showing many different forms.

Fonts don't always comply with or respect this kind oftuning. To do so, fonts need many glyphs in order to adapt to eachcontext. In more modern typefaces some of these connections are implemented by ligatures, but ligatures can't capture or cover all joining behavior.

In the two left most words, the initial noon differs in that one raises a kind of stroke. This property of raising a stroke is common for a number of letters (beh, teh, noon, theh) which are taller than their connected letters in order to be distinguished in some contexts, such asBeh with stroke before seen vs.Beh without stroke after seen, or to resolve ambiguity. See also3.2.5The so-called teeth letters..

3.2.3Words as groups of letters

A word shape is composed of not (only) a set of "horizontally" connected letters, but groups of letters (syntagmes).

Figure20 shows syntagmes in two words in a naskh font with many glyph variants.

Aleph and two groups of letters to form a wordtwo other group of letters
Figure20Groups of letters are colored blue or red.

Compare that with the same words in more plain font:

same word in more normal fontsame word in default font
Figure21Can't really say letter groups. Rather a "horizontal sequence of letters of almost same width".

Group combinations cannot be covered by general or usual ligatures.

3.2.4Vertical joining

Groups of letters may also join vertically (top down) instead of right to left. Not all fonts permit this.

Vertical joininghorizontal joing
Figure22Almost vertical joining (left), vs. horizontal joins (right).

Once again, some fonts try standard ligatures, but this is not ligature. This israther (good) writing practice/style.

One should note that all these features have not only an aesthetic side, but also play a role in justification. Choosing a joining style to suit the desired line width is done at the discretion of authors for hand-written text. Applications should provide general rules to emulate these options, but achieving such justification requires sophisticated algorithms.

3.2.5The so-called teeth letters.

Where successive letters have a uniform medial shape, they can be rendered in a way that resembles teeth.

Teeth letters
Figure23"Teeth" letters.

Individual letter shapes may vary according to the context. It's not always the same letters (in red)which raise the stroke inFigure23.


Almost all the writing styles of the Arabic script use a special shape when the letterslam andalef are joined. Most Arabic fonts include mandatory ligatures for this combination. Ignoring this ligature, as shown inFigure24, leads to incorrectly rendered text.

Correct and wrong ways of rendering letter lam followed by letter alef
Figure24Correct and incorrect ways of rendering letterlam followed by letteralef

This shape is not limited to the combinationلا [U+0644 ARABIC LETTER LAM +U+0627 ARABIC LETTER ALEF]. Variations of the letteralef such asآ [U+0622 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE] andأ [U+0623 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE] when combined with the letterlam follow the same rules. Combination with diacritics does not affect these ligatures. Each of these ligatures also provides a special shape for joining on its right side (to the preceding letter).


More than one diacritic can occur after a single base character and all of them should be visually attached to the same character. Font files usually define special shapes or positioning for combination of diacritics. This extra information should be applied in rendering texts.

Figure25 shows an example, where, according to thisfont’s specification, combining U+0651 ARABIC SHADDA and U+0650 ARABIC KASRA changes their positions. Various font files may require different transformations.

Diacritics could be combined in Arabic script.
Figure25Diacritics could be combined in Arabic script.

3.2.8Positioning diacritics relative to base characters

In Arabic script text it is unusual to use diacritics for vowel information and forconsonant lengthening. If they are used, however, there are different approaches to their placement relative to the base characters they modify. Some fonts display short vowel diacritics at the same height, while others vary the height according to the basecharacter.

Another potential difference arises when a short i vowel diacritic is used with a shadda. In some cases the vowel diacritic remains below the base letter, whereas in other cases the vowel diacritic appears above the base letter, but under the shadda (so that it can be distinguished from the short a vowel diacritic, which appears above the shadda).

3.3Cursive text

Arabic script is a cursive writing system; i.e, letters can join to their neighboring letters. Besides the core behavior of the script, there are some details on how content is encoded in Unicode, and some rules around joining behavior when rendering special cases.

3.3.1Joining Forms

Every Arabic letter has one, two, or four different joining forms, which allow theletter to join to its neighbors, if applicable. These four forms are:

  • Isolated form, used when the letter does not join toany of the surrounding letters;
  • Initial form, used when the letter is joining only toits next (left-hand side) letter;
  • Medial form, used when the letter is joining on bothsides, and
  • Final form, used when the letter is joined only to itsprevious (right-hand side) letter.

Figure26 shows samples of all four joining forms forU+0645 ARABIC LETTER MEEM (م).

Isolated joining form of U+0645 ARABIC LETTER MEEM.Final joining form of U+0645 ARABIC LETTER MEEM.Medial joining form of U+0645 ARABIC LETTER MEEM.Initial joining form of U+0645 ARABIC LETTER MEEM.
Figure26Four different letter forms for joining to surrounding letters.

We define the following two groups of joining forms:

  • Join-to-left forms: either Initial form or Medialform of a letter, which joins to the left-hand side (next) letter. Other forms are callednon-join-to-left.
  • Join-to-right forms: either Medial form or Finalform of a letter, which joins to the right-hand side (previous) letter. Other forms arecallednon-join-to-right.

3.3.2Joining Categories

There are different categories of letters based on their joining behavior:

  • Dual-joining letters: can join from both sides, like the letter inFigure26, and has all the four shapes mentioned above.
  • Right-joining letters: can only join to theirprevious (right-hand side) letter, and therefore, only haveisolated andfinal shapes.Figure27 shows samples of bothforms for U+0631 ARABIC LETTER REH (ر).
  • Non-joining letters: cannot join to any surroundingletter, and therefore can only take theisolated form.Figure28 shows a sample of U+0621 ARABIC LETTER HAMZAH (ء) inits only possible form.
Isolated joining form of U+0631 ARABIC LETTER REH.Final joining form of U+0631 ARABIC LETTER REH.
Figure27Right-joining letters only have two forms offinal andisolated.

Most of Arabic letters are eitherdual-joining orright-joining.

One joining form of U+0621 ARABIC LETTER HAMZAH.
Figure28Non-Joining letters only have one form:isolated.

3.3.3Joining Rules

There are core rules on how letters join to each other in the Arabic script, which stay valid regardless of the medium (hand-writing, typewriter, movable-type, digital, etc):

  1. Letters of each word join together whenever possible,implicitly.
  2. In some languages, like Persian and Urdu, there are words—mostly, but not limited to, compound words—that require explicit breaks in the joining of letters, although joining would otherwise be possible.
  3. In certain cases, a letter can be in ajoin-to-left formwithout actually connecting to anything on the left, whether there’s any letter or not.This is often seen in list counters, abbreviations, and other cases where letters do not have a word context, or are taken out of their original word context.
  4. In rare cases of words splitting where letters are joined, first letter of the second half will be in ajoin-to-right form without any previous letter. This behavior is limited to special cases like blanking specific letters of a word, line breaks in a paragraph, and word breaks across poetry verses. No standalone word can have any letters injoin-to-right form without joining on the right-hand side.

Figure29 demonstrates how letters join (per Joining Rule1) to form a word.

Letter BEH and MEEM join to form a word.
Figure29Letters join by taking their relevant form.

3.3.4Joining Control

Arabic letters are represented in their intended joining forms in hand-writing,typewriters, and old (deprecated) digital encodings of the script. In Unicode, letters are encoded semantically—meaning without any information about their joining form—and therefore there’s need for a mechanism for controlling of the joining behavior of the letters.

In Unicode, by default, neighbor Arabic letters join together if and only if bothletters are able to join towards the other. Enforcement

As noted in Joining Rule 2, sometimes two Arabic letters sit next to each other (inone word) which would normally join together, but should not. In Unicode, for such acase, a special character should be used to enforce disjoining of these letters. Thischaracter is calledU+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER, orZWNJ for short.

ZWNJ example.
Figure30Example of usingZWNJ fordisjoining enforcement. Enforcement

Similarly, as noted in Joining Rule 4, sometimes an Arabic letter needs to take ajoining form when it would not happen normally. For example, some abbreviation methods use Initial Form of letters, when possible, for every letter in the abbreviation. Again, in Unicode, a special character should be used to enforce joining on this letter. This character is calledU+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER, orZWJ for short.

BesidesZWJ, there’s another special Unicode character,U+0640 ARABIC TATWEEL, which enforces joining behavior (join causing) onletters next to it. But, in contrast toZWJ,TATWEEL has a glyph shape, looking like a hyphen and usually as wide as the SPACE glyph, which connects to the letters on the main joining line (a.k.a. base-line). So, usingTATWEEL would give a similar Joining Enforcement behavior, but has a side effect of wider length for the letter, which is not always desired. That’s why it’s highly recommended to only useZWJ for joining control.

ZWJ example.TATWEEL example.
Figure31Example of usingZWJ (recommended) andTATWEEL (not recommended) forjoining enforcement.

In Unicode,ZWNJ andZWJ are calledJoining Control Characters. Enforcement

Two enforcement methods mentioned above can be combined together to form aJoining-Disjoining Enforcement method, that enablesJoining Rule 3 for cases when there’s adual-joining/right-joining letter after ajoin-to-left letter, whichshould not be joined to its previous letter.

ZWJ+ZWNJ example.
Figure32Example of using<ZWJ, ZWNJ> forjoining-disjoining enforcement. Joining

Joining Control is not only managed by the content, but sometimes happens by the word context. For example, a word may be broken between two joined letters because of line break, meaning the content is not changed and only the joining form of letters should be maintained across the break.

3.3.5Joining Segments

A sequence of letters that join together are called aJoining Segment.Regardless of language,joining segments have no direct relationship tosyllables.

Two types of joining segments exist:closed andopen. Joining Segments

Joining Segments usually have a closed form, meaning that they start in anon-join-to-right form and end in anon-join-to-left form.Closedjoining segments are the result of segments either start and end with their normalbehavior (Joining Rule 1), or bydisjoining enforcement (JoiningRule 2).

There are two possible types of closed segments:

  • Single-Letter Closed Segment, which contains only one letter that is inits Isolated form.
  • Multi-Letter Closed Segment, which contains more than one letter,starting with an Initial form, zero or more Medial forms, and ending with a Finalform.
A word with only single-letter closed segments.A word that is just one long multi-letter closed segment.
Figure33Examples of closed joining segment types. Joining Segments

Under the certain cases, as noted inJoining Rules 3and 4,joining segments can start with ajoin-to-right form, or end with ajoin-to-left form, or both.

There are three possible types of these segments:

  • Open-On-Left Segment, which contains one or moreDual-Joining letters,starting with an Initial form and continuing with zero or more Medial forms.
  • Open-On-Right Segment, which starts with zero or more Medial Formletters, and ends with a Final Form letter.
  • Open-On-Both-Sides Segment, which contains one or moreDual-Joiningletters, all in their Medial Form.
An abbreviation with closed segments.An abbreviation with open-on-left segments.
Figure34Examples of joining segment types.

3.3.6Non-Joining Characters

Arabic Letters, twoJoining Control Characters (ZWNJ andZWJ), andTATWEEL are the only characters used in the Arabic writing system with joining behavior.

Arabic diacritics, other Unicodenon-spacing marks, and most Unicodeformat control characters are consideredtransparent in joining behavior.

All other Unicode characters in Arabic script (as well as Latin and many other majorscripts) are non-joining and do not take any joining forms other than Isolated.

For more the details onArabic Cursive Joining algorithm,please refer to chapterMiddle East-I — Modern andLiturgical Scripts of The Unicode Standard. [UNICODE]

3.3.7Special requirements when dealing with cursive glyphs

The cursive nature of the Arabic script requires more attention when applying some visual styles to the texts. It mostly occurs when the implementation assumes letters as separated shapes and does not account for cursive scripts. and Intra-Word Spaces

The only spaces inside Arabic words are created near characters that are notdual-joining. When adjusting intra-word spaces (i.e. the space inside the words) only these spaces can be adjusted. Moving two joined characters closer to or further from each other creates undesirable results.

Arabic fonts achieve joining by overlapping letters. A left-joining letter extends out of its bounding box from the left side and aright-joining letter extends out of its bounding box from the right side. Making each letter transparent can expose theseoverlapping joinings, which should be avoided. Joining the paths of the joined letter into a single shape can remove the overlappings and create the good results.

Applying transparency to Arabic letters should not expose their joining overlaps.
Figure35Applying transparency to Arabic letters should not expose their joining overlaps. border

When adding text border, simply adding a border to each letter shape fails to produce the proper result for the Arabic script. A joined letter should not be separated from its joined neighbors by adding border. Like transparency, a way to avoid this is to unify glyph paths into a single big path for all the letters that are joined and add border around that path.

Text border should not expose joinings.
Figure36Text border should not expose joinings. individual letters

For educational, technical, or even aesthetic reasons, users might want to apply aspecific style to a single letter (or a few letters) in a word. For example,Figure37 is the logo of the largest telecommunications provider in Oman.

Omantel logo
Figure37Colour changes across joining characters in the logo for Omantel.

This should not break the letter’s joining with its neighbors, as shown inFigure38.

Applying style to a single letter should not interfere with its joining properties.
Figure38Applying style to a single letter should not interfere with its joining properties.

4.Typographic units

4.1Characters & encoding

Arabic script is encoded in the Unicode standardsemantically, meaning that every letter receives only a single Unicode character, no matter how many different contextual shapes it may exhibit.

Unicode also has a partial set ofnon-semantic encoded characters for the Arabic script, under blocksArabic Presentation Forms-A andArabic Presentation Forms-B, which are deprecated and should not be used in general interchange.

A.Characters lists characters used for the Arabic and Persian languages. Characters used for these languages include letters and diacritics, three sets of digits (usage depending on the region), punctuation (some common and some specific to the script), symbols, and Unicode formatting characters.

The majority of these characters are common among different languages, though there are three different sets of digits for use by different languages. Most of the alphabetical characters are used by all the languages using Arabic scripts, but there are exceptions, such as the Arabic letteryeh being represented with two different characters,U+064A ARABIC LETTER YEH (ي) andU+06CC ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH (ی). These differences among the character sets of each language are marked in the appendix tables.

Control characters are used to produce the correct spelling of the words or to ensure correct combination with left-to-right content. Consequently, they should be preserved when storing and displaying texts.

4.2Grapheme/word segmentation & selection

Similar to alphabetic orthographical conventions of Latin script, word-boundaries inArabic script can be distinguished by white space and a specific subset of punctuationmarks.

In case of hand-written Latin script text, the word-space boundaries were introducedto improve readability of manuscripts. This practice first surfaced in seventh andeight century CE and was common by thirteenth and fourteenth. [BURNLEY], [SAENGER]

The earliest known example of an Arabic text typeset with movable types whichdates back to 1514, lacks word-space boundaries and shows all characteristics of following the calligraphic tradition. Arabic books typeset by the end of the century show a progression towards using word-space boundaries and by the end of 18th century, the practice is widespread and common.

Regardless of writing systems, since these conventions have emerged over the course of time and as some believe in response to non-orthographic principles of wordhood[OX-WORD], there are always exceptions existing for them. Some of such special cases and exceptions are detailed below:

Unicode Text Segmentation [UAX29] describes guidelines for determining most significant text boundaries independent of language and orthographic conventions. These guidelines shape a logical set of rules for default boundary determination based on Unicode Standard uniform character model.

Beyond this default boundary determination model, the locale-specific boundary specifications, including cases which require boundary suppression, are available in[CLDR].

For line segmentation (or more precisely, where line breaks are allowed) see section 4.1 and for details paragraph boundaries see Section 4.3.

5.Punctuation & inline features

5.1Data formats & numbers

5.1.1Preferred Terminology

Before entering this section in we need to introduce few preferred terminologicalconventions for disambiguation and simplicity.

  • European Numerals are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They are also referred to asWestern Arabic Numerals or simply asArabic Numerals. Although these are terminologically correct terms, to avoidconfusions we will refrain from using these phrases to refer to these numerals.European Numerals orASCII numerals are used instead.
  • Arabic-Indic Numerals are٠,١,٢,٣,٤,٥,٦,٧,٨,٩.
  • Eastern Arabic-Indic Numerals are ۰, ۱, ۲, ۳, ۴, ۵, ۶, ۷, ۸, ۹.
  • Extended Arabic-Indic Numerals same asEastern Arabic-Indic Numerals.
  • Western Arabic Numerals, orArabic Numerals same asEuropean Numerals.
  • Eastern Arabic Numerals is used to refer to bothArabic-IndicNumerals andEastern Arabic-Indic Numerals. Should be avoided due toambiguity.
  • Indic Numerals should be avoided to refer to either of Arabic-Indic orEastern Arabic-Indic numerals.
  • Digit,Numeral digit, andNumeral are used assynonyms.

5.1.2Families of Numerals

Three families of numerals are used with languages using the Arabic Script: theEuropean Numerals, theArabic-Indic Numerals, andEastern Arabic-Indic Numerals. The following table, based on asimilar table in [W3-ARAB-MATH] exhibits these three families. Those three numerals which have different shapes betweenArabic-Indic Numerals andEastern Arabic-Indic Numerals are highlighted.

FamilyUnicode RangeNumeral DigitsRegions in Use
EuropeanU+0030 DIGIT ZERO
0123456789Western Arabic-speaking countries; e.g. Algeria or Morocco.
٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩Eastern Arabic-speaking countries; e.g. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq.
۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹Iran and Afghanistan.

In all Arabic numeral systems, numbers are written with the lowest significant digits to the right and the highest digits to the left (a.k.a. left to right), though Arabic script is written from right to left.

An important fact to note here is thebidirectional category of these numbers.

The difference in bidirectional category betweenArabic-Indic digits andEastern Arabic-Indic digits is due to the difference in the behavior desired inArabic vs. Persian.

As a consequence, the following sentences, having similar content, result in a very different ordering in a right-to-left context:

Five is written ۵ in Iran and ٥ in Egypt.
Five is written ۵ in Iran and 5 in Morocco.

5.1.3Formatting of Numerals

European numerals are used with "," (U+002C COMMA) and "." (U+002E FULL STOP) asdecimalseparator andthousands separator, respectively, or vice versa; depending on the region.

  • 1.234,5 in Western regions.
  • 1,234.5 in Eastern regions.
  • Sometimes,U+2009 THIN SPACE orU+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE may also be used asthousands separator.

Arabic-Indic numerals use two specific separators:

  • Example: ١٬٢٣٤٫٥ .

5.1.4Arabic number in other uses

Numbers do not always appear alone, and may appear alongside other characters like financial symbols, fraction signs, decimal and/or thousands signs (excluding math expressions here). Also there are Arabic-specific signs such as؉ [U+0609 ARABIC-INDIC PER MILLE SIGN] and٪ [U+066A ARABIC PERCENT SIGN], as well as the Arabic decimal " ٫ " (U+66B) and thousands  " ٬ " (U+066C) separators, mentioned earlier. These are mostly used with Arabic-Indic digits.

Numerals can also come separated by or mixed with space or other signs. Example are phone numbers +12 34 56 78 89, cars licence plate like 123 د‎ 4,  quantities 37.5°,   ٥٠ كلم (50km) etc.

Particular attention is needed here. Firstly, numbers have a weak directionality with regards to the Bidi algorithm. For example, alongside a number, certain otherwise neutral characters, such as negative/positive sign, currency or degree symbols, are likely to be treated as part of the number rather than a neutral.

Secondly, the placement of the accompanying signs and symbols may depend on the region: generally Middle East (or anglophone) vs. Western (or francophone) regions. This is not to mention punctuation signs.

  • The percent sign is placed on the left after the number (ie. ٪١٢ not *١٢٪), and without a space (*٪ ١٢). With European numbers,% [U+0025 PERCENT SIGN] is sometimes used, and can be placed either on the right or the left of the digits (eg. 12% or %12).
  • Arabic decimal and thousand separators obey the same rule as for European numbers (١٬٢٣٤٫٥٦). European signs are used with European numbers (1.234,56 or 1,234.56).
  • Money or currency signs when they come alongside a number, are placed at the left and treated as part of the number rather than a neutral (€12.3 or €١٢٫٣).
  • On the other hand, degree signs are placed at the right of the number (37.5° C, ٩٩٫٥° F) or (37.5° م,۹۹٫۵° ف).
  • When indicating quantity, there should a separating space (12 كغ,٤٥ مم).
  • The same rule applies when using range of values. (12-15 كغ, but12٪-15٪ كغ).
  • / [U+002F SOLIDUS] is used for fractions or ratio notation. Fractions are noted for one-half, say, 2/1 or ٢/١, mostly in RTL mode. There is no standard approach, however, and some region/author may write 1/2 for European digits.
  • Notation with Solidus sign " / " are used in:
    • Notation such as speed "50 km/h"
      كم/س ‎ 50
    • Notation such as "Page / Volume", for example a reference to a page in a volume
      ١٢٣/١ for volume ١, page ١٢٣
    • or reference to Quran "Verse / Surah",
      ١٣/٩٠ for Surah 90, Verse 13
    • Mark or rank in a classification
      20/15 for rank 15 over 20
    • Dates (2017/06/24, ٢٠١٧/٠٦/٢٤)

6.Line & paragraph layout

This section describes typographic features related to line breaking & hyphenation, text alignment & justification, text spacing, baselines, line height, counters, lists, and styling initials.

6.1Line breaking & hyphenation

When Arabic text doesn't fit within the available line width, the text is wrapped to the next line between words.

In bidirectional text, if a line break occurs between a sequence of words that are progressing in a left-to-right direction the first line will be filled with LTR words that come at the start of the phrase in the order spoken (ie. not the visual order when laid out in a single line). This is because it is never correct to read lines from bottom to top. A similar rearrangement is required when a sequence of right-to-left words is split at the end of a line in an overall LTR context.

6.2Text alignment & justification

Lines of Arabic script text are normally right aligned within the page.

There are a number of different ways to produce justified text in Arabic. In some cases several of these methods may be combined. In other cases, certain methods are disallowed.

Typical methods include:

Of the four basic justification methods (flush left, flush right, justified, and centered), justified is the most challenging, as it requires changing the widths of the lines to a predefined measure.Measure refers to the width of a column of text. In a justified paragraph the width of all the lines should be the same as the paragraph’s measure, except the last line.

In Arabic there are six mechanisms for changing the width of a line of text. Each one has its limitations and considerations on when and how it can be applied. Furthermore, different typographers and calligraphers have divergent preferences for these mechanisms.

An important factor in the application of these mechanisms is their success in creating an evencolor. The color of the text refers to the amount of ink (or blackness) used to print or show a block of text. Color describes the density of the text against its background. Poorly justifying paragraphs can create uneven distribution of color.

These mechanisms are not exclusive. Quite the contrary, they are commonly used simultaneously to produce better justified paragraphs. Combination of these mechanisms is discussed inCombination of the Mechanisms.

6.2.1Adjusting Inter-Word Spaces

This is the same mechanism widely used when justifying Latin scripts, where the width of the spaces between the words can be increased or decreased to change the width of the line.

Aligning lines by increasing and decreasing spaces between the words.
Figure39Aligning lines by increasing and decreasing spaces between the words.

A minimum width is defined for how much the space can be shrunk, because putting the words too close to each other creates aesthetic and legibility problems.

Stretching the space too wide is also undesirable, but is utilized as a last resort when it is not possible to use other solutions to make fully justified paragraphs. In some applications a maximum width for the inter-word space is defined as a soft limit (compared to minimum width which is a hard limit). Reaching the maximum width makes the software to try to use other solutions for justification. If no other solution could yield the requiredresult, the software would fall back to inter-word spacing and stretch the space past the maximum width.

Depending solely on this mechanism for aligning lines in a justified paragraph can lead to unpleasant results, such as rivers (multiple stretched spaces appearing vertically close to each other and forming a white gap inside the paragraph) and uneven distribution of color in the paragraph. Hence, typographers generally use other mechanisms as well to minimize the effect of adjusting inter-word spaces.

6.2.2Adjusting Intra-Word Spaces

This solution alters the space between letters of each word to change the width of the text. Like adjusting inter-word spaces, this is used for Latin scripts as well, but using it for Arabic script involves considerations specific to Arabic. As noted inJoining and Intra-Word Spaces, the principal consideration is that gaps between characters only exist for those letters that join only to the right, such asdal andreh . Adjustment of intra-word space is not relevant where one letter is joined to its neighbors.

Altering intra-word spaces between unjoined letters.
Figure40Altering intra-word spaces between unjoined letters.

Depending on the writing style and the typeface in use, different amounts of alteration to the intra-word space is acceptable for Arabic. Some writing styles allow more liberal adjustments to the closeness of the letter groups, while others can only accept small adjustments in this regard. In any case, much smaller adjustments can be used for intra-word spacing in comparison for inter-word spacing, which naturally is wider and tolerate bigger adjustments.

6.2.3Alternative Shapes

In addition to the four joining forms (isolated, initial, medial, and final), each Arabic letter can come with different shapes while preserving its joining form. For instance, a typeface or writing style can offer two or more shapes for the final form of a single letter.

These variant shapes usually have variant widths and hence can be used to adjust the width of the line.

Alternative shapes for changing the width of the text.
Figure41Alternative shapes for changing the width of the text.

An advantage of using alternative letter shapes when justifying paragraphs is that it does not involve modifying default properties of the typeface (width of space or other characters). Instead, it is using shapes that are part of the typeface and are in harmony with other shapes in the lines.

But excessive use of alternative shapes, such as using multiple very wide alternatives close to each other, can create unnatural results.

It is not possible to justify paragraphs using only alternative letter shapes, because these shapes have predefined widths. For example, if a line should get 25 points wider, it is impossible to achieve that by using alternative letter shapes that are, say, 10 or 20 or 30 points wider than the default shapes. But these shapes can make the lines closer to measure, thus reducing the usage of other mechanisms.


Some Arabic fonts, following the writing styles that use special shapes when joining certain letters, provide a rich number of ligatures. These ligatures can be used in paragraph justification, since they usually reduce the widths of the words.

Various ligatures reducing the widths of the words
Figure42Various ligatures reducing the widths of the words.

But existence of the ligatures in a font does not mean that they can be used freely. A font may provide some of its ligatures for creating an artistic style, which would be unsuitable for texts requiring optimum legibility.

For that reason, the user should be able to select which sets of ligatures can be used for justification. Fonts can offer predefined sets of ligatures to simplify this process.


Kashida refers to extending the horizontal connection between joined letters.

Two words extended with kashida.
Figure43Two words extended with kashida.

This is a feature deeply related with the cursive nature of Arabic script. Kashida is an interesting tool for paragraph justification. It is more flexible than alternative letter shapes and ligatures, because it is not restricted to a limited number of predefined widths. At the same time, it has relatively less effect on the text color than spacing.

But a proper implementation of kashida involves a number of limitations and considerations.

Excessive use of kashida or applying very long kashidas results in uneven color. Also, horizontal or vertical proximity of numerous kashida creates an unnatural color.

Unpleasant result of excessive use of kashida.
Figure44Unpleasant result of excessive use of kashida.

Kashida is not always straight. Some fonts may require curvilinear kashidas, which require more advanced implementations.

Curvilinear kashida
Figure45Curvilinear kashida.

Typographers can have preferred places for applying kashidas. In other words, instead of applying kashida between every joined pair of letters, they want it at certain joins.

There are multiple joins in this word, but only one is selected for kashida.
Figure46There are multiple joins in this word, but only one is selected for kashida.

Another preference is avoiding multiple kashidas in a single word.


Tatweel is adual-joining character that can be inserted between two joined letters to widen their connection. In The Unicode Standard, tatweel is represented asـ [U+0640 ARABIC TATWEEL].


Tatweel extends letter connections in a fashion similar to kashida, but in a much more limited way. It is a character that has to be in the text or inserted like other characters. It has a predefined width, like any other character.

Yet it is much simpler to implement, since it acts like normal Arabic characters and does not require special treatment. For this reason, it can be considered useful specially in constrained implementations like fixed-width environments.

6.2.7Combination of the Mechanisms

Each of the above six mechanisms have their own limitations and side effects. Utilizing only one of them for justifying paragraphs can create undesirable results. Multiple mechanisms can be used at the same time to work around their limitations and minimize their side effects.

Since Arabic provides various mechanisms that can be used for justification, an advanced implementation that supports all or most of the above features can produce exemplary justifications. More limited applications can combine what is available.

Preferences for each mechanisms can depend on the document and text and the preference of the typographers and users. Implementations can enable users to prioritize and control the mechanisms mentioned above.

6.3Text spacing

There are situations where Arabic text is stretched for reasons other than justification. Common instances include:

These instances do not correspond to letter-spacing in non-cursive scripts, however. Apartfrom the fact that the stretching is indicated by stretching the baseline between characters,the stretching is not usually equidistant between all characters in the stretched text.

6.4Baselines, line height, etc.

Arabic ascenders and descenders extend much further than those of the Latin script, and care must be taken to correctly align text in the different scripts when they appear together.

6.5Lists, counters, etc.

Arabic script text may use special counter styles for lists, numbering headings, pages, etc., based on Arabic script characters.


The following tables list Unicode characters used for Arabic script. Each table has two columns namedAr andFa which denote which characters are used for Arabic or Persian languages, respectively. The content of these columns is one of these symbols:

A.1Alphabetical characters




A.3Numeral characters


A.4Punctuation and symbols


A.5Control characters


Unicode 6.3 introduced directional isolate characters to replace the more complicated directional embedding characters. These new characters are in the process of being supported in applications and their usage is encouraged over the old embedding characters.U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING,U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING,U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING,U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE,U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE are the old embedding characters andU+2066 LEFT‑TO‑RIGHT ISOLATE,U+2067 RIGHT‑TO‑LEFT ISOLATE,U+2068 FIRST STRONG ISOLATE, andU+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE are the new isolate characters.

Also, characterU+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE is deprecated and should be replaced withU+2060 WORD JOINER.


TermArabicTransliterated ArabicPersianTransliterated PersianDefinition
alignmentمُحَاذَاةْ، تَرصِيفmuḥādhāt, tarṣīfهم‌ترازیhmtrāzi
alphanumericأَبجَدِي عَدَدِيabjadī ʻadadīالفبایی عددیālfbāiy addi
arabic numeralsأَرْقَامْ عَرَبِيَّة، أَرْقَامْ أُورُوبِيَّةarqām ʻarabīyah, arqām ūrūbīyahارقام عربیārqām arbiRefer to "European numerals". Use "European numerals" or "ASCII numerals" to avoid confusion.
ascenderجُزْءُ الحَرْفِ العُلْوِي، الصَّاعِدْjuz’u al-ḥarfi al-ʻulwī, al-ṣṣāʻidخط صعود، کرسی بالاxt s’ud, krsi bālā
auto spacingتَبَاعُدْ ذَاتِي، فَرَاغْ آلِيtabāʻud dhātī, farāgh ālīفاصله‌گذاری خودکارfāslhɡzāri xudkār
back marginالهَامِشْ الخَلْفِيal-hāmish al-khalfīحاشیهٔ داخلیhāšihٔ dāxli
back matterبَيَانَاتْ نِهَايَةْ الكِتَابْbayānāt nihāyat al-kitābواحدهای پس از متنuāhdhāy ps aoez mtnAppendices, supplements, glossary of terms, index and/or bibliography, and so on, appended at the end of a book.
bad breakقَطْعْ سَيِّئْqaṭʻ sayyi’شکستن بد، سطرشکنی بدškstn bd, strškni bd
baselineخَطْ قَاعِدِي، خَطْ الاِرْتِكَازْ، سَطْرُ الأَسَاسْkhaṭ qāʻidī, khaṭ al-irtikāz, satru al-’asāsخط کرسیxt krsiA virtual line on which almost all glyphs in Western fonts are designed to be aligned.
bibliographyالمَرَاجِعْal-marājiʻکتابنامهktābnāmhA list of works and papers related to the subjects in the text.
blank pageصَفْحَة فَارِغَةṣafḥah fārighahصفحهٔ خالیsfhhٔ xāliAn empty page.
bleedخَارِجْ إِطَارْ الصَّفْحَةkhārij iṭār al-ṣafḥahتصویرْ تا بُرِشtsuyrْ tā borešTo print a picture or a tint to run off the edge of a trimmed page.
block directionاِتِّجَاهْ المَقْطَعْ، اِتِّجَاهْ الكُتْلَةittijāh al-maqṭaʻ, ittijāh al-kutlahجهت نوشتارjht nuštārThe progression direction of lines, one after the other.
block quotationكُتْلَة اِقْتِبَاسْ، مُرَبَّعْ اِقْتِبَاسْkutlat iqtibās, murabbaʻ iqtibāsنقل‌قول پاراگرافیnqlqul pārāɡrāfi
body typeالخَطْ الرَّئِيسِيal-khaṭ al-rra’īsīحروف بدنهhruf bdnh
boldغَلِيظْghalīẓحرف سیاهhrf siāhA kind of font style. Similar to bold in Western typography.
boldfaceخَطْ غَلِيظْkhaṭ ghalīẓحرف سیاهhrf siāh
bound on the left-hand sideمُلْزِمَة عَلَى الجَانِبْ الأَيْسَرْmulzimah ʻalá al-jānib al-’aysarصحافی چپ‌به‌راستshāfi čpbhrāstBinding of a book to be opened from the left.
bound on the right-hand sideمُلْزِمَة عَلَى الجَانِبْ الأَيْمَنْmulzimah ʻalá al-jānib al-’aymanصحافی راست‌به‌چپshāfi rāstbhčpBinding of a book to be opened from the right.
bounding boxالمُرَبَّعْ المُحِيطْal-murabbaʻ al-muḥīṭکادر محیطیkādr mhiti
boxمُرَبَّعْmurabbaʻکادر، جعبهkādr, j’bh
bracesقَوْسَيْنْqawsaynآکولادākulād{ and }
bracketsقوسين قَوْسَيْنْ مُرَبَّعَيْنْqawsayn murabbaʻaynکروشهkrušh[ and ]
break (a line)فَصْلْ السَّطْرْ، قَطْعْ (سَطْرْ)faṣl al-saṭr, qaṭʻ (saṭr)شکستن (خط)، سطرشکنیškstn (xt), strškniTo place the first of two adjacent characters at the end of a line and the second at the head of a new line.
broadsideوَرَقَة عَلَى صَفْحَة عَرِيضَةwaraqah ʻalá ṣafḥah ʻarīḍahیک‌روikruIn book typography, a sheet of paper printed as one page.
bulletرَمْزْ نَقْطِيramz naqṭīcentered dot
calligraphyفَنُّ الخَطِّ، الخَطُّ (فَنْ الخَطْ، الخَطْ)fannu al-khaṭṭi, al-khaṭṭu (fan al-khaṭ, al-khaṭ)خوشنویسیxušnuysi
captionتَسْمِيَة، عُنْوَانْtasmīah, ʻunwānعنوان، شرح’nuān, šrhA title or a short description accompanying a picture, an illustration, or a table.
cellخَلِيَةkhalīahسلولslulEach element area of tables, cell.
cell contentsمُحْتَوَى الخَلِيَةmuḥtawá al-khalīahمحتوای سلولmhtuāy slulThe content of each cell in tables.
cell paddingحَشْوْ الخَلِيَةḥashw al-khalīahSpaces between line and cell in tables.
centered alignmentتَوْسِيطْtawsīṭترازبندی وسط‌چینtrāzbndi vstčin
centered dotنُقْطَة مُوَسَّطَةnuqṭah mūassaṭah
centeringتَوْسِيطْtawsīṭوسط‌چین کردنustčin krdnTo align the center of a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to the center of a line.
chapterفَصْلْ، بَابْfaṣl, bābفصلfsl
character countعَدَدْ الحُرُوفْʻadad al-ḥurūfتعداد حروفt’dād hruf
character frameإِطَارْ الحَرْفْiṭār al-ḥarfRectangular area occupied by a character when it is set solid.
character setمَجْمُوعَةْ حُرُوفْmajmūʻat ḥurūfمجموعهٔ حروفmjmu’hٔ hruf
character shapeشَكْلُ الحَرْفْshaklu al-ḥarfشکل حرفškl hrfIncarnation of a character by handwriting, printing or rendering to a computer screen.
character sizeحَجْمُ الحَرْفْḥajmu al-ḥarfاندازهٔ حرفāndāzhٔ hrfDimensions of a character. Unless otherwise noted, it refers to the size of a character frame in the block direction.
closing bracketقَوْسْ إِغْلَاقْqaws ighlāqکروشه بستهkruše bsth
code pointنُقْطة تَرْمِيزْnuqṭat tarmīz
colorلَوْنْlawnChar­ac­ter­is­tics like dark­ness, con­trast, texture that give the an overall impression of how dense or heavy the text appears on the page.
columnعَمُودْʻamūdستونstunA partition on a page in multi-column format.
column gapتَبَاعُدْ الأَعْمِدَةtabāʻud al-’aʻmidahفاصلهٔ ستونfāslhٔ stunAmount of space between columns on a page.
column spanningعَبْرُ الأَعْمدَةʻabr al-’aʻmidahA setting style of illustrations, tables, etc., over hanging to multiple columns.
column spanning headingرَأْسْ عَبْرْ الأَعْمدَةra’s ʻabr al-’aʻmidahHeadings using multiple columns.
compositionتَرْكِيبْtarkībحروفچینی و صفحه‌بندیhrufčini v sfhhbndiProcess of arrangement of text, figures and/or pictures, etc on a page in a desired layout (design) in preparation for printing.
compound wordكَلِمَة مُرَكَّبَةkalimah murakkabahکلمهٔ مرکبklmhٔ mrkb
continuous paginationتَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ المُسْتَمِرْtarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt al-mustamirصفحه‌شماری پیوستهsfhhšmāri pivstha) To number the pages of a book continuously across all those in the front matter, the text and the back matter. b) To number the pages continuously across those of all books, such as a series published in separate volumes. Also to number the pages continuously across those of all issues of a periodical published in a year, aside from pagination per issue.
control charactersحُرُوفْ تَحَكُّمْḥurūf taḥakkumحروف کنترلیhruf kntrli
cut-in headingA style of headings. Headings do not occupy the full lines, but share lines area with following main text lines.
descender lineمَا تَحْتَ السَّطْرْmā taḥta al-ssaṭrA descender is the part of a letter extending below the base line, as in 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', or 'y'. A descender line is a virtual line drawn at the bottom of descender parallel to base line.
diacritical marksعلامات التشكيلʻalāmāt al-ttashkīlاِعراب، نشانه‌های حروفāe’rāb, nšānhhāy hruf
diagonal fractionجُزْءْ قُطْرِيjuz’ quṭrī
diagramرَسْمْ بَيَانِي، رَسْمْ تَخْطِيطِيrasm bayānī, rasm takhṭīṭīنمودارnmudār
discretionary hyphenوَاصِلَة لَيِّنَةwāṣilah layyinahSee soft hyphen.
display typeنَوْعْ العَرْضْnawʻ al-ʻarḍ
documentوَثِيقَة، مُسْتَنَدْwathīqah, mustanadسندsnd
dpiنُقْطَة فِي البُوصَةnuqṭah fī al-būṣahنقطه در اینچnqte dr ieynčDots per inch (DPI, or dpi) is a measure of spatial printing.
eastern arabic numeralsالأَرقَامْ العَرَبِيَّة المَشْرِقِيَّةal-’arqām al-ʻarabīyah al-mashriqīyah٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩
ellipsisعَلَامَة القَطْع، القَطْعْʻalāmat al-qaṭʻ, al-qaṭʻسه‌نقطهshnqth
EM(وَحَدَةْ قِيَاسْ) إِمْ، وَحَدَةْ قِيَاسْ النُقْطَة(waḥadah qīās) im, waḥadat qīās al-nuqṭahاِم، ضربهāem, zrbhUnit in the field of typography, equal to the currently specified point size. A reference to the width of the capital "M"
em dashخَطْ فاصِلْ مِنْ حَجْمْ اِمْ، وَصْلَة طَوِيلَةkhaṭ fṣil min ḥajm im, waṣlah ṭawīlahخطxtA wide dash, usually of size EM
em spaceفَرَاغْ مِنْ حَجْمْ اِمْ، فَرَاغْ طَوِيلْfarāgh min ḥajm im, farāgh ṭawīlفاصلهٔ اِمfāslhٔ emA wide space, usually of size EM
ENنصف وحدة قياس النقطةniṣf waḥadat qīās al-nuqṭahاِنāen???
en dashوَصْلَة مُتَوَسِّطَةwaṣlah mutawassiṭahخط اِنxt enA not-so-wide dash, usually of size EN
en spaceمَسَافَة مُتَوَسِّطَةmasāfah mutawassiṭahفاصلهٔ اِنfāslhٔ enA not-so-wide space, usually of size EN
endnoteالتَّعْلِيقْ الخِتَامِي، حَاشِيَةal-ttaʻlīq al-khitāmī, ḥāshīahA set of notes placed at the end of a part, chapter, section, paragraph and so on, or at the end of a book.
epigraphاِقْتِبَاسْ، مَقُولَة قَصِيرَةiqtibās, maqūlah qaṣīrahسرلوحهsrluhh
European numeralsأَرْقَامْ أُورُوبِيَّةarqām ūrūbīyahارقام اروپاییārqām aoerupāiyAny of the symbols in [0-9] used to represent numbers. Sometimes called Arabic numerals or ASCII numerals.
exception dictionaryقَامُوسْ الإِسْتِثْنَاءَاتْqāmūs al-’istithnā’āt
exclamation marksعَلَامَاتْ التَّعَجُّبْʻalāmāt al-ttaʻajjubعلامت تعجب’lāmt t’jb
first-line indentمَسَافَة السَّطْرْ الأَوَّلْmasāfat al-ssaṭr al-’awwalتورفتگی خط اولturftɡi xt uowl
fixed-widthثَابِتْ العَرْضْthābit al-ʻarḍA characteristic of a font where the same character advance is assigned for all glyphs.
flush left alignmentمُحَاذَاة إِلَى اليَمِينْmuḥādhāt ilá al-yamīn
flush right alignmentمُحَاذَاة إِلَى اليَسَارْmuḥādhāt ilá al-yasār
folioوَرَقَة، صَفْحَةwaraqah, ṣafḥahشمارهٔ صفحهšmārhٔ sfhh
fontالخَطْal-khaṭفونت، قلمfunt, qlmA set of character glyphs of a given typeface.
font family/typeface familyأُسْرَة مِحْرَفْ، أُسْرَة خُطُوطْusrat miḥraf, usrat khuṭūṭخانوادهٔ فونتxānuādhٔ funt
font metricsمَقَايِيسْ الخَطْmaqāyīs al-khaṭ
footتَذْيِيلْtadhyīlپایهpāyha) The bottom part of a book or a page. b) The bottom margin between the edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
foot/bottom marginالهاَمِشْ الأَسْفَلْal-hamish al-’asfalحاشیهٔ پایینیhāšihٔ pāiyni
footerتَذْيِيلْ الصَّفْحَةtadhyīl al-ṣṣafḥahپاصفحهpāsfhh
footnoteحَاشِيَة سَفْلِيَةḥāshīah saflīyahپانویسpānuysA note in a smaller face than that of main text, placed at the bottom of a page.
fore-edgeالحَافة العَمودِيَّة الخَارِجِيَّةal-ḥāfh al-ʻamwdīyah al-khārijīyahحاشیهٔ بیرونیhāšihٔ birunia) The three front trimmed edges of pages in a book. b) The opposite sides of the gutter in a book.
formatتنْسِيقْ، هَيْئَةtansīq, hay’ahشکل‌بندی، شکلšklbndi, škl
front matterالمَادَّة الأَمَامِيَّةal-māddah al-’amāmīyahواحدهای پیش از متنuāhdhāy piš aoez mtnThe first part of a book followed by the text, usually consisting of a forward, preface, table of contents, list of illustrations, acknowledgement and so on.
full-widthتَامْ العَرْضْtām al-ʻarḍa) Relative index for the length which is equal to a given character size. b) Character frame which character advance is equal to the amount referred to as a). A full-width character frame is square in shape by definition.
glyphصُورَةْ الرَّمْزْṣūrah al-rramz
golden rectangleمستطیل طلاییmsttil tlāiy
golden sectionبخش طلاییbxš tlāiy
Greek lettersحُرُوفْ يُونَانِيَّةḥurūf yūnānīyahحروف یونانیhruf yvnāni
grid alignmentهم‌ترازی شطرنجیhmtrāzi štrnji
gutterحَاشِیَةḥāshīahحاشیهhāšiha) The binding side of a spread of a book. b) the margin between the binding edge of a book and the hanmen (text area). c) The part of a book where all pages are bound together to the book spine.
half emنِصْفْ اِمْniṣf imنیم اِمnim emHalf of the full-width size.
half em spaceفَرَاغْ نِصْفْ اِمْfarāgh niṣf imفاصلهٔ نیم اِمfāslhٔ nim emAmount of space that is half size of em space.
hang lineسَطْرْ مُعَلَّقْsaṭr muʻallaq
hanging indentationتعليق المسافة البادئة
hanging punctuationتعليق علامات الترقيم
harakatحَرَكَاتْḥarakātTashkil marks representing short vowel sounds.
headرَأْسْra’sسَرsara) The top part of a book or a page. b) The top margin between the top edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
head/top marginهَامِشْ عُلْوِيhāmish ʻulwīحاشیهٔ بالاhāšihٔ bālā
headingعُنْوَانْʻunwānعنوان’nuāna) A title of a paper or an article. b) A title for each section of a book, paper or article.
headlineعُنْوَانْ رَئِيسِيʻunwān ra’īsī
headnoteتَقْدِمَةtaqdimahA kind of notes in vertical writing style, head area in kihon-hanmen is kept beforehand, and notes are set with smaller size font than main text.
hierarchyتسلسل هرمي، ترتيب هرميسلسله‌مراتبslslhmrātb
horizontal writing modeصِيغَة الكِتَابَة الأُفُقِيَّةṣīghat al-kitābah al-’ufuqīyahحالت نوشتار افقیhālt nuštār aoefqiThe process or the result of arranging characters on a line from left to right, of lines on a page from top to bottom, and/or of columns on a page from left to right.
hyphenationاِسْتِخْدَامْ الوَاصِلَةistikhdām al-wāṣilahA method of breaking a line by dividing a Western word at the end of a line and adding a hyphen at the end of the first half of the syllable.
hyphenation and justificationالوَاصِلَة وَالمُحَاذَاةْal-wāṣilah wālmuḥādhātAlso abbreviated as H&J
hyphenation routineإِجْرَاءْ الوَاصِلَةijrā’ al-wāṣilah
ihmalإِهْمَالْihmālSee tashkil
ijamإِعْجَامْiʻjāmDiacritical marks applied to a basic letter shape (or skeleton) to derive a new letter. For example a dot under a "curve" to get the letter Beh. In Unicode each letter plus ijam combination is encoded as a separate, atomic character.
illustrationsرَسْمْ تَوْضِيحِي، صُورَة إِيضَاحِيَّةrasm tawḍīḥī, ṣūrahīḍāḥīyahتصویرtsuyrA general term referring to a diagram, chart, cut, figure, picture and the like, to be used for printed materials.
indentationإِزَاحَة، مَسَافَة بَادِئَةizāḥah, masāfah bādi’ahفاصلهٔ سرِ سطر، تورفتگی سرِ سطرfāslhٔ sre str, turftɡi sre str
independent paginationتَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ مُسْتَقِلْtarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt mustaqilصفحه‌بندی مستقلsfhhbndi mstqlTo number the pages of the front matter, the text and the back matter independently.
indexفِهْرِسْfihrisفهرست راهنماfhrst rāhnmāA list of terms or subjects with page numbers for where they are referred to in a single or multiple volumes of a book.
inline directionالاِتِّجَاهْ السَّطْرِيal-ittijāh al-ssaṭrīText direction in a line.
inseparable characters ruleقَاعِدَة مَحَارِفْ لَا تَنْفَصِلْqāʻidat maḥārif lā tanfaṣilA line adjustment rule that prohibits inserting any space between specific combinations of characters.
itemizationوَضْعْ بُنُودْ، تَبْوِيبْ، عَنَاصِرْwaḍʻ bunūd, tabwīb, ʻanāṣirTo list ordered or unordered items one under the other.
justified alignmentمُحَاذَاةْ مَضْبُوطَةmuḥādhāt maḍbūṭahهم‌ترازی میزانhmtrāzi mizān
kashidaالْكَشِيدَة، التَّطْوِيلْal-kashīdah, al-ttaṭwīlکشیدهkšidh
label nameاِسْمْ بِطَاقَةْ العَنْوَنَةism biṭāqat al-ʻanwanahText following or followed by numbers for illustrations, tables, headings and running headings.
Latin lettersحُرُوف لَاتِينِيَّةḥurūf lātīnīyahحروف لاتینhruf lātin
layoutنَسْقْ، تَصْمِيمْnasq, taṣmīmقالب‌بندیqālbbndi
letter faceصُورَةْ الحَرْفْṣūrat al-ḥarfArea in which glyph is drawn.
letteringتَرْقِينْ، كِتَابَةtarqīn, kitābahطراحی حروفtrāhi hruf
letterpress printingطِبَاعَةْ الحُرُوفْṭibāʻat al-ḥurūfچاپ برجستهčāp brjsthThe traditional printing method using movable type.
letterspacingتَبَاعُدْ الحُرُوفْtabāʻud al-ḥurūfفاصلهٔ حروفfāslhٔ hruf
ligatureرَبْطْ بَيْنَ الحُرُوفْ، تَرْكِيبْ، حَرْفْ مُرَكَّبْrabṭ bayna al-ḥurūf, tarkīb, ḥarf murakkab
line adjustmentمُحَاذَاةْ السَّطْرْmuḥādhāt al-ssaṭrتنظیم خطtnzim xtA method of aligning both edges of all lines to be the same given length by removing or adding adjustable spaces.
line adjustment by hanging punctuationمُحَاذَاة السَّطْرْ بِتَعْلِيقْ عَلَامَاتْ التَّرْقِيمْmuḥādhāt al-ssaṭr bitaʻlīq ʻalāmāt al-ttarqīmA line breaking rule to avoid commas or full stops at a line head (which is prohibited in Japanese typography) by taking them back to the end of the previous line beyond the specified line length.
line adjustment by inter-character space expansionمُحَاذَاة السَّطْرْ بِتَوسِيع الفَرَاغْ بَيْنَ المَحَارِفْmuḥādhāt al-ssaṭr bitawsīʻ al-farāgh bayna al-maḥārifA line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by expanding inter-character spaces. .
line breaking rulesقَوَاعِد كَسْرْ السَّطْرْqawāʻid kasr al-ssaṭrA set of rules to avoid prohibited layout in Japanese typography, such as "line-start prohibition rule", "line-end prohibition rule", inseparable or unbreakable character sequences and so on.
line endنِهَايَة السَّطْرْnihāyat al-ssaṭrانتهای خطānthāy xtThe position at which a line ends.
line end alignmentمُحَاذَاة نِهَايَة السَّطْرْmuḥādhāt nihāyat al-ssaṭrهم‌ترازی انتهای خطhmtrāzi aoenthāy xtTo align a run of text to the line end.
line end indentمَسَافَة بَدْئْ نِهَايَة السَّطْرْmasāfat bad’ nihāyat al-ssaṭrتورفتگی انتهای خطturftɡi aoenthāy xtTo reserve a certain amount of space before the default position of a line end.
line feedتَغْذِيَة السَّطْرْtaghdhīat al-ssaṭrThe distance between two adjacent lines measured by their reference points.
line gapفَجْوَة السَّطْرْfajwat al-ssaṭrفاصلهٔ بین خطوطfāslhٔ bin xtutThe smallest amount of space between adjacent lines.
line headرَأْسْ السَّطْرْra’s al-ssaṭrسرِ سطرsre strThe position at which a line starts.
line head alignmentمُحَاذَاة رَأْسْ السَّطْرْmuḥādhāt ra’s al-ssaṭrهم‌ترازیِ سر سطرhmtrāzie sr strTo align a run of text to the line head.
line head indentمَسَافَة بَدْئْ رَأْسْ السَّطْرْmasāfat bad’ ra’s al-ssaṭrفاصلهٔ سر سطر، تو رفتگی سر سطرfāslhٔ sr str, tu rftɡi sr strTo reserve a certain amount of space after the default position of a line head.
line heightاِرْتِفَاعْ الخَطْirtifāʻ al-khaṭارتفاع خطārtfā’ xt
line lengthطُولُ السَطْرْṭūlu al-saṭrطول خطtul xtLength of a line with a pre-defined number of characters. When the line is indented at the line head or the line end, it is length of the line from the specified amount of line head indent to the specified amount of line end indent.
line spacingتَبَاعُدْ الأَسْطُرْtabāʻud al-’asṭur
line-end prohibition ruleقَاعِدَة حَظْرْ نِهَايَة السَّطْرْqāʻidat ḥaẓr nihāyat al-ssaṭrA line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line end.
line-start prohibition ruleقَاعِدَة حَظْرْ بِدَايَة السَّطْرْqāʻidat ḥaẓr bidāyat al-ssaṭrA line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line head.
listقَائِمَة، لَائِحَةqā’imah, lā’iḥahفهرستfhrst
long dashشَرْطَة طَوِيلَةsharṭah ṭawīlah
mabsutمَبْسُوطْmabsūṭKind of writing style that tends to rigidity and firmness with pronounced angularity.
main textنَصْ رَئِيسِيnaṣ ra’īsīمتن اصلیmtn aoeslia) The principal part of a book, usually preceded by the front matter, followed by the back matter. b) The principal part of an article excluding figures, tables, heading, notes, leads and so on. c) The content of a page excluding running heads and page numbers. d) The net contents of a book excluding covers, end papers, insets and so on.
measureقِيَاسْqīāsمقیاس، اندازهmqiās, aoendāzh
mixed text compositionتَرْكِيبَة النَّصْ المُخْتَلِطْtarkībah al-nnaṣ al-mukhtaliṭa) To interleave Japanese text with Western text in a line (Japanese and Western mixed text composition). b) To compose text with different sizes of characters (mixed size composition). c) To compose text with different typefaces (mixed typeface composition).
mixing typefacesخَلْطْ أنْمَاطْ الخُطُوطْkhalṭ anmāṭ al-khuṭūṭترکیب قلم‌هاtrkib qlmhā
modular gridشَبَكَة وَحَدَاتْ، شَبَكَة مُرَكَّبَة مِنْ وَحَدَاتْshabakah waḥadāt, shabakah murakkabat min waḥadātشطرنجی مُدولیštrnji moduli
multi-column formatتَنْسِيقْ مُتَعَدِّدْ الأَعْمِدَةtansīq mutaʻaddid al-’aʻmidahشکل‌بندی چندستونیšklbndi čndstuniA format of text on a page where text is divided into two or more sections (columns) in the inline direction and each column is separated by a certain amount of space (column space).
multi-column gridشَبَكَة مُتَعَدِّدَة الأَعْمِدَةshabakah mutaʻaddidat al-’aʻmidahشطرنجی چندستونیštrnji čndstuni
multivolume workعَمَلْ مُتَعَدِّدْ الأَجْزاءْʻamal mutaʻaddid al-’ajz’اثر چند جلدیāsr čnd jldiA set of work published in two or more volumes, as in the complete work or the first/last half volumes.
mukawwarمُكَوَّرْmukawwarKind of writing style, generally opposed to mabsut, that is more flexible and rounded.
new columnعَمُودْ جَدِيدْʻamūd jadīdستون جدیدstun jdidIn multi-column setting, to change to new column before the end of current column.
new rectoصَفْحَة يُمْنَى جَدِيدَةṣafḥah yumná jadīdahآغاز در صفحهٔ فردāqāz dr sfhhٔ frdTo start a new heading or something on a odd page.
no-break textعَدَمْ تَفَكُّكْ النَّصْ، نَصْ دُونَ اِنْفِكَاكْʻadam tafakkuk al-nnaṣ, naṣ dūna infikāk
nonbreaking hyphenوَاصِلَة غَيْرْ قَاسِمَةwāṣilah ghayr qāsimah
nonbreaking word spaceفَضَاءْ كَلِمَة غَيْرْ قَاسِمْfaḍā’ kalimah ghayr qāsim
noteمُلَاحَظَةmulāḥaẓahیادداشتiāddāštExplanatory information added to terms, figures or tables.
number of characters per lineعَدَدْ الأَحْرُف فِي كُلِّ سَطْرْʻadad al-’aḥruf fī kulli saṭrتعداد حروف در خطt’dād hruf dr xtNumber of characters in a line to specify the length of lines.
number of columnsعَدَدْ الأَعْمِدَةʻadad al-’aʻmidahتعداد ستون‌هاt’dād stunhāNumber of columns on a page.
numeralsالأَعْدَادْ، الأَرْقَامْal-’aʻdād, al-’arqāmاعدادā’dād
one em spaceمَسَافَة اِمْ وَاحِدَةmasāfat im wāḥidahفاصلهٔ اِمfāslhٔ emAmount of space that is full-width size.
one third emثُلُثْ اِمْthuluth imیک‌سوم اِمiksum emOne third of the full-width size.
one third em spaceمَسَافَة ثُلُثْ اِمْmasāfat thuluth imفاصلهٔ یک‌سوم اِمfāslhٔ yksum emAmount of space that is one third size of em space.
opening bracketsفَتْحْ قَوْسَيْنْfatḥ qawsaynکروشه بازkruše bāz
optical sizeحَجْمْ بَصَرِيḥajm baṣarī
optical spacingتَبَاعُدْ بَصَرِيtabāʻud baṣarī
outdentإِلْغَاءْ التَّأخِيرْ، إِلْغَاءْ الإِزَاحَةilghā’ al-tta’khīr, ilghā’ al-’izāḥah
overrunتَجَاوُزْ، اِجْتِيَاحْtajāwuz, ijtīāḥ
pageصَفْحَةṣafḥahصفحهsfhhA side of a sheet of paper in a written work such as a book.
page breakفَاصِلْ صَفْحَةfāṣil ṣafḥahTo end a page even if it is not full and to start a new page with the next paragraph, a new heading and so on.
page formatشَكْلْ الصَّفْحَةshakl al-ṣṣafḥahشکل‌بندی صفحهšklbndi sfhhThe layout and presentation of a page with text, graphics and other elements for a publication such as a book.
page numberرَقْمْ الصَّفْحَةraqm al-ṣṣafḥahشمارهٔ صفحهšmārhٔ sfhhA sequential number to indicate the order of pages in a publication.
paginationتَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْtarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥātصفحه‌شماریsfhhšmāri
paragraphفَقْرَةfaqrahپاراگرافpārāɡrāfA group of sentences to be processed for line composition. A paragraph consists of one or more lines.
paragraph breakاِنْقِطَاعْ الفَقْرَة، كَسْرْ الفَقْرَةinqiṭāʻ al-faqrah, kasr al-faqrahشکستن پاراگرافškstn pārāɡrāfTo start a new line to indicate a new paragraph.
paragraph formatتَنْسِيقْ الفَقْرَةtansīq al-faqrahشکل‌بندی پاراگرافšklbndi pārāɡrāfA format of a paragraph, as in line head indent or line end indent.
paragraph indentهَامِشْ الفَقْرَة، المَسَافَة البَادِئَة لِلْفَقْرَةhāmish al-faqrah, al-masāfah al-bādi’ah lilfaqrahتورفتگی پاراگرافturftɡi pārāɡrāf
pixelبكسل، بيكسلbiksl, bīksilپیکسلpiksl
pointنُقْطَةnuqṭahنقطهnqthA measurement unit of character size. 1 point is equal to 0.3514mm (see JIS Z 8305). There is another unit to measure character sizes called Q, where 1Q is equivalent to 0.25mm.
polyglotمُتَعَدِّدْ اللُغَاتْmutaʻaddid al-lughāt
printing typesأَنْوَاعْ الطِّبَاعَةanwāʻ al-ṭṭibāʻahMovable type used for letterpress printing.
proportionalمُتَنَاسِبٌmutanāsibunA characteristic of a font where character advance is different per glyph.
proportional fontsالخُطُوطْ المُتَنَاسِبَةal-khuṭūṭ al-mutanāsibah
punctuation marksعَلَامَاتْ التَّرْقِيمْʻalāmāt al-ttarqīmA general term referring to the symbols used in text composition to help make the meaning of text clearer, as in commas, full stops, question marks, brackets, diereses and so on.
quarter emرُبْعْ اِمْrubʻ imرُبع اِمrob’ emQuarter size of full-width.
quarter em spaceمَسَافَة رُبْعْ اِمْmasāfat rubʻ imفاصلهٔ رُبع اِمfāslhٔ rob’ emAmount of space that is a quarter of an em space in size.
quarter em widthعُرْضْ رُبْعْ اِمْʻurḍ rubʻ imپهنای رُبع اِمphnāy rob’ emCharacter frame which has a character advance of a quarter em.
question markعَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَامْʻalāmat istifhāmعلامت سوال’lāmt suāl
quotationاِقْتِبَاسْiqtibāsExcerps from other published works.
reference marksالعَلَامَاتْ المَرْجِعِيَّةal-ʻalāmāt al-marjiʻīyahA symbol or short run of text attached to a specific part of text, to which notes are provided followed by the corresponding marks.
reference numberالرَّقْمْ المَرْجِعِيal-rraqm al-marjiʻī
reverse paginationتَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ عَكْسِيtarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt ʻaksīNumbering pages of a book backwards.
reversed typeنَوْعٌ عَكْسْnawʻun ʻaks
riverنَهْرْnahrOptical path of white space that sometimes occurs when word spaces in successive lines of type occur immediately below each other and continue for several lines.
river of white
Roman numeralsالأَرْقَامْ الرُّومَانِيَّةal-’arqām al-rrūmānīyahاعداد رومیā’dād rumiNumerals represented by upper case or lower case of Latin letters.
romanizationالكِتَابَة بِالحُرُوفِ اللَاتِينِيَّةal-kitābah bilḥurūfi al-lātīnīyahلاتین‌نویسیlātinnuysi
run backتشغيل مرة أخرى
title markعَلَامَةْ عُنْوَانْʻalāmat ʻunwān
run downالخُطوُطْ العَرِيضَة لِلْمُحْتَوَيَاتْal-khuṭwuṭ al-ʻarīḍah lilmuḥtawayātIn video production, an outline of the contents of a program,
run inفِي نَفْسِ الخَطْfī nafsi al-khaṭIn typography, any copy—specifically a head—designed to be set in the same line as the text.
run-in headingعُنْوَانْ بِدُونِ اِنْقِطَاعْʻunwān bidūni inqiṭāʻA kind of heading style to continue main text just after the heading without line break.
runaroundفَرَاغْ نَائِبْ عَنْ صُورَة إِيضَاحِيَّةfarāgh nā’ib ʻan ṣūrah īḍāḥīyahIn typography, copy typeset so that it will create a "hole" on the page to fit an illustration
running feetعُنْوَانْ فِي الجُزْءِ السَّفْلِي مِنْ صَفَحَاتْ مُتَتَالِيَّةʻunwān fī al-juz’i al-ssaflī min ṣafaḥāt mutatālīyahA "heading"—such as a book title, chapter title, or author—that is located at the bottom of consecutive page
running headsعُنْوَانْ فِي الجُزْءِ العُلْوِي مِنْ صَفَحَاتْ مُتَتَالِيَّةʻunwān fī al-juz’i al-ʻulwī min ṣafaḥāt mutatālīyahA heading—such as a book title, chapter title, or author—that is located at the top of consecutive pages,
runoverتَشْغِيلْ أَكْثَرْtashghīlakthar
scaleمِقْيَاسْ، نِطَاقْmiqyās, niṭāq
scriptالنَّصْ، الكِتَابَةal-nnaṣ, al-kitābah
second indenetationالمَسَافَة البَادِئَة الثَّانِيَّةal-masāfah al-bādi’ah al-ththānīyah
second level headingعُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الثَّانِيʻunwān al-mustawá al-ththānīSecond level and middle size heading between first level heading and third level heading.
semicolonفَاصِلَة مَنْقُوطَةfāṣilah manqūṭahنقطه‌ویرگولnqthuyrɡul
shaddaشَدَّةshaddahA tashkil mark indicating gemination of the base consonant.
sideheadsرُؤُوسْ الجَانِبْru’ūs al-jānib
single line alignment methodطَرِيقَة المُحَاذَاة لِسَطْرٍ وَاحِدْṭarīqat al-muḥādhāt lisaṭrin wāḥidTo align a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to designated positions.
single running head methodطَرِيقَة الرَأْسْ بِتَشْغِيلْ وَاحِدْṭarīqat al-ra’s bitashghīl wāḥidA method that puts running heads only on odd pages.
sinkageفَرَاغْ عَمُودِي إضَافِيfarāgh ʻamūdī iḍāfī
soft hyphenوَاصِلَة لَيِّنَةwāṣilah layyinah
solidusالعَلَامَة المَائِلَةal-ʻalāmah al-mā’ilah
spaceفَرَاغْfarāghفاصلهfāslhAmount of space between adjacent characters or lines. It also refers to the blank area between the edges of a hanmen or an illustration and text or other hanmen elements.
spreadاِنْتِشَارْAny two facing pages when opening a book and the like.
styleأسلوب، النمطintishārشیوهšivh
style guideدَلِيلْ النَّمَطْdalīl al-nnamaṭشیوه‌نامهšivhnāmh
subheadsالعَنَاوِينْ الفَرْعِيَّةal-ʻanāwīn al-farʻīyah
subscript (inferior)نَصْ مُنْخَفِضْ (أَسْفَلْ)naṣṣ munkhafiḍ (’asfal)Smaller face of characters, attached to the lower right or the lower left of a normal size character.
subtitleعُنْوَانْ فَرْعِيʻunwān farʻīزیرنویسzirnuysSecondary title for headings, subtile.
sukunسُكُونْsukūnA tashkil mark indicating the lack of a vowel after the consonant to which it is attached.
superior numeralالرَّقْمْ العُلْوِيal-rraqm al-ʻulwī
superscript (superior)نَصْ مُرْتَفِعْ (أَعْلَى)naṣṣ murtafiʻ (’aʻlá)Smaller face of characters, attached to the upper right or the upper left of a normal size character.
tabعَلَامَة التَّبْوِيبْʻalāmat al-ttabwīb
tab settingوَضْعْ عَلَامَة التَّبْوِيبْwaḍʻ ʻalāmat al-ttabwībA method of line composition to align one or more runs of text to designated positions on a line.
tableجَدْوَلْjadwalجدولjdulFormatted data consisting of characters or numbers, arranged in cells and sometimes divided by lines, in order to present the data in a way that is easier to understand.
table of contentsجَدْوَلْ المُحْتَوَيَاتْ، الفِهْرِسْjadwal al-muḥtawayāt, al-fihrisفهرست مطالبfhrst mtālbA list of headings of contents of a book in page order or arranged by subjects, with page numbers on which each section begins.
tail marginالهاَمِشْ الأَسْفَلْal-hamish al-’asfal
tanwinتَنْوِينْtanwīn(Derived from Noon). Tashkil marks indicating postnasalized or long vowels at the end of a word, and indicated by doubling the sign of one of the harakat diacritics.
tashkilتَشْكِيلْtashkīlMarks that are added to letters to indicate vocalisation of text or to correct pronunciation. In Unicode these are all combining characters applied to a base character.
text directionاِتِّجَاهْ النَّصْittijāh al-nnaṣجهت متنjht mtnHorizontal setting or vertical setting.
thin spaceفَرَاغْ رَقِيقْfarāgh raqīq
third level headingعُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الثَّالِثْʻunwān al-mustawá al-ththālithHeadings for smallest or minimum unit of main text in books.
top level headingعُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الأَعْلَىʻunwān al-mustawá al-’aʻláHeadings for largest or muximum unit of main text in books.
trackingضَبْطْ تَبَاعُدْ الحُرُوفْḍabṭ tabāʻud al-ḥurūf
transliterationالتَّرْجَمَة الصَّوْتِيَّةal-ttarjamah al-ṣṣawtīyahحرف‌نویسیhrfnuysi
trim sizeحَجْمْ التَّقْلِيمْ، حَجْمْ القَصْḥajm al-ttaqlīm, ḥajm al-qaṣṣiDimensions of a full page in a publication, including margins.
type pageجُزْءُ الصَّفْحَة الخَاصْ بِالكِتَابَةjuz’u al-ṣṣafḥah al-khāṣ bilkitābahThe portion of a page within the prescribed margins where type, graphics, and other page elements can be added
type sizeحَجْمْ الحَرْفْ بِالنُّقْطَةḥajm al-ḥarf bilnnuqṭahu
type stylesأنماط الكتابةThe measure of the height of the characters of a font, measured in points.
type-pickingنوع قطفانتخاب فونتāntxāb funtTo select metal type for characters needed to print a manuscript. (Metal type is stored in a type case, but because the number of Japanese characters is very large, an extra operation was invented that involves collecting type in a so-called 'bunsen box' before typesetting a manuscript using a composing stick.)
typefaceمِحْرَفْmiḥrafفونت، قلمfunt, qlmA set of letters or symbols, which are designed to have coherent patterns to be used for printing or rendering to a computer screen.
typesettingتَنْضِيدْ، تَنْضِيدْ الحُرُوفْ الْمَطْبَعِيَّةtanḍīd, tanḍīd al-ḥurūf al-maṭbaʻīyahحروفچینیhrufčini
typographyطِبَاعَة الحُرُوفْ، أُسْلُوبْ الطِّبَاعَةṭibāʻat al-ḥurūf,uslūb al-ṭṭibāʻahتایپوگرافیtāypuɡrāfi
unbreakable characters ruleقَاعِدَة أَحْرُفْ غَيْرْ قَابِلَة لِلْكسْرْqāʻidat aḥruf ghayr qābilah lilksrA line breaking rule that prohibits breaking a line between consecutive dashes or leaders, or between other specific combinations of characters.
underlineتَسْطِيرْ مِنْ تَحْتْtasṭīr min taḥtA line drawn under a character or a run of text in horizontal writing mode.
unicameralأُحَادِى المَجْلِسْuḥādī al-majlis
vertical writing modeوَضْعْ الكِتَابَة العَمُودِيwaḍʻ al-kitābah al-ʻamūdīحالت نوشتار عمودیhālt nuštār amudiThe process or the result of arranging characters on a line from top to bottom, of lines on a page from right to left, and/or of columns on a page from top to bottom.
weightثِقَلْthiqalA measurement of the thickness of fonts.
Western alphabetالأَبَجَدِيَّة الغَرْبِيَّةal-’abajadīyah al-gharbīyah
Western languagesاللُغَاتْ الغَرْبِيَّةal-lughāt al-gharbīyah
widowأَرْمَلَةarmalahThe term in Western text layout to describe that the last line of a paragraph with only a few words appears at the top of a new page or a column.
widow adjustmentتَعْدِيلْ أَرْمَلَةtaʻdīl armalahA method of line composition to adjust lines in a paragraph so that the last line consists of more than a given number of characters.
word divisionقِسْمْ كَلِمَةqism kalimah
word spaceفَرَاغْ بَيْنَ الكَلِمَاتْfarāgh bayna al-kalimāt
x-heightاِرْتِفَاعْ الحَرْفْ إِكْسْirtifāʻ al-ḥarf iks


C.1Informative references

Unicode Common Locale Data Repository. Unicode Consortium. URL:
Unicode Text Segmentation. Josh Hadley. Unicode Consortium. 16 August 2023. Unicode Standard Annex #29. URL:
Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Manish Goregaokar मनीष गोरेगांवकर; Robin Leroy. Unicode Consortium. 15 August 2023. Unicode Standard Annex #9. URL:
Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm basics. Richard Ishida. World Wide Web Consortium. URL:
The Unicode Standard. Unicode Consortium. URL:
Arabic mathematical notation. Azzeddine Lazrek; Mustapha Eddahibi; Khalid Sami; Bruce R. Miller. World Wide Web Consortium. URL:

