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Themission of theTimed Text Working Group is to develop W3C Recommendations for media online captioning by developing and maintaining new versions of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) and WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) based on implementation experience and interoperability feedback, and the creation of semantic mappings between those languages.
TheW3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to all TTWG work.
Technical discussion takes place on GitHub repository issues and pull requests and on the Working Group discussion list, (archive). This is a public mailing list; tosubscribe to the public-tt mailing list, please check thesubscription procedure.
The TTWG also maintains the Timed Text wiki which includes a list of the TTWG'spublications and a list ofknown implementations, resources and specifications.
Meetings are held at 1600 UTC (winter time, where it applies) weekly on Thursdays, duration 1 hour. By exception 2 hour meetings may be scheduled, beginning at 1500 UTC. In summer time, meetings begin 1 hour earlier in UTC time.
Upcoming meetings are visible at theTTWG project dashboard.
All of the TTWG's repositories can be found atTimed Text Working Group - Repositories page. Recent activity on the repositories where work is active at the moment can be found on the following repository links:
This group operates under theW3C Patent Policy, which ensures that specifications published by the group can be implemented on a royalty-free (RF) basis. To record agreement from all participants with that W3C Patent Policy, joining the group involves completing several steps:
When you join, you will be added topublic-tt, the publicly archived mailing-list for the group.