GRDDL is a technique forgleaningresourcedescriptions fromdialects oflanguages. It's a way of extracting Semantic Web data inRDF from XML formats (especially XHTML dialects ormicroformats) via transformations identified by URIs and typically expressed in XSLT. For full details, see theGRDDL specification.
Note: TheGRDDL specification is aW3C Recommendation. W3C welcomescomments by email, especially comments that reflect implementation experience.
To use GRDDL:
<html xmlns=""> <headprofile=""> <title>My Project</title> </head> ...</html>
<html xmlns=""> <head profile=""> <title>Some Document</title> <link rel="transformation" href="" /> <meta name="DC.Subject" content="ADAM; Simple Search; Index+; prototype" /> ... </head> ...</html>
<html xmlns=""> <headprofile=""> <title>Some Document</title> ...
TheGRDDL primer gives a number of examples in detail. Also, ahome page for Joe Lambda shows DC, geoURL, RSS as above plus markup forFOAF (usinggrokFOAF.xsl) andCreative Commons Licenses (usinggrokCC.xsl) that you can probably figure out if you view source.
A: TheCustomRdfDialects wiki topic provides an informal directory of existing conventions.
If you just want to use GRDDL, that's all you need to know. If you're curious to learn more, read on...
This document,,is a metadata profile in the sense of the HTML specification, in section7.4.4.3 Meta data profiles.
The following term is introduced here as an XHTML link relationshipname and RDF property name:
The following terms are introduced here as RDF properties:
The following terms are bound to concepts from existing standards:
We provide asample GRDDL/XHTML implementation, and a more completesample GRDDL implementation and a technical specification,Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL), as a specification.
This document usesEmbedded RDF to encodeDescription of a Project (DOAP) data as well as RDF Schema data and one or twoRDDL properties. We have moved away from the RDDL syntax itself.
This document was inspired by theXFN getting started page. Previous versions usedXMDP (withgrokXMDP.xsl), but in documenting domains and ranges of properties, maintaining the XMDP convention of ids on thedt rather than thedd element were too awkward to maintain.