This section is informative.
The SMIL 3.0 specification leaves the basic syntax andsemantics of the SMIL 2.1 timing model unchanged[SMIL21-timing]. The onlychange for SMIL 3.0 are that the four DOM method callswhich were reserved in SMIL 2.1 have now been defined. A new module,DOMTimingMethods, was added which containsthese DOM methods.
In addition to these changes, various typos were correctedand some clarifications were added.
This section is informative
SMIL 1.0 solved fundamental media synchronization problems and defined apowerful way of choreographing multimedia content. SMIL 2.0 extends thetiming and synchronization support, adding capabilities to the timing modeland associated syntax. SMIL 3.0 addsDocument Object Model support. Some SMIL 1.0 syntax has been changed ordeprecated. This section of the document specifies the Timing andSynchronization module.
There are two intended audiences for this module: implementers of SMIL 3.0document viewers or authoring tools, and authors of other XML languages whowish to integrate timing and synchronization support. A language with whichthis module is integrated is referred to as ahost language. Adocument containing SMIL Timing and Synchronization elements and attributesis referred to as ahost document.
As this module is used in different profiles (i.e. host languages), theassociated syntax requirements may vary. Differences in syntax should beminimized as much as is practical.
SMIL 3.0 Timing and Synchronization support is broken down into 17modules, allowing broad flexibility for language designers integrating thisfunctionality. These modules are described inAppendix A: SMIL Timing and Synchronizationmodules.
This section is informative
SMIL Timing defines elements and attributes to coordinate and synchronizethe presentation ofmedia over time. The termmedia coversa broad range, includingdiscrete media types such as still images,text, and vector graphics, as well ascontinuous media types thatare intrinsically time-based, such as video, audio and animation.
Three synchronization elements support common timing use-cases:
These elements are referred to astime containers. They grouptheir contained children together into coordinated timelines.
SMIL Timing also provides attributes that may be used to specify anelement's timing behavior. Elements have a begin, and asimpleduration. The begin may be specified in various ways - for example, anelement may begin at a given time, or based upon when another element begins,or when some event (such as a mouse click) happens. Thesimpleduration defines the basic presentation duration of an element. Elementsmay be defined to repeat the simple duration, a number of times or for anamount of time. The simple duration and any effects of repeat are combined todefine theactive duration. When an element's active duration hasended, the element may either be removed from the presentation orfrozen(held in its final state), e.g. to fill any gaps in the presentation.
An elementbecomes active when it begins its active duration, andbecomes inactive when it ends its active duration. Within the activeduration, the element isactive, and outside the active duration,the element isinactive.
Figure 1 illustrates the basic support of a repeating element within asimple<par> time container. Thecorresponding syntax is included with the diagram.
<par begin="0s" dur="33s"> <video begin="1s" dur="10s" repeatCount="2.5" fill="freeze" .../></par>
Figure 1 - Strip diagram of basic timing support. The starred"Simple*" duration indicates that the simple duration is partial (i.e. it iscut off early).
The attributes that control these aspects of timing may be applied notonly to media elements, but to the time containers as well. This allows, forexample, an entire sequence to be repeated, and to be coordinated as a unitwith other media and time containers. While authors may specify a particularsimple duration for a time container, it is often easier to leave theduration unspecified, in which case the simple duration is defined by thecontained child elements. When an element does not specify a simple duration,the time model defines animplicit simple duration for the element.For example, the implicit simple duration of a sequence is based upon the sumof the active durations of all the children.
Each time container also imposes certaindefaults andconstraints upon the contained children. For example in a
<par begin="0s" dur="12s" repeatDur="33s" fill="freeze" > <video begin="1s" dur="5s" repeatCount="1.8" fill="freeze" .../></par>
Figure 2 - Strip diagram of time container constraints upon childelements. The starred "Simple*" durations indicate that the simple durationis partial (i.e. it is cut off early).
The SMILTiming Model defines how the time container elements andtiming attributes are interpreted to construct atime graph. Thetime graph is a model of the presentation schedule andsynchronization relationships. The time graph is a dynamic structure,changing to reflect the effect of user events, media delivery, and DOMcontrol of the presentation. At any given instant, the time graph models thedocument at that instant, and the semantics described in this module.However, as user events or other factors cause changes to elements, thesemantic rules are re-evaluated to yield an updated time graph.
When abegin or end value refers toan event, or to the begin or active end of another element, it may not bepossible to calculate the time value. For example, if an element is definedto begin on some event, the begin time will not be known until the eventhappens. Begin and end values like this are described asunresolved.When such a time becomes known (i.e. when it can be calculated as apresentation time), the time is said to beresolved. A resolved timeis said to bedefinite if it is not the value "indefinite". See alsothe discussion ofUnifying scheduled andinteractive timing.
In an ideal environment, the presentation would perform precisely asspecified. However, various real-world limitations (such as network delays)may influence the actual playback of media. How the presentation applicationadapts and manages the presentation in response to media playback problems istermedruntime synchronization behavior. SMIL includes attributesthat allow the author to control the runtime synchronization behavior for apresentation.
This section is normative
This section is informative
This section remains largely unchanged for SMIL 3.0except for the relaxation of the restrictions on the
This section is informative
The timing model is defined by building up from the simplest to the mostcomplex concepts: first the basic timing and simple duration controls,followed by the attributes that control repeating and constraining the activeduration. Finally, the elements that define time containers arepresented.
The time model depends upon several definitions for the host document: Ahost document is presented over a certain time interval.
This section defines the set of timing attributes thatare common to all of the SMIL synchronization elements.
Unless otherwise specified below, if there is any errorin the argument value syntax for an attribute, the attribute will be ignored(as though it were not specified).
This section is informative
The basic timing for an element is described using thebegin and
The normative syntax rules for each attribute value variant aredescribed inTimingattribute value grammars; an attribute value syntax summary isprovided here as an aid to the reader.
is equivalent toId-value.begin
is equivalent toId-value.end
is equivalent toId-value.begin+ Clock-value
This section is informative
Children of apar begin by defaultwhen thepar begins (equivalent tobegin="0s"
). Children of abegin="0s"
); the firstchild begins by default when the parent
Thebegin value may specify a listof times. This can be used to specify multiple "ways" or "rules" to begin anelement, e.g. if any one of several events is raised. A list of times mayalso define multiple begin times, allowing the element to play more than once(this behavior can be controlled, e.g. to only allow the earliest begin toactually be used - see also the
In general, the earliest time in the list determines the begin time of theelement. There are additional constraints upon the evaluation of the begintime list, detailed inEvaluation of begin and end timelists.
Note that while it is legal to include "
When a begin time is specified as a syncbase variant, a marker value or awallclock value, the defined time must be converted by the implementation toa time that is relative to the parent time container (i.e. to the equivalentof an offset value). This is known astimespace conversion, and isdetailed in the sectionConverting between local and globaltimes.
The computed begin time defines thescheduled synchronizationrelationship of the element, even if it is not possible to begin theelement at the computed time. The time model uses the computed begin time,and not the observed time of the element begin.
This section is informative
The use of negative offsets to define begin timesmerely defines the synchronization relationship of the element. It does notin any way override the time container constraints upon the element, and itcannot override the constraints of presentation time.
If an element has a begin time that resolves to a time before the parenttime container begins, the parent time container constraint still applies.For example:
<par> <video xml:id="vid" begin="-5s" dur="10s" src="movie.mpg" /> <audio begin="vid.begin+2s" dur="8s" src="" /></par>
Thevideo element cannot beginbefore thepar begins. The begin issimply defined to occur"in the past" when the
The behavior can be thought of as a
This section is informative
The behavior can be thought of as a
The element will actually begin at the time computed according to thefollowing algorithm:
Leto be the offset value of a given begin value,d be the associated simple duration,AD be the associated active duration.LetrAt be the time when the begin time becomes resolved.LetrTo be the resolved sync-base or event-base time without the offsetLetrD berTo - rAt. IfrD < 0 thenrD is set to0. IfAD is indefinite, it compares greater than any value ofo orABS(o).REM( x, y ) is defined asx - (y * floor( x/y )). If y is indefinite or unresolved,REM( x, y ) is justx.Letmb = REM( ABS(o), d ) - rD
IfABS(o) >= ADthen the element does not begin.Else ifmb >= 0 then the media begins atmb.Else the media begins atmb + d.
If the element repeats, the Iteration value of therepeat
event has the calculated value based upon the above computed begin time, andnot the observed number of repeats.
This section is informative
Thus for example:
<smil ...> ...<ref begin="foo.activateEvent-8s" dur="3s" repeatCount="10" .../>...</smil>
The element begins when the user activates (for example, clicks on) theelement "foo". Its calculated begin time is actually 8 seconds earlier, andso it begins to play at 2 seconds into the 3 second simple duration, on thethird repeat iteration. One second later, the fourth iteration of the elementwill begin, and the associatedrepeat
event will have theIteration value set to 3 (since it is zero based). The element will end 22seconds after the activation. ThebeginEvent
event is raisedwhen the element begins, but has a time stamp value that corresponds to thedefined begin time, 8 seconds earlier. Any time dependents are activatedrelative to the computed begin time, and not the observed begin time.
Note: If script authors wish to distinguish between the computed repeatiterations and observed repeat iterations, they can count actualrepeat
events in the associated event handler.
This section is informative
A begin time specifies a synchronization relationshipbetween the element and the parent time container. Syncbase variants,eventbase, marker and wallclock timing are implicitly converted to an offseton the parent time container, just as an offset value specifies thisdirectly. For children of aseq,the result is always a positive offset from the begin of the
Note that an element cannot actually begin until the parent time containerbegins. An element with a negative time delay behavesas if it had begun earlier.
The presentation effect for the element (e.g. thedisplay of visual media) is equivalent to that for a
The length of the simple duration is specified usingthedur attribute. The
If there is any error in the argument value syntax for
If the "media
" attribute value is used on an element thatdoes not define media (e.g. on the SMIL 3.0 time container elements
If the element does not have a (valid)
This section is informative
The implicit duration depends upon the type of anelement. The primary distinction is between different types of media elementsand time containers. If the media element has no timed children, it isdescribed as asimple media element.
This comment is informative.
Note thatclipBegin andclipEnd attributes on a media element may override the intrinsic media duration, and will define the implicit duration. See also theMedia Object module.This comment is informative.
Forpar,seq andexcl time containers, and media elements that are also time containers, the implicit simple duration is a function of the type of the time container and of itsendsync attribute. For details see the sectionTime container durations.
If the author specifies a value for
If the author specifies a simple duration that islonger than theimplicit duration for an element, the implicit duration of the element isextended to the specified simple duration:
This section is informative
Note that when the simple duration is
This section is informative
The following example shows simple offset begin timing. The
<par> <audio src="" begin="5s" dur="4s" /></par>
The following example shows syncbase begin timing. The
<par> <audio xml:id="song1" src="" /> <img src="img1.jpg" begin="song1.begin+2s" /></par>
Elements may also be specified to begin in response to an event. In thisexample, the image element begins (appears) when the user clicks on element"show". The image will end (disappear) 3 and a half seconds later.
<smil ...>...<text xml:id="show" ... /><img begin="show.activateEvent" dur="3.5s" ... />...</smil>
SMIL 3.0 provides an additional control over the active duration. Theend attribute allows the author toconstrain the active duration by specifying an end value using a simpleoffset, a time base, an event-base, a syncbase, or DOM methods calls. Therules for combining the attributes to compute the active duration arepresented in the section,Computing theactive duration.
The normative syntax rules for each attribute value variant are describedin the sectionTiming attributevalue grammars; a syntax summary is provided here as an aid to thereader.
method call.This section is informative
If anendattribute is specified but none ofdur,repeatCount and
If theend valuebecomes resolved while the element is still active, and the resolved time isin the past, the element should end the active duration immediately. Timedependents defined relative to the end of this element should be resolvedusing the computed active end (which may be in the past), and not theobserved active end.
The deprecatedSMIL-1-syncbase-values are semantically equivalent to the following SMIL 3.0End-value types:
is equivalent toId-value.begin
is equivalent toId-value.end
is equivalent toId-value.begin+Clock-value
This section is informative
Theend value may specify alist of times. This can be used to specify multiple "ways" or "rules"to end an element, e.g. if any one of several events is raised. A listof times may also define multiple end times that may correspond tomultiple begin times, allowing the element to play more than once(this behavior can be controlled - see also the
In the following example, thedurattribute is not specified, and so the simple duration is defined to be theimplicit media duration. In this case (and this case only) the value of
<video end="10s" src="8-SecondVideo.mpg" .../>
If an author wishes to specify the implicit duration as well as an endconstraint, thedur attribute may bespecified as "media
". In the following example, the element willend at the earlier of the intrinsic media duration, or a mouse click:
<smil ...>...<video dur="media" end="activateEvent" src="movie.mpg" .../>...</smil>
These cases arise from the use of negative offsets in the sync-base andevent-base forms, and authors should be aware of the complexities this canintroduce. See alsoHandling negative offsetsfor end.
In the following example, the active duration will end at the earlier of10 seconds, or the end of the "foo" element. This is particularly useful if"foo" is defined to begin or end relative to an event.
<audio src="" dur="2s" repeatDur="10s" end="foo.end" .../>
In the following example, the active duration will end at 10 seconds, andwill cut short the simple duration defined to be 20 seconds. The effect isthat only the first half of the element is actually played. For a simplemedia element, the author could just specify this using the dur attribute.However in other cases, it is sometimes important to specify the simpleduration independent of the active duration.
<par> <audio src="" dur="20s"end="10s" ... /></par>
In the following example, the element begins when the user activates(e.g., clicks on) the "gobtn" element. The active duration will end 30seconds after the parent time container begins.
<smil ...>...<par><audio src="" begin="gobtn.activateEvent" repeatDur="indefinite"end="30s" ... /> <img src="foo.jpg" dur="40s" ... /></par>...</smil>
Note that if the user has not clicked on the target element before 30seconds elapse, the element will never begin. In this case, the element hasno active duration and no active end.
The defaults for the event syntax make it easy to define simpleinteractive behavior. The following example stops the image when the userclicks on the element.
<smil ...>...<img src="image.jpg"end="activateEvent" />...</smil>
Usingend with an event value enablesauthors to end an element based on either an interactive event or a maximumactive duration. This is sometimes known aslazy interaction.
In this example, a presentation describes factory processes. Each step isa video, and set to repeat 3 times to make the point clear. Each element mayalso be ended by clicking on the video, or on some element "next" thatindicates to the user that the next step should be shown.
<smil ...>...<seq> <video dur="5s" repeatCount="3"end="activateEvent; next.activateEvent" .../> <video dur="5s" repeatCount="3"end="activateEvent; next.activateEvent" .../> <video dur="5s" repeatCount="3"end="activateEvent; next.activateEvent" .../> <video dur="5s" repeatCount="3"end="activateEvent; next.activateEvent" .../> <video dur="5s" repeatCount="3"end="activateEvent; next.activateEvent" .../></seq>...</smil>
In this case, the active end of each element is defined to be the earlierof 15 (5s dur * 3 repeats) seconds after it begins, or a click on "next".This lets the viewer sit back and watch, or advance the presentation at afaster pace.
The min/max attributes provide the author with a wayto control the lower and upper bound of the element activeduration.
If there is any error in the argument value syntax for
The default value formin is "0".This does not constrain the active duration at all.
If there is any error in the argument value syntax for
The default value formax is"indefinite". This does not constrain the active duration at all.
If the "media
" argument value is specified for either
If bothmin and
The rule to apply to compute the active duration of an element with
if the first computed duration is greater than the max value, the active duration of the element is defined to be equal to themax value (see the first example below).
if the first computed duration is less than themin value, the active duration of the element becomes equal to themin value and the behavior of the element is as follows :
if the repeating duration (or the simple duration if the element doesn't repeat) of the element is greater thanmin then the element is played normally for the (min constrained) active duration. (see the second and third examples below).
otherwise the element is played normally for its repeating duration (or simple duration if the element does not repeat) and then is frozen or not shown depending on the value of thefill attribute (see the fourth and fifth examples below).
This section is informative
The following examples illustrate some simple use cases for
Example 1. In the following example, the video will only play for 10seconds.
<smil ...>...<par > <video xml:id="video_of_15s"max="10s".../></par>...</smil>
Example 2. In the following example, if an activate event happens before10 seconds, this activation (e.g. click) does not interrupt the videoimmediately, but the video plays until 10 seconds and then stops. If a clickevent happens after 10 seconds, the video plays (repeating) until the clickhappens. Note, the endEvent is only raised if a click occurs after 10seconds, not at the simple end of each repeat.
<smil ...>...<par > <video xml:id="video_of_15s" repeatDur="indefinite" end="activateEvent"min="10s".../></par>...</smil>
Example 3. In the following example, if an activate event happens onelement "foo" at 5 seconds, this event does not end the time containerimmediately, but rather at 12 seconds. The simple duration is defined to be"indefinite" (because anend attributeis specified with nodur attribute), andso the time container plays normally until it ends at 12 seconds.
<smil ...>...<par end="foo.activateEvent"min="12s" > <video xml:id="video_of_15s" .../> <video xml:id="video_of_10s" .../></par>...</smil>
Example 4. In the following example, if a click event happens on the firstvideo at 5 seconds, then the simple duration of the time container iscomputed as 5 seconds. Respecting the
<smil ...>...<par endsync="first" min="12s" fill="freeze" > <video xml:id="video_of_15s" end="activateEvent" ...> <video xml:id="video_of_10s" .../></par>...</smil>
Example 5. In the following example, the time container simple duration isdefined to be 5 seconds, and the min constraint defines the active durationto be 12 seconds. Since the default value of"remove"
,nothing is shown for the time container between 5 seconds and 12 seconds.
<par dur="5s" min="12s" > <video xml:id="video_of_15s" .../> <video xml:id="video_of_10s" .../></par>
This section is informative
If an element is defined to begin before its parent (e.g. with a simplenegative offset value), themin durationis measured from the calculated begin time not the observed begin (seeexample 1 below). This means that the
Example 1. In the following example, the image will be displayed from thebeginning of the time container for 2 seconds.
<par> <img xml:id="img" begin="-5s" min="7s" dur="5s" .../></par>
Example 2. In the following example, the image will not be displayed atall.
<par> <img xml:id="img" begin="-5s" min="4s" dur="2s" .../></par>
See also the sectionsThe min attributeand restart andTime containerconstraints on child durations.
The syntax specifications are defined using EBNF notation as defined inXML 1.1[XML11]
In the syntax specifications that follow, allowed white space is indicatedas "S", defined as follows (taken from the[XML11] definition for 'S'):
S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
A Begin-value-list is a semi-colon separated list of timing specifiers:
Begin-value-list ::=Begin-value (S? ";"S?Begin-value-list )?Begin-value ::= (Offset-value |Syncbase-value |Event-value |Repeat-value |Accesskey-value |Media-Marker-value |Wallclock-sync-value | "indefinite" )
An End-value-list is a semi-colon separated list of timing specifiers:
End-value-list ::=End-value (S? ";"S?End-value-list )?End-value ::= (Offset-value |Syncbase-value |Event-value |Repeat-value |Accesskey-value |Media-Marker-value |Wallclock-sync-value | "indefinite" )
Several of the timing specification values have a similar syntax. Toparse an individual item in a value-list, the following approach defines thecorrect interpretation. In addition,Id-values andEvent-symbols are XML NMTOKEN values andas such are allowed to contain the full stop '.
' andhyphen-minus '-' characters. The reverse solidus character '\' must be usedto escape these characters withinId-values andEvent-symbols, otherwise these characterswill be interpreted as the full stop separator and hyphen-minus sign,respectively. Once these rules are interpreted, but before Id-values insyncbase values, event values, or media-marker values are further handled,all leading and embedded escape characters should be removed.
), the value should be parsed as anoffset value..
' characters preceded by a reverse solidus '\
' escape character should not be treated as a separator, but as a normal token character..
' separator character, then the value should be parsed as anEvent-value with an unspecified (i.e. default) eventbase-element..begin
" or ".end
", then the value should be parsed as aSyncbase-value..marker(
", then the value should be parsed as aMedia-Marker-value.This section is informative
This approach allows implementations to treat thetokenswallclock andindefinite
as reserved element IDs, and
Clock values have the following syntax:
Clock-value ::= (Full-clock-value |Partial-clock-value |Timecount-value )Full-clock-value ::=Hours ":"Minutes ":"Seconds ("."Fraction)?Partial-clock-value ::=Minutes ":"Seconds ("."Fraction)?Timecount-value ::=Timecount ("."Fraction)? (Metric)?Metric ::= "h" | "min" | "s" | "ms"Hours ::=DIGIT+ /* any positive number */Minutes ::=2DIGIT /* range from 00 to 59 */Seconds ::=2DIGIT /* range from 00 to 59 */Fraction ::=DIGIT+Timecount ::=DIGIT+2DIGIT ::=DIGITDIGITDIGIT ::= [0-9]
For Timecount values, the default metric suffix is "s" (for seconds).
This section is informative
No embedded white space is allowed in clock values,although leading and trailing white space characters will beignored.
The following are examples of legal clock values:
= 2 hours, 30 minutes and 3 seconds 50:00:10.25
= 50 hours, 10 seconds and 250 milliseconds
= 2 minutes and 33 seconds 00:10.5
= 10.5 seconds = 10 seconds and 500 milliseconds 3.2h
= 3.2 hours = 3 hours and 12 minutes 45min
= 45 minutes 30s
= 30 seconds 5ms
= 5 milliseconds 12.467
= 12 seconds and 467 millisecondsFractional values are just (base 10) floating pointdefinitions of seconds. The number of digits allowed is unlimited (althoughactual precision may vary among implementations).
This section is informative
For example:
00.5s = 500 milliseconds00:00.005 = 5 milliseconds
This section is informative
Offset values are used to specify when an elementshould begin or end relative to its syncbase.
An offset value has the following syntax:
Offset-value ::= (S? ("+" | "-")S? )? (Clock-value )
The implicit syncbase for an offset value is dependent upon the timecontainer:
This section is informative
SMIL-1-syncbase-value ::=SMIL-1-Id-value ( "(" ( "begin" | "end" |Clock-value) ")" )?SMIL-1-Id-value ::= "id("Idref ")"
ID reference values are references to the value of an "id" attribute ofanother element in the document.
Id-value ::=Id-ref-valueId-ref-value ::=Idref |Escaped-Id-ref-valueIdref ::= NameEscaped-Id-ref-value ::=Escape-Char? NameStartChar (Escape-Char? NameChar)*Escape-Char ::= "\"
are defined in XML 1.1[XML11].Idref
is a legal XML identifier.If the element referenced by the Idref is ignored as described in theContent Control modules (e.g. if it specifies test attributes that evaluatefalse), the associated time value (i.e.. the syncbase value or the eventbasevalue that specifies the Id-value) will be considered invalid.
This section is informative
The semantics of ignored elements may change in afuture version of SMIL. One possible semantic is that the associated sync arcarguments will not be invalid, but will instead always be "unresolved". Whenthis behavior needs to be simulated in this version of SMIL Timing andSynchronization, an author may include the value "indefinite" in the list ofvalues for the begin or end attribute.
A syncbase value starts with a Syncbase-element termdefining the value of an "id" attribute of another element referred to as thesyncbase element.
A syncbase value has the following syntax:
Syncbase-value ::= (Syncbase-element "."Time-symbol ) (S? ("+"|"-")S?Clock-value )?Syncbase-element ::=Id-valueTime-symbol ::= "begin" | "end"
The syncbase element is qualified with one of the followingtimesymbols:
This section is informative
: Begin 5 seconds before "x"ends begin=" x.begin "
: Begin when "x" begins end="x.begin + 1min"
: End 1 minute after "x" begins
An Event value starts with an Eventbase-element termthat specifies theevent-base element. The event-base element is theelement on which the event is observed. Given DOM event bubbling, theevent-base element may be either the element that raised the event, or it maybe an ancestor element on which the bubbled event may be observed. Refer toDOM-Level2-Events[DOM2Events] for details.
An event value has the following syntax:
Event-value ::= (Eventbase-element "." )?Event-symbol (S? ("+"|"-")S?Clock-value )?Eventbase-element ::=Id-valueEvent-symbol ::= Nmtoken
The symbolNmtoken
is defined in XML 1.1[XML11].
The eventbase-element must be another element contained in the hostdocument.
If the Eventbase-element term is missing, the event-base element defaultsto the element on which the eventbase timing is specified (the currentelement). A host language designer may override the definition of the defaulteventbase element. As an example of this, theSMIL 3.0 Animation modules describe Timingintegration requirements for the animation elements (animate, animateMotion,etc.). These requirements specify that the default eventbase element is thetarget element of the animation. See the sectionCommon Animation Integration Requirements.
The event value must specify an Event-symbol. This term is an XML NMTOKENthat specifies the name of the event that is raised on the Event-baseelement. The host language designer must specify which events may bespecified.
If an integrating language specifies no supported events, the event-base time value is effectively unsupported for that language.
A host language may choose not to include support for offsets with event values. The language must specify if this support is omitted.
If the host language allows dynamically created events (as supported by DOM-Level2-Events[DOM2Events]), all possible Event-symbol names cannot be specified and so unrecognized names may not be considered errors.
Unless explicitly specified by a host language, it is not considered an error to specify an event that cannot be raised on the Event-base element (such as activateEvent or click for audio or other non-visual elements). Since the event will never be raised on the specified element, the event-base value will never be resolved.
The last term specifies an optional Offset-value that is an offset fromthe time of the event.
This section is informative
This module defines several events that may be included in the supportedset for a host language, includingbeginEvent
. These should not be confused with the syncbase timevalues. See the section on Events and event model.
The semantics of event-based timing are detailed inUnifying Scheduling and InteractiveTiming. Constraints on event sensitivity are detailed in Event sensitivity.
begin=" x.load "
: Begin when "load" is observed on"x" begin="x.focus+3s"
: Begin 3 seconds after a "focus" eventon "x" begin="x.endEvent+1.5s"
: Begin 1 and a half seconds after an"endEvent" event on "x" begin="x.repeat"
: Begin each time arepeat
event is observed on "x"
The following example describes a qualified repeat eventbase value:
<smil ...>...<video xml:id="foo" repeatCount="10" end="endVideo.activateEvent" ... /><img xml:id="endVideo"begin="foo.repeat(2)" .../>...</smil>
The "endVideo" image will appear when the video "foo" repeats the secondtime. This example allows the user to stop the video after it has playedthough at least twice.
Repeat values are a variant on event values thatsupport a qualified repeat event. Therepeat
event defined inEvents and event model allows an additionalsuffix to qualify the event based upon an Iteration value.
A repeat value has the following syntax:
Repeat-value ::= (Eventbase-element "." )? "repeat("Iteration ")" (S? ("+"|"-")S?Clock-value )?Iteration ::=DIGIT+
If this qualified form is used, the eventbase value will only be resolvedwhen a repeat is observed that has an Iteration value that matches thespecified iteration.
This section is informative
The qualified repeat event syntax allows an author torespond only to an individual repeat of an element.
Accesskey values allow an author to tie a begin or endtime to a particular key press, independent of focus issues. It is modeled onthe HTML accesskey support. Unlike with HTML, user agents should not requirethat a modifier key (such as "ALT") be required to activate an access key.
An access key value has the following syntax:
Accesskey-value ::= "accesskey(" Char ")" (S? ("+"|"-")S?Clock-value )?
symbol is defined in XML 1.1[XML11].
The time value is defined as the time that the access key character isinput by the user.
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Certain types of media can have associatedmarker values that associate a name with a particular point (i.e. atime) in the media. The media marker value provides a means of defining abegin or end time in terms of these marker values. Note that if thereferenced id is not associated with a media element that supports markers,or if the specified marker name is not defined by the media element, theassociated time may never be resolved.
Media-Marker-value ::=Id-value ".marker("S?Marker-nameS? ")"Marker-name ::= (Char - ")")+
symbol is defined in XML 1.1[XML11].Marker-name
symbol is a string that must conform to the definition of marker names for the media associated with the Id-value.Wallclock-sync values have the following syntax. Thevalues allowed are based upon several of the "profiles" described in[DATETIME], which is based upon[ISO8601].
Wallclock-sync-value ::= "wallclock("S? (DateTime |WallTime |Date)S? ")"DateTime ::=Date "T"WallTimeDate ::=Years "-"Months "-"DaysWallTime ::= (HHMM-Time |HHMMSS-Time)(TZD)?HHMM-Time ::=Hours24 ":"MinutesHHMMSS-Time ::=Hours24 ":"Minutes ":"Seconds ("."Fraction)?Years ::=4DIGIT;Months ::=2DIGIT /* range from 01 to 12 */Days ::=2DIGIT /* range from 01 to 31 */Hours24 ::=2DIGIT /* range from 00 to 23 */4DIGIT ::=DIGITDIGITDIGITDIGITTZD ::= "Z" | (("+" | "-")Hours24 ":"Minutes )
This section is informative
Complete date plus hours and minutes:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of asecond
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
Note that theMinutes
syntax is asdefined forClock-values. Note thatwhite space is not allowed within the date and time specification.
There are three ways of handling time zone offsets:
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The presentation engine must be able to convertwallclock-values to a time within the document.
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Note that the resulting begin or end time may bebefore the begin, or after end of the parent time container. This is not anerror, but thetime containerconstraints still apply. In any case, the semantics of the
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The following examples all specify a begin at midnight on January 1st2000, UTC:
begin="wallclock( 2000-01-01T00:00Z )"begin="wallclock( 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z )"begin="wallclock( 2000-01-01T00:00:00.0Z )"begin="wallclock( 2000-01-01T00:00:00.0Z )"begin="wallclock( 2000-01-01T00:00:00.0-00:00 )"
The following example specifies a begin at 3:30 in the afternoon on July28th 1990, in the Pacific US time zone:
begin="wallclock( 1990-07-28T15:30-08:00 )"
The following example specifies a begin at 8 in the morning wherever thedocument is presented:
begin="wallclock( 08:00 )"
Theendsyncattribute controls the implicit duration of time containers, as a function ofthe children. Theendsync attributeis only valid forpar and
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Theendsyncattribute is particularly useful with children that have "unknown" duration,e.g. an MPEGmovie, that must be played through to determine the duration, orelements with event-based end timing.
Elements may have an unresolved or indefinite begin time when the parent begins. If an element's unresolved begin time becomes resolved (and definite) before the parent time container ends the simple duration, the element must be considered by theendsync="last" semantics.
This comment is informative.
This may chain, so that only one element is running at one point, but before it ends its active duration another interactive element is resolved. It may even yield "dead time" (where nothing is playing), if the resolved begin isafter the other elements active end.
If theendsync semantics consider any child that has an unresolved active duration, then the implicit duration of the time container is also unresolved.
For theId-value arg-value variant, the referenced child may have an unresolved begin time. If this causes the active end time to be unresolved as well, the implicit duration of the time container is also unresolved.
If theendsync semantics consider any child that has a (resolved) indefinite active duration, then the implicit duration of the time container is also indefinite.
Media element time containers define an intrinsic duration equal to the duration of the referenced media.
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If the referenced media is not continuous, the duration is 0 (endsync="media"will not generally be useful on discrete media).
If themedia argument value is used for an element that does not declare media, the attribute is ignored (as thoughendsync had not been specified).
If theId-value arg-value variant is not an immediate child of the time container, it is as ifendsync is not specified.
For the purpose of parsing theendsync argument value,first,last,all, andmedia are reserved words and must be escaped with a backslash in order to be used asId-value's.
Semantics ofendsync and
Semantics ofendsync andrestart:
Semantics of
Note that child elements of anexcl that are currently paused (by theexcl semantics) have not ended their active duration. Similarly, any element paused via the DOMpause()
method has not completed its active duration. Paused elements (that have not already completed the active duration at least once) must be considered in the evaluation ofendsync.
This comment is informative.
For example, if a time container withendsync=
"last" has paused child elements, the simple duration of the time container will not end until the paused children resume or otherwise end.
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Semantics ofendsync andunresolved child times:
"first" means that the element must wait for any child element to actually end its active duration. It does not matter whether the first element to end was scheduled or interactive.=
"last" means that the element must wait for all child elements that have a resolved begin, to end the respective active durations.=
"all" means that the element must wait for the end of every child element's active duration.=
[Id-value] means that the element must wait for the referenced element to actually end its active duration.The following pseudo-code describes the
// // boolean timeContainerHasEnded()//// method on time containers called to evaluate whether// time container has ended, according to the rules of endsync.// Note: Only supported on par and excl//// A variant on this could be called when a child end is updated to// create a scheduled (predicted) end time for the container.//// Note that we never check the end time of children - it doesn't matter.//// Assumes: // child list is stable during evaluation// isActive state of children is up to date for current time.// [In practice, this means that the children must all be// pre-visited at the current time to see if they are done.// If the time container is done, and repeats, the children// may be resampled at the modified time.]//// Uses interfaces: // on TimedNode:// isActive() tests if node is currently active// hasStarted() tests if node has (ever) begun// begin and end begin and end TimeValues of node//// on TimeValue (a list of times for begin or end)// is Resolved(t) true if there is a resolved time// at or after time t//boolean timeContainerHasEnded(){TimeInstant now = getCurrentTime(); // normalized for time containerboolean assumedResult;// For first or ID, we assume a false result unless we find a child that has ended// For last and all, we assume a true result unless we find a disqualifying childif( ( endsyncRule == first ) || ( endsyncRule == ID ) ) assumedResult = false;else assumedResult = true;// Our interpretation of endsync == all:// we're done when all children have begun, and none is active//// loop on each child in collection of timed children,// and consider it in terms of the endsyncRule foreach ( child c in timed-children-collection ){ switch( endsyncRule ) { case first: // as soon as we find an ended child, return true. if( c.hasStarted() & !c.isActive() ) return true; // else, keep looking (assumedResult is false) break; case ID: // if we find the matching child, just return result if( endsyncID == c.ID ) return( c.hasStarted() & !c.isActive() ); // else, keep looking (we'll assume the ID is valid) break; case last: // we just test for disqualifying children // If the child is active, we're definitely not done. // If the child has not yet begun but has a resolved begin, // then we're not done. if( c.isActive() || c.begin.isResolved(now) ) return false; // else, keep checking (the assumed result is true) break; case all: // we just test for disqualifying children // all_means_last_done_after_all_begin // If the child is active, we're definitely not done. // If the child has not yet begun then we're not done. // Note that if it has already begun, // then we still have to wait for any more resolved begins if( c.isActive() || !c.hasStarted() || c.begin.isResolved(now) ) return false; // else, keep checking (the assumed result is true) break; } // close switch} // close foreach loopreturn assumedResult;} // close timeContainerHasEnded()
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SMIL 1.0 introduced the repeat attribute, which is used to repeat a mediaelement or an entire time container. SMIL 2.0 introduces two new controls forrepeat functionality that supersede the SMIL 1.0
Repeating an element causes the simple duration to be "played" severaltimes in sequence. This will effectively copy orloop the contentsof the element media (or an entire timeline in the case of a time container).The author may specify eitherhow many timesto repeat, using
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In the following example, the implicit duration of the audio isconstrained byrepeatCount. Onlythe first half of the clip will play; the active duration will be 1.5seconds.
<audio src=""repeatCount="0.5" />
In this example, the 3 second (implicit) simple duration will be playedthree times through and then is constrained by the
<par dur="9s"> <audio src="" repeatCount="100" /></par>
In the following example, the 2.5 second simple duration will be repeatedtwice; the active duration will be 5 seconds.
<audio src="" dur="2.5s" repeatCount="2" />
In the following example, the 3 second (implicit) simple duration will berepeated two full times and then the first half is repeated once more; theactive duration will be 7.5 seconds.
<audio src=""repeatCount="2.5" />
In the following example, the audio will repeat for a total of 7 seconds.It will play fully two times, followed by a fractional part of 2 seconds.This is equivalent to a
<audio src="music.mp3" dur="2.5s"repeatDur="7s" />
Note that if the simple duration is indefinite, repeat behavior is notdefined (butrepeatDur stillcontributes to the active duration). In the following example the simpleduration is 0 and indefinite respectively, and so the
<img src="foo.jpg"repeatCount="2" /><img src="bar.png" dur="indefinite"repeatCount="2" />
In the following example, the simple duration is 0 for the image andindefinite for the text element, and so repeat behavior is not meaningful.The active duration is 0 for the first element, however for the secondelement, the active duration is determined by the
<img src="foo.jpg"repeatDur="10s" /><text src="intro.html" dur="indefinite"repeatDur="10s" />
In the following example, if the audio media is longer than the 5 secondrepeatDur, then the activeduration will effectively cut short the simple duration.
<audio src=""repeatDur="5s" />
TherepeatCount and
<seq begin="5s"repeatCount="3" > <img src="img1.jpg" dur="5s" /> <img src="img2.jpg" dur="4s" /> <img src="img3.jpg" dur="4s" /></seq>
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Themin attribute does not prevent anelement from restarting before the minimum active duration is reached. If inthe following example, the "user.activateEvent" occurs once at 2 seconds,then again at 5 seconds, the "image" element will begin at 2 seconds, playfor 3 seconds, and then be restarted at 5 seconds. The restarted interval(beginning at 5 seconds) will display the image until 12 seconds.
<smil ...>...<par> <img xml:id="image" begin="user.activateEvent" min="7s" dur="5s" restart="always" fill="freeze".../></par>...</smil>
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The SMIL 1.0 repeat attribute behaves in a manner similar to repeatCount,but it defines the functionality in terms of a sequence that contains thespecified number ofcopiesof the element without the repeatattribute. This definition has caused some confusion among authors andimplementers. See also the SMIL 1.0 specification[SMIL10].
In particular, there has been confusion concerning the behavior of theSMIL 1.0end attribute when used inconjunction with therepeatattribute. SMIL 3.0 complies with the common practice of having the
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When an element's active duration ends, it may befrozen at the final state, or it may no longer be presented (i.e.,its effect is removed from the presentation).Freezingan elementextends it, using the final state defined in the last instance of the simpleduration. This may be used to fill gaps in a presentation, or to extend anelement as context in the presentation (e.g. with additive animation - seetheSMIL 3.0 Animation chapter).
Thefillattribute allows an author to specify that an element should be extendedbeyond the active duration byfreezing the final state of theelement. Thefill attribute is alsoused to determine the behavior when the active duration is less than theduration specified in themin attribute.For this reason, rather than referring to the end of the active duration,this description refers to the "last instance of the simple duration".
The last instance of the simple duration is the last frame or valuethat was played during the last instance (seeThe instance timeslists) of the simple duration of the element before it finished orwas stopped because of an end attribute.
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The syntax of the fill attribute is the same as inSMIL 1.0, with two extensions. In addition, the fill attribute may now beapplied to any timed element, including time containers.
"hold") will refresh their display area when a layer is added on top then later removed.This section is informative.
Note that given the default values for
An element with"freeze" behavior is extendedaccording to the parent time container:
"freeze" is equivalent tofill=
"hold".When applied to media,fill only hasa presentation effect on visual media. Non-visual media (audio) will simplybe silent (although they are still frozen from a timing perspective).
The effects of the
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Thefill attribute may be used tomaintain the value of a media element after the active duration of theelement ends:
<par endsync="last"> <video src="intro.mpg" begin= "5s" dur="30s"fill="freeze" /> <audio src="" begin= "2s" dur="40s"/></par>
The video element ends 35 seconds after the parent time container began,but the video frame at 30 seconds into the media remains displayed until theaudio element ends. The attribute "freezes" the last value of the element forthe remainder of the time container's simple duration.
This functionality is also useful to keep prior elements on the screenwhile the next item of aseq timecontainer prepares to display as in this example:
<seq> <video xml:id="v1" fill="freeze" src.../> <video xml:id="v2" begin="2s" src.../></seq>
The first video is displayed and then the last frame is frozen for 2seconds, until the next element begins. Note that if it takes additional timeto download or buffer video "v2" for playback, the first video "v1" willremain frozen until video "v2" actually begins.
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Note that there are several ways that an element may be restarted. Thebehavior (i.e. to restart or not) in all cases is controlled by the
As with any begin time, if an element is scheduled to restart after theend of the parent time container simple duration, the element will notrestart.
For the precise definition of when restart semantics apply, see thesectionEvaluation ofbegin and end time lists.
"never" will be reset, and the element may begin again normally. See alsoResetting element state.TherestartDefaultattribute may be used to control the default behavior of the
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For details on when and how the
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A common use-case requires that the same UI event is used to begin anelement and to end the active duration of the element. This is sometimesdescribed as "toggle" activation, because the UI event toggles the element"on" and "off". Therestartattribute can be used to author this, as follows:
<smil ...>...<img xml:id="foo"begin="bar.activateEvent"end="bar.activateEvent"restart="whenNotActive" .../></smil>
If "foo" were defined with the default restart behavior
Note that in SMIL Language documents, a SMIL element cannot be visiblebefore it begins so having a=
support, this may not be the case. For example,the following is reasonable:
<html xmlns:smil="" ...>...<span smil:begin="click" smil:end="click" smil:timeAction="class:highlight" smil:restart="whenNotActive"> Click here to highlight. Click again to remove highlight.</span>...</html>
This is based upon the event sensitivity semantics described in Event sensitivity andUnifying Scheduling and InteractiveTiming.
The following attribute is provided to specify thedefault behavior forrestart:
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Given the default values of this attribute("inherit")and of therestartattribute("default"), a document that does not specify these attributes will haverestart=
When a time container repeats or restarts, all descendant children are"reset" with respect to certain state:
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Thus, for example if an element specifies=
When an element restarts, rules 1 and 2 are also applied to the elementitself, although rule 4 (controlling restart behavior) is not applied.
Note that when any time container ends its simple duration (including whenit repeats), all timed children that are still active are ended. See alsoTime containerconstraints on child durations.
When anexcl time container restartsor repeats, in addition to ending any active children, the pause queue fortheexcl is cleared.
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New support in SMIL 2.0 introduces finer grained control over the runtimesynchronization behavior of a document. The
ThesyncBehavior attributemay also be applied to time containers. This controls the sync relationshipof the entire timeline defined by the time container. In this example, theaudio and video elements are defined with hard or "locked" sync to maintainlip sync, but the "speech"par timecontainer is allowed to slip:
<par> <animation src="..." /> ... <par xml:id="speech" syncBehavior="canSlip" > <video src="speech.mpg" syncBehavior="locked" /> <audio src="" syncBehavior="locked" /> </par> ...</par>
If either the video or audio must pause due to delivery problems, theentire "speech" par will pause, to keep the entire timeline in sync. However,the rest of the document, including the animation element will continue toplay normally. Using the
This functionality also applies when an element first begins, and themedia must begin to play. If the media is not yet ready (e.g. if an imagefile has not yet downloaded), the
An additional extension allows the author to specify that a particularelement should define or control the synchronization for a time container.This is similar to the default behavior of many user agents that "slave"video and other elements to audio, to accommodate the audio hardwareinaccuracies and the sensitivity of listeners to interruptions in the audioplayback. ThesyncMasterattribute allows an author to explicitly define that an element defines theplayback "clock" for the time container, and all other elements should beheld in sync relative to the
In practice,linear media often need tobe the syncMaster, wherenon-linear mediacan more easily be adjusted to maintain hard sync. However, a user agentcannot always determine which media behaves in a linear fashion and whichmedia behaves in a non-linear fashion. In addition, when there are multiplelinear elements active at a given point in time, the user agent cannot alwaysmake the "right" decision to resolve sync conflicts. The
The argument valueindependent is equivalent to settingsyncBehavior=
"canSlip" andsyncMaster=
"true" so that the element is scheduled within the timegraph, but is unaffected by any other runtime synchronization issues. SettingsyncBehavior=
"canSlip" andsyncMaster=
"true" declares the element as being the synchronization master clock and that the element may slip against its parent time line
"locked", thesyncMaster will also define sync for the ancestor timeContainer. ThesyncMaster will define sync for everything within the closest ancestor time container that is defined withsyncBehavior=
"canSlip". See alsoThe accumulated synchronization offset.This section is informative
Note that the semantics of syncBehavior do not describe or require aparticular approach to maintaining sync; the approach will be implementationdependent. Possible means of resolving a sync conflict may include:
Additional control is provided over the hard sync model using thesyncToleranceattribute. This specifies the amount of slip that may be ignored foran element. Small variance in media playback (e.g. due to hardwareinaccuracies) can often be ignored, to allow the overall performanceto appear smoother.
When any element is paused (including the cases described above forruntime sync behavior), the computed end time for the element may change oreven become resolved, and the time model must reflect this. This is detailedinPaused elements and theactive duration.
Two attributes are defined to specify the defaultbehavior for runtime synchronization:
If an element slips synchronization relative to its parent, the amount ofthis slip at any point is described as theaccumulated synchronizationoffset. This offset is used to account for pause semantics as well asperformance or delivery related slip. This value is used to adjust theconversion between element and parent times, as described inConverting between local and globaltimes. The offset is computed as follows:
Lettc(tps) be the computed element active time for an element at the parent simple timetps, according to the defined synchronization relationship for the element.Letto(tps) be the observed element active time for an element at the parent simple timetps.
The accumulated synchronization offsetO is:
O = to(tps) - tc(tps)This offset is measured in parent simple time.
This section is informative.
Thus an accumulated synchronization offset of 1 second corresponds to theelement playing 1 second "later" than it was scheduled. An offset of -0.5seconds corresponds to the element playing a half second "ahead" of where itshould be.
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The modularization of SMIL 3.0 functionality allows language designers tointegrate SMIL Timing and Synchronization support into any XML language. Inaddition to just scheduling media elements as in SMIL language documents,timing may be applied to the elements of the host language. For example, theaddition of timing to HTML (i.e. XHTML) elements will control thepresentation of the HTML document over time, and to synchronize text andpresentation with continuous media such as audio and video.
Two attributes are introduced to support these integration cases. ThetimeContainer attribute allowsthe author to specify that any XML language element has time containerbehavior. E.g., an HTML<ol>
ordered list element may bedefined to behave as a sequence time container. The
XML language elements may be declared to have time container semantics byadding thetimeContainerattribute. The syntax is:
Constraints upon the use of the
ThetimeAction attributeprovides control over the effect of timing upon an attribute. A host languagemust specify which values are allowed for each element in the language. Ahost language must specify the intrinsic timing behavior of eachelement to whichtimeAction maybe applied. In addition, a host language may specify additional
" property should be controlled over time.visibility
" property should be controlled over
" attribute.class
attribute value list).Theintrinsic behavior is defined by a hostlanguage. For example in the SMIL language, the
AdditionaltimeActionsemantics and constraints:
property should be set to "hidden" when the element is not active or frozen. If the original value of thevisibility
property was not "hidden", the original value should be used when the element is active or frozen. If the original value of thevisibility
property was "hidden", the property should be set to "visible" when the element is active or
" attribute, thestyle value fortimeAction should not be allowed.class
attribute), the class name should be removed from the class list of the element when the element is not active or frozen.Certain special elements may have specific
Host language designers should carefully consider and define the behaviorassociated with applying timing to an element. For example,script
elements could be defined to execute when the elementbegins, or the language could disallow thelink
elements could apply a linked stylesheet whenthe element begins or the language could disallow thelink
For details of the CSS propertiesvisibility
, see[CSS2].
This section is informative.
These examples assume that the namespace declarationxmlns:smil=""
is in scope.
The following example shows a simple case of controlling visibility overtime. The text is hidden from 0 to 3 seconds, shown normally for 5 seconds,and then hidden again.
<span smil:timeAction="visibility" smil:begin="3s" smil:dur="5s"> Show this text for a short period.</span>
The following example shows a simple case of controlling display overtime. Each list element is shown for 5 seconds, and is removed from thelayout when not active or frozen. The ordered list element is set to be asequence time container as well (note that each list element retains itsordinal number even though the others are not displayed):
<ol smil:timeContainer="seq" smil:repeatDur="indefinite"> <li smil:timeAction="display" smil:dur="5s"> This is the first thing you will see. </li> <li smil:timeAction="display" smil:dur="5s"> You will see this second. </li> <li smil:timeAction="display" smil:dur="5s"> Last but not least, you will see this. </li></ol>
The following example shows how an element specific style may be appliedover time. The respective style is applied to each HTMLlabel
for 5 seconds after a focus event is raised on the element:
<form ...>... <label for="select_red"smil:begin="focus" smil:dur="5s" smil:timeAction="style" > Make things RED. </label> <input xml:id="select_red" .../> <label for="select_green"smil:begin="focus" smil:dur="5s" smil:timeAction="style" > Make things GREEN. </label> <input xml:id="select_green" .../>...</form>
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SMIL 3.0 specifies three types of time containers. These may be declaredwith the elementspar,
This document refers in general to time containers by reference to theelements, but the same semantics apply when declared with an attribute, andfor media time containers.
The implicit syncbase of the child elements of a
This section is informative.
This is the same element introduced with SMIL 1.0.
Thepar elementsupports all element timing.
The implicit duration of a=
"last"semantics. The implicit duration ends with the last active end of the childelements.
This section is informative.
This is the same element introduced with SMIL 1.0, butthe semantics (and allowed syntax) for child elements of a
Theseq element itself supports allelement timing exceptendsync.
When a hyperlink traversal targets a child of a
This section is informative.
SMIL 3.0 defines a time container,
The implicit syncbase of the child elements of the
Theexcl element itself supports allelement timing.
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With theexcl time container, commonuse cases that were either difficult, or impossible, to author are now easierand possible to create. Theexcl timecontainer is used to define a mutually exclusive set of clips, and todescribe pausing and resuming behaviors among these clips. Examplesinclude:
The interactive playlist use case above could be accomplished using apar whose sources have interactive begintimes andend events for all othersources. This would require a prohibitively long list of values for
The audio descriptions use case is not possible without the pause/resumebehavior provided byexcl and
The dynamic video sub-titles use case requires the "play only one at atime" behavior ofexcl. In addition,the child elements are declared in such a way so as to preserve the syncrelationship to the video:
<smil ...>...<par endsync="vid1"> <video xml:id="vid1" .../> <excl dur="indefinite"> <par begin="englishBtn.activateEvent" > <audio begin="vid1.begin" src="" /> </par> <par begin="frenchBtn.activateEvent" > <audio begin="vid1.begin" src="" /> </par> <par begin="swahiliBtn.activateEvent" > <audio begin="vid1.begin" src="" /> </par> </excl></par>...</smil>
The threepar elements are childrenof theexcl, and so only one can playat a time. The audio child in eachparis defined to begin when the video begins. Each audio can only be active whenthe parent time container (par) isactive, but the begin still specifies the synchronization relationship. Thismeans that when eachpar begins, theaudio will start playing at some point in the middle of the audio clip, andin sync with the video.
Theexcl time container is useful inmany authoring scenarios by providing a declarative means of describingcomplex clip interactions.
"last" semantics. However, since the default timing for children ofexcl is interactive, the implicit duration forexcl time containers with only default timing on the children will be 0.This section is informative
Using priority classes to control the pausing behavior of children of theexcl allows the author to group contentinto categories of content, and then to describe rules for how each categorywill interrupt or be interrupted by other categories. Attributes of the newgrouping elementpriorityClassdescribe the intended interactions.
EachpriorityClass elementdescribes a group of children, and the behavior of those children wheninterrupted by other time-children of the
When one element within theexclbegins (or would normally begin) while another is already active, severalbehaviors may result. The active element may be paused or stopped, or theinterrupting element may be deferred, or simply blocked from beginning.
The careful choice of defaults makes common use cases very simple. See theexamples below.
If nopriorityClass element is used, all the children of the
This section is informative
Note that the rules define the behavior of thecurrently active element and the interrupting element. Any elements in thepause queue are not affected (except that their position in the queue may bealtered by new queue insertions).
time container). The paused element is added to the pause queue.When an element begin is blocked (ignored) because of the
This section is informative
.This section is informative
Note that because of the defaults, the simple cases work without anyadditional syntax. In the basic case, all the elements default to be peers,and stop one another:
<excl dur="indefinite"> <audio xml:id="song1" .../> <audio xml:id="song2" .../> <audio xml:id="song3" .../> ... <audio xml:id="songN" .../></excl>
is equivalent to the following with explicit settings:
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="stop"> <audio xml:id="song1" .../> <audio xml:id="song2" .../> <audio xml:id="song3" .../> ... <audio xml:id="songN" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
If the author wants elements to pause rather than stop, the syntax is:
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="pause"> <audio xml:id="song1" .../> <audio xml:id="song2" .../> <audio xml:id="song3" .../> ... <audio xml:id="songN" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
The audio description use case for visually impaired users would look verysimilar to the previous example:
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="pause"> <video xml:id="main_video" .../> <audio xml:id="scene1_description" begin="20s" dur="30s".../> <audio xml:id="scene2_description" begin="2min" dur="30s" .../> ... <audio xml:id="sceneN_description" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
This example shows a more complex case of program material and severalcommercial insertions. The program videos will interrupt one another. The adswill pause the program, but will not interrupt one another.
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass xml:id="ads" peers="defer"> <video xml:id="advert1" .../> <video xml:id="advert2" .../> </priorityClass> <priorityClass xml:id="program" peers="stop" higher="pause"> <video xml:id="program1" .../> <video xml:id="program2" .../> <video xml:id="program3" .../> <video xml:id="program4" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
The following example illustrates how defer semantics and priority groupscan interact. When "alert1" tries to begin at 5 seconds, the "program"
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass xml:id="program" lower="defer"> <video xml:id="prog1" begin="0" dur="20s" .../> </priorityClass> <priorityClass xml:id="alerts" peers="never"> <video xml:id="alert1" begin="5s" .../> <video xml:id="alert2" begin="6s" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
This example illustrates
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="pause" pauseDisplay="disable"> <video xml:id="video1" .../> <video xml:id="video2" .../> <video xml:id="video3" .../> ... <video xml:id="videoN" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
In this example, when a child of a higher
<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass xml:id="ads" peers="defer"> <video xml:id="advert1" .../> <video xml:id="advert2" .../> </priorityClass> <priorityClass xml:id="program" peers="stop" higher="pause" pauseDisplay="show"> <video xml:id="program1" .../> <video xml:id="program2" .../> <video xml:id="program3" .../> <video xml:id="program4" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
Elements that are paused or deferred are placed in a priority-sorted queueof waiting elements. When an active element ends its active duration and thequeue is not empty, the first (i.e. highest priority) element in the queue ispulled from the queue and resumed or activated.
The queue semantics are described as a set of invariants and the rules forinsertion and removal of elements. For the purposes of discussion, the childelements of apriorityClasselement are considered to have the priority of that
Note that if an element is active and restarts (subject to the
The runtime synchronization behavior of an element(described in thesyncBehavior,syncTolerance, and
When an element is paused, the calculated end time forthe element may change or even become resolved, and the time model mustreflect this. This is detailed inPaused elements and the activeduration. In some cases, the end time is defined by other elementsunaffected by the pause queue semantics.
This section is informative.
In the following example, the "foo" element will be paused at 8 seconds,but it will still end at 10 seconds (while it is paused):
<img "joe" end="10s" .../><excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="pause"> <img xml:id="foo" end="joe.end" .../> <img xml:id="bar" begin="8s" dur="5s" .../> </priorityClass></excl>
If an element ends while it is in the pause queue, it is simply removedfrom the pause queue. All time dependents will be notified normally, and theend event will be raised at the end time, as usual.
When an element is deferred, the begin time is deferred as well. Just asdescribed inPaused elements andthe active duration, the begin time of a deferred element may becomeunresolved, or it may simply be delayed.
This section is informative.
In the following example, the "bar" element will initially have anunresolved begin time. If the user clicks on "foo" at 8 seconds, "bar" wouldresolve to 8 seconds, but will be deferred until 10 seconds (when "foo"ends):
<smil ...>...<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="defer"> <img xml:id="foo" begin="0s" dur="10s" .../> <img xml:id="bar" begin="" .../> </priorityClass></excl>...</smil>
If there is enough information to determine the newbegin time (as in the example above), an implementation must compute thecorrect begin time when an element is deferred. The change to the begin timethat results from the element being paused must be propagated to any sync arctime dependents (i.e. other elements with a begin or end defined relative tothe begin of the deferred element). See also thePropagating changes to times section.
This section is informative.
One exception to normal processing is made fordeferred elements, to simplify the model: a deferred element ignorespropagated changes to its begin time. This is detailed in theDeferred elements and propagatingchanges to begin section.
Although the default begin value for children of anexcl is indefinite, scheduled begintimes are permitted. Scheduled begin times on children of the
If children of an
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The following examples both exhibit this behavior (it can result from anycombination of scheduled times, interactive timing, hyperlink or DOMactivation):
<smil ...>...<excl> <img src="image1.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/> <img src="image2.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/> <img src="image3.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/></excl><excl dur ="indefinite"> <img xml:id="img1" src="image1.jpg" begin="foo.activateEvent" dur="5s"/> <img xml:id="img2" src="image2.jpg" begin="img1.begin" dur="5s"/> <img xml:id="img3" src="image3.jpg" begin="img2.begin" dur="5s"/></excl>...</smil>
In the first example, the images are scheduled to begin immediately, wherein the second, they will all begin once the user activates the "foo" element.The end result of the two (other than the begin time) is the same. Given thedefault interrupt semantics forexcl,the first image will begin and then be immediately stopped by the secondimage, which will in turn be immediately stopped by the third image. The netresult is that only the third image is seen, and it lasts for 5 seconds. Notethat the begin and end events for the first two images are raised andpropagated to all time dependents. If the behavior is set to
<excl> <priorityClass peers="pause"> <img src="image1.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/> <img src="image2.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/> <img src="image3.jpg" begin="0s" dur="5s"/> </priorityClass></excl>
In this case, the first image will begin and then be immediately paused bythe second image, which will in turn be immediately paused by the thirdimage. The net result is that the third image is seen for 5 seconds, followedby the second image for 5 seconds, followed by the first image for 5 seconds.Note that the begin events for the first two images are raised and propagatedto all time dependents when theexclbegins.
In the following slideshow example, images begin at the earlier of theirscheduled begin time or when activated by a user input event:
<smil ...>...<excl> <img src="image1.jpg" begin="0s".../> <img src="image2.jpg" begin="10s; image1.activateEvent".../> <img src="image3.jpg" begin="20s; image2.activateEvent".../></excl>...</smil>
Note, some surprising results may occur when combining scheduled andinteractive timing within anexcl. Ifin the above example, the user clicks on image1 and then on image2 before tenseconds have elapsed, image 2 will re-appear at the ten second mark. Image 3will appear at twenty seconds. The likely intent of this particular use-casewould be better represented with aseqtime container.
This section is informative
Children of the
With activation via a DOM method call (e.g. thebeginElement()
method), the element will be activated at thecurrent time (subject to the
This section is informative.
See alsoHyperlinks and timing and specificallyImplications ofbeginElement() and hyperlinking for
The implicit duration of a media time container combines the intrinsicduration of the media with the children to define the implicit simpleduration. For the "ID-REF" value ofendsync, the semantics are the same as for a normal time container. For the "media" value of endsync, implicit simpleduration is equal to the intrinsic duration of the media directly associatedwith the element. For the values"first",
{"media" or "ID-REF"}: This is defined as forpar elements.=
{"last" or "all"}: The time children and the intrinsic media duration of the associated media define the implicit duration of the media element time container. If the associated media duration is longer than the extent of all the time children, the media duration defines the implicit duration for the media element time container. If the associated media is discrete, this is defined as forpar elements.=
"first": The time children and the intrinsic media duration define the implicit duration of the media element time container. The element ends when the first active duration ends, as defined above forendsync on apar. If the media is discrete, this is defined as forpar elements.If the implicit duration defined by
This section is informative
This semantic is similar to the case in which theauthor specifies a simple duration that is longer than the intrinsic durationfor a continuous media element. Note that for both cases, although the mediaelement is effectively frozen for the remainder of the simple duration, thetime container simple time is not frozen during this period, and any childrenwill run normally without being affected by the media intrinsicduration.
This section is informative.
Assume that "vid1" is 10 seconds long in the following examples.
The default value ofendsync formedia elements is "media", and so the simple duration in the followingexample is 10 seconds. This will cut short the
<video src="vid1.mpg" > <animate begin="2s" dur="12s" .../></video>
<video src="vid1.mpg" endsync="first" > <animate begin="2s" dur="12s" .../></video>
<video src="vid1.mpg" endsync="last" > <set dur="8s" .../> <animate begin="2s" dur="12s" .../></video>
<smil ...>...<video src="vid1.mpg" endsync="all" > <set dur="8s" .../> <animate begin="activateEvent" dur="5s" .../></video>...</smil>
Thus if the user clicks on the video after 1 second, the simple durationis 10 seconds. If the user does not click until 15 seconds, the simpleduration is 20 seconds, and the last frame will be shown between 10 and 20seconds. The video can still be clicked even though it stops normal play at10 seconds.
This section is informative.
In some language integrations, it will be possible to declare a media timecontainer to have sequence or exclusive semantics, in addition to the defaultparallel semantics described above. For example:
<html ...>...<video xmlns="" src="vid1.mpg" timeContainer="seq" endsync="first" > <animate dur="4s" .../> <animate end="click" .../></video>...</html>
The animate children of thevideowill act in sequence. Theendsyncsemantics define a simple duration for the
A begin or end time is said to be unresolved when either an associatedbegin or end event has not yet occurred (within the constraints ofEvent sensitivity), or the begin or endtime is dependent upon another element's begin or end time that isunresolved. The begin or end time becomes resolved as soon as the syncbaseelement's time is resolved, or when the event occurs (within the constraintsofEvent sensitivity).
If a begin or end value resolves to a time in the past, this value ispropagated to other synchronization dependents. Similarly, a simple or activeduration may be unresolved but may become resolved when end conditions aremet or the parent time container constrains the element's duration.
A resolved time is said to bedefinite if it isnot the value "indefinite".
Thesimple duration of an element is determined by the
Computation of the simple duration is based on the information availableat the time the calculation is made. Unresolved quantities may require thesimple duration to be recomputed when an unresolved quantity becomesresolved.
dur | implicit element duration | repeatDur andrepeatCount | Simple Duration |
unspecified | (ignored) | unspecified,endspecified | indefinite |
Clock-value | (ignored) | (ignored) | dur or Clock-value |
indefinite | (ignored) | (ignored) | indefinite |
unspecified | resolved | (ignored) | implicit element duration or Clock-value |
unspecified | unresolved | (ignored) | unresolved |
media | resolved or unresolved | (ignored) | implicit element duration |
Simple Duration Table
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If an element specifying audio media has a simple duration of 0 (e.g.,because ofclipBegin
values), nothingshould be played even if the
If arepeatDur is shorter thanthe simple duration, or if
IfrepeatDur is "indefinite"and neither ofrepeatCount orend are specified, the active durationis indefinite. IfrepeatCount isindefinite, the simple duration is greater than 0 and neither of
Note that unlike in SMIL 1, when an element defines a begin offset andrepeat behavior withrepeatCountorrepeatDur, the begin offset isnot included in each repeat.
Theactive duration of an element defines theentire period that an element's timeline is active. It takes into account theelementsimple duration evaluated above, the
Computing the active duration requires definingarithmetic operations on all of the possible values that simple duration mayhave.
Whereanything means zero value, non-zero value, indefinite, orunresolved.
In this section, references to
The following symbols are used in the algorithm as a shorthand:
Computation of the active duration is based on the information availableat the time the calculation is made. Unresolved quantities may require theactive duration to be recomputed when an unresolved quantity becomesresolved.
To compute the active duration, use the following algorithm:
Ifendis specified, and none ofdur,
Ifendis resolved to a value, thenPAD =end -B,else, ifendisindefinite,thenPAD =indefinite,
else, ifendis unresolved, thenPAD is unresolved, and needs to be recomputed when more information becomes available.
Else, if noendvalue is specified,or the end value is specified asindefinite, thenthe active duration is determined from theIntermediate ActiveDuration computation given below:
PAD =Result from Intermediate Active DurationComputation
Otherwise, anendvalue not equal toindefinite is specified along with at least oneofdur,
PAD = MIN(Result from Intermediate Active Duration Computation,end -B)
Finally, the computed active durationAD is obtained by applyingmin and
AD = MIN(max, MAX(min,PAD ))
We define three intermediate quantities, p0, p1, and p2, and produce anintermediate result, theIntermediate Active Duration (IAD)to be used in the computation above.
p0 is the simple duration from the Simple Duration Table, givenabove.
IfrepeatCountis notspecified,p1 has the valueindefinite.Otherwise,p1 is the accumulated sum of the specified number of simpledurations of the iterations of this element.p1 will have a value ofunresolved until the simple duration for each iteration is resolved. Partialiterations will contribute the specified fraction of the simple duration tothe sum. This product can be based on either the known fixed simple durationof the media, or if unknown, the simple duration from the previous iterationof the current set of repetitions. In general for media without a fixedsimple duration,p1 will not be resolved until the specified integralnumber of simple durations has passed.
p2 is the value of
ThenIAD is given by:
Ifp0 equals 0, then
IAD =0
Else ifrepeatDurandrepeatCountare unspecifiedthen:
IAD =p0
IAD = MIN(p1,p2,indefinite)
This section is informative
As an example, if an element specifies:
<smil ...>...<audio dur="5s" end="foo.activateEvent" .../>...</smil>
The active duration is initially defined as 5 seconds, based upon thespecified simple duration. If the user activates "foo" before 5 seconds, theend value becomes resolved and theactive duration is re-evaluated. This causes the element to end at the timeof the activation.
Some of the rules and results that are implicit in the algorithm, and thatshould be noted in particular are:
It is possible to combine scheduled and interactive timing. Forexample:
<smil ...>...<par dur="30s"> <img xml:id="mutebutton" src="mute.jpg"/> <text src="description.html" /> <audio src="" end="mutebutton.activateEvent"/></par>...</smil>
The image and the text appear for the specified duration of the
It is possible to declare both a scheduled duration, as well as anevent-based active end. This facilitates what are sometimes called "lazyinteraction" use-cases, such as a slideshow that will advance in response touser clicks, or on its own after a specified amount of time:
<smil ...>...<seq> <img src="slide1.jpg" dur="10s" end="activateEvent" /> <img src="slide2.jpg" dur="10s" end="activateEvent" /> <img src="slide3.jpg" dur="10s" end="activateEvent" /> <!-- etc., etc. --></seq>...</smil>
In this case, the active end of each element is defined to be the earlierof the specified duration, or a click on the element. This lets the viewersit back and watch, or advance the slides at a faster pace.
An element may be paused while it is active. This may happen in a numberof ways, including via a DOM method call or because of excl semantics. Whenan element is paused, a resolved end time for the element may change, or itmay become unresolved. The synchronization relationship between the pausedelement and its parent time container is re-established when the pausedelement is resumed. If for example the element below is paused with a DOMmethod call, there is no way to know when the element will end, and so theend time must be considered unresolved:
<img dur="30s" .../>
However, in the following case, the "bar" element will still end at 10seconds, even if it is paused at 8 seconds. In this case, the end time doesnot change:
<img xml:id="foo" dur="10s" .../><img xml:id="bar" end="foo.end" .../>
Finally, in the following case the "foo" element will initially becomputed to end at 10 seconds. If the "bar" element begins (i.e. if the useractivates or clicks on "foo"), at 8 seconds, "foo" will be paused. However,since the duration of "bar" is known, and the semantics of the
<smil ...>...<excl dur="indefinite"> <priorityClass peers="pause"> <img xml:id="foo" dur="10s" .../> <img xml:id="bar" begin="foo.activateEvent" dur="5s" .../> </priorityClass></excl>...</smil>
If there is enough information to determine the new end time (as in theexample above), an implementation must compute the correct end time when anelement is paused. Any change to the end time that results from the elementbeing paused must be propagated to any sync arc time dependents (i.e. otherelements with a begin or end defined relative to the active end of the pausedelement). See also thePropagating changesto times section.
In addition, when an element is paused, the accumulated synchronizationoffset will increase to reflect the altered sync relationship. See alsoThe accumulated synchronization offset.
Finally, when an element is paused it may end because the parent timecontainer ends., any fill behavior is interpreted using the element activetime when the element ends (that is, it will use the element active time atwhich it was paused to determine what to display).
This section is informative
Children of par and excl time containers may have multiple begin and endvalues. We need to specify the semantics associated with multiple begin andend times, and how a dynamic timegraph model works with these multipletimes.
The model is based around the idea ofintervals for each element.An interval is defined by a begin and an end time. As the timegraph isplayed, more than one interval may be created for an element with multiplebegin and end times. At any given moment, there is onecurrentinterval associated with each element. Intervals are created byevaluating a list of begin times and a list of end times, each of which isbased upon theconditions described in the begin and end attributesfor the element.
The list of begin times and the list of end times used to calculate newintervals are referred to as lists of "instance times". Each instance time inone of the lists is associated with the specification of a begin or endcondition defined in the attribute syntax. Some conditions - for exampleOffset-values - only have a single instance in the list. Other conditions mayhave multiple instances if the condition can happen more than once. Forexample a Syncbase-value may have multiple instance times if thesyncbase element has played several intervals, and an Event-value mayhave multiple instance times if the event has happened more than once.
The instance times lists for each element are initialized when thetimegraph is initialized, and exist for the entire life of the timegraph.Some instance times such as those defined by Offset-values remain in thelists forever, while others may come and go. For example, times associatedwith Event-values are only added when the associated event happens, and areremoved when the elementresets, as described inResetting element state. Similarly,Instance times for Syncbase-values are added to the list each time a newinterval is created for the syncbase element, but these instance times arenot removed by a reset, and remain in the list.
When the timegraph is initialized, each element attempts to create a firstcurrent interval. The begin time will generally be resolved, but the end timemay often be unresolved. If the element can restart while active, the currentinterval may end (early) at the next begin time. This interval will play, andthen when it ends, the element will review the lists of begin and endinstance times. If the element should play again, another interval will becreated and this new interval becomes thecurrent interval. Thehistory of an element can be thought of as a set of intervals.
Because the begin and end times may depend on other times that can change,the current interval is subject to change, over time. For example, if any ofthe instance times for theend changes while the current interval isplaying, the current interval end will be recomputed and may change.Nevertheless, once a time hashappened, it is fixed. That is, oncethe current interval has begun, its begin time can no longer change, and oncethe current interval has ended, its end time can no longer change. For anelement to restart, it must end the current interval and then create a newcurrent interval to effect the restart.
When a begin or end condition defines a time dependency to another element(e.g. with a Syncbase-value), the time dependency is generally thought of asa relationship between the two elements. This level of dependency isimportant to the model when an element creates a new current interval.However, for the purposes of propagating changes to individual times, timedependencies are more specifically a dependency from a giveninterval ofthe syncbase element to a particularinstance time in one ofthe dependent element's instance time lists. Since only the currentinterval's begin and end times can change, only the current interval willgenerate time-change notices and propagate these to the dependent instancetimes.
When this section refers to the begin and end times for an element, thetimes are described as being in the space of the parent simpleduration. All sync-arcs, event arcs, wallclock values, etc. must beconverted to this time space for easy comparison. This is especiallyimportant when referring to begin times "before 0", which assumes that "0" isthe beginning of the parent simple duration. The model does not depend uponthis definition - e.g. an implementation could do everything in globaldocument time.
Cycles in the timegraph must be detected and broken to ensure reasonablefunctioning of the implementation. A model for how to do this in the generalcase is described (it is actually an issue that applies even to SMIL 1.0). Amechanism to support certain useful cyclic dependencies falls out of themodel.
The rest of this section details the semantics of the instance timeslists, the element life cycle, and the mechanisms for handling dependencyrelationships and cycles.
Instance lists are associated with each element, and exist for theduration of the document (i.e. there is no life cycle for instancelists). Instance lists may change, and some times may be added and removed,but the begin and end instance times lists are persistent.
Each element may have a begin attribute that defines one or moreconditions that may begin the element. In addition, the timing modeldescribes a set of rules for determining the end of the element, includingthe effects of an end attribute that may have multiple conditions. In orderto calculate the times that should be used for a given interval of theelement, we must convert the begin times and the end times into parent simpletime, sort each list of times (independently), and then find an appropriatepair of times to define an interval.
The instance times may be resolved or unresolved. In the case of the endlist, an additional special value "indefinite" is allowed. The lists aremaintained in sorted order, with "indefinite" sorting after all otherresolved times, and unresolved times sorting to the end.
For begin, the list interpretation is straightforward, since begin timesare based only upon the conditions in the attribute or upon the default beginvalue if there is no attribute. However, when a begin condition is aSyncbase-value, the syncbase element may have multiple intervals, and we mustaccount for this in the list of begin times associated with theconditions.
For end, the case is somewhat more complex, since the end conditions areonly one part of the calculation of the end of the active duration. Theinstance times list for end are used together with the other SMIL Timingsemantics to calculate the actual end time for an interval.
If an instance time was defined as Syncbase-values, the instance time willmaintain a time dependency relationship to the associated interval for thesyncbase element. This means that if the associated begin or end time of thesyncbase current interval changes, then the dependent instance time for thiselement will change as well.
When an element creates a new interval, it notifies time dependents andprovides the begin and end times that were calculated according to thesemantics described in "Computing the active duration". Each dependentelement will create a new instance time tied to (i.e. with a dependencyrelationship to) the new syncbase current interval.
The translation of begin or end conditions to instance times depends uponthe type of condition:
If no attribute is present, the default begin values must be evaluated.For children of par, this is equivalent to an Offset-value of 0, and yieldsone persistent instance value. For children of excl, this is equivalent to"indefinite", and so does not yield an instance value.
If a DOM method call is made to begin or end the element(beginElement()
, beginElementAt()
or endElementAt()
), each method callcreates a single instance time (in the appropriate instance times list).These time instances are cleared upon reset just as for event times. SeeResetting element state.
When a new time instance is added to the begin list, the current intervalwill evaluate restart semantics and may ignore the new time or it may end thecurrent interval (this is detailed inInteraction with restart semantics). Incontrast, when an instance time in the begin list changes because thesyncbase (current interval) time moves, this does not invoke restartsemantics, but may change the current begin time: If the current interval hasnot yet begun, a change to an instance time in the begin list will cause are-evaluation of the begin instance lists, which may cause the interval begintime to change. If the interval begin time changes, atime-changenotice must be propagated to all dependents, and the current interval endmust also be re-evaluated.
When a new instance time is added to the end list, or when an instancetime in the end list changes, the current interval will re-evaluate its endtime. If it changes, it must notify dependents.
If an element has already played all intervals, there may be no currentinterval. In this case, additions to either list of instance times, as wellas changes to any instance time in either list cause the element tore-evaluate the lists just as it would at the end of each interval (asdescribed inEnd of an interval below).This may or may not lead to the creation of a new interval for theelement.
When times are added to the instance times lists, they may or may not beresolved. If they are resolved, they will be converted to parent simple time.If an instance time changes from unresolved to resolved, it will be similarlyconverted.
There is a difference between an unresolved instance time, and a begin orend condition that has no associated instance. If, for example, an eventvalue condition is specified in the end attribute, but no such event hashappened, there will be no associated instance time in the end list. However,if a syncbase value condition is specified for end, and if the syncbaseelement has a current interval, there will be an associated instance time inthe end list. Since the syncbase value condition may be relative to the endof the syncbase element, and since the end of the syncbase current intervalmay not be resolved, the associated instance time in the end list may beunresolved. Once the syncbase current interval actually ends, the dependentinstance time in the end list will get a time-change notification for theresolved syncbase interval end. The dependent instance time will convert thenewly resolved syncbase time to a resolved time in parent simple time. If theinstance lists did not include the unresolved instance times, some additionalmechanism would have to be defined to add the end instance time when thesyncbase element's current interval actually ended, and resolved its endtime.
The list of resolved times includes historical times defined relative tosync base elements, and so can grow over time if the sync base has manyintervals. Implementations may filter the list of times as an optimization,so long as it does not affect the semantics defined herein.
This section is informative
The following set of principles underlie the interval model. This is not acomplete model - it is just meant provide an additional view of the model.
First we define the termspruning andcutting off aninterval - these concepts should not be confused.
In some cases, after an interval has been created, it must later bepruned (deleted/removed from the timegraph) as more informationbecomes known and semantic constraints must be applied. When an interval ispruned, it will not be shown, it will not raise begin or end events,and any associated instance times for syncbase time dependents must beremoved from the respective instance times lists. It is as though thepruned interval had not been specified.
In other cases, especially related to negative begin times on parent timecontainers, a valid interval for a child may not be shown, even though it isotherwise legal with respect to the parent time constraints. For example:
<par begin="-10s" dur="20s"> <img xml:id="slide1" src="slide1.jpg" dur="3s" /> <img xml:id="slide2" src="slide2.jpg" begin="slide1.end+3s" dur="10s" /> <img xml:id="note1" src="note1.jpg" begin="slide1.beginEvent" dur="20s" /></par>
The "slide1" image will becut off, but is notpruned.It iscut offbecause the par could not have been started 10s beforeits parent time container, and instead will be started at 0s into its parenttime synced at 10s into its simple duration. The "slide1" image begins andends before 10s into the par, and so cannot be shown and iscut off,Intervals that arecut offare not shown and do not raise begin orend events, but still create valid instance times for any syncbase timedependents. Thus, "slide2" will be shown (the interval is fromminus 4 seconds to 6 seconds, document time, and so will be shown for 6seconds, from 0 seconds to 6 seconds), but "note1" will not be shown.
The principles underlying the interval life cycle model are:
An implication of principle 5 is that we will get no intervals withunresolved begin times, since these will necessarily compare>= the parent simple end.
The life cycle of an element can be thought of as the following basicsteps:
Steps 2 to 5 can loop for as many intervals as are defined before the endof the parent simple duration. At any time during step 2, the begin time forthe current interval may change, and at any time during steps 2 or 3, the endtime for the current interval may change. When either happens, the changesare propagated to time dependents.
When the document and the associated timegraph are initialized, theinstance lists are empty. The simple offset values and any "indefinite" valuein an end attribute can be added to the respective lists as part ofinitialization, as they are independent of the begin time of parent simpletime.
When an element has played all allowed instances, it can be thought of asstuck in step 5. However any changes to the instance lists during this periodcause the element to jump back to step 4 and consider the creation of a newcurrent interval.
An element life cycle begins with the beginning of the simple duration forthe element's parent time container. That is, each time the parent timecontainer (or more generallyanyascendant time container) repeatsor restarts, the element resets (see alsoResetting element state) and starts"life" anew.
Three things are important about the beginning of the life-cycle:
Action 1) is also described inResetting element state. This actionalso happens each time the element restarts, although in that case theelement must not clear an event time that defined the current begin of theinterval.
Action 2) Simply updates values to reflect the current sync relationshipof the parent simple duration to the rest of the document.
The third action requires some special consideration of the lists oftimes, but is still relatively straightforward. It is similar to, but not thesame as the action that applies when the element ends (this is described inEnd of an interval). The basic idea isto find the first interval for the element, and make that the currentinterval. However, the model should handle three edge cases:
Thus the strict definition of the first acceptable interval for theelement is the first interval that ends after the parent simple begin, andbegins before the parent simple end. Here is some pseudo-code to get thefirst interval for an element. It assumes an abstract type "Time" thatsupports a compare function. It may be a resolved numeric value, the specialvalue INDEFINITE (only used with end), and it may be the special valueUNRESOLVED. Indefinite compares "greater than" all resolved values, andUNRESOLVED is "greater than" both resolved values and INDEFINITE. The codeuses the instance times lists associated with the begin and end attributes,as described in the previous section.
// Utility function that returns true if the end attribute specification// includes conditions that describe Event-values, Repeat-values or Accesskey-values.boolean endHasEventConditions();// Calculates the first acceptable interval for an element// Returns:// Interval if there is such an interval// FAILURE if there is no such intervalInterval getFirstInterval(){Time beginAfter=-INFINITY;while( TRUE ) // loop till return{ If (currentInterval.end > currentInterval.begin)
Set tempBegin = the first value in the begin list that is >= beginAfter.
Set tempBegin = the first value in the begin list that is > beginAfter.
If there is no such value // No interval return FAILURE; If tempBegin >= parentSimpleEnd // Can't begin after parent ends return FAILURE; If there was no end attribute specified // this calculates the active end with no end constraint tempEnd = calcActiveEnd( tempBegin ); else { // We have a begin value - get an end Set tempEnd = the first value in the end list that is >= tempBegin. // Allow for non-0-duration interval that begins immediately // after a 0-duration interval. If tempEnd == tempBegin && tempEnd has already been used in an interval calculated in this method call { set tempEnd to the next value in the end list that is > tempEnd } If there is no such value { // Events leave the end open-ended. If there are other conditions // that have not yet generated instances, they must be unresolved. if endHasEventConditions() OR if the instance list is empty tempEnd = UNRESOLVED; // if all ends are before the begin, bad interval else return FAILURE; } // this calculates the active dur with an end constraint tempEnd = calcActiveEnd( tempBegin, tempEnd ); } // We have an end - is it after the parent simple begin? // Handle the zero duration intervals at the parent begin time as a special case if( tempEnd > 0 || (tempBegin==0 && tempEnd==0)) return( Interval( tempBegin, tempEnd ) ); else // Change beginAfter to find next interval, and loop beginAfter = tempEnd;} // close while loop} // close getFirstInterval
Note that while we might consider the case of=
"always"separately fromrestart=
If the model yields no first interval for the element, it will neverbegin, and so there is nothing more to do at this point. However if there isa valid interval, the element must notify all time dependents that there is anew interval of the element. This is a notice from this element toall elements that are direct time dependents. This is distinct from thepropagation of a changed time.
When a dependent element gets a "new interval" notice, this includes areference to the new interval. The new interval will generally have aresolved begin time and may have a resolved end time. An associated instancetime will be added to the begin or end instance time list for the dependentelement, and this new instance time will maintain a time dependencyrelationship to the syncbase interval.
This period only occurs if the current interval does not begin immediatelywhen (or before) it is created. While an interval is waiting to begin, anychanges to syncbase element current interval times will be propagated to theinstance lists and may result in a change to the current interval.
If the element receives a "new interval" notice while it is waiting tobegin, it willaddthe associated time (i.e. the begin or end timeof the syncbase interval) to the appropriate list of resolved times.
When an instance time changes, or when a new instance time is added to oneof the lists, the element will re-evaluate the begin or end time of thecurrent interval (using the same algorithm described in the previoussection). If this re-evaluation yields a changed interval, time changenotice(s) will be sent to the associated dependents.
It is possible during this stage that the begin and end times could changesuch that the interval would never begin (e.g. the interval end is before theinterval begin). In this case, the interval must bepruned and alldependent instance times must be removed from the respective instance listsof dependent elements. These changes to the instance lists will causere-evaluation of the dependent element current intervals, in the same manneras a changed instance time does.
This section is informative.
One exception to normal processing is made forelements that aredeferred according to
This period occurs when the current interval is active (i.e. once it hasbegun, and until it has ended). During this period, the end time of theinterval may change, but the begin time cannot. If any of the instance timesin the begin list change after the current interval has begun, the changewill not affect the current interval. This is different from the case ofadding a new instance time to the begin list, whichcancause a restart.
If the element receives a "new interval" notice while it is active, itwilladdthe associated time (i.e. the begin or end time of thesyncbase interval) to the appropriate list of resolved times. If the newinterval adds a time to the begin list, restart semantics are considered, andthis may end the current interval.
Ifrestart is set to
If an element specifiesrestart=
"never" then no furtheraction is taken at the end of the interval, and the element sits in the "postinterval" state unless and until an ascendant time container repeats orrestarts.
If an element specifies other values forrestart, when itends the current interval the element must reconsider the lists of resolvedbegin and end times. If there is another legal interval defined to begin ator after the just completed end time, a new interval will be created. When anew interval is created it becomes thecurrent interval and a newinterval notice is sent to all time dependents.
The algorithm used is very similar to that used in step 1, except that weare interested in finding an interval that begins after the most recentend.
// Calculates the next acceptable interval for an element// Returns:// Interval if there is such an interval// FAILURE if there is no such intervalInterval getNextInterval(){// Note that at this point, the just ended interval is still the "current interval"Time beginAfter=currentInterval.end; Set tempBegin = the first value in the begin list that is >= beginAfter. If there is no such value // No interval return FAILURE; If tempBegin >= parentSimpleEnd // Can't begin after parent ends return FAILURE; If there was no end attribute specified // this calculates the active end with no end constraint tempEnd = calcActiveEnd( tempBegin ); else { // We have a begin value - get an end Set tempEnd = the first value in the end list that is >= tempBegin. // Allow for non-0-duration interval that begins immediately // after a 0-duration interval. If tempEnd == currentInterval.end { set tempEnd to the next value in the end list that is > tempEnd } If there is no such value { // Events leave the end open-ended. If there are other conditions // that have not yet generated instances, they must be unresolved. if endHasEventConditions() OR if the instance list is empty tempEnd = UNRESOLVED; // if all ends are before the begin, bad interval else return FAILURE; } // this calculates the active dur with an end constraint tempEnd = calcActiveEnd( tempBegin, tempEnd ); } return( Interval( tempBegin, tempEnd ) );} // close getNextInterval
This period can extend from the end of an interval untilthe beginning of the next interval, or until the end of the parent simpleduration (whichever comes first). During this period, any fill behavior isapplied to the element. The times for this interval can no longer change.Implementations may as an optimization choose to break the time dependencyrelationships since they can no longer produce changes.
There are two cases in which restart semantics must be considered:
"always" then any instance time (call itT
) in the begin list that is after (i.e. later than) the current interval begin but earlier than the current interval end will cause the current interval to end at timeT
. This is the first step in restarting the element: when the current interval ends, that in turn will create any following interval.=
"never" then nothing more is done. It is possible (if the new instance time is associated with a syncbase value condition) that the new instance time will be used the next time the element life cycle begins.=
"whenNotActive"then nothing more is done. If the time falls within the current interval, the element cannot restart, and if it falls after, then the normal processing at the end of the current interval will handle it. If the time falls before the current interval, as can happen if the time includes a negative offset, the element does not restart (the new instance time is effectively ignored).=
"always" then case 1 above applies, and will cause the current interval to end.There are two types of cycles that can be created with SMIL 3.0,closed cycles andopen orpropagating cycles. Aclosed cycle results when a set of elements has mutually dependenttime conditions, and no other conditions on the affected elements can affect or change this dependency relationship, as in examples 1 and 2 below. Anopen orpropagating cycle results when a set of elementshas mutually dependent time conditions, but at least one of the conditionsinvolved has more than one resolved condition. If any one of the elements inthe cycle can generate more than one interval, the cycle can propagate. Insome cases such as that illustrated in example 3, this can be very useful.
Times defined in a closed cycle are unresolved, unless some externalmechanism resolves one of the element time values (for example a DOM methodcall or the traversal of a hyperlink that targets one of the elements). Ifthis happens, the resolved time will propagate through the cycle, resolvingall the associated time values.
Closed cycles are an error, and may cause the entire document to fail. Insome implementations, the elements in the cycle may just not begin or endcorrectly. Examples 1 and 2 describe the most forgiving behavior, butimplementations may simply reject a document with a closed cycle.
Implementations can detect cycles in the timegraph using avisited flag on each element as part of the processing thatpropagates changes to time dependents. As a changed time notice ispropagated, each dependent element is marked as having beenvisited.If the change to a dependent instance time results in a change to the currentinterval for that element, this change will propagate in turn to itsdependents. This secondchainednotice happens in the context of thefirst time-change notice that caused it. The effect is like a stack thatbuilds as changes propagate throughout the graph, and then unwinds when allchanges have propagated. If there is a dependency cycle, the propagation pathwill traverse an element twice during a given propagation chain. This is acommon technique used in graph traversals.
A similar approach can be used when building dependency chains duringinitialization of the timegraph, and when propagating new interval notices -variations on the theme will be specific to individual implementations.
When a cycle is detected, the change propagation is ignored. The elementthat detected the second visit ignores the second change notice, and sobreaks the cycle.
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Example 1: In the following example, the 2 images define begin times thatare mutually dependent. There is no way to resolve these, and so the imageswill never begin.
<img xml:id="foo" begin="bar.begin" .../><img xml:id="bar" begin="foo.begin" .../>
Example 2: In the following example, the 3 images define a less obviouscycle of begin and end times that are mutually dependent. There is no way toresolve these. The image "joe" will begin but will never end, and the images"foo" and "bar" will never begin.
<img xml:id="foo" begin="joe.end" .../><img xml:id="bar" begin="foo.begin" dur="3s" .../><img xml:id="joe" begin="0" end="bar.end" .../>
Example 3: In the following example, the 2 images define begin times thatare mutually dependent, but the first has multiple begin conditions thatallow the cycle to propagate forwards. The image "foo" will first bedisplayed from 0 to 3 seconds, with the second image "bar" displayed from 2to 5 seconds. As each new current interval of "foo" and "bar" are created,they will add a new instance time to the other element's begin list, and sothe cycle keeps going forward. As this overlapping "ping-pong" behavior isnot otherwise easy to author, these types of cycles are not precluded.Moreover, the correct behavior will fall out of the model described above.
<img xml:id="foo" begin="0; bar.begin+2s" dur="3s" .../><img xml:id="bar" begin="foo.begin+2s" dur="3s" .../>
Example 4: In the following example, an open cycle is described thatpropagates backwards. The intended behavior does not fall out of the model,and is not supported. In this example, however, each time the parent timecontainer repeats, the video elements will begin two seconds earlier thanthey did in the previous parent iteration. This is because the begin instancetimes associated with syncbase value conditions are not cleared when theparent repeats. By the last iteration of the parent time container, bothvideo elements would begin so early that they will be completely cut off bythe parent begin constraint.
<par dur="10s" repeatCount="11" > <video xml:id="foo" begin="0; bar.begin-1s" dur="10s" .../> <video xml:id="bar" begin="foo.begin-1s" dur="10s" .../></par>
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In this specification, elements are described ashaving local "time". In particular, many offsets are computed in the simpletime of a parent time container. However, simple durations may be repeated,and elements may begin and restart in many ways.
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The SMIL timing model assumes the most common modelforinterval timing.
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This is also referred to asend-pointexclusive timing. This model makes arithmetic for intervals workcorrectly, and provides sensible models for sequences of intervals.
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In the real world, this is equivalent to the way that seconds add up tominutes, and minutes add up to hours. Although a minute is described as 60seconds, a digital clock never shows more than 59 seconds. Adding one moresecond to "00:59" does not yield "00:60" but rather "01:00", or 1 minute and0 seconds. The theoretical end time of 60 seconds that describes a minuteinterval is excluded from the actual interval.
In the world of media and timelines, the same applies: Let "A" be a video,a clip of audio, or an animation. Assume "A" begins at 10 and runs until 15(in any units - it does not matter). If "B" is defined to follow "A", then itbegins at 15 (and not at 15 plus some minimum interval). When a runtimeactually renders out frames (or samples for audio), and must render the time"15", it should not show both a frame of "A" and a frame of "B", but rathershould only show the new element "B". This is the same for audio, or for anyinterval on a timeline. If the model does not use endpoint-exclusive timing,it will draw overlapping frames, or have overlapping samples of audio, ofsequenced animations, etc.
Note that transitions from "A" to "B" also adhere to the interval timingmodel. Theydo require that "A" not actually end at 15, and thatboth elements actually overlap. Nevertheless, the "A" duration is simplyextended by the transition duration (e.g. 1 second). This new duration for"A" isalso endpoint exclusive - at the end of this new duration,the transition will be complete, and only "B" should be rendered - "A" is nolonger needed.
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For the time model, several results of this are important: the definitionof repeat, and the state of the element applied or displayed when the elementis "frozen".
When repeating an element's simple duration, the arithmetic follows theend-point exclusive model. Consider the example:
<video dur="4s" repeatCount="4" .../>
At time 0, the simple duration is also at 0, and the first frame of videois presented. This is theinclusive begin of the interval. Thesimple duration proceeds normally up to 4 seconds.
simpleTime = REMAINDER( t,d )
where t is within the active duration
Note: REMAINDER( t, d )
is defined ast - (d*floor(t/d))
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Using this, a time of4 (or 8 or 12) maps to the time of0 on the simple duration. The endpoint of the simpleduration isexcluded from (i.e. not actually sampled on) the simpleduration.
For most continuous media, this aligns to the internal media model, and sono frames (or audio samples) are ever excluded. However for sampled timelinemedia (like animation), the distinction is important, and requires a specificsemantic for elements that are frozen.
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The effect of this semantic upon animation functionsis detailed in theSMIL 3.0 Animation chapter.
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The SMIL 3.0 timing model supports synchronization based uponunpredictable events such as DOM events or user interface generated events.The model for handling events is that the notification of the event isdelivered to the timing element, and the timing element uses a set of rulesto resolve any synchronization dependent upon the event.
The semantics of element sensitivity to events are described by thefollowing set of rules:
"always", then a new begin time is resolved for the element based on the event time. Any specification of the event inend is ignored for this event instance.=
"never" orrestart=
"whenNotActive", then anybegin specification of the event is ignored for this instance of the event. Ifend specifies the event, an end value is resolved based upon the event time, and the active duration is re-evaluated (according to the rules inComputing the active duration).It is important to notice that in no case is a single event occurrenceused to resolve both a begin and end time on the same element.
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Rule 1a discourages the use of cases such as the following:
<smil ...>...<par xml:id="bad_example" begin="link9.activateEvent"> <img begin="link9.activateEvent" .../></par>...</smil>
Various alternative approaches can be used. One possible approach is todefine the descendant element to begin relative to the ascendant begin, as inthe following example (the begin rule for the image could be simpler, butthis illustrates the general point):
<smil ...>...<par xml:id="better_example" begin="link9.activateEvent"> <img begin="better_example.begin" .../></par>...</smil>
The event sensitivity rules may be used with therestart attribute todescribe "toggle" activation use cases, as described in the section:Using restart for toggleactivation.
Since the same event instance cannot be used to resolve both the begin andend time on a single element, uses like the following will have behavior thatmay seem non-intuitive to some people:
<smil ...>...<audio src="bounce.wav" begin="foo.activateEvent" end="foo.activateEvent+3s" restart="whenNotActive"/>...</smil>
This example will begin repeating the audio clip when "foo" is clicked,and stop the audio clip 3 seconds after "foo" is clickeda secondtime. It is incorrect to interpret this example as playing the audioclip for 3 seconds after "foo" is clicked. For that behavior, the followingmarkup should be used:
<smil ...>...<audio src="bounce.wav" begin="foo.activateEvent" dur="3s" restart="whenNotActive"/>...</smil>
The timing model and the user event model are largely orthogonal. Whilethe timing model does reference user events, it does not define how theseevents are generated, and in particular does not define semantics of keyboardfocus, mouse containment, "clickability", and related issues. Because timingcan affect the presentation of elements, it may impact the rules for userevent processing, however it only has an effect to the extent that thepresentation of the element is affected.
In particular, many user event models will make no distinction between anelement that is "playing" and one that is "frozen". The effects of the
This section is informative.
Related to event-activation islink-activation. Hyperlinking has defined semantics in SMIL 1.0 toseek a document to a point in time. When combined with interactive timing(e.g.begin=
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The details of when hyperlinks activate an element,and when they seek the document timeline are presented in the sectionHyperlinks and timing.
To convert a document time to an element local time, the original time isconverted to a simple time for each time container from the root timecontainer down to the parent time container for the element. This recursivealgorithm allows for a simple model of the conversion from parent simple timeto element active and element simple time. The first step calculates elementactive time, and the second step calculates element simple time.
The steps below assume that the associated times are resolved and notindefinite. If a required time is not resolved or is indefinite, then theconversion is not defined, and cannot be performed.
The input time is a time in parent simple time. This is normalized to theelement active duration, adjusting for the accumulated synchronization offset(described inThe accumulatedsynchronization offset).
Lettps be a time in parent simple time,B be the begin time for an element, andO be the accumulated synchronization offset for an element, measured in parent simple time.The element active timeta for any child element is:
ta =tps - B - O
The element simple time is the time that is used to establish runtimesynchronization for a media element, or to compute an animation function'sinput value or sampling time. If the element is a time container, this isalso the time that is seen by all children of a time container (as the timecontainer element's simple time).
To compute the element simple timets from anelement active timeta, accounting for any repeatbehavior:
If there is no repeating behavior:ts = taElse, the element simple time is just computed from the begin time of the most recent iteration - call thistlast-repeat. Some other mechanism (such as endsync logic or a media player) must note when the simple duration ends, and reset the value oftlast-repeat. If the element has not yet repeated, a value of 0 is used in place oftlast-repeat.
ts = ta - tlast-repeat
Note that the above semantic covers the special (ideal) case when thesimple durationdur is fixed and does not vary. In this case(and this case only)tlast-repeat may be obtaineddirectly for the simple durationdur and so the expressionmay be reduced to:
ts = REMAINDER( ta, dur )whereREMAINDER( t, d ) is defined as(t - d*floor(t/d)).
When the document begins, the current wall-clock time is noted and savedastwallclock-begin. To convert a wall-clockvaluetwc to an element active simple timets, first converttwcto a document global timetra (i.e. an elementactive time for the root time container):
tra = twc - twallclock-begin
This may yield a negative time if the wallclock value is a time before thedocument began. Nevertheless, this is a legal value.
The timetrais then converted normally toelement active time or element local time as needed.
Event times are generally stamped with a time relative to system time orwhen the document began. The conversion is as for wallclock values, in thatthe event time is converted to an active time for the root time container,and then converted normally to an element time.
To convert from one element timespace to another, the time for the firstelementte1 must first be converted to a simpletime on the closest ascendant time container that contains both elements.Converting from an element time to the parent time reverses the processdescribed above. Again, it is recursive, and so the conversions are describedgenerically from element simple to element active time, and from elementactive to parent simple time.
To convert from element simple time to element active time requires thebegin time of the most recent iteration,tlast-repeat. If the element does not repeat orhas not yet repeated, a value of 0 is used in place oftlast-repeat.
ta = ts +tlast-repeat
Conversion from element active time to parent simple time uses theassociated begin of the element and the accumulated synchronizationoffset.
tps =ta + B +O
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Note that the pure conversions do not take intoaccount the clamping of active durations, nor the effects of fill (where timeis frozen).
Global to local time conversions used to translatebetween timespaces must ignore these issues, and so may yield a time in thedestination local timespace that is well before or well after the simpleduration of the element.
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An alternate form of the conversion is used whenactually sampling the time graph.
A time container is only sampled if it is active orfrozen, and so no times will be produced that are before a time containerbegins. If the global to local time conversion for a time container yields atime during which the time container is frozen, the time is clamped to thevalue of the active end.
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Hyperlinking semantics must be specifically definedwithin the time model in order to ensure predictable behavior. Earlierhyperlinking semantics, such as those defined by SMIL 1.0 are insufficientbecause they do not handle unresolved times, nor do they handle author-timerestart restrictions. Here we extend SMIL 1.0 semantics for use inpresentations using elements with unresolved timing (including interactivetiming) and author-time restart restrictions.
A hyperlink may be targeted at an element by specifying the value of theid attribute of an element in thefragment part of the link locator. Traversing a hyperlink that refers to atimed element will behave according to the following rules:
In the above rules, the following additional constraint must also berespected:
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Note that the first constraint means that a hyperlink to a child of a timecontainer will never seek to a time earlier than the beginning of the timecontainer. The second constraint implies that a hyperlink to a child thatbegins after the end of the parent simple duration will seek to the end ofthe parent, and proceed from there. While this may produce surprisingresults, it is the most reasonable fallback semantic for what is essentiallyan error in the presentation.
If a seek of the presentation time is required, it may be necessary toseek either forward or backward, depending upon the resolved begin time ofthe element and the presentation current time at the moment of hyperlinktraversal.
and anyrepeatEvent
events are not raised.endEvent
is raised. The associated time for the event is the document time before the seek.repeatEvents
are not raised.The net effect is that seeking forward to a presentation time puts thedocument into a state largely identical to that as if the documentpresentation time advanced undisturbed to reach the seek time. If thepresentation is authored with nobeginEvent
based timing and noautomatic hyperlinks, then state of the document after a seek should beidentical to that had the document presentation time advanced undisturbed toreach the seeked-to time.
If the resolved activation time for an element that is the target of ahyperlink traversal occurs in the past, the presentation time must seekbackwards. Seeking backwards will rewind any elements active at the time ofhyperlinking.
is raised. The associated time for the event is the document time before the seek. This action does not resolve any times in the instance times list for end times.repeatEvents
are not raised.=
"never" setting for an element; once the begin time is resolved, it cannot be changed or restarted.This section is informative
These hyperlinking semantics assume that a record is kept of the resolvedbegin time for all elements, and this record is available to be used fordetermining the correct presentation time to seek to. For example:
<smil ...>...<par begin="0"> <img xml:id="A" begin="10s" .../> <img xml:id="B" begin="A.begin+5s" .../> <img xml:id="C" begin="B.activateEvent" .../> <img xml:id="D" begin="C.begin+5s" .../> ... <a href="#D">Begin image D</a></par>...</smil>
The begin time of elementsA andB canbe immediately resolved to be at 10 and 15 seconds respectively. The begin ofelementsC andD are unresolved when thedocument starts. Therefore activating the hyperlink will resolve the begin ofD but have no effect upon the presentation time for elementC.
Now, assume thatB is clicked at 25 seconds into thepresentation. The click onB resolves the begin ofC; this in turn resolvesD to begin at 30seconds. From this point on, traversing the hyperlink will cause thepresentation time to be seeked to 30 seconds.
If at 60 seconds into the presentation, the user again clicks onB,D will become re-resolved to apresentation time of 65 seconds. Subsequent activation of the hyperlink whileD is active will result in the seeking the presentation to65 seconds. If the hyperlink is activated whenD is nolonger active, the presentation will seek to the earliest resolved begin timeofD, at 30 seconds.
For a child of a sequence time container, if a hyperlink targeted to thechild is traversed, this seeks the sequence to the beginning of the child.
event is raised, with the current time as the associated event time.beginElement()
is called for the child of a sequence time container (subject to restart semantics), any currently active or frozen child is stopped and the new child is begun at the current time (even if the element has a scheduled begin time). Unlike hyperlinking, no seek is performed. The sequence will play normally following the child that is begun with the method call (i.e. as though the child had begun at its normal time).This section is informative
Note that if a hyperlink targets (or ifbeginElement()
is called for) an elementAdefined to begin when another elementB ends, and the otherelementB has (e.g.) an event-base or syncbase end, thehyperlink or method call will not end elementB. It willonly activate elementA. If the two elements are siblingswithin aseq or
If a hyperlink targets a child of an
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There are several cases in which times may change as the document ispresented. In particular, when an element time is defined relative to anevent, the time (i.e. the element begin or active end) is resolved when theevent occurs. Another case arises with restart behavior - the element gets anew begin and active end time when it restarts. Since the begin and activeend times of one element may be defined relative to the begin or active endof other elements, any changes to times must be propagated throughout thedocument.
When an element "foo" has a begin or active end time that specifies asyncbase element (e.g. "bar" as below):
<img xml:id="foo" begin="bar.end" .../>
we say that "foo" is atime-dependent of "bar" - that is, the"foo" begin time depends upon the active end of "bar". Any changes to theactive end time of "bar" must be propagated to the begin of "foo" so that"foo" begins properly when "bar" ends. The effect on "foo" of the propagatedchange depends upon the state of "foo" when the change happens.
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One exception to normal processing is made for elements that aredeferred according toexclinterrupt semantics. This exception is made to simplify the model: once anelement is deferred, it will stop normal handling of time change notices thatare propagated to the element begin conditions, as time dependents ofsyncbase elements. That is, with respect to the behavior of the element as atime dependent, the element behaves as though it had already begun. Thisexception is made so that the deferred element cannot change its begin timedue to syncbase element changes, while it is deferred. In effect, the elementshould have begun at the time it was deferred, and so it should nolonger handle changed time notices.
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In some cases, the semantics of restart may preclude the correctpropagation of changes to time, as in the following example:
<smil ...>...<par> <img xml:id="img1" dur="10s" end="activateEvent" .../> <video begin="img1.end-3s" restart="whenNotActive" .../></par>...</smil>
If the user clicks the image at 8 seconds, the image will end at thatpoint, and the changed end time will propagate to the video. However, thevideo will have begun at 7 seconds (3 seconds before the calculated end of 10seconds), and cannot restart. The propagated change will be ignored. See alsoInteraction with restart semantics inthe section onEvaluation ofbegin and end time lists.
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The implicit duration of a time container is defined in terms of thechildren of the container. The children can be thought of as the "media" thatis "played" by the time container element. The semantics are specific to eachof the defined time container variants, and are described in the respectivesections: Thepar element, the
Note that the term "computed values" should not be confused with thevalues of times that are dynamic within the time graph. In the followingexample, the video will be cut short if the user activates (e.g., clicks on)it before 10 seconds. If the user does not click, the
<smil ...>...<par endsync="last" > <audio dur="8s" .../> <video begin="0" dur="10s" end="click" .../></par>...</smil>
Time containers place certain overriding constraintsupon the child elements. These constraints may cut short the active durationof any child element.
All time containers share the basic overriding constraint:
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While the child may define a sync relationship that places the beginbefore the parent begin, the child is not active until the parent begins.This is equivalent to the semantic described inNegative begin delays.
If the child defines an active duration (or by the same token a simpleduration) that extends beyond the end of the parent simple duration, theactive duration of the child will be cut short when the parent simpleduration ends. Note that this does not imply that the child duration isautomatically shortened, or that the parent simple duration is "inherited" bythe child.
For example:
<par dur="10s" repeatDur="25s"> <video dur="6s" repeatCount="2" .../> <text xml:id="text1" begin="5s" dur="indefinite" .../> <audio begin="text1.end" .../></par>
The video will play once for 6 seconds, and then a second time but onlyfor 4 seconds - the last 2 seconds will get cut short and will not be seen.The text shows up for the last 5 seconds of the
In addition,excl time containersallow only one child to play at once. Subject to the
This section is informative.
The fill attribute is also used to extend the active duration if it isless than the duration specified in the min attribute.
<par dur="5s"> <img xml:id="img" min="7s" dur="4s" fill="freeze".../> </par>
This section is informative
SMIL 1.0 defined constraints on sync-arc definition(e.g., begin="id(image1)(begin)"), allowingreferences only to qualified siblings. SMIL 2.0 explicitly removes thisconstraint. SMIL 2.0 also adds event-based timing. Both sync-arcs andevent-timing are constrained by the parent time container of the associatedelement as described above.
While a sync-arc is explicitly defined relative to a particular element,if this element is not a sibling element, then the sync is resolved as async-relationshipto the parent (i.e. to an offset from the parentbegin).
This section is informative
Note that in particular, an element defined with a sync-arc begin will notautomatically force the parent or any ancestor time container to begin.
For the case that an element with a sync-arc is in a parent (or ancestor)time container that repeats: for each iteration of the parent or ancestor,the element is played as though it were the first time the parent timelinewas playing. With each repeat of the parent, the sync-arc will berecalculated to yield a begin time relative to the parent time container. Seealso the sectionResetting elementstate.
This section is informative
The specifics for event-based timing are discussed intheEvent Sensitivity section.
Whether or not media with zero duration and no fill period is retrievedand/or briefly rendered is implementation dependent.
This section is informative
When an element begins, any event-based begin times are cleared. In thefollowing example, if an activate event occurs and then one second later barends, then foo begins immediately and the element does not restart fourseconds later regardless of therestart setting. However, if an activateevent occurs and bar does not end during the next five seconds, the elementwill restart at the end of that time.
<audio xml:id="foo" begin="bar.end; activateEvent+5s".../>
This section is normative.
This section is informative
This section describes what a language designer mustactually do to specify the integration of SMIL Timing and Synchronizationsupport into a host language. This includes basic definitions, constraintsupon specification, and allowed/supported events.
The host language designer must define some basicconcepts in the context of the particular host language. These provide thebasis for timing and presentation semantics.
" or "application/smil
").This section is informative
A typical example for "presenting a document" is displaying it on ascreen. Possible definitions for the document begin are that thedocument begins when the complete document has been received by aclient over a network, or that the document begins when certaindocument parts have been received. A typical example of the documentend is when the associated application exits or switches context toanother document.
" argument value to thedurattribute.This section is normative.
This section is informative
In SMIL 2.1 four DOM methods for controlling thetiming of elements were reserved. These methods are now defined. Thedefinition is essentially the same as the definition in SMIL Animation[SMIL-ANIMATION].
This section is informative.
Any XML-based language that integrates SMIL Timingwill inherit the basic interfaces defined in DOM[DOM2] (although not alllanguages may require a DOM implementation). SMIL Timing specifies theinteraction of timing functionality and DOM. SMIL Timing also definesconstraints upon the basic DOM interfaces, and specific DOM interfaces tosupport SMIL Timing. TheDOM Moduleschapter has more information about DOM support in SMIL.
No syntax support is required to make use of the definedinterfaces, although the "indefinite" argumentvalue on thebegin and
A language integrating SMIL Timing and Synchronizationneed not require a DOM implementation.
This section is informative
SMIL event-timing assumes that the host languagesupports events, and that the events can be bound in a declarative manner.DOM Level 2 Events[DOM2Events] describes functionality to support this.
The specific events supported are defined by the hostlanguage. If no events are defined by a host language, event-timing iseffectively omitted.
This module defines a set of events that may be includedby a host language. These include:
This section is informative.
If an element is restarted while it is currentlyplaying, the element will raise an endEvent
and then abeginEvent
, as the element restarts.
In order to make the model operate consistently andremove the effects of synchronization slew in a chain of event times, thetimestamp value associated with events such as thebeginEvent
, endEvent
, andrepeat
events is not (necessarily)the actual time that the event is raised, nor is it the time when a timedependent is actually notified of the event. Rather the event timestamp istheearliest time that the eventcould be raised (given thetiming model semantics, and assuming that elements would begin and endprecisely when they are defined to). There are three basic casescorresponding to begin and end conditions with zero, positive, and negativeoffsets respectively:
This section is informative.
These examples assume video and audio media that are recorded to be inexact sync with one another.
<par dur="indefinite"> <img xml:id="foo" end="click" .../> <video xml:id="bar" begin="foo.endEvent" .../> <audio xml:id="copy" begin="foo.end" .../></par>
The image "foo" will end when the user clicks on it. The defined time ofthe end is actually the time of the click event (even if it takes a while topropagate the click event through the presentation mechanism). The "foo"element will raise anendEvent
with a timestamp equal to thetime of the click event. The behavior in this example is that "bar" and"copy" will be in precise synchronization (although "bar" may actually beginvery slightly later, since it can take a while to propagate the eventsthrough a system).
This section is informative.
<par dur="indefinite"> <img xml:id="foo" .../> <video xml:id="bar" begin="" .../> <audio xml:id="copy" begin="bar.beginEvent" .../></par>
The video "bar" will begin 3 seconds after the user clicks on "foo". ThebeginEvent
for "bar" will have a timestamp equal to the"" event timestamp plus 3 seconds. The behavior is that in theexample above, "bar" and "copy" will be in precise synchronization (although"copy" may actually begin slightly later, since it can take a while topropagate the events through a system).
This section is informative.
<par dur="indefinite"> <img xml:id="foo" .../> <video xml:id="bar" begin="" .../> <audio xml:id="copy" begin="bar.beginEvent" .../></par>
The video "bar" will begin when the user clicks on "foo". The video willbegin to play at a 3 second offset into the actual content, because it isdefined to begin 3 seconds before the click. However, since "bar" cannotbegin any sooner than "now" when the event is raised, it will raise abeginEvent
that has the same time as the "" event. Thusin this case, the audio element "copy" will be precisely three seconds behind(out of sync with) the video.
Additional time model constraints can cause thebeginEvent
) event timestamp to differ from the calculatedbegin (or end) time for an element. For example the element can specify abegin time before the beginning of its parent time container (either with anegative offset value, or with a syncbase time that resolves to a time beforethe parent begin). In this case, a time dependent of thebeginEvent
will be raised when the element actually begins - in the example case whenthe parent time container begins. Similarly, theendEvent
israised when the element actually ends, which may differ from the calculatedend time (e.g. when the end is specified to be after the end of the parentsimple duration).
The distinction between syncbase and event times can be useful in certainsituations. Consider the following example:
<par> <par begin="5s"> <par begin="-5s"> <img xml:id="foo" begin="1s; 8s" dur="3s" .../> </par> </par> <img xml:id="bar" begin="foo.begin" dur="1s" .../> <audio xml:id="beep" begin="foo.beginEvent" dur="1s" .../></par>
The "foo" element defines two intervals. The inner par cuts off - but doesnot prune - the first interval, because the innermost par is constrained bythe middle par and cannot actually begin until 5s into the document. Howeverthe inner par is still synchronized to the document time of 0s. As such,"bar" will play twice: once at 1 second, and again at 8 seconds, becausesyncbase values use calculated interval times. However the "beep" audio willonly play once at 8 seconds which is when "foo" is actually displayed,because intervals that are cut off do not raise events.
While authors are unlikely to author the above example, similar cases caneasily arise using syncbase timing. When it is important to distinguish theobserved begin time from the scheduled begin time, Event-value timing withthebeginEvent
can be used. However,the author must be aware of the constraints on Event-value timing. Theseinclude theevent sensitivityconstraints, and the fact that many implementations will not optimizescheduling and media preparation for elements with Event-value timing as wellas for elements with scheduled Syncbase-value timing. See also the discussionPropagating changes to times.
This section is informative.
SMIL Timing supports several methods for controlling the behavior ofanimation:beginElement()
. These methods areused to begin and end the active duration of an element. Authors may (but arenot required to) declare the timing to respond to the DOM using the followingsyntax:
<img begin="indefinite" end="indefinite" .../>
If a DOM method call is made to begin or end the element (usingbeginElement()
), each method callcreates a single instance time (in the appropriate instance times list).These times are then interpreted as part of the semantics of lists of times,as described inEvaluation ofbegin and end time lists.
call is the current presentation time at the time of the DOM method call.beginElementAt()
call is the current presentation time at the time of the DOM method call, plus or minus the specified offset.beginElement()
is subject to therestart attribute in the same manner that event-based begin timing is. Refer also to the sectionThe restart attribute.The expectation of the following interface is that an instance of theElementTimeControl interface can be obtained by using binding-specificcasting methods on an instance of ananimate element. A DOM application mayuse thehasFeature
method of the DOMImplementation interface to determinewhether theElementTimeControl
interface is supported or not. The feature string for this interface is"TimeControl".
interface ElementTimeControl { void beginElement(); void beginElementAt(in float offset)); void endElement(); void endElementAt(in float offset);};
void |
float | offset | The offset in seconds at which to begin the element. |
void |
void |
float | offset | The offset in seconds at which to end the element. Must be >= 0. |
void |
interface provides specific contextual information associated with Time events.interface TimeEvent : events::Event { readonly attribute views::AbstractView view; readonly attribute long detail; void initTimeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in views::AbstractView viewArg, in long detailArg);};
of typeviews::AbstractView
, readonlyview
attribute identifies theAbstractView
from which the event was generated.detail
of typelong
, readonlyEvent
, depending on the type of event.initTimeEvent
method is used to initialize the value of aTimeEvent
created through theDocumentEvent
interface. This method may only be called before theTimeEvent
has been dispatched via thedispatchEvent
method, though it may be called multiple times during that phase if necessary. If called multiple times, the final invocation takes precedence.DOMString | typeArg | Specifies the event type. | ||
views::AbstractView | viewArg | Specifies theEvent 'sAbstractView . | ||
long | detailArg | Specifies theEvent 's detail. |
The different types of events that may occur are:
// File: smil.idl#ifndef _SMIL_IDL_#define _SMIL_IDL_#include "dom.idl"#pragma prefix ""module smil{ typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; interface ElementTimeControl { void beginElement(); void beginElementAt(in float offset); void endElement(); void endElementAt(in float offset); }; interface TimeEvent : events::Event { readonly attribute views::AbstractView view; readonly attribute long detail; void initTimeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in views::AbstractView viewArg, in long detailArg); };};#endif // _SMIL_IDL_
package org.w3c.dom.smil;import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;public interface ElementTimeControl { public void beginElement(); public void beginElementAt(float offset); public void endElement(); public void endElementAt(float offset);}
package org.w3c.dom.smil;import;import org.w3c.dom.views.AbstractView;public interface TimeEvent extends Event { public AbstractView getView(); public int getDetail(); public void initTimeEvent(String typeArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg);}
This section is normative.
This section is informative
The following concepts are the basic terms used to describe the timingmodel.
A synchronization relationship is defined by the author to express thattwo or more elements' playback is synchronized.
A time graph is used to represent the temporal relations of elements in adocument with SMIL timing. Nodes of the time graph represent elements in thedocument. Parent nodes may "contain" children, and children have a singleparent. Siblings are elements that have a common parent. The links or "arcs"of the time graph represent synchronization relationships between the nodesof the graph.
The time model description uses a set of adjectives to describe particularconcepts of timing:
Global time is defined relative to the common reference for allelements, the document root. This is sometimes also referred to asdocument time.
Within a document, when a given element is active or "plays", the contentsof that element progress from the beginning of the active duration to the endof the active duration. There will also be a progression from the beginningto the end of each simple duration (the distinction is clearest when theelement repeats). It is often convenient to talk about times in terms of agiven element's simple duration or its active duration. Generically, this isreferred to aslocal time, meaning that times are relative to anelement-local reference.
The following terms are used to more precisely qualify local times:
To be meaningful, these terms are described relative to some element. Forexample, when describing timing semantics,element active timerefers to active time for the element under discussion, andparent simpletime refers to simple time for that element's parent.
Conversion from global (document) time to an element time, or from oneelement time to another element time, is described inConverting between local and globaltimes.
When measuring or calculating time, a reference element and the local timeform (active, simple or media time) are specified. The measured time orduration is defined in terms of the element time progress. E.g. if thereference element pauses, this may impact the semantics of times or durationsmeasured relative to the element.
Linear media is continuous media that cannot be played in a random-accessmanner. For example, most Internet streaming video and audio are linear.
Non-linear media can be played in a random access manner. For example,algorithmic animation is non-linear. Discrete media may behave in anon-linear manner.
The linear or non-linear behavior of the media is not a function of themedia type, but rather of the renderer or playback engine, and often dependsupon the delivery mechanism for the media.
An element is considered to have scheduled timing if the element's starttime is given relative to the begin or active end of another element. Ascheduled element can be inserted directly into the time graph.
The start of the interval in which the document is presented is referredto as thedocument begin.
The end of the interval in which the document is presented is referred toas thedocument end.
The difference between the end and the begin is referred to as thedocument duration.
This section is informative
Begin and active end times in SMIL 3.0 may be specified to be relative toevents that are raised in the document playback environment. This supportsdeclarative, interactive timing.Interactive in this sense includesuser events such as mouse clicks, events raised by media players like amediaComplete
event, and events raised by the presentationengine itself such as apause
In scheduled timing, elements are timed relative to other elements. Thesyncbase for an elementA is the other elementB to whichelementA is relative. More precisely, it is the begin or active endof the other element. The syncbase is not simply a scheduled point in time,but rather a point in the time graph.
"Sync-arc" is an abbreviation for "synchronization arc". Sync-arcs areused to relate nodes in the time graph, and define the timing relationshipbetween the nodes. A sync-arc relates an element to its syncbase. Thesync-arc may be defined implicitly by context, explicitly by Id-value orevent name, or logically with special syntax.
A Clock is a particular timeline reference that may be used forsynchronization. A common example that uses real-world local time is referredto aswall-clock timing (e.g. specifying 10:30 local time).Other clocks may also be supported by a given presentation environment.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the universal time scale onwhich time zones the world over are based. UTC is based onInternational Atomic Time (TAI) with leap seconds added at irregularintervals to compensate for irregularities in the Earth's rotation, sothat when averaged, the Sun crosses the Greenwich meridian at noon UTCto within 0.9s. Times given in UTC are almost always given in termsof a 24-hour clock. Thus, 14:42 is 2:42 p.m., and 21:17 is 9:17p.m.
A hyperlink into or within a timed document may cause a seek of thecurrent presentation time or may activate an element (if it is not inviolation of any timing model rules).
During playback, an element may be activated automatically by theprogression of time, via a hyperlink, or in response to an event. When anelement is activated, playback of the element begins.
SMIL includes support for declaring media, using element syntax defined in"The SMIL Media Object Module".The media that is described by these elements is described as eitherdiscrete orcontinuous:
Time containers group elements together in time. They define common,simple synchronization relationships among the grouped child elements. Inaddition, time containers constrain the time that children may be active.Several containers are defined, each with specific semantics and constraintson its children.
SMIL timing and synchronization support ultimately controls a set ofcontent or media elements. The content includes things like video and audio,images and vector graphics, as well as text or HTML content. SMIL documentsuse the SMIL media elements to reference this content. XML and HTML documentsthat integrate SMIL 3.0 functionality may use SMIL media elements and/orcontent described by the integrated language (e.g. paragraphs in HTML).
All elements - content/media as well as time containers - support timingmarkup to describe a begin time and a duration, as well as the ability toplay repeatedly. There are several ways to define the begin time. Thesemantics vary somewhat depending upon an element's time container.
The time model defines two concepts of duration for each element - thesimple duration and the active duration. These definitions are closelyrelated to the concept of playing something repeatedly.
The constraints of a parent time container may override the duration ofits children. In particular, a child element may not play beyond the simpleend of the time container.
The terms for these durations may be modified with theDescriptive Terms for Times, tofurther distinguish aspects of the time graph.
SMIL 1.0 introduced the notion of synchronization behavior, describinguser agent behavior as implementing either "hard synchronization" or "softsynchronization". Using hard sync, the entire presentation would beconstrained to the strict description of sync relationships in the timegraph. Soft sync allowed for a looser (implementation dependent) performanceof the document.
While a document is playing, network congestion and other factors willsometimes interfere with normal playback of media. In a SMIL 1.0 hard syncenvironment, this will affect the behavior of the entire document. In orderto provide greater control to authors, SMIL 2.0 extends the hard and softsync model to individual elements. This support allows authors to definewhich elements and time containers must remain in strict or "hard" sync, andwhich elements and time containers may have a "soft" or slip syncrelationship to the parent time container.
See also the section: ThesyncBehavior, syncTolerance, and syncMaster attributes: controlling runtimesynchronization.
The concepts of intervalpruning andcutting off aredistinct and should not be confused.
In some cases, after an interval has been created, it must later bepruned (deleted/removed from the timegraph) as more informationbecomes known and semantic constraints must be applied. When an interval ispruned, it will not be shown, it will not raise begin or end events,and any associated instance times for syncbase time dependents must beremoved from the respective instance times lists. It is as though thepruned interval had not been specified.
In other cases, especially related to negative begin times on parent timecontainers, a valid interval for a child may not be shown, even though it isotherwise legal with respect to the parent time constraints. These intervalsare said to becut off.
For example:
<par begin="-10s" dur="20s"> <img xml:id="slide1" src="slide1.jpg" dur="3s" /> <img xml:id="slide2" src="slide2.jpg" begin="slide1.end+3s" dur="10s" /> <img xml:id="note1" src="note1.jpg" begin="slide1.beginEvent" dur="20s" /></par>
The "slide1" image will becut off, but is notpruned.It iscut offbecause the par could not have been started 10s beforeits parent time container, and instead will be started at 0s into its parenttime synced at 10s into its simple duration. The "slide1" image begins andends before 10s into the par, and so cannot be shown and iscut off,Intervals that arecut offare not shown and do not raise begin orend events, but still create valid instance times for any syncbase timedependents. Thus, "slide2" will be shown (the interval is fromminus 4 seconds to 6 seconds, document time, and so will be shown for 6seconds, from 0 seconds to 6 seconds), but "note1" will not be shown.
This section is normative.
This section defines the seventeen SMIL 3.0 Timing Modules, which includethe BasicInlineTiming module and sixteen other modules that combine toprovide full SMIL 3.0 timing support. The separation of the SMIL 3.0 Timingmodules is based on the inclusion of the syntactic expression of featuresusing elements, attributes, and attribute values. Including a module in aprofile adds both the syntax and associated semantics defined elsewhere inthis specification to that profile.
is only supported when BasicTransitions or InlineTransitions is included in the language profile. If FillDefault is not included in the profile,fill=default
is interpreted the same asfill=auto
" is only supported when BasicTransitions or InlineTransitions is included in the language profile. If FillDefault is not included in the profile,fill="default
" is interpreted the same asfill="auto"
is only supported when BasicTransitions or InlineTransitions is included in the language profile.fill=transition
is only supported when BasicTransitions or InlineTransitions is included in the language profile. If FillDefault is not included in the profile,fill=default
is interpreted the same asfill=auto
.This section is informative.
This section includes a set of examples that illustrate both the usage ofthe SMIL syntax, as well as the semantics of specific constructs. Thissection is informative.
Note: In the examples below, the additional syntax related to layout andother issues specific to individual document types is omitted forsimplicity.
All the children of apar begin bydefault when thepar begins. Forexample:
<par> <img xml:id="i1" dur="5s" src="img.jpg" /> <img xml:id="i2" dur="10s" src="img2.jpg" /> <img xml:id="i3" begin="2s" dur="5s" src="img3.jpg" /></par>
Elements "i1" and "i2" both begin immediately when the
Each child of aseq begins by defaultwhen the previous element ends. For example:
<seq> <img xml:id="i1" begin="0s" dur="5s" src="img1.jpg" /> <img xml:id="i2" dur="10s" src="img2.jpg" /> <img xml:id="i3" begin="1s" dur="5s" src="img3.jpg" /></seq>
The element "i1" begins immediately, with the start of the
<par> <excl> <par xml:id="p1"> ... </par> <par xml:id="p2"> ... </par> </excl> <a href="p1"><img src="Button1.jpg"/></a> <a href="p2"><img src="Button2.jpg"/></a></par>
This example models jukebox-like behavior. Activating the first image hyperlink activates the media items of parallel container "p1". If the link on the second image is traversed, "p2" is started (thereby deactivating "p1" if it would still be active) from time 0.
<smil ...>...<par> <excl> <par begin="btn1.activateEvent"> ... </par> <par begin="btn2.activateEvent"> ... </par> </excl> <img xml:id="btn1" src=... /> <img xml:id="btn2" src=... /></par>...<smil>
The same jukebox example, using event-based activation.
<excl> <ref xml:id="a" begin="0s" ... /> <ref xml:id="b" begin="5s" ... /></excl>
In the example above, the beginning of "b" deactivates "a" (assuming that a is still active after 5 seconds). Note that this could also be modeled using a sequence with an explicit duration on the children. While the scheduled syntax is allowed, this is not expected to be a common use-case scenario.
For simple media elements (i.e., media elements that are not timecontainers) that reference discrete media, the implicit duration is definedto be 0. This can lead to surprising results, as in this example:
<seq> <img src="img1.jpg" /> <video src="vid2.mpg" /> <video src="vid3.mpg" /></seq>
The implicit syncbase of a sequence is defined to be the effective activeend of the previous element in the sequence. In the example, the implicitduration of the image is used to define the simple and active durations. As aresult, the default begin of the second element causes it to begin at thesame time as the image. Thus, the image will not show at all! Authors willgenerally specify an explicit duration for any discrete media elements.
There is an important difference between the semantics of end and dur. Thedur attribute, in conjunction with the begin time, specifies the simpleduration for an element.
This is the duration that is repeated when the element also has a repeatbehavior specified. The attribute end on the other hand overrides the activeduration of the element. If the element does not have repeat behaviorspecified, the active duration is the same as the simple duration. However,if the element has a repeat behavior specified, then the end will overridethe repeat, but will not affect the simple duration. For example:
<smil ...>...<seq repeatCount="10" end="stopBtn.activateEvent"> <img src="img1.jpg" dur="2s" /> <img src="img2.jpg" dur="2s" /> <img src="img3.jpg" dur="2s" /></seq>...</smil>
The sequence will play for 6 seconds on each repeat iteration. It willplay through 10 times, unless the user clicks on a "stopBtn" element before60 seconds have elapsed.
When an implementation supports the DOM methods described in thisdocument, it will be possible to make an element begin or end the activeduration using script or some other browser extension. When an author wishesto describe an element as interactive in this manner, the following syntaxcan be used:
<audio src="" begin="indefinite" />
The element will not begin until thebeginElement()
method iscalled.
This section is informative.
SMIL 1.0 defines the model for timing, including markup to define elementtiming, and elements to define parallel and sequence time containers. Thisversion introduces some syntax variations and additional functionality,including:
The complete syntax is described here, including syntax that is unchangedfrom SMIL 1.0.
This section is informative.
A significant motivation for SMIL 2.0 is the desire to integratedeclarative, determinate scheduling with interactive, indeterminatescheduling. The goal is to provide a common, consistent model and a simplesyntax.
Note that "interactive" content does not refer simply to hypermedia withsupport for linking between documents, but specifically to content within apresentation (i.e. a document) that isactivated by some interactivemechanism (often user-input events, but including local hyperlinking aswell).
SMIL 3.0 describes extensions to SMIL 1.0 to support interactive timing ofelements. These extensions allow the author to specify that an element shouldbegin or end in response to an event (such as a user-input event like"activateEvent" or "click"), or to a hyperlink activation, or to a DOM methodcall.
The syntax to describe this usesEvent-value specifications and thespecial argument value "indefinite" for the="
can also be used when ahyperlink will be used to begin the element. The element will begin when thehyperlink is actuated (usually by the user clicking on the anchor). It is notpossible to control the active end of an element using hyperlinks.
SMIL 2.0 represents an evolution from earlier multimedia runtimes. Thesewere typically either pure, static schedulers or pure event-based systems. Scheduler models present a linear timeline that integrates both discrete andcontinuous media. Scheduler models tend to be good for storytelling, but havelimited support for user-interaction. Event-based systems, on the other hand,model multimedia as a graph of event bindings. Event-based systems provideflexible support for user-interaction, but generally have poor schedulingfacilities; they are best applied to highly interactive and experientialmultimedia.
The SMIL 1.0 model is primarily a scheduling model, but with someflexibility to support continuous media with unknown duration. Userinteraction is supported in the form of timed hyperlinking semantics, butthere was no support for activating individual elements via interaction.
To integrate interactive content into SMIL timing, the SMIL 1.0 schedulermodel is extended to support several new concepts:indeterminatetiming andevent-activation.
Withindeterminate timing, an element has an undefinedbeginElement()
methods). From a scheduling perspective, thetime is described asunresolved.
The event-activation support provides a means of associating an event withthebegin or
The computed time defines the synchronization for the element relative tothe parent time container. It is possible for the computed
Note that an event basedend will notbe activated until the element has already begun. Any specified
The constraints imposed on an element by its time container are animportant aspect of the event-activation model. In particular, when a timecontainer is itself inactive (e.g. before it begins or after it ends), noevents are handled by the children. If the time container is frozen, noevents are handled by the children. No event-activation takes place unlessthe time container of an element is active. For example:
<smil ...>...<par begin="10s" dur="5s"> <audio src="" begin="btn1.activateEvent" /></par>...</smil>
If the user activates (e.g., clicks on) the "btn1" element before 10seconds, or after 15 seconds, the audio element will not play. In addition,if the audio element begins but would extend beyond the specified active endof thepar container, it is effectivelycut off by the active end of theparcontainer.
See also the discussion of Eventsensitivity.