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Anne Applebaum, a leading Jewish-American journalist,supports murdering Palestinian journalists. She doesn’t want the world to know the horrible facts about the genocide “Israel” has been committing since 1948. Her solution: Kill the messenger.
And “Israel” has taken her advice. By the end of 2024, the Genocidal Zionist Entity or GZE (pronounced “jeeeeeez!”) had murdered at least 217 journalists since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Flood war in October 2023. You can see the names and faces of the martyred journalists at al-Jazeera’s memorial page.
Since Applebaum thinks journalists she disagrees with ought to be killed, doesn’t that make Applebaum herself—and by extension, all journalists who provide cover for the ongoing genocide—legitimate targets for the other side? If what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and what’s good for the Jews is good for the goyim, why shouldn’t an army of anti-genocide Applebaum-equivalents start killing pro-genocide journalists like her?
The answer, of course, is: “Play by the rules.” And rule number one, or maybe it’s two or three, is: Don’t kill journalists. Killing any civilians at all is, by definition,terrorism. And journalists are not only civilians, they’re essential workers who, if they’re any good, put their lives on the line for the truth.
Playing by the rule involves other things too, including: Don’t target civilian infrastructure, especially hospitals, ambulances, and other medical facilities. Make every possible effort to avoid harming non-combatants and their property. Treat wounded enemy fighters and captives humanely. Let the Red Cross, the UN, and all interested humanitarian organizations have full access to everything, from the battlefield to your POW facilities.
But letting journalists (including social media amateurs) do their job may be the most important rule of all. That’s because solving the problem behind the war, in a just and rational manner, requires that all parties have access to accurate information that will help them discern the truth.
But what if one side—Applebaum’s side—refuses to play by the rules? What if it routinely lies because it knows the truth would condemn it? What if we are dealing with apsychopathic culture based ona religion that teaches its “chosen” adherents to systematically violate their solemn oaths? And what if that psychopathic tribe hasused ethnic nepotism to dominate the media? And what if that tribe-dominated media is running interference for genocide? Specifically, focusing on last week’s events, what if the media is largely responsible for the failure of the Gaza ceasefire?
MyAmerican Free Press article published last week (and reproduced below) raised the question: “Will the ‘Trump truce’ hold?”
As of mid-March the “Trump Truce” is looking shakier by the day, as Israel commits increasingly blatant violations while moving its genocide to the West Bank. All of this raises the question: Will Trump let Netanyahu torpedo the Trump Truce, leaving Trump with egg on his face as the Gaza genocide resumes?
As it turned out, my pessimism was warranted. Optimists had hoped that Israel and Trump would have to pay a steep political price for shamelessly shredding the ceasefire agreement and resuming the all-out genocide. And indeed, had big Western media reacted with screaming headlines like “Israel Violates Ceasefire, Resumes Genocide,” and made clear that Israel had arbitrarily and unilaterally chosen to shred the same agreement it had solemnly signed eight weeks ago—while providing accurately-balanced coverage of the suffering that Israel’s treachery was causing—the price would have been far too high.
Unfortunately, Netanyahu and his fanatical cabinet could count on theJewish-dominated media’ s complicity in genocide. They knew that their co-ethnic chosenites atThe New York Times andWashington Post and CNN and Yahoo andUnit-8200-infiltrated Google and the rest of big media would lie to the world, saying the ceasefire had just somehow “collapsed,” while insinuating that the real villain in the whole drama was Hamas. (In reality, Hamas had made every effort to scrupulously respect the terms of the ceasefire, even while Israel was continually violating it.)
Memo to Applebaum: Since the Western journalistic establishment is complicit in genocide, a capital crime, it stands to reason that the responsible parties ought to be executed. (Those of us who play by the rules, in this case the “rule of law,” naturally insist that they should have benefit of trial and judgement prior to execution.)
As a thought experiment, though, let’s consider what a pro-Palestine equivalent of Anne Applebaum might say. Imagine, if you will, the possibility that in her misspent youth, before she had fully internalized her tribe’s genocidal racism, Anne Applebaum had a son outside of wedlock with a Palestinian student she met at Yale University in the mid-1980s. Since her Zionist parents obviously wouldn’t understand, Anne had been forced to keep the matter secret and surrender the child to its father’s Palestinian family. Applebaum’s Palestinian son—let’s call him “Ibn Applebaum”—grew up in a well-educated Palestinian household in the US. As a teenager he made the first of many visits to Palestine, learning firsthand the horrors of genocidal Zionist occupation.
Ibn Applebaum, a supporter of the Palestinian resistance, recalls his mother’s argument that journalists are legitimate targets and ought to be killed. He looks at the genocide-complicit Western media and enthusiastically agrees. But rather than targeting low-level working journalists, like Israel does, he decides to take his complaint straight to the top…and becomes the new Luigi Mangione and then some.
At Ibn Applebaum’s trial, his mother Anne—who like all Jewish mothers is proud of the success and fame accrued by her circumcised son—tearfully testifies that killing media people is perfectly legitimate. Given her qualifications as an expert witness who just happens to be the defendant’s Jewish mother (qualifications including a Pulitzer prize, service at theWashington Post editorial board and Pulitzer Board, and a fellowship at Johns Hopkins) the jury laps up her heartrending testimony and frees Ibn Applebaum…who goes on to kill yet another media CEO, then another, and another, sparking a national uprising of media-CEO killers who wind up slaughtering the entire upper echelon of American and Western journalism, thereby liberating their people from Jewish domination…all thanks to Anne “kill the journalists” Applebaum.
A nice tale. If only.
As of today, having failed thus far to find our Ibn Applebaum, Americans arewitnessing the complete destruction of their liberty, as a once-proud nation descends into total Jewish tyranny. Call it the American Julag. Under orders from the Netanyahu gang and paymasters like Miriam Adelson, genocide-owning Trump isterrorizing university campuses andtorturing anti-genocide activists (andpeople married to them). Not content to let shabbos-goy Trump preside over the American Julag,Rahm Emmanuel is planning to become America’s first fully-kosher president and rub our snubby little goy noses in our dispossession.
Ibn Applebaum fantasies aside, there is of course a real chance that Jewish overreach will once again trigger uprisings or pograms that will restore the Yahwist julag-meisters to their rightful place as a rightfully-mistrusted i.e. “persecuted” minority. Whether or not that happens any time soon, the world moves on. As the Zio-Jewish parasite sucks the last few drops of blood out of the West, the East and South (and Russian North) are rising…and will soon put an end to Jewish misrule in Occupied Palestine, and the Jewish-bankster empire that enabled it.
Stripe is Substack’s only processor andthey debanked me, so you can no longer pay me through Substack. Now I am posting everything on Substack free and asking people to sign up for recurring donations atmy Paypal donation page…or better yet, the free speech platformSPdonate. Note that you may need to do a recurring larger recurring annual donation ($100 suggested) not a small monthly one, becauseSPdonate can’t process anything under $20.
“Peace Plans” for Gaza: Will the Trump Truce Hold?
By Kevin Barrett, forAmerican Free Press (written March 10, 2025)
What would a viable peace plan for Gaza look like?
It wouldn’t look like President Trump’s unhinged tweets about Palestinians voluntarily leaving so the US can move in and build Riveria-style resorts. Obviously the Palestinians are not going to leave, and obviously the US is not going to invade and annex Gaza. Trump was floating a surrealistic and tasteless fantasy, perhaps as an offbeat way of trying to soften up the parties to future negotiations.
Nor would it look like Netanyahu’s genocidal plot to keep murdering the roughly two million Gazans and expel the survivors. That is not a peace plan. That is a recipe for permanent war.
Not a single country in the world other than the US and Israel takes either of those two “peace plans” seriously.
The closest thing to a viable peace plan is Egypt’s proposal for a $53 billion five-year rebuilding project. Under it, Hamas would step back and allow its arch-rival, the Palestinian Authority, to oversee reconstruction alongside a technocratic committee. The future governance of Gaza would be determined by negotiations and, presumably, elections.
Amazingly, Hamas has responded positively to Egypt’s call for it to step down in favor of the Palestinian Authority. That is amazing because Hamas has roundly defeated Israel on the battlefield. On October 7, 2023, lightly-armed Hamas fighters routed several of Israel’s elite military units. Since then, Israel has been unable to take and permanently hold ground in Gaza, suffering defeat after defeat in its confrontations with courageous Hamas fighters popping out of cleverly-designed tunnels. Defeated militarily, Israel has been reduced to mass murdering tens of thousands of civilian women and children by the cowardly method of dropping bombs on their houses from a safe altitude. But despite the wholesale slaughter of innocents, even Anthony Blinken hasadmitted that Hamas is as strong today as it was on October 6, 2023.
The Egyptian plan envisions replacing Hamas with a PA-allied technocratic committee that would oversee the quick construction of 200,000 temporary housing units, followed by 400,000 permanent homes. Basic infrastructure destroyed by Israel, including water, power, and sewage lines, would be rebuilt. The plan anticipates a timeframe of around thirty months to restore permanent housing to Gaza’s entire population. By that time, an airport and industrial zone will also be completed. Gazans themselves will provide most of the labor.
The Egyptian plan was quickly endorsed by the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, andleading European nations including France, Germany, and the UK.China andRussia are also on board.
Israel and its propagandists in Western media have attacked the Egyptian plan on spurious grounds. They don’t want the Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza because, they say, it is too anti-Israel. In reality, the PA is widely viewed by Palestinians as a tool of Israeli occupation.
The Israelis also object to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) being involved. Zionists have invented all sorts of ridiculous propaganda about UNRWA. But the real reason Israel hates UNRWA is that it has been effective at helping Palestinians stay alive, while genocidal Israel wants Palestinians dead.
Netanyahu has refused to accept any plan that features the PA or UNRWA. But there are no alternatives, and Bibi knows it. He is simply obstructing for the sake of obstruction because he wants to keep dropping bombs on Palestinian women and children. If he accepts peace, his extremist coalition partners Smotrich and Ben-Gvir will resign, his government will fall, and Netanyahu will go to prison.
The wild card in all of this is Donald Trump, who was widely praised for forcing a ceasefire on Israel when he assumed office. As of mid-March the “Trump Truce” is looking shakier by the day, as Israel commits increasingly blatant violations while moving its genocide to the West Bank. All of this raises the question: Will Trump let Netanyahu torpedo the Trump Truce, leaving Trump with egg on his face as the Gaza genocide resumes?
Trump’s reputation as a peace-loving deal-maker is on the line. If he lets Netanyahu shred the Trump Truce the region will be primed for ever-escalating war, which is exactly what Netanyahu wants. Dragging the US into an Israeli war on Iran has always been Netanyahu’s aim. A big regional war would implode the US and global economies as Iran closed the Persian Gulf and destroyed the world’s leading oil production facilities. Trump’s presidency would fail spectacularly.
Trump’s best move would be to rebrand the Arab plan as the new Trump plan. He could pound his chest and take credit for Hamas agreeing to step down in favor of the PA and its technocratic allies…and then invite the squealing Netanyahu to the Oval Office and give him the Zelensky treatment.

A Jew walks into a bar with a cockroach sitting on his head. He walks up to the bartender and orders a Manischewitz Sangria. The bartender says to him, “OK buddy, what’s the big idea?” and the cockroach says, “I don’t know, it started out as a bump on my ass…”
Can hardly wait to see the revised curricula of Middle Eastern Studies departments mandated throughout our new Julag Archipelago.
A sample of things to come:
od blessAmericaIsrael.the west is what’s causing the problems in its thrashing, wounded death spasms.
the east is doing great if you mean china. or the top 1% of india. or the chaebols in korea. the pacific rim countries are either future ukraines waiting to get thrown at china or they’ll help them to some degree…vietnam has a pretty good track record for fucking up superpowers. north korea gives zero fucks.
the south is still charging. it’s at maybe 45% right now.
russia? maybe if putin goes to gets everyone coffee while the generals wipe the zionist shit stain with a wet oreshnik brand paper towel. otherwise life is but a dream.
“Trump’s reputation as a peace-loving deal-maker is on the line.”
Who said that? Hopefully not you. Trump spent his entire first term trying to start a war in Syria for the Jews, which has just wrapped up in their favor (genocide has, predictably, followed), along with the war with China he is still working on.
Nice try Barrett but that quote is from way back in 2002, 23 years ago. Got anything more up-to-date?
P,S, Anne Applebaum is married to Ezra Kline of the NYT.
Well done, down to the “driven.”
Zealotry explains much of the Western nonsense in recent years.
Palestinians need to pack-up and move out!
‘Under [Egypt’s plan], Hamas would step back and allow its arch-rival, the Palestinian Authority, to oversee reconstruction alongside a technocratic committee.’ — Dr Kevin Barrett
Over and over, we have to return to square one. Palestinian elections were held in Jan 2006. Hamas won a majority. Israel and the US, who had complacently expected Fatah to win, then declared ‘that don’t count’ and even arrested some of the elected parliamentarians.
Not only does the Palestinian Authority lack democratic legitimacy, but also it has shown itself utterly incapable of protecting its people while on the US/Israeli payroll. Israel regularly invades and shoots up and demolishes the little bantustans that supposedly are under PA security control.
Placing the discredited Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza — precisely what the people of Gaza votedagainst 19 years ago — is a formula for another couple of lost decades.
Again and again the so-called democracies of Israel and the US show that they resolutely oppose democracy for Palestinians, who refuse to vote as their occupiers demand. Now Gazans are to have a new ruling authority imposed upon them with no vote at all.
Oh, then I suppose she’s had a change of heart in the interim and made that abundantly clear in a follow-up article.
Surely, she wouldn’t let such sentiment go uncorrected.
Could you show us where her apology was published?
Letting journalists ‘do their job’ is more important than not destroying hospitals or killing babies?
Well, if you say so, Kevin.
In today’s piece Mr. Barrett uses the word ‘zionist’ three times and the syllable ‘jew’ eleven times. That’s got to be a record on TUR. In his last scorching paragraph the syllable ‘jew’ occurs four times.
How does Mr. Barrett score on my personal meter of truthtellerness?
One hundred percent. A plus.
Mr. Barrett, with this piece, has joined E. Michael Jones, the flamethrower, at the top of the journalistic heap.
Two avenging angels on the stage.
Now what?
In fairness, there’s an ongoing Exception.
Better dead than led! cry many American “patriots” and hum the complicit “progressives.”
The Palestine Chronicle article on Applebaum’s 2002 kill-the-journalists blurt-out was published March 14. Obviously Applebaum’s murderous proclivities, which she has never renounced as you point out, have renewed relevance in light of the Zionist slaughter of over 200 journalists during the past year-and-a-half.
The real scandal is: Since the world has (or should have) known all these years that she supports killing journalists, why do prestigious institutions like Ivy League Universities, the Pulitzer committee, etc. keep working with her? And if a big enough stink is made about it now, will she finally, belatedly, get canceled?
general dehumanisation, no distinction is made any more and some psychopaths presume to decide on ‘unworthy life’. These are the ones who think they are God and have no clue about the eternal laws of His creation.
Columbia psychocunt Applebaum forget that she can’t just kill journalists, she has to kill UN treaty bodies, charter bodies, and special procedures too.
Otherwise people migh find out about Jew supremacists fingerfucking captive underage girls and buttfucking underage boys until they rip the rectum and the kid needs a hole and a bag.
What do you do when the groups dehumanizes itself? Izzies are not recognizably human.
P,S, Anne Applebaum is married to Ezra Kline of the NYT.
No ..She is not..(Zd)Radek Sikorski polish foreign minister is her husband..
Sounds good to me!
Oops, my bad. Thanks for the correction.
Klein is married to Annie M. Lowrey.
Of course. Such is your legacy.
Click ‘LOL’ if you agree.
Muh muh …Sounds good to me !
I am afraid that the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is now underway and the West bank as well, thanks partly to the complete inaction of most of the so-called ‘international community”.
Of course this is also the US plan, not only Trump’s plan but the US plan since decades.
Palestinians can thank again those who let them down or have only empty words to offer, like the Europeans, and their neighbor puppet regimes who watch without intervening (the actual Lebanese “government”, Egypt, Jordan) and the big powers whose words mean nothing, Russia and China to start with who could have stopped the genocide if they really wanted to.
At the moment only Yemen, one of the poorest country on earth, is doing what needs to be done to stop the barbarians. They keep doing so while being themselves bombed by the US/UK zionist partners in crime.
Iran would be well inspired to prepare and join Yemen as they are anyway next on the list.
I like this comment from Kalen, posted on
” As in the case of the US proxy war in Ukraine US uses its proxy forces of Israel against Iran/Hezbollah and Hamas especially in last eighteen months. Without US direct participation wars on Gaza and South Lebanon would have ended in six weeks in inevitable Israeli defeat.
There is nothing new there under Trump what wasn’t under Biden. The so called Israeli attacks on Iran last year were designed and executed by US command with use of, in addition to Israeli jets, about 50 US fighter jets, 30 air tankers, U.S. bases and military installations in Qatar and Oman and entire US air defense capabilities in Iraq and Saudi Arabia plus U.S. aircraft carrier group to cover Israelis launching from their warplanes ballistic missiles from Jordan and Iraq toward Iran. It was de facto a US strike.
All out US attack even nuclear attack on Iran won’t prevent Israel from getting nuked ending the Zionist project once for all. That’s reality of Trump’s empty threat. That’s why Khamenei unequivocally rejected it. Tehran made a political decision not to go nuclear but that can only change by US attack. No need for any deal now as BRICS+ is all world they care about.
For US hegemon Israel is an instrument to project U.S. power in the region and hence Obama, Trump and Biden supported the deranged suicidal Netanyahu regime in Tel Aviv that sows instability.
Witkoff showed who’s the boss in Jerusalem as he gave Netanyahu orders for an immediate ceasefire that was a huge political defeat and PR disaster for Israeli government supporters.
I see no US war against Iran on much bigger scale than it happened last year simply because beside shock and awe the US is incapable to sustain attacks long enough to win any concessions and in any way avoiding a catastrophic Israel’s destruction.
It’s clear now that Trump use blackmail, extortion and bluffing to make deals he can get without being in position of absolute power to dictate.
Two items you may find interesting Barrett:
UAE secretly lobbying US to work against Egypt’s post-war Gaza reconstruction plan, officials say —‘… the Emirati ambassador to the US, Yousef al-Otaiba, has been lobbying lawmakers and those within president Trump’s inner circle to pressure Egypt into accepting the forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.’
The ‘post-war Gaza reconstruction plan’ proposed by Egypt involves rebuilding Gaza for Gazans, i.e. it’s the anti-Trump plan — one complication: actually getting to the ‘post-war’ phase.
Telegram/Bellum Acta
Assuming this is true, ponder the perfidy of the UAE — but like Isaid before: too many Arab leaders are venal cowards who are too accustomed to enjoying their oil wealth.
And remember: it was cowards and traitors in Assad’s military who surrendered Syria without a fight.
In my opinion, Applebaum is pure evil, but the local MSM love her, and Bill Browder, another monument to Judaic brotherly love.
In Austfailia, the entire MSM presstitute infection have said NOTHING against the murder of hundreds of Gazan journos, often with their entire families. NOT ONE has dared murmured ANY concern. This is what rule by the Jewintern does to societies.
No-one lies like a Judeonazi. The Palestinians are not ‘slaves’-they are prisoners held by psychopaths who worship murder, AND lying. How can humanity deal with such mendacity and effrontery?
Jonah Jovanowitz: Does this also sound good to you?
‘The Palestinian director who earlier this month took home an Oscar has been released by Israel after being beaten by Israeli settlers and detained by the military. Hamdan Ballal and two other Palestinians were set free on Tuesday, report the AP and New York Times, with theNo Other Land director visibly bloodied and bruised. The three, who said they spent the night on the floor of a military base with limited medical care for their injuries, were taken to a local hospital. Israel accused the trio of hurling stones at soldiers and one settler, charges they deny. “Of course, after the Oscar, they have come to attack us more,” said Ballal’s wife, Lamia Ballal, who said she watched as someone filmed her husband’s assault on Monday.’ –, 25 March 2025
The blatant lie about the stone-throwing bothers me more than the beatings themselves. You truly are the People of the Lie.
Not all Jews lie. But those that do so, lie with an arrogance and contempt for the goyim that illustrates just how great a threat to all humanity they are. A common thread that I’ve seen recently, from top ‘rabbis’ and Sabbat Goy stooges, is that comparing the 1000 dead Israelis (most civilians killed by IDF ‘friendly fire’ and in pursuit of the ‘Hannibal Directive’) from ‘Ocotober 7′, to the 100,ooo plus murdered Gazans, is unacceptable’ ‘moral equivalence’.
In other words, the bedrock Judaic dogma that Jewish lives are ‘infinitely precious’ and goy lives WORTHLESS. And no Sabbat Goy politician or MSM scum-bag, not in Austfailia at least, dare criticise it, or even notice its increasing use.
You are right..Not all of them …Only 99.9%..!
“Co-ethnic chosenites.”
Nifty phrase to describe the Jews who dominate the mainstream media. Those with a nose for news.