This is the list of general issues the TAG hasconsidered
As of 28 Aug 2007 the TAG has transitioned itsissues list and action item tracking toTracker.
This list remains as a HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY. The issues list actually used by the TAG is itsTracker Page.
Tracker page URIs for TAG issues are of the form<number>where <number> is the numeric value at the end ofeach issues' nick name. For example, the tracker pageforhttpRange-14is
See theTAG issue tracking policy(andtipsfor getting the TAG's attention). See alsoDan Connolly suggested tactics for addressing newissues.
For more information about the TAG, refer to theTAG Home Page.
Color key:errorwarningnote
Id:Title | State | Type | Category | Open actions | Ack. |
w3cMediaType-1 : Should W3C WGs define their own media types? | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
customMediaType-2 : What commonality should there be among W3C media types? | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
nsMediaType-3 : Relationship between media types and namespaces? | subsumed [mixedNamespaceMeaning-13] | request | |||
xformsReview-4 : Request to review XForms Last Call document | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
uncefactLiaison-5 : Invitation to create liaison with UN/CEFACT ebTWGArchitecture Group | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6 : Algorithm for creating a URI from a QName? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
whenToUseGet-7 : (1) GET should be encouraged, not deprecated, in XForms(2) How to handle safe queries (New POST-like method?GET plus a body?) | accepted | request | No response to reviewer | ||
namespaceDocument-8 : What should a "namespace document" look like? | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
uriMediaType-9 : Why does the Web use mime types and not URIs? | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
xmlSW-10 : Should next version of XML be XML 1.0 - DTDs +namespaces + xml:base + the infoset? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
soapRPCURI-11 : What is the appropriate relationship between SOAP RPCand the Web's reliance on URIs? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
xmlAsText-12 : Do proposed changes to XML 1.1 ignore Unicodeconstraints? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
mixedNamespaceMeaning-13 : What is the meaning of a document composed of content inmixed namespaces? | subsumed [mixedUIXMLNamespace-33,xmlFunctions-34,RDFinXHTML-35] | request | |||
httpRange-14 : What is the range of the HTTP dereference function? | agreed | request |
| No reply from reviewer | |
URIEquivalence-15 : When are two URI variants considered equivalent? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
HTTPSubstrate-16 : Should HTTP be used as a substrate protocol? Does W3Cagree with RFC 3205? | no decision (deferred) | request | |||
charmodReview-17 : Request to review "Character Model for theWeb" Last Call document | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
qnameAsId-18 : Is it ok to use Qnames as Identifiers? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
formattingProperties-19 : Reuse existing formatting properties/names, coordinatenew ones | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
errorHandling-20 : What should specifications say about error handling? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
RFC3023Charset-21 : Do all "shoulds" of RFC 3023 section 7.1apply? | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
augmentedInfoset-22 : Infoset augmentation outside of PSVI? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
xlinkScope-23 : What is the scope of using XLink? | agreed | request | No response to reviewer | ||
contentTypeOverride-24 : Can a specification include rules for overriding HTTPcontent type parameters? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
deepLinking-25 : What to say in defense of principle that deep linking isnot an illegal act? | agreed | request | Agreement | ||
contentPresentation-26 : Separation of semantic and presentational markup, to theextent possible, is architecturally sound. | agreed | request | No response to reviewer | ||
IRIEverywhere-27 : Should W3C specifications start promoting IRIs? | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
fragmentInXML-28 : Use of fragment identifiers in XML | agreed | request | No response to reviewer | ||
xmlProfiles-29 : When, whither and how to profile W3C specifications inthe XML Family | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
binaryXML-30 : Standardize a "binary XML" format? | no decision (deferred) | request | |||
metadataInURI-31 : Should metadata (e.g., versioning information) beencoded in URIs? | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
xmlIDSemantics-32 : How should the problem of identifying ID semantics inXML languages be addressed in the absence of a DTD? | agreed | request | No response to reviewer | ||
mixedUIXMLNamespace-33 : Composability for user interface-oriented XML namespaces | no decision (deferred) | request | |||
xmlFunctions-34 : XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT,XInclude, Encryption) | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
RDFinXHTML-35 : Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML | no decision (deferred) | request |
| ||
siteData-36 : Web site metadata improving on robots.txt, w3c/p3p andfavicon etc. | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
abstractComponentRefs-37 : Definition of abstract components with namespace namesand frag ids | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
putMediaType-38 : Relation of HTTP PUT to GET, and whether client headersto server are authoritative | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
rdfURIMeaning-39 : Meaning of URIs in RDF documents | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
URIGoodPractice-40 : What are good practices for URI construction? | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
XMLVersioning-41 : What are good practices for designing extensible XMLlanguages and for handling versioning? | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
ultimateQuestion-42 : What is the answer to life, the universe, andeverything. | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
DerivedResources-43 : How are secondary resources derived? | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
xmlChunk-44 : Chunk of XML - Canonicalization and equality | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
mediaTypeManagement-45 : What is the appropriate level of granularity of themedia type mechanism? | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
xml11Names-46 : Impact of changes to XML 1.1 on other XML Specifications | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
endPointRefs-47 : WS-Addressing SOAP binding & app protocols | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
nameSpaceState-48 : Adding terms to a namespace | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
schemeProtocols-49 : Relationship of URI schemes to protocols and operations | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
URNsAndRegistries-50 : URIs, URNs, "location independent" naming systems and associated registries for naming on the Web | no decision (accepted) | request |
| ||
standardizedFieldValues-51 : Squatting on link relationship names, x-tokens,registries, and URI-based extensibility | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
passwordsInTheClear-52 : Sending passwords in the clear | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
genericResources-53 : Generic resources | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | ||
TagSoupIntegration-54 : Tag soup integration | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
utf7Encoding-55 : Security issues with incorrect metadata | no decision (accepted) | request | |||
abbreviatedURIs-56 : Abbreviating URIs in Web Languages | no decision (accepted) | request |
What are the general guidelines or policies(if any) for W3C working groups in definingtheir own media types? Should they bedefining them at all?
For example, should all these custom XMLtypes being registered be required to usethe RFC 3023 +xml convention? If so, shouldall the SHOULDs of section 7.1 be followed?etc.. The question isn't restricted to RFC3023 issues though. There may be value toother common features between types.
See resolution forw3cMediaType-1. Seechanges from Chris Lilley regarding RFC3023.
What is, or what should be, the relationshipbetween a media type and an XML namespace?
Cf. issuemixedNamespaceMeaning-13.
Broad request to review XForms Last Calldocument.
There are several architectural issues inUN/CEFACT and ebXML which should probably besolved by the W3C group. The needs are notspecific to ebXML and several other"Registry" and XML vocabularygroups may have similar requirements.
TAG suggests that request be redirected tonew Web Services Architecture Working Group
"It seems to me that the RDFCore andXMLSchema WGs (at the very least) ought todevelop a common, reasonably acceptableconvention as to the mapping between QNamesand URIs. Perhaps this is an issue that theTAG ought to consider (because it is areally basic architectural issue)."
The use of Qnames as identifiers withoutproviding a mapping to URIs is inconsistentwith Web Architecture. See the TAG findingUsing Qualified Names (QNames) asIdentifiers in Content.
Accepts the situation
Propose TAG response to XML Schemadesideratum (RQ-23)
Henry Thompson is aware of thisissue.
Revise Qname finding to say (1) ifyou use qnames, provide a mapping toURIs and (2) don't define anattribute that can take either a URIor a Qname since they are notsyntactically distinguishable.
Proposed revision of finding.However, as discussed at5 Jan 2004 teleconf, NW expects to produce a newrevision based on other input.
Subsumed by action for revisionrelated toqnameAsId-18.
Point WSDL WG to resolution of issue6.
Propose some extra text for section4.5 that hypertext agents oftenfollow an IGNORE rule and this oftenresults in incompatible behavior.Ignore applied to fragidinterpretation.
This was too late for Last Call ArchDoc.
Seecomments from Paul PrescodtoForms WG"I know you've recently been askedabout PUT. During that discussion it arosethat HTTP GET is deprecated in thespecification. Does this mean that XFormswould be incompatible with an applicationlike Google that uses a form to generate aGET URL?"
URIs, Addressability, and the use ofHTTP GET.
Acknowledged by DanC by virtue of WGagreement
Reopening the issue as an umbrella (togetherwith issueendPointRefs-47) for discussingsubmission WS-Transfer.
Provide TAG with pointers into WSspecs where issue of safe operationsis manifest.
See WSDL WG'sissue 117.
Ask WSDL WG to look at finding; askthem if marking operations as safein WSDL is one of theirrequirements.
Request to WS Desc WG Chair toensure that this on their WG'sissues list.
See WSDL WG'sissue 117anddecision from WSDL WG
Thank the WSDL for what they've doneso far, ask them to explain a bitabout what can go wrong, encouragethem to put it in the test suite
See email to WSDL WG
Noah and Dave to write a positionpaper outline for the TAG by the18th of Dec. 2006.
Stuart to respond to Jacek andJonathan wrt whenToUseGet-7 andWSDL.
Thesection on namespacesinWeb Architecture from 50,000 feetstates: "The namespace document (withthe namespace URI) is a place for thelanguage publisher to keep definitivematerial about a namespace. Schema languagesare ideal for this." Tim Braydisagrees.
Prepare finding to answer thisissue, pointing to the RDDL Note.Seecomments from Paulregarding TB theses. Per23 Feb 2004 teleconf, modified into an action to producea bulleted list of points.
Add "Hello World" example to nextdraft of RDDL Spec (i.e., to editedversion ofRDDL draft 4). See alsoProposal for RDDL to RDF mappingfrom DC
Produce schemaware for RDDL speconce TAG has consensus on thesyntax.
Continue working on draft and to getstatement from Jonathan re:persistence at
Add pointer to previous syntax inthe Note
follow up on noah'smessageon ns name. Reconfirmed on10 Jan 2006.
draft a section on using XHTML 1.x(not RDDL) with GRDDL and relax-ng
DanC has sent a note "a uspsnamespace document using plain XHTMLand GRDDL".
track progress of#int bug 1974in the XML Schema namespace documentin the XML Schema WG. Confirmed5 Oct 2006.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-23
ask for "default nature" to bechanged to "implicit nature" in RDDLspec
The RDDL specwas fixed.
propose to Jonathan Borden that hechanges to using a file of Natures.Confirmed on14 Nov 2006.
Provide a set of test cases of waysin which RDDL is actually used.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-21
Start an ontology includingdocns/documentElementNamespace.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-22
Media types are not first-class objects onthe Web, or are they?
TAG Finding: Mapping between URIs andInternet Media Types. The TAG has not resolved this issue sincethe loop has not been closed with the IETF.See Internet DraftA Registry of Assignments usingUbiquitous Technologies and CarefulPoliciesby D. Connolly and M. Baker.
Propose CL's three changes toregistration process to Ned Freed.
Should next version of XML be XML 1.0 - DTDs+ namespaces + xml:base + the infoset?
What is the appropriate relationship betweenSOAP RPC and the Web's reliance on URIs?
Do proposed changes to XML 1.1 ignoreUnicode constraints?
XML Core WG is aware of these issues. Refertodraft response from David Orchard
This was raised in the light of lack ofconsensus result from the workshop, andspecifically prompted by a question,occurring as XEncryption made its way toCandidate Recommendation status in W3C,about the relationship of XEncryption toother specs, and TAG discussion of XSLT"templates" as an apparent cornercase in XML processing.
Second issue: namespace-based dispatching.From TAG draft finding on issues *-{1,2,3},the following draft text was removed fordiscussion as part of this issue:
When processing XML documents, it isappropriate for Web applications to dispatchelements to modules for processing based onthe namespace of the element type.
Correct dispatching and processing requirescontext - in general it is not reasonablenor safe to do namespace-based processingwithout knowledge of the namespace ofancestor elements. Because of this, thenamespace of the root element of an XMLdocument has special status and servesnaturally as a basis for top-level softwaredispatching in the case where the dispatchinformation is not externally supplied.
It is acknowledged that there are exceptionsto this rule, for example XSLT documentswhose root element's namespace depends onthe desired output from application of theXSLT.
It should be noticed that in the case ofcertain sort of element including some inXSLT, XInclude, XEncryption namespaces, thata system conforming to the specificationwill regcognize them at any point in adocument and elaborate them in place,typically producing more XML which replacesthe element instance in the tree.
Split into three smaller issues:mixedUIXMLNamespace-33,xmlFunctions-34, andRDFinXHTML-35
TBL's argument the HTTP URIs (without"#") should be understood asreferring to documents, not cars.
The TAG provides advice to the communitythat they may mint "http" URIs for anyresource provided that they follow thissimple rule for the sake of removingambiguity:
Write up a summary position to closehttpRange-14, text for document.s
Proposed text, resolution, new issue
Write up a summary position to closehttpRange-14, text for document.s
Proposed text, resolution, new issue
Rhys to consider and draft a findingaround the issues raised byhttpRange-14.
Email announcing first public draftfrom Rhys
Rhys to revise Dereferencing HTTPURIs finding in response to F2Fdiscussion. Continued:9 July 2007
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-6and to issueHttpRedirections-57
Stuart to review"Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"
Review posted towww-tag.
From Joseph Reagle:
Stephen [Farrell] has asked an interestingquestion below that I expect will beimportant to any activity that uses URIs asidentifiers in the context of asemantic/security application: when are twoURI variants considered identical?
Draft finding:URI Comparison(link not maintained but see RFC3986).. This has been integrated into RFC2396bis (CVS repository); the TAG expects to follow the progress ofRFC2396bis. Commentary and resolution shouldhappen through the IETF process.
Track RFC2396bis whereTim Bray texthas been integrated. Comment withinthe IETF process.
SW believes RFC2396 largelyincorporates the necessary text; seehis email for details.
TB's text successfully incorporated.
Review RFC2396 bis (current Editor'sDraft) in preparation for IETF/W3Ccoordination meeting 6 Feb.
TBL reported that he sent commentsto RF about the RFC and Royacknowledged having received them.
From Mark Nottingham:
The IETF has recently published RFC3205,"On the use of HTTP as aSubstrate" [1] as Best CurrentPractice.
This document makes a number ofrecommendations regarding the use of HTTP.Some are reasonable, such as guidelinesabout what kinds of scenarios the HTTP ismost useful in, how to use media types andmethods to extend the HTTP, etc. However, italso bases a number of recommendations on afuzzily-defined concept of 'traditional use'of the HTTP. These directives may seriouslylimit the future potential of the Web,effectively freezing its capability tocommon practice in 2001."
The TAG decided to defer this issue pendingany attempt to enforce RFC3205.
Write a response to IESG askingwhether the Web services example inthe SOAP 1.2 primer is intended tobe excluded from RFC 3205
Closed as issue is deferred.
Write descriptive paragraphexplaining this issue's state.
Roy reported on his discussion atthe IETF meeting.
Request to review "Character Model forthe Web" Last Call document
Comments sent by Norm to the I18Ncomments listandreminder from Dan Connolly. See alsoComments from CL. See other TAG resolutions regarding thisissue in3 Jun minutes.
Follow up with I18N folks on statusof TAG's charmod comments. SeeMail from DC to I18N WG in lightof new Charmod draft
SW has discussed this with new I18Nchair. SW invited I18N reps toparticipate in a TAG teleconf,probably in Dec 2003. At15 March 2004 teleconf, SW took an additional action torequest a two-week extension for TAGcomments.
SW's action, by virtue of the TAGagreeing to proposals from CL andDC, seems to have been completed.
Review charmod language re:reference to Unicode std.
Review from Tim Bray
Pull out items from I18N WG responseto TAG issues for meetingdiscussion.
Summary of position on I18N WGreplies.
CL to respond to I18N WG per hisproposal.
Respond to I18N WG per previousproposal.
This action has been completed andreplaced by an action assigned 22March.
Look atI18N issue C127: "Say that the IRI form is used inthe document instance and thehexified URI form when it goes overthe wire"
Suggest wording to I18N WG regardingC068.
Write up TAG's complete LC commentsand send them to the I18N WG (cc'ingwww-tag).
Is it ok to use Qnames as Identifiers?
Finding:Using QNames as Identifiers
Ask the Schema WG to review thedraft finding.
Ask the Schema WG to review thedraft finding.
See revised findingUsing QNames as Identifiers.
Revise6 Jan 2004 draft findingfor review and possible approval byTAG.
See revised findingUsing QNames as Identifiers.
Review 14 Jan draft ofQname Finding.
Dropped and finding accepted.
Review 14 Jan draft ofQname Finding.
Dropped and finding accepted.
Review 14 Jan draft ofQname Finding.
TBL's comments taken into accountand finding accepted.
Reuse existing formatting properties/names,coordinate new ones
Finding:Consistency of Formatting PropertyNames, Values, and Semantics
What should specifications say about errorhandling?
The TAG believes it has addressed a majorityof points about the issue in the 11 Nov 2003draft, with pointers to relevant sections3.4 and 1.2.2, as well as the section onversioning and extensibility. The TAGdeclines at this time to handle thefollowing questions raised by the reviewer:(1) Extension of XML. Answer: Applicationdependent. (2) Handling of deprecatedelements.
Write text to reviewer about theTAG's decision on this issue.
Email sent to reviewer.
Do all "shoulds" of RFC 3023section 7.1 apply?
TAG Finding: Internet Media Typeregistration, consistency of use
So I recommend a TAG finding along thefollowing lines:
For now, the TAG has decided the issue bywithdrawing it. From TB: "I learnedthat while there are linkages between xqueryand xml schema, they are non-normative; youcan implement xquery with other schemalanguages; so I don't see an architectureissue at the moment. I submitted a largecomment to the xquery process that theredoes remain too much intermingling with xmlschema that could easily go away. If the twospecs aren't made sufficiently independent,I expect to come back to the TAG."
Acknowledged by TB by virtue of WGagreement
For me this questions depends on whether thedocument type is a human-readable hypertextdocument, when generic hypertext xml toolswould benefit from knowing what is a link,and whether significance of the URI inquestion is a hypertext link or somethingdifferent.
Paragraph4.5.2 of Web Architecturecloses the issue. See also draft ofXML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.1.
Ping the chairs of those groupsasking for an update onxlinkScope-23.
Sent emails to chairs of HTML WG andXML CG.
For me this questions depends on whether thedocument type is a human-readable hypertextdocument, when generic hypertext xml toolswould benefit from knowing what is a link,and whether significance of the URI inquestion is a hypertext link or somethingdifferent.
Maybe a compromise is to only allow the linkto specify the content-type when the serveris FTP (or something else with nocontent-type control) or the HTTP serverreturns text/plain or octet-steam, whichseem to be used for "don't know"types.
The3 Dec 2003 Editor's Draft of theArchitecture Documentaccurately represents the TAG's position onthe authoritative nature of server messages.
Acknowledged by TBL by virtue of WGagreement
Produce a new draft of the findingthat takes into account commentsfrom reviewers on MIME finding.
10 Dec 2003 Draft,27 Jan 2004 Draft. Seecomments from Stuart. See18 Feb 2004 Draft
TAG accepted 18 Feb 2004 draft. IJwill publish as accepted finding.
Strawman from Tim Bray:
The architecture of the World Wide Web doesnot support the notion of a "homepage" or a "gateway page",and any effort in law to pretend otherwiseis therefore bad policy. The publication ofa Uniform Resource Identifier is, in thearchitecture of the Web, a statement that aresource is available for retrieval. Thetechnical protocols which are used for Webinteraction provide a variety of means forsite operators to control access, includingpassword protection and the requirement thatusers take a particular route to a page. Itwould be appropriate to bring the law tobear against those who violate theseprotocols. It is not appropriate to use itin the case where information consumers areusing the Web according to its publishedrules of operation.
AcceptedDraft finding from TB
Acknowledged by TB by virtue of WGagreement
Take back to Comm Team publicity ofthis finding.
TAG discussed this issue with JanetDaly at ftf meeting in Japan.
I would however, support an assertion in thearchitecture document that importantinformation SHOULD be stored and(optionally) delivered with markup that isas semantically rich as achievable, and thatseparation of semantic and presentationalmarkup, to the extent possible, isarchitecturally sound.
Section4.3 of Web Architecturecloses the issue.
Talk with others about aspects ofthis finding and revise it.
The XML Core WG would like TAG input onwhether the desirability of adopting IRIsinto the web infrastructure early outweighsthe anticipated disruption of legacysystems.
The XML Core WG would also like TAG input onthe wisdom of early adoption given the"Internet Draft" status of theIRI draft. So far adoption has relied on "copyand paste", but there is potential forthese definitions to get out of sync.
Revise position statement on use ofIRIs.
This action has been completed andreplaced by virtue of theaction assigned to CL on 22March.
Explain how existing specificationsthat handle IRIs are inconsistent.TBL draftnot yet available on www-tag.
Merged into trackerACTION-24
with Norm report theNamespaces/URI/IRI discussion to XMLCore.
DanC to ask TimBL whether XQuery andXML Namespaces 1.1 addressIRIEverywhere to his satisfaction,notingMappings and identity in URIsand IRIs.
TimBL to clarify, perhaps by using N3
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-24
Do fragment identifiers refer to asyntactice element (at least for XMLcontent), or can they refer to abstractions?
Example from17.2.2 SVG fragment identifiers:
The SVG spec states "This form ofaddressing specifies the desired view of thedocument (e.g., the region of the documentto view, the initial zoom level) completelywithin the SVG fragment specification."
From Dan Connolly:
Do you consider the quoted paragraph abovein error?
Or do you disagree with my interpretation ofit, i.e. thatMyDrawing.svg#svgView(viewBox(0,200,1000,1000))identifes a view of the drawing, and not anyparticular XML element (nor other syntacticstructure) in the document.
Summarize resolution.
Well past sell by date
monitor and bring back up when timeis appropriate
dropped by chair
When, whither and how to profile W3Cspecifications in the XML Family
TAG recommendation for work on subset ofXML 1.1. Seefollowup to AC (Member-only). Work is being carried out in the XML CoreWG.
check status of XMLProfiles-29 withPaul Grosso
Dropped by chair (overtaken byeevents)
Given that binary infosets (currently,binary PSVIs) is what I work on daily and that I amcurrently investigating ways in which theycould fit naturally into the web(content-coding registration for instance),I would be very interested in knowing what-- if anything at this point -- the TAGthinks of them and of how they could bestfit in.
W3C has chartered theXML Binary Characterization WorkingGroupto address this issue. The TAG anticipatesreviewing the WG's deliverables in thisarea.
Write to www-tag with his thoughtson adding to survey.
TB said he had nothing to add to thesurvey.
The TAG's preliminary response is that URIsshould not include metadata. The TAGaccepted this issue to provide guidance onaddressing the issues raised.
From Ossi:
To outline the following text, I'm actuallysuggesting (asking comments for) two ratherpractical things:
Produce a revision of this findingbased on Vancouver ftf meetingdiscussion.
Send rationale about why WSDL WGwants to peek inside the URI.
Make progress on metadataInURI-31with Noah
ER and TVR to review draft findingon Authoritative Metadata
produce new version ofThe use of Metadata in URIs
Noah to produce final draft ofmetadataInURI-31 by 11 August 2006
Add security section on risks ofserving executables as .jpeg tometadataInURI draft. Confirmed on4 Oct 2006.
Review security section on risks ofserving executables as .jpeg tometadataInURI draft.
Review security section on risks ofserving executables as .jpeg tometadataInURI draft. Confirmed on14 Nov 2006.
Rework metadataInURI 1st example tobe more explicit as per Tim'ssuggestion, and update GPN per Dan'ssuggestion.
Seek a copy of the official courtrecord of the UK case on ../../ etc.
Noah to update status to makemetadataInURI an approved finding.
announce metadataInURI draft onceit's in final form.
I would like to raise a new issue to theTAG. The issue is how to determine IDattributes in any new work on XML, such as anew profile or subset as dealt within issuexmlProfiles-29. I understand that this issue will benormatively referred to in anycommunications on issue #29.
Chris Lilley has started anexcellent discussionon the various options for ID attributes, soI won't duplicate that work. A number ofresponders have said they are quitesupportive of providing a definition of IDsas part of any new work on XMLProfiles, suchas the Web Services Architecture WorkingGroup. There is also some pushback, so itseems worthy to have a continued discussion,and the TAG should attempt to quickly reachconsensus.
At their 12 May 2004 ftf meeting, the TAGaccepted the proposed finding "How shouldthe problem of identifying ID semantics inXML languages be addressed in the absence ofa DTD?". The issue is deferred while the XMLCore WG continues work on this issue.
xml:id Version 1.0is a Recommendation
Point Core WG to CL finding oncemade public.
NW: I can find no record of havingcompleted this action, but I believethat I did and cite[2] the pointerfrom the XML Core WG home page asevidence that I did.
Raised by the TAG as an offshoot ofmixedNamespaceMeaning-13.
Pend this issue until significant progressis made by theW3C Compound Document Formats WorkingGroupin a public working draft.
Review CDF requirements and reportback.
review CDF requirements and reportback
Raised by the TAG as an offshoot ofmixedNamespaceMeaning-13.
with help from HT, produce a draftfinding on XML functions in January
summarize history ofDTD/namespace/mimetype versionpractice, including XHTML, SOAP, andXSLT. Confirmed on11 Dec 2006.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-25
write a short email to make hispoint so we capture this for future
create a draft finding onxmlFunctions-34 to the working groupby the 8th of Feb. 2007.
review Henry's draft.
Withdrawn pending a new draft.
review Henry's draft.
Withdrawn pending a new draft.
SKW to send comments onurnsAndRegistries draft
Email review sent
Henry to prepare new draft ofxmlFunctions-34 by mid-July
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-26
Raised by the TAG as an offshoot ofmixedNamespaceMeaning-13.
The TAG decided to defer this issue pendingwork by the GRDDL WG and/or theRDFa/HTML/SemWeb-deployment WGs.
State the issue with a reference toXML Core work. Seeemail from TimBLcapturing some of the issues.
DanC to ask Mimasa and Mark Birbeckabout feasability of usingsubstitution groups in XHTMLmodularization, ccpublic-xml-versioning
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-27and moved underXMLVersioning-41
The architecture of the web is that thespace of identifiers on an http web site isowned by the owner of the domain name. Theowner, "publisher", is free toallocate identifiers and define how they areserved.
Any variation from this breaks the web. Theproblem is that there are some conventionsfor the identifies on websites, that
and who knows what others. There is ofcourse no list available of the assumptionsdifferent groups and manufacturers haveused.
More in theoriginal message from TBL.
Refine strawman based on 8 Oct 2003meeting and draft new finding.Reconfirmed at5 Jan 2004 teleconf with duedate 7 Jan.. Agreed to add use cases to findingat12 Jan 2004 teleconf.
Propose an example of a sitedescription.
Is it wise to use fragment IDs foridentifying abstract components within anamespace, even though it is the mostnatural and convenient mechanism? Is thereanother mechanism that would be preferable?
Write up resolution from 8 Oct 2003meeting and include in revisedfinding on this topic.
Revise draft finding based oncomments at 20 Oct teleconf.
IJ published this from material sentby DO to IJ privately on 30 Oct2003.
seek clarification about
Some scenarios that this issue concerns:
Approved TAG findingAuthoritative Metadata.
prepare putMediaType-38 for furtherdiscussion
reopening discussion.
updateAuthoritative Metadatafinding to include resolution ofputMediaType-38. Reconfirmed8 Nov 2005.
Authoritative Metadata findingupdated.
produce a new version of the findingAuthoritative Metadataby the end of the year
Authoritative Metadata findingupdated.
Propose disclaimer and discuss withRoy.
TBL: "The community needs:
This includes:
There may be some need to clarify frequentmisunderstandings by making some thingsclear."
Notify the SW CG that we talkedabout rdfURIMeaning-39 and didn'tdecide to do anything now
Mail sent to Semantic WebCoordination Group.
Some issues:
Draft a finding for this issue.Reconfirmed21 Sep 2005.
consider noting in finding on gooduri practices that gooduri#xmlnameis a useful pattern because it canbe used easily in RDF
What are good practices for designingextensible XML languages and for handlingversioning?
Propose shortened version of DO/NWproposed text
Revised text
Propose revision of IJ proposal thatbetter addresses NW and DO concerns.
Part of11 Nov 2003 Editor's Draft
Text reviewed, edited at FTF meetingin Japan.
Suggest changes to section aboutextensibility related to "when totunnel".
contextualize his scenarios, such asmore on what is happening with SOAPand WSDL.
Update finding with ext/vers
with NM continue and extrapolate theversioning work DO et al have beendoing already, updating theterminology section. Reconfirmed5 Dec 2005,14 Feb 2006,12 Jun 2006.
derive RDF/RDFS/OWL version ofterminology from whiteboard /diagram. Reconfirmed8 Nov 2005
make sure that what he is doing withontology of XML infoset fits withwhat DanC is doing on ontology ofLanguage etc. Reconfirmed on12 Jun 2006
update extensibility finding withthe result of Edinburgh F2Fdiscussion and related diagrams.Reconfirmed8 Nov 2005
produce a new draft of hisversioning finding by the end of theyear
provide two diagrams: oneXML-ignorant, one XML-aware
Write to www-tag about CSSversioning being a problem "levels".Reconfirmed12 Jun 2006,5 Oct 2006
Look at the document and see if itis good for informing on this SMILproblem of multiple namespaces.Reconfirmed12 Jun 2006
Review definitions of partialunderstanding, backward compatible,and forward compatible.Progress report, confirmed5 Oct 2006,9 July 2007.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-4
Henry to extend his paper to adefinition of monotonicity and itsrelevance to our versioning finding.
Capture UML diagram for the minutes.
Produce some information about NVDLfor the finding. Continued9 July 2007
Email about NVDL and versioning.
Henry to unearth thread in which heand Robin Berjon discussed XMLversioning
Dave Orchard to draft discussion ofusing substitution groups forexamples like HTML <p> mixedcontent and/or <td> content.
Email from David Orchard "Use ofSubstitution Groups" take 2
Email from David Orchard "Use ofSubstitution Groups" take 2.1
Norm to review discussion on 14 May telcon.
Email from Norm "(Partial) review ofVersioning XML"
dorchard to produce revisedVersioning-part1 and Versioning-XMLfor May 18th
Email from Dave announcing newdrafts.
NDW to note a problem nearwebarch/#pr-version-info in theerrata. Continued:9 July 2007.
Errata message from Norm
NM to draft a blog item for reviewand, pending creation of a TAG blogmechanism, post it. Continued:9 July 2007.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-28
NM to write up his paper comments onextensibility and versioningContinued:9 July 2007.
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Dave Orchard to revise VersioningFindings in response to F2Fdiscussions.
Continuation:David to update all 3documents in versioning finding (bymid-July2007)
This "issue" collects all discussionsrelevant to Web architecture that are notdirectly related to any other issue.
HT, VQ to review theprimer(getting into RDF & Semantic Webusing N3)
Dropped by chair
Dropped by chair
Recommend intro to Dretske thought
Dropped by chair
TBL and NW to write a draft of Nadiaand Dirk first semantic web book
dropped by chair
Write a report on the state of theart authentication in the web.
Presentation at Edinburgh f2f, seealsominutes of 5 Jul 05
Withdrawn as of DC's report on theW3C workshop on security.
Draft "Dont use passwords in theclear". Seeminutes of 5 Jul 05
Obsoleted in favor of Ed's action of18 Apr 06 underpasswordsInTheClear-52.
Review draft state finding for 9May.
Contact Misha to follow up on f2fdiscussion on CURIEs at AC meeting
Invite a DD WG person to a TAGmeeting to discuss DDR requirements
Dropped by chair (overtaken byeevents)
Revise CSCP (Cookies, ShoppingCarts, Personalization, etc) inState finding. Confirmed26 Sep 2006.
Dropped by chair
Review new version of state findingwhen it comes out. Confirmed26 Sep 2006.
Withdrawn pending a new draft.
Review new version of state findingwhen it comes out
Withdrawn pending a new draft.
draft a very short email suggestingthat in general its good [usingmedia types that aren't yetregistered but used]
Redraft [position on unregisteredmime types], forward to AB unlessunresolved negative comments fromTAG members
With Norm, draft semantic webarchitecture stories and such.
Will try to outline or sketch astory.
dropped by chair
Tim and Norm to produce a new draftof "Data on the Web" by end ofJanuary 2007.
droppped by chair
Stuart to contact the Semantic WebDeployment and HTML WG chairs for anupdate on the status of thisdocument and to encourage them tomake it public.
Email to HTML-WG and SWD-WG chairsand team-contacts requestingvisibility of CURIE WD
HST to circulate a candidatedescription to [to framea distinct topic/issue on CURIE].
Noah to create a new draft onself-describing Web by 23rd forreview at F2F
Noah to revise Self-Describing Webfinding in response to F2Fdiscussion.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-30
NM to contact Don Brutzman to queryabout possible contacts about namingin V-Ws and integration with theWeb.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-2
How are secondary resources derived? The TAGdiscussed the case of parse='xml' andfragment identifiers in XInclude.
Write to David Orchard saying thatXInclude no longer uses frag ids andthe TAG is unable to construct fromits meeting record what the issuewas. We will discuss this further ifwe get help, but otherwise expect toclose without action.
NW reports that he has sent mail;awaiting reply.
The XML architecture has tended to be builtaccording to a motto that all kinds ofthings are possible, and the application hasto be able to chose the features it needs.This is fine when there are simply the XMLtoolset and a single "application". However,real life is more complicated, and thingsare connected together in all kinds of ways.I think the XML design needs to be moreconstraining: to offer a consistent idea ofwhat a chunk of XML is across all thedesigns, so that the value of that chunk canbe preserved as invariant across a complexsystem. Digital Signature and RDF transportare just intermediate parts of the designwhich need to be transparent. This requireda notion of equality, and a relatedcanonical serialization.
xmlChunk-44 was an attempt to tackle deepequals for XML. TheTAG now thinkwe can't do better than XML Functions andOperators.
Summarize xmlChunk-44, solicit inputfrom www-tag.
The xmlChunk-44 problem statement(resend)
Chair declared closed.
Coordinate joint meeting with XMLCore, notably around xmlChunk-44.
Tuesday, 4 Marchliaison with XML Core.
Chair declared closed.
Write up a named equivalencefunction based on today's discussion(e.g., based on infoset, augmentedwith xml:lang/xml:base, notrequiring prefixes, etc.).: Write upa named equivalence function basedon today's discussion (e.g., basedon infoset, augmented withxml:lang/xml:base, not requiringprefixes, etc.).
See email for details of proposal.
Overtaken by closure of issue.
Norm to review draft finding onxmlChunk-44 to see whether issue canbe closed and finding approved.
Overtaken by closure of issue.
Norm to mark as abandoned thefinding on deep equals and announcexmlChunk-44 is being closed withoutfurther action, with reason
Details inagenda.
The TAG raised this issue to discuss issuessuch as paramterization of media typestrings to provide additional granularityfor different format versions.
Write draft finding on this issue.
check with CDF WG to see how theyhave solved media type issue(s) andif they have more details
Dropped by chair (overtaken byeevents)
XML 1.1 makes essentially four changes toXML 1.0:
XML Schema 1.0 normatively refers to XMLNamespaces 1.0 for the definition of QNameand XML Namespaces 1.0 normatively refers toXML 1.0 for the definition of Name and XML1.0 has fewer Name characters than XML 1.1.
That means that by a strict interpretationof the Recommendations, it is impossible towrite an XML Schema for a document that usesthe "new" Name characters. And by extension,it is impossible for an XPath expression ora protocol document to use XML 1.1.
Forwardproposalto the XML CG.
See section 5.4 of theXML CG minutes.
check on current status of issuexml11Names-46 with XML CG
bring us back to xml11Names-46 afterthe XML Schema WG publishes itsexpected Last Call WD.
Find a test case; reminds self tocheck with Henry for the Ice Creamexample.
Test case email from Norm
From the commentersemail:
"In a nutshell, it [WS-Addressing - SOAP Binding] requires that the URI in the "Address"component of a WS-Addressing EPR beserialized into a wsa:To SOAP header,independent of the underlying protocol. IMO,a Web-architecture consistent means of doingthis would be to serialize it to theRequest-URI when using SOAP with HTTP, orthe "RCPT TO:" value when using SOAP withSMTP, etc.."
The issue has been raised with the relevantWGanddeclined.
TheWS-Addressing SOAP Binding CRof 17 Aug 2005 still has this problem.
Inform WS-Addressing WG Chair (Mark Nottingham) that we added a new issue and thatwe would like to discuss it.
draft something indicating theissues with EPR and potentialsolutions
invite Mark Baker to future telconto discuss his concern
The question is about the identity of anamespace, in particular, the xml:namespace. One perspective is that the xml:namespace consists of xml:space, xml:lang,and xml:base (and no other names) becausethere was a point in time in which thosewhere the only three names from thatnamespace that had a defined meaning.Another perspective is that the xml:namespace consists of all possible localnames and that only a finite (but flexible)number of them are defined at any givenpoint in time.
Approved TAG findingThe Disposition of Names in an XMLNamespace.
NW to announce TAG's acknolwedgementof issue nameSpaceState-48
NW to work with HT, DO onnamespaceState-48
provide a draft of new namespacepolicy doc ( and start discussion on www-tag
Newnamespace policy documentpublished.
apply changes to nameSpaceState-48document and recirculate forcomments
NW has published arevised finding.
make the changes, publishthe finding, and post to www-tag
NW has updated and publishedThe Disposition of Names in anXML Namespace.
There are many situations in which thereappeared to be confusion in the Webcommunity regarding the architecturalrelationship between URI schemes and networkprotocols.
Noah to send announcment note towww-tag to announceSchemesProtocols-49 issue and gatherfeedback
Noah to figure out what to do nexton SchemesProtocols-49
produce a new version ofURI Schemes and Web Protocols. Confirmed26 Sep 2006.
This issue covers a) URIs for namespacenames b) URNs and other proposed systems for"location independent" names c) XML andother registries, and perhaps centralizedvs. decentralized vocabulary tracking.
Note to www-tag to announceURNsAndRegistries-50
Henry and David to draft initialfinding on URNsAndRegistries-50
Henry and David to update draftfindingURNs, Namespaces and Registries. Confirmed26 Sep 2006,5 Oct 2006,23 Jan 2007.
DO done and HT overtaken by morerecent actions ie.action to revisefrom May 2007 F2F.
DanC to find timbl's draft, give itto Ivan Herman in preparation forHCLSIG meeting in Amsterdam.
DanC to look for an example ofcommercial motivation foralternatives to DNS.
DO to explore the space of externalregistries and to post to the tagmember list.
"XRI Business environment"emailfrom David.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-32
Henry to revise URNsAndRegistries-50finding in response to F2Fdiscussion.
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-33
Since short strings are scarce resourcesshared by the global community, fair andopen processes should be used to managethem. A pattern that I'd like to see more ofis
Lately I'm seeing quite the opposite.
Nearby issues:
DanC to introduce new issuestandardizedFieldValues-51
write an update on issuestandardizedFieldValues-51 andmicroformat
Many applications send passwords in theclear. This raises obvious security issues.The TAG should recommend not to sendpasswords in the clear and proposealternatives.
Ed to communicate new issue andproduce first draft finding.Reconfirmed18 Jul 2006: publish "No passwords in theclear" by Aug 8th 2006. Confirmed26 Sep 2006.
Vincent to open the issue on theissues list
revise "passwords in the clear" inlight of Vancouver discussion.
publish update in one week fordiscussion in two weeks 31st Oct 06.
Produce a new version with thesechanges.
Alert Web Security Context WorkingGroup (chair Mary Ellen Zurko) tocontent of passords in clear draft,to negotiate a review by them, andto the fact that we are workingtoward publication.
Send email about onsubmit hookingvia javascript and its impact onPWintheclear to www-tag.
Stuart to summarize discussion toMEZ and make plans for furtherprogress.
A generic resource is a conceptual resourcewhich may stand for something which hasdifferent versions over time, differenttranslations, and/or different content-typerepresentations. How should one indicate therelationship between these?
See TAG findingOn Linking Alternative RepresentationsTo Enable Discovery And Publishing.
Draft a rough finding on Single URI,Multiple content for review at theJune f2f.
Revise genericResources draft,incorporatingresource/representation, complete2.4.x story better, emphasizediscoverability, incorporate DO'scomments, attempt best practicedraft 3.
Publish new version of GenericResources by Aug 8th 2006
Produce a new revision ofgeneric-Resources-53 by 15 Sep 2006
Produce proposed finalgenericResources draft for approvalat Vancouver F2F
Update Abstract of genericResourcedraft, add item about search,address the rel='generic' question,deal with the media type issue asdiscussed in Vancouver.
Is the indefinite persistence of 'tag soup'HTML consistent with a sound architecturefor the Web? If so, what changes, if any, tofundamental Web technologies are necessaryto integrate 'tag soup' with SGML-valid HTMLand well-formed XML?
Propose description ofTagSoupIntegration-54
T.V. Raman to draft initialdiscussion material on tag soup fordiscussion on 26 March, draft on the19th or so.
Wrokingdocumentfrom Boston F2F.
Security concerns with browsers sniffingunlabelled UTF7 encoding
Create issue in list and announceit.
Do the expected benefits ofCURIEsoutweigh the potential costs in introducingathirdsyntax for identifiers into the languages ofthe Web?
This issue continues a thread of discussionthat originated underultimateQuestion-42.
DC to respond to SPARQL QNames and otherdetails.
Transferred to Stuart
Look at the difference between QNAMEin XML and SPARQL
[Aside theses are the closestreferences the chair was able tofind to the transfer of this actionitem]
Tracking transferred to trackerACTION-34
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