Please refer to theerrata for this document, which may include some normative corrections.
See alsotranslations.
Copyright © 2012W3C® (MIT,ERCIM,Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3Cliability,trademark anddocument use rules apply.
This document specifies the WOFF font packaging format.This format was designed to provide lightweight, easy-to-implement compression of font data,suitable for use with CSS@font-face rules.Any properly licensed TrueType/OpenType/Open Font Format file can be packaged in WOFF format for Web use.User agents decode the WOFF file to restore the font data such that it will display identically to the input font.
The WOFF format also allows additional metadata to be attached to the file;this can be used by font designers or vendors to include licensing or other information,beyond that present in the original font.Such metadata does not affect the rendering of the font in any way,but may be displayed to the user on request.
The WOFF format is not intended to replace other formatssuch as TrueType/OpenType/Open Font Format or SVG fonts,but provides an alternative solution for use cases where these formats may be less optimal,or where licensing considerations make their use less acceptable.
This section describes the status of this document at thetime of its publication. Other documents may supersede thisdocument. A list of current W3C publications and the latestrevision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at
This is the W3C Recommendation of "WOFF File Format 1.0". This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
Please send comments about this document (withpublic archive).
This specification has been edited, relative to the11 October 2011 Proposed Recommendation, to incorporate minor changes to the Internet Media Type registration, as a result of IANA expert review. There is achanges appendix describing the changes made.
The CR exit criteria were:
The Working Group has developed public test suites as follows:
AWOFF validator was developed, to make all the file format checks indicated in the specification. The validator passes 100% of these tests. The new W3C Test Harness was used to deploy the tests:Authoring Tools test harness andUser Agent test harness.
TheUser Agents implementation report andAuthoring Tools implementation report are available.
This document was initially developed by contributors to mailing list. After trial implementation, it became theWOFF Submission and was further developed by theWebFonts Working Group at W3C.
This document was produced by a group operating under the5February 2004 W3C Patent Policy.W3C maintains apublic listof any patent disclosures made in connection with thedeliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which theindividual believes containsEssential Claim(s) must disclose theinformation in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
1. Introduction
2. General Requirements
3. Overall File Structure
4. WOFF Header
5. Table Directory
6. Font Data Tables
7. Extended Metadata Block
8. Private Data Block
Appendix A: Extended Metadata Examples
Appendix B: Media Type Registration
Appendix C: Changes
This document specifies a simple compressed file format for fonts, designedprimarily for use on the Web and known as WOFF (Web Open Font Format).Despite this name, WOFF should be regarded as a container formator "wrapper" for font data in already-existing formatsrather than an actual font format in its own right.
The WOFF format is a container for the table-based sfnt structure used in e.g. TrueType [TrueType], OpenType [OpenType] and Open Font Format [OFF] fonts, hereafter referred to as sfnt fonts. A WOFF file is simply a repackagedversion of a sfnt font with optional compression of the font data tables.The WOFF file format also allows font metadata and private-use data to beincluded separately from the font data. WOFF encoding tools convert an inputsfnt font into a WOFF formatted file, and user agents restore thesfnt font data for use with a Web document.
The structure and contents of decoded font data exactly matchthose of a well-formed input font file. Tools producing WOFF files may provide otherfont editing features such as glyph subsetting, validation or font featureadditions but these are considered outside the scope of this format. Independentof these features, both tools and user agents are expected to assure that the validity ofthe underlying font data is preserved.
The all-uppercase key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD","SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to beinterpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC-2119].If these words occur in lower- or mixed case, they should be interpretedin accordance with their normal English meaning.
This document includes sections of text that are called out as "Notes"and set off from the main text of the specification.These notes are intended as informative explanations or clarifications,to serve as hints or guides to implementers and users,but are not part of the normative text.
The primary purpose of the WOFF format is to package fonts linked to Web documentsby means of CSS@font-face rules.User agents supporting the WOFF file format for linked fonts must respectthe requirements of the CSS3 Fonts specification ([CSS3-Fonts]Section 4.1:The @font-face rule). In particular,such linked fonts are only available to the documents that reference them;they MUST NOT be made available to other applications or documents on the user's system.
The WOFF format is intended for use with@font-faceto provide fonts linked to specific Web documents.Therefore, WOFF files must not be treated as an installable font formatin desktop operating systems or similar environments.The WOFF-packaged data will typically be decoded to sfnt formatfor use by existing font-rendering APIs that expect OpenType font data,but such decoded font must not be exposed to other documents or applications.
The structure of WOFF files is similar to the structure of sfnt fonts:a table directory containing lengths and offsets to individual font data tables,followed by the data tables themselves. The sfnt structure is described fully inthe TrueType [TrueType], OpenType [OpenType] and Open Font Format [OFF] specifications.
The main body of the file consists of the same collection of font data tablesas the input sfnt font, stored in the same order, exceptthateach table MAY be compressed, and the sfnt table directory is replaced bythe WOFF table directory.
The WOFF specification does not guarantee that the actual font datapackaged in a valid WOFF container is in fact correct and usable.It requires only that the WOFF packaging structure—header, table directory,and compressed tables—conforms to this specification.The contained data must be used with just as much caution as font datadelivered in "raw" form or via any other packaging method.
A complete WOFF file consists of several blocks: a 44-byte header,immediately followed (in this order) by a variable-size table directory,a variable number of font tables, an optional block of extendedmetadata, and an optional block of private data.Except for padding with a maximum of three null bytesin places where 4-byte alignment of a table lengthor block offset is specified,there MUST NOT be any extraneous data between the data blocksor font data tables indicated by the WOFF header and table directory,or beyond the last such block or table.If such extraneous data is presenta conforming user agentMUST reject the file as invalid.The fileMUST also be rejected as invalidif the offsets and lengths of any data blocks or font tablesindicate overlapping byte ranges of the file,or ranges that would extend beyond the end of the file.
WOFF File | |
WOFFHeader | File header with basic font type and version, alongwith offsets to metadata and private data blocks. |
TableDirectory | Directory of font tables, indicating the originalsize, compressed size and location of each table within the WOFF file. |
FontTables | The font data tables from the input sfntfont, compressed to reduce bandwidth requirements. |
ExtendedMetadata | An optional block of extended metadata,represented in XML format and compressed for storage in the WOFF file. |
PrivateData | An optional block of private data for the fontdesigner, foundry, or vendor to use. |
Data values stored in the WOFF Header and WOFF Table Directory sections arestored in big-endian format, just as values are within sfnt fonts. Thefollowing basic data types are used in the description:
Data types | |
UInt32 | 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer in big-endianformat |
UInt16 | 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer in big-endianformat |
All sizes and offsets described in this document are assumed to be in bytes unlessotherwise noted.
The header includes an identifying signature and indicates the specific kindof font data included in the file (TrueType or CFF outline data); it also has afont version number, offsets to additional data chunks, and the number ofentries in the table directory that immediately follows the header:
WOFFHeader | ||
UInt32 | signature | 0x774F4646'wOFF' |
UInt32 | flavor | The "sfnt version" of the input font. |
UInt32 | length | Total size of the WOFF file. |
UInt16 | numTables | Number of entries in directory of fonttables. |
UInt16 | reserved | Reserved; set to zero. |
UInt32 | totalSfntSize | Total size needed for theuncompressed font data, including the sfnt header, directory,and font tables (including padding). |
UInt16 | majorVersion | Major version of the WOFFfile. |
UInt16 | minorVersion | Minor version of the WOFFfile. |
UInt32 | metaOffset | Offset to metadata block, frombeginning of WOFF file. |
UInt32 | metaLength | Length of compressed metadata block. |
UInt32 | metaOrigLength | Uncompressed size of metadatablock. |
UInt32 | privOffset | Offset to private data block, frombeginning of WOFF file. |
UInt32 | privLength | Length of private data block. |
Thesignature field in the WOFF headerMUST contain the "magic number" 0x774F4646.If the field does not contain this value,user agents MUST reject the file as invalid.
Theflavor field corresponds to the "sfnt version"field found at the beginning of an sfnt file,indicating the type of font data contained.Although only fonts of type 0x00010000 (the version number 1.0as a 16.16 fixed-point value, indicating TrueType glyph data)and 0x4F54544F (the tag'OTTO', indicating CFF glyph data)are widely supported at present, it is not an error in the WOFF file if theflavor field contains a different value, indicating aWOFF-packaged version of a different sfnt flavor. (The value 0x74727565'true'has been used for some TrueType-flavored fonts on MacOS, for example.) Whether client software will actually support other types ofsfnt font data is outside the scope of the WOFF specification, whichsimply describes how the sfnt is repackaged for Web use.
The WOFFmajorVersion andminorVersion fields specify the version number for a givenWOFF file, which can be based on the version number of the input font but isnot required to be. These fields have no effect on font loading or usagebehavior in user agents.
ThetotalSfntSize field is the sum of theuncompressed font table sizes, each padded to a multiple of 4 bytes, plusthe size of the sfnt header and table directory. Thus, this is the size ofbuffer needed to decode the complete WOFF-packaged font (but not metadata,which is not part of the input sfnt file) into a standard sfnt structure.This value MUST be a multiple of 4, because all font tablesincluding the last are to be padded to a 4-byte boundary.If this valueis incorrect, a conforming user agent MUST reject the file as invalid.
The sfnt header includes three fields (searchRange,entrySelector andrangeShift) that are designed tofacilitate a binary search of the table directory.As the proper value for each of these fields can be computed directlyfrom the number of font tables, they are not stored in the WOFF file.User agents that decode WOFF files back to an sfnt structureMUST therefore compute the correct values for these fields in the sfnt header,as described in the OpenType/OFF specification.[OFF]
The correct value fortotalSfntSize may be computedas illustrated by the following pseudo-code:
totalSfntSize = 12 // size of sfnt header ("offset table" in the OpenType spec)totalSfntSize += 16 * numTables // size of table record (directory of font tables)for each table: totalSfntSize += (table.origLength + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC // table size, padded
If either or both of the metadata or private blocks is not present,the relevant offset and length fields MUST be set to zero.If the metadata or private data offset and length fields indicate byteranges that overlap other data blocks or tables,or extend beyond the end of the file,a conforming user agent MUST reject the file as invalid.
The header includes areserved field; this MUST beset to zero.If this field is non-zero, a conforming user agentMUST reject the file as invalid.
The table directory is an array of WOFF table directory entries, as definedbelow. The directory follows immediately after the WOFF file header; therefore,there is no explicit offset in the header pointing to this block. Its size iscalculated by multiplying thenumTables value in theWOFF header times the size of a single WOFF table directory. Each tabledirectory entry specifies the size and location of a single font data table.
WOFF TableDirectoryEntry | ||
UInt32 | tag | 4-byte sfnt table identifier. |
UInt32 | offset | Offset to the data, from beginning of WOFFfile. |
UInt32 | compLength | Length of the compressed data,excluding padding. |
UInt32 | origLength | Length of the uncompressed table,excluding padding. |
UInt32 | origChecksum | Checksum of the uncompressedtable. |
The format oftag values are defined by thespecifications for sfnt fonts. Theoffset andcompLength fields identify the location of thecompressed font table. TheorigLength andorigCheckSumfields are the length and checksum of theinput font table from the table directory of the inputfont.
The sfnt format specifications require that font tables be aligned on4-byte boundaries. Font tables whose length is not a multiple of 4 are paddedwith null bytes up to the next 4-byte boundary.Font data tables in the WOFFfile have the same requirement: they MUST begin on 4-byte boundaries and bezero-padded to the next 4-byte boundary. ThecompLength andorigLength fieldsin the table directory store the exact, unpadded length.
If theoffset andcompLength valuesindicate a byte range that overlapsother data blocks or font tables, or if the byte range extends beyondthe end of the file,a conforming user agent MUST reject the file asinvalid.
If the length of a compressed font table would be the same as or greater thanthe length of the input font table, the font table MUST be storeduncompressed in the WOFF file and thecompLength setequal to theorigLength.Tools MAY also opt to leaveother tables uncompressed (e.g. all tables less than a certain size), in whichcasecompLength will be equal toorigLength for these tables as well.WOFF files containingtable directory entries for whichcompLength isgreater thanorigLength are considered invalid andMUST NOT be loaded by user agents.Files containing compressed font tables thatdecompress to a size other thanorigLength are alsoconsidered invalid and MUST NOT be loaded.
The sfnt font specifications require that table directory entriesare sorted in ascending order oftag value. Tosimplify processing,WOFF-producing tools MUST produce a table directory withentries in ascendingtag value order.User agents MUSTlikewise assure that the sfnt table directory is recreated in ascendingtag order when restoring the font data to its uncompressedstate. The ordering of the font tables themselves is independent of the order ofdirectory entries, as described below.
sfnt fonts store a checksum for each table in the table directory, andan overall checksum for the entire font in theheadtable (see the TrueType, OpenType or Open Font Format specifications for thedefinition of each calculation).Tools producing WOFF files MUST validate thesechecksums, and reject the font if errors are found.
A WOFF file contains the same set of font tables as the input fontfrom which it was created. This means that the overall font checksum of afont decompressed from a conformant WOFF file will always match the checksumin the well-formed input font. In the case where theinput font included unreferenced data between or after the actual tables,this would affect the overall checksum of the input font, but would bedropped during creation of the WOFF file.
A well-formed input font does not have structural anomalies such asincorrect padding, overlapping font tables, extraneous data between tables (which will be discarded by the WOFFgenerator), or incorrect checksums.
To ensure that lossless round-trip conversion from sfnt to WOFF and backwill be possible, a well-formed input font should conformto certain norms that are notstrictly required by the OpenType/OFF specification, although they are commonpractice:
The result of creating a WOFF file and then decoding this toregenerate an sfnt font MUST result in a final font that is bitwise-identical tothe well-formed input font..If the input font has defects or anomaliesthat make this impossible,the WOFF-generating tool SHOULD either reject the fontor issue an appropriate warningthat lossless round-trip conversion will not be possible.
The font data tables in the WOFF file are exactly the same as the tables inthe input font, except thateach table MAY have beencompressed. If compressed,it MUST have been compressed by thecompress2() function of zlib [Compress2] (or anequivalent, compatible algorithm). User agents use theuncompress() function of zlib [Uncompress](or anequivalent, compatible algorithm) to decompress each table.The underlying format these functions use is described in the ZLIBspecification [ZLib].User agents or other programs that decode WOFF files MUST be able to handletables that have been compressed.If thedecompression function fails for any table, the WOFF file is invalidand MUST NOT be loaded.
The font data tables MUST be stored immediately following the tabledirectory, without gaps except for any padding that is required (up to threenull bytes at the end of each table) to ensure 4-byte alignment.
Font tables in WOFF files MUST be stored in the same order as the well-formed input font.The table order is implied byoffset values in the table directory; sorting tabledirectory entries into ascendingoffset value orderproduces a list of entries in an order equivalent to that of the font tables.
User agents need not necessarily reconstitute the input font as a whole, and may reorder tables when decoding the WOFF file to sfnt form; they may access individual tables directly as needed. Under these circumstances the resulting sfnt will no longer be an exact copy of the input font, and checksums or digital signature data may be invalidated as a result.
In some cases, sites deploying WOFF files as Web fonts may wish to subset the characterrepertoire, optimize table ordering for efficient text layout or rasterization,or remove (or add) optional font tables depending on the particular features needed for a site.User agents might make similar modifications to the font during decoding,such as omitting tables that are not needed by their particular text display system.
The automatic removal of OpenType features such as GPOS and GSUB informationat any stage in the process of deploying a WOFF file is strongly discouraged.Many writing systems around the world rely on these featuresfor very basic display of text in the script that they use.
If either a WOFF-creation tool or a WOFF-consuming user agentreorders or otherwise modifies the collection of font tables,the font checksum in thehead table will need to be recalculatedas it will be affected by the changed offsets inthe sfnt table directory.AnyDSIG table in the input font will also be invalidated by such changes, and should therefore be removed from the modified font.A new signature could be added to the modified font,as described by the OpenType and Open Font Format specifications(if appropriate signing credentials are available to the tool involved).Any such pre- and/or post-processingrepresents a modification of the font data being packaged;while it might be done in conjunction with WOFF packaging for Web deployment,it falls outside the scope of the WOFF specification.
The OpenType/OFF specification does not explicitly prohibit thepresence of "extra" data or padding in between the font tables in the sfnt format;as the table directory includes the offset and length of each actual table,such data would simply be ignored. However, the WOFF format makes noprovision to preserve such "hidden" non-font-table data when packaging a font,and therefore it would not survive a round-trip format conversion.
The WOFF file MAY include a block of extended metadata. This may be more extensive and more easily accesible than metadata present in sfnt tables. The metadata block consists of XML data compressed byzlib; the file header specifies both the size of the actual compressed and theoriginal uncompressed size in order to facilitate memory allocation.
The presence (or absence) and content of the metadata blockMUST NOT affect font loading or rendering behavior of user agents;it is intended to be purely informative.User agents MAY provide a means for users to view information about fonts(such as a "Font Information" panel).If such information is provided,then they MUST treat the metadata block as the primary source,and MAY fall back to presenting information from the font'snametable entries when relevant extended metadata elements are not present.
If present, the metadata MUST be compressed; it is never stored inuncompressed form.
The metadata block MUST follow immediately after the last font table. As all fontdata tables are padded with up to three null bytesif needed to reach a 4-byte boundary,the beginning of the metadata block will always be 4-byte aligned.If the metadata block is the last block in the WOFF file,there SHOULD be no additional padding after the end of the block.
The extended metadata MUST be well-formed XMLencoded in UTF-8.
The schema for the extended metadata XML is described below.If the extended metadata does not match this schema,it is invalid.It is also invalid if it cannot be decompressedby zlib'suncompress() function (or equivalent),or if the length of the decompressed data does not match themetaOrigLength value specified in the WOFF header.Thus, valid metadata is well formed, conforms to the schema below,and is stored in compressed form in the WOFF file.A conforming user agent MUST ignore an invalid metadata block,as if the block were not present.
This description is also availableas a RelaxNG schema.In the event of a discrepancy between the RelaxNG schemaand the text of the specification, the text takes precedence.
Several elements store their data intextchild elements; this is to support localization.Thetextelements MAY be given alang attributein the XML namespace [XML].For backwards compatibility,lang attributes in the default namepsaceare also accepted in older content, and SHOULD be treated the sameasxml:lang.New content SHOULD instead usexml:lang.
The syntax of values of thexml:lang attribute can be found inBCP47 [BCP47].A user agent displaying metadata SHOULD choose a preferred language/locale to display from among those available, following BCP47.
The user agent SHOULD choose which of the availabletextelements to display as follows:
Such localizable elements areindicated by the statement"This element may be localized usingtext child elements"in the description below;the internal structure oftext elements withxml:lang attributes is not repeated for each elementtype.In each of these localizable elements,at least onetext child element MUST be present,except in the case of thelicense element (as described below).
The main element.This element is REQUIRED.
attributes | |
version | A version number indicating the format version of themetadata element. This is currently1.0.This attribute is REQUIRED. |
children | |
uniqueid | Zero or one child elements |
vendor | Zero or one child elements |
credits | Zero or one child elements |
description | Zero or one child elements |
license | Zero or one child elements |
copyright | Zero or one child elements |
trademark | Zero or one child elements |
licensee | Zero or one child elements |
extension | Zero or more child elements |
All first-level child elements of the metadata are OPTIONAL, and may occur inany order as children of the top-levelmetadataelement.
Theextension element is intended to allowvendors to include metadata that is not covered by the specific elementsdefined here, while following a standard model.User agents that provide a meansfor the user to view WOFF file metadata SHOULD include suchextension elements in the metadata presented to the user.
A unique identifier string for the font. This element is recommended, but notrequired for the metadata to be valid. This element MUST be a child of themetadata element. This is an empty element.
attributes | |
id | The identification string.This attribute is REQUIRED. |
The string defined in theuniqueid element is notguaranteed to be truly unique, as there is no central registry or authority toensure this, but it is intended to allow vendors to reliably identify the exactversion of a particular font. The use of "reverse-DNS" prefixes to provide a"namespace" is recommended; this can be augmented by additional identificationdata of the vendor's own design.
Theid attribute of theuniqueid element,and of several further metadata elements defined below,is not required to conform to the rules for the XML type ID;its form is at the discretion of the font creator or vendor.
Information about the font vendor. This element is recommended, but notrequired for the metadata to be valid. This element MUST be a child of themetadata element. This is an empty element.
attributes | |
name | The name of the font vendor.This attribute is REQUIRED. |
url | The url for the font vendor. This attribute isOPTIONAL. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
Credit information for the font. This can include any type of credit thevendor desires: designer, hinter, and so on. This element is OPTIONAL. Ifpresent, it MUST be a child of themetadata elementand it MUST contain at least onecredit element. Thiselement has no attributes.
children | |
credit | One or more child elements |
A single credit record. If present, it MUST be a child of thecredits element. This is an empty element.
attributes | |
name | The name of the entity being credited.This attribute is REQUIRED. |
url | The url for the entity being credited. This attribute isOPTIONAL. |
role | The role of the entity being credited. This attribute isOPTIONAL. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
An arbitrary text description of the font's design, its history, etc. Thiselement is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST be a child of themetadata element.This element may be localized usingtext child elements.
attributes | |
url | The url for more information about the font design, history, etc. This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
children | |
text | One or more child elements containing character data and optionallydiv and/orspan children |
Licensing information for the font.This element is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST be achild of themetadata element.This element may be localized usingtext child elements;however, it is permitted to be empty (for example, if the vendorprefers to just provide a license URL rather than including the actualtext of the license.)
attributes | |
url | The url for the license, more information about the license,etc. This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
id | An identifying string for the license. This attribute isOPTIONAL. |
children | |
text | Zero or more child elements containing character data and optionallydiv and/orspan children |
The copyright for the font. This element is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST bea child of themetadata element.This element may be localized usingtext child elements.This element has no attributes.
children | |
text | One or more child elements containing character data and optionallydiv and/orspan children |
The trademark for the font. This element is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST bea child of themetadata element.This element may be localized usingtext child elements.This element has no attributes.
children | |
text | One or more child elements containing character data and optionallydiv and/orspan children |
The licensee of the font. This element is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST be achild of themetadata element. This is an emptyelement.
attributes | |
name | The name of the licensee.This attribute is REQUIRED. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
Although the metadata elements and structure defined aboveare expected to be sufficient for most needs,an extension mechanism is also provided so that font vendorscan include arbitrary metadata items that do not fitthe standard elements above:
A container element for extended metadata provided by the vendor. Zero or moreextension elements may be present as children ofthe top-levelmetadata element. Each suchmetadata extension has an optionalname,which may be provided in multiple languages,and one or moreitem elements.
attributes | |
id | An arbitrary identifier defined by the vendor.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
children | |
name | Zero or more child elements |
item | One or more child elements |
At least oneitem element MUST be present ineachextension container.
attributes | |
id | An arbitrary identifier defined by the vendor.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
children | |
name | One or more child elements |
value | One or more child elements |
Zero or morename elements may be used to providea human-friendly name for the collection of extended metadata itemsin anextension element.A user agentthat displays metadata SHOULD choose the name with most the appropriate languagefrom among those available for each namedextension element.This child element is OPTIONAL inextension elements;anonymous extension elements are also permissible.
One or morename elements are also used to providea human-friendly name for a specific extended metadata item. A user agentthat displays metadata SHOULD choose the name with the most appropriate language fromamong those available for eachitem element.This child element is REQUIRED initem elements;anitem element with noname is invalid and SHOULD be ignored.
attributes | |
xml:lang | A language tag as defined in BCP47 [BCP47].This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
One or morevalue elements are used to providethe value of a specific extended metadata item.A user agentthat displays metadata SHOULD choose the value with the most appropriate language fromamong those available for eachitem element.This child element is REQUIRED;anitem element with novalue is invalid and SHOULD be ignored.
attributes | |
xml:lang | A language tag as defined in BCP47 [BCP47].This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
Wheretext elements are used to contain (localizable) content,further structure MAY also be providedusingdiv andspan child elementssimilar to those used in HTML.
An element used to contain a particular localization of a metadata element's contents. This element has a mixed content model;in addition to the child elements mentioned below, it may directly contain character data.
attributes | |
xml:lang | A language tag (as specified in BCP47 [BCP47]) indicatingthe language of this particular version of the metadata element's content.This attribute is OPTIONAL; however, for multipletext childrenof a metadata element to be usefully distinguished,they SHOULD all be tagged with appropriate different language codes. |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
children | |
div | Contains a block of text, such as a paragraph or heading. |
span | Contains an inline run of text. |
A block-level element used, for example, to contain a paragraph.
attributes | |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
An inline element used, for example, to indicate a run of textwith a different text direction, or in a different language.
attributes | |
dir | The text direction, eitherltr (for "left to right") orrtl (for "right to left").This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted, defaults toltr. |
class | An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
Thetext elements used to hold(localizable) text for a number of the individual pieces of metadatathus have a mixed content model consisting of text content,div andspan elements;div elements have a mixed content model of text content,div andspan elements;andspan elements have a mixed content model of text contentandspan elements.In other words,div can contain otherdiv elements;span can contain otherspan elements;span does not require a containingdiv.
Appendix A includes several examplesof the content of the metadata block.
Although the metadata block is optional,and there is no requirement for user agents to process itin order to render the font,clients such as Web browsers are encouraged to provide a means(such as a "Font Information" dialog for the current page)for users to view the metadata included in WOFF files.Not every client will necessarily have an appropriate context for this,but any client that enables the user to find out about the resources used by a Web documentshould consider exposing information about the fonts used, and in the case ofWOFF-packaged fonts, the metadata block is the primary source of this information.
The WOFF file MAY include a block of arbitrary data, allowing font creatorsto include whatever information they wish.The content of this data MUST NOTaffect font usage or load behavior of user agents.User agents should make no assumptionsabout the content of a private block; it may (for example) contain ASCII orUnicode text, or some vendor-defined binary data, and it may be compressed orencrypted, but it has no publicly defined format. Conformant user agents willnot assume anything about the structure of this data. Only the font developer orvendor responsible for the private block is expected to understand itscontents.
The private data block, if present, MUST be the last block in the WOFF file,following all the font tables and any extended metadata block.The private datablock MUST begin on a 4-byte boundary in the WOFF file, with up to three nullbytes inserted as padding after any preceding metadata blockif needed to ensure this.The end of the private data block MUST correspond to the end of the WOFF file.
This appendix is purely informative, not a normative part of the WOFF specification.
This "dummy" metadata block illustrates the use of the metadata elementsdescribed in section 7, including the use of multipletextchild elements to provide localized versions of certain elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata version="1.0"> <uniqueid /> <vendor name="Font Vendor" url="" /> <credits> <credit name="Font Designer" url="" role="Lead" /> <credit name="Another Font Designer" url="" role="Contributor" /> <credit name="Yet Another" role="Hinting" /> </credits> <description> <text xml:lang="en"> A member of the Demo font family. This font is a humanist sans serif style designed for optimal legibility in low-resolution environments. It can be obtained from </text> </description> <license url="" > <text xml:lang="en">A license goes here.</text> <text xml:lang="fr">Un permis va ici.</text> </license> <copyright> <text xml:lang="en">Copyright ©2009 Font Vendor"</text> <text xml:lang="ko">저작권 ©2009 Font Vendor"</text> </copyright> <trademark> <text xml:lang="en">Demo Font is a trademark of Font Vendor</text> <text xml:lang="fr">Demo Font est une marque déposée de Font Vendor</text> <text xml:lang="de">Demo Font ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der Font Vendor</text> <text xml:lang="ja">Demo FontはFont Vendorの商標である</text> </trademark> <licensee name="Wonderful Websites, Inc." /> <extension> <name xml:lang="en">Additional font information</name> <name xml:lang="fr">L'information supplémentaire de fonte</name> <item> <name xml:lang="en">Purpose</name> <name xml:lang="fr">But</name> <value xml:lang="en">This font exists merely as an example of WOFF packaging.</value> <value xml:lang="fr">Cette fonte existe simplement comme exemple de l'empaquetage de WOFF.</value> </item> </extension></metadata>
A real-life example of a simple metadata block(reproduced by permission of FSI FontShop International GmbH).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata version="1.0"> <uniqueid/> <vendor name="FSI FontShop International GmbH" url=""/> <credits> <credit name="Steffen Sauerteig" role="design"/> <credit name="Henning Wagenbreth" role="design"/> <credit name="FSI FontShop International GmbH" url="" role="production"/> </credits> <description> <text lang="en">A FontFont for the Web</text> </description> <license url=""> <text lang="en"> FontFont Web license v 1.0. For details see </text> </license> <copyright> <text lang="en">2009 Henning Wagenbreth, Steffen Sauerteig published by FSI FontShop International GmbH</text> </copyright> <trademark> <text lang="en">Prater is a trademark of FSI FontShop International GmbH</text> </trademark></metadata>
Another example of a metadata block (reproduced by permission of Ascender Corporation).This is dynamically generated, with theuniqueid andlicensee elements modified to be unique for each customer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata version="1.0"><uniqueid /><vendor name="Ascender Corp" url="" /><license url=""id="ascender-Webfonts-eula-v1"><text lang="en">This font software is the valuable property of AscenderCorporation and/or its suppliers and its use by you is covered under theterms of the Web Font license agreement between you and AscenderCorporation. You may ONLY use this font software with the licensed Web site.Except as specifically permitted by the license, you may not copy this fontsoftware. If you have any questions, please contact Ascender Corp.</text></license><licensee name="" /></metadata>
Here is an example of how thediv element could be used,modified from a portion of theXML file for Gentium Pluswhich, when viewed as plain text, has paragraph formatting.
The original metadata file contained:
<description> <text lang="en">Gentium ("belonging to the nations" in Latin) is a Unicode typeface family designed to enable the many diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts to produce readable, high-qualitypublications. The design is intended to be highly readable, reasonablycompact, and visually attractive. Gentium has won a "Certificate of Excellencein Typeface Design" in two major international typeface design competitions: bukva:raz! (2001), TDC2003 (2003).The Gentium Plus font family is based on the original design. It currently comes with regular and italic face only, although additional weights are indevelopment.The goal for this product is to provide a single Unicode-based font familythat contains a comprehensive inventory of glyphs needed for almost anyRoman- or Cyrillic-based writing system, whether used for phonetic ororthographic needs, and provide a matching Greek face. In addition, thereis provision for other characters and symbols useful to linguists. Thisfont makes use of state-of-the-art font technologies to support complextypographic issues, such as the need to position arbitrary combinationsof base glyphs and diacritics optimally. (and so on) </text></description>
Using thediv element, this could become:
<description> <text xml:lang="en"> <div>Gentium ("belonging to the nations" in Latin) is a Unicode typeface family designed to enable the many diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts to produce readable, high-quality publications. The design is intended to be highly readable, reasonably compact, and visually attractive. Gentium has won a "Certificate of Excellence in Typeface Design" in two major international typeface design competitions: bukva:raz! (2001), TDC2003 (2003).</div> <div>The Gentium Plus font family is based on the original design. It currently comes with regular and italic face only, although additional weights are in development.</div> <div>The goal for this product is to provide a single Unicode-based font family that contains a comprehensive inventory of glyphs needed for almost any Roman- or Cyrillic-based writing system, whether used for phonetic or orthographic needs, and provide a matching Greek face. In addition, there is provision for other characters and symbols useful to linguists. This font makes use of state-of-the-art font technologies to support complex typographic issues, such as the need to position arbitrary combinations of base glyphs and diacritics optimally.</div> (and so on) </text></description>
This appendix registers a new MIME media type, in conformance withBCP 13 andW3CRegMedia.
Fonts are interpreted data structures that represent collections of glyph outlines, metrics and layout information for various languages and writing systems. Currently, there are many standardized font data tables that allow an unspecified number of entries, and where existing, predefined data fields allow storage of binary data with variable length. There is a significant risk that the flexibility of font data structures may be exploited to hide malicious binary content disguised as a font data component.
WOFF is based on the table-based SFNT (scalable font) format which is highly extensible and offers an opportunity to introduce additional data structures when needed. However, this same extensibility may present specific security concerns – the flexibility and ease of defining new data structures makes it easy for any arbitrary data to be added and hidden inside a font file.
WOFF fonts may contain 'hints' for the alignment of graphical elements of the glyphs with the target display pixel grid, and depending on the font technology utilized in the creation of a font these hints may represent active code interpreted and executed by the font rasterizer. Even though they operate within the confines of the glyph outline conversion system and have no access outside the font rendering machinery, hint instructions can be, however, quite complex, and a maliciously designed complex font could cause undue resource consumption (e.g. memory or CPU cycles) on a machine interpreting it. Indeed, fonts are sufficiently complex that most if not all interpreters cannot be completely protected from malicious fonts without undue performance penalties.
Widespread use of fonts as necessary component of visual content presentation warrants that a careful attention should be given to security considerations whenever a font is either embedded into an electronic document or transmitted alongside media content as a linked resource.
WOFF uses gzip compression. The WOFF header contains the uncompressed length of each compressed table. Applications may therefore constrain the size of memory buffer allocated for decompression and may stop writing if a maliciously crafted WOFF file in fact contains more data than is indicated.
WOFF does not provide privacy protections internally; if needed, these should be provided externally.
WOFF has a private data block facility, which may contain arbitrary binary data. WOFF does not provide a means to access this, or to execute any code contained therein. WOFFrequires that the content of this block not affect font rendering in any way.
This media type registration is extracted fromtheWOFF specification at W3C.
WOFF is used by Web browsers, often in conjunction with HTML and CSS.
Chris Lilley (
The WOFF specification is a work product of the World Wide Web Consortium's WebFonts Working Group.
The W3C has change control over this specification.
The following changes have been made, relative to the27 July 2010 First Public Working Draft. No new features have been added, except for optional enhancements to the metadata format; the remaining changes are clarifications and corrections to existing features.
The following changes were made as a result of Last Call:
Acolor-coded diff between the editors draft used to prepare the Last Call Working Draft, and the editors draft used to prepare the Candidate Recommendation, is available.
The following changes were made after publication of the Candidate Recommendation:
Acolor-coded diff between the editors draft used to prepare the Candidate Recommendation, and the editors draft used to prepare the Proposed Recommendation, is available.
The following changes were made after publication of the Proposed Recommendation: