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How to visit Vindolanda Roman Fort and Museum and the Roman Army Museum. This page will take you through the new systems we have in place for visiting our sites, what is open and how to visit.Read more
"Two destinations | One ticket | A great day out"
2nd April 2025Roman VindolandaCelebrating the 60th anniversary of Britain's first long-distance path, The Pennine Way, acclaimed folk artist Johnny Campbell is embarking on a nineteen day tour like no other and will be performing one of his seventeen shows at Roman Vindolanda.
14th April - 26th September 2025Roman Magna FortAt the Roman fort of Magna part of the Roman Army Museum, this year excavations will take place in the northern ditches of the fort at Magna directly beyond the Activity Centre at the museum.
7th April - 27th June & 25th August - 19th September 2024The archaeologists and their teams of volunteers will be out Mon - Fri weather permitting. Come and see history being uncovered.There will be no excavations at Vindolanda in July & August.
Roman Vindolanda5th - 27th AprilEver wondered what it would be like to be an archaeologist? Become an Archaeology Detective - Learn about what archaeologists look for to understand the past - search for clues and solve puzzles.
Overview of the Vindolanda Trusts aims and objectives
7th April - 27th June & 25th August - 19th September 2024The archaeologists and their teams of volunteers will be out Mon - Fri weather permitting. Come and see history being uncovered.There will be no excavations at Vindolanda in July & August.Read more
2nd April 2025Roman VindolandaCelebrating the 60th anniversary of Britain's first long-distance path, The Pennine Way, acclaimed folk artist Johnny Campbell is embarking on a nineteen day tour like no other and will be performing one of his seventeen shows at Roman Vindolanda.Read more
Replica altars to the Roman God Jupiter Dolichenus placed back in religious shrine at Vindolanda enabling visitors to see them in their original setting for the first time in 1,800 years.Read more
A small, child sized, and eerily life-like bronze hand has been discovered during the excavation of a Severan fort ditch at Roman Vindolanda.Read more