


Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of web and app development companies are listed on TopDevelopers?
Ans: TopDevelopers employ competent and standard gauging standards and list the companies who have made a name for themselves in the the business so that the visitors have the most apt technical partner for their business.

How can a company benefit by being listed on TopDevelopers?
Ans: By being listed on our platform, a company will get the maximum exposure and marketing benefits. It will further help in branding by updating the company profile along with appropriate client reviews. The better the company profile and reviews, the better will be the reach which in turn will help in having a better position in the organic search results.

Based on what criteria is the listing managed?
Ans: All the app and web development companies are evaluated on various criterions like credibility, customer feedback, ability to deliver, experience, variety of work done, etc. To know more about how the diverse factors are utilized to rank the companies, visit Methodology.

As an entrepreneur, I am worried about the privacy of my company's details. What are the ways to proceed further without being worried about the confidentiality?
Ans: At TopDevelopers, we give ample importance in safeguarding your organization's personal details and implement every possible procedure for it. We implement SSL encryption methods so that your data is protected from any kind of misuse or modification.

How can I get my company listed on TopDevelopers?
Ans: TopDevelopers already has a well thought and researched listing of the web and app development companies. The first step will be to check if your Company is listed by searching for the your organization's name and if you don't find it, click on ''Add Listing'' button on the top right-hand side of the homepage, thereafter fill the details as required and follow the process to list your company.

How can a company improve its listing?
Ans: We gauge a company on several parameters. So, if you want your company to improve its listing, try and include all the pre-defined parameters in your services section so that our experts can evaluate your company more authentically.

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