



Exploring GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Feb 17, 2024

It has been a few months since GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) has been made generally available for Azure DevOps. During this time, I’ve engaged with numerous customers eager to implement GHAS within their Azure subscriptions. In this post, I wanted to show you a quick way to set up GHAS within Azure DevOps and explore the features available.

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Use a single repository for multiple wikis in Azure DevOps

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Dec 7, 2023

This is a quick post to share how you can use a single Azure DevOps repository for multiple wikis in Azure DevOps. This approach will help you avoid creating multiple repositories for each wiki and manage them in a single repository.

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Creating KEDA Scalar in Azure Container Apps using Azure Portal

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Nov 22, 2023

In this post, I would like to show you how we added custom scaling with KEDA using the Azure Portal — Thanks to the KEDA scaler, we have a dynamic scaling pool, which automatically scales when there are more jobs in the queue and scales back down when demand reduces.

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Installing Docker without Docker Desktop on WSL2

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Oct 4, 2023

I have been using Docker on WSL2 without Docker Desktop for a while now and recently I had to rebuild my Ubuntu distro. I had to go through installing the Docker Engine once again following a series of steps, so thought I would document it so that I can use it again as a reference.

This post is just that and I hope others will find it useful too.

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Trigger a Netlify build every day using GitHub Actions

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Feb 20, 2022

I host this blog on Netlify. Often, I end up writing few blog posts on the same day, but not necessarily want all of them published together. Jekyll allows to add future date to the posts, and those posts will not get published until the date set. This lets me write blog posts on the same day, but publish them later based on the date set for the post.

However, this means that when you build the site (locally or on Netlify), posts with future dates will be skipped from the generated site. You will need to run build again on the blog post date to publish the blog posts. One way is to schedule a build on Netlify so that blog posts with future date can be included in the site. Curious how to do this?

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Policy enforced deployments for your Kubernetes resources

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Feb 13, 2022

As your team starts to deploy resources to Kubernetes regularly, it becomes necessary for you as a cluster administrator to maintain good standards and consistency of the Kubernetes resources. Be it, ensuring all the resources have set of labels, or ensuring you only pull images from your enterprise container registry.Gatekeeper is a well known policy enforcement tool usingOpen Policy Agent (OPA) - which is a opensource, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project.

But did you know you can validate policies on your Kubernetes manifests before you deploy them on to the cluster? In this post, we will see how we can govern our deployments using Conftest and OPA policy agent.

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Keep your workflow actions up to date using GitHub Dependabot

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Jan 28, 2022

GitHub Actions is great in automating your workflows. However, as you start using various actions from GitHub Marketplace in your workflow, it will soon become necessary for you to keep the actions up-to-date. Actions might contain security fixes, bug fixes etc and manually keeping track of updates or updating them when a newer version is available is a lot of hassle. This is where we can use Depndabot, which can help by automatically raising PR’s whenever there is a newer version of action is available used in the workflow. In this post, we will see quick way to keep the actions up-to-date using GitHub Dependabot.

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Setting up Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on Synology NAS

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Jul 27, 2021

Cosmos DB Emulator is great for developing against Azure Cosmos DB in your local environment. If you want to run the emulator on Mac/Linux though, the emulator is now in preview mode at the time of writing this and uses Docker to make it available.

Recently I wanted to setup Cosmos DB Emulator on Mac, but I did not want to set it up such that I keep it running always on my Mac. Instead, I decided to use my Synology NAS to host the emulator directly on my NAS as it is built on Linux and also because it allows the emulator running and available for me all the time.

In this post we will see how to set it up on Synology NAS.

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How to publish Helm 3 charts to GitHub Container Registry using GitHub Actions

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Apr 10, 2021

I have already written how to publish Helm chart to ACR usingAzure DevOps andGitHub actions. But did you know that you can also publish Helm3 charts (or any OCI compliant package) toGitHub Container Registry(GCR)? In this post we will see how to do that.

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Publish Helm 3 charts to Azure Container Registry (ACR) using GitHub Actions

Utkarsh Shigihalli Utkarsh Shigihallion Apr 1, 2021

In myprevious post, we briefly covered how to publish a Helm chart to ACR using Azure DevOps. In this post we will use GitHub actions to build and publish Helm chart to ACR using GitHub Actions. We will also take a sneak peak how GitHub environments work.

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  • onlyutkarsh
    Utkarsh Shigihalli
    Microsoft MVP, Technologist & DevOps Coach

  • arora_tarun
    Tarun Arora
    Microsoft MVP, Author & DevOps Coach at Avanade

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