This appendix is informative, not normative.
Name | Values | Initial value | Applies to | Inh. | Percentages | Media | Anim. | Computed value |
alignment-baseline | auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | see property description | ‘tspan’,‘textPath’ elements | no | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
baseline-shift | baseline | sub | super |<percentage> |<length> | baseline | ‘tspan’,‘textPath’ elements | no | refer to the "line height" of the‘text’ element, which in the case of SVG is defined to be equal to the font size | visual | yes | absolute length, percentage, or keyword specified |
color | <color> | depends on user agent | elements to which propertiesfill,stroke,stop-color,flood-color,lighting-color apply | yes | N/A | visual | yes | an RGBA color |
color-interpolation | auto | sRGB | linearRGB | sRGB | container elements,graphics elements,gradient elements,‘use’ and‘animate’ | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
color-rendering | auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | auto | container elements,graphics elements,gradient elements,‘use’ and‘animate’ | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
direction | ltr | rtl | ltr | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | no | as specified |
display | inline | block | list-item | run-in | compact | marker | table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group | table-column | table-cell | table-caption | none | inline | ‘svg’,‘g’,‘switch’,‘a’,‘foreignObject’,‘use’ andgraphics elements | no | N/A | all | yes | |
dominant-baseline | auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | auto | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
fill | <paint> (SeeSpecifying paint) | black | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified, but with<color> values computed and<url> values made absolute |
fill-opacity | <alpha-value> | 1 | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | the specified value converted to a number, clamped to the range [0,1] |
fill-rule | nonzero | evenodd | nonzero | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
font-variant | normal | small-caps | normal | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | see individual properties |
glyph-orientation-vertical | auto |<angle> |<number> | auto | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | no | as specified |
image-rendering | auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | auto | images | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
line-height | normal |<number> |<length-percentage> | normal | ‘text’ elements | yes | refer to font size of element itself | visual | yes | for<length-percentage> the absolute value; otherwise as specified |
marker | see individual properties | see individual properties | shapes | yes | N/A | visual | yes | see individual properties |
marker-end marker-mid marker-start | none |<url> | none | shapes | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified, but with<url> values (that are part of a<marker-ref>) made absolute |
opacity | <alpha-value> | 1 | ‘svg’,‘g’,‘symbol’,‘marker’,‘a’,‘switch’,‘use’,‘unknown’ elements andgraphics elements | no | N/A | visual | yes | the specified value converted to a number, clamped to the range [0,1] |
overflow | visible | hidden | scroll | auto | see prose | elements which establish a new SVG viewport,‘pattern’ elements and‘marker’ elements | no | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
paint-order | normal | [ fill || stroke || markers ] | normal | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
pointer-events | bounding-box | visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible | painted | fill | stroke | all | none | visiblePainted | container elements,graphics elements and‘use’ | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
shape-rendering | auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision | auto | shapes | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
stop-color | currentColor | <color> [<icccolor>] | black | ‘stop’ elements | no | N/A | visual | yes | |
stop-opacity | <alpha-value> | 1 | ‘stop’ elements | no | N/A | visual | yes | |
stroke | <paint> (SeeSpecifying paint) | none | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified, but with<color> values computed and<url> values made absolute |
stroke-dasharray | none | <dasharray> | none | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes [1] | absolute lengths or percentages for<dasharray>, or keyword specified |
stroke-dashoffset | <length-percentage> | 0 | shapes andtext content elements | yes | refer to the size of the current SVG viewport | visual | yes | absolute length or percentage |
stroke-linecap | butt | round | square | butt | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
stroke-linejoin | miter | round | bevel | miter | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
stroke-miterlimit | <number> (non-negative) | 4 | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
stroke-opacity | <alpha-value> | 1 | shapes andtext content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | the specified value converted to a number, clamped to the range [0,1] |
stroke-width | <length-percentage> | 1 | shapes andtext content elements | yes | refer to the size of the current SVG viewport | visual | yes | absolute length or percentage |
text-anchor | start | middle | end | start | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
text-decoration | none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | none | text content elements | no (see prose) | N/A | visual | yes | see individual properties |
text-rendering | auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision | auto | ‘text’ elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
vector-effect | non-scaling-stroke | none | none | graphics elements and‘use’ | no | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
visibility | visible | hidden | collapse | visible | graphics elements,‘use’ and the‘a’ element when it is a child of atext content element | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
white-space | normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line | normal | text content elements | yes | N/A | visual | yes | as specified |
writing-mode | lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | lr-tb | ‘text’ elements | yes | N/A | visual | no | as specified |