Tomorrow is Vulgaris day! I hope y'all are ready for some yandere bug shenanigans~
Just so people know- Vulgaris is a companion game to Life Cycles, and spoils a pretty major reveal and twist in the original game. Soooo...if you haven't played Life Cycles already, now is the perfect time to check it out!
It only takes about an hour to complete, and has an official walkthrough to help get all the endings. And if you don't feel like playing it yourself,@cryptidplays has alet's play up on his channel ^^
If you like bugs, particularly humanized bugs, or stories about complicated friendships and what it means to rely on others, then I hope you consider checking out Life Cycles, and Vulgaris when it launches <3
Are you a game dev? Do you like bugs? Then do I have the jam for you!
The Love Bug Jam is a for-fun game jam focused on creating projects that prominently feature bugs- insects, arachnids, arthropods, and all things that skitter and crawl~ Starting November 14th (11/14/24) and running until February 14th (01/14/25), the jam is unranked, and not at all limited to just video games- any sort of project is more than welcome, as long as the main focus is bugs!
Check out the jam page for more info! I hope to see you and your projects ^^/
Thank you to everyone who shared this post, and a special thanks to the lovely participants of this jam! I’m so happy to see others share some love for bugs ^^ I’m planning to run another bug themed jam this summer, so if you didn’t get a chance to participate but wanted to, stay tuned! There will be more bugs~