WD-Implementation andInteroperability 20090520
This version: | http://www.w3.org/Math/iandi/impl-interop20090520.html |
Latest version: | http://www.w3.org/Math/iandi/ |
Previous version: | http://www.w3.org/Math/iandi/impl-interop20010220.html |
Editor: | Patrick Ion (MR / AMS) <ion@ams.org> |
Copyright©2009W3C® (MIT,INRIA,Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3Cliability,trademark,documentuse andsoftwarelicensing rules apply.
This is a draft concerned with implementation experience, and interoperabilityand compliance issues arising from the development of MathML. The previous version was prepared by the W3C Math Working Group in connection with the W3C Recommendation status for the MathML 2 specification. This versionprovides a nexus for dealing with various revisions of the specificationsof MathML. This is a W3C document for public distribution.
As the long process of development of MathML has proceeds we have asituation where we have a currently active MathML 2, a W3C Recommendation,and a new revised specification of MathML 3 which will soon be submitted to the W3C as a Candidate Recommendation. This short note lists and points to notes discussing the implementation and interoperability contexts of the versions of MathML.
There have by now been several evolving specifications of MathML.This document provides a list of them and a jumping of point to more detailed discussions of implemantation, interoperability and compliance issues tailored to specific versions.
The development of MathML started in 1996. Since that timemany Drafts and Notes, and several Recommendations of the W3C have been made public as a result of work in the Math WGs or IG. The main milestone documents are listed below in reverse chronological order.
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